morimomo · 2 years
Y/N: You’re not what I thought you’d be like…
Soap: Mean and scary?
Y/N: Yeah…
Soap: Yeah well… I actually kind of thought you’d be really mean and scary too.
Y/N: Me…?
Soap: Terrifyin’!
239 notes · View notes
morimomo · 2 years
Soap making his way over to you on the couch
Soap: Babe are you hungry?
Y/N: No thanks I already ate today.
Soap:…Wait what did ya eat?
Y/N:..(favorite drink)! …Th-this morning…oh does that not count? Haha…
Soap giving you a look
Soap: The fridge now…
Y/N: Oh I’m not really hungry—
Soap: Kitchen!
184 notes · View notes
morimomo · 2 years
Y/N and Soap tied up being held against their will
Y/N: We can’t tell ‘em nothin’!
Enemy: Shut up kid, you’re lucky I don’t hit girls!
Y/N: Me neither but for you I’d make an exception!
Y/N and Soap: OOOOH
127 notes · View notes