#soft neopronouns
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queersrus · 9 months ago
Soft theme
[soft theme]
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including textures, descriptive words, words/names meaning soft as well as soft in other languages and synonyms.
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alya/aalya, abhiratra, aderyn, adhara, alhan, amalthea, amauricus, amiable, amicabilis, aura, aure, aurore, aurora, auralie/auralee, aurear, adalinda/adallinda buthayna, bayne
cushion, cushiony/cushioni/cushionie, cloud, calm, cotton, cottony, cream, creamy, chifon/chiffon, comfy/comfi, chenille, clem, clemencia, clemency, clementeen/clementine, clementia, clemmy
downy/downey, dim, dulcet, delicatte, dull, dream, dreamy/dreami, dietlind/dietlinde, delani emmi, eulia
fleece, fleecy/fleeci, fur/furr, furry, faint, fluff, fluffy, fine, frodelinde, frolinde, feather gentle, guenivier/guenevere, ginevra, ginie/ginnie, gennifer, guin, gwenhwyfar, gaenor, genniver, gislind/gislinde
hush isaura, irmlinde jenie/jennie/jeni/jenni, jenifer/jennifer, jen/jenn, juliska kumal, komol, komal
low, lawler, lenis, leyan, linda, linde, lindy, lyan murmur, mute, muted, muffle, malachite, malvine, malwina, melvina, mellow, mild, mylin oriane
pastel/pastelle, pale, peace, paisley, patient, pearyl quiet, quiana rest, reshma, rujul, rugu, rosalynd/rosalind
soft, softy/softie, softly, softest/softestte, softette, softetta, softa, softelle, softella, softine, softina, softia, softe, soften, softene, softeneda, smooth, silk, silky, silken, satin, satine, satiny, sooth, silent, still, serene, silika, sieglinde
tender, tranquil, tranquila, timi, timid, teddy velvet/velvette, velvety, velveteen/velvetine, vanini, velouette whisper, warmth, wani, winnie yalina
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
si/softe/softly/softine/softself si/soothe/soothy/soothine/soothself si/sme/smoothly/smoothine/smoothself gi/gentle/gently/gentline/gentleself hi/hushe/hushy/hushine/hushself fli/fluffe/fluffy/fluffine/fluffyself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
so/softer/softers/softerself so/soother/soothers/sootherself smo/smoother/smoothers/smootherself go/gentler/gentlers/gentlerself ho/husher/hushers/husherself flo/fluffer/fluffers/flufferself(fluffierself)
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
so/soft, so/ft, so/oft, soft/softs, soft/ly, soft/softly, softly/softlys, soft/er, sof/ter, soft/softer, softer/softers, soft/texture, soft/feeling, soft/touch, soft/voice, soft/spoken, soft/whisper, soft/fur, so/sooth, soo/th, so/oth, so/ooth, sooth/sooths, sooth/soother, sooth/soothing, smo/smooth, smo/oth, smo/ooth, smooth/smooths, smooth/smoothly gen/gentle, gen/tle, gentle/gentles, ge/ntle, ge/gentle, gentle/gently, gently/gentlys, gentle/gentler, gentle/voice, gentle/touch, gentle/whisper hu/hush, hu/sh, hu/ush, hush/hushes, hush/hushed, hushed/whisper, hushed/voice flu/fluff, fluff/fluffs, flu/ff, flu/uf, fl/uff, fluff/fluffy, fluffy/fur, fluffy/tail
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the soft, the soft one, the soft spoken, the softest whisper, the gentle one, the gentlest being, the hushed voice, the hushed whisper, the fluffiest of [animal]s, the fluffy one, the softest fluff, the softest of fluffers, the gentlest speaker, the smoothest speaker, the whispering wind, the soothing voice, the soothing presence, the soother
*one who sooths, one who is soft spoken/speaks softly, one who loves only the softest of textures, one who whispers with onlythe softest heart, one who remains hushed, one who gently holds ones loves, one who fluffs your pillows, one who has the fluffiest tail
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*one can be replaced with any prn
feel free to ask to be tagged when we post or for specific themes
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supersilverneos · 2 years ago
soft / cutesy themed neopronouns.
🌸 bun/buns/bunself
🌸 fluff/fluffs/fluffself
🌸 pup/pups/pupself
🌸 fuzz/fuzzs/fuzzself
🌸 cub/cubs/cubself
🌸 boing/boings/boingself
🌸 bounce/bounces/bounceself
🌸 pink/pinks/pinkself
🌸 cup/cake/cups/cakes/cupcakeself
🌸 cake/cakes/cakeself
🌸 party/partys/partyself
🌸 balloon/balloons/balloonself
🌸 candy/candys/candyself
🌸 cheep/cheeps/cheepself
🌸 nuzzle/nuzzles/nuzzleself
🌸 sof/soft/sofs/softs/softself
🌸 soft/softs/softself
🌸 cloud/clouds/cloudself
🌸 doze/dozes/dozeself
🌸 snooze/snoozes/snoozeself
🌸 chirp/chirps/chirpself
🌸 cute/cutes/cuteself
🌸 bow/bows/bowself
🌸 ribbon/ribbons/ribbsonself
🌸 doll/dolls/dollself
🌸 plush/plushs/plushself
🌸 plushie/plushies/plushieself
🌸 squeak/squeaks/squeakself
🌸 kit/kits/kitself
🌸 sip/sips/sipself
🌸 bubble/bubbles/bubbleself
🌸 gum/gums/gums
🌸 cozy/cozys/cozyself
🌸 comfy/comfys/comfyself
🌸 pastel/pastels/pastelself
🌸 love/loves/loveself
🌸 joy/joys/joyself
🌸 bliss/bliss’s/blisself
🌸 adore/adores/adoreself
🌸 teddy/teddys/teddyself
🌸 teddy/bear/teddys/bears/teddybearself
🌸 care/cares/careself
🌸 little/littles/littleself
🌸 tiny/tinys/tinyself
🌸 mouse/mouses/mouseself
🌸 puddle/puddles/puddleself
🌸 float/floats/floatself
🌸 soda/sodas/sodaself
🌸 play/plays/playself
🌸 spring/springs/springself
🌸 cheer/cheers/cheerself
🌸 smile/smiles/smileself
🌸 pam/pamper/pams/pampers/pamperself
🌸 drip/drop/drips/drops/dripself or dropself
🌸 buzz/buzzs/buzzself
🌸 purr/purrs/purrself
🌸 paw/paws/pawself
🌸 ruff/ruffs/ruffself
🌸 mew/mews/mewself
🌸 daz/dazzle/dazs/dazzles/dazzleself
🌸 shine/shines/shineself
🌸 twinkle/twinkles/twinkleself
🌸 charm/charms/charmself
🌸 hon/honey/hons/honeys/honeyself
🌸 honey/honeys/honeyself
🌸 bird/birds/birdself
🌸 dove/doves/doves
🌸 chime/chimes/chimeself
🌸 sweet/sweets/sweetself
🌸 pastry/pastrys/pastryself
🌸 sugar/sugars/sugarself
🌸 vanilla/vanillas/vanillaself
🌸 doodle/doodles/doodleself
🌸 yip/yippee/yips/yippees/yippeeself
🌸 hop/hops/hopself
🌸 skip/skips/skipself
🌸 leap/leaps/leapself
🌸 frog/frogs/frogself
🌸 fox/foxs/foxself
🌸 confetti/confettis/confettiself
🌸 twi/twirl/twis/twirls/twirlself
🌸 twirl/twirls/twirlself
🌸 skip/skips/skipself
🌸 sketch/sketchs/sketchself
🌸 stuff/stuffing/stuffs/stuffings/stuffingself
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cavemann-grocc · 1 month ago
does grocc have gender? i know you refer to yourself with your name usually, but i wanted to see if you had pronouns or anything like that!
Grocc no care what Grocc called. Can call Grocc anything!
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en8y · 8 months ago
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[IMAGE ID: two six-striped horizontal flags. the stripes are evenly-sized. both flags have these bottom two stripes: warm yellow and light orange. the left flag has these top four stripes: dull blue, light blue, mint green, and pastel yellow. the right flag has these top four stripes: warm purple, neon pink-purple, light orange, and pastel pink. END ID.]
neoprosoftbutch: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a soft butch who uses neopronouns.
neoprothistfemme: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to being a thistle femme who uses neopronouns.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @fem-mogai @neopronouns
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amurderofshootingstxrs · 1 month ago
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names: melanie , reverie , lacy , arabella , anastasia , ophelia , rose , lily , genevieve, elly , elysia , magnolia , aurelia , vivienne , cami , juliet , cora , chloe , lainey , lola , belle , anna , ella , jasmine , layla , muse , faye , cotton , fleur
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pronouns: fae/faer , doll/dolly , bun/buns , lace/lacey , prin/princess , fluff/fluffs , aure/aura , vy/vys , lyr/lyrs , cry/crys , deir/deirs , div/divine , heir/heirs , thy/thine , iv/ivs , muse/muses , hyr/hyrs , whim/whimsy , pink/pinks , flow/flower , kit/kits , paw/paws , seren/serene , lull/lulls , mel/melody , vi/viva
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titles: divine royalty , whimsical dancer , moonlit sailor , pearl princess , poets muse , melody of lyrics , cloud chaser , cherry picker , strawberry sweetheart , the cottage wanderer , wanderlust angel , aphrodite's angel , cupid's arrow , the willow tree nymph , the fairy in the forest , fairy ring dweller
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hello kitty divider ദ്ദി •⩊• ) pink bow divider
Signing off, Corvus! [he/they/she]
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forestquills · 2 years ago
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ayo!! It's been awhile!! I haven't been posting a lot because I MOVED!!!!!! I live closer to my college campus now :DD
hopefully I'll have more time/energy to post because I decided to abandon the bird app. which was honestly one of the reasons I haven't been posting, since I cross post insta-tumblr-twitter and twitter makes me anxious now. so ya if you follow me there I probably won't be active anymore. (the amount of political BS there is astounding)
anyway, ofc I'm gonna draw my ocs because what else is new. also fun fact, i painted this during 3 seperate breaks between classes.
Callahan: he/it/ae pronouns
so ya!! see you soon hopefully, take care, image description is in the image ALT as always :]
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months ago
🏳‍🌈 Hitori, Kazuaki, and Nageki
Hitori is IMPOSSIBLE to find a Transparent for. God bless my friend Sol for making these Transparents for me <3
Oh I really thought these images were small enough to be icons oof
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Hitori; Biromantic, Demisexual, Cisgender, He/Him
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Kazuaki; Gay, Transgender, He/They/Neos
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Nageki; AroAce, Transgender, Stargender, He/Him
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thetangibleghost · 2 years ago
new pronoun set: ji/jaer/jixes
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flageditsarchive · 1 year ago
Butchy Femme: a femme-leaning futch or futch-leaning femme; midway between femme and futch. The counterpart of soft butch.
Soft Butch: a butch-leaning futch or futch-leaning butch; midway between butch and futch.
vesbian: an equivalent to the word “gai,” for those who are lesbians, but in a nonbinary (+ genderqueer, binaryweird, etc…) way.
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flag id: five flags with 6 stripes. the top left flag's stripes are dark faded blue, pinkish-red, orange-red, soft red, medium dark pink-purple, and dark purple. the top middle flag's stripes are dark pink, pinkish-red, soft indigo, soft blue, pink, and medium dark purple. the top right flag's stripes are dark pink, pinkish-red, soft indigo, soft green, medium dark sky blue, and dark indigo.
the bottom left flag's stripes are dark faded blue, pinkish-red, orange-red, soft orange, bright pink-red, and medium dark purple. the bottom right flag's stripes are dark pink, orange-red, soft indigo, light green, sky blue, and blue. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
femme vesbian | futch vesbian | butch vesbian thistle femme vesbian | soft butch vesbian
femme, futch, butch, thistle/butchy femme, and soft butch vesbian flags for anon!
tags: @radiomogai, @orientation-archive, @fem-mogai | dni link
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crazy-iwascrazyonce1 · 9 months ago
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altumseaic/altumoceanic: a xenogender that feels connected to the image of the moon underwater and the refraction of its light.
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Latenightoceanic: A gender related to walking on the beach at night, the sound of soft winds, freezing waves coming up to the shore and sun glints on the surface of the water. The gender is slightly liminal and KEIN, but comforting. (I’ll remake the flag later)
Day 2 prompt from: @neopronouns coining event
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tapestryoftrauma · 2 months ago
give us your trans!grace thoughts pls i beg
WELL— how can I say no to that ???
But before I get into the transness and queer nature of Grace's gender, I gotta elaborate on the basics (we’re taking the long road here BUT TAKE MY HAND WE’LL GET THERE I PROMISE KSDHFJ)
It cannot be overstated that Grace’s gender as a teenage girl is quite inherent to her character, at least in how I interpret her. The way she was raised, her relationship with God and religion as a whole, her relationship to her family, her understanding of sex and sexuality, the way people (especially men, like Max or Kyle) treat her. It’s all tied back to the fact she's perceived as (and in canon identifies as) a teenage girl.
In fact, if we take the colour scheme of her general outfits (disregarding the green turtleneck sweater from Perky’s Buds, just for the ease of analysis here, but I have THOUGHTS about the turtleneck that tie more into Grace’s sexuality—) the major colours are pink and blue. Of course these colors have various meanings (including very trans meanings, WE’LL GET THERE) but let's start with basics. Pink and blue = girl and boy, as shown by the shirt division in AC. Push it further, her outfit in NPMD is baby pink and blue—which to me highlights her innocence, or expected innocence as that sexless, pure, deeply religious teenage girl everyone wants her to be.
But Grace is not that girl. She’s not the kind of girl that can sit and be quiet, because Grace Chasity is loud and abrasive and annoying to most who know her. She’s also not the kind of girl who can repress her sexual desires and wait until marriage. Grace isn’t soft and demure—she is quick to jump to rage, to violence, and she is desperate for the power that she’s been denied her whole life. Denied because she is a girl — a future wife, a future mother, a woman of church. Objectified and repressed and Grace clearly cannot stand being what her community deems to be a ‘girl.’
Okay now let's get into the trans shit BABYYY
(Disclaimer – I am trans, but my own experience does not encompass the trans experience as a whole nor am I willing to speak from any sort of authority beyond my own gender-fuckery. And for the sake of brevity, and because this is a tumblr post and already getting long, I’ll resist sourcing and quoting feminist and gender theory. For now)
I imagine, when approaching Grace from a trans or gender queer perspective, her own image of herself would be something like this. Grace is a girl because that’s what she’s always been—but maybe, if given the tools and the space and the time to think about it—she might come to conclusions. I think maybe Grace doesn’t necessarily identify heavily with either side of the specturm, but neither side is especially repulsive either. In a way, Grace is just Grace. I think at her healthiest someone would ask what her gender is and she’d say “Grace.”
Because she does enjoy wearing pretty dresses at church, and loves the pink in her wardrobe, and even adores the clips that her mom puts in her hair. But, I also think that’s not all Grace enjoys. (Heavily going off my fics here, I have a fic where Grace begins to dabble in drag) Maybe Grace likes drawing a fake beard on her face—because does she love Jesus or does she envy Jesus in a gender way? Maybe dressing up as Jesus is euphoric and enlightening and allows her to tough on masculinity in a way she never has before.
And pronouns ? Let’s talk about pronouns. I’ve joked before about Grace’s introduction to the concept of neopronouns by a joke the nerds make about “He/Him” pronouns for god being neopronouns. And I think Grace would really fuck with the idea of neoprounouns—of just getting to choose. To make a choice is to have power, and oh does Grace crave power—especially about her own body, about her identity, about who she is. I could honestly see Grace using any combination of pronouns. Any, neo, a mix, hell maybe she just goes by Grace and GOOD FOR HER !!
I also promised colour theory in the trans way – so lets touch on that. You cannot show me a character who is constantly dressed in a light pink and a light blue in ALL her outfits (except one, shhhh) and not expect me to point at her and nod my head going “yes trans.” Like COME ON? Purposeful? Highly unlikely, BUT… The colours in the trans flag DO come from the gender assigned to those two colours—and I don’t think it's unlikely that the colour scheme was picked for that reason instead.
ANYWAYYY. Those have been some of my thoughts on Trans!Grace Chasity that I have touched on a little in a fic (you can find that here if you’re interested but no pressure) and I really plan on touching on it again at some time. Thank you for the ask anon !!!
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your-bigender-big-brother · 4 months ago
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I used the soft butch flag on the far left from this post!
Can you do a neopronouns/they/she soft butch flag?
Is there a soft butch flag you'd like me to use? I'm finding a handful of options. - 💙💚
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non-vampiric-deer · 5 months ago
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2014 Girly ID pack
/ names + neopronouns + xenogenders /
part #2 of a series of aesthetic-based ID packs. reminder that most of my info comes from the aesthetics wiki and that's where im getting these aesthetics from. im sorry if these ID packs feel like they misrepresent the aesthetics, as im not particularly deep into any of them. feel free to correct me or add into them!
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Names ๋࣭ ⭑ 💗
Dove . Mint . Blossom . Sophia . Lucy . Angelina . Daphne . Madeline . Tiffany . Kat . Barbie . Rosy . Princess . Bow . Lace . Victoria . Star . Flora . Fae . Glory . Pastel . Floral . Daisy . Lily . Evelyn . Pixie . Belle . Claire . Clara . Pearl . Charm . Doll .
Neopronouns ๋࣭ ⭑💗
pink/pinks/pinkself . prin/princess/princesself . barbie/barbies/barbieself . cute/cutes/cuteself . blush/blushs/blushself . soft/softs/softself . bow/bows/bowself . fae/faes/faeself . doll/dolls/dollself . fem/fems/femself . shey/shem/shemself . comfy/comfys/comfyself . cake/cakes/cakeself . star/starbucks/starbuckself . blog/blogs/blogself . apple/apples/appleself . makeup/makeups/makeupself . pajama/pajamas/pajamaself . skirt/skirts/skirtself . celeb/celebs/celebself . chill/chills/chillself . dress/dresses/dresself . frill/frills/frillself . cupcake/cupcakes cake/cupcakeself . flower/flowers/flowerself . fluffy/fluffys/fluffyself . heel/heels/heelself . heart/hearts/heartself
Xenogenders ๋࣭ ⭑💗
everything is clickable.
cutegirlgender . tumblrgender . lacefem . polishgender . pinkgender . marshmallowgender . bowgender . femwebbic . pastelpinkgender . cupcakegender . pinkribbon . sweetcloudic . dulcigender . prettypastelic . cakegender . softgender . caramellattic . fancyperfumic . dessertic
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ryanyflags · 7 months ago
Soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme (aka butchy femme) flags :D
[part 1] ✦ [here] ✦ [part 3]
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✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme androgyne / angan / angi / etc.
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✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme agender / agan / agie / etc.
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✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme neutrois / neuan / neut / etc.
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✦ soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme maverique / mavan / mav / etc.
(first row are 3 stripe/colour versions, and the second row are simpler versions.)
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For the names, I listed some examples for each, but you can use other terms for them too as long as they mean about the same thing (e.g. ay instead of agie, uni instead of mav, etc.).
Additionally, you can also use butchy femme in place of thistle femme, if so desired.
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The bottom 3 stripes (or just the 3 horizontal stripes in some cases), are from @neopronouns' flag formats, and are for soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme respectively. Specifically, they get their colours from these soft butch, chemme, and thistle femme (butchy femme) flags.
The other top stripes are from their respective gender flags. Mainly I just used picked common ones. And for the androgyne flags, they follow the same idea as my butch, futch, and femme androgyne flags. Basically, the vertical stripes are meant to mimic the vertical stripes in the androgyne flag, and just look more unique in general. Also, the top colours for soft butch agender were edited a bit, just for contrast purposes, not to take away from any meaning. And maverique has 2 versions, the first is based on the newer version I made, the second is based on the older version I made. The first maverique version fits more with my other butch/futch/femme/etc. flags, while the simple versions fit more with the original femme/futch/butch man/woman flags they were based off of. They both mean the same thing, just use whichever one you want.
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xenosandneos · 7 months ago
Hi! Do you have any xenogenders that relate to a soft, fluffy happy gender with pastel colors and flowers, like the feeling you get when looking at baby animals? Also some neos, if you have any? Thank you for considering, I hope you have a good day!
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Serotoningender (Serotonin - Gender)
A gender related to happy, fluffy, soft, pastel colors and flowers, the feeling you get when you look at baby animals and everything and anything that releases serotonin/makes you happy/feels good
> Happy/happy/happys/happys/happyself
> Joy/joy/joys/joys/joyself
> Soft/soft/softs/softs/softself
> Fluffy/fluffy/fluffys/fluffys/fluffyself
> Fluff/fluff/fluffs/fluffs/fluffself
> Bun/bun/buns/buns/bunself
Hope you enjoy!!
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aldernic · 5 months ago
we've decided that we are going to do an aldernic coining event for november ^^ probably best to post the prompts and everything a tad early so folks can get prepared and decide if they want to give it a try, right?
so! each day of november will have two prompts. you can coin something based on one prompt, both, or even disregard them entirely! you also don't have to coin every day (and you can combine the prompts of different days or do them out of order). you can also coin as many or as few labels as you'd like for any given day! feel free to post early or late, too
the only real rule is that anything coined for the event has to be related to alderns in some way (this can mean aldernic labels, but it can also mean genders, allions, omninouns, etc. etc.)
please tag all event coining posts with 'aldernic' so we can easily find them! feel free to tag us as well. for an event specific tag, you can use 'novemberalderns' :D
the prompt list is below! we'll pause the queue while the event's going on and resume it afterwards. everything coined for the event will be reblogged right away instead of being added to the queue!
day 1 - interest/blorbo
day 2 - music/poetry
day 3 - space/ocean
day 4 - underground/sky
day 5 - spooky/cute
day 6 - human/nonhuman
day 7 - queer/sunny
day 8 - disability/moonlight
day 9 - masc/fem
day 10 - neu/androgynous
day 11 - xenine/null
day 12 - feruvel/kenochoric
day 13 - eyes/heart
day 14 - personal/inspired by someone else
day 15 - ink/quill
day 16 - soft/comfortable
day 17 - food/drink
day 18 - camera trap/night vision
day 19 - light/dark
day 20 - weather/wind
day 21 - texture/aesthetic
day 22 - mechanical/digital
day 23 - cryptid/sharp
day 24 - color/weapon
day 25 - antlers/bones
day 26 - metal/elements
day 27 - forest/fen
day 28 - poison/venom
day 29 - warm/cold
day 30 - animal/plant/fungi
tag list here- no pressure to reblog or interact at all, of course!
@radiomogai @kiruliom @rwuffles @mogai-sunflowers @neopronouns @enderluna @smilepilled @daybreakthing @acronym-chaos
(we'll be coining terms, too, though they'll be on our main instead of being posted directly here)
happy coining, everyone! :]
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