#sobhita dhulipala biography
bcrgamvts · 4 months
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FULL  NAME:  danika  chakravarthy
BIRTHDAY:  january  18,  1992
AGE:  thirty2
PRONOUNS:  she/her/hers
SEXUALITY:  bisexual  /  biromantic
OCCUPATION:  ghost  writer  /  video  game  concept  artist
HEIGHT:  5’9”
EYE  COLOR:  dark  brown
HAIR  COLOR:  black
BIRTHPLACE:  upper  west  side,  manhattan,  new  york  city
CURRENTLY  LIVES:  cardinal  hill
SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:  english,  telugu,  hindi,  &  spanish
FACECLAIM:  sobhita  dhulipala
danika  was  born  into  a  family  invested  in  literature  —  her  father  a  longstanding  editor  for  random  house  before  its  big  merger  with  penguin  in  2013,  while  her  mother  is  a  beloved  gothic  and  victorian  literature  professor  at  columbia  university.  it  became  less  a  matter  if  danika  and  her  siblings  would  enjoy  reading  as  a  hobby,  but  when.  especially  since  books  were  oftentimes  scattered  around  the  brownstone  townhouse  the  bustling  family  lived  in,  from  the  novels  being  discussed  in  her  mother’s  courses,  to  the  manuscripts  in  her  father’s  office  that  danika  would  more  often  than  not  sneak  into  to  read.
creativity  was  embraced  in  the  chakravarthy  household,  but  not  to  an  extent  that  should  danika  or  her  siblings  find  more  academic  holding  in  stem  that  it  should  deter  them.  danika  herself  would  discover  her  dual  love  for  art  and  writing  at  an  early  age,  oftentimes  drawing  illustrations  to  work  alongside  the  short  stories  she  would  write.  she  remembers  the  encouragement  of  her  parents,  even  going  to  show  her  how  her  passion  for  her  two  skills  can  be  applied  to  many  creative  forms  whether  that  be  children’s  books,  comics,  or  even  graphic  novels.  to  danika,  her  artistic  ability  shined  brighter  than  her  storytelling  abilities.  for  this  reason  she  would  sharpen  her  focus  on  her  drawing  skills,  practicing  enough  and  enrolling  in  extracurricular  classes  that  would  allow  her  to  hone  in  on  her  craft.  her  parents’  income  allowed  for  danika  to  be  tutored  privately,  keeping  her  grades  up  across  the  board  so  she  could  later  on  apply  to  the  rhode  island  school  of  design  for  drawing.
high  school  fades  into  college  where  danika  does  go  on  to  pursue  an  illustration  degree  from  rhode  island  school.  during  this  time  she  still  writes,  dabbles  in  her  journal  with  short  stories  and  ideas  for  potential  future  writings,  but  that’s  all  she  ever  really  views  it  —  dabbling.  for  as  much  as  danika  would  like  to  write  her  own  book  and  have  a  finished  manuscript,  like  the  ones  that  look  at  home  on  her  father’s  desk  in  his  office,  danika  struggles  putting  the  pieces  together  to  form  a  full  and  cohesive  narrative.  or  so  she  tells  herself.  it’s  with  that  in  mind  that  she  decides  her  future  holds  best  a  career  that  showcases  her  art.  her  undergraduate  years  are  filled  with  hard  work  and  fun,  before  danika  is  walking  across  the  stage  with  her  degree  in  hand.
danika  takes  up  odd  jobs  here  and  there  in  the  first  three  years  post  college  when  she  moves  back  home  to  manhattan,  not  quite  feeling  fulfilled  at  what  she’s  doing  with  her  art  when  she  knows  she’s  capable  of  so  much  more.  it’s  on  a  whim  that  danika  decides  to  apply  at  a  video  game  company  for  their  open  concept  artist  position  despite  not  being  much  of  a  video  game  person  herself.  her  flair  for  details  between  conceptual  character  art  and  landscapes  is  what  earns  her  the  job  and  as  she  settles  in,  danika  comes  to  realize  that  she’s  found  her  place.
as  the  years  progress  and  danika  enters  her  late  twenties,  she  meets  her  partner  where  the  two  would  eventually  go  on  to  become  engaged.  danika  settles  into  her  career  with  a  promotion  and  pay  raise  before  slowly  dipping  her  toes  back  into  writing.  she  may  have  stopped  writing  in  her  journal  as  much,  but  it’s  with  the  insistence  of  her  father  that  she  doesn’t  bury  her  voice  and  somehow  finds  herself  in  the  side  gig  of  a  ghost  writer.  her  parents  both  think  danika  is  more  than  capable  of  fully  devoting  herself  to  writing  her  own  book  and  it  being  successful  on  its  own  merit,  but  for  now,  danika  is  happy  to  write  out  the  inner  machinations  of  someone  else's  mind.  danika  pushes  her  own  self  doubts  regarding  her  creativity  to  the  side  and  enjoys  the  budding  collection  on  her  bookshelf  of  books  she’s  technically  written,  but  have  the  name  of  someone  else.  the  books  act  as  a  physical  reminder  that  her  writing  is  good  enough  to  be  published  even  if  she  hasn’t  ever  taken  the  plunge  with  her  own  ideas.  danika  is  content  with  where  she  is  in  both  her  art  career  and  her  writing  pursuits.
in  terms  of  her  romantic  life,  danika  wishes  she  was  as  thriving  as  she  is  in  her  career.  she  and  her  partner  were  together  for  five  years  and  engaged  for  a  year  and  a  half  when  things  began  to  get  rocky.  her  partner  suggested  moving  to  their  hometown  of  blue  harbor,  illinois  due  to  their  new  job  offer  in  chicago.  both  believed  a  change  of  scenery  and  pace  was  what  their  relationship  needed.  fast  forward  eight  months  and  the  two  come  to  the  mutual  decision  to  end  their  relationship.  each  claim  a  differing  reason  as  to  why  they  grew  apart,  but  the  only  agreeable  bit  of  information  is  that  the  two  are  stuck  together  in  their  lease  for  another  few  months  since  whoever  breaks  it  is  responsible  to  their  share  of  rent  until  the  other  is  able  to  find  a  secondary  roommate  to  takeover,  or  pay  until  the  end  of  the  lease.  as  it’s  a  fairly  pricey  apartment,  neither  want  to  be  the  one  to  waste  their  money.
never  one  to  retreat  with  her  tail  between  her  legs,  danika  keeps  her  complaints  to  the  confines  of  her  family  and  is  sticking  it  out  in  hopes  of  moving  onto  the  next  chapter  of  her  life  soon.  sharing  an  apartment  with  your  now  ex  is  less  than  desirable,  but  danika  is  hoping  that  it  at  least  builds  character.  now  she’s  stuck  in  the  town  of  her  ex  and  his  family,  wishing  she  was  back  in  manhattan  but  also  slowly  growing  to  enjoy  blue  harbor.  to  her,  it  feels  almost  like  a  betrayal  with  how  her  life  flipped  since  arriving  and  she  tells  herself  once  her  lease  comes  due  in  four  months  that  her  bags  will  be  packed  once  again  for  new  york.
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xastrainclinant · 5 months
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( tully b / sobhita dhulipala / cis woman + she/her ) hear ye hear ye — king garlan tyrell welcomes lady mariya tully of riverrun! his great majesty is glad that the twenty-nine year old noble appears to be gregarious while overlooking that it’s said they are also inconsistent, as long as they are glad to celebrate peace in the seven kingdoms. fortunately for them, garlan remains oblivious that they are happy with his reign and that their true allegiance lies with the riverlands. 
Name: mariya tully Age: 29 Orientation: pansexual Loyalties: house tully - the riverlands; house stark + house arryn loosely Religious affiliation: faith of the seven but sometimes she takes a notion to pray to the old gods of her father too Appearance: her lithe frame can at times make her appear taller than her 5'9 height. thick, dark waves are usually pulled back from her face but only enough so that they do not get in the way and still kept relatively loose. Gait: there's a lightness to her steps that often makes it seem as though she is dancing her way through life, a spring in her step and always a sense of urgency. Aesthetic: paint smudged cheeks dimpling with an irresistible grin; laughter falling easily from rosy lips as she entertains herself with her own quick remarks;
Father: edmure tully Father: jason tully née blackwood Siblings: three siblings Extended family: house blackwood (cousins) Marital status: unwed, unbetrothed
Traits: impulsive, sociable, intelligent, engaging, sarcastic, restless, adventurous, affectionate, quick witted, careless, stubborn, charismatic, energetic, wilful, resourceful. Values: she values her freedom above almost all else. the freedom to speak her mind, to life her life however she might choose. to make decisions when she wants to and not when she is supposed to. she values people who allow her space, free from expectations, rather than those would seek to stifle her. Fears: a cage or any feeling of being trapped. it is the main reason she has been so resistant towards the idea of a marriage, despite knowing that it's what is wanted for her she cannot bring herself to want it too when there is no guarantee that her spouse will allow her the same space that her family has. Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral Temperament: sanguine Zodiac: sagittarius sun, aries moon, gemini rising
tl;dr - headstrong nature has long been indulged by her family, allowing her to live her life according to her own whims ( within reason ) and so she struggles to take life seriously enough at times. with an intelligent mind that is rarely sated, the tully finds herself constantly searching for the next thing that will spark enjoyment. though away of her position and what is expected from her, mariya intends to delay the supposed inevitable for as long as possible, reluctant to trade her freedom in for a life of duty. though her love for her family and the riverlands might be the one thing that could persuade her to set aside her more selfish notions.
tw parental death
though the lords tully were not always her father, riverrun is the only home she had ever known. born to a groom and his wife, who passed in childbirth, mariya’s first memories within the keep are of the stables. she has been told that she quickly won all over with her dark eyes and easy smile, countless others helping to raise her alongside her father.
with so many around to love her, mariya became accustomed to the attention and grew into something of a precocious child. she was rarely bored and when she was it was all too easy to find someone who would indulge her.
she was four years old when her father was killed in an accident, leaving her an orphan but not without family. it took the lords tully very little time to decide to adopt mariya as one of their own children, already familiar and fond.
as she grew she developed a knack for getting her way, always ever so convincing with both the logic she laid out and her pleading gaze. first it was convincing her fathers to let her see more of the riverlands, staying with any bannermen that wished to host her or within inns and taverns. her claim had been that she wished to establish stronger bonds with their banners and while not entirely a lie it was mostly her wanderlust that had driven it.
when she was in her teens such persuasions had resulted in a spell in oldtown, this time convincing her fathers that the knowledge of the citadel would provide her with useful knowledge for the future and perhaps even connections. this time her decision was not so selfish, knowing how much her cousin and lady wished to go.
there is some acknowledgement of the notion that she is expected to marry to secure alliances for her family, though it is not a responsibility she feels all that keenly. instead she notes her other siblings and thinks them all just as capable, if not more so, of securing a stark or an arryn for themselves. she believes that there is far too much of the world left for her to see before she has to become someone’s wife.
mariya had little interest in books but she was endlessly fascinated by more creative endeavours and so painting has always been one of the few things that she partakes in that could be described as calming. she still finds it soothing and even now if she is fond of someone she will either paint them or paint for them to show it.
she still has a fondness for horses that she credits to her early years in the stables and if there is ever a time she goes missing she is likely riding. one of the few ventures that she has been consistent in is the breeding of horses, establishing a fine line from what had been her father's favourite mare.
her ladies in waiting
past relationships
friendships kept alive by ravens
alliances she is supposed to be making
people she has gotten off on the wrong foot with
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sahernayak · 5 months
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➵  basics
name: saher nayak nickname: n/a age / d.o.b. october 27, 1990; 34. faceclaim: sobhita dhulipala gender & sexuality: cis-female, bi. hometown: mandawa, rajasthan. currently:  west village, nyc. affiliation: syndicate.  job position: plastic surgeon education: high school diploma / bachelore degree in biology / stanford university school of medicine / general surgery residency program / fellowship training in plastic and reconstructive surgery residency program relationship status: single. children: none.
➵  traits
positive: adaptive, diligent, passionate, resourceful negative: callous, liar, emotionally stunted, unpredictable
➵  biography 
Mandawa, Rajasthan was a good place — at least that's how much Saher could remember of it. The world flickered in green and yellow, the colors of her mother's skirt as she danced around barefoot and sung, as loud as she could, to the tune her father was playing. They'd swallow their drinks until morning came and drown out the rest. They lived poor, but they were joyful (as long as there was music and alcohol around) She lived to hear the music stop one day, when her father moved away. To provide for a better life, her mother had said as she wiped her tears away. She didn't know how much of that was true, because Saher barely saw of her mother anymore, between the two jobs and the house work, she wondered if she ever got any sleep at all.
Resentment settled in. A few years later, the suitcases were packed, and the flights were booked and sixteen hours flew by like seconds. The family reunited, but nothing felt the same anymore.
Saher was an imigrant child, a transfer — her english was good but not good enough. She felt like something less, unworthy of attention, even if all eyes had been on her — staring (her clothes, her shoes, her hair.) She became a target.
It's how she found herself in between flying punches, her first fight. She won it too. Had the other girl tumbling down the stairs. Detention was nothing compared to her good grades, those stellar A's.
One fight turned into several, and now her peers were avoiding her for an entirely different reason.
Don't look at that one, she might punch you in the jaw — a rumor far better than the ones she saw written on bathroom stalls before. She'd rather be feared, than mocked.
Things escalated quickly, because the world moved fast, but Saher moved faster. Her mother called it a cry for help, the first time she saw her get on a motorcycle, and her father called it stupidity, when by the time she was twenty, she had broken both of her legs — twice.
Reckless endarganment is what the cops said, and Saher was inclined to agree with the last diagnosis. It was sheer recklesness that drove her into trouble's arms and it was recklesness that kept her there.
She was lacking in the empathy department and growing colder by the day.
None of that kept her from getting her medical degree. Medical student turned surgeon in the span of thirteen years. Saher was a good doctor — calculated and precise; sharp edge of a knife. Knife was all that mattered, because care was complicated, care required a level of selflesness that she didn't posess. It was somewhere between the life lessons lost, and that same recklesness that drove her down the highway at three hundred miles per hour, that Saher nearly crashed and burned her career into the ground. A stupid mistake turned fatal. An accident that had opened up a door for her, because she's been thriving in dishonesty since she was a child. Insignificant childish lies turned into theft and now forgary — There was no going back now — now that the lies spilled not only from her mouth, but on paper too. She lied without even flinching. Saher hid the evidence, and she hid it well, just like she used to stolen goods. Play with fire, and you'll only get burned — but being burnt is what she wanted, she played with the flames all faerless and glazy-eyed and that was surely bound the catch the attention of people in need of such an asset to their lives— the woman that feared no man, and no consequences, and spat in the face of anything that didn't work in her favor.
➵  connections
Jeong-in Kang | ally Fellow Residents | open Syndicate members | open
➵  headcanons
only joined the syndicate because Jeong-in Kang was more convincing than the other guy.
doesn't trust anyone fully
would only do something if there's personal gain
would dispose of anyone when she no longer needs them
actually loved her job and regrets fucking it up
still keep in contact with her parents
fucks around too much
owns two motorcycles
knows how to shoot a gun, and owns one
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senatushq · 8 months
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NAME. Priya Chandra AGE & BIRTH DATE. 339 & June 13th, 1684 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Daemonfey ( Liche ) OCCUPATION. Employee at Blud FACE CLAIM. Sobhita Dhulipala
In order to survive the Abyss, one had to be the strongest. That’s what her father would repeat over and over again. Bedtime stories rarely revolved around a prince in shining armor or the endless depths of friendship, but rather the cruelties one had to face in order to survive. To become stronger meant sacrifice and the abandonment of moralities. Priya never believed in such things as she considered herself to be a rare defender of individualism within her coven. A sorceress desiring the end of their dog eats dog society. With Hassan being one of the elders, her father put more pressure onto his daughter than necessary. Caving once her father sugarcoated the customs and power struggles that lead to traumatic events within the coven, Priya was sucked into this world, naive enough to put her father’s wishes over her own. What if he was right? An Elder with high ambitions trying to get his daughter to be more powerful and ready to survive surely wouldn’t have any ulterior motives. Instead, the sorceress slowly began to accept her father’s guidance in exchange for power.
Various challenges followed. Much like Herakles before her, the sorceress was tasked to complete dangerous challenges for the sake of enhancing her powers. Seeing as she didn’t have what it took to be as powerful as her father wanted her to be, he specifically pushed her further into this world, cutthroat, ambitious, survivalists of the worst kind. They had ambitions to become immortal, so to honor the coven’s values, Priya put herself in grave danger to find meaning in her sacrifice. Do not cry for the sacrificial lamb; she’s the one sharpening the knife. To be a sorceress means endless sacrifice to achieve one’s ends and Priya desperately tried to please her coven. Following that path, she forced herself through the darkness, conjured dark magic to defeat her unfortunate enemies. The more time she spent challenging herself, the deeper her father forced her down this road of sacrifice and obedience, the more he heart rebelled. Despite what her coven preached, her heart’s own desire was already reserved for someone else. A Vampire of all creatures, someone who’d already achieved immortality.
What was supposed to be a real testament of her own strength turned out to be a nightmare. Once invited, the vampire attacked them, fed and laid waste to their coven like nothing before. Old and wise, he knew how to have them running for the hills to further excite their blood. Priya awoke among the smell of smoke, burning buildings and laughter echoing through the darkness. Her throat burned, her muscles had stopped aching and her reflexes had become much more refined, faster and… stronger. The strength of immortality. Did she succeed? Only her father stood after the vampire fled the scene, his pockets filled with gold and his body almost overflowing with blood. Now a vampire, her father struggled with what should never be. His undead daughter, stronger than ever, lead by her own heart rather than ambitions. And yet, as their eyes met, Priya’s father struggled to find it in him and kill her for good. The coven’s death wouldn’t have to be for nothing if only they used their teachings to reverse her immortality.
Grieving over her entire coven’s death, Priya believed herself to be the culprit, the hungry vampire who had killed them all in a blackout. Nothing remained, but she knew better than to believe her own lies. The vampire who’d turned her, her one time lover, ended up being nothing more than a trickster, an executioner with fangs, corrupt and merciless. So when her father suggested dark alternatives, desperate for her daughter to return, Priya listened, now more than ever. Watching her father’s madness unfold The guilt didn’t stop. Believing to be the cause of his madness, Priya did whatever necessary to revert the curse and rebuild what had been lost. As she tipped the goblet filled with vampiric ichor down her throat, much of what used to be vanished. Drawn closer by the look of blood but cringing at the initial smell, the actual blood tasted much sweeter, smokier, than what she’d expected. Potent and addictive, Priya poured the blood down her throat, to drown in it, to feel nothing but the sinful taste of what would forever change her life. The demon crawled down her throat with its ichor, taking a hold of her body and soul. The blood of an archfiend, a source of great power to revert what had been done. Blood was the answer, revealing what had been hidden within the darkness for so long.
This hadn’t been her chance of freedom, but only a desperate attempt to revert her own death – a sacrificial lamb, her body served as the ultimate vessel for an archfiend. Enraged and starving, the now Liche slit her father’s throat and tasted his blood out of spite. Such cruelty came with a price: the peace loving, kind child feasted on her father like maggots on a corpse: relentlessly, unceremoniously, only to hurt, only to feast. She watched him carefully as her father’s heart stopped beating, eyes glossy from tears. A Liche, that what she was, an undead creature.
Trying to find meaning in her new, damned existence, Priya travelled the world, hoping to regain some of her humanity within. Kind and still naive, she clung onto the nearest group of vampires in hopes of belonging somewhere. An outcast among outcasts, she was neither bad nor entirely good, feeding upon those she should call family. Alas, the archfiend within had made itself comfortable, peeking through every once in a while, demanding blood and violence. While the archfiend within recklessly wreaked havoc upon her core values and soul, Priya became everything her father wanted her to be: powerful, immortal and, above all, doomed to a life of solitude.
The more the archfiend took over, the less Priya’s body tried to fight them. Mentally she remained on guard, losing control every once in a while, Their ambitions became her own: power, albeit put to good use, a monster with morals, a damned creature of warmth and love despite her cold skin. Still, as she looked in the mirror, her appearance skeletal and frightening, the archfiend within tasked her with the never ending battle for power and influence while her heart remained stoic: the sacrificial lamb, the sorceress who’d never ceased to love, would always remain.
+ kind, witty, devoted – tormented, stubborn, naive
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thequeendomhq · 4 months
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NAME. Shenuvun “Nuvi” AGE & BIRTH DATE. 454 & August 28th, 2570 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/her NATIONALITY. Lysaran SPECIES. High Elvhen FACTION. N/A OCCUPATION. Co-Owner of Bacchus FACE CLAIM. Sobhita Dhulipala
Shenuvun’s first memory is light.
The light of the Laurelin, the light of the stars. Ageless and unyielding, steady and all-consuming. A comfort like no other, to be sheltered by the Laurelin, by the tree that has weathered storm after storm and has remained tall, its roots buried too deep to fall in the midst of a hurricane. As a child, the sight of the towering branches was breathtaking, and she spent countless hours exploring Elune’s Veil and its shifting passages, learning the cleverness her family valued as she stepped through the branching paths, the whispers of the flora around her almost reaching her ears but not just yet.
Twelve years after her birth, everything shifted; the pattern changing in a way Nuvi could not yet understand but could feel. Later, she would come to learn that the change she felt was that of the Kossith reaching Taravell, the information carried to her by the gossiping trees of Astoria, but that would be later. At that point, though, she was far too young to understand the way the pattern and the Weave pulled and shifted, the echoes from the mortal realm reaching beyond time and space and into theirs.
This change planted the seed that would flourish once she reached adulthood.
But that would come later. There are lifetimes to be lived before she leaves the comforts of home, called by the patterns to seek the way of wholeness like many had before. Lifetimes of joy and companionship, of quick trips into the Feywilds underneath the careful gaze of her parents as they taught her the paths hidden in the forest, guided through the steps and inadvertently led her before the towering red elk that would become a faithful companion. Lifetimes spent reading, learning all Elune’s Veil could teach her and reaching beyond, towards Arvandoril’s library and Dirthamen’s Sanctum, bright mind hungry to learn and following the whispered advice from the trees and the flowers and the earth. The pattern guided her steps even before she realized it was calling, carefully guiding her to gather the skills that she needed, to build the hope and determination and temperance that nourished her.
And as she learned, as she grew, Nuvi began to see the world for what it was: broken and dying, shattered and incomplete. Perhaps in another lifetime, perhaps if she were someone else, she would have been content to sit back and allow others to do what needed to be done, or to wait for the inevitable entropy to take them all; but this was not another life, and she was not someone else.
Magic had caused the Sundering, broken the world in a way many thought could not be fixed; but despite it all, the world had remained. Who was to say that the same tool that had been used to shatter could not be used to mend? Countless of lives across Taravell and beyond the Veiled Sea, countless of hopes and dreams flickering like candles against the cold and unyielding Dark, screaming that they were alive and they would not go quietly. How could she not want to join the choir? To scream that she would not go quietly into the cold Dark, into the all-consuming Blight?
All that has been broken can be mended.
All that is shattered can be made whole again.
It would take a lifetime of efforts, and perhaps she would never see the results despite her longevity, but that did not mean it was not worth the struggles. Nuvi was planting the seeds for a legacy that would outlive her and all the struggles, all the fear, all the sacrifice, they would be worth it.
They had to be.
Away from Avalon she went, leaving behind all she had known as she was called to explore the world, to seek a solution for the slow decay building, for the sickness plaguing the realms. Her travels lead her to Eterna first, for what better place to learn than the Tower of Olympia, built with knowledge and the reassurance that magic can be used to build a better future? Twenty years passed in a flash as she soaked in knowledge as a tree soaks in water, but every chapter must close and to Avalon she returned— bags filled with heavy instruments she had designed with fellow knowledge seekers on the Tower— to bask in the light that grew imperceptibly dimmer every year while her fervor for her mission grew. Again and again she left Avalon, testing theory upon theory with her instruments, wandering beyond the beaten path to find where the veil was the thinnest, where it was it’s most dense, where blood soaked the earth leaving an imprint that could not be erased, where screams haunted the waters, where flames licked the sky.
Spirits of old battlefields, remainers of the Blight, the forgotten and the remembered, the constant reminder of the flickering flame of life that refuses to go Dark despite the Dark One’s machinations.
Theory upon theory she tested, never quite getting the answer she wanted, never quite getting the solution she sought.
It didn’t stop her, rather it urged her forward, determination burning bright above all, until it burned bright even above caution.
Iskaldrik, full of human life, devoid of supernatural joy. It was a risk to cross the border, to use the plants and earth to hide her presence, but the drive for answers pushed the voice of sense aside, reminding her that it was there that the veil was stronger, where a god fell and where the Blight held territory.
It was a risk she considered worth taking, but Nuvi never imagining that the shackles would burn so keenly as they closed around her arms. Years of work were gone in a second, destroyed by the Witcher that took her, her tools taken away and a pickaxe placed on her hand as she was sent into the vowels of an earth she could no longer hear singing.
It was there, in the cold lonely night, that she felt that flickering flame of hope be doused by the cold watery sensation of despair. Broken and shattered, like the world around her, doomed to self-destruction and unnatural decay that could only be found in the deepest of nights. There is nothing quite the despairing realization that all of one’s work was meant for nothing, nothing like the knowledge of her imminent demise within an element she once called her own.
Death awaited Shenuvun in the darkness, she believed, until it didn’t,
Her world opened before her, chains broken and bent, and she felt that doused candle begin to spark again, hope and salvation rising from all around for one brief glorious moment, before reality set in.
Not like this.
She had craved for freedom, for safety, for an escape, but not like this.
Not with countless death and the end looming near, not with those who had broken the world rising from the depths of darkness ready to finish the task.
Despair returned from where it had been extinguished by hope, but it could not fully feel the emptiness on her chest as the desperate flame of hope continued burning on her chest. It wasn’t over, not yet, she could still find a way to fix this. To fix the world, and heal what once was hurt.
She had to fix the world, for what future was there if she did not?
+ Analytical. Disciplined. Patient. – Paranoid. Nosy. Obsessive.
played by ori est. she/her.
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yensidhq · 2 years
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☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█  AESTHETIC :
paints and colored pencils, the stories you can tell with messy pictures and a big imagination. you always liked to be the one behind the camera, making sure that you caught those candid shots that others forgot. pink and brown are your trademark, cute little outfits to express yourself. truth leaves your lips, the only thing, once and for all. trust.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   BIOGRAPHY:
Written by applicant
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   CONTACTS:
Cerise Hood: best friend. Madeline Hatter & Raven Queen: close friends.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   THOUGHTS:
Daru loves being behind the camera, immortalizing moments that may have otherwise been forgotten. Sometimes the job is boring, and often it takes her places that she would rather not go, but that's the cost of the craft and she's more than willing to deal with it.
DARU IS ___________________ OPEN
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agegram-blog · 5 years
Sobhita Dhulipala
Sobhita Dhulipala is an Indian actress and model who made her big-screen debut in 2016 with Raman Raghav 2.0. She is the winner of Miss Earth India 2013. Born on 31 May 1993, Sobhita Dhulipala hails from Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India. As in , Sobhita Dhulipala's age is years. Check below for more deets about Sobhita Dhulipala. This page will put a light upon the Sobhita Dhulipala bio, wiki, age, birthday, family details, affairs, boyfriend, controversies, rumours, lesser-known facts and more.
Sobhita Dhulipala Profile:
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Personal Info
Name Sobhita Dhulipala Profession(s) Actress, Model Birthday 31 May 1993 Age years (As in ) Birthplace Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India Hometown Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India Current City Telangana, Hyderabad, India Nationality Indian Instagram Profile Instagram
Sobhita Dhulipala Biography:
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Sobhita Dhulipala Birthday and Family Details
Sobhita Dhulipala was born on 31 May 1993 in Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India. As in , Sobhita Dhulipala's age is years. Sobhita Dhulipala' father name is Venugopal Rao and Sobhita Dhulipala' mother name is Santha Kamakshi.
Sobhita Dhulipala Modelling Career
Sobhita Dhulipala started her career as a model and participated in several beauty pageant competitions. Adjudged the winner of Femina Miss India South 2013, a zonal pageant of Femina Miss India, she attained an auto-entry into the top 23 of the 50th year of Femina Miss India. She was also awarded Miss Stylish hair, Miss Adventurous and Miss Fashion icon, Miss Talent, Miss digital diva. subsequently, she was adjudged Femina Miss India 2013. She also featured in Kingfisher Calendar 2014.
Film Career
Sobhita Dhulipala made her big-screen debut in 2016 'Raman Raghav 2.0' Hindi movie. In 2018, she made her Tollywood debut with 'Goodachari', Malayalam debut in 2019 with ''Moothon' and Tamil debut in 2020 with 'Ponniyin Selvan'. Check out other famous celebrities from Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India. Tags: Sobhita Dhulipala, Sobhita Dhulipala age, Sobhita Dhulipala wiki, Sobhita Dhulipala birthday, Sobhita Dhulipala bio, Sobhita Dhulipala facts, Sobhita Dhulipala photos, Who is Sobhita Dhulipala, Sobhita Dhulipala biography, Sobhita Dhulipala Photos Edit/Report Read the full article
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biographyof · 5 years
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Biography of Sobhita Dhulipala Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Family, Biography & More
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Published on https://www.biographyof.club/biography-of-sobhita-dhulipala-wiki-age-boyfriend-family-biography-more/
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thebandhu · 4 years
सोभिता धुलिपला जीवन – परिचय Sobhita Dhulipala Biography
सोभिता धुलिपला जीवन – परिचय Sobhita Dhulipala Biography
सोभिता धुलिपला एक भारतीय अभिनेत्री और मॉडल हैं। उन्होंने वर्ष 2016 में  फिल्म रमन राघव 2.0 से बॉलीवुड फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में डेब्यू की। और वह वर्ष 2018 में तेलुगु की जासूसी फिल्म गुडचारी से तेलुगु फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में डेब्यू की।  सोभिता धूलिपाला ने फेमिना मिस इंडिया 2013 के प्रतियोगिता में दूसरा स्थान हासिल की.
सोभिता धुलिपला जीवन – परिचय (Sobhita Dhulipala Biography )
सोभिता धुलिपाला का जन्म…
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hinditrendy · 6 years
via Hindi Trendy
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biographyof · 5 years
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biography of Sobhita Dhulipala Wiki, Age, Biography, Family, Photos & More
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Published on https://www.biographyof.club/biography-of-sobhita-dhulipala-wiki-age-biography-family-photos-more/
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