#so yeah….. honestly i have no idea how she’ll respond to that!
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dulcibella-dreams · 7 months
How about Minato comforting a sick SO ? Mitsuru will be super strict regarding the quarantine but Minato will find a way.
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P3 protag comforting a sick S.O.!
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: screaming. YOU KNOW I’VE HAD THIS IDEA BEFORE? hsjdkwkakdkw I have a soft spot for this idea. This sounds to me more like a story type beat than a dot point, so that is what I have done :) also tee hee I'm sick rn so 💕Hope you enjoy anon!!
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You had it really badly. Shivering in your bed with tissue boxes running out by the minute, your body was in a state of swelter and ice.
Mitsuru had absolutely banned everyone from coming to see you. Even Aigis. Why Aigis???? Not like she was going to catch the flu. You rolled your eyes.
The buzzing of your phone followed your second sneeze in a row. You were really hoping one of your friends cared enough about you to text you. Maybe this time it wouldn't be wilduck burgers persuading you to buy their ‘super mystery X exclusive alien edition triple patty burger’. You were indeed pleased when you saw Minato's number pop-up.
“How are you?” You almost rolled your eyes again. “Sick.” You stared intently at the 'typing...' icon. “I'm coming up to see you.” You blinked a couple times at your screen. You had a sudden vision of him getting brutally executed by Mitsuru. You also didn't want to pass your illness to him, or have him see you in this puffy and runny nose condition. But also, you missed your boyfriend a lot. Mitsuru had you basically locked up like jail in your room for 3 days now.
You quickly hit backspace on your DO NOT DO THAT message, and instead opted for a “how???” He responded quickly. “don't worry about that.” Why did he have to be so cryptic. It didn't make him edgy or mysterious. Okay, yes it did and it definitely added to his charm, but that was besides the point.
You looked at your window. No, he wasn't about to learn how to fly. Or get a long ladder. Or would he get a long ladder? Your laugh quickly descended to a chesty cough. The boy of your heart was truly something. He clearly missed you, despite his casual demeanour.
You suddenly hear a raised authoritative voice. Oh. Mitsuru was not pleased. “You can't go up there! You are putting at risk all of us, not to mention the student body…!” Her voice resigned after Minato very nonchalantly walked into your room and locked the door behind him. Oh yeah, that's right. You forgot he literally does not care. You notice a large open container in his hands, all contents except a water bottle obscured to you.
“She won't be coming up here.” You give him a smile. “She’ll kill you, you know.” “That's a problem for later.” He found a seat on the edge of your bed, resting the back of his palm against your forehead. “You’re feverish.” You gave him a long hard look that said, ‘no way, really?’ but kept your mouth shut, since you were honestly so pleased he was here.
Setting the container down by your bed, he pulls out a small, cold wet towel to place on your forehead. You sigh happily as your scorching skin seems to lull slowly. He grabs one of your hands, and rests it in his lap as he holds it. Minato looks in your eyes as the room fills with a moment of silence. “No-one could keep me from you.” You have to look away so you don't make a fool of yourself. It's rare for him to be so blatant about his feelings for you. He didn't seem to care about your sniffling nose, your raspy voice, or your chapped lips. You were his love, after all.
Minato gently lifted your head, resting it in his lap. He propped you up to undo the ponytail you had messily done last night. It had soothed your burning shoulders then, but now it just ached. His fingers gently threaded through your hair, completely relieving the tension. You could not fathom why he had come so prepared, but he procured a hairbrush and began working through your hair slowly. It was such a soft act of intimacy, to actively look after you in this way. To never want anything in return. His satisfaction always seemed to derive from seeing you content. You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the moment, never wanting to leave.
After some time, the silence was interrupted with a: “…Oh yeah, I brought you your favourite snack.” You watch as he reached into the container again to procure you your gift. Your sickened state almost made you barrel towards tears, but you instead settle on pulling him into a sudden hug. You couldn't even care if you got him sick anymore. You left a trail of kisses from his collarbone all the way up to his cheeks, the edge of his mouth, and finally pressing against his lips. You stay there for quite sometime, your fingers now finding his hair instead. When you pull away, he looks vaguely amused, with the slightest smirk on his face.
“I think you forgot about your snack.”
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kwonzoshi · 5 months
I had this idea, and I HAD to dot it. It may not be good, but yeah here is a blurb of an AU:
Simon sighed, staring at his phone. He probably should’ve blocked Wilhelm by now but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He stared at the texts they shared, and as usual, an ache built in his chest. Simon didn’t know why he even replied, all it did was make things worse.
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Simon didn’t even know how to respond to the last text, so he didn’t. He put his phone down on his bed, rubbing his hands over his face. He laid there for a moment, hands still covering his face as he replayed the messages in his head. There was a soft knock on his door. He lowered his hands and glanced over at his sister, Sara. 
“You okay?” she asked, quietly entering his room and plopping down on his bed next to him. 
Simon sighed, “I honestly don’t know,” he said, sitting up and laying his head on her shoulder. “I keep re-reading our messages and I hate it but what he’s saying makes sense. It just sucks that I’m the only one dealing with any consequences.” Sara laid her head on top of his, taking in a deep breath as she listened, “He hurt you, Simon. That hurt doesn’t disappear just because he has a duty to the crown. Whatever you choose to do, I’ll support you but it’s also okay if you just do nothing. It’s your choice.” She placed her hand on her brother’s knee, gently giving it a pat. 
“He told me he loved me,” Simon confessed, lifting his head and turning to look at her, “before he left, and all I said was ‘I hope you have a nice Christmas’. Who does that?” He groaned, covering his face again.
“Really?” Sara asked, brows furrowing. “Do you think he really does?”
“I don’t know…” he sat back up, locking eyes with her. “I feel like if he did he wouldn’t have made the statement and left me to handle it all alone. I mean people still stare at me when I go to the grocery store.” 
“You think you’ll ever be able to forgive him?” She asked.
Simon shrugged, biting the inside of his lip. He really didn’t know and he wasn’t going to figure it out today. “Wanna go bother mom? See if she’ll make us some cookies or something?” Sara nodded, smiling as she stood, reaching out a hand. “Maybe we can convince her to make tres leches?” She wiggled her eyebrows. Simon laughed, taking her hand and following her out of his room, putting the whole thing in the back of his mind. 
Several days later: 
Wilhelm’s POV:
Wilhelm laid in his bed as he stared at the last message he sent, which Simon didn’t grace with a response. He’d been going back and forth on what to do. All he wanted was to be with Simon, but he fucked up. He did the one thing he told Simon he wouldn’t do and he regretted it as soon as he did it. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, switching to the photos app and looking at the few photos he had of them. He broke the trust they had and that was going to be hard to fix, but he needed to do something.
He ranted to Felice about this whole situation and while her advice was solid, he was still scared. His brother died tragically and now his family felt it was stuck with him as the crown prince. Any mistake he made, big or small, put him in deeper and deeper shit with the royal court. He was under the microscope even more than before. No matter what he did, he was never going to be seen as suited for this role, he was never going to be Erik, so why should he let them ruin the one thing that’s ever made him happy in his entire life? 
Meeting and loving Simon was life-changing, and losing him because of something he was forced to do, was devastating in ways he couldn’t put into words. Felice told him to follow his heart, and his heart was Simon’s, there was no question about it. He stared at his favorite photo of them, caressing the phone. At that moment, the decision was made, he sat up and opened Instagram. He began typing without giving it a second thought. Once finished, and posted, he stared at the post for a few moments before sending Simon a message.
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Simon’s POV: 
Simon made his way onto the bus, showing the driver his pass before making his way to a seat in the back. He was listening to music to drown out the chatter and city noise, when his phone vibrated. He glanced at the notification, his heart racing as he saw that it was from Wille. He took a deep breath, opening it. 
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His brows furrowed in confusion as he switched to instagram, clicking Wilhelm’s profile. His eyes narrowed slightly as he saw the most recent photo, clicking it. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock.
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His eyes filled with tears as he read that caption and after a few moments, he responded to the post with the three words he wished he’d said before Christmas break. He stared at the post in disbelief a moment longer. He… confessed..Simon thought as the tears cascaded down his face. He switched back to his messaging app:
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Simon stared out the window and wiped his tears away, a giant smile on his face. He didn’t know what would happen next but at least he could trust that Wilhelm was going to be right beside him through it all.
He didn’t have a single doubt about it.
(Part 1 of ??)
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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This is the other kid I wanted to do today, her name is Wild Pepper Cookie
So originally, her name was Dark Pepper, in reference to black pepper, which is what’s used in pepper shakers, and that’s what Werewolf has in his dough (this was before Peppercorn came out), and of course, the Dark part is there because Dark Choco. But at some point I changed it to Wild Pepper, though I don’t remember why, and I guess it just stuck or sounded better (though now that I think about it, Dark Pepper could still work fine)
I’ll just show black pepper:
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Anyways, so I had always planned on making her hair short and black but putting the little pepper bits in, and that’s what I did. I also wanted to give her a big fluffy cape, like Werewolf and Dark Cacao, but I don’t think I made it fluffy enough
As for the purple eyes, to be honest I just didn’t want to make her eyes red, since I feel like I do that too often with my Dark Choco fankids. But giving her blue eyes would make her look too much like Werewolf, so I made them purple, though not the same dark purple as Dark Cacao
I’ll be honest, other than the dark parts of the colors, I just sort of slapped something together with her outfit. I asked my friend for advice on the colors, but she’s halfway around the world right now and it’ll be a while before she responds, and I thought the colors looked fine enough, so I just decided to post as is. Though if she gives me better ideas I’ll edit this with new colors
And honestly, same goes for the outfit outside of the cape, I just sort of threw something together
I swear, that’s my biggest problem with these guys, I never know what to make them wear, and I usually come up with something I don’t find that great
Anyways, so why don’t we just talk about Wild Pepper?
So she’s a little girl living with her dads. I imagine they’re living around the woods or something, as they just want a quiet life. She loves to explore the woods and find bugs, as shown in the sketch, often watching them and playing with little animals she finds. She usually comes home a mess from her explorations, but it’s all good. She’s a very friendly and energetic child, and she’d probably ask a lot of questions to random strangers she meets. She’ll also help out around the house if need be. Her parents love her very much
Anyways, so I’m sure you can see in one of the sketches, she has a wolf form as well, however it’s more of a shadow than a normal wolf. I basically was trying to mix together Werewolf’s wolf form and Berserk Dark Cacao. When she first did this, it definitely scared her parents, as they weren’t sure what would happen. Though fortunately, she’s relatively harmless like this, just a big shadow pupper. I think she turns like this when she sneezes, but I might change that. I was also considering the idea she can teleport short distances in the form, but I’m not sure why or if I’ll keep that. But I want her to have shadow-y powers
Also as you can see, I don’t know how to design werewolves. Her design will probably change
But also, speaking of her wolf form, I had the idea that while it’s harmless now, as she grows older, the form only grows stronger, gaining lightning powers as well over time (also, her shadow eyes eventually shift to red instead of white). Not only that, but the form grows huge, much bigger than Werewolf’s ever got. And over time, as it grows stronger, she has less control over it until one day she loses control and basically goes berserk. Though if I’m being honest, I’m not sure I want to keep it. I like the idea in principle, but also I feel like the culmination is just too similar to Werewolf’s whole backstory, and she’ll just be another him
But yeah, I think that’s all I got for her, I hope you like her!
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inkykeiji · 2 months
ok wild concept but hear me out. i have been obsessed with your touya-nii fics for. i literally sprouted on sunday but ive been a dabi seedling for a while now. but the point is that im a frequent flyer. now i say all this to talk about how i recently re-read the keigo addition to that series and this could honestly be a product of his newest imagery BUT I DIGRESS the important thing is hear me out again
so keigo naturally knows that touya is involved with his sister but touya also doesnt share outside of natsu. but ive been thinking right? what if its not always just touya’s sister as an individual that he’s attracted to? like yes he thinks she’s pretty and when he can get a round in, he finds her incredibly hot. but WHAT IF its more about the taboo dynamic and he’s projecting??? like WHAT IF keigo has his own little sister? raised beside him at the orphanage and the two of them are close but depending on your take of modern keigo, id imagine the first few years before they settled were rough. and like kei loves them, like so so much. thats his everything, like if it would only be them at the end of the world he’d be satisfied
but deep down he feels like guilty about it? like thats his sibling yknow and he knows the stigma would weigh the two of you down and he’s never wanted anything more than to see her fly high on her own aspirations. and tbh he was getting over all that. he truly was growing out of that stage. but then he met touya’s sister and all that ‘get yourself right’ shit just went out of the window. bc he’s just there witnessing in 4K while touya and his sister are just like together?? the way they share each other’s space, the way touya responds to her coos. and like he knows it doesnt take rocket science for anyone to figure out that the two of them are so obviously fucking on the side but he’s just like yo no one cares??
and i think that just like makes him spiral and he just starts craving what touya has literally bc he thinks he can never have it. bc when he catches her in the moment all fuckout out in the head, just sometimes she’ll whimper out kei-nii and he just blows his whole load
and yeah, sorry for the rambling. i just think that kei is just like why cant i have that too? and low key i think dabi knows
and yeah with that im back on to my sunday agenda. and i would your latest reply so delicious that it refueled my week and im looking forward to what comes next!! hope you’re having a great week 🌱
oooh okay so!!! this keigo actually reminds me a lot of my tag you’re it keigo, because he kind of feels the same way about his (flesh n blood) lil sister.
but anyway i digress!!! this is a really interesting idea and it is RIPE for keigo angst. i definitely do think that keigo being around touya + his lil sister with such frequency possibly would wear down his desire to be a Good Big Brother and foster a hunger to finally act on his impulses. it’s a slow erosion of his barely existent morals, but it’s constant, and envy is one hell of a monster. envy gnaws on his conscience, envy devours his common sense, envy hollows out the pit of his already empty stomach with jade claws and gnashing teeth, making room for his compulsion to fester, rot, grow.
and touya 100% knows, because touya can read almost everyone around him like a children’s storybook. and touya loves it. because touya loves flaunting what he has, what others don’t; touya loves knowing that people wish they were him. so touya turns up the PDA to fucking eleven, just to make keigo’s blood itch with want, just to watch keigo shift and squirm and avert his eyes only to bounce back and stare brazenly merely half a second later.
this really only rubs salt in the wound, nurtures the disgusting desire tangling in keigo’s tummy and ensures that it thrives.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
It's kinda funny the way the game emphasises how nerfed Malenia is. You talk to Gideon and he suggests she may be dead. You meet Millicent right at the Haligtree and she implies Malenia has lost her sense of self. You enter the boss room and she's still in slumber. Her prosthesis isn't attached. The game's like, "This swordswoman hasn't picked up her sword for years." Finally finally when you defeat her, the game says, "Oh btw her Rune is also nerfed. It's only working because of her spirit."
It’s the game trying to trick us into thinking she’s not going to be a threat lol
“Don’t worry this demigod is well past her prime, she’ll be a push over I’m sure” then we meet her, she stands up, tells us she’s never known defeat and then proceeds to show us exactly why that’s true. But you’re right though, the game does pretty much tell us she’s not quite what she used to be. Which makes sense when we look at what happened in Caelid.
She was all but ready to throw her life away to bring down her opponent. A huge sacrifice on her part too as she unleashes the rot, the very thing she’s spent her whole life suppressing, to try and turn the tide during the fight. She only partially succeeds (she immobilises her target, but fails to kill him) and is then rendered unconscious for the next god knows how long. In that time the rot advances and begins to do more damage to her mind and body. So yeah, by the time we find Malenia she isn’t exactly in a good state. She fights us regardless, but she isn’t that eager to engage with us. Most of the time we have to make the first move. She can be a little slow to respond and approaches us with caution and bides her time. And even though she remains a huge threat to us and puts up a good fight, we still manage to bring her down, causing her to bloom once more. I know a lot of people think she does this on purpose because she’s losing to us, but to me at least it looks more involuntary than anything. She gets knocked out and right at the last second the rot brings her back and transforms her. I don’t think people realise Malenia isn’t truly in control of her life and never really has been. Her whole life has been dictated to by this outer god. The rot isn't some gift she was given, it’s a curse that wants to consume her. Not something she can call upon whenever she feels like without there being dire consequences. Not only to the people around her but also to herself.
Sorry I’m ranting now and kind of going off topic. But yes, post shattering most of the demigods have been nerfed in some way and Malenia is no different. Would honestly love to have seen what she was like before the shattering. There are some mods out there like Ultimate Malenia and Impossible Malenia which might give us an idea how strong she could be. Obviously these are only mods that are designed to make her more challenging, but even still she’s more aggressive, faster and relentless than before. Think Malenia but on steroids and that’s pretty much what you’re facing. Also just got to say that even though she’s considered a terrible boss who’s just so unfair and so terrible, people are still out there trying to find ways to make her more difficult. Malenia’s boss fight really changed up the game and even though folks will complain like fuck about her they still go back to fight her. Considering she’s an optional boss that you in no way need to fight, for a lot of people she becomes the highlight of their runs. Sure for some they only go fight her out of sheer stubbornness and spite and because they want to ‘put her in her place’ and all that bullshit. But taking the weird incels out of the equation I’ve noticed that more and more people have actually started to enjoy her fight. Even for people like me who have fought her hundreds of times, I still get a rush from the fight because she’s just so fun. She keeps you on your toes and personally I think this change that she’s brought to the game is a good thing. It’s a nice change of pace. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone but I love learning these fights and Malenia took me the longest to learn and was by far the most satisfying and rewarding fight I’ve had in one of these games in a long time.
Okay now I really am just ranting off topic. Sorry, anon 😅 Thanks for the message though, I hope you are well!
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forevfangirlwrites · 1 year
I have an idea for hthf. So, Percy comes to set so often that like the security guards know him by name and he starts like helping out with little things that the crew needs done like maybe he like cleans up a spill or something, and then he gradually starts to doing more until he’s like fixing things for them, and Annabeth doesn’t realize he’s doing it until they take a break and he’s like “I’ll be there in a sec, I have to do this for bill.” And she’s like “Bill?? The assistant?” Maybe it’s cringey. It made more sense in my head. Love all of your work!! Take care of yourself!! ❤️❤️❤️
Percy tries not to be the annoying boyfriend who constantly shows up to his girlfriend's workplace and makes himself a nuisance.
But she always lets him know he has an open invitation to stop by and honestly, sometimes he can’t help but miss his girlfriend. (Especially if she’s had long days back-to-back and been coming home too late for them to really have quality time).
So he shows up to the set because even though she’ll be busy, it’ll be the most he’ll have seen of her in the past three days.
As always, he makes an effort to blend in with the background so as not to cause problems, and watches Annabeth as she goes over something with the director.
Her blonde hair is in a ponytail for the shot, giving him a clear view of her face. A pang runs through his heart at how tired she looks, even though he knows part of that is the styling.
But even then, he knows how long her days—
Someone bumps into him breaking his train of thought and he looks to the right just in time to catch a mic stand about to fall to the ground.
The guys who had been carrying it, along with an amp, lets out a sigh of relief when Percy catches it.
“Sorry,” he mumbles. “I didn’t see you there.”
Percy smiles back. “No worries, that was my intention but I didn’t mean to get in the way. Let me help you with this.”
The guys gives him a once over before shrugging and nodding for him to follow so Percy trails behind him carrying the mic stand.
They come to a stop at the far side of the set, away from the main action filled with a bunch of other equipment.
“Nico!” A woman calls as soon as they each the area. She’s holding a clipboard and surveying the floor. “Can you get more props from the van, anything marked with a green sticker.”
Nico, he’s assuming is the name of the guy, doesn’t respond, just sets down his things and takes the mic stand from Percy to set it down too.
Then he turns and starts to walk back leaving Percy standing there awkwardly for a second before he runs to catch up with Nico.
“Hey, did you want more help?” Nico stops short, clearly surprised to still see Percy there. His dark eyes once again scan him in a way that makes Percy feel a little scrutinized. “You’re Annabeth’s boyfriend?”
It always surprises Percy when he gets recognized since it so rarely happens that he probably does a bad job of hiding the surprise.
Unintentionally his eyes flick back to Annabeth, still in a serious discussion. “Yeah,” he responds, turning back to Nico. “I just came to watch but I really don’t mind helping. I feel bad for causing trouble.”
Nico raises an eyebrow at him but begins to walk again, nodding his head to indicate Percy should follow.
After a moment of silence, he speaks up. “You haven’t caused trouble.”
No maybe not, but Percy always feels a little out of place at a set.
“You ran into me cause I was in the way,” he responds as they step outside.
Nico shoots him another side glance. “You’re weird.”
A/N: thank you for the prompt! It was super cute (not cringey) and I hope you liked how it turned out and sorry it took so long for me to get to it! Thanks again!
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Could I request some Sakura romantic headcannons
Hell yeah of course! tbh I didn't know too much of her outside of her design so researching more about her was such a treat! Thank you for the request!!!
Being in a relationship with Sakura [Gender-Neutral! Reader]
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Back when Sakura first started her journey, when she was younger, she didn’t peculiarly care about relationships. Of course, it’ll be nice to be in one! Don’t get her wrong! It just wasn’t her top priority at that moment. Now that she's older, and a bit more mature, it became something she thought a lot about. 
However, Sakura is still very much oblivious to the whole flirting deal - she doesn’t catch on immediately, but when she does oh man she feels embarrassed! She can’t handle it!!! It's a double edge sword for her - she enjoys it but at the same time, she has no idea how to respond aside from getting flustered. It’s cute though. 
PDA isn’t too much of a big deal to Sakura - oftentimes she will grab their partner’s hand without a care in the world and sometimes even gives them a quick smooch on their cheek! But that's the fairest she’ll go on it, since she can get quite flustered about it. (However, she has no problems with her partner being more affectionate in public!)
If you are as interested as she is in the sport of street fighting, she’s more than happy to teach/spare with you and fully supports you if you want to enter fighting tournaments - just don’t forget about her! Though if you only want to watch her that's fine too! You’re her #1 fan!
If she knows that her partner will be at her tournament she looks for them in the crowd - once she spots them she’ll yell their name, shaking her arms around and jumping about - much to your embarrassment. If she wins she’ll run right towards you the first chance she gets and spins you around, the burst of spirit may even be enough to make her smooch you. 
Ideally, the perfect date with her would just have to be fast food - of course, she’s not going to object if you have a more romantic date in mind - but Sakura, especially more now, is deadbeat tired most days and honestly, simply chatting with someone is enough to satisfy her. 
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!
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itsclydebitches · 2 years

I know the season isn't even out yet but just looking I'm already breaking out in hives. It feels like its overcompensating: "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen we got talking animals, magical cats, a land of candy and absolutely no concern for the main plot! Is this distracting enough for you? Do you like all these bright colours and shiny new things? You've heard of a filler episode, right? Well, get ready for a filler season! Welcome to the next season of rwby, everyone!"
For me personally, the frustrating thing is that I like all these ideas on their own, but I don’t think they’re working for RWBY, especially right now. You want to do an Alice in Wonderland inspired arc? It should be bright and colorful and weird! But that all severely undermines the horror of our previous Volume, so maybe don't do that after the Everything of last season. You want your characters to have the time and opportunity to develop, focusing on introspective questions instead of the action-packed main plot? Sure, go for it, but maybe not at the height of the series' conflict, nine years into the story. I want to shove a basic plot diagram at the writers and point out that they’re interrupting a steady climb towards the climax with... this. There’s a reason why they’re filler episodes, singular, separated events that provide a needed break from the action without derailing it completely. A whole season---especially one that’s shorter than is now average and coming late---is a serious problem for RWBY's pacing and, frankly, makes it look like the writers are stalling while they figure out how the heroes can win when the story has done nothing to prepare them for that monumental challenge. Either that, or we're stretching RT's flagship story out as long as possible. Insert the plea not to pirate here.
And I know, I know, the Volume isn’t out yet and trailers can be misleading, but I’m honestly concerned that there’s nothing here about the main conflict. I have no doubt that the characters will come out of this experience having #LearnedSomething (whether we end up agreeing with their development is another matter entirely), but the trailer makes it seem like it will be a generic confidence boost (Ruby reasserts her desire to help people as the hero), rather than a concrete step towards defeating Salem. There’s no mention of the Relics, the Gods, magic they can use as a weapon, no hint that she’ll improve her silver eyes, or that what’s happening in Vacuo will be anything more than a pre-Volume 10 cliffhanger. What questions does the trailer/the events of Volume 8 imply that Volume 9 will tackle?
Will Ruby regain her confidence after this tragedy?
Will they find Jaune?
Will they regain/reforge their lost weapons?
Will they make it home?
What does all this equal? A reset. The trailer presents this as a Volume where the girls work to get back to exactly where they were at the end of Volume 8: back in Remnant, back with their weapons, back together, back fighting Salem, back to their confident selves. If the only goal is to get home, then yeah, this is literally filler. This entire Volume may exist not to forward the story proper, but to provide a lot of fluff content (like the humor) until what little plot there is gets them back to where they were 2+ years ago. Now, the writer in me DOES expect them to come away with something that will forward the plot, simply because I can’t imagine crafting a whole Volume that doesn’t, but the lack of insight into what that might be---do they meet the Gods? Get new powers? Learn a secret about Salem??---is one of the reasons why I think this is a badly constructed trailer.
And as I mentioned in a separate post, I really do find the lack of action to be odd. Someone responded that RWBY is more than its action sequences and yes, of course, but RWBY is, first and foremost, a combat show. I already laid out the ways previous trailers highlighted the girls’ battles that Volume (even if it’s only those in the first few episodes) and if you look at ANY ‘Best Of’ list, you’ll find nothing but the fights. When you think "RWBY" do you really picture the silly humor in between the fights...or do you think Nevermore, Apathy, Qrow vs. Tyrian, RWBY vs. Paladin, Ironwood vs. Watts, the White Fang, the Hound, etc. Beyond the combat being the most memorable of all RWBY's content, RWBY simply doesn’t exist without its fights. I don’t mean that in a “Monty originally created it to choreograph cool battles, but it’s grown so much since then” way, I mean it in a plot-focused “Our story is about a group of girls going to school to learn how to fight, and they fight grimm, and they fight an extremist group, and then they fight an immortal witch, and they fight her goons, and sometimes they fight each other, and the strongest fighters fight with magic, and when they’re not fighting they’re doing adjacent fighting things like training, taking care of weapons, traveling to the next fight, engaging in politics avoid fights but oops, that failed so now they're fighting again” way. Remove the combat from RWBY and all you’ve got is a disconnected collection of domestic moments/jokes more suitable to a drabble collection than a professional story. RWBY might have a non-combat framework that helps hold it together, but that doesn't mean that combat isn't still 99% of the story's focus and the draw for the audience.
All of which is just to emphasize that if our trailer is a) not giving us any conflict beyond “Get back to where we were in Volume 8” and b) not highlighting the combat that RWBY is built on, then it really does feel like filler in a literal sense. I know we made jokes about this a year back, but right now Volume 9 feels like RWBY’s beach episode. No, not because of Jaune landing on an island with a bunch of girls, but because, like the classic beach episode, our trailer presents this as an interlude where the primary plot remains fairly static and the characters engage in activities that contrast their normal routine. Here’s Haruhi and her friends leaving the host club behind to hang in a water park until they go home. Here’s Team RWBY leaving Remnant to explore a Wonderland until they go home. I know we need to wait to see what the tone of the whole Volume actually is, but even the humor of the trailer feels filler-y to me. In that---as you say, anon---it seeks to distract the audience all on its own, rather than occurring naturally among more plot-focused moments. (Like, for example, Weiss bemoaning the fact that she's never going to sleep again while they try to figure out how to help Mantle). Filler episodes often ignore the plot (and its accompanying worries) to make space for the lighthearted character interactions. Now here come the butt jokes, arm tug-of-wars, and purple raccoons.
Clearly the Volume will at least be tackling Ruby’s doubts---something I SO want to go well---but if the tone skews too lighthearted... yeah. Filler. Honestly, if the Volume does fail to sufficiently engage with Volume 8’s tragedies, I fully expect the fandom to start talking about how the girls deserved a fun, wacky Wonderland trip after everything they've been through, the same way we got a strong cry that they needed to rest in the mansion with tea while the rest of the Kingdom was falling to grimm. Potential filler will likely be seen as something earned by the protagonists (as if they were real people with real needs), rather than a writing mistake.
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thenexusofsouls · 8 months
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I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time, Silence. Don’t feel bad if you need to break or downsize muses - this is just a hobby, after all, and you need to do what’s best for you. We’ll all still be waiting when you get back. Bucky and I send our love :)
{i am the caretaker of souls} Okay, but one of the muses I’ve lost inspiration for is Natasha, so you see my problem, heh. I don’t know what happened, she just went so quiet a while back. It’s not anything you did at all, so please don’t think that. Sometimes it just happens that muses leave the building, heh. For anyone who would like to know which muses would be on the chopping block across my blogs, I’ll talk a bit about it below the cut. Because I can. =P
But yeah, as far as Natasha, I’ve been trying to squeeze out some muse here and there and respond to what I can get her motivated for, but a lot of times I reach down into the muse well and it’s just dry. I do kindof look at all my asks each week, though, to see if anything grabs the muse, and if it does, I work on it, because I do feel bad that you’ve sent in so many things that I just haven’t been able to reply to. So I’ll keep trying here and there, and who knows, maybe she’ll come back fully at some point.
Veridian on this blog has gone quiet for a long time now, and I’m sure if I look at my list, there are others who have zero activity that I can cut just to mentally downsize things. It’d be easy to cut Ardeth, Luther, and Vincent, because my activity there is fairly low, but I adore all of the threads I have with @illbringthechaosmagic and a few others, and I’m pretty sure I’m the only person actively writing those three characters on T.umb.lr so I’d like to keep doing so. Kindof a labor of love, you know? So at least right now, they’re not going anywhere.
As far as MCU muses, I think I have the same problem with Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Vision, and Pietro right now… lack of new content. I really get inspired by new content, it helps to revive things for me a bit, so when there isn’t any in years, I feel like my muses get stale. I know I could read comics if I wanted to, but honestly I just don’t have the time right now, or the brain to then sort out the differences between MCU and comic versions and choose what my interpretation will then be.
Pietro was really waning there for a while, but he got saved by the “Speedster of the Galaxy” AU because that to me was like new content, heh. It was just content that me and Mantis-mun and others were creating and contributing to instead of official content, which is fine, it’s great! That’s what we’re here for! Plus I love his ship with @starcchild, and that overlaps with my Tony muse here, which is still going strong. So Pietro is safe for now. XD
Wanda… my muse comes and goes for her but lately it just hasn’t been there. I adored DSMoM, but 99% of people I write with didn’t, and I think the negative backlash from the fandom regarding that movie kindof… tempered my muse a bit. Because I felt like I had to hold back or not talk about it or write about it, when I really wanted to. I was excited and inspired to go in all these new directions with Wanda, only to then still be writing during the same points in her timeline that I had been for a few years already. So that’s what’s been preventing my muse for her from really taking off. Anything that I can really get into or that feels new in an exciting way, I’ll jump on it, but lately I’ve been struggling with her. I do love the threads I have with @illbringthechaosmagic and @multiversalstarlight on Wanda’s blog, though, so that’s helped sustain her for a while.
Clint here on this blog… only has one thread right now, and that’s just fine with me, heh. If not for that one thread, he’d be cut. I still haven’t watched the Hawkeye series, mainly because I lost interest, so that gives you an idea of how long my muse for him has been waning. But the one thread I have with @sadiebrin is very cool and I can manage to squeeze out one thread a week with Clint for that. XD
I would love to bring back Red and White Vision, since they’ve been on hiatus for a few months now due to a lack of muse. I feel like it’s been enough of a break and I could maybe get back into them, but… no time, unfortunately. I’d need to cut some other muses that are taking up a lot of time in order to make time for Vision, and I just don’t see that happening. Maybe if I put Wanda on hiatus for a bit, but Pietro’s activity is really high and they’re all on the same day, so… who knows.
I have been toying with the idea of having an MCU multimuse and putting ALL my MCU muses on there, so that if I didn’t have muse for someone on that day, then I could skip them in favor of working on someone I did, but at this point, they’re so established on their own blogs and here on this one that I just feel like… it’d scatter and mess up where all my shit it stored, heh. I have issues with organization and how I think of things as far as what feels neat and calm and organized to me, heh, and that would drive me crazy to have things split everywhere. But on the other hand, it would really help to lump all my MCU people together on one blog.
Question: If I made another side blog mumu for just MCU people, put them all there, and wrote for them on hmm… probably Mondays, and then removed the MCU muses from this blog and wrote all non-MCU people here… what do you think of that? Would you guys like that, hate that, you don’t care…? I’m not asking you to make the decision for me, I’m just curious. I’m a little worried that a new blog might attract more attention and interaction, though, and I really can’t expand my writing partners too much right now, I’ve got enough on my plate. I guess I could just say something like “closed for new partners” or something, I dunno. Thoughts?
Imma stop rambling now omg. Actually ranting about all this helped release some stress and distract me for a while, so that was good, haha. Anyone who’s read this far, thank you, you’re the best. XD
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acourtofthought · 1 year
How do you think Elain and Lucien will get together? I see some theories about them healing and taking care of Spring, but I can’t imagine Elain will jump at the opportunity to be around him right now. It’s so difficult to theorize since we don’t have her POV :/ For all we know she wants to jump his bones every time she sees him 😌🤞
And I don’t see Gwyn and Azriel as friends to lovers (I know it’s a popular theory about them). Seems too easy and sorta bland and I can’t see SJM writing it. I don’t think she likes her endgame couples to be on good terms right off the bat. I wonder what kind of conflict she’ll introduce between them.
I agree with you on both accounts!
The line in ACOSF, where Elain declared she was part of this court and would do what it needed stands out to me a lot. I know E/riels believe that means Elain feels she belongs in the NC but I actually think it's hinting at Elain doing whatever she needs for her family and what is in the best interests of them and their court, regardless of where she ends up.
And I think her book is going to end up with Rhys finding a reason for her to leave the NC to do something that would in fact help the NC and would then put her in the path of Lucien. Or....Elain herself could decide that what would best benefit the Night Court is a marriage alliance with Lucien. One of the major plot points of SF was the NC plotting for Eris to believe he might have a shot at a marriage between he and Nesta which would be important in securing a lasting alliance between the NC and Autumn. We know that was never going to actually happen but the idea of it was put into our heads, that a marriage alliance between courts would have it's benefits. So it's possible Elain will have come to the same conclusion and realize that marrying Lucien would help secure alliances for the Night Court, what with his ties to Spring, Autumn, Day and the friendships he's made across other Courts.
Considering SJM herself admitted to loving marriage of convenience tropes and we've yet to see that actually happen in any of her books, this would be the perfect setup for it. Not to mention any arranged marriage trope always ends in a HEA for the characters who do fall in love.
And it finds a way around Elain refusing to interact with Lucien. I feel like she'd keep that charade going for a long time out of stubbornness alone but if she found a reason to put that stubbornness aside to help out her sisters, I think she'd do it.
And I do agree about Gwynriel. Their current friends to lovers setup seems too much like E/riels current situation and honestly, Gwyn seems too sassy and Az too aggressive to have them be a soft and gentle get to know you from start to finish.
(next paragraph contains TOG spoilers) -
I realize Gwyn has a bit to overcome before she's to the point where she can be intimate with Az and I don't doubt that they'd go slow in that area however she's still got a bold personality despite what happened. And I don't see them just being oh so sweet and gentle until that happens. Rhys was SA too yet he still maintained his snarky, somewhat pushy ways with Feyre. So I imagine SJM will come up with a scenario where Gwyn has a reason to be at odds with Az. Maybe he'll respond poorly when her heritage is revealed since he's got a history of having issues with certain groups of people (those in Autumn, the Illyrians). Maybe she'll call him out on his past with Mor (SJM doesn't do female MC fighting female MC over a male drama but she has shown instances where the female calls out the male for his past with another (i.e., Yrene when she called Chaol out over Nesryn and Celaena).
But yeah, I feel like friends to lovers would not only be out of character for SJM in general but wouldn't make sense for Gwynriel as they've been written.
I do think their interactions in SF were important to establish a foundation for Gwynriel. It was a setup where he wasn't instantly smitten by her and where he was to witness her ability at protecting herself so he didn't develop savior / protector complex with her and where she was able to develop a level of comfort around him. But eventually I do think we're going to need to see a little fire between them and a reason for Gwyn to call Az out on his bad behaviors.
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myersmaniac · 1 year
~we love you.~
TW⚠️: drugs, overdose, substance abuse; mentions of Chrissy’s death. This fic mentions very serious topics. You have been warned!
Pairings: Eddie x Henderson! reader, Steve x Henderson! reader, billy x Henderson!reader, Nancy wheeler x henderson! Reader, robin Buckley x henderson! Reader
All pairings in this are semi platonic!
Dustin loved you, you were his one and only sister. Someone who he looked up to, counted on to be there, his built in best friend from birth. He didn’t know exactly what was going on, why you sometimes acted different but what he did know is that something was not right.
“ Steve, Steve are you there? Get over here now i repeat get over here now! Over.” Dustin spoke over the walkie talkie, desperately needing someone’s help, he didn’t know how to handle you like this, it scared him. “ what is it nimrod, I’m at work?” Steve replied not knowing the Situation. “ you’re supposed to say over. It’s my sister, she’s acting funny, throwing up, won’t talk straight, making noises. She doesn’t look right either just.. come over please. Over.” Steve immediately jumped over the counter. “ I’m on my way.” He said.
It didn’t take him very long to get to your house, he knew he needed to get to you as fast as possible. He’d do anything to save you. “ where is she” were the first words that Steve spoke as he barged through the door. “ bathroom” Dustin replied. You could see the fear on Dustin’s face, he was confused, worried and sad among so many other mixed feelings.
Steve opened the bathroom door and there you were hunched over the toilet, looking completely drained. Your eyes were heavy and your heart was racing. “ hey hey look at me, what’s going on?” Steve asked, he had no idea what to do honestly, he didn’t even completely realize what was going on himself but he knew it was something bad.
You just looked up to him with a sappy smile looking like you hadn’t slept in days. Steve lightly tapped your face after you didn’t respond “ come on baby; what’s happening?” He said. You felt like you were flying and he was watching you fall. “ nothings wrong Stevie ” you barley let out your words, dragging each syllable out. “Don’t lie to me, come on I’m not angry baby I’m worried talk to me.” After Steve said that you reached your hand down to the floor knocking something over it made a small crashing sound. Steve looked down to see what it was, a small orange pill bottle almost completely empty. He picked it up, scanning your face for answers then realizing he hadn’t yet asked the question. Steve let out a sigh, “ where’d you get this?” He asked. “ was it Munson? Did he fucking give this to you?” You still just didn’t respond, Eddie would never give you anything to harm you, you meant to much to him and everyone else.
The truth was you’d gotten these yourself, after your best friend Chrissy died you just haven’t been right. You didn’t mean to get this bad but her death truly broke you. You went to the doctor and started attending counseling, you were prescribed some medication but it seems the little dose they gave you just wasn’t enough to take the pain away so you started taking a little more and here you were.
Neither you or Steve had realized that Dustin was standing at the door crying, Steve couldn’t distract him or calm him down right now, he was trying to get answers. He looked over his shoulder “ get billy, Nancy and robin. That’s who she’ll wanna be around right now. Don’t put them in a panic just tell them that your sister needs them. Don’t mention me, billy won’t show if you do.” Steve quickly said. “ she’ll want Eddie too.” Dustin responded through sobs and sniffles. “ yeah I’d like to have a little conversation with him myself too. Go ahead get them here.” Steve looked more angry then Dustin had ever seen him. He couldn’t 100% blame this on Eddie because he didn’t know if he was stupid enough to do something like this; but he needed someone to blame to calm his conscience for now.
Dustin spoke over the walkie talkie “ max, come in do you Copy, this is Dustin over.” “ yes I copy Dustin what is it?” Max answered. “ tell billy my sister needs him as soon as possible, just get him to come.” Dustin said. “ will do.” Max said rolling her eyes, she couldn’t stand billy but she adored you so if that’s what you needed.
Dustin moved on to getting in touch with the rest. “ robin it’s Dustin; no time for the bullshit walkie talkie talk get over here my sister needs you and while your at it get Nancy and Eddie here too, quickly!” Robin already knew something was going on because she heard when Steve left. Thankfully her shift just ended, she got in touch with Eddie and Nancy then headed over.
“I need you to listen to me okay? I have a lot of people who care about you that are on their way. I need you to tell me where these came from” Steve said lightly shaking the pill bottle. You weren’t thinking straight at all right now, If you were then you’d give him a direct true answer. “ mmm Stevie I have no clue” is sadly what you responded and followed with a laugh. Steve felt hopeless.
There was a knock at the door it was Billy. “ where’s your sister?” He asked dustin with a smile before seeing the tears on his face. “ hurry, in the bathroom” dustin told him. Billy knew then that something was wrong so he rushed to the bathroom, firstly seeing steve. “ what the fuck did you do to her Harrington.” Billy’s first instinct was anger when he saw you laying out looking the way you did and Steve the only person there. “ I’ll fucking kill you.” Billy said stepping closer. “ calm down it wasn’t me; Dustin found her in here like this and called me. I told him to get you, Nancy, robin and Eddie over here. I think she overdosed.” Billy didn’t know what to say, he sat on the floor with you. “ what do you mean you think she overdosed?” Billy asked, Steve handed billy the bottle of pills. He took a minute to inspect it and then asked “ where’d she get these?” Steve shrugged “ I wish I knew.” Billy looked down at you then lifted you into his lap. “ I’m here, don’t worry. I got to ask you something okay?” You looked up at him and put your hand on his face. Your eyes blinked as if to say okay but your mouth never spoke a word. “ where’d you get these at pretty girl?” Finally you gave a tiny bit of information. “I missed Chrissy.” You said with tears rolling out your eyes. Steve and Billy both looked at each other putting the puzzle pieces together.
Outside of the bathroom there was another knock at the door. Eddie, Nancy and Robin came in frantically. “ she’s in the bathroom” Dustin told them, “can one of you stay with me. I’m scared.” Dustin asked. They all knew something was wrong, they gave each other all a look and Nancy sat with Dustin to comfort him.
Robin and Eddie went in the bathroom. “ she fucking overdosed.” Billy went ahead and got that out the way a little aggressively. Robin and Eddie rushed by your side. Steve looked over to Eddie and anger flooded through his body. He knew you were taking this because you missed Chrissy but did Eddie give you these? “ did you fucking do this Munson?” He asked. “ woah what the fuck. Why would you say that?” Eddie defensively asked. “ MAYBE IF YOU WERE AROUND HER ENOUGH YOU’D KNOW THESE ARE HER FUCKING PRESCRIPTION.” Eddie began to yell. “ NOW IS NOT THE TIME, BOTH OF YOU” billy said. Robin reached out for your hand “ you okay?” Is all she could choke out. You shook your head up and down. You were starting to feel a little better. By this point everyone was crying.
Eddie reached down and stroked your face and you reached up and played with his curls. “ I love you, you know that right ? We all do.” You gave him a soft smile just like you did with Steve earlier and nodded. “ let’s move her from the bathroom” robin spoke up. Billy began to lift you into the hallway and everyone else followed behind the both of you. When Dustin and Nancy saw you they both stood up to go be by your side. “ is she gonna be alright?” Your little brother asked. Eddie replied to him “ I hope so.”
They all followed you into the room and laid you down. You very quickly fell to sleep but they all stayed right by your side to make sure you were going to be okay. Nancy got up to get you a glass of water for when you woke up, Eddie rubbed your back the whole time, Steve covered you up, Billy cleaned all the spit, puke and tears off your face and Robin and Dustin searched around your room for any more pills that they would need to put away in the locked cabinet or throw away all together.
A few hours later you finally woke up, Steve rushed to your side “ easy, easy, you feeling any better?” He asked. “ mmhm” you said as you sipped on the water that Nancy had brought in earlier. “ do you remember anything?” Nancy asked you. “ I should’ve told you guys earlier I’m so sorry, after I lost Chrissy I just wasn’t feeling myself so I went to counseling and they put me on medication to help but that wasn’t working either so I figured I just wasn’t taking enough. I never meant for this to happen it just did.” You said to everyone in the room. “ we all love you and care about you, we’re here for you.” Eddie said putting his hand on your leg. “ pretty girl, look around the room. Not all of us get along but we came together for you.” Billy said. “ and you have an amazing little brother who got you help when he knew you needed it.” Nancy said. “ I know, thank you but I never wanted you guys to see me like this, especially not you dusty, I’m sorry.” You said pulling your little brother into a hug. “ don’t apologize, I just want you to be safe I was worried.” Dustin said. “ I love you so much” you told him through tears. “ I love you so much more.” He said pulling out of your grip.
“It won’t ever happen again. It really shouldn’t have happened this time but I promise it won’t happen again.” You said not directed towards anyone specific. “ we trust you but just for a little while we’re gonna rotate days and nights to have someone here with you just in case” robin said to you. You began to respond “ you really don’t have-” “ but we want to” billy cut you off. “ exactly, we need you here and we know that you need us.” Nancy said to you. Everyone came in for a much needed group hug after that, even the ones who you knew hated hugs and that meant a lot to you. Steve spoke up after the group hug “ Nancy and Dustin probably were the most worried, they weren’t even in the bathroom.” “ well Dustin told me everything he heard from you before everyone else came and how she’d been acting so we pieced two and two together.” Nancy responded. “ but yes we were really worried; don’t scare us like that again.” Nancy hit your arm playfully.
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zhongster · 2 years
Love everything you've written so far sm!! I noticed Kyoya from ohshc in the list of char you like 👁👁 do you think you could give us your burping/stuffing headcanons for him??
Oh absolutely I do dear anon, I’ve been a Kyoya stan for many years now so I’ve had a lot of time to think about it hehe
Okay so this one is basically canon but he absolutely HATES burping in front of other people
So much so that the only two people that have heard him burp (besides when he was a baby) are Tamaki and Fuyumi and that’s only because they’re the two people that are closest to him (and possibly haruhi)
Fuyumi is honestly just because she’s always hanging out in his room
Like where else is he gonna burp y’know
He’s gotten pretty comfortable with Fuyumi actually
If they’re hanging out in his room and he feels like he needs to burp he’ll just release the burp into his fist, mutter a “s’cuse me”, and continue with what he was doing
And Fuyumi usually responds by either chuckling and rating his burp or by yelling “GROSS KYO!”
If she responds with the latter he usually just flips her off without even looking up from what he was doing
If he’s feeling particularly cheeky that day he might even let out another burp (open mouthed this time) after flipping her off
To which she’ll usually laugh and throw a pillow or something at him
He lets his true personality out around her more often than not
As for Tamaki, Kyoya absolutely did not mean to burp in front of him the first time it happened
About a year into their friendship (so when they were high school first years) they were sat in the music room working on preparations for the host club and they decided to order some tea
But they accidentally got their cups switched
Except Kyoya is lactose intolerant and Tamaki is not
So Tamaki’s tea messed Kyoya’s stomach up real bad
It bloated up with gas within minutes of him ingesting the first bit of milk
Kyoya figured out what was going on pretty early and he desperately tried to hold the gas in but Tamaki is Tamaki. He eventually clapped Kyoya on the back good natured-ly without realizing what was about to happen
Suffice to say Kyoya proceeded to let out a belch that could put a 6’6 drunken competitive eater to shame
He just stood there in shock for a good 30 seconds
Kyoya was absolutely mortified of course
He immediately launched into a tirade of “please excuse me”, “I have no idea what came over me”, etc.
After Tamaki gets over his shock he’d burst into laughter and start complementing Kyoya on how “legendary” he thought that was
I don’t think Kyoya would get super comfortable burping in front of Tamaki after just that but eventually he’d grow more comfortable than before
Not the the point he’s at with Fuyumi but if he had to burp in front of Tamaki he’d probably just stifle it as best as he could, excuse himself, and then move on
He really wouldn’t mind too much if it was just the two of them
Lol honestly i like to think that if they were hanging out outside of school without any other witnesses around he’d just let them fly
Sometimes Tamaki is genuinely worried for his friend
Some of the burps that explode out of Kyoya’s throat sound genuinely painful
Usually they aren’t though so Tamaki’ll be like “umm you okay kyoya??’ And Kyoya’s like “yeah??? Scuse me??”
Tamaki definitely told the rest of the host club that kyoya could easily beat them all in a burping contest but none of them believe him
I don’t think he’s a particularly gassy person
Like he doesn’t burp terribly often
But when he does get bloated it’s intense
Once the first burp escapes he usually can’t stop burping until it’s all out of his system
As i touched on earlier he’s lactose intolerant so he absolutely avoids dairy at all costs
Bc god forbid he burps in front of other people
He’d never recover
Also his tummy doesn’t handle fast food well
Rich boy problems
When he eats fast food he gets the super long, rolling belches
It’s the grease
So after Kyoya got home after “Kyoya’s reluctant day out” poor kid locked himself in his room for the rest of the night so he could let all the burps out of his system in peace
I don’t think he’s particularly into stuffing but he does have a considerably large appetite
That’s actually canon if you look at the pile of crab legs
The camera pans over to him for about a second right after Tamaki yells at Haruhi
His pile of crab legs was just as large (if not larger) than hers
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In conclusion: Kyoya can pack away a lotta food lol
I also like to think he was letting out a quiet burp into his napkin during that pic hehe
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authordanielleforrest · 7 months
Fated Mates of the Drakoan: Episode 13
Van latched onto Davin’s arm the moment they started walking, holding him back so they could talk, a talk Davin had been avoiding all day. 
To make matters worse, he could physically feel every foot of distance separating them as Jess got farther and farther ahead. It felt wrong, and he wanted to close the distance, but Van wouldn’t be budged.
“Do you have any idea how bad your timing is?” Van said, his voice barely raising above a whisper.
Davin laughed. Yes, he knew, but there were just some things in life you couldn’t control and this was one of them. He wished he could have just pretended it didn’t happen, that he hadn’t caught her scent, but Drakoans weren’t built that way. They’d developed entire classes of medications exactly because there was essentially no controlling themselves once that instinct kicked in. So when it had happened to him, he’d tried. He’d honestly tried, but he’d barely been able to think, and the moment he’d let down his guard, he’d succumbed. “I’m sorry.”
Van sighed, a compassionate expression crossing his face as his voice softened. “You could have told me. I’m your friend, Davin.”
“I know,” he said as a lot of the tension drained from his body. They’d been friends for years. They’d risen up the ranks together. If he’d been thinking, he would have told him.
But then he frowned. His memories were a bit murky, but he could swear he remembered specifically saying “mate” early on. It had been under his breath, but hadn’t Van asked him about it? His brain gnawed at the memory like an old bone, but with most of the day a hazy mess in his recollection, he wasn’t entirely sure.
Van sighed, drawing Davin’s attention and keeping him away from another thought spiral. “You can’t take her with you everywhere. You realize that, right?”
A part of him instinctually reeled back, but it didn’t have the same sway over him that it had earlier in the day. Slowly, he responded. “Yeah. Of course.”
Van shook his head, looking a little bewildered. “And yet you wouldn’t leave her behind. She’s safe at home, Davin. She’s safer there than anywhere else.”
Davin flinched, then his ire rose like a tsunami, and he snapped. “She’s safe with me!”
“No, she’s not,” Van barked back, getting in Davin’s face before seemingly remembering himself and pulling back to recover his calm. He took a deep breath, then continued. “We have no idea what’s going to happen. We have no idea what’s out there. But if there is a threat, it’ll probably encounter us first, and as long as she’s with us, she’ll be in danger if that happens.”
“It’s… not that simple.”  
Jess was far enough ahead now that he could think more clearly, her scent not clouding his mind. He knew rationally that Van was right, but he still couldn’t bring himself to be separated from her. A desperate part of him kept insisting that she was only safe with him, even though he knew intellectually that it wasn’t true. He could feel the pull of it, the urgency, the agonizing need that wouldn’t let go. “I just… can’t.”
“You can,” Van insisted, turning to face him. “You must. Davin, it’s for her own good. Hell, it’s for the good of the entire planet. The faster we finish our mission, the faster her life can return to normal.”
“And the faster we go home.” That thought was like a kick in the chest, knocking the air from his lungs.  
The faster we finish our mission, the less time I have to convince her.
He was supposed to go home, to Koa, when all this was done. Would Jess want to come with him? He wasn’t sure. He needed time, but his conscience ate at him for even thinking that. Giving himself time meant leaving countless humans in desperate situations. He couldn’t do that, could he? He couldn’t be that selfish, could he?
That’s not me.
It can’t be.
I’m a good man.
I’m a good soldier.
“Exactly. The only reason we’re here is to support Earth. Once she’s on her feet again, our jobs are done.” Van sighed. “I know that doesn’t sound the most appealing to you right now, but it’s our reality, Davin. We don’t have a choice.”
Davin shook his head, still not quite ready to give up even though he knew it was wrong. “I just need time.” The protest was weak, even to his own ears.
“Would it make any difference?” Van said, his voice gentle.
“What?” He looked up at Van, who was giving him a compassionate expression that made his heart lurch in his chest with emotion. That was not the expression of a supportive friend. That was an expression of condolence, of empathy and grief. “Don’t,” he snapped out in desperation.
He shrugged Van’s hand off and started stomping away, disgusted with even the look of his friend right now. “No.”
“Davin!” Van barked. A moment later, his hand latched onto Davin’s arm, this time yanking him backward. Once Davin was facing him once more, this time completely stopped, his voice dropped to barely a whisper, while Davin fumed back at him. “You can’t control her actions. You can’t make her want you. You know how this usually goes on Koa. She doesn’t even have the benefit of our background, our knowledge. She can’t possibly know what’s going on.”
“She does,” he said through gritted teeth. “I told her.”
“And she understood? Do you think she really understands? Do you think it’s even possible that she could understand?”
A chill ran through him at Van’s words. They were the things he’d been trying not to think about. He’d been trying not to think about how often biological matings were rejected on Koa, telling himself that was cultural, that it wouldn’t happen here. He’d tried to tell himself that she would understand. And he’d absolutely refused to think of the future.  
But Van wasn’t letting him live in that little bubble anymore, that fantasy world of his own making. He was determined to bring him back to the real world, a world where people were without power, possibly without food and running water. A real world where anarchy was only a breath away. His mission was vital to ensuring that Earth returned to normal, that life here was returned to its former glory. He didn’t want to hear that, though. He didn’t want to think about it because it made the things he was feeling right now a hindrance and morally bankrupt.
What’s worse, his feelings, this mating, were actively hurting his mate. This was her home. If he focused on her, her home would continue to be without power. She would have to live in a world under constant threat of falling into chaos. How long would she survive like that? Months? Weeks?
“I shouldn’t have let her come with us.”
“Yes. I know.” Van nodded. “She only came because you refused.”
“She only came because you refused. Although, I’ll admit, I didn’t figure it out the very moment she offered, but it became pretty clear she was trying to get you to do the right thing.”
Davin sagged, the statement gutting him. “So she didn’t even want to come with us. She’s potentially risking her safety because I’m a useless ass?”
“I wouldn’t go that far, but yeah.”
He shook his head as pain bloomed, nearly suffocating him. “I have to let her go.”
Every part of his body felt locked in place, like it was unwilling to admit the truth. It took great effort to slowly relax each muscle. He unclenched his hands, his arms, legs, torso, and finally his jaw. “I don’t want to,” he said, a final plaintive cry before defeat inevitably dug its sharp claws into him for good.
Van shifted his hand, gripping Davin’s shoulder comfortingly. “I know, but it’s the right thing to do.”
Jess tried to ignore the fact that Davin and Van were behind her, talking quietly together like two teenage girls sharing gossip. It was a bit awkward, and she really wanted to be closer to Davin, but she suspected the two needed time to talk. She’d only just met him, but she was certain something wasn’t quite right with him. You didn’t get to be someone as high up as a commander without a certain degree of professionalism and discipline, discipline he seemed to completely lacking in since meeting her.
Because of our mating.
She couldn’t say she completely understood the mating. She could feel it, but it seemed simultaneously awe inspiring and baffling. How could two species that had no evolutionary common origin click so well together? How could a biological quirk of one species affect another completely unrelated one? It was so weird, but also fascinating.  
And why was it that she could literally feel every foot of distance between them, like a string tugging on her belly button? She reached down, touching the spot in question. Though, she supposed the sensation wasn’t that distinct or specific. It was more like a nagging thought in the back of her mind, foggy but annoyingly persistent.  
She glanced back. The others were now over a block behind her, and she stopped. Van had his hand on Davin’s arm, and they were talking intensely. Then his hand moved to Davin’s shoulder and all the energy oozed out of the conversation.  
Something just happened.
She wanted to smile in relief at the tension finally breaking, but she didn’t quite feel relief in that moment. Instead, her gut churned with anxiety like whatever had just been decided wasn’t good for her. She didn’t know why she felt that way, but she did, so she turned around and started moving toward the shuttle once more. It wasn’t that far now. In fact, she could see the first glimpses of the trees in the distance. It would probably be just another couple blocks.
Jess picked up her pace, eager to get this over with and put some distance between her and whatever decision those two had made. She focused, instead, on her surroundings. They were in a quiet neighborhood filled with boxy brick homes. Most had cars parked in the driveways, possibly never to be used again because the government had been dumb enough to launch nuclear bombs in their moment of desperation.  
What had they been thinking? The whole point of nuclear bombs was not to use them. They were a threat, the ultimate threat, but she couldn’t imagine anyone other than a psycho actually considering putting them in play.
And how many did they use?  How much of the world had been affected? Had it been an accident? Had just a single bomb detonated too low, causing this mess? But then, why wouldn’t someone have come to the rescue by now? If it had only been one bomb, wouldn’t other countries or FEMA or something come in to provide support?
Wait, Van had said they couldn’t reach anyone on Earth. He’d mentioned the satellite grid being knocked out, but that shouldn’t have knocked out all communication, right? There should have been back-up systems, maybe radios or something. Those satellites hadn’t existed back when the space program had first started. Whatever they’d used, it would have been slower, most likely, but they definitely could have tested that out in the time between the power going out and them coming down to Earth to investigate. Did that mean everyone was affected by the EMP?
Holy shit.
Jess slowed as a chill ran through her, her stomach churning anew.  
How the fuck are we gonna come back from this?
She looked around herself, at the quiet street that got more eerie the longer she thought about why it was so quiet. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t be this quiet. There wouldn’t be so many cars in the driveways. There would be people out socializing, going to bars or game nights. There would be people working night shifts. There would be lights on, people watching late night shows or streaming their favorite movies. People would be online playing video games. It would not be this dark, this quiet. There should be lights pouring out of windows. She should be able to hear music or conversations drifting on the warm summer air.
Instead, there was nothing. It was almost as if the world had ended, and she was the only one left. That chill from before ran down her spine, and she picked up her pace, jogging as she finally stepped onto the grassy park lawn. Pretty quickly, she spotted the shuttle. It stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of green, and she beelined for it.
It took only moments before she was slowing directly in front of it. She stopped and turned around, spotting her companions in the distance, even farther away than before. She had to wait for them to catch up.  
When they finally arrived, Davin wouldn’t look at her, so she turned to Van.
“We were talking.”
She smirked. “I could tell.”
“We think you should go home.”
She paused. Her knee jerk reaction was to protest. She’d just arrived, after all. It seemed ridiculous to just turn back around and go home, but then she turned to Davin. There was a bit of a defeated air to him, but seeing him now also made her remember why she’d come in the first place.
To make him do the right thing.  
“You’re okay with this?” She watched him closely, looking for any signs that he would act up again, but this barely looked like the same man. There was no outrage this time, but he also didn’t look happy either. Honestly, he looked miserable. She was tempted to comfort him, to pull him into her arms and rock him back and forth until he was in a better mood, but she was afraid that might set back their progress.
“Yes,” he finally said. He looked at her for a brief moment, but that moment was enough. She could see the struggle in his eyes. This was not an easy decision for him, and she resisted the urge to smile.  
Jess kept her face composed, but inside, she was practically jumping up and down, and she blamed it on the mating. She didn’t want this to be an easy decision for him. She wanted him to struggle because this was a struggle for her as well, and she didn’t want this to be over so soon. Though she had no way of knowing where this would go, she did want it to go somewhere, and she hoped, when all this was said and done, that he would come back to her.
“And you’re just going to continue with your mission? You’re not going to come after me?” She had mixed feelings as she spoke those words into existence. She wanted him to come after her, but she knew he needed to stay away. Earth needed him, after all, and she just wasn’t selfish enough to ignore that.
“No.” He shook his head jerkily. “The mission comes first.”
Jess nodded slowly, surprised by the slice of hurt that flared up when he said those words, but she shoved it down ruthlessly. She’d already decided on this path. She had no right to be upset. The mission was more important, she reminded herself. If he were an American soldier, she would want him to put the mission first when he was on active duty, wouldn’t she? She wouldn’t want his head to be filled with her, putting him, his team, and his mission at risk, would she? “Okay,” she said finally. “Well, good luck. I hope to see you again soon. Stay safe, Davin.”
They both paused for a moment, neither of them willing to turn away.
I should walk away.
It’s time to walk away.
“Should I walk you home?” he asked, looking off into the night, then back at her.
An awkward laugh snapped out of her, and she shook her head. “No, I think that would be a bad idea.” 
No, they needed a clean break, and this seemed the best time for it.
Davin nodded, accepting her decision and taking a step back, as if he needed that physical reminder not to follow.
Jess turned, putting her back to him. Those first steps were hard. She could feel that imaginary string stretching with each step, and as she started walking, she could also feel their eyes on her. It was a feeling that never quite went away, not even when she unlocked her front door and went inside. It was both comforting and creepy.  
Was it just her imagination, though? Was walking through the empty night just playing tricks on her mind?  
Or was it wishful thinking? A part of her kind of liked the idea of Davin being there to protect her if some ne’er-do-well jumped out of the shadows, but he’d told her he wouldn’t. He’d essentially promised. Would he break a promise like that?
She honestly couldn’t believe he would. Though she barely knew him, she’d already formed a picture of him in her mind that was both honorable and kind. She couldn’t imagine someone like that going back on their word or stalking behind someone in the night without their knowledge.
And yet, that idea plagued her as she walked quietly upstairs and settled into bed. She couldn’t quite escape it as she stared at the ceiling, willing herself to sleep. The popcorn texture formed patterns over her head as thoughts swirled in her brain, tormenting her with possibilities, both good and bad. By the time she finally succumbed to exhaustion, only one remaining thought was floating through her mind.
Do I even want him to keep his promise?
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miracleweaponhunt · 9 months
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 25: Vannana Castle
Hello, dream world.
Roxanne was once again trapped in the world of her own mind. The light figure began darting around the space around her, finally having the words “YOU’RE NOTHING.” rattle in her mind with such intensity that she was forced to the floor. The being slowly faded into nothingness as the tendrils started erupting around her, forcing her to sink to the ground.
“What is going on back there?” Freyja asked quickly. It was the first thing Roxanne heard when she came to besides her own screams.
“It’s just night terrors, relax.” Julian replied casually, trying to shoo away Willow who was clearly freaking out at her guest drooling all over her floor out of nowhere.
“Drain the saliva…sit her upright.” Julian mumbled to himself, setting Roxanne up on the airships couch.
“And she’s fine?” Willow asked.
“Yeah, this just happens.” Roxanne nodded as she tried to adjust to being alive. “I just have really weird nightmares sometimes, no big deal.”
“It’s shocking how used to it you get.” Cassandra added, barely looking up from the book she was reading. Something about proper interiors for large spaces. Sounded kind of boring, honestly.
“Interesting.” Freyja said emotionlessly, with Willow glaring at her from behind. “Regardless, she’ll have plenty of time to recover now that we’re here.”
Cassandra looked out of the airships window, and they were approaching the Vannana Grand. A giant metal wall hiding a small ocean, and in the centre was the main hub of houses and shops, with the castle in the middle of it. And away from the main landmass was what seemed to be a few smaller islands. They flew over the chilly looking people dressed in winter coats as the airships lowered to the top of Vannana castle.
Julian could instantly see his breath as he left the airship, the chill somehow making its way through his incredibly worn-out clothes.
“I missed this place so much.” He mumbled sarcastically to nobody in particular.
“You get used to it.” Willow said as she walked out in just a grey hoodie.
“You’ll be inside for the most part, I wouldn’t worry.” Freyja said calmly. She looked around her ship and saw two airships parked inside. One from Ropear and one from Sandala.
“Ah, the first arrivals.”
They descended a staircase into the top floor of the palace where all the rooms were. Calming blue walls and doors upon doors upon doors.
“So which is gonna be my room?” Roxanne asked Willow.
“Well, this part is for me and my siblings, guests sleep on the floor below.”
“I’m sorry, your siblings?” Cassandra asked. “The whole floor?”
“Yeah. My mom has eight husbands and twelve other kids, we need a lot of space.”
“I’m sorry, eight husbands?”
“If I remember correctly, it’s a cultural thing.” Julian added. “It’s meant to signify the peace between the grands or something.”
“Right on the money, mister Julian. Also, one of my sisters has a massive crush on you from your hero days, so just watch out for the Ropeara looking one, got it?”
“Understood.” Julian sighed, already looking exasperated.
“And speaking of the other kids, here’s Donal.” Willow said, picking up the toddler crawling around under the watch of a butler. “Two years old, second youngest, half Saoloran.”
“Aw, how’s it going little guy?” Cassandra asked as she lowered herself to his level. Donal responded by pulling her hair and refusing to let go.
“Okay, let’s not…ow…pull at…ow…our…Willow, why is the toddler so strong?!”
“No idea.” Willow replied, tickling him in the hope he lets go, which luckily worked.
“He a wielder?” Julian asked.
“No clue, got two that are for sure, though.”
“Sounds right.” Julian nodded.
“Willow, can you hand me Donal?” Freyja asked as the kid was handed to her “Downstairs?” Freyja said over the phone. “Understood, I’ll get them to you.”
She hung up and started soothing Donal. “You three know Kazumi Wado? She’s here in the dining room, go meet her.”
The three descended yet more stairs into the bottom floor. They were looking at the door out to Vannana itself, but they had to go to the dining room, which a servant politely told them was on their right.
In there was a dining room with calming blue walls and a door leading into the kitchen, alongside a large fish tank with very large looking fish swimming inside it. There were one long wooden table in the middle, alongside about twenty smaller circular tables. It was on one of these tables that four people were seated. One was Kazumi in all her glory, wearing a bright yellow t-shirt and jeans, eating with Nuria and a short man who must be her son, as well as a larger well-dressed man who must be her husband.
“Excuse me, we’re the Miracle Scouting Group.” Julian said quietly with a quick tap on the shoulder.
“Hm, what’s that?” Kazumi asked, turning around so quickly that the fish in her mouth went down too quickly, making her have to force it down with a few self-inflicted punches to the chest.
“Oh, so you are.” Regaining her regal composure just as quickly as she lost it. “How’s my axe doing?”
“It’s doing pretty good.” Cassandra confirmed calmly.
“Excellent, excellent.” Kazumi replied. “Now, there’s one issue I need to deal with if you’ll let me.”
“And that would be?” Julian asked.
“Oh, that would be the citizenships, right?” Roxanne asked.
“Correct.” Kazumi replied with a finger snap. “If I can just go to my room and get the papers, that’d be great.”
Kazumi left to get them, and the three sat down next to Nuria.
“So, you three are the protecters, huh?” Nuria asked.
“We are.” Cassandra replied as they sat down.
“Excellent, how’s that going?”
“About as good as it can, I guess?” Julian replied. “All that’s happened so far is a broken leg, so we’re doing better than we could be.”
“And you must be the best one here, seeing as you were with the Battlestorms.”
“I…was with them, yes.” Julian nodded slowly. “We’ve parted ways for a while now.”
“Were you with them before or after they stopped that attack on Gurut?” Her son asked.
“After. A lot after.” Julian said. “Anyway, how’s the fish? Must be good here.”
“I’ve always been of the opinion that Saoloro is where to go for fish instead of here, but it’s not that bad here either.”
“Wow, that’s a take.” Julian said quickly, darting his eye back to the door Kazumi left from.
“So, you must be Willow’s date.” Roxanne said to Nuria’s son. “So uh, what would your name be?”
“Javier.” The boy replied. He was pretty normal looking, with a small afro, black rimmed glasses and a red flannel shirt, like something you’d find anywhere instead of the textile hub of the Skies.
“So I’m guessing you’re excited to date Willow, huh? She is certainly…something special.”
“I guess.” Javier nodded, looking more confused as he finished his meal. “I’m just here as a favour.”
“Oh, right.” Roxanne ended the conversation, joining Julian in staring at the door for Kazumi. And as if by magic, she appeared holding three documents in her hand.
“Okay, if the three of you would sign here to let you keep the axe, that’d be great.”
The three members signed their documents and were officially crowned as citizens of Sandala.
“Woah, I’m like…a person now.” Julian said cooly.
“Also, the cameras were still on during the invasion. I’ll let the generator theft slide.”
“Look…I mean…scouting groups don’t really get many resources, so we just kind of.” Cassandra started.
“Off brand scouting ship, we know.” Javier said. “I’m honestly shocked you guys didn’t get shut down.”
“It’s because they made the Battlestorms, I think.” Nuria replied.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Julian nodded. “Got a couple grants from the Lux, but the bosses wanted more, you know? Then they got murdered by the legion.”
“What’s this about the Lux?”
Julian turned around to see Freyja and Willow standing near them.
“Nothing in particular, we were just discussing the scouting ships.”
“The glorified kidnapping schemes?” Freyja asked.
“Yeah, those ones.”
“Well, it seems the other members of the Lux Congregation won’t be getting here until later, so now it’s up to me to train you in acting in the presence of royalty.”
The three all looked towards Willow, who shook her head defeated.
“I tried to stop her, but you’re all stuck here.”
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krmy2386 · 2 years
Second Fiddle (Part 2)
Bob Floyd x Reader (Rooster’s ex!)
I love this Gif!
Warnings: none, fluff
Part One:
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Bob sat in the Admiral’s office.
He didn’t regret attacking Rooster, not at all. His only regret doing it at work. Because now he is stuck in Admiral Simpson’s office instead of checking on Y/N.
He honestly didn’t care what punishment the Admiral gave him. Hell, he could discharge him for all he cares. He just wants to get back to Y/N.
“Floyd,” the Admiral broke Bob out of his thoughts, “How’s Y/N?”
Bob was stunned. Did he not see the blood bath in the hangar?
“Sir, about what happened with Rooster-.” Bob tried to explain.
“I didn’t ask about that.” Cyclone stopped him. “As far as I’m concerned, Lt. Bradshaw ran head first into a jet rather hard and suffered an injury. Now, how was Y/N?”
Bob’s heart sank to the floor at the mention of Y/N. “To be honest… She’s heartbroken, Sir. They broke her.” Bob felt himself get angry all over again.
Cyclone nodded, “Then it looks like you need to Fix her.”
Bobs head shot up. He tried to form words but couldn’t.
“I’ve noticed your attention for Y/N for several weeks now. Today proved it.” Cyclone was protective over Y/N, she was practically his daughter. He knew Floyd was the one she needed. The boy proved he cared about her. Now he just needed to admit it.
“Go check in her. Tell her. I’ll make sure no one bothers you two this weekend.”
Bob shuddered at the idea of spending a whole weekend with Y/N.
“Do you think she’ll feel the same? Love me the same as him?” He asked.
Bob was terrified. Her break-up was still new. What if she rejected him? Or got mad at him?
“There’s an old saying Floyd,” Cyclone said, “‘It’s better to play second fiddle, then not be in the band at all.’ Now go.”
Bob nodded and rushed out of the office.
Y/N woke up alone. She was incredibly thankful to Bob for taking care of her.
Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t feel anything for for Bob. She thought he was handsome and she knew he had a big heart. She enjoyed seeing him most out of everyone when the team would hang out. But she never really spent time alone with him until today. And maybe it was all of the emotions, but she definitely felt something.
Y/N hadn’t checked her phone at all since she called into work. She was hoping to avoid any drama. Judging by the number of calls and messages, drama still found her even locked away at home.
She decided the safest person to call was Maverick.
“Hello?” He answered.
“Hey Mav.” Y/N replied, trying to sound chipper.
“Y/N? I’m so glad you called! Are you okay?” Maverick asked.
“I’m fine.” She said, less confidently.
“I know that’s a lie kid.” Mav responded.
“What happened at the base? I have like 50 messages.” She asked trying to change the subject.
Mav sighed, “There was an altercation at training today.”
Y/N chuckled, “Isn’t there always?”
“No, Y/N. This wasn’t the usual cocky dogfight. Bob attacked Bradley.”
“What?!” Y/N screamed. “Is he okay?”
“Rooster will be fine.” Mav tried to assured her.
Y/N sighed, “I meant Bob. Is Bob okay?”
Maverick was shocked, “Um.. yeah? I mean his knuckles may be a little bruised but he was definitely the winner.”
Y/N groaned. “What the hell were they fighting about? What did Rooster do now?”
Maverick laughed, “You can’t honestly tell me you don’t know what they fought about. Y/N that boy loves you. Both of them.”
Y/N quickly responds, “Rooster doesn’t love me, Mav. At least not like he should.”
Maverick signed, “I’m so sorry he hurt you Y/N.”
“Thanks Mav. Does everyone know?”
“Yeah. Bob did a number on him. Took three of us to pry him off.”
Y/N was shocked. The same sweet caring man who just a few hours ago made her a snack, carried her up the stairs, and tucked her in bed, attacked Rooster because of her.
Bob sat in his car outside of Y/ N house. He was shaking with nerves. He would have to tell Y/N that not only had he beat up her ex-boyfriend, but also that he was in love with her.
Then Bob remembered what the Admiral told him. He knew he would regret not telling her, he would regret not at least trying. So Bob took a deep breath and walked to her door as confidently as he could, then knocked on the door.
He just kept saying to himself, “It’s better to tell her. It’s better to tell her.” Until she finally opened the door.
Y/N was actually glad to see Bob at her door. She just hung up with Maverick and she wanted answers.
“We need to talk,” she told him before he could say anything. He nodded and walked in.
Bob started, “Y/N”
“Why would you attack Bradley?!” Y/N interrupted. “What were you thinking?!”
Bob just stared at her. His mind went blank.
“He hurt you.” Bob said shakily.
Y/N scoffed slightly, “I’m well aware of what he did to me. But, you could’ve been hurt or gotten in serious trouble! You can’t do that the team needs you!”
Bob signed, “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that and I let my emotions get the best of me. But… there was something in me that just had to make him pay somehow. I know it’s awful, but he didn’t deserve you! I just… I love you… and I couldn’t take seeing you so sad. And he’s the one who made you so sad.”
Y/N started to tear up. “I understand Bob.”
Then she took a deep breath, “And I have feelings for you too.”
Bob’s swore his heart stopped.
Y/N continued, “But PLEASE, don’t fight because of me again.”
Bob cupped her face in his hands. This was his chance.
“None of this, not a single bit, is your fault. You didn’t start this. I will fight for you as many times as I need to. Because I love you! And if you’ll let me, I can love you more then he ever did.”
He pulled her in for a kiss. Bob put his heart and soul into that kiss because he knew this might be his only chance. He expected her to kick him out at any moment. But, she didn’t. She didn’t pull away, she didn’t stop him. She kissed back.
In the year she was with Rooster, Y/N hadn’t experienced anything like this kiss. In the few moments she had spent with Bob, she knew he would love her how she deserved. And that she would love him back just the same.
Finally the two pulled apart.
Bob was the first to speak, “I know I’m not him. But I promise to love you, and care for you, as long as you’ll have me.”
No more second fiddle for either of them.
Thank you for the encouragement❤️❤️❤️
@rosiahills22 @callsign-joyride @luckyladycreator2 @3tabbiesandalab @flashyourgreeneyesatme @t-rexs
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