#so whatever fits that criteria is automatically something i am proud and happy about
bolithesenate · 9 months
1, 2, 5 for the art ask game please? ❤️
1 - When did you start creating art?
early af. i think i started drawing with like 3 or 4 years old. i still have some of them and there's video footage of me trying to 'teach' my brother how to draw
even if it's just scribbles, i consider it art :P
2 - Do you do art in any professional capacity?
kinda, yeah. i write texts, film and do photography, dabble in graphic design and sometimes storyboard for the small agency I work at. I rarely get to be fully creative, but I think it still counts
5 - What piece of art are you still proud of today?
gosh. a lot of them, actually. I am not someone who looks at old art and goes 'eww i was so bad', because I just was younger. And I always was better at it than my agemates.
one thing I'll never forget was an essay i wrote in school when I was... 14? (when I say essay I mean it was just you had 2 hours to write something, really. I think you always got three themes to chose from and you didn't have to do an essay essay, you could just write whatever) and I asked the teacher if I could bring in unicorns and she said sure, if i could make it work.
so i wrote a story about two children being abducted by a society of underground-dwelling, sparkle-vomiting pink unicorns who ate humans and farmed cabbage. All while still incorporating the theme i chose.
she did not want to give me a 6 (our best mark), but she, ad i quote, 'had to, because yes, she allowed me to write about unicorns'
as for paintings, i have these two i have pictures of
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the first one being my favorite one of twelve oilpaintings i did as my matura work (kinda a final big project you do to finish gymnasium, i chose art) painted like what it's like to see the world from my eyes (i have myopia)
and the second one is a painting i did of two friends in like an hour at 2 in the night during an event at a local art museum and i did it with scrap paints and completely without reference (and they both turned out pretty recognizable) which was a lot of fun
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