#so y know the genetic component was a strong factor in it
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Getting ready for my psych appointment like “I will get a good grade in adhd, autism, and bpd. This is something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve”
#I mean ik that’s the real reason I’m so nervous. that this person is gonna be like wellllllll I don’t think you actually have these things#(unlikely considering my… everything and also that my therapist and psychiatrist have both told her ‘yeah they have these things’#but it’s just. ugh.#like I understand WHY they want to redo my adhd and autism diagnosis#it makes sense and I’m not like. upset about it and I know it’s not cuz they don’t think I have it#it just does make me a bit anxious though cuz like yeah it IS a possibility this person could decide I don’t have them….#which would then fuck up the whole reason I’m doing all this in the first place#(redoing the diagnoses because the psych who diagnosed me years ago rushed everything through#because she was convinced I had them wanted to treat me and had treated members of my family who also had them#so y know the genetic component was a strong factor in it#but because they were rushed through I didn’t go through most of the testing#so now they want me to do that so the testing is officially on my medical record#which again I understand and that makes sense. just. also nervewracking you know)#but anyways trying not to be nervous I know it’ll be fine just. probably very long and tedious#but it is what it is#complete refusal to make eye contact with anyone don’t fail me now !!!!!!!#I JUST WANT TREATMENT I FEEL LIKE I CANT FUNCTION AND I KNOW THIS IS THE NEXT STEP I HAVE TO TAKE#SO I JUST WANT IT TO GO SMOOTHLY 😭😭😭😭#(also have very very tentatively have started squinting at going back to school#and I know if I do I will NEED accommodations or I will quite literally never make it#that was the reason I originally got diagnosed years ago after all)#kaz rambles
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On Metamorphmagi
Metamorphs are an incredibly rare subset of wizards, and where exactly their powers come from is unknown. Although there does seem to be a strong genetic component to the power ( see Dora passing the ability on to Teddy ), there must, at some point have been a first Metamorph in any line that carries it. ( Additionally, if it was fully genetic it seems likely that the pureblood houses would have tried to cultivate it in their lines ).
Whether the first metamporph in a line is due to the presence of blood from magical creatures such as Selkies, long dormant genes from ancient ancestors or simply a fluke is unknown.
The magical world has three main forms of shapeshifting: the polyjuice potion, animagi and metamorphmagi. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
✘ polyjuice potion ⟶ This is perhaps the most common form of shapeshifting since it can theoretically be achieved by any witch or wizard, albeit with the requirement to brew a notoriously difficult potion. When imbibed, it transforms the wearer into another, pre-determined, form.
It works correctly only with human forms, and is unsuitable for animal transformations. The change is painful and the effect lasts for one hour. It cannot be ended early and the imbiber has no control over the change. The change can be extended through repeated imbibing of the potion. Due to its potential uses in the war, the Ministry carefully regulates several of its key ingredients.
✘ animagi ⟶ An animagi is a witch or wizard who has spent years in the study and research required to be able to change themselves into the form of a single specific animal — and back — at will. The animal is chosen as part of the process and cannot be changed once chosen. Although technically every witch or wizard has the potential to be an animagi, the books show that their are only a mere handful, suggesting the process is extremely difficult. Currently there are 5 animagi on record ( and three unrecorded ones ).
The change an animagus goes through is a full physiological one — although they retain most of their intelligence, they are otherwise fully the creature they become and their thoughts are somewhat different in animal form ( see: Sirius’ comment about his thoughts being ‘simpler’ in dog form in POA ). They have the senses and abilities of the animal they change into, along with the instincts. Some animagi report bleed from their animal form to their human form.
✘ metamorphmagi ⟶ The rarest form of shapeshifting in the wizard world, Metamorphmagus abilities are inborn and inherent; they cannot be learned or gained. Metamorphmagi have the innate ability to alter their appearance at will, changing either their full-body or only a part of it and their powers are tied to their emotions ( see Tonks’ losing her powers due to depression in HBP ).
These powers are quite rare and coveted, although in some ways they are less complete than the two methods above, as the change is only topographical. For example, a metamorph who gave themselves a dog snout would not gain the enhanced sense of smell to go with it. However, there does seem to be some measure of ability to effect changes on the body beyond mere appearance ( see: Nymphadora Tonks imitating a ghost in the Hogwarts Mystery mobile game, suggesting she is able to change her mass and density ). The exact limits of a metamorph are persona, and related strongly to both imagination and willpower.
There are also several advanced Transfiguration spells available that can be used to alter one’s form ( see; Krum giving himself a shark’s head in GoF or the Canary Creams ). Spells of self Transfiguration are mentioned to be extremely difficult pieces of magic and are not taught until N.E.W.T. level. They can have disastrous effect if not performed properly.
The origin of metamorphmagi is unknown, and obscured heavily. Many Muggle cultures have myths about shapechangers that may relate to sightings of Metamorphs, but the ability is so rarely seen that its earliest documentations are scattered and lost, or so heavily mixed with fiction as to be useless.
Then too, many metamorphs are drawn to careers where their knack for disguise is useful; sadly for those attempting to look deeper into the world of metamorphmagi this often leads to secrecy being paramount and records being classified, destroyed or falsified.
Still, some remains, mostly in the private archives of various Pureblood families. The Argyris family ( an old pureblood line from Athens ) lays claim to being the progenitor of metamorphmagi around the world; how true this claim may be is a matter of hot debate among scholars, but certainly the family archives are unusually rich in records of the ability and the ability was historically abundant in their line, although seems to have mostly disappeared in the last century.
Metamorphmagi are defined by their ability to change their appearance at will. This ability is something they’re born with, and is heavily tied into their emotional state; excitement or other strong emotions can lead to instinctive shifts as their body tries to mirror the new emotional state. On the flip side, mental states such as depression, exhaustion ( both physical and mental ), anxiety and apathy can severely suppress or block a metamorphmagus’ powers.
For a controlled, rather than instinctive, shift the main factors in what can be achieved are imagination and willpower. To push their body into a shape they have chosen requires both that the metamorphmagus have a clear mental image of the shape they wish to assume and also be able to picture that form as themselves. This has led to two main schools of thought on the matter of training metamorphmagi. The first holds that encouraging empathy more easily allows a metamorph to see themselves in someone else’s role; the second argues that it is more effective to simply not allow a young metamorph to form a concrete self-image, so there is nothing to interfere with their ability to visualise themselves as any particular shape.
Almost all metamorphmagi are able to shift freely within their own demographic subset without difficulty, or produce small localised changes ( ‘myself with a rat nose’ for example ), and most can shift to varying degrees beyond that, depending on their personal limits. A misogynistic male metamorph may find it impossible to attain a female appearance, for example, where as conversely a trans female may have difficulties taking a male appearance.
However, some more spectacular changes are achievable to the strongest metamorphmagi; Nymphadora Tonks is shown to be able to change into a ghost in the Hogwarts Mystery mobile game, implying that at the least she could change her density, opacity and luminosity in addition to her shape.
For the most part, these changes are topographical; form without substance. A metamorph could grant themselves a fairy’s wings and size for example, but wouldn’t gain the magic ability to fly in an unaerodynamic form. Or, more mundanely, a metamorph could make themselves appear to have the eyes of an owl, but would not gain the increased night vision that an owl would have. Likewise, assuming a differently-gendered form would not biologically make a metamorph another gender; they have simply changed the shape of their existing body, not its actual workings or the underlying organs.
As the changes undergone by a metamorph are based on their own mental image of a person, they are rarely as accurate as the flawless change produced by a polyjuice potion. Details that the metamorphmagus is unaware of, for example ( such as tattoos, scars, moles etc that are generally covered by clothing or that have escaped notice ) are not replicated. As such, most metamorphs make a point of training their memories to remember faces as clearly as possible, or keep records of the small details that are most apt to spill from memory. Generally, a metamorphmagus will have a small handful of forms they know intimately, and adding a new form to the pool will take an extended study of the target. In this way, the polyjuice potion ( which doesn’t work on or for a metamorphmagus ) is more powerful; however in general the lack of limits on a metamorph’s changes and the fact that the process is painlesss helps balance out the discrepancy.
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A doctor cuts through the conflicting science on cholesterol.
It’s easy to feel like there’s too much to keep track of when it comes to staying healthy.
Calories, fat, pounds, carbs, miles, steps — it's easy to get overwhelmed with conflicting science and false health fads. So the more complicated things, like cholesterol, often get overlooked.
Cholesterol plays a surprisingly large part in your overall health, and knowing and managing your cholesterol level (plus your other three health numbers — blood glucose, blood pressure, and body mass index) can help prevent health problems down the line. We chatted with Dr. Christina Stasiuk, senior medical director at Cigna, to learn more.
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Here are 13 interesting facts about the role cholesterol plays in your body's health.
1. Cholesterol was first discovered in 1784, so scientists and doctors have been studying it for a long time.
There are two major sub-types of cholesterol: good (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL) and bad (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, and triglycerides). Bad cholesterol is a fatty substance that can stick to the linings of your arteries and veins, whereas good cholesterol acts as a sort of broom that helps scrub away those LDL buildups in your body.
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2. Your weight isn’t an indicator of your cholesterol level or overall health.
“There are thin people who are at higher risk of heart disease than people who may be overweight but who exercise, don’t smoke, and have normal blood pressure,” says Stasiuk. The only way to know your cholesterol levels for sure is through a blood test.
3. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs on its own.
The body makes both good and bad cholesterol, as they’re both needed to help perform a lot of the body's necessary functions. It's only when we consume too much LDL and triglycerides that it becomes “bad” by forming harmful buildup in our veins and arteries.
4. Clogged arteries look like they’re coated in butter.
If your body doesn’t have enough good cholesterol to scrub away sticky buildups, your arteries become clogged with yellow plaque-like fat. If you could slice open a clogged artery and look inside, it would look like it was filled with a thick layer of frozen butter. Uh ... yum?
5. You could end up with high cholesterol regardless of your healthy habits — thanks, genetics!
“Familial hypercholesterolemia” is a genetic condition that causes naturally high levels of bad cholesterol. A heart-healthy lifestyle can help, but people with a predisposition for high cholesterol usually also need medication.
Lots of other genetic factors affect heart health too, so the only way to know for sure that your heart is healthy is to consult your doctor.
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6. Your body can generate good cholesterol with regular exercise.
According to Stasiuk, there are really no foods or drugs that significantly increase good cholesterol levels. Regular exercise, however, can help the body create the good cholesterol it needs.
7. When it comes to eats, the richest foods are usually the worst for you.
"Bad cholesterol is typically animal-source cholesterol," says Stasiuk. "The solid stuff — the bacon fat, the fat around a steak. You're better off having liquid fats, like olive or canola oil or the oily fats you get in fish." Solid fats are the ones most likely to "stick," while liquid fats can be cleaned out of the body more easily.
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8. Look out for the cholesterol double-whammy: the trans fatty acid.
Two things to look for on nutrition labels are saturated fat and trans fats, both of which raise your LDL levels. But trans fats also lower your HDL, pulling double-duty against your cholesterol health. And both saturated fat and trans fats show up in manufactured foods you might not expect because they help lengthen shelf life. "Think about it this way," says Stasiuk. "The amount of time that food lasts on the shelf is how long those lipids will be in your body." Ack!
9. One surprising source of high cholesterol? Coffee.
Don’t worry. Only when it’s unfiltered, like in Turkish or French press coffee, does your morning joe contain a harmful substance called cafestol, which raises bad cholesterol. If you drink drip coffee, you’re good to go. The filter catches cafestol before it hits your cup.
Photo by Jen/Flickr.
10. Certain foods can help pull bad cholesterol out of the bloodstream and send it out of the body (and it’s not just Cheerios).
Salmon, oatmeal, berries, avocados, beans, nuts, and spinach are all power workers when it comes to scrubbing and flushing out all those sticky cholesterol particles.
11. Women are at a generally lower risk for bad cholesterol levels and heart disease than men — that is, until menopause.
Estrogen helps balance good and bad cholesterol levels in women's bodies. Once menopause occurs and estrogen levels drop, women's cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease rise.
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12. Cholesterol also plays a big role in keeping your brain healthy. In fact, about 25% of the cholesterol in your body is stored in your brain.
Cholesterol is a structural component of myelin, which is the protective substance that covers the nerve fibers in your brain. Strong myelin sheaths help the brain function, facilitating things like memory and quick thinking.
13. Laughter might be good for your heart.
Research suggests that laughter can trigger a variety of heart healthy reactions in the body. It decreases stress hormones, reduces artery inflammation, and increases good cholesterol. So if you can’t fit in a workout today, make sure you get in a laugh!
The most important part of maintaining good cholesterol health is to be aware of it and, where you can, make lifestyle choices that support it.
It's not about counting milligrams or calculating intake levels — it's about making lifestyle choices that benefit you and your body. "It all comes back to this: go, know, and take control," says Stasiuk. Get your blood tested during annual checkups with your doctor and take the time to make sure you understand your results. Then make small, progressive steps toward better heart health. Nothing drastic and no special secrets — just little changes toward treating your body right!
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