#so when he finally comes over to your place its just COVERED in flowers 😭
kalpasio · 1 year
okay here is my brainrot for the day: florist kalpas OR kalpas with a florist reader ‼️‼️ JUST THINK ABOUT IT like he keeps on accidentally burning the flowers and he’s like “whatever they were stupid flowers anyways just grow more” BUT INTERNALLY HES CRYING OVER THEM TOO 😭😭😭😭 I’m going to spend the rest of the day thinking about this I just know it -baby girl kalpas anon
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Kalpas accidentally burning the flowers but he goes home and is p o u t i n g and Elysia is like pushing him out the door to go buy flowers so she can play matchmaker 😭😭
or if HE owns the flower shop and he keeps trying to give you flowers but every time he sees you they mysteriously start wilting and smoking and you keep telling him it's fine but he refuses to charge for the sad flowers and he's just trying so hard to give you the perfect bouquet 🥺
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wonxlvr · 24 days
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High All The Time
you get me so high- the neighbourhood
— “your my best friend, ill love you forever.”
For @bywons ‘on ℴur 𝑙ove。✦ ’ event!! Go check out the other amazing writers :)
Pairing: stoner!heeseung x fem!reader || Word count: || 1K+ (1794) || Genre: LOTS of angst, fluff, second chance ||Warning: cursing, mentions of death, mentions of drug and drug usage, NOT PROOF CHECKED!
preview 🎬: The high school sweethearts, thats what you and heeseung were known for. Up until senior year when heeseung became a druggie, which took a toll on your relationship.
eve’s notes: STOP WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR ME TO MAKE THIS 😭 anyways its finally out so i hope yall enjoy 🙏 it feel like it couldve been better but its still pretty good IG…
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You walked into school, usually with your boyfriend of 3 years but he ditched you to go smoking behind the school, yet again. You were wearing sweats and your Heeseung’s only good hoodie, the rest all reeked of substances and cigarette burns. You would’ve worn something more appealing, but you were too tired.
Heeseung used to be the sweetest boyfriend ever. You met him in your sophomore year through mutual friends and several classes you shared and instantly hit it off. Casual meet ups turned into dates, and on your 2nd date he asked you to be his girlfriend. To which you obviously said yes.
Up until senior year is when things fell apart, he hung out with a bad group of friends and ended up ditching you to go do drugs with them.
You never really had a problem with it until he missed almost every date because he was knocked out cold. You were deeply concerned for his health and well being, that being the core factor to all of your fights with him.
Heeseung came over to your place on the weekends, tripping over his own feet and smelled too strongly of weed.
“Babe, Again? I told you that you needed to stop” you said gently.
“Im sorry, i promise ill stop, baby.” He apologizes, slurring over his words. It was obvious he wasnt sincere with his words, but again, and again, like a fool, you fell for it every time. Thinking he would change.
As you walked hands in your pockets, pity stares were thrown your way but you tried not to mind it. You approached your locker and quickly got your stuff. You saw a glimpse of Heeseung and quickly stormed over to him.
“Baby, where have you been!?” You said in a huff. Heeseung covered his ears to show as if you were being too loud.
“Chill, i was just out back with chenle and the others. And stop yelling, you give me a headache.” Heeseung said as he held his hand up to his head.
You scoff to the side, “I thought you said you would quit?” You angered. Heeseung shrugged and walked pass you angering you more.
“Stop running from your problems!” You yelled from behind, he pretended not to hear you as he went to his friends.
Your eyes welled up with tears, but you blinked them away before anyone could see. You quickly walked to your next class half expecting heeseung to show up but as always, he never did.
You laid your head down and tried to nap. You were tired of him, tired of school, tired of everything. Luckily high school would be ending very soon, in less than a week.
Days pasted by faster than you expected, and graduation day came sooner than anticipated.
Heeseung agreed to have his focus solely on you on graduation day.
The night before the big day, heeseung came over and stayed with you the whole night. School had ended already and now the only event left was graduation day.
You both watched movies and ate snacks together. You were laying on heeseung and you felt his breaths get calmer and short sighs coming out every now and then. When you looked up, he was fast asleep and it was the cutest sight you have seen. You kissed his cupid bow shaped lips and you swore you’ve never felt more in love with someone in your life. Soon falling asleep on him.
Graduation day came and went, heeseung had suprised you with your favorite flowers and a beutiful necklace with an infinity sign to represent your relationship. You made a silent promise to never take it off, the necklace meaning a lot to you.
Hugs and pictures were exchanged throughout the day, the last day was overwhelming for almost everyone.
Jay announced a graduation party that night at his parents house since they would be gone for the week. Everyone was going so you thought why not go as-well.
That night, you did your hair pretty, did your makeup soft, and wore something simple as jeans and a black top.
You went with your friends and told heeseung to meet you at Jay’s place. You and your friends arrived a little later and you stayed with them for a bit until all of you heard yelling.
“y/n!” Jay called. You snapped your head to his direction with a questioning look.
“You need to come with me, your boyfriend is going crazy!” Jay exclaimed.
You got up from your sitting spot creating a domino effect and causing all of your friends to get up as well.
Jay signalled to follow him, and that you did like ducklings following their mother.
When you saw heeseung, he looked like he was on something and was yelling at someone.
“Heeseung!” You said, but your voice was drowned out from his yelling. You pushed yourself through the crowd until you were close enough to reach him.
Just as he raised his fist, you grabbed his hand and led him out the house.
When he saw you, his eyes softened and his demeanor shifted.
“Baby, what was that?” You questioned
“That guy was talking mad stuff you know i cant let that slide, love,” he spoke in a daze.
“Babe, what did you take” you said plugging your nose to stop the smell.
Heeseung shrugged and muttered something incoherent.
“What?” You asked
“Never mind.” He sighed
“No, tell me baby.”
“Just forget it!” He spoke louder.
“Tell me, what did you take?” You questioned inpatiently
“I said forget it, y/n!” He yelled in your face. You were taken aback from his outburst.
“Oh so its y/n now, huh?” You snapped.
“Look, just let it go” he scoffed.
“Hee, dont you get it? I care about you, just tell me!” You insisted.
“Fine, i just took a few tabs. You happy?” He mocked.
“tabs!? Heeseung what were you thinking! Thats dangerous, you could die!” You yelled.
“So what?” he said.
“so what!? Youre SERIOUSLY asking me that right now!? Heeseung, i love you too much to loose you. Please stop this addiction before it gets any worse.” You pleaded with him.
“I dont need you to dictate my life. Just stop telling me what to do!” He shot back.
You scoffed, “fine, you know what? I will. Heeseung, im breaking up with you.” You said, tears threatening to fall.
“What? Baby, you can be serious right now,” Heeseung argued.
“Dont call me that anymore, heeseung we are done. Dont even try to contact me.” You cried, tears already pouring down your checks.
“No please, y/n please! I cant go on without you in my life!” He begged.
“You said you dont need me, right? So theres that, now ill leave you alone.” You sobbed, you turned away as he tried to convince you to stay. you ran away from him wiping your tears with your wrist and quickly dialed your friends number with shaking hands.
“Y/n? Whats up?”
“Isa, i need you to come take me home right now,” you said in broken sentences.
You heard her cut the line of and within minutes she pulled up in front of you.
You got in the passengers seat as you cried uncontrollably. Isa tried to console you while still trying to keep her attention on the road. She drove you home and told you to call her whenever you need and drove away.
You ran to your bed to cry in your pillow. Your phone buzzed several times, all from heeseung. Hundreds of missed calls and hundreds more unread messages. You put your phone on silent as you cried loudly in your bed.
When you woke up, your pillow was still damp and it was bright outside. All of the event of that night came hurling to you like a bad dream, causing a major headache. You only wanted to crawl in your bed and never come out.
You checked you phone and under all the notifications from heeseung, was a miss call from jay. Confused, you decided to call him back.
“Hello?” You spoke in a rasp when he picked up.
“Y/N! I need you to come to the hospital, heeseung just got into a bad accident.” He said in a panic.
You didn’t believe it at first, you didnt want to believe it. But still you called up isa and told her to go to the hospital.
“What happened?” She asked while driving with speed but with efficiency.
“I broke up with him last night, and now jay told me he got into an accident. Now i feel like shit.” You said burying your head in your hands.
“Hey, hey, its not your fault okay? Me and the girls will always be here for you” she comforted.
“Thanks, isa. I love you guys so much,” you thanked.
“ No problem, now go get your man!” Isa said as she parked outside of the hospital doors.
You smiles and thanked her again before you dashed inside. You spotted Jay and ran up to him,
“Y/n! Heeseung got into a car accident last night, he is in that room but he’s unconscious right now, i thought you might wanted see him.” Jay said softly.
You nodded and went into the room jay pointed to. There you saw Heeseung on the bed, countless of machines and wires connected to his body. You held his unresponsive hand and broke down on your knees.
“Hee! Im so sorry, I shouldve never left you alone like that, i was too harsh. Please! Wake up, I cant imagine my life without you!” You sobbed, holding his hand to your forehead.
“Im sorry for being a bad girlfriend, im sorry for being a brat, im sorry for not looking after you more, im sorry for everything, im sorry i never said ‘i love you’ enough.” You said in broken sentences and several huffs of air.
“Please, heeseung. I love you so much,” you cried uncontrollably.
“I love you too, baby” the sudden voice scaring you
“Heeseung! Youre awake!” You hugged his neck close, never wanting to let go.
Once you backed up to give him space, he confessed to you
“Im sorry babe, its all MY fault. I shouldve stopped using substances a lot time ago. I was meant to be in the position, anyways.” He sighed
“Hey, its okay, but please promise me you wont ever touch a drug in your life again.” You pleaded.
Heeseung smiled softly up at you, “i promise, your my best friend ill love you forever.”
And with that, you passionately kissed him cause you were the only thing that could keep him high all the time.
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