#so with all of their efforts they start the very first cat channel that is in krn cantonese and mandorin :D
teddyqd · 1 year
TMAGP ARG, Days 1 & 2
Here's a quick writeup of what the Discord's discovered so far!
Day 1 - Quick Beginnings!
Through an ad on the MAG podcast feed, we got an email that sent to OIAR's HR! Sending an email here gave us an autoreply with a link the OIAR website.
On the website we found a youtube channel and a bunch of alchemy symbols and suspicious typos scattered around the place, some more emails, and an identification form.
Investigating the form and the youtube channel, led us to a usenet newsgroup for DDR (East German) diaspora.
Much of our effort on the first day focused on translating and archiving this usenet group in a gDoc for easy reference.
Day 2 - Revelations & Whoopsies
Bit of a slower day today! We managed to translate and archive the entire newsgroup over the night. Some of the team has been working on making a database of the messages on Google Sheets, whilst others have settled on exploring other leads. In the newsgroup, specifically in the very important Cats thread, we found an image with another alchemy symbol! More on that one later.
Back on the site, I personally thought to look again at the images, and noticed their names all had a string of numbers in them. Twelve numbers, to be precise -- enough for a phone number if the country code was two numbers. A little solving later, we had a phone number! After a false start, we gave it a ring and, lo and behold, we were through to the OIAR! A robovoice informed us of system maintenance and asked us to call back on September 22nd!
Later on that day, a crack team of nerds ran the image from the Cats thread through some Steganography software and found the date time combo of: Saturday, 30th September 11:00 to 19:00.
A suspicion that a few members were holding was brought to light at this time, and they got to investigating! The castle at the end of the OIAR's recruitment video has a walking tour on Sept 30th! Though this might not be relevant, a more local member has decided to pop by and see if anything comes to light! (Note: please don't flood this poor walking tour with random MAG fans -- we're not certain it's relevant)
called a number, got told to call back on Sept.22
found a date in a photo, Sept.30 (11:00-19:00)
booked a walking tour for the above time!
A * Digression…
During the excitement of solving the phone number puzzle… We got a little too nosey for our own good. During the call, we found that pressing * would let you into a series of settings. Neat, thought we, Some more data to sort through! So our intrepid group of explorers started sorting through the voicemails this revealed to us, and called the number of one of them, still believing it to be a trail of ARG clues.
"Hello?" Said Martyn RustyQuill.
Yes, dear readers, this was not an ARG clue. Through our dogged determination, we ploughed our dumb, smart asses into the backrooms of the ARG. The voicemails we discovered were, in fact, test calls that RQ did to ensure the number was up and running. The number that was called was Martyn RQ's real ass phone number. RQ panicked. The mods panicked. Slowmode went up.
Luckily, thanks to quick work from everyone involved, we cleared up any chance of other people calling Martyn's number, and we're now out of the backrooms and back on track!
Don't press * !
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marrowhyena · 2 months
Anonymous Coward asked: Do you speak any other languages than english, and if not, considered learning any
I took three years of German in high school, then had a scheduling conflict with the only German IV class, so I became his teaching assistant in a lower German class instead because I liked my teacher a lot. I think my dumb logic as a 13 year old entering high school was that I had to choose a language and I couldn't roll my R's, or whatever. 
 It was a reoccurring novelty on my channel that I would randomly speak or understand some German. Some claimed that it was accent-less, sometimes, or whatever. A bit of a gimmick was that we all chose a German name from a list on day one and would address each other as those names throughout all four years of the class. Twitter, Youtube, and the Xbox 360 all came into existence around 2006, when I was 16 and in the middle of these classes, so a lot of my usernames became Sebastian because that was my not-my-name moniker that I already had ready. 
Yes, I was already basically a furry, but I didn't have a named fursona until 2022 and doubt I would have openly embraced it as my name all the way back then. 
 [As an aside, folks fixate on me mentioning that I was a furry when I was a minor, and then juxtapose that with me making the point that minors probably shouldn't be online. This isn't really a contradiction. First, yeah, I was an unsupervised minor online and that probably wasn't great. But second, I grew up on a very, very different internet than the one that exists today. It's not just about how Twitter makes no effort to separate minors from adult content etc, but also the upsetting way that the internet forms this secondary layer over middle and high school that further enables bullying and paranoia. We know the internet is fucking kids up nowadays. When I talk about having "usernames" in 2006, we're talking about Halo 2 and cat videos. Even when I mention websites that still exist today, they were purely chronological feeds with manually-curated front pages. There was no algorithm as we understand it today. FurAffinity is like the only website that still functions like things did in 2006, and people hate using it for that exact reason lmao]
Anyway that was a surprising amount of my identity in the early years of doing let's plays [2011-2015], insofar as having any distinguishable features whatsoever was your "identity" among a sea of nearly identical gaming channels. I was the guy who played puzzle games, took his time, rambled a lot, spoke some German, and would randomly spout off rock facts because I was also freshly graduating college with a bachelor of science degree in geology. I was surprised by how excited people would get about rock rants. I got excited when I saw basalt columns in Dragon Age Inquisition, but quickly started to notice that they were absolutely everywhere in games, so I started maintaining a gallery that listed them all: https://imgur.com/gallery/columnar-jointing-watch-Alpmz 
I didn't have a particular attraction to German or geology, though. I took German because I was asked to pick a mandatory language class as a young teen, and I took geology because I dropped out of computer science and needed to still get a degree because I was raise to go to college. So in the years since my memory of both has faded significantly. My last German class was in 2007, and my last bit of geology in 2013.
Realistically, the most useful language to learn would probably be Japanese. That might seem unintuitive since everyone in California says Spanish for obvious reasons, but understanding Japanese would actually come in handy for my job pretty regularly. It sure would have helped when I was litigating specific elements of Beastars, that's for sure. Lately I just send screenshots of stuff to Toaster with the caption "heeeeeeelllp" 
 [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@Boring_Keith/a/112854073679531772)
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cinnamontails-ff · 2 months
Your writing is absolutely beautiful. ‘The Accountant’s Guide to Taking Down an Evil Vampire Lord’ reads so well. It’s one of my favorite fanfics of all time. I was wondering where you learned to write? Specifically if there are books or videos you could share that had a hand in teaching you. Your character development reads so effortlessly… heck, your story reads so effortlessly. I don’t struggle to stay with you while reading. Would you be willing to give a girl some tips?
First off, please know that your ask put the biggest, goofiest smile on my face ❤ When I first sat down to write "seriously" (i.e. with the intention for other people to see it), I read a number of writing craft books, but what stuck with me the most was "Save the Cat" by Jessica Brody and "Story Genius" by Lisa Cron. Both of them were immensely helpful in figuring out the overall structure of the type of story I like to read, as well as choosing a protagonist who would fit the narrative and actively drive it forward. I've been writing all my life, but it wasn't until I read "Save the Cat" that I ever made it past the 50% mark in a story, and I still return to it for guidance whenever I start a new project.
I also always recommend the Youtube channel of Brandon Sanderson. He's one of the most prolific fantasy authors of our time and whether or not you like his stories, his channel has so many incredible resources that are all free. Like a complete lecture series right here. Another storytelling Youtuber I really enjoy is Tim from "Hello Future Me".
Apart from that, I think the best advice is to read. Read things you like and read things you dislike and try to analyze what it is that does or doesn't work for you. Look at the way they set up a scene, how they progress their characters, and how they make dialogue flow. Take the things you know you love and try to put your own spin on them (My fic writing style is probably best described as "Terry Pratchett on a really horny day").
Don't forget that stories are subjective and that you can never make everyone happy. The goal is to find your niche and write for your audience. I have been asked why I don't make my OCs more conventionally attractive and / or emphasize their hotness. The answer is that there's plenty of stories like that out there - they're just not mine.
I would also like to stress that none of my fics are first drafts. My writing process is very iterative; I'll fast-draft stuff way before I even start posting a fic and then I work my through the draft later and edit as I go. So what you see is the result of a lot of effort and thought behind the scenes, not something I just churn out.
Thank you for reaching out with your love for the story and letting me ramble about my favorite thing! I hope this was somewhat helpful. Have a great day ❤
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the-tarot-witch22 · 2 months
Okay so first of all..i love you sm!! Thankyou so very much for always giving me the best and appreciating my efforts. It means like sm to me. I am literally like *crying* because the reading was so emotional and like ahhh!!
The way you write the feedback in sm detail it means so much!! Thankyou to you because of you i was able to more encouraged in doing this, like it means sm and tbh i always get this too that your man's healthy and fit. He definitely seems so like book coded as you said no wonder he attracts lots of women because like look at him-!! But don't worry he's definitely just yours and gonna spoil you in both uhm uhm..ways. Also i get it your ektonswrre coming out too as if your souls were craving for each other, it's so beautiful yet painful to see but I'm sure that the distance rn is there for a reason and the union would be just beautiful. Rooting for you two always 🫶🏻🤍
Now coming to my reading first of all let me start from moodboard!! Uhm uhm it was so like golden retriever and black cat coded that i absolutely loved it because he's so my type!!- as I've said i love men who have a balanced energy and he seems so like it.
You've told me only that he can have black hair and the way I was imagining things already with those pictures it's so like..i want him rn lol.
Coming to the reading!!- this long?? This is like spoiling me...and did i liked it?? I absolutely loved everything about it. Okay so In the first few sentences only I'm dead because I'm actually the eldest daughter and 1st kid so this..."ik you are independent but let me do it for you words" made me melt asap. I got protective and older too like...mature?? family oriented?? Falls harder?? Love Travel?? Gold driven?? Bae my bed is ready I mean hands. Ngl his falls harder is so real because no wonder man didn't had good luck in past relationships...ahh i got rich too. Also yeah baby you only told me this that he'd be so comfortable around me and i am absolutely here for it. His love languages???? When are you taking me then?? Also the messages??? And he's emotional...now he made me too. Like i love you too pookie...ahhh trying hard not he cry again. But i actually got this before as well that we are connected with each other in some way spiritually and it's just like...*stopppp gonna ahh* also the other words and what he said at last...bye.
Hun don't stress yourself too much the reading resonated!! It's all good boo...im literally so thankful to you that i can't explain in words thankyou so much and the way you explained in the language of cards through intuition only speaks a lot about your abilities so don't ever question them!! Sending my warmest hugs to you... thankyou so much hun, I'm so greatful.
Take care 🫶🏻🤍✨🧿
Thank you so much for participating and always being a sweetheart! I appreciate you so much! and for my reading baby you deserve the compliments and feedback everything resonated so much and i totally agree with the distance rn! thank you for rooting for us! and i am rooting for u toooo! always! he shouldddd! i am so excited to meet him!
thank you for detailed feedback i appreciate it so much!! i am so happy and glad the reading resonated with you! i am so glad you loved the reading and he just kept sending me those messages for you like he comforting you, telling you he is here for you! ik you are independent but let me do it for you words" made me melt asap. i am so giggling hard rn! you deserve the best sweetie i love you sm! But i actually got this before as well that we are connected with each other in some way spiritually and it's just like...*stopppp gonna ahh* also the other words and what he said at last...bye. he love you so much i feel that whenever i channel his energy and i am so here for it, you my baby deserves the best, he will give you his best his everything, the way i got goosebumps when you told me you and him are spiritually connected , i am so happy for you my baby thank you for participating!
thank you so much always for you motivation and kindwords! right back at ya sweetie sending my love and hugs! i am grateful to you too! take care as welll!!
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
Credits scene
It's been multiple months since the mansion incident
The legal case lasted a good while, but no evidence was found against any of the survivors, so they are okay now.
The blood did not leave their clothes. They got new ones.
Oliver Beebo wakes up another day in his apartment. While a lot of his nights have bizarre nightmares, this one was calm.
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Even though they are no longer on vacation, Ángel still stayed on Oliver's apartment, but they plan on staying some time in the capital, just to see what it's like.
He uses all types of products he can find to heal his scar. Beebo doesn't mind much. it's part of the job, he says.
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They've been living a calm and domestic day to day life, with ups and down.
The downs are, very down indeed
But the ups are more often.
They got matching tattoos of a sunrise, it makes them feel better.
Oliver has started taking cases again, but he's going for simpler ones.
He has told his fellow detectives to keep an eye out for seemingly supernatural cases.
Ángel has declared that he will invite himself to any case that involves a haunted house. Oliver doesn't fight him on it
They both have gained new fears
Ángel gets very anxious when they're separated for too long. He's also terrible at guessing what time it is
Oliver makes a great effort in overcoming his fear of heights. It's a work on progress.
He's also afraid of developing any kind of memory affecting disease. He keeps an incredibly detailed diary
They are getting help. It's slow and nonlinear, but they can always go to a warm home with a cuddly cat and a tight hug.
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Vivi invites Oliver for an exclusive 2-player session with Ángel, as a test for his dnd abilities, she says.
While he's not that good at the role playing, he's very good at strategy. He really enjoys lawful characters.
They have fun.
Marigold and Nina were also invited. It made for a very chaotic group.
Ángel wants to start a new game so he can upload it to his newly made youtube channel
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He wasn't satisfied with a normal 9 to 5, so he decided for a more creative job.
He's slowly rising, with titles such as "Doing the 100 babies challenge in The sims 4," "RLcraft hardcore for 100 days", "Top 10 facts about Dominion the jewel thief", "Finishing Overcooked with all stars ft. Vivi", and his personal favorite, "Speedrunning Escape rooms with my bf ❤️"
He claims to be Dominion's number one fan and sells plushies of him. Oliver will never admit he bought one.
Apparently, he is considered a cryptid in Ángel's channel, which he appreciates.
The now officially named Iraola family invites them to events quite often, it's very nice to have a friend group
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Game nights are... quite extreme
Turns out teenagers can be very competitive and capable
Nadia and Ángel have a scoreboard set up. The winner gets decided at New years.
Oliver has managed to keep his throne as the master of any and all card games, but for how long?
He can't wait for Christmas, he plans on giving Simon a cool anti-eye contact hat.
Even though he's still terrified of the concept of fatherhood, he really enjoys being an uncle.
Speaking of such, Ángel had to meet his parents. It was awkward at first, but he managed to win them over with his knowledge of old cinema and pretty boy charm.
Oliver met the Ronald Mcdonald statue by Ángel's childhood house. He has a picture with it.
Ángel's mother was sweet, hardworking, and strict. She was not afraid of telling her son how he should be a better gentleman towards Oliver. It was... an eventful night. It's a good thing the lady enjoys mystery novels.
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They celebrated Nadia's birthday in spring, cordially invited.
Everyone was sure Ángel would give her a gag gift, like a cd to a boy band she doesn't like or an ugly shirt.
He gave her a key code to an expensive editing software.
She was grateful but refused to say so. She plans on retaliating with an equally thoughtful gift.
They are slowly learning to get along, like a pair of cats that need to be separated by a door when they first meet.
In other news, Oliver recently received an autism diagnosis. He was very surprised. Ángel wasn't. He baked him a cake for the occasion.
The biggest event had to be the wedding
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On a warm spring day, in the middle of a flower field, Marigold Iraola and Nina Coli got married.
There was some bad press about it, but a certain reporter was very enthusiastic about how beautiful of an union this was, unlike the previous one.
Marigold decided to disband Coli's company, making a new one herself.
It specializes in medical equipment.
They saw the newlyweds say their vows, Oliver couldn't help but yearn for a moment like that.
He and Ángel danced the evening away
Between the multiple friends of the wives waiting for the bouquet toss, there was a determined man in white
And like a cat to a shiny object
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He jumped and got it
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They decide spring is a great season for a wedding.
They don't decide which spring though
That's for the future to know.
In a non-specific urban city like any other, an office awakes
Oliver Beebo is ready to start another day on his detective business
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imunities · 8 months
*      ᖭི༏ᖫྀ     જ⁀➴ JACKSON NPCS PT. 1 aka — a look at some of the residents of jackson that ellie has grown up with or otherwise interacted closely with for the five years that shaped her life in the community. also a possible stepping off point for plotting/interactions if you write ocs that live in jackson and are looking for shared connections !
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1 year older than ellie. he's a good friend of cat's (ellie's ex-girlfriend) and it's through her that they meet. jace has tattoos going all the way up his left arm and is super into 90s rock bands. he'd trade music with ellie, a lot of it being obscure up-and-coming college band tracks that he'd inherited from his parents. he's from missoula, montana and he moved to jackson with his parents when he was 12. he had an older sister and younger brother, both were lost to the infection. he misses them greatly.
today, jace bartends at the tipsy bison and operates a brewery in town, he gives his friends free drinks, but, in return, they also have to try his new drink concoctions. he has a talent for it, so it's usually a win/win all around. when they were 16, ellie pierced his ears for him. he still wears the same black studs today.
even after her and cat didn't work out, jace had never been an asshole to ellie, even if he'd always been more of cat's friend than ellie's. she'd always respected that. they remain on good terms, he's a friendly, familiar face, one she can count on to talk to in large community events that otherwise make her nervous.
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a patrolman in her mid-30s who was sometimes paired with ellie when she first started patrols. while she was meant to be a mentor, it very quickly became clear that ellie neither needed one nor was particularly interested in having one. instead of babying her, wendy set high standards and made it clear she expected ellie to achieve them. wendy is married to a man named demarcus and has adopted twins, two boys that were orphaned shortly after their birth.
the daughter of a physicist, wendy fostered ellie's interests in space and the natural world, often lending ellie books from her collection — one of, if not the, largest personal library in jackson. wendy is a homebody and an introvert, but a complete gossip. her natural quiet demeanor and warm smile makes her easy to open up to and she is the holder of the secrets of many jackson residents. when she's bored, she likes to stir the pot, masterfully revealing whispers of these secrets to people she knows will spread them. no one has ever traced it back to her.
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community organizer and stablehand. joel's age. wanting to carry her own weight upon her arrival to jackson, ellie helped out a lot. this usually meant she was running errands for nanditha. if there's someone who knows everyone in jackson, it's nanditha. the type of person to wake up at dawn to work out, run all of her errands, complete a few hours of work, and help solve a crisis all before 8 am. she helps set up the community carnivals, the seasonal dances, donation drives, and any big event that involves the people of jackson. ellie has spent hours lugging heavy boxes to and fro at her request, and her avid efforts helped to create a safe and amicable relationship.
even when the stables were empty for everyone but nanditha, she allowed ellie to quietly hang out there with the horses, listening to music and drawing in a corner where no one else might find her. she never asked why or who ellie was hiding from and she's never pushed her to talk, even when she noticed a shift in ellie's behavior around her 17th birthday. nanditha has soft but tired eyes, she doesn't speak of her past or how she found her way to jackson, but she'd shown up alone and it'd been clear she'd suffered a great loss. though she will never speak of them, she is the sole survivor of a family of 8, having lost her husband and all of her children. yet, she channels this pain into helping others. she bakes frequently, always giving away pastries and cookies to the community.
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it's no secret that ellie is reckless, especially not to diego mortero, one of jackson's doctors. he's an expert at his craft, treating minor colds to serious injuries alike for those of all ages with the supplies he's managed to acquire for jackson. him and ellie have a mutually beneficial agreement : she makes a point to go out of her way for any rare medical supplies on her patrol routes, and he doesn't lecture her when she shows up in his office, a little more beat up than normal. he's sarcastic, witty, charismatic, and he lives his life according to a strict set of morals that has led to him never having killed another person, despite the harsh world around him.
he has a husband and he loves his husband's daughter ( born to a previous marriage ) as his own. diego is fifteen years older then ellie and outside of his work as a doctor, he's a social butterfly who knows a large portion of jackson residents between the nights spent at social functions and the days working with the community patients.
without fail, he wins the monthly dart competition every month, though it's rare for him to keep the rotating prize for himself. whether it's an extra case of beer, a brand new pair of workboots, or a newly discovered stash of candy, diego usually gives it up to a good friend, claiming that they will make better use out of it than him.
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
Pet Zoo AU:
Quick question, what was Zhao’s and Aunt Lisa’s intial reaction towards Ik bringing home 7 animals with 2 of them being animals you would never see a normal person have. Like there’s no way they were instantly fine with this many animals since yk animals take a lot of time and effort to care and this is also the brothers as well, what did Ik do to convince them to not call animal control on them?
(Also for some reason i imagine Mammon’s and the geography teacher’s rivalry to be like funny small wars against each other. Mammon steal their peanuts, the teacher make’s a trap and Mammon falling for it (but then get saved by Ik), Mammon get revenge and steal something else than the peanuts, the teacher then make’s a ANOTHER trap and Mammon falling for it again. And the cycle repeats)
P.s. turns out, Diluc’s and Yanfei’s VA actually voiced two main characters from The Amazing Digital Circus respectively. The funny part is they voiced the most mentally unstable characters.
- 🐧 Anon
i feel like the brothers sorta... trickle in, so it's less of a shock to the system - first ik shows up with a crow and zhao's like "hmm. i don't think they do that usually" but he just sorta forgets about it, next thing he knows the crow's brought home a peacock and then a snake and then a rabbit and so on
and now the crow's started bringing home cash from who knows where, is it exchanging goods and services?? has he been unknowingly embroiled in an avian laundering scheme? in the end he just sorta... goes with it. for some reason he gets the feeling the animals know more than he does
now lisa doesn't hear anything about this, so one day she walks in to have some tea with her good friend and sees these seven animals just chilling and is absolutely FLOORED. "zhao this is madness what the fuck is going on here??!!?!" and he's like "...i don't know i'm just glad my daughter's happy :("
lisa's first instinct would definitely be to call up a shelter or something, but ik's so adamant that all the animals are very polite and they're actually super helpful and well-behaved and really really clever actually, she swears the cat knows how to read. lisa doesn't believe her until she witnesses the snake slither across the room to turn the tv on, change the channel to some colourful cartoon, then slither back to his box by the window
mammon and the geography teacher would have a tom-and-jerry type relationship.... one day another teacher breaks the geography teacher's favourite globe and mammon decides to call a truce for long enough to get back at them, then it's BACK to the comedic chasing-in-circles
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Sorry to hear you're also sick! Gute Besserung!
From the 30+ ask game:
4. Favorite chore?
7. Any groceries you've been getting into lately?
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
15. Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from?
25. Favorite old person activity?
32. How do you take your morning coffee/tea?
39. What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
42. What's an unjustifiably expensive appliance that you really want?
43. Favorite book you've read recently?
48. If you could build your home from scratch, what outrageous feature would you want to build into it?
56. Favorite low-effort meal that you make?
64. Last time you visited a farmer's market?
66. Do you get your taxes in as soon as possible, at the last minute, or late?
Or like.. any subset you feel like doing <3
4) Favourite chore is probably folding laundry, ever since I watched Marie Kondo. It's kinda calming and I can listen to a podcast or audiobook while doing it😊 7) Another grocerie I discovered is non-meat Wiener Würstchen. Pretty good, I probably wouldn't notice the difference taste-wise and I actually prefer the consistency with a less noticable skin. 8) Not a product, but having a spray bottle with diluted soapy cleaner was a game change in the kitchen. Way more accessible than having to wet a sponge and get the soap for cleaning up a little mess in the fridge or on the stovetop or whereve. Just "pffft pffft, swipe, done" 15) at Aldi or drug stores I really enjoy roaming ALL THE AISLES even if I have a specific plan of what I want to get. It's very enriching😌 25) old person activity besides crocheting and naps is checking the new Aldi Angebote the moment they come out on sunday (which I call Alditag bc it's the first thing I do after getting up). My favourite is when they have DIY products. 32) I can't stand coffee and find tea pretty boring to drink, so I start each day with an instant chocolate cappuchino (sometimes with a little cinnamon, or hazelnut flavour, or extra chocolate). Being a night owl, I have a very hard time entering awakeness mode, and adding a little bit of coffein helps tons. 39) My little treat I often get is Capri Sun. I think it's bc mom refused to buy it when we were little, so now, just like Fruchtzwerge, it has this aura of rebellion and special occassion. 43) Due to my daily 3+h commute each workday I get a lot of reading done, but the last one I finished was especially good: Sarggeschichten ("casket stories") by a German funeral director and a grief counsellor. It's a little like my favourite youtube channel AskAMortician, but with more focus on how to deal with a loss on a practical and psychological level on top of the "what happens with a body". While reading, I felt like I was getting the best possible preparation for one day having to deal with the death of a loved one again. It won't ever be easy, but I genuinely feel more empowered to make helpful and informed choices now. On top of that they really make sure to be inclusive in their advice and anecdotes: there's mention of poly relationships, an extra chapter about/for trans people, inclusive language throughout, additional advice for especially difficult losses like miscarriages or suicides... Just. 10/10 and a definite recommendation 48) apart from SLIDES EVERYWHERE, I'd want extensive cat furniture on the walls. Platforms and cat trees and bridges and tunnels! Let them go hogwild! 56) It used to be toast Hawaii, but alas I havent found a good substitute for ham yet:/// So now it's probably pizza baguette made with prebaked baguette, canned tuna in sauce and sliced cheese. All I have to do is half the bread, spread the tuna sauce stuff, add cheese and bake for 15 minutes.👍 64) like three weeks ago during my lunch break to get 2 kg of dried worms for the chickens 66) A wild mix: I start early bc I actually enjoy doing the taxes for me and the Mosswife. I'll get it 95% done in one go and leave the details that need further thought. Then I'll procrastinate on that for weeks until I've forgotten everything I planned to look into, so at that point it would be a whole lo of work to get into it again. Which is why I ignore the task for more weeks. At some point I have to admit that I probably won't do it properly anymore bc it's been too long and I'd basically be equivalent of having to start all over again. From there I need a little while to come to terms with this fact. And THEN, when it's really about time to hand it in, I just do it, 95% finished. So far that worked well for me XD Thank you for sending asks, that was fun! Luckily my sickness mostly consists of feeling like I'm filled with lead all over, without any additional ailments.
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kai-selfships · 2 years
Part 2: side characters (may not be as long because I don’t have as many ideas haha
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)
Eddie Noodleman (he/him, gay)
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35 years old as of the first movie
Mixed race (his mom is black and his dad is white)
Still lives in the pool house
Does not have a job
But he does have a YouTube channel! He posts video game speedrun
Bleaches his hair
Grew up rich so he doesn’t know how to cook or anything
He is really close with his family, and Nana likes him a lot
He was the one who broke up with Buster— nothing bad happened, he just thought they would be better as friends, but Buster’s feelings were hurt :(
Nana Noodleman (she/her, asexual)
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92-93 years old
Eddie’s maternal grandmother
Becomes good friends with Clay Calloway— they’re both old, rich, mean, and famous in the music industry
They don’t really have the same taste in music (Clay is a rockstar and Nana is a theater actress), but they have a lot in common otherwise
Was a very iconic and popular actress, but it was “controversial” how she had a child out of wedlock and raised them alone
At first she didn’t like Buster at all, but she changed her mind after watching his show, which was very successful
Ryan (he/him, questioning but he ends up identifying as gay)
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24 years old
He’s a natural at dancing, and is the youngest person on Klaus’ high-level choreography team
Was kind of friends with Alphonso during the production of “out of this world” and maybe had a little crush on him
Is very kind— he felt horrible having to beat Johnny over and over on the first day of practice
He thought about reaching out, but was really shy
Really likes to wear pretty clothes and extravagant outfits
Is really stressed out because a lot is expected of him
Suki Lane (she/her, femme lesbian)
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26 years old
Bleaches and dyes her hair often
She got her job working for Mr. Crystal because her parents are big investors for Redshore City’s theater shows
After Jimmy Crystal is arrested and she’s out of a job, she decides to pursue her dream of going to art school and becoming an artist full time
She starts dating Sasha a few months after everything went down, but they had been friends pretty much since the day they met
She doesn’t actually need glasses, she just things they look cool
Loves to thrift
Is allergic to cats
Sasha (she/her, futch lesbian)
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27 years old
South African
She works as a stunt actress and happened to be hired by Jimmy to train Rosita— so she doesn’t directly work for Crystal
She’s very strong and good at gymnastics and rock climbing
Has a two year old child from a previous relationship, and has full custody
She is very close with her siblings and parents— they help raise the kid when she has a lot of work to do
Met Suki during “Out of This World” production, and they became fast friends. Suki needed a cheaper housing arrangement after she lost her job, and Sasha happened to be looking for a roommate, so they end up living together and eventually dating
She was the first one to confess— Suki didn’t realize her feelings were reciprocated
James “Jimmy” Crystal (he/him)
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45 years old
Originally from Canada, but moved to Redshore for business opportunities
Has always struggled with controlling his anger, but he stopped putting in an effort after his wife left him
Has a podcast about how to “survive” in the entertainment industry
Thinks being gay is a choice and doesn’t support Porsha being a lesbian
Definitely one of those “alpha male” guys
Jerry (he/him, gay)
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48 years old
Is so in love with Jimmy and in denial about him being a horrible person
“Babysat” Porsha way up until she was a teenager because she used to get into trouble and Jimmy let her do whatever she wanted
Was really good at his job and very dedicated
Always fought with Suki because he was jealous that Jimmy liked her better
Trying really hard to learn Norwegian because he wants to travel there one day
Mike (he/him)
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25 years old, was sadly murdered at the end of the first movie (this is implied in canon btw)
Recently graduated from the Lincoln School of Music, but had yet to land a real gig
Still loved to drink and party, and used to go to clubs every weekend
Is from a rich family, but got cut off financially after he made some poor choices regarding money in his teens
Really loved Nancy— she went to the same music school learning to play the flute, and they used to date. She broke up with him because she was going through some tough personal things and didn’t have the energy to be in a relationship
When he saw her again in the first movie, a year had gone by and he was hoping that she was ready to date him again
He plays a lot of instruments; he’ll get bored quickly and move on to another one as soon as he masters it
Nancy (she/her, pansexual)
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Glamorous af, really cares about her appearance
But also really sad :( she was partying and drinking to cope with how lonely she was
Her life was spared by the bears that killed Mike. She ended up breaking down and asking them to kill her, but they felt too bad— Mike had cheated them out of a lot of money, but Nancy hadn’t ever done anything to them
She ended up moving to Washington state to live closer to her family and just get away from the city that held so many bad memories for her
She finds out shortly after the events of the first movie that she’s pregnant, and chooses to raise the child anyway
Still has horrible memories about witnessing Mike’s murder
Alphonso (he/him, pansexual)
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25 years old
Lactose intolerant
Meena isn’t his first girlfriend, but his first breakup left him not knowing what to do because his ex had been so controlling. As a way to try and get over it, he had been practicing putting himself out there by flirting and being really friendly with all the actors and actresses he served
Once he met Meena, though, there was kind of a spark— they were both so awkward and didn’t know how to flirt, lol— he was glad to meet a kindred spirit, and started kinda crushing on her in secret. Plus, she was like really pretty.
He would tell his friends about his feelings, and they encouraged him to ask her out, but he thought for sure she’d have a boyfriend already because she was so cute and kinda famous
He was so glad when she asked him out, and he’s the best long distance boyfriend ever! They do a lot of virtual dates, and send each other love letters and gifts, and all that cute stuff :]
17 notes · View notes
bucketorandomness · 2 years
I would ADORE some solid BNHA/My Hero Academia recs if you have any! I’m in dire need of a good longfic to commit to 🥲
Your wish is my command! I have a lot of these, so check them out under the cut >^.^<
((A small note, since I appear to have forgotten it: An "Inactive" fic is one whose last update was ~2 years ago with no mention of either Hiatus or Abandonment))
Edit: Fam, Tumblr keeps posting this without my permission, so this is gonna update quite a bit before I’m through. I’ll let y’all know when I finish properly!
Edit 2: We did it! All done! Hopefully the next rec list isn’t quite so awkwardly executed XD
So, first up we're gonna filter results to be just fics with at least 50k words or more ((that's a whole novel!!)) I'll provide approximate novel counts along the way. I'll also see if I can't give these a bit more of a sense of order in case you're looking for anything more specific later.
Starting strong with Fics That Don't Have Plot-Relevant Romance
A Little Luck From a Black Cat Vigilante (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku decides helping others can't wait for a license and becomes the vigilante they called Black Cat. Also the hacker Zuk, that earns a bit of a soft spot with the heroes. How will UA and Aizawa handle a sassy and confidant Izuku?
Adoption is the Solution (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is a rough kid who acts more like an alley cat. Eraserhead has always been the kind to take strays home for some love and affection.
AllMightAllTheTime said at 12:13pm: (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku is inspired by his online friends to start a channel called "Heralytics" that accidentally gets some massive traction since it's genuine analysis and humor instead of the mainstream reality TV "news" stations.
Insincerely Yours (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) In an effort to create a rehabilitation program for villains, eight UA students take part in a pen pal trial run where they are assigned a random, anonymous villain to correspond with. Todoroki finds his pen pal to be startlingly similar to him.
Internet Enemies (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku doesn't get much positive interaction in his daily life, so he turns to the internet to fulfil those needs, where unfortunately he turns into a kind of Vigilante and gets forced into a touch of Villainy, but everything's fine!
Kamino's Ward (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya worked hard during the rise of Quirks to help defend his people from the government. Now, he wakes in a time not his own, suddenly a venerated historical figure. Lost on literally everything, Izuku dances between All Might attempting to make the boy his successor and All for One, who really just wants his son back.
Kitsune, the Night Watcher (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku died 6. Akatani Mikumo died at 11. Kitsune is the Watcher of the Night, a Vigilante. When he's given the opportunity of a lifetime, nobody expects things to spiral out of control quite as spectacularly as they do. At least Izuku's misery is entertaining.
Love Letter Analyst (1 novel. Incomplete) When U.A.’s hero class 1-A started to find binders on their desks, there were two notable things about them: one, that the analysis in them was creepy but insightful; two, included in the back of each notebook was a small, folded up letter with sweet compliments and gushing, more personal, comments about the people behind the quirks. Mina promptly dubbed them the “Love Letter Analyst.” Deep in the support labs, Izuku sneezed.
Missing Everything (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku misses a very important reveal and ends up with a villain-filled soda bottle instead. In the ensuing chaos, he befriends someone named Toshinori Yagi. All Might misses the chance to make a snap decision and ends up mentoring a very heroic, very determined child who has no idea who he really is.
Once in a Blue Moon (A Feather Will Float Down to Earth) (1 novel. Incomplete) Izuku is 1A's Guardian Angel. He's a little over-enthusiastic about doing is job, though, and his superiors aren't too happy with how hands-on his approach is.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1 novel. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1 novel. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1 novel. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1 novel. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1 novel. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1 novel. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2 novels. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
What We Cannot Undo (1 novel. Angst. Complete) There's a new vigilante in town. The news dubs him Specter. Eraserhead wants to know who this "ghost" is and why the kid keeps following him (and his new class) all over the city. Nedzu wants a new student. Bakugou Katsuki wants redemption. Midoriya Izuku wants one more chance to change his mind.
Wisteria Floribunda (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has an immortality Quirk, despite his Quirkless diagnosis. After watching his mother die, he does his best to become a vigilante feared by more than just the villains.
With Confidence (1. Incomplete) Izuku is hit with a confidence quirk that really messes with his Scared, Quirkless, Deku image at Aldera and beyond.
Zutopia (1. Complete) As a young, quirkless genius, Izuku turns to the internet for stimulation and entertainment. Completely unrelated, but Nedzu has made his first human friend in a very long time. Maybe they should meet without a screen between them.
A Happy Medium (2. Inactive) Izuku lost everything. He's not sure if it was his Quirklessness, himself, or the ghosts that were to blame. No matter! He'll become a Hero anyway. Helps when he finds a couple very tired friends to help him.
Blindfolded Birdie (2. Angst. Complete) Keigo is rescued from the Hero Public Safety Commission as a child, but it was not a smooth rescue. Now, he must deal with the aftereffects of his time with the Commission and manage his desires for the future.
Cat Days (2. Angst. Complete) A series where Izuku has a shapshifting quirk he struggles to control and ends up stuck in cat form. Aizawa, of course, is willing to adopt weird stray cats at the drop of a hat.
Complicated Creation (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted, and doing his best. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the Heroes now think he's a Villain working for the League.
Dāku, The Hero in Plain Sight (2. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku got lost trying to escape his bullies and found Eraser beat up on his way back. He accidentally kidnapped what appears to be a sentient scarf and decided it was a good enough sign to start his serious journey to Heroics. Good thing he's got all of Jr High.
Detective Midoriya (2. Incomplete) All Might told him to become a police officer, and while his dream has been thoroughly cushed, Izuku has always been an over-achiever at heart, and this is a way he can still help people!
Feral (2. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is abandoned in the local forest, where he grows up and does good by what he understands the definition to be. Doesn't mean Adults don't get concerned when they find a feral child out on his own.
Here We Go Loopty Loo (2. Angst. Incomplete) Something has gone wrong. The Hell Class makes it all the way to graduation, only to wake up on the first day of 1A. Again. And again. And again. And again.
In the Nick of Time (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has a Quirk that teleports him to safety, and he uses it primarily to jump off buildings and get a nice adrenaline rush like a normal person.
Leviathan (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku's only used his quirk once. He was 4 when he took 32 lives. He's sworn never to let that power possess him again. He hides behind the mask of a useless, showy quirk, refusing any connection to the creature recognized as the Leviathan. Lies don't last forever, however.
The Wrong Right Hero to Kidnap (2. Complete) Hitoshi and Izuku are homeless, living on the run from the Yakuza with Eri, who can't control her Quirk, to Izuku's misfortune. When the young girl gets sick and her Quirk starts to get out of control, they decide the only way to help her is to kidnap a Hero who might be able to help them turn the Quirk off.
This is Your Life, There's no way to Run From It (2. Angst. Incomplete) In which Midoriya never receives One for All, becomes the vigilante Carbon Cat, and tries to keep everyone at arm's length. Doesn't mean they'll let him, though.
Viridian (2. Angst. Inactive) The world is ending, and the only chance to save it is to send Izuku Midoriya back to his 14 year old body. "When the time comes, give him this. You'll know he trusts you when he calls you Problem Child."
Who Said the Only Green Thing About him was his Hair? (2. Angst. Hiatus) Izuku decides that Kacchan was right, but he also knows that taking that swan dive would ruin Bakugou's chances of becoming a hero. Instead, he runs away where nobody can hurt him and he can provide all he needs out here in the woods.
Deku? I Think he's Some Pro... (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku gains himself a modest following online as a freelance analyst. The Pros who ask for his assistance don't know his age, Quirk status, or his dream to be a Hero.
Hawks-Sensei (3. Inactive) After the USJ, the Commission is concerned about the security of UA. Hawks does not want this job. He has many other jobs that need doing. The kids are kind of cool though.
Out of Sight, Out of Mercy (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku was 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. He was 8 when he lost his sight. For years, everyone had told him to give up on his dreams of being a Hero. But when did a couple little obstacles ever stop him? It's time for the Vigilante Akuma to rise.
Secondary Colors (1. Angst. Incomplete) Hitoshi transfers to a new middle school and finds the local punching bag to be far better friend material than their explosive Most Likely To Top Hero Charts classmate.
Severance (1. Inactive) Izuku Midoriya has All for One, but everyone around him mistakes it for an erasure quirk.
Smile and Spite (1. Incomplete) A second Sludge Villain encounter never happens, and Izuku Midoriya goes Vigilante in order to take advantage of one of UA's lesser known means of enrollment.
The Capture Scarf Caper (1. Inactive) Izuku found Eraserhead's capture scarf in an alleyway while trying to find the man himself and decided to take it home. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so hopefully the hero won't be too upset if he ever finds out about a certain Vigilante look-alike.
The Forest Thing (1. Complete) The Bakugou family go on a camping trip for the weekend and come home with a new family member, one who isn't exactly human.
The Mystery of Student No.18 (1. Angst. Complete) After receiving One for All, Izuku gets caught in an accident before the start of UA's term. Stuck in a coma, Izuku astral projects to attend class unseen. Meanwhile, 1A tries to solve the puzzle that is the empty seat of Student 18, who hasn't shown up once since the beginning of the year.
The Scarlet Thief (1. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Inko discovered her husband was a Villain by the time Izuku was 7. Since then, Izuku's been working hard as the Scarlet Thief to support himself and get revenge on his dad with some assistance from Melissa Shield. With his promotion from Criminal to Villain, though, Izuku's getting more attention from Heroes than he's ever had before.
To Be Human (1. Angst. Inactive) Izuku has a Villainous blood-quirk, and he's willing to suppress the Villainous parts of him so long as he can be a Hero. Only, you can only bottle everything up for so long before something breaks.
Vigilantism of Olympic Proportions (2. Angst. Incomplete) The Pantheon was quickly becoming one of the most successful vigilante organizations of all time, and with little to no information on them, the HPSC is getting antsy.
Repeating/Rephrasing/Rewriting History (4. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku remembers being quirkless, knows how dangerous quirks have to be careful. He's seen and heard enough to know that not everyone is satisfied with the quirk they were born with. There is something he can do: take other people's quirks and give them away. It's a strange quirk, but he's found a way to help.
Useless Monster (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku, homeless at seven and alone from before then, is doing his best. That's difficult, though, when your Quirk turns you into a monster even Heroes are scared of.
Anyone (4. Incomplete) Despite the world being against him, Izuku tries to be a Hero. In the process, he accidentally creates a pseudo-criminal organization and not so accidentally steals One for All
Canary (5. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku thought he was quirkless until he opened his mouth to sing, but he has terrible confidence in himself. It's a good thing a certain radio host thinks he's got the potential to be an amazing Hero.
If I Only Had a Heart (5. Angst. Inactive) Izuku is determined to be a Hero with his massive intellect, inventions, and a heart too big for a world that isn't friendly to the quirkless.
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) After UA's rejection, Izuku picks up some colored contacts and a stray pipe and does his darndest to be the most efficient Vigilante out there. Things spiral rather spectacularly after that.
Live a Hero (6. Angst. Complete) "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
For the Want of a Nail (6. Angst. Incomplete) A series of unrelated fics where Izuku gets to be both Quirkless and Badass in various epic ways. From Villain to Vigilante to Hero to Civilian, Midoriya Izuku goes Plus Ultra and makes quite a few waves doing it.
Congrats! You made it through the gen fics! Now it’s time for the fics with Plot Relevant Romance Involved!
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Midoriya Izuku | Deku
Burn the World (Make a Home) (3. Angst. Incomplete) Midoriya Izuku, homeless Vigilante extrordinaire, is going to become a beacon in Hero Society alone and Quirkless, and then his soulmate decides to get involved and help him with his impromptu family.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Shirakumo Oboro | Loud Cloud / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Pied Piper (5. Angst. Incomplete) UA rejects Izuku, and he decides to become a quirkless Vigilante that fights with environmental weapons. To help him channel his inner Katsuki, he gets some red contact lenses, which works great until he's caught with only one lense in after a fight.
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
A Light in the Darkness (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku is homeless, has been for a while, and keeps the secret from even All Might. Aizawa, Yamada, and Shinsou find out and decide to help. "Well, Kacchan. It's not exactly a swan dive off a roof but,"
A Twisted Fate Never Alters Destiny (2. Angst. Complete) Aizawa Shouta suddenly finds himself homeless during his time as a Hero student. Inko Midoriya finds a homeless teen and decides he needs support and affection she can provide.
Black Cat Cafe (1. Angst. Complete) A bitter Aizawa makes cafe Switzerland, adopts 20 heroes-in-training, some villains, and Shinsou, then kicks All for One's ass into next week. And maybe falls in love.
Hide and Seek (5. Angst. Incomplete) The last thing that Izuku hears from his Mama is to hide. Izuku takes those words to heart, especially when his Quirk comes in. Meanwhile, Shouta learns that an owl has settled in his area.
Maybe Getting Kidnapped by Space Pirates was a Good Thing? (1. Incomplete) Tricked into launching an emergency escape pod he can't control, Izuku finds himself a space orc in a universe that is very much intimidated by him and his inability to communicate in Common.
Morals of a House Cat (1. Angst. Complete) Aizawa started life as nothing but a quirked kitten adopted by Inko Midoriya. At some point, he is hit with a quirk that makes him turn human. Now, he has to figure out how to person while taking care of his younger brother and balancing his desires to be a cat with his reality of being a person.
Through Thick and Thin (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku has never been allowed to learn even the most basic things about being an Omega. From scenting to nesting to platonic cuddles, UA is willing to help him learn, especially those in his dorm. (Purely Platonic A/B/O Dynamics)
Throw me a Goddamn Rope - Just Enough to Hang Myself With (2. Angst. Incomplete) Aizawa has jumped to the past in an effort to prevent the Bad End by keeping Midoriya Izuku alive. Now, he has to wring All Might's neck for not telling him anything helpful before sending him decades into the past and a young Quirkless child hanging on his every word.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
An Idiots Adventures in the Galaxy and the Friends he Made Along the Way (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is a space orc, one of two kids accepted into the space program and abducted by aliens. At least his cell has trees. And company, even if they're a little scared of him.
Takami Keigo | Hawks / Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Darling, Thank God it's This Universe We're in (and you can Annoy me as Much as you Please) (1. Complete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as read as the hair of her eldest son.
Another Option (1. Angst. Complete) When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.
Omeletverse (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Hawks lays an egg and all the shenanigans that follow.
Dabi | Todoroki Touya / Midoriya Izuku | Deku / Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Welcome to the Family (3. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) While searching for a place to end it all, homeless Izuku stumbles upon a meeting of Villains. Intrigued by the skittish shrimp, Shigaraki offers him a second chance.
Bakugou Katsuki / Kirishima Eijirou
If We're Being Honest (1. Angst. Complete) Class 1A gets hit with a long-lasting truth quirk. Secrets are shared, some good and harmless, some not so much. Dark themes abound, but overall very comfy finish.
Bakugou Katsuki / Midoriya Izuku
Plunge Into Darkness, Bring in the Light (2. Angst. Inactive) Akatani Mikumo leads as happy a life as he can, being young, poor, and quirkless. Then, tragedy strikes, and he decides the best course of action is to survive on the streets and be a Hero there.
Midoriya Izuku / Sero Hanta
The League of Shirakumos (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku ends up turning the League of Villains into his very own Found Family on his journey to becoming the world's first Quirkless Hero.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi
AU Where U.A. is Actually Good at Their Job (5. Angst. Complete) When Izuku wakes up after the entrance exam, he expected to be accepted into U.A. by the skin of his teeth, or for All Might to demand his quirk back when he failed. What he wasn't expecting was a group of teachers who give a damn about his mental wellbeing.
Bandersnatch (1. Angst. Incomplete) After witnessing the apocalypse, Izuku wakes up 15 again and does his best to fix what broke the future while struggling with his now out-dated and jaded mindset that nobody seems to really understand
Before my Heart Gives Out (2. Angst. Complete) The same accident that killed his mother takes Izuku's sight from him and poisons his body in the same move. Now on a time limit, Izuku decides to become a Hero, even if it's an illegal one.
Here There be Dragons (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku's been a Quirk suppressants since his violent manifestation. The only issue is, his Quirk is sentient, mildly terrified of being suppressed again, and wildly possessive of his new Hoard of classmates at UA.
Residual Hope (5. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku lets the Sludge Villain abduct him, but it turns out the Villain was simply suffering from Quirk Withdrawl and kept killing people in his haste to ease the pain. Now with a regular body-buddy and mental health referee, Izuku works on becoming a Hero without a Quirk.
Ripples on Deep Water (1. Angst. Complete) When All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he crosses the path of someone who rebuilds them. Izuku's going to be a Hero, even if it won't be exactly as planned.
Youtuber Deku AU (1. Incomplete) A series where Deku is a youtuber who's quickly gaining popularity, and Mindjack is his best friendand editor who may appear in his videos from time to time while Izuku and Hitoshi navigate through U.A.
Midoriya Izuku / Shinsou Hitoshi / Todoroki Shouto
Datastream (1. Angst. Complete) Datastream is a digital Vigilante knowsn by most of the Underground Heroes and many of the better Spotlight Heroes as a master of surveilance, information, and coordination. To one Underground Hero, though, Datastream is better known as Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta's nephew.
Don't Dead, Open Inside (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku Midoriya wasn't like other children, but the most troubling and off-putting part about him was that he had died when he was seven.
Dreamer (6. Angst. Incomplete) Izumi’s dreams don’t belong to her. They belong to the lights, the people who are in pain. She helps them, every night, trying to forget the color of her mother’s blood and the light of her fathers flame.
Net Neutrality (1. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Izuku beats the shit out of the Shie Hassakai and adopts Eri, then they live in a cafe together where Izuku develops a reputation as a vigilante and an info broker.
Player Two (1. Angst. Complete) Izuku has always been Tomura's emotional support center. The one to calm him and pacify his anger. It's what he was made for, but he's outgrowing more than just his clothes.
Reformation (3. Angst. Complete) Izuku is convinced his only future lies with the League of Villains. Paying room and board with analysis and hacking, he thinks all is fine until Toga and Izuku meet Eri. Tentatively, they put their futures in the hands of UA's villain reformation program.
Setting Hearts Aflame (1. Angst. Inactive) After being targetted by Villains for his powerful, emotion-driven fire Quirk, Izuku promises not to let anyone else get hurt, especially not like Inko now trapped in a coma.
The Grey Areas in Between (2. Angst. Incomplete) A series where Quirkless Izuku becomes the Vigilante hacker Grey Hat before making it into UA and falling in love. Oh, and also maybe becoming an official Hero on the way.
Midoriya Izuku / Todoroki Shouto
A Path to Recovery (1. Angst. Inactive) As Shouto begins his first year at UA, he's finally given a support system that wants to help him recover from his less than perfect childhood. Aizawa will figure out what Shouto's hiding, and 1A will make sure Shouto knows he's loved.
Awake and (Un)Afraid, Asleep Or- (1. Complete) Kirishima and Shouto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation, Shouto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku. No one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there.
Bitch, I'm Incognito (3. Angst. Inactive) When a villain blew up Izuku’s apartment complex, everyone believed Endeavor when he said the young boy was dead. Except he wasn’t. With two friends and 6 years of vigilantism, he decides they’re going to Yuuei. As vigilantes. This is going to be fun.
Black Rabbit (3. Angst. Incomplete) For most people, waking up in the secret base of one of Japan's most wanted vigilantes would probably be terrifying. For Shouto Todoroki, it ends up being first stroke of luck he's ever had.
Come On Play Me Something (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku's just trying to keep his head above water and the bills from piling up. For the extra cash, he rents out his spare bedroom on Airbnb and hosts a striking young pianist. Shouto's coldly polite, highly mysterious, and unwittingly determined to drag out all of Izuku's once buried ambitions.
Four for Two (3. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku loves his soulmates. All three of them. Not that they know he exists.
I'm Here (25 novels. Angst. NSFW. Incomplete) <The Longest Fic Midoriya never got One for All, but Shigaraki got to him. Midoriya slowly descends into insanity and takes his crush down with him. They follow the timeline of the canon plot, but not everything goes the same when the main character is on the other side.
I'm Unsavable (Please Save Me) (1. Angst. NSFW. Inactive) When Midoriya Izuku is kidnapped by All for One at the age of five, he is turned into a weapon. But, one day when he is on a mission, he happens to run into someone willing to help. Todoroki Shouto is abused. When he needs a hero the most, he finds a villain.
Light My Fire (5. Angst. Inactive) While recovering from the battle trials, Recovery Girl discovers mutations within Izuku that can only be explained by an unmanifested fire Quirk.
Maybe in Another Life (1. Angst. Complete) A young Izuku is "helped" by a woman whose quirk should just be a temporary experience ended once Izuku uses his quirk. The catch? Izuku doesn't have a quirk to use, and the experience only ends at his death.
Quirk: Knife! (9. Angst. Complete) Izuku winds up homeless with a knife and decides being a sass master Vigilante is close enough to being a Hero, right?
Save Me, I'm Drowning (1. Angst. Inactive) Inko says he's quirkless. The doctors say he's quirkless. Izuku knows his medicine is quirk suppressants, because the one day he didn't take them, he saved Katsuki's life.
Survival in Numbers (1. Angst. Complete) At 4, Izuku Midoriya arrives at an orphanage with no memories and meets Shinsou Hitoshi. At 8, they become vigilantes. At 10, they are the most wanted and well-known vigilantes in Japan. At 15, everything changes. Izuku accomplished all this without a Quirk. Or so he thought.
Sweater Weather (1. Angst. Inactive) A series where Izuku has a hoodie that he wears all the time, and Shouto is suddenly and irreversibly gay.
The Adventures of Chaotic Neutral Rat Bastard and Peppermint Boy (3. Angst. Inactive) A series where Dabi takes Shouto away from the Todoroki household and raises him while still trying to figure himself out.
Tightrope (5. Angst. NSFW. Complete) In a world where Izuku never meets All Might, never attends UA, he's still a stubborn problem child and ends up doing Hero stuff... more or less. He's a bit of a punk, and balances the tightrope between good and evil.
Widowmaker (5. Angst. Incomplete) Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and takes her four children into hiding. She later develops a bit of infamy as the deadly Widowmaker, a vigilante specializing in child and spousal abuse cases who shows no mercy to the perpetrators.
Midoriya Inko / Midoriya Hisashi
North Side of the Tree (1. Angst. Incomplete) Izuku is not human. He is, in fact, moss, a member of the fae that migrated to Japan centuries ago. He enjoys his life on the mountain and the young boy who comes to visit every year. That is, until the landslide took out his grove.
Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Embers (2. Abandoned) Midoriya Izuku is born with a perfect combination of his parents' quirks. Given that he has literally the most impractical fire quirk in existence, becoming a Hero might be a little tricky.
Wow that is so many more fics than I thought I’d rec. And now, last but not least, I have Crossover Fics!!! ((I know you didn’t ask for them, but I’m on a roll now))
Avatar: The Last Airbender crossovers
The Notebook (1. Angst. Inactive) Todoroki Shouto / Zuko Izuku gives Shouto a journal for his birthday. The journal seems to write in itself, though, with maps of a place that doesn't exist. What happens when Shouto tries to contact the entity writing in the journal?
In His Element(s) (2. Angst. Complete) Aang chases some renegade spirits across world borders and makes some friends along the way. As one does.
Star Wars crossovers
You and What Army (1. Inactive) Midoriya Inko / Yagi Toshinori | All Might Midoriya Inko: Single Mother, Long Suffering Individual, and Renegade Jedi Master. When her son is declared Quirkless in a world that relies on them so much, she teaches Izuku the ways of the Force.
The New Normal (2. Angst. Complete) Midoriya Izuku comes from a long line of secret Force users. Reconciling that with living as a Quirkless person in a Quirked world is interesting at best-- and that was Before his dad tried to make him commit murder.
This has been a Bucket of Rec’s! Thank you for calling! Happy reading! >^.^<
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Gonna ramble more about Twst underneath the cut
Since we’re on the countdown leading up to Halloween, I wanted to talk more on the subject of my Yuu’s fear of all things horror-related since, while I did mention it in my post about the first Halloween event, I didn’t go into a lot of detail about it.
For starters, before Mumei started punishing her with horror movie marathons so he could scare the hell out of her and laugh at her expense, Yuu wasn’t originally as scared of horror movies as she is now.
She was still the easily scared type, but she could survive watching a horror movie without being too worse for wear. 
Now, however, thanks to Mumei, Yuu’s fear is to the point where she will quickly change the channel if she sees even a horror movie trailer playing. She can’t even handle that, let alone a whole movie.
So, if anyone were to try to get her to watch a horror movie, Yuu would be quick to refuse. She wouldn’t try to suffer through it for the sake of watching it with her friends.
She would feel bad about doing this, but she does not wanna deal with the nightmare aftermath, especially when she lives in a haunted dorm. 
A haunted dorm that took her a while to get used to because of her fear. While she was able to eventually get used to the ghosts because of their cute/cartoonish appearances, the whole atmosphere of the dorm still had her on edge for a good while.
Thankfully, once she began cleaning up the dorm, it started looking less scary, so she was eventually able to become comfortable with her new home.
That said, Yuu still gets easily spooked by the ghosts because she’s the easily startled type and is horrible with jump scares. You’d think someone who’s good at reading others and isn’t the type to let her guard down wouldn’t have this kind of problem, but this is just a weakness of hers she can’t overcome despite her best efforts. 
The Ramshackle ghosts do try to be more considerate of her once they see how easily startled she is cause they do feel a little bad for her, especially since she always makes the effort to be nice/polite toward them despite her fear.
In regards to who else knows about her fear, it’s not really a secret that Yuu is easily startled since everyone bears witness to this fact at some point or another.
However, not everyone knows that she’s bad with horror movies and is easy to scare with horror. Originally, it’s just Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts who know but Ace and Deuce find out once Yuu makes it clear that she doesn’t want to watch horror movies whenever they have movie nights at Ramshackle.
While Deuce is nice enough to accept this and has no intention to press the matter cause he thinks it would be wrong to force a girl to watch something that clearly makes her uncomfortable, Ace always gives her a hard time about it cause he loves scary movies, so he often teases her about being a scaredy-cat.
Yuu gets mildly annoyed with Ace’s teasing, but she doesn’t really rebuke him because she agrees that she’s a scaredy-cat. She doesn’t recognize her fear as the trauma that it is and instead just sees herself as being pathetic for always being so easily scared.
However, Yuu does eventually get fed up with Ace when, during one of the nights when he comes over to watch a movie with her and Grim, he tries to force her to watch a scary movie by pretending it’s a completely different kind of movie that they’ll be watching.
While Ace is a good liar, he’s not good enough to fool Yuu who has become very good at reading her best friends/sons, so she quickly catches onto his scheme and tries to leave the living room, intending to leave him to watch the movie with Grim.
When Ace tries to drag her back to the couch because he thinks she’s being ridiculous and a bad host, she loses her patience with him and promptly flips him over her shoulder onto the couch lol
After calling him out for being a jerk, Yuu heads for her room while Grim laughs at Ace’s misfortune. 
Thankfully, the two don’t remain at odds for too long since the ghosts talk to Ace about Yuu’s fear, pointing out how it’s more than just her being a scaredy-cat. 
Even though she has never admitted as much, the ghosts are observant enough to know this is a serious matter for Yuu, so they don’t think Ace should treat it lightly, not if he truly cares about her/respects her as a friend.
After talking with them, Ace, while he would never admit it, does start to feel a little guilty, so he temporarily leaves Ramshackle to buy some snacks from the school vending machine and goes back to his dorm to grab a different movie for them to watch.
While he doesn’t outright apologize to her when he later goes to her room, Yuu can tell the apology is implied when Ace gives her snacks that she likes, so she forgives him and agrees to watch the new movie he picked out with him and Grim.
From then on, Ace doesn’t give her as much of a hard time about her fear of horror, but he’ll still tease her about it cause that’s just how he is lol
Jamil is the only one who knows about Yuu’s fear of horror and the actual reason behind it, so if he and Kalim get invited for a movie night at Ramshackle along with several other students and many people show an interest in watching a horror movie, he’ll hang out with Yuu to keep her company since she’s fine with the others watching those movies as long as she doesn’t have to watch.
Jamil could care less whether or not he watches the movie. Just as long as Kalim is sufficiently entertained and not causing trouble, Jamil’s okay with whatever but would likely enjoy Yuu’s tranquil company over dealing with everyone getting worked up over a movie.
However, if the scary movie involves bugs, Jamil is quickly having himself and Yuu exit the living room and making sure they are as far away from that room as possible lol
So anyone who would be invited over for the group movie nights would find out about Yuu’s fear of horror. Thankfully, no one gives her a hard time about it. There’s some teasing, but the main person who does it is Ace. 
While Idia doesn’t go to those movie nights for obvious reasons, he does have movie nights in his room when it’s just him, Ortho, Yuu, and Grim, and because he likes horror movies, that subject does eventually get brought up.
Since Yuu’s always respectful of his personal boundaries, Idia wouldn’t ever force her to watch anything that makes her uncomfortable. However, he does think it’s a shame that she can’t appreciate some of the greatest movies he knows like Creepy Hollow.
(Because of Idia, Yuu actually knows about Creepy Hollow unlike almost everyone else at NRC since that’s something he starts gushing about to her when Halloween begins to approach. She thinks it’s cute how excited he gets about the movie.
Of course, this only happens in the game event timeline since the events don’t always seem to fit into the story timeline. Following the story timeline, Yuu hasn’t met Idia yet since she doesn’t meet him until winter break, but because the events seem be in a timeline of their own, I’m gonna say that Yuu is friends with Idia for the Halloween event. )
That’s why Idia tries to find movies that Yuu could handle and does a lot of thinking on the matter with Ortho’s help since surely there are some movies that Yuu could handle and possibly even enjoy.
After some brainstorming, Ortho proposes the type of thriller movies that have some kind of mystery in the plot. Because Yuu loves a good mystery, she might be so engrossed in solving it that the scary aspects of the movie might not affect her.
Idia thinks it’s worth a shot, so they both suggest the idea to Yuu who’s willing to give it a shot since she can’t ever turn down a good mystery despite her reservations when anything horror-related gets brought up.
Thankfully, Ortho’s theory was spot on since the movies the brothers find for her don’t end up scaring Yuu nearly as much as she expected. Instead, because she’s so caught up in trying to solve the mysteries, she basically tunes out most of the scary stuff.
Yes, she’ll still get startled by jump scares, but it’s not enough to make her wanna stop watching since she’s invested in the mystery.
Plus, it also helps that for anything really scary one of the brothers will cover her eyes since that alone does a great job of minimizing the fear impact.
(I could see Yuu eventually watching Creepy Hollow with the brothers since they could cover her eyes if necessary. Plus, considering it’s a B-rated movie, it’s likely not too terribly scary. And the movie is likely mostly spent with Idia excitedly chattering about it so that would be a great distraction from anything that’s remotely scary lol)
The Shroud brothers are very proud of themselves for this great accomplishment. Idia probably also feels a little smug cause the Ramshackle Prefect might not be able to watch scary movies with the other normies but she can do it at Ignihyde no problem~ lol
(Also, I will add that movies that have a lot of blood, gore, death, etc. don’t really bother or scare Yuu since she has seen a lot of horrible stuff during her time in the underworld, so she’s almost desensitized to it. However, she will tear up over animal/child deaths and the deaths of the characters she ends up getting attached to.
So what really scares her about horror movies are the jump scares and the villains of said movies as well as the whole creepy atmosphere if that makes sense. Also, the whole experience just makes her think of Mumei since in the past she only ever had to watch these movies because of him, so it just brings back bad memories.
It impresses a lot of the guys how Yuu can be completely unfazed by all the violence. It’s amazing in a sense that she won’t flinch at that but will at any jump scare that appears on the screen even if she knows they’re coming lol)
As I mentioned in the post about the first Halloween event, Yuu’s fear of horror doesn’t negatively affect her feelings about Halloween since she likes the idea of dressing up and giving out candy to people.
Halloween costumes overall wouldn’t really affect her in the daylight since it’s obviously just people wearing costumes rather than anything she needs to be afraid of. Overall, I’d say it would be difficult to really scare her when the sun’s up unless you’re surprising her. 
Even at nighttime, she wouldn’t be scared unless the costume was genuinely scary and/or the overall atmosphere was spooky. So, if things begin to feel horror movie-like, it’s all over for her poor heart lol
So, for the most part, the only time Yuu gets scared during the first Halloween event is when someone surprises her, but once she takes a minute to recover, she’s all good.
However, things would be slightly different during the second Halloween event because, when she finally wakes up, she finds herself in a room filled with ghosts, not to mention the fact that the first thing she sees is Ace hovering over her prone position in his Halloween costume.
When she first sees Ace, Yuu definitely gets startled, not enough to scream since she recognized his voice as she was waking up, but she definitely makes a startled noise before complaining about him giving her a heart attack, which he retorts that she did the same thing to him first lol
During the party in the ghost realm, Yuu would be slightly apprehensive dealing with all those ghosts. She’s used to ghosts by now, but these are ghosts she doesn’t know so she can’t help but be a little tense. It usually takes her a little while to get used to ghosts enough not to feel nervous around them.
Still, she does her best to be cordial around them cause she can tell they truly mean no harm and just want to have fun for Halloween. 
Thankfully, Yuu gets constantly distracted by all her friends so she deals more with them than she does the ghosts. As a result, she’s able to have a good time in the end.
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blueaizu · 1 year
My Game, Clip Idol
Since I guess this Tumblr is my new base of operations, I should start putting more effort into updating it more. I don't want it to turn into me talking about these things instead of doing them, but I figure it's best to keep people updated and I gotta do that somewhere!
My first big text post was pretty negative, and the last thing I want is for my page to devolve into constant down notes. Why don't I talk a little more about the cool thing I'm making? Click to find out more and see an early build of my game in action!
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So in an earlier post about... another website with an off-putting musk that shall not be named, I glossed over the fact I'm making my own game and that I've livestreamed myself working on it. I more or less kept it a close secret except for those particular streams, but I figure now's a good time to start going into more detail about it.
My game is called Clip Idol, and it's a collection of WarioWare inspired minigames with a Vtuber theme. But talk is cheap, so how about I show you a video of it in action?
Neat, right??
Which parts did I make? All of them. All of the stuff you saw and heard in the video was 100% done by me (except the engine, which is GameMaker) (Harley's voice samples are also from a Japanese program called UTAU)! The art's still mostly placeholder, but I'm still working on it.
Clip Idol is a project I undertook to get a better grasp of all aspects of making a game. They say to keep your first project a simple one, and WarioWare's about as simple as games get. So I had an idea of what I wanted to make, but then I needed some kind of framing device to give it its own identity. Vtubers are popular and they play a variety of games on stream, so why not turn that into a game? I am actually surprised no one thought of it before, or at least had the drive to turn it into a real game.
The character is named Harley Felina (Harley for short), and I designed her specifically for this game. She's a cat-themed android living in a cyberpunk-ish world that likes to ride and maintain motorcycles. She also likes to play games that last for like four seconds, in rapid succession.
So where are the livestreams? They're on my old VODs channel. I did a lot of streams last year (relative to when I'm posting this), and while they don't cover all of the development it chronicles a good chunk of it. I was a PNG back then, and now I have a full fledged Live2D model waiting in the wings (bat wings, to be exact). Which, by the way, I also made 100% by myself.
I don't really have a thesis for this post, I just wanted to talk about the project I've been working on, plug that I've done streams in the past and that they're on my old VODs channel. It's not just Clip Idol, either, I also did art streams and game playthroughs. I finished every game I played! ...Well, most games I played (I didn't like Resident Evil very much).
I'll continue to work hard making cool stuff!
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Until next time!
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god-whispers · 1 year
jun 17
week in review headlines
"behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me." psa 40:7
Scientists Create Synthetic Human Embryos In The Lab Paving The Way For Soulless Non-Human Entities Created Without Sperm Or Egg When you read the book of Revelation, it’s a veritable cavalcade of end times entities that come bubbling up from the nether regions of the abyss, much of it of the non-human variety. Scientists have now figured out how to create a synthetic embryo in the lab that needs neither sperm nor egg to form. Let your imagination wander to just what type of spiritual things might want to inhabit these bodies. It’s all ‘par for the course’ in the coming Days of Noah.
Harvard Medical School morgue manager and 6 others accused of stealing and selling human remains — including bodies of stillborn infants "Some crimes defy understanding," Karam said. "The theft and trafficking of human remains strikes at the very essence of what makes us human."
Death toll of doomsday starvation cult in Kenya reaches 300, and over 600 more are missing Police began an investigation after receiving a tip that dozens of people were starving themselves on the order of a pastor. They rescued about 95 emaciated people from the property and arrested Mackenzie.
Documentary: Unsustainable – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination Globalists in the power elite – working through the United Nations – are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as “Agenda 21.”
MSNBC runs hit segment on parents, says their efforts to protect children from LGBT grooming and pedophilia constitute “hate” “Deadline: White House,” one of the top-rated shows on the failing cable news channel MSNBC, ran a hit segment this week against parents and their allies who want to protect innocent children from LGBT grooming and pedophilia in public school classrooms all across the country.
Japan Begins Secretly Releasing Irradiated Water From Fukushima Disaster Into the Ocean Tokyo Electric Power Company (better known as TEPCO) started releasing irradiated seawater from Monday afternoon into an underwater tunnel that has been built to release Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK said on Tuesday. According to TEPCO, the tunnel will be filled with some 6,000 tons of seawater by around noon on Tuesday.
WHO makes bombshell announcement launching ‘digital health certification network’: Will the ‘mark’ soon be foisted upon the people of the world? …This is something I’ve been warning was coming for nearly three years and so it’s almost anti-climactic for readers of this site, where we weren’t afraid to shout it from the housetops early and often about the resemblance of the WHO’s “digital health certificate” to the biblical mark of the beast.
WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change The World Economic Forum has recently launched a controversial new initiative that will have animal rights activists up in arms. The World Economic Forum is now calling for millions of cats and dogs worldwide to be slaughtered in an effort to reduce the “carbon pawprint” they produce as a result of eating meat.
Preparing for war? IDF, healthcare facilities practice evacuation of special-needs patients The Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command and the country’s civilian medical system in recent days rehearsed the wartime evacuation of special-needs patients from northern Israel. The exercise, which took place in nine separate locations in the Shlomi Regional Council, around a kilometer from the Lebanese border, simulated an IDF directive to evacuate northern communities,
“This Is Evil!”- Wisconsin County Poised to Pass Four-Part Resolution to Become Nation’s First Sex Reassignment Sanctuary for “Trans and Non-Binary” Children So They Can be Transitioned without Parental Consent The mask has completely dropped: leftists in government are now openly inviting adults from across America to allow the mutilation of innocent children without parental consent and have them exposed to X-rated material.
Palestinian Poll: Vast Majority See Violence as Solution; Few Believe in Two-State Solution The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) released a new survey on Wednesday that painted a grim picture of a Palestinian public overwhelmingly supportive of violence towards Israel, with two-thirds believing that Israel will not celebrate its hundredth anniversary.
BEWARE: “Catholic” Healthcare Network Facilitating Child Sex Changes: Satanists Mutilate Children Genital mutilation surgeries are big business and make hospitals big money.  Founder of the Lepanto Institute Michael Hichborn is here to detail his groundbreaking story exposing CommonSpirit Health for organizing trans surgeries at Catholic hospitals.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Answering you early, cause I'll be gone later and miss OT8 anniversary live </3
Ateez puppy or kitten interview when, because I need this but in person
It's not easy being and Exo-l 😭 one of my besties is an OG fan and she's in the state of suffering mdudushyshdgjshs but I remember when Minho, Onew and Key were gone some antis said Shinee won't be back and they're gonna disband I- 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I'm so confused because I saw this I know, not valid info, but there's no official discharge date info I think... if he's back next month I'll eat my walls ❤
Just like Armys suddenly caring about military because their faves are going (some literally admitted to only caring about BTS - imagine telling on yourself like that wow) whereas there are 18 year old boys in the military being absolutely ruined mentally and physically. Also if someone isn't fit for the active service why send them away to be social workers, please it makes no sense 😭 Though I think for people like Donghun and Sehyoon from A.C.E it must be a nice break (they're both during social work due to their mental health issues and my boy Donghun is so active on Insta, I was dramatic at first but for no reason lmao his enjoying his life)
Uh why did that Armchair invent a scenario and got heated over it 🤨
Me too, I gave up on Choi San... Itaewon class haircut you're right 😭 speaking of pink I miss pink San too
Imagine being someone like me who likes to collect paper and buys their magazines, rip. Now the maknae got his first solo cover I'm so happy. So Ateez solo covers WHEN
I like this channel their vids are funny and relaxing. Also them because they make so many different toasts and as a toastie stan I need more ideas that are easy to veganise. And my friend from Hong Kong who always sends me new vegan products because damn HK is killing it with their vegan meat replacements, sent me this guy's cooking book. I wish my food looked so aesthetically pleasing
That dragon plot is like every cat boy story I saw ksydishshskdsbdggs except having a cat is normal, a dragon??? Not so much
I applaud you for starting so many fics and still managing to finish some of them. Take your time, but I know Yunho's Hotcheeks are thirsty 😅 and I'm so sorry why do some of you here hate happiness, please smile a little, life is painful enough don't write sad endings 😭 put angst in the story, but spare us with the final part...
I did not expect THAT photo of San I thought you were gonna send something disrespectful 🙈
Right, Jongho is actually good, but ngl I miss his early dancing days, now he needs to belt so he doesn't always go as hard or is just standing on the side, but I think many people don't see him as a good enough dancer which is a shame. Yeosang's footwork too, he's very precise something not many people notice as well!
Remember the -core quiz where I got cryptidcore... the description said I'm in love with the Mothman 👀 so "soulmates - okay socially anxious introvert, how's the extreme desire to find the love of your life without having to put in effort? (writing this as if im not the exact same)" I'm sorry but that's not me at all, let me retake it lol. I changed 3 answers and got forbidden love, slightly better hahaha
I'm wheezing
Hey uhm what the fuck is going on here and here
I love him but I hate him 🤧🥺 he wants everyone to be delulu af, maybe he's the biggest delulu after all, or the biggest tease 🙄 - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Answering you early, cause I'll be gone later and miss OT8 anniversary live </3
i completely missed it <3
Ateez puppy or kitten interview when, because I need this but in person
EXACTLY I NEED HWA TO CRADLE THE DOG RIGHT NOW !!!! i just know mingi would adopt one
It's not easy being and Exo-l 😭 one of my besties is an OG fan and she's in the state of suffering mdudushyshdgjshs but I remember when Minho, Onew and Key were gone some antis said Shinee won't be back and they're gonna disband I- 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I'm so confused because I saw this I know, not valid info, but there's no official discharge date info I think... if he's back next month I'll eat my walls ❤
LMFAOOOO SUFFERING 24/7 😭😭😭 RUMORS OF A OT9 CB 😭😭🤚🏼🤚🏼 no omg they be spreading rumours about disbandment every 2 secs but if u do the same to their faves it was war 🔫🔫 FBWMDHWK EAT UR WALLS FJKQJDKWNDKQ
Just like Armys suddenly caring about military because their faves are going (some literally admitted to only caring about BTS - imagine telling on yourself like that wow) whereas there are 18 year old boys in the military being absolutely ruined mentally and physically. Also if someone isn't fit for the active service why send them away to be social workers, please it makes no sense 😭 Though I think for people like Donghun and Sehyoon from A.C.E it must be a nice break (they're both during social work due to their mental health issues and my boy Donghun is so active on Insta, I was dramatic at first but for no reason lmao his enjoying his life)
no bc why they shaming those who already went to military 😭😭😭 what difference is that gonna make 😭😭 NAURR UR SO RIGHT ABOUT THAT 18YO ONES i have a few friends around my age going to enlistment and theyre all scared shitless bc it’s so brutal😭😭🤚🏼 but also considering sk’s history it is important for them to go bc they can be at w@r and they need ppl trained on hand,, THE SOCIAL WORKER ENLISTMENT BEING LONGER THAN THE REGULAR ONE JUST GRRRRRRR
Uh why did that Armchair invent a scenario and got heated over it 🤨
EXACTLY 😭😭😭 it’s so embarrassing pls just have a deep breathe and relax pls 😭🤚🏼
Me too, I gave up on Choi San... Itaewon class haircut you're right 😭 speaking of pink I miss pink San too
Imagine being someone like me who likes to collect paper and buys their magazines, rip. Now the maknae got his first solo cover I'm so happy. So Ateez solo covers WHEN
JDHSK EXACTLY WHEN !!!!! need to see more of hwa being a whore in magazines bc this one was absolutely insane and we need more,, need them to do something like these
yunho in this id die
I like this channel their vids are funny and relaxing. Also them because they make so many different toasts and as a toastie stan I need more ideas that are easy to veganise. And my friend from Hong Kong who always sends me new vegan products because damn HK is killing it with their vegan meat replacements, sent me this guy's cooking book. I wish my food looked so aesthetically pleasing
omg im about to binge thru these right now gtfo,,, STOP THE TOASTS LOOK SO DELICIOUSO 😮‍💨😮‍💨 yooo??? really?? i know a lot of places use soya as a meat replacer and istg it be tasting just like the real deal 🤚🏼🤚🏼 i watch and! the try guys without a recipe thing,, no like its crazy how pretty their food looks but whej i try it, it looks like something gordon ramsay would disgrace me for
That dragon plot is like every cat boy story I saw ksydishshskdsbdggs except having a cat is normal, a dragon??? Not so much
I applaud you for starting so many fics and still managing to finish some of them. Take your time, but I know Yunho's Hotcheeks are thirsty 😅 and I'm so sorry why do some of you here hate happiness, please smile a little, life is painful enough don't write sad endings 😭 put angst in the story, but spare us with the final part...
I did not expect THAT photo of San I thought you were gonna send something disrespectful 🙈
Right, Jongho is actually good, but ngl I miss his early dancing days, now he needs to belt so he doesn't always go as hard or is just standing on the side, but I think many people don't see him as a good enough dancer which is a shame. Yeosang's footwork too, he's very precise something not many people notice as well!
he’s that one meme where everyone’s dancing and that one member is standing still belting out f sharps 😭😭 TRUE !!! TRUE !!!! many just see him as a vocalist but this man dances so well PLS DHKWHD YEOSANG’s FOOTWORK IS INSANE makes him so much more hotter!
Remember the -core quiz where I got cryptidcore... the description said I'm in love with the Mothman 👀 so "soulmates - okay socially anxious introvert, how's the extreme desire to find the love of your life without having to put in effort? (writing this as if im not the exact same)" I'm sorry but that's not me at all, let me retake it lol. I changed 3 answers and got forbidden love, slightly better hahaha
OH?? ARE U PERHAPS CONFESSING UR LOVE FOR ME FJWKFKWK SOULMATES ONE KINDA MATCHES NGL! 👁👁 oh forbidden love?? bodyguard au am i hearing 👀 i got this! BENWBDS
maybe it’s a sign
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I'm wheezing /// Hey uhm what the fuck is going on here and here
MUSIC FOR THE PUSSY FBWJDHW PLS ….what’s going on here 🤨
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I love him but I hate him 🤧🥺 he wants everyone to be delulu af, maybe he's the biggest delulu after all, or the biggest tease 🙄 - DV 💖
i feel the exact same,, sometimes i don’t even wanna look at this man BC I KNOW ID GO CRAZY 😭😭😭 need to meet this man fr fr one day 😭🤚🏼 HE WANTS EVERYONE TO BE HIS DELULU HES PRACTICED FBDB
also???? mr choi???
also omg purple kiss’s vocals 😮‍💨🤌🏼
oh and a new one!
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juunshua · 5 years
ur tags omg.. just abt every time jiacheng posts abt his cats on weibo i end up imagining juncheng playing w them tgthr (which is often bc at least half of jiacheng’s weibo posts r cat related fhdsjfsk). i rmbr last yr he brought his cat w him to a music show and i’m still a little sad he didn’t bring her to yo! bang to meet junnie 😔 -qarina/moonsjun
i remember when we got videos of junnie with cats last year around the same time he was on cyzj, i would always find myself thinking of jiachengs cats and always hoping one day that we would see something of junnie playing with jiachengs cats or a selfie with them or something ahah still wishing! and omg jiacheng brought one of his cats to a music show?? i was totally not aware of this omg but yeah it would have been really neat if he brought her to yo!bang. maybe since he was on it as an MC, the longer hours away from the cat may not have been ideal? not sure how music shows work but I assume MCs must really be on standby for the entirety of a show whereas if ur just a performer, theres a lot of time in the waiting room and ur really only required to leave to like perform + ending? could that have played a role? im not sure hahaha but yeah itd really have been great if he met any of jiachengs cats ! do u think hes met them at all? we know that jiacheng came to kr and met junnie (that three day trip alskdj if junnie nvr would have brought it up we wouldnt have known sad we didnt get selfies for documentation but it is their private life after all they arent obligated to share anything but like when junanhao met up they did shared a couple of pics)  but has junnie gone to chn and met jiacheng and his cats? its something i often wonder haha but if he hasnt then one day the stars will align for sure for junnie to meet jcs cats if they havent already (bc thats how juncheng works *knocks on wood*) and maybe we’ll get a cute video or selfie then :D 
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areislol · 2 years
genshin characters (diluc, zhongli, childe, albedo, scaramouche, or any of your choice) having a crush on reader they only met online. they're very far from each other, like an ldr but just talking stage. how do you think would they act or make an effort to talk with the reader or maybe go to them🧐
streamer! diluc, zhongli, xiao, dainsleif, albedo, scaramouche x online friend! reader
ft — diluc, zhongli, xiao, dainsleif, albedo, scara warnings — very, very long.. a/n — helloooo, i hope you have a great day or night, or evening.. other than that i love this idea and im so sorry that i couldn't do this one earlier :( i have many requests to do and if you're someone who requested something and haven't gotten anything please just know that i do see each and every one of your guys requests and please be patient!! fun fact: i was nervous to even post this cuz 1, this was way too long and 2, i was scared if it flops as i spent weeks on this and you know.. but i finally gave in by using my bestie(wheelspinner) and it said to “yes, post it” so here it is..
recommend listening to: sickick - mind games
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streamer! diluc x online friend! reader
ok first of all, how did you catch diluc's eye?? like?? how.
anyways.. you and diluc met on discord, it was before diluc was well known - when he had around 3,000 followers.
diluc met you on a server and you both became friends really quickly, despite diluc being known to be "cold" and "reserved" diluc was always open and it was like a shy and scared cat opening up to its owner
ever since the day diluc and you talked, diluc found himself always giving you "good morning" and "good night" messages, he also finds himself always checking if you're online or not so he could text you and spark up a conversation.
you and diluc also gave each other your socials so you could talk to each other not just on discord(insta, twitch, etc.)
when diluc gave you his twitch, you immediately checked his account right away and you saw how many followers he had and you was amazed!!
you and diluc knew each other really well and because of diluc's schedule you could only talk to him on certain days on a certain time.
whenever diluc was streaming you would always be in the stream hanging out with diluc and interacting with him, diluc also put you as his mod <3 if you wanted to(which you did) you and diluc would be in vc playing games together on stream.
he also made a server for everyone who enjoyed his content(viewers and fans too) to join, he made a role only for you. and only for you - "the best" or any cute nickname.
(he may or may not have given you co owner or owner)
day by day diluc's channel started to grow to where he almost had 10,000+ followers, to almost 1 mill.
you made sure to screenshot whenever diluc hit his goal, so one day you could show everyone how diluc started small to big so that whoever wants to be a streamer, all these screenshots are proof that everyone starts small at some point and then gradually grows big <3
but the problem is, the more diluc's channel grew, the most busier he got and that means that you both dont really have time to talk to each other and that pains both of you.
whenever diluc has time off or just have time to squeeze in any "y/n time" he makes sure to make the most of it.
you're one of diluc's greatest supporters, you've been there with him from when he had 3,000+ followers to now, and he really appreciates it - and especially since you're his crush he values you and adores you 100x more
moving on, in diluc's server you're given either your own special role that comes with all perms, owner role or co owner role.
he allows you to do ANYTHING, anything you want. he trusts you that much and he knows that you won't do anything stupid.
he has his own vc just for the two of you, it's called "me n them <3", you must be blind if you can't even see these hints or maybe you do know but is just waiting for the right time..
he even makes a whole category dedicated to you, for example: "y/n fanart | give y/n love | appreciation | y/n supremacy | y/n talk"
and many more, he also makes sure that nobody makes you feel uncomfortable - if anyone is talking about you in an inappropriate way hell immediately mute them and if the situation is much more worse he'll ban them and makes sure to tell everyone to report them.
you and diluc have both been thinking of meeting up irl, but you both haven't spoke about it to each other as it might seem weird.
you also both know what each other looks like because you know, you guys are extremely close and it just seemed right to show each others face.
(that's if you're comfortable only. if you didn't/dont want to show your face then it's okay <3 diluc loves you either way - he's not here for ur looks.)
diluc has always dreamt of meeting you irl, to see each other face to face, to take you on expensive and lovely dates, to give you his all but of course, everything comes with a problem.
because of covid, some flights have been delayed and closed for the time being, which means that diluc can't fly to you or you can't fly to him.
when you had finally built the courage to tell diluc, you was surprised by his response. "diluccc?? can i speak to u abt something rq?" "sure y/n, what's up?"
(just telling you, he responds to your texts so fast - whether he's streaming, buying food, etc)
"well i've been thinking about like yk, meeting up?" diluc, when he read that message was in SHOCK. i mean like, he was going to say it anyways but the fact that you too also thought about it? wow, that just made diluc want to fall to the ground and roll around squealing while making happy diluc noises but i wont go any further.
what i mean is that diluc is now smiling like a mad man while responding to your message "well, i was thinking about that too. but because of covid i dont think we'll be able to meet up. what if covid restrictions are lowered? would you be able to fly over?"
you immediately respond, typing extremely fast that your message turns out to be looking like this -> "if covid resitrction ar elowered yes ofc, would u be able to fly oevr to me thoygh?"
you've left diluc worried and dumbfounded..
anyways you and diluc spend the next few hours talking about meeting up irl and planning on what to do if covid restrictions DO lower.
you and diluc are both super excited about meeting up irl. imagine the feeling when you finally meet up with the person you love the most. euphoria.
now the thought of meeting up face to face is all that occupies dilucs mind, you and diluc seem to be eager to meet irl so diluc makes sure to check the news everyday just to see if they've lowered the covid restrictions
diluc also checks up on you everyday, from the morning, afternoon to night. he makes sure that you're feeling alright.
diluc also sends you boxes of plushies and clothes to you <3 you know those people who ship people self-care packages? yea it's just like that but instead diluc ships you a whole box filled with plushies that you've told him you wanted because they're just so darn cute
diluc also ships you matching clothes so that you could both match when you do meet up.
ALSO SENDS YOU FOOD!! snacks you've always wanted but never could because of your parents? oh what's this lying on top of everything - the snacks you've always wanted? no way!!
also gives you free diluc merch. always. sometimes daydreams about seeing you wearing his merch <3 intentionally ships you the larger version because.. oversized clothes..
diluc makes sure that no person is harassing you, if they do well.. lets just say that their account gets banned in the next hour because of diluc telling everyone(and i mean everyone.) to go report their account and makes sure that their account is banned.
"y/n you seem uncomfortable, is everything alright?"
(normally you text him within a few seconds yet you're texting him after like 4 minutes which is not normal, unless ur busy or something)
"oh yea, some creep is just making me feel uncomfortable right now" "user?" "oh uh it's ___" diluc in the server: !!everyone go report this user rn "___"!!
diluc literally sends them a rude message - "dont ever talk to y/n or any person like that again you disgusting perverted creep, go get a life instead of leeching off women and other people you fat piece of shit", then diluc goes on to report them, block them.
y’all know the “sweetest pie w/ wink” song? yea just imagine diluc blocking them in slow mo(just his fingers showing) and then him winking when the wink sound comes on while throwing his phone.
there's also a channel for edits, and majority of them are ship edits, edits of you and diluc. the only reason why diluc even made a channel named "edits" was just so he could see the edits people made of him and you. he saves them and sometimes even rewatches them just so he could see that moment over and over again.
wishing that something like that would happen, wishing that a miracle would happen.
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streamer! zhongli x online friend! reader
zhongli, also known as "morax" was always known for his cool, calm and collected nature, his soft, honey like voice and his amazing gaming skills despite being always calm.
he was never like those hyper energetic streamers who cried whenever they lost a battle, he just responds with "gg" and resumes playing.
and because of that, zhongli has attracted many people who are now, his loyal fans.
even though zhongli is always calm, his looks do not help either way. everyone goes crazy over his long and healthy hair, and his face
and zhongli is aware.
zhongli had met you through a server on discord, it was a server for those who loved to play games and find a partner to play with. so when the bot matched you and zhongli to play - you two become very quick friends.
zhongli admired your skills and you did too!! you both exchanged ways to kill an opponent. you didn't really know that is was THE morax so when zhongli asked if he could friend you, you agreed!! you've just made your very first friend.
(im kidding, maybe not.)
since that day, you two would play together and battle against each other - it wasn't about winning, rather it was about having fun and that was exactly what you and zhongli were feeling.
when you told and showed everyone about your new friend, they all said that, that was morax, THE morax - the famous and skilled streamer.
when you found out about it, you talked to zhongli about it and he confirmed. you, was in shock. you.. were talking with an extremely talented and popular streamer? how could this be..
but that didn't change your relationship. zhongli had thought that once you found out that he was a famous streamer you would take advantage of him and just use him for fame but - nope!
your relationship with zhongli was still the same, you weren't using him, begging him for expensive items and etc.
after you found out about zhongli being morax, zhongli just made you mod for his stream because why not and invited you into his discord server.
just like diluc, he made you - your very own special role!! it was called "them<3" and if you wanted to, zhongli made you the owner.
zhongli is a mature person, and is very wise so he knows what he's doing.
may or may not have made a vc only for you and him..
you and zhongli have a pretty close relationship, you both check up on each other and your personality matches with zhongli's really well, no matter how crazy or calm you are.
if you're extremely hyperactive and is.. a bit crazy - zhongli has no problems with that. he IS always calm and collected so he doesn't mind you acting all crazy like a childe that had just eaten 5 packets of sugar.
if you're like zhongli, quite calm and doesn't really make a ruckus - you two are like the perfect match. if you two were next to each other, you both would be sitting down, legs crossed as you watch your friends being extremely crazy. unbothered of course.
zhongli had always thought of meeting up with you. he has always have, the thought of having you in his arms makes his heart swell.
the more you talked with him, the more he fell in love with you. your personality, the way you cared for him and others, the way you never changed your personality whenever talking with people, there wasn't a single flaw about you. you, were perfect.
when zhongli brought up the topic of "meeting up irl" you immediately replied "i've been thinking abt that too^^ do you want to meet up?"
ha.. haha.. you've got to be kidding me, right? OFC HE WANTS TO MEET UP W/ U
but back to the meeting up plan..
you and zhongli talk about meeting up for the rest of the day and you both agree that once covid has calmed down a bit, zhongli would fly over to you
also sends you cute plushies that remind him of you, sends you merch of his own
zhongli gives you a plushie of him to you <3
you also give zhongli a plushie of you and you know those bfs who take care of the plushie their gf gives to them? that's what zhongli does to them.
when your plushie is shipped to zhongli, as soon as it arrives - zhongli makes sure it's in good condition and takes care of it, it was like zhongli taking care of a baby.
every night he puts the plushie on his bed and puts the covers over it, pulls out his phone and takes a photo of it, sends it to you and sends the message "lil y/n is going to sleep now"
every morning he brings the plushie with him to the bathroom, he puts the toothbrush next to the plushie and takes a picture of it with the caption - "lil y/n is going to brush their teeth now"
it's just so adorable, he also does this every time he's doing something, eating lunch, streaming, writing, going to the gym and etc.
sends you his merch!! for free ofc. also buys you snacks, self care products and cute decorations for your room or house.
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streamer! xiao x online friend! reader
xiao's a complicated one, well for other people. he's reserved, doesn't interact with many people outside, and always has a nonchalant expression so it's hard to read his feelings.
you and xiao both met on discord, you two shared the same interest so you two got along pretty quickly. despite xiao known for not communicating well, you, somehow made xiao felt like himself
that might sound cliché but the way you always made sure that he felt comfortable despite it being an online relationship made him feel safe, you didnt use him, pressure him, or try to get anything from him and that reassured him that you weren't a bad person at all.
since day 1, xiao found himself longing for your attention, he wanted to text you everyday and he hoped that you would too. and you did!
after a few weeks, xiao surprisingly told you that he was a streamer and other information about him. you checked his account and god.. he had over 1 million subscribers
but just because xiao was famous doesn't mean anything, you continued to talk and xiao and still treated him the same way.
just like diluc and zhongli, he makes you mod and invites you to his discord server. he welcomes you and asks if you want a special role
"hi everyone, this is my friend y/n. please welcome them :)"
"you can give me a special role if you want xiao" now, xiao doesn't want people thinking he's a simp but at the same time.. he wants you to feel special as you made him feel this way.
xiao gives you a role called "y/n <3" WITH THE HEART. not just "y/n", "y/n" with a heart.
he also gives you all the perms, so technically you're kind of the owner??
just like diluc, dedicates a whole category about you, and for you.
often checks what's posted in there, makes sure that there aren't any nsfw posts about you - and if he's checking the edits well.. he's going to be saving all the ones he likes and goes onto his tiktok and followers the tiktoker who made that edit.
also he sets an event where the best edit of y/n that he has been sent will be the winner and get nitro ^^
"why not an edit of u??" "no."
he just wants to see you.. in an edit. not him, he has seen multiple edits of him but he'd rather see you <3
did i talk about how xiao literally talks to you every single day? no? okay well.. every single day xiao sends you a good morning and good night text and he makes sure to put EFFORT when texting you.
no small or dry texts, he makes sure that you dont think he's being dry and all..
you know those little xiao keychains and plushies? yeah xiao gives you them.. when you get them you almost immediately put the keychains on your bag and put the little xiao plushie on your bed
you take a picture of the plushie and send it to xiao, xiao's heart nearly burst just looking at the photo.
xiao has seen many videos of online friends/besties meeting up irl at the airport and blah blah blah - but xiao can't help it but continuously watch those videos, pretending that it was actually you and him meeting up irl.
you and xiao have actually talked about this, and you both agreed that you would fly over to his place and hang out there.
but that would only happen once covid restrictions lower.
lemme just tell you something, online or not - xiao will always smile like a mad man whenever he reads your text, why? no idea.
just you talking or even interacting with xiao makes him feel so happy.. you make him feel some type of way and xiao wants to cling onto that feeling.
also if you told your parents and friends about xiao he would be the happiest man alive.
xiao brags about you to his friends <3 they get so tried of it honestly
"yea like y/n is the best. they’re so kind and i just cant, no words can explain how much i love them." "i get it xiao. you've been talking about them for hours now.."
in all honesty, if xiao could, he would be kicking his feet in the air, his hands clutching his phone as he covers his mouth with the phone, rolling side to side while squealing.
(i mean like.. he would tho)
he would also be giggling whenever you send him a "good morning" or "have a great day <3" text, yk those men who like chuckle but it also sounds like a giggle? like not a high pitch giggle but like a kind of.. soft yet heavy giggle?? yea.
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streamer! dainsleif x online friend! reader
give me your ways please.
but enough of me begging, lets get into the good stuff >:)
you and dainsleif met a LOONG time ago, online of course. you two first started to interact with each other when the owner of the server(in which dain and you were in) was recording a youtube video and the title was “matching people to become lovers” and im guessing you know what happens.. no? OH WELL- ahem. i mean, oh well basically..
you were just minding your business when all of the sudden you were put into a discord call called “lovers <3″ with another person- their user was, yup! you guessed it! “dain”
by some miracle that name wasn’t taken so it was pretty rare
“ooo and who do we have here? y/n and dain? seems like a pretty good pair!!”
after being put in the vc you immediately wanted to leave the call until you heard a “how are you.”, it wasn’t a “how are you?” it didn’t even sound like a question.
you didn’t want to leave this man hanging so you responded “im.. uh alright, you?” “mhm, good.”
now this voice wasn’t one that you didn’t recognize. before you’ve been in many vc’s and you’ve heard this man called “dain”s voice before - many women in call would swarm and fawn over him
of course you were one of them, except you were extremely weird with it and you weren’t like “OH MY GOSSSHH IT’S DAIN!!! AHHH” you were the “he has a nice voice. cool.”
but what was weird was that HE actually started the conversation first, dain never talked first, only talking first if he was being asked a question.
after that you and dain started to talk more and more
“sooo, do you know why we were being put in this vc?” “not a clue, but anyways”
after that conversation dain sent you a friend request and of course you accept!! who wouldn’t? and surprisingly, dain only had a few friends(5.)
dain would always decline other friend requests as he had no clue who they were but the fact HE friend YOU first?? mad luck.
day by day you and dain grew closer to each other, you and dain actually had many things in common, how you both liked the same game, how you both liked the same food - it was like a “match made in heaven”
sometimes you and dain would play 1v1 games, just to play together y’know? but the thing is, dain is way too easy on you. why is that?? like get ur big balls on
BUT ANYWAYYYYS, sometimes dain teases you and honestly, that gets you flustered cause.. dain is never known to tease and yet here he is, teasing the hell out of you
“dain!! you’re being way too slow!” “i know.” “?? wha-” *gets shot* “who’s slow now?” “.”
now months later, dain is absolutely IN LOVE with you, you were so kind and considerate. you was always there to give him encouraging words when he needed them the most and you always went out of your way to cheer him up - and those are only a few reasons why dain adores you so much.
and dain finally accepted that he’s an absolute simp for you.
after a few months you and dain were close and comfortable enough to show each other faces to each other and that’s how you find yourself complimenting the shit out of dain :) 
like once dain sent his pic you were in?? shock?? 
*sends pic of him* “you’re not real.” “yes i am, do you think im lying?” “NO IT’S NOT THAT YOU’RE JUST SO... PRETTY?? LIKE HELLOOOOO??? give me your good looks pls..?”
i don’t think i mentioned how dain was in complete shock when you sent your pic first?? because good lord, he was red. extremely red. like yea he loves likes you but the fact that you’re absolutely gorgeous?!
drop deap gorgeous.
yes, dain had a nosebleed upon seeing your picture(selfies??).
i could 100% see dain buying and sending you plushies of him.
“dain, why did you send me a plushie of you??” “because, free merch.”
free merch?? was he some youtube or something??
once you questioned him about it dain finally revealed the truth: he was a streamer
at first you didn’t know what to say but there was one thing you needed to do: find him on twitch.
you hop onto your pc while dain keeps on sending you messages like “.. hello? y/n?” “y/n.. are you..”
*searches “dainsleif” in twitch* * finds dain’s twitch* “!!!” “1 MILL+ SUBS??”
“DAIN. WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?? i could’ve seen your pretty face the whole time ;(” *dain blushing profusely*
yes, and now you watch dains twitch there and then(everyday) and you always donate to dain sending him cute messages like “how are you dain?? - y/n” or “Y/N’S HERE!!”
dain always softly laughs at your messages, he finds you so adorable
now, because of covid, there was a really low chance that you and dain would be able to actually meet up.
you and dain have been thinking about this for a few weeks now, you two have been extremely close and you two were practically best friends now..
so why not meet up??
you and dain discuss about this and decided that dain would come over to your place for about a month or so once borders open up and have fun together - you two would also be vlogging and going to many places together <3
dain is SO excited to meet up with you, he has dreamt of this moment since forever.
he wants to take you everywhere, spoil the absolute shit out of you and kiss you
dain would be so shy if you two met up irl, although he has been dreaming about meeting up with you - he can’t help but feel nervous. even though you both aren’t meeting up right now it seems like it.
you and him talking about meeting up just makes him nervous(in a good way!)
+ dain would buy you cute chibi keychains of himself, he might even make one for you!! a chibi keychain of you and him holding hands <3
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streamer! albedo x online friend! reader
him? having a crush on you? you must be dreaming.
there’s no way that the one and only albedo, the famous and handsome streamer had a crush on you.
how is that even possible? albedo never showed any emotion towards anyone, only smiling and laughing sometimes. but never have albedo looked at someone with genuine love and care.
and that makes you feel some what special. but what can you say? you feel the same way towards him anyways <3
so, how did you two meet? well.. once upon a time albedo was just streaming when he accidentally(how??) joined the wrong server and you were the owner and welcomed him
you were so kind and albedo felt bad if he left so he just stayed and replied with “thank you” and the rest they say, is history.
im just kidding, let me just throw in bits and pieces of the most important details
about albedo, albedo was one of those “among us” streamers during quarantine
and that’s when his popularity started the bloom
most of his viewers were just there because of his content OR his looks, he looked like he was an goddess, his face looked like as if it was carved by angels themselves, his hair looked soft and silky and his calm demeanor and soft/calming voice made girls fawn over him.
because of his calm demeanor, people have always thought of him as an unproblematic(WHICH HE IS!!) streamer and a shy man but nope, albedo IS unproblematic but he isn’t quite.. shy
but after meeting you - things changed, you changed his life and.. him over all.
you and albedo talked after you welcomed him - then things started to escalate(not really), you and albedo had a lot of things in common and that ended up with albedo friending you and honestly, he didn’t mind friending you. you were fun to talk to and he meant it
and since then you two have been talking non stop <3
within a few weeks albedo’s fans started to notice odd changed with his behaviour
albedo always paused his game or said “sorry guys, i need to do something” and got on his phone, typing something and then.. smiling?? who’s this? this is NOT albedo.
albedo would also seem more happier? he seemed like he was in a better mood every single day and not that anyone’s complaining.. it’s just, odd.
moving on!!
you would always send albedo cute cat videos and very concerning tiktoks but did albedo care? no, as a matter of fact albedo goes onto elaborating the tiktok you just watched which sometimes is a bit unnecessary but also funny.
“ALBEDOOOOO” “Y/NNNNNNNN” :GUESS WHAT ‘BEDO??” “WHAT IS ITTT???” *sends a tiktok of milk* *sudden change in text* “hm, this is rather interesting. i’ll look into it more, thank you y/n.” “?? ALBEDO WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IT’S JUST MILK..” “there’s a deeper meaning.” “...”
not to mention albedo is NEVER dry to you, never ever.
but to others? yes.
does he have a crush on you? yes
but do you know that? absolutely not??
you two have tiktok of course, and you and albedo sometimes duet each other LOL
it would be absolutely random but the comments would always match your energy and honestly, you loved it.
sometimes you would hop onto tiktok trends and dance to whatever
albedo would OF COURSE like it and favourite it
(also are we not going to add that he’s literally so supportive of you when you do those “tiktok viral dances”??)
(*posts a tiktok of you dancing to a viral song not even putting in effort* albedo: YOUR MOOOVVVESSSSS!! <3″ “>:) ikr”)
and seeing you on tiktok makes albedo want to meet you in real like and honestly, albedo already thought about this but did he tell you? no
he’d rather surpirse but then again.. would that invade your privacy??
would that make you hate him?
that’s when albedo decided to ask you and what you said surprised albedo
“hey y/n, i just want to ask, would you like to meet up one day? like irl?” “i’ve been waiting for you to say this, YES” “it sounds like you’re saying “YES” like i proposed to you..” “oh?”
and now you and albedo are waiting for the covid restrictions to lower so you two can finally meet up irl <3
just the thought of you two meeting up excited the hell out of him
albedo is growing more and more impatient as time goes by
but enough of that. what would albedo ship to you?
well, he would ship you his merch, his very own plushies(high quality), keychains, and his very own stickers <3 AND SO MUCH MORE TOO!!
would package them neatly and makes sure nothing breaks during transportation.
also puts in some snacks for you <3
and adds his own personal card/letter to you!!
soooo.. how do people know that albedo likes you? easy!
it’s the change in behaviour whenever he’s “around” you
albedo could have a nonchalant manner on but as SOON as he hears a “ding” he immediately grabs his phone and once he sees something(your text) his face lights up and a faint smile forms
it’s so obvious, that this guy does not care about anything except you.
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streamer! scaramouche x online friend! reader
what’s it like constantly being bugged by the annoying scaramouchey?
good? bad? alright?
honestly, it isn’t thatttt bad to be bugged by scara BUT sometimes he says the weirdest stuff ever and it concerns you.
but moving on :)
what do i even start on..
right! how did you and scara meet? well it all happened way before scara hit 1 mill subs
you and scara had been online friends since forever, you two met on a gaming server and since then you two have been getting closer and closer every day <3
scara was always mean to you, not that you care anyways - you and scara would go back and fourth throwing insults at each other before one of you give up(which was never scara)
but after a few months(years..) scara finally opened up to you and started to be a LITTLE bit nicer to you.
then scara decided to become a streamer as he has seen articles that said that becoming a streamer makes you thousands and even millions of dollars
scara informed you about his doing and you encouraged him :) you said that you were going to be there by his side during every step of his journey - and what you said to him seemed to have an effect on his brain.
scara seemed to appreciate you more day by day and you loved that about him, he wasn’t as mean as before but he was a bit better.
throughout his streams he grew more and more
and of course you helped him!! by supporting and promoting/hyping him back!!
you would post things like “GO SUB TO SCARAMOUCHEY!! >:)” and “hey y’all.. it would rlly help me and my scaramouchey if u could sub to him!! my son would be so so proud ;(”
and of course scara would be so embarrassed every time you posted something like that.. who wouldn’t?
once scara hit around 300k subs he started to gain popularity on tiktok WHICH boosted hi dono’s and subs
but there’s one thing that scara always did at the end of the stream, start of the stream and is always in his bio - he always makes sure that your @ / name is there. he wants everyone to know that it was YOU who supported him through out the years
but even though scara is embarrassed that he’s doing something so “lovey-dovey” he still allows it to be there. and you’re always reminding him of that and teasing him but at the end he still doesn’t remove your @ / name
why? well.. he just doesn’t want your name out of his sight.. hhhhh
time skip
scara has now more than 1 mill subs and your name is still on his bio!!
what a faithful man, y/n get the hint!!! >:(
you and scara have NEVER met before and that really saddens you(and perhaps scaramouche too..)
yes you could’ve met each other a long long time ago BUT you two were young and your parent(s?) were extremely strict and wouldn’t allow you both to meet up.
but now that you’re both grown up.. that means you can meet up with each other!!
scara already booked the tickets for.. the next month..
scara will never admit this but: he really wants to meet up with you, like really bad.
he wants to feel your touch
he’s too much of a tsundere to even admit that..
he’s always mean towards you that you doubt your relationship
“why are you always so mean to me :(” “im not even mean to you.” “yes you are, you hurt my feelings” *scara: panicking that he hurt your feelings* “ok fine, im sorry.” “are you really..?” “yes. now shut up” “ouch.. that hurt my feelings..” “...” scara really wants to punch you but in the middle of the punch he puts his fists away and kisses you instead.
AHEM. but i wont go into too much detail about the plan for the meet up..
moving on
one of the things that scara doesn’t do but everyone does(^^) is that he does not send you stuff, like at all.
the ONLY thing he’ll ever send you is his merch. that’s all. nothing else.
he says that you’re “not worthy” for “other things” and that makes you sad, but what can you do? he’s scara
scaramouche will be scaramouche..
(but secretly he does want to send you stuff but is too scared that you’ll think he’s weird)
but you being scara’s crush.. it’s kind of complicated.
though scara is mean to you and all he still has his own way of caring for you
maybe he’ll show you his way of loving when you both meet in real life..
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: sagau x reader fic and event coming very soon!! please give me some ideas for my event, i dont mind any :) tell me if you would like to be in sagau x reader taglist(to be early lmfao) <3 also scara’s and albedo’s part is rushed so im sorry if i doesn’t make any senssseeee
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