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My original IG page @justbmore was disabled after I responded to a racist harassing me & spreading hate speech. The victim gets punished but the racist thrives & account remains intact. How does that work @instagram @instagramforbusiness @creators @design @instagram? Are we promoting a platform that helps racist like the coward pictured. He remains online to harass, say & do racist things to people, however my other account with over 3k followers was shut down & I had to start over from scratch. Are we just allowing racist to create & say racist stereotypes & propaganda & agenda & do nothing? I am just curious as to how this works & what’s next? Is this platform going to start to protect sex offenders, rapist, child molesters, child abusers pedophiles, women beaters etc. instead protecting the victims & providing resources to the victims of these cowards? I just want to make sure how this platform is moving, so I can move forward & move accordingly. Keep me posted IG & everyone else that matters, Good morning, prosper & have a productive day. Please have character & don’t be like the people I mentioned, you’re better than that. #racism #racismisavirus #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismistaught #racismisapublichealthcrisis #racismsucks #racismstillexists #igisracist #igprotectspedophiles #victimblaming #socialmediagonewrong #socialmediagonecrazy #ryancorcoran #ryancorcoranband #racismawareness #putracistsonblast #influencer #socialmediainfluencer #virtualinfluencer #digitalinfluencer #lifelessons #characterflaws #redflags #redflags🚩 #racistamongus #racismin2022 #stopracism #stopracist #endracism https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2IqQNOs1w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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