#so you kinda get the squid game effect where everyone talks about The New Show for a week and then moves on
corvidaeus · 2 years
maybe this is very Old Man Yells At Cloud of me but i think the netflixification of tv has ruined it somewhat and we should just go back to weekly releases of 30-60 minute episodes
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 141
The wait is over! Skraak's gonna sober up soon and all signs point to upcoming boss fight. Will they end up with an army of captured Kobolds fulfilling the promise to make Skraak a general or are they going to spend the last episode on the island trying to remember who was tied up where? Patreon thanks have gotten more fun since I started recognizing names.
Alex sounds contrite about possible errors. Ben is honest about the social contract. Honestly these guys hold themselves to too high a standard sometimes. Oh everyone is doing Ben impressions, I love it when you can see they are really are friends Back to the elevator shaft Hamid and Zolf can fly without warning but are Cel and Azu going to be OK? Oh ladder is bad bad bad. Right not their first rodeo: Hamid and Zolf are talking out the plan. Zolf will scout? *scouts* *elevator ain’t moving* *reports* Regarding the text level of the ensuing conversation: Everyone is going to be tied together. No falling allowed. Hamid makes a case for Lightest First, Zolf was thinking Heaviest First. They go with lightest first. Eh I'm no hiker so not going to spend to much brain space on working out which order makes sense. Especially since none of them are allowed to fall, Alex. Subtext: Hamid sounds a little nervous about it but is in leader mode, not presenting an idea to his boss mode. Zolf sounds unsure how to take that level of the conversation but always did take Hamid's ideas seriously; even if only seriously enough to argue about rather than dismiss out of hand. As they discuss it Hamid sounds a bit more confident as Zolf takes it well. Zolf sounds frustrated but I think it's only on the level he explicitly said: this is going to suck and he would rather do it quickly, than have time for worry to really set in. I swear if they have Azu fall on someone like Bertie fell on Sasha; the way the last season of scripted shows do call backs to fan favorite episodes I'll never trust the dice are unweighted again. Eep, fatigue mechanics are starting now Yes having typing as an excuse to pause as they hit the bit we've been worrying about is nice. I don't want anyone to slip but I kinda need Zolf as Iron Man saving someone fan art. Ha Bryn just figured out they can work out how much time has passed by how often Zolf has to reactivate his boots. He clearly knows how much Ben will appreciate being used to add to the admin when he points this out. Oh this is going to be Planes Walking all over again, rolls every few seconds. I refuse to track the numbers, we had too many naturals in both directions. Tired climbing in the dark. Or not: Zolf lights a torch because Hamid can't cast and climb. Fatigued officially kicked in for Cel. Yeah we worried about this in the discord it is a Bad condition. Alex was going to soften it but Zolf has it covered? Well at least cover 7 times a day but there are only 5 of them unless sickened* or one of the other conditions comes up too. Zolf & Cel scene is fun. Rolls, trying to tune it out and just wait for the effects. Mood lightened by Ben rolling for fun. Skraak needs to be rolled for too. Of course Ben is the only one not sounding stressed at this. To be fair its a bit heavy handed by Alex standards to give us an NPC whose two main traits are endearing and vulnerable. Yes, yes, yes! Zolf is carrying Skraak in a little rope backpack! What is up with this design? I'm getting an overpowered kid vibe. Where is Alex going with this? Water reflections? Leaking hydraulics? Break right after pointing out that Hamid's armor is probably gone. Please tell me he can recast if there is something nasty down here. Ouch falling would have hurt even worse than expected. No Cel/Lydia, things that could have easily turned you into pâté are not cool. Alex has trained them too well to just open the door without a plan. Little Kobold Jeffrey's Tube hatch Skraak time. Yes, I know I said Alex was manipulating us, I never said it didn't work. Poor little guy is too cute. Ben admits Zolf would have cured his fatigue. Aquarium tunnel? For just the boss? Doesn't fit the military past and is a stretch for a school, did Yoshida have it added? how rich is this guy? Quick Hamid and Azu moment My respect for Shoin as an alchemist is going down.  Maintain your equipment: you're a mad scientist for heaven's sake. Going back to my “something is using Yoshida as a boogeyman” theory Sorry if this isn't up to my usual. Listening at home instead of waiting for work and I don't think I got 10 minutes in a row undisturbed. Anyway: set design/world building is wonderful. Light turns out to be natural phosphorus(?) from a thermal vent, because Alex world builds from the geothermal layer up. Never let it be said Alex doesn't give the people what they ask for. Thank you Alex and Helen for 15 octopuses and the rest of the table for making the Jurassic Park reference/background music. A pulpy fun scene that was indulgent even before a geeky reference right from my childhood? RQG is good to me Ship wrecks? Gotta be the Mechanical Squid from Dover! Zolf knowledge time Boats were sunk over the last decade? Hamid agrees with me! I am going to be smug even if debunked, at proof I'm thinking the same way as the players. I'm thinking dragging the boats here was just an easy way to be sure they got all the stuff they wanted before dumping the looted wrecks? Telling a machine to grab a boat and bring it back has to be easier than defining what loot it should take and what to dump. Genre savvy Zolf points out we will probably get an evil monologue explaining. Good bye nice safe tunnel. Utility is king in the new complex but no maintenance again? Been damaged without repair too? And has it's own power? Cel is also wondering about the maintenance. Azu points out the danger Cel is accidentally but actively making her more frightened. On a Watsonian level anyways. Lydia knows what she is doing. Literal fun-house is it, Ben/Zolf. The place was set up for the kind of nerdy party RQG fans would love then it was abandoned? But the food was fresh and the costumes were designed for the team? Locker, trap, and Helen gasp. Vial broken, was that what the potion puzzle with the costumes was for? Alex is merciful and reinforcing the "set up for a party years ago and abandoned in place" by the contents being too old to hurt the team. 3 years expired, is that when the party was? Zolf breaks the box because  he does not like puzzle games. It was the prize: 4 vials but also too old to use. The customization is discussed. Lydia has Cel accidentally point out the time skip accounts for a lot of the time element. Well half of it, but if we take 3 years as a solid date, that leaves 18 months before the times skip and I don't think The Rangers were formed over a year before that. Maybe minions who kept updating based on old orders? "Actually"? Alex?!? OK, Broken traps can be tagged on like that. Holy Hades, I was right: Corpse with a bolt through his head?  Gotta be Yoshida. Poor Bryn glitched on his own character name because of all the Salad jokes; honest to god we tease because we love. Ben lightens things back up. Wait hey Zolf's cure fatigue also covers poisons*, is Skraak no longer drugged? Also is he still tied to Zolf? I don't remember them taking him out of the rope back pack. Did a lunch time re-listen/edit of these notes, because the universe punishes me with interruptions if I try to break my ritual. Hope it helped more than made the tone even more confusing. *I could have sworn poisoned was one of the conditions cured by Calming touch (Zolf's spell). I listened while doing my edit pass on this post and I couldn't find it. Maybe that damned processing issue again: you know I can wrap my head around hearing a tone but not make out words; hearing a completely different word so clearly I don't know my ears/brain glitched? Pisses me off more than it presents an actual problem.
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Future Plot: Syer’s Rebellion - Chapter 1
((Sandra, James, Reve the Tortoise and Pyrrhus belongs to me
Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @agenttwo and @myzzy
Marina and Wish belong to @inklingleesquidly @agenttwo and @myzzy; designs are made by @teamuntyblue  / @ryan-sign-guy
Vix belongs to @teamuntyblue / @ryan-sign-guy
Beaker Jr belongs to @askvincent / @asktheseastars and @scrushling
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune ))
((Insert opening: https://youtu.be/IBF9XEsnvJI ))
When the Shinkiro arrived in San Francisco, one inkling recognizes the Neo Squid Sisters and later thousands gather. A producer and security from Hollywood were prepared to escort them and their friends to a 5-star hotel where a suite was waiting for them.  And it turns out that this producer is a friend of Felix Dahlia, the Neo Squid Sister's producer from Inkopolis. This producer introduced herself as Carolyn Bivalves, and she's here on behalf of Dahlia to put together a live concert for the fans in both the United States and Inkopolis, Japan.
The producer has already got a stage and equipment ready for their first concert in the United States. Nebula and Camille already have a video camera full of recorded videos from their voyage in the Pacific to show off to their fans. (It just needed some editing.) Sandra asked the producer if she can help out since she wants to play the guitar on stage; the producer agreed to it under some conditions, and she followed them quickly.
For now, everyone had a week to explore San Francisco. Pyrrhus, Beaker Jr, and Vix going to the lobby to try out the food. Marina and Wish were planning out their tour around the city. Camille and Nebula, were on the roof to talk with their producer.
Sandra took this time to return to the Shinkiro to do some errands: restore the guitar she found on Jade's Island, practice it in within a week, and master it with the Squid Sister songs. And thanks to a visit to a workshop the next day, she had managed to restore the old broken guitar so that she can practice and memorize the music note of the songs.
When the time came, tickets were booked. Front row passes were given to Vix, Wish, Marina, and Beaker Jr. Camille and Nebula were getting ready for their concert with Pyrrhus wishing Camille good luck. Sandra was half-confident and half-concerned of her skills in playing the guitar when she prepared.
Fort Mason, San Francisco - California, United States - 7:00PM
A former US Army post is rented out by the request of the city mayor for a concert. But it isn't just any concert; it's the concert for the Neo Squid Sister's American Tour. Everyone all over the United States did not expect the girls to come to their country to perform. Now thousands of fans in the US finally get a chance to see their favorite musical squids on the stage and sing to them. Backstage, Sandra, Camille, and Nebula were hanging out with their friends before they're escorted to front row seats.
Sandra and the Crew were all in steampunk attire to fit in with the public. The tailor had to make a few modifications: he made sure Wish's clothes were light-protected due to her hypersensitivity to sunlight; he had to make Marina's attire unflattering and instead go with long sleeves, worker's jeans and worker's boots; For Camille, she wanted her attire to match a racers -- instead, it mirrors that of a plane pilot. Overall, they wore clothing that's closer to the Victorian Era rather than the 18 the century; still, it fits with the public. Pyrrhus was the only one that remained in his usual attire for several reasons.
Sandra wore a light mint green button shirt, a bleached leather collar and gloves, a beige corset,  a brown bustle skirt with leather belt, black inkling shorts, brown worker's boots, and her usual round violet glasses. On her head is a pair of goggles with green lens. The only piece of clothing that everyone in her party thought didn't fit her was a top hat with white pointed dog ears.
Once Beaker Jr, Vix, and the others were off, only Pyrrhus was there with Sandra and the Neo Squid Sisters. Soon there was a familiar voice.
"Camille? Nebula?" It was Emerald's voice.
Soon Emerald and Sapphire appear out of some cardboard boxes. The sharkling agent, Suzy, jumps down and lands next to Sandra. Sandra steps away, startled as if she hasn't seen a Sharkling before.
"Emerald!" Nebula addressed.
"Sapphy!" Camille addressed.
Camille, Nebula, Emerald, and Sapphire run up to each other and have a group hug.
"What are you two doing here?" It was the first time Emerald asked on they let go.
"Ask Sandy," Camille points her thumb toward Sandra.
"I kinda dragged them along to help me find my family here in America," Sandra answered, "But we have others that joined in! Beaker Jr.! Vix! Reve the tortoise! Marina and Wish! And Camille's old boyfriend--"
Camille covers Sandra's mouth. "She meant Pyrrhus! She was drinking sea water at one point during the voyage."
Sandra just gave her a look that says "really?". Emerald, Sapphire, and Suzy looked at Pyrrhus. He hesitated and sheepishly waved to them hello. Sapphire steps closer, she can see Pyrrhus's past self -- she can sense his past was a path of chaos.
"But..... we kind of are more than friends," Camille admitted, "But it's not like that, I swear!"
Sapphire stares into  Pyrrhus' eyes, then Pyrrhus closed his eyes and smiled. There was already a hostile vibe between them. Both replied with the same welcoming tone: "Nice to meet you."
Camille rolls her eyes, knowing this may lead to a rivalry over her. This is why I don't get into relationships, she thought to herself.
"Alright, Neo Squid Sisters! Sandra! Get ready!" Carolyn shouted.
"Good luck out there." Pyrrhus gives a quickly kiss on the cheek and runs off.
Sapphire see this and storms after Pyrrhus. Emerald and Suzy went after Sapphire. Camille had one hand on her cheek, the one where Pyrrhus kissed. She'll wash it once this concert is over.
Carolyn approached the Neo Squid Sisters and Sandra. She looked at Sandra and the guitar.
"You sure you know how to play?" Carolyn asked.
Sandra sighs and played the first verse of City of Colors by the Original Squid Sisters.
"Does that answer your question?" Sandra asked.
Soon, Sandra decided to stall the crowd with some music by Squid Squad, AXBY (or in this case the Chirpy Chirps), and Hightide Era. Camille and Nebula were chatting with Carolyn about the order in which the song would be played. Camille also suggested adding a cover song of their own as they were tired of singing songs by the original Squid Sisters, thinking it would be stale as the American tour continues. Once the songs were arranged, Camille signals to Sandra that they're coming out.
Sandra nods and holds for applause from the crowd. "Alright, America! Are you ready!?"
The crowd responded with cheers, demanding the Neo Squid Sisters. They were even chanting their names: Camille! Nebula!
"Live from Inkopolis! The Neo Squid Sisters!" Sandra leaves the stage and Inkopolis New Time is played.
It turns out that the Neo Squid Sisters were doing the new backstages. Camille and Nebula go through their usual broadcasting and at the end, Camille had something to say.
"Hey, Nebby, should we tell them!" Camille looked eager to reveal the "secret".
"Sure thing, Cammy." Nebula nods.
"Guess where we are!" Camille asked the fans.
Soon the screen turns off and lifts itself up to reveal the Neo Squid Sister with their back turned. The crowd screams with joy. Camille and Nebula turn to step out of the broadcasting room and onto the stage. They were waving to the crowd. Sandra returned with a few other musicians to offer their musical support.
"Let's make some noise!" Camille pumps a fist in the air.
Once the music began to play, the Neo Squid Sister began to sing the Squid Sister's Soundtrack: "Ink Me Up" and "Now or Never!", "City of Color", "Maritime Memory", "Bomb Rush Blush", and "Tide Goes Out." They also tried out their own song, "Children of the Ink", and the crowd went nuts.
The Neo Squid Sisters then tried out their cover song.
"Say, Nebby, how these repetitions are killing me! How about we show them our cover song?" Camille looked eager onstage.
"I'm with ya, Cammy!" Nebula replied.
"Let's do it!" They both cheered.
That was Sandra's queue with the band to play the song.
(( Song: https://youtu.be/GjezEjHTC-0 / Alternate: https://youtu.be/k3thHtNLCiQ ))
Their cover song wasn't from any band know to Inkopolis, but it was a human relic Sandra had kept in her phone's music player. She said it came from some fighting video game. Their song raises the rating to the roof in both Inkopolis and America.
When that was done, they ended their concert with Calamari Inkantation. But halfway through that song, there were was a commotion, then a few screams, a splat bomb and two inkstrike going off, and then the crowd dispersing.
Sandra surveyed the area and saw to pillars of rising in for in the bay; this was caused by the inkstrikes. They disappeared seconds later. The Splatbomb, however, managed to scare a group of Neo Squid Sister fans and caused a domino effect.
The concert had to end immediately; Carolyn deployed security to escort everyone to safety including Camille, Nebula, Sandra, and their friends in the front row.
Once the Security began escorting Camille, Nebula, and Sandra. Automaton appeared under stage floors and knocked the security units off the stage, they were now surrounding the three. Beaker Jr. jumped in to protect the girls, but he didn't have weapons.  Sandra left her splattershot and ink cutlass on the Shinkiro.
Pyrrhus immediately, escorted Marina, Wish, Vix, and Reve away from the stage. Carolyn gets them to somewhere safe; she phone calls Camille and Nebula, telling them to meet her at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre.
"Why get yourself into this Beaky?" Camille asked.
"I can't just let some friends get surrounded like this," Beaker replied.
"We don't even have any weapons, that's what makes this situation worse," Sandra implied.
"I can just do this!" Camille performs a Capoeira kick to swipe one of the automatons off their feets, but instead, she hurts her leg. "Owww....."
"Do every try physical combat on something made of metal Camille!" Sandra warned. "Not matter how fragile it looks!"
"You could’ve just told me earlier!" Camille argued.
"But you wouldn't listen if I told you! Who's to blame now?" Sandra folds her arms.
"Guys, no time to argue, they're closing in!" Nebula and Beaker are back-to-back.
Sandra and Camille did the same, but Sandra saw an opening to roll under the automatons and avoid capture. The two inklings quickly did so and Nebula and Beaker Jr. did that same to avoid their capture. They manage to leave the premises and escape by super jumping their way out of there, but the city was no longer safe.
In the streets, the automatons were everywhere, clad in red armor and armed with musket-shaped tasers; they all formed in battalions led by one automaton carrying an ink cutlass. In the skies of San Francisco, airships flew over the skyscrapers and buildings, watching over the city's inhabitants. The city now looked as if the mayor allowed marshal law to be imposed.
"We need to get to the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre," Nebula stated, "we don't have anything defends ourselves, so we have no choice but to sneak our way to there. We can't let these things capture us."
"Who knows what they'll do to us..." Sandra didn't want to think about it. "Why would my family live here and not tell me?"
"The real question is why capture us?" Camille commented.
Soon spotlights were all aimed at them from four different buildings, and a battalion of five automatons approached the inklings with aerial support behind them. Small drones with insect-like wings appeared behind the automatons armed with mini chargers and burst bombs.
"We're about to find out....." Beaker Jr. answered hesitantly.
Two of the automaton began closing in to grab Camille and Nebula. Suddenly two inky wrenches were thrown like boomerangs directly at the heads of the automatons, knocking them down. The spotlights were taken off Sandra and her party and ink shots were fired at the automatons surrounding them; unknown allies were on the roof, and they save them.
Sandra looked up, adjusted her glasses, and narrowed her eyes at the silhouettes on the rooftops. She can see their ink hair glowing with bioluminescence.
On one of the rooftops, there is an orange inkling, a blue inkling, and an octoling; they were all dressed in their own unique steampunk ensembles. Leading them is an indigo inkling in dark overalls, a cotton shirt, a colonial coat, worker boots, and a tricorn-like newspaper boy cap. This indigo inkling, however, had something distinct: violet square glasses and a familiar face.
Sandra recognizes him now. It was her brother.
"James!" Sandra shouted.
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readerdye · 7 years
@farseersfool tagged me in this wonderful questionnaire! Thank you so much!
RULES: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (I can’t tag anyone today, but please do this if you’re interested!)
Long post after the cut
1.      coke or pepsi: After that commercial the other day, Coke.
2.      disney or dreamworks: Dreamworks, I think. They have How to Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda and Shrek! But if Disney keeps creating stuff like Moana, I might have to switch.
3.      coffee or tea: Coffee, probably, but I can’t drink it. If I do, I’m wired and bouncy and awful. So I’m trying to switch over to tea. 
4.      books or movies: Definitely, definitely books. I can manage movies sometimes...but only if I can fidget and talk straight through it. Even TV shows are hard to sit through for me.
5.      windows or mac: Windows, because I can play more games.
6.      dc or marvel: Okay, so the Captain-America-Nazi thing was ATROCIOUS. But Marvel has those tiny, cute franchises like Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat and Squirrel Girl and nonviolent superheroes, and I like that trend. So I’ll go with Marvel, provided I don’t read any of the big-names anymore.
7.      xbox or playstation: PlayStation for life. (Sadly, though, I don’t have a PS4 and am therefore behind the times. RIP Horizon Zero Dawn)
8.     dragon age or mass effect: Dragon Age, definitely. I haven’t gotten around to playing Mass Effect.
9.      night owl or early riser: Being a night owl is the Worst Possible Thing for a depressed kiddo to be, and yet. I’m trying to switch to early bird, but it’s not working for me.
10.  cards or chess: Cards, definitely. There’s a lot more variety in what you can play, and I just like the feeling of shuffling.
11.  chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. Not a huge chocolate fan.
12.  vans or converse: Ahahahahahaha you think I buy name-brand shoes. That’s hilarious. I’ve been wearing the life out of the same pair of sneakers for two years, and I don’t even know what brand they are. Payless brand.
13.  lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: Oooh. I feel like Lavellan is more central to the plot and can interact more meaningfully with Inquisition’s setting, but I really, really loved playing an Adaar.
14.  fluff or angst: Fluff fluff fluff. Too much stress and I have to put the book down and step outside to breathe.
15.  beach or forest: Beach, and now I’m landlocked. (sigh)
16.  dogs or cats: Cats. Dogs are cute, but they don’t know when to leave you alone. Cats get personal space and kind of live their own lives.
17.  clear skies or rain: I loved the torrential downpours back in Houston, but now that I’m in Colorado, clear skies are SO nice. Not too warm, perfect for relaxing outside (I say from my computer chair).
18.  cooking or eating out: I order way too much take-out, I’ll admit that. I really love and miss cooking, but it’s hard to muster the energy.
19.  spicy food or mild food: Spicy! Well, it depends on the type. If you’re just chopping up 85 jalapenos for fun, then no thank you, but an Indian curry will get me every time. 
20.  halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Solstice/Yule/Christmas is more family-and-friends-ish, so I like it a little better. I’m not a very spooky person.
21.  would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I’m guessing this is excluding the possibility of wearing jackets or short sleeves to correct for temperature, right? Eesh. I’m rarely ever too hot, so I guess too cold, since at least I’m used to that.
22.  if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Shapeshifting yes please! I’m with you, Rowan.
23.  animation or live action: Animation. It’s just fun! And the art choices are so interesting to me (I can’t draw a stick figure, but I like seeing other people who can).
24.  paragon or renegade: Haven’t played Mass Effect, but my understanding is that Paragon is kinda the lawful good choice and Renegade is more chaotic, right? I’m sadly lawful good. So paragon. (And I’ve also heard that renegade is racist, so no thank you. Although I’ve also heard that renegade is passionate about defending their friends...)
25.  baths or showers: Baths are my relaxing “calm down everything’s okay” treat to myself. 
26.  team cap or team ironman: Um...as far as Superhero Rules go, I really loved Ta-Nahisi Coates’ article about this: Iron Man is the logical choice. Right? You can’t have superheroes running around exempt to all rules. But Cap is the heart-choice, because if you knew a rule would hurt your best friend in all the world, and you didn’t feel he deserved that punishment, you’d fight. In my head, Iron Man, because giving superheroes free reign is a recipe for disaster. BUT I think situations have changed: for better or worse, Marvel is very America-centric. So the one registering the mutants would probably be our president. Which would be Trump. So now I’m Team Cap. (Don’t get me wrong. Both superheroes are intolerable.)
27.  fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy...but it’s a tough call! I love my cyborg-futuristic-alternate-planet-space-operas SO much that I might have to switch that answer soon. Some really cool things have been happening in sci-fi lately.
28. do you have three or four  favourite quotes? if so what are they: “You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.” - Mary Oliver, “Wild Geese”
"If the ocean can calm itself so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.” - Nayyirah Waheed, “Meditation”
29.  youtube or netflix: Netflix. There’s more of a quality guarantee.
30.  harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter. I really love the diversity in Percy Jackson, but I hit them too late to appreciate the jokey style of humor.
31.  when you feel accomplished: When I write and everything flies around and connects inside my head. It hasn’t happened for a long time.
32.  star wars or star trek: I’ve been told I’d like Star Trek more, especially old-school philosophical Trek, but I don’t know enough about it to say. 
33.  paperback books or hardback books: Paperbacks are my preference, but I get so many hardbacks from the library that my preference is switching.
34.  horror or rom-com: They’re both actually really tense (interpersonal conflict stresses me out!). But maybe rom-com, since I can sleep afterwards.
35.  to live in a world without literature or music: I get to pick? I’m actually going to go with a world without literature, because then we could all return to oral storytelling and ballads, and because if I couldn’t hum then I’d never do the dishes.
36.  pastel colours or dark colours: Dark, but actual colors: not just black, but maroon and plum and navy blue and the like. 
37.  tv shows or movies: Movies...? TV shows are doing such marvelous and interesting things, but I never, ever finish them, because I can’t binge-watch to save my life and I always find something else that needs doing.
38.  city or countryside: I grew up visiting my grandfather’s land, and I loved getting up early in the morning when the sky was all misty and the world was quiet. Then I moved to a Tiny Country Town and realized exactly how wonderful-but-awful that kind of place could be. I’m glad my still-there friends are turning it into a better place, but now I prefer the city. 
39.  if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: I remember everyone posted the What Zodiac Thingamajig are You lists for a while, and Virgo was always something like “glaring over your spectacles,” and Pisces was “You’re a nice fluffy bunny who daydreams too much and flakes out and sometimes cries because flowers can’t sneeze.” So Pisces, I guess? 
40.  if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: ahahaha, you think I listen to albums. 
41.  cinema or theatre: Theatre! Much more interactive, especially tiny theaters where the performers are right near you. I can’t focus on movies (the screen maybe?), but I just end up staring at theater slack-jawed.
42.  if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: So many of my favorite characters have such difficult lives. 
43.  smiling or smirking: Smiling? I can’t really smirk.
44.  are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: All or nothing. I’m trying to develop consistency.
45.  playlists or your whole library on shuffle: Whole library on shuffle! My mom swears by playlists, but I want to always be surprised.
46.  travelling or staying at home: I like traveling. Really truly honestly: I’m used to uncomfortable sleeping situations, and for some reason all of my road trips have ended up being bizarrely in-depth and soul-searching. Plus I like seeing new places. 
47.  books or fanfiction: Books, but I still love fanfiction and applaud those who write it!
48.  If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: One of those integrated-fantasy worlds, where it’s just like ours only fey creatures and divergent multicultural myths have been added in. I’d really love to wait behind a centaur at Starbucks.
49.  your favorite cartoon: Steven Universe, but I just discovered Phineas and Ferb and it’s delightful. 
50.  name the weirdest five songs on your itunes, current or past: Let’s see. “The Pirate Ninjas from Dino Island” was egregious. Mrs. Burch’s science songs (please tell me someone remembers). Some bagpipe cacophony. Everyone says “No Blue Thing” was weird but it was my favorite for YEARS. And there’s this song from Amelie that starts with aysynchronous piano notes, tosses in a bunch of snapping and whistling, ties in accordion music, and ends on a music box. I don’t remember the title, but that one was odd.
51. a favorite song that starts with the same letter as your name: Last name work? “By Yon Bonnie Banks.” 
52. the last inanimate object you named: my House Squid! Its name is Herman.
Thank you for this again! I won’t tag anyone this time...I’m still too sporadic on Tumblr, so whoever wants can do it. But thank you again!
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