barco96-blog · 6 years
UF IFAS Solutions
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The social media platform I decided to observe was the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Facebook page (@UFIFASNews). The purpose of UF/IFAS is develop knowledge in agricultural, human and natural resources so that knowledge is available to enhance the quality of human life.  I chose this because without the ability of the development of agricultural there would be no human life.
The UF/IFAS Facebook page constantly posts daily about important news that relates to their purpose of enhancing knowledge in agricultural. Such as scholarships available, articles about new diseases, and opportunities available for students such as summer camps in IFAS Extensions. The Facebook page is a great tool to keep students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences up to date with news that pertains to them. It also posts articles that students might find interesting about new studies like Gene editing to improve crops and new species of fruit flies. These articles will give students motivation to learn more about these topics and further their education in enhancing quality of human life.
The UF/IFAS Facebook page is easily accessible by the push of the like button. Once you are a follower of the page you will be able to navigate through their home page because of how good they balanced the weight of the page. In the middle of the page they have all their posts, on the right they have contact information, and on the left they have tabs to other social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and gallery of photos and videos. The contrast of the page makes everything so easy to use because they break up sections by grouping and keep the layout consistent.
Inconclusion the UF/IFAS Facebook page is a great social media tool to keep students updated on upcoming events, opportunities, and news. They displayed all five principle of design on their home page which makes it very easy to navigate and find information.
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gittastuff-blog · 6 years
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Name: University of Florida College of Nursing
Social Media Platform: Facebook
Groups Handle: @ufcon
For my subculture analysis, I followed the University of Florida College of Nursing Facebook page in order to analyze the college’s showcasing of the many achievement’s of it’s students and alumna. The UF College of Nursing Facebook page is primarily used for things such as new fundraisers and charities the college is participating in, information of upcoming meetings for it’s primary outlet club, UFSNA, or other things like announcing new soon-to-be graduates of the program. Yet, one main characteristic of their page is posts stating the accomplishments made by their alumni. One accomplishment that stood out was the recent study published by an alumna working at Shands Hospital on the nutrition for premature infants.
When viewing the page you are easily able to find certain topics you are looking for. On the left hand side there are links that will direct you to events coming up, photos recently posted and anything else you need to learn about the college. If you have any other questions you are able to immediately direct message them with a “send message” link on top of the page as well as “other related pages” to the right hand side of the page. The page keeps their posts very concise and to the point with many graphics and simple instructions if the reader were to follow a link to another website. A reader can easily scan through the page to find out various amounts of information, or conveivcntly click on the link on the right side to go to the specific information or section they were looking for.
By keeping their posts short, to the point and filled with visually appealing graphics UF College of Nursing is able to give the reader all the information they need, while still keeping their attention. This is important as these techniques could help the page give out vital information such as due dates for applications or any other important matter.
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sundrysanvidge-blog · 6 years
UF Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society
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Name: Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Social media platform: Facebook
Handle: @ufwildlifesociety
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gr00k-blog · 6 years
The page and media that I choose to review was the student run top ten radio station GHQ by looking at their Facebook page. GHQ is an interactive student experience available through the college of journalism but is open to all UF students.
When you look at their Facebook you are shown a ticker of events that either correlate to on campus information or the latest gossip on musical artists. The format is standard to that of a normal Facebook page which means news stories and posts are on the main attraction here.
The page itself seems to be out dated as it hasn’t been updated since early April. That being said the pages that it links to such as dance marathon and the college of journalism are up to date and thus makes the page at least a solid hub for gathering information on events within the college. The main reason for this webpage is to direct students who are seeking involvement or information within the college of journalism. If this page were to perform to its specified requirements I’m sure that it would be a useful tool to all students.
That being said while the Facebook page is underwhelming in terms of content and consistency, which may be due to the summer, their twitter however is up to date so there is still hope for the organization’s online presence. That being said the close inspection I had to do for the organization that I admittedly have a bias towards (due to being a part of it) falls short in nearly all aspects of effective web design and social media usage.
In closing this is a terrible Facebook page and you can find better and more accurate information elsewhere. I would suggest that all UF students look online, through the advising office, or just asking teachers and students about opportunities on campus should they be so interested.
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bribinion-blog · 6 years
UF College of Public Health and Health Professions
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I observed the University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions’ Facebook (@UFPHHP). They are constantly keeping their followers updated with upcoming events, the latest research and people receiving awards and recognition. They incorporate numerous pictures and captions into their posts. Within their posts they keep the caption short and concise, so their followers can read through the caption quickly and understand what the post is about. Also, if the post is a collage of photos the main pictures that you see are attention grabbing and make you want to explore the other pictures to see what is going on.  I noticed that the organization does not interact with their followers. Many colleges and organizations will post polls asking people what type of events are they interested in, however this college does not do that. Despite the lack of interaction, the College of Public Health and Health Professions’ Facebook provides intriguing, attention grabbing material.
In one post, the College of Public Health and Health Professions is shining a light on one graduate receiving his Ph.D. in Epidemiology. The graduate wanted to think his mother for her hard work and dedication. The post showed a picture of him with his mother at the graduation along with a poem that he wrote for his mother. The post drew my attention because graduation is such as exciting time where you are celebrating your hard work and commitment to education. Furthermore, the picture and poem also grabbed my attention because it created contrast from the rest of the post.
The University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions is able to grab their followers’ attention by adding contrast between the text, images, and videos. The contrast makes the readers want to learn more about post and what other things are going on in the college.
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alianasblogposts · 6 years
UF College of Agricultural and Life Science (CALS)
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Platform: Facebook
Handle: UF College of Agricultural and Life Science
The facebook page run by the UF CALS department is followed by many students to keep up with events in the college and get questions answered. They make posts almost daily and relate info about people and notices that may be important to know about.
When you first enter the home page the first thing you see is a large cover video straight at the top center. On the right side you can locate info on their story, the community, location, team members, and related pages. On the left are links to their about info, events, photos, twitter, reviews, videos, notes, posts, jobs and community. The middle of the page first shows some recent photos, reviews and videos before showing some of the posts they made. Its a great way to see how your potential future college may look like when going to UF. It helps adapting to new college life easier instead of having to wait until you actual get there to know what goes on.
I’m sure many students know the struggles of finding someone to talk to who can answer questions you may have about majors or knowledge relating to school. With the ability to ask questions on the platform you may get help faster then the traditional way competing with private time by a person at school. You may also connect with other students, graduates, or faculty on there and create connections that may help you down the line. Even more helpful they post about scholarships and jobs that you may apply to.
Its extremely helpful and can lead you to learn more about resources around you. The info is easy to find and made simple to use.
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canenblr-blog · 6 years
UF Warrington College of Business
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The Warrington College of Business Facebook page is a great place to gain insightful knowledge from professors, learn about what alumni are doing, and sharpen your professional skills. The school also has its own website where scholars, students, and alumni can read blogs with information pertaining to the business world. The links are usually posted so all of the followers can access the articles.
Recently, the page posted an article written in the New York Times that included data complied by Warrington scholar Jay Ritter. The linked article talked about the unprofitability on a per share basis of companies that went public last year. Ritter’s research was used in the article to provide confirmation of the author’s thesis. 
Another linked article provided research by scholar Mo Wang on the whether younger or older entrepreneurs had an advantage. The article discussed how younger people are more likely to form new ideas and intentions due to their perspective on time. Younger people are more likely to live longer, so they perceive that they have more time turn ideas into fruition. However, older entrepreneurs are more likely to turn their idea into reality because they have prior experience and knowledge.
The Warrington College of Business loves to brag about their alumni. They routinely post links about what accolades and awards their graduates are winning. One of the most recent is a post congratulating Jane Sun on being named to the Forbes Asia Emergent 25 List of businesswomen. Women are put on the list based on their exceptional work in regional businesses across Asia and the impact they have had in their field.
The Facebook page is a great way for all business gators to connect and read interesting articles about the realm of business not only in Gainesville, but around the globe. The page can be accessed by going to facebook.com/UFWarrington/ or by searching @UFWarrington in search bar.
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sedagrrl · 6 years
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Platform: Facebook , Handle: UFPharmacy
The UF College of Pharmacy’s facebook page is designed to celebrate students, graduates, and the community while keeping followers up to date with news of pharmaceutical discoveries, promotional videos, campaigns for health, upcoming events, and graduation ceremony photos from students. The page stays active every week, with new posts from faculty and graduate students. 
In the left corner of the page, there are sidebars that help to navigate followers looking for events, related pages, videos, photos, and community posts. Some of the events include the Annual Healthcare Summit and social events in cafes or restaurants. The 4th Annual Healthcare Summit was hosted by the University of Central Florida, and many researchers and pharmacists from UF attended, posting promotional videos with research on cyanobacteria, red algae and its impacts on sunscreen, and pharmacogenomics.
Among all of the page’s video postings, there are mostly videos highlighting students’ experiences and commemorating their journeys. These videos seek to show followers or any incoming students the beauty of the College of Pharmacy and their motto of “Putting families first”. One of the impact videos showed a third-year student, Emilie Bergsma, who was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was in high school. Her story credits her medical diagnosis as the first time she became interested in a career in pharmacy. Her struggles motivated her to study in the UF Gainesville campus College of Pharmacy (there is another campus in Jacksonville) to support herself to work in a children’s research hospital and specialize in oncology pharmacy. 
Overall, this colorful facebook page shares the experiences of the College of Pharmacy’s community in a way that informs followers of what they are investing themselves in and its potential global impacts.
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Platform: Twitter 
Handle: @UFCALS 
The twitter account run by the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences department has nearly 4,500 followers and 6,500 tweets. It serves as a platform to update students, professors, alumni and all those interested on current events related to the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences as well as other main school events. 
Posts are made on a day-to-day basis, both text and graphics. Since the text per post is limited to 140 characters per tweet, all posts are concise and straightforward. Posts that are indicated to show more information often have either an informational graphic or video attached with news, facts, congratulatory remarks, and more. 
The account also makes use of hashtags such as #UFAnsci for Animal Science related tweets, #UFABE for UF Agricultural and Biological Engineering, #UFAEEO for UF Field Ecology of Aquatic Organisms and a variety of others. These hashtags allow the reader to navigate easier through their platform as it allows them to narrow down the tweets if they are looking for specific information.
UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ twitter account also comments back and retweets tweets from other platforms such as other UF Clubs or organizations that relay or contain relatable and important information. All posts appear in chronological order of when the account holder; in this case UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; posts, quotes or retweets a tweet.
In summary, this site does an impressive job of keeping students, professors and those other interested, updated on current events and relaying both important information and interesting facts. With the use of hashtags and concise text, a student could find it easy to navigate through the substantial amount of information that the account holds. It serves as a perfect platform for students to use, as students are usually “on-the-go” and this site can be easily viewed through a mobile application on almost any smart phone or tablet. One does not even have to have a twitter account to access this information, it is just quick access information and quite simple to use.
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UF CISE on Twitter: @UFCISE
The UF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department maintains a twitter account that they use to appeal to their target audience and improve their image.
The UF CISE twitter page appeals to its target audience by retweeting posts from other official UF accounts that are relevant to current and prospective CISE students. For example, its most recent post is a retweet from the UF Admissions twitter page about incoming students. This tweet, like almost every tweet on the page, is accompanied by a colorful image to keep the attention of the target audience.
UF CISE improves their image by using the UF CISE twitter page to post pictures of smiling, happy people at UF CISE events, and by tweeting about the recent successes of faculty and former students. There are numerous tweets about the UF FICS Co-Director Patrick Traynor and his new product, as well as images of students graduating with Computer Science and Engineering degrees.
UF CISE does not publish new tweets every day, but for a university department official twitter page, UF CISE stays relatively fresh with three tweets per week on average. This page would most likely be more effective, however, if it updated more frequently with new posts.
UF CISE also uses their twitter page to counter negative views about the department’s racial diversity and their treatment of people of color. In the past few months they have retweeted several posts from conferences for black engineers and computer programmers that feature UF CISE faculty. UF CISE also has a few tweets from the past week about the first two black women to earn a PhD from the department. Black students are hugely underrepresented in the undergraduate computer science population, so UF CISE is probably trying to reach out to more black students interested in computer science fields.
The UF CISE twitter page does not include a lot of specific information about the department or its programs or events. Instead the department uses the twitter page to build their brand and to attract the attention of current and prospective students.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
UF College of Dentistry
Platform: Facebook
Handle: UFDentistry
The UF College of Dentistry Facebook page is a great resource that allows people to stay up to date on what is going on in the world of the UF College of Dentistry as well as have their questions answered about the actual clinic. Their Facebook page has over six thousand followers and posts almost everyday.
Immediately when you click on to the UF College of Dentistry Facebook page, you are greeted by a large cover photo of the students in the DMD, Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry, Class of 2018. On the left side of the page you are provided access to general information about the page and clinic, reviews, photos, videos, and more. The middle of the page gives a little peek of what a few of the main sections, from the left side of the Facebook page like reviews and photos. Following the previews of those sections, it flows into the actual posts of the College of Dentistry. On the right side of the Facebook page, it showcases information about the actual dental clinic, the community of people that interact and follow the UF College of Dentistry Facebook page, and some other Facebook pages related to the College of Dentistry.
The Facebook page does a really good job of combining information about the actual dental clinic side of the UF College of Dentistry and events stemming from the educational side. The page is very neatly organized which allows for easy access to any information that someone could be looking for. Within two clicks from the UF College of Dentistry Facebook home page, you are able to find upcoming events that the Dental School is affiliated with, photos taken from any previous event with the Dental School, or even make an appointment with dental clinic to have your oral needs taken care of.
The Facebook page provides a straightforward and simple way to find just about any information you could need about the UF College of Dentistry.
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megstechwritingblog · 6 years
UF Exotic Animal Club
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Platform: Facebook
Handle: UFExoticAnimalClub
The UF Exotic Animal Club is a great way for students who love animals and wildlife to get involved on campus.  The UF Exotic Animal Club’s Facebook page makes meeting dates/times and other opportunities readily available for students.  The page also uses visuals to grab a reader’s attention and encourages people to get involved in the club.
On the left side of the Facebook page, there are links that direct students to information about the club, its members, photos, events and more.  When you click on the event tab, you can see all the meetings, social events, and service events.  The calendar makes finding event dates incredibly simple.  The club officers will also post reminders about meeting dates in case people forget.  The individual event pages give students information about event times, locations, and a synopsis about what the event is about.  The event summary is short and only gives the information the students need to know about the event so they don’t get bored.  The event pages also include a funny picture to get students interested in going to the event.
The Facebook page has many other ways that students can get involved with the club apart from the events themselves.  There are frequent polls which allow members to choose what event dates and times work best for their schedule.  This increases member participation and helps students feel like they have an impact on the club itself.  There are posts that link students to outside information that might interest them.  For example, one of the club officers made a post about Ellen Degeneres’ Wildlife Fund T-shirts and included a link to the webpage, which would help raise money for the conservation of endangered gorillas.  In addition, the club also allows some students to post their own information if they find something exciting related to exotic animals or even if they have a question about college in general.
The UF Exotic Animal Club’s Facebook page is a great platform to find out more about the club and to get involved.  
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