#soft schmoop good lord )
hellceo · 1 year
“I do, you know. Care about you.” — beach read ( accepting ) / @scldieriwillbe
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DEMONS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE INCAPABLE OF CARING. The soul, empathy, everything that creates and allows human emotions — it was carved out of him during his remaking, leaving behind only cunning and ambition and cruelty.
And, perhaps, that was the story for a long, long time — until, at least, some part of that tiny raw piece of soul was stirred back to life again. Even still, it's like flexing a muscle that hasn't been used in a very, very long time — it hurts, and yet he wants it. It's painful and awkward and feels like he's not doing it right, and yet ——
They don't talk about it, not really. It's not so much out of avoidance as it's just — not them, and it works regardless. It's why that admission comes as bit of a surprise — and it's just as stiff, just as awkward as if he would have said it himself. And yet, somehow, that makes it even more endearing. Somehow this — this archangel manages to have him twisted and turned around, and he's addicted to it more than he'd ever admit.
" Yes, well, " and his voice is quiet, gruff, and he traces an absent line up the archangel's spine — between the splay of wings, thumb rolling a firm circle against knotted muscle just underneath, and that's — something, with him, when they're like this. The touching, the casual affection, the desire that bleeds into something far more warm after the fact.
" That's your first mistake, isn't it. " It's with a crooked smile, though, something distantly reflective in it. " Hmph. " Palm flattens out, and he blows out an exhale. " I do too. Care, " and it's said like someone else might be admitting some dire secret, " about, " and a thoughtful sound in his throat, " you. "
And he gives a little grin, rueful and fond both, and he adds — finding another knot of muscle and working a thumb against it, " Don't you dare tell anyone. You'd ruin my reputation. "
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syrenslure · 5 years
Eliade’s Fan Fiction Prompts cont. 2/2
Pain (with or without pleasure/endorphins)
Pampering (spoiling someone rotten with gifts or money; physical pampering such as massage and grooming; giving someone a novel or unexpected degree of emotional or sexual care; catering to someone's every whim, e.g., someone who is in the hospital; harems as settings for pampering)
Paraphilias not listed elsewhere
Patience (e.g., showing patience toward a character who is brain-damaged or who is struggling bitterly with being recently crippled; or to a character prone to irrational fear or outbursts; patience with children; see also Gentleness)
Penance or reform (bad boy turns good; evil seeks to change; performing acts of atonement or restitution; self-mortification; martyrdom; selflessness; apologies or apology sex)
Physical imperfections (scars or burns; acne pits; heaviness; outsized features such as ears or nose; jolie-laide/ugly-beautiful characters)
Physical responses (face or ears burning; little hairs lifting on the scalp or neck; gut tightening; pulse quickening or missing a beat; lashes fluttering or lids growing heavy; mouth coming open; dick or pussy throbbing)
Pillow biting
Playing hard to get
Ponies (human ponies)
Pornography (magazines and videos; character was previously a porn star or fluffer)
Possession (by alien entity, spirits, or another person)
Possessiveness or jealousy
Power issues (inequities in beauty, rank, or class; power games; BDSM; power reversals; sheikhs, sultans, princes, and other royal figures; teacher/student pairings; magical powers; abuse of power; blackmail; romantic slavery; liege/lord pairings; issues of respect; sexual scenarios such as a dominant character giving his partner to others to use, or a character kneeling beneath a desk and blowing someone who's on the phone)
Power issues, sociopolitical (colonialism; alien invasion or rule; institutionalized slavery; totalitarian states and rebellion; powerful secret societies, e.g., the Illuminati or Watcher-style organizations)
Powers of attraction (characters such as sirens and Veelas; vampiric thrall; pheromones; magnetic and charismatic characters in general)
Predator/prey pairings
Preferential treatment (e.g., making a point of showing respect towards someone when no one else does; showing a soft side only to them)
Pretending to be gay (cops or spies going undercover; a charade to deflect unwanted attention from a stranger; a ruse to avoid ritual marriage to aliens)
Primitivism (dropping technologically advanced characters into exotic/primitive settings; medieval societies either magical or non-magical; nomadic and desert cultures; warrior cultures; jungle tribes; the noble savage; Androcles/lion pairings; the social intimacies of tribes/camps; bacchanals; culture clash/shock; unusual practices/rituals, e.g., feats of skill and strength or marriage as treaty; schizo-tech cultures, as when a seemingly feudal pre-industrial society has high-tech elements; see also Roughnecks; Animal themes and fetishization; Animalistic behaviors or characteristics; Exoticism)
Prison scenarios (prison rape and/or protection; cruel guards; punishment; hard labor; deprivation; prisoners of war; camps and barracks; false imprisonment)
Prizes (characters who are eroticized as prizes or spoils of war)
Prostate pleasure
Prostitutes (call-girls and hookers; rent boys and hustlers; escorts; paying one's way through school with sideline hooking; juvenile past on the streets)
Protectiveness (physically or verbally defending someone; caretaking in general; big guy/little guy pairings; bodyguard scenarios; mysterious benefactors or protectors)
Public displays of affection, PDAs
Pushy bottom
Rape (single assailant; gang rape; partner rape)
Rape recovery
Religion (sin; faith and lack of faith; priests, monks, nuns, etc; shamans; biblical characters; angels and demons; gods and goddesses; saints; monastic or convent culture)
Rescue (danger and rescue in general, e.g., abductions)
Restraint (pinning someone down; pushing someone's arm up behind their back during sex; covering or clasping someone's hands to prevent movement)
Restraints (handcuffs, leather ties, chains, etc)
Restraints, full-body (stocks; suspension harnesses; fisting slings; rape racks)
Reversal of role or fortune (loss of love, power, rank, etc; hunter becomes prey, master becomes slave; a strong character is made weak; role-reversal games; Flowers for Algernon scenario)
Rimming or tongue-fucking
Rogues (outlaws, highwaymen, mercenaries, pirates, gangsters, hitmen, etc; black sheep and royal bastards; Han Solo characters; tricksters; see also Violent and dark natures and Rough behavior)
Romance (see Love and passion; Courting; Seduction)
Ropework (intricate/artistic erotic bondage)
Roughnecks (cowboys; Tarzan figures; relatedly rough characteristics and behavior, such as scruffiness, rudeness, crude language, uncouth habits, etc; see also Lady and the Tramp pairings; Primitivism; Rogues)
Rough sex (quick and dirty sex; hate or grudge sex; angry sex; fighting/wrestling; jackhammer fucking; sex with no or little lube)
Sadism or sadomasochism
Sandwich sexual position or chain fuck (threesome)
Scars or scarification
Scent as an erotic element
School themes and fetishization (boarding schools; dojos; scholarly gowns and uniforms; sailor fuku; prep school chic; teacher/student pairings; donnish or professorial characters; prefects/head boys; caning; schoolboy hijinks or sexual discovery; military academies; tutoring and teaching in general; see also Conditioning)
Secret admirers
Secret identity (superheroes, slayers, immortals, mutants, etc; disguised gender; spies)
Secrets, other (dark or criminal past; double lives; previous marriage and/or children; unspoken feelings)
Seduction (one-on-one; two-on-one; verbal or physical; intense erotic courtship or teasing; see also Courting)
Sensory overload or enhancement
Sex change (gender swap; forced feminization; see also Gender themes)
Sex in public or semi-public places
Sex in vehicles (cars, taxis, limos; planes or space shuttles; motorcycles; carnival rides)
Sex is interrupted
Sex on, against, or under furniture
Sex on horseback
Sex outdoors/outside (in a field; in a rainstorm; with snow falling; on the beach; in a graveyard; in an alley)
Sex slaves or mates (concubines, catamites, etc)
Sex standing up (including against a wall)
Sex with aliens (xenophilia)
Sex with clothes still on or partly on
Sexual appetite or excess (hypersexuality, i.e., high sex drive; sex addiction or compulsive behavior; short/no refractory period; multiple orgasms; multiple partners; indiscriminate sex or sluttishness)
Sexual discovery (of one's orientation; of new kinds of pleasure; of one's partner)
Sexual experience or expertise (high number of partners; wide variety of sexual experience; demonstrating experience by taking the lead in sex or teaching one's partner)
Sexual frustration (orgasm denial or being unable to come; blue balls; enforced abstinence; self-denial; inability of two people to touch)
Sexual hang-ups
Sexual movements (back arching; hips lifting; thrusting back; writhing, jerking, bucking; clenching; grinding or rocking; trembling or shivering; hooking legs around shoulders; pressing someone's legs back toward the bed; riding someone's fingers)
Sharing (sharing a beer bottle, joint, or bucket of popcorn; loaning someone clothes; a character letting someone stay in their home; sharing confidences; sharing a woman)
Shower sex
Shyness (embarrassment; blushing or stammering; body shyness or dysmorphic disorder; cultural modesty)
Silence (slave silence; silence as an erotic element in sex; trying to be silent during semi-public sex; going nonverbal or speechless with arousal; traumatic mutism; selective mutism; sign language; gestures used to convey feelings rather than words; see also Clams)
Simultaneous orgasm
Situational engineering (the conscious or unconscious manufacture of events that give an emotional or sexual pay-off which can't be otherwise achieved; in particular, perilous situations; for example, character A puts himself in danger in order to receive fussy attention from character B; pay-off can be simply seeing someone, or hurt/comfort touching, intimacy, adrenaline sex, etc)
Situational homosexuality
Sixty-nine (69)
Size queens
Slavery (see Master and slave)
Sleep and bedding themes (sharing a bed by necessity, such as in a hotel with only one room left; sharing a sleeping bag for warmth; sex while drowsy or sleeping; sex as a sleep aid; autonomic arousal from proximity; morning wake-up sex, falling asleep against someone's shoulder; watching someone sleep; dreams; nightmares; dream lovers, e.g., succubi; exotic or romantic beds, e.g., canopied; furs as bedding; silk sheets)
Slow and/or prolonged sex
Smarm (intense friendship with physical closeness but no actual sex)
Smiles or laughing
Society (social mores and morality; laws; institutional regulations such as Don't Ask Don't Tell; elaborate rituals or ceremonies; social events such as feasts and parties; decorum; formal or deferential modes of address; see also Witnesses)
Spanking (over the knee or lap, etc)
Special powers and skills (superhero powers; magical powers; telekinesis; shapeshifting; hyperdeveloped senses; combat expertise; sharpshooting; eidetic memory; computer hacking skills; thief skills; temporary gifts of power from drugs, alien devices, etc, repercussions of which could include delusions of godhood, dangerous physical or mental overload, and so on)
Sports themes and fetishization (sports rivalries; uniforms and jock-straps; wrestling and sweaty exertion in general; locker-room or shower scenes; team gang-bangs; swimmer/surfer body types; pool and billiards games)
Straight or straight-acting partner(s)
Straight-guy sexual scenarios (comparing dick size; lending a helping hand; circle jerks; watching het porn together, with or without masturbation; practicing dancing, kissing, or romantic conversation in preparation for one character having a date with a woman)
Striking with implements (whips, belts, riding crops, canes, paddles, etc)
Submission (obedience; submissive behaviors such as boot kissing, crawling, keeping one's eyes lowered, or kneeling for master; believing in cultural dictates of submissive behavior; abasement in general)
Swallowing (come)
Swords and sword-play
Talking and communication issues (dirty talk or verbal seduction; sweet talking; reciting poetry; talking someone to orgasm; talking during sex; pillow talk; phone sex; speech becoming broken as one is aroused or upset; being inarticulate or articulate; aphasia; talking fast; miscommunication and misunderstandings in general; lack of a shared language; see also Silence; Clams; Voice fetishization)
Taste as an erotic element
Tattoos (decorative, symbolic, or slave; barcodes)
Teasing or tickling
Techno (technophilic themes; artificial humans; character is copied or downloaded into mechanical host body; other ghost in the machine scenarios; androids and cyborgs as sexual partners; wetwear enhancements; cyberpunk aesthetic; VR or Matrix scenarios; see also Otherness)
Telepathy (see also Bonds and mental abilities; Special powers and skills)
Temperamental personalities (driven or obsessed; hot-tempered or testy; moody; misanthropic or bitter; abrasive)
Tentacle sex
Threesomes (M/F/M, M/M/M, etc)
Top/bottom pairings (also seme/uke)
Topping from the bottom
Touching (stroking and caressing; cuddling or nuzzling; huddling for warmth; hugging; holding hands in public; touching as UST; brief brushes of contact either deliberate or accidental; PDAs; thighs brushing under a table; comic physical entanglements; someone gripping a wounded character's hand)
Toughness (machismo or hyper-masculinity; physical stamina; a hard surface covering an inner softie; resolve; survival skills; teeth-gritting acts such as pulling an arrow out of one's own thigh, etc; see also Rough behavior; Bad boys, etc)
Toys and devices (sex toys of all kinds; feathers, ice cubes, hot wax, etc)
Tragic flaws
Trapped or stranded together (on another world; on a desert island; in a cave-in; in a cabin during a snowstorm; in an elevator)
Triangles (love triangles)
Triangulation of desire (two men express their desire for each other through a female intermediary; sexual rivalry for a woman is actually homoerotic interest)
Trust and vows (promises are kept or broken; loyalty or betrayal; absolute trust or doubt; fidelity or infidelity; blindfolds or bondage as trust symbols; commitment or fear of commitment; acts of devotion; marriage vows; unconditional love; blood brothers and oaths; showing trust/faith in someone's abilities)
Underage partner or chan (adolescent)
Undressing (undressing in front of someone for the first time; one character undressing another; fumbling clumsily to get undressed; stripteases)
Urgency for sex (begging to suck cock; desperate to fuck; greedy bottom)
UST (unresolved sexual tension)
Vaginal/female genital fetishization (wet, tight; virginal; aching/stiff clit; wide lips; multi-orgasmic)
Vaginal penetration (e.g., deep dicking)
Vaginal penetration with foreign objects
Violence (see Conflict; Death)
Violent feelings (hatred; murderous rage; need for revenge)
Violent and dark natures (sadists; assassins and murderers; sociopaths who make twisted, scary displays of affection, conflating love and violence; criminals and villains in general; characters who are ruthless, merciless, casually vengeful; soulless demons or vampires; monsters in general)
Virgins or inexperienced partners
Voice fetishization (cracking or broken; husky, low, throaty; purring; accents; whispering close to someone's ear)
Voyeurism and vision themes (character A secretly watches B and C have sex; character A is forced to watch B and C have sex; character A watches character B perform/masturbate; viewing one's beloved in general; taking pictures or video; eye contact, especially as flirting; establishing authority with a look; closing eyes as a trust gesture; character A feeling that character B truly sees him, when no one else does; the quality of light, e.g., characters lit by moonlight or candlelight, or gilded by the setting sun; being in the dark; temporary or permanent blindness; gazes as objectification)
Warriors (see Heroes; Amazons and strong women; Toughness; Primitivism; Rogues; Military fetishization)
Washing (washing one's partner, body or hair; bubble baths; shower scenes; slave service in bath; cleaning/cleansing someone who's been raped, degraded, or who is injured)
Weapon fetishization (gun fu; trademark weaponry: Lara Croft's dual pistols, Duncan's katana; exotic weapons: war fans, whips; embedded: Wolverine's claws; magical/symbolic: Sting, Excalibur, Narsil; sentient or empathic; hiding a multitude of weapons on one's body; concealment in general: derringer in garter, boot knife; see other individual listings; Military fetishization)
Well-fucked (being fucked out; fuck-dazed; sated and sleepy; wrecked; softened and debauched)
Western scenarios and fetishization (cowboy gear; campfire and trail scenes; horses; gunslingers, lawmen, card sharps, etc; train robberies and bank hold-ups; posses; saloon brawls)
Wet dreams or erotic dreams
Wings (wingfic)
Witnesses (families, friends, or others watch the development of a relationship; play matchmaker or serve as confidants; think the characters are involved when they're really not; constitute the public eye; disapprove, gossip, give advice; are the audience for a coming out drama; are witnesses to such things as flirting, public arousal, public sex)
Woke up gay
Worry (one character worrying anxiously about another; going crazy with worry)
Writing (love letters or notes; secret admirers; e-mail and chat; wills; poetry; storytelling; tracing words or figures on skin, or writing, as with an inkbrush)
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frenchibi · 7 years
WIP tag
I was tagged by @paintbrushyy to talk about my WIPs, and because I am a responsible adult and not prone to escapism, I am not doing this now to avoid the disaster that my life is right now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If any of these interests you - let me know and I’ll jump on it :’) I’m very easily influenced by enthusiasm these days. (I mean it)
WIPs that are partially posted:
IwaOi Week 2017. I know I’m late to finish days 6 and 7 but. It is happening. I have ideas. I will finish this goddamn project. Day 6 is a Fairy Tale inspired thing (not literally though) and probably has boys in dresses and skirts because FIGHT ME and Day 7 is for the prompt Goodbyes, it has parental divorce and thunderstorms and soft confessions.
Drag me ‘Round (Kicking and Screaming): has 3/5 chapters up – Oikawa shrinks; based on art by @yaboykeiji. This might get a sequel, I have ideas.
Until It Breaks: 1/3 (or 4) chapters up -  it’s a MatsuHana and IwaOi fic, College AU, past unrequited MatsuIwa – the boys have Issues and need to Talk about them. Involves drunk upset Makki and soft background IwaOi.
Look To The Sky: 3/4 chapters up, based on Amanda Marshall’s Cross My Heart – one possible story of iwaoi’s lives, from childhood to college. Includes so much fluff you will choke (and a marriage proposal) but also angst and long-distance and… yeah.
The Play: 1/4 chapters up – The volleyball club of Aoba Johsai has the privilege (Oikawa) or obligation (everyone else) to perform a play at the cultural festival. A romantic play, of course, because there’s nothing as engaging as romance! Includes boys in dresses, sneaky or not-so-sneaky plans, and a very exasperated Iwaizumi.  
Ignite The Sky: 2/possibly 50 chapters up – gigantic iwaoi Dragon AU with @josai that I sincerely hope you are just as excited for as I am.
 Other ideas:
IwaOi Sisters AU: I have been sitting on this idea for almost a year and I cannot wait to write it out. Iwa with a gigantic family – six sisters (!) and the story of Oikawa re-meeting his family after he goes from best friend to boyfriend. A story about family and acceptance and the bonds between all of these characters. I have a lot of feelings about my OCs for this fic and if I’m lucky I made @shouyouohno excited enough to even give one of them a spinoff :0
A birthday fic (iwaoi) for my dear friend @joanofarcticmonkeys that she sort-of requested and that got WAY out of hand  (and is super late oh my god I’m so sorry) – includes biracial Iwa-chan and pining Oikawa and a misunderstanding that leads to pain. And ultimately fluff. xD
A Room With New Colors: Delinquent Iwa and Good Kid Oikawa, this is pretty dark in parts, there’s abuse and homophobia and haphephobia and a lot of… healing. Probably slow burn, and it might take me a while to write.
The Roof: iwaoi. They’ve moved to Tokyo and things should be going great, right? Right? So why is there this distance between them that Tooru finds so suffocating? He starts escaping their shared bed and the warmth of Iwaizumi’s arms to spend his nights on the roof of their 8-story apartment building, staring at the stars and looking for answers. Could possibly be triggering – but there’s a happy end, because COME ON.
Another depression fic with long-distance iwaoi because I have too many feelings and nowhere to put them.
A continuation for Born For Glory (I’m struggling with the style) that might turn into something heavily inspired by @amalasdraws’ roadtrip AU
So. Much. HP AU. You guys don’t even know. One version has legilimens!Iwa and that’s all I have to say about that.
“Do you like me” – soft iwaoi fluff with slightly insecure Oikawa & lots of reassurance.
An iwaoi medieval AU with @josai – I dragged her into this but I am hyped; instead of the usual king/guard romance thing, here we have IwaOi both as royal guards for the king – this’ll be nsfw and involve, uh, kind of shady consent and Iwa and Oikawa with other parties because RULES and medieval society and apparently I love pain (with happy endings)
Iwaoi Spirit AU: There’s a monster under little Oikawa’s bed – but maybe he’s just lost. Kind of slow burn (?) depending on how detailed I wanna write this.
Hit it until it breaks: The story behind Oikawa’s favorite quote (inspired by a gifset and the thought: what if Oikawa likes that quote so much because it reminds him of Iwaizumi…?)
Siren!Oikawa: What the title implies – but we’re talking dangerous, poisonous siren Oikawa and human Iwa, who finds him while he’s injured, and therefore gets spared – but he can’t leave, either, he knows too much now. And is it a coincidence that Oikawa shares his name with a boy Hajime used to know…?
Iwaoi Soulmates AU: where what your soulmate thinks of you appears as writing on your skin, and Tooru has always had words all over himself and all of them are so positive that he’s sure his soulmate can’t be anyone he knows, must be some kid dreaming up the perfect partner, because he is none of the things his skin is telling him. (and even though he dreams of his soulmate, he also can’t deny his feelings for Iwa-chan, who couldn’t possibly be right for him even though he desperately wants him to be… because even when Oikawa amps up his annoying-ness, never once has there been the word “annoying” on his skin.)
Flowers: iwaoi, Iwa plays the “he loves me, he loves me not” game throughout different stages of their relationship, until he realizes that he makes his own destiny.
Handcuffs: iwaoi – a prompt given to me by @superiortechnology; iwa and oikawa are arguing and there seems to be more going on than meets the eye – so obviously Matsukawa and Hanamaki takes matters into their own hands and make sure that their friends solve their dispute by any means necessary.
Greek Gods AU 1: More Aphrodite/Hephaestus IwaOi (see Iwaoi Week 2017)
Greek Gods AU 2: Hades/Persephone IwaOi
Airport Reunion AU 1: happy sappy “I missed you so much” schmoop for iwaoi with a confession :D
Airport Reunion AU 2: this one hurts; Oikawa is due to come home from a game overseas but his plane crashes. (He’s not dead. Good lord.)
“Three things you love most” – a short series of iwaoi being asked that question at different stages in their lives. FLUFF
“What would you do if I died today?” - another collab with @josai if that works out; Oikawa asks a stupid question and Iwa can’t seem to let it go. Soft and pensive and nsfw :’)
A very soft and sappy engagement/wedding thing for iwaoi
An incredibly painful iwaoi fic that has a breakup, minor character death, and a whole host of misunderstandings. To know your characters, you have to break them, or something. This one is ROUGH.
A couple ideas for nonbinary Oikawa and/or Trans Oikawa that I am afraid to approach because I don’t want to be indelicate or offensive.
Possibly more for the Sports Club IwaOi AU (see Iwaoi Week 2017)
Possibly an actors AU with iwa and oikawa as musical singers in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar
An actual Phantom of the Opera AU with Phantom!Oikawa and Christine!Iwa – old, but I wanna write some of it out.
A whole host of fluffy iwaoi drabbles from prompts that I’ve found or that people have sent me in my ask :D There’s like 30 unfilled ones there and I intend to write pretty much all of them, and also the ones that are for ships I don’t usually write (kagehina, bokuro, daisuga)
I have more IwaOiBokuAka and more IwaOiBoKuro ideas are in the works too – smaller fic ideas for the former and, if I can manage to write it, a large fic for the latter.
Other fandoms (because yeah, I wanted to diversify. Hah.)
Illuminate is marked as completed but I have more ideas for this. It’s for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, an AU where certain characters live.
I also have a rather big HP thing planned with my dear old friend @annoyed-basically that we have a lot of feelings about and that could potentially be the biggest project ever wtf
Oh, and then there’s also HP crackfic for my little sister (her ideas, written as a Very Serious Fic though okay) that I really kinda wanna write but idk if it’ll ever be fit for posting :’D It’s literally just... humor ^^
Ty for the tag! If you’re reading this and you’re a writer, you’re tagged!!
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