#soda mixes pepsi into ponys
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 3 months ago
Pony would be a 'it's not even that cold I don't need a jacket' kid n darry is a 'fine but if u get cold I don't wanna hear SHIT about it' brother send tweet
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littlestarbigsky · 6 months ago
a lil something inspired by this post by @trekkiehood :))
also at the end i used the dialogue from the musical so i threw ace into the mix, too :)
“darry, can you help us with something?” soda asked, poking his head through the front door.
“i thought you were fixing two-bit’s car,” darry called from the kitchen, where he was washing the dishes from the morning. “don’t you and steve have that under control?”
“gotta borrow your muscles, superman,” two-bit appeared next to soda in the doorway.
darry sighed heavily, wiping his hands on the dish towel and walked over to meet them at the door, cringing at the grease on their hands leaving marks where they were holding the door frame.
“you think you could wipe your hands down next time, pepsi?” darry rolled his eyes at them as they all started walking towards the driveway where car was parked.
“i’ll clean it up later,” soda laughed, jogging towards the car and checking something under the hood.
steve was lying on his back on a skateboard under the car, tool kit lying open next to his hip, and johnny was leaning against the hood, watching soda as he fitted pieces back into place under the hood. ace was stretched out, lying on the roof of the car.
steve bent his knee to pull himself back out from under the car and shouted to two-bit, “she’s not perfect, but she’ll run for now.”
“for now?” two-bit called back. “what do you mean for now? i thought you said you could fix it?”
“bring it to the dx and actually pay us to fix it and it’ll last longer,” soda laughed, tapping johnny on the back so he could close the hood.
darry rolled his eyes at their antics, “what did you need my muscles for again?”
“oh, yea!” soda came back around the car and kicked one of the tires laying on the ground. god, what wasn’t messed up with this car? “can you hold these in place while we put it back on?”
darry sighed, but picked up the first tire and held it in place while they reattached it to the car. it didn’t take too long, and darry was grateful to be doing something that wasn’t his chores for a few minutes. they had just finished putting the last tire back on to the car when it happened.
it was a blur, darry only really felt like he was there for fragments of it.
a familiar body came sprinting through their group, shouting at them to follow. clearly he had seen something the rest of them had missed. dally? what the hell was he doing out of the cooler? he hadn’t seen dally run like that in forever, which couldn’t mean anything good for where they were going, but his legs were sprinting underneath him anyways.
he wasn’t sure how he caught it over the noise of all their running footfalls, but it made his blood run cold.
it was ponyboy.
“soda! help!”
he hadn’t run like this since his football days, he could feel the unused muscles in his legs screaming in pain and his lungs felt like they were on fire, but he would die before he slowed down. it didn’t occur to him that he had left the rest of the group far behind him, including dally, meaning he had no idea where he was even going. all he knew was he had to get to pony. pony was the only thing that mattered.
he was painfully reminded of their conversation from that morning. they had argued.
“i told you to put your laundry away last night.”
“i was reading.”
“i need you to do it when you get home from school.”
“i’m gonna see a movie downtown, i’ll do it when i get back.”
god, the kid didn’t ever use his head. he was probably walking around town with his head in the clouds, not even thinking about how he was on soc territory, that they had class rings and blades and mustangs.
he thought of what happened last time the socs got ahold of one of them, he thought of johnny. how they didn’t even realize it was a human lying there on the ground, and how when they flipped him over, they could hardly even recognize him. he had only just started talking again.
get to pony. get to him right now.
there was a bang from the direction of the park and darry ran about ten feet before he could slow down enough to turn himself and see what he had passed. when he finally caught a glimpse, his stomach did an odd sort of somersault.
there was pony, his pony, his baby brother, knocked out cold on the gravel next to the corvette, left eye already swollen shut.
all he needed was one look at bob, class ring proudly glinting scarlet in the sunlight, before darry saw red. it was a good thing the rest of the gang had caught up with him. golly, how far ahead had he gotten? he pulled his fist back and sank it into the jaw of the first soc he could get his hands on, which happened to be clark brillstein. the fight didn’t last long, seven greasers out for blood against five socs just having a laugh meant they ran back to the car pretty fast.
darry made a beeline for pony, soda close behind him. he hoisted pony up by his shoulders, shaking him. he didn’t care that his hands were covered in motor oil, that they were getting all over pony’s shirt and it would be a nightmare to get the stains out. he was still completely limp and sickeningly pale.
god, kid, please wake up.
pony’s eyes fluttered open, and darry thought he could cry on the spot. instead, he dragged pony over to the fountain to start cleaning him up. soda was next to them in a heartbeat, pulling off his shirt to dip in the water and wipe the blood off his face.
“they didn’t get you too bad, did they?” he asked, maybe a little too harshly than was strictly necessary, grabbing pony’s face to look at his eye. it was already bruising, a couple of blood vessels popped in his eye.
“jesus christmas, go easy on him, darrel,” soda pushed his hands away and hugged ponyboy to him, both of them shaking.
“when i want my kid brother to tell me what to do with my other kid brother, i’ll ask you, kid brother,” darry practically shouted. he was having a hard time getting his heart to stop racing.
“pony, what’d you do to piss off the socs?”
“i didn’t do nothing,” pony spat back at him.
“you were prolly on the west side again, weren’t you?”
“it’s the only place they’re showin’ the new paul newman movie!”
“you and your goddamn movies. you know those bastards’ll be waiting for you!”
it was lucky that the rest of the gang had gotten back from chasing the socs off, becuase once the two of them started going at each other, it never really ended well. johnny put an arm around pony and offered him a cigarette. darry let out a sound that might have been discouraging, but with the way pony looked up at him, he knew the damage had been done.
darry dragged himself over to the jungle gym, taking deep breaths and subtly trying to get himself together. the rest of the gang was crowding around pony, rooting for him and offering him what comfort they could.
he knew he’d messed up, been too hard on the kid. he should have hugged him, told him he was glad the socs didn’t hurt him that bad. hell, he should have dropped to his knees when pony woke up, but he didn’t. god, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for pony but when he got too worked up it came off all wrong.
“two-bit, you got your grease?”
oh, god.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 3 years ago
What Are Big Brothers For?
To show there’s no hard feelings, here’s some Darry fluff @thegaygreaser :)
|Words: 308|
|Characters: The Curtises|
|Genre: Fluff|
|TW: N/A|
|Tag! @mjmacchio1991 @apricot-colored-feathers @pepsi-and-cigarettes @the-kneesbees @ralphmaccchiato
“Stop whinin’ and hold still,” Momma scolds. She pulls the rag away from my cheek for a moment, granting me a second of reprieve. My skin is red and raw, scrapped bloody from the cement on the schoolyard. I’ve got Ponyboy in my arms, squirming around on my lap and forcing his hair into my mouth. He’s still real tiny for four years old, small enough that I can wrap one arm around his torso completely.
“Really, Darry, what the hell were you thinkin’?”
She pushes the rag against my cheek before I can answer. The peroxide burns, but manages to feel cold all at the same time – like I can feel it freezing my bones. At least I can turn the side of my face that isn’t bloody into Pony’s hair and pretend I don’t see Soda standing in the doorway, wringing his hands nervously and trying not to cry.
I keep my lips planted firmly against my baby brother’s hair. He’s mumbling on about something but mixed with Momma’s chittering, I really ain’t paying close attention. It isn’t until she pulls the peroxide-soaked rag away for the final time and presses a tight-lipped kiss to my brow, that I can finally get a little clarity. Ponyboy leans back into my chest when the floorboards creak and our second brother comes into view. “Did it hurt?” He asks tenderly. “Y-you really didn’t have to, Dar, I-I coulda done it just fine-”
I pull Ponyboy a little closer. Just enough that my chin can rest on the top of his head as he plays with my fingers. They’re bruised and bloody, scarred from some Soc’s teeth, but none of it hurts as much as watching my little brother try to defend himself. “It didn’t hurt,” I lie. “Don’t worry about it, Pepsi. What else are big brothers for?”
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hellimagines · 7 years ago
Will Do, Soldier-- Sodapop Curtis & Darry Curtis
Request: “Requesting a cute fluffy story with Sodapop and Darry. Just them being brothers. - @assholeheartthrob ”
Summary: Sodapop comes home late, and it triggers some uncomfortable conversations
Warnings: angst, spoilers for the book
Pairing: platonic!Sodapop Curtis x platonic!Darry Curtis
Word Count: 1,162
A/N: I loved this request, thank you so much for sending this in!!
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It was late, very late, and Sodapop knew Darry was gonna be real mad ‘bout it. But it wasn’t his fault- at least not entirely. Steve and Two-Bit had shown up at the gas station ‘round 8:00 or so, right before closing, and kept him distracted from the time. It was a Sunday night, so the station was dead and the three boys didn’t have nobody to worry about other than Sodapop’s co-worker- but she was harmless. Two-Bit had himself sat on the counter, leaning against the glass divider with a ‘stolen’ Hershey bar in his hand, while Steve leaned beside him, a can of Pepsi in his hand (that he payed only 89¢ for). By the time Soda’s eyes had glanced over at the clock, it was half-past 10.
“Son of a-” he grumbled, pulling his body off of the counter. “You idiots got me distracted! I was ‘posed to be home an hour ago!” he snapped, quickly looking around for his missing co-worker.
“Ay! Susie, where’d you go!” Steve yelled out, wanting to ease his best friend’s tension. A brunette popped out of a storage closet, a frown set on her face.
“You three are still here? You were supposed to be gone by 8:30, Soda,” she sighed, walking out of the closet and allowing it to shut behind her.
“And what does that say about you, doll? Hiding away in the closet when customers could be stealing your things?” Two-Bit chided, taking an obnoxious bite of the candy bar in his hand. She raised an eyebrow at the younger boy, her arms crossed over her chest.
“You mean customers like you?” she retorted, grinning when Steve choked on a sip of his Pepsi from the smart remark. “Besides, hun, that’s why we have a thing called a bell on the top of the door,” she pointed out, rolling her eyes.
“Would you guys shut it already, we gotta go,” Soda huffed, jumping over the counter before pulling his jacket over his work shirt.
“Catch ya ‘round, Suz,” Two-Bit grinned, flashing the brunette a wink as he followed Sodapop and Steve out of the station.
As Sodapop walked through the gate and up the steps to his house, he eyed the lit-up window nervously. Through the sheer curtain, he could faintly see a shape sitting in a chair. It had to be Darry reading his book. Ever since Ponyboy had run off, and Dally and Johnny had died, Darry had become suffocating with how protective he was. Running his fingers through his stiff hair, Soda unlocked the front door, not making eye contact with his older brother.
“Where’ve you been?” Darry asked immediately, before the door could even click shut. Soda rolled his eyes, pulling off his jacket and tossing it onto one of the kitchen chairs.
“Work, like I always am,” Soda responded, kicking off his shoes by the door and placing them beside Pony’s, before heading over to the living room to take a seat on the couch.
“Work don’t last ‘til 11 ‘clock, Soda,” Darry snapped, closing the book in his hand- Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake. He’d read that book over and over, trying to help Ponyboy out with his own writing.
“‘M aware of that, Darry,” Soda sighed, stretching his arms behind his head. “Two-Bit and Steve showed up, made me get distracted with the time. You know how they are,” Soda said knowingly, give Darry a side-glance. Darry pursed his lips, dragging his thumb through the pages of the book.
“Yeah… yeah, I do. Doesn’t make it okay, though,” he scolded, furrowing his eyebrows. “Things‘ve changed, you know. Ever since… ever since what happened, nothing’s been the same. The soc’s don’t come ‘round here no more, Ponyboy never leaves the house, doesn’ even go to the damn movies. And don’t think I don’t know ‘bout you wanting to go off to the war,” Darry murmured, running a tired hand down his face. It’d only been a year since that fall. A year since they all lost everything, but Darry looked decades older. Soda looked at him with wide eyes, his mouth gaped open.
“I-I… Darry…” he stuttered, unsure of how to respond. Darry wasn’t supposed to know, nobody was supposed to know. Truthfully, Soda’s plan was to do what Ponyboy did- disappear without saying anything. He was gonna enlist, pack his bags, and then go. Not a word to anyone- it’d make things so much easier.
“I can’t lose you Sod’, not you. We lost mom and dad in one night. We lost Johnny and Dally in one night. We almost lost Ponyboy! I can’t lose you too,” Darry shouted, his voice cracking. His elbows were digging into his thighs, his face held in his hands, shielding his vulnerability from his younger brother. “I know I’m tuff on ya, I do. I know I treat you and Ponyboy more like my kids than my brothers… but I don’t know how to treat ya any different. If you don’t have discipline, if you don’t have some sort of father-figure, than you’ll go doin’ stupid shit like this.”
“We understand, Darry. Both of us do. We always have, ever since the accident. Ponyboy might not get it all the time, but I do. But you need to loosen up a lil’ bit every now and then, everybody does. Dad needed to, and so do you. The stress is startin’ to show, Dar’, and you’re not gonna get a lady lookin’ the way you do,” Soda snickered, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, and he was able to see the slightest twitch of a smile behind Darry’s hands. Darry lifted his head with a loud groan, leaning his entire body back against the chair.
“I don’t think I’d have time for a lady- you and Ponyboy are too much of a hassle. Not to mention Steve and Two-Bit tryna add themselves to the mix,” Darry smirked, and Soda laughed, relaxing one of his arms along the back of the couch.
“She could help you out. She’d have the benefits of a family without havin’ to give birth,” Soda chuckled. Darry shook his head, a soft smile on his face.
“You’re a piece of work. She’d let them social workers take ya away,” he joked and Soda grinned, nodding his head in agreement. The room fell into a comfortable silence, Darry closing his eyes and continuing to run his thumb through the pages of his book. Sodapop watched him, a sad smile on his own face. Darry was right, he was a piece of work. But he also knew that if anybody dared to take him away, they’d have to pry him from Darry’s cold, dead hands first.
“I’m going to bed. You should too, maybe some o’ that beautyrest will restore you,” Soda recommended, and Darry gave him a soft smile, his eyes still shut.
“Will do, soldier. I’ll see you in the morning.”
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interstellerjay · 8 years ago
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I CA N E X  P L A I N !! ! ! 
God, it’s probably been at least a year or too since I last drew ponies. But then @bananapoppies had to be relatable in their shared secret love of these brightly colored horses and after they found my old deviantart my own origin in this horsy madness was exposed.  I  a m  s  or r y.  You can’t make a cartoon about candy colored magical animals learning about friendship and expect me not to love it.  But I digress,
Maxxy and I secretly wanted to draw ponies again for old time sake and so I drew one of their pony ocs, Henry, (on the left) and one of my own design based on one of their non-pony ocs ( @pepsimax-tothemax ).  They also said I could write a silly improvised backstory for the new pon for kicks and I don’t even know what Henry’s personality is like so this should be fun.
Your name is Pep Step.  Your special talent is blogging about energy drinks on tumblr.  It has no real-life benefit and you often get distracted blogging about dogs instead but hey - this is the life you were given, not the life you asked for. 
Your best friend is Baddy Bat McCool.  His name is Henry.  You don’t recall ever having any real interactions with Henry, only the profound and undeniable understanding that he is your best and only friend.  ...You aren’t even sure if he talks now that you think about it.  But you try not to think about these sorts of things.  It’s only when you start thinking too hard that you begin to wonder why you are a horse now.  Were you always a horse?  Where are your parents?  What kind of name is “Pep Step”?  HOW IS IT YOU ARE ABLE TO PICK UP THINGS WITH YOUR HOOVES?? Like you always say, it’s not good to think about these sorts of things.  
Memories are weird.  You remember once being in a serious, committed relationship with a Waffle House that ended in a messy break up over whether or not to trust a candyman.  But then you remembered that Waffle House doesn’t exist in this dimension.  And that it’s silly to think Waffle House is a hive mind collective from the ninth dimension on a mission to marry everyone.  Silly you~! This one time you thought you were a fallen angel but Waffle House told you that you were really a clone of someone else.  So what does that mean?  Are you an angel?  Are you a clone of an angel?  Or are you just a person genetically mixed with a bird through artificial means?  The answer is none of these.  You are a pegasus.  You really must stop having these kinds of delusions! 
You noticed the other day while looking in the mirror that one of your eyes turned red.  Or at least you think it did?  Seems like it would be weird to have two different colored eyes - definitely a fact you would remember about yourself. You tried to ask Henry if your left eye had always been red but he just ignored you and continued cooking his microwavable hot pocket that he held on the end of a stick over an open fire in your living room.  You told him that he was cooking it wrong and also that it is rude to start fires in someone’s house without permission.  He did not respond.  You suppose this was reasonable because - being a horse - Henry had to hold the stick in his mouth.  If he spoke, his precious hot pocket would fall into the flame and become too hot, even for a hot pocket.  You wonder if Henry even likes hot pockets.  You’ve never seen him eat.  You’re pretty sure he just likes watching something slowly burn right before his eyes - the sadistic bastard.    
Sometimes you wonder if the reason you never see Henry eat is because he drinks your blood while you sleep.  But you aren’t sure about that.  Maybe it’s just a stereotype that batponies drink blood.  Maybe they just drink apple juice.  Lots and lots of apple juice.  
Why is Henry in your house?  Why are you a smaller than average horse?  Why do you even exist?  These are all questions you will try not to ask because quite honestly, you will never find the answers.  So back to blogging about energy drinks and the occasional dog you go... for however long you are to exist in this confusing world.  If ignorance is bliss, you will force yourself to be ignorant, drinking away your sorrows with pepsi soda and dreaming of another life.  
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milkcartonbastard · 8 years ago
A Soft Sunset
Pairing- Johnny X Dally (The Outsiders)
Word count- 1910 words. Sorry, lol. Might be slow at first but it gets better.
Warnings: Fluff and drinking. Not really detailed about the drinking though.
Note: You can requests your own oneshots. They can be anything from gender-bends to mythical creatures AU's. I accept all requests but you just have to tell me a pair or which character for 'X reader' fics. Tell me a bit about the plot direction you want it to go in! Thank you!!
  Johnny's P.O.V.
  Perfectly rounded waves were ruffling the sea. The green and blue water rushed in and receded back into the great big sea. Some people were out in the waves surfing and others were laid on towels tanning.
  The gang had their snacks and towels tucked under their arms. I twiddled with the cap of a Pepsi bottle I had. I wasn't nervous or anything, just lost in thought. The entire gang had been crammed in one car for a few hours and we were very excited about visiting a real beach.
  The ocean was right there and it was an exciting experience. A hand clapped against my back and I jumped.
  "Nothing's gonna get you here, Johnnycakes. You can relax," Soda's gentle voice assured me. I wasn't scared, Soda's hand had just jerked me out of my thoughts too quickly. I nodded anyway. No need to correct him on a nice day.
  Soda grinned and walked on ahead to catch up with Steve. Darry was walking in the back and looking around for a spot to group up. We had discussed stuff to do on the beach while in the car, but I doubted if anyone listened much. Pony had been looking out of the window, Dally had gone to sleep, Soda had shotgun with Two-Bit, and Darry had been in the back trying to make sure Steve was paying attention while driving. Steve hadn't been that pleased with Darry but did seem to listen anyway.
  Ponyboy fell in step with me as Darry found a nice place to lay the towels. Sure, it was cheesy but we wanted a spot together. It probably wasn't gonna stay that way with all the people on the beach.
  Soda nudge Steve and pointed down the beach towards some girls. They talked for a minute about something, they seemed pretty excited about whatever it was. Probably something to do with the girls.
  Pony started toward the water and Two-Bit seemed to follow him. We were breaking off into pairs and heading in different directions. I saw an ice-cream cart not too far from where we were and stuck my hand into my pocket. I had some money. Ice-cream wouldn't be so bad on a hot day.
  Dally must have noticed what I was thinking and looped his arm over my shoulder and started walking with me. He already had a cigarette between his lips and was taking a drag.
  We walking in silence and every now and then Dally's eyes would follow some chick as she walked away.
  "You know, we could score some if we just go after the right ones. How's it sound?" Dally looked down at me and raised only one side of his mouth. It sent a really strange feeling though my body.
  "Naw. It's a nice day, Dal. Can't we just swim or something?" I asked. I had on a white tank top and shorts, so did the rest of the guys except Dally, but somehow I still felt to hot for the shirt. Ice-cream should help cool me off and there was always an ocean to help, too.
  "Alright, come on." Dally pulled me forward and we arrived at the cart and got an ice cream for ourselves, and one for Darry since he didn't seem to be doing anything.
  Dally handed Darry a strawberry ice cream and he took it happily. I sat down on my towel and crossed my legs.
  Dally walked off towards some girl in a bikini and I was sat with Darry. That is until he left me sitting on a towel. I finished my ice cream cone and got up to go swimming. I could hear Soda and Steve down the beach talking. Pony and Two-Bit were tossing a football while in the water.
  Darry had just disappeared and Dally was messing with some blonde a couple towels down. I chuckled and headed for the water.
  It wasn't too cold and seemed really clear despite everyone kicking up sand below it. I swam under the water for a few feet before sneaking up behind Pony. He gave a startled gasp and even stumbled forward when I grabbed his ankle underwater.
  I laughed and Two-Bit almost doubled over. Pony was blushing deeply and didn't catch the football when it got thrown to him.
  "Wow, I really messed up your game play, huh?" I chuckled and ran my hands through my grease-less hair.
  I saw Dallas wading into the water laughing his ass off while some girl was flipping him off. It was the blonde he'd been talking to.
  At least everyone was happy. That ice-cream was pretty good, so I was happy myself.
  The sun was starting to set and the beach was starting to clear. A whole group of teens showed up with coolers of beer and even some vodka, not that I had been over there or anything. Two-Bit had happily came back to our towel pallet and told the news to us. He already had a beer in his hand. He either stole it or they were giving them out.
  Pony was staring at the sky and I had gone back in the water, enjoying that there were no assholes trying to start shit here and it was pretty quiet besides the bonfire party.
  Couples were starting to wade into the water but they stayed a bit away from me. It was pretty strange seeing people eating each others faces off in the water instead of on the shore like earlier.
  Arms wrapped around my waist and I tensed. I looked behind me to see it was Dally. I had been looking at the sunset when he'd interrupted. I could smell the sickly sweet smell on his breath even when he was behind me.
  "Hello, Johnnycake," Dally chuckled and smiled at me. He still had his hands on my hips. My bare back was pressed against his bare chest. He was really warm, even in the now chilly water.
  "What are you doin' all the way out here? You looked lonely." Dally said. He definitely had more than a buzz, but he wasn't wasted or anything. I turned to look at the sky. The purples, pinks, and oranges mixed in the now deep blue of the sky was being reflected in the water. The sun had only minutes left today. But it was still nice to watch.
  "I'm watching the sunset. Look," I nudged my head toward the horizon. Dally moved his eyes to watch. I had relaxed now, but that hot feeling was settling from my head down to my toes. It felt slightly unnatural, but comforting. It was like something was gripping my stomach.
  It was a pleasant feeling, but still unnatural feeling. I looked at Dally's cold and icy eyes and I was shocked to see how soft and... golden they looked. It was a strange mixture with his other hardened features. But, slowly they seemed to be softening too.
  "It's nice. I didn't think you were into cheesy sunsets and... what?" Dally had noticed me staring and I hadn't thought about how close we were together. I shook my head and tried to watch the sunset again. I didn't expect him to take his hand and softly turn my gaze to him.
  "What do you see?" He asked. Where was the bitterness in his voice? The hatred of the world written across his skin? Where was my fear and paranoia? Why did I feel so warm?
  "What?" I asked. He still had his index finger under my chin and his right hand on my hip.
  "What do see right now? What do you see in me?" Dally would never utter those words. They sounded so strange and somehow so right. My stomach lurched and I was caught in his gaze.
  "I see the warmth from the sunset reflected in your eyes. The icy stare is gone." I turned toward him and he placed his hand on my hip again. We were chest to chest and I was staring right at him, yet he never removed his index finger from underneath my chin.
  I took my hand and brushed his cheek bones and between his eyebrows. What was I doing? "Your features have softened and you seem... almost soft in a way."
  "And?" He quirked his eyebrow. My heartbeat rang in my ears. Why was I saying this to him? What was it about the way he looked with the sunset in front of him? He had golden rays against his skin and it only made him seem more like a god than the demon he tries to be.
  I ran my thumb over his bottom lip, pulling it down a little to watch it bounce back to its place. I left my hand on his jaw. "You look like a kid and like I could..."
  Dally's face got closer to mine, I could taste the beer on his breath. He looked so different.
  "Like you could what?" His eyes roamed across my face, my scar probably, and they settled on my lips. What was he doing?
  I leaned in closer, he wasn't much taller than me anymore. I came up to his nose now.
  Our lips brushed ever so gently and it sent chills across both of our skin. A shiver shot down my spine like lightning. Dally took in a breath and we molded together.
  It was so delicate, like he was holding back. I moved my free hand to behind his head and he moved the hand on my hip to my back. We were as close as we could get. He bit down softly on my lip and I felt like I was going to explode right there.
  God, what were we doing?
  I traced my thumb over his cheek bone and I felt Dally move his other hand under me. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. God, was this amazing.
  "Um, Dally? We can't find Johnny and we gotta go soon so-" The voice stopped. "Oh."
  Yeah. Oh, shit.
  "Found him." Dally's face was hardened again and the icy blaze behind his eyes was back. How could he change like that so quickly.
  Darry scratched the back of his neck before nodding in our direction. "Thanks for the ice-cream."
  Darry turned to leave and Dally let me down. I cleared my throat. That was pretty awkward. 'Thanks for the ice-cream'?
  Was that kiss a one time thing or did Dally mean something by it. I know I did, but he didn't seem to show any sign of caring.
  I felt something in my chest shrivel and I felt so vulnerable in that second. Dally had his back to me and I felt like it was supposed to be a wall. God, did I mess up!
  A hand melded with mine and Dally looked back for a second. The sunset had disappeared, but I could still see it in his eyes. He meant something by it, and I was glad.
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littlestarbigsky · 5 days ago
omg a domestic stevepop fic would be soo cute, like something of them cooking or baking at the curtis house together
boy howdy did i miss writing stevepop omg,, they’re so special to me <33
hope this is okay🩷
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“can you measure out a cup of sugar?” steve asked, soda perched on the counter, his jeans picking up all the flour they had already spilled. "and don't just eat the sugar off the spoon again."
soda rolled his eyes, "have a little faith in me."
"i will when you give me a reason to," steve looked up and smiled. he pushed himself up onto his tip-toes and pressed a kiss to soda's lips.
"c'mon, stevie, we're just makin' muffins, how hard can it be?" soda laughed, handing steve the measuring cup, overflowing with sugar.
"it's not, but it's my grandma's recipie, so if we don't follow it, she'll haunt us both forever," steve leveled off the extra sugar with a butter knife and poured the rest into the bowl with the rest of the dry ingredients.
“hey, darry raked up all the leaves yesterday, we can go jump in ‘em while these are cooking,” soda nudged steve’s arm gently.
“are you ever gonna grow out of jumping in the leaves?” steve giggled, looking up at soda through a furrowed brow.
“never,” soda winked.
“what about your knee? i thought it hurt when it’s cold out.”
“you could always carry me.”
steve narrowed his eyes and soda playfully kissed the tip of his nose. they both laughed and steve began to sift and mix the ingredients, carefully making sure no more powder spilled from the bowl. soda went to swivel on the counter to grab some chocolate chips, his legs knocking over the bowl with the wet ingredients.
the metal bowl landed on the floor with a clang and the ingredients splattered everywhere, including all over soda, who had jumped down to try to catch it. his arms were coated up to his elbows in the mixture, some speckled across his face and his pant legs and boots almost entirely covered.
soda’s mouth fell into a perfect, comical, letter ’o’ and it fell painfully silent. it was almost a full minute before they both burst out laughing. steve doubled over laughing next to soda, slipping in the sticky batter and falling right into the puddle in front of soda. the more they examined how much of a mess they were, the more they seemed to howl with laughter. soda’s eyes were filled with tears as he watched steve slipping around in the mess.
before soda could even move out of the way, steve had grabbed his hand and yanked him down on the floor. the two of them began to wrestle, the mixture going everywhere, soda intentionally grabbing at steve’s face and arms with his batter-covered hands.
“what are you two knuckleheads doing?” a voice shouted from the front door.
“shit,” soda’s eyes went wide and he sat up on his heels, disentangling himself from steve and trying not to slip again. “hey darry…”
darry took a few steps further into the house, “sodapop curtis, i swear on god above, if you wrecked that kitchen again…”
“don’t come in!” he shouted back, ushering steve behind the counter to keep out of sight, slipping as he tried to get behind it, too. “we’ll take care of it, darry, don’t worry.”
“sweet jesus…” darry’s voice was much closer, and they both looked up to see darry staring at the mess on the kitchen floor.
soda watched as darry’s eyes slowly panned around the kitchen and finally landed on him and steve, covered in batter, and not a hint of the glee they had just felt left on their faces.
darry scrubbed a hand down his face, “you’re doing the dishes for a week. no, for a month. jesus christ, pepsi, we just cleaned up in here! when you said you were making muffins i thought you would actually make muffins.”
“we’ll clean it all up, superman,” steve wasn’t sure if he had come off joking or not, he wasn’t sure which would fare better in their predicament.
darry took a steadying breath, drumming his fingers on the doorframe he was leaning against, “i’m going to the grocery store and picking up pony from track, if this kitchen isn’t back to how it was yesterday, i’m kicking you both out to the lot for a week.”
soda knew darry wasn’t serious, which was why he threw a thumbs up and a lopsided grin at darry. he rolled his eyes and dragged himself out of the kitchen, mumbling quietly.
the moment the front door had shut behind darry, steve turned to soda and said, “is that what pony is talking about when he says darry yells at y’all? jesus, he should spend a weekend with my old man.”
soda was already halfway across the floor, grabbing towels from a drawer, “nah, they both get all wound up and then it’s just bad for everyone. here, wipe up your hands.”
steve laughed, taking the towel and glancing over the kitchen, “you think we’ll be done by the time darry gets back? we trashed this kitchen.”
soda shrugged, wiping down his face and hands, “you started it.”
“hang on,” steve narrowed his eyes playfully. “you do realize that only one of us knocked the batter off the counter, right?”
“you know better than to let me sit on the counter like that,” soda waved a hand and grabbed the empty bowl from the floor and set it in the sink.
the mess wasn’t nearly as awful to clean up as they thought it would be, the real issue was getting out of their messy clothes clothes without getting more batter everywhere. they finally opted to strip off all the dirty clothes in the kitchen, throw all of their clothes into the laundry basket in the living room, and go back to soda’s room for clean clothes
it was a good plan, until they took too long making sure no batter was leaking out of the holes in the basket when the front door swung open and two-bit and dally marched in.
“hey! smells like something’s cookin!” two-bit yelled into the house.
steve and soda ran for it, but not before they heard dally whistle and two-bit shout a crude comment at them. once they were safely behind the closed door of the bedroom, both of them laughing, soda threw himself at steve and kissed him, his arms hooking around the back of steve’s neck and steve’s hands in turn running up and down his sides lightly.
they pulled back after a few moments and soda smiled, “you taste like cupcakes.”
steve just rolled his eyes affectionately, “muffins.”
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