heckling-hydrena · 1 year
in its last days school of dragons has made everything free, and also released hatchable versions on something they were working on for the 10th anniversary - generic light furies, which they were planning on having fly around the hidden world and just hanging out. and while it's a bit of a bummer that they're just the night fury model but White and with rounded wings/tail fins, it's insane to see how much more fucked up The Light Fury is than the rest of her species
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ft. my light fury Stormcloud on the left in both sets of pictures (named her that because I tried to make her the darkest color possible. as you can see that is not very dark.)
surprisingly I kind of like The Light Fury's silhouette when looking at it from the top. the rest of her, however... girl what did they do to you </3 blink if you need help
another thing sod has released in its final days is alvin the treacherous. he waved at me from his ship and then gave me a sword stealer egg. 10/10
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serialgirlposter · 1 year
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Hi! The name's theo! Stay awhile :)
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/serialgirlposter
I very frequently delete stuff that i don't like anymore so keep that in mind.
I'm willing to do art trades or asks to help with drawing
!!Requests are open!!
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Some helpfull tag info
#My art - pretty straightforward
#🧺reblogs - other people's stuff, emoji is used so that it is easily blockable for people who only wanna see art.
#personal theo tag - personal ramblings.
#sodposting - shadow of memories related content
#guilty gear - guilty gear related stuff
#psoh - petshop of horrors related
I try to keep what i post to general interests that i feel like a fan of one would enjoy seeing of the other.
Credit to lesbiangiratina for ripping the faust sprite :)
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afgevaardigde · 7 years
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
I've gone too long without posting about school of dragons - thawfest event is here!!! do not like how raids work during an event but whatever. the maze is far less annoying than it could have been. and the sandbuster is a lil ugly but I'll learn to love it in time.
also I titan'd my stormcutter. not sure about their colors yet - I'll post screenshots later :)
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
i finished the hobgobbler quest thank god and since hobgobblers look like the dragon version of the tbh creature i named mine autism. and then im doing the dragons edge expansion and realizing i just did the funniest thing ever
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awesome Autism win!!
I called mine gogurt he's on a stable quest right now but I found a screenshot from his adoption
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^ gogurt
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
wait i used to play school of dragons and i have to ask what changes theyve made to the game since like. 2017 cause i am so close to caving and making a new account but i do remember it being boring as shit after a bit because everything was a microtransaction
saying this right now as a player who has NEVER in my... 9? (unsure because I used to play with a guest account at the start. baby me did not understand how logins worked and where my data was saved. until I lost said data lol) years of playing this game paid dreamworks a single dime - it is fucking astonishing that they actually let you EARN gems now.
the battle events now happen at the turn of every hour and if you can do enough damage for a gold chest (or at least a silver though the chances of getting gems are lowered), you can get up to 200 gems AT ONCE. PLUS they've lowered a lot of the egg prices (the skrill costs 500 now. crazey) and you can get smaller amounts of gems elsewhere via daily login + battle tactics. also I think seasonal events can give good prizes though I only started playing again recently and haven't experienced one myself yet
I have so far been able to buy all but one expansion pack (which I don't care much for so I'm saving for miscellaneous shit instead for now) and it actually feels like I'm playing the game the way it was supposed to be played (as a paying member lol)
also new players now get an adult dragon to start off with (main cast ie nadder, gronckle, m nightmare, zippleback) and they get to pick an egg from the hatchery (main cast + sand wraith, flightmare, shockjaw, rumblehorn)
aside from that one of the changes they made that made me LIVID was that you can't fucking play with your dragons anymore you can't have them fetch a ball or chase rays of light. you gotta raise happiness by fireblasting eels that are found in the water but only at certain spots on the main maps which is annoying and tedious. AND THEY GOT RID OF EEL ROAST THE ONLY GOOD MINIGAME. hatred.
and finally if you do make a new account this is an open invitation to add me my friend code is CQV62F :) I want more friends but this is a game for babies and I am no longer a baby so now it feels strange when random people in the game send me friend requests. how time flies.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
while sod shutting down is sad, and a tragic loss of one of my childhood games, and the death of I think the last piece of httyd media that was still writing storylines with the original characters, I am hopeful that someone will take up the mantle and host a private server, since that tends to happen with mmos, and at least let us fly with our dragons and do the old quests again after june 30th.
and that would be incredibly funny because it'd give me the opportunity to make my starter dragon for the Third time. the second coming of Midnight the deadly nadder. she will not be stopped.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
reporting back his name is broiler. like the chicken breed
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omg BROILER!! I love him. nadders really are so chicken-coded.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
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I really like this image from the school of dragons launcher promoting the bunny sale because this fucking thing looks like it's charging a powerful aura. it's about to cast an ability
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
I admittedly am pretty sad about school of dragons shutting down. I've played that game since I was like. 9 years old. it has, regrettably, attached itself to the very core of my being like a parasite. I'm so very attached to the world and the characters and my dragons, even though the game itself was a glitchy terrible nightmare. the news also came at a time when I'm Fucked up about Everything Constantly. I did not need this!!! 😭😭
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
did you hear that SOD is going to be closing down soon :(
just fell to my knees in walmart
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
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how i feel flying around the battle event ship before it starts
LITERALLY I'm flying around on a dragon the same size as the ship and other players are perching in the spots closest to the ship when the event starts starts and leering down at it firing test shots. the vikings on the ship are feeling the heat I think
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
i didn't know that school of dragons could make me quit out of frustration and then i tried to do the fucking maze puzzle for the hobblegrunt expansion. first bit wasnt too bad second???? kill me
oh my god fuck the mazes. the one for the hobgobblers is the worst one too. the way you effectively solve sod mazes is that you look up a youtube tutorial and follow it frame by frame.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
Asking you bc you’ve been on SoD forever and I have freshly remade my account. Rip to the dragons I had in…2015-2017? Idk. I made it to user rank 50 and I’ve been searching literally every NPC in every area and I think I’ve genuinely run out of the free quests. And the expansions you can buy for coins. Problem is, I only have 700 gems. Is there anything else I can do until I can buy an expansion besides farming and stable quests? I’ve already burned through the broadwing courses for my sand wraith + Hookfang.
(also I just sent a friend request! It is from skiiink)
Personally I've been entertaining myself with grinding the dragon tactics stages for rare loot (I WILL get grimmel's crossbow. I WILL make it canon that my viking stole it from him at the end of the hidden world expansion. fuck you old man), and since the sod wiki is a mess I'm having to figure out where to get shit myself like the good old days. Racing can also be fun. Another good pastime is flying around on my fuckoff huge timberjack and mesmerizing the playerbase into following me around. Besides that there's not much more to do than wait around for seasonal events and rapidly move your cursor across your dragons as if you're petting them, as I like to do.
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
sodposting again (also tagging these #sodposting from now on. you give me a dragon game I have to post about it)
now that I've gotten the nightlight expansion (which was SO short but so sweet I like that they actually developed the night lights' personalities more and I fucking loved seeing the bewilderbeast again!! don't know how he's alive in this universe but I don't care he's gorgeous) and consequently pouncer (he's my favorite because he's just a little boy and also the only one that doesn't have domestic cat markings. sorry dart I'll save up for you one day) it's time for a NIGHT LIGHT REVIEW:
first off he is so small 😭 as timberjack stan #1 I am in awe of this
the new night fury model is fucking crazey... the model itself and the animations are gorgeous. you can actually feel the weight of this dragon when it flaps its wing which by this game's standards is insane. love going left and right rapidly to see the tail jiggle it's so smooth
THE PITCH RATE IS ATROCIOUS. I know the little stat cards they give you are wildly inaccurate but calling that a pitch rate 9 while a stormcutter is listed as pitch rate 5 is criminal.
love the speed. I only ever had a 300 gem trial membership and for that short 7 day period I really loved speeding around with toothless and now I can do that with pouncer. forever.
I got him the racing stripes skin so we can match (my black night fury outfit + red warpaint and bandana swag and his white with black details body + red stripes drip)
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also fun fact one of my greatest school of dragons regrets is that I spent all my hard-earned nonmember gems on the night fury outfit set when it came out in 2016. it was THE coolest set we've seen in the game. I buy it and am left with naught but dust in my virtual wallet and I am content with this. a week later they release alpha toothless armor. infinitely cooler. black leather with way too many belts kinda look. I do not have the money to buy it.
the 2016 dragon armor sets were limited-time. they retired within the month. they have not been re-released once in the last 7 years. I mourn that alpha toothless armor every time I look at my viking.
anyways. I'll go back to the regularly scheduled frposting now
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heckling-hydrena · 1 year
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bogwater real !!!
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