#so...like 2027....earliest....
measureformeasure · 3 months
if any of you know of queer stage adaptations of classical greek drama and/or myth please send them my way because i was trying to make a list and realized how short it was and got sad
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emilystheories · 3 months
Regarding Elain's love life, I would happily read both an Elriel and Elucien book. In that respect, I am a neutral 'multi-shipper,' and choose to stay out of any shipping-related arguments because of it.
However, in a (hypothetical) scenario in which Elucien and Gwynriel are confirmed endgame, I strongly believe that an Elain and Lucien book would come first.
To (very respectfully) add to the discourse, there are two main reasons for this belief.
1. Timing.
In SJM's latest interview with Today, she confirmed that she is now only writing one book a year.
Then, in that same interview, SJM also spoke about the book she'll be writing after ACOTAR 5; that it'll be "emotional" for her, due to the characters she'll be writing about, and the world it's set in.
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Given these hints, many fans believe this to be a Throne of Glass book.
As such, SJM's future release schedule likely looks like this:
2025: ACOTAR 5.
2026: Mysterious book (TOG?).
2027: ACOTAR 6 (or, could be CC4).
As we know, ACOMAF was released in 2016.
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This means that if Elain's book isn't next, it'll be pushed back to 2027 — at the earliest.
That means that it will be 11 years — more than an entire DECADE — since Lucien first told Elain that she was his mate, and the resolution to their story.
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11 whole years of waiting to see whether Elain will accept or reject the mating bond, which is undeniably one of the hottest topics in the fandom, and has been for some time now.
(To put that into context, the entire 8-book saga that is Throne of Glass was completed in 6 years... so almost half the time).
I just don't believe that SJM will further delay the resolution to the OG Elriel vs Elucien debate (and Elain's story, a character who has been featured from the very beginning) in favour of ships and characters who were only introduced in the most recent book — no matter how popular (and wonderful!) they may be.
2. If Elriel isn't endgame, then the dissolution of their relationship will need to be told from Elain's POV, not Azriel's.
Again, in this (hypothetical) scenario in which Elucien and Gwynriel are canon, these stories cannot eventuate until the connection between Elain and Azriel is resolved.
(And no, I don't believe the bonus chapter, that isn't available to everyone, is enough to 'shut down' Elriel — nor would that do justice to a popular ship that SJM has written about, in canon, for many years now).
Knowing SJM's patterns thus far, I very much doubt that she would write such a resolution from Azriel's POV. Instead, any break up of Elriel will need to come from Elain — from the woman's perspective. In the same way we witnessed Feyre process her feelings for Tamlin and Rhys, or Aelin with Chaol and Rowan.
To spin it a different way: if a Gwynriel book is next, it means that a decent chunk of Azriel's POV will be spent processing his feelings for Elain, before being able to 'move on' to Gwyn. It brings the 'love triangle' (Elain vs Gwyn; woman vs woman) to the Gwynriel book, which I really cannot see SJM ever doing. And, knowing that each couple only has one book, I'm not sure why anyone (especially Gwynriel shippers!) would actually want this.
Instead, in my opinion, the 'love triangle' has always been the point of Elain's book. Lucien or Azriel. Accepting the mating bond or rejecting it. Destiny, or a man you choose for yourself.
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[art by elithien]
And, if Elain's book is next and she chooses Lucien, this is surely the best possible outcome for the Gwynriel ship, as it allows for a dedicated Azriel x Gwyn book in the future (with no involvement of Elain, or any ship war drama).
In rebutting these points, however, I know people will state that "Azriel has the most set-up and foreshadowing for the next book!" But to that I'd point out:
If true, this hints at an Elriel book more than anything (given SJM's ACOFAS interview, which all but confirmed that Elain's book is next).
Past character involvement isn't always a reliable indicator of future character involvement. As an example of this, most readers were convinced that Fury, Ariadne, Emile and the Thunderbirds would have a significant role to play in CC3 (given how much importance had been placed on these characters thus far), yet that couldn't have been further from the truth.
Similarly, many have also argued that the direction of the plot for ACOTAR 5 is more in favour of Gwynriel than Elucien (which is a valid opinion to have!). But I'd again suggest that this also isn't a reliable indicator, given that most of the plot of ACOSF/Nesta's book wasn't directly foreshadowed in previous books either. For example:
There was no mention of the Valkyries in previous books.
There was no mention of Gwyn in previous books.
There was no mention of the Dread Trove in previous books.
There was no indication that Nesta would ever compete in the Blood Rite in previous books, which is arguably the most pivotal event in ACOSF.
Of course, anything is possible, and I respect all opinions and theories on the topic. Most of all, I will happily read the next ACOTAR book, no matter which ship it features.
But, when SJM said that she thought it was "pretty obvious" who the next book would be about, I personally believe the only "obvious" choice is Elain — to continue (and conclude!) the love stories of the three Archeron sisters, before moving onto anything else.
In the context of this post specifically (and my perspective on the matter), this suggests that an Elucien book for ACOTAR 5 is the way to go.
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bnxxshthealien · 3 months
The Legend of Ruby Sunday happens in 2027
this is far more complicated than it sounds.
so. nuwho starts in 2005. 10th doctor goes back to meet rose for the first time on january 1st (a week after baby ruby was left at a church). When 9 first meets rose, it must therefore be at least 2005.
in aliens of london, a year is skipped, so it is now 2006.
the christmas invasion must happen after this (harriet jones is prime minister), so, christmas 2006, despite the episode being aired in 2005.
series 2 must then happen in 2007. So in 2007, there was that big cyberman invasion thing
The runaway bride takes place at a different christmas to the christmas invasion. We know it is after the christmas invasion because events of s2 are mentioned, so the earliest it could be is 2007.
The Atraxi invasion (eleventh hour) happens 2 years before june 2010, so about mid-2008. It should be near the beginning of Turn Left but I guess Donna missed it
Turn Left shows that the 2007 christmas special (voyage of the damned) is one year after runaway bride, so christmas 2008.
Turn Left also shows that the Adipose stuff happens afterwards, so series 4 (2008) takes place in 2009. So the stolen Earth event happens that year.
The doctor then has no companions for the 2009 specials, so it is possible that they do not take place alongside earth time, which places the End of Time at christmas 2009 / new year’s day 2010 at the earliest. Donna does not yet have a baby so Rose must have been born in late 2010 at the earliest.
At some point, all of these events are erased by the crack in time but then they’re put back in 2010 so I guess that’s not important
From july 2011-2012 (an entire year) there are little black alien cubes everywhere. not really relevant but i just felt like saying that it’s weird nobody has mentioned that since
2013, people get murdered by wifi
2014, another thing that’s not relevant but I want to point out: dead people turn into cybermen in a way that really resembles what happened in 2007 and nobody thinks that maybe they’re dangerous. also the entire planet was an overgrown forest for a day
2015-2020: the zygon thing, a superhero in america, an alien monk invasion that everyone actually forgot about, some big tech guy (vore was a wild name to go with) tried to kill all humans, the prime minister use daleks as police
2021: half the universe got destroyed and sontarans occupied the entire planet for a while. i suppose donna noble missed that too
2022: another global cyberman + dalek invasion
ok that brings us up to speed
Then, in the Legend of Ruby Sunday, it is stated that Rose is 17. If she was born in 2010, this episode must therefore take place in 2027.
Unless, um, hear me out:
The Giggle must happen before 2024 (we know it’s chronologically before church on ruby road) so Rose was 13. (sounds unlikely but imma go with it for now.) But, perhaps she travels with the fourteenth doctor a lot which causes her to experience more time than what actually happens and ages four years. She would then be 17 in 2024, and LoRS can happen at a reasonable date!
There we go i fixed the timeline it only took far too long and only works with the assumption that an adult woman’s character is actually 13
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Word from the trenches... Namely the Fine Tooning podcast hosted by Jim Hill and Drew Taylor...
Walt Disney Animation Studios is looking to release a NON-SEQUEL film in the fall of 2026, and miiiiiight announce that very picture at D23 in a few weeks.
So, a repeat of the Original-Sequel-Sequel-Original sandwich of 2016-2021... MOANA, followed by RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET and FROZEN II back to back, and then RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON.
Now it's WISH, followed by MOANA 2 and ZOOTOPIA 2 back to back, then whatever this movie will be. I suspected that FROZEN III wouldn't be a 2026 release anyways, as the prior announcement said it was looking to release in 2026... NOT specifically put in the Thanksgiving week slot that WDAS had locked for any given title. 2026 was merely tentative, as in, "It could possibly come out that year." So, 2027's the earliest FROZEN III is coming out.
Three sequels in a row would've been overkill, so this is a neat development if true. I was hoping WDAS would slot one of the originals somewhere between MOANA 2 and ZOOTOPIA 2 *if* it was ready (like that rumored fantasy/faerie film set in the Middle East), so we didn't have to wait so long... But, whatever they have to do to make it all work out, do it. MOANA 2 and ZOOTOPIA 2, should they resonate with audiences, oughta make back everything they lost on WISH and STRANGE WORLD, then they're in the clear for a new original.
And hopefully one that works out, and isn't some meddled-to-death mess.
I'll certainly be keeping my eyes peeled. Word from the trench also says that the spring 2026 Pixar original indeed gets revealed at D23 as well.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
le sserafim, career reading (2023~2028)
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i don’t have permission to share their career reading in 2024 requests from curiouscat
until the end of 2023 le sserafim will do okay. there doesn't seem to be any meaningful achievements or something like that. i see separate individual activities, like eunchae's variety show/her being mc and some others that i cannot remember :')
2024: denied to share due to the bad reading itself and its eventual uncertainty
in 2025 le sserafim however.. i wouldn't say that they'll do the greatest great in that year but i see self-sabotage. perhaps the history seems to repeat itself? i won't lie but this gives me major flashback to gfriend's relevance back in south korea years ago and it seems to be subsidiary issue (not always management one). i also see some things possibly being delayed such as releases, activities and so on.
in 2026 le sserafim will still be affected to whatever happened in the earliest 2 years. soumu might be in chaos about the group's future activities. this leads me to the girls' current activities not working long-term (overall with some exceptions). source music seems to be short on money and they might rely on individual activities more than ever.
in 2027 le sserafim will take group hiatus that seems to go for the entire year and possibly even longer. like i said with the 2025 reading, i again feel the major flashback with gfriend. unfortunately, source music seems to have a cycle that disbands groups within 7 years to debut new one as soon as possible and only then the company wins the most.
in 2028 le sserafim will certainly disband as the girls aren't in harmony with each other unlike back in debut days for example. le sserafim seem to leave source music altogether, just the same as gfriend..
i hope you enjoyed the post and i am very sorry for what i saw.
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f0point5 · 5 months
If Newey actually leaves it'll be quite some time before anyone will get a car that is properly his under them. Idk know when he's allowed to leave, if he can give a two week notice now or if he has to finish up the season. Let's go with the latter. The whole 2025 season then would be his gardening leave, he then could start (let's say at Ferrari) in 2026, right as the new regs come in. The 2026 car for his new team will be mostly finished by the time he joins, so he'll spend the season working on smaller upgrades and tweaks to someone else's car design. The first car that will truly be 'his' again will be the 2027 car. (Then again most teams don't fundamentally redesign their car concepts within one regulation cycle so he'll also heavily have to work with someone else's interpretation of these new regulations and won't be the person to build that idea up from the ground up.)
So if he were to go to Ferrari, LH with his 2+1 deal might not even get any perks from them louring Newey in like some people hope/fear.
It depends. His current contract ends in 2025 and apparently has 1 year of gardening leave stipulated. So 2027 is the first time he would able to work on a car so 2028 would be the first Newey led car, as it stands.
However, contracts can be amended and bought out if both parties are amenable. Given that Newey has apparently not been as involved in the latest iteration of RB cars, and given the reg change coming, RB might let him out of contract early for the right amount, because there’s not much for him to steal and take with him in terms of car secrets.
But You’re right, even if they let him out from the end of this year it’ll be midway through 2026 before he is making the difference at the absolute earliest when, as you say, he will working with someone else’s concept. There could be a stipulation that he gets free reign and they just have to pony up the money, but who knows.
All of this is what makes me wonder what Newey has to gain. But the time he’s back at the head of car design he’ll be over 70. Does this man not want to retire like he’s been saying? I honestly don’t get it.
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Bruh they made the mv a kdrama on itself this is so brilliant. Even their behind the scenes interactions is so well planned and precise,that if she wasn't already in a relationship, ppl would've definitely shipped them too hard by now. Some already did😭
If ppl wanted to see him in kdrama, this mv has it all, literally in every aspect. Idk if it was planned by hybe or iu to cover the aspect of him acting. So they made "about all" short movie so we can say we saw him acting
I think people are gonna have to be just satisfied with this for a while. As, I doubt Tae will be in a K-Drama until after BTS's inevitable world tour of the back of a heavy album launch, that's likely to start in 2026.
I expect any acting gigs to occur in 2027 at the earliest.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Given the success of the sonic movies and frontiers I suspect we’re leaving behind the era of dry spells between releases and entering an era of yearly releases (whether they are spin-offs, remakes, etc). Do you have any predictions of remakes or spinoffs you could see Sonic Team putting out in the next few years?
I don't think that's true at all. Games take longer to make nowadays across the board. Take-Two's Strauss Zelnick said that five-year game development cycles are likely to be "the new norm", and some particularly big games, like GTA6, are taking more than double that. We're at a point where the games entering development right now are probably having to consider platforms like the fifth Xbox and sixth Playstation.
Especially if you consider post-release support. That Final Horizons DLC for Sonic Frontiers is probably slowing down some part of the team that would normally be conceptualizing the next mainline game. Whatever follows Frontiers won't be seen until 2026 or even 2027 at the earliest.
This is nothing new. Lots of annualized franchises "solved" this problem by effectively having 2 or even 3 different development teams all working on the same franchise, but staggering their output enough that everybody gets the full 4-5 years before their games come out.
The problem with that is that it leads to insanely uneven games and notable drops in quality. Every publisher known for doing this eventually stopped doing it, because "two bad games made by bench warmers and one good game by the main team" is no way to maintain a long term business.
So what do I see filling the next 4-5 years until we see Sonic Frontiers 2? More spinoffs. Depending on how quickly Sonic Superstars came together, maybe we'll get a Superstars 2 in a couple years. Haven't had a racing game in a while; maybe they'll find a new developer there. Sonic Forces Speed Battle is getting kind of long in the tooth, so it wouldn't surprise me if they have another phone game to replace that soon.
We could get a "sequel" to Sonic Origins that expands beyond the Genesis games. Maybe go back through the Dreamcast Sonics again, finally give us an HD port of Sonic Heroes. Throw in Chaotix and Sonic the Fighters for good measure. Would be nice to get a portable collection, finally, too. Give me a Sonic Advance Trilogy + both Sonic Rush games and I might even gladly pay $40 for that, if they do it right.
But even then, that's only three projects to fill what will be a five year wait time. I guess you could slot the third movie in there somewhere, but still. Don't get your hopes up too high, I say.
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literaticat · 5 months
Romantasy is a trend, I know. And writers shouldn't just chase trends. But with romance consistently being the most popular genre--is it illogical of me to believe this trend might have some staying power?
I think if that's where your writerly passions lie, by all means write it. Romance and Fantasy generally are not "trends" they are just categories -- combining the two might be considered evergreen in a way, rather than "trendy" -- so if you are just passionate about making fantasy a little racy (or romance a little fantastical) -- I think you're fine.
But here you are talking about Romantasy the Trend -- I guess books like Iron Whatever and Throne of Whatever, big ol grownup things that are currently dominating the bestseller list and that I don't want to read and certainly don't rep? Yeah. Well, that's a trend, and I promise you that all trends end -- but also, pretty much all trends do come back eventually, so, whatever I guess. :-)
At the moment, it does feel like every editor is asking for that kind of book. Of course! But the thing is, actually, the publishers have been buying romantasy for years (which is why there's SO MUCH OF IT showing up now -- it takes years!) -- and there is plenty more already scheduled to come out in 2024-25, etc. Those books are already bought. In other words, hopping on a trend NOW would probably not be a great, because let's say it takes you six months or whatever to write the book, polish the book, etc -- well, if you are going out to shop it in late 2024 or early 2025, the earliest it could be published is like, late 2026-2027.
Putting on my Psychic Hat, I predict the following: Romantasy will continue selling well at the bookstore for a while. Probably what seems like a fairly long while. And publishers will continue to buy it. At some point, maybe in six months, maybe in a year, or who knows -- AT SOME POINT -- the pipelines will be absolutely chock full of it (if they aren't already) -- and there will be new Romantasy scheduled out through 2026-2027 and beyond -- and it is at that point, when it seems like every new book is a Romantasy book and there are still more coming, that the bubble will burst. Why?
Because the bookstore will have been FULL of Romantasy and people talking about Romantasy and whatever whatever for YEARS at that point. There will be so many titles that the power of any one has been diluted -- it will be much harder for those new books to break out and find an audience because there will be so many of them. Consequently, they will stop selling as well -- again, dilution, right? Not to mention, people like new things! People get sick of the same stories! People want a break, even when they love something!
So anyway, those big giant hits we have seen in the past year won't hit so big anymore. Publishers, realizing that suddenly their cash cow isn't cashing and the pipeline still has too many cows in it, will pull back dramatically and be like ANYTHING BUT ROMANTASY PLS. And something new will start to trend. Twas ever thus.
(Mind you, big giant authors will continue to have an audience and have new books I'm sure, so THEY are fine -- and publishers might be into TWISTS on the trend -- so if you really want to write a romantasy, by all means go for it, just maybe give it a little something "extra" to it so isn't a carbon copy of what already exists!)
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pebblysand · 2 years
the end of act two
in my head, i was going to write a long post. one of those extended a/n-s i used to do, but i think my brain is too mushed, right now, too tired and wired, to say anything of value. maybe i'll do it later, or maybe you'll just send me lots of anons (we all know i love those) which will end up letting me tell you all the things i want to tell you.
for now, i just want to say: thank you. thank you for sticking with me, this past year. thank you for believing in this story. i feel like me posting this chapter, today, is definitely the end of something. not the end of the story yet (there are between five and seven chapters left), but the end of an act, at least.
castles has parts. acts. or maybe, eras, you know, a bit like taylor swift. there are: the early days, the 'blur', chapters one through seven. then, chapter eight. the pivot, the one that changes everything again. and now, nine through fifteen. the rise and fall of mia and harry. the trials, the slow and cumbersome process of adulting. the start of harry and ginny, too - for real.
i often get asked how far i am going to take this story. the answer is: the year 2027, in universe (hopefully, i will finish before then, irl). i can't say why because that would be much too spoilery, but i promise, i know. this obviously means that the pacing will be different, moving forward, though it will speed up gradually. the next chapter will cover a few months, then a year, then a few years. i have plans. you'll see.
before letting you read on, a word of warning. this chapter is long. like 18,000-words long. i struggled all week, wondering whether to cut or not to cut (that is always the question) but decided to just let it be long. first, because chapter eight is long, too, and sometimes things just need to be said. second because selfishly, as i don't know how many chapter i have left, leaving it like this gives me the option to late cut it if needed, if i end up landing on an uneven number, which would throw off the chapter titles thing. i hope you can forgive me.
this chapter is also a bit of a rollercoaster. there are scenes that make me cry. there is also, like, tooth-rotting fluff. it's strange. i hope you like it.
lastly, i also wanted to let you know that i'm going to be taking a break from this story. not forever, don't worry, but probably until march 2023. that means that, for a new chapter to actually come out, it'll probably be may, at the earliest. i think i'm leaving it in a satisfying place, though. a place in which you can probably wait. and if you don't want to, that's fine too. while this is not where the story ends in my head, you could decide it ends there for you. i promise, i won't resent you. i just have real life things going on, and have worked a lot lately, so i think i deserve the break. it doesn't mean that won't write/publish anything, it just means that castles will be on standby, for now. here, too, i hope you can forgive me.
thanks again for all the love, messages, comments, anons, and general support these past few months. i wouldn't have made it here without you. keep them coming, please, they always make my day.
lots of love,
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thekaijudude · 8 months
I think the strongest form of next Ultraman for year 2024 will be debut in movie and Ultra Galaxy Fight, instead of debut in mid episode.
Can't say much for the movie since as I've went through, movies are getting less and less exciting every year.
Z didn't had a movie (exception cause of covid)
Trigger had no new forms + GE was clearly able to easily take out the movie threat, they didnt even had the need to even bring out Truth
Decker had no crossovers, introduced a defunct form and didn't even resort to Dynamic Type, dude clowned the movie boss just in his base Flash Type form lmao
(But of course the origin of Dinus and Decker is a major contribution to the Ultra lore in general, I'm just phrasing the movie this way for comparison purposes in this light only)
Blazar looks to have no crossovers + no new forms even
So from the downwards trend, really not looking forward to see what they'll do (or NOT do) for Arc's Movie
UGF seems to be the answer tbh as I've also went through before, every UGF installment introduces some new form of Zero + a new strongest form for Reiwa Ultras
Zero Beyond (Galaxy Glitter): a temporary, superpowered state but I guess its "technically" a form??? Same concept as Glitter Tiga
Also Ginga got back his access to Ginga Storium from this point on
UGF2: US Zero + Taiga TS Rainbow
UGF3: US Zero (now stronger due to using WB as base) + Deathcium RC
So for UGF4, we can roughly predict what's gonna happen. Recall I shared that the NG's designer posted about a "new form" for Zero which looked very similar to Saga for Zero's 15th Anniversary.
Considering that even the US Zero (WB base) didn't really even do much to AT, TsuPro has to give Zero even more handouts to try and continuously hype up the "rivalry" between the 2.
And looking at the trend of Reiwa Ultras getting new strongest forms, Trigger should be next in line to get an upgrade form. Which tbh its pretty obvious what would be the concept of said form. Recall Trigger Truth was fused by simply imbuing Multi-Type's Key with Trigger Dark's, back in 2021, I alr stated that an obvious upgrade would be to do the same process, but simply replace Multi with the GE Key. And in turn, basically get a GE version of Truth
Following this trend, Decker would get his own strongest form in UGF5, which ngl, I have no idea what it could be since there's not much basis to go off of, so it has to be something totally new but tbh, I think Dyna revealing his own version of Dynamic Type seems more likely that Decker receiving a new form since its just kinda weird that the parent Ultra dosent have (or has yet to reveal) his own version of Dynamic Type when his "child" has
Blazar is actually even more obvious that those above, cause clearly he's an experienced monster hunter as what Taguchi said, and wouldn't be surprised if Firdran Dragon isn't his only kaiju companion. As I've also stated last year, there's clear routes for further development for Blazar's upper limit since he could perhaps fuse with other kaiju companions or even fuse with multiple kaiju companions.
So for Arc as u mentioned, I mean that eventually is gonna happen at some point I suppose?
Assuming there isn't any breaks like the Regulus prequel/sequel, the earliest we'd get a new strongest form for Arc would be in 2027 or sth for UGF7 lol
As for the movie as said, don't really see that happening as long as there isn't any changes to the downward trend rn
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quinloki · 9 months
Hi Quin! ❤️ how are you? Hope you a wonderful Friday! For the writer wip ask game: 9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Oh man that's a bit of a list.
I have a few Marco fics kicking around, and an idea for a Penguin fic and one for a Kaku fic. I've got a couple Kid fics back burnered for now, but!
One fic I probably won't start any time soon that I'm looking forward to getting to is a series of Isekai style fics.
I'm slowly working up to poking at outlines for them, but I want to write some reader insert-adjacent stories where the reader's isekai'd into someone else's body in the One Piece verse. I say reader insert adjacent, because there's a "name" they'd be using, and the body their in wouldn't be there's, but I also don't want to lock in skin/hair/eye color either.
I'm a little stuck on how to tag/present it, but I also wanted to do some illustrations, so I'm not rushing to get to it cause I need to get my art skills un-rusted first. Cause every illustration would be done four times for the different skin/hair style self-insert art.
xD I suppose like anything else, I'll just have to be sure my tags and content warnings are clear. I don't want people to get slapped in the face with a style they don't want to read, but it's a very self-serving and indulgent project, so I'm going to write it.
I don't even have a series title yet. ^^;
But I know there's going to be at least four versions of it. A Marco x reader, a Eustass Kid x Reader, Doffy x Reader, and Crocodile x Reader. All with different vibes, all with a reader who "knows" the story of the world, and all the tension that can come from that.
Seriously though, we're talking like 2027 at the earliest ^^;;;;
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on you WIP(s)
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Teen Wolf The Movie thoughts
The timeline is WACK. The show ran from 2011-2017. It took 6 years of real world time for 3 years in the show to pass. So in the show it either went from 2011-2014 or 2014-2017. This is set 15 years after Alison's death, which at the earliest is like... 2012, which would make this set in 2027.
Derek has a son. The mother is never mentioned, however the son is explicitly stated to be 15 years old, which means that he was born shortly before or after Allison's death, while Derek was still fully apart of the show. So either he had a baby with Jennifer Blake completely off-screen, or with some rando woman. And then either he didn't know, and just... randomly got full custody later in his life, or knew and never mentioned it.
They picked up dirt from where Alison died, but... didn't she die right outside of Eichen House or something? I thought maybe it was the ruined site based off the gate that was there. I forget what happened to Eichen House at the end of the show. But then at the end, I guess Eichen is still in operation?
The cursing was wild. It was like everybody got a free F bomb.
The nudity was even more insane. My friend and I were SCREAMING when Malia randomly jumped Parrish and they both stripped. Such an insane couple. He should stop going after girls he met when they were in high school and he was an adult.
Why was Liam in Japan? Never explained. Why was he in charge of the Nogitsune? Why was he friends with a random Kitsune?
Why the FUCK wasn't Kira there? Instead they just introduced Not Kira Hikari and she served exactly the same role. It's like they wrote the script with Kira in mind and then when Arden Cho didn't come back they just find & replaced her name with Hikari
How did she telepathically transfer her fox spirit to Scott. I noticed when they made random eye contact, but that was an out of the blue thing
I SCREAMED when the Science teacher came out of the blue. My friend didn't even remember who he was. We were theorizing either Gerard or Kate. His... motivations were a little unclear, and of all the flashbacks I kind of wished they had done one to explain who he was. I remembered he was the asshole science teacher, but that's it
Jackson was... useless. He almost always asked stupid questions that didn't really move stuff along. He's missed so much of the show that he was out of the loop on everything. The only useful things he did was stab the teacher
The special effects were... noticeably not that great at some points. The fire effects. The CGI cliff top. The greenscreen replacing the lacrosse field with the Nogitsune realm
They had several humans there who could break a mountain ash line. Alison. Melissa. Argent.
The lacrosse field was crazy. How the hell did they get 10,000 people watching a lacrosse game?
Most of the characters did not have much to do in the movie. It was like, they had everybody back, but it was too many people to give them all a plotline, so they just needed to make sure some of them were tied up for most of it. Liam didn't even join the final werewolf fight alongside Derek, Scott, and Eli
THE STEREK METAPHOR. I've never been a big Sterek shipper and I wasn't in the fandom at the time of "We're on a ship", but come on. Derek keeping Stiles old jeep to fix up and his son constantly stealing it and being obsessed with it, and then after Derek's death, Stilinski giving the car to Eli and saying that Derek "always had mixed feelings about the car, but it meant a lot to him". Like, what the fuck? That's such shipping language.
The ending definitely made it seem like they were leaving it open to another movie/show. Which makes my confusion that Wolf Pack is not a sequel series starring Eli even more bizarre
So that was all of the stuff I hated. I did enjoy a few things
I thought the fight scenes were really well choreographed
I wasn't sure how they were going to bring Allison back, but I thought that it made sense, and she had a decent storyline
I hate Parrish, but I did like seeing his butt
The Nogitsune was a good villain to bring back. Season 3 had arguably the best plotline. It does suck that the two characters most important to the Nogitsune storyline (Kira and Stiles) weren't there though
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Paramount Animation Annecy drop...
Turns out, they seem to be keen on doing animated features that aren't based on massive IP. Adapting smaller properties and such, things that didn't already get movie adaptations, truly original stories, ya know?
Projects that were in our orbit for a while, such as SUPERWORLD, got a mention. REAL PIGEONS FIGHT CRIME is still on, as is Leo Matsuda's former DreamWorks picture YOKAI SAMBA, and MUTTNIK from Ron Howard's Imagine Entertainment, but everything else announced today is new. All of those sound like they could be pretty cool. I've wanted to see Matsuda take on a picture after doing the Disney Animation short INNER WORKINGS, whose design and style were unique to a lot of what that studio has put out over the past decade. MUTTNIK sounds great, too. I'm a sucker for a fun space adventure, and it's about a naughty dog, so... Yeah, Paramount, please give me this one.
There's DROPZ, which Variety called an E.T.-esque adventure directed by Rob Letterman and produced by Will Ferrell and... Bad Bunny, of all people. Paramount Animation/Nickelodeon Animation head Ramsey Naito describes it as a story "infused with fashion", a "cultural statement" for the family audience. So is this the cosmos meets apparel? What do they mean by "fashion", haha.
ONCE UPON A MOTORCYCLE DUDE looks like another trip to the "fractured fairy tale" well with a MAD MAX-esque twist, about a princess described as a "bad ass", and a "post-apocalyptic motorcycle dude" who have to take action when their kingdom is in danger. This also sounds like a lot of fun, and the first thing I thought of... For whatever reason, was the final part of the SPYRO: YEAR OF THE DRAGON level Charmed Ridge... Where the fairy princess goes off with a magician cat on a motorcycle, GREASE-style. (Hey, GREASE is a Paramount movie, too!) Only a producer is attached, so this one looks to be in the baby stages.
SWAN LAKE is also on the rails, from writer Kourtney Kang. Even though we have SWAN PRINCESS and a Barbie direct-to-video adaptation, hey, why not? What's another way they can tell this story? All we know so far is that it's "modern". Modern day or modern in attitude only?
Before we can get to those, 2025 and 2026 are filled with the sequels and franchise entries: SMURFS Again, SPONGEBOB 4, the first of those 2D AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER movies, PAW PATROL 3, and MUTANT MAYHEM 2. This is nice news after it seemed like Paramount Animation put the kibosh on more original and more risky animated films, and especially after how they quietly dumped UNDER THE BOARDWALK and THE TIGER'S APPRENTICE.
But that's the thing, when the IP wells run a bit dry, you gotta have something different waiting for you. It's been frustrating watching Paramount trip its way through trying to sustain a run of animated movies, post-DreamWorks distribution deal. After how well SPONGE OUT OF WATER did in 2015, it was false start after false start, and lots of blunders in-between. MUTANT MAYHEM was a real bright spot, though, and TRANSFORMERS ONE looks pretty fun. They screened the whole thing at the festival to pretty positive reactions, so that's nice.
If I were to guess when they could all be coming out, should they reach production...
2026-2027 I'd say would be the earliest, for a movie like SUPERWORLD or REAL PIGEONS FIGHT CRIME. YOKAI SAMBA, too, since that was on the boards at DreamWorks as far back... As like, 2018? I expect those three to be out first. DROPZ sometime thereafter.
Then 2028 and beyond for the rest, the films that don't have directors attached. MUTTNIK, MOTORCYCLE DUDE, and SWAN LAKE...
We shall see, but this line-up is great, has some really cool talent involved, and it'll be nice to see this stuff balance out the well-established TRANSFORMERS/NINJA TURTLES/SMURFS/AVATAR stuff.
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so Nathaniel Faulkner founded Nevermore in 1791. After founding Nevermore he hid his diary behind a painting of his right hand, Ignatius Itt... who, according to said painting, was born in 1825 and died in 1850...
so Wednesday is 15-16, in what i presume(?) is 2022. on the nevermore website, Morticia says that Wednesday is in the class of 2027. so 20-21 year olds are still nevermore students?? or the series is set in like 2025?
the way into the secret library is behind the statue of an adult Edgar Allen Poe. who was apparently a nevermore student which makes so much less sense than them just naming the school and all its quirks in his honour to begin with but anyway. so seeing as he was born in 1809, he would've gone to nevermore in, let's say 1822 at the earliest. before Faulkner's right hand was even born.
so let's say Faulkner's holding onto his diary for a while. the statue was probably built in or after 1849, due to that being the year that of his famous daguerreotype, and the year he died, but it was definitely built after 1845 when he published The Raven. so the whole secret underground library thing where all the secret books are kept wasn't made until then. which i suppose adds up even if the timeline is a bit wonky because then the next year Ignatius Itt would die, and his painting with his birth & death years presumably hung there, and then Faulkner would hide his diary behind it.
so Faulkner spent all this time travelling all around the world cataloguing every community of outcasts before founding the academy. let's say this took him 10 years (which seems perhaps too generous for the 18th century but anyway), then let's say he's about 30 at the very youngest in 1791. Now he has to be alive and active until at least post-1845 for the statue and the painting and hiding the diary. so he's there in 1845, early 80s at the youngest, with his best buddy, who is... 20. huh.
okay so let's say Faulkner's likely got to be a vampire for this to be reasonable. i mean sure it's vaguely possible for him not to have been, but not that reasonable. on the nevermore website, Yoko says that she'll live about 300 years. so, obviously, Faulkner could have been wayyy older and spent like 200 years travelling the world (not sure the length of the diary supports that but anyway), but this also leaves open the possibility that if he was "relatively young" anywhere between 30-80ish when he founded nevermore, then mayhap he could still be secretly alive and also Wednesday's stalker. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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I know you disagree, but I’m starting to think the maknae line won’t be enlisting anytime soon. My guess is Joon and Hobi will be enlisting mid-2023, Yoongi will probably be assigned as a social worker so it doesn’t really matter when he enlists. They’ll probably go on a world tour in 2025, after hyung line is done, and then maknae line will enlist. With the new age system coming into effect soon, they’ve got more time.
It’s just a vibe I’m getting with the way things are moving. JK seems to be resting and kind of set the Grammy attendance rumours to rest (maybe he’s keeping it a surprise, but then why read the comment in the first place?), plus the album is on pause, which is kind of what Tae said too, that he’s working on music, but mostly resting. Jimin signed with Dior, and it would be odd for it to be only a six month contract, they’ll want to parade him around for more than that imo (and it’s kind of telling that while Hobi attended, he hasn’t officially signed with anyone). I know k-media said they all signed with someone, but until it’s officially announced, I’m taking it with a grain of salt.
I’m probably dead wrong though 😂😂
That won't work though... Firstly, the earliest Yoongi will be back will be April 2025 since he'll be enlisting for 2 years. So that's the earliest they'll all meet up again as a group.
If they release an album in June 2015 for their anniversary, as many suspect, that only leaves 4 months (June - Sept) for promotions and world tour. Why? because Jimin will need to have enlisted by October 2025 and Tae December 2025. Four months is not enough time to mount a multi-city/country world tour. The only person who doesn't have to enlist is JK who has until 2027.
But I still think all of BTS will be enlisted by the end of this year. and all be back be Mid 2025.
Regarding brand ambassadorships... As I've mentioned it's likely that any contract with these designers will include a lot of pre-recorded/photographed stuff. Plus if you think having short-term is a problem how to do you explain Yoongi's considering he only got about another 8 weeks before enlisting (he has until the end of March, his birth Month. Whilst RM and Hobi have leg room for enlistment, Yoongi doesn't.
Regarding albums, they're on pause because they ain't coming out until later in the year. Jimin, Yoongi (possibly), RM and possibly Hobi will be likely releasing more stuff this year too.
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