#so yeah felt kinda nice but seriously should really avoid having a crush on him given that 1.hes straight (ish but still)
andthebubbles · 3 months
okay so some real quick thoughts of 3x05-08
cressida got seriously short-changed. but i don't think the writers were anticipating that people would even like creloise
eloise almost had like a retcon re her friendship with cressida? did she think that was all fake? from what i recall (i might be wrong ofc) she first played into hating her because she pretended she was LW, even though she totally knows she's not, but basically she wanted to take pen's side. and that was it, really. so... i feel like the cressida stuff (and her being shipped off to wales) could've been avoided if they'd just talked. idk
eloise is still... hmmm..... still has some growing to do. but it's fun now, watching her, because i don't find her annoying anymore, unlike in s2
benedict's really floating. but i do feel like his season is next. though, are they really going to have the actor for michaela on standby for four years, if that's the case (eta: i suppose she could have a sideplot for s4, if benedict is lead. i'd love that)
and, actually, i suppose i would not mind fran/michaela next. but i don't want john to die :( but even the priest knew he was gonna die!!!!!!!!!! so i guess he's gonna :(
i very very very much enjoyed anthony's pretty face :3
and all the a&b moments!!!
anthony was half OOC. but all his moments with benedict were lovely so i'm good :3 and he had a nice moment with colin too skjfgnkfg but, too short!! haha
i always need more anthony + any sibling. but i think i like a&b in particular because you can see how close they are
hmm i think i said this elsewhere but i think they resolved the LW stuff too easily. but yeah, they really are using the queen as like, the get out of jail card lol
still trying to decide if they gave cressida a storyline just to put a spanner in the works for LW, or for it to somehow be linked to sophie....... ... is cress gonna come back? hm
colin finalllly got malewifed... finally accepted his role as pen's number 1 simp. good on him. took him a while. had to get through some cringe fragile masculinity moments--or were they just 'wanting to be good enough for pen, wanting to do things for her, wanting to save her' - oh perhaps that's the same thing
i love portia!!! and polly walker is an amazing actor
i wish that cressida wasn't so alone that she felt she had to resort to blackmail. eloise abandoned her by pretending to think she really was LW... and she never turned back from that. kinda like she gaslit herself. idk, i'd have to watch it again, but idk if i can be bothered
as i said in the 3x08 post, iiiiiiiii felt like it was only the last 10 mins or so of that ep that really felt like bridgerton. and i enjoyed that part.
the pacing was off in places. and the characterisation. re pacing, the biggest problem ones i can think of are ep 2 and the first half of ep 8 or so. ep 8 didn't even feel like it should be there at one point.
anyway, these are all initial thoughts
tl;dr we got some lovely a&b!!! and anthony's face is pretty. and benedict and fran are queer. and there was lots of peneloise. and creloise got crushed to the ground
and i feel like i'm missing something. missing lots, in fact
pen continuing to write LW under her real name is not the same
the discussion of power they touched on in the show is interesting; i also rather liked it in A Thousand Cuts by wall-e-nelson, can't remember which chapter though
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dollslayer · 3 years
Charity Case
Bucky Barnes x Reader, College AU, enemies to lovers
Summary: You loathe Bucky Barnes and his cocky attitude but you find yourself doing him a favor. Is he really as insufferable as he seems?
W/C: 3,830
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, uhhh kissing, that's it!
A/N: Here it is! My entry for @sweeterthanthis Quote Me On It 6k challenge!! My quote was "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?" (in bold). I love the Heathers so I'm excited!! Hopefully I did this prompt justice. As always, if you liked it please reblog/comment! Cheers! I do not consent to my work being reposted/translated on any platform.
Main Masterlist
Steve was running late again. You try not to chew your nails off in frustration but he’s definitely testing you. This is the third time in the last two weeks that he’s late to meet you. When he hasn’t been late he’s cancelled all together. Always with a half-ass apology of ‘Bucky needs me’. As if.
You’ve been friends with Steve since your freshman year creative writing class when the only open seat was next to him. Ever since that first day you two had been close. But not as close as him and Bucky. Childhood friends attending university together, thicker than thieves.
You always felt like Bucky was maybe a little jealous of the friendship you and Steve have. Maybe you’re a little jealous too but you’re almost positive Bucky is more jealous of you than you are of him but that’s beside the point. On top of his jealousy Bucky was just annoying. He had a girlfriend but he was always flirting with every girl he met, yourself included. Not to mention he was cocky as all hell.
Steve vouches for his character, swears that it’s all an act and he’s actually very sensitive underneath but you don’t buy it for a second. If you were his girlfriend you’d have dumped him a long time ago.
You don’t have time to dwell on your annoyance too much because Steve is rushing through the doors of the coffee shop. He looks around for you and when he finally finds you the look on his face is relieved. As he gets closer it’s clear that he’d been running to get to you in time. He’s sweaty and a little out of breath and if you weren’t so annoyed with him you’d have found it endearing that he ran here.
“There you are,” he huffs out, “I’m so sorry, I was with Bucky and I lost track of time.”
You purse your lips and hand him a napkin which he takes with a gracious nod before wiping the sweat from his brow. You hand him the iced coffee you’d ordered for him too. The ice is slightly melted from sitting there but he looks so refreshed to be drinking it.
“Figures” is all you say with a huff. If he hadn’t been doing it so often you would’ve been a little kinder about it but you were just irked.
“Seriously, I’m sorry. Nat just dumped him, he's been having a hard time” Steve explained.
“Is it because he flirts with anything that moves?” You scoff.
Steve scoffs in return “He does not! He’s just… outgoing. But no, they had their own problems.” You raise one eyebrow at him. “Okay the flirting had something to do with it but there’s a lot going on there.”
“Whatever, let’s just study for this exam while we can”.
You and Steve spent the next two hours cramming for your midterm together. Things were going well and you’d nearly forgotten that you were mad at Steve in the first place. Nearly.
You were so deep into your notecards that you didn’t hear the door open behind you. A voice that could grate on only your nerves. A voice that if it didn’t belong to such a bastard, might even be kinda sexy. The voice breaks your focus completely when it calls out.
“Hey, Steve, are you done already or what? Oh hey, what’s up, beautiful?”
You set your notecards down on the table maybe a little harder than you should. You shoot Steve a glare because you thought it would just be the two of you. Really? You cut in before Steve can answer his friend.
“No, Bucky, he’s not. Can we help you?”
He smirks, giving you his full attention. He knows he has you now, knows you took the bait and he’s goaded you to the point of backtalk. He pulls up a chair to the table and wedges himself tightly between you and Steve. The sound of the chair legs scraping the floor as he scoots closer to you rings in your ears and makes you cringe. You look at Steve again only to find him avoiding your gaze.
“Well, sweetheart, me and Stevie boy here have plans later. Gonna do some gaming and order a pizza, really embracing the bachelor lifestyle.” He raised his eyebrows at this and you just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I heard Nat dumped your ass, actually, is that true?” You asked with a fake sweetness.
“Why, you interested?” He rebuffed.
You bristled at his quick response and muttered your annoyance under your breath. You chose not to respond. Instead you decided to address Steve.
“Steve, I didn’t realize that you had plans”
“Oh… yeah, loose plans…” He answered distractedly while pretending to be reading a text on his phone.
You decide to call it a day. You were getting seriously fed up with Steve’s passive behavior in all of this. Thankfully you didn’t have much to pack up, so once you slung your backpack over your shoulder you looked up at the pair to bid them goodnight.
“Well, Steve, this was… enlightening. Bucky, eat it. Goodnight fellas, have fun with your ‘bachelor lifestyle’” You said with air quotes. Turning on your heel you left before either could respond.
You had left the coffee shop that evening pretty upset with Steve. Of course it’s fine for him to have other friends but lately it was like he only cared about Bucky and all of your plans took a backseat to theirs. You decided you weren’t going to be the one to text Steve first, since he was being a bad friend. He could be the one to initiate plans.
He did just that when he caught you in the hallway after your midterm a week later. He jogged up to you once again and tugged on your sleeve to get you to stop.
“Hey, how do you think you did? Bet those notecards paid off, right?” He half-joked. He looked sheepish. Nervous almost. You figured it was because of what happened last time you met.
“Yeah, Jesus Christ! I’ve never been so grateful for little pieces of paper.” You scoffed. You decided to keep it light between you. You were still upset with him but his tone leads you to believe he was gonna apologize.
“Right?” He laughs nervously, “So listen, I know I’ve been kind of a jerk lately… Maybe we could get something to eat at Nick’s?”
Nick’s was the local greasy spoon on campus and they had the best breakfast food you’d ever had. You eyed him suspiciously but accepted.
“Alright, but you’re buying. And there better not be any visitors!” You add as you bound down the hall ahead of him. He knows you mean Bucky and he’s not worried because Bucky won’t be showing up today. He’s more nervous about what he has to ask you.
You’re sipping on pop as you play with your straw wrapper. You look up at Steve and notice he’s fidgeting a lot more than usual.
“What’s up? Why are you so twitchy?” You question him.
“Me? I’m not twitchy! I was just thinking that’s all” He quickly defends himself.
“Well that was the last midterm of the semester for both of us, I think it’s safe to say you can relax.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” Steve concedes quietly.
You and Steve eat in near silence, neither of you mind though because it’s comfortable. You worked on your hashbrowns when you looked up and noticed that Steve had barely touched his food. He was still fidgety, he looked nervous.
“Hey, you’ve hardly eaten anything, what’s the matter?”
He looks a little embarrassed, like he’s been caught. Or like he’s about to come clean about something.
“Look, I wanted to say sorry I know I haven’t been the best friend lately with everything going on with Bucky. He really is having a hard time since the breakup y’know… he’s lonely”
“Right” You laughed, “I’m sure he’s soo lonely.” You rolled your eyes and picked up your fork.
“No really, he just needed a friend to be there. I think he does need to get back out there though.”
“With how smooth he thinks he is, I'm sure he’ll have a date by the end of the night. I wouldn’t worry about it, Stevie.” You responded.
“I’m serious! As much of a player as he comes off he needs to be with someone he already knows. He’s actually really sensitive.” You interrupted with another laugh. There were many choice words you’d use to describe Bucky Barnes but ‘sensitive’ is not one of them.
“But anyway, I was...kinda hoping you’d do me a favor…” Steve trails off.
Based on the conversation you just had you’re cautious. You eye him warily but motion for him to continue.
“Well, like I said Buck’s having a hard time and he needs to get back out there but he doesn’t feel comfortable hooking up with a stranger. I was thinking maybe.. You guys should hang out?”
Steve refused to look at you as he finished the question. The look on your face was a look of confusion and shock.
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?” you asked in disbelief. “I mean seriously, I’m nice but not that nice.”
“No!” You cut him off, “You know I can’t stand that prick. Also why would I want to put myself on the long list of women he’s probably tried to fuck? I don’t buy this whole ‘sensitive’ thing for a minute.”
“I’m serious, Nat kinda crushed his heart when she left. He acts cocky but it’s a front. I just think he needs to see someone to get it out of his system. You’ve got more in common than you think. Just hang out with him once. Don’t think of it like a date, just a really really big favor. Please?” Steve begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “You. Owe. Me. So. Much”
“Really?” He asked hopefully.
“Really. But I’m not gonna bang him. Hard no on that” you said.
“Yeah, yeah of course! No problem! I’ll give Bucky your number!” He reached across the table and grabbed your hand. His hands were kidna clammy but you let him.
“Seriously, thank you. I know you think he’s some jerk but I promise he’s a good guy.” Steve adds, “A-and don’t think of it as like a date, even, y'know? I think honestly he could just use another friend. Think of how good it could be if we could all hang together some time?”
You shook your head and chuckled at his optimism while you stabbed another bite of your meal.
‘What’s up, sweetface?’ Gross.
‘Okay, sorry. Hi, how are you?’ Better.
‘I’m alright, you?’
‘Good. Steve tells me you’re a huge trivia nerd. Wanna go to Sally’s tn?’
‘It’s a date’ Shit. Didn’t mean to say that. Fuck. Quick- say something that will deflect before he responds!
‘And since it’s a date you’re paying’ That’ll have to do.
‘Ugh fine. Here’s hoping you’re a cheap date at least. I’ll meet you there at 9’
What do you wear for a date with someone that you despise? It’s just bar trivia so it’s nothing special but somehow the jeans and flannel you’ve been wearing all day don’t feel like they make the cut. You rip your closet apart trying to find something before you settle on black skinny jeans and your favorite sweater with some boots. Casual but not too casual.
You spend the whole walk there dreading the night ahead of you. Knowing that you wouldn’t even have Steve as a buffer between you made the whole evening seem daunting. At least you had trivia to distract you. You decide to give Bucky the benefit of the doubt tonight for Steve’s sake. You try to remember Steve’s insistence that Bucky’s a good guy and you have a lot in common. We’ll see about that.
When you arrive at the bar you find Bucky already waiting for you at a high-top table with two PBRs and a shot of brown liquid. Please don’t let that be whiskey. He sees you coming and smiles that damn-his-good-looks smile at you while patting the open chair next to him. The closer you get you even see that he got the whiteboard already for trivia.
“Please tell me that’s not Jameson or Fireball” you greet him.
He laughs a little and shakes his head. “Better - it’s Jack. Sorry, doll, but I already opened the tab. This is what we’re drinking” He nudges one of the shots closer to you and motions for you to pick it up. “Come on, we gotta start the night off right, bottoms up!”
Before you can gag at the thought of drinking whiskey you grab the glass and face him. You both knock your shots on the table before clinking them together and swallowing them in one go. You grimace at the taste and feel the warmth flow all the way down your throat. You quickly take a sip of your beer to rid yourself of the taste.
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re grossed out.” Bucky coos at you.
You’re embarrassed and annoyed but it goes away quickly.
“Shut up, Barnes”
You give him a light shove and he pretends like he’s about to fall off his stool, making you laugh. For someone that’s only ever annoyed you he’s doing a pretty bang-up job of being likeable when it’s just the two of you.
“You ready for me to carry you through some trivia?” You joked.
“Hey, now! I know...stuff” he concluded.
“Mmhmmm, I’m sure you do. Don’t worry, I’ll answer the questions and you just sit there and look pretty” you reach over to pat his face lightly with a wink.
Bucky grumbles before taking another sip of his beer.
You settle in for a long night when the host announces the first round is starting.
You managed to steal the first round without breaking a sweat, second round was a little rocky until it came down to you and one other couple. You knew the third round would be tricky but the way Bucky was cheering you on you were determined. To no one’s surprise Bucky had been completely useless so far but to his credit he was trying. At least he was a supportive teammate.
Things were going well until the third round was announced: Old School Videogames. You didn’t know shit about old school videogames. Or regular videogames. The extent of your video game knowledge started and ended with Mario Kart.
When the third round was announced though Bucky hit the table in excitement and cheered.
“Woo! Fuck yeah!” He pats you on the shoulder, “I got this, don’t worry. I so fuckin’ got this!”
He was a few drinks deep but he was so confident and he was your only hope so you went with it. He looked like a little kid the way he was practically giddy.
“You had better! There’s some serious prize money riding on this round.” You said in warning.
“No, no. You don’t understand that I’ve GOT this. Your turn to look pretty, not that it’s gonna be all that hard for you, sweetface” Bucky grinned at you over his beer as he took another sip.
Your cheeks felt heated and you tried your best to hide it by taking another drink yourself. Bucky’s flirting has never worked until now. Must be the alcohol.
“Shut up, Barnes” you mumble.
“Y’keep saying that but what I really think you mean is ‘I love you, Bucky you’re so strong and handsome~’” He imitated in a high pitched feminine voice.
You shoved him for real and before you could say anything else the third round was starting.
Bucky wasn’t kidding when he said he had this. He had won the round in a clean sweep and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed. Who knew this man harbored so much videogame trivia? When the host handed you the prize money he just waggled his eyebrows as if to say See?
“I gotta hand it to you, Barnes, I had no idea you had that much videgame wisdom rolling around up there. The only videogame I ever play is Mariokart so I’d be toast without you.”
“Mariokart? That’s it?? No problem, doll. It was nice to contribute.” He chuckles at that.
You divvied the money up and handed him his half.
“Guess I’m not such a cheap date afterall, huh?”
He chuckled as he took his half from you.
“I’m gonna go pay the tab with our winnings, I’ll be back”
You picked up your phone while you waited for him to find some missed texts from Steve.
‘How’s it going?’ ‘Are you guys doing okay?’ ‘I haven’t heard anything so I’m assuming you haven’t killed each other. Have fun, text if you need a ride home.’
You almost rolled your eyes at Steve’s insistence but found yourself smiling instead. You’d text him back when you got home.
Bucky was walking up to you once more and you smiled at him slightly.
“You said you’re good at Mariokart?”
“I didn’t say I was good at Mariokart, I said that I played it. Why?”
“Well I was thinkin’ maybe we could go back to mine and I could whoop your butt”
You weren’t going to say yes but now he was goading you and you took the bait without hesitation.
“Oh, you’re on, Barnes. You’re so, so on.”
His smile grew wider when he heard your response. With that he placed his hand on your lower back and ushered you out of the bar.
You played two tournament cups worth of Mariokart and Bucky had indeed whooped your butt. You don’t know why you were surprised, with how much gaming he and Steve do it’s no surprise he’s a natural. You still had fun though. Just when you were about to propose a third round Bucky got up and headed to the kitchen without a word.
He came back with two glasses of water and handed you one. He sat down on the floor next to you and you set down your controller.
“Here, drink up.”
You were taken aback a bit by the kind gesture but accepted the glass just the same.
“Thank you, I might regret saying this but, you’re not so bad when you’re not being insufferable, Barnes”. You told him
He smiled and shook his head as he drank his water.
“Thanks, I guess”
“How come you can’t be like this all the time? When it’s just the two of us you’re so kind and you’re even… I don’t know, funny maybe. Why do you get all cocky whenever else I see you?”
He looked down into his glass at your comment and you watched his brows crease in thought.
“I don’t know, it just sort of… happens, whenever I’m around other people I don’t know that well. I don’t mean to be a dick or anything but it’s like I can’t help myself. People expect me to be a certain way and I can’t help but fall into it sometimes. Nat hated that about me, it’s part of the reason why she dumped me, actually”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. And I’m sorry about the breakup, too. I know you guys were together for a while.” Bucky only shrugged at this and downed the rest of his water.
“It is what it is. I’m ready to be over it, I’m getting there slowly but surely. I gotta say, you’re not so bad either when you’re not getting all defensive and in my face. You’re actually pretty funny”
Your turn to become flustered at a personal analysis.
“Thanks, I guess I don’t mean to be so defensive either, it's just my response to most other people. I feel myself slip into it and it can’t be helped.” You explained.
Bucky nods at you, not knowing entirely what to say in response.
“I like spending time with you” He says leaning closer to you.
You swallow thickly, not sure what to make of what you feel knowing his face is so close to yours.
“I… like spending time with you too. You’re not what I thought.”
“Me neither,” he shakes his head, “You’re something else.”
With that he leans his head closer to yours and you feel yourself close your eyes and move your lips to slant perfectly into his. You’re kissing Bucky Barnes. The Bucky Barnes you can’t stand. That Bucky Barnes. You’ve decided that his tongue feels too good in your mouth to care now.
His hands come to frame your face and bring you in closer. His hands are warm and calloused but they feel like comfort. You can’t help but to melt. You moan into his mouth and it seems to spur him on. He pulls you into his lap and you let out a noise of surprise that’s muffled by his mouth on yours.
Your hands come to caress his sides and you take your time feeling every muscle and ridge. Your hands idly make their way under the hem of his shirt and his skin is just as smooth as you’d expect. He sighs into your mouth and it takes all of your strength not to fall apart right there. You feel yourself getting lightheaded and have to pull away for air. When you do you rest your forehead against his and the only sound is both of your breathing.
You finally brave a look at him and he has the softest smile on his lips.
“Sorry, doll, didn’t mean to get so carried away but I’ve been waiting for a long time to do that.”
This catches you off guard.
“You have? Wait, did you like me? But you flirt with everyone!” You explain.
“With you, I flirt with you. You just can’t stand me” he laughs out, “Nat dumped me for a couple reasons but that’s one of them she told me I needed to get my priorities straight and I gotta say, I’m thankin’ her for sayin’ it ‘cause she was right.”
You don’t know what to say or what to make of any of this. All you know is that you want to kiss him again, so you do. You grab him by the collar and pull him into you again. He lets out a startled noise but kisses you back all the same.
You don’t care what you used to think of Bucky Barnes and you don’t care about what’ll happen after today. Right now all you care about is feeling him in sync with you for the first time. You could live in this moment forever but right now will have to do.
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authenticmiya · 4 years
Hey, how are you ?!!
I love your imagines !!
I was wondering if you could do one with Johnny Lawrence of 84!
It's a suggestion 🥺
He had a secret crush on Tommy's best friend, Y / N, so he wanted to talk to her, but was afraid he just ended his relationship with Alli. And he knew that she didn't want a relationship now, due to the various traumas that occurred, so much so that the day comes that he decides to tell his feelings!
My Girl - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Reader and Tommy have been best friends since they could remember. Alongside Tommy, came the Cobra Kai’s. Meaning a certain blonde hair, blue eyed karate student, had his eyes on you.
Words - 2.1k
Warnings - mentions of toxic past relationships, fluff, angst.
A/N - I’m great Thankyou, how are you? Thankyou so much for sending in your suggestion! Anyone can feel free to send in any requests!
Tumblr media
To everyone else, you were one of the prettiest girls in school. Curvy, honest, caring, nurturing. You weren't the typical 'popular girl' who'd turn her nose up at other groups of students, and that's why you were so loved.
You lived at home alongside your older sister. Your parents tended to business all over the country, meaning it was usually just the two of you. The two of you were very close, and supported each-other through everything, just like how you and your best friend, Tommy.
"So tell me again why you didn't want to go to the beach tonight? All of your Cobra Kai's are there." Y/S/N plopped herself next to you on the couch.
"Can't I enjoy a peaceful night in with my sister?" You smirked and she rolled her eyes.
"Okay fine, Ali's there." You groaned.
"So what? She's your best friend Y/N?"
"No she was my best friend, she's been talking shit about the Cobra's - even Tommy. I get that her and Johnny aren't together anymore, but I've gotta look out for my boys." You admitted, throwing popcorn into your mouth.
"Your boys? You mean Johnny is your boy? The guy has had the hots for you since you were ten." She stated and now it was your turn to roll your eyes.
"Then why did he date Ali?" You questioned.
"Oh baby sister, you have so much to learn. It's obvious that he wasn't going to ask you out before her. You'd just come out of a sticky relationship." You shivered at the thought of your past.
"I get you were young and in love with that jackass, but just because you were young, doesn't mean he had the right to hit you left, right and centre." Maybe she was right, you hadn't really let your guard down with anybody after that.
"Let's not bring that up please." You told her.
"The only thing stopping you two from growing old together, is the fact that Tommy is practically like your big brother. He'd flip a table." Your sister grinned. Speaking of Cobra's, you heard some motorcycles pull up outside your house.
"Snakes in three, two, one." Your sister counted down and then your door knocked.
"Your hair looks a mess." You admitted to Tommy, ruffling up his hair as he walked into your home.
"Honesty is the best policy Y/L/N." Bobby laughed.
"What the hell happened to you?" You questioned Johnny, noticing how flustered and sad he looked.
"Lover boy had his first dosage of heartbreak tonight at the beach." Bobby called out to you from the kitchen.
"Yeah nice one man, thanks!" Johnny said sarcastically, making his way through your house. You shot your sister a confused look, and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Tommy, your ass better not be eating my leftover pizza!" Your sister shouted and that's exactly what he was doing.
"I appreciate that I'm not having to fix any of your faces tonight guys, but what exactly do you want?" You asked them, grabbing some lemonade from the fridge.
"Well sweet-heart, there's a new kid on the block, Daniel Larusso. He was flirting with Ali." Tommy stole your drink from your hand.
"And how do you feel about that?" You asked Johnny.
"She wouldn't talk to me, so I broke her radio and gave him a seek in assist the old fashioned way." Johnny admitted.
"I take it he's not as good at Karate as you then Johnny?" You joked, trying to make light of the conversation.
"The sexual tension in this room is making me gag." Your sister shoved passed you and grabbed a drink from the refrigerator.
"You're delusional." You muttered.
"I'm sure you'll be lucky with Larusso if you haven't already made a pass at Johnny." Bobby joked, but none of you laughed.
"Like hell man, watch your damn mouth." Johnny snapped.
"Dude seriously?" Tommy glared at him.
"I was joking, come on guys." Bobby tried to defend himself and you all ignored him.
"Quit being mean so Bobby, he just wanted to be apart of the comedian club." You snickered, making everybody burst into laughter.
"I take it you guys are staying the night?" Your sister asked them all.
"It's an annual thing, so if you don't mind?" Tommy smiled.
"Dude, the three of you have sleepovers everyday of the week. It's a fucking daily thing at this rate." Your sister laughed, heading up the stairs to sort the sleeping arrangements out.
Once the beds were ready to go, everyone seemed fairly tired and headed upstairs.
"Y/N wait-" Johnny stopped you from outside your room. Unbeknownst to him that his two friends, and your sister were eavesdropping.
"Can I please talk to you? I kinda need a girl's help, and well you get Tommy through a lot of shit.." He began to rant and you stopped him.
"Calm down Johnny, let's talk." You ushered him into your room, and he laid on your bed, leaning against the bed frame.
"I didn't really know how to say it front of everyone, but you know what a breakup is like. How'd you get over it?" Johnny sighed and you frowned.
"I don't think I ever really got over it because of what he did to me. I'd like to have said I turned into some badass overnight but I didn't. It takes time, and the two of you only broke up a couple of weeks ago. The whole situation is still raw and you have to allow yourself time to heal." You admitted to him.
He couldn't help but stare at you, take in all of your perfections as you we're giving him advice.
"Young love is a load of ass Y/N. She didn't even care about what I had to say tonight." Johnny frowned and it really did look like he was about to cry.
"Jokes on her Johnny, because any girl should be blessed to have you." You smiled, making his stomach erupt into a million butterflies.
"I really appreciate that." He whispered, slowly leaning in, but you leaned back.
"I'm so sorry if you thought that's where I was going with this Johnny, I don't think either of us are ready for that just yet." You coughed out, not really sure how to deal with it.
"No I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have done that. Shit." Johnny was quick to scramble out of your room, and it took you a few moments to comprehend the situation.
Chasing after him and staying in your room  were your thoughts for the night. You knew he'd probably be embarrassed, so you didn't wanna push that any further. But he wanted to kiss you. Was that because he wanted to use you as a rebound? To get over his eventful evening with his ex? You had no idea. Or was it because he had now genuinely come to terms of how he really felt towards you?
“Wake your ass up!” Tommy screamed as the morning sunshine came through your curtains.
“Tommy I’m giving you five seconds to get the heck out of my room, or I’m going to smack you silly.” You yawned, suddenly realising it was your first day back for senior year.
“You weren’t saying that to Johnny when he tried to kiss you last night.” Tommy whispered, and your eyes nearly fell out of your head.
“Your secrets safe with me sleepy head, but he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t mean it.” Tommy gave you a half-hearted smile and left you alone.
“One year to make it all work Y/N.” You muttered, throwing on some clothes to start your senior year.
“The queen has finally made her entrance.” Tommy laughed, handing you a plate of pancakes.
“You look beautiful Y/N.” Bobby smiled, making Johnny clench his jaw.
“Wow it finally looks like a cat hasn’t dragged you through a bush.” Y/S/N ruffled up your hair.
“Well now if does.” You groaned, flattening your hair back out. Time was ticking and it was soon time for school.
“Have a good day you guys!” Your sister waved you all off. It was as if the Cobra’s had it planned all along, because Tommy and Bobby were quick to drive away on their motor-cycles, leaving you and Johnny.
“Can I pitch a ride please?” You asked Johnny with hopeful eyes.
“Of course.” He smiled lightly.
“Can we please talk about last night?” You asked and his smile soon faded.
“We’ve gotta get to school.” You nodded at him, before sitting behind him. The journey to school wasn’t long at all, and it was typical for you to spend your morning alongside the Cobra Kai’s motorcycles.
“I don’t want things to be awkward Johnny, you’re one of my best friends. I’ve got a lot of issues, despite how happy I come across. Maybe one day we can make a thing of us?” You suggested and he had nothing to say.
And so that’s how was it was like, for a very long few weeks after that. Johnny hadn’t said a lot to you, and it slowly made you realise, that you didn’t know what you had, until it started to go away.
“Johnny still not talking to you?” Tommy asked, as the two of you walked together in front of the Cobra Kai’s. You turned around, but Johnny avoided eye contact before turning around the corner to his class.
“He’s insanely in love with you Y/N, I guess he’s just scared.” In love? Come again?
“In love with me, why would you say that?” You asked.
“Trust me, I know.” The two of you continued walking towards your classroom, when you were stopped by a certain Daniel Larusso.
As Johnny was walking to class, he couldn’t help let the overwhelming sense of guilt override him.
“What’s going on with you and Y/N dude?” Bobby asked one of his best friends.
“I don’t know myself man.” Johnny responded.
“You two are so damn love blind.” Bobby groaned in annoyance that his two friends still hadn’t made moves on each-other.
“I can’t push the boundaries again, it’s obvious she’s afraid to be with someone new, and I don’t want to upset her.” Johnny admitted.
“That’s the thing though Johnny, you’re not someone new. Everyone knows about what happened with her ex, and you can be the one to make her trust again.” Bobby’s words were so convincing.
“I’ve gotta go and get my girl.” Johnny shoved his books into Bobby’s hands and rushed back to the other hallway you were in with Tommy. But Bobby didn’t stop there, of course he was going to watch the scene unfold.
“What the hell do you want Larusso?” Tommy stood protectively in front of you.
“You need to sort your boyfriend out Y/N, his attitude is kind of stinky.” Daniel teased.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You muttered.
“I think he’s about to be.” Tommy noticed Johnny heading over to the two of you.
“Get the hell away from my girl, punk.” Johnny shoved Daniel out of the way, and you bit the inside of your cheek anxiously - not wanting your first day back to end up in a fight.
“Why does everyone think I’m you girlfriend?” You asked Johnny.
“Because I’ve waited so damn long to be able to call you mine Y/N, and I don’t want him taking you away from me, like he did with everything else.” Johnny admitted his feelings, regardless of everybody around him.
“Johnny what are you talking about?” You asked him.
“I’m not him Y/N. I will never be him. I think, I think I love you.” Johnny stepped forward and this time, you allowed him to kiss you. You felt yourself melting on the inside. Cheers and claps echoed through the school hallway as the bell rang.
“What do you say Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend?” He asked, lacing his hands with yours.
“Of course.” You blushed, wrapping your arms around him, and he felt the instant sigh of relief.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” You whispered.
“I was so not jealous, I was about to beat Larusso’s ass.” Johnny told you seriously.
“I think you’re forgetting about what Tommy might do to you.” You chuckled, looking over at your best friend and his attempt to look angry.
“It’s not half of the things that I’m going to do to you.” Johnny smirked. You could finally be free of your past, you finally had your man, and boy was he worth the wait.
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1-800-hyunlix · 4 years
dance to this — hhj
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crush culture ♡ part thirty five
⇢ pairing: non-idol! hyunjin x fem! reader
⇢ word count: 4.4k
⇢ warnings: cussing, some underaged drinking, it’s literally a high school party so, can y/n and hyunjin get their shit together already?
⇢ listen while you read: dance to this - troye sivan
⇢ a/n: happy (kinda late) valentine’s day! i haven’t updated in forever but i’ve spent so much time trying to finish writing the remaining chapters for this series. i hate to say it but this story’s coming to an end and FAST. also i’m so sorry, i meant to post this yesterday but here we are 🙄 anyways, enjoy <3
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Thanks to you, the snack table looked great and Jisung was very pleased, to say the least.
Everyone had already shown up to the party. Changbin and Minho stood in the corner talking with Minghao and his friend Seokmin. Yuna, Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix had gone outside after complaining about how hot and crowded the house was. And Jisung. Well Jisung was hungry.
“Hey,” you said over the noise. “Jisung.”
He hummed and looked up, grabbing another chip from the bowl.
“When’s Hyunjin gonna get here?” The party had only started an hour ago but even though almost all of your friends had arrived, he still hadn’t shown. Part of you was wishing it would stay that way. You had been trying your best to avoid him ever since you found out about cupid’s kiss. It would be much easier to do that if he just decided to not come at all.
“Hyunjin offered to pick up Chan and Chaeyeon after their dates,” He answered, plucking his phone from out of his back pocket. “They should be getting here soon.”
well shit.
“Y/n!” A voice yelled from behind you. Spinning on your heels, you were met with Mingyu walking towards you holding a cup in his hand. “Having fun?”
“You could say that.” you shrugged. Parties never really excited you. They always seemed so repetitive. People making out in bedrooms, kids too young to be drinking getting wasted anyway, and lots of unnecessary socializing. But you’d always go anyway. It’d take a couple drinks, but eventually you’d start having fun.
“I thought your boyfriend was coming.”
Your eyes widened and you spun around to make sure Jisung hadn’t heard Mingyu’s bold comment and sighed in relief when you realized he wasn’t standing behind you anymore. Instead he was clinging onto Minho’s side as they grabbed drinks from the kitchen.
“He’s not my boyfriend and I thought we agreed to stop talking about it.”
“He’s not your boyfriend yet.” he smirked, leaning against the table and taking a sip of whatever was in his red solo cup.
“I just told him about Cupid’s Kiss,” you lied again. “not that I liked him.”
Mingyu sighed but nodded his head nonetheless. “Which is a step in the right direction!”
Rolling your eyes, you began walking away from Mingyu and towards the kitchen. “Happy Valentine’s Day by the way!” He yelled from behind you. You shook your head and continued to maneuver through people, muttering small “excuse me’s'' as you passed.
Crowds were another thing you hated about parties. Squeezing through the groups of kids who were either too drunk or obnoxious to move out of the way.
The kitchen counter was covered with a variety of drinks, some of which you weren’t even sure how Mingyu acquired. You grabbed a cup and filled it halfway with the punch you watched Mingyu and Minghao mix earlier. Instantly bringing the cup up to your lips, you winced when the liquid hit the back of your throat.
It wasn’t your favorite taste but if you were planning on having at least some fun at the party, you’d need all the drinks you could get.
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Now you stood outside with Ryujin, Seungmin, Jeongin and Yuna listening while they talked about the Valentine’s dance and how mad they were gonna be if it was “as bad as last year’s dance.” You wouldn't know, you didn’t go.
“Look who’s finally here.” Ryujin nudged your shoulder and pointed towards the back door of the house.
Hyunjin and Chan walked out, greeting people as they made their way over towards your group. They were so casual about all the attention they received from everyone else, like they were used to having all the kids at school drool over them.
It’s not like you haven’t noticed it before. Especially when it came to Hyunjin. The minute he moved to your school, he became everyone’s new obsession. It just hadn’t bothered you until now, rolling your eyes as a group of girls standing next to you had completely forgotten about their conversation and instead, were far more interested in staring at Hyunjin.
You found yourself staring at him too. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t instantly catch your eye the moment he walked through the door. He looked good all the time and Valentine’s night was no exception.
“Finally you guys decide to show up!” Jeongin groaned, sarcastically throwing his head back. Chan laughed and patted him on his back.
“Sorry,” he said, “Hyunjin picked us up right after his date. It took longer than expected.”
Hyunjin nodded in agreement and glanced over to you, shooting you a sweet smile. You returned it and quickly averted your eyes.
“Date” you laughed in your head. They lied right in front of your face and had absolutely no idea that you knew.
“Speaking of Hyunjin’s date,” Seungmin spoke, “where’s Yuri? She didn’t wanna come?”
You watched intently as Hyunjin and Chan looked at each other as if they were trying to come up with something to say. You have no idea how you didn’t catch onto their lies sooner. They were being so obvious.
“Yeah, she doesn’t like parties.” Hyunjin answered.
Taking a drink from your cup, you sighed. The rest of the group was engaged in an interesting conversation about who they believed would get drunk first. Chan bet on Felix but the freckled boy protested and said it was definitely going to be Jisung. You hadn’t said anything but giggled as Jisung and Felix playfully bickered back and forth.
Upon hearing your laugh, Hyunjin glanced back at you. His eyes traveled down your body, not so subtly checking you out. He’d never seen you “dressed up” like this before other than the time you tried on that dress at the mall. You looked different but a good different. He noted how you styled your hair differently than you usually would and how the shoes you were wearing made you almost as tall as him.
Feeling eyes on you, you turned towards Hyunjin and caught him red handed. He nervously shifted on his feet and smiled at you. “I like the outfit,” He started, “You look really pretty tonight.”
As if on cue, you felt heat rise up to your cheeks.
You struggled to say something back, afraid that the minute you opened your mouth, you’d turn into a stuttering mess right in front of him. Hurry up, the little voice inside your head demanded. Speak idiot.
“Oh uhm thanks, you too,” you began, instantly regretting it. “I mean not pretty, you don’t look pretty but you look nice and...shit that came out wrong.”
Amused by the embarrassment you were inflicting on yourself, Hyunjin laughed, his tongue pushing on the inside of his cheek; a habit of his that you picked up on. He liked to do it whenever he was about to tease you or say something totally sarcastic. “Sorry, I don't think I heard over the music. Did you say I look pretty?”
You rolled your eyes, letting out a small chuckle. “You know what I meant, Hwang.”
Jeez y/n, you’re pathetic. What happened to avoiding him?
You wanted to stick to your original plan; have fun and make it through the party all while avoiding Hyunjin in the process. But you could tell it wouldn’t be that easy.
Glancing towards Hyunjin again, you watched as he laughed at a video of Jisung doing something dumb that Felix recorded on his phone. His laugh was so contagious and despite how you hadn’t even seen the video, you giggled too.
This is what you meant when you said he made it hard for you. Every little thing he did, you adored. He was practically living rent free in your head and as much as you wanted him out, he refused to leave.
Deciding that you would just drown your problems with the punch in your cup, you held it to your mouth to drink only to groan when it was empty. “Hey Hyunjin,” you tapped him on the shoulder. “I’m gonna get a refill, you wanna come with?”
Seriously Y/n, you suck at this.
He nodded almost eagerly and followed you into the house.
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“I promise you it’s not bad! Just try it!”
You were standing in the corner of the kitchen trying to convince Hyunjin to try the punch that you had been indulging yourself in all night. Seeing as he didn’t know the contents of the drink and you were practically already buzzed, he was unsure if drinking the punch would do him any good.
“Fine but only one cup!” He gave in and you threw your arms up in satisfaction. Almost hesitantly, he took a drink and your eyes lingered to his hands. The way the silver rings on his fingers shone under the light and how they gripped the cup. Then down to his striped shirt he left unbuttoned more than likely on purpose. His beauty was effortless and sometimes you got jealous of how he could simply look so good without trying.
Looking up from his cup, his eyes met yours and you quickly turned away. The corner of his lips lifted up in a smirk as you clearly had no idea that he was aware of your staring the whole time. It’s not like you were discreet about it.
“How many of these have you had?”
You glanced at the cup in your hands and shrugged. “Maybe like four?”
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and nodded his head. How you were drinking this, he had no idea. It wasn’t at all good to him. “How was your date? With Mingyu?”
You didn’t want to talk about Mingyu, nervous that Hyunjin would ask too many questions and you’d accidentally let something slip.
If you were being completely honest, you only showed up early to the party to make it look like you and Mingyu hung out for Valentine’s Day. You wouldn’t really call filling up chip bowls and watching Minghao and Mingyu argue over where to put the sound system a date.
“Oh it was good!” You answered almost too fast. “Yeah it was fun.”
Hyunjin nodded his head and weakly smiled. You almost winced at the awkward tension that sat in the air and you took another drink, humming in satisfaction. It was definitely doing its job.
The next song began and immediately recognizing it, you gasped and removed the cup from your lips. “This song is so good,” without thinking, you grabbed onto Hyunjin’s wrist. “let’s dance.”
He obliged as you dragged him through the crowd and into the living room where teens jumped around with one another.
Smiling as you made it into the middle of the dance pit, you found the beat and slowly began swaying your body to the rythmn. Hyunjin grinned, raising his eyebrow in amusement.
Still having a grip on his wrist, you intertwined your fingers and yelled over the music. “C’mon Hyunjin,” you smirked. “Dance with me.”
He chuckled and shook his head but seconds later found himself matching your movements.
Nodding as he danced along with you, you closed your eyes in bliss. He watched this with admiration. He had never seen you so care free before. You usually always seemed so shy and nervous when you danced in front of him but tonight you were practically all over him.
You enjoyed it; the way your bodies nearly pushed up against each other due to the lack of space in the room and the way the music blared through your ears, blocking out all other noise within distance.
This isn’t part of the plan, Y/n. Quit dancing and get your shit together! spoke the same voice in your head that you’d been unintentionally ignoring all night long. It was like a little angel on your shoulder telling you to let go of Hyunjin’s hand and walk away before you got yourself into another situation that you couldn’t get out of.
But on the opposite shoulder, sat a little devil who disagreed with the angel and insisted that you stayed on the dance floor. Don’t listen to them! You wanted to do this all night! Get over yourself, y/n!
Quite frankly, you didn’t know who to listen to.
You looked back up to meet his eyes and gulped once you found Hyunjin was already staring at you. He searched your face, looking for any sign that you felt the same way he did. He removed his hand from yours and instead placed it on your waist, bringing you closer to him. Your breath hitched as his hand snaked around to the small of your back, his rings cold on your skin.
Growing nervous, you shifted on your feet and gently placed your free hand on his chest. “I’m sorry,” you muttered and he knitted his brows in confusion. “I need some air.” You gently pushed away from him and began walking, his hand loosely trailing across your back as you left.
Hyunjin turned and watched as you quickly maneuvered through people and to the back door. He sighed and took a swig from his drink before leaving the center of the room to stand against a wall, distancing himself from the dancing crowd.
You confused him and how you felt was still a mystery to him. One minute, you were dancing with him and blushing whenever he complimented you. The next, you were ignoring him and getting nervous whenever he showed the slightest bit of affection. Maybe he’d been reading you all wrong. Maybe you hadn’t felt the same way about him and he’d been getting his hopes up just to be disappointed in the end.
He had stood by the wall for a while by himself, taking drinks from his cup every so often. He was too deep in thought to even notice Mingyu approaching.
Turning his head to the left, he frowned. Him and Mingyu had never really had a serious conversation before. Most of their “talking” was just done in class when they’d give each other the answers. “Hey Mingyu.”
“I’m glad you could make it.” Mingyu smiled, standing beside him with his arms crossed.
Hyunjin smiled back, unsure of how to respond. “Yeah, thanks for inviting us.”
“I saw you and Y/n out there,” Mingyu started, taking a drink from his cup. Hyunjin nervously eyed him. When he was dancing with you, he had totally forgotten about Mingyu and how he might’ve reacted when he saw his date all over someone else. “I’m glad everything got fixed.”
Hyunjin thought for a moment before realizing he had no idea what Mingyu was talking about. “Sorry,” he said. “What?”
“Y’know, everything. Cupid’s Kiss and all.” Mingyu laughed. Confusion was evident on Hyunjin’s face and it quickly became clear to Mingyu what was going on. “Y/n didn’t tell you, did she?”
“No?” Hyunjin said, more like a question rather than an answer.
Mingyu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course you hadn’t told him. It was you he was talking about, someone who avoided confrontation at all costs. “There was a mix up with the Cupid’s Kiss results. Y/n and I weren’t supposed to get each other after all.”
Hyunjin nodded slowly, looking down at the floor as he listened.
“I was supposed to be with Haseul,” Mingyu swallowed before hesitantly continuing. “Y/n was supposed to be with you.”
Hyunjin’s head whipped up, his eyes widening in shock. He observed Mingyu, trying to figure out whether or not this was just some drunk joke he decided to play just to spite him. But no, Mingyu looked dead serious. “Y/n knew?”
“Yep,” Mingyu hummed, “I found out about it a couple days ago and texted her right away. She said she’d tell you but clearly…” he trailed off and narrowed his eyes at Hyunjin.
A million things were running through Hyunjin’s head but all he wanted to do was find you. “I gotta look for Y/n. Thanks for telling me, Mingyu.”
Mingyu gave him a sympathetic smile and muttered a “No problem” before Hyunjin took off towards the backyard.
It was messed up. This whole time he felt horrible because he had gotten you for Cupid’s Kiss while you had gotten Mingyu when in reality, you were supposed to get each other. It wasn’t fair. He could’ve had you from the beginning.
Why you hadn’t told him about it as soon as you found out also shocked him. What were you gaining from keeping it hidden?
Hyunjin reached the back door and looked around the crowded yard, finally spotting you. You stood off to the side, talking with Chan and Chaeyeon.
As he walked over, he could hear you laughing at something Chan joked about.
“Hyunjin!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms over his shoulder. “Sorry I walked off. It was sooo hot in there.”
yeah, sure it was.
He eyed Chan who gave him a knowing look back. Your slurred words and sudden attitude change were enough evidence to tell him that you were drunk, somehow more than the last time he saw you.
He had originally wanted to walk over and talk to you about Cupid’s Kiss but seeing your state, he knew it wasn’t the time. He’d have to wait.
You chugged the final drops of your drink and closed your eyes, resting your head on Hyunjin’s arm. He shifted, placing his arm around your waist to help keep you upright.
“I’m tired.” you murmured, leaning closer into him.
“You wanna go home?” Hyunjin asked, speaking softly so only you could hear.
He nodded and turned back to Chan. “I’m gonna drive her home but if you want I can come back to pick you guys up after.” He didn’t wanna feel like a shitty friend for driving them there and then ditching them.
Chan shook his head and dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “Don’t worry about it, Hyunjin. Changbin can give us a ride.”
Hyunjin smiled and said goodbye before Chae and Chan walked off. Then he focused his attention back on you. You stood up straight and rubbed your eyes in discomfort. He grabbed onto your hand and began guiding you inside the house, surprised that you were even able to keep yourself balanced.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m driving you home.” Finally making it outside of the house and to the front yard, he held onto you tightly as he led you to his car that was parked a short distance from the house.
“Oh no, I can’t go home,” you responded. “My parents will be so mad at me for this.”
He hadn’t even thought about that. Surely, your parents wouldn’t be very happy about you coming home late and completely trashed. But where else were you supposed to go when all of your other friends were still at the party.
“You could stay at my place,” he suggested, his voice sounding a lot more quiet than usual. “if you want.”
You may have been drunk but you weren’t dumb and was still well aware of what he was asking you. Your stomach turned at the thought of spending the night with Hyunjin and Hyunjin only. You didn’t really have any other options so it seemed you’d have to get over your emotions for one night.
“Yes please.”
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The drive to Hyunjin’s place wasn’t long. Surprisingly, you managed to stay awake for the ride. You had both sat in silence the whole time, except for when Hyunjin had reminded you to text your parents and tell them you were staying at Ryujin’s for the night. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence but more so because you were too caught up in your own thoughts to engage in conversation.
At one point, you had rolled your window down and stuck your head out slightly, taking in the cold air of the night. You closed your eyes when the wind hit your skin and grinned. Hyunjin watched you in admiration.
It was relaxing and almost felt like the wind was blowing all the guilt and nervousness right out of you.
When you got to his house, he had gotten out of the car and rushed over to the passenger side to help you out. You waved him off, insisting that you could walk yourself. Hyunjin shook his head as you began walking to the door, giggling at how you stumbled over your own feet.
Inside, he’d given you some clothes of his to change into, seeing that you probably wouldn’t be too comfortable sleeping in fishnets and a jean jacket. You didn’t even get the chance to protest with him as he shoved you into his bathroom and closed the door behind you.
After throwing his hoodie on, you glanced in the mirror and frowned at the sight of your disheveled hair and semi-smeared makeup. This is what Hyunjin had to look at? Embarrassing. You splashed your face with water and hurried out of the bathroom.
In his room, Hyunjin was making a makeshift bed on the floor with blankets and pillows that he retrieved from another room. Looking up at you, he swallowed. Seeing you wear his clothes brought out a sense of satisfaction in him, like you fit perfectly in them.
“You can take the bed,” he said. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
You frowned. “It’s your room, Hyunjin. I’m totally fine with sleeping on the floor.” If you were being honest, you’d be fine sleeping anywhere. You just wanted to sleep.
“Exactly. It’s my room so I have a say in where you get to sleep,” he smiled, ruffling his hair. “and I say you get to sleep on the bed.”
Rolling your eyes, you trudged over to the bed and snuck under the covers. Once you got comfortable, you patted the spot next to you. “I’m not just gonna let you sleep on the floor,” you hummed, your words still coming out messy. “Lay with me.”
Apparently for you, a side effect of drinking was a sudden boost of confidence because sober Y/n would’ve never mustered up enough courage to ask Hyunjin to sleep with her. Sure, you’ve slept together before but it was accidental and at a sleepover with a bunch of your friends. It didn’t count.
“You sure?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. “Because i’m totally fine with sleeping on the floor. I’ve done it before and like you wouldn't believe how comfortable carpet is when you’re tired.”
Hyunjin’s rambling made you giggle and you sighed, throwing your head back onto the pillow to stare at the ceiling. “Wow. Driving me home, letting me wear your clothes, willing to give up your bed for me,” you spoke quietly, almost to yourself rather than to him. “At this point Hyunjin, it just seems like you’re obsessed with me.”
He let out a breathy laugh and shook his head. He hesitated but much to your surprise, slipped under the covers next to you. Once he got comfortable, he placed his hands under his head and turned to look at you. “I think ‘obsessed’ would be reaching.”
Your heart jumped at the close proximity of you two and you took a deep breath. Silence came once again and maybe it was just you but you could feel the tension in the air. It sat on top of the two of you like a weighted blanket and you didn’t know how to lift it.
You closed your eyes in an attempt to shake away any thoughts and feelings that found their way into your head. Why did he have to be like this?
“What’re you thinking about?” Hyunjin’s voice came out quiet, almost like a whisper.
You weren’t sure what came over you. Maybe it was the fact that you were on the verge of sleep or maybe it was the alcohol still very much in your system. Maybe it was both.
Hyunjin’s eyes averted to you. “Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
Whatever it was, you weren’t completely aware of what you were saying and you knew you were probably going to regret it in the morning. That was, if you could remember saying it.
“Hyunjin,” you yawned before speaking again, “Can I tell you something?”
He looked at you and noticed you still stared at the ceiling, your eyes beginning to get heavy due to sleepiness. You could pass out at any moment whereas Hyunjin wasn’t even tired. “Sure.”
“I think you’re perfect.”
Yeah, you were definitely going to regret saying this in the morning.
“Almost too perfect.” you continued as Hyunjin nervously bit his lip.
He moved his arms to rest on his stomach as he fiddled with his thumbs.
“Too perfect for me.” You said in a hushed tone, worried that if you spoke too loud, he’d be able to hear your heartbeat through your voice. “And that makes this whole thing so much harder.”
“What do you mean?”
“I wish I could deserve you as badly as I want you, Hyunjin.”
He didn’t know what to say or even what to do. You shocked him and as he stared up at the ceiling, he felt stuck in place. The room went quiet again.
He hadn’t prepared himself to hear a drunk confession from you, especially when you sat right next to him in his own bed. It was so sudden and based on the way you practically avoided him all night, it was very random.
I wish I could deserve you as badly as I want you. Your words were on replay in his head and he thought about what Mingyu had told him at the party. It was supposed to be you and him all along. Maybe now would be a good time to mention that.
Hyunjin turned towards you to speak but stopped at the sight of you already sleeping. Your head was close to his on the pillow and you had pulled the blanket all the way up to your neck.
He observed your face. Your lips were pouted and your cheeks slightly puffy. You looked so comfortable. This was the most relaxed he’d seen you all night, free from worry and stress and secrets.
Hyunjin sighed. He’d just have to talk to you about it tomorrow.
He reached over to the table beside his bed and turned his lamp off although he was sure he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all that night.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/n.”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Invisible - Luke Patterson
Summary: You and Luke finally admit your feelings to each other.
A/N: My first time writing JATP...
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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The piano was more of a prop at this point than anything, practically holding you up as you leaned against it, tapping at the same key over and over, the pout playing on your lips unmistakable. Mrs. Harrison had given out instructions at the beginning of the month that she wanted an original composition by each student in the class. It was a simple enough assignment and honestly, you’d been finished for weeks now but there was no way you get up in front of the class and perform the song you had written.  
When Flynn had badgered you last week you had sworn that you didn’t have a crush on Luke. He was just Julie’s bandmate and, of course, a ghost. “You always want what you can’t have, I was worried that included him.”
Luke, you were beyond positive, did not feel the same way about you. He was focused on the band and, possibly, figuring out what they needed to eventually crossover. Besides, you were pretty sure that he liked Julie. Their chemistry together on stage was undeniable and maybe it was just for show, but you doubted there was a chance with him at all. So, you lied and told Flynn that you didn’t like him but then every song you wrote lately was about him and you knew you could sing any of them in front of the class.  
“Crap!” You jumped, almost falling off the piano bench. You looked over to your bed where Luke was laying, sprawled across the comforter, smiling innocently at you. “You have got to stop doing that!”
Whatever had happened when the club stamps disappeared from their wrists, you couldn’t be entirely sure. All you knew was that you could actually hug them now, high five, fist bump, hold hands with. Alex had even attempted to give you a piggyback that had ended in a mess of limbs on the ground. But they were still ghosts. Cute, talented, way more attractive in a cut off shirt than he should be, ghosts.
“Sorry,” He sat up, swinging his legs around to hang off the side of the bed, “thought you were coming over to Julie’s?”
You cringed. You had promised to go to Julie’s to play them the song before Friday but you had chickened out. Maybe it wouldn’t be obvious to Luke or the guys but there was no tricking Julie or Flynn, they would know immediately that any song you sang was about Luke. You had essentially laid all your feelings out there for him and there was no way you could perform something so personal in front of him.  
“I was...I’m just still...ironing out some kinks.” You shrugged, running your fingers over the keys experimentally.  
You had spent plenty of late nights with Luke, in your room writing music, cataloging snippets of lyrics that you pretended weren’t about him but the truth was that he was all you could think about. The change they’d gone through after the Orpheum had only made it harder to deny how you felt.  
“I thought you were finished your song,” Luke said, coming around the piano. He reached for the sheet music on the stand but you grabbed it first, shoving it back into your bag.  
The look of hurt that flickered was quickly replaced by curiosity as Luke took a seat beside you on the bench. “It just needs some work.”
“What have ya got so far?” He asked, not letting up. Luke was nothing if not persistent, especially when he thought someone was holding out on telling him something and you definitely were. He leaned close to you, trying to goad you into showing him the sheet music.  
“Nothing worth showing off, which is why I didn’t go to Julie’s,” you admitted, “I’m supposed to have a song by tomorrow and so far...I’ve got nothing.” Not entirely true but you couldn’t tell him the real reason you were avoiding Julie’s house.  
Before Luke could answer you, your mom called up the stairs for dinner. It was a welcomed distraction, an excuse to leave the room and hopefully the conversation behind. Maybe you could write a song about your mom’s lasagna or going to the mall with friends once you were done dinner. Something superficial and dumb. You left Luke in your room and headed downstairs to eat.  
That, of course, was your first mistake. Trusting Luke not to snoop was always a risk, he was a naturally inquisitive person, to put it nicely. The moment you left your room he was pulling your sheet music and your notebook out to see if the song you had written was as bad as you claimed it was. He skimmed the first two lines, smiling when he recognized the hook that he’d helped you with three nights ago when you couldn’t sleep and he was annoyed with Alex and Reggie.  
He hummed along to the chords as he read the lyrics, not even realizing, as he went, that he was frowning. This song that you said wasn’t very good was fantastic but that’s not why he was upset. Whoever you had written about, it was obvious that you liked them, a lot. Thinking that he’d helped you write a love song for someone else stung more than he thought it would. He knew what Alex would say, that if anyone shouldn’t get together it was a ghost and a lifer but he couldn’t help the crush he had on you.  
“Hey!” It was your turn to spook him, Luke’s head snapping up to look at you, eyes wide for a second before he grinned sheepishly.
“Sorry, just thought maybe a second set of eyes might help.”
“Luke,” you sighed, incapable of actually being upset with him, “I told you it wasn’t done.”
“It definitely is. It’s great, honestly.” He replied. He might not love that you were writing some guy a love song but he wasn’t gonna lie about your talent.
“Oh, uh, thanks.” You replied, standing on the other side of the piano, taking the first few pages to look them over.
“So, who’s the guy?” He asked. Luke’s inquisitiveness got the best of him every time...he couldn’t help wondering who had stolen your attention so much that you wrote about them.
“What?” You asked, looking up at him as if you were surprised by the question. You weren’t, you didn’t want him seeing the song because you knew that he would ask about the subject and you couldn’t lie to Luke. You wished you could, it would make things a whole lot easier if you could pretend like the song was about some guy from school but you hadn’t really ever liked anyone the way you liked Luke.  
“The song...come on, who did you write it about?” He asked.
“No one,” you replied too quickly, “just, you know...a song. About, just like...made up stuff.”  
“Made up stuff? I know you...I know that’s real emotion on the page and not some ‘made up stuff’. So...who?” He pushed.
“Like I said, no one.”  
Luke nodded slowly, appraising the few pages that he still had in his hands, “okay, okay...I don’t believe you.”
“Well, you don’t have to but it’s true.”  
“This is way too-”
“Luke!” You stressed, “just drop it.”
You groaned, sitting down on your bed and flopping onto you back, now he was going to antagonize you about why you didn’t want him to know who the person you liked was. And if he knew that, if he knew anything, you were positive that he would put two and two together and figure out that it was him. Luke called your name and you groaned again.
“Look I wrote the song about a guy that I really, really like who totally doesn’t even like me and like, I might as well be a ghost like you guys because I’m totally invisible to him and it’s so frustrating because...ugh.” You covered your face with your hands, mumbling through them, “I want him to like me but it’s never gonna happen.”  
“Maybe just, tell this guy you like him...show him this song or something?” Luke suggested, every word feeling heavy on his tongue. The last thing he wanted to tell you was to go ahead and pursue this guy. “I mean, you’re you, who wouldn’t notice you or like you?” He certainly had and did.
“No way Luke,” you huffed, “that is like the last thing I wanna do...I do not need rejection right now.”  
“Come on,” Luke got up from the piano and came over to sit with you on the bed. He grabbed your arms, pulling you to sit up with him. “No one in their right mind is gonna reject you.”  
“I appreciate the confidence.”
“Doesn’t sound like it,” he laughed, prodding your sides with his fingers in an effort to make you laugh.  
“Stop!” You pushed his hands away but he was already smiling.  
“Look, I’ll even help you,” he offered, “tell me who you like and I’ll help you, ya know, tell ‘em.”
“How will you help me tell them?” You asked, skeptically.
“I’ll help you with the song.”  
You bit your bottom lip, thinking over what he had said about you telling your crush and what he said about helping you. “Okay, will you play the guitar part for it? I think the piano is nice but I kinda wanna hear it with the guitar.”  
“Yeah, totally.” He nodded, gulping down the feeling of dread that settled over him. He could just see it, this song going well and you landing this guy you were clearly crazy about. All those sappy lyrics you wrote about love and longing were all for someone else.  
He grabbed the guitar from its stand as you made room on the bed for him to actually play. You listened to him play the opening chords, missing your que the first time and then stopping him before he could get to it the second time. You reached out and grabbed his hand.  
“What’s up?” He asked, thinking he had played something wrong.  
You knew this was a massive risk, one you could potentially regret forever. One you were certain you would regret forever. But you took the chance anyway. “I just, I have to be honest with you about the song...” you trailed off.
“What about it?”
“The guy I wrote it for...it was you.”  
Time felt frozen for a moment as Luke sat there, taking in this new piece of information. “Me?” He finally said.  
“Yeah...I really like you. I know it’s super crazy cause, ya know...but I can’t help it.” You explained. “So?”
A smile crossed Luke’s face, “how could you ever think that I wouldn’t like you back?” He asked, “I’m crazy about you.”
“Seriously?” You knew you must’ve looked completely shell-shocked but you couldn’t help it. You had written off your crush as one side for a while now and hearing him tell you that it wasn’t felt infinitely better than you could describe.  
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded. He pushed the guitar away so that he could scoot closer to you, his hand reaching up to lay on your cheek, pulling you into a kiss. You couldn’t even begin to describe what it felt like, oddly warm, completely perfect, as if the two of you were meant to fit together like this. Luke pulled away first, eyes meeting yours as he licked his lips. “God, this feels so surreal.”
“Well, you are a ghost.” You joked, stealing another quick kiss.
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
Similar Undertones
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Itadori x reader
Word count: 3.2k
Song recommendation: Take me where your heart is-Q
Synopsis: Itadori and you go on your first car date together and he is freaking out.
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Megumi and Nobara were going to absolutely lose it within the next three seconds. There was nothing new being talked about as Itadori repeated the same question in ten different ways.
“If this is our first car ride together do we hold hands while I drive? Or Is that too forward?”
“Wait, do you think it’s sexist if I want to drive? I kinda don’t want her to drive, it’s pretty late... wait— not saying she can’t do it! Women are strong! It’s just— is it rude to drive her?”
“Should I make a playlist of her favorite songs...? I’ve been saving them.”
Nobara and Megumi stared at the dork sitting in front of them. His questions didn’t have any more depth than this, you had a chaotic effect on this guy. The boy who never thinks before acting, is actually thinking. All it took was a quick “I’m hungry, can we go to McDonald’s?” from you to put him into absolute shock.
It should have been a casual answer, like “yeah I’ll get you now.” But no, the poor boy only officially asked you out a week ago after months and months of crushing on you. So he needed a full hour to mentally prepare himself enough to not ruin this moment with you.
“Itadori you’re giving me chills.” Nobara rubbed her arms. “Why can’t you two be normal?”
“Don’t put me in the same category as him.” Megumi rubbed his face. “Itadori why can’t you ask her what she wants?”
Itadori sunk into his bed, throwing his arms around wildly. “Are you kidding? If I asked her all that she would think I’m crazy.”
“She doesn’t know that already?” Megumi asked and Nobara cackled beside him.
Itadori whined into his pillow kicking his legs. “I don’t wanna mess this up, this is my first real girlfriend and if we broke up...”
If you looked at him with disgust before making up some random excuse to leave? If you started avoiding him in the city as he passed you by? if you went on with your lives not knowing each other anymore and then years later going to your wedding as a guest? Somehow getting the task of being a godfather and babysitting your kids for the rest of his life? Then becoming a school janitor and accidentally drowning in one of the toilets?
He could imagine it all now, you standing at his casket, sighing, “If only he let me drive instead...”
He screamed into the pillow. He couldn’t stop the inflow of the thoughts, each scenario more stressful than the last. He hated how much he worried over such trivial things.
Nobara pat his back, “Okay, yeah we get it. Calm down.”
The two looked between each other and their friend. It was difficult dealing with him in this state, they had to be extra careful with what they said. He usually comforted them, but when the roles were reversed it caught them a little bit off guard.
Megumi sighed, “I don’t think she would care about those things. She seems like a good person.”
Itadori only grunted.
“Seriously though. You two have known each other forever.” Nobara poked his sides. “At this point, anything you did now couldn’t make her run away.”
He thought about it. You did stay through a lot, you stayed during that whole finger swallowing incident. And that time he died for a little bit. Also the time he laughed so hard milk came out of his nose. (He found that one to be the most traumatizing.)
If you can stay with someone through all of that, then maybe, possibly, you wouldn’t mind staying if he was a little nervous on your ride together. If his hands were a little more sweaty than usual maybe you would giggle a bit and hold them anyways.
Maybe, there was nothing to worry about, and in the end the both of you would have a fun time. He thought too much of what would happen, he needed to relax.
With a long inhale, he rose from the pillow. Nobara clapped as he got up, “There we go, you’ve got it Itadori.”
“This will be a good date.” He reassured himself.
“It will be! That’s the spirit.” Nobara said.
“We’re going to hold hands and I’m not going to mess this up!” He stood from his bed. “I’ll make sure she’s comfortable and goes home telling her friends what a good boyfriend I am.”
“Fushiguro play the motivation playlist! We need to get him an outfit.” Nobara threw her phone to him as she headed to Itadori’s closet.
Megumi sighed, he really hoped this date went well enough for him to never ask for help again because...
He watched Nobara throw shirts to one side while Itadori rummaged through his half empty sock drawer asking Megumi if he had matching socks he could borrow instead.
...He genuinely couldn’t go through this again.
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Itadori popped in his fifth stick of mint gum as he checked his reflection. He looked out the window every few seconds before fixing up his appearance. As he looked at himself, he realized maybe he did too much...
He remembered Nobara pulling out a full suit, “This will be good. Girls love it when a guy dresses up.”
“That looks like too much. We’re getting fast food.”
She shook her head, pushing him into the closet, “Trust me, she will be so disappointed if you dress up casual.”
“I’ve never heard of that! Never! Megumi this is ridiculous isn’t it?”
Little did they know, Megumi left as soon as they turned their backs, right now he was back in his dorm reading a nice book under his comfortable covers. There was no way the two could bring him back into the room now. While he was going through his nightly routine, these two were preparing for war.
“Just try it on, if it’s bad you can change...” Nobara checked the time, “Hey what time are you supposed to get her?”
“Uh,” he squirmed into his pants, “like eight.”
“Huh... Like thirty minutes ago eight?”
The closet door snapped open as he stumbled out, “What? Where’s my phone?”
He groaned when Nobara shrugged, he looked through the large heap of clothes on the floor, then opened all the dresser’s drawers before grabbing it from the sock one.
It was already half past eight like she said, he scrolled through a few missed calls from you and frowned. He never missed more than one call from you, you probably thought he was dead (again) at this point.
He would definitely be losing points for that. He would be lucky if you didn’t text your friends about what a horrible date he was being. First he was late and then he showed up in a suit? He would never live that down.
He did a quick little debate as he stared at himself in the mirror, he was way too dressed up for this little encounter. He had no time to change though, so instead of comfy shorts, he accepted his fate to be the awkward guy who dresses up way too much for something that’s supposed to be way more casual.
It’s like those kids who dress in suits at public schools, it’s out of place and everyone scratches their head wondering if they went to the wrong event.
He shook his head, with no more time to dwell on it, he grabbed his keys. Before he left though he pointed a finger through the door, “Later, we will argue about this later.”
Nobara laughed as he hurried out the door. “Tell me how it goes after!”
Itadori shook his head, still not really over the past events. Fixing his cuff he glanced out the window once more before catching sight of you. He took a deep breath before getting out his car.
“Hey!” He waved out to you as you squinted from your door. The closer you got the more confused you looked.
“Shoot, we’re we going somewhere fancy?” You looked over your oversized shirt and sweat pants. “I thought we were getting fast food.”
He was jealous of your comfort wear. Any other day he would be jumping in joy over how cute you looked in house clothes, but right now he craved some of his own.
Itadori thought about those moments in typical romance movies where the girl steals the guy’s sleepwear. The guy gets all flustered because she’s wearing his clothes and looks so comfortable, the girl is happy because she gets out of her uncomfortable dress clothes and finally gets to relax. It’s a bonding moment between the two.
He wished he could be the girl in that situation right now.
He scratched his neck. “No, we are. My friend just bullied me into wearing a suit...”
You laughed, “Really? Was that why you ran late?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he winced, “I lost track of time. I really was going to wear something normal.”
Your eyes darted over him before you pursed your lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before.” You picked at dust on his shoulder, “It’s a little out of place but it’s cute.”
He hung his mouth as if you kicked the breath out of him. You said that with so much ease, you two have known each other for so long but he’s never seen you be this much of a flirt. He felt like a firefly was lighting him up from inside out, blinking on and off as he stared at you unable to move.
We’re these the benefits of being in a relationship? Random touches and compliments that could make any worrying heart swoon instead? It was his first time dating his crush so every little thing you said or did made him bounce off the walls.
He wanted to cherish the moment with you touching his shoulder and calling him cute for a moment longer. You somehow made him forget every single worry that welled up in his chest.
He wondered if he made you feel this way as well.
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Itadori is a cute driver. The two of you keep a good conversation, but when he makes a turn he goes quiet. He also goes quiet when someone crosses the street, sometimes he talks to the drivers in front of him even though they can’t hear him.
Little sayings like, “You can go.” “You don’t have to run across, I can wait.”
He fumbles with the radio station until you wave his hand off and change it yourself. You can tell it takes a weight off his shoulders, he looks content whenever you switch it.
He drives with both hands too. At every stop light he taps his fingers on the wheel, glancing at yours every once in a while. You never know what to do, debating on whether or not he's trying to hold your hand. You didn’t want to come off as being too forward by grabbing his hand, but also didn’t want him to initiate everything for your little date.
You hadn’t been in a car alone with him before, you didn’t know the rules about romance in the car. If you made a wrong move you two would have to sit in silence until he dropped you off, or worse until he kicked you out the car.
You could imagine it all now, you go to grab his hand and he pulls it away. “Isn’t that a little too early? I don’t think we’re that close yet...” and then he turns up the music to ignore the tension.
Then you pass each other in the streets, then he dates someone completely different and you see them together all the time, then you become a realtor sell a house to him and his new wife, constantly wishing you could have been the one moving in with him, then you are living in his basement without his knowledge, eating sardines before dying under his house.
Itadori would shake his head at your funeral, “If only she never held my hand...”
You internally screamed. You couldn’t mess this up. He was so different from any other person you’ve met, you didn’t want to be too fast with this. You liked him since the first day you met, it would pain you to see all those months of friendship and growth go down the drain by being a tad too forward.
You couldn’t bear going back to the friend stage again, though fun at that period of time, you were in too deep to go back. The idea alone gave you chills, that would mean no more cute little touches or flirty gestures, just awkward waves when you passed by.
You fiddled with your fingers, glancing at his. The thought alone gave you butterflies, the two of you holding hands in a car at night screamed aesthetic Pinterest board. Your hand craved to feel whatever those Internet couples felt.
Your chest tightened a bit when the drive thru came into view and he asked for your order. It was like a reality check, the little drive filled with mindless chatter and laughs would be ending soon, with neither of you making a move.
You bit your cheek as he pulled up to the cashier window, time started to dwindle. You wondered why he couldn’t make a move first. His chances of rejection were in the negatives.
If he held his hand out you would hold it, you didn’t care if any of the employees witnessed such a display of PDA. You didn’t care where he held it, you didn’t care if it suddenly turned green… well you would be concerned about that… but there is nothing more romantic than holding hands in the middle of the night with someone you are infatuated with.
...In the McDonald’s drive thru.
He pulled to the next window and talked about something for a while before he interrupted your racing mind, “You okay?”
You popped out of your thoughts, about to pull an excuse from the top of your head but when you turned to him you didn’t expect to see his hand. Your eyes went wide as you saw his palm open and his expression soft and heartfelt.
It was like a small explosion of color went off in your brain. Like confetti rained in your mind and every single wish you’ve ever had suddenly became true in this very instant.
Itadori is actually offering his hand to you. Maybe you were imagining this and he wasn’t real, but even if he wasn’t, why not take the hand of this apparition?
So with the widest smile and biggest set of heart eyes, you fit your hand into his like a slot piece. His hands were warm like food out the oven, or fresh laundry, or a ray of sun washing over you. They were a little sweaty, but it was cute, everything about this moment was exactly how you dreamed about it. You could feel your heart settle itself down.
Until, Itadori cleared his throat, “I was asking if you could hand me the money from there...” he pointed to the glove compartment.
Your face dropped when you saw the cashier standing at the window scratching his head and Itadori still pointing at that cursed glove compartment. This was something right out of a horrible coming of age movie, you couldn’t believe this was real.
“Oh!” You slipped your hand out, snatching whatever amount from the compartment box and handing it to him. “I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing.”
No, no embarrassing was an understatement. You more so felt like a ball got kicked in your face on live television. You didn’t know if you could ever recover from this, you wondered if you should change your name and move across the country now or later.
While you were deciding on a new name, you were thrown off, when he cocked his head instead of agreeing, “Why? I was going to hold it anyway.”
“You were?”
He nodded, “I was nervous I might freak you out but—“
“I felt the same way!” You interjected, “I thought I would make you uncomfortable.”
You didn’t expect him to be as nervous as you were, the both of you seemed to get onto a mutual plane of understanding. You both said what the other person thought, peeling off that initial layer of worry like an orange.
To think someone as confident ltadori would be nervous. You were used to him doing things without thinking and going in with full confidence this threw you off guard. You were seeing a different side of him you weren’t used to.
“Don’t worry, you can’t make it uncomfortable. I'm fine with whatever!”
“Me too, if you want to hold hands we can.” You bit down on your cheek, a loud buzzing coursing through your arms.
Itadori grinned back at you so hard, the both of you in this little bubble. Maybe this night wouldn’t be as bad as you imagined. You might be able to keep this date in your mental memory, looking back at it whenever you wanted to smile.
The cashier cleared his throat, still standing there, the both of you jumped before looking, “You’re holding up the line.” He pointed to the money in Itadori’s hand.
“Right sorry!”
You laughed as he scrambled with the money. The both of you turning to each other and giggling when he finally left the drive thru. You sorted through the food while he found a place to park. (to which you mentally squealed, you two could now spend a little more time together)
Your conversation now had an interesting topic as you both discussed how nervous you were beforehand, then talked about the pace you wanted the relationship to go in, then your days, then the weather, and then it went quiet.
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You were cleaning up, wiping away the salt from your fingers and crumpling up trash. Doing minor things like adjusting the air and checking your face for crumbs in the mirror.
Maybe he shouldn’t be looking at you with so much intensity, but he couldn’t help it. His glances were quick and out of the corner of his eye at first, but after some time he completely forgot to keep the looking secret and started staring at you.
You weren’t even noticing. You were in your own little world, thinking about a catchy little tune you heard over the radio while you cleaned your nails.
It was all so simple, but he couldn’t help his eyes from noticing every little thing you did. He didn’t understand why his heart thrummed so fast when you pursed your lips or drummed your fingers onto your lap. Tiny itty bitty things he didn’t pay attention to earlier were so eye catching for some reason.
You had such a content look on your face, it physically pained him. He could feel the weight of his heart, the buzz in his fingers, he wanted to know if you felt the same. If you felt there was no one else who could fill up this place in your chest. Like no matter where you were, each moment was perfect as long as this feeling stayed.
He couldn’t help but intertwine your hand with his. You smiled up at him and he wondered if he was allowed to have this. Your hand or this moment, he didn’t know if he deserved it, yet he couldn’t help but take it. It would be wrong not to.
He squeezed your palm to his, maybe you could see the sparks behind his eyes as he did so. He hoped if he looked close enough, you would share the same sparks behind your eyes as well.
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jungshookz · 4 years
consider this... so ballet class is done for the day and jimin is rubbing down the bars/wiping the foggy mirrors and y/n sees him and shes like you guys go ahead. then she stays to help him bc he works so hard to be a good teacher BUT THEN WHEN THEY FINISH ITS LIKE AFTER HOURS and they attempt to leave the building but realize that the janitor locked up so they're trapped inside and they're forced to be alone together until the person jimin called for help finally comes. imagine the TENSION 🥺
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!!! mostly cute things happen but also some words r exchanged that make it a little hot n heavy heh 
➺ wordcount: 8k 
➺ what to expect; “what-“ your voice cracks, “-makes you think that, mr. park?”
➺ optional readings: one; two; three
➺ note; i hope u don’t mind but i changed the request a little bit!! there’s still plenty of y/n and jimin cleaning up the classroom but the janitor didn’t make it in as a character :’(( but i douBT you guys care about the janitor anyway because hello it’s jimin and y/n!!! as per usual this drabble spun out of control which is why it’s 8k words long :D also i’m realising that all the parts combined basically add up to one of my regular fics so i guess ballet!jimin could’ve been a fic but enough about thAT i hope this very large drabble pleases the crowd!!! (also i’m sorry i couldn’t find the original source of the gif but i found it off this pinterest page) happy reading!!
                                       »»————- ♡ ————-««
you typically do not condone lying because you believe in the idea that if you tell a lie, that lie will come back sooner or later to bite you in the ass… so it’s always better to tell the truth!
honesty is the best policy, after all  
with that being said you aRe human at the end of the day and you can make exceptions at times when it comes to telling the truth
and this would definitely be one of those times
“how come you haven’t packed your stuff up yet, slow-poke?” lisa nudges your back with her duffle bag and you turn around from your locker to see her and a couple of the other girls all packed up and ready to go “and how come you’re still in uniform??”
you pause for a second before offering her a sheepish smile “i… uh…”
here’s what’s happening
you really appreciated that jimin went out of his way to get all of you guys valentine’s day presents because it was just such a sweet surprise and honestly you haven’t been able to stop thinking about how bashful he was when he was handing everyone’s flowers out
and of course you haven’t forgotten the fact that you were the only one who received a lavender rose when everyone else got light pink ones
you bought him a little gift as a way to return the favour just because you felt kinda bad that he didn’t get anything on valentine’s day
and at first you were going to ask the others if maybe all of you should chip in and get him something nice and expensive but the selfish little monster inside of you convinced you that no, you should keep this a secret and make yourself look like the beST student!!!
and you will admit that you felt a little bad at first about not telling everyone about your idea because it… does kind of make you look like a suck-up (and you hate suck-ups!!!) buT in your defence, if you suggested the idea then everyone would just round back to the whole ‘y/n and mr park sitting on a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g’ teasing nightmare and why the heck would you want to subject yourself to even moRE teasing???
usually after class everyone kind of just goes off on their own after saying goodbye but for some reason, it seems that the girls decided to take their sweet-ass time in leaving this afternoon
you’re not even sure if jimin is in the dang building anymore at this point
“i know we usually walk to the subway together, but-” lisa speaks up again after five whole seconds of you staring at her going uhhhhhh before she gestures behind her “the girls suggested an uber carpool situation and my legs are suPer duper sore so i’m going for that - do you want in?”
“oh, well, thanks for asking- i think i’m… probably just going to take the subway home!” you smile politely as you discreetly shut your locker so that they don’t see the neatly wrapped gift peeking out of your bag
“aw, really?” lisa purses her lips in thought, “since it’s a little late, we can all walk you there and then i guess we’ll call an uber after we say good-“
“no, no!” you snort before flicking your wrist “you guys head off, no need to worry about me. it’s going to take me a while to change out of the unitard and the skirt and the-“
“since when do you change out of your uniform after class? everyone just wears their clothes ovEr their unitards.” jisoo pipes up from behind lisa and you swallow thickly before letting out a chuckle and scratching the back of your neck
that is true
everyone usually just puts on sweatpants and a hoodie after class
no one ever changes into another outfit!!!!
you can feel heat beginning to travel up the back of your neck
you’ve never been good at lying!!!!! and now you’re getting nervouS!! and when you get nervous you become even worse at lying!!!!!!
“are you feeling okay?? you look a little flushed-” ailee’s brows furrow together in confusion and you rub your clammy palms on the back of your cardigan
o god
what do you say now???
oOH tell them you had a bad tuna sandwich for lunch and that you need some alone time with the toilet
…ok no that’s a little nasty aNd very too-much-information
what about if you tell them you applied for a job here as an after-hours janitor and that you need to start getting ready for that and then when they ask you why you got a job here you can tell them that you’ve been having financial struggles and as a young woman living alone in a big city you’re just trying to make ends meet but it’s been really hard and you can barely pay for these classes and every night you have to beg on the streets for dinner-
yeah thAt one’s a little melodramatic and straight up not true so that probably isn’t going to work either
“helloooo?? what’s the holdup, people??” seulgi yells out from the entrance of the changing room
“-my period just came and it’s going to take me a while to strip off and do my business!” you blurt out and a couple of the girls back up a little because of how louDLy you announced that
“oh! alright, that makes sense?” lisa snorts before shaking her head “i totally get the struggle. do you… need a tampon or anything?”
“nope! i, uh, i’m all good. thank you, though.” you clear your throat and offer her a smile “but seriously, you guys go ahead and i’ll see you next week!”
you smile and wave as the last of the girls file out of the changing room before letting out a breath of relief
you appreciated them offering to walk you to the subway and all that but damN they were starting to get a little annoying!!
“okay… it’s not a big deal…” the present in your bag feels like it’s weighing you down as you make your way down the hallway back to the classroom  
for some reason it feels like you’re walking to your execution
it’s not a big deal!
it’s just a present for your teacher and that is noT a big deal
it’s a nice gesture and you’re doing this because you’re a nice person
…okay but if u think about it it is kind of a big deal because the person you’re giving this present to is park jimin and you don’t want him to think that you’re harbouring a little crush on him because a student crushing on her teacher is not only cliché but also kind of!!! pathetic!!!!!!
and if he knew that you had a crush on him he’d probably end up giving you a whole speech on being professional and respecting student-teacher relationship boundaries which is honestly very pitiful aND embarrassing and you’d much rather avoid that whole fiasco
ok then maybe you should rethink this whole gift-giving thing
you can express your gratitude in other ways!
do you still have the receipt?
it’s probably crumpled up at the bottom of your bag  
you wonder to yourself if the store is still open right now and if you have time to return the-
“y/n?” you stumble backwards a little in surprise when the door suddenly swings open and jimin’s brows knit together curiously “what are you still doing here? was there something you wanted to talk about?”
oh there are pLenty of things you’d like to talk about with jimin
like the meaning behind the lavender rose he gave you and if he knows that it means what it means
“well, uh, i didn’t have something to talk about, necessarily…” you clear your throat as you follow him into the classroom “but i-“
“you know what, i’m actually glad you stayed behind.” jimin whips around and your eyes widen a bit
what’s that supposed to mean??
“you are?” you whisper faintly and jimin nods before offering you a smile
oh god
this is happening all too fast
a minute ago you were freaking out that jimin probably didn’t feel the same way but here he is now-
“the janitor said that he had to leave early tonight so i told him i’d stay behind after class to clean the classroom myself, but now that you’re here - why don’t you start wiping down the mirrors?” jimin gestures towards the grubby mirrors at the front of the classroom before pointing towards the door “and i’m going to go find the mop and bucket.”  
“oh!” you drop your duffle bag to the ground with a flop when jimin tosses a rag at you “well, mr. park, you see, i actually wanted to-“
“less talking, more cleaning, miss y/l/n…” jimin raises a brow at you before clapping his hands together “chop chop!”
“but i-“ you groan quietly when jimin slips out of the room before turning to look at the foggy mirrors
…okay why are the mirrors so dirty?????
you’re going to have to talk to everyone about maybe not smearing their hands all over the mirrors like animals
also you’re not sure how you’re supposed to give jimin his gifts when he’s given you the responsibility to help clean up the classroom
you didn’t sign up for thiS >:-(
it’s been about 20 minutes or so since you started cleaning
jimin put some music on so that the two of you wouldn’t be cleaning in awkward silence
he surprised you a little when he asked yoU what you wanted to listen to
(you ended up choosing one of those lofi mix videos on youtube because you felt like that would be a safe option)
(it’s an animal crossing gentle piano mix and it’s very soothing and is actually helping you calm down a little bit)
(“really? animal crossing?” “what?? you said i could choose!”)
you decided to take a break from the mirrors (wiping mirrors was noT as easy as you thought it’d be) so you’ve moved on to wiping down the bars instead
jimin’s on his hands and knees diligently scrubbing away at some shoe marks on the floor
he wore a white button up and slacks to class today which isn’t anything out of the usual except for the fact that now he’s unbuttoned the top couple of buttons and he’s rolled + pushed up the sleeves and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t bothered by it
the chain around his neck seems to wink at you under the lights and almost immediately you wonder what his chain would look like hanging above you
…oh boy
you swallow thickly before scrubbing harder at a smudge on the bar
okay you know what
this is ridiculous
you came here to give him something but here you are doing chores
and it seems that you’ve decided against giving him his gift simply because you are SHY
you’re weak
a weak little wimp, that’s what you are
no offence (but it’s kind of tru)
“hey, mr. park?” you blurt out before you realise and your eyes widen slightly in panic
“yes?” jimin turns to glance at you over his shoulders for a second before returning to his vigorous scrubbing aaaaAAND you are now realising that his shirt is a little see-through under the lights and his back muscles are.,., well.,., they are definitely flexing.,.,
you cut your nails recently so it probably wouldn’t hurt him if you dug them into his shoulder blad-
oh my god
get a grip
PLEASE for the love of god get a grip
you know what
it’s because your period is late this month!! that’s why your hormones are completely out of whack
you wouldn’t be surprised if you reeked of pheromones right now
“also, you can call me jimin, you know. mr. park is kind of an in-class thing.” jimin teases
“right! …jimin.” you cough a little when your voice wavers slightly
it’s not that you’re uncomfortable with calling him jimin
it’s just that you’re used to calling him mr. park and jimin feels so informal and you knoW he’s only like two? three? years older than you so it’s not weird for you to be calling him by his name but!!!!! aHH
but then again you like saying his name :-) because it makes you feel closer to him :-) oh god u rly do like him :-)
(also he likes hearing u say his name)
“i, um-“ you hang the rag over the bar before quickly wiping your hands on the back of your skirt “the reason why i stayed behin-“
“hold that thought-“ jimin gets up off the ground and dusts his hands off before patting his stomach “i don’t know about you but i am starving, so i’m going to quickly get some food from that deli down the block - do you want anything? i feel a little bad that i made you stay after class to help me clean.” he grabs his jacket before checking the pockets to make sure he has his wallet with him
maybe this is another sign from god to noT giving jimin this present
every time you’re about to do it something happens!!!
“oh gosh, don’t worry about it! i… didn’t have any plans, anyway, so…” you snort before turning away from him because woW you are very good at making yourself sound like a loser “but, uh- you don’t have to get me anything! thank you for offering…”
“alright, i’ll be back in twenty. feel free to take a break!”
as soon as jimin leaves you immediately smack your forehead against the glass
okay first of all ouch
but second of all
“c’mon, y/n. keep it cool!”
what is it about park jimin that reduces you into a fumbling, awkward little loser???!!!
jimin lets out a breath as soon as he steps out of the room
he has no idea what’s wrong with him today but for some reason he’s like extra jittery and he has no idea why
it probably has something to do with the three iced lattes he drank but aLso it doesn’t really help that for the last 20 minutes he’s been alone with you and it’s driving him crazy
you drive him crazy!!!
he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you
you’ve been grand jetéing all over his damn mind for the last two weeks!!
lately he’s just been finding it more than difficult to suppress and deny his feelings for you
like during the ten minute break in the middle of class he thinks it’s so sweet how excited you get when you pull your snacks out of your bag
the other day you brought in some cherries and you were making some of the girls crack up because you were trying to use the cherry juice to stain your lips for a make-shift lipstick but you were failing miserably
and then when you noticed he was watching you you immEdiately wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and ended up smearing cherry juice across your cheek and he had to try sO hard not to crack a smile at that
or when one of the girls asks you to help them out with a move you’re always so willing to help out
it’s pretty normal for jimin to give you guys about half an hour of class time to just get used to the routine and practice it on your own (and also this time gives him the chance to sit back and relax a little bit)
but he’s noticed that y/n the student is very different from y/n the teacher
“okay, 5-6-7-8- nope. no. try again. here we go, 5-6-7-up- okay, you need to get this timing right otherwise you’re going to be a beat behind for the entire routine.” you shake your head as you look at lisa in the mirror “are you paying attention? you go on the 8, you don’t go after the 8. i don’t know how many times i need to tell you that.”
“right, sorry…” lisa mutters as she gets back into first position and blows some hair out of her face
“don’t be sorry, just be ready.”
jimin’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull when he hears you say that because that’s what hE says to you guys all the time!!!
it’s adorable how you’ve been picking up on some of his techniques :’) the technique of being scary :’)
but also… he’s kind of very into y/n the teacher
miss y/n is hot
jimin immediately pinches his arm as soon as he thinks that before reminding himself to control himself
“alright, 5-6- ooh, wait, before we start- do you like my new leg warmers??” you ask excitedly before sticking one of your legs out and turning back towards lisa “strawberry patterned!!! strawberry!!!”
aaaand y/n the student is back
or the other day when you asked him for tips on a triple-pirouette because even though he taught that lesson a couple weeks back (ahem the day you sprained your ankle) you still haven’t been able to get the hang of it
it shouldn’t be that complicated!!! it’s literally just spinning on one foot so you don’t understand how you manage to fall off balance each time
anyways while he was walking you through the correct posture and all that he couldn’t help but notice the way that you were staring at yourself in the mirror
“neck straight and lengthened… eye-line is up.” jimin stands behind you but reaches around to tilt your chin up “and shoulders…”
there’s a little divot in between your brows and your tongue is poking out a little in between your lips and jimin doesn’t know how this is the first time he’s seen you make this face because you look like a little puppy and it’s adORABLE
every time he thinks he’s finally gotten control of his feelings for you you manage to reel him riGht back in
“mr. park?” jimin snaps out of it when you speak up and he blinks twice before looking at you in the mirror
“ah- sorry, what?”
“you… were saying something about shoulders?”
“shoulders! shoulders, yes.” jimin nods quickly and looks over your position “uh, shoulders down.”
jimin stares blankly into space as he waits for his order to be ready
he just doesn’t know what to do
he always knows what to do!
in fact, he prides himself on being able to handle anything that comes his way while remaining both level-headed and classy
but this
this is unknown territory
he’s a teacher, an authority figure, crushing on one of his students like a smitten little schoolboy and if he acts on his feelings, that could not only jeopardise his position at the school (and future positions at other schools) but also your enrolment at the school anD your relationship with your fellow peers (seulgi seems like the type to judge on the spot!!) aND!! your relationship with him!!  
because what if he tells you he likes you and you feel forced to tell him that you like him too because he’s your teacher??
would that classify as him abusing his power???
maybe in another universe if he wasn’t your teacher, you guys could be together
age definitely isn’t a problem because he’s only 3 years older than you which really isn’t that large of a gap
he could freely take you out all over the city
he could hold your hand whenever he wanted and he could kiss you whenever he wanted
you guys could go on dinner dates and movie dates and ice cream dates and museum dates and aLL the dates
maybe one night he could drive you to the outskirts of the city and you guys could have a picnic by the river and he could rest his head on your lap while you threaded your fingers through his hair
he wouldn’t have a care in the world because all that matters to him is you
and he doesn’t know if your whole “i, y/n y/l/n, am 110% attracted to park jimin-“ speech was just for entertainment purposes or if there’s truth behind your words but god he hopes it’s the latter
but at the same time, he has to be realistic about this
even if you do like him back… he can’t do anything about it
because at the end of the day he’s still mr. park and you’re still miss y/l/n
maybe in another life… just not this one.
“order number 48!”
jimin squeezes his way to the front of the crowd to grab his take-out bag
suddenly he’s lost his appetite
“hey, mr. park, i actually have something for y- nope, no, he said to call him jimin-“ you mutter to yourself as you scrub vigorously at the grime in between the floorboards
god it’s like the janitor doesn’t even trY to clean this place up
everything’s so dusty and icky!!
“well, jimin, the funny thing is i actually stayed behind to- why is it funny? it’s not funny. you’re not funny.” you grumble and reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue to scrub with the worn-out toothbrush
these people really need to invest in some proper cleaning equipment
also you’re scrubbing so hard that your arm is going to pop out of its socket soon
and you’ve been on your hands and knees for the last ten minutes so every joint in general is starting to get a little sore
maybe you should take a brea-
“okay, i know you said you didn’t want anything, but i noticed that you didn’t bring a snack in with you today so you must be at least a little peckish.” you jump three feet into the air when the door suddenly swings open and you quickly get up off the ground
you can’t help but hiss a little in pain when your knee cracks
if anything this is a sign that your body wasn’t made for cleaning the floor and you should stick to mirror polishing
“but i’m almost done scrubbing the-”
“i got you a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup.” jimin looks back at you as he peels his leather jacket off and tosses it on top of his bag
“ooH i love grilled cheese sandwiches-!“ your eyes widen in excitement but you quickly dial it back when the corner of jimin’s mouth twitches in a smile “i mean… thank you, jimin.”
he nods in acknowledgement as he pulls the boxes out of the paper bag “come and sit. i have a wet-wipe for you if you wanted to clean off a little.”
this is not a big deal
you and jimin are just… sharing a meal which is NOT a big deal
you’re having dinner together!
…oh god you’re having dinner with jimin
is this a date?????
are you on a date with jimin????
okay now you’re just spiralling
how many times do you need to remind yourself to keep it cool???
you know what
this isn’t a date, because if it were a date, then there’d be like candles and everything for mood lighting and you wouldn’T be wearing leg warmers and your hands wouldn’t reek of chemical cleaner
and these bright fluorescent lights in the studio completely kills the whole romantic thing so you’re fine!
“what did you-“ just as you get settled on the ground, the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling crackles and burns out “…huh.”
on the topic of lights
the weirdest thing about this studio is the vast array of lights hanging on the ceiling
because there are little spotlight bulbs lined up where the mirror is at the front of the room along with the back of the room which are warmer toned
on the ceilings are the classic tube fluorescent lights which obviously have a whiter tint to them
nighttime classes aren’t a huge thing so most of the time you guys don’t even use the lights because the suN is your source of light so you never really understood why the studio was designed this way
anyway, the point is - bright fluorescent lights certainly don’t scream romance but now that they’re dead and you’re left with the warm, golden glow of the spotlight bulbs,..,,. this feels more like a date than a simple shared meal
you swallow thickly
“christ… i bet the janitor didn’t change the lights like i asked him to.” jimin scoffs as he looks up at the ceiling
that guy never listens to him!!!
“actually, this happens a lot more than you think.” he sighs as he sets the boxes down on the ground
“oh?” you clear your throat as you pull your box towards you
“i usually stay for a couple more hours after you girls leave and this isn’t the first time the lights have died on me. at least the spotlight bulbs are working…”
“a little dim, but as long as we’re not fumbling around in the dark, right?” you snort as you pop the lid of the soup container off
almost immediately the smell of tangy tomato soup tickles your nostrils
“you’re right, it is a little dim… lucky for us, i actually keep candles in the cabinet.” jimin claps his hands together before swooping down to open up the cabinets
…yeah so what were you saying about this not being a date setting??
as jimin works on lighting the candles, yoU work on figuring out things to talk about to kill the mood
“you know, um, when i make grilled cheese sandwiches for myself at home, i actually use mayo instead of butter!” you clear your throat as jimin takes a seat after lighting the candles
“i’ve heard about that hack… but i do have to say it sounds a little nasty.” jimin raises a brow as he unwraps his own sandwich
“hey now… don’t knock it til ya try it!” you gasp in mock offence before tearing the sandwich in half and watching the cheese stretch out
what a beautiful sight
gooey cheese should be considered as one of the seven wonders of the world
“are you playing with your food?” jimin watches as you wind the stretched out cheese from one chunk of the sandwich around the other sandwich
“playing with your food makes it more fun to eat. that’s a scientific fact.” you break it off before bringing it up to your mouth for a bite
“oh yeah? says who?” jimin teases as feeds himself a spoonful of soup
you swallow your bite and shrug “says me!”
a couple seconds of silence ticks by in which the two of you continue to munch quietly and keep to yourselves
you hate silence
it makes you itChy for some reason
“how about we play a game?” after one whole minute of nothing but the sound of quiet chewing, you decide that soMething has to be said
“what kind of a game?” jimin sits up straighter as he polishes off the first half of his sandwich
“how about…”
you should have thought this through
some kind of an icebreaker game
something safe
truth or dare sounds like it could wander into risky territory so maybe not that
“ooh! two truths and a lie - ballet edition.”
“ballet edition? how would that work?” jimin hums as he picks up the other half of his sandwich
you feel your heart hiccup as he tears it in half and stretches the cheese out
he’s copying u :’)
“lemme think…” you wipe some of the grease on your fingers off on a napkin before leaning back on your palms “okay. my favourite move is the grand jeté, my favourite performance was the nutcracker, and my favourite warm-up exercise is the butterfly stretch.”
jimin thinks to himself as he chews slowly
you smile a little as you pick up your sandwich and take a bite
“your favourite move is not the grand jeté. the other day when i said that i’d be incorporating it into our next routine, i swear i could see the light die in your eyes.” jimin snorts before dusting the crumbs off his hand “that was too easy.”
“can you blame me?? i’m not trying to sprain my ankle again!” you pout as you reach down to brush your fingers over your ankle (that has fully recovered, thank goD) “fine, you give it a try then!”
“so it can be about anything related to ballet?”
“anything at all.”
anything related to ballet
ooh he can talk about his education!!
“alright, let’s see.” jimin wipes his mouth with a napkin, “i graduated at the top of my class… i was the youngest student in my class… and… i am not drowning in student debt.”
“…jimin, the game is called two truths and a lie, not three brags and a nothing.”
“well- there are two truths and a lie!! i’m still playing by the rules!!”
“okay, fine - obviously you’re still drowning in student debt. everyone is!!” you scoff as you pop a piece of crust into your mouth
“ah-“ jimin holds a finger up before wagging it at you “that one’s actually true. i’m not drowning in debt because my education was paid for by the scholarship i was awarded- say, this game is fun! your turn!!”
you can’t help but roll your eyes “again, this isn’t three brags and a noth- hEY-“
you squawK in surprise when jimin suddenly throws a crumpled up napkin ball at you
“don’t roll your eyes at me, miss y/l/n…” he teases before threatening to throw another one “go!! your turn!!”
“alright, alright… let me try to think of something to brag about too!”
the two of you spend the next half an hour or so playing the game while finishing up dinner
at one point you nearly wipe your greasy fingers on your skirt and jimin swats your hand away before telling you that if you walked into his class with a dirty uniform on he would definitely kill you
“okay, give me one last one before we clean up and get back to… well, cleaning up.” jimin pops the lid back onto the empty cup and sets it aside
also you’re going to need to ask him where he bought dinner from because the grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup was actually incredible
“fine, but you have to promise not to get mad or anything- that one time i forgot to bring my pointe shoes was definitely on purpose… we have a nickname for you that i can’t say because the others would kill me for it… ooh, and here’s a good one-“ you snort as you perk up in excitement “all of the girls in class have fallen deeply in love with you after you gave everyone roses on valentine’s day.”
the smile falters on jimin’s face
uh oh
maybe that one was a little over the line
you forgetting your pointe shoes was an accident!!! you were in a rush and you forgot to pack them
your lips part to say something but then it hits you
‘all of the girls’ also includes yourseLF you idiot
‘all of the girls have fallen deeply in love with you’
you are incredible
well you might as well go ahead and throw yourself at him too while you’re at it!!
“all of them, you say?”
if that one’s a truth then he hopes you really do mean all of the girls in class
“y’know, uh, speaking of those roses-“ your voice cracks and you feel your face heat up a little before you scramble up off the ground “i actually wanted to say thank you for the valentine’s day gifts you gave us which was why i hung back after class in the first place-”
“oh?” jimin perks up in interest as he crumples up his napkin and tosses it into the paper bag
he can’t help but smile fondly as he watches you fumble through your bag with your tongue poking out
there it is again!!!!
little puppy :-(
you make everything so cute
“yeah! i felt a little bad that you didn’t get anything and that… you know, you had to spend valentine’s day with us…” you pull the presents out and a small frown tugs at your lips when you realise the wrapping paper is a little smooshed
oh well
it’s the thought that counts  
and hopefully these presents will get his mind off of what u just said lol
“ah, that’s very nice of you, but you really didn’t have to get me anything…” jimin feels his own cheeks flush a little when you sit down across from him and your knee nudges against his own
“don’t be silly… you didn’t have to get us anything, but you did! and i thought that was very sweet of you.” you smile at him as you hand the presents over
okay WOW you might as well have tiny cartoon hearts floating around your head
reel it iN
“well, i’m glad you liked your rose.” jimin hums as he carefully tears the wrapping paper
you did a very neat job at wrapping his gift so he’s not just going to tear into it like an animaL
jimin’s eyes light up in excitement when he sees what the first present is
metal straws!!!!!!
“they’re for those iced lattes you drink all the time!” you grin giddily as you look at his face to gauge his reaction
from the looks of it he seems like he’s a fan and hopefully he’s no longer thinking about your weird confessioN
“ah! i love these! you know, i was thinking about buying them but i keep forgetting, so this is great!”
he’s going to use these metal straws all the time!!!!
he loves them!!!!
save the turtles!!!!!
he’s feeling very trendy now
“also, i chose blue because it matches your hair.” your eyes flicker towards his pale blue strands and jimin unconsciously reaches up to run his fingers through his hair
“you noticed my blue hair? damn, i was trying to be subtle about it…” jimin jokes before moving on to the next gift
“did mr. park just crack a joke?” you gasp mockingly and jimin can’t help but roll his eyes playfully
“mean mr. park does have a sense of humour, you know-“
“for a while there i was seriously considering the theory of you being an android-“
“now look who’s being mean!!”
it’s weird that this is really the only time you’ve had a conversation with jimin outside of class
and it’s even weirder than he’s basically an entirely different person outside of class
with that being said
on monday when he reverts back to mr. park he’s most definitely going to still have the ability to make you pee yourself
as he begins to tear the second gift open you speak up again
“i noticed that the journal you used to take notes and stuff looked a little tattered, so i thought maybe it’d be nice for you to have a new one! obviously you don’t have to use it if you don’t like it, but i just thought that… yeah.”
it’s a handmade brown leather bound journal with his initials pressed (and painted gold!!) on the front cover
truth be told you were a little wary about this gift because it felt oddly… intimate? personal?
it just feels more like a gift you’d give to your significant other rather than your teacher
like if you gave your professor an apple that’s normal but if you gave your professor a box of chocolate covered strawberries that’s a lil.,,.,. a lil out of line and more ‘i love you!’ than ‘i respect you!’
but before you could change your mind about it the person at the store had already finished pressing the letters in and she said no refunds so
“oh, wow… this is beautiful, y/n…” jimin breathes out as he smooths his hand over the leather
although it’s fairly obvious he likes the gift you’re still vERY nervous for some reason
you catch yourself twisting your skirt in between your hands and you quickly let go and clasp your hands together on your lap
“so you… you like it?” you press your lips together and jimin snorts
“like it? i love it!” jimin gushes as he flips through the book “thank you very much, y/n. these were very thoughtful presents, i really appreciate it.” he hums contently before looking up at you with a warm smile
you feel your heart skip a beat at the little twinkle in his eyes
he,.,., is literally..,,. the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid your eyes upon.,,.
also the two of you have unconsciously been scooching closer to each other this entire time and your knees are basically pressed up against each others  
you’re so focused on the fact that your heart is pounding in your chest that you don’t notice jimin’s gaze flicker to your lips for a brief second
god he wants to kiss you
after dinner you pulled out the strawberry-mint flavoured gum you’re always chewing on before class (you offered him a piece but he’d already pulled out his own plain ol’ spearmint gum for himself)
so he’d definitely taste strawberry if he kissed you
and he really likes strawberries
“also, i-“ you lean back quickly before letting out a nervous chuckle and getting up from the ground “i also wanted to take this chance to apologise for the… inappropriate comments i made a couple weeks back.”
“inappropriate comments?” jimin clears his throat and leans back a little as well
he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck
maybe he should turn the air conditioner on
it’s getting a little hot in here
he gets up off the ground before heading over to the front of the room where the switches are
“oh, right!” jimin flips the air con switch on and tugs at his collar a bit “you mean you telling the entire class that you’d like to sit on my-“
“tHAT waS-“ you interrupt jimin before he gets a chance to finish his sentence before clearing your throat loudly “see, the thing is, that was just seulgi getting under my skin- i’m sure you’ve noticed we have a best frenemies kind of situation going on-“
you roll your eyes as you start to polish the mirror again (because you’re getting nervous again and when u get nervous you nEED to do something with your hands) “basically some of the girls were talking about you and i stepped in to- y’know, make sure that they were keeping things respectful because you aRe our teacher-“
ok all this rant is doing is making you sound like a major teacher’s pet but pop off sis
“a-anyways, seulgi seemed to think that me defending you was because i had a crush on you, so then i kinda just said all that stuff to get her off my back, you know? does that make sense? i’m not sure if i’m making sense.” you babble on as you start wiping at one spot on the mirror a littLe too aggressively “and, you know, i would, um, under normal circumstances, i would nevEr ever ever disrespect my teachers like that and i just hope that you-“
jimin stops listening to your nervous babbling to flashback to that afternoon
‘i would 100% love to sit on park jimin’s face because i, y/n y/l/n, am 110% attracted to him.’
even the reminder of you saying that sends a shiver down his spine and sends blood rushing to multiple parts of his body
you know what
fuck it
he’s just going to go for it
he’s sat on this for far too long and if it doesn’t work out, he’s veRy good at acting like he doesn’t care about anything
so, either way, he’ll be totally fine!!!
“do you?” jimin cuts you off and you look at him in the mirror as he packs the gifts away in his bag
“do i- sorry, do i what?”
jimin zips his bag up loudly and you jump a little in surprise
“do you have a crush on me, y/n?”
your hand immediately freezes on the mirror and your grip tightens on the rag
all you can hear is the sound of the air con whirring above you and your heart beating in your ears
did he just-
what are you supposed to-
is this really happening right now or are u having a fever dream
you force your hand to move but your movements make you seem more like a tin-man rather than a normal human being
“i-i don’t… i’m not sure i understand the, uh…” your heart seems to beat faster with every slow step jimin takes towards you “what exactly, um, what exactly do you mean by ‘crush’? b-because, y’know, crush… crush can be interpreted in… in a miLLion different ways, so…”  
thAt’s your response??
gee mr. park can you define crush for me???
can you use it in a sentence sir???
“okay, fine.” jimin purses his lips before tilting his head “are you attracted to me, miss y/l/n?” your hand freezes mid-wipe on the mirror with an obnoxious squeak the moment you realise jimin is standing directly behind you
if u thought that being referred to as miss y/l/n in class was intimidating
hOo boy
this is making you want to catapult yourself into the middle of a busy intersection
“attracted. romantically…” jimin looks at you through the mirror and for some reason you’re unable to unlock gazes with him “sexually.”
“what-“ your voice cracks, “-makes you think that, mr. park?”
the corner of jimin’s mouth tugs up in a sly smirk
well now he definitely knows how you feel about him
this is where it gets fun
“well, i notice that you become very flushed whenever i’m close to you. the apples of your cheeks and the tips of your ears turn bright pink… kind of like how they are right now.” you can feel the heat radiating off of jimin’s body from how close he’s standing to you
you swallow thickly when he reaches up to pluck the rag out of your hand before tossing it aside
you’re completely frozen from head to toe but you manage to slowly drag your hand down from the mirror
“and don’t think i don’t notice the way you look at me when you think i’m not paying attention.” jimin hums and reaches around to tilt your chin upwards as his other hand rests on your waist “look at yourself, y/n.”
miraculously enough you manage to drag your gaze away from jimin to look at yourself in the mirror
oh boy
you are flushed
and your pupils are so blown out to the point where they’ve almost completely consumed your iris’
your chest rises and falls as you continue to take in shallow breaths
“i see the moony look in your eyes… and they get extra moony when i come to class wearing white button-ups.” jimin whispers in your ear and you feel every single hair on your body prickle to life “i see the way you bite your lip when i roll them up like this-“ jimin presses both palms up against the mirror next to your head and you swallow thickly at the sight of his almost obscenely attractive forearms caging you in
“and when you bend down to fix your shoes or adjust your leg warmers… you know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you?” jimin purrs and reaches down to tilt your chin up again
your back is pressed right up against his chest
“you’re not nearly as sneaky as you think you are…”
o god
you feel like you can’t speak
your mouth is just dRY
also you don’t know whether you should be feeling humiliated or.,,.,. slightly turned on
is it possible to feel both at the same time??
“tell me you want this as much as i do.” jimin feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest but it’s waY too late to take everything back
your head is reeling and you’re honestly not sure how to respond
because on one hand this is finALLY happening and your dreams are literally coming true right before your eyes but on the other hand this is finally happening and usually when you fantasise about jimin you never let it get this far so you haven’t had the chance to plan out your next move
meanwhile, jimin has no idea what to think and has no idea how to interpret your silence
he waits for another ten seconds to go by before deciding to call it
time of death is 7:48pm
this was mortifying
and he’s probably going to lose his job now!
so that’s great!  
“shit, i…” he lets his hands fall from the mirror before taking a couple steps back from you “god, i… i’m sorry, that was wildly inappropriate of me, i just thought- mmph!”
jimin stumbles back with wide eyes when you’re suddenly launcHing yourself at him and it doesn’t take long for him to start kissing you back
his arm snakes around your waist as he reaches up to cup your jaw
he was right
you do taste like strawberries
jimin feels a new kind of flame ignite within him when he hears a little whimper slip past your lips when he presses you up against the mirror
and yoU are just floating on cloud nine
jimin’s lips are so impossibly soft and pillowy and you feel like you could kiss him forever
jimin pulls away first to catch his breath and he can’t help but chuckle when you lean up to chase after his lips
“i’m not going anywhere, you know-“
“i know, but you’re a really good kisser-“ you breathe out as you nudge your nose against his
you could use a breather too
“i like you, y/n. i like you a lot.” jimin whispers and leans down to press his forehead against yours
you feel your heart soaring in your chest at his confession and if it’s even possible your cheeks get even pinker
“i like you too.”
and even though the two of you are currently encased in a warm bubble of love, one single question pops up in your minds at the same time:
what the hell am i going to do now?
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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pink-imagines · 4 years
warm smile
request: i noticed that you don't have a lot of sero stuff on your masterlist! so maybe, if you would so kindly, write a little drabble about sero kind of teasing the reader about their height as a way of flirting? i've noticed a lot of people do that and i feel like he would too! and then kind of ending it with reader admitting she's insecure about it and him saying it's cute?? thank you!
a/n: this is kinda short bc i ran out of inspiration but i hope this is okay!
warnings: crying, low self confidence and stuff
requesting rules
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You’ve spent most of your life as the “designated short friend”, as you’ve always been the shortest in your friend group. Not even when you got into UA, an accomplishment in itself, did your title change. Did you have a Napoleon complex - meaning that you were so insecure about your height that it fueled your anger? No most likely not. Did your height affect your insecurities? Yes definitely, but you’d never show it. Every time someone would tease you about it you’d take it for what it was, a joke, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing for you. How could you be a hero if most children were taller than you? Quirk or not, how could you save anyone? The fake confidence you wore proudly when you started at UA was starting to fade as your relationships with the other students grew. You wanted to tell them about your doubts but you felt like no one would listen. Being short isn’t really something to be sad about, at least that’s what most people had told you. You were “fun-sized” and “cute”, but you weren’t independant - which is what you wanted. 
“Good morning, shortie!”, Hanta wore a grin as he approached you in the kitchen dorm, preparing himself some breakfast. “How’s the weather up there this morning?”, you asked and took a sip of your coffee. He only let out a chuckle as he kept making his food. You wondered if he ever got ashamed of his height. Hanta was of pretty average height, probably around 175cm, and how you wished you could be like that. He was one of the few that kept teasing you about your height, of course he always kept it light hearted and never meant anything bad. Hanta was always like that, trying to get you to smile - and while he might tease you to do so he never wanted to see you hurt. Maybe that’s why you had taken a liking to him - not that you’d ever tell him that. “Did you sleep alright?”, Hanta asked out of the blue. “Just fine. How about you?”, you smiled behind your cup. “Like usual, slept like a rock.”, he looked over at you with a smile, “You look so tiny when you sit like that.” He was pointing out the fact that you were sitting on the counter and your cheeks immediately flushed. You might have thought that the height increase you’d get from sitting up there would make you look taller... but then you probably shouldn’t be dangling your feet like you were. “You know one of those salt shakers that’s shaped like a person?”, he laughed. “Oh, stop it!”, you hit his shoulder lightly and stared down into your cup. “Good morning!”, Momo said as she walked into the kitchen. “What are we laughing about?”, Kirishima followed her shortly after. Hanta told him about you looking like a tiny salt shaker while you simply stared down into your empty mug. Kirishima laughed like he always did and then moved onto making a protein shake. Hanta looked over at you again with a sweet smile, making butterflies swarm in your stomach. Momo snickered and you gave her a sour look when she motioned that your face was red. Your look only made her giggle more. Some people knew of your crush on him, though you had made them promise not to tell him. 
Throughout the day Hanta stuck to your side, which made the day just a bit better. It was such a cheesy thing to say but his precense around you made you feel warm and nice. Well, your day was nice until you saw Neito Monoma walking towards you in the hallway. You were having a conversation with Hanta about the homework you had just gotten in your english class when he walked past. “Every time I see you’re still here I get surprised.”, he had stopped in front of you, “I mean how’s it possible that someone of your... stature... could be a hero?” “Can you please leave me alone? I’ve never done anything to you.”, you sighed. “I’m starting to think that’s because you can’t reach me.”, he laughed, “Maybe you should try stilts.” “Leave her alone, Monoma.”, Itzuka Kendo said and started to drag the boy away, “Sorry about that, Y/L/N. He’s really just jealous!” You nodded at her and watched her take Monoma away, scolding him as she walked. Hanta put a hand on your shoulder, making you look over at him. “Don’t bother with him, okay?”, he said softly. “Yeah, I don’t-”, you choked on your words as you felt tears starting to form in your eyes, “Sorry, I have to go...” Before Hanta could say another word you ran over to the nearest bathroom. No way you’d let him see you cry! You weren’t weak like Monoma had said! As soon as you entered the bathroom you burst into tears and held yourself up by leaning on the sink. Luckily, no one else was in there since classes were just about to start. 
For a while you silently sobbed and let it slowly fade into whimpers, drying away your tears with the napkins you were supposed to use after you’d wash your hands. Once you were feeling a bit better you washed your face and tried to think of an excuse for when you got late to the lesson. Outside the bathroom door you saw Hanta leaning against the wall. You immediately looked down and tried to cover your face. “Why are you still here?”, you hated the way your voice sounded so broken. “Here.”, he walked up to you and handed you your favorite candy. “How did you-” “I listen.”, he shrugged, “... I told Aizawa that you went to the nurse’s office and that I’d be going with you, so you don’t have to worry about class.” “Thanks... what did you tell him? I just want to make sure that I don’t say something else later.” “I told him you had puked.” “Hanta!”, you looked up at him with bewildered eyes. “What? It was the first thing I could think of!”, he held his hands up in the air and wore a grin on his face, “Besides, it’s better than saying you were crying in the bathroom.” “I guess you’re right...”, you let out a chuckle. “... thanks.” “No problem... do you wanna talk about it?”, he asked and you nodded, “C’mon let’s go to the dorms before anyone sees us.”
The two of you walked in silence, there wasn’t much to say. Hanta had grabbed your hand and was leading you to the dorms, the only thing you could focus on was trying to control your heartbeat - which was beating out of your chest at the moment. When you arrived there he sat you down on the livingroom couch and then sat down next to you. “What’s up? Has he been bothering you for a long time?”, he asked softly. “Well... yeah, kind of.”, you said and tried your hardest to keep the tears from coming again, “I know he’s nothing to worry about but when someone hits you at your weakest points it’s hard to ignore it.” “You’re insecure about your height?”, Hanta raised his eyebrows slightly as you nodded, “Why?” “... like he said, how could I ever become a hero if I look this fragile? Who would depend on someone who can’t even reach the top shelf?”, you sighed and kept looking down at your hands. “I mean... you probably wouldn’t be the best hero to call if you needed to save a cat in a tree.”, he said and made you chuckle, “That doesn’t mean that you’re not powerful, though... and I kind of think that your height is... well...” You looked up at him, seeing his cheeks tinted pink as well as his ears. “Is what?”, you asked. “... well, it’s cute... and I know you said you wanted to be independent but it kind of makes me want to protect you in a way.”, now it was his turn to avoid your eyes, “So, while I don’t think you’re weak, I’d be there for you in all the ways you need help... like reaching the top shelf.” When you didn’t answer for a while he looked over at you and, unbeknownst to you, you had started tearing up. “Oh no! I’m sorry, that’s probably not what you wanted to hear right now!”, he said and apologiesed prefusely. “Huh?”, you wiped away your tears, “No, no, no... it’s just that no one’s ever treated that as seriously as you did... they usually just say that I’m ‘funsized’ and move on... so, thank you.” “Really?”, he huffed and was about to say something else when you realized. “So you think I’m cute?”, you smiled widely at his flustered expression. “I mean...”, he laughed nervously, “... yeah. Is that bad?” “No not really... I think you’re cute too.”, you smiled. The two of you looked at each other for a while with warm smiles and flustered faces, the tension was so thick that you could slice it with a knife. You noticed that he moved a bit closer, and so did you. He reached out to put his hand on top of yours - but you were suddenly interrupted by someone coming in through the doors. “Hey! Stay away from her she puked! You can’t be sick tomorrow we’re supposed to have our presentation!”, Denki yelled at Hanta. You immediately sat on the opposite end of the couch from him, moving as far away as possible and hid your red face in your hands. “Why are you still up Y/N? You should be resting!”, Momo said as she came in behind Denki, “Here, let me help you to your dorm.” As you were led away by Momo you looked back at Hanta, whom was getting scolded by Denki for being too close to you. He looked over at you with a soft smile and waved, as if he wasn’t about to get beat up by his classmate and as if it wasn’t your fault. You waved back before tearing your eyes away from him and walking up the stairs to the dorms. Things were about to change.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
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i-need-air · 4 years
Truthful mess.
Summary: Truth quirk shenanigans. HCs type with Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto and Shinsou.
Note: Still don't know how to add "Read more" on phone, still need to make a masterlist. At least I have coffee. [I’M DOING BOTH RN, BE PROUD;;;LOOKATTHEReADMORE] Ty for reading! ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki:
× well, shit
× he fucked up real bad and now he had to pay for it
× noticed something was wrong when he thanked Kirishima for saving his life instead of giving him the usual snappy attitude
× made the redhead promise to keep the secret or he'll kill him
× seriously kill and incinerate his body and was 100% serious about it
× Bakugou tried his hardest to keep his mouth shut and everything went okay until you just existed in the same room at him
× he'd just get the fuck out because all he wanted to tell you was how good you looked in whatever you were wearing or how beautiful your face was when kissed by the rays of sunshine and he was so confused
× he literally wanted to word vomit all of that
× thankfully the police arresting the mf that did this to him informed Katsuki about the effects of the quirk itself
× approximately 3 days of spilling truths
× he could handle that
× easy
× but not really; the less he talked the more he needed to spill out his mind
× he'd still snap at people, they were just dumb and he voiced that but
× well, hello there, [y/n]
× he prays you don't waltz around him
× life can be a bitch though
× it happened while training, Cementos made an area for each of you to improve your quirks and guess what? you're placed just by his side
× you just waved at him and he ignored you
× asshole much; until you kick-dropped and broke a big piece of cement in half
× "Fuck, that was so sexy..."
× your head turned slowly towards Bakugou because that was his voice, definitely, no doubt
× but it was raspy and low and it did some things to your, ehem, lowers and holy shit
× Bakugou looked like a deer caught in the highlights; he was full "step on me" mode and????????
× instantly turned the other way and yes, he is blushing
× he just couldn't hold it in, man
× so you're confused, blushing, Kirishima is near-by shook as fuck because he's ✨ realizing things ✨ since of course he's now Bakugou's self-proclaimed guard dog
× and Bakugou is back at ignoring you, his friend and the world
× you decide to keep an eye on him because that was not normal and oh my god why is that voice still affecting you? did he seriously say that??
× meanwhile you catch him looking at you from the corner of your eyes
× boy is staring real bad
× so you just go his way
× he panics as you approach him and blows shit up
× "Don't fucking come closer!" you freeze because what the hell? you thought you were getting along? yeah he's been snappy recently but it's Bakugou, he has mood-swings
× but not like this? at least with you?
× also what he said before just gave you hope??
× so you decide Fuck it all and get closer, noticing how Kirishima also approaches, looking like a bodyguard
× you raise your eyebrow because Excuse you?
× "[L/N], you should leave him be for now–"
× "Get out of my way or I'll break you, Kirishima."
× so you're having a staring match with the red-head, almost nose to nose when legit a growl shakes you to the core
× "[Y/N]'s mine, Shitty Hair, back down." he said between his teeth, his palms sparkling, quirk ready
× so his friend backs up, hands raised in defeat but a knowing grin on his face
× even in full shock you expected him to ignore you again but he just stomps towards you angrily, teeth greeted
× "You have a thing for him, hmm? You like Kirishima?" he was glaring at you, breathing heavily but suddenly locked his eyes in your lips
× and while he's throwing this fit or whatever it was, all the class kinda stopped whatever they were doing to see what's going on
× but Cementos ain't having any of that so parts you guys with a cement wall and orders you to keep training
× Bakugou was never more thankful because holy shit what was about to happen?
× you're full mind-blown, remembering his words again and again not even focusing on training; you decide to talk with his dumb ass to clarify what he said and wAs he jealous? i mean he literally said you're his so—... HE FUCKING SAID YOU'RE HIS????
× after that he went back to his grumpy old man form, you don't talk again until days later, although you did try to approach him again, many times, because YOU'RE HIS????????
× it's when he finally realizes the quirk is wearing off and he's relieved because it got to a point where he couldn't sleep
× so when you confront him in the common room the next morning he shrugs it off with a "I thought I'd accidentally confess that I love you and that would've been a problem."
× he freezes
× you freeze
× he wanted to call you a dumbass and move on until he figures his shit up but...
× that's when he realizes the effect of the quirk was dying off in waves
× save him from the mortification and confess too, please?
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Kirishima Eijirou:
× he's normally a truthful guy
× but not like this, man, not like this
× Fatgum saved his ass but it was too late since he already got hit by a quirk, although none knew what it was about, so his mentor was having a full Panic moment
× later on he was informed about it's nature and was confused because nothing changed?
× he still compliments people, he's still his old self and is actually so happy that's the case
× thinks he's manly because he's honest about his feelings
× although he forgot about a tiny little detail
× his big fat crush on you
× like he'd blush when you came around, almost stuttered when responding to you, would try harder when you were around because pretty please, notice him, shows off more, all the I-need-YOUR-attention bag
× because he's smooth but in a Kirishima way, you know?
× felt he had zero (0) game [so not manly of him]
× will hands down not avoid you; thinks it's lame to run away from this
× who would've thought this was the best thing that could've happened to him?
× still had his boyish charm, cute smiles, blushes
× but now we add the honest "You look amazing today. Well, more than usual." with a wink because if he can't stop himself, at least he'll make it work big time
× and oh, shit that's doing stuff to your poor heart because his compliments are all over the roof? wth is going on?
× everyone knew about his feelings for you but now they really knew
× literally takes him half a day to spill all out
× he did try to clear his mind of those feelings in class because that would be so awkward and weird; he spent so much time daydreaming how to confess before and doing it there was definitely not the plan, but something more personal and meaningful
× when Kiri saw you in the common room though, alone and minding your own business, a grin broke on his face and had hearts in his eyes
× Bakugou had to hear a lot of shit about you, tho just rolled his eyes; "whatever, shitty hair."
× because you're so flawlessly beautiful and you're not even trying
× your head snaps up at him, blushing
× OOP–did he just blurt that out?
× so he's laughing awkwardly because not like this, man
× but goes with it because We die like men here 😤
× cue word vomit about how great you are and this quirk hit him and god you're amazing and it's not a lie because remember when you first met at UA? well he thought you were an angel and when you smiled at him? perfection and your blushing face is adorable and needs to see it everyday and ok this quirk needs to stop–
× meanwhile
× [Y/N].exe has stopped working
× legit tho, he won't shut the hell up and it's adorable
× all day he's been super smooth about his compliments to you and now he's the sweetest mess ever
× and you only notice yourself smiling when he points it out and says it's the single most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his entire life
× and even if that almost makes you 404 again you laugh and walk towards him
× which he follows and steps closer to you too
× smiling
× so he calms down when you're not freaking out about what he's spilling and goes back to being cha-cha-real-smooth again
× "I want to be able to call you mine"
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Todoroki Shouto:
× another guy that doesn't really notice it at first
× he got hit by this weird blue-purple dust while on patrol with his dad
× and Endeavor went feral on this low-life villain deciding to attack suddenly
× low and behold, seems the guy wasn't a villain, just a civilian that sneezed and activated his quirk by accident
× quirk that landed on Shouto here
× which just stared confused because what?
× explanations happen, Endeavor is looking down at Shouto expecting something anytime now
× but Icy-Hot here just shrugs it off because it's okay, it's just 3 or 4 days
× funny thing is his dad asked him questions and realized pretty quick that Shouto has been really honest with him until now, which bummed him because Endeavor Is Trying™
× Todoroki Shouto was confident that nothing would go wrong so he forgets about it basically
× two days pass; class time happens
× is so fucking casual about it but it's so hilariously confusing
× he was honest before but he was quiet in general, that's why his honesty came in small dosages
× now he has no filter and won't shut up, he has this absolute need to share his thoughts
× my boy has opinions about everything
× but especially about [Y/N]
× oh yeah, he definitely tells you how that color enhances your natural beauty or how you're really smart
× is so casual and nonchalant, shooks everyone, leaves you full confusion mode while he just smiles and leaves
× legit doesn't realize it
× he complimented you before, that's the thing, but now he's really intensifying it but without changing the tone and execution and it's just a mess
× example:
× goes from "You changed your hairstyle. It looks nice." to "The way you style your hair now makes your eyes pop out more. I love it."
× lowkey proclaims his love about you; it's so obvious it hurts; you have to take it like a champ, man
× it takes Tsu to actually ask what's going on, in the first hour of class
× [even Aizawa is listening, pretending to sleep]
× explains why he's acting like this; "I got hit accidentally by a quirk that makes me speak only the truth."
× everyone just goes crazy while you're piecing stuff together in deep thought
× "Who do you think is the strongest in the class?"
× "Aizawa."
× lowkey a little shit
× "Between the students."
× "Me."
× big time a little shit
× it's until Mina asks who he likes that all hell breaks loose
× Shouto just turns to look at you, blinks and says your name
× just as everyone goes mental after a moment of silence, the bell rings signaling the next class, to which Aizawa [the mature man he is, acting as if this wasn't the best tea-spill he's gonna have at lunch with the other teachers 💅] wakes up, silences everyone and continues class
× every pair of eyes are on you all class
× Shouto is having an existencial crisis because he's actually realizing himself that he likes you
× a lot
× hands down he thought about how great you are, wondered deep in though at night why his heart beat so fast when you smiled at him, how come he got jealous???? when you'd pair with someone else to study or train... the boy didn't even know it was jealousy until now
× as in now he knew he wanted to hold your hand, have more inside jokes between you two, kiss you, marry you, wait what—
× you on the other hand are hyperventilating because Shouto likes you
× and you like him back and oH my god, wHAT just happened????
× lunch break comes, nobody moved from their seats while Todoroki just walks by, stares at you, slight blush on his face
× "I'd like to speak alone with you. About my feelings. Towards you. I like you."
× nice alone chat, Shouto 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
× legit nobody is breathing, not making a single noise, waiting for your reaction
× so through stutters and all, you have to grab him by his wrist and get the hell out, the attention being too much
× before you reach a quiet place to talk he just stares at your hand
× "I like it when you touch me. Your hand is warm and it makes my skin tingle–"
× so you're a blushing mess when you let go of his wrist fastly
× "Do you not like me back?" [insert kicked puppy face]
× [insert you telling him that you do, but all the attention in class was killing you]
× "Good. Now hold my hand properly."
× that day Shouto learned that being bold with you was the perfect way to get the sweetest reactions out of you
× it's called teasing and Todoroki Shouto will never stop
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
× Shinsou had a Reputation™, ok?
× Calm, cool, collected, that's Hitoshi Shinsou
× so how come Monoma did him so dirty?
× it seems the blond borrowed a quirk from someone he knew and fled to school to just bring Hell on Earth
× but the only person he managed to throw the quirk at was at Shinsou
× it wasn't even intended for him, but for Bakugou to embarrass him
× so here he was, Mister Tired-of-this-fucking-world now having another reason to be done with everything
× the boy wasn't dumb
× made a strategy just as Monoma was apologizing for the mistake
× somehow the blond took a liking on him and even if he was now part of class 2-A, Monoma proclaimed he was a 2-B at heart; moving on...
× 3 to 5 days of not talking lies
× great, amazing, marvelous, incredible, fantastic
× Rule #1: Avoid [Y/N] at all costs
× which would prove rather difficult since you're part of the same group he was in
× and you were starting to be really good friends
× something he loved/hated because yes, he wants your friendship but he also wants much more
× so when you came to class, would you look at that! Shinsou is sleeping!
× when you went to lunch with the squad? he fled the scene, not opening his mouth
× asked to borrow a pen in class? didn't even look into your eyes as he just gave you one
× after 3 days of this you were starting to get annoyed
× and Midoriya was writing shit down in that notebook of his mumbling stuff every single time Hitoshi bailed
× what you didn't know is that the whole Dekusquad caught on to Shinsou's shenanigans and demanded answers
× well, Ochaco did and she instantly got them because she's terrifying when serious
× so Izuku is in deep fascination with the quirk, Iida is stiff as fuck and Uraraka has this really creepy I-know-something-you-don't smile on her face; Shouto was existing there too, minding his business 🍵
× you really tried to grab a hold of Shinsou but he wasn't even answering your texts
× time to make a game-plan
× and the easiest way to understand what's going on was through Deku and that suspicious notebook of his
× it wasn't even that hard to get it because you got the perfect opportunity basically thrown in your lap
× he was mumbling your name as he was writing down
× you literally demanded to see what he's writing about involving you
× the boy went full panic but before he could manage to escape the situation, the guy that's been avoiding you grabs you by your forearm and tugs you in the hallway
× there he was, purple messy head you wanted to smack, looking all uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck
× "Ok, listen, I have something to tell you and I want you to know through me, not through that notebook" he sighed, eyes avoiding you
× and while you're hurt and exhausted he just mumbles "Who knows what type of embarrassing stuff he wrote there..."
× hold up, he blushing?
× so while you're processing that he explains
× "Been hit by a quirk..." yada-yada, this and that
× "Ok, but why have you been avoiding me of all people?" you just go hard on him for a little bit, not hiding that you're hurting "Do you not trust me?"
× he's caught off guard
× "Because I love you and I'm scared you'll never look at me the same."
× longest silence of his life
× he never felt the need to fill a silent moment more than now
× so he mumbles
× oh, yah, he just blurts it all out while looking everywhere but you
× "I mean you deserve better than a guy with a quirk like this. I didn't want to make things uncomfortable between us so I thought avoiding you was the best, just so we can continue being friends and–"
× he's a fucking mess and it hurts you that he's saying stuff like that because holy shit you love this sleepy idiot?
× of course you kiss him to silence his rant
× and when you separate from it and start to reassure him he's just a m a z i n g, how dare he say stuff like that and how dare he avoid you for so long; now it's his time to kiss you back slowly and sweetly
× cue instant, lazy smile
× "You're adorable..."
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407 notes · View notes
sierraraeck · 4 years
Spencer x GN! Reader
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: After a long time without answers and your relationship ending on rocky terms, you run into Spencer and can finally put things to rest. Part one.
The prompt from @veraiconcos Fic Writer Challenge was “If I asked you to stay, would you?” This is bolded within the fic.
Category: Angst. Just pure angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Mention of normal CM stuff. Suggestive content.
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: This was initially a songfic and now it’s not, however it was still inspired by the song “Daylight” by Maroon 5. If you wanna give that a quick listen, go for it, if not, that’s chill too. Also, I tried to make this gender neutral, but if I did not, please let me know what I need to correct.
Internal dialogue
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
In one word, complicated.
Yes, that was a cliche and overused, but there was really no better way to describe your relationship with Spencer. Unless of course people preferred terms like arduous, intricate, convoluted, twisted, entangled, or your personal favorite, fucked up. Although, that might be a little harsh. Kind of. It was complicated.
And things continued on that path when you waltzed into the San Jose precinct, ready to defend your client against none other than the BAU.
Despite being 28, you were already one of the most successful defense attorneys in the state, and had already had a couple run-ins with the FBI. Luckily, none of those had been against the ‘all-powerful’ behavioral analysis unit, and you were able to wrangle out some wins, or at least, the best you could have hoped for given the circumstances. This time, a man, Brayden Lee, had been arrested as a suspect for a series of strangulations, all of the victims tall, blonde, college athletes. Looking over his case and the amount of evidence against him, you felt sure that you could manage a favorable deal.
But now, your strides faltered as you saw the team of profilers standing around in a circle, speaking in hushed voices, immediately turning around to watch you in. Well, it wasn’t necessarily them that teetered your confidence, it was more like him. And that damn hair.
You were at your older brother’s graduation. A small, skinny kid with moppy brown curls walked across the stage, the gown he was wearing clearly three sizes too big for him. He looked really young, about your age, which immediately interested you.
“Spencer Reid,” the announcer called. He accepted his diploma, moved his tassel from one side to the other, and plopped right back down in his seat.
You just stared at him from your place high up in the bleachers, almost missing your brother as he walked across the stage. You clapped and cheered, but you still couldn’t tear your eyes from the strange kid who’d walked across moments before him. When the ceremony was over, you asked your brother who he was, and all he gave you was a shrug and an arched eyebrow. That was not exactly the answer you were looking for. So you took it upon yourself, being the awkwardly brave kid you were at 12, to find him and learn more. You ended up taking him home after the ceremony, and that was that. You still remember the dopey smile he gave you as he hopped out of the backseat, a smile that you would miss for three more years.
You tried to compose yourself as you avoided eye contact with any of them, marching toward the interrogation room to have some time alone with your client. But it had never been this hard to concentrate before.
Snap out of it. It’s been four fucking years, six if you really think about it, so you need to get it together. This man, the one right in front of your face, needs your help.
So you did just that. As a lawyer, you had to have intense focus, so you made yourself hone in on that skill. The two older men of the team came in to have quite the nice chat with you and your client, but it ended fairly close to how you predicted. He would be let off, for now, but you would have to stay on call in case they found more evidence of your client’s guilt. You ushered Brayden out of the station and into a cab, telling him that you’d be in touch if anything else came up and to keep a low profile.
You were ready to be done, but had to make sure there weren’t any other loopholes or things they weren’t telling you before you could leave. You trudged back into the precinct, expecting to talk to the two men you saw earlier, but found that once-nerdy boy you used to know waiting for you. Not to say he wasn’t still nerdy, you were sure he was, but he’d definitely changed since the last time you saw him.
You tried to act as professional as possible, “Is there anything else that I need to know about this case and your evidence against my client?” Honestly, you were shocked at how calm your voice sounded.
“As long as you’ve heard about his recent purchases and easy access to the material used to strangle these women, no,” he responded, just as casually.
“Okay great, and nothing else in the profile I should be aware of?”
“Alright then,” you said, turning on your heels to walk out.
“That’s it?” Spencer’s tone suddenly sounded confused, even accusatory, which was such a stark contrast to the smoothe, gentle voice you remembered.
You were at the local library studying for your midterms before the holiday break. No one really went there anymore, and there were a ton of good research tools available, so it was the perfect quiet study spot. Well, mostly quiet, that was, until the ever-so-irritating ping of books being checked out was going off non-stop. You’d had enough, so you shot over your shoulder, “Jesus, how many books do you need?”
The pinging immediately stopped, and you heard a small, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you.”
It wasn’t a lot, but something about that voice seemed familiar. You turned fully around to see those piercing gold eyes staring at you, and you recognized those curls.
“No way. You’re the kid who graduated high school at age twelve! I remember you,” you blurted before really thinking.
“Yeah. Hey (y/n),” he said.
“I’m so sorry I snapped at you like that…”
“Spencer,” he filled in, after hearing you hiss like a snake, trying to jog your memory of his name.
“Spencer! Sorry about that, I’m just kinda stressed about my exams,” you explained.
“It’s okay, I understand,” Spencer replied, gesturing to his ever-growing pile of books.
You inquired about how things were going for him, and he told you all about how his first year and a half in college had been, already obtaining his bachelor’s in mathematics.
“That’s so impressive. Think you could help me?” you said in a somewhat mocking tone.
Of course, he took you seriously, not picking up on the half-joke. “Sure.”
Although, you were thrilled he offered, and the two of you spent the next couple of hours talking about high school and college classes, your seemingly easy math compared to his, and him helping you with any other subject you needed help with, like AP biology and psychology. At the end of the night, you gave him your phone number, trying to cover up your little crush with a joke about needing his help as you rushed out into the freezing night air.
He never used it.
“Yeah. That’s it,” you shot over your shoulder.
“(y/n), hold on, I-” he started.
“Doctor Reid, they need you in the conference room,” some lady said. Now that caught your attention. You spun back around to look at him with raised eyebrows. His mouth was slightly agape, and his eyes flitted between you and the lady who told him he was needed.
“What are you waiting for, Doctor,” you sneered. He let out a sigh, giving you one last pointed look before turning away. You didn’t even know people called him ‘doctor’ now.
You returned home, hoping that the case would get cleared up easily, that they’d find a different culprit and you wouldn’t have to risk that floodgate of emotions bursting open. No such luck. They found Brayden at the scene of the crime, literally in the middle of digging up an old victim to do god knows what with, and took him back into custody. When you got back to the precinct, you told your client not to say a word, and asked what the charges were and if he was going to be transferred in the meantime. The answers to your questions were not in your favor, and you had one of the worst client-lawyer conversations you'd ever experienced. The man wouldn’t tell you a damn thing, and if he didn’t tell you anything, then you couldn’t help him. Of course, it was your job to try and help him as best as you could, but you whole-heartedly believed he was guilty too, which didn’t help you keep the right mindset. Plus, your heart was pounding into your ears for more reasons than being across the table from a serial killer.
Focus, please, you begged yourself. And you did, for a while, but it became a futile effort. At one point you just wanted to say ‘fuck this shit, lock him up’ and leave, you were that desperate.
When it was all over and the station was getting everything together in order to transfer him to a holding facility, you tried to slip out the doors and wait outside. Only moments after, though, you heard the door squeak back open.
“(y/n),” Spencer started.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly interjected. You had been contemplating for the last day or so if you needed to apologize, and just figured you would, if not for your sake, for your clients’. I mean, they would probably end up testifying at some point, not like that was the main thought going through your mind, but you convinced yourself it was. “I shouldn’t have conducted myself like that earlier. It was unprofessional and you were just trying to talk to me.”
“It’s fine. I probably deserved it,” he acknowledged.
“Probably, but that’s all in the past and I should have left it there,” you concluded. You both stood in absolute silence until it became too much to bear. You decided you’d at least try to act natural, “So how have things been since the last time I saw you?”
Spencer looked at you with surprised eyes, but answered with, “They’ve been interesting. There always seems to be a new case. How about you?”
“Same. Just one after the other, but it’s nice knowing I’m helping people,” you added.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
Come on, what else can you throw out there? “Uh, so, they call you ‘doctor’ now?”
He offered a small laugh. “Yeah, they do. When I started, you know, I was much younger than anyone else in the bureau-”
“Still are,” you interjected.
He continued, “-true, but one of my mentors, who’s gone now, told people to call me that and I guess it just stuck.”
“Well, it sounds nice.”
“Thanks. I hear you are doing pretty well yourself, getting national mentions and such,” he stated.
You raised your eyebrows, “You heard about that?” A year or so back you got recognized as the top rising talent in your field of work, but you didn’t think that news would make it to the other coast. Unless he was specifically looking for that information…
“Yeah, I did. The FBI likes to keep tabs on people that might cause them the most trouble in a case, you being one of them.”
“Seriously?” You were astonished. The FBI was keeping tabs on you? “Why?”
“Just in case they get tired of opposing you and would rather work with you,” he shrugged, “But you seem to be having fun opposing right now.”
You let a smile reach the surface at that. “That obvious, huh?”
“I’m a profiler. Plus, you’ve always had a thing for opposing the ‘overbearing’ power and sticking up for the little guy.”
That was a little too close to home. You knew he meant that in more ways than one, and you couldn’t help but think about that god-awful night when you were just two kids trying to take a walk in the moonlight. The night that solidified your friendship.
It happened so fast. All you did was walk away for a second to throw your trash away, but that was all it took for the boys to pounce. Spencer had been attending CalTech for three years, and you were there to pop into the chemistry class, which you conveniently had with Spencer. Those other 20 year olds hated you and Spencer for the sole reason that you were two nerdy 17 year olds that were making them look bad. They’d already gotten in a few good punches before you returned, but when you did, you were livid. They were holding Spencer up while taking turns at him. You worked quickly, setting your phone to record before stepping in between one of the boys and Spencer. You hadn’t intended on getting caught in the crossfire, but you did, landing yourself a pretty bruise on your cheek for the next two weeks. You yelled at them about how they were assaulting a minor and how you now had all of their faces on tape, along with some other legal shit. One of them smashed your phone and went for another punch, but you kicked him in the throat before he could get to you, putting him flat on his ass. He tapped out, and you later found out he’d gotten whiplash from how he landed on the ground. They ran off, and when you turned around, Spencer collapsed in your arms. He was littered with cuts, blood, and already developing bruises. You took him back to his dorm and cleaned him up, spending the night before figuring out how to recover the footage. Once you did, you showed it to the board members, effectively expelling the boys and bringing them up on charges for assault. They got convicted, and no one screwed with either of you again. That was the moment you really decided to become a lawyer.
“Yeah, I guess I have,” you murmured. Brayden was brought out in cuffs and shoved into the back of a squad car, which was your cue to get moving. You had a full case on your hands.
You turned to leave, but as you did, Spencer stopped you. “Hey, would you maybe want to catch up later?”
You didn’t remember him ever being so bold before, and were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled out, “Uh, what did you have in mind?”
“Just … coffee, maybe?”
“Sure,” you said, and immediately saw Spencer’s shoulders relax. “Do you still remember where Arnette’s is?”
“Of course,” he responded. That used to be your favorite go-to spot.
“Alright then. I should be done with this at around eight,” you said, hopping into your car before he could respond. The officer with Brayden had already sped away, and you needed to stay close behind.
The whole drive you kicked yourself for saying yes. You were getting over him. You had gotten over him. And you loved Jordan and couldn’t help feeling like this was somehow betraying him. Plus, why should you be meeting him to catch up? He hadn’t been interested in that for five years! I mean, you put everything into making your relationship work. Sure, you were realistic that it wouldn’t last, but he could have at least tried.
You had it planned out. You would keep in touch until you could go out and visit him during the summer for Fourth of July during your sophomore year of college. The next year, he’d visit you, and the one after that, you’d visit him and so on. But that was the problem. There was no ‘so on.’ You visited him for the second time and that was it. And pretty soon, you could barely get him to pick up the damn phone. The last thing you heard from him was that he was pretty busy starting out with the BAU, along with an unanswered text wondering how his first case went.
But, you already agreed, so you might as well just see what happens.
You threw on some nice, non-work clothes and drove to the little shop on the corner. God you felt like a teenager.
It was just before eight and Spencer was already there waiting for you. Of course he was.
You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that this was supposed to be two people who used to care about each other, and honestly still do, just catching up. Simply talking. About the present, no need to worry about the past.
“Hey, (y/n).” You always liked the way he said your name with welcoming confidence.
“Hey,” you replied. He opened the door for you and you shuffled in. With no surprise, you were the only two in there, and he went ahead and ordered for both of you, remembering what you wanted with ease. You gave him a bit of a confused look as you waited for your drinks.
“What?” he asked, clearly uncomfortable by your staring.
“Nothing, it’s just that you remember my order, that’s all.”
“I do have a really good memory,” he reminded you.
“Yeah, but you also told me once that that only went for visuals, and your eidetic memory didn’t really work on audio,” you quipped.
“That’s true. I guess some things just stick. Plus, it’s not like you made it hard on me. You always ordered the same thing.”
You laughed a little, “I guess that’s true.”
You grabbed your drinks and left the hole-in-the-wall, autopilot kicking in, taking you both along the path that went around the park. Spencer sighed.
“Hm?” you questioned.
“Just, you know, thinking,” he said, brows furrowed.
“About what?”
“How we used to do this all the time. You’d finish your high school classes, drive over to CalTech for chemistry, and then afterward we’d stop by for coffee and a walk,” his voice sounded like he was in a dream, and he looked into the night air as if there was some answer or memory floating around out there. You guessed there was a memory floating around out here.
“Yeah those were crazy years,” you recalled. “I felt like I was constantly on the move and everything was happening all at once and I had all of this stuff I needed to get done. But this was always a nice place where I could clear my head and forget all of that.” That feeling was starting to return as you kept walking, the sticky air of California clinging to your skin.
“It was nice. I miss those days sometimes,” he said.
What is he getting at? “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
You walked in silence for a while, but you could see Spencer’s posture tense up more with each step. There was something on his mind and he wasn’t telling you.
“What is it?”
“What is what?” he acted bewildered.
“What’s on your mind?” He tried to shrug it off and deny it, but you knew him better than that. It might have been a while, but some things, like he said, just stick. And the way his body acted when he was thinking was one of them. “Don’t even try that. I know when there is something bothering you, now out with it.”
“Who is it?” That was all he offered and it was your turn to be confused.
“Who has the other one?” he said, voice a bit harsher than before, motioning to the gold ring around your finger.
“His name is Jordan.”
“Jordan, huh?”
“What does he do?” Spencer inquired.
“He’s also a lawyer. We actually met in law school,” you answered somewhat hesitant. You still didn’t know what he was getting at, if anything.
“Oh. Nice.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” your attitude starting to flare up.
“Absolutely nothing. Just not what I thought,” he stated with a bit of an edge to his voice.
“What did you think?” You were trying not to get offended by whatever he was implying, but you couldn’t help it. He asks me to catch up just to make passive aggressive criticisms?
“I don’t know. Not that, I guess.”
At this point, you wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. “Well, you know, you could have changed that,” you replied in the same passive aggressive manner.
“What would you have wanted me to do?” his voice was raising, obviously picking up on what you were putting down.
“Uh, I don’t know, how about respond to one goddamned text?”
“I tried.”
“Not really. And then you just went dark,” you spat.
“You seemed to be fine with that. You moved on pretty quickly,” he hissed, not even bothering to look at you.
“Why do you think that is, genius? I visited you, and then you stopped answering my calls. You stopped responding to my texts. I basically never heard from you again, and then the next thing I know, your showing up on my fucking tv, in California for a case, and you don’t even reach out. You didn’t even ask to meet up anywhere, not even stop by to say hey. Nothing. You did nothing once your job swallowed you up whole. I know what that’s like and it’s hard, believe me, I’m a lawyer for Chrissake, but I found the time. Plus, for all I knew, you had already found someone else, so I wasn’t going to wait around for the guy who seemed to love me much less than I loved him.” By the end, you were yelling, and thanking the stars above you that no one was around to hear it.
“You’re right,” he whispered after a while.
You were stunned, and could only manage a small, “What?”
“You’re right,” he repeated. “I should have put in more effort. I don’t know, (y/n), I wish I had a better answer for you but I don’t. I was young, and stupid, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I let my insecurities get in the way of us, and I will never be able to forgive myself for that.”
“What?” It was seriously the only thing going through your mind, however, you were able to force out, “Insecurities?”
“Yeah. I was worried that because I was away, you were going to tire of me, that you weren’t going to want to stay in a relationship. I thought that maybe, by being ‘tied’ to me, so to speak, that I was holding you back, which we promised each other we would never do. We said that we would never get in the way of the other’s dream, and I wondered if maybe I was going to do that to you. I just … I had all of these doubts, so I panicked. I stopped responding. And I was so wrong to do that.”
Now that he’d said them, they sounded like some of the same doubts he expressed to you the night before he left.
“What time is your flight?”
“Seven, which means I have to be there by six, which means I have to be leaving here by four-thirty at the latest,” he recited. He had all of his stuff piled by the door, which was hardly anything at all. You were in his hotel room because his house was soon to be taken over by a young couple, since he’d be living in Massachusetts, and his mother was in a mental facility. You’d just come back from visiting her, which left Spencer in tears.
You ate dinner while playing chess, which he effectively beat you at. You were actually pretty good at it, but no match for his math-based brain. You snuggled into bed next to him, willing yourself to keep it together because the last thing you wanted to do was spend your last night with him an emotional wreck. He queued up a movie, but neither of you paid any attention to it. His arm was draped around your shoulders and yours were clasped around his waist.
Spencer’s hand lazily circled your back until it moved with purpose down to your thigh. He continued his lazy patterns when you looked up at him, a question in your eyes.
You’d been with Spencer for over a year, and recalled your first time. You were ready before he was, which came as no surprise, but that didn’t stop the nerves from racing through your head. But if you thought you were nervous, you had no idea what was going through Spencer’s head. He later told you that he was absolutely terrified because he didn’t want to do something wrong, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and he didn’t want you to think less of him because of his body style, and a million other things that he was scared about. That’s how you accidentally said the ‘L’ word. “Spencer Reid, I would never judge you and you could never scare me away. I love you and your body and your brain, and you are not going to do something wrong, not like I’d know because we are both new to this and are doing it together. Understand?”
He gave you a shy smile. “I do.”
Now though, it was very different. Comfortable, confident, safe.
“Can I have you?” he asked, “All of you, one last time?”
You leaned up to kiss him, and he sighed when you pulled away. You looked him straight in the eyes, “I’m all yours.”
And you were. You felt like you always had been and probably always would be, and could only hope that he felt a fraction of the same. Your bodies pushed and pulled in perfect unison, fitting together as if you were two pieces of a puzzle, specifically crafted for the other.
You returned to your curled up position beside him, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears silently flowed out of your eyes, but you couldn’t make yourself peel your arms away from him long enough to wipe them away. You attempted to sob without making a sound, knowing that if Spencer saw you crying, it would make him cry, and he couldn’t cry because it would make you cry more, splitting you right in half. It didn’t matter how quiet you were being about it, because when you looked up at Spencer, you saw the same silent tears glistening on his cheeks. It was only then that you pulled your hands from around him and brushed away his tears.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down,” you apologized. “This is supposed to be exciting. You’re going to the best school in the country to get your PhD.”
“It’s okay,” he replied, moving his hands up and down your arms, “Sometimes, I wonder if I’m making the right decision.”
This took you by surprise. He’d always seemed confident about this, passionate about furthering his education. “What makes you say that?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to complicate things for anyone. For my mother. For you.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” You knew it was unfair, but it was the only thing you could think to say. The only thing you wanted to say. You needed him, and it was sickening wondering if soon, he might not need you. He stared at you dumbfoundedly, so you quickly covered it up with, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. You are about to start a whole new part of your life, and you should go, pursue your dreams with the best education this country can offer. I don’t wanna get in the way of that.”
You repositioned yourself back on his chest, and started to drift off to sleep when you felt him sigh. You lazily peered up at him, meeting his restless eyes. “Spence, you need to sleep.”
“I can sleep on the plane. I need this more,” he said, smiling at you. You tried to stay awake like you knew Spencer would, but to no avail. You did, however, wake up to him getting ready to leave. He kissed you goodbye, and you held yourself together until he’d walked out, the door shutting with a definite ‘click.’
All the air had been stripped from your lungs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe, like you’d never again without him by your side. You cried yourself back to sleep, willing this all to be one giant nightmare, but when you woke, he was gone. And you felt completely numb. So while you may have been two pieces of a puzzle, aiming to create the same beautiful picture, you no longer fit together.
You felt yourself starting to get flushed from constantly going in and out of anger then feeling bad and forgiving. It was exhausting, and probably part of the reason things didn’t work out between the two of you. That didn’t mean you loved him any less, though. He was, in fact, your first love, and you guess people were right about that stuff being more powerful and affecting you longer. Hell, you walked into the precinct for a total of three seconds before he was affecting you all over again!
You took a deep breath in before saying, “I guess we both made mistakes and wished we would have handled things differently.”
“What would you have handled differently?” He sounded genuinely curious.
“When I saw that you were in California for a case, instead of … doing what I did, I should have been the one who reached out. I could have just asked you then what was going through your mind and what was going on between us. Who knows how that might have changed things? But, I was petty,” you gave a cold laugh, “I guess I still am sometimes, huh?”
You had definitely been acting that way lately. You felt guilty and ashamed about it, but in that moment of anger four years ago, knowing that Spencer was out there ignoring you, you sent him a hurtful message and then blocked his number. Only a week or so prior, you’d met Jordan who was clearly hitting on you, and you were so firm about moving on that you asked him out. He eagerly agreed, and the rest was history. Or, at least, you thought was history.
Spencer shrugged and dodged the somewhat rhetorical question. “We can’t really dwell on that now.”
You knew he didn’t really mean that, considering he was the type of person who dwelled, but he was right. You were engaged to a great guy and soon to be married. This, Spencer, was something you were just going to have to come to terms with, something you realized you hadn’t come to terms with yet.
You’d been walking so absentmindedly next to him that you hardly noticed you were outside of a hotel. He stopped just outside the lobby entrance and turned to face you.
“Walk you to your room?” you offered. What the fuck did you just say? Why did you say that? You can’t say things like that. Stop it.
Spencer gave you that small, closed lip smile of his which immediately ended your inner scolding, and nodded, holding the door open for you. You walked up the stairs together in silence. When you reached his door, instead of getting out his card, he leaned his back up against the heavy wood.
“Alright, well, it was nice catching up, and I wish you safe travels in the morning,” you said, turning to leave. He quickly reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you in your tracks, and you spun around to face him.
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” Those words pierced through your ears, ringing all too familiar from when it was you who said them.
“Spence-” you started. And then his lips were on yours. Those sweet, soft lips. It had always been so natural between the two of you, and you felt his tongue bypass yours as you pushed further into the kiss. Then you remembered where, and when, you were, no longer that hopelessly devoted kid but an adult with a wonderful man waiting for you when you got home. You pulled away. “Spence-”
“I would have said yes, you know,” he confessed. The question must have been etched on your face, because he continued, “When you asked me that night, given the chance, I would have said yes.”
His words stung, and your whole body ached from rehashing old feelings, to igniting new ones, to the guilt of what just happened weighing on you so heavily you might just crumble beneath it. You murmured out, “Why didn’t you?”
“I thought you were right. I thought I was doing the right thing. Out of all the mistakes I’ve made, all the regrets I have, you, (y/n) (y/l/n), are my biggest one.” His honey brown eyes peered right into yours, like he was looking at something far greater than just your eyes, and repeated, “So right now, if I asked you to stay with me, would you?”
It was too much to handle. After all the time you’d spent wishing he was still yours, he finally could be, but you could no longer be his. Tears were streaming down your face as they once did, the first time you lost him, and you choked out, “I can’t.”
One More Night
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #14:
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Kenji & Kanji Try To Purge Aone’s life of Y/N 😂🙄 - STEP ONE 
Since Y/N is back at school and life will get that much harder for Aone Takanobu, The problematic K_nji’s devise a plan to help their white haired middle blocker survive his heartbreak.
In Aone’s den, Futakuchi stood facing the couches like Captain America while Koganegawa stuffed his face with half of Aone’s fridge and Aone was sitting on the arm chair as if he had been called to the principals office, because, well—he kind of had. 
“While I am very happy you got Aone-san out of his room, what is this about, dad? Can I put on the baseball game now? You’re standing in front of the tv” 
“No, and shut up. I’m recording it and you know that.” 
Kanji pouted, lifting the bag of chips upside down so that the crumbs dumped in his mouth. The chips spilled down his chest and Kenji fumed, scoffing.
“Oh boo hoo you big baby It’s the least you can do since I do your freaking laundry—“
“Kusa didn’t call me a big baby when we were on the phone last night—“ 
“Oh? But she sure wanted to when you lost the arm wrestling match to me yesterday and you almost crie—“
“Stop bickering. Or I am leaving.” Aone warned. While he wasn’t speaking as much as he used to, he was getting better within the privacy of his own home, now Uttering several sentences a day only to the two boys that lived with him. Takanobu was even leaving his room a bit more now to spend time with them, whether that be to watch one movie or tv show and then scurry back to his room when he got too sad again. Hey, they would take it.
Kenji shook his head. “Fuck, sorry. Don’t leave. I called you both here because I think it’s about time we did something, Aone. I made a plan to help you, and told this one about it.” 
Mountain Man narrowed his eyes, not sure if he liked where this is going or not. “A…..Plan……” He repeated lowly. 
Kenji nodded. “Yup.” 
“I am not following.” 
Futakuchi was about to explain before Kanji gasped. “OH! IS THIS ABOUT OPERATION: HELP AONE-SAN DEAL WITH HIS BROKEN HEART?!”
Kenji glared at his underclassmen. “That is not what it’s called you idiot. But yes.”
Aone’s face remained rock hard. Kenji mirrored his expression. 
The two 3rd years were completely quiet for a while as they had a silent conversation about whether Aone should agree to this plan or not.
The big boned setter just munched on his snacks while looking between the two of them in fascination. “It’s so cool how you guys do that.” He complimented with a mouthful. 
They continued their speechless chat.
After a minute, Aone broke the silence.
“…….You know how to make the pain……stop?” He asked seriously, his voice cracking from lack of use.
Kenji nodded, crossing his arms, still standing like Captain America. “I think so. But there are multiple steps.” Kenji stopped pacing for a second to stand in front of the white haired giant. “Starting with…. What’s your phone background right now?” 
Aone shrugged and moved a bit to slip his iPhone out of his back pocket. He handed his phone to Futakuchi’s awaiting hand. When Futakuchi pressed the home button to look at it, he immediately let out a loud exasperated sigh.
“Oh hell no.” 
“What is it?!” Asked Kogane, imitating a chipmunks spunk.
Kenji showed the screen to him, who widened his eyes when he saw it and shook his head!
“What is wrong with my background?” Losty Aone asked. 
“It’s of freaking Airhead and Perdu!!! Absolutely -the fuck not. I’m changing it.” 
“Do not call her an Airhead, please...” Aone raised his voice an octave, clearly upset with his friend who knew better.
Kenji only smirked. “Gotcha. Force of habit. Still changing it though.”
Sad, baby Aone thought about protesting—but stopped himself because he thought about how badly he really did want this all-encompassing heartache to let up, even if just a little. If he was going to deal with his unrequited love for you forever, he might as well accept help to make it a bit more bearable. As of right now it was torture, so if his brunette friend knew how to fix that—alright. 
Aone’s heart sunk when he realized Kenji had switched the photo to one of Perdu alone. While he loved that specific photo of his precious turtle, he loved the one with you smiling and wearing him as a hat even more. You are so so so so pretty and so fun.
“That was step one.” Kenji stated loudly, knowing where Aone’s mind headed and snapped him out of it. He began to pace again like a drill sergeant. 
Kenji & Kanji Try To Purge Aone’s life of Y/N 😂🙄 - STEP TWO 📸🗑
step two was almost abandoned because Aone was not allowing his friends to delete all the photos of Y/N from his camera roll. 
“Let. Go. Mom!!!” Whined Koganegawa as he tried to pry the phone out of his senpais hands. Both he and Futakuchi were tugging with all of their combined might and they still weren’t able to retrieve the device. 
“No. It was a very happy time in my life.” Aone stated, not even breaking a sweat yet as he battled for purchase.
“I SAID I’m not going to delete them! Just gonna send them to my phone for the time being!” Kenji growled, pushing his foot into the couch for more leverage as he tugged. 
Aone still remained unfazed. “No. I know you, Futakuchi-san. You will delete them.” 
Kenji sighed loudly. 
“Okay! I would have. HAPPY I ADMITTED IT? Then, forget me! We will send them to the big boned setter. He won’t delete them, he’s too nice!” 
Kanji fell on his butt as he kept pulling like: 
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“Yeah! I would never—UGH how the frick are you so STRONG—delete them, mom!” 
Aone shook his head still. “I truly believe you that you would not delete them, Koganegawa. However, you lose and or break your phone on a trimonthly basis. So I cannot trust you to be a good gatekeeper, either.” 
“We will upload them to Kogane’s iCloud then!!!” Kenji yelled, twisting his arms in an attempt at a better grip. “That way they can never be deleted—“ 
Aone contemplated this. “Hmmmmmm.....” He grunted. 
“Listen to dad, mom, he’s right! Plus.....I know you don’t have social media but if you really wanted to see Y/N you could just go to her Instagram page and—AHHHHHHHH!” 
The two boys toppled over on the carpeted floors because Aone let go of his phone. Not even a little out of breath, Aone nodded. “It hurts to see her…. so I should really take them off, I guess. I will agree to take them off temporarily and upload to Kogane’s iCloud. If I want them back, I get them back immediately. I’ll admit it does make me feel better that I could check her social media page if I really need to see her smile. Staring at photos of our relationship all night did intrude on my sleep. So As long as my photos are not deleted, that should be fine. And Sorry. I hope I did not hurt either of you.” He stated solemnly. 
The two athletes laid flat on the ground, chests heaving, staring up at the ceiling. 
“Deal.” They said in unison.
Kenji & Kanji Try To Purge Aone’s life of Y/N 😂🙄 - STEP THREE 🙈💥
“Step Three: Avoid that Bimb— uh I mean your ex at all costs. She’s takes one way to class? Start taking the long route. She’s cheering in the gym? Stay outdoors. She’s in the cafeteria? I promise to order us Uber Eats or something and we will eat anywhere else. Normally, the best way to get over a chick is to cut her off cold turkey—but since you are forced to see her 5 days a week at school, the only option is makeshift block out. Pretend she’s still home sick.” 
Kogane snorted. “Haha. You’re good at blocking on the court so this kinda blocking should be a piece of cake, Aone-san, ITAI!!!” The Big Boned setter folded his body in two in order to caress his right toes that his brunette senpai just crushed by stepping on. He tried to swing but Kenji dodged it. “Aoneeee!!!!!!” Kogane whined. 
“Futakuchi, stop hurting our kouhei.”
Kenji smiled, ignoring the whines of the setter. “Got it. Anyway, Aone-san, any questions?” 
Aone shook his head. “Truthfully.... my heart didn’t hurt as severely when she wasn’t at school. The pain is at about an 85 when I am alone or I don’t see her, which is still awful, but whenever I do see her, smell her, or hear her—the pain jumps to about a 130. So perhaps avoiding her is best. I doubt she wants to see me anyway.” 
Kenji grumbled. “I don’t care what she wants to see. Our priority is you: not her. Okay?” 
Aone nodded slowly. 
Koganegawa cut the tension then. wish he hadn’t. “Hey, Aone-san, you should be trying to avoid Y/N-chan at all times no matter what though because from what Ive seen she’s constantly being asked out by all these guys. I even heard guys in my class hoping to have a shot with her but I told them—“ 
Kenji didn’t even need to harm another hair on the setter’s head because the combined menacing glare coming from both Takanobu and Futakuchi told the setter all he needed to know:
(In which Kenji is Regina and Aone is the principal):
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“Uh......sorry. I’ll shut up…….. but if it’s any consolation…….. I heard Y/N is rejecting every single guy—even the football team captain who has apparently liked her for a while and when he heard you two broke up he actually said that—“
Kenji started glowering at Kogane like: 
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“Uhh....... I think I’m going to use the bathroom….” Kogane started, getting up with his tail between his legs. 
“You do that.” Kenji seethed.
Kenji & Kanji Try To Purge Aone’s life of Y/N 😂🙄 - STEP FOUR 🍆💭
“Step Four. And we’re all brothers here so I’m just gonna come out and say it, okay?” 
Aone nodded. He had nothing to hide from his two best friends—especially since they had now seen him at his utter worst—so he was all ears. Aone accepted the fact that with these steps he honestly felt like he could manage this heartbreak one day. Not get over you, that was out of the question—but maybe not act like a zombie anymore so that maybe you’d see some worth in him as a friend…..perhaps. 
Listening, Aone didn’t understand why his confident captain looked so nervous all of a sudden to introduce step four. 
“Aone-san...um.... What’s going on with your…..uh…….y’know......” for some strange reason, Kenji couldn’t meet his friend’s eyes. 
“My....y’know?” Aone asked, rather perplexed. 
Kenji sighed in response.
“OH!!!! I remember step four! Don’t worry Futakuchi-senpai, if you’re too nervous... I can say it! Basical—“ 
“—No!” Kenji scrambled to try and stop him, but Kanji spoke fast. And loud. 
“Are you still jerking off to thoughts of Y/N?” 
Aone clasped his mouth shut as a deep blush overtook his pale features. He immediately looked down, realizing he would rather have the pictures of you deleted than confront this part. 
“Well fuck. Do you have any shame?” 
“We are trying to help him, and you’re stuttering like my moms Michael Jackson records. What are you, FIVE?!”
Aone interrupted with his answer, calmly. “The answer is no. Not really.” 
Kenji deadpanned at the reply, his attention leaving the big boned setter. “What do you mean, not really?! That was a yes or no question!” 
“Yeah, mom, I don’t see how you can ‘no not really’ think about Y/N while you—“
“Don’t say it again.” Snapped Kogane’s parents in unison. 
“Sure thing!” Kanji opened the bag of popcorn and started digging in instead. 
Aone looked away. “What I mean is.......no, I’m not still pleasuring myself to thoughts of Y/N…..not successfully. And not for lack of effort, I should say. I wish she didn’t still arouse me as much as she does, but I think I crave her even more now because my feelings have not stopped getting stronger….. I miss her touch.... so when I think about her— her healthy hair, and her expressive eyes, and her smooth skin, and her soft, supple, incredibly soft lips......” Aone paused to bite his own lip, feeling a stir below. Without meaning for them to, his thoughts on your beauty got the better of him. “When I think about her in her bikini, or her cheerleading uniform, or in the genie costume............ or in the birthday lingerie on my day of birth I just........” 
“Imma stop you right there.” Kenji started, familiar with the tone Aone was using because he’d heard it in many a wet dream descriptions before. “So you do still .... y’know .... to thoughts of Y/N.” 
Snapping back into reality, Aone shook his head. “Not exactly. I attempt not to, but because she is still the most attractive girl I’ve ever seen and thoughts of her excite me beyond belief...I can’t help myself .... but then every single time I begin to get into it, my depressive thoughts of the break up end up flooding in and before I know it, the mood is long gone, washed away by my clenching heartache. It basically happens every night.” 
“WHOA. Man. Now I for realllll understand how much your heartbreak must be hurting, Aone, because you mentioned Y/N in the cheer uniform, the costume, and the lingerie, but I mean you’ve also seen Y/N naked, haven’t you Aone-san ?! She must look soooooo fucking hot..... For something to make you feel so terrible that it gets the image of one of the hottest girls in the school naked out of your mind I would say that our steps won’t even work for you, at all, I mean—“ 
Kenji cleared his throat loudly again at his underclassmen, mentally planning how he was going to kill him in his sleep tonight:
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Kogane stopped talking. He shrunk in his seat, pretending to busy himself with.....absolutely anything else. “Sorry. Forget I said anything.”
How absolutely clueless his kouhai was lead Aone face to let out the tiniest of a smile. Something Futakuchi hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. Only Kenji caught it, and it made the brunette feel like maybe all hope was not lost. 
Outtake #15: CLICK HERE
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gerberbabey · 4 years
maybe I'm honestly falling too soon | John B. Routledge
a/n: this is technically a stand alone, but i kinda wish i did a little mini series for the Peterkin!Reader concept...oh well I’ll do that now. love the support for SUMMER, i wish it was better written but I still appreciate ya’ll.
This is technically a reader insert, but I made the reader mixed with Black and Korean. always hashing out WOC representation.
summary: You try not to question people’s intelligence. John B saves the day. 
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warnings: like rlly bad writing, underaged drinking, hints of racism and stereotyping, that part is based off of a conversation i overheard but if it’s offensive in any way and if you’d like me to take it out or change it pls let me know
♫ Down to Earth by UMI ♫
You weren’t really known to go out much. Partying with either Kooks or Pogues wasn’t the norm for you considering who your parents were. But even if your mom wasn’t the Sheriff and your dad wasn’t a teacher at Kildare County High, your personality alone wasn’t really the “partying” type. Your friends tended to label you as the “sweet” one, or even the “innocent” one. It didn’t necessarily make you mad per se, it was just a bit annoying that the entirety of your being was labelled based off of the fact that you tended to not do things. 
You didn’t label your friends for the things they did, so you found it odd that they labelled you because of the things you didn’t do. 
“Pleeeaaase (Y/N), John B and his crew throw the best keggers and you’ve only gone to like one!” 
“Nicky, I just...really don’t want to, ok?” you’d been trying to decline Nicky all day. This was the 5th time she’d brought it up today, not to mention the amount of times she’d brought it up this past week. Maybe if it had happened yesterday or even tomorrow you would’ve felt more up to it. Today didn’t feel like a good day to party. At least not to you. 
“(Y/NNNNNN)!” Nicky whined and you only sat patiently as she shook you, “Please just this once? Ok I heard that Kelce’s gonna be there and he usually avoids the Cut! This is the perfect oppurtuntiy for me to get closer to him!” 
You hated that she was using her crush on Kelce against you. You truly wouldn’t say that Nicky was either a Kook or a Pogue (you didn’t even think you were either a Kook or Pogue) but she’d developed a crush on him due to her sudden frequent attendance at the country club with her cousins. She barely spoke to him and barely had the chance to but she insisted that he was a “great guy who just get’s pressured by his asshole friends”. You supported anything Nicky did (lest it get her hurt) and Kelce had only ever been kind to you. 
“Ok...fine,” you sighed and Nicky squeed in excitement. 
“Oh my god yes! Finally!” Nicky cheered and you only rolled your eyes playfully as she tackled you into a hug. 
John B casually strolled through the aisles of the grocery store. He’d been taxed with getting a few snacks to stash in the Twinkie so that they had some food of their own at the party. 
“Relax ok, I just really wants some chips.”
John B perked up at a familiar sounding voice and straightened up as you and your best friend walked around the corner of the aisle. He licked his lips as he gave you a quick look over. You were dressed in your usual aesthetic, a long high waisted skirt, a tank top that was tied to cinch at your waist, large wire framed glasses on the bridge of your nose, and your bouncy curls pushed back with a bandana in your hair.
“Oh, hey John B.” 
John B shook himself out of his stupor and flashed you a wide grin, nodding to Nicky, who only gave him a look of suspicion. 
“Hey (Y/N), what are you doing here?” That question wasn’t too out of place, you lived closer to the bigger grocery store chains than the family owned one’s in the Cut. 
“I just wanted to get some chips, Heyward’s is the only store that has the one’s I like,” you gave him a sweet smile and John B tried not to melt. 
“That’s-That’s really cool,” he stuttered and he licked his lips awkwardly as his eyebrows raised. You blinked at him, the smile on your face twisting a bit in confusion as you glanced at Nicky for a moment before looking to John B again, “I mean sorry-um...Kegger!” John B put up a hand in realization, “We’re gonna have a Kegger tonight at the Boneyard. Will I see you there?” 
“Yeah for sure,” you smiled at him and he gave you that grin that’d always made you think of the sun. You’d always thought John B was cute. Probably more than cute really. He was tall (6 foot maybe?), and his body was built ridiculously...nice for a 16 year old. Plus he was like one of the sweetest guys you’d ever met. 
“Are you gonna be manning the Keg the whole time?” you teased as you grabbed two bags of your favorite chips. Nicky took them from you, looking between you and John b from off to the side. John B scoffed at your comment.
“Nah, I’ll drag JJ to do shifts if he even tries to run away from it,” the last time they threw a Kegger, John B and Pope had been ditched to man the keg. JJ had run off with some touron and Kie was hard to say no to when she insisted it wasn’t her turn. 
“So that means you’ll save me a dance?” you bit at your bottom lip as John B looked at you in surprise. He’d always thought of the two of you as friends, you and your mom were oddly involved in his life but he didn’t mind. He wasn’t going to complain about having people give a shit about him. 
“Yeah...yeah definitely,” John B confirmed and you giggled before waving to him goodbye and leading Nicky away to go pay for your chips. John B stared at where you were standing just a second ago before he turned to watch you over his shoulder. He barely caught Nicky shaking you by the arm before the two of you disappeared around the corner of the aisle. 
“Is that...(Y/N)?” Pope asked, passing some random Touron a filled red solo cup. John B looked up from where he was filling up a Kook’s cup and turned to where Pope was pointing. It was indeed you. You were standing in group with a few Kooks. Nicky was standing close to Kelce, the two of them seemingly in their own world and you were stuck interacting with Topper, Rafe, and some other Kook guys he didn’t recognize. 
“Yeah,” John B confirmed and Pope glanced at him for a moment before turning his attention back to you. 
“She looks like she’s having a great time,” Pope pointed out sarcastically and John B straightened up. Pope was right, and even from this far away he could tell. You had a perplexed look you on your face as you listened to one of the ook boys talk and your body language was closed off. You had your arms wrapped around yourself and you were switching the weight of your feet back and forth. 
“Maybe you should go save her?” Pope suggested and John B turned to him. 
“Nah, nah she’s probably fine,” John B shook his head, reaching for the eg hose once again. Pope snatched it out of his hands. 
“C’mon John B, you really wanna risk that?”  Pope stated matter of factly and he cringed as he looked back to you. You looked more and more uncomfortable by the second. 
“Alright...” John B dusted his hands off on his swim trunks and began to weave through the crowd to get to you, leaving behind a grinning Pope. 
Across the way, you were trying your best not to let much show on your face but you couldn’t help but cringe at everything this guy was saying. You were pretty sure he had done a line of something (probably supplied by Rafe) but you were beginning to think you should definitely put yourself in a safer environment. You hadn’t been the most bothered by Topper or Rafe, they were usually polite to you, but when three more Kooks stepped up to you, you were left to deal with five Kooks who were all under some type of influence while Nicky talked with Kelce. 
“Y’know, you have like really nice eyes,” one of the kooks pointed to you and you smiled. 
“Oh thank you-”
“They’re like real narrow. Do you put like make up on?” That threw you off guard and your mouth drpped open in shock at the question. Topper hit the boy in the chest and the Kook shot him a look of confusion, “What man?”
“Dude you can’t say that shit,” Rafe laughed and you were uncomfortable with the idea that he found it funny for a different reason other then idiocy. 
“What she’s got like real narrow eyes. So what how do you do that?” 
“Well um-” you stammered, “I’m just...Asian?” 
“Wait you’re Asian?” one of the other boys cried out, “I thought you were black?” 
Rafe snorted at that and you could feel the discomfort in your chest increase. 
“I-I am black. My mom’s black and my dad’s Korean...” you explained. Your cheeks burned and your palms were clammy due to your nerves. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry...” the first boy laughed, “Wait, I swear I’m not racist or anything. You’re gorgeous.” 
You wondered how your beauty had anything to do with his questions about your race. 
“Like, my sister’s just always talking about like fox eyes or whatever and she’d probably love to have eyes like yours.”
You sucked in a breath at that. Could this guy be anymore cluelessly offensive? At this point you were beginning to question his intelligence altogether. But you weren’t a confrontational person and the thought of calling him out on his bullshit terrified you. You also definitely weren’t in a position to act brave. 
“Uh hey! (Y/N)?” you turned in shock and almost cried out in relief at the sight of John B calling you. 
“What do you want Pogue?” Rafe hissed out and you looked up at him before rushing over to John B. 
“Oh hey John B, I was actually looking for you, sorry guys,” you barely turned to look back at the circle of Kooks before you were leading John B away by the hand, completely ignoring Rafe’s calls. 
When you were a good ways away, and a little closer to where the keg was, you stopped and put a hand on your chest. you let out a laugh of disbelief as you looked up at John B. He looked down at you in confusion, your fingers still intertwined with his.
“Jeez you seriously saved me,” you breathed and John B’s eyebrows raised. 
“Were they doing something-” he looked back over to the boys but you only waved it off. 
“No no, one of them was just...making me lose brain cells,” you laughed, though John B could tell see the discomfort on your face. 
“Doesn’t seem like nothing,” John B pointed out and you only scoffed. 
“I’m used to it at this point,” John B wondered what “it” was. 
“Hey (Y/N)! What’s up?” the two of you turned to Kie as the girl walked up to you, a wide grin brightening her expression. 
“Nothing much just, being a damsel in distress,” you looked up at John B with a teasing smile and he rolled his eyes. 
“I literally only called your name,” he recalled and you laughed. 
“And that saved me, the damsel, from my distress!” you reassured. 
Kie chuckled despite her confusion. She gave a pointed smile at your guys’s hands but the two of you were too distracted by one another. Kie wondered when John B was finally gonna tell you he liked you. 
“You guys are real cute,” Kie laughed and the two of you looked at her with wide eyes. Kie regretted opening her mouth as John B realized the two of you were still holding hands. He quickly pulled his hands out of yours, wiping his sweaty palms onto his shorts. You looked a little disheartened as your hands came forward to fidget on the knot of your shirt. 
“Nevermind,” Kie mumbled. She shook her ehad before walking away from the two of you to go help Pope with the Keg. You watched her walk away, the tips of your ears feeling hot. 
Your fingers fidgeted with one another as you looked up at John B from the corner of your eye.
“So um...” John B turned to you, “I think you owe me a dance?” you smiled and a smile began to stretch across his face. You couldn’t help but notice how his eyes were smiling too and the stretch of his cheeks caused his freckles to shift. 
“Would you like to dance?” John B questioned you and you pretended to think. 
“Hmm I don’t know, the guy who’s asking me to dance is being kinda...dry about it,” you pretended to cringe and John B rolled his eyes. 
He stepped back away from you and turned you so that two of you were facing one another rather than standing side by side. He held out a hand and you glanced between it and his expression. You tilted your head giving him raised brows and he laughed before getting down onto one knee. He put one arm behind his back and offered a hand out to you as you laughed at his antics. 
“Lady (Y/N) may I please have this dance?” he asked loudly and a few people chuckled as they watched him. You looked away, your cheeks burning as you tried to stop yourself from geeking out. You looked back at him again, biting at your cheek as you placed a hand into his. 
“Why of course,” you confirmed and John B hopped up to his feet before leading you into the middle of the dancing bodies. You weren’t to sure what song was playing but the bass was loud and the energy was high in that medium sized pocket of dancing people. 
You made a graceful turn, John B’s hand still in yours, and pressed your back up against John B’s front. The two of you swayed to the beat of the song as John B let go of your hand to put his hands on your skirt clad hips. He pressed himself close to you and you threw your curls over to your right side so he could lean his face down close to yours. 
The two of you grinned at each other as the song moved your body for you. 
“Those two are...definitely in love,” Pope pointed out, taking a sip from his drink. 
“Absolutely,” Kie nodded as she copied Pope’s actions. 
The two of them ignored JJ’s whines about the keg as they watched you and John B dance. 
will this be a series? who knows.....
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hyperfics-ation · 5 years
(6 Underground fic. idk what to call it. shameless oc insert.) *Police brutality mention*
Films: 6 Underground 2019
Word Count: 1,752
Pairing: billy!four/oc
Description: You were Arianna's first friend in New York City which is why One helped you fake your death when you get into trouble. It's never stated in the story but that's why.
Without anywhere to go, he gives you a home at the base while he assembles his team. Eventually you meet Four and he makes "dying" worth while. 
When One cut all ties to his old life it was because he had a mission. A purpose to fulfill. Same goes for the rest of the team. Each member was handpicked.
Except for you.
You were never part of the plan so you didn't get a number.
Obviously this made introductions a little complicated when One introduced you to Two.
The CIA spook, already dubious about One and his motivations, raised one eyebrow and sized you up quickly.
You smiled awkwardly, sensing that a formal handshake was out of the question. "Just call me Zero," you joked halfheartedly, trying not to fidget under Two's critical gaze.
Just as you broke out in a nervous sweat, Two finally looked away and motioned for One to follow her out of the trailer. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to discuss privately.
Did One seriously believe it was a good idea to involve a civilian on what was most likely going to turn out to be a suicide mission?
What did a nobody like you really bring to the table, skill-wise?
You didn't have a good answer to either of those questions and honestly neither did One.
Anyway, faking your death had been an experience™ and the adjustment period after had been hard. One hadn't been the most sympathetic. Not outwardly. After all, you were never a part of his grand plan. You were the wrench that got thrown in the plan. You felt kinda bad about that sometimes. 
When One was ready to go recruit Two, he thought it best you stay behind. 
"Sure. I'll be fine," you reassured him with a soft smile that didn't quite reach your eyes. 
The expression on his face made it very clear that he did not believe you. But he said nothing, already behind schedule. 
You woke up the next morning bracing yourself to face the next couple of weeks on your own. Except you weren't alone. A big ass dog sat patiently at your bedside, tongue wagging and panting softly with a note tied to his collar. 
Take care of the dog while I'm gone. P.S. Don't let him eat my stuff.  -One. 
You named the dog Wally. 
Three's arrival was really something. 
He was the complete opposite of Two. His easy going nature actually reminded you a lot of One. They were alike in a lot of ways, but maybe that's why they did not get along very well. Honestly, you could only stand the both of them in the same room for so long. 
But he was nice. And he talked to you. Your conversations weren't anything particularly deep. One's rules forbid any of you from revealing personal details about your old lives. Mostly you discussed movies and TV shows. 
Regardless, you lived for those benign conversations. They provided a brief intermission to the insane turn your life had taken. 
One could tell you were struggling. 
Wally the dog was only so much company.
You were adrift with nowhere to go, no one to turn to. 
Your old life was gone and the only people left in your life was One, Two, and Three. They all had their own issues and it wasn't like you had any shared life experience with the older adults. 
So maybe One had an ulterior motive when he recruited Four. 
The first day the Skywalker showed up with his still healing bruises and luminous blue eyes, you laughed until your face turned red. 
"Skywalker? We're not seriously going to call him that are we?" you wheezed in One's direction, swiping tears from the corner of your eye.
One opened his mouth, the perfect retort poised on his tongue before you swiftly cut him off. 
"Is he a fucking Jedi? Are you are Jedi?" 
Your raucous laughter had faded into barely stifled giggles as you looked at Four. 
He sighed. "Are you done? I need a drink." 
He brushed past you as you were still reeling from the spine tingling deep tenor of his voice paired with that accent. Now your face was flushed for a different reason. 
"Hey, be easy on him. He just watched his own funeral, which was somehow more depressing than a normal funeral should be," One told you, making you feel like a dick. 
Five was a godsend. Though, if One ever heard you admit it, you were sure his ego would explode at being compared with a god. 
You were just happy to be around the closest thing to a civilian. 
“You like him, don’t you? Number Four?” she asked you with a knowing grin. 
Almost immediately your face went red. “I don’t know what you mean. Who? Me?” 
Wow. Real subtle, you thought, cringing. 
Yeah, you weren’t fooling anyone, especially Five. You wondered if any of the other ghosts knew about your crush on Four. 
They did. But no one said anything. 
Six figured it out within hours of meeting you and proceeded to tease you relentlessly. 
So much for millennial solidarity.  
The longer he was around, though, he  became like an older brother to you. You couldn’t imagine what life would be like without him.
With One’s team of ghosts finally assembled, Two insisted on a mandatory training exercise to assess how well everyone worked together. You had no fucking idea why she wanted you to attend this exercise. One had already made it very clear that you were not part of the mission. But you suspected she was actually trying to do you a favor. 
The self defense pointers were useful, you supposed. Being paired with Four was… embarrassing and definitely Two’s idea of a joke. 
On the other hand, you were finally seeing a different side of Four. A more arrogant, carefree side that made you laugh not to mention pine a hundred times harder than you were before. 
Just when you were starting to have fun throwing Four around on a mat, Two steered you towards a makeshift gun range.
It had been a while since you held a gun and considering what happened the last time you did…
Needless to say you were pretty shaky afterwards, teetering on the verge of spiralling into a flashback and Four couldn’t help but notice. 
Later, when you were hunkered down in One’s office mindlessly rewatching Leave It To Beaver episodes Four surprised you by joining you. 
He didn’t say anything for a while, content to just sit and watch the little TV as you tried to ignore him. 
"So how did you get pulled into all this, really?" he spoke up, finally as the credits started rolling. 
You took your time answering. That was the billion dollar question that One had repeatedly forbid any of them from answering. Except, you wanted to tell someone if only to justify being a ghost. If you could get anyone on the team to believe that someone as unremarkable as you wouldn't be here if you had a choice. 
You steadfastly avoided looking into his curious green eyes. 
"I grew up in a small town. I was fairly popular in school. Got good grades. I was accepted into a good University in a big city..." 
Oh boy, you were veering into monologue territory and you could feel the old wounds tearing open. 
"There was… this cop. At a protest. He assaulted me and it was... bad. I woke up in the hospital with this guy telling me to keep my mouth shut. He… he threatened me. For weeks. Him and his buddies. Painted me as a criminal even though I didn’t fucking do anything wrong.  Finally I just said 'fuck it' and made a whole video about what this asshole did to me. Which turned out to be a mistake. Shocker, I know. He cornered me the next day and he was drunk-" 
You bit your lip hard, desperately fighting back tears. Four’s gaze burned where you could feel it on your face. God, what was he thinking right now? You wanted to know. He had been silent so far, listening intently as you told him about the worst moment of your life.
“Fucking pigs,” he muttered under his breath, his lip curling in disgust. 
Swallowing the lump of emotion building in your throat, you continued, "I defended myself. And that's how One found me. Over this cop's dead body. I was going to go to jail because who would ever believe I killed a cop in self defense? So, One helped me fake my death and gave me a second chance. To this day, I still have no idea why he was there when I needed him the most. It wasn't even to recruit me. He just helped me because he could. The whole Turgistan thing came later."  
At last, you glanced at Four from the corner of your eye to see his reaction. 
His brows were knitted together and he had a serious expression on his face you weren’t accustomed to seeing him sport before. 
“I’m glad One was there to help you or I might not have ever met you.” 
This boy was too good to be true. 
“I'd like to get to know you better, if that’s alright.” 
You were quietly crying at this point, but you nodded, smiling through the tears. “I’d like that.” 
Read Part II here
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maryqueenofmurder · 4 years
Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 1:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 2:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 3:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 4:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 5:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
Part 6:  Impulse x Grian x Ren
News about the new couple and how they got together spread quickly. Hermits would thank and congratulate Impulse on finally setting up the two. Somehow it didn’t feel as good as he thought it would.
Impulse had been feeling down recently. That was why he was sitting on top of Tek To The Skies at five AM. Ren and Grian had been the epitome of a happy couple since they got together, and it was starting to grate on his nerves. It felt like there was a pit in his stomach that he couldn’t get rid of.
Impulse had started avoiding the hippie camp when he could. He’d miss out on campfire sessions by showing up late or not at all. When he was at the hippie camp, he’d work on his redstone projects. Since Grian and Ren were so caught up with each other, progress had been slowing. They couldn’t afford to let Area 77 get ahead, or they may never catch up.
This had all been taking a toll on Impulse’s health, mental and physical. He never had the best sleep schedule, but he was perpetually tired now.  Balancing all his projects was never easy, and he had to make sure they were perfect, as the tiniest mistake in redstone could render the whole thing inoperable. He was irritable from missing his friends and lack of sleep.  Impulse had been spending more time with Tango and Zedaph recently.
Despite trying to avoid the hippie camp, Ren, and Grian as best he could, Impulse kept ending back up there. He tried to tell himself that he was just avoiding the suspicion that would come with not showing up, and that he needed to keep Area 77 on its toes, but really he just missed his hippie friends too much to stay away for too long.
Impulse heard the faint sounds of rockets, which grew louder. Tango landed nearby Tek to the Skies, and walked towards. He was probably going to restock it. Impulse debated saying hi. It didn’t matter what he decided, because Tango caught sight of him.
Tango got closer to the shop, glanced up, continued walking, then did an impressive double take. As it was, Impulse barely cracked a small smile. Tango backpedaled, then stared at him for a moment.
“If you’re waiting for a certain builder to get his supply of rockets, I’m afraid you’re a few days too early.” Tango called up.
“Nah,” Impulse said. “I’m just sitting up here.” Tango frowned. He flew up top and sat down next to Impulse. Tango kicked his legs slightly, before leaning back.
“What’s wrong?” Tango asked.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Impulse objected. Tango snorted.
“Which is why you’re sitting up here at five in the morning.” Tango said.
“You’re here at five in the morning.” Impulse said.
“I am restocking. You are just sitting here.” Tango said.
“Just. Feeling weird, that’s all.” Impulse admitted.
“Are you sick?” Tango asked, leaning away slightly.
“No. Feeling weird emotionally.” Impulse said.
“Okay. Let’s see if we can sort some of these feelings out.” Tango said. Impulse nodded hesitantly. “Okay. How about the whole Hippies versus Area 77 thing you guys have got going on?”
“I don’t think Doc and Scar should take other people’s property.” Impulse stated immediately. Tango raised an eyebrow. “It does make things kind of awkward when we run into each other.” Impulse admitted.
“I’ve noticed that you’re doing a lot of redstone projects. Well, a lot of redstone projects for the amount of other things you’re doing as well. Maybe you’re overstressed from that?” Tango suggested.
“I am stressed, yeah, but I’ve been stressed before, and this? This isn’t it.” Impulse said.
“What about Ren and Grian getting together?” Tango asked. He was determined to get to the bottom of Impulse’s troubles!
“They make me feel kind of sad, but happy? Bittersweet, maybe.” Impulse sighed. “Just. Weird.”
“Sounds a lot like someone’s jealous~” Tango snickered.
“I mean yeah, kinda. I’m worried that… that they won’t have time for me anymore, now that they’re dating.” Impulse said slowly.
Tango sat forward. “Don’t think like that. They may be in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, but they’ll still have time for you. Even if they get a bit caught up in each other. You might have to third wheel for a bit, but it’ll be fine.” He reassured Impulse.
“I just- We have to redefine the boundaries in our friendship now. Whether we’re friends first and lovers second or not. Will they need time to be together without me? I don’t want to intrude, or mess things up and lose them.” Impulse was distressed, and spilled his troubles to Tango like water from an upturned pitcher.
“Hey, what’s the matter? You didn’t act like that when Zed and I got together… Did you? Did you just hide it from us?” Tango was disturbed and worried that Impulse had been hurting and he -they- didn’t notice.
“No, I didn’t. I guess I was more… assured? Does that make sense? I knew that you guys wouldn’t exclude me, you just had something else with each other that wasn’t friendship. Unless you guys had the mother of all blowouts or something then we’d all be friends, even if you two broke up. I haven’t known Grian and Ren for as long, so I’m worried their relationship might break our friendship. Or that I might, with all my weird feelings about them.” Impulse confessed, worried.
“Okay. Let’s start with the weird feelings part. Do they make you nervous?” People were usually nervous around crushes, Tango told himself, and, well, Impulse did seem to be crushing a bit.
“No. Not usually. Sometimes one or both of them will do something that makes me flustered, like Ren grabbing my hand, or Grian’s smile, but they don’t often make me nervous.  It feels nice to be around them.”  Impulse said, smiling the whole time.
He is head over heels. Tango mused. The strength of Impulse’s feelings surprised him, even though he thought there would be something there.
 “It’s probably because they’re hot.” Impulse mentioned offhandedly.
That blunt comment threw Tango for a loop. For a second all he could do was stare at Impulse, dumbfounded. It also, unfortunately, caused his internal monologue to briefly become his outer monologue.
“What!?” Tango squeaked. Impulse had outright admitted that he found them hot. Was he seriously that oblivious?
Impulse gave him an odd look.
“I’m comfortable enough in my own sexuality to say that they’re hot. I’m bi, not blind. That’s probably why I get nervous around them sometimes.” Impulse said.
“Well, how do you feel about them, then?” Tango asked another question, just to confirm.
“I just feel comfortable with them. Like I could be open and vulnerable, and they’d protect me. It feels like we fit together so well, like three parts of the same whole. Like I’ve known them for a long time.” Impulse admitted.  His lips unconsciously formed a grin.
“Well, Impulse, that sounds a lot like a crush.” Tango said. Hopefully Impulse will be receptive to the idea, if I say it bluntly enough.
“I don’t know, I want to hold their hands, and cuddle, and listen to them talk. About their day, the things that interest them, their ridiculous flirting I would love to take part in-” His eyes widened.
“I do have a crush on them. Ugh.” He buried his face in his hands. “Why. This is awful.”
“It can’t be that bad, Impulse.” Tango said concernedly.
“I set my two crushes up together. My two crushes are dating. I am going to be so awkward around them that they’ll eventually decide I’m too weird and gradually stop talking to me and the Hippie Camp will fall apart and I’ll never see them again-” Impulse had started spiraling at this point.
“Hey. Calm down. You know they wouldn’t do that to you.” Tango placed a hand on Impulse’s back. “Breathe.”
Impulse sucked in a heavy breath. “You’re right,” He muttered. “I need to have faith in them.” Tango pulls Impulse into a hug, holding him close, and Impulse finally breaks down. Later he’d have to face what he’d done and figure out what to do next, but for now he was content just to cry in Tango’s arms.
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aliasimagines · 4 years
for the ships! some things about myself im an ambivert my vibe is pretty easy going- like im chill and nice to talk to i think I’m very understanding but I do have rbf which sucks. I have black hair that’s in braids- im black— uh I’m an extremely goofy person- I will only take things seriously when it’s absolutely necessary and that works in my favor sometimes but other times it’s a curse! (1/2 ky 🧸🧍🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️)
and I’m a dancer! so I have a somewhat petite body shape and I’m pretty flexible and I don’t know if you want my name but it’s Ky (lmao) and the fandom I’d like to request for is Julie and the phantoms with Luke and a confession of feelings- like at a football player luke au if that’s okay! (2/2 ky 🧸🧍🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️)
Hello there, Ky!! You kinda..self shipped yourself there? Anyways..
I ship you with Luke! (as requested xd)
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I feel like the two of you would be inseparable and would always get into trouble together. Like don’t get me wrong you are couple goals and everything but since you are such an easy going person you would quickly agree to any stupid or random idea witch woul end up in either Alex or Julie scolding the two of you for.
the dabble:
You walk out of dance class with Julie and Flynn. All three of you have a free period next so you decided to go sit on the bleachers to get some rest and peace after the tiring dance. Neither of you thought that the football team would be practicing at the same time. 
But not only did they have practice...they were running laps and thanks to the hot weather a lot of the boys decided to get rid of their shirts much to Flynn’s liking.
“Oo yeah, what a sight!” she exclaimed, taking a seat. You however felt your cheeks heat up when your eyes landed on your crush, aka Luke Patterson star player of the Los Feliz High School. Of course the girls noticed you becoming all flustered and trying to look anywhere but where the half naked boy was standing.
“Girl, go talk to him!”
“What? He is literally having a football practice right now. I cannot talk to him.” you shout a bit louder than intended. Julie rolls her eyes.
“You know what I mean, Y/N! Luke is a dork, I don’t know why you feel so intimidated by him.”
“That is easy for you to say! You have known him since forever.” you whine, still trying your best to avoid looking at Luke. 
“Exactly! And that is why I know he won’t shoo you away. I swear that boy has heart-eyes for you!” Julie says. The girl grew up being close to Luke, they bonded over their love for music and they still hang out often despite Luke being really busy with football. Julie knows Luke, and she noticed his puppy eyes following you everywhere when you weren’t looking and honestly she was kinda getting tired of listening to both of you pinning for each other. 
You shook your head, thinking there's no way Luke would like you back. Flynn chose this moment to start spilling all the tea she gathered during the day, saving you from Julie. 
The free period passed, and you all got up to go to your next classes. You passed Alex and Reggie as they both were waiting for Luke. They waved and you greeted them with a small smile. Alex saw their brunette friend jogg towards them and he called you over with.
“Hey Y/N, got a moment?”
“Sure, what’s up Alex?” you wave at the girls that you’ll go after them in a minute. 
“Well I just wanted to ask you about that really amazing essay you wrote for literature, you know and- Ah, Luke! Your practice is over! What a great timing, Y/N is here! You told me you wanted to talk to her about that..what was it..chemistry? Well, Reggie and I were just about to go so we’ll leave you to it. Bye,dude!” and with that the blond boy stood up and dragged Reggie away with himself. You slowly turned around to look at the boy.
Luke looked like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“So uhm...was it a good practice?” you ask, immediately cringing at your own words and mentally facepalming yourself.Luke awkwardly shifted his weight from one leg to another.
“Yeah,yeah, sure. It was great..I uhm, I noticed you guys were watching?” he asks and just like you he wishes he could bury himself right on spot.”That..sounded somewhat creepy, you know what this is awkward I should just-I'll go” and he started to walk away leaving you all shocked and confused but he only got a few steps far before turning back.
“Damn, nope, I CAN do this… here goes nothing- Y/Nilikeyou.” Luke blurted out. It took a second for your brain to progress the words that just left his mouth. Did he say he liked you? 
“Luke I- are you for real?”
He reaches to scratch the back of his neck.
“Yeah, for real.It is okay if you don’t-”
“No! I do! I do like you too.”
He jumps up in excitement.
“Really?? Oh my gosh.” he opens his arms to hug you before realising he is still covered in sweat from running. “I should probably clean myself up before hugging you..”
“You do that and I’ll wait for you, allright?”
He smiles and winks at you before rushing away to the locker room. You look after him with a fond smile when you hear a loud cheering. You turn around to see Flyn, Julie, Alex and Reggie.
“About damn time you two stupid lovesick puppies!”
Hope you like it
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anika-ann · 5 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.9
The Secret
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, (one-sided Matt Murdock x reader)
Word count: 2600
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. You went on a date with Matt aka Daredevil. The outcome is… interesting to say at least and strange to be more precise. And while you don’t want to talk about, Nat clearly does. Well... like you have a choice here. 
Warnings: some awkwardness, swearing, light angst, and tons of fluff... and Natasha being the sneakiest sneak to ever sneak
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Story Mastelist
────── ·❆· ──────
You were sitting in your room, dully staring at your wall, the scene replaying in front of your eyes over and over again. Well, not really; you hadn’t seen much at the moment.
Everything had been great. You and Matt had gone to a date – a dinner date, the most classical date of all and he had been wonderful. He had been a gentleman, pulling out a chair for you, which had been a little ridiculous, given the fact that at least to untrained eyes, he had been the one that needed help, but you had thought it was sweet. The food had been good, the wine as well and the conversation flew surprisingly easily for two people who had recently beat up someone together as their first meeting.
Matt was nice, sweet, funny, smart and… very objectively attractive. When he had taken off his glasses as the restaurant had started to empty, you had been reminded that he was also objectively cute.
Then you had left the restaurant, the night air pleasantly refreshing, his hand on your elbow for guidance and possibly more and about a half of a block from the Tower – which you had considered a safe distance for avoiding Tony’s sniffing around – you had said your goodbyes and kissed goodnight.
Matt was a fucking amazing kisser. His lips were soft and as smart as his talk, perfectly balanced closed-mouthed kissing, nibbling and teasing and— and for some reason, it had left you completely unfazed.
It had been awkward. Incredibly so. You had kissed him back of course, but quickly had said goodnight once more and the only reason why your heart had been freaking out in your chest had been because you had thought you had been a total freak. You were spooked to death, trying not to run the last metres to your place.
You had attempted to sneak into your room, but of course you had run into Steve; you managed to tell him that the date had been nice and once you reached the safety of your bedroom, you locked the door and leaned your back onto it, sliding down.
What the fuck was wrong with you?
That had been two days ago. You practically refused to leave your room. Natasha had come to check up on you and so had Steve – twice. You cowardly hadn’t opened the door and had said you weren’t feeling very well. You hadn’t lied. You had barely slept, thousands of different thoughts in your mind, tiptoeing around one single topic.
For some reason, you hadn’t fallen for the incredibly charming man women and men would kill for. There simply must have been something terribly wrong with you.
You whined, burying you face into your pillow for the thousandth time in the past few hours.
A beep announced a received text. You whined louder, expecting it to be from Matt; every single one of people who had your number lived in the tower except him.
It was Matt indeed.
Can I call you?
“No,” you muttered, planning on throwing your SIM card away. Opening the phone, you realized what a ridiculous creature you were. Such a coward.
You took a deep calming breath with zero effect and dialled Matt’s number yourself. You could do this. When you heard Matt saying your name through the speaker, you were positive that you couldn’t.
“Hey Matt,” you breathed to the phone, your quiet voice shaking.
“Are you okay? You sound… tired,” he noted with concern and you huffed out a laugh. That was one way to put it.
“Uhm… yeah, I am. A little. You? How are you, Matt?”
You found yourself genuinely caring about how he was. You cared for him. And when you thought back to the mission…. Why the hell did you feel the way you did? Or rather didn’t feel? What had changed? Why were you… broken?
“Oh. Okay. I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I… I wanted to talk to you. It would probably be better in person, but… I want to give you an easy escape route,” he muttered nervously.
You heart skipped a beat. Shit. Here it came.
“O-okay. What is it, Matt?” you asked, feeling bad for playing dumb.
“I… I wanted to— to say I really enjoyed our night out-“ WHAT?! “-it was great.”
You gulped, panicking even more than before. Oh fuck. Matt liked the date. Probably liked the kiss and everything. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck-
“You okay?”
“What?!” you shrieked, horrified you cursed out loud.
“That’s a no to the okay question then-“
“No! I mean-“ you blurted out, you fist hitting your forehead too lightly. God, you wished you could just bang your head against a wall and knock yourself unconscious. Come on, coward, out with it. “Matt, I gotta tell you something.”
“Alright. So tell me,” he encouraged you gently and you mentally screamed. He was so nice to you and you were about to be a total bitch. Again.
“I… I loved our date night. I did. You were so amazing, you are amazing and there must be something seriously wrong with me and I hate it, because I just don’t understand why— why-“
“Why the kiss felt like kissing your brother?” he offered silently and you whimpered out loud as he caught up. He didn’t sound mad, but of course Matt wouldn’t be mad, he was so fucking nice (and deadly as Daredevil) it hurt.
“Incredibly hot and skilful brother-“
“Skilful, huh?” he hummed, light teasing in his voice. Great, now he was being cocky, trying to cheer you up.
“Matt, I honestly doubt I’m the first person to tell you you’re an amazing kisser.”
“Touché. But thanks anyway.”
You would swear he understood what you were saying, but he would make you say it in plain English, wouldn’t he?
“I’m so sorry, Matt. Any woman would be lucky to have you, hell I swear I would be lucky to have you, it’s just… I don’t know. I swear I don’t know,” you whispered miserably, resisting the urge to hide you whole face in your hands.
“Hey, don’t worry about it-“ Excuse me? “That’s not something you can turn on and off— poor choice of words, sorry-“
You giggled involuntarily and absolutely inappropriately.
“You can’t control that, Gerda,” he said softly, the same tone he used when he was navigating you through keep-Steve-cold-and-alive mission. “It’s why I called. I… suspected you were torturing yourself over it a little.”
Wait, hold a sec-
“What do you mean you suspected-“ Oh fuck. OH FUCK. “You could tell. You could tell with your freaky senses, couldn’t you?”
Oh, wow, this was whole new level of awkward.
“Yeah, kinda.”
“Oh my god, someone just kill me already.”
“Gerda. Calm down. I’m not mad.”
“But I am! Jesus, I really should just dig myself a hole to crawl into and die-“
“Stop with the blasphemy and especially with the talk about dying,” he growled and you jumped at the threatening tone, immediately obeying.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you already said that…. Do you think… do you think we can meet again? Not now, not this week, or yes, whenever you would want to. I like you, Gerda. If you let me, I would like to be your friend.”
You almost choked on your own spit. The idea was likeable for you in a way, but it would be incredibly unfair to him.
“You sure, Matt? I mean… that’s… I’m not being too full of myself, I swear, but…”
“But you know what it’s like to fall for someone and be by their side only as a friend?” he offered kindly and your jaw fell. Come again?
“What? I’m not sure-“
“Really, Snowflake?”
You blood ran cold at the addressing, your heart positively stopping this time. That wasn’t— wasn’t-
“You told me you loved him, Gerda.”
“Yes. And that he was family,” you added, panicking. Yeah, okay, so you had a stupid crush on Steve that was lasting embarrassingly long, but that would go away and— alright, you had no idea someone had noticed that.
“Yes. And you weren’t lying, I could tell. But I think we both know it wasn’t the whole truth.”
You turned into a statue with the loudest heartbeat on Earth. In the silence of your room, it felt like the sound was ricocheting off the walls, coming back to you. You loved Steve, that was no news, sure, but… but… never mind. It didn’t matter, because even if you did love him more than as a family, he didn’t, so— so that didn’t change a thing about the possibility of your inability to momentarily fall for another man.
You groaned loudly, falling back into your pillows.
“And finally, the blind man opens her eyes…”
“Shut up,” you muttered, caught between too many emotions to recognize either of them.
“Talk to him, Gerda. You deserve to be happy.”
“Excuse me?”
“…you know he loves you back, right?” Matt asked matter-of-factly and you wondered when the heck had you slipped in the shower to hit your head hard enough to come up with this craziness of a dream.
“Matt. You’re being really sweet, but please don’t make up stuff like that-“
“I’m not making up-“
You whined again, pulling the phone as far from your ear as you could. This was not something you needed to hear now. Or ever. False hope sucked.
Two loud knocks interrupted your misery.
“Hey, it’s Natasha, can I come in? You’re okay in there?”
“Matt, thank you for being so cool about all this, but I gotta go. I’ll call you – or you call me when you feel like it, it was good to talk to you, bye.” You hung up before he could say a word. For once, you welcomed the interruption and actually walked to the door, unlocking it.
Please, tell me we have a mission. Preferably without Steve, because right now I won’t be able to look him in the eye.
You met with Natasha’s worried gaze. “You okay? You sounded a bit…”
“I was on the phone,” you explained shortly, your tone indicating how much you didn’t want to talk about it.
“Okay. Uhm… are you ready to talk about you two days isolation? Are you sick? Because JARVIS can tell you weren’t sick.”
“Fucking AIs.”
“Sorry, madam,” the AI sounded from above and you yelped. Right.
“It’s fine, J.”
While you were talking to the AI, apologizing to someone who had no emotions thus probably couldn’t be offended, Natasha invited herself in and seated herself on your bed. For the first time, you noticed she had brought two glasses of red wine. You grimaced.
“Yeah, sure, come in, Tasha,” you noted sarcastically and she smiled innocently.
“Thanks. So… wanna talk about boys?”
You opened the door you had managed to close just before she asked that stupid question.
“Not really. Thanks for the visit. Door’s this way”
The spy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Come on. You were on a date and unless you were… taking care of yourself whole two days, too stunned to leave your room-“ Jesus, Tasha.. “-it’s didn’t go well. So. I’m all ears.”
You eyed her as if she just announced you were about to be a subject of torture. Which wasn’t exactly inaccurate. You closed the door again. “It was nice, okay?”
“Uh-huh. But?” she guessed and you let your shoulders slump, heavily seating yourself next to her. She offered you a glass and you just shook your head. You hadn’t really eaten in the past two days and drinking on empty stomach was never a good idea. She set the glass on your nightstand either for later or for herself. “Too much tongue?”
You looked at her deadly serious expression and you couldn’t help yourself. You just burst out laughing, the loud noise hurting your own ears after your time alone. The corners of her lips twitched.
“You really wanna know?” you checked and she wiggled her eyebrows. “No. Just the right amount of tongue. If I could take a guess, he took kissing as an elective in college.”
“Whoa, okay. So why are you making that face and why did you shut everyone down? Including Steve?”
You bit the inside of your cheek – it wasn’t exactly a secret you and Steve were really close, but… well. You really didn’t want to think about Steve now.
“I don’t know,” you said, realizing it wasn’t the truth. You knew. You were just having troubles to admit it and come to terms with it. “I… it just wasn’t there. I mean… Matt’s amazing. Like… I-would-pay-him-for-being-my-date-again amazing, but… the spark was missing. Which possibly means I’m frigid, but…”
Natasha covered your hand with hers – you didn’t even realize you were clutching the sheets.
“You know that’s not true, you’re not an actual Ice Queen,” she teased you lightly, but with the genuinely caring tone that made you realize that the whole team was already so much more than your team.
You had considered that before, but this very moment… you were paying more attention to your emotions than ever; which made you discover another thing. They were all your family. And family trusted each other.
“I guess I’m not.” She smiled at you, handing you the glass with no objections permitted. You chuckled and sipped the crimson liquid. “You know, you don’t need to get me drunk to make me spill all of my secrets. I told you about Matt rather willingly.”
Natasha grinned and sipped her wine too. “Oh, good. I need you sober.”
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. “Why?”
“Later. Since you told me about Matt, is it time to tell me about Steve too?”
You choked on the next sip of the wine, utterly shocked at the words. Natasha’s reflexes saved your carpet when taking your glass away.
“What the hell, Romanoff?!” you rasped, another cough fit hitting you. She wasn’t impressed.
“Please. You could as well have the ‘desperate pining’ and ‘clearly platonic cuddling’ signs above your head.”
You were speechless, staring at the redhead, tears from the coughing fit blurring your vision.
“Don’t look at me like that. So I know you love him, it’s not a big deal,” she exclaimed with a shrug as if she was saying what the weather was tonight.
“Why does everyone keep telling me that?!”
“Well… you’re only second today, not that it makes me feel any better,” you mumbled, running your hand down your face.
Who else knew? Did Steve know too? The thought made you nauseous. What if he knew but never said anything, because he didn’t want things to be awkward between the two of you? Oh god, oh god…
“Huh. Gotta say that guy really is perceptive. I mean, he barely met you and Steve.” She sounded genuinely impressed. You hid your face in your palms, muffling another whimper that escaped your lips. “It’s not that obvious. I mean… I know about at least one person, who is perfectly oblivious. Otherwise he would have actually had the balls to tell you that he loves you back.”
Natasha’s tone was rather flat, informative, but you had learned to recognize the nuances in her voice. You could tell she was telling you something huge, yet, your mind was very slow with realizing what each of the words meant and what they meant together.
Then you finally made some sense of the sentence. Except you didn’t. You looked up, baffled.
“I— I’m sorry. I think I already had too much wine. Could you repeat what you just said?”
A smug smile appeared on the spy’s lips as she pulled out a flash drive from her pocket.
“Have a laptop lying around here somewhere, Snowflake? We need to process some evidence.”
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Part 10 (final)
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Tags:  @mermaidxatxheart​, @murdermornings​, @elisaa-shelby​ @ask-hellbent-tweek
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Last part ahead... and not to spoil a thing, but yes, you can expect enough fluff to drown in it ;)
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