mythicallyyours · 5 years
As much as you hated to say it, Rhett was not your favorite person at Mythical. You had only worked there 3 months but had determined that he was too big, too loud, too much everything in general. An Intimidating giant bearded white male libra on the loose.
You didn't know that much about him, except the basic Mythical Beast stuff. 
It was better just to be your quiet self and avoid him. It was fairly easy to fly under the radar,  That is, until you received an email from Stevie requesting your presence for a filming episode involving co worker trust exercises. 
Everyone had been assigned to either Rhett or Link, lucky you, you got assigned to Rhett. 
Your mouth was dry at the thought. But perhaps you could pull this off and just fake your way thru it.
The white out set seemed to glow as you waited behind the cameras. 
Rhett had read his lines about how a trusting atmosphere was more productive, bla bla, it all faded into a dull roar.
 You'd been fighting off the fringes of a panic attack over this all day and the only thing you could focus on was not running out of the studio.
 Your hands shook, so they stayed in your pockets, your breathing was unsteady, so you sighed a lot. Your knees were shaking, so rocking back and forth on your Vans kept you steady. To the naked eye, you appeared chill, but it was the opposite. Years of anxiety had taught you how to mask it with normal human behavior that allowed you to blend in. After all, a panic attack always drew attention, which was something you could do without. 
Other crew members did their bit for the cameras then moved along as though it were no big deal. 
You could feel the color leave your face as Morgan approached to fill you in on what was required as some one else hooked a heart monitor to you for science.
A 4 minute hug between you and Rhett. That was it. 
You nodded and ignored the shaking of your knees as you stepped over the cords and stood on your marker and waited while the camera people reset themselves and the lighting. 
 Rhett sipped water as his long legs swallowed the distance from the side table to you, "Hey, hey, you ready for some huggin'?" 
 You didn't look up, you simply nodded staring straight ahead, hoping he didn't see you shaking. 
Rhett handed his water to Chase, "You alright? Seem a bit quiet, nervous?" 
You chewed on your lip and shook your head. 
His voice softened, "Kyra?" 
 The sound of Rhett saying your name caused you to look up and up at him. He remembered your name? You were introduced just once. 
What your face registered, you didn't know but his large hazel eyes narrowed upon eye contact, "Whats wrong?" 
You shrugged, "Nothing, sir." 
Rhett looked you over, "Nothing, huh. You look shaky and sort of pale. You sick?" 
 Rhett smiled with his eyes, "Really, cause I've been eyeing your heart rate monitor over there behind you on the screen and it's spiked from 76 to 125 since I started talking to you." He pointed to the monitor behind you.
 Jolting to see the screen. You gave out a little huff. You lowered your eyes. He had caught you. Damn. Despite all the things you could hide, your heart betrayed you. How poetic.
Rhett shrugged, “Something’s got you all worked up, girl.”
 And your voice sounded smaller than you wanted it to be, "No. I-I just," 
 Rhett rested his hands on his knees, putting him at eye level with you. He didn't look angry, just open and concerned. 
 Swallowing the sawdust in your throat, your voice cracked, "I don't think I can do this." 
Rhett tipped his head, "Why not?" 
"I-, well.. It's not my thing." 
Rhett raised an eyebrow, "You don't like trust exercises?" 
You nodded, "Guess I don't trust anyone here." 
Rhett chuckled, "Oh, well, you can trust me for 4 minutes, it's just a hug. Not a lot of commitment." 
You bowed your head, "It is for some people." 
Rhett scratched his head, "Hmm, you're not a hugger, I take it?" 
You glanced up at him, "Hugs are suppose to make people feel safe, secure, and well, you know...." 
Rhetts voice softened, "You don't think this experience will make you feel safe, Kyra?" 
"No." He obviously wasn’t going to let you off the hook. Curious man. 
"Why?" Rhett crossed his arms.
 Your foot went back behind you as you took a deep breath, "You're  intimidating." 
Rhetts thick brows shot up, "Oh. Really? I'm not scary, Kyra. I have a fluffy little white dog that I hold like a baby. You're not pogophobic are you?" 
You stared up at him, "No." 
 He held out his palm to you, "I'm very soft and inviting. I have sweaty hands, you can shake them if you want to." 
You stifled a giggle as you shook Rhett’s hand, "Weird."
 Rhett patted your shoulder, "Everything's gonna be fine, girl." 
You tipped your head, "A-are you sure?" 
Rhett straightened up, "Yep, cause I'm a good hugger. I won't squeeze you to death like Link. If you want out, just say the word and we'll cut. Okay?" 
You swallowed hard, "Okay."
 Morgan did a countdown and Rhett held open his arms and cradled you gently as the timer started. 
 Surprisingly, Rhett's palms didn't feel heavy on your back. He didn’t put hardly any weight on you. It was a though he was holding a pie crust.
Your head was tucked perfectly under his bearded chin.
Rhett giggled as he spoke to the camera, “As you can see, Kyra isn’t exactly hugging me back.”
“Oh, sorry.” You quickly clasped his waist, which was all you could reach.
The crew laughed.
 Rhett giggled, "I don't like long hugs." 
You snorted, "I don't either." 
Rhett began to turn slowly, "I feel like we should slow dance or something. Wanna dance?
You moved with him, trying to not trip over your own feet, "Maybe you should tell me the song your singing in your head so I can follow? " 
Rhett  tapped his hand on your back and sang, "I'm easy like Sunday mornin'." 
You laughed and leaned into his chest, "Oh no. I'm not gonna make it. Change the song. Know any Skrillex?" 
The rest of the crew laughed behind the camera. A good sign.
 Once the bit was finished, you exhaled and went to leave. You made it thru without running away. 
 Rhett patted your shoulder, "Thanks for being a part of this, Kyra." 
You shrugged, "Yeah, you're welcome." 
Rhett pointed at your heart monitor, "77 bpm looks good on you. See? I'm soft!” 
You chuckled as you gave him a thumbs up, "Yeah, you are." 
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@like-a-wild-potato replied to your post “rhett: link is very softrhett: and warmrhett: and small…rhett: but...”
But he probably does smell nice. And now that's all my brain wants to think about...
Didn’t Rhett once say Link is the person who walks in and makes an entire room smell nice? Whether he’s being literal or not, it sure does sound believable :’)
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mythicallyyours · 6 years
Cuddle Sanctuary: Rhett
"Oh no." Kara whispered under her breath as she saw the huge man duck thru the doorway of the light blue room as he followed Jean Fansblau.
"Kara, this is Rhett, your designated cuddler for this session." Jean clasped the brunette by the hand pulling her closer.
 Rhett seemed to bend down from the sky to give her hand a gentle shake, "Hello there Kara. Nice to see you." 
Kara cleared her throat, "Ah, uh, you know, this probably isn't gonna be my cup of tea. I mean, my bestie gave me a gift card for here. Cause she thought I needed some TLC. But I don't think this is gonna work out. So, uh, I'm gonna go." 
Jean tipped her head, "Go? But there hasn't been any cuddling yet? If Lisa was kind enough to pay for a cuddling session, don't you think it would be kind of you to stay and enjoy it?"
 Kara exhaled blowing her curly bangs up from her forehead, "Why do get the feeling that you'd tell her if I didn't stay? Alright already, I'll stay." 
Jean nodded with a big smile, "Trust me Kara, you'll be in good hands with Rhett, he's a favorite here. Like a big warm Teddy bear."
 Kara plopped onto the bed her eyes trailing up the 6'7 man who was smiling down at her, "Whatever you say, Jean." 
Jean winked and shut the door. Rhett shook his head as he approached the bed, "Well, that was interesting to watch." 
Kara crossed her legs and folded her arms around her torso, "No joke, Lisa and Jean are out to make sure I get killed by kindness, or a giant Viking whichever gets me first." 
Rhetts eyebrows shot up as he chuckled, "Giant Viking? I look like a viking to you?" 
She nodded, "Well, yeah. Can we please get this over with?" 
Rhett crossed his legs as he scooted to the center of the bed, "Rushing the cuddling. That's a new one. Okay, if you're comfortable."
 Kara's arms remained crossed, "I'm Very comfy, like a happy little cricket. Cozy, comfy, cushy." 
Rhett tipped his head, "I can tell. How about we start with just holding hands? Hm?" He held out his palm. 
Kara stared at his hand falling silent. 
Rhett leaned forward, "Something wrong, Kara?" 
Kara shrugged as she put her hand in his, "Nope." 
Rhett closed his fingers around her hand encasing it in warmth, "Well, you hesitated." 
Kara pursed her lips staring Rhett down, "Just thinking, Mr. Viking."
 Rhett shrugged, "Its okay to say no if something makes you uncomfortable, Kara. It's all about you right now." 
Kara inhaled, "I am comfortable and confident. There's nothing you can do to improve or change that. Alright?" 
Rhett nodded, "Good! Then we can try some advanced cuddling together." 
Kara watched as the large man shifted behind her, "W-what are you doing?" 
Rhett rolled up his sweatshirt sleeves, "Just gonna cuddle you in a position we call the pretzel. Follow my lead, Kara." 
Kara kept her eyes on Rhett, "Okay?" 
Rhetts leg came around her side, "Go a head an slide your leg under mine, and the other. Good, now turn towards me an now we hug." 
Kara felt the color drain from her face when Rhetts long arms came around her and pulled her to his broad chest. 
All that fake smoke and mirror cocky confidence was dissipating into something raw and real she was feeling: fear. 
Rhett leaned back slightly guiding her head to rest on his stomach, "There we go, comfy?" 
Kara swallowed the lump in her throat her voice softer than she wanted it to be, "Yeah." 
Rhetts large palm made tiny circles on her back, "Just relax, lean into the cuddling." 
Kara exhaled shakily. She didn't like feeling small and dependent. She didn't like the idea that a man the size of Rhett could probably snap her in half like a chopstick. If he chose to overpower her, she wouldn't be able to defend herself. Just like when her older brother broke her wrist. Kara felt her throat began to close up. The terrifying imagery of things that could happen began to clutter her mind making her body react. Kara began to tremble. 
Rhett looked down, "Kara? You alright?" 
Kara's voice sounded meek, "Yeah." 
Rhett felt  Kara shift and curl into a defensive ball, "Kara? Hey, what's wrong?" 
She shook her head as her voice broke, "Nothing. I-I'm fine." 
Rhett sat upright still keeping a palm on her back, "You’re a little shaky ball, girl. That's the opposite of fine." 
 Kara sniffed as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders, "I'm okay." 
Rhett hummed in response as he slid off the coverlet and crouched beside the bed at eye level with Kara, "Hey. Talk to me, Kara." 
Her eyes were wet with oncoming tears as she bit back a sob, "I-I got scared."
 Rhetts eyes searched her face as his index finger gently brushed against her cheek, "Scared? Too much too fast?" 
Kara nodded as she bit her lip, "I don't like feeling v-vulnerable or helpless." 
Rhett tipped his head forward, "Kara, everyone feels that way. I get the feeling that you've been on guard most of your life and the times you've been vulnerable, you got hurt."
Kara nodded, "You're not wrong."
Rhett raised his eyebrows, "Kara, it's okay to be vulnerable here, no ones gonna hurt you emotionally or physically." 
Kara wiped her eye with a shaky hand, "I-I can take care of myself, I'm not a child." 
Rhett’s resonating baritone voice softened, "Taking care of yourself is good, but trusting someone else to care for you is better every now and then." 
Kara eyed Rhett’s large hand resting on her forearm, oddly enough his touch was light as though he were holding a pie crust. 
She exhaled shakily, "I-I panicked, I'm sorry. I don't trust you, I don't know you. I only trust me, this is harder than I thought it would be." 
Rhett gave a nod, "Understood. Tell you what, how about I stay down here on the big pillows and you can come down here too if you like." 
Kara stared into Rhetts large green eyes, "Whats going to happen if I come down there?" 
Rhett smiled showing off his cheekbones, "I'll hold you. That's all." 
Kara sat up on her elbows as she wiped her cheeks with her sleeve.
 Rhett motioned with his fingers, "Come on, girl. It's alright." 
Kara slid off the coverlet and stood before him, "Still feel shaky.. I-I'm sorry." 
Rhett crossed his legs and grabbed a cashmere blanket from behind him,"That’s alright too, I got a blanket here, and a cuddle with your name on it."
 Rhett pointed at his left arm, "Right there it says, 'cuddles for Kara.'”
Kara chuckled as she stepped forward, "Ha, what does the other arm say?" 
Rhett tossed the blanket over Kara's shoulders and pulled her into his lap, "The other arm says, 'free hugs.’” 
Kara’s mouth curled into a smile as she pulled the blanket around her tighter, "Guess you're not as scary as you look." 
Rhett frowned as he tucked her into his chest and gently rocked her, "Me? Scary? Nah. I have a little white dog named Barbra that I hold like a baby. If that doesn't show how fluffy I am, I don’t know what will. Heh." 
Kara leaned into the warmth that was surrounding her, "What if I fall asleep, Rhett?" 
Rhett gave her shoulders a tender caress, "That may be the best thing for you. Go ahead. I'd take it as a compliment." 
Her eyes got heavy as she listened to the lullaby of the heartbeat softly thumping in Rhetts chest.
Rhett hummed, his voice resonating like a cello in the rafters of a cathedral. Kara started to drift off into the plush pull of a peaceful slumber.
 As her mind drifted off, she recognized the tune coming from the giant man who had surrounded her with sweet security. Rhett was humming ‘What a Wonderful World.’
 In that final thought before sleep hushed her mind, Kara agreed; the world of comfort she was in right now, was truly wonderful 
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