#solemnly shaking the hand of the only other person who gave this a 2 stars on goodreads
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wiltking · 6 months ago
finished my ARC of Reclaimed by seth haddon. full official review under the cut if you're curious but tldr; that was a rough one.
enjoyed the intro and setup and concept, and Saba's sopping wet misery for the most part. but most of my experience was considering whether or not I should DNF once the romance got started, side characters were introduced, and the plot spun apart. and even though the trans focus was the most interesting part of the book for me i cant recommend it on that alone, because Saba's self loathing is pretty miserable for 90% of the book, and there were some glaring inconsistencies... with his own inconsistencies.
At first, this had all the makings of a 4 or 5 star book. There was so much going on in the beginning that struck so many of my personal interests. I liked the story setup: both the gravity of the situation and Saba's conflicting emotions regarding it, especially his 'selfish' motivation that lead to the catastrophe at the heart of the book. I will go to bat for messy transgender characters any day of the week, and throughout the book Saba's inner turmoil regarding his body, sense of self, and his drive to change his body at the expense of everyone and anything else -- all tied up with his guilt, anger, grief and ambition -- was my favorite element by far. Even when it was painful and depressing to see him struggle with his body as a trans reader myself. His motivation was a great catalyst for the story and I was very interested in the mystery/investigation vibe the book opened with. And of course the size difference between him and the love interest was an immediate draw as well.
However. Despite Saba and Zek being interesting characters on their own, their romance struggled to captivate me. Which is hard to say, because they had some genuinely good moments throughout the book. But too many scenes came off as the author nudging them together rather than it feeling like an organic connection between the characters themselves. And too much of it felt rather juvenile, given the circumstances and the heavy tone introduced from the beginning, and the stakes at play.
For the remaining 2/3rds I frequently considered DNFing due to this loss of interest in the romance, but also because the plot itself lost its edge, with pacing and plot decisions that felt awkward, and even inconsistencies in the writing itself (one example: where characters were described as climbing out of a gig only to be inexplicably seated in it again a few pages later).
There were also several pet peeves prevalent: from an overabundance of winking, to numerous side characters acting way too invested in Saba and Zek's relationship, even when they were barely witness to it or weren't exactly friends to either of them. As well as the casual and frequent use of the word 'slut' to describe Saba's pretty normal feelings of desire. Which brings me into another issue regarding Saba's past experiences with sex, which is only briefly described towards the end of the book and really threw me for a loop, because of how casual his sex life apparently has been up to this point when so much of his anxiety is rooted around his body and how others gender it under every circumstance. Anxiety around sex and intimacy is a real and complex thing among some trans people, but his past experiences felt wildly overlooked and dissonant compared to where we meet him as a reader. I would have liked more insight into how he overcame these anxieties with previous encounters when his anxiety has such a major grip over him through the course of this book. Especially when it seems (by implication) he might've been having sex early in his transition, or even before it. It was either a missed opportunity to add further depth to Saba's complex feelings on sex, or a very huge contradiction, to write his past in this way. But with how briefly this point was glossed over, there wasn't enough to work with either way, and that makes me very sad.
Overall, I can't say I enjoyed this book outside the first 20% or so. But I appreciate Saba's character -- for his complexities and motivations and messy emotions. I appreciate the attempt made to tell an interesting trans story heavily focused on an unconventional means of transition. I appreciate that Zek had his own (perceived) bodily imperfections. And even though the execution didn't land its mark, and I'm not sure I would really recommend this book, I can at least walk away with these positives.
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adultswim2021 · 10 months ago
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Soul Quest Overdrive #2: “Meals on Wheels” | February 25, 2010 | S01E01
Soul Quest Overdrive continues to be bad, but this one’s not quite as bad as the original pilot. It does take a hit from the inclusion of noted retard Gavin McInnes as a soccer ball doing a Scottish accent. This one, at the very least, has a plot that sorta resembles a typical absurd Adult Swim style plot. 
The plot: the bible guys are doing Meals on Wheels, but they are just cheaply delivering dog food to senior citizens so they can steal from them. When they arrive at the house of one of the oldsies Bert tries to steal pills, only to discover they are flea meds and aren’t altering his consciousness effectively. The old man behaves more and more dog-like until it’s revealed that he actually is a small dog controlling a human robot body. He escaped dog planet, and a spaceship with dog soldiers on it come down to apprehend him. The soccer ball removes him and his fellow outreachers’ ribs after watching all the dog soldiers successfully lick their own nards. They show the blood!!!
I gave this one tepid praise for resembling the humor of–I’ll just say it!!!–Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I mostly mean this as far as the plot is concerned. The intimidating dog soldiers showing up and immediately tying themselves up by grooming their groins is fairly ATHF. Speaking of ATHF, they show the original Bible Fruit episode on the TV at one point. How fun.
That also sorta hints at the main issue this show has; so much of it, and I mean, SO MUCH OF IT, reminds me of other cartoons. The elderly man rapes Bert like Handbanana. Mortimer quotes “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” from Star Trek, which was a South Park joke over a decade before this. And the intelligent dog in a robot costume is ripped directly off from Rick and Morty. These craven psychos went into the near future to steal. How dare they.
I remember seeing this back when, and was puzzled by the inclusion of the soccer ball character, and had to look up Gavin McInnes, probably pissed off that there was seemingly an interloper in this cast of comedy people I sorta respect. I forget what the exact chronology is here, but I recalled seeing "Dos and Don’ts" videos (A Vice feature dedicated to mocking people wearing uncool fashion; a concept that does worse than nothing for me) hosted by Gavin featuring nearly all of these people. I remember Kristen Schaal saying she hated dudes with a lotta bad tattoos, and then going “oh, wait, sorry” because she was talking to one. I recall Jay “January 6th” Johnston being in one of the videos… (solemnly) a portent of things to come.
Fun fact: My Fox-News-obsessed father once told me he admired Gavin McInnes which really puzzled me because the only thing I knew him from was this and a handful of Vice videos that repulsed me. This is how I learned that McInnes went right-wing. I have to give the guy credit: I can’t think of a single other person who did such a 180° turn politically and remained exactly as hated by me as he was before.
What’s worse is his character sorta adds nothing to the show. Bert is basically the Master Shake of the show and McInnes is like, a second Master Shake but worse? He’s just a drunk guy who, at one point, screams “PUNK’S NOT DEAD!” and thrashes around. It sorta seems like they were literally trying to make an actual COOL character. It’s the sort of comedy that people who aren’t funny try to write. “What if there was a crazy guy who did crazy stuff who liked all the same bands as me”. 
Those following along will note that this is the second of two "pilots" they used for this show for this contest. When the show aired for real, it aired as the second of four episodes (not counting the Gavin-less pilot episode). Like the not-for-television pilot episode, it's half the length of a quarter-hour Adult Swim show. And yet, still too long.
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supraveng · 4 years ago
Moving On (2/?)
part 1
Summary: you have to confront your past….what could go wrong
Characters: former Bucky Barnes x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson
A/N:  here is the angsty piece, it will have at least 2 more chapters; does not follow any MCU story line; attempting an MCU/SPN crossover; let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapters
@iamwarrenspeace  @mythandmagik   @lieswithoutfairytales​   @bbmommy0902  @hailmary-yramliah  @jessyballet
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Returning back to the compound after the 3 day mission was bittersweet,  you missed your daughter but not being able to get Roman locked up made you want to continue the task until it was truly completed.  By the time you made it back, it was late and everyone was sleeping but you were far too wired to sleep any time soon so after checking on Joy and Kevin, you made your way to the common room for a night cap.  
Everyone had their own post mission tradition, Sam and Steve hit the gym, Nat and Wanda headed to the movie room, but Bucky was in the kitchen making food. You walked in to get ice for your whiskey and froze in the doorway just watching him. 
He addressed without turning around "hope you are hungry, I made a lot more food than I can eat''   “only if your cooking skills have improved, I don’t want food poisoning” you joked as you stepped closer and took a deep inhale of the food he was making.  
Looking at him shocked, “you’re making curry chicken?”  “Well, i know it’s your favorite and we haven’t had time to sit and talk, so consider this a peace offering” he shyly smiles at you while he hands you a full bowl and nods his head toward the table.  
“Go sit, I’ll grab us a few beers and join you”, you smile and nod as you sit down at the table and slowly take your first bite.   The food is amazing and you are completely shocked that Bucky threw this together, he was never one to do more than boil water or call for take out. 
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence while you ate, it was nice being friends with Bucky again, but you knew you need to discuss what went wrong if you wanted to truly restore your friendship.  
“Well Barnes, I am impressed, this is delicious” you told him with a smile.  “I’m glad you like it, and if you are going to be here more often, I’ll learn to make some of your other favorites” he grinned at you.  
“Bucky..” you sighed “I don’t think I’ll be back in NY much, I’m based in DC now and I have a great life there, I miss the team, but this isn’t my home any more” you tell him solemnly.  
“I thought we were going to talk, so we could fix us, you aren’t even gonna give us a chance?” he was angry and you didn’t understand why.  He was the one who decided he didn’t want to be with you any more.  He made that choice and you were the one to figure out how to live with it.  
“Bucky, I agreed to talk and get our friendship back, but there can’t be an us. I’m sorry, but It’s too late for us” you try to remain calm but you are shocked that he thought one dinner would fix everything.  
“I still don’t know why you dumped me like you did, and that was hard for me to deal with, but then seeing you a week later with some up and coming model on your arm at Tony’s party, it made me understand that what I thought we had was never real.   I had no choice but to move on, and right now, I’m not even sure there is a friendship to salvage” you stood and cleared your plate, rinsing it and placing it into the dishwasher before looking back at Bucky.  
“I don’t know what else to do here, so I’m going to turn in before either of us say anything we are going to regret. Goodnight” and with that you headed towards your room.  Immediately getting back into your room, you checked that Joy was still sound asleep, then headed to take a long shower.   
The heat from the water washing away the stress from the failed mission and the tension in your muscles from the short conversation with Bucky.   After drying off, you went to pull your pj’s from your clothes when something else caught your eye, an oversized plaid flannel shirt was tucked among the t-shirts you had packed.  With a huge smile on your face you buttoned up the shirt and crawled into bed, falling asleep almost instantly with the added comfort surrounding you.  
Before you had fully woken up there was a knock at your door, you opened it to find Bucky with a sheepish grin.   “I was hoping to talk to you before things got crazy, can I come in?” you nodded and stepped to the side.  “I came to say that you are right.  Steve helped me understand that it’s not fair after all this time to expect you to forgive me or take me back, and obviously you have a family now, but i wanted to apologize and explain what happened” he told you as you both sat on the couch.  
“Thank you Bucky, and I accept your apology, but there’s no need to explain, we’ve both moved on and it's in the past.  I know you are a good man, and whatever made you decide to end things was probably to spare me in some weird way.  I’m ok, and I’m happy where I am now, and that wouldn’t have been possible if we hadn’t ended the way we did.” you smile at him, almost thanking him but you weren’t there yet.  
“Yea, you’re right, let’s move on and be the friends we used to be, please?”  “That works for me” you stood up and hugged Bucky, as mad as you once were, he was a good person and deserved forgiveness.  Just as you were about to speak you both heard the soft murmuring from Joy in the next room.  
“I need to get her, but can we join you for breakfast?”  he nods as he heads back out to the hallway.   By the time you were heading into the common room, most of the team was there in multiple varieties of awakeness.  
When FRIDAY announced a visitor coming up in the elevator you gave a questioning look to Tony who just shrugged.  You were too busy cutting up fruit and pancakes for Joy to notice that the elevator had dinged and footsteps were coming towards you, until they stopped behind you, Joy’s eyes lit up and she screamed “daddddyyy”.  
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Turning around you gasped when you saw your fiancé standing behind you with a big wonderful grin.  Joy was crawling out of her chair as quickly as her little legs could carry her in order to reach her father as fast as she could.  He immediately scooped her up and pulled you into a hug, his warmth and scent making you feel calm and relaxed, home, you thought.  
When you finally broke apart and Joy started yammering on about all that had happened since you arrived you looked over at Tony, who was surprisingly quiet.  You wanted to question him, but the only thing that came out was a huge thank you.  
Once Joy settled you thought it best you introduced him to the team “So, everyone, this is Sam Winchester, honey, these are the Avengers”  you gestured to the table of your longtime friends.  “I can’t believe you are here, and so early” you joked.  
“What can I say, I missed my girls so much I ditched my morning run and hoped on a flight” he shrugged before leaning in to kiss Joy on the forehead.  
“Well, we were headed out for our run, we can wait for you to change if you want to join us?” Steve told him without really thinking about the whole situation.  
“Heck yea, running with Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, I’m not passing up that opportunity” he almost yelled with excitement.  You giggled at how star struck he seemed, remembering how he was very nonchalant the first time he met Tony, until you were back at your apartment and he could fangirl all over.   
“Is that ok? I just got here, I don’t want to just bail on you, babe” he asked almost worried about your response.   Shaking your head you waved him on “it’s fine, go and enjoy your run” he placed a kiss to your lips before heading off to change.   “my daddy wun weally fas” Joy told the table and you just nodded as you laughed.  
“Well, you guys have a good run, and hey, now Steve and Bucky each have their own Sam to lap” you and the others laughed as the four headed to the elevators.  
“You don’t seem worried about Bucky and Sam spending time together” Nat mentioned as you started to clean up from breakfast.  “I’m not, Bucky and I talked, he apologized, I forgive him and Sam already knows everything, there’s nothing to worry about” you told.  
“Everything everything, or the cliff notes everything?” she asked.   Always the interrogator you shook your head and smirked at her.  “Everything, everything, this is the man I am spending the rest of my life with, he knows it all” 
“Even the kinky shit?” Wanda whispered, hoping your daughter wasn’t hearing the conversation.  You laughed harder and turned toward the two of them, wondering how much you should divulge.  
“Let’s just say, Winchester kinky is on a whole different level than Barnes kinky…..and I am done discussing this topic with little ears close by”  you left the two women gawking as you took your daughter to get cleaned up and dressed to spend the afternoon playing with Morgan.  
Once you had gotten yourself ready for the day, you headed to the gym for a light workout with Nat and Wanda knowing the previous conversation would probably come up again.  As you arrived in the gym you were surprised to see Thor, he had just arrived from Asgard and brought you into a bone crushing hug almost immediately.  
“Lady Y/N, it has been too long, but you look as radiant as ever.  I heard you have brought a suitor with you on this visit, I wish to meet him, find if he is truly worthy of you.”  Blushing you smiled at Thor, he was always so respectful and made you feel far more honorable than you usually did.  “Yes, he is currently on a run with the guys, there’s no telling how long they will be gone”
You were feeling a bit sore from the mission, so decided that some light weights and cardio would be enough for the day, considering it was technically your day off since there had been no new leads on Roman.  Taking a water break you looked over to find the guys coming back from their run.  They were all smelly and dripping in sweat but seemed to be getting along.  Sam came rushing over to you, picking you up and swinging you around with a huge grin on his face. 
“I take it you had a good run?” you smiled up at him once you got your feet back on the ground.  “It was amazing, you never told me how incredible this complex was” he was panting but still seemed happy about the overexertion.  
When you saw Thor approaching, you took a small step back from Sam and attempted to introduce the two.  “Lady Y/N, I assumed your suitor was of Midgard, but he’s much larger than most, sir, are you Asgardian as well?” he asked as if that would be the only logical explanation.   
You busted out laughing, but you calmed down as Sam explained he was born and raised in Kansas and not Asgardian.  Before you could fully understand what was happening next, you see Thor and Sam stepping up to spar.  
“Woah, Thor, he’s not Asgardian, I don’t think this is a good idea” you told them. 
“Lady Y/N, I understand in your delicate condition you are concerned, but I assure you no harm will come to the father of your children” Thor announced as he got into his ready stance.   
“My condition?....children?” you mumbled looking between Thor and Sam trying to figure out what he was talking to.  
“I apologize if I overstepped, I was unaware you being with child was a secret” he told you earnestly, almost worried you would be upset.  
“I what?”  “You’re what?” you and Sam both responded, looking at each other and then back at Thor, dumbfounded.  
“Were you two not aware?” he asked with a smirk, after you both shook your heads no in response he practically cheered “Surprise!” 
Part 3
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deliciousliving · 5 years ago
Enveloped P.2 (All Might x Reader)
You do something a little reckless but your heart is in the right place. Toshinori Yagi grows rapidly over-protective. It doesn’t help that he’s attracted to you either. A bit of a prelude to the first fic of the same name.
Contains: Kidnapping, Creepy All Might
Being the number one hero meant accounting for things others might not. For example, which parts of the city had higher crime? Who was more susceptible to the dangers a villain might pose? Who was more likely to lead a life of crime and why? All Might was popular in the hearts of citizens because he truly took into account their vulnerabilities. He never expressed this aloud, didn’t bother debating his preference for patrols, and he still didn’t bring it up when the ideologies of the hero-killer Stain came up in discussion. He merely paid attention to Musutafu as a good hero should.
So naturally, he again found himself walking the streets of one of those low-income areas. As he stood on a moderately sized building, his heightened hearing picked up the sound of a scuffle and a desperate voice. “No...please!” Something about the quiver in that plea gave his instincts a greater sense of urgency, and he found himself shifting in the direction of the commotion before he fully realized his feet were hitting the ground.
A few blocks down and a just barely in the shadow of an alleyway stood a lovely little thing, your bag clutched possessively to your chest, while a taller albeit very-young villain hovered over you, a small blade in hand. Hesitantly, you spoke again, “I can give you the money just let me keep my...”
“I-I said hand over the fucking bag!” He hissed out, head swiveling around to keep aware for onlookers.
“FOR I AM HERE!” The Hero exclaimed. Leaping deftly to the front of the poorly lit alley. He turned his attention to the man with the blade, hand landing on your attacker’s shoulder, “Young Man! What are you up to?”
“I-I-I...” The attacker stammered. He stood frozen in place, his eyes large in fear. There was an underlying waver in his voice, if his quirk was folding in on himself, you’d think he’d do it. He was young, maybe even still a teenager, and had a pitiful shake to his stance. Before you fully thought it through, the words left your mouth.
“He’s my cousin!” You all but shrieked, causing both to immediately lock eyes on you. “We’re acting out a scene in a play.” Heat prickled at your cheeks as you gave a deep bow in the towering man’s direction. “I’m so so sorry to bother you, All Might, sir.”
There was an almost painful silence as both parties took in your act. The lie was obvious, sad even, but you were committed. “Uh...J-Johnny...” you began rooting through your bag, taking out a large bill -the last of your grocery money- and handed it to the young man. “Why don’t you head home? This is for helping me with my lines.” Your eyes followed All Might’s grip on his shoulder, watching it tighten then relax before he gave a brief nod at the near-thief who didn’t waste any time running off. His eyes lingered on the shrinking figure as he spoke, curiosity lacing his tone.
“Miss..You did not know that young man.”
You stiffened. Your plan had not accounted for lying to the number one hero. It was true that sometimes you saw the best in people when they were at their worst, but even you were having difficulty wrapping your head around your actions at the moment. “Well...” You started slowly, parsing out your own thoughts as you spoke. “He was just a kid. 18 at most? This area is not easy to grow up in, I should know. So... maybe...maybe he just needed a break and some pocket change?” You were fiddling with your purse strap now, feeling awkward and slightly ashamed at your lie. It didn’t help that All Might was taking his sweet time replying to you.
Toshinori knew what you had been doing, what he had trouble figuring out was why. The boy had a knife on you, ready to use it had you not been interrupted. Sure, maybe you felt some sympathy for the kid -even the worst villains were sympathetic- but to vie for him with little repercussions? That denoted a distinct lack of self-preservation and it prodded at the Hero’s protective nature. “I will be walking you home.” he stated suddenly, not giving you the option of declining. It was typical for All Might to laugh in this situation, maybe give a small scolding with some added levity as the criminal was lead away in hand-cuffs. Tonight though, he was silent, mulling over how this interaction had uncovered a part of him he had long thought was buried. Yes, he felt you were naive, but you were also candid and honest...thoughtful even. He had been bright-eyed and passionate once, when he first started saving people and didn’t have to concern himself with things like his “image” and junk journalism. No, it wasn’t usual for him to favor a single citizen, but there was an intrigue here he wasn’t ready to let go.
“Uhm...ok” you started. He had been quiet for a full minute now, you weren’t sure if he was angry or confused, but the silence was killing you. “Thank you...” you murmured.
Pulling ahead of him, you straightened up to lead the way and he followed in stride, letting you.
The walk home was kept in a barely comfortable silence. All Might said nothing, his gaze occasionally falling on you then drifting away. You kept your hands primly at your front, clutching your purse, each time you’d attempt to start conversation you’d sense his eyes resting on you and you would lose your nerve. You couldn’t help the wriggling idea that this felt like an awkward first date. Flustered, you gave even more attention to your bag, fingers meddling with the fibers of the fraying strap.
The hero knew the moment you came to your own attacker’s defense, you were special. In his line of work he was typically met with one of two reactions: adoration or vitriol. Survivors had a tendency to gush over him when he handled an altercation, but not you...if anything, your reaction could have been read as a critique of his heroic methods, yet, he didn’t take it that way at all. He merely took you as a young person with a kind heart. Maybe too kind.
Noticing you playing with your purse strap, he smiled down at you. “I’m not making you nervous am I?”
“No, well I...” you stammered, then paused just be direct, you’ve already lied to the man once. “...Actually I’m feeling a little out of my element. I hope you don’t think I’m being rude. I’ve never interacted with a major hero before let alone...you.” On the last word you vaguely gestured in his general direction.
At that, All Might couldn’t help himself, he let out one of his token laughs a hand landed casually on your shoulder, lingering there, you were so small. “My reputation precedes me then. Please, call me Toshinori.” He couldn’t help but test the waters.
You blushed, face turning away from the hero shyly. “That’s a bit...informal isn’t it?” You queried, simultaneously awe-struck at how close he was while also trying to squash the surmounting sense of over-familiarity. Maybe it was a hero thing, a way to build trust among the public? You would be lying if you didn’t admit you were at least a little star-struck being given attention from the greatest celebrity you’ve ever known.
His grin was wide in his reply, “What kind of hero would I be if I wasn’t a friend to everyone? Anyway, a nice young person like yourself doesn’t need to worry about formalities.” He said, chuckling and lightly thumping his hand to his chest as if doing so would beckon a more casual air between the two of you.
“Well...I suppose.” You tilted your head in thought. It was true that what you’d seen of All Might was solely through the media. It was likely his current demeanor was closer to how he normally was. It didn’t make sense to overthink it. Internally chiding yourself for judging him, you smiled. “Toshinori it is.”
What a smile it was! One that caught the hero completely off guard. He was having difficulty putting his finger on why, but the more he gleaned information from your body language, the conversation, and your general demeanor, the more he found himself wanting to know more. Yanking himself from his musings, Toshinori looked up. An apartment complex neared in view and your voice graced his ears “You don’t have to walk me to the front door...I know you must be busy.” You said politely. He frowned. Interest aside, it wouldn’t feel right leaving you on the corner of a street. There was a twinge of frustration rising in his gut at your almost business-like manner. There was no way he was going to leave things as they were.
“I insist.” The hero stated, holding up his hand as though to communicate it wasn’t up for debate. “Your safety is important.”
You blushed again, that same sense of over-familiarity prodding at the back of your mind. At least it was nice to be thought of. “I’m a few doors down from the 2nd floor.” You motioned and glanced at All Might who did little but nod solemnly. The closer you got to the complex, the less pleased he seemed.
As far as Toshinori was concerned, this was not a nice area for you to be living in. Everything about you was placid, polite, even-tempered. It contrasted with the foreboding surroundings of the area- just on the cusp of known villain territory. Someone like you was not meant to be in a place like this. His growing sense of reticence to leave you alone was bearing heavily on him, like a rock on his chest. If he let you stay in a place like this, he would have a hard time forgiving himself.
Once at your door, Toshinori took advantage of you fishing for your keys and stepped just close enough to you, inhaling your scent and observing your comparatively petite form. It was true that he met all sorts of people in his line of work, but you were certainly...titillating. It didn’t help that you were particularly pleasant company either, only serving to prompt a train of thought he rarely humored. What would you be like as a partner, he mused, helpless to resist his attentions, but you wouldn’t want to.
The door swung open, stealing his focus from you to your meager apartment. That rock weighing heavier and heavier as the hero took in your humble living space. Entirely ignorant of his inner conflict, you gave him a pleasant wave prepared to see him off “Thanks again for everything, All Might.”
“I thought I told you to call me Toshinori.”
You stared, dumbfounded and a little fearful. Was that a...demand? You weren’t sure how to reply, now taken off-guard. A moment passed and he was still there, gaze still lingering and not looking like he had any intention of leaving. You tilted your head as you stared at him, parsing out your thoughts before giving a proper response. “I didn’t mean to offend you...Toshinori.”
Just like that, his dark look softened, but instead of a reply, his hand was on your cheek, caressing it. “I forgive you...and you’ll forgive me...” He murmured.
“I’m sorry..?” You stammered back, about to step away and into your living room when the Hero’s arms suddenly engulfed you, one wrapping around your waist whilst the other clamped over your mouth, consequently covering nearly all of your face. You gave a muffled shriek as the hero bolted from the balcony of the second floor of your complex and onto the ground. The reverberation of the landing shook you to your core, and you found yourself struggling to keep your breath only to be physically jolted once more as Toshinori took his token leap into the sky, taking you with him.
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mochikeiji · 5 years ago
Winter Hearts
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↠ Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji
↠ Warning: TimeSkip AU! Fluff, Angst
↬ Word Count: 2,690
Summary: Traveling to Osaka was their time to spend together. Even though people gave them weird stares, all that mattered was how happy the both of them were as long as they had each other.
⇢ Day 6: Traveling/Roadtrip @bokuakaweek2020
Winter was one of Akaashi's most favorite time of the year. Before, he enjoyed spring since it was warm and serene. The flowers blooming from his window side with butterflies taking a sip from their nectar. But now he was inlove with the white covered streets of cotton candy and freezing but beautiful winter breeze.
But what made winter more beautiful and breathtaking for him, was having his lover gleem in happiness as he was surrounded by snow that had buried him when he kicked a tree.
"That was fun!"
Shaking his head, he pulls his red scarf up on his lips to avoid getting them chapped from the winter air.
"I told you not to kick the tree, Bokuto."
His shoes crunched on the snowy floor as he walks over to the snow piled male. Looking like a lost puppy, he just smiles sheepingly at Akaashi.
Behind them were people giving odd glances and stares, but they didn't pay attention to it.
Today was going to be their annual tradition where they travel to Osaka every winter for the festival, and nothing was going to ruin that.
"We should be heading towards the train station. The trip to Osaka is 2 hours." pulling Bokuto by the hand as he shrugs off the snow from his body, Bokuto grabs Akaashi's mittened hand and brgan to walk away from the tree humming.
"I can't wait! Be sure to win me that keychain we saw last year."
The last winter festival, there was this darting game. If you hit the the center, you win an owl keychain. Bokuto had won last year since he loved the keychain details. It kinda looked like his hair. He had second thoughts of winning another one to match with Akaashi, but the festival was starting their fireworks show, the one who was hosting it immediately closed down.
In the end, Bokuto gave him the one he won and said, "I'll give you that one since it looks like me. Next year, you win the one that looks like you!"
And that year was today.
The keychain was hung on Akaashi's phone like a charm. Everytime he would look at it the more he found Bokuto's words about it more amusing. It really did look like him.
"Of course, Bokuto."
Anything you want.
The train ride was silent. Even though Bokuto was a loud person, he knows how to keep it down. Instead, he laid his head on top of Akaashi's shoulder and dozed off as Akaashi stared at the window view where all snow covered trees moved erratically.
His heart tingles feeling the tip of his lovers nose nuzzle on his neck for warmth. Wanting to get closer, Akaashi moves his hewd away from the window and leans on Bokuto's head. Placing his hand on top of his that were on his lap and holds it.
The last time they went on a train ride, Bokuto was always chatty. Making bets with him on how many animals can they spot before going down their destined station. It was always like that. The train would've had that bright, hearty atmosphere if he were to open his mouth and speak endless tales and games.
Now was the first time he had a quiet train ride with him.
"You must be really tired, huh Bokuto?" smiling a little, he gives the males forehead a small kiss on the forehead, enlightening a smile in return from his face.
Arriving at Osaka at exactly 3:45 pm, the both of them headed out for the festivals location. Deciding it would be much fun to go there by foot, they strolled the park that led them to their direction.
"Hey, hey, Akaashi."
Akaashi hums a soft response, watching Bokuto balance himself on the side of the road.
"Hinata said he'll be here with Atsumu and Sakusa. Isn't that great?" he beams brightly at the thought of his teammates surprised reunion, "I can't believe they managed to drag Sakusa with them. I know he hates crowds, especially at night where he can't really see them." looking up on the cloudy but bright sky, Bokuto sighs,
"I wonder why all of a sudden they're coming here. They usually celebrate back home."
Akaashi was unable to answer, instead he gives him a small, quiet chuckle making Bokuto just sigh and cherish the sound of his laughter,
"They're just here to spend their time with you too, Bokuto."
Satisfied with that answer, his steps halted, "Oh? Isn't that Konoha?" he chimes, Akaashi looks at his direction. He spots his former seniors, Konoha, Washio, Yamato and their two managers Kaori and Yukie.
"Akaashi, you finally made it." he hears Yukie greet, behind her were the boys following and gave him a pat on the head.
"How have you been holding up, kid?" Konoha teases, still ruffling his fluffy hair.
"I've been better. Bokuto was really excited to go here so we kinda ran late." he looks at Bokuto pouting beside him and turning away with a huff, "But he was rather quiet the entire trip here." he adds, patting his shoulder which made Bokuto feel warm inside.
"We've best be going though, he wanted to make sure the old dart stall was still there," grabbing his hand, Akaashi bows respectfully on all his seniors before giving them a last glance, "We'll see you all at the fireworks show later tonight." waving, he and Bokuto made their way to the festival.
Kaori and Yukie both made faces with each other along with the three seniors who were surprisingly silent from the whole greeting.
"Come on." Konoha sighs almost solemnly before talking a few steps away from the two males direction,
"We have to set up."
5:30 pm
They were finally at their destination. They had to make a stop at a local Takoyaki stand since both of them had their stomach's rumbling. That was where Bokuto started being chatty again and pulled Akaashi to many store stalls just to admire the stuff that were om display.
"It feels like everything is still the same since last yesr huh, Kaashi."
The festival was the same as he remembered. Only this time it had much more stalls and lights hung around with ornaments. A good welcoming way unlike last year which was kinda dull in his opinion.
"Do you still wanna look for that stall Bokuto?"
"Yeah! Let's go!"
Both their heads turn, looking over the crowd before they saw a certain oranged haired male run towards them.
"Hinata?" Akaashi grins and shook his hands.
"It's been long, Hinata. You look like you've grown a bit again." Akaashi was baffled by his height. He used to just be a shoulder length yet now it feels like he was the one that got smaller.
"Oi, Hinata. Don't ye go runnin off will ya?"
Bokuto's smile widened as he saw Atsumu closing in behind Hinata whilst he was pulling Sakusa by the hem of his jacket.
"Why are yoy holding him like that, Atsumu?" Akaashi asks, a little amuse and scared by how Sakusa looks.
"He wouldn't move from his spot in the corner until Hinata ran off. I had to find ways ye know?" Atsumu gives Sakusa a teasing smirk that made him click his touch and pinched his arm to remove his hand from his clothing.
"I don't like this place."
"You don't like anything, Sakusa."
The group of males shared their laughter together as people passed by them. Enjoying the cool breeze and smell of cooked food from the streets.
"Bokuto seems really happy to see you guys," Akaashi then looks at Bokuto, who was once again pouting, "But I don't think you haven't greeted him yet. He's getting dejected."
The three males blinked before Hinata grins again, "Oh right! Sorry, Bokuto, I was just so caught up with Akaashi." his cheeks were red from both embarrassment and the cold air, "Anyways, are you two going to you know where?"
"Later, after Bokuto has his fun and all." he can see Bokuto smile ear to ear with a small blush on his face as he chuckles a little.
"Oh, you should definitely try the ferris wheel. Atsumu was so pale!"
The three bickered with Akaashi and Bokuto just watching in silence. But occasionally laughs at the other ones comment.
Again Akaashi bows at them, making them stop their small argument, "Thank you for suggesting that, Hinata. We'll go on ahead and try it out. But we'll see you later when the firework show starts. My seniors might've already setted up the table and some goods for us all to gather and eat."
Atsumu and Sakusa didn't have anything to say so they nodded, Hinata gave both Bokuto and Akaashi a smile and patted their shoulders, "Alright! You two have fun! And Bokuto, let's see who eats the most meat later." the challenging glint in his eyes twinkling like old times.
Bokuto could only stare at him and grin, "You're one, shrimpy!"
After that, they both headed up on the surprisingly short line to the ferris wheel. Leaving the trio behind.
"Why'd ya do it, Shoyo?"
"Ye know.."
Hinata's smile was still there, but it wasn't s bright as it was a while ago before the two couples left.
"I just wanted them to have fun."
And for once as that sentence left his lips, Sakusa couldn't help but agree with him when he saw just how happy Akaashi was today.
"Akaashi just looked so happy."
"Holy crap we're really high up." the soles of their feet were getting colder each time their cabin would go higher. The winter breeze getting stronger, enough to blow the baby hairs on Akaashi.
"This has been really fun, don't cha think, Kaashi? We never rode a single ride before thanks to that darting game." leaning back on his seat after taking in the sights of Osaka as it got darker. The lights from below were like stars shining on him. Giving him that same giddy feeling he would have with Akaashi.
"AH! We didn't get to go there." panicking, Bokuto slumps down almost dramatically and sighs, "I don't even think they held it this year. We haven't been going in circles a while back." jutting his lips out, his eyes slowly make their way at Akaashi's shy ones, thanking the mist that had covered his glasses to cover his eyes away.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I'm just really happy I get to spend time with you up here, Akaashi. The view is perfect."
You're perfect
"Actually, Bokuto—" fiddling with his fingers, "When you were busy looking around the stalls, I happened to stumble on one while waiting for you and," fishing something out of his pocket and hearing an audible gasp from the other one, Akaashi gets out a small, clear plastic wrapped keychain.
The owl keychain that looked like him.
"No way!"
"I got it for you."
Carefully placing it on his cold hands, Bokuto can only grin like a child receiving a gift. He then looks up at Akaashi, who was smiling at him, eyes filled with love and adoration. They've reached the top of the ferris wheel and had stopped there. Bokuto slides to his slide carefully next to Akaashi and places his hand on top of his.
"Thank you, Akaashi. Really. You've made me so happy everyday, I wish i could've done the same."
Closing his gun metal eyes, Akaashi leans in his forehead on Bokuto's. His warm lips coming in contact with his cold, chapped ones for a small, meaningful kiss and pulling away.
"You've made me more than happier ever since I've met you, Bokuto." speaking out his love language, he gives another kiss, this time with a bit more passion into it, "You being here with me is enough." for anyone, this moment would be too cheesy anf overly emotional. But not to these two. It was always like this between them.
That's when tears started to stream secretly from the corner of Bokuto's eyes as they pulled away,
"I wanted to give you so much more, Akaashi."
"Akaashi, you're almost late! We were about to send Hinata out to come get you!" Yukie scolds the male softly, slapping his back with a giggle after he winces.
"The meats about to get cooked." Washio flips the meat to their side, hearing them sizzle from the grill and their delicious scent spreading through thw cold air.
"Leave the big one for Bokuto! Ye know he can never get enough of that." Atsumu calls out, taking a bite from the onigiri's his brother had made him bring for them.
The former third years from Fukurodani had set up a barbeque not to far from the festival. There were multiple families as well around them cooking and setting up goodies such as flowers and food, but luckily it wasn't that much. They picked out the perfect sight viewing for the fireworks show less than a minute by the lake.
"Here, Akaashi. This one's for you," Hinata hands him a plate of meat with his favorite onigiris made by Osamu, "And this one's for Bokuto. Tell him the challenge is still on going! I'm gonna eat much more than he will!" Akaashi chuckles and nods. He walks away from the group and went to where Bokuto was sitting, just infront of the lake, sitting as he hugs his knees while looking up at the stars.
"Here," Akaashi places his plate down on the grass, "You managed to get the big one this time. Hinata was a little upset you were getting a head start on eating."
Bokuto laughs, "He can't even fit that big chunk of meat in his mouth!"
Taking a bite from his onigiri and meat at the same time, they basked in the sounds of the crickets and the sight of the calm lake.
"Today's been really fun, wasn't it Keiji?" Bokuto cuts in the silence, "Sorry I didn't think of a game back in the train. I was really tired." poking his tongue out for a short tease.
"It's fine Bokuto. I had fun with you."
The wind blew a little harder at them. Bokuto shivers and squeezes himself in his coat. Akaashi takes the initiative and places his plate down, quickly unwrapping his red scarf,
The first firework came exploding up into the winter night sky.
Akaashi wraps half of his scarf onto Bokuto's cold shoulders and neck, sitting closer to him to give him his body warmth.
"Let's share. You were kinda cold awhile back too."
The smiles they both wore were filled with so much love. Bokuto wasn't sure what hr had done to deserve Akaashi, and Akaashi didn't know why he deserved all this.
As the fireworks came to their display, the first snowflake falls on the tip of Akaashi's nose. Soon followed by many more.
"Hey, Akaashi."
"Yes Bokuto?"
"You look really pretty under the snow and firework lights."
He buries half of his face in his scarf as he blushes from the cold and his words, "That was really unexpected."
Laughing out loud, Bokuto was still surprised how shy he still was around him whenever he compliments him. But still.
That's one of the million things he loves about him.
"I love you, Keiji."
He gives him a kiss on the cheek. Akaashi ignores the way his chapped lips grazed on his soft skin and cherishes the moment he has given him.
"I love you too, Bokuto."
Bokuto leans his head on top of his and closes his eyes as the fireworks had come to an end.
Behind them were their friends watching, hearts both touched and cracked at the same time.
"And Bokuto?"
"Yeah, Keiji?"
Akaashi looks down st his untouched plate, the meat getting cold with the owl keychain next to it.
"I really wish you were here." he says finally before leaning his head on the cold, hard tomb that had his scarf wrapped around his name.
In the loving memory of Bokuto Koutarou
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years ago
Rose the Hat x Fem! Hurt Reader
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This request was made by @mewbleu I hope you enjoy it. If you want a part 2 lemme know. I have another request coming up soon next week.
Warnings: The usual except with this one there is a age gap between Rose and the Reader but it is a 100% legal and past age of consent, age gap.
SLAM! You fell to the ground as one of the jocks at your high school pushed you to the ground. Most people would panic on being so unceremoniously thrown but after years of this occuring you simply learned to lay down and take it.
You were always told by your mother from the time you were little that you were special. When the words were uttered to you by her they were endearing and doting but by others, not so much.
"You're such a freak, Y/n! We all know there's something wrong with you!" You winced as a foot connected to your side. "Why can't you just fess up and tell us what it is?"
You couldn't. They'd think you were crazy and you would be outcasted even more. "I can't." The sound of hands smacking against flesh radiated down the halls.
'Damn my birthday being one day over the cut off. I'm 19. I should be able to get out of here," You thought to yourself, trying to block out the pain.
His hand connected with the collar of your shirt and your head hung limply in the air. "Listen here you little bitch! I'm prepared to do whatever means necessary to get the answer out of you. Even that means I have to concuss you: Now confess."
He raised a fist and you shook your head. "No! No! Please! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!" You begged. "That's a good girl." He slowly began to lower you back down to the ground. 'Good. He's buying it.'
"Tell me what it is that you do that makes you so special?" Fear radiated through your eyes. You had to escape. "I can't tell you out loud. You have to come closer." He rolled his eyes and moved his face closer to yours. "There."
"Closer." Your bodies were nearly inches apart from each other. "I'm listening." You leaned your head to close his as if you were about to whisper in his ear and kicked him in the groin.
You expected the jerk to fall to the floor but he was strong. Anger flowed through his energy and all you could see was red in his eyes. "You little whore!" His fist connected with your face and the entire world around you spun.
"Oww! Oww! Oww!" You screamed and knocked him over using your shine as you cradled your broken nose. "What the hell is going on?" You could hear one of the teachers yelling down the hall.
"She-she-" The bully looked at you with terror in his eyes. You didn't have to be in his mind to know that he was trying to figure out how it was that you knocked him over without even touching him, let alone what he was going to tell this teacher because you didn't have to be shiny to know that there was no way the teacher was going to believe him.
"T-The freak started it! She looked at me funny!.."
"So you hit her?!" Teachers began to crowd around you and you felt people shaking your shoulders. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Despite the pain you were in you could tell even beaten and defenseless, they were scared of you.
"I-i-" Your head felt heavy and you had a moment to register you must of gotten a concussion as faces and voices around you began to fade in and out.
You could remember being lifted into the ambulance and having pills shoved down your throat and bandages being pressed against your nose but other than that everything was completely a blur.
One of the teachers called your mom and you could of swore you vaguely hear her saying something to your mom about how you were "strange" but you thought nothing of it.
They all thought you were strange besides your mom. She was the only one who really liked you. What her response was, you couldn't remember but before you even had enough time to register or even think about how long you were there you found yourself at home. How you got there, you didn't know but you were happy to be there. It was the one place you didn't feel like as much of a freak.
"You okay?" Your mom a ran hand through your hair and you sniffled, trying to get comfortable on the sofa. "Yeah..Just really sore." Your mom nodded solemnly and held your hand. "Can't say I'm surprised you took quite the blow."
"I didn't start it mama. I swear." You felt the tears brimming in your eyes and she wiped them away. "I know. Everyone knows." You nodded even though it hurt. "Good. They are all such jerks."
She hummed and there was a brief moment of silence following it. "What did he say to you?" You cocked your head. "What do you mean?"
"I know you pushed that boy, Y/n." The answer was met with silence and she sighed. "They're jealous, you know?" You hadn't heard her speak to you in that tone in so long.
"No, they're not."
"Yes, they are."
"No, they're not. They're all afraid of me. It's like they look inside me even though I've tried to be like them and they see what lays beneath the surface and it scares them. I'm not normal, mom. I'm a freak."
"No, you're not." She insisted. "Yes, I am. Mom, look at me. Do you know any other person who can do the things I do?"
"No but it makes you special. You have a gift, a beautiful one. You can push things, make them move with your mom. Stop people from doing things! No one can do that besides you. What makes you different makes you beautiful and if other people can't see that, they can go fuck themselves."
You sniffled and gave a hint of a smile. "I don't ever want to hear you say that about yourself again because you are so special and someday I'm sure you'll find someone just as special as you and they'll appreciate you."
"If you say so." Your mom placed a kiss on your forehead. "It's almost 4. I've got to get going. Dinner is in fridge and if you need anything just give me a call. Got it?"
"Got it." Your mom smiled sadly and grabbed her purse. "Hang in there, sweetie. It'll just get better from here." You refused to acknowledge her and she walked out the door.
You threw a blanket over yourself a little after she left and took it upon yourself to try and sleep off all the painkillers you were on. When you woke up the clock on the stove read 8:00 PM and your mouth was dry. You stood up lazily and walked over to the fridge, searching it for something with flavor besides bottled water but found nothing.
"Local coffee shop is open. I could always go there. It's only a block away." You grabbed your purse and put your favorite hoodie on before showing your earbuds in.
You stepped outside and breathed in the cold air as you looked up at the sky. There were no stars shining down on you. Just darkness. You felt alone and cold. "There has to be more people out there like me. I know there has to be."
You could see your neighbors looking at you from the corners of your eyes and waved but they shut the curtains in your face. You learned to try and not be offended by it along time ago but you couldn't help but feel that stabbing sadness and longing for love.
You hated it here. You hated everyone in that dumb town. You stepped off your porch and began the walk down the streets. You could lights burning in the night from the distant shops down the road but you paid them no mind. The only thing that you could focus on was that awful thudding in your head.
As your hand connected with doorknob of the cafe, the door swung open and your purse spilled all over. "Well, hi there!" You heard a woman laugh. You immediately picked your things up off the ground. "I am so sorry. I should of watched where I was going."
"No, no. I bumped into you first. Here, let me help you." She knelt down to your level and handed you your wallet. "Besides, it looks like you have a rough day." You wouldn't of laughed if you thought she was being condescending but there was something about this person that made you feel like she was safe.
You let out a chuckle and looked up. "You have no idea." You thought the woman standing infront of you easily had to of been one of the prettiest people you've ever seen.
"Yeah well, people fear what they don't understand. Her grey eyes interlocked with yours and you felt your heart sink into your stomach. "You can-"
(Oh yes.)
Your cheeks went red and you averted eye contact with her. "No, no, no. No shame. It's beautiful and you're beautiful." A smile graced your face and Rose grinned. She had a feeling she was going to like you. "How about we talk about this in a more private setting? No judgment. No nothing."
Something deep down told you not to trust this woman but she was special, like you. She had to be a good person. You knew she was. "Yes," You mumbled softly. "Good. That's what I thought."
Before you even knew it you and the hat woman were sitting together in the living room, her hands intertwined with yours.
"There are two types of people in this world. The rubes and then the steamy ones and you my dear are quite steamy." You furrowed your brows. "Steamy?"
"Special. It's what you have up here." She gently caressed your temples and you winced. "So what exactly happened to you today that you have all this on." She gestured to the bandage over your nose. You refused to say and she ran a hand through your hair.
"You know people are afraid of what they don't understand, right? So much pain and terror your whole life, huh?" You bit down on your lip. "I-" You burst into tears and started sobbing.
"Shh..no tears. No pain." She hummed softly in your ear and hugged you. It felt so weird to be hugging this stranger but it also felt so right. "Show me how special you are."
"W-what?" You hicupped. "Show me how special you are." She repeated. You hesitated and then flipped over the coffee table with your shine.
Rose grinned and rubbed your back. "Oh yes. So so special..Y/n, I want to help you." You wiped your tears away. "You do?"
"I do. Don't you want a family? To be loved?" You froze. "How did you-"
"Oh sweetie, I know everything about you and I can help you. Just give in and join me. I'll bring you home."
'I have to be dreaming. This is all so crazy,' You thought. "Oh it's not crazy. It's real. You want to come with me, don't you?"
"I-i do." You felt your body growing limp in Rose's arm. "Sleep well."
Instead of the loud slam of your body hitting the floor you were awoken by the loud shutting of a door. "Well hi there, sleepyhead!"
You groggily sat up in bed and looked all around. You felt like you were back at a more tasteful version of Woodstock.
"W-where am I?" You stuttered, lazily sitting up and leaning back on your hands. "Home, like I promised." You coughed and your mouth felt like sandpaper. "What did you do to me?"
"Nothing you have to worry about." Rose booped your nose and eyed your body carefully. "Tell me, how old are you darling?"
"19," You hummed softly. "19! What an age. I have a girl in the family around your age. Both such beautiful things with so much potential."
"Oh, I'm not pretty," You blushed. "Oh yes you are! I'll just have to show you eventually." She gave an impish grin. "Anyways, I'm going to offer you a deal that I haven't made anyone in 9 years."
"Which is?" You asked. "Stay with me and you'll have a family who will nuture you and love you all the more for you and not have to worry about a thing for the rest of your life. 10 years from now you're still 19. 100 if you have good genetics, maybe 20. Stay young, eat well, live long."
"With no strings attached?" You asked. "None what so over." You smiled despite the terror you felt. "Okay. I'll do it."
"Excellent." You went to sit up out of bed but Rose pushed you back against the mattress. Her long and attractive body leaning over top yours. "Oh no. You're not going anywhere yet. I still have to show you how special and pretty you are.."
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annabethj · 7 years ago
soulmate au - jiper (2 shots of vanilla)
hey guys! this is the second part of my soulmate au world, this time with Jiper! This can be read as a stand alone, but it makes more sense if you read the percabeth part here. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know who you want me to write for next!
Piper’s job was boring.  Here’s the real kicker; she didn’t even have to have it. Her parents were both crazy rich (a movie star AND a supermodel), but she figured having some work experience would do her some good. Plus, her dad thought it’d be a good way to keep her out of trouble. Admittedly, she deserved that. Sure, it kind of felt like a slap in the face, but she was used to that coming from her parents.
Right when she moved to New York for her dad’s new movie, she got enrolled in Goode High. It was a big brick building with blue doors and GOODE smacked on the side of it. She remembered being super intimidated when she first showed up; everyone with their obnoxiously blue matching hoodies that she loved and wanted so so bad. Girls seemed prettier here, somehow, now that they all knew each other and she hadn’t.
Goode’s operating hours were ridiculous. School stated at 7:30, earlier if you had a team or club or something. There were tons of girls who took 2 hours to get ready, which meant getting up at 5:00, and teachers were there an hour earlier, which could mean getting up at 4:00. The amount of tournaments and extracurriculars going on at this school had some students there until 6:00pm. Needless to say, if there was one thing everyone at Goode agreed on, it was coffee.
Even though this was NYC, and there were coffee shops absolutely everywhere, there was one just down the street from the school that everyone loved. It was run by this sweet old lady named Ms. Dahlia, who had recently started hiring when Piper moved. She figured, gee, what a great way to make friends and money! This will be perfect!
Except it wasn’t. Like, at all. She worked both rush hours, which was 6:00 - 7:00, and 2:30 - 3:30. Right before school and right after it. You would think this would be fine, but you’d be mistaken. In all fairness, ‘rush hour’ was a deceiving name. There was probably a 5 minute window in which about 400 fucking people crammed through those doors asking for a latte with soy milk, or - god forbid- anything with 2 pumps of vanilla.
The system was greatly flawed. Vanilla orders were awful, because the machine was a little messed up. It could take probably 3 or 4 orders at a time, but then it needs either 20 minutes to reset or Dwayne Johnson to hold down the button for you. She’d complained to Ms. Dahlia tons of times, but the old lady had always insisted, oh dear, it just needs a little elbow grease, and pushed the button with ease. Only problem, Piper was not strong enough for that much elbow grease.
Brown locks twirled around her fingers as she ran her hand through her hair. Rush couple-of-minutes had come and gone by now, so all that she could do was wait for 7 to come so she could get to school. Today, however, was very different. A girl with dark skin, golden eyes and curly hair walked in. She couldn’t have been more than 14.
“Hi, how can I help you?” Piper asked standing up off her stool.
“Actually, my name is Hazel, and I just got hired,” the girl answered. Piper felt a huge smile forming on her face. Months of working these stupid rush shifts alone and finally, finally, she’d have some decent company. So, she shook her hand, and started showing her the ropes. When there hands were shaking, she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to the gold writing on Hazel’s wrist.
Frank Zhang. She knew that name. How did she know that name? Whatever, it doesn’t matter.
Ah, soulmarks. Her half sisters, Drew and Silena had both been absolutely obsessed as soon as they had gotten theirs. Piper had tried to stay away from all the drama, but she admitted she quite liked playing match maker. She could never quite shake her excitement to meet Jason Grace, the name on the inside of her right index finger.
Hazel got along very well with Piper. She learned that Hazel was doing this job to help put herself through school, which Piper thought was very sweet, but perhaps a little sad. Sweet, just like Hazel. She was probably one of the nicest people she’d ever met. Piper vowed to protect her, as lame as that sounds. She was too innocent for this world, especially New York City.
“The vanilla machine is... cookydooks, Hazel,” Piper had said on the new girl’s first day. She’d wanted to tell her the thing was batshit crazy, but felt like she would get her mouth washed out with soap.
Both girls let out a sigh of relief when the last person left the shop. They’d been working together for months, now, but they’d never been busier. Hazel’s curls that had been tucked neatly beneath her hat had fallen out almost completely. Huffing and puffing, she went and started their routine. Piper got to work cleaning everything off, wiping tables, etc. while Hazel stuck a bag of popcorn in the break room microwave. Some days they watched movies or TV shows on Piper’s phone behind the counter, and other days they took turns catching popcorn in their mouths in varyingly ridiculous places across the store. 
Today was the day. Piper readied herself with one foot on the bottom rung of Hazel’s stool while the other girl turned on some music. She skipped over to the couch in the middle of the shop and sat crossed legged, popcorn bowl in hand.
“You can do it, Piper!” she called from her spot. Piper shook her head. Probably not, she thought, but thanks. “3, 2, 1!” Hazel yelled over the music. Adrenaline pumped through her veins (or maybe it was all the coffee), and pushed off her foot. Her body went kind of sideways, and she placed on hand on the top of the stool to help keep her body turning. The top of her hair skimmed across the counter as she was now fully upside down, and Hazel through one, single piece of popcorn, which landed perfectly in Piper’s upside down mouth. Hazel’s jaw went slack for a moment, and then let out a loud cheer. Her coworker continued to flip over the counter, the door opened, and a little jingle sounded.
To say the girls were shocked was an understatement. In all the months Piper had worked here, never had there once been someone who entered outside of the rush. Needless to say, she was rattled by the sudden entrance, which caused her to loose her balance, and, well...
Piper’s back hit the floor with a sickening smack. She let out a rough groan, and vaguely felt Hazel pulling her off the floor. Laughing quietly, she dragged Piper back behind the counter to take this guys order. When she looked up, all the breath remaining left her body. This guy was cute. Really, really cute. He looked strong, and he was blonde, and his eyes were so blue...
Hazel jabbed her in the side and brought her back to reality. She wiggled her eyebrows and moved out of the way, signalling that she didn’t want to take his order. Well, if I must, Piper thought.
“What can I get you?” she smiled, trying to grasp whatever dignity she had left with this guy. 
“Cappucino, two shots of vanilla please.” Piper almost liked his voice so much, she didn’t care what he said. Until it finally sunk in, anyways. She nodded solemnly and started on his drink. When it came time for the vanilla, she tilted her head at Hazel to see if she’d come help. Thankfully, the girl was too nice to say no. Together, they held down the vanilla button, pushing as hard as they could, struggling so much that their feet slipped on the cool tile. 
The guy had been on his phone, probably texting, but looked up when he heard a loud crash followed by two slight screams. He had one eyebrow raised, and Piper cursed herself for being so embarrassing. She blew a loose piece of hair out of her face, and tried to push the button again. Hazel joined in, but they were both holding on to the counter this time.
“Do you need help?” blondie asked. She knew she should have just said yes, but her pride got the best of her, so she shook her head no. He smiled sweetly at her anyways and helped the girls push the button. It worked effortlessly, no shock there. But Piper wasn’t paying attention to the stupid vanilla machine, no, she was looking at the gold writing on the back of this guy’s hand. 
Piper McLean, in big block letters. She felt the wind being knocked out of her for the third time that day. Shaking her head, she decided to play it cool.
“That’ll be 3.50, please,” she smiled at the boy. Jason. Jason Grace. It felt really weird to finally put a face to the name. Weird, but good.
“Say, do me a favour,” she said as she took his 5 dollar bill. His eyebrows raised. “When you tell people about meeting me, can you just make up some cute, normal barista story?” His eyebrows crawled up even further.
“And how do you know I’ll tell people about meeting you?” he asked, confusion in his voice. Piper’s throat went dry. She took his hand and ran her thumb over her name in smooth gold lettering.
“I just figured everyone would want to know how you met your soulmate.”
And then Jason was running around the counter and pulling her into a hug, and the were both laughing, short breathy laughs as tears filled their eyes. Hazel gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up over her shoulder.
“Hey, do you want to come with me to my Aunt Sally’s wedding?” Jason asked her one night. They were in his apartment, having movie night. 
“I can’t dance, Jason. You know this,” she rolled her eyes. “In fact, I didn’t know you could dance either.”
“Please, Pipes. They call me Grace Lightning,” he said. Piper laughed, hard.
“That might be the worst thing you’ve ever said,” she answered. Jason hummed and pulled her to the floor. Once they were standing, she threaded her fingers into his soft hair. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and began to guide them. She was wearing a tank top and some sweatpants, tied together with some fluffy socks. 
Jason was humming something that Piper had originally thought was nonsense, but she realized she could recognize bits and pieces of melody. He took one of her hands and spun her, other hand landing back on her hips.
“What song is that?” she whispered hoarsely, clearing her throat. Jason smiled and leaned in very close to her ear.
“It’s the one that was playing while you hit the floor,” he said softly. Piper gasped and shoved him away, crossing her arms. He laughed.
“Hey, come on!” he cried pulling her back towards him. His arms held her close again. “I told everyone you wrote my full name on my cup of coffee, by the way,” he chuckled softly.
“Aw, that’s so cute! We’re adorable.”
“Aren’t we?” he smiled at her, and Piper was close enough to see the scar on his lip move. He looked at her like she was the only thing in the world. She stood on her tiptoes, and electricity ran through her veins as Jason cupped her cheek.
“My locker’s in the same hallway as Jason’s, if you want to switch,” Hazel told her one day. Piper felt a plan forming in her mind. She was already kind of known as a meddler in Jason’s friend group, according to Percy. She couldn’t very well just tell Frank or Hazel she knew the other one now. It was so magical to meet Jason for real, she wanted them to have that. From this moment forward, she wouldn’t meddle for Hazel and Frank.
She’d make someone else do it.
Unknowingly, of course. Someone close to Frank, who would tell him everything. 
“Okay, that’d be great! Thanks!” she called as she ran to class.
That day, she waited an extra 10 minutes after school around Nico’s locker. When she finally saw somebody with the locker next to his walk out, she called:
“Hey! I’ll give you 20 bucks to switch lockers with me!” And the poor kid took it, and Hazel took the locker next to Nico’s the next day.
When Nico ran up to the group a few days later out of breath, Piper knew her plan had worked. Once again, play it cool, she told herself. She pretended to open her mouth and ask what happened, but as expected, Nico danced like the perfect little puppet he was.
“Frank, I met her. Hazel Levesque, right?”
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years ago
It’s been thirteen years since Natsu and Gray met in a program for troubled youth - since they both fell apart and helped put each other back together. Now they’re married and happy, loving each other and the shared family they found. But the past doesn’t always stay past, and when the things that broke them come back into their lives, Natsu and Gray have difficult decisions to make - ones that could change their lives forever.
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Chapter Summary: Gray works through the aftermath of Lyon's trial, and gets a call he wasn't expecting. Natsu tries to explain to Noah what happened with his dad.
Chapters (15/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 Rating: Mature Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Laxus Dreyar/Freed Justine Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney, Sting Eucliffe, Freed Justine, Laxus Dreyar, Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Ultear Milkovich, Lyon Vastia, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona, Original Characters, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Married Couple, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Drug Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Foster Care, Family Issues, Grief/Mourning, Childhood Trauma, Bipolar Disorder, Adoption, Families of Choice, Nonbinary Character, Trans Character, Genderfluid Character, Forgiveness, Absent Parents, they're really in love but are sometimes dumb, Natsu is a stubborn shit Series: Part 15 of the only hope for me is you, Part 3 of if you jump i'll break your fall
The rest of the trial was a blur, and before Gray knew it, they were back at home.  
“Gray?” Natsu’s voice broke through the fog Gray’s mind. He looked up and realized he was still standing at the front door, shoes half-off, letter clutched in his hand. Natsu was in front of him with a concerned expression on his face.  
“I’m sorry.” Gray’s voice was hoarse.  
“For what?” Natsu reached out and took his hand, pulling him into the living room and maneuvering him down onto the couch. Then he sat beside Gray, one leg tucked under him, the other resting against Gray’s knee.  
“I didn’t tell you.” Gray stared at the letter, at the smudged ink that was worn from years of dragging his fingers over the words.  
Natsu shook his head and gripped Gray’s hand tighter. “It’s okay.”  
“We said no more secrets.” It felt like he was watching the scene from across the room, and Gray hated it. It was too much like the days after he’d been shot, when he’d sat in the hospital bed and stared out the window at the flowers until his head hurt.  
Continue reading on AO3
“That’s not the same thing, Snowflake,” Natsu said gently. He reached out and took the letter from Gray’s hand and set it on the coffee table. Happy, who had been sleeping in the armchair, yawned and let out a sleepy meow before hopping down and stalking over to the couch. “Are you okay?” Natsu asked as Happy rubbed himself against Gray’s legs.  
Gray thought about the question for a minute. His chest didn’t hurt anymore. He couldn’t stop thinking about the tears on Lyon’s cheeks, but he could breathe without it sticking in his throat.  
“I think so.”  
As soon as the words left his mouth, exhaustion hit Gray like a wave. He let out a heavy sigh and leaned into Natsu, who wrapped an arm around him and kissed his cheek.  
“I’m so proud of you,” Natsu murmured. He tugged on Gray’s shoulder until they were both leaning back against the couch, with Gray’s head resting on Natsu’s chest. Gray could feel Natsu’s heartbeat, strong and steady through the thin fabric of his shirt. He felt like home.
“I was so scared,” Gray admitted. It still felt like his hands were shaking even though they were still.  
“But you did it anyway.” Natsu hugged him tightly. “You’ve come so far, you’re so brave, and I love you so, so much.”  
A lump formed in Gray’s throat, and he tried to swallow it, but it was quickly followed by a wave of tears that he couldn’t stop. Natsu made a comforting sound and ran his fingers up and down Gray’s arm.  
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” Gray whispered, wiping at his eyes.  
“I never know why I’m crying,” Natsu said, and Gray let out a wet laugh. He gave up on trying to hold it in and leaned into Natsu as he let the tears fall. As Natsu hugged him tightly, Gray tried to sort through the jumble of memories rushing through him. Some were with Lyon, both of them young and playing tag in the back yard. One was of his mother and her bright smile. Ur was there, too, sliding letters under Gray’s door when he was six and scared and refused to talk.  
Most of the memories were of Natsu, though. His wild smile the first time they met, the way his hand fit perfectly in Gray’s when they snuck onto an abandoned boat and watched the stars. Him crying at the hospital in Gray’s arms after he tried to kill himself. The two of them curled up in Gray’s bed on Christmas, naked and flushed and smiling at each other like nothing else mattered. The way Natsu’s eyes never left Gray’s when he said his wedding vows. Natsu, lying in the hospital bed on a ventilator after nearly losing his life in a fire. Natsu in lace and lipstick, kissing Gray and trusting him with everything. The two of them sitting on the kitchen floor, laughing so hard they cried over a broken kitchen table.  
“I love you,” Gray said softly, pressing his face into Natsu’s neck and wrapping an arm around his waist.  
“I love you too,” Natsu said softly. “You’re the bravest person I know.”  
Gray wasn’t sure he believed it, but he was willing to try.  
They sat in silence for a while, watching the afternoon sunlight spill across the living room. Gray’s tears eventually subsided, leaving him exhausted but content.  
“Do you think they’ll grant him parole?” Gray asked once the room was filled with the orange glow of sunset.  
“I have no idea,” Natsu admitted. “Do you want them to?”  
“Yeah,” Gray said. He was surprised by the certainty of his answer. “I think I want to see him.” He looked down at the bracelet on his wrist – the one that Lyon had given him when they were seventeen. “Even if he doesn’t get out. I want to talk to him.” He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out the photograph of him and Lyon that he’d shown Freed on the beach. “I miss him.”  
“That makes sense,” Natsu said as he studied the photo. “The way he was looking at you, in the courthouse… he still loves you.”  
“I know,” Gray said softly. “I love him, too.” He looked up at Natsu. “You don’t think that’s weird?”  
“No weirder than anything else we’ve been through.”  
Gray rolled his eyes and was about to reply when he was interrupted by a loud, plaintive meow.  
“I think someone’s hungry,” Natsu said. He gestured to Happy, who had meandered toward the kitchen and was now pawing at his food dish. Gray laughed, sitting up and disentangling himself from Natsu’s embrace. Natsu stood and stretched, then leaned down to kiss Gray’s temple before heading to the kitchen to feed Happy.  
Gray rubbed his shoulder, then dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. His screen lit up with twelve texts, two missed calls – one from grand-papa and another from a number he didn’t recognize – and several emails from work. He yawned as he swiped to his messages. All of them were from friends and family, all variations on the same sentiment. We’re proud of you, we love you, you were so brave. Gray considered responding to them all, but the idea made his head hurt.  
“We have a problem,” Natsu called from the kitchen. Gray frowned, pushing himself off the couch and walking over. “We don’t have food,” Natsu said solemnly from where he was standing with the refrigerator door open. “Only ingredients to make food.”  
Gray rolled his eyes, laughing and pushing his hair out of his eyes. “Well, there’s obviously only one solution for that,” he said.  
“Yep.” Natsu closed the fridge and reached out for Gray’s hand, pulling him close as he smiled. “Takeout it is.”  
It wasn’t until two days later that Gray finally managed to reply to his messages. Natsu had gone to work, leaving Gray to a quiet apartment and a cat sleeping on his desk. The last number on his missed calls list was the unfamiliar one, and he considered not returning it before shaking his head and clicking on ‘call.’  
“Good afternoon, this the Sunshine Health Recovery Center, Melissa speaking. How can I help you?” The woman’s voice was bright and cheerful.  
Gray frowned. “Uh, hi… my name is Gray? I missed a call from someone there a few days ago, but I’m not sure who this is.”  
“What’s your last name?”  
“Let me put you on hold for a moment and I’ll figure out who called.”  
The phone beeped and hold music began to play. Gray’s stomach twisted uncomfortably and he pulled the phone away from his ear, staring at the ‘end call’ button. Something didn’t feel right. He hesitated with his thumb over the button for a second, then shook his head and waited.  
A minute or so later, Melissa returned. “It looks like one of our patients was trying to contact you,” she said cheerfully. “A Neelan Langdree – does that sound right?”  
Gray froze. The words ‘Recovery Center’ finally registered in his brain, and he quickly put the pieces together. Natsu’s dad was calling him from rehab.  
“Uh, yes,” Gray said quickly. “I know him. Did—is he still there?”  
“He is! He’s just in an appointment right now so he’s not available, but I can let him know that you called if you’d like?”
“No,” Gray said quickly. “Please don’t.”  
“Would you like me to block your number, sir?” Melissa’s bright tone turned serious. “If there’s a no-contact order in place I’m happy to—”  
“No, that’s… it’s fine,” Gray interrupted. “He’s my husband’s dad, I know him, he’s just…” He rubbed his face, trying not to think of Neelan’s unfocused gaze as he drunkenly swung at Gray. “How long will he be there? Can I call back once I talk to my husband?”  
“I can’t give out patient information over the phone,” Melissa said apologetically. “You can definitely call back, though! We also have visiting hours on the weekends – eleven to six on Saturdays and Sundays. Just make sure you call ahead of time to let us know you’re coming.”  
Gray looked at the calendar. Tomorrow was Saturday. “What’s the address?” he asked before he could change his mind.  
After he hung up the phone, Gray stared at the photo of him and Natsu on his desk. The heartbreak of their visit to Victoria was still fresh in his mind, and a protective anger spread through his chest when he thought of Natsu’s tears and disappointment. Part of him wanted to throw out the address and delete the call. Natsu didn’t need to deal with this pain all over again.  
Then he thought back to their fight from a few weeks ago and the angry words they’d both said.
I don’t want you to keep me safe. I’m not a child.
Gray sighed. Then he flipped to his messages and started to write one to Natsu.
As soon as Natsu walked in the door of the shop on Friday afternoon, Noah jumped up from where he’d been sitting with Chewie and ran over, crashing into Natsu’s legs and hugging him tightly.  
“Hey, bud,” Natsu said, crouching down and sighing happily when Noah wrapped his arms around his neck. His blond curls tickled Natsu’s cheek as he held on tightly, pressing his face into Natsu’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”  
Noah pulled back and put both hands on either side of Natsu’s face, gazing at him seriously. “Sad?” he asked.  
Natsu shook his head, laughing. “No, I’m not sad.” When Noah frowned at him, he held out one hand with his pinkie extended. “Super promise.” Noah accepted the gesture, then looked behind Natsu and tapped his forearm with a frown on his face.  
“Uncle Gray’s not coming today,” Natsu explained. “He’s working.” Noah pouted and Natsu ruffled his hair, adding, “You’ll see him on Sunday at the picnic, remember?”  
“H-how, how, how, how many?” Noah asked as he followed Natsu behind the counter to the back room. He shook both hands out in front of him as he walked.
“Two sleeps.”  
Noah pouted. Before he could get upset, Natsu quickly set down his bag and sat on the pile of pillows, then reached out his arms. Noah immediately plopped down his lap, and Chewie joined them, leaning his head on Natsu’s knee.  
“Where’s dad?” Natsu asked as Noah started to play with the leather bracelet on his wrist. Noah pointed to the back door and covered his left eye with one hand – his sign for Laxus.  
“You dad?” Noah asked, looking up at Natsu.  
Natsu sighed and rubbed his face. The only time he had seen Noah since they’d come back from Victoria was the day at the beach, and Noah had been too preoccupied with Bix to ask Natsu any questions about Neelan.  
“He wasn’t…” Natsu hesitated, trying to figure out how to explain Neelan’s behavior to Noah. “He wasn’t nice.”  
Mean? Noah signed. His eyes widened and Natsu quickly shook his head.  
“My dad is sick,” he tried again. “It makes it hard for him to be a good dad. I didn’t feel happy seeing him, so Uncle Gray and I said goodbye and went home.”  
Noah frowned and tugged at the bracelet. “Dad gone,” he said.  
“He’s not gone,” Natsu said, but Noah shook his head and gestured to the iPad sitting on a nearby cushion. He took it from Natsu and opened it to his photos, then clicked through several folders until he found the one he was looking for and pointed at one of the pictures.  
“Dad gone,” he said again.  
Natsu’s heart ached as he looked at the picture. It was of Noah’s biological dad, Dylan, and it reminded Natsu so much of the photo of himself and his own father that it hurt. In the picture, Dylan was sitting cross-legged on the ground with baby Noah in his arms and was making a face at him while Noah gave him a wide smile.  
“Bye,” Noah said, waving at the picture. “You, you, you… dad bye?”  
Natsu shifted and pulled his phone out of his pocket, then pulled up the picture of his dad holding him as a baby. “That’s me,” he said, pointing to the tiny infant in the photo.  
“You?” Noah’s eyes widened. “’su?”  
“Yep.” Natsu laughed as Noah stared at the picture.
You’re a small baby, Noah signed. Then he pointed at Neelan. “You dad?”  
“Yep.” Natsu sighed. “I said goodbye to him, too.”  
Same, Noah signed. You and me.  
Natsu smiled sadly and pulled Noah closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “We have lots of other people who love us, though, right?”  
Noah nodded, tapping his forearm for Gray, then signing dad and papa. Then he reached out and patted Chewie’s head, who panted happily. Natsu felt the ache in his chest recede a little as Noah kept naming other people – Laxus, Freed, Lucy, Sylvie, Bix. Natsu might not have had anyone when he was little, but Noah was surrounded with love, and Natsu was determined to make sure he never felt alone.  
Natsu’s phone dinged and he glanced down at it as a text popped up on the screen.  
Snowflake [15:27] Hey, can you give me a call when you have a chance? Je t’aime.
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fucknofortunato · 8 years ago
[Writing Prompt] My Fantasy Fantasy pt 2
Prompt: You have suddenly been inserted as one of the characters in the Lord of the Rings series. Who are you and do you change anything about how your character acted in the books or movies? Note: Split this into parts because the story is getting pretty long
“Hey, you falling asleep on us, old man?” jested a voice loudly.
Vandrew’s eyes shot open and suddenly he was incredibly ill. The room had changed completely and looked so much older yet incredible fresh. Large wooden logs lined the walls and weapons, animals, and crafts hung upon them. The silence of sleep and the steady crackling of the fireplace was turned into the roaring of a flame nearby and the copious sounds of people talking and moving. The chair was gone and he was seated upon a small bench by himself, but across from him sat two men. The sounds of chains clinking together rang heavily across the room and somewhat from himself as he sat up. The smell of an old living room was replaced with the smells of tobacco smoke, beer, meats, and sweat.
“What...what the hell...” he barely choked out in his disorientation. The room spun around him and he staggered to his feet. His long greyish blonde hair hung in his face as he did so, another shock to the man who had brown hair cut short before he fell asleep. His arm shot out to grab the table and the two men tensed up, wondering whether or not he needed help.
“I...I can’t...what’s....” Vandrew choked out.
“How much did you have to drink? You can sleep more, friend!” called the voice that had awakened him. The man with long black hair had said it. Trying to focus his vision, Vandrew pulled his hair aside and took a good look. The man had stubble around his face, a hard jaw, and was wearing...armor. Leather or some sort, studded with metal maybe. It was like what he would have seen in an old Dragon Slayers role playing book.
Vandrew muttered some more things before stumbling through a crowd, trying to find a way out. Through some sort of luck, he stumbled out the front door and collapsed onto his hands and knees on the muddy path. Crawling a bit to turn himself, he brought himself over to a trough, leaned upon it, and proceeded to vomit behind it.
“This has to be a dream, it has to be a dream,” he kept repeating, eyes starting to tear up. The smells were awful. Horses and vomit upon lord knows what else. Looking around he saw the horses tied to a post. Their manes shown in the moonlight, large specimens with crude saddles. Turning his gaze skyward, he saw the night sky ablaze with stars and a moon.
“Oh god,” he said to himself as he scanned the sky feverishly. “Where is it, where is it!” he continued to rave while staring above, past the dark clouds that loomed and passed with the winds.
“Where is what?” spoke the black-haired man.
Startled, Vandrew turned back to him, “Orion’s belt! It’s the only constellation I know! I can always find it, where is he, where is he!?”
The black-haired man looked incredibly unwell now. “Was your drink poisoned? Did someone do this to you?”
“This is not my sky...” he spoke solemnly. Gripping his head, he felt not the skin he expected by the worn material of armored glove. Pulling his hand back, he turned it over and looked at it. Vandrew was wearing armor similar to the man with the black hair, but his was of dark red while the man’s was dark blue. More importantly, he noticed he was wearing a sword on his waist. The sword from the wall.
“Vandrew, I too miss our homeland. The dark army of Vilov Erlord stole our home and has ruined what the ancestors left for our claims. This group of fellows is what will return her to glory and purge her of that Ork scum.”
This...is so familiar... Vandrew thought as he stood up. “Uh...” Think! You have to get a grip of yourself and figure out what’s going on! “Well I think that’s enough ‘horsing’ around. Let’s return to our friends for the ‘mane’ event!” he awkwardly joked, forcing a smile.
The black-haired man gave him a peculiar stare but went along with it. “I don’t understand what you mean entirely, but yes, let us return inside, brother.”
Oh crap, he’s my brother?! Is that how he knew my name? Vandrew’s mind wandered as they went back inside the tavern, immediately hit by the wave of heat from fire and bodies. This is just an incredibly vivid dream. I’m back in the mansion and I’ve just gotta reach the endpoint to wake up. Those weapons must have brought back memories of playing Dragon Slayers and rolling dice til the morning came.
Back at the table, he saw the other man was truly an elder and quite weird. The man was a little taller than Vandrew and had silver hair running past his shoulders, unlike Vandrew and the black-haired man’s length. Equipped with the large staff from the top shelf, held as if it was a walking stick, he was dressed in grey robes with a pointy wizard-like hat on his head, the tip drooping ever so slightly. Vandrew looked back and saw the black-haired man was carrying the sword he didn’t choose from the rack.
“It appears the cup was not tampered with and I detect no poisons were in his drink,” spoke the elder with a majestic tone. Truly, he sounded incredibly wise. “I’m just not feeling too well...” he said, barely keeping eye contact with the man. The elder’s gaze seemed to continue to pierce, unwavering. “Well?” “What?” “Won’t you use my name, Vandrew?”
Vandrew was so shaken, he began to actually shake. What were they going to do to him when they find out that he isn’t actually the brother they thought? There had to be a plan, some kind of plan. Maybe a check for bluffing. Or perhaps...
“I really think we should be going now! We have a journey to make, Dangalf!” exclaimed a tiny man, who seemed to have the size of a child but the proportions of a young man. When he saw the golden bracelet gleam, it suddenly hit him. A halfling!
“Oh my god!” Vandrew suddenly bursted out, forgetting to even replace the word god with got. “Mico Guffootin and Dangalf!” “My, Vandrew has had quite some to drink hasn’t he?” asked Guffootin. “The Fellows of the Charmkeeper!” he said, beginning to laugh.
Dangalf eyed him suspiciously, “It appears to be his mind is afflicted. I’m afraid he must be under some kind of curse.”
“Yes! That’s gotta be it!” he spoke, finally feeling comfortable that this had to be a dream-like situation. It was going on for far too long and soon he would wake, but in the meantime, he would make the best out of it. Vandrew was clearly juxtaposed into the infamous movie trilogy Fellows of the Charmkeeper. A fantasy film based upon the written works of the same name. He took a deep breath and sat on the bench.
“Oh my, I’ve never seen him so cheery,” spoke Guffootin. “My brother of the humans,” spoke the black-haired man. “Look I’m sorry but this curse, it’s affected my memory. I can’t remember anything since you woke me up,” Vandrew explained. “Yes, and being around the Lord Charm must be weakening the curse,” Dangalf said motioning to Guffootin’s bracelet.
The bracelet hung on Guffootin’s left wrist, harmless at first glance but a relic capable of twisting the minds of those who dare venture near it. The worst is when the relic is activated by moving it up the wrist, for when it is snug upon the arm of a charmkeeper, they vanish into the ethereal plane.
“Where are the other fellows...” Vandrew said, scanning through the sprawl of customers now. He had not seen the movies but he had read about some of them and seen a bit every now and then. While he wouldn’t know what they looked like, he now realized why the weapons on the wall were familiar.
As he pointed to each person, Dangalf said their names: “Lastlego and Pow Urhouse,” pointing at the bow wielding elf and the battleaxe wielding dwarf, currently engaged in a drinking contest. “Pipes, Happy, and Wamsize,” pointing at the three halflings doing a jig and singing some sort of drinking song, while daggers dangled from their belts. “Dangalf, Guffootin, and,” he said as Vandrew began pointing to those at the table, “Aaron.” Vandrew made a face of blank expression, to which Aaron tilted his head a little confused.
“Well, I’m happy that’s all said and done, but we should get going!” Guffootin pressed once more. “Very well, let’s gather the Fellows,” returned Dangalf. Aaron grabbed Vandrew’s arm as he stood, “Are you sure, you’re all right, brother?” “Uh yeah. Are you sure we’re brothers though?” Vandrew asked, slightly recalling something about Aaron’s character being a little more than human. He’s actually pretty old, right? “Haha, still you jest as with your queer word games!” ”Hey, I don’t think it’s cool to say that. You can just call them bad,” Vandrew corrected. “We are merely brother in arms, I mean.” “Yeah... alright.”
Vandrew smiled and then walked away as Dangalf and Guffootin gathered the others. Finding a mirror, he gazed into it, shocked to see another person staring back. Recognizing him, suddenly he felt a great amount of dread.
“Oh shoot! I know that actor! He dies in like every film,” he said, started to trail off with the grim realization of what lies ahead.
Looking around he saw the drinking contest end with the dwarf collapsing. “Oh hey, I remember that,” he said with a laugh. His joy was cut short by a great confusion. “But if they’re drinking, then that means... I died already?” Turning back around he looked at the four halflings reunited. “This isn’t right, things didn’t happen like thi-” an incredibly sharp pain ripped through his stomach and he fell to the floor. The floor gave way and he fell further into darkness, continually drifting below. Turning and reeling with pain, his abdomen seemed to scream out as his own voice failed to do so. Reaching forward he clutched at the nothing until he violently hit a soft pillow-y material. His hands shot forward, throwing around blankets. The bright lights blinded him and he struggled and turned.
“Calm thyself, Vandrew!” called forth an elf besides the bed. “Wh-what is happening...” he whimpered. “You’ve suffered a serious wound from one of the Phantom Riders,” spoke the elf as he removed the bandages. “Phantom Riders... those guys looked bad ass in the trailers...” Vandrew prattled as he looked down at his stomach, blonde hair in the way. “Oh god,” Vandrew said to himself as he realized the horrible situation. “My dream was a dream, but it was no dream within a dream... I’m... The Fellows... I’m Morebear...” “Morebear?” the elf asked quizzically. “The name sounds familiar,” he said as he applied new bandages. “Your name is Vandrew, is it not?” Dangalf asked.
Vandrew looked up, the image of Dangalf standing over the bed. How he failed to recognize this iconic character before still eluded him. The elf finished applying the bandages and Vandrew sat forward.
“Yes,” he spoke looking around at the surroundings: Elf Highgrounds. “I’m afraid the blade has afflicted your mind with a curse, but hopefully being around the Charmkeeper will stave the curse,” he said with a sly smile. “Do...do you know more than you’re letting on?” asked Vandrew. “Of course not, Morebe-” he said stopping himself. “Apologies. Vandrew. Let’s get ready to go now, us Fellows need to make a journey.” “Yeah...a real ring toss,” he muttered, yet he still heard Dangalf chuckle.
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