#soild hardwood flooring
kingsmenuniverse · 2 years
Engineered Hardwood Flooring vs. Solid Hardwood Flooring: Which Is Better?
Solid wood flooring is often produced in long planks from hardwood species. It is machined with tongues and grooves on the opposing edges so that the boards interlock when mounted. It is always fastened to the flooring with nails, which calls for some competence. This flooring may be sanded down and refinished numerous times over its lifespan because it is solid wood.
Engineered wood flooring closely resembles solid wood flooring, but it is made of a premium-quality plywood layer that provides the flooring with excellent resilience and a relatively thin layer of hardwood bonded over it. Engineered wood floors are less expensive and simpler for do-it-yourselves to install, and they typically last 25 to 30 years if they are of high quality.
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Solid wood flooring boards are often narrower than engineered wood flooring. When compared to engineered hardwood flooring, solid hardwood typically has much tighter board-to-board joints and a wider variety of colours and species. Boards made of solid hardwood are offered in both pre-finished and untreated varieties.
Engineered hardwood flooring typically has broader floorboards. While solid hardwood flooring often has very tight seams between boards, some pre-finished engineered hardwood flooring has slightly bevelled edges, which causes minor gaps between boards. In comparison to solid hardwood, engineered hardwood flooring is nearly always sold pre-finished and comes in a smaller selection of species and hues.
Water and Heat Resistance
Solid hardwood
Installation of solid hardwood against concrete slabs is not advised because humidity that seeps through the concrete may cause solid hardwood to expand and warp.
Engineered hardwood
Engineered hardwood performs a little bit better in humid environments because of its plywood construction, which makes it more solid and less prone to warping. Hardwood designed for concrete subfloor installation is the best option.
Engineered hardwood is best for resistance to heat and water.The advantage in this case goes to engineered hardwood flooring because of how resistant its plywood base is to warping brought on by moisture.
Care and Cleaning
Solid Hardwood
This flooring is easy to clean with simple sweeping and vacuuming, and occasional damp-mopping with an approved wood cleaner.
Engineered Hardwood
Cleaning and maintaining this flooring involve sweeping or vacuuming, as well as the sporadic damp-mopping with a wood cleaner.
Durability and Maintenance
Solid Hardwood
Solid hardwood is slightly superior here, since it can be sanded down and refinished several times over its lifespan. Given that wood can be repeatedly sanded and varnished, it usually lasts at least 30 years and sometimes even 100.
Engineered Hardwood
Engineered hardwood can be refinished once, or at most twice, before the surface hardwood layer is exhausted. This will generally last 20 to 30 years.
Solid Hardwood
The tongue-and-groove method is used to install solid hardwood flooring, with each board being blind-nailed to the subfloor through tongues at the margins of the boards.
Engineered Hardwood
The same nail-down techniques used for solid hardwood flooring can be used to install some engineered wood flooring, but some varieties include “click-lock” borders that can be installed as a “floating floor.” Additionally, engineered wood flooring can be attached to a concrete subfloor. Engineered wood flooring is typically easier to install for do-it-yourselves.
Where to Buy the best quality Wooden Flooring?
Kingsmen is the best wooden flooring company in Bangalore that delivers the finest flooring solutions and remodels your space, whether it’s residential or commercial. They design your space with impressive styles and a variety of different wood species based on your specifications. They are of the largest distributors of engineered wooden flooring in India.
The company is located in Bangalore, one of the best wooden flooring companies in Bangalore. The Kingsmen, Wooden Flooring Dealers in Bangalore also have a proficient team to give a better and the best premium products and services.
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fandomfic-galore · 4 years
What do you mean?
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Summary Henry posts this picture on his insta and the reader is left...frustrated.
A/N: thanks to the lovely Henry for posting this picture. I have now had a few glasses of wine so have fun. No beta. All mistakes are mine because I’m drunk. Divder made by @firefly-graphics
Warnings everything that goes With me when I’ve been drinking, smut, Dom/sub dynamic. Oral m receiving. Manhandling. Hand gagging. Choking.
Tapping your finger nails on your laptop, you couldn’t concentrate and it was thanks to him, how dare he? Why would he do such a thing when he knew you had a major deadline coming up. Looking at your phone quickly you decided to confront him.
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Fuck!!! You gulped as you slowly typed out the words, Yes understood, Sir!
The last message Henry sent a chill down your spine. Glancing at the time, you knew you had half an hour before Henry would storm through the front door, exhausted from his first workout of the day.
Looking at your screen, you knew that you wouldn’t do any work before he got home. Shutting down the monitor, before saving everything your leg started to shake. Biting on your nails, you watched the clock on the wall love so slowly as the nerves in your stomach grew.
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Thirty two minutes and twenty eight seconds had passed before you heard the key in the door being turned. The butterflies in your stomach grew as you watched the handle of the front door being pulled downwards.
The warmth of a smile crossed your face as you watched Henry enter. He had a grin on his face when he first entered the door, as soon as his eyes locked on yours his facial expression turned. He had a stern look in his eyes and his brow was creased slightly.
“On your knees, little one”
Nodding, and without hesitation you knelt down on the hardwood flooring. Bowing your head, you couldn’t see Henry but could sense him edging towards you. His shadow was before you, he knelt down and came level to you. One finger hooked under your chin and forced your head up. You locked eyes with the man in front of you. His blue, gorgeous eyes with a touch of brown sparkled as he admired you.
“Open wide,” he commended.
Dropping your lower jaw, you stuck out your tongue, waiting for Henry’s next move. Henry palmed his crotch and he groaned. The sound went straight to your heat, you clenched your thighs together hoping for some friction. Henry freed his erection and you gasped. You had been with Henry for a few years now but his size always impressed you.
Holding gently to the back of you head, Henry guided you to his cock. You gladly accepted it and relaxed your throat as your moved his length in and out of your mouth. Moaning at your actions, this sent a vibration to Henry, he managed to hold onto your neck as he pumped himself in and out of your mouth, using you for his own pleasure. You weren’t his girlfriend at this moment, you were his plaything, his fuck toy and god it made you horny.
Gasping, Henry released himself from you, a spit trail still connected the two of you and the heat between your legs grew. Henry crouched down to your level again, holding onto your upper arms he forced you on to you feet. Bringing his hands to behind your knees you jumped up and wrapped your legs around Henry’s middle.
Henry walked to and pushed your back to the soild wsll. Moaning at the truce, Henry smirked.
“Strip” Henry ordered. He released you and you did just that, your kind wasn’t focused but as you stood there in your birthday suit, Henry was there in all his glory. His muscles flexing, sweat still covered from the gym, veins popped in his arms. You let out a slight moan hoping he didn’t notice.
“Hands on the wall, feet apart”
You followed his orders. The heat between your legs grew and you knew your arousal was dripping onto your thighs by now. You needed him. Henry smoothed his hands over you hair, you leaned into his touch. One of his strong hands gripped your hip, as the other was guiding his cock up and down your wet folds.
“Please?” You pleaded.
“What, what is it baby girl? Use your words”
“Henry, just...fuck me already” You were growing inpatient with the man behind you.
“As you wish”
He pushed his throbbing cock into your entrance, the intrusion made you gasp, he drilled himself and waited for you to adjust. Moving back onto him, he knew you wanted more. Pulling nearly fully out of you, Henry thrusted into hitting your cervix. Gasping, you wanted him to do it again. You tried to look over your shoulder as Henry pulled out of you again, pushing your head into the wall, Henry bottomed out.
“Fuck,” he purred
The sound of skin slapping in skin filled the room, with your distance moans as you tried to keep up with Henry. He was pounding into you with such a force, if it wasn’t for him holding you up, you surely would be laid flat out on the ground by now.
As if he had read your thoughts, Henry grabbed you by the neck and turned you around. Placing his soft, plump lips onto yours, yours knees buckled. Slowly making your way to floor, Henry guiding you every step of the way you purred as he ran his tounge along your bottom lip, begging for permission. Your youngest fought for your domanice as Henry’s thumb found it’s way to your bundle of nerves and started to move in circles. Pulling away from you, you leaned up not wanting the kiss to end.
Henry pushed your shoulder back and looked down at you, growling as he leaned down and started to bite and lick at your skin. Arsching your back you needed more.
“Someone is needy today?”
Henry’s chuckle went straight to your heat, the things this man could do to you were sending you into overdrive today. Not that you minded. The burn from his stubble made you giggle as Henry kissed your neck. He lined his cock up with your entrance again and bit on your earlobe as he pushed into you. The new position meant a new stretch but you welcomed it with a needy moan.
Henry placed a hand over your mouth silencing anything that slipped from your horsed vocal chords. Henry thrusted into you, he head hung low and over your shoulder, he was chasing his own peak. Once again using your body, you hot flesh to gain his own pleasure. The thought alone made you clench your muscles around his thick throbbing cock.
He pumped into your harder, his free hand found its place on your neck, squeezing at the sides, constricting your airways. The action sent you on a high, your legs started to twitch. Diggin your nails into his back, Henry thrusted upwards, searching for the sweet spot inside of you. Your eyes grew wide, when his cock dragged over it. Your nails, leaving half crescent shapes into back edged him on. The grip around your throat squeezed tighter and tighter as you kept clenching around him.
Wrapping your legs around his middles, you needed to bring him closer to you, you needed his body even more than before. The coil in your stomach was tighten even more, you were close and he knew it. Pumping into your harder, you could hear him cursing under his breath, the coil snapped as you arched your back. Your legs started to shake and you dug your nails deeper into his back. Henry cursed again as he reached his own peak, his throbbing cock spilling his hot seed deep within you made you smile with conent.
Pulling out of you Henry looked at you with love as he placed a soft kiss on your nose.
“Would you like me to run you a bath?” You nodded and kissed his lips sighing with happiness.
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ravenousmonstrosity · 6 years
Knock, knock...
Your roommate pounding on your door woke you up at three in the morning that Tuesday.
Only able to fall asleep the hour prior, her waking you had you proper pissed.
“I-I’m so sorry Y/N. He just kept knocking and wouldn’t leave. When I opened the door he didn’t speak to me other than to say he was here for you. I-I-I don’t know what to do? Should we call the police?” The brunette that you’ve lived with this past year stuttered.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, trying to surface to consciousness, you tried to shake yourself awake more.
What the hell was she on about? Who was here for me? What??
Fear made your roommate turn and run off to her room firmly locking the door behind her at the approaching footsteps.
Heavy, soild thuds slightly echoed off the hardwood floors and bare hall walls.
A warm breeze rose from absolutely nowhere and brought with it a dark spicy scent.
You knew that scent. It was his...
It was a scent that was the signature of the massive leader in blue.
You’d gotten to know it very well on your nightly walks these past few months.
It was the only thing that gave him away. Besides when he eyes caught yours in that otherworldly blue that mesmerized you breathless.
Tonight, his large body moved in that animal grace of his towords you. Down the hall, slowly.. intently.
Stopping in front of you, those blue eyes locked in yours yet again. Freezing you in place with his intimate gaze, the mutant made you feel like you were the only living thing in the world other than him.
With only inches separating you, his beautifully deep voice asks you only one question,
“Are you ready for me, my female?”
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ricaspatialfab3 · 4 years
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Materail Case Study 2: Six Ramsgate House -Wallflower Architecture + Design (2009) 
The Six Ramsgate House designed by Wallflower Architecture + Design is heavily based on the concept of open living. As the houses, ground floor uses an open programming of the space to make it feel more spacious and grand. With the ground floor being open it means that air can easily circulate from indoors to outdoors, allowing for the space to be well ventilated. While the second floor of the house takes a more private approach by specifically zoning off its bedrooms and servants’ quarters. As a result of this, soild hardwood louvers have been used in the second floor to not only create a sense of privacy but also act as a filter to adjust the amount of breeze and sunlight that would enter the room.
“For the owner, it is the experiential serenity that unencumbered space, a gentle breeze, dappled sunlight and the hush of water rippling on a pond that is priceless in our dense and busy urbanscape.”
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