gnostalgist · 2 years
powercide -> socsie
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
Me, while watching the Sonic Movie:
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primeralinea-peru · 2 years
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La Contraloría General de la República – reveló que existen 70 obras públicas paralizadas en Lima provincias, entre las que se encuentra la “Instalación del interceptor y construcción de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Huaral” con inversión de más de S/ 105 millones.
Ha esta larga lista – le siguen: La “Creación e implementación de medidas de protección y de prevención para el control de desbordes e inundaciones del rio Cañete: tramo, puente Socsi- puente San Jerónimo” (Lunahuaná), con más de S/ 25 millones;  “Mejoramiento y ampliación de la transitabilidad vehicular y peatonal de la cuadra n° 6 de la prol. Santa Rosa, cuadra 11 de la av. Hualmay y en la cuadra 2 de la calle Gabriel Aguilar del distrito de Hualmay, Huaura” con más de S/ 400 mil, entre otros.
Reactivación de las obras públicas paralizadas 
Con la finalidad de reactivar las obras públicas paralizadas, en el 2019 el gobierno autorizó a las entidades a ejecutar el saldo pendiente de la obra, siempre que cumplieran con determinados requisitos, tales como: contar con la capacidad técnica para la dirección y ejecución de obras, presentar a la Contraloría un informe de análisis costo beneficio que determine que se garantiza la culminación de la obra, tener un avance de obra mayor o igual al 40%, no contar con ejecución física en la obra por más de tres meses, entre otros (D.U. N° 008-2019 y D.L. N° 1486).
Sin embargo, a pesar de haberse acogido a los alcances de este marco legal, las entidades a cargo no han logrado reactivarlas.
La Entidad Fiscalizadora Superior realizará un seguimiento a las entidades y las obras reactivadas, a fin de verificar el avance en la ejecución física y presupuestaria del proyecto, con la finalidad de que culminen en los plazos previstos.
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And negativity is also a making-concrete, a self-determination, in that self-development is brought about by "the dialectical force which deposes [the thing's] immediacy" and gives it a "specific character" (SL -239). Specificity is thus linked by Hegel to negativity: Omnis determinatio est negatio, as Spinoza says -- every determination is a negation. Hegel frequently cites this dictum of Spinoza's (e.g., HPh 3:267, 286; SL -91 Zusatz; and cf. HPh 2:140), and he likes it so much because it suggests the positive aspect of negativity. While negativity is externalizing, it is also positive, for it makes the thing determinate, or individuates it. [55] Determinate negation (bestimmte Negation) gives the thing a content, which is to say that in actualizing a potentiality through its externalization, a thing is determinately negating various other potentialities, transforming the initially merely hypothetical nature of the thing into a concrete content.
Here is a study on Hegel’s philosophy of ‘negativity’ as ‘positivity’. 
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playitcoool · 8 years
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Puente Socsi #lunahuaná #perú
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
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She’s Back!
Socsi was just a normal, everyday fox when she was a kid. But one day there was a special broadcast on TV about our Blue Blur Sonic. Socsi was intrigued and watched the program with wonder. They showed his horic deeds, hitting Eggman's evil plans back, saving the world multiple times and meeting new friends like Tails, Knuckles and Amy.
That day Socsi wanted to be like Sonic; brave, courageous, helping people no matter what circumstance and make new friends on the way. A real Hero. The small fox ran to her mother and asked her to style her fur the way they look like Sonic's quills. Over the course of her life Socsi started to train with her father and her best friend Ivlet, a wolf mobian with alot of potential in magic. He tought her everything he knew about combat and soon Socsi was wielding a sword and she also found her talent in Electricity and Ice magic.
Years past and Socsi decided it was time to leave her home and seek adventure. Before she went off though her parents gave her a magical crystal that not only enhaces her magic, but also allows her to summon wings to fly and store her sword in a small pocket dimension if not in use.
With that Socsi and Ivlet left their village behind and they would soon be part of Sonic's little Team of Heroes.
And I swear she'll stay for longer! Now that the Sonic Movie kinda pushed me to draw my fav OC again :'3
And as you could already see, I redesigned her! Well, slightly redesigned her. Socsi is officially a fully on fox and she got a pair of boots instead of a replica of Sonic's shoes. She's also way fluffier cuz my artstyle wants moar fluff :'D
I also rewrote her backstory. She didn't have a solid backstory in the first place, but I thought since I'm at it, I'll do a smol reboot too :3
Tbh, I got really inspired by @projectsnt​ (Her YouTube Channel) and her own OC. It made me think back on my own characters and so I decided that I wanted to redesign some of them.
I also got an already done redesign of Darkness. We'll see if I ever upload him tho X'D
I have to say, I really like how this turned out (Minus the colours, I used my alcohol markers again and they screw me over everytime I use them so yee ... Socsi is still full yellow and red, not orange ... :'D), though the only redesign are her gloves and shoes. She has a really solid design, okay? :'3
It also made me reflect on my old art ... and I have to be honest, I was really good at drawing Sonic characters! I guess an artist is always improving and refining their art, even if they don't focus on improving :3
In any case, I hope to draw more Sonic and more art in general in the next couple of weeks. So yee, hope you enjoy ;3
And as a bonus have some old Socsi art; I really went sum places :’3
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Around April 2012, coloured version that never got uploaded; tbh back then I was always way better with traditional art. How things have pretty much turned around now. I suck at traditional and am a monster in digital :’D
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October 2015; this and the previous are my most favorite pieces of Socsi I made in the past years. Tbh now looking back to it I dun wanna change my style too much. Socsi is already perfect :’D
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
Y'Know I'm really not the type that talks about drama n stuff, purely cuz I dun want to be part of it or say sumthing stupid n wrong n stuff.
But I really would love to just get my opinion out there in a casually, non-aggressive way, sum hot chocolate and as my cringy Sonic OC.
Also; welcome to my TED talk.
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shnowbilicat · 4 years
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Soooo, cuz I'm bored I did a smol art stream on Discord with a friend of mine.
I doodled a little to try and get the hang of my tablet again. The one I have at work is half as big :'3
... I seriously want normal Photoshop, it’s so much nicer qwq
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shnowbilicat · 3 years
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The Sorcerer
Best magician boi got a redesign after ... 7-10 years ...
Well, shit, Ivi really needed a new look after pretty much a decade being with me X'D
And if I do say so myself, I'm really proud of my wolf boi! Yup, just like Socsi is now a full fox, Ivlet is now a full wolf and his design reflects on that very gud. Just like with Darkness, Ivlet shows what a decade of drawing and character designing can evolve and grow into and it makes me proud how far I came :'3
MMMRGH I actually really adore his 'modern wizard' look with the hoody with the huge ass hood and the symbol on his back, and the rings on his wrists and his new wings--!!
Socsi's BF is now a more handsome boi and I found a new adoation and love with my fluffy OCs qWq
(And yes, I used sorcerer, wizard and magician all to describe Ivi cuz he's just that swagger that he can do all kinds of magicz heuhuehue ewe)
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
URGH talking about my years old DA past and coming across videos talking about Nazo Unleashed and Super Mario Bros. Z just makes me want to go back again MMMMMHHHH Where are Socsi and Kokuri when I need them? :'3
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primeralinea-peru · 3 years
Operativo es liderado por el Ministerio Público ante veda de dicho recurso hidrobiológico
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La Fiscalía de Prevención del Delito dirigió un operativo en diversos puntos de la ribera del río Cañete, que dejó como resultado la destrucción de 55 cestos que habían sido instalados por personas inescrupulosas para extraer de manera ilegal camarón de río, pese a encontrarse en temporada de veda.
El operativo estuvo a cargo del fiscal Johny Díaz Sosa, como parte de las acciones destinadas a preservar la reproducción natural de la especie.  El recorrido se inició en la carretera a Lunahuaná, a la altura del puente Socsi, y se extendió hasta el sector del puente Clarita en San Vicente.
“Como se sabe, la veda del camarón se inició el 5 de enero   y se extenderá hasta el 5 de marzo, por lo que está prohibida la extracción, procesamiento, transporte, comercialización, utilización y consumo de dicho recurso en todo el territorio nacional”, preciso el representante del Ministerio Público, quien dispuso la incineración de los canastos.
Díaz Sosa, informó que las acciones continuarán en los próximos días en otras zonas del río Cañete.
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primeralinea-peru · 3 years
Población de Lunahuaná (Cañete), rechaza la presencia de más turistas. Los responsabiliza del incremento de la Covid-19 y la creciente tasa de mortalidad en los últimos meses
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Si bien el turismo proporciona medios de subsistencia a miles de personas y permite a cientos de miles apreciar su propia cultura y otras diferentes, así como la naturaleza, los vecinos del distrito de Lunahuaná, saben que primero es la vida y la salud, antes que el dinero que puede generar la denominada industria sin humo.
Es por eso que durante esta semana, decenas de ciudadanos de la llamada capital turística de Cañete, salieron a las calles para exigir respeto a las medidas restrictivas decretadas por el Gobierno, al incrementarse el nivel de contagios y fallecidos por día.
Los representantes de las distintas juntas vecinales que tiene Lunahuaná – se instalaron a la altura del puente Socsi, para exigir la “no presencia de turistas” en su jurisdicción.
Lamentablemente la reapertura de las actividades turísticas en el país, dijeron, no solo le ha abierto las puertas a los turistas, sino también al virus del SARS-CoV-2, causante del nuevo coronavirus.
Con mucha indignación – relataron que el Centro de Salud a pesar del incremento de casos de Covid-19, no se ha sido implementado para fortalecer la atención primaria, acotando que a diferencia de año 2020, la tasa de mortalidad se ha incrementado de manera descomunal.
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shnowbilicat · 4 years
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Welp, since I already kinda redrew some of my Sonic OCs I thought Imma slowly redesign all of them owo
As you can see Sor has gone through a couple of changes design vise, she's still Eggman's 'ultimate lifeform' wanna-be, etc.
Small fun fact; since Sor does not have Socsi's electricity powers, her fur is more messy n fluffy cuz Socs's powers kinda hold her make shift quills together X'D
So yeah, I really love how she came out and I look forward in drawing Sor and Socsi together more owo
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contentsurge · 7 years
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Nayru's Song, by Sefiaazure.
"Sketched, then manually color guided in Paintschainer to color and finally, merged. A fun experiment?
Paintschainer link: https://paintschainer.preferred.tech/index_en.html
//Nayru's song was lovely btw- visit her often-"
I adore the colors here. Definitely going to take a look at paintschainer.
https://sefiaazure.deviantart.com/gallery/ https://plus.google.com/collection/soCsY https://sefiaazure.tumblr.com/
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shnowbilicat · 7 years
TWAS and TWAS Generations
Both of these Stories are YEARS old, and one day I would love to polish them up again. I guess I'll have to thank an animator from way back then, who took a certain SIlver and Unknown Hedgehog's Screenshot from the Sonic X Series and made animations about him. I even made Logos for the fanfics ... yeah I was and still am a crazy fangirl X'D It kinda sparked my interest in wirtting stories and becomeing an animator myself one day X'D But anyway, let's  start, shall we? Let's begin with TWAS; or 'Together We Are Strong' as I named my first Sonic fanfic/story ever owo And compared to TWAS Generations I actually wrote it down ... in my home language, but I'm sure I can translate it no problem X'D Again, please note that this fanfic is literal years old (about 5 years) and I'm just telling you guys what I can remember/what I wrote back then. Also TWAS was written in the 'I' prespective of Socsi, just so u know.
Our Story begins with my very own Sonic OC, Socsi, flying around in the Mystic Ruins as suddenly a black creature flew up from the forest and in the direction of a town. Socsi flew after him, and as she arrived there the city was already destroyed and that black creature was about to kill Amy. Socsi saved her and Amy ran, meanwhile Ivlet, another OC, and Sonic himself ran up to her and the black creature, who introduced himself as 'Darkness'. The battle against him didn't turn out well, but before they were seriously injured Ivlet teleported Sonic and Socsi away, in safety. As the two though returned the yonly found Amy's unmoving body. Some hours after Sonic mourning over Amy and the search for Ivlet that they went back to the place Ivlet teleported them, hoping they would find him there. But, lo and behild, Darkness found them. Sonic blinded by rage ran at him, but was killed by Darkness with ease, before he attacked Socsi. She tried her best to dodge and block his attacks, but as he shot a laser at her she wasn't able to save herself ... but Sonic quickly ran infront of her, taking the hit for her. In her own rage she turned into her Dark-Form and the battle began yet again. Both parties wanted the death of the other and as they both went for their final attacks Socsi lost her consciousness. in the next Act Socsi woke up thanks to Ivlet. Darkness was nowhere to be found, but Ivi was so nice to heal her founds. It was already too late for Sonic and even his friends were enslaved by Eggman. Before they were though, Knuckles managed to give Ivlet the Chaos Emeralds. Also it seemed like Shadow and Amy started to go on some rampages too. But hurray, Amy's alive! Darkness apperiantly revived Amy and manipulated her and Shadow to work for him and Eggman. Speaking of which, after getting the Chaos Emeralds Darkness, Amy and Shadow started to attack our two Heroes; Ivlet fought against Amy and Shadow and Socsi tried to fight against Darkness, before a blue ball hit him. Hurray, Sonic is alive! (# still has 2 lifes left) Also he now had his swagger TWAS loadout with his scarf and protective googles and stuff. As Sonic took over Darkness and Socsi tried to help Ivlet with Amy and Shadow our second favorite edgelord Darkness suddenly attacked Socsi. But before he would hurt her in any way he teleported our three heroes away. Some days past and Eggman started to take over the World, while the sky turned black thanks to Darkness' power. One strange dream about someone begging Socs to defeat Darkness and her waking up to go outside later our three heroes decide to go with the final attack against Darkness and Eggman, also titel drop. Our three heroes finally went out of hiding and faced Darkness with the power of the Chaos Emeralds, which let them all turn into their Super Forms. The battle seemed easy for our heroes, Amy and Shadow were defeated easily and Darkness sucked their dark energy out to give it to himself and be stronger. He fought without caring about his own life and so our heroes decided to take him out of his misery and all three shot their lasers at him, with the power of everyone who wanted them to win this battle. Darkness seemed defeated as he screamed that he would return and end all of this. He disappeared in the beam and everything seemed to be finally over. ... and this was only the first of three Story-parts of TWAS owo I'll quickly sum up the other two parts so this won't be too long X'D The other two parts are ... very cringy, to say the least X'D Part two introduces Riaka, the literal Goddess of Darkness and Queen of the Underworld. Darkness used Socsi to summon her and the final battle was, after Riaka let Socsi free, Socsi in an 'Arch-Angel'-Form against Darkness. Darkness died, but so did Socsi aaaand that was everything important to know X'D The last act of part 2 explains what exactly is up with Darkness; as Socsi died a mobian named Holy, also known as the Goddess of Light, explained to her what Darkness is, apperiantly Darkness and Holy were suppose to be the next God of Darkness and Goddess of Light, but as Humans started to hunt for them they killed Holy and Darkness hid himself away. One thousand years later Darkness woke up by some kind of unoknown force; Eggman tried to creat a Mobian, combining Sonic's, Socsi's and Ivlet's DNA and Darkness took that body to come bac from his eternal slumber and terrorize the world for taking away his loved one. The third part begins with introducing another new character; Cinos, an Anti-Sonic born by Darkness' power and Sonic's own darkness. Some talk about new Powers that were waking up in our three heroes, Socsi was send back to earth, our heroes get reunited, 20 years get past, blahblahblah, our Heroes wake up from two Mobians who are apperieantly Socsi's and Ivlet's Daughter and Sonic's and Amy's Son, who were born from their powers as they were falling asleep for 20 years, but these 20 years were only an illusion as when the two kids die reality broke appart and it was the past again. Some more filler that not even I want to read anymore later we have our heroes face against a huge, monster like creature that Darkness turned himself into to finally destroy every living being and have his revenge. But thanks to Holy and the literal combined power, as our heroes fused together to creat a being of light and kill Darkness forever. ... NOW ONTO TWAS GENERATIONS! OWO The only thing I have on TWAS Generations are some memories of plot points and pics I drew and even uploaded on DA. It begins with the fight Sonic against Eggman, like any other Sonic game there is, but Eggman suddenly got the upper hand as Sonic started to feel weird and weak. Sonic seemed defeated and fell unconscious. After some time he woke up in the far Future and even found his past counterpart ... whose legs were broken. Sonic gave Classic gives Classic a piggyback ride the whole adventure and one after another found his friends' future selves, who tld him what happened. Eggman managed to take over the world and force Sonic to work for him, or Eggman would kill Sonic's friends. It turned out that Eggman gave Future Sonic the protective googles (The scarf was a gift from Socsia and Ivlet way before TWAS Generations or TWAS happened) ... aaaand at the end Sonic killed Eggman. Also, Shadow was chained up and went insane, Knuckles lost an eye and was scarred from the battle, Tails disappeared one day and Amy ... was killed, but Eggman build a replacement, who played her role so that nobody would worry about the real Amy, even if she didn't really want to. So yeah, Future Sonic is also edgey as fuack owo ... and yeah I know I know, these stories suck, but like I said, they are literal years old and I plan on someday reworking them. Cuz fuack the God-Thing, I can write something better than OP Gods and stuff owo Heck, I even plan on reworking TWAS Dimension's Prolouge cuz it was too focused on Socsi's perspective and I'm sure I have a better explanation how Socsi and Sonic got into the Nirvana in the first place X'D So ... I still want to redesign Darkness and give him a more baddass Story ... when is another question X'D
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shnowbilicat · 7 years
@vagevuur-personal: I'm guessing either DCS (though one could say her markings are blue I'm bad at that) or Darkness
Good guess! But who of them is the oldest and edgier? I mean, Sorc/DCS is dark and evul and all, but not really ‘edgy’, other than her design- owo
Wait ... these two REALLY look alot alike ... (Mostly cuz their designs are mostly based on Socsi) ... I think I found DCS’ REAL ‘father’, ffs y? X’D
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