#social mrdia
mysharona1987 · 4 years
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shhivang12-blog · 4 years
connect useallot with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network
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ahsanshah · 4 years
Future of Journalisam;Matiullah jan& Anwar jan khetran
Our country is facing numerous challenges which needs to be resolved for sustainable development. social media activists and journalists are face of community by which their several problems are addressed.in the recent times several cases of abduction,force disappreances,torture,detention killing of mrdia activists raised many questions about the future of media .constitution of Pakistan guarantees fundamental right of freedom of speech to its citizens.every one has the right to express his/her point of view about the performance of military institution,elite politicians and high class judiciary.Matiullah jan was abducted by unknown group and was kept in detention for one day. later on he was released.In his interview he related this happenings to forces and law implementation institutions .But analysts and critical thinker connects this incident with the planning of those mastermind criminal who use the image of police to spread misconception about the credibility of uniform forces in the country. masterminds are continuously using the image of institutions to mobilize their network easily.supreme court of Pakistan took the notice of incident.chief justice said,no one is above law and all the citizens are bound to follow the law made by our constitution.
Another high profile killing of a media activist Anwar jan khetran happened in district barkhan pf balochistan.Balochistan which has average literacy rate of 44% is already struggling in the field of mass communication.Anwar jan was freedom fighter,critical thinker,founder of several organizations for the fundamental rights of poor people and also voice of numerous downtrodden and vulnerable groups of district Barkhan and its surroundings.He always worked for the rights of poor people and uprisings of their problems.He received many threats from elite politicians and strong tribal dictators.He proclaimed several times in his speech about the treats to his life but none of law implementation institutions and intelligence agencies have taken it seriously.
Anwar jan khetran is no more with us but there are many Anwar jan who are still raising their voice at the stake of their life.no one is caring about their lives and the challenges toward media are increasing day by day.Both the cases of Matiullah jan and Anwar jan khetran are of different intent but both needs equal attention from concerned authorities .strategical and planned investigations sould be done,in blocking such future happenings.A team comprising of intelligence agency and experts from investigation group without any influence of institutions should investigate it on priority basis.Big investigations as in past are alwsys influenced by institutional references and and elite politicians.This culture of investigation should be improved with sheer and transparent one .
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mysharona1987 · 4 years
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mysharona1987 · 4 years
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