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radixalhimbo · 4 years ago
@softheart-bigarms-panther enters the bodega!
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"Yes, can I help.....You?" Upon seeing this....individual, Rad couldn't help but stare. This guy, he has fur. He thought. Is he a....No. No. Now's not the time. After staring for a few seconds, he added "You....look unusual. And tough."
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cloakedinfall · 4 years ago
It had been... an interesting past couple of days. It wasn't like Sidereal hadn't journeyed with groups before, it was actually pretty normal for him. However what made this interesting, was both the form of the people he was travelling with, and how... weirdly nice they'd been. A million questions had been levied at him by the two younger ones that followed his near every step, he'd done his best to answer them as best he could. Their interest in watching him use his magic was a weirdly encouraging thing, and he'd enjoyed it for the first little bit. However it had begun to wear on the mage over the past few days, and he was glad to be left behind whilst they all went hunting together. Well almost all of them.
He'd been left with the big panther looking one. He'd yet to interact with him extensively, but here was he chance at last. The tank they'd been using seemed to be his project, and even now when he should have been resting the man seemed to focus himself into it.
The mage moves without sound, a trait they'd have discovered very early into meeting him, his feet never actually touching the ground. The same magic being used for him to sit in the air near the panther. "Panthro, right? I had a question or two if you had the time."
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warriorfortamaran · 4 years ago
[[ Starter for @softheart-bigarms-panther !]]
It was Blorthog! And while it wasn’t like the festivity to go to your friend’s place in the night before already to basically just camp there and wait, to actually catch her before she would leave for visiting all of her many friends and not return before the day was almost over already - it worked. Here Moonshot was, happy that Starfire had agreed for some togetherness with him within the park of Jump City. The park was a good choice, it wasn’t the Tower, and that meant less interference from the Titans - specifically from him. So here they were, and after choosing an empty table to sit at, they had exchanged necklaces and now were talking a little while Starfire took out various things like cake-boxes and drinks.
It wasn’t like him to not keep his focus on Starfire when he actually had the chance to be like this with her, but something - or rather someone - caught his attention and eventually Moonshot jumped up from his seat to charge his energy and glare at the potential threat. “Who are you? Why are you watching us?” “Moonshot, please!” Starfire tried to calm him, getting up too and turning to who Moonshot had noticed.
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
And I’ll be offline! Still mobile, but slow.
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I got to things, and owe things. I’ve prepared two things for tomorrow already, and while it’s still a bit of a struggle somehow, I’m glad I managed to get back to writing before it would turn into a longer break. I’m considering to do some open starters on Star next where I do introductions of my other muses (where applicable), which, I’m not sure how people would feel about, but it would give me another chance to get some of my sideblog-muses some more out there, so hm. Another thing I might start is to go through memes I reblogged for inspiration on what an open to write? Those are there for inspiration after all, and nothing speaks against using those lines for something else, right? I recently saw someone else do it too, and I think I did it back a good while ago once on Blackfire too, and it is a nice idea really, especially when there might be some memes where one would really hope to get some sent but just nothing came.
Anyway! I’m aware of owing: 1 thing on Moonshot with softheart-bigarms-panther 2 things with untouchable-lightning (1 here 1 on my Multi) 2 things with grantsluck (1 here 1 on Wildfire) 1 thing with dxfiedfxte 2 things with graceful-cure-swan (1 on Blackfire 1 on my Multi) 1 thing with thedoctornumber11 1 thing on Galfore with lady-scorpion-and-friends 2 things with rosecoloredmuses 1 thing with concretefantasy 1 thing on Blackfire with thewxnderer 1 thing on Blackfire with itrytobeagoodkid 2 things with flashgotthis 1 thing with dolceclavier 1 thing with terra-markov-roleplay. If I missed anything, please let me know.
I hope your day or night is good!
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royalcaretaker · 4 years ago
“Now what is that?”
Encountering Beasts Sentence Starters
[[Thank you for sending one!]]
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Galfore's focus went to the goo-like mass at the wall of the cave, and he stepped closer. He took a bit of that into his hand, felt the goo, before smelling it too. "It is a warning. These beings cover the walls with their body-own acid to warn any other creature of entering further. The smell is still very intense; it cannot have been left here for long. We are close."
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heamatic-archive · 4 years ago
7. Do you project onto your muses at all, giving them similar issues or traits to your own? What is your opinion on people who do this?
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I think we all, in some shape of form, project onto our muses even if we don’t take notice. So I find it difficult to say that no, I don’t do that, because I most likely do by seeing parts of myself in these muses. In Cassie I find my humor and general outlook on life; in Fujin I find my my deep rooted emotions and the way I choose to see others; in Raiden I find my repressed emotions that have yet to come forward, for which I am reluctant because I may get hurt in the process; in Hanzo I find my discipline but also my past guilt; and in Shinnok – honestly I don’t know about that one. Maybe it’s that dark side of the coin that comes out when I write him.
Do I care that some people will purposely put a lot of themselves into a muse? Nah. Not at all. I have a self insert on another multi that I have not gone to in forever ajksdbvgf But she is me, basically, with some added and removed things to make her more unique. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it does not impair you. What I mean is, you see yourself in that muse so much that when something bad happens to them, you get upset and angry yourself, then defensive but not in a good way. This is not a healthy way of roleplaying and this is how you lose friends, I think. But otherwise, go wild! lol
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tamaraneanpacifist · 4 years ago
Family Matters
Thank you!
1. Does your muse have any siblings? If so where do they fit in age-wise between them?
I think this is probably already known to anyone who comes to this blog? I mean, if I were to introduce him to someone, I'd always start with 'oh he's the little brother of Starfire and Blackfire'. So yes, he has siblings, these two, and they are both his older sisters (Blackfire being older than Starfire, of course, but that's not the point here I guess).
Not sure what else to say here, so yeah!
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kataomci · 4 years ago
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@softheart-bigarms-panther​ said: 🔅Tohru
More & More! Headcanons
🔅: What’s a place that holds special meaning to them? Why? ((One place is the first air soft field he ever played on with Masamune. It was both a parralel to when his best friend first pulled him into soccer but as adults as well as a sort of official reunion to a similar relationship they had prior. One without Midori))
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cloakedinfall · 4 years ago
Well that was frustrating. He had hoped the cat would be more well read if he was working so well with the tank in front of them. So far as Sidereal knew the tank also worked in between, so he had assumed. Ah but assumptions rarely panned out well.
"Fine fine fine. Makes sense I guess. I thought with how well you were working with the tank, you'd be the one to ask. That... and to be honest with you..." He takes a look around making sure they're actually alone. "I'm uh... not really good with crowds... even as nice as they were." Pauses between each couple of words, definitely embarrassment more than anything else.
"But yea, anything to avoid in asking you questions?" he had something pretty specific that did come to mind to ask, but he doubted it was something the man would want to answer.
He’d watched people work on cars before, and so far as he could tell it looked like pretty similar work. It was a trade he had wondered about learning back when he was a kid, but gaining what he had, he doubted he’d need a trade when he finally got back to his own world.
“Just basic stuff. I work with magic pretty often, obviously, but that sword your friend has. I haven’t felt something like that in months. What is it?” A pretty pointed question, but it wasn’t like it wasn’t expected. They’d seen him use magic and he’d mentioned he could feel it, so that sword was bound to come up eventually.
In all honesty he had a million questions of his own, the sword, the planet, who exactly mumra was, what was their actual plan? But he’d learned a long time ago it was best just to ask the biggest questions first, you never knew when you’d lose the option to ask them.
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Panthro turned around and rested his back against the tank. He tucked the cloth on his belt for later. He tilted his head back slight and said, “I’m the worst cat to ask, kid.” It was blunt, but true. “As far as I understand it, it’s somewhere between tech and magic.”
He guessed that raise more questions, but it was all he had to give the kid about the sword. He didn’t understand how it worked. All he knew was that the gauntlet and sword were powerful. He shrugged, hopefully it would be enough to change the subject to something that he knew more about. He added, “If you want to know more you’ll have to ask Lion-O about it.”
“Anything else?”
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cloakedinfall · 4 years ago
(Ultra late D&D class) Cleric, use of utility and spell set with a focus balance between damage, utility, and staying alive.
/Ultra late answer.
Whilst i can definitely see the clerics versatility, Sidereal doesn't really draw his magic from a god or entity. He's closer to like a wizard, learning how to wield what's already in the air. forming complicated spells instead of just slinging them without a thought or with prayers.
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
Emoji mun questions
Thank you!
😑- what is one charector you refuse to roleplay as and why?
Hmm, uh, usually my reason for not roleplaying as a character is simply that I can't write them! It's not really a refusing to write as them though, I guess. So, I don't really know what to say to this, hmm.
Yeah, I've thought about it a bit, and I can't think of anyone I'd say I'm refusing. It's more like I simply couldn't do them. So I guess I can't really give a real answer here, sorry!
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
13 (random question prompt)
30 random questions to ask my muse
[[Thank you for sending one!]]
13.) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
[[Already answered here but I'll add something else!]]
"Perhaps I should grow more wary of people." It wasn't a thing she really wanted to do, even after some rather unpleasant experiences coming from that already, but it was something that she probably should do. "If I let go of the trust that I am openly giving others, it would mean much less of a risk that I am bringing myself or my friends into." But... it would be a lot less exciting, if she had to always remind herself that there were just as likely dangers out there as were good things.
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
And I’ll be offline! Still mobile, but slow.
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I got to 6 things! I felt as productive as if I’d have done everything I owe, even though I’m still very far from that. I also haven’t yet prepared anything for tomorrow, and that’ll be kinda hectic tomorrow since it’ll also be sunday which means picking and reblogging/posting some opens, but, eh, I’ll manage, hopefully. It’s still good that I got to more than what has become my average by now! And I even finished iconing another episode too, so that’s great as well.
I’m aware of owing: 2 asks 1 thing on Blackfire with the-i-d-f-l-hq 1 thing with titansandothersrp 1 thing on Blackfire with teentiitan 1 thing with akunc 2 things with grantsluck (1 on Starlight 1 on Wildfire) 1 thing with iriomotc 2 things with untouchable-lightning (1 here 1 on Galfore) 1 thing with thenihilistofthevoid 1 thing on Moonshot with softheart-bigarms-panther 1 thing with dxfiedfxte 1 thing on Blackfire with graceful-cure-swan 1 thing with thedoctornumber11 1 thing on Galfore with lady-scorpion-and-friends 1 thing with rosecoloredmuses. I probably missed some in writing this, but, if I missed anything, please let me know.
I hope you’re having a good night or day!
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years ago
And I’ll be offline! Still mobile, but slow.
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I got to things, and owe things. I even managed to do some opens for Vongdik, which I had very much not planned but then felt the need to.
I’m aware of owing: 2 asks 1 thing on Blackfire with the-i-d-f-l-hq 1 thing with terra-markov-roleplay 3 things with untouchable-lightning (1 here 1 on Galfore 1 on my Multi) 1 thing with thedoctornumber11 2 things with empatheticxangel (1 on Blackfire 1 on Wildfire) 1 thing with merveiilles 1 thing with akunc 1 thing on Blackfire with sleeplessdrlatency 1 thing with rosecoloredmuses 1 thing on Galfore with lady-scorpion-and-friends 1 thing with xdontplaytheherox 1 thing on Moonshot with softheart-bigarms-panther 1 thing with firestormshininggems 1 thing on my Multi with graceful-cure-swan 1 thing with thenihilistofthevoid. If I missed anything, please let me know, and forgive me if I did any typos.
Have a glorious day or night, you deserve it!
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radixalhimbo · 4 years ago
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"Any food they'll be close, is it? Hmm....This tall as...." Before he confirmed it, he heard someone shout, "Hey, you kids! Get out of my food truck!" Rad's antennae perked up. "Listen. Do you hear that?" He hears someone yell at two unsuspecting youths. "Sounds like my friend Beardo is yelling at someone. Is that mewing I even hear? Could that be....Ah! Over there! Let's go!" Upon this, Rad began to run, finding the source of the mewling. While reaching towards the food truck.....
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"Looks like you're right, big guy. These two kittens must've been attracted to the food made by the chef named Beardo."
@softheart-bigarms-panther enters the bodega!
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"Yes, can I help.....You?" Upon seeing this....individual, Rad couldn't help but stare. This guy, he has fur. He thought. Is he a....No. No. Now's not the time. After staring for a few seconds, he added "You....look unusual. And tough."
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radixalhimbo · 4 years ago
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Rad flinched after hearing this man-cat say he was lost. "Really? Oh, cob. You must have been through a lot. Help is it?" He said. "Maybe I can help you out. Okay.....um....where and when was the last time you saw them?" Geez. He is tough, but he missed his friends. He thought. Poor fella. I swear he looked like he can bench press me. But I'm a hero. KO and Enid will be disappointed if I don't.
@softheart-bigarms-panther enters the bodega!
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"Yes, can I help.....You?" Upon seeing this....individual, Rad couldn't help but stare. This guy, he has fur. He thought. Is he a....No. No. Now's not the time. After staring for a few seconds, he added "You....look unusual. And tough."
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