#so... google docs it is LOOL
keii · 1 year
Stayed up until 4am learning different features and tools in google docs so that I can make oc profiles and lore timeline look like a wikipedia article
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lady-lunaaa · 1 year
Lunaaaaa, I’m here to ask about your ‘of salt & sea’ series :3 & I’d love to know 1, 9 & 14 pretty please 💗
Nanaaaaaaa! You are so sweet to me always 🥺💙💙 I answered #1 here but let's dive into the other two.
What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
This question is such a good one but also a toughie. I used to hate my dialogue, I was so bad at it 🤣 but I think I've come a long way since then? But I have to say the dialogue between reader and Manjiro when they are having their heart to heart on the deck during the middle of the night is so special to me. It's my favourite moment so far. I kinda got lost in that chapter just a little bit!
What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter?
This is a good question because boyyy have I been struggling. I think my block stems from the fact that this next chapter is kind of filler? It's like a transition chapter into the next pivotal scene/chapter. And it's just really got me stumped. It's half done I'd say? But the next half is a lot of dialogue and it's fairly important so I want to do it right!
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aimerriarkle · 4 years
you are my home | t.h.
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pairing: fwb!tom holland x reader
word count: 1.2k
a/n: so uhm, this is probably gonna be bleh because this is my first time posting a fic lol. i don’t usually write, but when i do, it usually just stays in my drafts in google docs hehe. anyway i hope whoever reads this likes it :) also it’s not proofread and i wrote this at like 2am so pls be kind hehe,, but i’d really appreciate some feedback lool, so my asks are open if you have any!!
warnings: very minimal nsfw material in the beginning, angst, heartbreak
summary: you and tom have been fwb for quite some time now. you’d like to think that your relationship has evolved past that, but does he think so?
part one —> part two —> part three
✧・゚: *✧ ✧・゚: *✧
The warmth of his hovering body radiated onto you. Every touch and grip from his calloused hands was like the press of a hot iron onto your skin. Soft lips hungrily leaving a trail of rough kisses down your neck. You let out a light moan when his palm pushes against your clothed slit. His hot breaths blow against your neck, the feeling sending contrastingly cold goosebumps around your body. 
It had been six months since you began your deal with Tom. Six months filled with absolute pleasure, bliss, and ecstasy. All it took was for a stupid game of truth or dare at one of your college parties for you and him to cross paths. Little did you know that eventually, each and every single one of your salacious escapades and rendezvous would have left you with a lingering feeling of loneliness.
After a couple of weeks, every late night post-sex goodbye kiss had turned into a parting kiss when you both went off on your way to class after a small home-cooked breakfast together; every 1am “you up?” text message had evolved into mid-afternoon “coffee?” text messages; dates to frat parties became dates to the movies; your weekly scheduled ‘study sessions’ to help one another relieve stress turned to legitimate study sessions. Because of this, over time, you grew to have feelings for him. And over time, you thought he would too.
Yet here you were, body trapped by his, hair in a ruffled mess, arousal collecting in your underwear. It was as if nothing had actually evolved between the two of you. 
Shaking your head, you tense up and push his chest away from yours, signalling that you had wanted to stop. He becomes puzzled but obliges anyway. 
“Wha— is something wrong?” he asks, his cute, red and puffy lips forming into a pout. 
You stutter incoherent sentence starters for a few seconds, unable to compose the words you needed to say. You came to his flat with a plan to express to him how you felt, but so far, all you had managed to do was crumble into yourself. 
Tom reaches over and places one of his hands on top of your fidgeting ones, and that in itself was enough to bring some comfort. To you, the sweet gesture had felt a little reassuring—it showed that he cared, that he was present and ready to be your much needed support from whatever was troubling you. Maybe he might feel the same, you thought. The gesture and thought sparked a herd of butterflies to erupt in your stomach, and usually, you’d cave in and retreat into yourself, but at that moment, it was definitely the confidence booster you needed. 
“I—I think I’m in love with you...” 
You bite your bottom lip, anticipating for him to say something, anything. You stare at him with hopeful eyes as he hadn’t reared away from you yet, and you didn’t sense that he would anytime soon. But a few minutes went by and all he had done was look at you and then down at his lap, mouth opening and closing like your earlier on. 
Then he finally looks up with a frown on his face, he hand jolted up from yours for a split second before it hesitantly moved to land on yours again—an action he didn’t think you’d notice but you had. 
“Y/N I-” 
You quickly retract your hands from his grip and stand up. 
“No, it’s fine. Uhm, I-I should go…” you say in a broken whisper, smoothing down your shorts and grabbing your phone from the coffee table. You make your way over to the door but stop in your tracks midway. Part of your body was telling you to not walk away and just leave it at that, you had come too far to leave it unresolved. But the other part of your body was telling you no, that by keeping quiet, Tom had made it crystal clear as to how he felt. You knew you should have listened to that part of your gut, but against your better judgement, you turn around to confront him. 
“Tom, look I’m in love with you okay? You’re literally all I think about, every goddamn song I hear just reminds me of you! Everytime I think of you, hear you, see you, my heart just feels like it could soar the sky forever, and my days just become instantly better. All the smiles, the laughs, the moments we share just makes me feel like I’m at home, that you are where I’m supposed to be, that you are my home.”
“We’re just friends, Y/N.” Tom says, a saddened look glossing over his eyes. 
“Tom, please don’t do this, I know you don’t really mean that…” You plead. 
Your vision quickly blurs as it fills up with tears. You hated crying and he knew that, but even as he slowly tore your heart into shreds, you dared to walk closer to him in an attempt to find some much needed comfort. He slowly backs away and that’s when the tears came raining down along your cheek. 
None of it had made sense to you. You were sure he felt the same, or at least that felt something. What you started with in the beginning was just platonic yes, but you knew that the way your relationship was now, was nowhere near the word. You cuddled not just after sex, but during the study sessions where you were just too exhausted and drift off into sleep. When you watched movies you curled up next to him, his arms enveloping you in warmth, making you feel protected and safe from all the dangers of the horror movies you’d typically watch. He made or bought your food when you were too stressed and busy just to make sure you;d eat, he brought you to restaurants after every exam you had just to celebrate you completing it, regardless of whether you even passed or not. 
Tom looks at you solemnly, his eyes welling up on their own because he hated to see you like this, and he hated being like this. 
You let out a sob, “Tom please… L-look, I know I should walk away right now, b-but I can’t…”
“If you really meant what you said, j-just tell me to walk away and I will.” 
Enough tears had flowed from your eyes to make two small patches of wet carpet beneath your feet. And at that point your legs were just so weak that they began to violently tremble, so much so that if  any small force was worked against it, you would’ve been knocked straight toward the ground. 
Tom shaked his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, in an attempt to stop his own tears from falling. He quickly rubs his eyes and looks at you with a cold glare, “Please leave.”
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pianodoesterror · 4 years
hi! i'd just like to second what the other anon said about your dundy!!! he's so unassuming, and so much fun without ever going too far (and his dynamic with your james is the BEST!). he reminds me of a few classmates i've had who seemed like the usual rowdy, intimidating Lads tm but have turned out to be genuinely very thoughtful and kind.
!!!! I feel the Dundy Love in this chili's tonight!!
Honestly, he has almost taken on a life of his own. I call him 'Dundas ex machina' to my friend cause you throw him at a problem in a fic and his presence will sort it out for you (as good in a google doc as on Erebus).
BUT ofc he is more than that - friends are important! And so are important to round out character's and the world in fics! And Dundy and James are a blast to write, so I'm glad other people like them too lool
Dundy is a gentleman and a lad with a heart of gold, and I love him (and so does FJ).
Thank you for this message! I am very touched!!! 🧡
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simping-for-fives · 4 years
glad to report my BP is in good levels! they had to recheck it cause it was a tad high, after my anxiety of being late settled it went back down and my docs really happy with where I'm at. and that I'm getting closer to answers to whats up with my blood as a whole, will learn all that next week. & got my pop too! my fav right now is Ramune, the Japanese marble drink. all I want is the marble! release it foul bottle! other than all that I'll prob hit a hard nap the rest of the day lol -Kad'au
I've never tried Ramune. Haven't heard of it before either tbh. It looks nice though! (had to Google it lool). The marble looks fucking massive 😂
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final-girl96 · 4 years
Let's Save The World
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Chapter Seven
When I woke up I went in the the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and washed my face. When I looked up I notice the ring was back on my finger.
I forwarded my brows and looked down at my hand. I ran to my room and changed then went go fives room. He wasn't there but then I heard him talking. "I'd ask whst you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me... I don't care,"
"Hey! You know there's easier ways out of the house, buddy?" I heard Klaus say.
This ine invovled the least amount of talking. Or so I thought," Five replied.
"Hey, hey, hey, so... You need any more company today? I could uh... clear my schedule," Klaus said.
I walked to the window and climbed out onto the fire escape. I watched as five walkes down the ally and Klaus was in the the dumpster.
"Looks like you've got ypur hands full," Five said.
Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just... I misplaced something. That's all," Klaus said and disappeared into the dumpster.
After a little bit he poped back up with half of a bagel in his hand. "Oh! Found it!" He said and took a bite of it.
"Delicious," Klaus said.
"Gross," I said and he looked up.
"Eight!" Klaus a said and Five stopped and looked up at me.
I looled away from and walked down the ladder and jumped to the ground. I pulled the bagel from Klaus' hand and throw it back in the dumpster. "Dint eat trash Klaus!" I said.
"So can I come?" Klaus asked Five.
"I'm done funding your drug habit," he said.
I looked at him and noticed he had that stupid duffle with Dalores in it. "Come on! You don't... maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother," Klaus yelled then looked to his right. "Not you," he said.
Five walked to a purple van "¡Mi hermano! I love you! Even if you don't love yourself!" Klaus yelled as Five got in the van and slammed the door shut then drive off.
"So, Eight... What happened last night?" Klaus asked.
"What?" I asked.
"You slept in your room. Then I saw five walk into your room this morning," he said.
"Nothing happened," I said walking away.
"Then why did Five say "I'm sorry, I love you." When he was in your room and put something on your finger?" He asked and I stopped.
I looked down at the ring and fiddled with it. I looked at Klaus with tears in my eyes. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked getting out of the dumpster and coming over to me.
"Five, doesn't love me. At least not like that. He loves that stupid ass maniqunne. I was the only living human left he had no other choices. He only wanted to marry me because of that not because he loves me. We got into a fight because he went to get that damn doll. I gave him the ring back," I said as tears rolled down my face.
Klaus pulled me into him "he loves you more than you think. He wouldn't have gave you the ring back. He looked at little defeated walking out of your room. Five doesn't love anyone more than you," he said.
"Go after him and talk to him,"
"I don't know," I said.
"Go trust me," he said and I looked at him and nodded.
I had an idea where he would be and walked to Meritech. I saw the van and higher over to it. I heard him through the door to Five talking to the damn doll.
"Sorry you were in there for so long, Dalores. No im not drunk. Im working. Yes. It's the eye thing. This is the place it was made. Or... will be made. We just have to wait," he said.
I swang the door open and stood there. Five looked at me wide eyed. "Eight. What are you doing here," he asked looking from my eyes to my left hand.
I looked at the ring and looked at him "I see brought and you're talking to your damn doll. I was here to talk to you like Klaus suggested. But now I don't know," I said.
I was about to shit the door and walk off but Five stopped me "dont go," he said.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Just stay, please,"
I sighed and got in the van and closed the door. We sat there in silence and I looked at Dolares sat in between us. I huffed and picked her up by the neck and throw her in the back. "What the hell was that for?!" Five yelled.
"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt your little girlfriend?" I said sarcastically looking at him.
"What the hell is your problem?" He asked.
"You. You're my problem Five!" I yelled.
"You come in my room, put the ring back on my damn finger say your sorry and you love me, then you leave to come here again with a stupid ass doll!"
"You heard me?" He asked.
"No, Klaus saw and heard you. Then he told me," I said.
"I do love you," he said.
"Don't fucking lie to me Five!" I said as my voice cracked. I looked away from him as my eyes filled with more tears.
"I'm not lying. Why do you have to be so damn stubbron?!" He yelled.
The passenger side door opened and Luther stood there leaning down to look at us. "Five. Eight," he said.
He pushed me to the side until I was sitting on Fives lap. "What the hell?!" I said.
"What are you... Oh my god..." Luther said trying to get in the van. Once he was in he shut the door and looked at us. "You okay? You shouldn't be..." He said but Five cut him off.
"How'd you find us?" Five said as his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Um..." Luther said until we heard Klaus.
"Hey, baby..." We looked in the back to see him with Dolares in his arms dancing. "Hey, a little privacy, guys. We're really hitting it off back here,"
Five picked something up and throw it at him "get out! You can't be here!" He yelled. "We're in the middle of something,"
"Any luck finding your one eyed man?" Klaus asked.
"No," Five said.
"What's he talking about?" Luther asked.
"Does it matter? It's Klaus," I said.
Five sighed "What do you want Luthet?" He asked.
"Um... so Grace may have had something to do with Dad's death. So I need you two to come back to the Academy, all right? It's important," he told us.
"Grace wouldn't do that " I said.
"Its important." You have no concept of what's important," Five hissed at him.
Klaus cane to the front and leaned on the seats "Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" He said.
I looked at him and scrunched my face up. "It was so painful," he said.
"What are you still doing here?" I asked him.
"Ay, ay, ay... what? I... What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?" He asked.
"We're trying to have a serious conversation," Luther said.
"What, and I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?" Klaus asked.
"Luther's got a point, you should get out," Five said.
"What? Fine!" Klaus said and got out of the van.
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csventbutfaster · 2 years
(milqilin) imagine calling out a fucking scammer with solid evidence and an entire google doc and getting told to "talk to a mod about it" WHEN IT WAS ALREADY DONE AND THAT SAME PERSON KEPT ENTERING IN RAFFLES STILL. it was obvious that carol on TH was entering in raffles under so many throwaways and they won multiple times too. then everyone in the server bullied the person into leaving. i talked to her afterwards and it was unbelievable how it was handled. seira deleted all evidence after
Sounds like bad management, idk what else to say other than overthrow it lool
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csventbutfaster · 3 years
docs(.)google(.)com/document/u/0/d/1EWwURrXDVVm1-tqORDx--wnLmr3wWE1R9fGBF63S_Lg/mobilebasic Here is the guidelines for the Hyros. Imo its hardly restrictive and you have a good chunk of options and subtypes to pick from.
Thank you anon https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1EWwURrXDVVm1-tqORDx--wnLmr3wWE1R9fGBF63S_Lg/mobilebasic
It doesn’t seem that restrictive to me either? Like all of them have 6 or less traits to choose from so having to pick 3 means you already have half of the traits. Tbf though I can see why it might seem restrictive but it doesn’t seem that bad. I thought it was going to be much worse the way you guys were arguing 💀 lool
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