#socon universe 1.1.1
starsrshiney · 4 months
Universe 1.1.1 Part 10- I've been reading too many DRV3 Groupchat fics
ThatEffingElf has barged into the chat!
ThatEffingElf has hijacked admin permissions!
ThatEffingElf has hidden all channels except #General
ThatEffingElf has hidden all previous discussion!
ThatEffingElf has changed 13 nicknames!
ThatEffingElf has updated the banned words list
ThatEffingElf: @Everyone Guessing game time! Guess who each other is by the secret I changed their name into!
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: Did you really just?
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: You really just
Was bullied in Initial school, became a bully hunter in Secondary: Watch me screw up your game. I’m [banned word]
Never learned locker room etiquette: How are we supposed to guess if our names are banned words?
ThatEffingElf: You’re only banned from saying your own, and before you try I already closed a few loopholes with coding in the banned words list.
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: I’m not [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], [banned word], or [banned word]
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: In my defense I was typing all that before he sent his message.
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger: Shouldn’t we be more concerned that Cross hijacked the admin permissions?
ThatEffingElf: Those’ll go back to normal once the game’s over. Chop chop!
Never attended a formal language class: You’re going to be chop chopped.
Was bullied in Initial school, became a bully hunter in Secondary: Watch me screw up your game. I’m [banned word] Fakes knowing how to swim: This is Stars. Word about it got back to Emplien Initial school.
Was bullied in Initial school, became a bully hunter in Secondary: Then you’re either Anniey or Von.
Never learned locker room etiquette: Its Anniey. Her “swimming” is damn unnatural to watch.
Technically ruined a few businesses: Doesn’t know locker room etiquette and has loud opinions on swimming? Jimi easily.
Never learned locker room etiquette: FUCK
Was bullied in Initial school, became a bully hunter in Secondary was changed to StarTippedArrows
Fakes knowing how to swim was changed to IvyHearts
Never learned locker room etiquette was changed to GunsNSkulls
Has scholarship offers for multiple colleges and trade schools: @Changed their first name shortly after graduation is Anora
IvyHearts: Who’s Anora?
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger: We have an Anora?
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from: That would have been their name before they changed it
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from: Cross if I ever see you you’re becoming elf pancakes.
Changed their first name shortly after graduation: AARON HOW DARE YOU
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: Pause the Anora drama for a second, can we focus on Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from?
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger: Yeah that’s. . . that’s concerning.
Knows locker room etiquette, dgaf about it: Mahn, you never said how you got your dad to stop that anyway.
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: McScuse me?
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from: You don’t need to know.
Knows locker room etiquette, dgaf about it: I mean, things were really ramping up and then all of a sudden. . .
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from: Yes, I know. Its stopped and staying stopped.
Never attended a formal language class: Death count?
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from: None. Who do you take me for, Sal?
Father wanted to be a dictator of the city they’re from was changed to HammerOfChallenge
Never attended a formal language class was changed to FrostLizard
HammerOfChallenge:. . . Not what I meant, but I’m not opposed to getting this done quicker
ThatEffingElf: Oh, you meant did they think you were Sal, not you asking Sal who she thought you were. DAMMIT.
Knows locker room etiquette, dgaf about it: Nice
HammerOfChallenge: That’s Takky by the way, since no one else here lived in our home city
Knows locker room etiquette, dgaf about it was changed to GoggledBlade
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: Okay, back to Jasmine changing her birth name.
IvyHearts: Anora and Aaron. Yeah, that tracks as twin names better than Jasmine and Aaron
Changed their first name shortly after graduation: Up shut your fuck
Changed their first name shortly after graduation was changed to LuxuryLightning
Has scholarship offers for multiple colleges and trade schools was changed to GoodTwin
HammerOfChallenge: Not that my name wasn’t concerning, but @Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger’s is also worrying.
StarTippedArrows: Knowing how Glyphing and AlChemistry work, its either Crystal or Von. Jasmine and I are already clear on the knows-how-to-Glyph side.
IvyHearts: And I’m cleared on the AlChemistry side.
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: Yeah, and my AlChemistry stuff was never that volatile, Stars breaking my travel kit aside.
StarTippedArrows: Found Chax.
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses: DAMMIT
Missed half of Initial schooling due to illnesses was changed to SexyRecon
SexyRecon: Okay since I’m out now LURKERS REVEAL YOURSELFS
Has a surprisingly fearful reputation on paper: I’m trying to figure out what exactly is “fearful” about my reputation
Changed their last name to distance themself from their father: I’m afraid of what Cross put for my secret
Changed their last name to distance themself from their father: Oh, that’s not too bad.
GunsNSkulls: @Technically ruined a few businesses you count as a lurker too
Technically ruined a few businesses: I talked earlier.
StarTippedArrows: Dare I ask how you ruined businesses?
Technically ruined a few businesses: I visited places that ran their . . . studios? I guess? Super traditionally and they stopped operating when I proved better than the teachers.
StarTippedArrows: . . . That sounds like a technical truth but I don’t know who or where you are to get actual answers.
GoggledBlade: Oh my Pyrrhus Briar was a dojo breaker
GunsNSkulls: That makes SO much sense
Technically ruined a few businesses: I didn’t want any of them to stop teaching I just wanted to learn more marital arts.
Technically ruined a few businesses was changed to TeamCoach
IvyHearts: Hey @Changed their last name to distance themself from their father does your new last name mean anything special to you?
Changed their last name to distance themself from their father: It’s supposed to mean “Brave Spear”
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger: You’re Rose then. I remember you telling me about that bit of name trivia once.
Changed their last name to distance themself from their father was changed to DancingButterfly
SexyRecon: That. . . raises questions
StarTippedArrows: In the interest of getting our chat back, Rose do you remember who you told that to?
DancingButterfly: No, not really. It’s one of those things I tell a lot of people.
StarTippedArrows: So, we’re left with Crystal and Von
IvyHearts: Both of whom are mages
SexyRecon: Both of whom are masters of dangerous crafts
TeamCoach: Both of whom could make accidental bombs out of their crafts.
Has a surprisingly fearful reputation on paper: Okay seeing the dangerous rep part now.
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger: In my defense, infinite loops are stupidly easy to make on accident.
StarTippedArrows: That’s more a Glyphing worry than an AlChemistry one, so ^ is Crystal and ^^ is Von
Accidentally made multiple bombs when they were younger was changed to RufflesInFlight
Has a surprisingly fearful reputation on paper was changed to ChemLab
System notice: All previous functionality restored!
Admins StarTippedArrows and SexyRecon simultaneously kicked user ThatEffingElf for reason: Existing as Cross
GunsNSkulls: Think we can keep ‘im out?
SexyRecon: Keep a time traveller out of a tech thing? Good luck
GunsNSkulls: Fuck
0 notes
starsrshiney · 5 years
Groupchat Semi- AU 3
So does anyone remember the groupchat semi au that I made two chapters for a year ago? Well, I guess its officially Universe 1.1.1 whereas Starsnapped takes place in Universe 1. I guess I should note that Starsnapped doesn’t happen in 1.1.1, since Stars (and Anniey & Von) were actually not in Socon when Carmo wanted to do the kidnapping in 1.1′s timeline.
(I actually have a file with 1.1 Stars falling into Starsnapped because part 5 is Not Agreeing With Me. Wanted to be a bit self indulgent, but 1.1 Stars just made the tension drop like a stone.)
But anyways, 1.1.1 While I try to get Starsnapped 5 to actually be finished.
DancingButterfly: I’m still confused.
GunsNSkulls: We know.
IvyHearts: Jimi, hush.
IvyHearts: Rose, what are you confused about?
DancingButterfly: Why did we have to turn in the laptops (?) for these rectangular farcalls?
SexyRecon: The community got whatever data they needed from that one chat we had with the laptops. Now they want to test how Socon’s environment does with the phones.
SexyRecon: Also, their type of techno-magic makes phones harder to break than laptops, so Mahn won’t accidentally damage this one.
HammerOfChallenge: I hate that you’re right about that.
GoggledBlade: Plus this lets us be on the move more. I think they gave us blueprints for portable chargers as well?
RufflesInFlight: They did! Jasmine and I will be working on them once we get back to base.
LuxuryLightning: A charging crystal with a metal tip is an interesting concept, I must admit.
DancingButterfly: Speaking of
DancingButterfly: Why can’t we go home yet?
IvyHearts: The Community needs permission to bring. . . something into Socon for the phones to work.
SexyRecon: Satellite upgrades, since the original network was just for our laptops.
SexyRecon: Socon’s clear as far as stability is concerned, but its not part of the Interdimensional Community yet, so there’s political hoops to jump through.
TeamCoach: Not that the hoops are too high. The Empress is pretty much all for this, and she made Stars  officially The Person In Charge of Interdimensional Affairs
GoggledBlade: Which reminds me- someone help me hide all the alcohol when we get back.
GoggledBlade: My boi didn’t want to be a leader. Now he’s the person in charge of how Socon presents itself to every other dimension.
GunsNSkulls: He’s four years older than you
GoggledBlade: My BOI
IvyHearts: Words can’t describe how happy I am that you got my brother out of his ‘romantic love doesn’t exist and sexuality exists just to harm me’ mindset
GoggledBlade: I wasn’t alone
FrostLizard: I believe Rose is still confused
DancingButterfly: I don’t think my last question even got answered.
IvyHearts: We need to stay here until everything is ironed out between the Empress and the Community
GoggledBlade: So until then we get to wander what’s basically an interdimensional mall
TeamCoach: With no money this community uses, not that we’d be able to take anything back since Socon’s not a Community dimension yet anyway.
SexyRecon: That’s why I’m hanging out outside what looks like one of Taroshan’s love hotels.
IvyHearts: Chax no
HammerOfChallenge: Chax no
FrostLizard: Lechaxim, no
SexyRecon: CHAX YES
StarTippedArrows: Chax no
SexyRecon: Wait, did you finish dealing with everything?
StarTippedArrows: No, my chaos senses started firing off.
StarTippedArrows: And after five minutes passed without Mika or Lady showing up, I figured it had to be you
IvyHearts: Has anyone heard from Von? Or Aaron?
LuxuryLightning: Aaron’s with me.
ChemLab: I’m trying to find the phone’s voice-to-text option for when we get back.
GunsNSkulls: One chat with that and you’re spoiled, huh?
RufflesInFlight: I’ll help you look. I’ll need it if the chat goes crazy while I’m in my workshop.
SexyRecon: @StarTippedArrows I’ve just been invited to an interdimensional Alnwick Party, so if you’re not done soon I won’t be available for the next few hours
ChemLab: I’m chugging memory eraser potion when I get back
HammerOfChallenge: Save some for me
GoodTwin: ^
TeamCoach: ^
FrostLizard: ^
StarTippedArrows: ^
StarTippedArrows: Also yeah, Tuart finally stopped participating in the convo and everything went smoothly. Satellite launch is in three minutes, then we’re good to head home.
SexyRecon: Boo
StarTippedArrows: @everyone meet back in the community hall ASAP.
1 note · View note
starsrshiney · 5 years
Universe 1.1.1- Return from an unplanned trip
So I guess I’ve decided that its 1.1.1 Stars who fell into the Starsnapped Offshoot.
Mature content warning: Chax channels the mood of the ‘would you screw your clone’ question near the end of this.
General Chat
StarTippedArrows: I’m back
IvyHearts: You can’t just say that after disappearing in the middle of your daily chore!
IvyHearts: Where are you?
StarTippedArrows: Just got out of a tear, I’m in the mansion right now
StarTippedArrows: I think this is the room I was using for my office while the HQ was being remodeled, actually
IvyHearts: Nilofer damned tears.
IvyHearts: Are you okay? You didn’t get vivisected, did you?
StarTippedArrows: No, the tear didn’t take me to Earth
StarTippedArrows: Or Tearra
StarTippedArrows: Or anywhere we’ve been before, actually.
GoggledBlade: Where’d you go then?
StarTippedArrows: Another Socon
IvyHearts: What?!
GoggledBlade: What?!
ChemLab: What?!
LuxuryLightning: What?!
SexyRecon: What?!
RufflesInFlight: What?!
FrostLizard: What?!
GoodTwin: What?!
TeamCoach: What?!
HammerOfChallenge: What?!
GunsNSkulls: What?!
DancingButterfly: What?!
StarTippedArrows: Glad I caught all of your attention.
IvyHearts: What do you mean another Socon?
ChemLab: Honestly with how m-many Earths there are on the other side of tears, it only makes sense there’d be other S-Socons as well.
GunsNSkulls: Do they have tear troubles as well?
StarTippedArrows: No, I think that’s a feature unique to our iteration of Socon.
StarTippedArrows: Other-me didn’t even know who Captain Walker was at all.
SexyRecon: Maybe we should let him tell the story, then ask?
GunsNSkulls: I’m sorry, is Chax being a voice of reason?
SexyRecon: Good point
StarTippedArrows: Chax no.
SexyRecon: You don’t know what I was going to type
StarTippedArrows: It was something to make you look less like a voice of reason, so no.
RufflesInFlight: I’m taking the voice of reason role now.
RufflesInFlight: Stars, can you walk and message?
StarTippedArrows: I have been.
RufflesInFlight: Then tell us what happened.
StarTippedArrows: How far back should I start?
IvyHearts: Start with how you went through the tear.
StarTippedArrows: Cross kicked me through it when I caught him snooping around.
IvyHearts: Ah, Cross. That explains a lot.
StarTippedArrows: I thought that would.
StarTippedArrows: Anyway, Cross kicks me into a tear and I end up falling out the other side in a Nemirest orchard.
GoggledBlade: That’s how you knew it was another Socon?
StarTippedArrows: No, it took me a bit to realize what the trees were.
StarTippedArrows: What tipped me off was No-Maverick-Therapy Carmo
IvyHearts: Oh Nilofer
GoggledBlade: Why Pyrrhus why
LuxuryLightning: I thought we were done hearing her name.
ChemLab: Why
FrostLizard: Ugh
StarTippedArrows: Yeah. She starts running toward me with her usual spiels and I’m already done with her.
ChemLab: After last year we’re a-all done with her.
StarTippedArrows: You’re about to be more done, because according to her employee, that Socon is a year behind ours.
GoggledBlade: Without the tears though, that Socon couldn’t have gone through what we did with her though.
StarTippedArrows: But without the tears, it turns out Carmo had a plan to kidnap me in my sleep.
StarTippedArrows: That’s what other-you’s mood was as well.
IvyHearts: What.
HammerOfChallenge: Crystal needs to be the voice of reason more often.
TeamCoach: Further clarification though, when last year?
StarTippedArrows: In the middle of the period where Anniey, Von, and I disappeared. You know, the start of last year’s multidimensional mess.
RufflesInFlight: STORY
StarTippedArrows: Right right.
StarTippedArrows: So Carmo comes rushing up to me, wearing other-me’s robe I may add.
IvyHearts: MURDER
StarTippedArrows: and I just stop her dead in her tracks because fuck all the way off, Carmo.
IvyHearts: GOOD
StarTippedArrows: I gather from her and her employee that she kidnapped me because Spectette left a notice for her family. She wanted me to be her hero and realize I always loved her while saving her.
ChemLab: I audibly snorted r-reading that.
StarTippedArrows: Yeah, that really wasn’t going to end the way she thought, even if I didn’t get involved.
StarTippedArrows: The employee told me the Nemirest orchard was Carmo’s project, so I had a moment of immaturity and stripped the trees bare.
StarTippedArrows: That ended up revealing that Other-Me, who was wearing an outfit made of wood aura because he was kidnapped in his sleep and Carmo had his robe, was hiding in one of the nearby trees.
IvyHearts: Slaughter.
StarTippedArrows: And Spectette was in a separate nearby tree.
GoggledBlade: Because why wouldn’t everyone just be there?
StarTippedArrows: The four of them ended up sputtering at each other, so I took some of the pollen and KO’d Carmo while she was confused.
StarTippedArrows: Took Other-Me’s robe from her and gave it back to him while telling her employee to take her home.
IvyHearts: No murder?
StarTippedArrows: I’m not starting scandals in other Socons, Anniey.
StarTippedArrows: So I ask Spectette if she could ‘port me and other me to at least the territory edge, which is apparently too much for her cane to do at once.
StarTippedArrows: She wanted to know how I knew about her, to which I just said other dimensional shenanigans.
TeamCoach: In a sense, that isn’t wrong.
StarTippedArrows: Other-me tells me he eavesdropped on Carmo and her employee and heard her say his folks got involved, so other-you-all are aware and on your way.
IvyHearts: We better have been.
StarTippedArrows: And yeah, this is where I found out this Other-Socon didn’t have a Walker, or seemingly any tears at all.
StarTippedArrows: Cross was still a thing though.
RufflesInFlight: Yuck.
StarTippedArrows: Story kinda drops off from here. We make it to the train station and just wait until nightfall for everyone else to show up.
GunsNSkulls: No one got in your way?
StarTippedArrows: Other-me’s folks already made a scene via farcall, and most of the staff worked under the Medeiros parents rather than Carmo herself.
StarTippedArrows: Plus the Spectette threat. That was on everyone’s minds.
StarTippedArrows: So no, we weren’t really bothered, though there were no outgoing trains because Spectette.
GoodTwin: Shouldn’t there have been no incoming trains as well?
DancingButterfly: Even I know that wouldn’t have stopped Spectette.
StarTippedArrows: Night finally falls and the train with all of your others gets there. Other-Anniey marches off the train in full murder mode until she sees the two of us. That was a fun expression to see.
StarTippedArrows: Other-Takky and Other-Sal also rush out, and oh my Madara the Carmo trauma made me so blind to how obviously you two were pining.
GoggledBlade: SHUT
FrostLizard: You weren’t kidnapped here.
StarTippedArrows: Yeah, like the everything else that we went through wouldn’t have been as troubling as a kidnapping.
FrostLizard: Point
StarTippedArrows: Also not for a lack of trying. There was at least one group that tried to abduct me.
DancingButterfly: Weren’t you sad for a while after that?
StarTippedArrows: No, that was the assassination attempt. I was sad because I was hit with the realization of I have standards for who can try to assassinate me what is my life.
StarTippedArrows: Anyways, before I could laugh at the rest of the Other-Team’s reaction to two of me, a Tear opened up right where I was standing, because tears love/hate me like that.
SexyRecon: raise your hand if tears have personally victimized you in this way.
SexyRecon: [raises hand]
RufflesInFlight: [raises hand]
FrostLizard: [raises hand]
IvyHearts: [raises hand]
ChemLab: [raises hand]
GunsNSkulls: [raises hand]
HammerOfChallenge: [raises hand]
LuxuryLightning: [raises hand]
StarTippedArrows: And the story ends there, because I’m back home now and the first thing I do is poke this chat.
StarTippedArrows: Any questions?
The Raunchy Chat
SexyRecon: @StarTippedArrows So you didn’t try to figure out of having sex with your double would just be masturbation?
StarTippedArrows: You’ve been dying to ask that since Jimi called you a voice of reason, haven’t you?
SexyRecon: I’m not reading a no.
IvyHearts: Hey Chax?
IvyHearts: I’m still feeling murder-y
SexyRecon: Question withdrawn
General Chat
StarTippedArrows: Any questions that isn’t Chax being a gross troll?
GoodTwin: What happened to Spectette?
StarTippedArrows: Dunno. I figure her heist went as well as it did here.
GoggledBlade: Did you try to guide other-you for future events?
StarTippedArrows: Other-me lived the past few years without the influence of tears or other dimensions. Our lives are nowhere near the same.
StarTippedArrows: Which reminds me, he said he got his aura to mimic the consistency of tree sap during this whole debacle, I should see if I can do that.
0 notes
starsrshiney · 5 years
Universe 1.1.1- Eganmor Discussions
This is me closing a plothole I made with one of the places in my setting.
Background knowledge- Eganmor village is located at the edge of the forest with the same name. The forest produces pollen that causes people who are exposed to it for long enough periods of time to have their lips locked into a smiling position. The condition is known as liplock. Eganmor Village is known for the liplock condition, as well as selling the pollen for AlChemistric reasons.
General Chat
GunsNSkulls: @StarTippedArrows @IvyHearts History buffs I have a question I need answered
StarTippedArrows has joined the chat
IvyHearts has joined the chat
StarTippedArrows: What’s going on
GunsNSkulls: I was just thinking- Eganmor makes no sense
IvyHearts: We don’t have medical degrees, Jimi
GunsNSkulls: I’m not talking about the specifics of how liplock works
GunsNSkulls: I’m talking about- why don’t the local wood or wind elements keep the village’s air clear of the liplock inducing pollen
GunsNSkulls: Or why didn’t they before Page came by
StarTippedArrows: Ah. That.
IvyHearts: . . . That’s a good question.
StarTippedArrows: It’s a power and control thing. Pollen is actually really hard to 100% control.
GunsNSkulls: BS
StarTippedArrows: I’m serious! You don’t need to be mage-level to get pollen 100%, but you need to be up there.
StarTippedArrows: Even for me moving pollen with magic is like moving with my hands- most of it will get to where I’m taking it, but some spills out.
StarTippedArrows: @RufflesInFlight: can you confirm with wind?
RufflesInFlight has joined the chat
RufflesInFlight: Pollen and dust are part of the control tests for the Wind Mage Certification test, so yes I can confirm.
RufflesInFlight: Not everyone is sensitive enough to register every mote going through the air- or rather, most wind elements lose that level of sensitivity really young.
RufflesInFlight: I’d imagine that trying to find hundreds of pollen motes is part of the Wood Mage Certification test.
GunsNSkulls: But still
GunsNSkulls: You’d think they’d be able to keep the air clean enough to make liplock not a daily issue
StarTippedArrows: You underestimate how much pollen Eganmor forest pumps out hourly.
GunsNSkulls: You mean daily?
StarTippedArrows: That too.
ChemLab has entered the chat
ChemLab: Eganmor villagers actually harv-vest the pollen in the air- as well as deep in the forest. Aerated and f-fresh pollen are highly sought after AlChemistry re-reagents.
StarTippedArrows: Pretty much anytime someone’s seen the village, it was after harvesting.
GunsNSkulls: Seriously?
ChemLab: Liplock would probably set in in th-three days instead of ten if they didn’t harvest the pollen.
GunsNSkulls: So they already only partially clean the air with the harvesting?
IvyHearts: According to historical records, the earliest settlers of Eganmor did in fact try to keep the village’s air clear
IvyHearts: But too little people had enough power to do so, and trying to keep it up put them in near constant exhaustion.
GunsNSkulls: What about glyphing crystals to do the job? They’d just need to keep the things recharged.
RufflesInFlight: !!!
RufflesInFlight: @StarTippedArrows: @LuxuryLightning meet me in the workshop ASAQUICKLY
RufflesInFlight has left the chat
StarTippedArrows has left the chat
IvyHearts: Crystal glyphing wasn’t as advanced back then as it is now, and liplock just became a way of life over the centuries.
IvyHearts: but now you’ve gone and given Crystal an idea, so between that and Page’s cure, liplock is probably not going to be an issue ever again.
GunsNSkulls: . . . yay me?
0 notes
starsrshiney · 7 years
Team Stars Groupchat Semi-AU: The part where they (most of them, at least) actually chat.
>StarTippedArrows has logged in.
>sexyRecon: Aww man, there goes my 10 gold
>IvyHearts: I told you he’d get in before Jimi
>StarTippedArrows: Hi to you two as well. Anyone else here?
>DancingButterfly: Hi Stars!
>StarTippedArrows: Hi Rose.
>StarTippedArrows: Wait, Rose?
>sexyRecon: And that’s my 10 gold back!
>StarTippedArrows: Not to be rude, but how?!
>DancingButterfly: Chax helped me get here.
>ChemLab: Jimi and T-Takky would be here too, but they decided to t-try on their own
>IvyHearts: and before you ask
>IvyHearts: I said BEFORE you ask, I can see you typing Stars
>IvyHearts: Von is using a speech-to-text and text-to-speech program while he does work in his lab.
>StarTippedArrows: Wait, that’s an option? I mean, I can use a typewriter well enough, but these keys feel so. . . flat.
>GunsNSkulls has logged in
>GoggledBlade has logged in
>ChemLab: I can show you l-later, after I get these potions chilled to their p-proper temperatures.
>GunsNSkulls: Why are ya typing ya stutter?
>IvyHearts: Scroll up
>GoggledBlade: I can’t see anything from before I logged in.
>GunsNSkulls: Me neither
>IvyHearts: hold on, let me see if I can do that copy and paste thing we were taught. . .
>IvyHearts: IvyHearts: Von is using a speech-to-text and text-to-speech program while he does work in his lab.
>sexyRecon: 9/10, but you didn’t need to copy your username as well
>IvyHearts: shut up.
>RufflesInFlight has logged in
>sexyRecon: FUCK
>IvyHearts: WOOHOO
>RufflesInFlight: ???????
>StarTippedArrows: Judging from my entrance, you just caused Chax to lose a bet
>RufflesInFlight: You bet how much on WHO getting on before me?
>GunsNSkulls: Jazzy’s helpin Aaron log on.
>RufflesInFlight: Anniey, I hope I get a cut of that, since its because of me you got it.
>IvyHearts: You can have all of it if you want, I just want to make chax lose at bets
>sexyRecon: RUDE. But fair.
>sexyRecon: Hey wait-
>FrostLizard has logged in
>sexyRecon: Rude but fair is my schtick! How’d you like it if I started being the priestess with a temper?!
>IvyHearts: Hands up if you think I have a temper?
>sexyRecon raised his hand
>GunsNSkulls rasied his hand
>GoggledBlade raised his hand
>RufflesInFlight rasied her hand
>StarTippedArrows raised his hand
>FrostLizard: I raise my hand
>sexyRecon: I never thought I’d see the day Sal makes a funny
>IvyHearts: Oh come on,even my brother and Sal?
>IvyHearts: Rose, you’re my only friend in this chat
>GunsNSkulls: Anniey, your temper causes pipes to burst. An who do ya think is the one fixing those pipes?
>IvyHearts: Aaron
>GoggledBlade is dying laughing
>sexyRecon is dying laughing
>IvyHearts: But I get your message
>StarTippedArrows is dying laughing
>GoodTwin has logged in
>BetterTwin has logged in
>BetterTwin: I have arrived, no need to thank me
>sexyRecon: Glad to see that Jasmine recognizes Aaron is the better twin
>GoggledBlade is dying laughing
>IvyHearts is dying laughing
>FrostLizard: is dying laughing
>GunsNSkulls is dying laughing
>StarTippedArrows has sent FrostLizard a private message
>sexyRecon: Unpasteurized because I’m already bacteria free, tyvm
>ChemLab: I can ash-sh-sure you that isn’t true
>sexyRecon: malignant bacteria free
>ChemLab: Sure, that w-works.
>BetterTwin: But yes, it did take a while to get Aaron to choose a non-depressing screen name
>GoggledBlade: Which you then proceed to put down with your own.
>BetterTwin: . . .
>GoodTwin: I think you just broke her.
>GoodTwin: Give her a bit of a break, she’s been getting better at that.
>StarTippedArrows: I think I can help with this.
>sexyRecon: What was with that private message earlier anyway?
>FrostLizard glares at sexyRecon
>IvyHearts gives FrostLizard a thumbs up
>StarTippedArrows: Testing some of the admin functions, like so
>StarTippedArrows has changed BetterTwin’s username to LuxuryLightning
>sexyRecon: Oh, you taught Sal how the actions actually work
>LuxuryLightning: When I take over the team, you shall be in charge of all naming.
>StarTippedArrows: I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said you’ll keep me around after taking my leadership.
>StarTippedArrows is pulling up a list- Online Users
>StarTippedArrows: Where’s Mahn? And Briar for that matter, but Mahn is usually punctual even if he thinks things are ridiculous
>TeamCoach has logged in
>IvyHearts: Oh Nilofer Damn it
>sexyRecon: Not only do I break even, I get 20 gold from Anniey AND Von!
>ChemLab: I really d-didn’t expect Mahn to be last.
>StarTippedArrows: Yeah, this is too suspicious. Don’t blow up your large communicators while I’m gone
>StarTippedArrows has gone idle
>sexyRecon: They’re computers Stars! You’ve traveled to enough Earths to know that.
>IvyHearts: Given the circumstances, he’ll have to drop the ignorance-by-choice thing he has about knowing interdimensional terms.
>TeamCoach: . . . I haven’t even been here 2 minutes and I’m already confused.
>RufflesInFlight: About the chat in general, or about chax and anniey’s (and apparently von’s) bets?
>TeamCoach: both, but reading that caught me up enough on the bet thing.
>StarTippedArrows is no longer idle
>StarTippedArrows: Mahn broke his monitor.
>sexyRecon is dying laughing
>StarTippedArrows: Not even 2 hours into this new training course and I already have to talk to the Community about replacing broken equipment
>sexyRecon: Oh hey, it looks like the community gave my account admin privileges too
>sexyRecon has kicked StarTippedArrows from the chat- take your broken equipment angst elsewhere
>FrostLizard has gone idle- I need to stab Chax
>sexyRecon has gone idle- You need to find me first
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starsrshiney · 7 years
Anyone remember when I said I wanted to write AU fanfic of my own unwritten stuff?
Well, I’ve started. Its not too AU-ish in that it could to into the crossover events I’ve written with friends, but still. Team Stars Groupchat Semi-AU.
Prologue- aka how people from a dimension without digital technology got their hands on a groupchat program.
Under normal circumstances, finding out that your dimension isn’t on the verge of collapsing at any second would be a cause for celebration. And sure, it wasn’t like Stars wasn’t happy about that. He and his team shared way too big grins upon hearing those words. It was just the words after that sent his mood plummeting.
Because something like this could only happen to him. And his team too, but to him.
Due to Socon’s unusually high concentration of dimensional tears, it turns out the world was something of an open secret in the interdimensional community. Really, the need to keep a façade of secrecy was only due to Socon’s Interdimensional Research Collaborate insisting that most of Socon’s civilians didn’t discover other dimensions. With the confirmation of the dimension’s stability however, it was decided that Socon should have a face within the interdimensional community.And that face had to be Stars’, since he had the most non-Socon ties of most anyone in Socon, save for the highest of the higher ups in the Collaborate.
Mika, Lady, and Terry were going to have a good laugh at that.
Stars had tried to argue this point however. He and his team already had their own responsibilities after all. And if anyone was going to be the face of Socon to the dimensions, it should be the Empress.
But as his luck would have it, Empress Aelalise Maroth disagreed with the statement. Even going as far as telling Stars to his face (or rather, his ear, since this happened over Farcall,) that she was willing to give him an official Title for this work. He could hear the woman smirk as she said this, and it took quite a bit of willpower not to throw his FCA across the room at that.
About the only bit of good luck was that the Community didn’t take the Collaborate’s suggestion of throwing his team into this new role head first. They had provided a facsimile of their non face-to-face communications to his team, and set up a network that spanned Socon without being detected by the local governments.
So that is how he ended up with a hybrid television monitor-flat typewriter keyboard in front of him, a “groupchat” program all set up and waiting for a button press. Sighing at what his life has become yet again, Stars reluctantly pressed the “enter” key.
>StarTippedArrows has logged in.
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starsrshiney · 5 years
Universe 1.1.1- Channel Splitting
I found this post I made a while ago while looking things I could use for the Big Post of Rules, and decided to make an update bringing the various rooms into existence.
SexyRecon: SO!
SexyRecon: Being the most tech savvy, the Community still let me be admin on this program
SexyRecon: I spent the last while figuring out how this thing works!
GoodTwin: Did you even sleep?
GoggledBlade: I’m worried now
StarTippedArrows: Did you break something in the code already?
SexyRecon: I’d be hurt at the lack of faith if you didn’t give me the perfect segue!
New public channel opened: What’s Broken Today?
StarTippedArrows: what
SexyRecon: Try not to clutter it, it’s basically this room, but dedicated to whatever gets broken
StarTippedArrows: . . . that is annoyingly convenient
HammerOfChallenge Can you make a channel so that we don’t have to risk hearing of your escapades every time we open this one?
SexyRecon: Done and DONE!
New public channel opened: The Raunchy Chat
IvyHearts: What’s this option that says, ‘Private channels?’
SexyRecon: That’s an option that you can use to make a channel with only certain people. Whoever makes it get admin privileges for only that room.
IvyHearts: But you and Stars still have overall Admin, even if you’re not there?
SexyRecon: Let’s see, try make one without me.
IvyHearts has made a Private Channel: Emplien-Raised (StarTippedArrows, IvyHearts, ChemLab)
SexyRecon: Well, the announcement kinda ruins it.
DancingButterfly: What announcement?
ChemLab: You don’t see it?
SexyRecon: Takky, Jimi?
GoggledBlade: I don’t see anything
GunsNSkulls: Neither do I
ChemLab: I see it. Probably because I’m in-invited
SexyRecon: I’ll copy paste it. “IvyHearts has made a Private Channel: Hidden Name (StarTippedArrows, IvyHearts, ChemLab)”
SexyRecon: Does anyone but me and the invited peeps see that?
DancingButterfly: No, I don’t see that.
TeamCoach: Nothing like that
StarTippedArrows: I see the actual name of the channel, both in the announcement and the channel list
SexyRecon: The channel list! Lemme see that.
SexyRecon: I see “Hidden channel name” and who’s in there.
SexyRecon: “This channel has been hidden from you because you were not invited to this channel. However, another Admin  is already part of this channel. Unhide this channel anyway?” Options: For me, For Admins, For Everyone, Cancel
StarTippedArrows: The new channel looks normal to me.
SexyRecon: New experiment, someone make a channel without me or Stars.
HammerOfChallenge made a Private Channel: Weapon Crafting Appreciation (HammerOfChallenge, FrostLizard, GunsNSkulls, GoggledBlade)
LuxuryLightning made a Private Channel: My Old Team (FrostLizard, GoggledBlade, LuxuryLightning, GoodTwin, TeamCoach)
SexyRecon: The “Hidden Channel” names have numbers to them now and trying to get in doesn’t have the “another admin” line, but other than that it’s the same.
StarTippedArrows: I unhid both the channels, which let me see the names. It didn’t force me to join them, though there’s an option to do so.
LuxuryLightning disbanded the Private Channel: My Old Team
LuxuryLightning made a Private Channel: My Old Team (FrostLizard, GoggledBlade, LuxuryLightning, GoodTwin, TeamCoach)
SexyRecon: The extra, Jasmine has it.
RufflesInFlight: What’s this about being extra?
GoggledBlade: Jasmine disbanded and remade her channel so Stars couldn’t see it.
StarTippedArrows: The name’s hidden but I can still SEE its there and who’s in it.
LuxuryLightning: It’s not ideal, but it wor-
GoodTwin: Why can I hear Jasmine screaming and Chax laughing simultaneously?
StarTippedArrows: Takky and Briar left Jasmine’s channel.
GoodTwin: oh
GoggledBlade: Yeah, Imma make my own room instead
GoggledBlade made the Private Channel: Team Youngblood (ChemLab, GunsNSkulls, GoggledBlade, DancingButterfly)
ChemLab:. . . actually,
ChemLab made the Private Channel: AlChemistry Team (IvyHearts, SexyRecon, ChemLab)
IvyHearts: I’m kicking myself for not thinking of that.
RufflesInFlight: thinking of what?
IvyHearts: Crystal, you should make a channel for the glyphers
RufflesInFlight: oh! Oh, I get it now.
RufflesInFlight made the Private Channel: Crystal Glyphers (StarTippedArrows, LuxuryLightning, RufflesInFlight)
RufflesInFlight: Done and done
SexyRecon made the Private Channel: The Team’s Core (StarTippedArrows, IvyHearts, SexyRecon, HammerOfChallenge, FrostLizard)
StarTippedArrows: Its true but you shouldn’t say it, Chax
TeamCoach: Von and Crystal made chats for their workshops?
RufflesInFlight: Yep
TeamCoach: Permission to make channels for the PT classes?
SexyRecon: lol, permission?
StarTippedArrows: No need to ask, especially if it has an actual purpose like that
TeamCoach: got it
TeamCoach made the Private Channel: Strength-Centric PT (HammerOfChallenge, GoggledBlade, GoodTwin, TeamCoach, DancingButterfly)
TeamCoach made the Private Channel: Distance-Centric PT (StarTippedArrows, GunsNSkulls, LuxuryLightning, TeamCoach)
TeamCoach made the Private Channel: Agility-Centric PT (SexyRecon, FrostLizard, TeamCoach)
TeamCoach made the Private Channel: Self-Defense PT (IvyHearts, ChemLab, TeamCoach, RufflesInFlight)
TeamCoach: Von, don’t try and leave that channel.
Team Youngblood
ChemLab: Did anyone here find the channel m-mute function?
GoggledBlade: Oh Phyrrhus’ Embers, really Von?
ChemLab: I’m trying to not have Briar pull a J-Jasmine.
GunsNSkulls: Von you owe me new lungs. I can’t keep laughin’ like this.
General Chat
FrostLizard: Is everyone done making new channels?
SexyRecon: I am for now.
IvyHearts: I have an idea for one, but later.
LuxuryLightning: Sal, I’d just like to thank you for NOT leaving my channel.
FrostLizard: After that scream earlier, I just muted it.
DM: ChemLab to FrostLizard
ChemLab: One, did you have t-to set her off again?
ChemLab: and two, HOW do I mute channels?
FrostLizard: I’ll admit, that wasn’t my smartest message.
FrostLizard: and I’ll just show you. You’re sending voice messages from your lab, right?
ChemLab: Yes, and thank you
0 notes
starsrshiney · 4 years
Universe 1.1.1 Part 9- Weird Questions
Chax -> Anniey
SunMinerals: Hey, can you do me a favor?
HealthPotions: Depends on the favor.
SunMinerals: Nothing too bad. I just want to play a question and answer game in the main chat.
SunMinerals: But the second I suggest something I’ll get shot down.
HealthPotions: What questions?
SunMinerals: {link-100 questions no one ever asked}
HealthPotions: Most of these are fine, some are suspect, but all of them are distinctly Earthly rather ran Soconian
SunMinerals: I’ll let you know when I find a Socon with an internet.
HealthPotions: Kay
HealthPotions: How were you planning on running this anyway?
SunMinerals: {Link- custom dice roller}
SunMinerals: Roll the 13 sided for one of us, the 100 sided for a random question.
HealthPotions: Okay, yeah I’ll run this. Gimme a few minutes.
General Chat
IvyHearts: Okay everyone
IvyHearts: I already talked to Stars about this, but he wanted to give you all a say as well.
IvyHearts: We need to submit a team bonding activity for the month, so either we do one of the standard ones or we can play a question and answer game here on the chat now.
IvyHearts: Give me a thumbs up react on this post if you want to do the q&a game here.
[7 people reacted with ‘thumbs up’]
TeamCoach: How is this going to work?
IvyHearts: I have a list of odd questions and a couple of virtual dice. I’ll roll to see who gets what question.
TeamCoach: Okay, that seems fair.
[Briar has reacted with ‘thumbs up’ to Give me a thumbs up react on this post if you want to do the q&a game here.]
IvyHearts: Since I haven’t reacted, that’s 9/13 who are good with this.
IvyHearts: I’m guessing @HammerOfChallenge doesn’t care either way and @FrostLizard would prefer to do neither of them, but this is still a job we have so tough luck.
IvyHearts: Same to @LuxuryLightning and @GoodTwin
IvyHearts: I’ll just start rolling now.
IvyHearts: And hey, at least we start with the person who’s always an open book. @SexyRecon do you have any magazine subscriptions?
SexyRecon: No actual subscriptions, but I do pick up a couple of prank based mags when I see them on shelves.
HammerOfChallenge: That’s tamer than I expected.
SexyRecon: And a few AlChemistry based ones when they start boasting about new sunblock formulas.
ChemLab: D-don’t bother with that. I have discounted subsc-scriptions to all AlChemistry based magazines. I’ll leave the sunblock ones in th-the lab.
SexyRecon: Ooh, nice.
IvyHearts: Look at that, bonding already! Albeit between folks who share the lab.
IvyHearts: Anyways! @TeamCoach this one is obvious but tea or coffee?
TeamCoach: Tea.
GoggledBlade: You really should have re-rolled that one.
IvyHearts: That was a re-roll, the first one had something to do with Earth celebrities we don’t know.
TeamCoach: Ah
GoggledBlade: Ah
IvyHearts: I’ll modify this question. @GoggledBlade as a kid what did you dress up as for costume parties?
GoggledBlade: My folks had me dress up as historical Taroshan swordsmen when I went to those. Keep me connected to the culture and such.
StarTippedArrows: Were you even taking kendo or fencing when you did that?
GoggledBlade: Not formally, but mom did keep my and my sibs up with her family’s style before we could take actual classes.
IvyHearts: Let’s keep this ball rolling! @FrostLizard are you afraid of heights.
FrostLizard: No.
IvyHearts: I suppose that’s the best I’ll get. @GunsNSkulls did you ever get cosmetic surgery?
GunsNSkulls: Do wisdom teeth count?
IvyHearts: No.
GunsNSkulls: Then no
GoggledBlade: You needed to get your wisdom teeth out?
SexyRecon: If you’re going to say what I think you’re going to say, don’t.
StarTippedArrows: Taki, did your wisdom teeth grow in without incident?
GoggledBlade: Did no one else’s?
RufflesInFlight: Its pretty uncommon. My wisdom teeth never got out of my gums, so the dentists are keeping tabs on them.
ChemLab: Same here.
DancingButterfly: I only grew two- bottom left and top right.
StarTippedArrows: I know genetics is a wonky science but how did that happen
DancingButterfly: No idea, my mom and siblings had all four of theirs.
IvyHearts: Warning- this is one of the weirder questions. @RufflesInFlight did you ever poop in the woods?
HammerOfChallenge: Lachlan’s dirt, that is not enough of a warning.
RufflesInFlight: Between being part of a jack of all trades miniguild and a temple exploring archeologist? I’m sure quite a few of us have.
RufflesInFlight: But not me. I could always fly to a more suitable spot.
IvyHearts: Lucky you.
IvyHearts: Oh, I finally rolled myself. ‘Have I ever won a contest?’
IvyHearts: I haven’t. I entered a few during my school times, but its hard to win in contests here in Emplien without a bit of bribery, even if you’re part of the number 3 family.
ChemLab: That’s why I only d-did mail in contests for AlChemistry stuff while I was in sch-school.
GunsNSkulls: Oh Jin, I just now thought about how school woulda been for ya Von. How’d you do?
ChemLab: For the m-most part no one bothered me too much because they’d then h-have to deal with Anniey.
IvyHearts: Damn right. Also, after I graduated, I took us both to Asmeau to get our mage certifications.
ChemLab: So by the t-time I came back I was a certified mage, and the teachers were fond of me for being able to actually understand all their teaching.
ChemLab: Which meant despite the u-uptick of hostility everything was still fine at school.
IvyHearts: People were hostile to you after I left?
StarTippedArrows: I want names, particularly family names.
RufflesInFlight: I’ll take the full names.
IvyHearts: After they get those names, I want territory locations
FrostLizard: Give me all that information
ChemLab: C-calm down. All of you.
ChemLab: I still graduated as a mage and with the equivalent of two years of ec-extra education. One year of badly behaved peers was n-not even a bump on the road, relatively speaking.
SexyRecon: Wait, you graduated on time with the equivalent of two years?
SexyRecon: That beats my record where I took an extra year of education and graduated with the equivalent of two.
HammerOfChallenge: Didn’t we graduate at the same year? I took two years of extra blacksmithing education.
SexyRecon: I was officially part of the 919/921 class because I was born so late in the year, but graduated in 920.
GoggledBlade: Whoo class of 920! Even though I only did one year of my optional education instead of two.
IvyHearts: Okay lets not get into our graduating classes, lets move on with the game!
IvyHearts: @LuxuryLightning what is your least favorite show?
LuxuryLightning: There was this one show I saw just before I graduated. The main character was basically me with red hair.
LuxuryLightning: She had it all at the beginning of the movie, and ended up losing it all and ended up completely humiliated!
LuxuryLightning: I felt for her, truly. I hated everything about the show besides her.
IvyHearts: I’m gonna start pruning results now, try and get each of us to answer once.
SexyRecon: You’re taking a while
IvyHearts: I’m getting a lot of repeat results, including to the questions somehow.
IvyHearts: FINALLY! @HammerOfChallege do you sing in the shower?
HammerOfChallenge: No, I don’t
GoggledBlade: Liar
TeamCoach: Liar
GoodTwin: Liar
HammerOfChallenge: I’m not lying.
GoggledBlade: Mahn, dude, you sing every time we finish our PT
TeamCoach: It’s a mumble-singing, but its definitely not a hum.
HammerOfChallenge: . . . do I?
HammerOfChallenge: It’s not on purpose.
GoodTwin: I sang along with you once and you didn’t realize?
GoggledBlade: My ears still feel blessed from that shower
IvyHearts: Isn’t Aaron our second best singer, below Von?
TeamCoach: I think Mahn actually gives Aaron a run for his money.
IvyHearts: Huh.
IvyHearts: Anyways, @GoodTwin favorite type of fruit pie?
GoodTwin: My dad makes really good pear tarts, does that count?
LuxuryLightning: He really does, I’ve yet to find any pie or tart that compares.
StarTippedArrows: That sounds intriguing.
IvyHearts: It does. @ChemLab what kind of records do you have?
ChemLab: Just the o-ones you gave me as a gift. I listen to t-tapes more often.
SexyRecon: The Otturi language tapes right? The ones you sing along with when you’re in your element in the lab?
ChemLab: Yes.
IvyHearts: @DancingButterfly to our resident pink expert, do you think ok for guys to wear pink?
DancingButterfly: I mean, why can’t they?
SexyRecon: Anniey did say earlier this list references Earth things, and this is one of their gender roles/ restrictions/ whatever. Pink for girls and blue for boys.
DancingButterfly: Pink is just light red though?
RufflesInFlight: Girls get part of the red spectrum and boys get the whole of blue?
StarTippedArrows: Why are the Earths the way they are?
GoggledBlade: Is pink the opposite of blue somehow?
LuxuryLightning: They’re not even opposites on the color wheel, if that’s what they were trying to do. Blue’s opposite is orange, and pink being a part of red means its opposite would be in the greens!
IvyHearts: As fun as bashing Earth culture is, that’s probably not company approved bonding.
IvyHearts: @StarTippedArrows final question, do you count your steps as you walk?
StarTippedArrows: No, not really? I usually measure my runs by what landmarks I pass or make it to.
StarTippedArrows: Or if I have to use a gym treadmill, by time.
FrostLizard: Are we done now?
IvyHearts: Yeah, mom should accept this as a team bonding activity.
FrostLizard: Good
FrostLizard has logged out
0 notes
starsrshiney · 2 years
Pinned Post
Note: If you follow with a blank profile, you will be reported as a bot and blocked. The same applies for if you leave a like and have explicit videos, but I'm more willing to believe that blank profiles may be confused newbies.
Responses to Asks/Anons
My OCs tag (let me tell you about mah ocs)
Sparsely updated tag with how the OCs look (more like let me show you mah ocs)
My Worldbuilding Tag (Socon World Building)
Starsnapped (actual canon for Socon?!?)
^Chronological link for non-app users
Universe 1.1.1 (Chatfic fanfic of canon I've yet to write much of)
^Chronologial link for non-app users
Fanfic ideas I'll never write
and crossover brain for crossovers I'll never write
All the Art in my Likes (Self explanatory)
My Collection of Resources and Stuff (Started as writing and drawing resources, branched out into IRL help, now mostly just writing prompts)
I Want These Codes Back (Codes for ACNH authors, ACNL QR codes, and Tomodachi Life QR Codes)
A Place to Store Sims Stuff (Self explanatory)
Just an OC Chart Hoarding Sideblog (Self explanatory)
A Pile of OC Questions (Self explanatory)
My Video Library (Self explanatory)
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