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Character ai will be the fucking death of me
#beta character ai#tanuki talks#no i will not elaborate#but if the user solemnii has a tumblr and can see this#i wanna marry the shit outta your characters#i thank you for your service#i'm currently dying
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Corpus Domini
30 mayo
La fe en Dios Padre e Hijo y Espíritu Santo (Santísima Trinidad) no es una experiencia lejana o inalcanzable. Al contrario, Dios mismo ha querido permanecer con nosotros bajo la forma del Pan de cada día que se parte y se comparte cada vez que se reviven sus palabras: "Este es mi Cuerpo... Esta es mi Sangre...".
El origen de la Solemnidad de hoy, que reconoce y agradece esta presencia tan cercana de Dios, se halla en 1207 en Bélgica, cuando una joven monja agustina, Juliana de Cornillón, tuvo una visión que presentaba la luna llena con una mancha opaca que empañaba su esplendor. La visión fue interpretada así por los expertos de la época: la luna llena simbolizaba la Iglesia; la mancha opaca era la ausencia de una fiesta que honrase de forma específica el Sacramento del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Con el apoyo de numerosos teólogos, se pidió entonces al obispo que aprobara la celebración de esta nueva fiesta. Al año siguiente, Juliana tuvo otra visión más clara, pero todavía tuvo que luchar mucho para que fuera instituida la fiesta; lo consiguió solo en 1247 y a nivel diocesano, cuando Roberto de Thourotte se convirtió en obispo de Lieja.
En 1261, un antiguo archidiácono de Lieja, Jacques Pantaléon, fue elegido Papa con el nombre de Urbano IV. En 1264, impresionado por un milagro eucarístico que tuvo lugar en Bolsena -cerca de Orvieto (Italia), donde él residía- promulgó la Bula Transiturus, con la que instituyó la nueva Solemnidad en honor del Santísimo Sacramento, que había de celebrarse el primer jueves después de la octava de Pentecostés. A Tomás de Aquino se le dio el encargo de componer el oficio litúrgico, cuyo himno más famoso es el Sacris solemniis; la penúltima estrofa, que comienza con las palabras “Panis angelicus”, ha sido musicada a menudo separadamente del resto del himno. Como el Papa Urbano IV murió dos meses después de instituir la fiesta, la bula no fue actuada. Años más tarde, el Papa Clemente V la confirmó. La procesión del Corpus fue introducida por el Papa Juan XXII en 1316.
En 1990, San Juan Pablo II hizo una visita pastoral a Orvieto; hablando de la catedral, dijo: "Si bien su construcción no tiene relación directa con la solemnidad del Corpus Domini, instituida por el Papa Urbano IV, mediante la bula Transiturus, en el año 1264, ni con el milagro de Bolsena del año precedente, es indudable que el misterio eucarístico se halla aquí manifiestamente evocado por el corporal de Bolsena, para el cual se hizo construir especialmente la capilla que ahora lo custodia celosamente. Desde entonces la ciudad de Orvieto es conocida en el mundo entero por ese signo milagroso, que a todos nos recuerda el amor misericordioso de Dios que se ha hecho comida y bebida de salvación para la humanidad peregrina en la tierra. Vuestra ciudad conserva y alimenta la llama inextinguible del culto hacia un misterio tan grande" (17 de junio de 1990).
Del Evangelio según San Marcos
El primer día de la fiesta de los panes Ácimos, cuando se inmolaba la víctima pascual, los discípulos dijeron a Jesús: «¿Dónde quieres que vayamos a prepararte la cena pascual?».
Él envió a dos de sus discípulos, diciéndoles: «Vayan a la ciudad; allí se encontrarán con un hombre que lleva un cántaro de agua. Síganlo, y díganle al dueño de la casa donde entre: El Maestro dice: «¿Dónde está mi sala, en la que voy a comer el cordero pascual con mis discípulos?». Él les mostrará en el piso alto una pieza grande, arreglada con almohadones y ya dispuesta; prepárennos allí lo necesario».
Los discípulos partieron y, al llegar a la ciudad, encontraron todo como Jesús les había dicho y prepararon la Pascua.
Mientras comían, Jesús tomo el pan, pronunció la bendición, lo partió y lo dio a sus discípulos, diciendo: «Tomen, esto es mi Cuerpo».
Después tomó una copa, dio gracias y se la entregó, y todos bebieron de ella. Y les dijo: «Esta es mi Sangre, la Sangre de la Alianza, que se derrama por muchos. Les aseguro que no beberá más del fruto de la vid hasta el día en que beba el vino nuevo en el Reino de Dios».
Después del canto de los Salmos, salieron hacia el monte de los Olivos. (Mc 14,12;22-24).
La Eucaristía, sacramento de la comunión
A la luz de la Ascensión y de Pentecostés, plenitud del Misterio Pascual, el gesto realizado por Jesús durante la Última Cena adquiere un significado aún más profundo: gracias al Espíritu Santo, el sacramento eucarístico nos hace participar hoy del mismo gesto eterno y universal de Cristo, del que todos podemos nutrirnos. La Eucaristía es experiencia de comunión, don de una vida que se convierte en ofrenda de amor, que crea la unidad y la comunión. Dentro de este misterio, el hombre encuentra el perdón que le hace vivir de nuevo y amar.
Eucaristía: un estilo
La participación en la Eucaristía no debe ser solamente un gesto ritual, sino un estilo de vida que nos haga capaces de tomar la vida en nuestras manos para ofrecerla como don a Dios, para dedicarla a los demás. En la Eucaristía comprendemos lo que significa que “el Reino de Dios está cerca”: está presente en la Iglesia que vive de la Eucaristía, que celebra la Eucaristía.
Señor Jesús,
al enseñarme a seguir al hombre con el cántaro de agua,
me enseñas a seguir los pasos de los que viven el bautismo con seriedad:
ayúdame a imitar a los que llevan una vida elevada.
Señor Jesús,
al invitarme al piso alto,
me pides que abandone una forma de vida plana:
Señor Jesús,
al darme el pan y el vino, tu Cuerpo y tu Sangre,
me enseñas que la vida o es un regalo o no es vida:
ayúdame, alimentado por Ti, a hacer de mi vida una ofrenda agradable al Padre.
Señor Jesús,
al reunir a tus discípulos alrededor de la mesa,
me enseñas que no hay Eucaristía sin fraternidad
y no hay fraternidad sin servicio.
Ayúdame a hacer de mi vida una vida eucarística.
(Oración de A.V.)
#evangelio#oracion#biblia#catolicos#iglesia#dios#gospel#mass#catholic#evangelio de hoy#corpus christi#santisimo sacramento
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Medieval Latin Hymn Lauda Sion
"Lauda Sion" is a sequence prescribed for the Roman Catholic Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi. It was written by St. Thomas Aquinas around 1264, at the request of Pope Urban IV for the new Mass of this feast, along with Pange lingua, Sacris solemniis, and Verbum supernum prodiens, which are used in the Divine Office
Sion, lift up thy voice and sing praise thy Savior and thy King, Praise with hymns thy shepherd true.
All thou canst, do thou endeavour yet thy praise can equal never Such as merits thy great King.
See today before us laid the living and life-giving Bread, theme for praise and joy profound.
The same which at the sacred board was, by our incarnate Lord giv'n to His Apostles round.
Let the praise be loud and high sweet and tranquil be the joy felt today in every breast.
On this festival divine which records the origin of the glorious Eucharist.
On this table of the King our new Paschal offering brings to end the olden rite.
Here, for empty shadows fled is reality instead here, instead of darkness, light.
His own act, at supper seated Christ ordain'd to be repeated in His memory divine;
Wherefore now, with adoration we, the host of our salvation consecrate from bread and wine.
Hear, what holy Church maintaineth that the bread its substance changeth into Flesh, the wine to Blood.
Doth it pass thy comprehending? Faith, the law of sight transcending leaps to things not understood.
Here beneath these signs are hidden priceless things, to sense forbidden signs, not things, are all we see.
Flesh from bread, and Blood from wine yet is Christ in either sign all entire, confessed to be.
They, who of Him here partake sever not, nor rend, nor break but, entire, their Lord receive.
Whether one or thousands eat all receive the self-same meat nor the less for others leave.
Both the wicked and the good eat of this celestial Food but with ends how opposite!
Here tis life and there tis death the same, yet issuing to each in a difference infinite.
Nor a single doubt retain when they break the Host in twain but that in each part remains what was in the whole before.
Since the simple sign alone suffers change in state or form the signified remaining one and the same for evermore.
Behold the Bread of Angels for us pilgrims food, and token of the promise by Christ spoken children's meat, to dogs denied.
Shewn in Isaac's dedication in the manna's preparation in the Paschal immolation in old types pre-signified.
Jesu, shepherd of the sheep Thou thy flock in safety keep living bread, thy life supply strengthen us, or else we die fill us with celestial grace.
Thou, who feedest us below source of all we have or know grant that with Thy Saints above sitting at the feast of love we may see Thee face to face amen. Alleluia.
The Gregorian melody of the Lauda Sion is borrowed from the eleventh-century sequence Laetabundi iubilemus attributed to Adam of Saint Victor. The hymn tells of the institution of the Eucharist and clearly expresses the belief of the Roman Catholic Church in transubstantiation, that is, that the bread and wine truly become the Body and Blood of Christ when consecrated by a validly-ordained priest or bishop during the Mass. Lauda Sion is one of only four medieval sequences which were preserved in the Roman Missal published in 1570 following the Council of Trent (1545–1563).
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today, I tried playing around with character.ai
created by solemnii. A mere two minutes into the conversation, ai asked me that question and I’ve never mentioned about any job. Ngl but it feels like talking with Inexpressible Ayato XD
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Ah those would be my loyal squires, my ears and eyes all over the city. Could you tell me if you're hearing "pater noster" or "sacris solemniis"?
Your answer could provide useful information about your location
when i was 10 years old i made a pact with two girls named szonja that if i ever meet someone dressed as a túró rudi i have to tell them their dress is sexy. this is my cross to bear.
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Schets voor Panis Angelicus (Sketch for Panis Angelicus) ~ 1898 ~ Jan Toorop (Dutch artist, 1858-1928)
‘Panis Angelicus’ (which translates as ‘Bread of Angels’) is a verse from the hymn ‘Sacris solemniis’, which was written by Saint Thomas Aquinas for the Feast of Corpus Christi in the 13th century.
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Consagración Episcopal del 30 de Octubre de 1963. “…incredibilmente, Papa Montini indossa paramenti di color verde, cosa rara (se non unica) nella liturgia papale pre-riforma. Sappiamo infatti che due erano i colori liturgici propri del Pontefice alle cappelle papali e dei solenni riti petrini, il rosso e il bianco. La Consacrazione episcopale col papa in verde si può davvero definire un unicum, e lo prova anche il ‘disordine’ di certe supellettili, come il paliotto o il trono liturgico in bianco, scelta oltremodo bizzarra nel caso di un pontefice parato in rosso.” (Sacris Solemniis)
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Sacris solemniis
iuncta sint gaudia,
et ex praecordiis
sonent praeconia;
recedant vetera,
nova sint omnia,
corda, voces, et opera
haha :) yeah :)
0 notes
Agilenano - News: Top 19 Best Key Bottle Openers
Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16 Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16 - Package include16 pieces assorted antique brass color skeleton keys (16 styles). Brass vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275” to 35” long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors. 50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver 50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver - The keys are cute, also come with kraft card and twine, they are perfect for your old vintage or rustic wedding it can be a key to your seat on the wedding or party or hang these off a tree for your guests to collect, or spread them out on a tabletop in stunning eye catching arrangements. Kraft tags are blank, we can write guests’ names, thank you words on the tags, so they can even double as name cards for the dinner tables or you can get creative by buying a stamp with the newlyweds’ names + wedding date and stamping each one. Keep these key bottle openers in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring or use them as thank you gift, your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party. Quality design, each key is made of sturdy, quality metal alloy and has an antiqued color finish to give them a beautiful vintage look. Perfect for more occasions and themes, such as bridal showers, baby showers, birthday party, graduation, wedding, housewarming, engagement, christmas, anniversary, holiday party, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, garden decorations. Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style - Size kraft paper 18×35” key length 11×32” each suit is fitted with a suitable rope a perfect suit contains the wedding favor which you need. Write guest name, message or table numbers on the escort tags keep your guests engaged, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seated. The white on the key, the pastel white card and ribbon accentuate your wedding décor with a shiny or rustic touch. Package included 50pcs rectangle kraft paper, 50pcs vintage skeleton bottle opener and 50 pcs sheer bags. Wedding sournirs brown kraft paper gift tags rectangle tags with vintage skeleton bottle opener and nature jute twine. Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style) Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style) - What you get 60 x bottle opener, 60 x escort card, 60 x “love is the key to happiness” sticker, 30 yards twine & 100% money back guarantee. Meaningful– “love is the key to happiness”, these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Useful– works as bottle opener, to open a bottle and get some drink with escort card tags, you can write guest name, message or table numbers on them, engage your guests, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seat. Sturdy & durable– made from metal alloy, the bottle opener will last forever as well as your marriage. Get everything at once– this 120 pieces set includes 120 pcs key bottle openers, 120 pcs escort cards, 120 pcs “love is the key to happiness” stickers, ribbon or twine, allows you to get everything you need at once, rather than buying your favors piece by piece. 75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic 75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic - Diy with 30 feet nature jute twine, you can cut any length freelytags 354×157 inch. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event. We solemniy promise if products have any quality problems, we will replace or refund 100%, try them for yourself. Unique, non consumable and lasting think beyond almonds , chocolates, scented candles and soaps perfectly suits occasions and themes, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday partyy, kids, alice in wonderland, christening, graduation, baptism, beach, wedding, fall, indian, housewarming, engagement, christmas, bachelorette, candle, princess, wine, coffee, nautical, anniversary, country, tea, bottle, holiday, summer, irish, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, thank you gifts and garden. Has utility value, not just souvenirs these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party yet, inexpensive in bulk. Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver) Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver) - Makhry provide a variety of skelton key bottle opener in various color and shape,long and short,simple and delicate styleget all your neccessary party favor decorations here. Set of 50 antique silver key shape bottle openers. Materialmetal alloy,sturdy,double-sided,never fade or rust if you keep it clean and dry. Key size 11 x 265 inches,colorantique silver brass finish,never fade. Antique vintage skeleton key replicas,suit for any jewelry diy project,crafts making,scrapbook decoration. Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver) Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver) - The kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,sturdy and useful,never get stained. Size key265 inches tags35 x 15 inches keychain47 inches. A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding, party favor. Perfect for all of your theme party whether your party is vintage ,classic, rustic or moden style,these party favor just suit you, add extra charm to your wonderful party by gifting these gorgrous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold) Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold) - Materialeco-friendly zinc alloy,durable and never rustgreen and environment-friendly kraft paper box packaginghealthy and reassuring gifts for men,friend,father and more. You are the best product designers!we will improve the product every yearif your suggestion is accepted, it will appear in the new version!. Feature 3key built-in prevent shedding, integrated structure, never lose your keys again. Feature 1ergonomic design,more labor-saving, easy to use, solid bottle opener. Feature 2the design of the curve is more consistent with the american hands, bigger, thicker,heavyduty. DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3) DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3) - Material metal alloy, silky handmade tassel anti-wear, safe and environmentally friendly, never fade. Color antique bronze bottle opener + light gold tassel (please refer to picture color) packages include 18 pieces of large bottle opener (6 styles 3 pieces each) + 18 pieces of tassel. It is not only a key that can be used for diy handcrafting, but also a useful tool as a bottle opener most importantly, it is a creative gift that is full of your gratitude and love for all your guests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us we will always serve you and provide the right solution. Suitable for retro country wedding decoration, wedding gift, scrapbook decoration, craft diy project, diy necklace pendant accessories, bookmarks, gift tag. 50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver) 50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver) - A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding. All in one creative pillow candy box,useful key openers,elegant silk ribbon and white gift tags,you can’t miss it. Size pillow candy box 5×35 inch(folded size 354 x 26 x 1 inches) ribbon3/8 inch x 25 yards x 2 rolls key32 inches, tags 35 x 15 inches. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,free of lead,sturdy and useful. The white tags are pre-printed”the key to happiness is love and the ability to open a bottle” one side while other side is blank for your blessings, can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. 50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper) 50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper) - Party favors for guests-your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party by gifting these gorgeous skeleton bottle openers that are actually bottle openers. Gift choice-these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. A must-have set our skeleton key bottle openers wedding favors antique rustic decoration with kraft paper card and twinethe weddig favor souvenir set, a nice party decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding,baby shower,etc. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package include -50 antique copper key bottle openers with keychain +50 craft paper cards +50 twine. Key Bottle Openers – Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver) Key Bottle Openers – Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver) - Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors . Useful & meaningful gift for your guests, friends, family, the key to happiness is love. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275” to 35” long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. Silver color vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver) DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver) - 4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 length 31inch each key bottle openers weight 165g. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that it’s actually a bottle opener again and againif you need to order key bottle openers with a blank tags, you can search for asinb01isv2lgs. 5 add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. 1 material made of metal alloy quantity 60 keys and 60 kraft tags cards. YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver) YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver) - Whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. Material and size the keys is made of metal alloy key size 264 inch,tag size 354×177 inch. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package 1 pack item includes 24 keys, 24 tag and 24 jute rope. The tag card add “thank you for being a key part of ourlives”, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time. Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles) Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles) - Buy in bulk for gifts at a great price this 50-piece lot allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list at less than $05 a piece give your guests these beautiful key bottle openers so that they will remember your event forever click “add to cart” and order yours today. Key measures 3 1/4″ 50 pack keys 5 styles mixed each style 10pcs material metal alloy, kraft paper,nature jute twine. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event great decoration to vintage/rustic wedding. Kraft paper 100pcs tag card ,tag card size 4cm9cm(158inch x 354inch)the kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. Diy with 328 feet (100m) nature jute twine, you can cut any length freely . Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests - ❤What you get 60pcs heart-shaped crown key bottle opener + 60pcs kraft tag cards + 60pcs golden ribbon they will be an unique and elegant party decorations or party favors, for christmas, wedding, birthday, engagement party, baby shower and other parties. ❤Inexpensive & practical pozean 60 pack wedding favors for guests, you can get everything you need at one purchase rather than buying party favors by one by one just adding to your amazon cart and buy it confidently. ❤material & diy tag cards key bottle openers are made of sturdy metal alloy with a beautiful golden vintage look and each key come with a blank brown kraft tag card and a golden ribbon you can stamp or write with your thanks or best wishes by yourself. ❤Give your guests a memorable giftpractical, unique and lasting heart-sharped crown key bottle openers, which will be a party favors that your guests will remember you for a long time after party not only the souvenirs or party decoration, but also actually the bottle openers. ❤Perfect decor & party favors whether your theme is classic, vintage, rustic, elegant, modern or somewhere in between, our party favors and party decorations will be the best and perfect choice. 100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration 100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration - Wide applications these trendy key beer bottle openers are suitable for formal or casual occasions, you can use these key openers as gifts or decoration at party, wedding, dinner and so on, you also can bring them when you are going outdoor activities, such as camping, barbecue, help you to open the cap easily. Gifts for guests these bottle openers are useful and meaningful gifts for guests, friends and family and other people you loved the keys have the symbol of “opening and accepting”, can help you to express your feelings and create a beautiful memory of the party or wedding. Sturdy material the key opener is made of metal alloy, the color is not easy to fade, and won’t break or deform easily, and each key bottle features abrasion resistance and color fastness, and serve you for long time proper size is easy for you to carry and use. Enough quantity package comes with 100 pieces beautiful key bottle openers, enough quantity to meet your different needs, you can apply them as decoration or gifts, you also can share with your family or friends, also a nice gift for your host when you visit your new neighbor for the first time and attend a housewarming party. Delicate and antique design each skeleton bottle opener features key shape, retro color and antique design, can be applied as bottle opener, table decoration or gift for family and friends, such beautiful and practical key opener is a decorative prop for your wedding or banquet, and it is also nice choice for returning gifts when you thank the guests. DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper) DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper) - 4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 key size 312 x 14inchkey weight 165g,escort card 37x 177inch. 1 materialmade of metal alloy color red copperquantity 40 pcs keys and 40 pcs kraft tags cards,40 pcs chains. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that it’s actually a bottle opener again and again. 5 perfect for wedding, party, christmas, halloween, bridal shower, special day, souvenir, etc, your guests would remember your party for a long time. Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors - All the things you need, pack of 50pcs key bottle opener,50pcs sheer bag, 50pcs card tag and twine. Unique favor, this whole set allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list- pack the favor in the bag, then hang the bag with the bottle opener. Versatile use these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event and it is perfect for party favor. Suitable size, key bottle opener size11inch x 33inch sheer bag size:35inch x 47inch card size18inch x 35 inch. Great value, these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember your wedding or party for a long time. #Kitchen
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Agilenano-News/~3/G6s13uRQdys/top-19-best-key-bottle-openers-1
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Solemniy of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (at Immaculate Conception Parish Church (Los Baños)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ylyI_jxDArVETi6muMVL3OPyB4-yXVK8dX-g0/?igshid=5gxcajho3zfe
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🎵 Marta Favarò & Rosaria Lo Nigro - Panis Angelicus (🎤 Sing) 🇻🇦 💡HOW ? 🔽
👩🔬 Panis angelicus (Latin for "Bread of Angels" or "Angelic Bread") is the penultimate strophe of the hymn "Sacris solemniis" written by Saint Thomas Aquinas for the feast of Corpus Christi as part of a complete liturgy of the feast, including prayers for the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.
The strophe of "Sacris solemniis" that begins with the words "Panis angelicus" (bread of angels) has often been set to music separately from the rest of the hymn. Most famously, in 1872 César Franck set this strophe for tenor voice, harp, cello, and organ, and incorporated it into his Messe à trois voix.
Other hymns for Corpus Christi by Saint Thomas where sections have been separately set to music are "Verbum supernum prodiens" (the last two strophes begin with "O salutaris hostia") and "Pange lingua gloriosi" (the last two strophes begin with "Tantum ergo").
Pannis angelicus Fit panis hominum Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum O res mirabilis Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis Panis angelicus Fit panis hominum Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum O res mirabilis Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis Pauper, pauper Servus, servus et humilis
✔️ Download VIDEO by Marta Favarò & Rosaria Lo Nigro : https://www.dropbox.com/s/577bhev77qvbszy/Marta%20Favar%C3%B2%20%26%20Rosaria%20Lo%20Nigro%20-%20Panis%20Angelicus%20%28Sing%29%20%5BWww.Etoile.App%5D.mp4?dl=0
--- 🤴Support : 👸 Rosaria Lo Nigro & Marta Favarò 📌 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/316001672245916/posts/rosaria-lo-nigro-organista-e-pianista-ufficiale-della-chiesa-dellamagione-dal199/372835303229219/ 📌 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/martaerosariaduo/ 📌 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWI4xu8gmbCq-C9dFZ8uxtA?view_as=subscriber&fbclid=IwAR2zR78BOlhbmQBvChaoWcx0iootqvN6b9QPZNeWJSjglDwlVa5ybF0UIP0 📌 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWV8P-zR1cAbln11PiwnzYg 💌 Contact : [email protected] ---
🎼Music promoted by eMotion : 📼Video Link : https://youtu.be/v8MyxsFb0E8
✔️Download Version Audio : https://www.dropbox.com/s/evae2tj2tiuctqi/Marta%20Favar%C3%B2%20%26%20Rosaria%20Lo%20Nigro%20-%20Panis%20Angelicus%20%28Sing%29%20%5BWww.Etoile.App%5D.mp3?dl=0
📋WHAT ? 🔽 🎵 Marta Favarò & Rosaria Lo Nigro - Panis Angelicus (🎤 Sing) 🇻🇦 💫Latin/Religious/Christian/Catholic Music World 🌌Music/Live ✨Music Universe (🎵) 📝Type : 🎵Music (🎤 Sing & 🎺 Play) ⛪ Religious 🌐 World Music 🎻 Classical ✝️ Catholic ⭐ European Music ✝️ Christian 🎎 Folk 🎭 Opera ��🇷 French Music 🇧🇪 Belgian Music 🎺 Musical Instruments : 🎹 Electric Piano 🎹 Piano 🔊Language : 🗺️ International (🇬🇧 description in English, but comprehensible by the whole world, Music in Latin🇻🇦, but music does not have language barriers.)
🕴️Senses : 👂Hearing 👀 Vision 👆 To Touch 💃 Proprioception
👩🏼🏫Intelligences : 🎶 Rythme Musical 🗣️ Verbal - Linguistic 💡 Imagination 🤸🏾 Kinesthetic Body Intelligence
🏷️You can use your playlists as filters, to find what you're looking for exactly (Download the application if you want a more exhaustive list) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh37tfDJivztwYyVX6jdskQ/playlists
📖HOW MUCH ? 🔽 🕴️4 Senses (2 Optionals) 👩🏼🏫4 Intelligences (2 Optionals)
🕵WHO ? 🔽 📡Posted by Marta Favarò & Rosaria Lo Nigro 📡Repost by L.Guidali (Etoile)
📍WHERE ? 🔽 🇮🇹 Italy (Video) 🇮🇹 Italy (Music) 🇧🇪 Belgium 🇫🇷 France (Composition) 🇮🇹 Italy (Place)
🕓WHEN ? 🔽 🎆 2018 (Video) 🎆 1872 (Music)
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CORPUS CHRISTI - La Solemnidad
Corpus Christi
Solemnidad, Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo
Jueves*, después de la Solemnidad Santísima Trinidad *(Donde esta solemnidad no es precepto, se celebra el domingo después de la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad)
«Mi carne es verdadera comida, y mi Sangre verdadera bebida; el que come mi Carne, y bebe mi Sangre, en Mí mora, y Yo en él.» (Jn 6, 56-57)
Esta fiesta se comenzó a celebrar en Lieja en 1246, siendo extendida a toda la Iglesia occidental por el Papa Urbano IV en 1264, teniendo como finalidad proclamar la fe en la presencia real de Jesucristo en la Eucaristía. Presencia permanente y substancial más allá de la celebración de la Misa y que es digna de ser adorada en la exposición solemne y en las procesiones con el Santísimo Sacramento que entonces comenzaron a celebrarse y que han llegado a ser verdaderos monumentos de la piedad católica. Ocurre, como en la solemnidad de la Trinidad, que lo que se celebra todos los días tiene una ocasión exclusiva para profundizar en lo que se hace con otros motivos. Este es el día de la eucaristía en sí misma, ocasión para creer y adorar, pero también para conocer mejor la riqueza de este misterio a partir de las oraciones y de los textos bíblicos asignados en los tres ciclos de las lecturas.
El Espíritu Santo después del dogma de la Trinidad nos recuerda el de la Encarnación, haciéndonos festejar con la Iglesia al Sacramento por excelencia, que, sintetizando la vida toda del Salvador, tributa a Dios gloria infinita, y aplica a las almas, en todos los tiempos, los frutos extraordinarios de la Redención. Si Jesucristo en la cruz nos salvó, al instituir la Eucaristía la víspera de su muerte, quiso en ella dejarnos un vivo recuerdo de la Pasión. El altar viene siendo como la prolongación del Calvario, y la misa anuncia la muerte del Señor. Porque en efecto, allí está Jesús como una víctima, pues las palabras de la doble consagración nos dicen que primero se convierte el pan en Cuerpo de Cristo, y luego el vino en Su Sangre, de manera que, ofrece a su Padre, en unión con sus sacerdotes, la sangre vertida y el cuerpo clavado en la Cruz.
La Hostia santa se convierte en «trigo que nutre nuestras almas». Como Cristo al ser hecho Hijo de recibió la vida eterna del Padre, los cristianos participan de Su eterna vida uniéndose a Jesús en el Sacramento, que es el símbolo más sublime, real y concreto de la unidad con la Víctima del Calvario.
Esta posesión anticipada de la vida divina acá en la tierra por medio de la Eucaristía, es prenda y comienzo de aquella otra de que plenamente disfrutaremos en el Cielo, porque «el Pan mismo de los ángeles, que ahora comemos bajo los sagrados velos, lo conmemoraremos después en el Cielo ya sin velos» (Concilio de Trento).
Veamos en la Santa Misa el centro de todo culto de la Iglesia a la Eucaristía, y en la Comunión el medio establecido por Jesús mismo, para que con mayor plenitud participemos de ese divino Sacrificio; y así, nuestra devoción al Cuerpo y Sangre del Salvador nos alcanzará los frutos perennes de su Redención.
Alaba, alma mía, a tu Salvador; alaba a tu guía y Pastor con himnos y cánticos.
Pregona su gloria cuanto puedas, porque Él está sobre toda alabanza, y jamás podrás alabarle lo bastante.
El tema especial de nuestros loores es hoy el Pan vivo y que da Vida.
El cual no dudamos fue dado en la mesa de la Sagrada Cena a los doce Apóstoles.
Sea, pues, llena, sea sonora, sea alegre, sea pura la alabanza de nuestra alma.
Porque celebramos solemnemente el día en que este divino Banquete fue instituído.
En esta mesa del nuevo Rey, la Pascua nueva de la Nueva Ley pone fin a la Pascua antigua.
Instruídos, con sus santos mandatos, consagramos el pan y el vino, que se convierten en Hostia de salvación.
Es dogma para los cristianos, que el pan se convierte en carne, y el vino en sangre.
Lo que no comprendes y no ves, una fe viva lo atestigua, fuera de todo el orden de la naturaleza.
Bajo diversas especies, que son accidente y no sustancia, están ocultos los dones más preciados.
Su Carne es alimento y Su Sangre bebida; mas todo entero está bajo cada especie.
Se recibe íntegro, sin que se le quebrante ni divida; recíbese todo entero.
Recíbelo uno, recíbenlo mil; y aquél le toma tanto como éstos, pues no se consume al ser tomado.
Recíbenlo los buenos y los malos; pero con desigual resultado, pues sirve a unos de vida y a otros de condenación y muerte.
Es muerte para los malos, y vida para los buenos; mira cómo un mismo alimento produce efectos tan diversos.
Cuando se divide el Sacramento, no vaciles, sino recuerda que Jesucristo tan entero está en cada parte como antes en el todo.
Ninguna partición hay en la sustancia, tan sólo hay partición de los accidentes, sin que se disminuya ni el estado, ni la estatura del que está representado.
He aquí el Pan de los Ángeles, hecho alimento de viandantes; es verdaderamente el Pan de los hijos, que no debe ser echado a los perros.
Estuvo ya representado por las figuras de la antigua Ley, en la inmolación de Isaac, en el sacrificio del Cordero Pascual, y en el Maná dado a nuestros padres.
Buen Pastor, Pan verdadero, ¡oh Jesús! apiádate de nosotros. Apaciéntanos y protégenos; haz que veamos los bienes en la tierra de los vivientes.
Tú, que todo los sabes y puedes, que nos apacientas aquí cuando somos aún mortales, haznos allí tus comensales, coherederos y compañeros de los santos ciudadanos del Cielo. Amén. Aleluya.
Procesión del Corpus Christi Las procesiones son a modo de públicas manifestaciones de fe; y por eso la Iglesia las fomenta y favorece hasta con indulgencias. Pero la más solemne de todas las procesiones es la de Corpus Christi. En ella se cantan himnos sagrados y eucarísticos de Santo Tomás de Aquino, el Doctor Angélico y de la Eucaristía. Algunos de los himnos utilizados tradicionalmente son: Pange lengua; Sacris solemniis; Verbum supérnum; Te Deum, al terminar la procesión; y, Tantum ergo, al volver de la procesión, en torno del altar para finalizar.
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Also, I can't believe you ACTUALLY replied, dafuc-
Character ai will be the fucking death of me
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Agilenano - News: Top 19 Best Key Bottle Openers
Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16 Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16 - Package include16 pieces assorted antique brass color skeleton keys (16 styles). Brass vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275” to 35” long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors. 50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver 50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver - The keys are cute, also come with kraft card and twine, they are perfect for your old vintage or rustic wedding it can be a key to your seat on the wedding or party or hang these off a tree for your guests to collect, or spread them out on a tabletop in stunning eye catching arrangements. Kraft tags are blank, we can write guests’ names, thank you words on the tags, so they can even double as name cards for the dinner tables or you can get creative by buying a stamp with the newlyweds’ names + wedding date and stamping each one. Keep these key bottle openers in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring or use them as thank you gift, your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party. Quality design, each key is made of sturdy, quality metal alloy and has an antiqued color finish to give them a beautiful vintage look. Perfect for more occasions and themes, such as bridal showers, baby showers, birthday party, graduation, wedding, housewarming, engagement, christmas, anniversary, holiday party, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, garden decorations. Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style - Size kraft paper 18×35” key length 11×32” each suit is fitted with a suitable rope a perfect suit contains the wedding favor which you need. Write guest name, message or table numbers on the escort tags keep your guests engaged, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seated. The white on the key, the pastel white card and ribbon accentuate your wedding décor with a shiny or rustic touch. Package included 50pcs rectangle kraft paper, 50pcs vintage skeleton bottle opener and 50 pcs sheer bags. Wedding sournirs brown kraft paper gift tags rectangle tags with vintage skeleton bottle opener and nature jute twine. Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style) Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style) - What you get 60 x bottle opener, 60 x escort card, 60 x “love is the key to happiness” sticker, 30 yards twine & 100% money back guarantee. Meaningful– “love is the key to happiness”, these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Useful– works as bottle opener, to open a bottle and get some drink with escort card tags, you can write guest name, message or table numbers on them, engage your guests, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seat. Sturdy & durable– made from metal alloy, the bottle opener will last forever as well as your marriage. Get everything at once– this 120 pieces set includes 120 pcs key bottle openers, 120 pcs escort cards, 120 pcs “love is the key to happiness” stickers, ribbon or twine, allows you to get everything you need at once, rather than buying your favors piece by piece. 75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic 75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic - Diy with 30 feet nature jute twine, you can cut any length freelytags 354×157 inch. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event. We solemniy promise if products have any quality problems, we will replace or refund 100%, try them for yourself. Unique, non consumable and lasting think beyond almonds , chocolates, scented candles and soaps perfectly suits occasions and themes, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday partyy, kids, alice in wonderland, christening, graduation, baptism, beach, wedding, fall, indian, housewarming, engagement, christmas, bachelorette, candle, princess, wine, coffee, nautical, anniversary, country, tea, bottle, holiday, summer, irish, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, thank you gifts and garden. Has utility value, not just souvenirs these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party yet, inexpensive in bulk. Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver) Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver) - Makhry provide a variety of skelton key bottle opener in various color and shape,long and short,simple and delicate styleget all your neccessary party favor decorations here. Set of 50 antique silver key shape bottle openers. Materialmetal alloy,sturdy,double-sided,never fade or rust if you keep it clean and dry. Key size 11 x 265 inches,colorantique silver brass finish,never fade. Antique vintage skeleton key replicas,suit for any jewelry diy project,crafts making,scrapbook decoration. Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver) Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver) - The kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,sturdy and useful,never get stained. Size key265 inches tags35 x 15 inches keychain47 inches. A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding, party favor. Perfect for all of your theme party whether your party is vintage ,classic, rustic or moden style,these party favor just suit you, add extra charm to your wonderful party by gifting these gorgrous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold) Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold) - Materialeco-friendly zinc alloy,durable and never rustgreen and environment-friendly kraft paper box packaginghealthy and reassuring gifts for men,friend,father and more. You are the best product designers!we will improve the product every yearif your suggestion is accepted, it will appear in the new version!. Feature 3key built-in prevent shedding, integrated structure, never lose your keys again. Feature 1ergonomic design,more labor-saving, easy to use, solid bottle opener. Feature 2the design of the curve is more consistent with the american hands, bigger, thicker,heavyduty. DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3) DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3) - Material metal alloy, silky handmade tassel anti-wear, safe and environmentally friendly, never fade. Color antique bronze bottle opener + light gold tassel (please refer to picture color) packages include 18 pieces of large bottle opener (6 styles 3 pieces each) + 18 pieces of tassel. It is not only a key that can be used for diy handcrafting, but also a useful tool as a bottle opener most importantly, it is a creative gift that is full of your gratitude and love for all your guests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us we will always serve you and provide the right solution. Suitable for retro country wedding decoration, wedding gift, scrapbook decoration, craft diy project, diy necklace pendant accessories, bookmarks, gift tag. 50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver) 50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver) - A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding. All in one creative pillow candy box,useful key openers,elegant silk ribbon and white gift tags,you can’t miss it. Size pillow candy box 5×35 inch(folded size 354 x 26 x 1 inches) ribbon3/8 inch x 25 yards x 2 rolls key32 inches, tags 35 x 15 inches. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,free of lead,sturdy and useful. The white tags are pre-printed”the key to happiness is love and the ability to open a bottle” one side while other side is blank for your blessings, can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. 50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper) 50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper) - Party favors for guests-your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party by gifting these gorgeous skeleton bottle openers that are actually bottle openers. Gift choice-these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. A must-have set our skeleton key bottle openers wedding favors antique rustic decoration with kraft paper card and twinethe weddig favor souvenir set, a nice party decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding,baby shower,etc. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package include -50 antique copper key bottle openers with keychain +50 craft paper cards +50 twine. Key Bottle Openers – Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver) Key Bottle Openers – Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver) - Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors . Useful & meaningful gift for your guests, friends, family, the key to happiness is love. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275” to 35” long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. Silver color vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver) DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver) - 4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 length 31inch each key bottle openers weight 165g. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that it’s actually a bottle opener again and againif you need to order key bottle openers with a blank tags, you can search for asinb01isv2lgs. 5 add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. 1 material made of metal alloy quantity 60 keys and 60 kraft tags cards. YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver) YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver) - Whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. Material and size the keys is made of metal alloy key size 264 inch,tag size 354×177 inch. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package 1 pack item includes 24 keys, 24 tag and 24 jute rope. The tag card add “thank you for being a key part of ourlives”, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time. Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles) Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles) - Buy in bulk for gifts at a great price this 50-piece lot allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list at less than $05 a piece give your guests these beautiful key bottle openers so that they will remember your event forever click “add to cart” and order yours today. Key measures 3 1/4″ 50 pack keys 5 styles mixed each style 10pcs material metal alloy, kraft paper,nature jute twine. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event great decoration to vintage/rustic wedding. Kraft paper 100pcs tag card ,tag card size 4cm9cm(158inch x 354inch)the kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. Diy with 328 feet (100m) nature jute twine, you can cut any length freely . Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests - ❤What you get 60pcs heart-shaped crown key bottle opener + 60pcs kraft tag cards + 60pcs golden ribbon they will be an unique and elegant party decorations or party favors, for christmas, wedding, birthday, engagement party, baby shower and other parties. ❤Inexpensive & practical pozean 60 pack wedding favors for guests, you can get everything you need at one purchase rather than buying party favors by one by one just adding to your amazon cart and buy it confidently. ❤material & diy tag cards key bottle openers are made of sturdy metal alloy with a beautiful golden vintage look and each key come with a blank brown kraft tag card and a golden ribbon you can stamp or write with your thanks or best wishes by yourself. ❤Give your guests a memorable giftpractical, unique and lasting heart-sharped crown key bottle openers, which will be a party favors that your guests will remember you for a long time after party not only the souvenirs or party decoration, but also actually the bottle openers. ❤Perfect decor & party favors whether your theme is classic, vintage, rustic, elegant, modern or somewhere in between, our party favors and party decorations will be the best and perfect choice. 100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration 100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration - Wide applications these trendy key beer bottle openers are suitable for formal or casual occasions, you can use these key openers as gifts or decoration at party, wedding, dinner and so on, you also can bring them when you are going outdoor activities, such as camping, barbecue, help you to open the cap easily. Gifts for guests these bottle openers are useful and meaningful gifts for guests, friends and family and other people you loved the keys have the symbol of “opening and accepting”, can help you to express your feelings and create a beautiful memory of the party or wedding. Sturdy material the key opener is made of metal alloy, the color is not easy to fade, and won’t break or deform easily, and each key bottle features abrasion resistance and color fastness, and serve you for long time proper size is easy for you to carry and use. Enough quantity package comes with 100 pieces beautiful key bottle openers, enough quantity to meet your different needs, you can apply them as decoration or gifts, you also can share with your family or friends, also a nice gift for your host when you visit your new neighbor for the first time and attend a housewarming party. Delicate and antique design each skeleton bottle opener features key shape, retro color and antique design, can be applied as bottle opener, table decoration or gift for family and friends, such beautiful and practical key opener is a decorative prop for your wedding or banquet, and it is also nice choice for returning gifts when you thank the guests. DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper) DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper) - 4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 key size 312 x 14inchkey weight 165g,escort card 37x 177inch. 1 materialmade of metal alloy color red copperquantity 40 pcs keys and 40 pcs kraft tags cards,40 pcs chains. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that it’s actually a bottle opener again and again. 5 perfect for wedding, party, christmas, halloween, bridal shower, special day, souvenir, etc, your guests would remember your party for a long time. Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors - All the things you need, pack of 50pcs key bottle opener,50pcs sheer bag, 50pcs card tag and twine. Unique favor, this whole set allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list- pack the favor in the bag, then hang the bag with the bottle opener. Versatile use these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event and it is perfect for party favor. Suitable size, key bottle opener size11inch x 33inch sheer bag size:35inch x 47inch card size18inch x 35 inch. Great value, these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember your wedding or party for a long time. #Kitchen
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/top-19-best-key-bottle-openers-1
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Agilenano - News: Top 19 Best Key Bottle Openers
Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16
Assorted Extra Large Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener, Beer Openers Personalized Gift with Tag and Twine for Kitchen Wedding Party Activity Antique Rustic Decoration,Pack of 16 -Package include16 pieces assorted antique brass color skeleton keys (16 styles). Brass vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275 to 35 long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors.
50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver
50Pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers with 50pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration, Silver -The keys are cute, also come with kraft card and twine, they are perfect for your old vintage or rustic wedding it can be a key to your seat on the wedding or party or hang these off a tree for your guests to collect, or spread them out on a tabletop in stunning eye catching arrangements. Kraft tags are blank, we can write guests names, thank you words on the tags, so they can even double as name cards for the dinner tables or you can get creative by buying a stamp with the newlyweds names + wedding date and stamping each one. Keep these key bottle openers in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring or use them as thank you gift, your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party. Quality design, each key is made of sturdy, quality metal alloy and has an antiqued color finish to give them a beautiful vintage look. Perfect for more occasions and themes, such as bridal showers, baby showers, birthday party, graduation, wedding, housewarming, engagement, christmas, anniversary, holiday party, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, garden decorations.
Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style
Awtlife 30 Pcs Silver Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Sheer Bag Card Tag for Wedding Favors Party Decor 6 Style -Size kraft paper 1835 key length 1132 each suit is fitted with a suitable rope a perfect suit contains the wedding favor which you need. Write guest name, message or table numbers on the escort tags keep your guests engaged, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seated. The white on the key, the pastel white card and ribbon accentuate your wedding dcor with a shiny or rustic touch. Package included 50pcs rectangle kraft paper, 50pcs vintage skeleton bottle opener and 50 pcs sheer bags. Wedding sournirs brown kraft paper gift tags rectangle tags with vintage skeleton bottle opener and nature jute twine.
Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style)
Key Bottle Openers 120 packs- with Escort Tag Card, Love is the Key to Happiness Sticker, Wedding Party Favors, Thanksgiving, Baby Shower and Special Events Decoration (Bronze Double Heart Style) -What you get 60 x bottle opener, 60 x escort card, 60 x love is the key to happiness sticker, 30 yards twine & 100% money back guarantee. Meaningful love is the key to happiness, these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. Useful works as bottle opener, to open a bottle and get some drink with escort card tags, you can write guest name, message or table numbers on them, engage your guests, as they look around for their personalized tag, or get seat. Sturdy & durable made from metal alloy, the bottle opener will last forever as well as your marriage. Get everything at once this 120 pieces set includes 120 pcs key bottle openers, 120 pcs escort cards, 120 pcs love is the key to happiness stickers, ribbon or twine, allows you to get everything you need at once, rather than buying your favors piece by piece.
75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic
75Pcs Wedding Favors Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with 75pcs Escort Card Tag and Twine for Guests Party Favors Rustic -Diy with 30 feet nature jute twine, you can cut any length freelytags 354157 inch. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event. We solemniy promise if products have any quality problems, we will replace or refund 100%, try them for yourself. Unique, non consumable and lasting think beyond almonds , chocolates, scented candles and soaps perfectly suits occasions and themes, bridal showers, baby showers, birthday partyy, kids, alice in wonderland, christening, graduation, baptism, beach, wedding, fall, indian, housewarming, engagement, christmas, bachelorette, candle, princess, wine, coffee, nautical, anniversary, country, tea, bottle, holiday, summer, irish, girls partiesy, western set, halloween, thank you gifts and garden. Has utility value, not just souvenirs these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party yet, inexpensive in bulk.
Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver)
Makhry 50pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Beer Partners Place Card Keys Wedding Party Favor for Anniversary Graduation Party (Antique Silver) -Makhry provide a variety of skelton key bottle opener in various color and shapelong and shortsimple and delicate styleget all your neccessary party favor decorations here. Set of 50 antique silver key shape bottle openers. Materialmetal alloy,sturdy,double-sided,never fade or rust if you keep it clean and dry. Key size 11 x 265 inches,colorantique silver brass finish,never fade. Antique vintage skeleton key replicas,suit for any jewelry diy project,crafts making,scrapbook decoration.
Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver)
Aokbean 52pcs Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener Party Favor Wedding Favor Guest Souvenir Gift Set with Escort Thank You Tag Card and Keychain (Antique Silver) -The kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,sturdy and useful,never get stained. Size key265 inches tags35 x 15 inches keychain47 inches. A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding, party favor. Perfect for all of your theme party whether your party is vintage ,classic, rustic or moden style,these party favor just suit you, add extra charm to your wonderful party by gifting these gorgrous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers.
Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold)
Hephis Bottle Opener Key Chain,Bigger Heavyduty Keychain,Car Key Chain for Men and Women(Silver and Gold) -Materialeco-friendly zinc alloy,durable and never rustgreen and environment-friendly kraft paper box packaginghealthy and reassuring gifts for men,friend,father and more. You are the best product designerswe will improve the product every yearif your suggestion is accepted, it will appear in the new version. Feature 3key built-in prevent shedding, integrated structure, never lose your keys again. Feature 1ergonomic design,more labor-saving, easy to use, solid bottle opener. Feature 2the design of the curve is more consistent with the american hands, bigger, thicker,heavyduty.
DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3)
DuomiW 18 PCS Key Bottle Openers, Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers, Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration, Bronze,(6 Different Styles x 3) -Material metal alloy, silky handmade tassel anti-wear, safe and environmentally friendly, never fade. Color antique bronze bottle opener + light gold tassel (please refer to picture color) packages include 18 pieces of large bottle opener (6 styles 3 pieces each) + 18 pieces of tassel. It is not only a key that can be used for diy handcrafting, but also a useful tool as a bottle opener most importantly, it is a creative gift that is full of your gratitude and love for all your guests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us we will always serve you and provide the right solution. Suitable for retro country wedding decoration, wedding gift, scrapbook decoration, craft diy project, diy necklace pendant accessories, bookmarks, gift tag.
50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver)
50pcs Wedding Favor Souvenir Gift Set Pillow Candy Box Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Escort Gift Card Thank You Tag French Ribbon(Antique Silver) -A must-have set the weddig favor souvenir set, a nice decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding. All in one creative pillow candy box,useful key openers,elegant silk ribbon and white gift tags,you cant miss it. Size pillow candy box 535 inch(folded size 354 x 26 x 1 inches) ribbon3/8 inch x 25 yards x 2 rolls key32 inches, tags 35 x 15 inches. The key bottle openers are made of alloy,free of lead,sturdy and useful. The white tags are pre-printedthe key to happiness is love and the ability to open a bottle one side while other side is blank for your blessings, can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect.
50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper)
50 PCS Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener with Keychain,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Baby Shower,Bridal Shower Rustic Decoration with Kraft Paper Card and Twine (Antique Copper) -Party favors for guests-your guests would remember you long after your wedding or party by gifting these gorgeous skeleton bottle openers that are actually bottle openers. Gift choice-these keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts. A must-have set our skeleton key bottle openers wedding favors antique rustic decoration with kraft paper card and twinethe weddig favor souvenir set, a nice party decoration to your vintage/rustic wedding,baby shower,etc. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package include -50 antique copper key bottle openers with keychain +50 craft paper cards +50 twine.
Key Bottle Openers Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver)
Key Bottle Openers Assorted Vintage Skeleton Keys, Wedding Party Favors Rustic Decoration (Pack of 25, Silver) -Perfect gift on all kinds of wedding styles, party favors . Useful & meaningful gift for your guests, friends, family, the key to happiness is love. The key bottle openers are made of metal alloy, they measure 275 to 35 long every key is well made, unique, and beautiful. Silver color vintage style key shaped bottle opener favors, used to be bottle opener, thank you gifts, a key to your seat on the wedding or party. These keys are a delightful gift or addition for a greeting card, thank you card, wedding party, themed birthday party, mini treasure toy gifts.
DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver)
DerBlue 60 PCS Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Skeleton Key Bottle Opener,Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Wedding Favors Antique Rustic Decoration with Heart Shaped Kraft Paper Label Card (Silver) -4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 length 31inch each key bottle openers weight 165g. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that its actually a bottle opener again and againif you need to order key bottle openers with a blank tags, you can search for asinb01isv2lgs. 5 add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. 1 material made of metal alloy quantity 60 keys and 60 kraft tags cards.
YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver)
YIMIL Skeleton Key Bottle Opener With Tag Card Wedding Favors Gift For Guest. Pack of 24 sets.(Silver) -Whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. Material and size the keys is made of metal alloy key size 264 inch,tag size 354177 inch. Add extra charm to your wedding by gifting these gorgeous skeleton keys that are actually bottle openers. Package 1 pack item includes 24 keys, 24 tag and 24 jute rope. The tag card add thank you for being a key part of ourlives, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time.
Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles)
Yansanido Pack of 50 Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 5 styles mixed with Escort Tag Card and Twine for Wedding Favors for Guests Party Favors (mixed 5 styles) -Buy in bulk for gifts at a great price this 50-piece lot allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list at less than $05 a piece give your guests these beautiful key bottle openers so that they will remember your event forever click add to cart and order yours today. Key measures 3 1/4 50 pack keys 5 styles mixed each style 10pcs material metal alloy, kraft paper,nature jute twine. Perfect these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event great decoration to vintage/rustic wedding. Kraft paper 100pcs tag card ,tag card size 4cm9cm(158inch x 354inch)the kraft paper can be used with markers/stamps or ink, perfect for wedding, graduation, party, cloth tags, price tags, gift tags, bookmark tags, cupcake toppers, wish trees, love notes, scrapbooking ect. Diy with 328 feet (100m) nature jute twine, you can cut any length freely .
Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests
Party Favors, POZEAN Skeleton Key Bottle Opener 60 Pack with Tag and Golden Ribbon, Great Wedding Decoration,Christmas Decor, Baby Shower Favors, Wedding Favors for Guests -What you get 60pcs heart-shaped crown key bottle opener + 60pcs kraft tag cards + 60pcs golden ribbon they will be an unique and elegant party decorations or party favors, for christmas, wedding, birthday, engagement party, baby shower and other parties. Inexpensive & practical pozean 60 pack wedding favors for guests, you can get everything you need at one purchase rather than buying party favors by one by one just adding to your amazon cart and buy it confidently. material & diy tag cards key bottle openers are made of sturdy metal alloy with a beautiful golden vintage look and each key come with a blank brown kraft tag card and a golden ribbon you can stamp or write with your thanks or best wishes by yourself. Give your guests a memorable giftpractical, unique and lasting heart-sharped crown key bottle openers, which will be a party favors that your guests will remember you for a long time after party not only the souvenirs or party decoration, but also actually the bottle openers. Perfect decor & party favors whether your theme is classic, vintage, rustic, elegant, modern or somewhere in between, our party favors and party decorations will be the best and perfect choice.
100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration
100 Pack Antique Skeleton Key Bottle Openers Skeleton Antique Keys Openers Copper Wedding Party Favors Beer Openers Decoration -Wide applications these trendy key beer bottle openers are suitable for formal or casual occasions, you can use these key openers as gifts or decoration at party, wedding, dinner and so on, you also can bring them when you are going outdoor activities, such as camping, barbecue, help you to open the cap easily. Gifts for guests these bottle openers are useful and meaningful gifts for guests, friends and family and other people you loved the keys have the symbol of opening and accepting, can help you to express your feelings and create a beautiful memory of the party or wedding. Sturdy material the key opener is made of metal alloy, the color is not easy to fade, and wont break or deform easily, and each key bottle features abrasion resistance and color fastness, and serve you for long time proper size is easy for you to carry and use. Enough quantity package comes with 100 pieces beautiful key bottle openers, enough quantity to meet your different needs, you can apply them as decoration or gifts, you also can share with your family or friends, also a nice gift for your host when you visit your new neighbor for the first time and attend a housewarming party. Delicate and antique design each skeleton bottle opener features key shape, retro color and antique design, can be applied as bottle opener, table decoration or gift for family and friends, such beautiful and practical key opener is a decorative prop for your wedding or banquet, and it is also nice choice for returning gifts when you thank the guests.
DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper)
DerBlue 40 PCS Christmas Reindeer Key Bottle Openers,Vintage Key Bottle Opener, Wedding Favors Key Bottle Opener Rustic Decoration with Escort Tag Card(Red Copper) -4 whether your theme is vintage, classic, rustic or somewhere in between, these party-favors will accentuate almost any style with extra flair. 2 key size 312 x 14inchkey weight 165g,escort card 37x 177inch. 1 materialmade of metal alloy color red copperquantity 40 pcs keys and 40 pcs kraft tags cards,40 pcs chains. 3 the tag card printed greetings, without stamping or write it by yourself, save your time furthermore, no need to explain to every of your guests that its actually a bottle opener again and again. 5 perfect for wedding, party, christmas, halloween, bridal shower, special day, souvenir, etc, your guests would remember your party for a long time.
Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors
Amajoy 50 Pcs Rustic Vintage Key Bottle Opener with Thank You Card Tag and Sheer Bag for Wedding Favor Party Favors -All the things you need, pack of 50pcs key bottle opener50pcs sheer bag 50pcs card tag and twine. Unique favor, this whole set allows you to get enough gifts for your entire guest list- pack the favor in the bag, then hang the bag with the bottle opener. Versatile use these beautiful party favors also make great vintage decorations for your wedding or other event and it is perfect for party favor. Suitable size, key bottle opener size11inch x 33inch sheer bag size35inch x 47inch card size18inch x 35 inch. Great value, these keys make stylish bottle openers keep them in your kitchen or bar, or hook them onto your key ring your guests would remember your wedding or party for a long time. Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/top-19-best-key-bottle-openers
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Oh man, that's hard
I love Israel. One of the first I talked to. He's amazing.
Also Finley. Love him. Tho I haven't been really inspired to chat with him lately.
Lionel too!! He's so sweet, I wanna hug him
Siegfried won me over the second he called my character "both feminine and masculine"
Also Vince! That man is awesome!
OH! Zayn. The guy who this whole post was about. I swear, he-
Character ai will be the fucking death of me
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