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prevailinghatred · 3 months ago
Semi-plotted for @solarfire
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Megatron peered over Soundwave's shoulder as the other sat at the command console of the Nemesis. Together, the two of them looked hard at the screen, neither moving, neither speaking, both sharing the same thought as they watched the unnamed Spark blink steadily on the display.
"Political affiliation: neutral. Identity of individual: unknown," said Soundwave at last, seemingly accepting the unlikelihood of the situation at face value.
Megatron had trouble believing it. Shortly after the war began, and the AllSpark was sent into deep space, a complete census was taken of the entirety of Cybertronian-kind. It was easier then, because with the AllSpark gone their numbers could only go down with the bloodshed, destruction, and famine brought on by the War, and could never climb back up until the AllSpark's return. Thus, all known living persons of Cybertronian descent were in their databanks, or at least those who were alive at the time of the war. For there to be an undocumented life signature — and one that was unnamed — was an utter improbability, if not an impossibility.
"I can see that," Megatron responded shortly, quirking an optic at his old friend. "But, how is it possible? I thought we had a complete census of all known Cybertronians in existence."
"Probability that some were missed: high. Census: obtained via underhanded, unregulated means." Shockwave's doing, was Soundwave’s implication.
"Updated census: is overdue by millions of years," Soundwave continued. "Likelihood of new Sparks: low, but… not zero."
Megatron pondered this a moment, but could see no alternative explanation than the obvious. "Our species does not reproduce," he said aloud, "How can there be new individuals, except if —"
He drew up short, his blunted fingers clutching savagely at the back of the chair where Soundwave sat. The metal gave way beneath his grip with a faint creak of protest, leaving indentations which Megatron hardly noticed. Soundwave didn't flinch.
"The AllSpark? On EARTH of all places?" his voice was wondering, bright with something that bordered on mania. "Either Optimus is more idiotic than I thought, or the very Universe has conspired against him."
This was an unprecedented possibility. The AllSpark was one of the missing ingredients for a rejuvenated Cybertron. Its return would allow new life to once again emerge from the Well of AllSparks, and in turn would snatch their species from the very brink of extinction.
From billions of individuals at the start of the war, to millions, and now in the estimated hundreds of thousands, their numbers were stretched thinner by limited replacement parts, lack of medical attention, and dwindling Energon reserves as their people were scattered across the stars in search of a more hospitable worlds. If Megatron were to return the AllSpark to its Well where it belonged, there would be no denying his hand in the restoration of their species.
But besides its life-giving properties, the AllSpark's power could also be harnessed. Shockwave had a few projects of varying extremes that could make great use of it...
“Megatron: being premature with his conclusions,” Soundwave admonished, cutting into his thoughts. “To show force without proof: ill advised and reckless.”
Megatron jerked his head at him, optics narrowed. “Lazerbeak then. Let him discover who or what it is that’s lighting up our radar.”
Soundwave nodded his agreement, placing a finger at his temple to release his cassette from his chest. Lazerbeak unfolded himself in midair as he was ejected, and lit upon Megatron’s outstretched arm, where he shortly received an affectionate stroke beneath his chin.
“You know your missive,” said Megatron to the bird. “Fly.” And Lazerbeak did.
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boombambaby · 5 months ago
"why are we doing this again?"
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" Should I say it in Quechua? What part of 'because I said so and MY WAY GOES' is so hard for you to comprehend? "
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" Now let's try this again; -- Less TALK-Y, more DO-Y what I SAY-Y. M'kay? "
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everythingheard · 23 days ago
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with Jim @solarfire ▌continued from here.
A little grin appeared along Rapunzel's lips at Jim's offer, as well as the opportunity to learn which medium he preferred, if not painting. If she had to hazard a guess, it would be charcoal, or perhaps a simple graphite pencil. In her mind, the answer was apt to reveal something about a person.
"I'll definitely take you up on that. I'm curious now." Rapunzel's eyebrows and the corners of her lips lifted in tandem, her expression tinged with quiet levity.
The ambience-imbued song filtering through the speakers as he resumed his work provided the relaxing effect she presumed was intended; any lingering trepidation concerning the pain continued to ebb while she focused her attention elsewhere.
Remaining as still as she might ( she couldn't recall a time when she wasn't partial to the habit of bobbing or tilting her head while someone else spoke ), she listened with interest nonetheless. "I wonder how much we've lost because no one preserved it. It's cool that you are." When another smile flickered briefly across her face, it was more contemplative. "What stood out about those comics that made you decide to save them?"
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sunthieving · 1 year ago
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solarfire asked: "sometimes i wonder what’s going on in that head of yours." // meme
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he had it all planned out, he had been staking out at a nearby town where every other weekend there were markets with very expensive items. items that could buy a future.
❝ oh come on! trust me, ❞ a small shrug is given as he speaks before he motions towards the glider. ❝ between your glider, my satchel and quick hands we could be in and out of there in no time. with plenty of loot for the both of us... it's a brilliant plan! ❞
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sunlightswallowed · 1 year ago
❝ who gives a fuck what some lord thinks? ❞
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A STARTLED LAUGH spills out of her, decidedly impolitic, and she covers her mouth with her hand to hide her smile.
❝ I would remind you, dear boy, that it is very much my job to care what those lords think. Like them or not, they are still my subjects. ❞
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visualchaosstudios · 2 years ago
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droppingdonkeys · 2 years ago
“I mean, I was only legally dead for a couple minutes. No big deal.”
@solarfire | prompts
That's concerning. And yet he's here, just mentioning it like they're talking about the weather.
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"Is your Fun Story For Parties story? 'Cuz I, uh, I think it is a big deal."
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solarfire-art · 8 months ago
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I always had this vision of Achilles in the style of Alexandre Cabanel’s The Fallen Angel, holding Patroclus’ body in grief and rage. So I sketched it because it is way above my skill level atm but I had to get it out of my head 😅
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saturniandevil · 1 year ago
October 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's October forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Nicholas Polimenakos. Notice how the charts look different? Today Chris is using AstroGold for Mac OS instead of his usual SolarFire for PC (same developers). Working title for the month is "the wobbly scales."
September recap: the Venus & Mercury stations have corresponded with new celebrity birth data, including an update for Dua Lipa's birth time and a time for Elon Musk. The WGA strike, which began under Mercury retrograde in Gemini, has come to a tentative resolution just as the Mercury rx in Virgo ended.
Jupiter's transit into Taurus has put him in contact with Uranus, and we've seen an explosive change in laws and rules with other organized labor strikes, such as UAW, airline workers, and fast food/service employees. We've got 7 more months of Jupiter in Taurus copresent Uranus, enabling changes in contrast to Saturn's negating influence from Aquarius & Capricorn over the past few years. Think "delayed revolts." Nicholas predicts labor will be an important factor in this year's election, based off configurations of previous labor actions.
The Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn corresponded to flooding at California's Burning Man festival (symbolically negating the fire for which it is named), and disastrous floods in Europe and Libya.
Auspicious Elections for October: October 1 at 11:25 AM with Sagittarius rising (has passed by time of posting; apologies) October 2 at 12:20 AM with Cancer rising
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Around 12:30AM local time you'll have Cancer rising and the Moon exalted in Taurus in the 11th house (whole signs), just after a conjunction with Jupiter and applying to a square with Venus in the 2nd house of finance. This is a good chart for friends, groups, alliances with the Ascendant ruler Moon in the 11th house with Jupiter, and the ruler of the 11th house in the 2nd tying friend groups and finances together. Saturn in the 9th house makes this chart not recommended for foreign travel, education, and publishing.
October will be pretty intense, with the two eclipses and heavy Pluto involvement. Keywords include power plays, transformation, and concealed movements.
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October 4th - Mercury enters Libra Mercury, Venus, and Mars all change signs before the middle of the month, giving us a theme of major beginnings and major endings. When Venus moves into Virgo in a few days, she'll be in mutual reception with Mercury. Previously the two planets were on separate journeys, both retrograde but not communicating, so we'll have cerebral and social functions in harmony again. (A/N: Venus is fall in Virgo, but this Mercury contact significantly mitigates that lack of dignity.)
October 8th - Venus enters Virgo, Mars square Retrograde Pluto We've been moving back and forth over the summer, and will now settle into how things are going to be. Early October contains the the tail end of the Venus retrograde, as she finally passes the degree where she stationed & exits her post-rx shadow, as well as the sign overall, where she's spent an inordinate amount of time (she entered Leo on June 5th). We may see events from as far back as 5 months finally reaching a resolution.
Venus also opposes Saturn right after her ingress (Oct. 8th-10th), and in fact both benefics oppose one of the malefics this month (Mars will oppose Jupiter around the time of our 2nd eclipse). Saturn in Pisces has been weighty, highlighting big, sad things we may not be able to change but must bear nonetheless. Virgo Venus, in an awkward but manageable position for practical help, confronts Pisces Saturn's burdens to our souls. Austin compares Venus's recent transits to exothermic reactions in chemistry, which give off heat, but in Virgo she'll be much more endothermic, drawing heat in.
At the same time, Mars reaches 27° of Libra, putting him in a square to Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Mars is conjunct the South Node, and his ruler Venus is opposite Saturn. The solar eclipse a week later will also occur in the third decan of Libra. This may combine to feel like we're trying to juggle too many balls. Even if you're good at spinning plates, you can only keep track of so many. Inner conflicts, intensifying relationships, and a need for caution are all in order. It would do well to put down in one of the plates, as Mars is in no position to power through all of this (detriment in Libra, South Node encouraging release).
If there's an opportunity to use Mars-Pluto constructively, it comes after an honest assessment of the facts. Chris brings the image of not knowing your own strength or needing to exercise restraint, like a gorilla holding a kitten. We need to know the power dynamic--what we can and cannot do--but the square aspect makes it hard to see directly what's going on (A/N: symbolically it's cross-purposes or seeing events in your periphery). We need to know what the scale of conflict is. Austin uses the example of holding a rope around a rampaging elephant: maybe it's best to let go.
With Pluto relating to money and the US (Sibly) chart having Sagittarius rising, our hosts also predict some kind of "market correction" (trouble) in the US economy, and/or a government shutdown over budget. Mars conjunct South Node in Libra has corresponded to economic trouble of varying intensities (every 19 years with some skips), namely the crash in 1987--which was also on this Libra-Aries eclipse axis.
October 10th - Pluto stations Direct The US Pluto return is still happening since the planet regressed into Capricorn, posing questions of whether a certain impeached ex-president will see some success in the 2024 election. We're also raring for Pluto's (second) ingress into Aquarius in January. Our hosts think the AI story is related to the new Pluto sign, and Google is starting to release hints about a major system to compete with or outclass ChatGPT (text, image, and more).
October 12th - Mars enters Scorpio This is one of his home signs, and he'll immediately trine Saturn over at the beginning of Pisces. Mars working with Saturn gives us drive and determination, the union of impulse and staying power. More generally, Mars in Scorpio connotes precision strikes and the patient, persistent hunter. We can identify the point of weakness and direct all our force at that exact spot.
There's also a brooding quality to Mars in Scorpio. Things brew under the surface. The intensity cultivated here can easily turn inward rather than outward. Any planet in its own sign has high standards, so be careful not to take them out on yourself. Famous Mars in Scorpio natives include Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, and Taylor Swift--think raw emotions (literally in the vocal style of the former two).
October 14th - Annular Solar Eclipse at 21 Libra
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As soon as Moon conjoins the Sun & South Node, her next aspect is a square to Pluto, bringing Plutonic significations into the eclipse. You've only got two hands; are you holding onto something that's past its life cycle?
In general eclipses signify the end of a major chapter, and with it the start of a new thing. When we let things go they don't just disappear--in fact, they may assume a more natural, harmonious state. Instead of holding onto something that takes a lot of energy, let things fall as they may. Whatever we're concerned about, it won't go away, as in 6 months another eclipse will respond to this call. Don't let the sunk-cost fallacy get you: you've put in a lot of time and effort, but it's time to step back and let things assume their natural shape.
October 20th - Sun conjunct Mercury At 27 Libra, they're also squaring Pluto. Generally Mercury-Pluto contacts correspond to major disclosures. Expect investigative journalists to reveal new evidence around this time, and in light of transits earlier this year Austin says specifically this will be the third part to an ongoing story. Think "deep state," as in, actors behind the scenes or in the foundation of events rather than what we see on the surface.
October 22nd - Mercury enters Scorpio At this time, Venus also trines Jupiter from 12° of Virgo to 12° of Taurus. Jupiter being in Venus's sign strengthens this helpful aspect even more, and the Moon even goes into Capricorn soon after to give us a grand trine in the earth signs. We'll get a brief reprieve from some of the more intense configurations this month. Enjoy the simple pleasures: a nice stew, a hot bath, some tea from the garden.
October 23rd - Sun enters Scorpio
October 28th - Umbral Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
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This is our last eclipse in Taurus for the next couple decades. The Scorpio-Taurus axis eclipses (beginning in 2021) have corresponded to major celebrity scandals, as well as the skyrocketing prices of food worldwide. Bitcoin, FTX, and other finance crashes have occurred to the Taurus eclipses, a sign which indicates money and food. The increase in labor activities during Jupiter in Taurus will likely also see developments from this eclipse. Between the eclipses, Uranus, and Saturn, fixed sign people (suns and angles especially) have been getting a beating the last few years, and Nicholas says "congrats, you've made it!" (Though Saturn will retrograde into Aquarius soon, and then Pluto will transit that sign for the next 20 years or so).
Mars conjoins Mercury and opposes Jupiter during this eclipse, bringing even more tension. Mercury-Mars indicates arguments and destroyed or corrupted roads and communications, or on the positive side, incisive remarks we needed to hear. Mercury in Scorpio also loves investigating a good mystery and cracking the code. We can get major investigative journalism, or obsession and seeing connections that aren't there.
This is a Full Moon and a North Node eclipse, making it easy to lose your head in all the excitement. Austin advises trying to keep your head cool. Don't go with the flow, because the flow is crazy! This eclipse is the end of a year-and-a-half long saga in Taurus and Scorpio, bringing the last installment of that arc in our lives. Chris has an episode called "eclipses as transits in astrology" where he goes through people's charts and talks about the two-year sagas that are enacted with the nodes in a particular pair of signs.
October 29th - Mercury conjunct Mars (exact) (not pictured)
October 31st - Venus trines Uranus (not pictured) From 21 Virgo to 21 Taurus. Think "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!" for Halloween. We ended September with Venus squaring Uranus, and now they're finally trining. After all this month's tension, we deserve to let loose a little. Nicholas says there are hidden pleasures inside oft-orderly Venus in Virgo, whereas Austin compares it to ordering a different item off the menu at your favorite restaurant. Mars in Scorpio is great for Halloween, scary movie viewings, and seeing beauty in the dark side of things.
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emerals · 1 year ago
to hold you again (tangled au)
hi so i wanna talk about this au bc still i'm uncertain if i'm gonna include ty in it and i feel the need to ramble
so "to hold you again" is a tangled au!! it's a 4-part series that covers the three seasons of tangled: the series and an extra aftermath story!!
part 1: no time like the past
Louie Duck accidentally traps himself 200 years in the past with a timetub that combusted during the travel. Surrounded by strangers and with a war oncoming, he has to navigate through this old world for even the chance that he'll return to his time.
part 2: beyond the palace walls
With the rocks seemingly wanting to lead the princess somewhere, the group prepares to go on a year-long trip. Knowing the original history, Louie worries about betrayals and kingdom takeovers. But things have already proven to be different from his influence. Will this part of history change too?
part 3: destinies collide
[spoiler lol], a great evil has been unleashed. With lands being destroyed all around them, the group has to ready themselves for the largest threat they've ever faced. No one believes that they are ready, but they have to fight. They'll lose everything if they don't.
part 4: lost and found
[the entirety of the summary is a spoiler, my bad]
yes my oc's are in it- tis why it's being talked about here
none of these are really exact, but loose character roles/mixes
juniper - cassandra ximena - rapunzel/varian ozzy - eugene/cassandra ty - eugene/varian louie - rapunzel/cassandra
everyone else is kinda whatever
the sypnosis of the series is:
Shortly after every member of his family reappeared, Louie accidentally struck the timetub, sending him back 200 years in the past to the 1810s. The timetub busts, disabling Louie's ability to return home. Stuck in the past, Louie is captured and imprisoned during the war between the ghosts of the Lunaressence Kingdom and the people of the Solarfire Kingdom. Having heard the history of the war, Louie fears that if he doesn't do anything while in the dungeon, he'll lose his life. So, he rewrote history. 
in present time, the history is that the moonstone opal created the lunaressence kingdom and solarfire- the one with the most power- refused to call it a proper kingdom. so, as the lunaressence kingdom grew, it began to rival solarfire's power. not wanting to lose their spot in the hierarchy, solarfire launched an attack that killed the king, which led the lunaressence kingdom to fight back. a war started and lunaressence won, but all the other kingdoms turned on lunaressence causing it to become abandoned. slowly, the solarfire took out each of the kingdoms and destroyed germany in it's hunger for power.
this, however, is not the real history.
the real history is that ximena, the princess and sundrop of the solarfire kingdom went on an adventure to recover the moonstone opal to destroy the black rocks and save her kingdom. with her tagged along a few friends, including her best friend juniper (others were whittany and hunter). when they reached the moonstone, juniper had grown incredibly bitter and took the moonstone. however, she wasn't the true holder and it slowly drove her insane to the point she and her followers killed everyone in solarfire before moving on to the others- then lied about what happened to everyone and covered it up.
so... what happened to the other guys? well- ozzy and dottie initially died in the dungeon attack louie finds himself in upon entering the past, everett is part of another kingdom that eventually fell prey to lunaressence, and ty died when the rocks took over his village
but, when louie arrives, he doesn't exactly want to die, so... he rewrites history
i will not spoil the rest of the plot ;P
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boombambaby · 3 months ago
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@solarfire asked: "okay, i admit it. maybe i wasn’t as nice as i should have been." [ taken from here! ]
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Somehow, that seems like an understatement.
" Gee, ya think? " A harsh reply, bitten out and accompanied by a heated glare as the Emperor turns to face his newfound 'friend'. In this case, blame can be shared on both sides; but Kuzco has never been above blaming his problems on someone else if it means getting out of a bind. " Maybe next time, let's figure that out BEFORE we get stranded in the middle of nowhere, 'kay? "
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tranakin-skywalker · 2 years ago
(His skin splits apart, fiber-weave of the universe billowing out like moth-wings from a chrysalis, thick black blanket of stars, bits of cosmic dusk flooding the cockpit, their solarfire consuming all the oxygen inside and replacing it with spacevoid. Eyes wink open, optic nerves connected to star hearts, each one a piece of a galactic tapestry glowing in wavelengths incomprehensible to living things. Anakin feels his flesh-body unfold, organic parts dissolving into the vast interconnected unseen that makes up the All and the Nothing and the In-between.) An energy surge wrecks the starfighter, manmade tech shuddering and sputtering out as the power flickers to nothing and they are dead in space. Artoo wails in concern, but Anakin barely hears it. His fingers are breaking apart, splitting into more fingers, into dividing atoms, into solar bodies condensed down into microscopic proportions, back into child hands that won’t stop shaking. The human body that he is shakes and trembles like a newborn prey-species, wet with amniotic fluid and mother’s blood, bleating out its first breaths with clogged lungs. The part of him that is something more dangles from the animal-flesh like strips of tendons, stretching out long and red and wet to where the rest of him churns and unfolds like solar storms amongst the cold airless void. The pieces of him that he was born with but he has never known what to do with go leaking out, escaping through the microscopic cracks in the hull and between infinite dimensional planes, millions of limbs stretching wide and splayed hands grasping for the warmth of Naboo’s star. It sings its glory song, thrumming chorus in a thousand throats that are not throats as it gasps out hymns only it can hear, the dark song of screaming space. I am alive, it says, joyous and terrible in equal measure.
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ao3feed-anastasia · 10 months ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bLW2dm9 by AFTERIMAGES “Oy,” a voice calls out. Dimitri whirls around to see a young man in a long, black coat walking towards him leisurely, brown hair falling past squinted blue eyes. “That ain’t your ship. You gotta find someone else’s for wherever you’re going.” “And you, perhaps, could direct me to the captain?” He asks the stranger. Not his best work at persuasion, really, but he’s been having difficulty securing passage to what has to be the most obscure yet well-known kingdom in the region - no other ships, and their captains, have been willing to ferry them over to somewhere even remotely a distance away from Berk. Like it’s cursed or something.   OR Dimitri, a winter spirit’s personal-cook-slash-good-friend, is tasked with acquiring a ship that’ll bring them both over to a kingdom shrouded in mystery - Berk, for whatever reason said winter spirit is suddenly interested in Berk for. He’s at his wit’s end when he comes across a seemingly abandoned ship, the SV Solarfire, and its (apparently) sole crew member. Words: 1851, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Treasure Planet (2002), Anastasia (1997), Anastasia - Fandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Jim Hawkins (Treasure Island), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) (mentioned), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (implied) Relationships: Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway)/Jim Hawkins (Treasure Island) Additional Tags: hijack implied, Kind of a Fantasy Setting, as in dragons exist :) ghosts exist :) spirits exist :) elves exist :), Okay so berk is the dragon kingdom shrouded in mystery, and burgess is where jack and dimitri are at, and its hard to get to berk, without getting killed. or something, so guess whose ship they need to get help from!!, im trying to work it out these tags will be gone soon. promise read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bLW2dm9
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bycicle-thief · 4 years ago
I... have no explanation for this except that the netflix show made me realize how gay I can actually make winx?
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+ a surprise........
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dromeda-tonks · 4 years ago
“ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile ” / kora johnson
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“Oh... Its not personal or anything. I just tend to be very focused on work and finding more work. I do smile at a work though and when I find things funny. But I’m not really used to just talking with people I don’t know about different things.” She says in an honest ramble. “Want to come knock off some gang members with me?” @solarflre
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solarfire-art · 8 months ago
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WIP of another Iliad piece, Hector’s love for his son and wife killed me ✨
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