#soft librarian wally au
softstarrysblog · 4 months
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First time I post here
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Red means love
Pairing: Tall Joker!Wally Darling x Short Librarian!Male reader
This was decided by this post
Summary: You just casually went to your shop, your little piece of heaven, where one of the most dangerous criminal sees you and that criminal just, quite literally, falls head over heels
DC Crossover Illustrated Au, Welcome Home is a City like Gotham but y'know a tad nicer-
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Life on Welcome Home wasn't easy, much less for pretty boys like M/n but he managed as best as he could. He managed to buy his own shop, sure it was quaint compared to the massive building but unlike those it was homey, it felt safe; which is why so many people would go there with a coffee and just enjoy the silence or curl up with a book in one of the couches M/n's library offered.
Because of this little shop, this library, offered something so rare as comfort, safety and homey feeling it was also very frequented by Welcome Home villains and superheroes undercover who put a blind eye to each other since they both came to that place for the same thing: peace of mind.
Keeping this in mind M/n didn't have a problem hosting the criminals in his library as much as he would have thought but he loved helping out one in specific. The famous Joker, charmingly smooth talker and highly dangerous, M/n and him met because he fell on his face while walking in the shop. Of course M/n did not know he was the Joker, he knew this guy as Wally Darling and Wally fell quite quickly in love with M/n's soft smiles and both beautiful personality and face.
Wally knew it was foolish, that he shouldn't love M/n since he could be a distraction, could be used as leverage against him but those beautiful eyes, those soft smiles, the angelic voice, the perfectly beautiful everything M/n possessed captivated him and slowly he was loosing himself further into the hole his twisted mind resided in.
"All because of that warm smile M/n has"
Part one is done! Let me know if you want to join the tag list!
Tag list:
@urmomisaqt420 @waywardstardustcollector
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butwhyduh · 3 years
I was actually just wondering how everyone else fit into the Tim first au, outside the main bat boys. Like. Steph and Cass, and Duke. You posted about babs, so we kinda know where she fits in, but what about like. Team stuff? Are Tim's YJ friends his age? Does that mean Dick's friends are younger to match up with him?
I think you said something about Jason not dying, so was it something along the lines with what happened to him in the arkham games universe, where he was tortured and kept in captivity for years?
Also, the idea of Jason having to chaperone Dick and his baby titans team around to a mall or something is so beautiful to me. Damian's hanging out with Jon instead because he would literally be anywhere else, vaguely in his own words. And Jason's like "I wish that were me" as Wally consumes an astounding amount of soft pretzels and Garth is pressed up against the glass of the pet store aquariums. Honestly, he's probably wishing Tim got stuck with watching the kids instead.
Bonus: "So, what are we getting in this store, Dickie? Actual fuckin' pants?"
*sweating as I want to answer but also don’t want to spoil anything.*
First off the name of the next fic is Rise of Batboy and Spoiler so that’s where Steph is. Still hitting people with bricks.
Babs is basically Dick and Damian’s age. Cass is close to Jason’s age and Duke near Tim’s. Tim has his YJ friends. Kon, Bart, Cassie, whatever other meta he’s adopted at the time. That’s where he goes when him and Bruce start arguing. I haven’t finalized his character after Batboy so idk if he’ll be Nightwing.
Jason’s story won’t follow Arkham Knight but I will give you a clue which is that the tags in my ao3 has a spoiler for his character. 😉 it’s also butwhyduh.
Dick will have a big group of friends because he’s super friendly and wants to go wherever he can with Bruce and Tim. So he has the fab 5. Damian is not outgoing like that and becomes friends with Jon because Clark is an over protective super dad that didn’t want his little baby involved in superheroing yet and of course that means that him and Damian sneak out all the time.
Jason being a chaperone is hilarious. 😂 Bruce makes him take the boys to the mall because Bruce finds out that Jason’s closest friend is the school librarian and Bruce having no social skills himself thinks Jason can just pick some friends up at the mall like Tim and Dick did.
“How long does it take to make friends? 10 minutes?”
Also Dick is going to wear short pants. I don’t want to spoil it but I think it’s pretty funny how he gets there 🤣.
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Tagged by the always lovely @annnesbonny, thank you
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
866,426 words which is quite a few. I'm currently trying to see if I can hit a million by the end of next year but it's not so much a set goal as it is a game I'm playing with myself
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
There's mostly DCTV ones (mostly Flash but they can all be grouped as one thing), MCU and Agents of SHIELD, Doctor Who, a couple of The Adventure Zone ones, there's one Justice League 2017 film one and a few Flash Comics ones which are both more DC, a Good Omens one, Sherlock, one Librarians which is actually in a fic collection not tagged with Librarians because it was only the one fic out of all of them, I did write Harry Potter and Merlin and one Percy Jackson once way back when on FFN but they didn't make it over to AO3, so I think 13 unless you put all the DC and Marvel things together?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Crossed Wires (DCTV, Barry/Eddie, I wrote this one in an hour after getting stuck for days trying to come up with something to fit the prompt)
Mis-sent (DCTV, Barry/Cisco, also a prompt fill for a ship week, it's a wrong number/college AU texting fic, figuring out the format was interesting)
"Just sleep in my damn shirt" (DCTV, Barry/Eddie, this was a prompt fill that didn't even get a proper title?)
Milk and Sugar (DCTV, Iris/Caitlin, this turned into a very long series, it was an accident but is also my little baby)
Flash Red; Vibe Blue (DCTV, Barry/Cisco, this remains the only fic I have stopped writing halfway through so I could run to Tesco, buy yeast, and bake bread because I was writing about baking bread and couldn't think of anything else until I had a bowl sitting in the airing cupboard. I made bread multiple times because of this fic.)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, I don't always know what to say, I often feel like I'm bad with words and knowing what to say to people, but I very much appreciate the comments so I do want to thank people at least
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ashes to Ashes, it's the end of Inifinty War/very beginning of Endgame fic for the Marvellous Ladies of DC AU so there's a lot of character death (but it'll get better later)
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't for a while but I have, the Percy Jackson fic was a crossover with Doctor Who where Rory Williams ends up helping various Roman demigods during his two thousand years hanging around as a plastic Roman but that was just on FFN and I don't think I still have it saved. I forgot the Star Wars/MCU one (that makes 14 fandoms total, and was also only on FFN) which was Mace Windu's lightsaber poked him in the eye as he fell out the window after being zapped by Palpatine and he fell into a portal and became Nick Fury which was inspired by a conversation with my brother
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I had a few "constructive critisim" comments that were just critisisms which is why I don't think I have anything on the FFN account anymore. I panicked.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do not, smut is not my thing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked once but I didn't hear anything after that so I don't know if they finished it or not
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The Marvellous Ladies of DC mentioned above is a collaborative AU with @agentmarymargaretskitz
What’s your all time favourite ship?
I guess Westallen? That's the one that most commonly tends to slip in in other fics, and I do enjoy other ships featuring Iris and Barry seperately but also sometimes that just turns into poly with Iris and Barry together again
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have had a Cynco role reversal featuring comic stuff too in the to write folder for so long that could be a long fic but keeps being put behind other things and not written so I might just stick what I have up in the AU Snippets collection
What are your writing strengths?
I have had some compliments on bits of dialogue recently which was nice
What are your writing weaknesses?
Spelling. I think I might need to work on descriptions more, I often feel like I mostly write dialogue and need more of the inbetween bits.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it depends? Suddenly switching languages can be quite jarring when you're reading, especially when it's to a languge you don't know and there are no translations so for something like that when the POV character is speaking in another language they're fluent in I would probably write in English and use the descriptor tag to note it's in another language, but if it's someone else speaking another language and the POV character isn't fluent I might use the jarring switch intentionally? If they understand some then you can incorporate translations into the text because they're going to be trying to translate what's being said either aloud or in their head and they probably will miss out bits of the conversation and misunderstand so having the character (and the reader) missing part of the information is kind of the point? And little bits, nicknames, the odd word, swearing in French so the pardon my French is used literally and using it to drop this other character actually speaks French too, that's fine, it's just the big paragraphs switching.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was a Doctor Who/Sherlock crossover (because I got into fanfiction because my friend sent me several to read) and I panicked about publishing it for months. I did not tell that friend I had published any fics.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I feel bad picking favourites, but I did enjoy writing Ghosting which is a DCTV Cisco/Hartley fic, that was for the Hartmon Halloween event and was different to what I usually write so was fun to play around with and see what works and what doesn't (and considering I started by saying "I'll do no research for this because they also don't know what's going on" I ended up reading a lot about plastering), and I had some really lovely comments on Ghosting which did all make me cry a lot.
The Milk and Sugar 'verse is possibly cheating because it's a series but I was working on that for a long time so I think I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for that one (and it gave me an excuse to read so much science, that series has sources). The Superhero in the Bath, The Night Shift, and Flash Red; Vibe Blue (all DCTV Barry/Cisco) were fun to write too, The Superhero in the Bath has one of my favourite openings, The Night Shift's literal kiss of life is probably my favourite kiss I've written (and my favourite "can I count this as a pun or not" bit), and the bread I made while writing Flash Red; Vibe Blue tasted good too, the recipe was on the yeast pot, it's my go to bread recipe now, it lives in my head. Outfits (DC, Hal/Barry/Iris) was for the DC Poly Week and was my favourite out of those prompts because it was just a little bit of fluff (fun fact about the DC Poly week, 4 out of 7 are Hal/Barry/Iris fics, if you read it as one 'verse it's snippets of their relationship in reverse order), Museum Visits (DC, gen featuring Barry, Iris, and a tiny Wally) was just short and sweet, Double Back (DCTV, gen from the Flash & Hawkgirl series which is Iris/Kendra with a side Barry/Cisco) was really fun to write (the whole series is but that fic is based on Flashback which is one of my favourite episodes) and Vibe and the Flash (DCTV, gen from the Tess Lives AU which features Barry/Iris) had a bit that wasn't planned but showed up while I was writing and I'm so glad it did (the thing those two have in common is I guess I enjoy writing Eobard Thawne being a dick), I really don't think I can pick one favourite, I think, even if there are hard points and some are from a while ago and I would probably do differently now, I've enjoyed writing everything I've written, it's why I wrote them.
Tagging @agentmarymargaretskitz, @starstruckpurpledragon, @incendiaglacies, and @squireofgeekdom if you would like?
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
BATIM Inktober 20
Today is Bleed through the page. I decided to set it in @disneyphantomlover‘s False Protagonists AU, focusing on Bendy.
Sometimes, Bendy felt the urge to draw. He knew exactly where this urge came from, but he preferred not to dwell on its origin. It wasn’t uncommon for Henry to come downstairs and find Bendy scribbling away on the floor, sheets of paper scattered all around him. What Bendy drew varied wildly on his emotional state and what he’d done that day. Once, when Becca had shown him, Alice, and Boris The Wizard of Oz, Bendy had spent the whole day drawing pictures of him and his friends as characters from the movie. Alice was Dorothy, of course, Boris was the Cowardly Lion, or wolf in this case, Bendy himself was Toto, Becca was both Glinda and Auntie Em, and Henry got to be Uncle Henry. He’d drawn sketches of some of the former studio members as the other characters but had quickly crossed out their faces and threw the drawings away. Henry later fished them out, looking over the drawings. There was Wally as the Scarecrow, Sammy Wes as the Tin Man, Susie as the Wicked Witch of the West, and Joey as the Wizard. Henry smiled softly at the drawings. He knew better than to ask Bendy about them, better not to open old wounds, but he was definitely going to keep them.
One thing Bendy especially liked doing was copying what Henry was drawing. Henry had various old animation cells and concept art for various episodes that Bendy would find and take out. He’d run over to Henry, hold up whatever it was, and ask to hear all about it. His favorites to draw were unused concepts for episodes that never saw the light of day. Sometimes he’d even write up his own script and drag Alice and Boris into performing it with him. Boris made a big deal about not wanting to act out what Bendy wrote, but if Henry or Becca told him he didn’t really have to do it, he’d snap back,
“No, I’m gonna.”
This usually led to Becca and Alice giggling to themselves and whispering about how Boris was secretly a softie. Something Boris would vehemently deny.
Today, Bendy had found some concept art for an episode and was bringing it to Henry, as per usual. He ran up to Henry’s desk, where the old animator was chewing on the end of his pencil as he tried to get a pose right.
“Henry!” Bendy tugged on Henry’s shirt. Henry looked over, his frustrated scowl morphing into a soft smile.
“Hey, Bendy.” He said, patting the little demon’s head. “What’s up? Did you find something?”
Bendy nodded, holding up the papers he’d found. “What’s this episode supposed to be about?”
Henry took the papers, shuffling through them. Slowly, his smile faded, replaced by a look of melancholy. Bendy suddenly had a feeling he’d picked up the wrong thing. He’d done that before, found something that elicited bad memories in Henry. He’d been trying to be careful.
“I’ll put it back,” Bendy said quickly, trying to snatch the offending object away.
“No, it’s fine.” Henry put the papers on the desk and patted his lap. “C’mon. I’ll tell you about it.”
“You sure?” Bendy asked, holding his tail in his hands. He didn’t want to push Henry. That wasn’t something a good friend would do. He wasn’t like Joey.
“I’m sure.” Henry nodded. After a moment of hesitation, Bendy clambered into Henry’s lap and settled comfortably. He always liked when he got to sit on Henry’s lap while Henry explained things.
“This was the last episode I worked on before I left,” Henry explained, a nostalgic look in his eyes. “It wasn’t even a particularly special episode. Just typical shenanigans.”
“Issat a big inkwell?” Bendy pointed to the character sketch on the page. He was trying not to snicker. The inkwell had such a grumpy expression on its face.
“His name’s Dewey.” Henry chuckled to himself. “He’s based on mean librarians everywhere. The basic gist of the episode was that you caused a little mischief in Dewey’s library and he tried to kick you out.”
“Did I show ‘im what for?” Bendy asked, looking back at Henry.
“You sure did.” Henry patted his head. Bendy made a proud little noise, wiggling his body like a cat about to pounce.
“What about this one?” He pointed to another page.
“Oh, that one was a lot of fun. Let me tell you about Canoodle…”
For the moment, the shadow of Joey’s actions was forgotten. But they knew eventually it would be back. It always was.
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softstarrysblog · 3 months
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Happy belated birthday, Soft 🥳🎂
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softstarrysblog · 4 months
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My opposite version of my Wally Aus✨️
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softstarrysblog · 3 months
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softstarrysblog · 3 months
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Soft Librarian Wally 's parents 💖
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