#solar watering system
the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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M8, Waters of the Lagoon
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vieformidable · 4 months
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The picture of earth from space that we will rarely be shown
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without-ado · 1 year
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l Jon Sanchez
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I love these photos and videos of water on mars and what Mars use to look like!
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quiltofstars · 2 years
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The Moon and Jupiter over the Sea of Crete on October 9, 2022 // Robert Eder
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wayti-blog · 23 days
"For the first time, water frost has been detected on the colossal volcanoes on Mars, which are the largest mountains in the solar system. The international team led by the University of Bern used high-resolution color images from the Bernese Mars camera, CaSSIS, onboard the European Space Agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter spacecraft."
""ExoMars" is a program of the European Space Agency ESA: for the first time since the 1970s, active research is being conducted into life on Mars. On board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) is the Color and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS), a camera system developed and built by an international team led by Professor Nicolas Thomas from the Physics Institute at the University of Bern. CaSSIS has been observing Mars since April 2018 and is delivering high-resolution color images of the surface of Mars.
Using these high-resolution color images, an international team led by Dr. Adomas Valantinas has been able to detect water frost on Mars. The study has just been published in the journal Nature Geoscience."
"(...) "Upslope winds bring air containing water vapor up from the lowlands, and this air cools as it gets to high altitudes, causing condensation. This is a familiar phenomenon both on Earth and on Mars." The same phenomenon causes the striking Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud—and the new study shows that it leads to morning frost deposits on the Tharsis volcanoes as well."
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viralfrog · 9 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
#making an automatic watering system w arduino#have it flashed to trigger the relays already for a variable amt of time#which at the end of the day is basically all it takes + scheduling#but now ofc its growing its own potential spinoffs...#i wanna add a BLE module to be able to control the scheduling from like a phone#which will then also require some minimal data storage...#then the big question is rly how to power it...#its probably gonna b within an extension cord length from the back door but dont wanna deal w unplugging it for rain etc#so maybe like a weatherproof case w solar & a battery? but then ive gotta figure out the best way of battery-izing it....#lithium seems like an overkill unless its like maybe lifepo#& generally prefer lifepo over cobalt etc for safety#but then ive gotta figure out how to add a charging circuit to it....#anyway then once i have the app controlling scheduling i can also start integrating it into my home organizing/etc app?#& ideally be able to like have a couple nodes like that?#ah fuck also gotta figure out a case#maybe just start w a nice n dirty project box til i eventually make a custom enclosure/PCB backplate for the assemblage#maybe just put it next to our sprinkler box & just make the tubes longer so i dont have to fuck around w batteries for this?#starting to convince myself of that idea tbh#rn the relayboard has 4 guys...might b better to just have this as the master instead of having nodes so just get more relays#centralize & dont have to deal w synching headaches#maybe get like a multiplexer? not like this would necessarily need multiple at a time 1 at a time wouldnt b the end of the world#& i have some cheap moisture sensors but dont rly trust em tbh#esp w plants i intend to eat#eventually tho maybe link some sensors into the system#tho weather alone is probably enough to figure out#oh! huh how would i do that....#dont wanna have a whole ass wifi connection on the arduino#or like parsing web results on there...#& i dont rly wanna only know when connecting to my phone...#so that seems to point towards some client that checks the weather prediction like once a day & sends that/consequences to arduino?
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catinthedicebag · 1 year
Here is another galaxy set from the solar system series! Its the "Neptune" set! I always have the feeling to go for a swim seeing these lush blue colors. I also have the association of a water planet or the plane of water, but I guess going for a swim on neptune would be rather difficult.
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rocketshipsodawater · 3 months
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theeblackmedusa · 1 year
y'all don't understand just how much i need this man
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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M8, Waves of the Lagoon
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blackvahana · 1 month
I sat and plucked the strings, I called him in. All his waves, all the tides to the shore. A call so strong, a siren so big, that even the ocean itself is pulled.
Eyes are great spheres with central dots, gelatinous, liquid, strange substances both there and not. Fish eggs, babies seen in the light when held to eclipse the sun. That's what I watched, that's what I called; it wasn't just the sparkling core but the peripheral hagfish expulsions - and those expulsions' expulsions. All the world brought to me, all the limbs held with puppet strings.
I called, he was brought to answering. Fate, mind, thoughts, personality, the repetitive learned states, the state-learning, ideas, future possibilities, the gentleness of flesh, the sharpness of consciousness-bone. Echoes, but simultaneous. Thunder at the same time as lightning, brought together not because one must follow the other but because both were brought together.
I still fail to understand, but at least I understand that that lack of understanding is a willed ignorance born from... understandable things.
There, you said, was the place you last were, just below the surface. When I wake it will be there. This is a Creator's act, a Creator's mind, a Creator's reverence for the Created. Understanding of the Trinity, embodying it. The siren call emanates from the deepest, most fertile underwater volcanoes, the point at which my face presses against the surface.
There was a reason we went up there in the first place. The revelation and self-destruction was wanted all along. Apotheosis, they call it; even those who have reached it need to play this game through again and again and reach it again and again. This is... Old God re-apotheosis, the eyes opening to another truth, more eyes across your scales, more revelatory bliss, and I am that. Nothing is lost when all is lost. All is gained when all is lost. Nothing is lost, all is had. All is had and all is gained.
#ramblings //#astral diary //#Aspect: Siren //#Again just a temporary tag#Not an aspect. Idk what my relationship is to this. I mean I do know but calling myself The First Siren is a title that uh#I don't feel like explaining and without explanation seems absolutely inaccurate and self-centred#But the Sun is the first siren. The Black Hole that positions itself as vagina and mouth at front and end of every universe#that births creation and immediately starts singing to call it home... Nataraja. Death. Sleep. The mouth who sings Time#Alluring. Swallowing. Always always singing#Unavoidable. Inevitable.#The metronome. The clock. This is a solar system. We spin around the sun. This is the land of the Sky Children.#The Sky sings creation into existence.#And even still through all this talking... This is fingertips brushing along the surface of the lake as we ride a boat across it#Shallow. This is not claws into the flesh of the heart of the ocean. This speaking is not down here with me. This is my echoes becoming#shallow and bright. Down here... Immensity. Inevitability. The Unspeakable. The lining of the Black Sky is my skin.#The Primordial never dies nor ages it remains fresh even beyond the amniotic waters of existence... Every single thing that exusts#exists* holds that state - holds the external shallow waters of the expanding universe in other forms - every atom holds#the Old-New. Holds me. I am the face pressing on Creation.#Anyway. Actually I won't make fun of myself by putting something silly here to wave away the mood I created and the image#of myself I put forward. I will not scramble any serious glimpses of me
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venusianwonders · 2 months
How did Venus lose so much water so fast? Researchers from University of Colorado Boulder may have the answer.
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marialeto · 3 months
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Saturday, March 23 💙💙💙
The Blue Ray of Light
Planet Neptune
Body Elohim
Crown 👑 Chakra
Steel Element
Number Three
Archangel Lucifer
Saint Raphael
Ascended Master Shannon and Kaylie 2
South and West
Masculine Feminine divinity
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Virgo ♍️
Aries ♈️ Sun ☀️ Spring Season
Raven 🐦‍⬛ Omen
Water Universe
Brazil 🇧🇷
Archangel Mary
5 🎲
Two of Wands (Tarot
The Vatican 🇻🇦
Journaling, Progression, Forward Movement. Knot 🪢 staying stuck ⚫️in the past.
Past tense
Communication, inventiveness, language
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montseandere · 2 years
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Find the New Moon
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