#soft!dark henry cavill x you
drewharrisonwriter · 10 months
Donor Part 4 (Final)
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is it... the last part of Donor. English is not my first language.
I’m AO3, too as MoonDjarin ^_^
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“Oh…” A gasp escaped your lips, your hand instinctively covering your mouth as shock settled in. Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at all three positive pregnancy tests resting on the bathroom counter. A silent rush of emotions flooded over you, causing your hands to tremble in disbelief as you picked one up. The cool, marbled counter became your anchor as your legs threatened to give way beneath you.
Taking a deep, steadying breath, you attempted to compose yourself. With the sleeves of your sweater, you wiped away the tears that had started to flow and went out the bathroom with one of the tests to look for Henry. Your heart is racing and your mind feels like it’s about to turn into mush, you should be happy about this, why are you so nervous?
The voices drifted from the kitchen as you reached the landing of the staircase. Passing through the living room, you moved under the archway that led to the dining area. And there stood Henry in an old and faded gray t-shirt and jeans, hands submerged in soapy water, gently tending to your 7-month-old daughter, Vivienne. The kitchen told a tale of joyful chaos—baby food scattered about, unfinished waffles sitting on the kitchen island, and blueberries on the floor.
“Mama!” A joyful squeal from your 4 year old daughter, Marianna, or Mari as you fondly call her, greeted you as she caught sight of you at the kitchen's entrance, her little sister, two year old Serena (Sisi), mimicking her with a wave.
“We cwean the house fow you!” Sisi's prideful proclamation filled the room, her adorable voice resonating with accomplishment. A soft smile adorned your lips as you warmly acknowledged your young helpers. Under your breath, you praised, “Great job, babies.”
Henry turned around with a beaming smile on his face, his laughter still echoing from moments earlier when your 7-month-old daughter had been gleefully causing a watery mess in the kitchen.
“Hey, darling, how are you feeling?” he asked, his smile tinged with a touch more concern. He gently scooped up the baby, wrapping her in a towel and patting her dry.
Your throat tightened, and your eyes brimmed with tears once more. As though Henry sensed the impending news, he shook his head in disbelief, a chuckle escaping him. "No, no way…" he muttered, his grin so expansive you thought his face might rip in half. 
“Hank…” you began, your voice trembling. You trailed off, the weight of emotions overtaking you, and you broke into sobs.
“Oh no!” Mari exclaimed, getting up from the floor to hug your leg. “It’s okay, mama.” She said softly, rubbing a hand up and down your leg, and you managed to chuckle a little, running a hand through her dark curls to show your appreciation. Sisi, the ever clone of her older sister, did the same. 
He moved closer, his voice soothing and warm. “Oh, no, no, no, darling. Don’t cry, just tell me,” he cooed, placing the baby in her high chair and wiping his hands on his trousers as he walked toward you and the girls, enveloping you in a comforting embrace.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeated between sobs, but he shushed you gently and the girls went back to picking up blueberries from the floor. 
Henry knew. 
Of course he does. He knows you so well, and you’ve been feeling sick and losing appetite the past few weeks, plus your period came in really light earlier in the month. You have been so sensitive to touch and have been feeling sluggish and sleepy. 
But the icing on the cake happened the other night where you cried watching a wildlife commercial where a bird was swallowed by an alligator and Henry fought back so hard not to laugh but failed, miserably, exploding in a fit of laughter which got you even more riled up, throwing pillows at him. You both had been through this three times before, with the last one not being that long ago, he knew the signs so well by now. 
He had playfully suggested you take a pregnancy test before seeing your doctor, those mischievous eyebrows of his wiggling with a teasing twinkle in his eyes. You had brushed it off, convinced it was too soon and impossible. 
Yet, here you were, holding one of the three positive tests in your hand. His response was laughter, a joyful sound that blended with the soft kisses he planted on your tear-streaked face.
“I told you so!” he teased, his laughter mixing with your sobs.
Through your tears, you irritatingly asked him, “How do you find this so amusing? Vivi is only 7 months old. How are we ever going to manage?”
Henry's laughter lingered, accompanied by the cheerful chatter of his other daughters in the backdrop. In that moment, his heart felt as though it might burst from the sheer joy of the moment.
“It’s alright, darling, don’t cry,” he cooed, wiping the tears on your cheeks with his thumb.
“You’re not upset?” you were surprised by his unwavering calm in contrast to your own turbulent emotions. “Or scared?”
He chuckled, his affectionate response carrying the weight of his feelings. “First of all, I could never be upset about having more babies with you. And no, we've been through this before. You're giving me another child, for god's sake, nothing can make me happier than that.” He sealed his words with a lingering kiss pressed to your forehead.
Despite his reassurances, your fears lingered. “I’m so scared.” You admitted, “And I feel like we're not being fair to Vivi.” Your gaze drifted to your 7-month-old daughter, snugly wrapped in a soft, yellow chick towel. She sat there contentedly, fingers in her mouth, her wide blue eyes taking in the world. A cascade of curly brown hair framed her face from under the chick hoodie, still holding onto droplets of bathwater.
Henry's voice carried a reassuring tenderness. “It’s going to be alright, darling. I'm always here for you, you know that….” 
You were well aware of that. For over two decades, Henry had consistently shown what an incredible best friend he could be — his generosity and love knew no bounds. However, all of that paled in comparison to the depth of his role as your husband and the father of your children.
Henry then leaned in and whispered so the kids won’t hear, “You know how much I love it when you’re pregnant, right?” You let out a brief chuckle as he nuzzled his nose against your earlobe and you buried your face in his chest, muffling your voice as you exclaimed, "Ugh, Haaaaank... how did we end up here?" 
Your words were absorbed by his chest, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter once again. He gently pulled away and turned his attention to the little girls who were now devouring the blueberries they were meant to clean up from the floor.
"Guess what, my lovely princesses. You're going to have another baby sister!" Henry's excitement filled the room, while you responded with a groan. The girls cheered, their joyful leaps reflecting the news.
"How can you be so certain it'll be another girl?" You posed the question to him.
"Well, given the pattern we've got going, isn't it a safe bet at this point?" His smile conveyed his playful confidence and you only shook your head in disbelief.
Eight years have passed since you and Hank began clinically trying for a baby – as best friends. Seven years since you tied the knot, wasting no time to start your lives together just months after the events of Charlie's birthday. You spent your honeymoon in Amalfi, and bought a farmhouse outside of London, big enough for the big family you were planning. 
But while your relationship and its changes flowed smoothly, your attempts to conceive were still not as easy. It took nearly two more years before Marianna was conceived naturally. 
After over a year of trying, you and Henry considered going through another round of IUI, hoping that it would not lead you to the IVF path. But an accident during the final show of your tour sent you to the ER right after the last number. The standard blood work results brought an unexpected surprise – a positive pregnancy test – leaving you momentarily breathless.
Henry was overseas with Kal doing reshoots for a film he did the previous year and won’t be back for another month. You were itching to call him right then and there and tell him but you decided it’s best if you do it in person, and so you wait. 
When he got back a month later, Kal immediately made a beeline for you, his tail wagged furiously as he bounded toward you, showering you with affectionate licks and nuzzles. You couldn't help but laugh, feeling his excitement to be home and to see you.
Henry smiled warmly as he entered the foyer of your home, watching the scene unfold. "Looks like someone really missed you," he remarked.
"Well, I missed him, too." You said in a special voice that you only use with the pets, cupping Kal's head in your hands.
Henry grinned widely, and asked, "And me? Did you miss me, too?" You snorted, standing up and you nodded your head in response. 
You embraced him, your arms circling his neck as he drew you in for a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. Henry's voice held a hint of longing as he whispered, "I missed you so much." You echoed his sentiment.
You settled on the couch where almost immediately, your fat cats, Tuna and Luna, jumped on you in their ever so softly feline way and began settling on your lap where they softly purred in contentment. 
Henry cocked an eyebrow and looked at you, “That’s new.” He remarked, knowing so well that the cats would rather lay down on burning coals than curl up with any humans. You only shook your head with a smile, gently stroking the cats who are now settling into a nap. 
“I suppose when we go outside by the barn, the birds will perch on your shoulders and our chickens will begin to sing?” He joked and you let out a loud laugh.
“Shut up, you watch far too many Disney films. How was L.A.?” You asked him, trying your best to buy yourself time before breaking the news to him. You don’t know why you’re so nervous, and he picked up on it when he noticed you were chewing your bottom lip as he spoke. 
“You're nervous." He stated, "What’s going on, Snow White?”
You giggled nervously, your heart skipped a beat at his words. There was no avoiding it now. You took a deep breath, meeting his gaze with a mixture of emotions. 
"Hank," you began, your voice wavering slightly, "there's something I need to tell you."
“Please don’t tell me you’re going away…” His tone dripped with a hint of heartbreak, his brows furrowing at the thought of you leaving and doing long distance again. As you hesitated, he sank back into the couch, his hand pinching the bridge of his nose in a gesture of frustration. "I just got home, darling. I was hoping we could at least spend some time together aft–"
You cut him off right then, “Hank, I’m pregnant.” 
His eyes shot open, his fingers still at the bridge of his nose, frozen as he processed the news.  "What?" he murmured, his expression shifting from confusion to a slow, dawning smile as the news began to sink in. You repeated the words, and he shook his head in disbelief, a grin stretching across his face so widely that you half expected it to split in two.
“We’re having a baby!” He exclaimed pulling you in a tight embrace, peppering your face with small kisses and then he began sniffling. 
Henry-Fucking-Superman-Cavill is crying at the news of your pregnancy. 
He did the same at the first one, and again when you got pregnant with Sisi and Vivi.
And now, with baby number 4 on the way, he's just as emotional as ever.
The kids have settled in for their mid-day nap, and with the kitchen now tidy, you and Henry find yourselves sprawled out on the couch. You rest against his chest, his hand gently on your stomach, tracing soothing circles, his breath is hot and wet on your neck.
“I can’t believe we’re having another baby this soon,” You said, reaching back to run your fingers on his curls to soothe him.
“Sometimes, I don’t believe that we are living the life we have now.” he choked on his words. "I've always wanted this with you, and all those years, it seemed like a dream."
His confession, though all too familiar from the countless times he’s said it over the years, still tugged at your heartstrings, and you smiled in response.
"It's funny, because you were very reluctant to donate sperm in the first place. I literally had to beg you." you teased, a chuckle escaping your lips, followed by his own laughter.
"But I'm so glad you did, though... Look at what we have now, three beautiful princesses and another princess on the way," Henry chimed in, his laughter laced with pride.
"Stop saying it’s going to be another girl, you might be disappointed. Remember how you were convinced Vivi was a boy?" you playfully retorted.
"Disappointed?" He chuckled in disbelief. "Impossible. Doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right about this one," He splayed his hand on your stomach that's still soft from your last pregnancy and now housing another growing life.  "You’re my children’s mother. That’s what matters the most." he kissed you on the temple as he gently pulled you in closer to him. 
You hummed, “Thank you for agreeing to be a donor.” You laughed together. 
Funny how things turned out after one silly decision that sprouted from an even sillier dream. If anyone had told you eight years ago that your life would unfold so beautifully, you'd have likely chuckled, maybe even taken a long sip from a pint of beer and wondered how it could possibly happen when all that ever happened to you up until that point is to find dead-ends in every relationship you’ve ever been in. 
You had at least made bank from the sad songs you’ve written about those relationships over the years. Something that Henry would often joke about or even sing just to annoy you, and those times you often find yourself pondering on what could have been, even more. 
If you hadn't mustered the courage to ask Henry to help you pursue your dream of becoming a mother, the path you tread might have taken a different turn. For all you know, you could be still touring at this moment, singing sad songs after sad songs, and not nestled in the arms of the love of your life, with your little dreams sleeping in their bedrooms upstairs in the house that you and Henry have made a home. 
All of these twists and turns coalesced to lead you to this very moment.
And despite all that you both went through, you wouldn't change a thing. Even if it took nearly 20 years for the both of you to pave your way into the path that you're in now. 
"I love you, Hank," you whispered.
"I love you more, darling." he whispered back, “Always.”
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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impala-dreamer · 5 months
A Magical Short Story
~ Attending a wedding alone is rarely fun. Add to it a bunch of people you don't know all hidden behind masks, things can get a little shaky. But sometimes, if you're lucky, magic can happen...~
Henry Cavill x F!Reader
3,160 Words
Warnings: Nothing but romance and magic and fluff and mystery!
A/N: Yes, it's me. No, I have not been kidnapped. This was written in part for my personal goal of branching out a bit, but moreover as a Valentine's gift for @mariekoukie6661 and @kittenofdoomage <3
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Her dress was sleek and as dark as midnight; her heels were high and deadly. Her lips dripped with crimson; a silver mask hid beautifully sad and strikingly painted eyes.
She kept to the edges of the ballroom, ducking behind round tables clad in expensive linens and gold inlaid china, skirting billowing gowns as they spun on the dancefloor. She slipped in and out of the shadows with a slowly emptying champagne glass pinched delicately between two fingers.
Despite her annoyance in being there, she could not deny the beauty of the night. The massive room was decorated in glamorous gold and pearl accents. Heavy velvet curtains hung over the windows on each wall, letting in a glimpse of the moonlit garden outside. The floors were marble that had been polished to perfection, and a warm candlelight glow illuminated the room.
It felt as if she’d stepped into a fairy tale.
A fairy tale about a sad girl watching the party from afar, alone but for the bubbles in her glass.
Which, sadly, were now gone.
Y/N sighed heavily and looked across the dancefloor at the long bar that stretched across the back wall of the ballroom. A hundred guests in suits and gowns, feathers and masks, twirled in front of her, blocking the path. Silently, she weighed the pain of entering the waltzing throng over going another moment without a healthy buzz in her head. She took a breath. She took a step.
Her heels clicked rhythmically as she laid her course for the bar. She kept her eyes on the goal, carefully maneuvering through the dancing couples, wondering if they’d all been to some class she hadn’t been invited to. All their steps seemed identical; all the women spun with the same flourish. She shook her head. Life should never be so choreographed.
After nearly tripping over a dragging tail of taffeta, Y/N finally made it to the bar and braced herself on the top. As she caught her breath, a deep but soft laugh hit her ear.
She turned toward the sound and spied a large man leaning on the bar a few feet away. He turned as she did, leaning one elbow on the bartop and kicking a long leg over the other. His tuxedo was immaculate and perfectly tailored; his shoes shined like the stones below. He wore a mask of black with silver adornment, and two crisp blue eyes scanned her form from beneath. She could feel them sneak down her body, lingering a bit in the deep curve of her waist and at the globe of her ass.
She cleared her throat, drawing his eyes up to hers.
“Something funny, Slick?” she asked, lips pursed in clear annoyance.
The man grinned. His lips were full and pink beneath a thin scruff of a beard.
“I liked your dance,” he said in reply.
She was startled by his accent - elegant and somehow too perfectly English, as if he were pretending to be from across the Atlantic. She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure him out.
It was nearly impossible. The masks were a problem.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t know why, but she felt that he needed to work a little harder to get her attention. Maybe she was bored, maybe the shock of his voice had her aflutter. Whatever it was, she turned up the sass.
“Yeah, well, I was a ballerina in a past life.”
Again, he laughed. A little louder, a little more enticing.
“I can see that. Prima ballerinas often trip over themselves and end up slamming into tables.”
She bit back a laugh and turned back to meet his gaze. “We take a special class for that.”
The man cocked his head towards her champagne flute. “And with an empty glass, no less.”
“What can I say, I’m very good at my job.”
Slowly, he pushed himself up from the bar and took a step closer. “May I buy you another?”
Her eyes slid up from his shoes to the loose, curly mop of black hair atop his head. He was tall and broad, and looked as solid as a statue. Her pulse quickened.
“I’m pretty sure it’s free,” she teased.
He stopped a foot from her side. “Still…” With a quick snap of his fingers, he called for the bartender and ordered them both another round.
“A dirty martini, Mr. Bond?” She smiled at his order.
“Shaken, not stirred,” he replied, lifting his glass.
His smile was as intoxicating as the golden liquid in her glass and butterflies swirled in her stomach.
Each took a sip, swallowing slowly with their eyes locked. The blue crashed over her and Y/N lost herself in the sparkle of his smiling gaze.
Worried that she was staring too hard, she tore herself away and let out a hard breath.
“So… how do you know the bride?” she asked, trying to pry his identity free.
He licked a drop of vodka from his lip. “I don’t.”
She laughed gently. “Wedding crasher, huh?” She leaned closer, dropped her voice to a whisper. “Don’t worry, I won’t turn you in.”
He moved in even closer. A warm scent pulsed off of him, flooding her senses with leather and vanilla and something she couldn’t place. Something spicy that made her mouth water so much she forgot that she was supposed to be playing hard to get.
“That’s kind of you,” he whispered. “I don’t think Charlie will press charges though.”
She smiled. “Ah, you’re on the groom’s side.”
“And you?”
His eyes fell to her lips and Y/N’s cheeks burned.
“I, uh… I work with Chloe, the- the bride.”
He nodded and took a sip of his drink. “Charlie and Chloe,” he said with a light laugh. “So many Cs.”
He was too cool, too confident yet sweet. She almost hated him.
“Who are you?” she asked, confused and irked. She had not come to the wedding to meet anyone, let alone a gorgeous, blue-eyed Brit, who may or may not actually be British.
Another slow sip guided her eyes back to his lips and she wondered if he tasted as good as he smelled.
“Henry,” he said softly.
She laughed. “Of course you are.”
“Why’s that funny?”
“Because of course your name is Henry. With your perfect accent and your sexy tuxedo…”
He stood up, suddenly towering over her, and tipped his head, eyes swiping over her again.
“And what about you? You’ve got to be called Celeste or Audrey or something classic and elegant.”
Y/N drained the rest of the champagne at the bottom of her glass and stood to face him properly. “Well, Prince Charming, why don’t you just call me Cinderella.”
Henry reached for her hand and she gave it jokingly.
His kiss was no joke, landing softly on her skin and making the rest of her shiver. She held her breath and nearly fainted when he looked up.
“Pleased to meet you, Cinderella.”
Her head swam a bit and she wondered if that was what swooning was.
“Charmed,” she said with a dreamy smile.
He held her gaze, swept a warm thumb over her knuckles. His touch was like fire and she wanted to run. Away from him or into his arms - she couldn’t decide. All she knew was that there was magic in the air and she could not seem to tear herself away from the mystery of his face. His eyes were tragically beautiful, as if she was lost at sea on a broken raft, thirsting and alone, but she had the comfort of the blue waves to keep her safe. She thought herself insane. He was just a man in a mask at a fancy wedding. Just a tall, impossibly fit, perfectly dressed man at a masquerade ball. A deliciously gorgeous man who smelled like drinking in front of a roaring fire in a cozy library filled with old books in some ancient castle in Scotland. A man who was still holding her hand and her gaze, stealing too many moments and breaths from her day.
Y/N shook herself and pulled her hand from his.
“I should… go…” She turned toward the room. She had to get away, had to free herself from the captivating stranger and return to ignoring her coworkers and the bride’s overly friendly family. “It was nice to meet you, Henry.”
His frown nearly cracked the earth beneath her feet.
“Don’t leave just yet,” he pleaded. “I… Well, I don’t really know anyone here and you’re…”
She looked back over her shoulder as he hesitated. “Yes?”
He blushed and sought comfort in his shoes. Such a beautiful sight: a strong, confident man instantly melting into shyness.
Blue eyes looked up. “Beautiful and enchanting and… I was hoping that we could dance.”
She nearly fell over, knocked out by his voice and charm. A quick breath steeled her nerves. “Sadly, I cannot.”
He stood up fully but somehow still seemed small. “Dance with me?”
“Dance at all,” she corrected.
He laughed. “Well, how about another drink and some conversation?”
With a sigh, Y/N looked back at the crowd, into the sea of indistinguishable masks and unfamiliar forms. Giving in, she nodded politely and spun around to the bar.
They ordered another round and took up residence at the end of the counter, half hidden in shadow, invisible to the other party-goers. Music soared above their heads but they could barely hear it, so engrossed in each other’s stories.
They spoke of simple things- movies they’d loved as children and that well-worn paperbacks were still tucked into their bookcases. She asked him about home and he talked about the London traffic and how he preferred to stay around the house on rainy days playing games on his PC. He poked her about work and she glossed over her job, insisting that they keep the conversation light and free from day-to-day struggles. They drank and laughed and fell even deeper into each other’s gaze.
It was strange to have a conversation with a stranger in a mask. She knew that he was handsome- his eyes were brilliant, his lips perfectly plump. His jaw was tight and his neck was thick. He was big and sturdy, yet gentle and bashful. Though most of his face was hidden, she knew he was perfect.
Perhaps a little too perfect.
But as the alcohol flowed and the night wore on, Y/N couldn’t find a reason anymore to run. The night had cast a spell around them and there was no escape. There was magic in the gilded accents around the room, in the symphony of violins that danced above their heads, in their true smiles and tentative touches.
Even if he wasn’t perfect, she thought, the moment was.
And the moment was suddenly broken.
A firm hand on her wrist dragged Y/N from her place at the bar and onto the dancefloor. The bride would not be ignored and refused to take no for an answer. Pained by the intrusion and the demand, Y/N reluctantly took Chloe’s hands and twirled her around. The skirt of the massive wedding dress billowed like a cloud around Chloe’s small frame and Y/N laughed as she was nearly caught up in the fabric.
Heart racing and smile wide, she turned back to Henry but was shocked to find his place empty. Their glasses sat abandoned on the bar and Prince Charming was nowhere to be found. She felt a tug in her chest and a dampness behind her eyes.
Before she could shrug it off as just a random encounter and push his blue eyes from her mind, a tap on the shoulder made her gasp.
She spun on the spot and found him there with a sweet smile and open arms.
“May I have this dance?” he asked, dipping into half a bow.
Excitement rushed through her and Y/N bit her lip. “I told you, I’m not a good dancer.”
Unwilling to let her back away, Henry scooped her up and held her close, one hand capturing hers and the other pressing gently into the small of her back. He leaned in and teased his lips at her ear.
“Then let me lead…”
His fingers pulsed against her back, guiding her to move against him. They turned a few times until she was dizzy in his arms, laughing as he whispered into her ear:
“Left… right… back… you’ve got it…”
His breath on her skin was like a gust of summer air, warm and delicious, flooding her body with calm.
“See? You’re not too bad at this.”
Y/N looked up into his eyes and felt the world fade away. They rose up together off of the dancefloor, floating gently above the other guests, impossibly alone in the crowd. She knew she was drunk, knew she’d pay for it in the morning, but she didn’t really care. She didn’t care that her friends were watching, probably whispering about the mysterious man she was dancing with. She didn’t care that she’d twice stepped on his toes or that there was no way she could hide the fact that being so close to him wasn’t turning her into a melted, lustful shell of what she usually was.
The music crescendoed and Y/N held her breath. Henry dipped his chin, blue eyes locked on her hers. The world slowed down, the seconds stretched on forever. She closed her eyes, savored his exhale against her lips. His hand slid gently up her back, fingers wove through her hair. She felt her legs grow weak, her stomach tensed, her heart skipped. He took a breath.
The band stopped short and Y/N startled as the crowd shited. The moment was gone, ripped away once more by the party swelling around them.
A rush of silk; the click of hundreds of heels. Cheers rose throughout the room as a giant cake was rolled out onto the dancefloor. It towered up to the ceiling with beautiful rows of white creme roses and pearls strategically placed to make the fondant glow in the warm light trickling down from the chandelier above.
As the guests closed in, Y/N was pulled out of Henry’s arms and her heart ached as he once again was out of her sight.
Black suits swarmed around her, heavy gowns brushed against her legs. Voices rang loud. Bodies closed in on all sides.
Breathless, she spun, searching for an exit, for a way to push through the throng.
A hand appeared and reached for her. She clasped his fingers and Henry raced toward the big doors to their left, pulling her free of the mob.
They tumbled out into the cool air and found relief as the doors closed behind them, blocking the music and the excitement, leaving them alone in the night.
The garden was dark but magically aglow with warm, golden light. Fairy lights twinkled around them, strung from bushes and topiaries, highlighting a stone path. Beyond, a labyrinth of tall evergreen waited for curious souls to venture inside, daring the branches to keep them from reaching the end.
Wonderstruck by the evening- the dramatic escape, the music, the champagne and Henry’s crystalline eyes- she stumbled. One single step turned her ankle and the deadly heels she never wore took her down.
Her gasp tore through the garden, but Henry was there to catch her fall. She swung in his strong arms and her fear turned to laughter.
“This is just absurd!” she said, steadying herself with a palm over his chest.
Henry was calm and stable, easily holding her upright. “What’s that?”
“I mean… You literally just swept me off of my feet.” She shook her head and with a blushing smile, pushed away. “This is getting silly.”
Away from his grasp, she teetered again and Henry took her hand before disaster could strike.
“Why don’t you sit down for a moment,” he suggested, nodding towards a stone bench not far away. “Those shoes are dangerous.”
“You have no idea.”
She let him help her to the bench and watched in awe as he fell to one knee. Like an actual Prince Charming, he took Cinderella’s ankle in his hands and gently ran his fingers over the thin strap holding the shoe in place.
“You’re not swollen,” he reported. “That’s good.”
When he looked up, concern fading from his eyes, she gave up trying to suppress the enchantment of the night and took a deep breath.
Hands cupped around his face, she leaned in and finally met his lips.
Startled but delighted, Henry pushed up to meet her, taking her once more in his strong arms and kissing her properly.
Tiny lights flickered in the breeze, soft music seeped out into the garden, and Prince Charming and Cinderella found each other in the dark. Lips hungry and hands wild; heat mixing between them like a budding fire.
When the clock struck twelve, it chimed loudly and they broke apart, laughing.
“Seems about right,” she joked, looking towards the wedding. “Party ends at midnight.”
Henry dragged a thick finger over her collarbone. “Does that mean you’ll turn into a pumpkin and disappear?”
She laughed softly. “I don’t know when the last time you read Cinderella was, but… no.”
He licked her taste from his lip. “So you don’t need to go then?”
Her smile fell. “I do…”
“You could stay…” He dipped his chin and looked up through the mask, blue eyes dark in the light. “We could… find a spot-”
Y/N shook her head and reached for his hand. “I can’t, I’m sorry. I have to be back in the city tomorrow for work.” She lifted his fingers to her lips and left him with a final kiss.
Henry sighed. “Pity.”
She nodded and gathered her strength to stand and do what she should have done hours ago- run. Except this time, she was certain she meant it to be into his arms. Only this time, she couldn’t.
“I’m sorry…”
Quickly, she turned, carefully stepping back onto the stone path and away from the mystery man with his intoxicating voice and perfectly engrossing kiss.
He stood and called to her, desperate for one more look at his Cinderella.
She paused, hand on the big glass door, heart in her throat. “Yes?”
“Don’t I even get to know your real name?”
She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “It’s Y/N.”
Henry bowed his head in thanks and when he came up, the mask came off, slowly revealing a face she’d only imagined in her dreams.
He blushed at her shocked stare and laughed gently.
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N.”
She sighed, blissful and lost in a dream that she prayed would last the rest of her life.
“You too…”
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
@akshi8278 @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @impalaspixie @jackles010378 @kazsrm67 @k-slla @leigh70 @lyarr24 @nancymcl @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @sexyvixen7 @the-wounded-healer05  
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f10werfae · 2 years
You’re already so sexy
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader
Summary: Henry has to uplift his woman after she has some major insecurities about herself and his pussy, but all she needs is him (Major Dom Henry)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
“See sugar, you don’t need all that if you don’t want it, think you’re so pretty without it”Henry growled shoving two fingers into the crying woman’s mouth, her mascara leaving dark trails down her face as his cock plummeted in and out of her core. “I-I love you Hen, love you so much” She whined out around his fingers, her drool covered face being cleaned up by his tongue.
“Sugar, are you doin’ your makeup? Is that for me, lookin’ pretty?” Henry smirked watching his wife apply another layer of mascara, her face lovingly done up. “Mm just wanted to be prettier, saw all my friends doing it n’ maybe I should start shaving down there too?” She pouted at him through the vanity he made for her. “But butterfly, you’re already so sexy n’ gorgeous even without all this” Henry growled pulling at the string of her dress, causing the chest part to fall off.
“Whose pussy is this? Is that my pussy? This pretty lil pussy belongs to me now, don’t u dare touch it” Henry groaned putting one hand on the back of the vanity and the other was now holding up her other trembling leg. “Awk baby, look your puffy clit is all swollen, should I help her?”
“Mhm help her please, need more bear” Y/n whimpered rutting her hips against his cock, her fingers holding open her hood to show off her clit even more. “That’s my good girl, I know what’s best for you, I do. You’re sexy as you are sugar, don’t I know it.”
Y/n just nodded helplessly, feeling Henry’s thick calloused fingers pinch and rub at her raw clit, spitting into it lewdly before slapping her tits. Her tongue outstretched as he spat onto it, watching her swallow it gratefully. “Well then say it baby, come on”
“I-i’m your good g-girl” Y/n moaned grabbing Henry’s hand putting her cheek to the palm of it; rubbing her cheek softly with his thumb Henry leant forward, “N’ what else pretty girl? M’ waitin’ “
“I’m beautiful” Y/n cried letting more tears stream down her face, Henry only smirking in satisfaction as he found her repeating that phrase as the orgasm washed over her. “That’s right, you’re beautiful, gorgeous and everythin’ else” Henry cooed thrusting his hips before pulling out swiftly, “Now let me just show you how purty I think your tits are” Henry smiled kissing her lips softly, coaxing her off the vanity and onto the hardwood floors he had set down himself.
“Push em together to make my own pocket pussy baby, would fuck you everywhere if a’could” Henry felt himself harden even more at the sight of her pretty manicured fingers struggling to push the globes of flesh together, his cock pushing itself between them. “S’too big” She whined kissing the head of his dick softly, licking up the juices erupting from it.
“Fuck honey do that again and i’ll cum all over your gorgeous face” Thrusting his hips upwards he couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of her soft fleshy tits enveloping his cock, her lips frenching his cock every time it reached the surface. “Baby you’re kissing my cock like it’s my lips, dirty girl” Henry chuckled seeing her so desperate for his cock, when it was this time last year that he was so desperate for even a reply from her in conversation.
“Cum on my face bear, wan’ it so bad on my pretty face” She smiled moving herself to fuck his cock even more with her tits, her eyes sparkling with need as Henry’s face formed an ‘O’, her lipstick smudged all over his lips and cheeks.
“Yeah I will honey don’t you worry” Henry said wiping a bit of the mascara trail, her makeup all smudged and running down her face from the tears, sweat, and drool.
“M’ready baby” She moaned fondling his balls, noticing how it made him go on edge, and within seconds her face was painted white with his cum. Picking up some of it on her cheek with her finger, she kept Henry’s eyes as she sucked it off cheekily, maintaining that sweet soft smile on her face.
“C’mere you” Henry laughed grabbing his discarded shirt and wiping as much of her face as he could, his dominant (slightly mean and grumpy) demeanour returning. “Stop laughin, i’m embarrassed” Y/n whined now standing up, her hand intertwining with Henry’s large one as he walked them both into the ensuite bathroom.
“You sit there while I prepare us a bath” Henry said pointing to the toilet seat, turning on the hot tap and pouring in some of her favourite bath scents. “My face is so messy” Y/n said finally looking at herself in the mirror, her thoughts interrupted as Henry brought a warm washcloth and gently dabbed over her face with it, “but you’re my beautiful mess, you’re mine. Forget those stupid friends of yours baby, you don’t need them. You need me “
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @ggmimitf @ninasw0rld @acornacre @keiva1000 @spencerreidat4am @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @hp-hogwartsexpress @lastwandastan @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @aerangi @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
On Your Knees
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Summary: As general maid for 221 Baker Street, you assist most of the residents. However on one quiet night when most of them are out, only one resident returns to his home... a little worse for wear. He thanks you in the easiest way possible.
Fandoms: Enola Holmes 2, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut, NSFW, Drunk Sherlock, Oral Sex (Female Receiving).
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 1854
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
On Your Knees
The cold wind rattled the fragile glass in the frame, a chill advancing into your room even further as the dark night continued. The building of 221 Baker Street was colder than usual, most of the apartments empty for the night due to various parties and festive events happening this time of year meaning the tenants wouldn’t be back until the morning. 
As the scullery maid of 221 Baker Street you were in and out most of the apartments each day, tending to the fireplaces and delivering meals if required. The housekeeper who supervised you telling you where to go and what to do wasn’t around either, though her instruction was rarely needed anymore, you knew the routines of all of the tenants and could read the calendar hung in the kitchen showing who was home and who wasn’t.
At that moment the wind rushed against the window again and you pulled your dressing gown further around your body, shivering beneath your quilt. Glancing at your own laundry you’d hand washed that evening, your bloomers hung on the wooden airer where the chimney breast rose through the building. With every pair you owned doing little to dry in the cold attic room, you cursed your schedule for not giving you time to do it earlier in the day when the sun had been coming through the window. Now you just had your thin nightgown and woollen stockings to keep you warm beneath your dressing gown.
You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of movement in the hallway far below your room. Freezing you wracked your brain to try to remember if any of the tenants were due back tonight, but none were. Through the eerie quiet of the house there was another bump and a quiet curse. You reached for the large floor brush that still sat beside the door to your room with its dustpan, lifting the brush as a weapon as you opened the door and carefully stepped out onto the old floorboards to peer down through the stairwell. Clinging to your brush you leant forwards over the bannister and peered through the darkness, a single lamp in the hall four floors down barely illuminating the entryway before you suddenly saw a shadow move. Letting out a small gasp you clamped your hand over your mouth as you watched, but that tension evaporated when you recognised the wide shoulders and curly dark hair of the tenant in apartment B;
“Detective Holmes!” you called out, the figure below swivelling rapidly before spinning and looking up.
“Ah. There you are…” a soft hiccup followed as he swayed on his feet.
“I’ll be right down Sir”
Just last week Mr Holmes’ sister helped him into his apartment having had too many drinks at the pub, and it would seem he’d done the same again tonight. Padding on stocking clad feet you descended the stairs quickly, soon arriving in the hallway as Mr Holmes swayed a little on his feet;
“Can i help you to your apartment Sir?”
“Oh that would be *hiccup* wonderful Darling”
Hooking your arm around his back and pulling his own arm over your shoulders, you started to help him up the stairs one at a time, before arriving at his apartment. 
“I have a… I have my… dammit” Mr Holmes cursed as he fumbled for his key, and as you glanced down you could see that the bunch of keys in his pocket had caught on the fabric and were stuck. Without even thinking you batted his hand away and slid your much smaller hand into his pocket, moving the keys around until they were no longer snagged on the fabric. You tried not to think of the heat radiating from Mr Holmes thigh, barely separated from your touch by a thin layer of cotton, nor the firm muscle beneath the fabric that flexed as your delicate fingers brushed against it. He answered your silent thoughts with a grunt, before you pulled the keys out and unlocked the door, all whilst he had his arm around your shoulder.
His body was firm and heavy, a welcome weight against your cold frame, and as he swayed you did so too, before he finally pulled his arm free of your shoulders and started to shuck off his coat and scarf, struggling as he went about the task.
“Mr Holmes, Sir, please let me help…”
He swung around, shrugging his shoulders, his coat now held on his arms around his elbows, his wide shoulders only accentuated by the white shirt and silk waistcoat that clung to his torso. Whilst distracted you didn’t spot his flailing, one stray arm of his coat socking you around the chin, and although not hurting you, caught you by surprise and knocked you back where you lost your footing and fell on your bottom. 
“Ta-da! Done it!” he proclaimed proudly, before spinning around; “Where did you…?”
Climbing to your feet you took the bundle of coat from the floor;
“Ah, there you are Darling, didn’t get you did i?”
“Just a little Mr Holmes. Let me hang this up for you”
As you hung the coat onto the hook near the door you heard a gasp and a soft thud, turning to see Sherlock on his knees before you;
“Mr Holmes!”
“My Darling, i am so sorry, so very very sorry”
He had big puppy dog eyes as he looked up at you, his drunken state obviously accentuating his normally muted emotions; I should have been more careful… a heinous crime I have committed to sock a young lady around with my coat, please… please forgive me…”
You tried very hard not to laugh, for this was so far removed from what Mr Holmes was like normally, but also it stirred something within you, to see this big man on his knees before you, his face mere inches from your stomach. 
“Please Darling…” He edged closer, wrapping his arms around your bottom and pressed his cheek to your stomach; “Please forgive me…”
At first you were frozen with fear, this was not only completely out of character for Mr Holmes, but wholly inappropriate, but the long days and lack of sleep perhaps clouded your judgement and you cautiously rested your hand on the top of his head;
“It’s… it’s ok Mr Homes, Sir”
He turned his head and peered up at you;
“Let me make it up to you”
You could only watch in shock as he moved his hands to rest them on your stocking clad ankles, before he started to inch those warm palms up your legs. When he reached your knees his fingertips rubbed soft circles against the backs of your thighs, your nightgown bunching at his wrists. For the whole time you kept eye contact, unable to draw your gaze away until his fingertips reached the top of your woollen stockings and he let out a small grunt of appreciation. He ducked his head forwards and pressed a single kiss to the skin just above the tied ribbons that secured the stockings in place.
“You smell divine” he muttered softly, inhaling deeply before he bunched your nightgown up in one hand and pressed his nose to the apex of your thighs.
“Oh! Sir!”
He pressed a kiss to your soft mound, before his fingers stroked softly along your seam. Never breaking eye contact he lifted one leg over his shoulder, opening you up like a spring blossom. A warm puff of breath warmed your skin before he leant forwards and his tongue found your silken pearl. If it wasn’t for his firm shoulder your leg was hooked over you would have damn near fallen to the floor, you did lose your footing a little, your back falling to rest against the door behind you and your hands found their way to his dark curls. 
The slight tug on his hair seemed to spur him on, his wicked tongue parting your folds, and the appreciative murmur that came from his muffled lips only excited you more. Sherlock knew exactly what to do, and you can’t believe you had never even considered that this fine specimen of a man would be skilled in the art of lovemaking, but because of his cold demeanour it just hadn’t been something you’d thought of. 
You tried to concentrate on the look of bliss on his face, but the way his long tongue was pushing at your secret canal, his nose rubbing against your pearl, it was almost too distracting. Your head slowly fell back until it rested on the wooden door behind you, your eyes fluttering shut as pleasure grew in the pit of your belly. It was only when he moved a little, his lips finding your pearl again and he slid a thick finger into your tight channel did your eyes spring open;
“Oh lord!”
A quiet chuckle came from between your thighs, looking down to see the mischief in his eyes and he winked at you just as he slid a second finger in alongside the first. He crooked them just so as he moved them slowly but firmly, stroking at your velveteen walls, his lips and tongue increasing their efforts until you felt a surge of pleasure, a white hot fire bursting forth from your core and you climaxed with a loud cry of his name;
As your body trembled he slowed his fingers, before pulling them free and holding them up to the faint candle light, inspecting the stickiness on them with a learned curiosity, before he sucked them both clean. He looked up at you as you trembled above him, slipping your leg off of his shoulder and he went to rock back onto his feet, but unfortunately losing his footing and topping back onto his behind;
As your nightdress fell back around your ankles and on unsteady legs you rushed forwards to help him to his feet, his eyes a little glazed from his drunkenness. He was like a lead weight, swaying on his feet until you managed to half carry half drag him to the chaise lounge and unceremoniously drop him on the soft cushion, watching as he twisted his body until he was on his back;
“What was i saying? I’m sure i should have thanked you for something…” he was already nodding off to sleep, oblivious to the rich smell of your sex now hanging in the room. 
You let out a sigh before turning and to the quiet background noise of his snores you lit a fire in the hearth to warm the room. Making sure a heavy yew log was placed in the centre of the grate to ensure a long slow burn, you set the fireguard in place. Spotting his long blue dressing gown hanging over a chair, you carefully laid it over his sleeping form, and with one last glance back at him you exited the apartment. At least with the fire in his apartment now going a sliver of warmth would seep into your room that cold night.
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Sex you up - Kinktober 18
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Summary: You attend a Halloween party.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: flirty Henry, meet cute, RPF, size kink, implied smut
A/N: We are having Henry in his Walter Marshall era because this one has me in a chokehold. Suffer with me.
Trope/Kink: Size Kink
Idea by: @sultryfandoms
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Halloween always has something magical to you. Not only because of the people celebrating it, or trick or treat. It’s not only the costumes, drinking, candy, and having fun.
The air is thick with mystery on Halloween, and you think about its origin and the truth behind the legend on October 31st.
“Y/N, hurry up and stop staring at the pumpkins,” your friend groans as you take another picture of the decoration outside the house. “Babe, we got invited to the party of the year. Stop being a nerd for one night.”
You harrumph. Chelsey is your friend, but her words hit home. You always were a little shy, and insecure. When you got older and turned from a girl into a woman it got better.
Still, sometimes you are self-conscious and shy away. Especially at parties with too many people, you do not know. “Coming,” you grumble under your breath. “It’s just, that the decoration is breathtaking. Look at all the jack-o-lanterns. The house looks like a gothic castle from a horror movie.”
“Yeah, spider webs and all,” Chelsey rolls her eyes. “Babe, all I want is to get waisted, and find a cute guy for the night.”
“How about you go inside, and I look at the decoration for a little longer. I’ll be right there.”
“YES!” She pinches your cheek. “I’ll get you a drink and wait for you.”
This time, you roll your eyes. Chelsey will forget about you the moment she finds some cute guy. “Go ahead. Have fun.”
She enters the house without looking back, making you sigh. Chelsey promised you are going to have a ladies’ night. Now you are on your own once again.
“You know, Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain,” you squeak, and press one hand to your heart as a man stands next to you. “Sorry, sweetness. I didn’t want to scare you. On Halloween out of all days.”
You dip your head to get a better look at him. The stranger must be the tallest man you have ever seen, with broad shoulders, a wide chest and curly hair. He’s wearing a beard, making him look wilder than he really is. His soft eyes tell you he’s got a good heart.
“It’s fine. I was just admiring the decoration and got distracted,” you give him a soft smile. “Are you invited to the party too?”
“Guilty,” he returns your smile as he steps a little closer. “I see you came as a wolf. A cute one.” The man grins as you look down at your body. “I like it very much.”
“It was the only one left at the store. Well, the only one fitting me.”
“You look…” He looks you up and down, licking his lips, “Excuse my choice of words, but you look like any wolf would love to eat you alive.”
“I’m a wolf too,” you retort. “What’s your costume? Grumpy sweater lover?” You smirk.
“I’m a werewolf,” he grins, revealing sharpy canines. “See, I’m hiding behind a nice face. But if you give me the chance, I’ll sink my teeth in your flesh and eat you, sweetness.”
“Eat me?” You swallow thickly. This man is a stranger, but you feel drawn to him. His eyes drop to your chest, and you shudder under his gaze. It’s his sheer size dwarfing you that makes your body tingle.
“I bet,” he steps even closer, cupping your face with his large hands, “you make the cutest noises when I use my mouth on you.”
He flashes you a dark smile, revealing his sharp teeth to you. You shudder and press your legs together. “Maybe we can skip the party and get to the part where you eat me…”
"Oh, Mrs. Cavill, you have been a naughty girl," your husband purrs against your lips. "Let's skip the party."
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heyy, maybe prompts 13 and 18 for mindy meeks martin??
‘’Shut up.’’ ‘’Why don't you come over here and make me.’’ + ‘’You have no idea how much I want you.’’
Warnings: smut, masturbation (there was a lot more to the plan, but it was getting too long)
my taglists are here (I added one for SCREAM) + you can requests here at any time
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If you and Mindy were a romance cliché, you would be the roommates trope. Chad liked to make fun of his sister for falling into a cliché when all her life she’s been emphasizing on how different she was.
When your relationship became serious, you and Mindy did some rearrangement to the dorm. You pushed the beds together to make one big bed, tired of having to squeeze into one of the twin beds, and got rid of the shirtless Henry Cavill poster that the previous girl had left there. It was really not your vibe.
A sight left your lips, filling the quiet of the dorm. You had been playing on your switch while Mindy was sitting at her desk, working on her film class assignment. It was due for tomorrow so she really needed to get it done before joining you for your nightly movie. You had started this little routine as a way to unwind and spend time together, as if you didn’t already spend 80% of your day together.
You turned your video game off and called Mindy.
‘’I’m almost finished, babe. I just really need to write about this one aspect that I know will get me a lot of bonus points and then we’ll watch a movie.’’
You liked her cinematic-nerd side, but these assignments were getting longer each time.
Another sigh left your lips and you grabbed your phone, scrolling on social media for a few. Quinn had posted a thirst-trap of herself in a tight dress, either heading to a Tinder date or trying to attract DMs from the male gender.
Taking inspiration from Quinn, you put your phone down and decided to tease your girlfriend.
‘’I’m almost finished,’’ she repeated, her eyes not quitting her laptop screen. ‘’Give me twenty minutes.’’
This time, she peeked a glance at you over her shoulder and groaned, feeling her core tighten when seeing your breasts pulled out of your shirt. ‘’Fuck. How am I supposed to focus on school work now? You know I can’t think straight when I see those.’’ Mindy narrowed her eyes, giving you a pointed look. ‘’Are you trying to sabotage my grades?’’
You gave her your best innocent look. ‘’I’m bored,’’ you said, reaching your hand up to your left breast and rubbing your nipple.
Watching you touch yourself and not being able to join you was torture for Mindy. She wanted to ditch her assignment so badly, but she doubted Mrs. Crane would find your teasing a valid enough reason to not give her a bad mark.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, groping your other breast and making it even harder for Mindy to resist.
‘’You have no idea how much I want you. I really, really want to suck on those pretty nipples, but I have to resist the temptation and finish this assignment first. Then—’’ Mindy’s face switched, giving you a dark look, her eyes sparkling with mischief. ‘’Oh, I have a lot in mind, my love.’’
Her words sent butterflies to your pussy, making it tingle with excitation.
Instead of being good and patient, you decided to push your teasing a notch further and rid yourself of your skirt and underwear. You parted your legs open and brought one of your hands to your folds, sliding your finger up and down a couple of times, drawing out a sigh of pleasure.
It was evil, but you were in a naughty mood…and craving your girlfriend’s attention.
The soft sounds coming from your mouth caught Mindy’s attention, a curse slipping from her lips at the scene behind her. Might as well call it a personal X-rated live-show.
You raised your head, eyes meeting Mindy’s before you raised it to rub slowly against your clit. ‘’Aah, Mindy.’’
She couldn’t tear her eyes away, watching intently as you now pressed two fingers to your clit, rubbing in hard, fast circles as your other hand pulled at your nipple.
You moaned at your own touch, then dropped your fingers lower and pushed two inside yourself. ‘’Mmh. I wish it was your mouth on my clit and your fingers instead of mine—‘’
‘’Shut up.’’ Her voice sounded deeply frustrated.
A grin crossed your lips. ‘’Why don't you come over here and make me.’’
You didn't need to tell her twice.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713​  @marzipaanz
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peyton-warren · 11 months
Roses and Flame
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Characters: plus size female reader, Captain Syverson
Pairings: Sy x Reader
Fandoms: Sandcastle, Henry Cavill characters
Word count: 2097
Type: fluffy birthday smut
Warning: 18+. Minors DNI. P in V, Oral (f receiving- this is Sy we are talkinga bout), Daddy Kink, ass appreciation
Summary: Sy has a birthday present waiting for his girl when she returns home. (The present is birthday sex)
Author's Note: @ellethespaceunicorn asked for a horned up Sy for thier birthday fic, and i get bonus points for mentioning thier big booty. Hopefully this fits the brief, hon. If it doesn't, lets blame it on me having covid. Thank you to @adulting-sucks for the beta.
Ask Box: Open
“Happy birthday, Pretty Girl,” the familiar rumbling voice cuts through the darkness of your shared home as you step through the door, flush from your evening out with friends and the few drinks you’d had.  
As you close the door, you hear the unmistakable sound of a lighter being sparked to life, and you are mesmerized to watch Sy light a single candle, illuminating his face.  Dropping your bag to your feet, you grin as you move towards each other in the darkened room, Sy softly humming the song appropriate for this day, his eyes dancing in the tiny flame.  “Happy birthday to you,” he finishes just above a whisper as he stops in front of you, holding a plate with a single cupcake on it.   
Grinning widely at him for a moment, you close your eyes and make your wish, before blowing out the flame, leaving you in darkness.  You giggle. “Now what, handsome?”
His empty hand expertly finds its way to your waist, settling on your hip, drawing your bodies closer as his other hand moves out from between you. Even in the darkness of the room, you could see his smile as you heard him settle the plate on a shelf behind you.  “Now I get to give the birthday girl her wish,” he smugly answers, narrowing the distance between you even more.  His wickedly playful smile makes you back up until your shoulders and heel come in contact with the built in bookshelves in your living room. Your hands land on his chest, not so much to push him away but just to feel him.  
“And you think you know what my wish was?” you ask, your voice fading as his lips brush yours, stray bits of his beard making your skin sing a tune all its own.  
Sy hums in the affirmative as his teeth nipped at your bottom lip.  “I know my girl.  Inside,” suggestiveness dripping from his lips like honey. “Annnd out.” His hands loudly land on your ample backside, grabbing two hands full and holding you fast to him as his lips finally meet yours.    
As your mouths share a fiery kiss, your hands skirt up his chest, over his shoulders.  One hooks on the back of his neck to steady you as you stand on your tiptoes, eager to meet his passionate kiss. Your other hand curls into the muscle around his clavicle, as you press closer to him.   
You feel his fingers on your ass begin to bunch the skirt of your dress up, inch by inch.  But as short and tight as the skirt is that you wore out to dinner with your girlfriends, it isn't  very long before you feel cool air caressing your delicate skin where your thighs met your ass.  Once it is fully bunched at your waist, one of his thick fingers traces the lace string that runs between your cheeks, choosing to pinch and pluck it, snapping it back against your skin, making you jump a little closer to him with a giggle.  
The hand on his shoulder slides over his chest, nails scraping over the soft material of his well worn shirt, making Sy hum into your mouth as his tongue twisted with yours.  Your fingers find their way under the shirt, skimming over his belly, making his skin jump at your touch.  You match his hum as the warmth of his skin fills your digits and you chase the hair on his abs, following down to his waist.  You hook your finger over the button at the top of his jeans, tugging enough to make his hips hiccup towards you.  The man hovering above you growls lowly against your lips, meanicingly as his tongue snakes back into his mouth. “Yup, I guessed what your wish was,” he eagerly admits, hooking his hands under your thighs, and hauling you up his front, rubbing as much of him as he could against as much of you. You hiss at the feel of your hardened nipples rubbing against him through the silky tight material of your dress. 
Turning with a few determined steps, Sy deposits you on the couch, his lips never leaving yours as he settles one knee between your legs, his body hovering over yours.  You hook your hand behind his neck, trying to draw him down on top of you, but he had other thoughts.  Wrapping his beefy hand around your wrist, he pulls your hand from him, holding it over your head as he moves to kiss your neck. His tongue and teeth conducted a concert against your delicate skin, in perfect harmony with his whiskers rubbing against you just this side of too much.  When you tried to move your hand to grab his head, his grip on your wrist firmed, not letting you do anything more than wiggle your fingers. “No, ma’am, stay,” he growls as his other hand deftly unties the straps of your top, pushing the silky material aside to get to his current destination.  With an appreciative hum, Sy dips his head between your breasts, depositing an admiring peck in the valley, while his beard teased and tempted your skin.  When you arch off the couch to try to get more of the sensation, he wraps his other hand around your hip, keeping you flat to the sofa while giving you a warning nip against your breast.   “Uh-hu,” he chides.
“But it's my birthday,” you half whine, a pout forming on your lower lip that he could sense even in the dark.  With a low chuckle, he raises his head and pecks the pout.  “And I am giving you my present, and you will be grateful for it,” he insists as his lips wrapped around one of your nipples sucking hard while swirling his tongue around the peak, making you whimper at the feeling.  
“Yes, Daddy,” you acquiesce.  
Tightening his grip on your wrist he smiles against you.  “Good girl, my Pretty Girl,” he mumbles into your breast, biting gently as he slips the material of your dress lower, followed closely by his mouth.  Skipping over the pooled dress, Sy settles on his belly on the couch, releasing your wrist.  “You keep that there, yes?” he instructs.  
“Yes, Daddy,” you grit, wanting to chase his head with your palm, wanting to feel his half grown out curls in between your fingers but follow his instructions.   You feel the heat of his breath against your mound as he answers you -“My good girl”- a half second before you feel his tongue tease along the scrap of lace between your legs.  Anticipating your movements, Sy hooks his arms over your hips, his forearms pinning you down as his hands reach for your breasts, squeezing them in tandem with the movement of his mouth against you.  Your whines pierce the air as you wither under him, twitching, trying to direct his movements to where you want him, but he is not having it, and doubles down on the pressure to your hips.  With a maneuver that still astounds you, the man uses his teeth and tongue to move your thong to the side allowing him access to your most sensitive flesh, his tongue lapping at the wetness he found there.  “Goddamn, beautiful,” he mutters against you as your taste hits his palette, as if it was the first time.  You feel the lower portion of the couch move, and you know he's rubbing his clothed cock against the cushions, a poor substitute for your flesh but the one he chose for now until he was satisfied that you were sated below him first.  
With an abruptness, Sy sits up yanking your thong from your body, possibly with a snapping noise.  Before you can object, he also hauls his shirt over his head, tossing them both to parts unknown before settling back between your thighs, with a sharp smack against one.  He hums low, following the smack with a gentle bite.  “Could eat you up, darlin,” he mutters into the stinging flesh of your leg.  You smile to yourself as your legs settle over his shoulders, feeling the heat of him pressing to the back of your thighs as his tongue swirled through your pedals, from back to front.  The tip finds your hidden pearl with practiced ease, sweeping over it, teasing it, making your fingers curl into the cushion above your head as your hips arched into him.  
Sy slides  one of his fingers through your slick, dancing at your entrance until your whimpers are at a fever pitch.  With a little extra flare, he slides two fingers into you, curling them just right to stork across the spot that made you see stars.  You whined happily as he began suckling on your clit, the flicks of his tongue matching with his fingers movements, working in perfect concert.  It doesn't take him long at all to make you forget yourself, as your hand brackets his head, nails curling into his hair.  “Yes,  yes, right there,”  you could feel him smirk against you as he doubled his efforts, expertly taking you apart with just his fingers and his tongue.  His assault does not cease until you are a quivering mess below him, melting into the cushions below you.   
Your brain is still fuzzy as you hear him chuckle, and you open your eyes to find him grinning down at you, his clean hand brushing hair back from your face as he looks at you adoringly.  “There she is,” He mutters, looking rather pleased with himself. In your haze you had missed him turning the light on the side table on low. 
“That all I get for my birthday?” you teased, leaning up to kiss him, pulling him in closer, nipping at his bottom lip as feeling trickled back into your body, into your limbs making them less limp and more movable. Tongues flared over each other as you kissed him, sated but not yet done.  
With a smirk you could feel against your lips, Sy stands beside the couch and peels his jeans off, taking his boxers with them, standing beside you as naked as the day he was born, his cock proudly extended, looking angry and weeping.  “Of course not, girl,” he growls.  Grabbing you by the hips, he effortlessly lifts you and flips you over, settling you on your knees.  Drawing your ass into the air, he spears his cock into you before you can even draw a breath.  “Goddamn, pretty girl, this recoil of yours,” he mutters, thrusting into you, making your ass jiggle and wiggle with each movement, his eyes entranced.  You didn’t even hide the giggle and pleased smile that it encouraged from you as you looked over your shoulder, watching him watch your ass.  It was always his favorite part of you, not your boobs, not your pussy.  Caleb Syverson was an ass man, your ass man.   
Catching you watching him, Sy growls loudly and pushes you forward, making you collapse onto the sofa, pressing you down with all of his weight.  As your thighs close, you both hiss at the tight sensation it adds to your coupling.  One arm braces on the back of the sofa, Sy buries his face in your hair on the back of your head, inhaling your intoxicating scent as he continues to attempt to fuck you through the living room furniture.  HIs mouth finds your ear, tugging on an ear lobe as his hips increase their pace at your hum of pleasure.  
“You with me, Pretty Girl?” he asks into your neck.  You could do little but nod as the pleasure spirals from your belly outward.   At the feel of his teeth against the back of your shoulder, you had no choice but to explode around his cock, your body responding hard to him, tightening around him, making him groan louder against your skin.  “Good.  Girl.”  he punctuates each word with a slam of his hips against your ass.  Grabbing the ass cheek towards the outside of the couch, Sy pushes  it aside to look at where you are  joined.  That is Sy’s undoing.  He growls between clenched teeth as he empties himself inside of you, rocking against you, eyes focused on the jello-like movement of your backside as he moves.  
With a sudden smack on your ass, he drapes his weight over you, tucking his arms on either side of you and in a way hugging you tight for a brief moment.  “Happy Birthday, sugar,” he mumbles to you before pecking your cheek. 
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ellethespaceunicorn · 2 months
I was tagged by the lovely @slippinninque and I'm happy to share some sneak peeks into my WIPs 📖
I have three recent WIPs (besides my series I am still working on), and I'm excited to list them here:
1. The Siren of Baker Street - Henry Cavill!Sherlock Holmes x Black!OFC (Explicit - smut) - Sherlock is enamored with a new client.
"Before she knew it, Pearl is kneeling next to Sherlock’s armchair. Her shivering hands reaching out to warm herself by the fire. Sherlock watches quietly as the fire illuminates her face in an ethereal glow. In contrast to the warmth of the fire, Sherlock is frozen in his spot as he contemplates his next move."
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2. Untitled* - Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader (Explicit - smut/violence) - Lloyd deals with a toxic alpha male that is bothering you.
"He was always a fan of this outfit because it hugged all of your curves. The halter top accented your full breasts with a healthy amount of cleavage. The high-waisted fitted skirt showed off your wide hips and thick thighs and stopped just under your knee. A pair of stilettos, with a little buckle that Lloyd bends down to secure, completes the ensemble."
*This story is actually based on an ask i received (nonny, I love your ideas btw).
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3. Don't Kill My Vibe - Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader (Explicit - smut/weed use) - You finally agree to help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
"You were already elevated, having taken a couple puffs from your blue and red glass bowl earlier, so you were struggling to pay attention to everything he was saying. You tried to put on your “I’m not high” face and nod enough, saying “oh wow” every so often. But, in actuality, your eyes were as red as the Devil’s dick and Clark wasn’t stupid."
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I'm switching back and forth between writing all of these at the same time. Yes, that's crazy, but so is writing for free and praying for the dopamine that creative feedback gives us.
I'm open to any questions about these sneak peeks as well, I welcome it, honestly.
no pressure tags: @raccoon-eyed-rebel @blackwood4stucky @ronearoundblindly @navybrat817 @targaryenvampireslayer
@winter2112rose @hansensgirl @vellicore
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medicinal-doll · 1 year
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Title: Bedtime.
Daddy!Henry Cavill x little!reader
Words: 800.
Summary: You're throwing a tantrum because you're cranky cause you stayed up too late, but don't worry Henry will take care of you.
Warnings: ddlg dynamic,p in v sex,mention of choking/spanking,brat behavior,Dom/sub dynamic, degrading,daddy kink,pet names
A/N: Practicing getting better at writing smut and I couldn't find a ddlg bedtime for Henry with smut so here's this
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
"No!" you scream as Henry holds you securely against his burly frame.Taking you from your pink playroom.
"Not a dolly princess.." you sniffle watching your toys and stuffies disappear from your view.
"Don' wanna go night night!"
You kick and scream, though your hits do no effective damage.
Henry sighs at your tantrum and gently pats your butt encouraging you to stop yelling at this time of night.
You always get cranky when you stay up this late, which is why he set a strict bedtime for you.But your little doe eyes got the best of him tonight, His mistake.
"Aaahh!-" you yell obnoxiously.
Okay... now you're just being annoying. Henry rolls his eyes at your antics.
"C'mon honey shhh" he encourages you softly, bouncing you gently in his arms.
"I told you baby" he coos at you. "You need your little girl rest sweetie, but you didn't want to listen to daddy"
His reasoning doesn't quell your sobs and frustration at all.
"Put me down! don't wanna go..." You cry but Henry picks up on your blatant lying.
"We do this everytime princess... you're just a little baby honey" he talks to you in that warm loving tone that makes you shy.
" you need your sleep doll" he whispers softly placing a kiss to the side of your head.
"Or you'll get all cranky and upset and start throwing tantrums at daddy like you are now"
You sniffle, Slightly embarrassed and aware of your unnecessary outburst. But it doesn't stop you from whining.
"Don't wanna go...." you mumble to yourself.
It's your last attempt at fighting him before your littlest sleepy self takes the place of any hostility you have left in you.
"I know baby, I know." He says in a soothing tone.
"just let daddy take care of you princess okay?"
You nod at him, whines still leaving your mouth. those being the last remnants of your fit.Henry rubs your back in slow circles patting your butt lovingly while carrying you up the stairs.
He sets you on the bed gently, and you start to act up again. But then he gives you that stern dominant look that warns you not to test him, and you shut right up and wait patiently like a good girl.
Henry removes his shirt revealing his beefy chest and toned abs, dark chest hair decorating his warm skin.
You lay back on the bed. A new feeling taking control of you, a docile feeling that makes you burn with desire.
You dip your hands between your legs touching yourself sensually.
You aren't allowed to touch.Not without your owners permission, but seeing as you've already pissed him off for the night and the lustful look he's giving you right now. He doesn't seem to mind.
Even if he did you're in such a mood, he'd have to physically restrain you in order for you to stop.
You rub your fingers over your clit, making sure to give your daddy a good look at your cute little princess parts.Eyes glinting in pleasure as wet dews of arousal make your pussy glisten in the warm light of the bedroom.
You whimper softly in that high pitched tone you know drives your daddy fucking insane.
You flick your clit faster, eyefucking your sir.
"Please daddy....fuck me" you whine out.
"I'll be good now, I'll go to bed promise"
You moan arching your back off of the covers winding your hips against the soft sheets.
"Just please give me your cock..."
Henry prides himself on being A good daddy that upholds the rules. But god damn it, you don't know what you do to him. And if it wasn't for the very visible bulge peeking from his boxers, he might've been able to resist the temptation.
He climbs on top of you giving into his carnal desires.
You look at him face flushed, all pouty and submissive.
"Please daddy I can't take it anymore-"
"I need you in me"
"I need my daddy"
At those last words you cling to him, nails slightly digging into the warm flesh of his bicep.
Henry quickly frees his cock from his boxers, it being just as needy and swollen as yours.
He rubs his length up and down your drooling pussy, coating it in your wet heat.
You grip on him tighter.
He looks at you with animalistic eyes.
"Please what..." He says darkly as his cock teases your entrance.
You pout impatiently. "please fuck me da- Ah!"
He sheathes himself in your slick warm pussy fully, groaning at the tightness wrapped around him.
"Fuck baby...mm" he grunts deeply.
Henry pulls out then ruts back in and you yelp.
"Gonna breed you so fucking good..fuck" he says in a low groan.
You whine as he slowly starts moving his hips against yours.Soft sobs spilling from your lips as his fat cockhead rubs against the sensitive ridges in your vagina.
"Please daddy ruin me" you beg.
"Fuck my little girl hole till I scream..."
He plants the gentlest kiss to your lips before slamming his hips into you.Harshly driving his dick in your cunt, exploring it shamelessly.
"Ah! Fuck!-" His cock slaps against your wet walls as lustful sounds fill the room.He's so fucking big, you think you'll break if he goes any deeper.
"Daddy! Fuck-"He smacks your ass in warning and you cry out.
"The fuck did I tell you about cursing hm?"
"You needy slut, you just don't know when to listen do you"
You cry at his harsh words when in reality they only make you wetter.Your arousal dripping all over him, drenching his cock and balls.
Henry grabs you by the throat choking you against the pillow.
"You fucking like it when I treat you like a slut don't you"
He rams his cock in you making you so fucking sensitive your legs start shaking around him in pleasure as his meaty hips bounce against your thighs.So rough you can't think straight.
"No! Not a slut!" You shake your head at him.
"No?.." He questions in a deep voice.Eyes gaining a sadistic tinge to them, As he grabs you flipping you on your tummy.
"Then I guess you don't like when I fuck you like this then huh"
He takes your little pussy from behind pounding you like the good little cock whore you are,his dick reaching those deep intimate places that drive you crazy.You moan embarrassingly loud as he drives his hips against your weak spot.
"Ah! Daddy please I'm sorry!" you cry out in pleasure.
Henry laughs at how how you're such a shy bunny but you're so fucking loud when he gets his hands on you.
"That's right baby you should be fucking sorry" he grunts, vigorously thrusting into your hot pussy.
"But don't worry hun, daddy's gonna make sure you get to bed on time every. fucking. night."
He fucks into you after every pause your walls fluttering around his dick gripping at every vein sucking his cock back into your soaked cunt.
He grabs your face squishing your cheeks together and whispering in your ear.
"If daddy promises to keep fucking you like this before bedtime, you're gonna be a good little girl for me aren't you baby?"
Your minds fucking gone but you agree to whatever the hell he's saying, too cock drunk to comprehend anything but him pounding your little cunt raw.
"Yes daddy! Ill be good I'll be good fuck fuck fuck fuck-." You scream his cock and balls slapping against your lips at a fast sloppy pace.It all feeling so fucking good and too much for you at the same time.
His hips hit your spot repeatedly and you scream as Henry's white cream explodes into your little womb.your eyes roll to the back of your head, your blush spreading to your entire face.
"Daddy.." you whimper at his hot milk entering you.
His head dips down resting on your back, his soft breath against your ear.
"What did I just say about cursing..." He asks slightly out of breath.
"Sorry daddy it felt too good" you plead.
You turn and wrap yourself in his embrace.
"Couldn't help it...."
He sighs pulling you deeper into his big arms.
"That's alright bunny"
"Daddy just has to be better about disciplining you about that, and your bedtime"
You just nod, snuggling against the comfort of his muscular chest in acceptance.
Henry chuckles and smiles at your cuteness, petting your hair softly as you both drift off to sleep.
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wolferals · 7 months
Henry Cavill x Reader
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WARNINGS: practically none: henry being a cutiepie; slight sexual innuendos
Henrys POV:
„Yeah for sure." I laughed at my friends joke as we currently took down a Dragonkin in our todays session of World of Warcraft.
Due to the snow its all I could do. And its all I've been doing for nearly 5 days. The snow was seriously an issue for all of us, I'd gone outside twice today to shovel the snow away from my front door.
The only time i've left the house was yesterday to stock up on groceries and get some treats for Kal whom was currently laying by my feet, warming up my cold toes with his furry radiant self.
I was just glad I'd been able to get the heater working properly.
„Go round! I'll stay here." I instructed and made my best effort to shoot my arrows at the creature.
Just as we'd taken it down and cheerfully laughed at our magnificent performance, I felt Kal's head shoot up and he seemed to be listening to something.
„What is it buddy?" I asked softly, looking down at him. „What no. It's just Kal." I explained to my friend who'd asked what i meant.
Then i heard a soft knock.
Kal immediately got up and ran towards the door.
„Someone seems to be at the door?" I spoke into my headset to tell my friend - it came out more as a question than a statement.
„Brb." i said before I took the headphones off and made my way to the door myself.
Who in their right mind would leave their house in this weather?
I unlocked the door as Kal jumped around my feet, excitedly waiting to see someone else's face in a good week.
Just as the door was opened enough to reveal the insane person who dared to go outside in that storm, Kal started barking loudly and jumping at the intruder - clearly happy.
„Y/n!" I exclaimed and looked at the long coat wearing girl whose hair was covered in little snowflakes and her rosy cheeks drew a contrast to her pale face.
„Hi." was all she said before I rushed her inside.
„What are you doing? Are you...? Did you drive here?"
She nodded softly as she pulled the scarf off her neck and took off her snow covered coat - revealing the puppy she'd held underneath. Bear.
„You brought Bear?" I asked, greeting the pup by softly scratching his head.
She nodded and put him down so he could play with Kal a little bit.
Kal was beyong thrilled, having a little doggo companion for now as I grabbed her wet clothes from her hands and placed them on the heater in the hall.
„Why are you here in this weather?" I asked again, watching her take off her shoes.
„Didn't you watch the news?" She replied, standing back up and looking at me.
Her hair was loosely tied in a low ponytail and her nose was red from the cold.
I had to admit - i hadn't. I'd been too busy playing WoW.
„They're closing the streets at 6. No one's allowed on the road for as long as it's snowing. And according to the weather guy, it won't stop for another week. We're all supposed to stay home and practically quarantine again. And i.. didn't wanna be alone."
She seemed to be struggling admitting to that.
„Come in first." I gestured for her to step into the living room with me.
„Do you want a tea or a coffee or something to heat up?" I asked watching her body shiver underneath her black sweatshirt.
„Yes that'd be nice. It's so effing cold. Didn't think it'd be THAT cold..."
We walked over to the kitchen and she sat down on one of my kitchen chairs while I got the coffee machine running. I knew she didn't like tea.
„So you've come here to quarantine with me?" I asked, slightly amused at the thought.
„Well... you know how Bear and Kal love each other. And again - i didn't wanna be alone the entire time."
-„So you risked your life by driving here?" I looked at her all serious. She put her hands up in defense. „I promise I drove very slowly! I just didn't know where else to go and we haven't hung out in a bit because you were away."
I understood.
I made her coffee in silence and eventually handed her the mug.
„It's getting dark so early..." She suddenly spoke up, taking a sip.
„Yeah it's nearly 4 and it looks like it's midnight already." I replied, looking outside, watching the snow.
We then moved over to the couch and i handed her a blanket to cover herself with.
„I don't like the idea of you driving in this weather but you seemed to make it in one piece. But don't you dare do that again, couldve told me about ur plan. I wouldve rather picked u up than you driving all alone in that shit weather."
Y/n's POV:
He scooted closer as he said that but I could only focus on his new look.
The slightly longer facial hair and him finally growing out his curls - he looked different from the last time we'd seen each other.
„Sorry." was all i could say, knowing he was right.
We just looked at each other for a bit before he spoke up again.
„I'm sorry if I seemed rude before - i really didn't expect to see you. And again, i don't like you driving here in this weather. Something could have happened to you y/n. What im trying to say... I'm happy to see you and of course you're always welcome to stay." He smiled softly, lifting the blanket to slide underneath it.
I smiled back of course. „I missed this. You. Talking to you."
He smiled even brighter and i could see his eyes light up at my comment.
„I missed you too darling. Come here. I didn't even properly greet you."
He opened his arms and I scooted closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. Laying my head on his shoulder, I enjoyed the comfort of his strong arms holding me. He smelled nice too.
„Hmm." Humming he pulled me closer. Our chests were pressed against each other and i swear he could feel my heart beating.
„God i missed you too." He spoke, low voice in my ear. Smiling I snuggles my face into the crook of his neck.
I couldn't tell how long we were like this or how it happened but at some point I was right on his lap and his thighs flexed under me.
He started caressing my back softly while I bathed in every second of his warm embrace.
„Hen?" I whispered then.
He carefully let go but i could feel that he really didn't want to.
We looked at each other for only a brief second before we instinctively smashed our lips together and his hands moved lower to hold me by my lower back.
His beard was slightly irritating my skin but i so didn't mind - i fucking loved everything about it.
Henry seemed to enjoy it just as much as me as I could feel him harden underneath me.
Pulling away, I looked down at his crotch and then up into his eyes.
„I'm sorry... You just do that to me."
I chuckled lightly before kissing him again.
„You're still freezing darling, how about a hot bath?" He smiled sweetly.
I nodded. „But only if you give me a Geralt-bathtub-scene-esque show."
He laughed out loud and wrapped his arms around me tightly before picking me up and standing up himself.
„I think I'd prefer a Geralt-Yennefer-Rinde-Scene Show." He lowly chuckled as he carried me upstairs to the bathroom.
„The what?" I genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.
Henry laughed again before he stopped by the bathroom door.
„Okay you clearly don't remember the show very well..."
I looked at him questioning.
„They fuck y/n. They simply fuck."
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cardierreh15 · 2 years
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Hi y’all! Posting this but I will be editing over time. 🥰 i hope y’all enjoy this though. This one was a little bit more tough.
**I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Mentions of being Burned , Dying , (please tell me if I’ve missed any)
Description: Cardierre has a close encounter with Death.
Pairing: Henry Cavill (Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent) x Cardierre James (Black!Plus Size Female OC) — Special Guest : Ben Affleck (Bruce Wayne)
Word Count:
The Planet’s Visitor
The sound of a cork being popped filled the air along with the squeal and laughter of women. Bubbly champagne overflowed the side of the expensive Armand de Brignac bottle. Steve then began to fill up everyone’s flute. Clark and Cardi stood close to one another as Perry was the last one to have his glass filled.
Small conversation and chatter circulated the room until the sound of Perry clinking quieted the room. ‘May I have your attention please ladies and gentlemen,’ the room grew quiet and all of the attention was on their boss. ‘First and foremost— I would like to Welcome Clark back. Even though… we don’t really know how this was possible but, we are glad to have you back.’
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Everyone turned their gazes towards Clark, raising their glasses towards the ceiling gently, ‘Welcome back, Clark!’ They all chimed it, some voices on time and others late.
Perry then turned his attention towards Cardierre who had her hand resting on her hip. She seem tired from the days work and he’d be sure to mention how hard working she truly was in his speech. ‘As all of you may know… recently, Cardierre had broke a record of being the most read reporter in the United States for her article: Return of the Red Cape. If you have read it, you know how impressive it was. It sure did have me at the edge of my seat. Cardierre, this is to you. Congratulations on this epic record! I— along with the rest of the Daily Planet— are very proud to have you with us.’
Cardi wasn’t that great with things like this. But it sure did feel nice to get that recognition from her boss. ‘Thank you all. I’m grateful to have such a supportive team to help me craft such an important article. This story meant everything to me… especially since I felt like I was about to die.’ She chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head. The room filled with low laughter.
The tall male glanced down at her through his glasses. He wouldn’t dare harm her.
‘Anyway, I would like to thank you Perry for giving me the opportunity to allow me to put my experience and feelings on paper for the world to see,’ she lifted her flute with a smile, ‘To You Perry. To the Planet. Figurative and literally!’ The room burst with laughter before everyone placed their glasses between their lips and sipped at their champagne.
She had walked back over to her desk to see a beautiful arrangement of roses sitting atop it. Shaped in a full heart, the pedals looked so soft to the touch.
Cardi smiled softly, picking up the small fancy card. ‘Wonder who this is from?’ The card read: Congratulations on your groundbreaking success. May more success welcome you within open arms. B.
She then instantly knew exactly who sent these her way.
‘Looks like you have an secret admirer!’ Clark said, walking over and carefully leaned against her desk. ‘They look pricy!’
A familiar voice had finally filled the air, ‘Ah! There’s my girl! Cardi!’
She turned around to see a man approaching them. Broad shoulders, tall frame. His sleeves were rolled up his forearms. He wore a dress shirt and a simple dark gray vest over the shirt, with dark gray slacks and shiny dress shoes. His arms were open, as if he were waiting for a hug. He was unrecognizable from a human eye. But once she grew closer, a grin curled on his lips.
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‘Bruce?’ She was hesitant at first, but once she was sure that it was him, ‘BRUCE!’ She rushed towards her friend, damn near leaping into his arms. Effortlessly, he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around as the both laughed with glee. Once he’d placed her on her feet, she braced herself, finding her footing so she wouldn’t fall over from her dizziness. ‘Whoa.’ He grabbed her arms, keeping her still for a moment. ‘You alright?!’ He chuckled. ‘I am! Gosh! It’s been ages my friend! How are you?’
Bruce gave her a smile, it was like he didn’t want to answer her question… or didn’t know where to even begin. But Clark didn’t only save innocent lives… he saved conversations too. Bruce looked up at Clark who was approaching the two of them.
‘Mr. Wayne.’ Clark adjusted his glasses and gave him a nod.
‘How many times have I told you? Call me Bruce, Clark.’
Cardi was confused… out of this world. Her eyebrows tugged into one. Looking from Bruce to Clark and from Clark to Bruce. ‘Wait, you two know one another?!’
A lot better than she could even imagine.
‘Uh—‘ Clark took in a deep breath, trying to figure out how to put it in the right words. ‘We’ve… had to work together before.’
‘Yes. Confidential of course but— yes.’
‘Oh.’ Cardierre said, her eyebrows risen from surprise. ‘Small world I suppose.’
It grew quiet between the three of them for a moment. But the air was tense. So thick, it could easily be cut with a butter knife.
The woman wasn’t dumb. Graduating at top 10 of her class at Duke University, it was very easy to pick up secretive behavior. There was something they weren’t telling her.
The moment was broken once Perry called out for Clark to come and join him and their colleagues on a conversation. ‘Excuse me. Nice to see you… Bruce.’ Holding out his large hand, Bruce did not hesitate to pull out his hand, give it a firm grip and a simple shake. ‘Good to see you too, Clark.’ Bruce gave him a nod before Clark turned away.
The large male and female watched him walk away until Cardierre spoke up. ‘What are you doing here? Finally moving out of Gotham?’ It was joke. She knew her friend would never move away from that God forsaken place. She really couldn’t say she blamed him either. His business was there… he was trying to repair it… or at least help. But she’d mentioned it before, that place was way past helping. Way past saving.
Bruce chuckled at her joke, folding his arms over his chest, ‘I’m here on business. You forget Wayne Enterprise is Global.’
‘Nope,’ she smirked, ‘Never forgot. But why are you… here?’
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Bruce paused for a second, swallowing his spit. He was conjuring up a lie. And she knew her friend long enough to notice. ‘To bring you flowers…’
She stared up at him, her lips in a slight curve to distinguish that she was smiling, but telling him that she knew he was full of shit. ‘Mmmmhmm.’
Cardi rolled her eyes and huffed, ‘Nothing. Just you haven’t changed… and—‘ she took a step forward, poking him in his chest, ‘You’re still a terrible liar.’ Turning swiftly on her toes, she walked back to her desk and gathered her things. ‘How is Harvey?’
‘Mmm…’ Bruce had walked behind her, his hands deep in his pockets as he looked up at the ceiling to think. ‘Uh… well— if you must know. He got hurt pretty bad.’
She gasped, turning halfway to face him. Her face froze in horror with her lips parted slightly, and her eyes enlarged. ‘What happened?! Is he alright?!’
‘Oh. He’s fine. A little too fine I suppose. He’s become one of Gotham’s renowned villains.’
Letting out a exhausted sigh, she folded her arms across her chest. ‘Poor Harvey. He had so much ambition… I guess a little bit too much.’ She scuffed and turned around, continuing on her mission to pack her things, ‘And the Batman? What’s he been up to these days?’
Bruce smirked, ‘I dunno. I don’t stay out late to find out for myself.’
Raising a brow as she smirked, throwing her purse over her shoulder and then picking up her flowers, ‘Good… last thing I need to hear is that one of my close friends got his spine split in half by a vigilante that swore to protect the innocent.’ Bruce chuckled at remark and shook his head. She turned around and placed them in his arms. ‘Walk me to my car?’
‘Sure.’ He smiled.
The young woman waved her hand, ‘Goodnight everyone! I will see you all in the mornin’!’
Everyone lifted their heads from the huddle they were in and waved their hands as well. ‘Bye, Cardi!’ They all said in sync.
On the way to her car, the two did their best to catch up. Bruce was a lot more closed off than she remembered and Cardi’s life consisted of working nonstop. She didn’t even believe in vacations… her saying “I’ll rest when I’m dead.” And pretty soon, she’ll realize she was taking life for granted.
‘Thank you.’ She took the soft pink flowers out of Bruce’s arms and placed them in the backseat. She then shut the door and turned around to see her friend. He had grown up— so much… and well might she add. The two stared at one another for a moment longer before she spoke, ‘I hope you have been being safe in Gotham. It just seems like the world is becoming a bad place everyday. You’re my friend, Bruce. And I want the best for you. Why don’t you just move here? Instead.’
Bruce sighed and shook his head, ‘You know I can’t do that.’ He didn’t even have to explain… because she already knew why.
‘I know.’ She gave him a gentle smile, ‘I was just trying to see if you’d change your mind. Still pretty headstrong.’ The both of them laughed softly before it grew quiet again. ‘Be good, Bruce.’ She reached up and rubbed her knuckles on his stubbly jaw before leaning up and placing a kiss on his cheek. She then got in her car, started it up and left him in that very same spot.
On the way home, she was in stand still traffic. This made her want to move out of the city in the first place. But since she worked here, leaving this place was always damn near impossible.
Relieved, she made it to the light right before she had to get on the interstate. But something had captured her attention. Bright flames had glowed in an apartment building, and a few people began to gather around. Quickly pulling over to the side and getting out her car, she rushed towards the group of people. The fire began to grow wilder, with the sounds of screaming and frightened people filled the air.
She looked around, noticing there were a few people on the phone with 911. But her attention was captured by a screaming man who was being dragged out by other men. ‘MY DAUGHTER! MY DAUGHTER IS IN THERE!’ He was in distress. Coughing to death. He had no energy to fight but all his energy went towards the shouting for his child.
This stirred up a feeling inside Cardi that she had never felt. The feeling to protect, even if it meant risking her life. After all, if it was her child in a burning building, and Superman was no where to be found, she would hope someone stepped up to be a hero for her.
Rushing over to the 3 men who were in coughing fits, she asked— ‘sir! What floor is your daughter on?! Where can I find her?!’ She had to yell over the sound of burning and collapsing debris.
‘2nd… floor.’ He wheezed. ‘Please… my baby… she’s all… I have.’
Taking in a deep breath, she looked up at the building. The flames were moving faster than she could have imagined. She had to move quickly.
Quickly, Cardi tied up her hair and kicked off her heels. She snatched off her blazer and tossed it on the ground. Suddenly, she heard the blaring of sirens rushing around the corner. The police, fire fighters and paramedics. She had to move before she had no chance to go. The crowd called out behind her as she raced inside.
Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!
Oh my god!
She’s going to die in there!
Stepping inside, she immediately regretted her decision. As soon as that smoke hit her lungs, she coughed as if her lungs were clawing their way out of her throat. It burned to breathe, but she had to keep pushing.
The floor was warm, not hot enough to burn her feet but hot enough to have her move quickly.
The stairs hadn’t fallen through yet, but they looked like they were on the verge. So even with her cough, Cardi rushed up that flight of stairs to get to the second floor.
When she made it, she thought all was lost. The 3rd floor had already fallen through and the flames are as tall as the ceiling. Suddenly, she heard whimpering. ‘Papa!? Where are you papa?!’ Through the wall. A shroud of hope covered her. She looked at the door that was partially blocked by burning debris. She wouldn’t be able to make it through there. But the wall was already burning and coming apart. ‘WAIT A MINUTE HONEY! IM GOING TO GET YOU OUT OF THERE!’ She yelled before she broke out into another fit of coughs.
Looking around, Cardi tried to find anything durable enough to break down this wall. There was a metal pipe laying on the ground. ‘This should work.’ And as soon as she picked it up, the metal singed her palms. Letting out a pained hiss, ‘AH!’ She quickly dropped it and backed away. She looked down at her hands, pink and burned. ‘Dammit.’ She cursed herself. She had to think quickly, so she unbuttoned her shirt, and wrapped it around the metal for protection. She then painfully picked up that metal pipe and started beating a hole into the wall.
Boom! Crash! Is all she could hear. She stopped for a second, terrified of the ceiling had finally caved in on the child. ‘HELLO!? SWEET HEART ARE YOU THERE?!’ No answer. Cardi’s eyes filled with tears. ‘No, no-no-no. Uh uh.’ She started beating faster, pushing through as hard as she could as her coughing became unbearable by the second.
Finally, she squeezed herself into the hole she created. Cutting, scraping, and burning her flesh as she did so. ‘Urrrrrggghhh!’ She groaned out in pain. And once through, she saw the child sitting in the corner of her bedroom. It was untouched by the fire. She held a little plush kitty towards her chest. She was safe.
‘Oh baby girl…’ Cardi gushed as she coughed. Limping in pain and exhaustion, she made her way to the child. ‘I’m a friend of daddy’s OK? I’ve come to get you out of here alright? What is your name?’
The girl looked at her with swollen teary eyes. She seem to have been crying forever, and clearly — it was hard for her to breathe too. ‘Mya…’
‘Oh…’ Cardi sighed softly, ‘That’s…’ she sighed again, ‘Such a pretty … name.’ She looked around for a second, and noticed the window. She quickly stood up and rushed over towards it and pushed it open. ‘Mya…’ she breathe heavily before coughing. ‘We have to get out of here…come.’ Opening her arms, the child didn’t hesitate to crawl into the unfamiliar woman’s arms.
Finding a piece of cloth, she used it to twist the door knob painfully. And when she did, the hall way was blocked off in blazing debris. This must’ve been what she heard outside her door. She coughed some more as the little girl whined, worriedly. ‘Shhh, it’s OK.’ Cardi whispered before quickly closing the door.
‘Shit.’ She cursed and walked over to the window to try and her fresh air. But to no avail. The air wasn’t circulating fast enough and the longer they stayed, the harder it became to breathe.
‘We’re going to die aren’t we?’ The child asked.
Cardi looked at her with narrowed eyes, ‘No… no… we don’t do that… we are— strong… we can… we can do this.’ She fought as she felt herself losing her own consciousness. Her chest burned as she did her best to push down her coughing, but it just felt soothing to do so.
Crash! The apartment shook beneath their feet. The woman and the child looked at the door. The floor in the hallway must’ve finally gave way. The little girl whimpered, her bottom lip trembling as she looked at the woman for hope.
Wheezing, Cardi placed her burned, stinging palm on the girl’s smoke covered cheek. ‘Don’t— worry. We will figure out a plan.’ Suddenly, loud cracking filled the poisoned air. She looked up to see ceiling, cracking. Quickly. Right before the ceiling finally crumbled, Cardi snatched little Mya up with all the strength she had left in her and dashed to the corner of the room, sitting right beneath the window.
Mya screamed in fear as they watched the floor eat the heavy debris covered in flames. ‘Shhhh… shhh. It’s… OK.’ She stroked the child’s head sweetly. Cardi watched that hole in the floor. Glowing like the fiery pits of hell. She wasn’t the type to give up… but she was tired. Literally burnt out. Never would she have imagined though, she’d die this way.
Holding the small girl in her lap as Cardi gained closure of her fate, she whispered, ‘How… old are you?’
The little girl wheezed… hesitating to answer as her weakness got the best to her too. ‘… 4…’
‘Oh…’ she scoffed weakly, ‘You are… the bravest… 4 year old… I’ve ever…’ she was struggling. She was so tired. ‘Sleep.. so… sleepy.’ And finally… letting the idea of sleep, welcome her with open arms.
But, only for a short moment.
She didn’t feel herself being lifted off of the ground, nor did she really have the strength to open her eyes all the way.
Through blurry eyes, she saw red and blue. Wheezing— she couldn’t say much. Too weak to even mouth anything… she just laid there almost lifeless in his arms.
Hearing the cheers of people around them, chanting his name as he carried both her and the little girl towards the stretchers. They had placed oxygen masks over their noses. The child was interacting well with her father… but Cardi— was barely holding up. Finally, opening her eyes a little bit more, she was able to see his face. They were tired and still burned as if someone stuck hot coals on them.
But he was so much more beautiful… majestic up close. She had encountered him before… but to have him save her— she was lost for words… wasn’t like she could talk anyway.
‘You’re going to be alright, ma’am.’ He said, his voice stern, deep and positive. Giving him a weak smile as they lifted her up in the truck, the soon passed out once again once out of her sight.
She had awakened in the worst pain she could ever imagine. Cardi ached so bad, she could not move. ‘Ah.’ Her voice was still partially gone, her throat hurt and the lights were so damn bright.
Blinking enough times to make out her surroundings, she took note that she was in the hospital, and what she went through the other night was not in fact a dream but real life. She carefully looked over to the left to her table was covered in flowers and cards. They looked fresh and alive.. so she couldn’t have been out for a long time. What a relief.
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littlefreya · 2 years
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I posted 7,998 times in 2022
1,355 posts created (17%)
6,643 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,048 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#comment reply - 1,313 posts
#ask freya - 1,139 posts
#henry cavill - 571 posts
#anon asks - 533 posts
#story reblog - 301 posts
#august walker - 279 posts
#captain syverson - 117 posts
#geralt of rivia - 117 posts
#henry cavill x reader - 95 posts
#dark academia aesthetic - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#modern au danny picks a fight in literally every bar while jorah is just like fuuuck okay let me finish my beer at least
My Top Posts in 2022:
69 works just fine
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Summary: You challenge Henry about the infamous 69 Position and he is keen on showing you how very wrong you are.
69ing with Henry?
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader (No description of body type or ethnicity)
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+, RPF, oral sex, both ways oral sex, 69, need I say more? Graphic description of sex and bodily fluids, soft daddy kink, light brat/daddy dynamic.
*No permission is given for reposting, translating or copying my work.
N/A: This wasn't an easy one to write, so I hope it doesn't suck (pun intended), not beta'd. I will die on my mistakes just like August slipping off a cliff, colliding with a hook and landing into an explosion. Just for the record, it does work just fine. ;) 💖 Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed my work. 💖
69 works just fine
January mornings were the worst; the alluring heat of Henry's body turned the bed into a warm, pillowy fortress that none could escape from. Not that you ever wanted to. For all you cared, the sun could rise and set a dozen times more, lounging in bed next to that large bear of a man was a piece of heaven on earth.
11 a.m, and there you were, enveloped by the duvet with your spine pressed to the side of Henry's bare body. The large man hummed a soft melody as he flipped through the pages of his book, occasionally grazing a tender thumb over the base of your nape. Still groggy, you purred in response and flexed your shoulders like a playful kitten, your tired eyes remained glued to your phone while you thumbed through the social media’s void.
Your quiet morning was abruptly disturbed by the loud buzz of your device. A new incoming message made its way to the infamous "ladies" group chat and without giving it too much of a thought, you tapped the notification open. The soft vibration drew Henry’s attention at once. Tilting his head over his shoulder, he frowned and arched a baffled eyebrow at an overwhelmingly explicit spectacle of a woman riding a man's face while simultaneously sucking his cock.
"So that's what you girls send one another all day, ha?"
Hot blood rushed to your cheeks.
It wasn't that you were ashamed of watching porn, Henry was mature and educated enough to know women are just as mischievous as men if not more, but never in your life did you imagine getting caught by your boyfriend.
If only he knew of your Tumblr account. Then you'd surely die of humiliation.
Quickly ticking the screen shut, you pressed the phone to your chest and turned to glare at Henry. "You were not supposed to see that!" A shy grin piqued your cheeks. Embarrassed, you sought for something to say in order to sway his attention. "It's bullshit anyway."
Rather amused by your reaction, he smiled back. His sturdy hand slid from your spine to your ass and began to knead it playfully.
"What's bullshit, love? The gif?"
"69. It looks nice in porn, but it's fake. You can’t really please someone while being pleased."
Henry’s pale gaze lingered upon your face for a silent moment, scrutinising you back and forth in an odd manner that made you feel as if you were speaking nonsense. With a small huff, he averted his eyes back to the book and casually shot out, "no, it's not.”
‘What was that?’
The candid tone of his response brought a deep frown to your face. Setting the phone on the nightstand, you turned toward Henry's side and forced the book from his fingers.
"And how exactly would you know?"
"How would you know it's bullshit?" A whimsical, daring glint lit his eyes.
Playfully, you groaned and punched his chest, which merely made him chuckle before his hand snapped around your wrist and, with less than a scant effort, hauled your naked body on top of his and forced you to straddle his taut torso.
"Tsk, tsk, spitfire, behave, or daddy will have to do something about that bratty attitude."
You did your best to wring free from his rigid snare, helplessly squirming like a worm caught on a hook, though your battle short-lived as quickly you realised there was no escape from Henry’s unfathomable strength. Throughout your struggle, he hardly moved a muscle, simply eying you with still amusement sparking his gaze.
Bested by the physical superiority of this ‘giant’, you slumped into his grip, offering a sweet apologetic smirk to which Henry grinned with arrogant triumph, but something else swirled within those pale sapphires - a dark leer you learned to recognise over the last couple of years.
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1,582 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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1,869 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My love, I feel as if you are the only one that can help me with this!
I dream of lying-in bed with Henry, snuggled on top of him, whilst gently stroking those gray hairs and telling him how absolutely fucking dashing he looks.
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warning: rpf, pure fluff. Pregnancy. Not beta’d. Short drabble.
Vibrant rays of orange and pink penetrate the bedroom as the lazy sun slowly wakes from its slumber.
You both lie naked in bed, your cheek pressed to Henry’s bare torso, listening to his heartbeat and enjoying the heat that radiates from his skin and cascades around you like a sun-shower.
He is still asleep as you lift your head to ogle him, or at least pretends to - you have your suspicions as his fingers gently rub down your spine. So you smile and begin mapping his face against your fingertips, memorising every freckle and every wrinkle.
Eyes still shut, he smirks, a groggy hum emerges between his lips.
You smile back though continue your inspection, your eyes catching the sight of new grey hair that grew along his sideburns.
“Old man,” you tease.
Henry scoffs at your remark, his eyes finally blinking open. “Old? Me? I am not the one who fell asleep at 11pm last night…”
You playfully hit his chest, though even with a light hit the blow makes you winch. He is the man of steel, after all.
“I have a good reason to be tired!” You point to the growing bump in your belly and almost instantly, he grins and places his palm against it.
“My baby, with my girl,” he breathes and then returns his gaze to yours, staring at you lovingly, “is it really that bad?”
A bemused frown forms in your brow, “having your baby? The worst.”
“No, silly, the grey hair. Do you think I should dye it?”
Your face immediately soften and you weave your fingers through his luscious curls once more. “No, my love, don’t dare hide those. I love that we are changing and ageing together.”
Henry draws a relaxed sighed and presses his head back into his he pillow. You rest your head back to where it belongs, listening to his heart again while anticipating all the great years and adventures that awaits you together.
1,880 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Buns in the Oven
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Summary: Sy has hidden clingy tendencies and he is very much afraid to admit it until one night has one drink too many and all his secrets are exposed.
Pairing: Syverson x Reader (no description of body type or ethnicity)
Words: 773
Warning: Mostly pure fluff, mentions of drinking and being drunk, a bit of suggestive talk but nothing explicit.
A/N: dedicated to @sillyrabbit81 who an incident with a typo gave me a specific plot bunny (harhar!)! Not beta'd.
See the full post
2,025 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Henry Cavill: Some news to share from The Continent…
My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4. In my stead, the fantastic Mr Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf. As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam's take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men.
Liam, good sir, this character has such a wonderful depth to him, enjoy diving in and seeing what you can find.
2,241 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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f10werfae · 2 years
Cavill Clan
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pairing: Husband!Henry x Primary Teacher!Reader
Summary: fans react to Henry's announcement that not only has he gotten married during lockdown, but there is a new addition to the Cavill Clan...a daughter (Requested by @beck07990)
Requests are open/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist Full Masterlist Taglist Form
@/purpleraingal: Ok but that video of Y/n teaching her five year old students over zoom is the cutest thing, I heard she personally went and left care packages at their door during the pandemic full of books and pens etc
>> @/therurbulentlion: She brought Henry in during her online PE lessons so he could teach the kids rugby, they loved learning from superman
@/pinkframer: I hate it here, just saw Henry's announcement on his insta of him and Y/n kissing at their beach wedding. Did you know they had their own secret last vows, ones they only said to each after everyone left. Only found out because Y/n said it in an interview, soso cute!
>> @/tswifters: Bro Y/n said in a recent zoom interview that because of covid they couldn’t have a honeymoon, so Henry turned their backyard into a resort with massage tables etc
>>> @/blanketcase: No wonder she’s preggo, there was fucking massage tables AND NO DOUBT LUBE
@/britishteacupxo: Y/n’s maternity photos are so beautiful, that one photo of Henry on his knees cupping her stomach is so cute, I swear I could see the imprint of the baby’s foot on her stomach on one of the pics
@/firaffeking: Let’s just appreciate Y/n blessing us with the video of Henry painting the nursery shirtless in cargo work pants, that man is a literal beautiful dilf now. Life’s good.
@/wonderwomf: Their nursery is fantasy based, why am I not surprised with all of Henry’s gamer clubs😭 I just know that kid is gonna grow up into being a cosplayer at some point
@/basketturb: Omg that video of Henry sleeping with Charlotte on his chest, while they’re both in her crib makes me so soft. Apparently there’s been times when Y/n has had to squirt her breastmilk at him to wake up😭😭 He calls them her “supersoakers”
@/HenryCavill: Breastmilk doesn’t taste like actual milk. Betrayed.
>> @Samclaflin: hold on mate how’d you find that out
>>> @/Y/nCavill: How’d ya think 😌
@/burterflu: Baby Charlotte literally has one springed curl on her head and it’s so freaking adorable, its just boings up and down when I saw it on their newest interview
@/haushejus: Y/n is officially back onto zoom teaching and shes so precious, she asked each and every kid how they were doing and offered her own personal time to talk to them individually if they needed extra help with their work packets
@/user8273838: Henry taking care of Charlotte while Y/n is working has to be the funniest things, according to Y/n he had Charlotte handing him the pieces to the PC he was building. Each time he handed her something he said, “Thank you Lottie”
@/delicatepetals: Y/n and Henry are such good parents, they are so hands on and openly affectionate with their daughter it’s so heartwarming
@/softfeatherlad: I hate it here. Y/n is so gorgeous and Charlotte is quite literally her double, although Lottie definitely got Henry’s cleft chin and dark curly hair
@/supermansdog8: When Y/n posted the baby camera video of Lottie getting up at 2AM with her blankie to go sleep with Kal on the couch, with her using him as a pillow and he just kept licking her hands as kisses
>> @/legendary89: Did you see the video of the timelapse of baby Lottie sleeping in their bed. That little girl has more moves than a ninja, she went from being in Henry's arms to sitting right on his head😭 I swear at one point she just latched herself to nurse on Y/n's boob under her shirt😭 That girl is crazy jus like her dad no doubt
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @beck07990
@fdl305 @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
1K notes · View notes
angryschnauzer · 1 year
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 3
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Summary: Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
Pairing: ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sandcastle (Movie).
Ongoing Genre: Fluff, Angst, and Smut
Warnings: Slight Angst, Talk of a car accident in the past, Anxious Sy, Mild Embarrassment, First Date Nerves, Kissing
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
Wordcount: 4346
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Chapter 3
The water levels were rising, a steady flow coming in through the door seals. With the car hanging at such a precarious angle your full weight was pulling on the seatbelt, holding you in place. Your mind was hazy, and as you reached out for him in the driver's seat he slapped your hand away;
“Don’t touch me!” he spat out, the venom in his tone one you were used to. 
You shook your head, trying to stop the loud buzzing in your mind, the water continued to flow higher. The cold crept in, it was up to your knees now, the hem of your dress was dark where the river was encroaching.
The car shifted on the rocks, the icy waters surging with snow melt wanting to push you further downstream. Blue light flooded the windows. You wanted to scream but knew it would only be greeted with more venom. The car shifted again, metal on stone…
And you were awake. You were safe.
The soft light of the new day came in through the window, the light drapes softly moving in the breeze. The room was warm, but you were drenched in a cold sweat. 
Pulling the twisted covers off you sat on the side of the bed, your heart racing. It had been a long time since you’d had a nightmare like that, months at least. The events of four years ago were something you’d been able to finally put behind you with the relocation to this sunny little town. You’d moved on, built a new life. Taking a deep breath you stood and stripped, heading into your bathroom and the custom steam shower you’d had installed. Turning the heat up as high as you could bear you washed away the sweat and any last lingering memories of the icy water of your dream, scrubbing yourself clean and getting ready for your day.
As the work week rolled along you were busy with deadlines, updating papers and writing new requests. Sy had been on your mind non stop after his visit at the weekend. You’d texted back and forth, and you’d been avidly watching his social media, enjoying the regular updates on his businesses’ day to day life, and the promise of dinner at the end of the week, this time his treat. You’d put the nightmare behind you and had dived head first into work, getting well ahead of schedule with your workload, so when an invite for coffee with a good friend had come through you didn’t feel the slightest hesitation to down tools and agree to meet her.
Tamara was already sitting at the open window counter when you approached the coffee shop, looking out as the warm breeze blew along the tree lined main street. Through the trees you could see the old town water tower up the small hill behind the coffee shop, the decades old wooden structure now used for little more than water for the flower filled planters that lined the streets, the town water system updated meaning the tower was no longer needed to add water pressure. It looked rickety as hell with the wood now a dull faded grey and the painted town name barely visible, but it was part of the town and seemed a fixture that would be there forever.
Waving as you entered the coffee shop you ordered your drink before joining Tam at the window, climbing onto the high bar style stool;
“Heyyyy” she replied, stretching her greeting out which wasn’t normal and it made you pause.
“How was your weekend?”
Scrutinising her face you saw she had a slight look of amusement on her face;
“It was good. What… what’s going on?”
“Oh, it was only good?”
“Tam” you said, getting frustrated
“Okay okay, i drove by your place at the weekend to return those books i borrowed”
You looked at her, knowing what she was hinting at;
“And you will have seen Lucas Syverson cutting the lavender for his honey business”
“Oh” She looked a little deflated and turned back to her drink, stirring the straw to let the ice cubes clink against the glass. She took a sip as you continued;
“But he asked me out”
Tam’s drink caught in her throat as her brain processed what you said. 
Tamara was one of your oldest friends. You’d bonded in high school and had ended up at the same college. After you’d graduated you’d drifted apart, she’d moved to a small town for a Veterinarian job but you’d had other reasons to stay on in your college town. After the accident she’d reached out and invited you to stay with her, giving you the chance to put thousands of miles between you and the trauma. 
She’d helped you get settled, find a realtor and even signed as a guarantor on your mortgage. In the last year she’d been lightly encouraging you to consider dating, but hadn’t pushed you, so the news that you’d not only met someone by yourself but had arranged a date was the best news she’d heard in years.
Sy paced the room, glancing at the wall as he chewed on the side of his thumb. The sound of tyres on his gravel driveway drew his attention to the incoming visitor, watching as the big truck pulled up and its owner came to a halt and quick ran up the steps of the cabin, not waiting to knock and walked straight in, only pausing when he saw Sy;
“What’s wrong?! Are you ok?!”
Sy held up two shirts;
“Which one?”
Walter paused, closing his eyes and pinching the ridge of his nose;
“Excuse me?”
“Which One?” Sy repeated, holding the shirts in turn up to his neck.
“Sy… you got some explaining to do… I was busy…”
Sy took a deep breath;
“I have a date”
“A date?” Walter cautiously repeated
“And you weren’t busy, you were still trying to build that damn racoon trap”
Walter took a deep breath. He knew what his natural response would have been. His cousin calls him on a rare day off, it's something that he’s put so much thought into and still can’t come to a conclusion. So he does what he does best; problem solves.
“Where are you going for the date?”
“Antonios on Main Street”
“What date is it? First, Second, Third?”
Walter crossed the room and plucked both shirts from Sy’s grasp;
“Neither of these, you’ll look like a lumberjack” he rooted around in the closet and pulled out a dark cotton button up shirt with long sleeves.
“Walt…” Sy started
“I know, you’ll get too hot. But not if you leave a couple of buttons undone on your chest and roll your sleeves up once you’re sat in the restaurant. Girls love that shit”
Sy plucked the shirt from Walter’s hand, pulling it on and buttoning it;
“How did you suddenly turn into a chick magnet?”
Not turning to Sy, Walter started to hang the discarded shirts back in the closet;
“They dig my big magnum” as he tapped the gun hanging in its holster on his belt. Even off duty he still carried it.
Sy coughed and muttered something along the lines of ‘bullshit’ as Walter spoke;
“The girls at the Station, they talk, and they don’t know I listen. They spent 45 minutes last week instilling the virtues of a man’s hands, and how if they say ‘you’ve got nice hands’, it doesn’t just mean that you have nice hands, it means they’ve fantasised about those hands doing things - good things - to them. We had some average guy come in to install fibre optic into the bullpen to upgrade all the computers, halfway through the job he stopped and carefully rolled his shirt sleeves up. I have not seen so little work going on at any given point since they pulled an ice cream truck up outside last summer”
He turned and saw his cousin standing still, arms held out expectantly;
“What’d’ya think?”
Walter nodded;
“Looks good, but unbutton one more, girls like a bit of chest hair”
Sy did as Walter suggested, before turning to the mirror and smoothing the dark shirt over his chest;
“It looks ok? Doesn’t stick to my gut? I’ve put on a few pounds since the last time I went on a date”
Walter crossed the room and clasped a hand onto Sy’s shoulder;
“Man, you look fine. Who is the lucky lady then?”
Sy went on to explain how he’d met you, and his trip to your house with the lavender and how you already loved Akia. At the sound of her name she came trotting over and gave his hand a small lick before sitting down at his side.
Walter nodded to the furry friend;
“You want me to babysit?”
Sy looked at the big brown eyes staring up at him;
“It should be ok, I’ll only be a couple of hours”
“You’ll be longer than that if you’re going to Antonio’s. The food is good but on a Friday night they can take a while. Plus it’ll be nice if you take her around the park, the Mayor just installed a bunch of lights and it looks all pretty and shit, girls love that stuff” Walter crouched down and roughly petted Akia; “You want to come to Uncle Walters for the night girl? Want to help me chase racoons?”
The dog immediately got to her feet, wagging her tail before she ran off and came back dragging her blanket from her basket;
“I think that’s decided then” Walter smiled as Sy let out a sigh; “You’ll do great”
Holding the mascara wand you were debating whether to add another coat to your lashes when there was a knock at the door which made the decision for you. Putting it back into the tube you twisted it before placing it on the table, running to the door and opening it quickly with a smile;
“Wow, you look stunning” he stepped in and pressed a small bunch of red roses into your hand, resting his hand on your hip as he gave you a kiss on your cheek.
You felt the heat rise to your face, unfamiliar with a man giving you such a compliment, stumbling a little at your words;
“Th-thanks… i’ll just go put these in some water”
A few moments later Sy was holding the door to his truck open as you climbed up, and you were somewhat regretting wearing heels and a dress as you hadn’t counted on the fact the truck was considerably taller than you were used to. 
The ride into downtown was fairly quick, and the pair of you made small talk as Sy searched for a parking spot before finally finding one half a block down from the restaurant. He got out first and quickly rounded the truck, opening the door for you and offering his hand. Turning in the seat, taking Sy’s hand and resting your other hand on the door handle, and you tried as elegantly as possible to slide out of the seat until your feet could touch the asphalt below. However mid slide it became clear your plan had a flaw in it, your dress pulling up your thighs but with gravity in motion you were sliding further;
It took a second for Sy to realise what was happening, but he thankfully closed the gap and shielded you from the view of the sidewalk;
“What’s happened?” he asked, his body close as he did his best to avert his gaze from your now exposed thighs. You’d grasped at the hem of your dress, trying to pull it down to cover your panties.
“My dress has caught on something” you went to look over your shoulder but couldn’t turn without showing him - and everyone on the street - your ass. 
“I can go around the other side and unhook you?”
As he went to step away you grabbed his arm and pulled him back;
“No! Everyone will see!”
He nodded;
“Right… you’re right…”
He moved towards you, pressing his body to yours as he looked over your shoulders at the situation;
“Hang on, i might be able to unhook it from here”
Reaching both arms around you, his body fully pressed against yours and you were caged in by his shoulders and biceps. He pushed himself a little closer, his entire body against yours, his leg between your thighs and you could feel the rough touch of the denim through the lace of your underwear. After a few moments of trying to pull the fabric loose he pulled back and gently held your shoulders;
“The fabric is pulled too tight, it needs some slack”
You could feel your bottom lip start to wobble, your throat tight. As the tears of embarrassment started to well in your eyes you nodded as you gnawed on your bottom lip. Sy rubbed his hands over your arms;
“Listen, it’s going to be ok, we’ll get this sorted… don’t cry, you’ll be alright”
There was something soothing about this calm voice, the reassurance that he could be calm even when you were bubbling on the edge of emotional mess. You took a deep breath as you were transfixed by the pale blue of his gaze, before you gave him a slight nod of your head.
“Okay… i’ve got an idea. Brace yourself”
“For wha… ohmygod!”
Without warning Sy had grasped your thighs and lifted you back onto the high seat of the truck. Pushing the door closed he trotted around to the other side before climbing up and leaning over to your seat, pushing your dress out of the way so he could get to the seatbelt clasp. After a couple of minutes of prodding and poking with a small screwdriver that had been in the centre console he let out a triumphant ‘ta-da!’, holding your dress up to show it was now free from being trapped.
“Thanks” you said quietly, calmly taking it from him and lowering it so your panties weren’t completely on display. He softly cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss to your lips;
“C’mon, let me buy you a drink. Do you drink?”
You nodded;
“Yes. I need that”
This time when he rounded the car and opened the door, he checked that you weren’t caught up before taking hold of your ribcage and lifting you out of the truck and setting you down onto the ground. Slipping your hand into his, he made sure you were well out of the way as he shut the door, before the pair of you strolled along the sidewalk to the restaurant.
“You just seemed so calm when i was turning to a complete mess” you commented as you sipped your wine whilst the pair of you waited for your food to arrive.
Sy smiled at you;
“Guess it was just old habits, when i was a First Responder the one thing you can’t do is panic. I could see your anxiety was rising and i took control” he sipped at the Non-alcholic beer he’d ordered; “I’m sorry for manhandling you…”
“It was fine! I kinda liked it” the words had slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them, and you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you watched Sy quirk an eyebrow and grin at you;
“I’ll keep that in mind”
At that moment your meals arrived, and small talk continued as you ate. When the time for dessert came you barely had enough room, Sy letting you choose something for the two of you to share. When the waiter brought over the mini churros with hot honey dip Sy looked at you quizzically;
“Honey dip?”
“I was intrigued what a honey expert would think of them”
Pushing your glasses to the side, Sy unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled his sleeves up, seemingly unaware as you watched him do so. Picking up one of the churros he gently pulled it in half, handing you one piece before you both dipped it into the honey mixture that had small pieces of fresh chilli pepper in it;
Putting it in your mouth you chewed thoughtfully on it as you let the flavours hit your tastebuds.
“Another?” Sy asked to which you nodded, watching again as he snapped a churro in two and dipped it.
“Thanks” you paused; “You have really nice hands” you complimented as you took the treat from him, the two glasses of wine you’d had making you miss the blush that extended from his beard all the way to the top of his ears.
As you finished the dessert and the meal finished, Sy asked for the check. You went to grab your purse but he held up his hand;
“No no, this is on me”
“Are you sure? At least let me get the tip”
He took a deep breath and smiled;
As you left the restaurant Sy held out his arm for you, watching as you hooked your own through his as he nodded to the small park at the centre of town, surrounded by stores on all sides;
“Fancy a walk to see the lights? Walt told me it looked real pretty”
“Walter, my cousin. He’s the sheriff”
“Oh, Sheriff Marshall. I didn’t realise you were related”
Crossing the street Sy paused as you stepped up the kerb;
“Yeah. After i was medically retired from the Fire Dept i wanted a new start. Walt had been telling me to come out West and enjoy the quiet life. Didn’t have anything keeping me in the City so i sold up and loaded everything into a U-Haul. Took a long drive with Akia in the passenger seat. Been here just over four years now”
“How long have you been doing the honey?”
Sy picked up some small pebbles from the ground and started to skip them across the pond;
“Been tending to the bees for as long as i’ve been here, their care was part of the purchase agreement for the cabin. Was only when it came to harvest time that i suddenly ended up with 40lbs of honey that i had no idea what to do with did the business start up. My nephew helped me set up with a website and social media, he’s great with all that stuff, he’s a Junior at college now”
“Nephew, would that be Walter’s kid?”
“Yeah, Mike, he’s a cool kid. Thinks he’s god's gift to women, but then so did Walt at that age, that’s how he ended up with a kid that’s in college before he’s even 40 himself”
You laughed as you rested your arms on the railings to the pond as Sy skipped pebbles across the water;
“I cannot imagine Sheriff Marshall as a ladies man. He always says so quiet, or is grumpy as hell. I had to go into the Station to apply for some permits when i had the cottage’s bathroom upgraded and needed to get the utilities company to install a new water main, i don’t think he said more than two words to me even though he was on the front desk”
“Ah, it was probably after a late night of racoon hunting”
Sy laughed; 
“Walter has this racoon in his backyard. He’s been trying for years to trap it. That little bandit has outwitted our fine towns Sheriff every single time”
You joined Sy in the laughter, watching as he skipped another rock across the water, only this time it skipped into the reeds and was followed by the sound of angry quacking;
“Oops” he grabbed your hand; “C’mon, lets get out of here before we get an angry duck coming after us”
You laughed as he started to walk;
“Us? You were the one that skipped the rock”
“Yeah, but you’re an accessory to the crime, you stood by and didn’t stop me”
“Hey!” your laughter filled the space around you as you hooked your arm through his, falling into step beside him; “What did you think of that honey with dessert?”
“Honestly?” he looked at you as you walked; “You could tell it was synthetic honey, or at least a blend of mass produced honey from bees that get very little wild food”
“You should approach them”
“Who? The bees?”
“No, silly. The restaurant. See if they want to do a collaboration or something? They had a few more local suppliers mentioned on their menu since the last time i went there”
By now you were back at the truck, Sy opening the door for you;
“Do you need a boost?” he asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth
“I’ll be fine” you replied, struggling to get your feet up onto the kick plate in your heels and your slightly drunken state.
After trying for a few seconds you felt Sy’s hands on your butt, before he gave you a push and propelled you up and into the seat of the truck;
“You were taking too long, woman” he muttered as he shut the door, grinning at you as he circled the truck and climbed in with ease. As he sat in the drivers seat he leant across the car, his hand reaching behind you and you leaned in for a kiss, pressing your lips to his. The touch was sexually charged and as he finally pulled away he had your seatbelt in his hand;
“I was just going to buckle you up but that was more than welcome”
Once he was buckled in himself he started the engine and pulled away, his hand resting on your leg as he drove.
The trip to your cottage didn’t take long, and as he pulled onto the gravel driveway the security light came on, illuminating the entire side of the house;
“That’s a good light you got there”
“Yeah, got them all around the house, just to be sure”
As he shut the engine off he smiled at you;
“I’ll walk you to your door”
Ever the gentleman Sy quickly rounded the truck and was at your door, this time you were prepared and had swung your legs around to face him, placing your hands on his shoulders as he lifted you out of the truck and set you on your feet. Sliding his hand into yours he turned and walked you to your door. You stood on the porch fiddling with your key;
“Would you…”
Sy looked at the door;
“I would love to come in, but i won’t”
“But it ain’t because i don’t want to. Hell, i want to. But you’ve had a drink, and i’ve got to work the farmers market tomorrow” He stepped closer, resting one hand on your hip as the other cupped your cheek; “But would would very much like to kiss you, properly this time”
You nodded, already leaning into his touch as his lips met yours. His hand on your hip reached around you and grasped your ass, pulling you flush with his body and made you gasp, giving Sy the chance to deepen the kiss. And god damn it that man could kiss. His tongue danced against your own, his hands pulling your body against his as you both swayed, before he turned you and pressed you against the side of your porch. The movement had cause you to straddle one of Sy’s thighs, his hand pulling your leg up around his hip as he wedged his thigh between your legs, the thick muscle flexing against your core.
When you finally had to break the kiss for air you both were breathless, your chests heaving. He rested his forehead against yours;
“I’ve got to go”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Before i end up staying”
He pressed one last kiss to your lips before he stepped back, you couldn’t help but to glance down and notice the sizeable bulge now pushing at his dark jeans. You tried to hide your smile as you turned to unlock your door, hoping he didn’t spot you looking.
As you held the screen door open you turned to him, smiling as you saw him reach out to hold the door as you unlocked the inner door;
“Can I make you dinner Sunday night?” he asked
“Sure, i’d like that”
He pressed a kiss to your cheek and you watched as he walked back to his truck. You waved as he pulled out of the driveway before you stepped inside, locking the door behind you.
Setting your bag and keys down onto the kitchen table you let out a deep sigh;
“I need a cat or something I can tell about my date” you mused to yourself as you ran a glass of water. Just then your phone chimed, and as you checked the screen you smiled;
“Even better”
Dialling the number you kicked your heels off and sat on the couch;
“Hey Tam, you will not believe how my date went…”
Sy twisted the cap off the beer bottle, taking a drink as he held the phone between his ear and his shoulder;
“Why are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be ‘busy’?” Walter’s voice was kind as he spoke
“I’m not gonna fuck her on the first date. Plus she’d had a drink, and i got market tomorrow”
“But it went ok? Are you seeing her again?”
“Sure am. Gonna cook her dinner Sunday night”
“Nice. Hey, shall I drop Akia for you tomorrow at the market or at your place?”
“I’ll be at the market from 7am so unless you want a real early start, the market’s fine”
“Sure thing buddy. I’m glad it went well”
“Thanks Walt. Oh hey, guess what she said?”
“Go on”
“She likes my hands”
He could hear Walter sigh;
“I should never have told you that”
“And she kisses real good too”
“You know what, save it Mr Loverboy. I’ll see you tomorrow morning”
Chapter 4 >>>
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#sam wilson x you – 94 Einträge
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#sam wilson x reader insert – 85 Einträge
#sam wilson fanfic – 82 Einträge
#sam wilson – 72 Einträge
#captain america x y/n – 65 Einträge
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#that anon couldve just asked a jewish writer why they dont make their jewish reader tell how their grandparents were murdered in auschwitz
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Danny Wagner Masterlist
Henry Cavill Masterlist
Loki Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Sam Wilson Masterlist
Sharon Carter Masterlist
Steve Rogers Masterlist
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist
60 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Januar 2022
Some Bad Luck Makes Good Things Happen
Pairing: florist!Sam Wilson x reader Summary: You’re in search of a flower shop for a friend’s wedding. When the shop you chose is suddenly out of business, you literally run into your salvation. Will something more come of it? Warnings: none, it’s all fluff Word count: around 2K A/N: @hot-chocolates-world did a florist!Sam Wilson AU moodboard some months ago and I had the inspiration to write something with the moodboard in the back of my mind and I feel like there's not enough Sam Wilson AUs
A wedding in your friends circle was in the works and one of the brides, Mina, had asked those closest to her to help with preparations. On the list where things like flowers, color scheme with appropriate fabrics, pastries, cakes (specifically a different point than ‘pastries’) and flowers.
You volunteered yourself for the flowers, since there had just opened a flower shop around your blocks corner.
The flower shop around the corner seemed like it would make nice arrangements, since they had quite the selection on display. During your lunch break, you went there and promptly an employee asked if she could help you.
“Yes, I’m looking for a flower shop that can supply the wedding of a friend with fifteen flower arrangements.”
“Of course. You’ve come to the right place. I’ll show you what we could do on the tablet and if you like that, we can move on to the real thing and deliver them the day of.”
“That sounds nice. I thought of calla lilies, baby’s breath and pink roses.”
The employee showed you what she’d do and you agreed with her selection to move forward. Two days later, you got a call to see the example arrangement in the flesh. At the shop, the flowers looked every bit like you imagined them. You paid the deposit and were in high hopes for the wedding.
The wedding came closer and closer, only ten days now. Your stroll took you around the neighborhood to the flower shop but what you saw made you stop dead in your tracks. The store front was dark, the sign above the door was missing and the inside was devoid of anything. No flowers, no tables, no bowls, no register. Next morning, you tried calling and googling them. It seemed like they had never existed. You called your friend and explained what had happened and ended with the promise to try and get replacements. She agreed about it being unlucky but told you she was thankful for you trying to fix a mess you weren’t responsible for.
You had been able to get out of work early and took a stroll in the evening light. Deep in thought, you bumped into something soft.
“Oof.” Came from in front of you.
The man turned around.
“I’m so-“ You cut yourself off when you looked at his face.
“Don’t worry about it.” He brushed it off.
“I should’ve watched where I’m going.” You shook your head.
“Deep in thought?”
“A bit. I’m just wondering where to get flower arrangements for my friend’s wedding.”
The man grinned at that.
“What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Look behind me for a second.”
You did and saw a store front with double doors. The shop was dark inside but the street light and setting sun cast light onto several baskets full of different flowers, tablets saying which and how many flowers cost what and some arrangements. Above the doors stood in colorful, romantic letters “Sam’s Flowers”.
“I’m guessing you’re Sam?” You chuckled.
“Bingo. And you are?”
“Y/N.” You held out your hand.
Sam shook it, after transferring a small flower bouquet to his left hand.
“Flowers for your date?”
“Nah, flowers for me. No date in sight, just a good bottle of wine and a home cooked meal for myself.”
“I won’t keep you then. Have a nice evening.” You waved your hand and went home, as did Sam, you supposed. You thought about where to get flower arrangements and after a few steps you turned around.
“Uhm, Sam?” You called out.
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
64 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 22. September 2022
Henry Cavill Masterlist
That’s my girl
Summary: Just a nice evening with Henry Warnings: Sex, eating out, restraints Word count: 2006 A/N: For everyone who wants some nice gentle rough dicking down
What should we name them?
Summary: You take Henry with you to a horse auction but it’s not a classical horse auction which gives you the chance to name the horses. Pairing: Henry Cavill x f!reader Word count: 2109 Warnings: none A/N: This is just me screaming about horses
Summary: Henry Cavill has to deal with his wife and their two daughters and their synced periods Warnings: Blood, obviously but not much more Word count: 1026 A/N: This was inspired by a small part of @keanureevesisbae fic “Mr. Cavill your dog is kinda fat” and myself starting my own period yesterday so I’m in desperate need of fluff that includes having your period. So, enjoy!
69 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 19. Januar 2022
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So I now have every Sam Funko of the TFATWS collection and the What If...? Sam and I'm very happy 🤗 but now there's six Sams who share one Bucky
148 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 3. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Holy shit, Fresh was so fucking good!
The real-ness of the first minutes with Noa's date being a fuckboy extraordinaire who was literally called Chad and then the man behind her when she walked to her car who just walked with his baby but it's just ingrained in us women to see these threats because not seeing them leads to our demise. And the immediate dickpic after the luring in with a nice doggo. And despite all these shitty things that are all too real there's still the need and want to believe in guys who are just nice. The whirlwind romance which than comes crashing down.
Steve Kemp literally being and as Mollie said in the movie "a straight girls' fantasy" plus a mix of all dark fics we ever read that weren't set in an AU (and that exclusion is just because his profession wasn't that profession in dark fics). How Mimi Cave didn't shy away from the possibility of rape and making it all that much more realistic because that possibility is always on the table and how there wasn't anything sexually unconsensual.
How Noa played along and fooled Steve and never once compromised her principles and did what she could to save the to her basically foreign woman and her best friend not even stopping from the utmost measures and getting her revenge just as Mollie at the almost end.
And then in the very last second Chad's text encapsulating literally every fuckboy ever!
It was an incredible movie and that was the first movie Mimi Cave directed and it was already this masterpiece, we can expect great movies from her! But I still wanna know who is responsible for Ann having one amputated lower leg. Was that Steve? If yes, why did he stop after "just" the lower leg? Did she agree to turning a blind eye to Steve's "antics" so her lifestyle can be financed? How long has she been okay or even complacent in all of it?
249 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. März 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Looking for some recommendations by you or your kind followers 🥰
Steve or Bucky mafia / mob or abo series
And Henry Cavill series (I've fallen into a big rabbit hole of lusting over that man lol)
I've read all of your stories so much Lulu, like Consolidation Bride is like my number 1 series. I reread it often sometimes when I walk my dog or when I'm moody and on my period😂.
Hi lovely. Aw, I'm happy someone loves Consolation Bride as much as I do. I'm tempted to write a sequel, I just don't know when.
Let's see, I will list the blogs coming to my mind in random order. I hope I don't forget half of the people I follow...
I highly recommend @angrythingstarlight's blog for Mafia AUs. She has wonderful Mafia AUs for Bucky.
@navybrat817 has great stories for Bucky & Steve & Henry's characters. Check her Bucky list for Mafia stories.
@kinanabinks has an awesome Mafia Bucky x Best Friend (fairy) series. You can find it here: MOB!BUCKY MASTERLIST
@jtargaryen18 has a wonderful Mafia Steve / arranged marriage story called His Inheritance (ongoing). I got it on my reading list.
@sinner-as-saint has all your little heart desires, including mafia AUs, A/B/O and so much more.
@biteofcherry has great a/b/o & mafia stories for Steve. I think some are dark, so check the warnings for triggers.
@smutsonian has this mafia Steve I just discovered and need to read.
@buckyalpine has a story called pretty little thing with Mob Bucky. It's on my reading list.
You are looking for Henry & his roles? Fear not. Look at @littlefreya's blog. Here's her "stories" masterlist. There is a drabbles masterlist in her bio too.
Do you need more Henry? Here you go: @viking-raider will help you out.
@waiting4inspiration has an Alpha Bucky series.
These are the ones coming to my mind atm. If anyone has stories for nonnie to read, please feel free to add them to his post. 😊
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