#so... am i allowed to talk about the angst of Lambert and Aiden coming to kaer morhen for winter
whaticannotshowyou · 4 years
Aiden gets experimented on and turned into some kind of monster. He breaks free from wherever and immediately seeks out Lambert, all rational thought gone, only needing to find and breed his mate. But Lambert’s ass isn’t enough, so Aiden cuts a cunny into Lambert to fuck. Maybe fill with eggs that keep it from healing in anyway but a fuckable hole.
👀 I gotta say, this was good. Aiden being captured and experimented on, maybe the bad guys knowingly making him lust for other witchers in case he gets loose so he won’t hurt humans(especially those who captured him) but not knowing he already has a witcher mate and won’t disturb anyone else. When he breaks free, Aiden wastes no time even celebrating his freedom, instead nosing up the traces of his puppy and making a beeline for him.
Lambert has been looking for him everywhere and maybe tracked down the general area where Aiden was last seen, so the cat doesn’t have to search for too long before he pounces the man, his limbs twisted and turned him semi-quadrupedal and Lambert just seeing this hulking monster run towards him. It’s nothing he’s ever seen before, razor sharp, long teeth and slitted eyes, paw-like hands and a long, dripping tongue. It smells of blood and potions, something warmer just underneath a scent of pure lust and need. Aiden.
His clothes are ripped away and his protests muffled as the sharp teeth graze his neck, each inhale enough to make them dig into the skin like needles and effectively shutting the wolf up. He can see the engirged member on the man, something so inhuman, yet familiar, straining under it’s own weight. Of course whoever fucked up his boyfriend made his cock bigger, because Lambert haven’t suffered enough.
There isn’t even a moment where the other considers preparing Lambert, pushing the tip hard against his entrance without letting up until it sinks inside. He then immediately slams inside, ripping open something within Lambert and still fucks him long and hard while the witcher cries out from the pain and fucked up scenario he’s in. The man coming inside of him does nothinng to soothe him, the salty come instead burning his guts from the inside.
He wishes so dearly it will be over then, holding on to the last thread of hope that he will come through to Aiden and have him calm down. Instead he sees that paw-like hand reach for the dagger that once was strapped on the side of Lambert’s thigh, grasping it in a far too human way and pulling it close to where they are connected. A small part of the wolf fears he’s actually getting gilded there on the spot, but freezes up the moment the blade sinks into his perineum without a second thought and it tears the most agonised scream from Lambert he’s ever heard.
He barely has the time to comprehend what hapoened before Aiden fucks into the wound, his cock still rock hard and far too big for what the slim dagger could carve out. It rips open, tearing his insides apart to make room for the length all while that long tongue laps at the man’s tears, snaking around to lick his neck raw while he fucks his new cunt like mad. He comes far too much into him, the spend shooting into his body with force and drenching his thighs in a pink, sticky mess.
It’s then that Lambert realises why his cock has been enlarged, for he can feel the member thicken up even further and plugging his new hole up beyond reason. Something else is filling him up, hard and lumpy as it’s forced out through the cock and deposited into him. Teeth sink into the side of his neck, reminiscent of a mating bite as it draws blood and makes Lambert go slack from the pain. When five more eggs have been forced into his cunt, Aiden just satys there on top of him, still plugging his insides up as they both pant.
Maybe a coating on the eggs reacts to the come to make them stick, impossible to push or pull out until they’re ready to hatch. It keeps him open and wide for so long, his tired witcher body doing it’s best to stop the bleeding and mending him back. It does what it can and heals his wound into a poor excuse for a cunt, stretched and loose as soon as the eggs are out of him and the hole unable to fully close.
Whether Aiden comes to his senses I don’t know... I like the idea of him being able to surface back as his old self yet stuck in this new form, wracked with guilt and shame for what he did all while Lambert tries to argue it was not his fault. But he’a still more beast than anything else now, able to live normally for most of the time but his body going into a crazed rut a fee times a year. Of course Lambert is the only one he has to help him, the poor witcher sobbing and begging for it to end as he’s pumped full of infertile eggs and the man’s seed over and over. His body never recovers fully, his cunt a loose and sloppy hole like that of a fucked out whore’s.
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ohnomybreadsticks · 3 years
For the spotify wrapped fic meme….Lambert/Aiden, 32, (spice level = dealer’s choice)?
I am so so sorry for making you wait so long for this - life got away from me for a bit. But let me just say that I was *so* excited to get this prompt, because the number happened to land on one of my top favorite songs: "Horse and Deer" by Kenshi Yonezu. The lyrics are unbearably melancholy, as is most of his music, so I have to apologize for the path this fic took. I hope you still enjoy it, after such a long wait, and thank you again for the prompt! <3
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Lambert/Aiden, 559 words
Rated M for mention of canonical tw3 character death, mentions of off-screen sex, dirty talk, feelings denial, angst, and emotional hurt
“How would you describe me?”
The question is so unexpected that Lambert almost startles, jolted from his pleasant post-orgasm haze. He looks down at his chest, where Aiden’s head is resting, and finds the Cat Witcher looking up at him with shrewd curiosity.
“This a trap?” Lambert retorts with a dry chuckle, “You tryin’ to get a compliment outta me? Guess I didn’t fuck you good enough if you still want pretty words.”
Aiden snorts, those golden eyes rolling up into his head so far they almost disappear.
“You are so dumb, be glad you have a good dick to balance it out.” He says, “Just like, if you ever had to describe me to someone else. How would you?”
Lambert isn’t stupid, as much as he plays into it and as much as his brothers insist he is. His emotional maturity might be a stunted and neglected little piece of him, but it’s not completely missing. So he feels the weight of the question when it’s asked a second time, hears the other question lingering behind it just out of sight. So like Aiden to disguise his true intentions, to lurk in the shadows with the real dagger clutched close to his chest.
What are we? What is this thing between us?
Not like it’s a new question - it’s something Lambert’s been avoiding thinking about ever since the first time he and Aiden fell into bed together, since the first time their lips met and he felt that sudden spark of life thrill through him. Because if he names something, then that thing has power over him. And Lambert swore a long time ago he’d never let anyone or anything control him again.
Doesn’t help either that he’s a coward.
So Lambert pauses for a moment, takes in the question behind the question, and throws his own answer out into the air between them. His own answer that’s not really an answer, not even to the fake question that should be easier for him to stomach.
“If I had to tell someone about you, which I wouldn’t, I’d say you’re the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever spent time with. And then I’d let them decide if I’m being literal or not.”
The lewd sneer comes easy to Lambert, masking his emotions the way he always has with crude language and cruelty. Aiden snorts and thumps him in the chest in retaliation, and soon enough they’re rolling around in the bed together, half fighting, half passionately making out. The moment passes and things return to normal - because they’re the same really, neither one of them willing to admit they want more than this. It’s easier this way, to simply enjoy the way things are instead of worrying about how they might change if words are allowed to blossom between them. Lambert thinks he would like to keep this one good thing close to his chest for as long as he’s allowed, instead of fucking it up.
But of course, in the end, it’s not entirely up to him.
When Geralt asks, Lambert tells him that Aiden was the best man he’s ever met. The words are foul and bitter on his tongue, but he lets them drip from his mouth all the same. After all, Lambert is still too much of a coward to tell the truth.
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Hey sweetie! I see you'd like to have more (elves) requests? If you allow me, I can send a lot of them :3 I come up with ideas (sometimes VERY stupid ones) like every second of my little life. But before I request, tell me everything you like to write, favorite characters, kinks, what you would never do, prefer angst smut fluff or whatever, pour your heart out! I feel pretty alone and useless nowadays, reading is kinda helping me deal with it that's why I sound a bit crazy. Thank you doll!
Okay, I have never been called Sweetie and now I’m blushing. ANYWAYS as for more requests with elves, yes please! Most of my requests are the dwarves or the men. I have 3 requests for elves. 2 of those are threesomes. Only one of them is for Thranduil and it’s very new! And here on this blog we appreciate endless ideas! Mostly because I understand so much! So feel free to vent and unload at the very least I’ll reply and chat on it because I love hearing about the thought process of others! Don’t read below if you don’t want to know what I like to write.
I have also never been asked what I like to write. What I like to write is character ideas. I know, odd. However I enjoy ranting about what characters like or dislike. In the context of this blog I like writing filth. No other way to put it. I like writing the down and dirty; overstimulation, breeding kinks, cock-warming, cum kinks, BDSM in any context, knife play is always interesting, free-use, dirty talk, among others that go down similar veins. I like writing fluffy stories, however I excel in angst and smut. I actually have an angsty Bagginshield in the works at the moment that I plan to post on my AO3 as my first story there for my new account. Angst is where I excel and Smut is where I have fun to sum it all up.
As for characters in the Tolkien verse, I enjoy writing for Thranduil, Aragorn, Thorin, Fili, Kili, Tauriel, Eowyn, Boromir, Arwen, Legolas, Elrond, Eomer, Galadriel, Haldir. I like writing essentially every character. As for The Witcher; Geralt, Yennefer, Aiden, Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel. If you can’t tell I like powerful people.
I do not write incest, rape, or watersports. The only context I will write rape in would be for negotiated kinks and even then it will be heavily hinted and there will be lots of check-ins from the dominating party. I do this, because rape is awful and no one should ever have to go through that pain. If there is a limit of my writing capabilities reached or I do not feel comfortable writing something I will not.
Oh! I understand the feeling alone, and I am so sorry you feel that way. You don’t sound crazy at all! It was really great of you to ask and I appreciate it a lot! And oh my god the nicknames. I have never been called any of these sweet endearments and I keep blushing. Which you may think odd, but like sweet words kill me, I just break at endearments so thank you for making me blush!
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