#solar bracket
🔩FIXDEX Factory1 Anchor Manufacturing🧑‍⚕️From production to packaging, e...
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betweenlands · 1 year
why you should vote herobrine in every single Tumblr Sexyman poll
he's one of the originals: look, a lot of these upstarts are new to the party. they may be sexy and they may be men, but they lack legacy. not so with herobrine. herobrine's been around. he's been around before sans. he's been around before bill cipher. he's one of the original originals alongside the onceler himself. know your herstory etc etc
he fits more of the criteria: look. i love benrey, i love reigen arataka, i love raymond animalcrossing. but look me in the eyes and tell me: is there a significant portion of people who ship them with themselves? once upon a time that used to be a requirement. and guess who does fit that requirement? that's right. herobrine. i mean, yeah, there's also herosteve i guess, but i was there back in the mid-2010s! i know what i saw! even to this day people will make new herobrine variant ocs! and guess what! sometimes they smooch!
he's a trailblazer: i think quite possibly one of the few more influential video game creepypastas you could cite would be BEN Drowned, but with all my respects -- he does not have the advantage of being in one of the longest-living games of the decade. herobrine, meanwhile? herobrine comes from the same time as first-era MCYT, and no matter how you feel about the phrase "MCYT" as a whole, you should know that interpretive roleplay and storytelling in the confines of video games is very, very cool and very, very important. and the first villain of every 13-year-old's minecraft roleplay? if it wasn't herobrine, he almost certainly made an impact elsewhere.
he's been through a lot: if i had a nickel for every time i saw whitewashed herobrine i would probably be a millionaire. despite being blocks he gets drawn as a stereotypical muscleman (twig herobrines get a pass they have a je ne sais quoi about them). his alive half-brother is a total asshole. people hate him on instinct because some famous jackass or another happens to play the game he's originated from. he's gotten banned from minecraft at least 10 separate times. he doesn't deserve this. he's just really been through the ringer and he really deserves this win.
i love your other guys. i do. except one or two of them but i don't want those guys anywhere near my blog so i'm not naming those fuckers. but for the most part i love like 90% of them and if it were up to me they'd all be given titles for their individual contributions to sexymandom.
but c'mon, y'all, it's herobrine minecraft. someone changed four pixels on the original steve skin and made a complete and utter legend and we can't just let that go unaccoladed forever.
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[ID: an image of Herobrine's skin at a 3/4ths angle facing right. /End ID.]
the universe loves you very much, be gay do minecraft and vote herobrine.
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If I make the last-minute-near-ties posts again this round, y'all have to promise to leave the ones where my fave is winning and only overturn the ones where my fave is losing, got it?
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astronomypolls · 1 year
Welcome to the Solar System Tournament!
Objects/structures I plan to include:
Planets + Dwarf Planets:
Planet X/Planet 9
Earth's Moon
Other Objects/Structures:
The Sun
Asteroid Belt
Kuiper Belt
The Oort Cloud
Halley's Comet
Hale-Bopp Comet
Comet ZTF/Green comet
Did I miss something? Is there a moon or a comet or other object you'd love to see in the running? Submissions/suggestions will be open until midnight (CST) on March 20th! DMs and asks are open for this purpose. :)
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Protect Your Building with Nill Building Solutions’ Waterproof Flange: The Best Solution for Waterproofing Needs
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Nill Building Solutions is a leading provider of high-quality waterproof flanges for the construction industry. Their flagship waterproof flange products are designed to prevent water damage in buildings and are trusted by contractors and builders worldwide. In this article, we will take a closer look at Nill Building Solutions’ waterproof flange and why it is the best option for your building construction needs.
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Superior Quality Materials
Nill Building Solutions’ waterproof flanges are made from high-quality materials that are resistant to water and chemicals. The materials used in the waterproof flange ensure that it is durable and long-lasting, protecting your building against water damage for years to come. Additionally, the materials used in the waterproof flanges are resistant to mold growth, ensuring that your building remains safe and healthy for occupants.
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Easy Installation
Their stainless steel waterproof flanges are designed for easy installation, saving you time and money during the construction process. The flange features a pre-installed gasket that provides a tight seal, reducing the risk of water infiltration. The easy installation process ensures that your construction project is completed on time, without any delays or complications.
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Meets Industry Standards
Nill Building Solutions’ waterproof flange meets industry standards, ensuring that your building is up to code and safe for occupancy. Their all waterproof flange has been tested and certified to meet industry standards, providing you with peace of mind that your building is protected against water damage.
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Their all waterproof flanges are versatile products that can be used in a range of applications, including solar installation, glass railing installation, plumbing and drainage systems. The flanges are available in a range of sizes, ensuring that it can be used in a variety of construction projects. The versatility of their stainless steel waterproof flange makes it an ideal choice for contractors and builders looking for a reliable waterproofing solution.
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Their all waterproof flanges are a cost-effective solution for preventing water damage in buildings. The flange’s superior quality materials and easy installation process reduce the need for costly maintenance and repairs, saving you money in the long run.
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In conclusion.
Nill Building Solutions‘ stainless steel waterproof flanges are the best option for your building construction needs. Their all flanges are superior quality materials, easy installation, industry standards compliance, versatility, and cost-effectiveness make it the ideal choice for contractors and builders looking for a reliable waterproofing solution. Protect your building from water damage with Nill Building Solutions‘ waterproof flange.
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rw-ship-showdown · 10 months
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WINNER BRACKET: (Spearvivor/Rivusaint) | (Monkhunt/Speedrun) | (Kebab/Reversal) | (Lagspike/Seafood) | (Spearhunter/Scrambled Eggs) | (Error 404/Fishsticks) | (Cherry Bush/Monksaint) | (Full Moon/Cherry Bomb) | (Bath Bomb/Saintmand) | (Cherry Pie/Nightlight)
LOSER (second chances) BRACKET: (Supernova/Nachocheese) | (Monkficer/Blood Moon) | (Survficer/Godmode) | (Spearmonk/Candy Cane) | (Solar Eclipse/Survulet) | (Spearsaint/Paprika) | (Gourvivor/Lanternfish) | (Counterstrike/Artisaint) | (Nightspear/Monkmand) | (Survaint/Piranha)
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babygirlpoll · 1 year
Babygirl Bracket Round 1
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nothwell · 2 months
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A thrilling new story begins on Patre♡n! Welcome to Vampires Vampires Vampires , a M/M/M Victorian vampire romance.
“There’s the old hulk now, my lad! What d’you think o’ her?”
At his captain’s bidding, Octavio Peixinho peered out the coach window at the mansion appearing through the trees at a bend in the long winding road. Sitting as he did with his back to the horses, he had to lean forward quite a ways to catch sight of it.
The sight proved worth catching. Ferndale Priory loomed over the landscape like a palace. Bigger, certainly, than the bark Octavio and his captain had left behind in New Bedford. Captain Ferndale had told him how the house stood on the ancient ruin of a monastery, and Octavio could see some hints of it in the style of the house now—the pointed arch of the tall and narrow windows, the notched rim of the roof and towers, and the spires springing up like whale-spouts from every corner. One of the spires, however, had broken off, and this, combined with the patches of crumbling stone, the empty shadows lurking behind most of the windows, and the sunken-in look of the roof over the eastern flank, marred the magnificence of its immense size.
Octavio turned back to his captain. “Seems hardly seaworthy.”
Captain Ferndale gave a hearty laugh. He’d seen some fifty-odd years of life—and most of them at sea—yet he wore his wisdom well, with a handsome smile showing through his close-trimmed beard. “I’d say ‘thar she blows,’ but the chimneys ain’t lit. Daresay my nevvy can’t afford to, with what debts my brother left him.”
Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them. You’ll also be invited to join an exclusive Discord server just for patrons!
A new chaper will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]
Currently posting… ♡ Vampires Vampires Vampires (mmm)
Completed works… ♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) ♡ A Willing Canvas – John Halloway x Lord Cyril Graves (mm) ♡ The Train Job – Rowena Althorp x Rebekah (ff) ♡ Hold Fast 2 – Hold Faster (mm)
See you on Patre♡n!
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🧐 bolt inspection methods, What bolts need to be inspected?
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 7 months
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ITS FINALLY TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT! We'll be going back and forth between these and the loser's bracket a few weeks more, but it's finally time to kick things off! On the left, the Azer! 5 ft. (1.5m) dwarf-looking elementals! They only reproduce by building another one out of bronze, so no risk of that type of accident. While they do burn hot enough to scorch anyone they touch, they're also some of the finest smiths in the multiverse, so presumably they have the most perfect tools possible for the job. On the right, the solar! 10 ft (3 m) tall, typically with deep commanding voices, and are the most powerful (and conventional) of celestials. They can fly, teleport, turn invisible, and are some of the speediest things in existence. Also some of the most pure good things around, personally risen by gods as the highest honor of service.
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Quarterfinals, bracket B, poll 1
Propaganda for Wenzhou here
Propaganda for Harumichi: "They're Sailor Soldiers and protect the solar system from evil!!! Willing to die for each other. They're canon sapphics. You could also make a case for Haruka being genderqueer, but that's not canon."
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astronomypolls · 1 year
I don't think posts from this blog are showing up in the tags
If you see this please interact with it in some way (reblog, reply, like, all are fine!) so I know whether people are actually seeing this
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cleolinda · 2 months
Weekend links, May 12, 2024
My posts
Your head is hurting and your wifi is out because the biggest solar flare/geomagnetic storm in 20 years hit this weekend. I didn’t actually get to see the aurora borealis, but apparently it really did come down as far as Alabama. 
I admit that this was an extremely glib reply. But like, Athena specifically doesn’t like people claiming they’re better than her, so you can imagine the carnage when you throw in two more goddesses as well.  
(I feel like that post happened a month ago. This week has felt so ungodly long.)
Reblogs of interest
Hot Vintage Lady Bracket: Round 6. Eight polls. Poll Mod immediately chose violence and put Marilyn Monroe against Hedy Lamarr. Since Ava Gardner is out (actual shockers: Greta Garbo and Rita Hayworth are also gone), I was going to say “I’m just Chaos Elmo Flames Dot Gif about it all” but now I’m just scared. 
(Why would you ask us, a hot vintage poll blog, this)
Dracula Daily is in full swing again, and you can eat along!
The Met Gala was honestly decent this year! I reblogged only (some of) the ones I liked, including some of the construction details and a lot of Zendaya, although my favorite might have been Rebecca Ferguson with the crows. 
A while back and not what he wore to the Gala, but: Lil Nas X looking beautiful in a rose garden.
Hozier Watch 2024: I really thought there wasn’t going to be anything else and then he was like, “Oh I should probably put out a video for my accidental international #1.” I am entirely disgruntled that he was here last weekend and I couldn’t go. 
From the top of the week, Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar: An explainer. Also, Kendrick recs.
MrBeast is living in a joyless hell of his own making, and I at least understand now why he has always freaked me out. 
So anyway noted plagiarist James Somerton is alive and well on Twitter, where he’s... well, he sure is there. The words “hole posting” are involved. Another explainer for you. 
Lynda Carter proves she’s on Tumblr
We put our faith in BLAST HARDCHEESE
Peace and love on planet Earth and also in the Uber
“thinking about middle aged gay love is like. we have a future and we have time”
While there are merits to this concern, “Writers should all clown on Americans by making up places in THEIR country” doesn’t really sting when we’re all like “Yeah we love doing that!!!” I personally give you all permission to make up as many wackadoodle state names as you want. You can have West Mainolina for free. 
Meanwhile in Alabama: Bad, bad Leroy Brown, the baddest fish in the whole damn town
RIP Walnut the crane: “The Bride”
Dinosaurs are terrible lizards
Teaching consent is a many-faceted thing
Become ungovernable: grill edition
Galadriel’s opening Fellowship of the Ring monologue, but it’s the Deep South (U.S.). “Across the county line in Mordor, the Dark Lord Sauron made his self another ring outta everything mean the devil put in him.” Absolutely pitch perfect. 
Also pitch perfect: Wellness influencers with terrible advice
“Mooom, the chocolate alchemist has an accomplice now!”
I will always reblog cheetah sounds
The Collage Atlas: a hand-drawn game on Steam
The sacred texts
South Canada. South South Canada. Canada A Bit to the Left
I think I’ve listed this compilation of parody lyrics (”I’m sorry Ms. Jackson/I am four eels”) before, but there’s more now
“Roses are red, that much is true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue”
Personal tags of the week
Scrungly and, as a related topic, Belphegor the Devon rex kitten.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 7 months
Sanji and his brother(s), and Kamen Rider?? (also, sun and moon... and dragons)
Credits to this Twitter post that mentioned that Sanji seems to take inspiration from Kamen Rider Black.
When I poked around that a little, surprisingly the similarity fits not just Sanji, but his brother(s) too. I put the plural in brackets because Kamen Rider Black only has one brother, and I'm not sure if the lore necessarily fits into all 3 of Sanji's brothers. Maybe it's just one of them.
I'm going to start with a long winded summary of the Kamen Rider part first, so bear with that one second before I dive into the Sanji stuff.
(also it veers off into utter madcap theory about mythology again)
Kamen Rider Black's protagonist, Minami Koutarou, lost his parents at a young age and was adopted by his father's friend. He gained an adoptive brother, who coincidentally has the same birthday date as him (so, not blood related, but "almost twins" in a way).
The two brothers were kidnapped by the evil alien/monsters to be become candidates of their new King. Koutarou was to be implanted with the Sun Stone to become Black Sun, and his brother Nobuhiko implanted with Moon Stone to become Shadow Moon.
Koutarou's adoptive father/Nobuhiko's father had "sold" his services to the evil group in exchange for research funds, so he had to participate with the experiments (including experimenting on his own sons). However, knowing that their personalities/memories are going to be erased in the process, he intervened to save them, and was killed in the process.
Only Koutarou made it out, while his brother was left with the evil group. Koutarou gained powers, but still had his humanity, so he became the superhero Kamen Rider Black. His brother, who ended up losing his humanity, became the evil fighter Shadow Moon.
This is similar to what Sora did for her kids. The details of the circumstances are different, but the rough summary of it matches.
Other similarities include the fact that Kamen Rider Black and Shadow Moon aren't actually wearing protective suits or armour. The armour-like appearance is actually "exoskeleton"/hardened skin.
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(text is Google Translated from the Kamen Rider official site just to save time, so the wording is somewhat funny but it should still make sense)
Kamen Rider Black looks like that because when he "henshin", he transform into a grasshopper-like alien form first, then his skin hardened into that armour-like appearance. Shadow Moon is permanently in the "armour" form, and doesn't seem to have a human form anymore (at least in the original series).
While Sanji can "henshin" back and forth between normal state and exoskeleton (for now), his brothers just have the exoskeleton permanently.
Edit: Also, the way the Germa raid suits are activated is very similar to how a number of more modern Riders activate their belts to transform:
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Okay, now we have established the similarity, but what does it mean?
Possible foreshadowing
In the sequel series, Kamen Rider Black RX, Shadow Moon regained his humanity and helped Kamen Rider Black, but dies in the end.
I sure hope this is not what's going to happen to Sanji's brothers, but it's not an unlikely possibility for the plot to go this way.
Sun and Moon
This is where it really goes into galaxy brain hyperthink. Feel free to ignore from this point onwards if that's not your vibe.
Black Sun and Shadow Moon sounds like they can imply solar and lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses can be "red", when it happens in the form of the "blood moon". If Sanji's abilities ("black leg", "stealth black") is a reference to Kamen Rider Black, then if Shadow Moon's counterpart is just one person, then it might be Ichiji, the "red" one.
And besides, in some parts of Japanese tradition, "red" can be seen as the opposite of "black". Black is the colour of the north and represents the element water, red is the colour of the south and represents fire.
Aside from that, old Japanese traditions view black as "night", and red as "the sun/sunrise". Thus, opposites, as well as reaffirms the sun/moon-night/day imagery.
The sun and moon tomoe
A sub theory of the above. While Ichiji's power seems to be meant to be "light", many people in the fandom considers his power to be related to fire and heat. Occasionally one would see fanarts with the theme of "Ichiji and Sanji the fire duo".
They have a point. "Sparking" is written with the kanji for light sparks, but those sparks also still imply "fire" (the word includes the fire kanji, and refers to sparks that has the potential to cause fire). This reinforces the "counterparts" theory.
Speaking of fire, sun, and moon, there is a certain object that combines those:
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These are the great taiko drums used for gagaku or bugaku traditional dances. The drums are framed in fire shapes, and as such is often known as the "flame drums" kaendaiko 火烟太鼓.
The left drum is decorated with the sun, and the right drum with the moon. It's not always like this, but sometimes the Sun's tomoe curl right, like Sanji's brows, while the Moon's tomoe curl the opposite way, like his brothers.
I've talked about how the Germa skull's eyes resemble tomoe. I've talked about how I suspect Germa has connection to the moon. I also mentioned that there might be a theme of "sun and moon team ups".
The Kamen Rider connection, and the tomoe on the drums, I really hope are hints that would point to Sanji fully reconciling with his brothers properly.
Here be dragons: Sun and moon reversal?
Many people has theorised that Sanji's powers are Lunarian-based, and here's my take on it. Despite its name, though, Lunarians by design seems more closely tied to the sun.
To quickly reiterate, King's design looks similar to Garuda, from both Hindu and Japanese mythology:
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The Japanese thought that Garuda is associated with fire and the sun. Not to mention, the black wings (and maybe even the dark skin) brings to mind the legend of the "crow who resides in the sun", the Yatagarasu.
So a fire bird with sun imagery, but named after the moon? Sun/moon reversal. Like a Yin Yang twist.
In connection to the drums from the previous part. The sun drum has dragons, the moon drums has hou'ou ("Asian phoenix"). It's not just because of these drums specifically, it's also in part based on Yin Yang philosophy. Dragon is seen as Yang, and the sun is also Yang. In fact, the Chinese and Japanese word for the sun is "the great Yang" (taiyō 太陽). So they are paired together. The moon is Yin, and because the hou'ou is seen as feminine (Yin), they are paired together as the counterpart to the other pair.
While a hou'ou is nothing like the Western phoenix, we have seen from Marco that Oda-sensei can consider them as the same thing. Marco's fruit powers are based on the western phoenix, but one of his attacks is named after the hou'ou.
If Sanji, who has "sun imagery" (from the Kamen Rider connection), has connection to "fire bird" imagery, then will his brother(s), who has moon connections, get "dragon" imagery to them later?
Ichiji, sparks, and the dragon
Conspiracy upon conspiracy.
Some time ago I pointed out that in terms of the name, Ichiji's "sparks" seems to be connected to his brothers (not Reiju, just his brothers). Besides that, "sparks" 火花 seem to just be byproducts that is not necessarily wanted.
Sparks from electric charge: What you want is electricity. Sparks are either just there, or it's occurring because something's wrong.
Crackling fire sparks: Those are just there as well, and while it can look aesthetic, it's secondary to the fire itself.
Sparks from iron welding/smithing: It's just a byproduct of the metal bring grinded or hit. Not to mention, the sparks are actually hazardous.
This seems strange for a power name, although it could be that sensei was just finding a kanji that's the closest thing to the English word "spark". Maybe this was actually a thing from the older generations of Super Sentai.
Still. Let's imagine that the "spark" being something rather odd for a power is a hint that something is amiss.
That last one from the smithing is what I want to point out here. There is a certain god of blacksmithing in Japan, who shares a name/is syncretised with a dragon. It is Ame no Mahitotsu no Kami.
There is a certain shrine called Tado Taisha in Mie prefecture that used to enshrine a dragon god, known as Ichimoku Ren. However, over time, because of various reasons this dragon god and the blacksmith god became joined as one entity and worshipped in the same shrine.
Following the Phoenix/Dragon theory from above, maybe the one who will get dragon imagery specifically will be Ichiji. Not saying that he will transform into a dragon, that's overdoing it. Just "imagery" associated with it. Perhaps instead of using the Eastern dragon, who are typically associated with wind and rain, the imagery will be more like a Western dragon who are associated with fire.
Although it would be funny if his "true abilities" turn out to be related to wind, though.
Also, the blacksmith god and the dragon are partially syncretised because they both have one eye, so I do wonder if it's possible that under his glasses Ichiji is actually missing one eye? I doubt it since both his eyes were glowing when he did Sparking Valkyrie, but on the other hand, what if like Stealth Black the sparks were all from the suit? What if the glasses generates the light, and it has nothing to do with Ichiji's actual eyes? And that his actually built-in augmentations is not that? I'm just saying.
And a little more detail, in relation to the missing eye theory: Ichimoku Ren and Ame no Mahitotsu both lost their eye because their own activities injured themselves. Blindness from smithing sparks is a common occupational hazard for blacksmiths, and that's how Ame no Mahitotsu lost his eye. Ichinoku Ren lost an eye in a storm, either while trying to stop the storm to protect the people who worship him or while causing the storm in a fit of rage (karma?).
What if Ichiji's powers went haywire one day, and he injured himself then?
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