#soap and desmond bonding over the best pens and journals to use
teecupangel · 2 years
(6:51 am thought) I really enjoyed Desmond having a journel of drawings of his ancestors. So imagine him having that same thing in the CoD/AC idea and the boys finding it! Just think it'll be interesting and like Soap night show off his journal as well.
I do plan on making him have his own journal as a reference to a certain character. The idea was his journal would be written in a mix of Arabic, Italian, English, and a bit of Latin and French. Soap will probably see it after one of the missions and they’d be like… sorta journal buddies?
Then there would be Isu-writings as well for super important and super dumb things.
Like, there’s one that just says “I just saw Ghost draw a dick on Soap’s cheek while he was sleeping but no one would believe me if I say Ghost did it. The asshole knows that because he stared at me while drawing it” in that weird Isu language and people are just thinking “oh, this must be CIA related” or “this must be important as hell”.
Another important thing about his journal is that it is filled with doodles as well, not just of 141 and the places they’ve been but of the people in his memories and the memories of his ancestors. It’s fascinating because on one page you would see a sketch of Sofia like how Ezio used to draw then on another page you would have an exact replica of Maria’s sketch from the Codex. Also, any time he starts to write in the same language for a paragraph, the boys will notice that it seemed like he was talking to himself. Like…
If this is the current state of England, then it is a… - completely written nice English cursive. Just below it: Fuck the monarchy! - written in crude English Below below it: Please don’t fight. - written in another language that they found out was one of the languages of the indigenous tribes in America
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