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collecting-stories · 4 months ago
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They are just the cutest.
@sofuckingchuffed gets the credit for the gifs😊
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leedongwook · 5 years ago
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Soulmates never die.
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majorsamcarters · 5 years ago
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cowboybuckleys · 5 years ago
@sofuckingchuffed replied to your post “Did you know if you tag things like ‘hamiltonedit’ it’ll likely reach...”
Djcjdjf valid, tumblr sucks sm. But anon has a point lol cos I only look in edit tags �� which is why I used to miss so many of your gifs!! (And prolly still do tbh cos I’m the worst)
originally i just didn’t do it cos with 5 visible tags you had to prioritize what you think people were going to search. now it’s something like 20 tags, so i probably could just add the edit tag on the end. what frustrates me is how weird it looks. i’m used to tags having spaces. ‘teen wolf’ not ‘teenwolfedit’ it’s weird and my brain doesn’t like it. but i’m fandom old, it takes me longer to change my ways lol. i grumbled through the new post dimensions for a few months, but i eventually caved so.. 
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alexcabotgifs · 5 years ago
Alex Cabot totally has more than one middle name and they’re super old fashioned like Augusta Eugenie Blanche
omg, i love this. her parents would absolutely be that extra, and she is grateful every day that they at least had the sense to give her a normal first name. headcanon accepted.
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cinematicnomad · 5 years ago
Your gifs have such a beautiful unique style, I always know when they’re yours!!! ❤️
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oh man, you are SO NICE
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eccleston · 5 years ago
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I was tagged by @sofuckingchuffed Thanks! 💜
The tag game works like this: post your lockscreen pic, the last pic saved on your phone, and the last song you listened to.
Tagging @foreveracharmedone | @fleurdeneuf | @sopheirion | @quellfalconer | @timelordthirteen (go for it if y’all want to 😊)
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anna-tariel · 5 years ago
ONE fav blog is hard but currently @buckleyevan
Some love for you!!💕
send me an ask with your favorite blog to share some love and brighten someone’s day!
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space-age-bachelor · 5 years ago
“You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” - for the spy au??? Or just some general rhodestead if you don’t wanna do more spy au
Rhodestead Spy AU with a little bit of Rhodes Siblings because I could not get this idea out of my head
Will was trying not to get pissed at Connor. He knew that everyone’s family situation was different and it wasn’t his place to judge a relationship that he didn’t fully understand. He had made the decision to stay out of it and support Connor, until Claire called him and specifically asked him to get involved.
Things had been tense since she got caught up in whoever was trying to make Connor’s life a living hell. She found out the hard way that her brother wasn’t just a normal doctor, and that he’d been lying to her for the last decade. She hadn’t taken it well; and in a true Connor Rhodes fashion, he blamed himself. He decided that Claire was better off without him, and refused to answer her calls once she was ready to talk. 
In summary, he was being the same stubborn idiot he always was and it was Will’s job to snap him out of it.
“Hey, Claire called earlier. Did she get in touch with you?” He asked, attempting to be subtle. Based on the look Connor gave him, he failed.
“Uh, no, I must’ve missed her.” He was lounging on the couch, reading his newest trashy novel, same as every time he had a day off that didn’t line up with Will. 
He laughed, “You know, for a spy you’re a terrible liar.”
Connor put the book down, using the jacket as a bookmark, and turned to fully face him, “I’m not a terrible liar. I just don’t like lying to you.”
“Then, tell me why you won’t talk to Claire.” Will sat down next to him, but Connor stayed focused on the front door. 
They weren’t one of those couples who didn’t talk. If anything, they shared too much, what with so much of Connor’s past being classified. Sometimes, it just took a little time for them to start the conversation. 
“I don’t want her to get sucked into all of this. She’s already been in danger once. I can’t let it happen again.”
Will shook his head, “Connor, she’s already in danger, same way that I am. She knows who you are and they have already used her against you. You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen ‘cause guess what? It did. Keeping her in the dark is just stopping her from making an informed decision about her life.”
He glared in his direction, but it held no real heat. “She’s my older sister. I don’t want her to worry about me.”
“Because she’s not already out of her mind with worry,” he rolled his eyes. “Con, she doesn’t know you anymore. How can you expect her to have faith in your ability to protect yourself?”
“She’ll never look at me the same way,” Connor didn’t shout. It sounded as though the psychological dam that was holding everything back had shattered. “I know it’s going to happen. There’s no way for everything to stay the same, but I’m not ready to face it.”
Will wanted to argue that the truth hadn’t changed things between them, but that wasn’t entirely true. Getting caught up in this had changed their entire dynamic. He didn’t look at Connor as though he was James Bond or some crazy action hero, but a part of him was always conscious of the fact that Connor has killed people. They’d just been friends though. Will couldn’t imagine how he’d react if he was in Claire’s shoes.
He reached over towards Connor, not touching him, but leaving his palm up, “I can’t tell you that everything will be okay. All I can say is that she’s your sister and she just wants to know who you are. If you’re asking for her trust, you need to trust her too.”
“When did you get so smart?” Connor threaded their fingers together before leaning into his side. “Pretty sure I used to be the smart one.”
His thumb started to rub gentle circles on the back of his hand, “Nah, you can’t be the smart one and the tough one. Then, what would I be?”
“Obviously, you’re the cute one,” he looked up at Will, his face half mashed into his shoulder, oblivious to the dramatic irony.
“You can’t say I’m the cute one when you look like that. Besides, being cute isn’t useful.”
“I don’t care if you’re useful,” something passed across Connor’s face, one of those expressions that always had him wondering if Connor would ever consider therapy. “I just care that you’re you.”
Will pressed a kiss to his forehead, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks, “You know, if you keep saying things like that, Claire’s gonna have to forgive you.”
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hartigays · 5 years ago
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ if you receive this you make someone's heart burst with love and appreciation for you. send this to 5 people you think might need a boost of confidence or just a bit of uplifting affection. someone who makes you feel happy to be on tumblr and see their posts on your dash.
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omg thank u bby 🥺💕
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gunpowderxsunshine · 5 years ago
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Upstead + following each other
6x15 | 7x07 | 7x09 | 7x12
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majorsamcarters · 5 years ago
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Ebonee Noel as Analyst Special Agent Kristen Chazal in FBI: S02E01
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cowboybuckleys · 5 years ago
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get back even better. 💞
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alexcabotgifs · 5 years ago
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get back even better. 💞
aw thank you!! right back at you babe 💖💖
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cinematicnomad · 5 years ago
15 & 18?
015. post the last line you wrote without context. answered :) but i’ll give you another line since i’ve been bouncing around this fic instead of writing it chronologically:
With his phone in hand it only takes a few clicks before he’s back staring at Buck’s contact information. He debates it for a second, maybe even less than that, before he presses call.
018. do you have a fic reading/writing routine? i don’t know about a routine per se but, i tend to turn on some music—not very loud, kind of quiet so it can become white noise almost—i tend to sit on my bed with my back against the wall and i work in a google doc so i can add to it from wherever when inspiration strikes me. TYPICALLY i write from start to finish, but if the dialogue is coming to me really easily (like this current WIP) i’ll write that out as it happens. otherwise i just...write. once i’ve pounded out the fic, i wait a bit and then read it back myself and make some edits. then i harass @crazyassmurdererwall​ and beg her to beta my work and tell me all the commas i need to get rid of. once she’s done with her edits, i go through them all and clean up what needs cleaning. and then i read through it One Final Time for any last minute corrections before posting to ao3.
my reading routine is just like ... lay in bed and open up every fic that looks good to me and devour it in one sitting tada! 
fanfic asks
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