#softwood cuttings
i’m going to propagate this god damn blueberry bush if it kills me. over my dead body am i spending money on plants i already have
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starblightbindery · 6 months
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FanFic Pipe Book Press
In 2022, I prototyped an affordable nipping press using black steel pipe fittings. The challenge: To make something under $100, compact, portable, and easy to make without electric tools.
I'm sharing the supply list here (under the cut) with updated thoughts and notes.
Please note that when I've linked to Amazon in this post, I'm using an affiliate link.
Basic Materials
QTY 1 - Press Screw 2 - ½ pipe Mini Flanges 2 - ½ pipe 90° elbow fittings 2 - ½ pipe 4in nipples 2 - ½ pipe 6in nipples 2 - 1x½ pipe hex bushing reducer 1 - 1x1 pipe cross tee 1 - Large hardwood board at least 16"x6" 1 - Smaller hardwood board ~ 9-10" across and at least 6" wide 8 - #8x¾ flat head wood screws
Press Screw The press screw is the crank/long screw in the middle of the nipping press. As of this writing, the most affordable press screws are the one by Pony Jorgenson or the one by ShopFox. For just a little bit more, McMaster Carr sells a beautiful stainless steel hole mount screw clamp from Taiwan.
½ pipe parts These form the bones of this book press. Pipe fittings are designed to be resistant to water pressure and are easy to assemble. You can find some at your local hardware store (cheaper) or order on Amazon. You have the option to use basic black carbon steel pipe or go fancier by using stainless steel. This will likely run you between $40-$65.
Wood & Screws You'll want a hardwood (like Oak, Birch, Walnut, etc.) not a softwood (pine or basswood) for this project to prevent warping. A strong plywood such as baltic birch may work as well. Most hardware stores will cut wood to size for you. The screws are for attaching the pipe to the wood--but, depending on how you want to engineer the press, you could also use bolts.
Additional Supplies
Sandpaper in various grades
Sealant for the pipes (especially if you use pipe that sheds carbon, so you don't stain your books. I used clear coat, you can look into shellac and other finishes that work for you.)
Wood Finish (I used tung oil, you have so many options)
Screwdriver, Hand Drill, or Electric drill
Mallet (if you want to pound the lead screw into the cross pipe
Epoxy to glue the lead screw into the cross, or to affix the base of the screw to the wood.
Optional Upgrades
Use a hole saw to drill through the wood and a forstner bit the size of the flange to run the flange through the wood from the bottom. That way, pressure isn't put on the wood screws and the press will last longer.
Use Rub N' Buff to decorate the press
Use longer nipples, such as 8" or 10" nipples, instead of the 6" to get more daylight.
This press is sized for fanfic binders, but if you want a bigger one you can size up the pipes.
If you can afford thicker wood, especially for the base, you may want to opt for 8/4 wood instead of 4/4 wood.
Happy crafting! Let me know how things go, and if you end up making one, I'd love to see a picture.
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jillraggett · 8 months
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Plant of the Day
Tuesday 16 January 2024
The tender perennial Plectranthus ciliatus 'Sasha’ (spur-flower, Swedish ivy) has yellow shaded leaves with a darker shading in the centre, and a purplish tint when young. It is easily propagated by softwood cuttings.
Jill Raggett
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trans-lykanthropie · 4 months
Ohhhhhhhhhhkay let's learn something today, now that I've worked out exactly what's happened here
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So, this painting has been cut from what I presume was a larger canvas, meaning the original doesn't have enough material around the edge to mount it on a stretcher frame. It's been torn too (see image left above and below). Those are the two major problems: the tear and the lack of canvas.
Now either a highly inexperienced and undersupplied restorer or, more likely, an amateur has attempted to solve both of those problems the tear repair isn't terribe. It's not good, but if there was serious loss of both fabric and grounding but you didn't have the time, tools, skill, or werewithall to solder extension threads to the torn fibers and pulled the tear closed, then weaving replacement threads to recreate the weft of the fabric, then reinforce the tear with thread bridges and fill the gap with grounding putty, then this is, technically, a solution to that problem. It's backed with Japanese tissue paper, which is a good choice, and you can see that there's been more grounding added, although it looks like synthetic gesso rather than any bespoke mixture.
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The retouch also isn't that bad. I think too much paint as been used such that it overlaps the edge of the damage, which may result in acid damage later on, and I suspect in a few years the retouch will be painfully obvious, but I can respect the work and genuine skill that's gone into the colour matching and mimicking the texture and feel of the painting. Solid attempt.
However what is totally unacceptable is the doubling and the mounting on the stretcher frame. I now know why they tried to pull the painting taught using only the corner wedges because the adhesive they've used for the doubling doesn't hold under tension. They must've noticed this during the mounting of the picture on the frame and decided not to pull the canvas too tight and risk it separating from the painting. But that just means that the wrong adhesive was used.
For context, a full proper doubling process of a painting with a natural adhesive goes like this:
Make sure the picture surface is fixed with a warmed natural adhesive
Stretch the work on a work frame and apply a slightly stronger adhesive to the reverse.
Sand the reverse lightly with a pumice stone and apply adhesive again.
Do the same with the doubling fabric on the surface to be adhered against the reverse of the painting
Apply a quantity of much stronger adhesive to the middle of the doubling fabric and lay the painting atop it. Press from the centre outwards to remove air pockets and to make sure the adhesive fills the space between the two pieces entirely
Dry in circulating air for 2-3 hours, pressing the surface every 15 minutes with a hot tool. When there is no moisture, the process is complete
Now that, as you can probably tell, is an absolute ball ache and very expensive. Even working with a heat activated adhesive film you'd be looking at hours of work. So they seem to have used an adhesive that doesn't hold, on fabric that hasn't been prepped, and the doubling fabric is a very open weave which stretches easily. THIS IS BAD WORK.
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Now I managed, with a little circumspection and gentle use of the stretching tool, to get it mounted to a decent degree. I had to remove the entire painting from the stretcher, rebuild it (its a cheap softwood frsme and is missing a middle joint), and restretch it VERY CAREFULLY. It's now stable enough to be framed.
What a fucking hassle
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jamesadamtaylor · 5 months
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Explorations/ Redwood is funny, As an ancient conifer it has quite soft wood. You can scratch into fresh cut lumber easily with your fingernail. Like many "softwoods" the weight to volume ratio is very low, aka it's physically light.
However, this isn't always true. Redwoods are exceptionally long lived, trees aren't even considered mature until they are multiple hundreds of years old. Before colonization and mass logging, the number of mature tree in the 800-2000 year range would have been staggering.
One of the superpowers of the redwood is as a tree ages, protective compounds amas in the heartwood. These compounds make the heartwood nearly indestructible to insects and fungus. So as a tree ages, the wood inside can actually get heavier.
The reason I bring this up, is that while exploring I found a chunk of wood at the base of an ancient tree. It very clearly had been the very top. Old redwoods often have dead tops, and sometimes after decades, maybe centuries, portions break off in and tumble to earth after a windstorm. This was clearly the case with this find. The grain was grey and gnarled with little bits of lichen clinging to it. The chunk of wood was also exceptionally heavy, at least twice what I was expecting. That's it, thanks for reading.
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smellslikebot · 3 months
initially i wasn't planning on trying to air layer the persimmon tree because i haven't found any evidence of anybody doing it successfully (just vague anecdotes and urban legend shit) and every single person on youtube who tried to document the process or even get a cutting to root has failed
but my mom is adamant that i at least give it a shot, so i did some more searching and found a UC Davis resource page with instructions on how to root a persimmon cutting. the interesting(?) thing is that it says to use a softwood cutting, which i hadn't seen anybody else try
and air layering instructions generally specify that you should do it to branches of a certain age/hardness, which made me wonder if air layering the softer green growths on a tree was even a Thing... looking that up led me to a video of an old taiwanese dude doing just that, and that reminded me of one of the anecdotes i'd read (that the person knew of "asian growers in california" who'd successfully air layered persimmon trees LOL)
so my plan here is basically "try something difference"
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informalcrybaby · 2 years
Clever Girl  (Harwin Strong x OC)
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Summary: Lyra Castellan is a noblewoman who doesn’t quite fit in. After escaping a party one night, she meets Ser Harwin in the darkness of the forest. The two share a special moment together.
A/N: This is my first time posting on Tumblr, like ever, so please be kind if you can and if you can’t I’ll probably go and cry in my closet for a little bit. I hope to make this into a series if anyone is interested in it. Enjoy!
Lyra had never enjoyed feasts or parties if she was being honest. The pure excess of food, drink and gossip being consumed always soured her stomach. Gluttony, it seemed, turned her off or merely it was the simple fact that there were starving people sheer meters from those who turned their noses up at less desirable cuts of meat. So, when forced to attend such affairs, she preferred to slip out after introductions and pleasantries were finished. Most of the time, as her father and brothers fell deeper into their cups, she went unnoticed. However, on that night, there was someone watching.
She hadn’t noticed the dark-haired man’s heavy gaze as she slipped through the opening of the gathering tent. Having been too focused on timing her eldest brother, Raeken, and his heavy lidded sips from his overflowing goblet, to notice that mere seconds after her departure, he made his exit.
Crisp night air nipped her exposed arms and kissed her chapped lips in greeting, welcoming her to the edge of the dense forest lining the grounds. In the shadows casted by the cooks’ fires, Lyra sought her solace against a large softwood tree. It wasn’t silent, as jeering and muttered chattering still flitted about, but it was quiet enough that the gnawing in her chest began to ease.
Smiling softly against the darkness, Lyra slipped a wine skin from its hiding place in her heavy skirts. Before taking a heavy sip, she offered her silent gratitude to her favorite maid and her insistency on secret pockets in most of her garments. As she swallowed another sip, a bard began strumming softly, drowning out all background noise. His song was a sad one, a crooning for a lost lover that she had heard before. She hummed gently at first, taking special care to follow the lilt in his voice until she was singing along with him.
As the bard piped out his final stanza, a branch snapped loudly near Lyra, pulling her from their secret duet. Faster than she imagined herself capable of, she pulled the intricate clip holding her fiery locks in a mazelike updo and spun to face the attacker of her peace.
The tip of the small dagger sat just underneath the chin of a man she had only ever seen in passing and heard referred to in the ladies’ stories of gallantry. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes at first, but her gaze slipped slowly down his curly dark locks, then his nose that bore a faded scar at the bridge and finally lips that looked too soft for a man of such a brutal reputation. She only met his piercing blue eyes after he spoke.
“I mean you no harm my lady.” His deep baritone rumbled through her and had she had her wits about her, she would have blamed her shiver on the cold. He held his palms up as a signal of surrender, but he made no move to disarm her.
“You intend for me to believe that there is nothing to fear about a man called “Break Bones”?” The hand, holding the dagger didn’t waver as she spoke, but she hoped he saw the glimmer of playfulness in her emerald eyes. She knew he meant her no harm. He could have removed her weapon from her possession at any point, but she couldn’t help but to goad him just a little.
“A moniker is only as powerful as those who breathe life into it,” He chuckled lightly, the corners of his plump lips turning up slightly, “Shall I call you “Cut Throat” then, my lady?”
She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her. His jesting felt comforting and warm. Very much unlike the sneaky formal perversions of most of the noble men who had crossed her path over the years. She only wavered playfully for moment before securing the dagger back into its gold encrusted sheath.
“I quite like the sound of that actually,” Lyra retorted, leaning down to retrieve the wineskin from the ground, “But for formality’s sake, call me Lyra.” She raised the wine to her lips and took a sip to steady her nerves before offering it to her false assailant. He took it gratefully, tipping his head back and sipping generously before offering it back to her.
 “Lyra.” He said her name slowly, like he was tasting every contour of every sound of her name. How could such a large, intimidating man appear so soft? She wondered; their eyes existing for only each other in that moment.
“Harwin.” She countered, trying to replicate the care he put into her name. His face warmed and he offered her the smallest of bows.
“May I join you?” He asked, head dipped toward the tree she had been sitting against, “I do feel that we both are in need of a slight reprieve from the fanfare.”
“Please.” She gestured for him to follow her, feeling the heat of his gaze against her back until they both dropped to the soft earth and leaned back against the tree. As if on cue, or maybe he had been playing the entire time, the Bard’s strumming filled their ears once again.  
They sat in comfortable silence for moments that seemed to stretch on forever, passing what was left of the wineskin back and forth. She didn’t know the song the bard was singing but surprisingly, Ser Harwin did. He sung softly between sips and when his eyes met hers, she was trying to suppress her smile.
“Does my singing displease you?” He laughed, bright smile matching the one she was unable to hold back. He knocked his shoulder against hers lightly as if they were just childhood friends having a laugh. The closeness stole her breathe for a moment.
“Not at all, you are a lovely singer,” She said, leaning over to steal their shared drink from his hands, their fingers grazing one another, “Rid yourself of your lance in the next tourney and sing your opponent off his horse.”
The laugh that escaped Harwin electrified Lyra in a way she had never felt before. The sound invaded every pore in her body and exploded with a warmth that made her feel like she would never be in need of a cloak ever again.
“Clever girl.” He praised her lowly, voice containing more heat than humor.
 It was a magical sound, one that she felt the overwhelming need to hear again. But just as she attempted to poke him again to elicit that glorious sound, a piercing yell broke through their cozy bubble.
“LYRA!” Her brother, Raeken, called from somewhere not too far in the darkness. Her oldest brother would be absolutely livid to find her alone with a man, even one held in as high regard as Harwin.
“Shit!” The word came out as a hiss as she hurriedly pulled herself to her feet. Harwin followed, catching her elbow as she slipped slightly. Her skin flared hot under his touch. She caught his gaze and smiled sadly, bidding him farewell with her eyes before taking off into the darkness to murder her oldest brother.
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nitr09-productions · 2 months
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It's my birthday, so you all have to look at my disgusting little woodwork project. I'm... Not good at this.
Made of some random softwood my parents cut down in our garden. The black line is where I'm gonna saw when I'm finished; the rest is so I have something to grip onto so I don't cut my fingers off.
He's just a little boy.
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shopcat · 3 months
u do not have 2 answer if u don't feel like but i remember u talking bt litter box situation in ur apartment/house, did you figure it out and does it work?? i'm moving next week into such a tiny place and i have one kitty but i have no idea where the box should go helppp
omg no it's okay sorry i didn't see this til now i did figure it out i can't believe people actually listen to me LOLL i'll put it under a cut for u 🙂🫶
atm i just have a normal box next to the toilet bc it fits there and it's its own seperate room, even if it isn't in ur case that's a good spot for one or if you can fit both there honestly. bathrooms are well ventilated and easier for clean up floor-wise if any accidents happen... the only thing is if it's your actual bathroom as in the shower is in there maybe get covered boxes or don't use clumping clay bc then it'll get all hard from the moisture i'd assume at least...
for a bit i had one in the laundry too just like on the floor against the wall idk which was also honestly fine i think i'd just get two litter catching mats/another covered box if i was going that route. i bought a cheap litter box cabinet and put it in my bathroom and that seems to be working well too if ur cat is like mine they tend to choose one box for well number 1 and number 2 so i put his peepee box as the one that's next to the toilet LOL..
i have a litter catching mat for both boxes that have been working really well + use a litter deodoriser which you just like sprinkle on which also seems to be fine so far i was a bit worried it might mess up his senses or smth or cause some sort of health issue but they're def pet safe so that shouldn't be a problem... i'm also planning on getting a new box that has the litter catching attachment thing around the sides to help contain kicking which is MY idiot cats biggest problem and that will fit where it is currently too.
if ur issue is containing any sort of smell i'd recommend on top of the regular daily cleaning covered boxes (w filters if u can find one)/a litter cabinet if you can find one cheap (or know someone who'd cut a hole in a cheap cabinet w doors LOL which is all it is). a cabinet is a good idea if you have to put it in another public space bc of limited space too. i just use cheap clumping clay bc he likes it but i've used ermmm it was like, softwood clumping litter and cleaning that was SOOO much easier sensory wise bc it just kind of smelt like wet hay/a barn LOL. absolutely no issues so far with my current set up so i do recommend.
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blackevermore · 6 months
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain ( Also on A03)
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{ Chapter 16 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 4.2K
P.s: Chapters will be taking longer to get out which means they will get longer to read as well
Vladan was lost in thought as his hands went to work cutting away at the softwood with his pocket knife. He was thinking. His brother was seemingly getting better and that ceased his fear of his sibling’s becoming. Tayonna had played a major part in doing so, making Vladan grateful she was there. However, the more he became interested in Tayonna the more he found himself being unable to stop thinking about her. The other housemaids liked her and took kindly to including her in their chores, his mother held a weird air about having the woman around despite being overly welcoming towards her before, and Vladan’s father was too caught up in his work to have a say in anything that regarded the woman other than asking her for his gloves and where he left his letters. 
None of their opinions mattered though, Luther was the only one that Vladan had the urge to listen to when it came to the woman. Luther had nothing but good things to say, he praised her ability to help him and her company more than anything. She would tell him stories from her homeland and how much she missed being able to go about her day doing whatever she wanted. Luther at times felt bad that Tayonna was there with them. He admitted to Vladan that he even thought of sending Tayonna back to the islands and giving her dual citizenship so she would be free under Western law.
“How do you think you can do that?” Vladan asked. He was a scholar of business and science, he had simple knowledge of European affairs when it came to the business of slaves. But the colonies were something different. England had more power here than Prussia or any of the Germanic states.
“Well, I can’t marry her. I’m dying.” Luther let out a bellyful laugh that quickly rolled itself in a fit of coughs. Vladan was quick to his brother’s aid with a cup of water and a rag for him to cough into.
Vladan didn’t need Luther to say out loud that he was aware of his eldest brother’s allurement towards Tayonna. It seemed everyone was more and more aware of it while Vladan thought he had kept to his stoic and blank nature. Despite never raising a brow in wonder or smiling at kind gestures, Vladan's (awkward) actions screamed. When the woman was around he stiffened up and fought himself not to look at her. When someone said her name he was quick to distract himself with something and pretend he was busy. If he did have to interact with her he would move them far away from anyone else as if he had a secret to share. It wasn’t Luther who saw it first but rather his mother, Luther was just more vocal about it. And by vocal he was blabbing about taboo things that Vladan was sure even if he held the purest intent with wanting Tayonna’s hand the world would destroy it. 
When they first arrived at the new land Vladan quickly took note of the behaviours of the other settlers and the dos and don’ts. Do take pride in your culture and what boat you came off of. Don’t show too much interest in political affairs unless you want to be dragged into it. Do take part in the social trade of goods that benefit everyone. Don’t treat your slaves like people. That is why the Mægisters’ family house was farthest from the town and prying eyes. 
He wanted her. He wanted to hold her, listen to her stories, see her powers and magic, and be amazed that someone like her could ever exist. The few times he found himself alone with her when she showed him her powers his heart cried out for more. He was becoming greedy. She was something special and for once Vladan felt like he didn’t have to think about his responsibilities. He didn’t have to worry about his schooling, the family business, or his brother’s health, she took it away without touching him or even acknowledging his budding feelings that grew like wildflowers.
Vladan felt his heart sink with the idea of never having Tayonna in the burning way he wanted her. Vladan hands stopped moving and he looked down at the wooden figure he had mindlessly been cutting at. He was kinda impressed with his subconscious making sure he didn’t nick himself in the process. He placed his knife down behind him and turned the figure in his hands. He had made a rose unbeknownst to his conscious attraction to a certain servant who held his heart on a string. After seeing all the flowers Tayonna could create from thin air, roses had become the symbol of Tayonna's presence and Vladan had made a mission of surrounding himself with her one way or another. His victim today was wood, yesterday was his mother’s flowers at the dining table, and last week was a tree he began picking at while taking a short walk in the forest. 
Just like Tayonna, the wood was rough in a few places, smooth where the blade made simple cuts but sharp on edges that should have been curved. But it was still appealing, still something to be amazed by, the wooden rose was in many ways a form of art that few wouldn’t appreciate but many would. 
Nature had become beautiful to Vladan in the months he had stayed in the new lands with his family. This world was so fresh and hardly seen the industrial boom of farm hands and metal parts. Everyone here was starting over which gave nature time to adapt to its new invaders. Vladan looked up from his work and took in the scene of wildlife before him. In the back of the family home in the distance was a river that he knew connected to a pond somewhere beyond his eyes. He saw a few bunnies hopping by and the call of the birds swooping through the air. At times when the world seemed like it was still he had caught sight of deer that crept by. Despite not being a land he knew by heart. The new world was beauty hidden beyond the waters of Europe and destined for something great, Vladan was sure.
“Vladan!” The call of his name brought Vladan back to reality and he quickly snapped his neck towards the side of the house. Tayonna came running at a speed that made him cautious. Her face said all he needed to know as he dropped the wooden figure and began to close the gap between them. When she ran into his arms he gripped her wrist and tried to calm her down. She was speaking in a language he didn’t recognise which made it hard for him to pick apart the few words that did sound like English or Deutsch.
‘Tayonna, calm down! I can’t understand what you’re saying.” Vladan shook the girl gently and that seemed to work to bring the girl down from her adrenaline. The girl's face fell, tears were spiking in the corners of her eyes and she looked away as a few fell. Vladan clenched his jaw as he could only imagine the news she was about to tell him. Luther was dead. Luther had finally chosen to pass and Vladan oddly enough was okay with hearing that news. But when Tayonna opened her mouth to speak Vladan’s face ran pale and his body turned cold.
“Your father is dead.”
Vlad's eyes shot open and he felt a strong need to cry. His breathing was heavy, his throat felt clamped and his eyes burned every time he blinked. He fought the turn of his lips into a frown as he gasped again and choked down a cry. Vladan’s memories were stronger than before and the emotion that came with it almost made Vlad's heart break. He could only imagine getting a call saying his father was dead. Senior Master was a fine gentleman who ran his businesses and made sure his boy was ready for the world when he sent him off the college. He was a strict father but was fair when it came to his love for his son. Vlad could only imagine what Vladan had with his father, if his sadness was this substantial then their relationship was beyond important. As soon as Vlad was able to overcome the sadness a new emotion set in, one that made him anxious and terrified. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he felt like the world was crashing in on him. He raised his hands to his eye level, opening and closing them feeling the slight trimmer every time he opened them.
His breathing was getting harsher as if he had run miles on end and was finally coming to a stop. He rolled to his side and tried to catch his breath but it only made it worse as now he felt like his muscles contract and ache.
‘What am I going to do?’
‘What will I do with my mother?’
Vlad’s mother was dead.
‘Luther? Is Luther next?’
Vlad shut his eyes but the darkness that normally lay behind his lids turned into an out-of-body scene of him watching Vladan having a breakdown in the middle of a field. Vlad was horrified as he watched the man gripping at his hair and then turned to him. Vlad felt his core begin to burn him and he hissed, grabbing at his chest and falling to one knee. Vladan continued to look beyond him and then down at him with a worried look.
“Tayonna,” Vladan’s voice was broken as he spoke towards Vlad who was still hunched in pain. “Protect her, please.” Vladan reached out and clasped Vlad’s shoulders.
“L-Let go of me!” Vlad barked between groans of discomfort.
“Save her!” Vladan screamed in his face. 
Vlad tried to pull away from him and create distance but the pain in his chest kept him at the mercy of the other man. Vladan grip finally let go when the man shot to his feet and turned towards the distance.
“Tayonna!” He screamed and then vanished in the air.
Vlad peeked through his lashes and saw the world around him beginning to change. The sun was blacked out by something in front of it which made everything dark with a red haunting tint. Vlad managed to get back on his feet and staggered a bit, he looked around and was utterly alone. A chill ran down his back as he felt that he was being watched but by whom he had no idea. He turned around trying to see if the area he was in was from his dreams and when he caught sight of the house he fell to his knees again. The house he had seen constantly in his dreams was up in flames with a mass gathering of angry-looking towns folk with weapons and torches in their hands. Vlad’s emotions began to run again as he felt a broken defeat ghost over him as if he was watching his legacy be burnt to the ground. He felt helpless and destroyed. The flames danced in his eyes as flickers of colours painted over him. With each lap of fire crawling around the edges of the house Vlad felt his heart crack and crumble. He was watching his legacy burn down, his bloodline, his ancestor, his family. 
A woman in red looked back at him as she stood in the crowd of town folk. She smirked, overjoyed with his misery and watching everything he had go up in flames. Vlad felt the eyes on him and slowly raised his head but before he could lock eyes with the stranger his core pulsed again and he shut his eyes as a sharp pain crossed through him and then there was a feeling of peace. His core didn’t hurt anymore, the negative feelings that were drowning him were gone and he felt an overpowering drive of security. He felt a pair of arms grab onto him and pull him into an embrace that buried his head and steadied his heart. Vlad let out a staggered sigh and brought his hands to hold onto the body of whoever was holding him. In this moment he didn’t care who it was, he only cared that they were calming him down and surging out the distress he had experienced moments before. He nuzzled his face and took a deep breath inhaling an aroma of a pleasant earthy smell with hints of something sugary. His hands caressed the body and he felt a ping of fear that if he let go they would too and leave him.
Vlad finally dared to open his eyes and when he did he saw he was back in his bedroom. He hadn’t noticed he was pressed against someone until he felt a hand running through his hair. He looked down at the arm that wrapped around his shoulders and saw pale purple skin.
“He came to me,” Tayonna spoke before Vlad could say anything. “He was screaming and you were gasping for air.” Tayonna sounded tired but Vlad could tell that if he saw her face it would say something else. Was she worried? An uncertain conflict between being upset at the man who caused her trouble or uncomfortable with having to calm down a man she didn’t know. Vlad only hummed but didn’t try to pull away. He could hear the sound of her core thumping against her chest and it sounded almost like a lullaby. Neither of them pulled away and as if they had a silent agreement just stayed in each other arms until the following break of day.
When Vlad woke up from his alarm Tayonna was gone and the spot in which she laid last night was cold. Vlad couldn’t tell who was upset that she was gone, him or Vladan, or if they equally wanted Tayonna to stay for different reasons. Vlad could only admit to himself that when the girl was in his bed he felt the utmost relaxation he ever had. Tayonna made his body heavy with comfort and his mind went blank which he hadn’t had in a rather long time. He rolled his eyes at the idea of actually having the ghost in his bed. Maybe she could stay on one side and that would be enough for him to have a good night's rest without any memories that didn’t belong to him or impending dooms that threatened his sleep schedule more than it already did. He hadn’t shared a bed in years, never felt the need to or the want, he was fine being able to stretch out any which way. The few times he had taken someone to bed they were either gone in the morning before he woke up by their own will or the instructions he had given them the night before. Vlad had only ever thought of waking up to one person since college. She would sleepily greet him and kiss him and many more things his wicked mind indulged in. But Maddie would never be in his bed and Vlad was not going to simply walk up to a restless ghost and ask for a snuggle buddy.
Vlad kicked his feet off the side of his bed and rolled his neck. He ran a hand up his shoulder and tried to rub the knots out but gave up when he realized he couldn’t. Last night was a shit show and he would need to book an appointment with his masseuse. He turned back over to the other side of the bed and reached out a hand to rub the sheet. Despite now hosting another person’s mind within his body he did enjoy the company Tayonna gave him. Rather if it calmed his mind or night, being held by someone else lit something inside him he hadn’t had in years.
The imitated intimate nature was not something Vlad got often even with his rare and few late-night partners. They didn’t hold him or run their fingers through his hair with innocent intentions. At times Vlad only craved the partnership that left kisses on his cheek and small touches on his hand. 
When Vlad felt his mind begin to race again with his own saddening needs he snapped forward and got to his feet to start his day. Enough with the melancholy and more with the businessman he was. 
It had been his silly idea to invite the ghost to dinner which left a bad taste in Dani’s mouth. After almost a month of having the ghost lingering around, Vlad had finally asked her to join him in the final days of dinner before he packed up everything and went back to Wisconsin. Although the ghost could not eat living food he had set up a plate of ectoplasm arranged in a fancy way for the other to enjoy. Once dinner was in full swing Vlad took note that Tayonna hardly picked at her food. He didn’t say anything and just blocked out the way she looked between him and Dani as best he could.
“Does that mean she’s staying here?” Dani asked. Vlad wanted to scold her about talking about Tayonna as if she wasn’t there with them. Vlad swallowed, placed his fork down and crossed his leg over the other.
“It doesn’t seem that Tayonna can go anywhere without me. Her injuries were caused because she tried to leave. From what I understand she can not go too far without something happening. So, she will be coming with me back home.” Vlad gave his daughter a mannerly smile and Dani was unduly relieved. 
Then Dani became curious, “Wait, how come she can’t leave?”
Vlad didn’t want to tell Dani that Tayonna and he were bound by the core. That would raise too many red flags and likely send the girl off in a fit. Dani was still on edge about Tayonna being around, finding out her parental figure was damn near ball and chained to the ghost would freak her out.
“I can not leave until it is resolved. I must stay.” Tayonan cut in and Dani shot her a nasty look. The ghost held Dani’s eyes but did nothing. Vlad cleared his throat to gather Dani’s attention again and narrowed his eyes on her rudeness. Dani apologized.
“She is correct,” Vlad begins, “It has been placed upon me to figure out what is keeping her restless. Thus she must stay close. But you have nothing to worry about since you’ll be spending the summer with Daniel and his family. Before the winter comes back around and you are back home, Tayonna will be properly rested or at least back in the ghost zone.” Vlad felt upset with himself for saying that but quickly shook it off as Vladan tried to get inside his head. Vlad looked towards Tayonna and she looked away, gazing at the room around her then sighing in a defeated manner.
He felt her core pulse with a pang of sadness, he closed his eyes, took a moment, and then swallowed it down as he tried to continue eating his food. Dani didn’t like that answer, she didn’t like the idea of Vlad being alone with a ghost who could easily get inside his head. She made a mental note to talk to Danny, he would be the only one who could come up with some plan of what to do before he was packing and moving to college. Oh yeah, Danny was moving to college at the end of the summer and that was the whole point of Dani staying with him. 
Dani hated how Tayonna came during a time when things were supposed to be peachy-sweet. Danny was leaving, Dani was growing up, Vlad was settling into different businesses and being a dad. Then here came Tayonna and her girl issues while dead and Dani wanted to gag and tell her to suck it up. Dani had heard how annoying Amber and Kitty were months before she was born and how Danny hated having to deal with them. Now it felt like history was repeating itself and cursing Dani to deal with almost the same things her male counterpart dealt with, but worse. Stupid ghost with stupid feelings fucking up her family and all the things they had going for them. Dani could feel her anger bubbling and she was sure it was not due to any mind tricks. Ugh! 
“Danielle?” Vlad cocked a brow. 
“I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” Dani took a final bite of her food and then roughly placed her fork down. She pushed the plate forward before pushing out her chair. She ran over and hugged Vlad tightly and the older man was confused but quickly settled into the embrace. Dani gave one last squeeze then pulled away.
“Love you.”
“Same to you,” Vlad responded, mentally kicking himself for not being able to say it back.  “Make sure you are fully packed so I can drop you off tomorrow.” Vlad hated yelling at the dinner table but the young phantom was already out of the room.
When it was just him and Tayonna the ghost seemed almost pleased.
“She’s uncomfortable.” Tayonna poked at the food in front of her.
“I would be too if an unwanted ghost came into my house and caused trouble.” Vlad retorted sharply. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh but it was the truth. 
“I apologize.” Tayonna locked eyes with Vlad and he gulped then quickly cleaned his mouth with a napkin. He could feel that she felt bad for scaring Dani.
“With due time she will come around to the idea that you’ll be here for a while,” Vlad smirked more for himself. It was almost like playing a very strange game of house. Dani’s short temper mostly came from Vlad in his former years. Danny was a lot better at controlling unnecessary undirected anger than Vlad. Vlad would just shoot off until there was nothing left of his mockery. Dani, now going through the necessary steps of her angsty teenage years, was very much like Vlad. 
“Sometimes I wonder if our daughter would have had her father’s stoic nature or my temper.” Tayonna didn’t mean to share that with Vlad but the pull on her core begged for a connection. She secretly hoped her actions of bounding them wouldn’t backfire.
“Did he want children?” Vlad bit the inside of his cheek when the question left his lips. He felt nervous asking.
“He wanted many, I told him one would be just enough but he wanted two. A girl for whom he could teach business and a boy for whom he wanted to live freely.” Tayonna's core lit up with happiness, Vlad could feel it and it felt lovely.
“Isn’t that a bit backwards for your time?
“Forbidden by nature, not by nurture. He didn’t live by nature, he enjoyed its benefits but never truly lived by it. He followed the way his heart told him.” Tayonna gave a small smile and looked down at her hands.
“A girl learning the ways of her brothers would allow her the ability to fight. A boy learning his sister’s gives him the ability to learn to care for the things that matter most.” Vladan had spoken through Vlad and it was clear both he and Tayonna were aware of it. The girl looked uncomfortable but kept her eyes on Vlad to see what else would happen. The man felt his mind rush and then settle and he quickly reached for his drink to down it.
“Does he talk to you?” Tayonna asked just above a whisper.
“He annoys me.” Vlad tsked.
Tayonna looked always hopeful to talk to Vladan but when Vlad’s face fell to a disgruntled expression she quickly shook the feeling away. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to talk to him anyway. Vlad could sense she strongly longed for the man despite wanting to also kill him. Love was a dangerous feeling Vlad knew all too much about. Love could get scary to the point you would hurt anyone including the one you promised to cherish. Tayonna was in love just as much as she was in pain. Vlad was unfortunate to feel every ounce of that as they sat across from each other. 
“Tayonna?” Vlad called to the woman and she looked back up with him.
“Can you remember what he did to make you so upset?” Vlad could feel the beating of his heart begin to race. He could hear a very faint yelling in his ear telling him Vladan was innocent. Vlad tried his best to drown it out as the woman in front of him struggled to think. Tayonna looked away trying to gather her thoughts but the more she dug through her mind she came upon blanks. Tayonna could not pinpoint any memories but rather just her anger and her sadness towards Vladan. She was restless for so long and it felt like her reason for being so became a phantom of itself. But something wasn’t right. Tayonna knew herself better than anyone else and knew that she would never be mad at Vladan if there wasn’t a good reason. She loved him more than anything in the world. She tried to think again but nothing came about it.
Vlad raised a hand to his chest and gripped his shirt as a shot of anxiety came from Tayonna.
“Tayonna?” Vlad called again and the girl began to cry.
“I don’t remember.”
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consolecadet · 10 months
I spent a big chunk of today trying to make this Christmas tree topper out of a block made of two sheets of plywood. I did not finish. Things I learned:
Plywood, even if it's made of softwood, is not a softwood. The bandsaw will not be happy about cutting it, and you will be even more miserable trying to cut it by hand
I do not know how to use a wood chisel. This is not surprising, considering no one has ever tried to teach me and I have not read instructions anywhere, and yet somehow it surprised me
My arms are relatively strong but they are not used to moving in the way you do for woodworking. My right hand and wrist are going to ache to the bone tomorrow even though I iced them today
I should probably just make the thing I'm imagining out of air dry clay with an aluminum foil armature, a medium with which I'm much more used to working
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Friday 27 January 2023
In this glasshouse the tender, evergreen perennial Solenostemon scutellarioides (coleus, painted nettle) creates a colourful pool of orange foliage. This plant has semi-succulent, square stems which will root easily from softwood cuttings which allows a huge range of cultivars to persist. The small, spikes of blue flowers are usually removed to encourage foliage development.
Jill Raggett
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Blue Ocean
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Bay Area three-piece Blue Ocean plays exuberantly discordant yet surprisingly mild-mannered noise pop, not unlike what a TV Personalities record might sound like if it were playing through a box fan that’s tumbling down the stairs. In his review of last year’s self-titled LP, Chris Liberato noted how suddenly the dynamics at play in the band’s songs can change, writing of “Human Now”: “You won’t be able to help but smile when a big bombastic synth chord comes lumbering across the song, from out of nowhere, with the enthusiasm of a sedated puppy — and then decides to stick around for a couple of encores.” Hot off the announcement of their Slumberland debut, Fertile State (out in October), band members Rick Altieri, David Stringi and Neal Donovan pop by to share a few words about some of the records they love.
Dave’s Picks:
Snapper — S/T
Found years ago, during a visit to Brooklyn, NY. I instantly gravitated to the vibrant and colorful slashes of paint, which abstractly splayed themselves across the front cover. The songs are very colorful as well, painted with electrifying rhythms and arpeggiating synth leads. “This would make a great gift for a couple of friends of mine.” Maybe someday Flying Nun will re-release it.
Dummy — EP2
I find myself listening again and again to this second installment from Dummy, sonic enthusiasts based on the West Coast. The opening track “Thursday Morning” introduces itself quite charmingly with its creative and concentrated vocal melodies. Followed blissfully by deep layers of noise and feedback within a clever collage process.
Rick’s Picks:
M. Sage — Paradise Crick
This album was a surprise find in the first half of 2023 for me, I was actually listening to the single “Crick Dynamo” before the album was released and remember my ears really perked up. I know M. Sage himself just did a Listed recently, what a lovely surprise — huge new fan of his work. I love the line walked between sonic lab experimentations and organic leafy strollings by a river; right up my alley.
Bill Evans — Coffee and Cigarettes
I always come back to Bill Evans when I’m in the mood for calming jazz that still demands your attention and challenges you in many ways. His playing on this record reminds me a lot of Debussy, another go-to when trying to unwind. Evans is one of my all-time favorite piano players.
Lifetones — For A Reason
Charles Bullen of This Heat went on to make this post-punk/dub hybrid classic with Julius Cornelius Samuel in 1983 — This Heat had just broken up the year before. The rhythmic syncopations and droning cyclical vocal delivery make every song on this record a mesmerizing journey. The lyrics are profound in their simplicity, dealing with human interaction and nature.
Neptune — Gong Lake
This record will always be special to me. Neptune was one of the first bands I remember seeing with Dave when I moved to Boston in 2008. They were playing in the basement of Gay Gardens, an old DIY spot in Allston. I was instantly blown away by the barrage of rhythmic noise and impressed by the homemade guitars and effects they had fabricated. They’ve been a huge influence on Dave and I for years now.
Emeralds — Does It Look Like I’m Here?
A Midwest synth classic. When I listened to the song “Candy Shoppe” again recently I was even more moved than ever before, a good sign that this 13-year-old album stands the test of time. This album fluctuates between gritty acidic synth-scapes and ambient movements in the vein of early Eno. I love Imaginary Softwoods too, John Elliot’s solo project post-Emeralds.
Neal’s Picks:
Ananda Kumar — Mangala Vadhyam Vol. 3
A friend with roots in Tamil Nadu told me about the nadaswaram, a double-reed instrument played at weddings and religious festivals in Southern India. I love how intense and cutting the sound is. This recording features two nadaswarams in semi-improvised conversation with each other. I'm reminded a bit of the groove and excitement of traditional New Orleans jazz. Also, the thavil drumming is insane, reminiscent of Aphex Twin breakbeats.
Jed Wentz — Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Flute
Telemann's fantasias for solo flute are so cool. Although they were published in the 1730s, there's something that feels very modern about having just the flute to focus on. The player is asked to jump around throughout the range of the instrument, sometimes outlining melodies and basslines simultaneously. It's all the more impressive on the keyless, wooden, baroque flute which has a mellower sound than modern metal ones. I imagine it as portable music that someone could play anywhere.
Sheer Mag — Compilation
My partner threw this on when we were cleaning out our last apartment. I'm not usually a big fan of riff-driven guitar rock, but this album just got me. The licks are smokin’, the guitar tones are perfection, and I love the mix— just gritty enough.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Product label for Acqua Lina Washing Liquid, 10/19/1937. 
(It’s bleach.) 
Series: Case Files for Registered Product Labels , 1874 - 1940
Record Group 241: Records of the Patent and Trademark Office, 1836 - 1978
[sample label]  
[vertical text on sideS of label] KEEP IN COOL PLACE TIGHTLY CAPPED | NO LIME OR ACID IN THIS SOLUTION  [/vertical text]
[capitalized] Do Not Use on Silk, Wook, Leather, or Sponge |  Use Acqua Lina on White and Fast Colors Only | Follow DIRECTIONS Carefully | To Break Gold Seal Use Penknife | Bleaches -- Removes Dirt -- Softens Water -- Whitens Clothes | As a Bleach in LAUNDERING -- ACQUA LINA[ [/capitilzation]  bleaches white cottons and linens and removes ordinary stains -- boiling unnecessary.  Remember always mix well ACQUA LINA with water before using. In First Rinse -- Add 1 tablespoonful ACQUA LINA for each gallon cold or lukewarm water; mix well; then immerse white cottons and linens 15 min.; rinse in clear water. In Soaking Suds -- Add 1 tablespoonful ACQUA LINA for each gallon cold or lukewarm water; mix thoroughly; add soap or washing powder; then immerse white cottons and linens half hour or overnight; wash; rinse in clear water. Good for babies' white cotton and linens, diapers, rubber garments, rubber sheets.  FLOORS, Softwood and Hardwood -- Wash with hot suds.  Apply solution half pint ACQUA LINA to gallon warm water; let stand until desired results obtained; rinse; dry; wax and polish. WOOD -- Breadboards, Shelves, Drainboards, Utensils, etc. -- Wash with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart cold or lukewarm water; let stand 5 to 15 minutes; rinse. Repeat if necessary. REED, WICKER, Natural Colored Straw Hats -- Follow directions for WOOD, using 4 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart cold or lukewarm water. AS A STAIN, SCORCH OR MILDEW REMOVER To remove STAINS -- Coffee, Tea, Wine, Ink, Berry, Fruit, Chocolate, Flower, Vegetable, Grass, Blood, many Dye and Medicine Stains, also SCORCH and MILDEW, from white and color-fast cottons and linens (do not use on silk or wool) -- Soak in cold water to remove starch or dressing.  Make solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA for each quart cold water; mix thoroughly; then immerse fabric 5 to 15 minutes; rinse well in clear water. Repeat if necessary.  Any trace of mildew remaining usually disappears when fabric is dried in sunlight.  Brown spots left after removing certain inks can generally be removed with lemon juice or vinegar. PETS, POULTRY, LIVESTOCK To disinfect cuts, wounds, insect bites, and help combat infections and ailments of germ origin, use solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 10 parts water.  POULTRY and LIVESTOCK -- Disinfect drinking water by thoroughly mixing 1 oz. ACQUA LINA to each 5 gallons water.  Use in glass, porcelain or stoneware vessels.  Clean drinking water containers daily. DOGS, CATS -- Wash with solution half cupful ACQUA LINA to each gallon lukewarm suds; rinse with clear water; dry.  BEWARE OF IMITATIONS
ACQUA LINA REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. WASHING LIQUID [image of mother and daughter hanging up laundry] For your own protection DO NOT ACCEPT IF GOLD SEAL IS BROKEN ON THE NECK OF THIS BOTTLE  
AS A CLEANSER, STAIN REMOVER, DISINFECTANT OR DEODORANT To prepare a disinfecting solution containing 100 parts per million Available Chlorine -- Add 1 oz. ACQUA LINA for each 4 gallons cold water; mix well.  For the following -- Wash thoroughly; rinse with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; rinse; dry;
Basins, Bathtubs      Cuspidors     Enamel Ware     Sinks, Tile
Bottles                          Cut Glass       Fruit Jars             Vases
Chopping Blocks      Decanters     Linoleum             Windows
Coffee, Tea Pots       Dishes             Marble                  Wood Utensils
Crockery                     Drainboards  Porcelain             Woodwork
SICKROOM -- Bedpans, Urinals, Sputum Cups, etc. -- Wash thoroughly; rinse well with solution 3 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse; dry.  ODORS - ACQUA LINA destroys Fish, Onion, Cabbage, Garlic, also Skunk and other obnoxious odors. GARBAGE CANS -- Wash with hot suds; then wash thoroughly with solution 3 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart lukewarm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse; dry. REFRIGERATORS -- Thoroughly wash inside surfaces and shelves; rinse with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart warm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse with clear water; dry; air. TOILET BOWLS -- Pour half cupful ACQUA LINA into bowl; swish solution over all inside surfaces; then add 2 tablespoonfuls vinegar; let stand hour or overnight. DRAINPIPES of Basins, Sinks, Showers, Tubs -- To cleanse and aid in deodorizing, flush with boiling water followed with cupful ACQUA LINA. Ice Box Drains -- Use quarter cupful.  AS A DISINFECTANT FOR PERSONAL USE One part ACQUA LINA thoroughly  mixed with 10 parts cold water makes a sodium hypochlorite solution equivalent in disinfection properties to Dakin's solution.  CUTS, SCRATCHES, INSECT BITES, MINOR BURNS -- Apply solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 10 parts cold water; cover loosely with gauze; keep moist with same strength solution.  "ATHLETE'S FOOT" (Foot Ringworm) -- Soak feet daily for 5 minutes in solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; remove loose skin; continue soaking 15 minutes; dry. POISON IVY, OAK, SUMAC -- Wash with alcohol; bandage; keep moist with solution teaspoonful ACQUA LINA to glass water.  RINGWORM--Apply solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 5 parts cold water several times daily. DENTAL PLATES -- To sweeten, disinfect and remove stains -- Cleanse thoroughly, let stand 15 minutes or overnight in solution 10 drops ACQUA LINA to half glass (4 oz.) water; rinse. DOUCHE -- For an antiseptic douche, thoroughly mix 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart tepid water.  Will not harm delicate membrane or tissue.  Helps destroy unpleasant odors, leaves no lasting odor of its own. ACTIVE INGREDIENT WHEN PACKED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 5.25% Y WT. | INERT INGREDIENTS 94.75% BY WT.
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uroveneer-world · 1 year
Veneer sheets for kitchen cabinets : A cost effective solution for Bangalore homes
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Veneer sheets are becoming increasingly popular as a cost-effective and stylish solution for kitchen cabinets in Bangalore homes. These thin sheets of wood are typically made from a variety of hardwoods such as oak, maple, or cherry, and are used to cover the surface of kitchen cabinets to provide a high-quality finish. Veneer sheets are available in a range of colors and patterns, making them a versatile option for homeowners who are looking to revamp their kitchen on a budget.
One of the main benefits of using veneer sheets for kitchen cabinets is their affordability. Compared to solid wood cabinets, which can be very expensive, veneer sheets offer a more cost-effective alternative that still looks great. Veneer sheets are also more durable than other types of cabinet materials, such as laminates or MDF, which can easily warp or crack over time.
Visit Uro Veneer World and Buy your favorite PVC Laminate Collections for your House Decor. 
Click here to watch the video
In addition to being cost-effective, veneer sheets are also highly customizable. They come in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing homeowners to choose the perfect look for their kitchen. Whether you are looking for a sleek, modern style or a more traditional, rustic look, there is a veneer sheet that can provide the perfect finish for your cabinets. One of the most popular types of veneer sheets for kitchen cabinets is uro veneer. Uro veneer is a type of veneer that is made from a combination of hardwood and softwood, giving it a unique grain pattern that is both attractive and durable. Uro veneer is also highly resistant to warping, making it an ideal choice for use in high-humidity environments like kitchens.
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Another advantage of using veneer sheets for kitchen cabinets is their ease of installation. Because they are thin and flexible, veneer sheets can be easily cut and shaped to fit any size or shape of cabinet. This makes them an ideal choice for homeowners who are looking to do a DIY kitchen renovation without the need for expensive professional installation.
Despite their many advantages, veneer sheets do have some drawbacks that homeowners should be aware of. For example, veneer sheets are not as durable as solid wood cabinets, and may need to be replaced or refinished more frequently. Additionally, veneer sheets can be prone to chipping or peeling if they are not properly cared for, so homeowners should take care to avoid exposing them to excessive heat or moisture.
Uro Veneer is a company based in Bangalore that specializes in veneer sheets. They offer a wide range of veneer sheets in different wood species, colors, and textures. Their veneer sheets are made from high-quality wood and are available in various sizes and thicknesses to suit different needs. Overall, veneer sheets can be a great option for those looking to upgrade their kitchen cabinets in Bangalore, and Uro Veneer is a reliable supplier of high-quality veneer sheets in the area.
In conclusion, veneer sheets are a cost-effective and versatile solution for homeowners who are looking to update their kitchen cabinets. They are available in a range of colors and patterns, making them highly customizable, and they are easy to install, making them a great choice for DIY kitchen renovations. While they do have some drawbacks, veneer sheets are a great option for homeowners who are looking to save money while still achieving a stylish and high-quality finish for their kitchen cabinets. And if you are in Bangalore, uro veneer is a top choice for its unique grain pattern and high resistance to warping.
Visit Uro Veneer World and Buy your favorite PVC Laminate Collections for your House Decor. 
Contact us Uro veneer Bangalore!!!
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ravynfyre · 2 years
Heart pine sucks apparently it burns really fast
Pine tends to be full of resin, the less cured, the more resinous. That's why they say you shouldn't cut fresh pine to burn in your campfire unless you have no other choice. It will burn FAST and smokey because of the resin. Some pines are worse than others. But pine is also a softwood, especially with the way it is grown commercially now. That means for the same cubic inches, there's less density for fire to eat through. But it can be ready in a shorter time than oak or hickory, which makes it more commercially viable, hence why *everything* is made with fucking pine. Still, rather a pine stud than an engineered wood stud - that will still be made with pine, just smaller pieces and a lot of glue.
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