#so what if he's a regular kid? that's not all he is. he's snarky and has a temper and under all that he's a genuinely good kid who cares
sy-on-boy · 9 months
Real talk: the fact that Anya expects to read Demetrius’ mind but sees nothing is kind of sad because Demetrius saw his 6yo brother approach and congratulate him, and had zero thoughts in his brain. But that doesn’t mean Demetrius doesn’t care about him. When Damian stutters, Demetrius initiates conversation by talking about Damian’s grades, showing that he indeed pays attention.
Demetrius seems almost resentful by Damian’s insistence to impress Donovan, giving out a snarky, passive aggressive, teen appropriate response: “How would I know? It’s not as if I’m in regular contact with him.” This is like the passive aggressive version of whatever is going on with Melinda. Damian is a relatively innocent 6yo kid seeking his father’s approval, but both his mother and his brother appear to be seriously affected (in a bad way) by Donovan, and they avoid talking about Donovan even as Damian repeatedly mentions him. Demetrius doesn’t understand Damian’s desire for their father’s approval. He also doesn’t understand his father, hinting at some sort of disconnect between them.
What also saddens me a bit is how Demetrius barely acknowledged Damian’s friends talking to him. Like, they’re six year old kids trying to make a good impression. Still, Demetrius didn’t completely ignore them, just gave a meaningless “oh” and decided to stop thinking about people. It’s very much giving “stressed (and depressed) to the point of apathy”. When facing the innocence (ignorance?) and optimism of 6yo kids, Demetrius doesn’t understand. (And maybe he doesn’t understand friendship, which is what Damian has?)
I mentioned before that characters Anya met are probably “good” characters on the side of Forgers or at least are sympathetic to readers. Because if Anya met a “bad” character and read their mind, she would be too OP and the plot could be quickly solved. It’s like how we all thought Melinda was suspicious when she met Yor, but then Anya met Melinda and read her mind to reveal that she cares about Damian (even if it’s in a twisted way). Demetrius is interesting because he subverts what I said above by thinking very little, so Anya cannot really read him. But so far, I think his portrayal is that of a typical middle schooler with middle school angst, and he cares about Damian even if he has zero thoughts on his brain (and doesn’t like the way Damian craves fatherly approval). He is still a child and presumably a victim of his father’s parenting.
The framing is also interesting. Damian telling his friends to go on without him while he waits for Demetrius. The panel of Demetrius towering over a stuttering Damian. Demetrius going away, showing a panel of him as a small figure in an otherwise blank background. That panel when Anya thinks Damian’s relatives are weird has her looking at Damian while he’s some distance away from her (and the rest of his friends). The brothers feel disconnected. Damian is both eager and nervous to talk to Demetrius. Demetrius is nonchalant and apathetic, but not impolite or outwardly wholly dismissive.
Given Damian’s wacky family situation, I’m glad he has friends at Eden. Ewen and Emile of course are steadfast and loyal companions, always eager to back up their beloved boss man. Anya can read his mind and she knows about his insecurities (and also his weird family).
Becky is also good as a friend because she doesn’t care about sucking up to Damian, she often calls him out, but she also supports Damian when he deserves it. A sweet scene here is Damian saying he’s a Desmond so he’s expected to get a star, and Becky adding “it’s still a great achievement. Congrats!”. Becky is validating his success and telling Damian it’s okay to be proud and happy for himself. Even though she’s usually judgemental towards Damian, she’s still kind to him because that’s who she is as a character.
In the end, Damian still wants his father’s attention. He had no idea Demetrius wasn’t that close to their father… I would assume Demetrius spent most of his time at Eden and this is Damian’s first year at Eden, so he actually gets to interact with his brother instead of hearing things about him?
So far, Demetrius seems like a very jaded character in contrast to Damian who feels like a beam of sunshine now. He’s the heir so he’s got more troubles. But it’s nice that he’s finally debuted and no longer in mystery. Can’t wait to see what Endo has in store for him :)
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sayoneee · 9 months
“i want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck, not because he owns me, but because he really knows me” - taylor swift (1.6k)
contains: luke castellan x daughter of ares! reader. secret relationship: the three times u guys were almost caught and the one time u were. pre-tlt.
kashaf’s note: working on requests as well so dw!! again. i just like this 1 lyric from this song <;/3
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MORNINGS AT CAMP half-blood were both weird and normal — at a summer camp for kids with godlike abilities, you’d think that maybe they’d be cut some slack from all the monsters they’ve had to evade and maybe be allowed to sleep in some days, but no, life at camp half-blood was a regular survival of the fittest regime. 
or: eat, or be eaten, as you liked to remind your cabin. 
maybe that was why you were notorious among ares cabin, but to the rest of camp half-blood you simply embodied an other-worldly discipline, more of a tactician than anything, when compared to the rest of your half-siblings.  
“hey,” clarisse says in an undertone, nudging you as you take your designated seat beside her, “where were you last night?” 
your hand stilled as you picked up your goblet, shrugging your shoulders as the once-boisterous table came to a stand-still, eager to discover their shrewd head counselor’s indiscretions, hoping for something to loosen your high esteem for them: everyone remembered the time the entire cabin was put on cleaning detail for an entire month to repent for the mistakes of one.
your penchant for collective punishment wasn’t at all well-received among your half-siblings, but well, no one had really challenged you on your position yet, so.
“in bed,” you said, slowly, taking a sip, “why?”
clarisse shrugged, spearing a carrot from your plate, masking her annoyance with you — out of all of your half-siblings, camp half-blood, even, no one could boast of a relationship as close as yours and clarisse’s, yet no one could be more opposite. clarisse was chaotic, you were contained; clarisse was ruthless, you were just.
“i dunno, i just saw two people on the roof of hermes cabin.”
“and?” you drawled, ignoring the blood rushing in your ears, as the rest of your cabin looked on gleefully.
“one of them was castellan,” clarisse paused, searching your face for a reaction — you were grateful for all the nights spent in hermes cabin, because if not for the stolls persuading you to play poker with them almost every time, your expression would’ve never survived under clarisse’s scrutiny.
“the other one,” clarisse pauses as if thoughtful for once, then pointedly stares, pointing her fork at you, “looked like you.”
the other cabins are also looking in your direction as the dining pavilion is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop, before the table finally registers clarisse’s words, resulting in so much whooping and jeering, you’d think ares cabin won the lottery.
you snag a bite of clarisse’s pancakes, each word punctuated by a bite, “what would i be doing with castellan?” you pause, feeling the table pause with you. wrinkling your nose, you continued, “i swear, next you’re gonna say you saw us making out during capture the flag.”
you grinned as the table erupted into laughter once more, this time by your design. while everyone else went back to their original conversations, you’re summoning the memories of last night.
how luke had wrapped his arm around your shoulders and attempted to woo you with myths about the stars, how you had laughed and called him corny. how the moonlight had illuminated his face in the moment, when he laughed back, drawing you in closer, with his usual snarky response of, “you love it though.”
clarisse snapped her fingers in front of your face, bringing you out of your reverie. she frowned, whispering, “you’d tell me though, if that was you, right?”
“yeah,” you nodded, trying not to feel guilty about lying — clarisse deserved the truth. but it went against your agreement with luke. you tried not to think about how you’re essentially picking a boy over your sister.
like all things camp half-blood, if not careful, could result in death — like capture the flag, but did that stop you, or anyone else for that matter, in taking it upon yourself to make winning a matter of life or death. 
this week, you orchestrated an alliance with hermes cabin, because of their numbers and ability to launch unforeseen tactics, and hephaestus cabin, for their resourcefulness. it also didn’t hurt that the head counselors were your boyfriend and his friend, respectively.
you’re standing by zeus’ fist, discussing strategy with luke and charlie, while your respective cabins go off doing whatever it is to prepare, when luke’s sloppily-tied breastplate catches your attention. 
before you’re fully aware of what you’re doing, you’ve already reached forward to grab it, while charlie stares at you like you’ve been cursed by athena and turned into medusa. 
“so,” charlie says, slowly, “anything you guys wanna tell me?” 
luke is silent, watching you work, while you’re too busy focused on fixing the breastplate to notice the knowing expression on charlie’s face, one you would’ve been irritated by if you had.
“nothing,” you say, nonchalantly, whirling back around to face charlie when you’re finished, while luke gets swarmed by the stolls, “these things just bother me.”
“in general, or luke specifically?” charlie grins, that annoying, all-knowing look is back, and although reluctantly, you can see what it is about him that has silena beauregard so hung over. 
“in general,” you say as if it were obvious, as if you’re trying to convince a child that storks are the ones to deliver babies, and no, you’re not lying, (both statements hold the same level of ridiculousness), “it’s the adhd — makes it distracting.”
“uh huh,” he says skeptically, “i’ll take your word for it.”
you resist the urge to shake him and question him more, but before you can toughen up and just ask, “what do you mean?” he’s already turned away, and capture the flag is about to begin. 
“what’s that?” annabeth points at the tiny “L” on your necklace as it swings to and fro, finally set loose from the captivity of your neon orange camp half-blood tee, hidden under your armor.
“what?” you glance down, dropping the sword in your hand to hastily tuck it away, all the while cursing both yourself and luke for being stupidly sentimental. (it was his idea after all, though, you’re not sure how or where he got the necklace from, but you didn’t really care if it was stolen — you wouldn’t put it past him, especially since he was a son of hermes.)
“was that for luke? are you dating him?” annabeth persists, eyes widening with question after question — nothing can satiate the curiosity of athena kids, especially not annabeth, not when luke castellan, her brother, is in the equation.
“no,” you say, trying to catch your breath from the sword technique you had just shown her, and the gaggle of younger campers who have now caught on, looking at you eagerly.
“no to what? no to the initial on your necklace being for luke, or no to you dating him?” another camper chimes in with a bright grin, probably a child of apollo, and you’re so close to shooting yourself on the spot.
“no to all of the above,” you grit out, really regretting being nice for one of the few times in your life, because no one had asked you, in particular, to demonstrate sword-fighting to these kids, luke could’ve done it, but where your boyfriend was concerned, you were too.
“then, how come you have an “L” necklace?” annabeth asks again.
“it’s my mom’s,” you lie, “i’m a year-rounder, so it reminds me of her — before all this,” you waved in the general direction of camp half-blood.
the campers ohh’ed in unison, but you knew annabeth wasn’t convinced.
you sighed, it could’ve been worse.
you’re not sure when or where the whispers that your boyfriend had returned originated, but after what seemed like eons of not seeing him, you couldn’t find it in yourself to verify the rumors before dropping your sword in the middle of training and sprinting toward half-blood hill to see him for yourself.
you ignore the calls of your name from your half-siblings, as you were kind of in the middle of demonstrating a technique, instead choosing to focus on more important things, like if your boyfriend was even alive.
when you finally do make it to half-blood hill, and catch sight of your boyfriend, with chris and charlie in tow, you don’t stop sprinting, uncaring for all of the whispers from the other campers as they look on. 
when you finally do come in contact with luke, you nearly tackle him into the ground, as he drops his backpack behind the two of you, arms coming to wrap around you to secure you, as you mumbled, “i missed you, asshole,” into the crook of his neck.
luke laughed, the sound reverberating against your skin, and you get off him, taking a step back. he starts to say something, “i —” but is cut off by you grabbing his wrist, and tugging him over your shoulder, his back slamming into the dirt ground. distantly, you can hear the rest of campers gasp, before buzzing with excitement. ignoring them all, you put your knee on his chest, bringing your forearm under his neck. 
“i swear to everyone, if you disappear like that again—” you begin, as luke cuts you off.
“i won’t,” he promises, grinning as you pull him up. luke slings an arm around your shoulder, and you finally notice the jagged scar running down his cheek. 
he catches your gaze and stares at the ground instead, avoiding you.
“you look kinda hot now with the scar,” you settle for, you know you’ll get the chance to properly speak about it later, but for now, this’ll have to do. 
a light pink dusts his cheeks, and luke, looking up at the campers gathered behind chiron, then glances back at you, smirking, “looks like you gave them quite a show.”
you glared at him, shoving him, “i’m going to kill you.”
luke shrugged, wrapping the arm around you tighter, “the damage’s done, now i’ll finally be able to hang out with my girl in peace.” 
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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ashdreams2023 · 5 months
Hiii, could I request a severus snape and little sister reader where she's the opposite of him and so all the students love her until someone insults him one day and she's all snarky and a miniature version of snape and everyone's like ".....maybe they are alike....." while severus looks on like a proud parent??? I love your fics so much!! Thankss!!
The same tree
Severus snape x professor sister reader 
The student body was in shambles the day you were announced as a new staff member, the name snape was enough to send shivers down some students backs.
They barely handled one snape, let alone two!
Everyone expected the worst, 2.0 snape female version then you got to your first class, it wasn’t like anything they had in mind.
Heck you gave house points and they paid attention to the lessons.
"She’s human, oh my god she’s not evil!"
It spread pretty quickly how nice and patient you were, you didn’t show any favoritism towards anyone nor did you encourage any rivalry in your class, as long as they passed it was a win for you.
Your office hours were filled with students coming to you for help, some even asking for help of topics other than what you teach, sometimes asking about stories of your youth but none dared to ask about your brother.
But there were times were kids can get way too comfortable in matters that have no business with them, unfortunately for a certain fourth year Ravenclaw he learned his lesson the hard way.
"I can’t believe that git took points because I added a point to his lesson! It’s fucking ridiculous, he’s a selfish idiot who only wants his way and everyone else is wrong"
"Jesus calm down mate, it’s only ten points you’ll live and he’s like the professor so…"
The Ravenclaw rolled his eyes "I know the book, I read it piece to piece I know my way around this stuff, he’s just one bitter old son of a bitch-"
"Excuse me you little bird" the boy froze as he felt a hand touching his shoulder, he looked up to meet your piercing dark eyes, they had the dangerously familiar feeling to those of their potion master.
"Professor i-"
"No no no…go on, continue what you were about to say so the oh so great Ravenclaw knows everything, because what? Because you read an outdated, basic, dusty ass potion book"
The boy swallowed, your tone was so different, you weren’t smiling and it reminded him of being schooled by severus snape himself.
"Why so quiet? Snake got your tongue?" You smiled proudly at the look of terror on the boy’s face "Let this be a lesson to you little bird, my brother is no idiot and without him little airheads and know it alls would be dead by now, so know your place, am I understood?" You tightened your grip on his shoulder.
"Yes ma’m!"
"And 30 points from Ravenclaw for showing disrespect to faculty staff members"
The boy’s jaw dropped but didn’t dear argue back and sprinted away with his friends, you couldn’t care less that students were watching, they call all spread rumors or whatever.
"Oh my god…she is like him…"
"Shush she’s gonna hear you! At least now we know not to overstep it"
You sighed and left the great hall, you pumped into your brother by the end of the day, he arched an eyebrow at you when you causally sat down and sipped your tea.
"I see you’ve made quite the impression today"
You shrugged "They’re just stupid kids, it was about time they learn anyways"
Severus leaned back on his armchair "You sound awfully familiar to me, I suppose I am rubbing off on you"
"The apples may look different but they all belong to the same tree" you smirked.
"You’re still terrible at potions though" He remarked knowing well how atrocious you were at his best interest.
"Hey! I was defending your honor"
You glared at him and he glared back then after a few seconds of intense looks you two snorted at each other and went back to having your regular sitting for the day.
Thank you for your kind words and glad you do 🥰
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janeyseymour · 6 months
personal and professional 1-3 was soooooo good it gave me an idea!
a mel x work crush reader story in which cute shy fem reader has a sleeper build. usually wearing regular lose fit clothing until one day they have to wear a fancy skirt and heels bringing attention to readers muscular legs. abbott crew starts asking reader questions about her workout routine leading a jealous melissa to make a snarky comment about reader skipping arm day to which reader says something like don’t let the outfit fool you i could bench you right now heels and all. melissa keeps pushing readers buttons until reader grabs melissa and starts overhead pressing with absolutely no issue to prove their point leaving melissa stunned. idk maybe it ends with melissa asking reader on a date that day after school?
Press You (Up Against a Wall)
WC: 3.3k
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You were hired as the long term substitute gym teacher at Willard R. Abbott Elementary School in January, but when the teacher who was out on maternity leave decided to leave the position permanently- that she can’t even believe she stayed there throughout her pregnancy in the first place- you were brought on for the full-time position. So, now you’re Abbott’s official gym teacher, and you couldn’t be more thrilled.
Really, any physical education teacher position is a score in your mind because showing up to school in sweatpants or joggers everyday is any teacher’s dream come true. But Abbott is so nice because you can pretty much do whatever you want with the kids- including dodgeball, which is banned at most schools. 
Under all of your gym clothes, you have a nice body- you’ll be the first one to admit that. Working out six days a week along with having a well balanced diet doesn’t go to waste. None of the teachers, or Ava for that matter, know that you’re a bit of a gym rat- okay, a really big gym rat. Sure, they know you’re athletic and that you’re slim, but they haven’t seen your legs- probably the best part about your body. You’re thankful for that because up until now, you’ve evaded the principal’s flirtatious personality and comments. 
The only person who knows how in shape you are is Mr. Johnson because you help him move things or fix things when necessary. He’s immensely grateful and has promised to keep your hidden figure a secret- he knows how you don’t want to be hit on like Gregory is.
But now, you’re being forced to go to PECSA, and you really don’t know why you have to go, but the school is paying for your hotel room, and you don’t have to attend any of the seminars based on curriculum because you don’t teach any of the core subjects (you had thoughts on that title… physical education was one of the most important for those kids to be participating in if they wanted to grow to be strong and healthy adults).
So while everyone else is supposed to be at their seminars, you sleep in before heading down to the gym to get your daily workout in.
After you’re finished, you head back up to your hotel room and shower before changing into an old band t-shirt, a light sweatshirt, and a pair of joggers. Deciding that you have enough time to explore and just soak everything in, you exit your hotel room.
As you go to back away from your door, so is Melissa Schemmenti- donned in a bathing suit as opposed to the clothes that she should be clad in to attend different seminars.
“Hey, Schemmenti,” you look her up and down. 
“Y/N,” Melissa looks you up and down too. “Don’t tell anyone, but Barb ’n’ I haven’t gone to a single one of those dumb jawns. All for the newbies.”
You mime zipping your lips before letting out a chuckle. “You’ll be at the big party though, right?”
“Hell yeah I will be. I have a math-o-rita chugging champion title to maintain,” she smirks.
“Good. I don’t think I could survive the Abbott crew without you to keep me company,” you blush as you tell her that. “Not that I don’t like the others, but… you know what I mean.”
“I gotchu,” she smiles. “Just stick with me and Barb, and you’ll be fine.”
You nod. “You mind if I join you now?”
“If you can get changed in the next few-”
“Nah, I don’t wanna swim, I just wanna relax in the presence of others,” you lie a little. You really just want to be in her presence.
You and her meet the kindergarten teacher down by the pool, and Barb’s eyes widen just slightly when she sees that Melissa brought you.
“Hello, sweetheart,” she still greets you kindly. “Decided to ditch the seminars?”
“I don’t have to go to most of them,” you laugh softly as you tuck a hair behind your ear. “Just the ones that have to do with PBIS and all of that. Other than that, I’ve just been kind of wandering. Saw Melissa, and I tagged along.”
“And she didn’t tell you to beat it?” Barbara raises a brow.
Melissa shrugs. “She looked like a lost puppy dog, so I took her under my wing.”
Little do you or Barbara know, she has had quite the thing for you since you first walked into the building and greeted her while she was bringing her kids down to special. And then when you spoke to her so shyly, but then she could hear you command the gymnasium to gain control of her class- it really struck a chord with her, and she was taken with you. She would never tell you that, and actually was a bit tougher on you than she was with others, but you have her figured out. She seems to be a bit tougher on those she likes rather than just ignore the ones who she tolerates or just genuinely doesn’t enjoy the presence of. 
“I can go if-”
“You’re with us now. Don’t be an idiot,” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
You bite your bottom lip nervously. “Okay, okay.”
You relax in the lounge chair next to her, and you have to admit it’s a little warmer than you were anticipating it being in here (foolishly… it’s an indoor pool area, what we’re you expecting?). So you shrug off your jacket, tie your hair up, and hike your sweatpants up to your knees.
If Barbara and Melissa notice your calves, they don’t say anything.
You end up falling asleep with your arms protectively wrapped around yourself, and you don’t wake until you feel someone gently shaking you.
“Hun, it’s time to get up.” You jolt awake, clearly terrified as your eyes go wide and your breathing gets deeper for a second. But then you look up, and there’s… well, there’s Melissa’s cleavage in your face, and then a bit further up are her emerald eyes. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s ‘kay,” you mumble as you yawn and stretch a bit. “Sorry I fell asleep on youse.”
“Aye, no problem at all,” she smiles down at you. “Just didn’t wanna leave you down here to think Barb and I abandoned ship, but we’re gonna start getting ready for the party.”
“I guess I should too,” you sigh softly as you stand.
You and the redhead head up to your rooms and start to get ready.
It doesn’t take you long to get ready. You really just throw on the dress you brought- one that accentuates your legs- before applying a light amount of makeup. You run your fingers through your hair as you glance in the mirror. You look good. Deciding that you would rather not kill your feet just yet though, you wait to put on your heels.
A bit later, you hear a knock on your door as you’re laying in bed and scrolling through Instagram. You stand and make your way to the door before looking out the peephole. It’s Melissa, and she looks… stunning. Her hair is in big curls, and she has a beautiful green dress on that only makes her eyes pop even more.
“Hey,” you breathe out softly. “You look… wow.”
She gives you a once over. “I could say the same things about you.”
Your cheeks turn red at her compliment and her lingering eyes on your body.
“You ready? I want a math-o-rita in my hand, and the lines will get ridiculous later on,” she tells you. “And this way we can save a table for our group.”
“Y-yeah,” you say softly as you continue to stare at her. “Just let me put on my shoes.”
She nods as she leans against the doorframe and watches. Then, you give her a nod, make sure you have your lipgloss and keycard, and head out.
When you get down there, she immediately heads towards the bar and quickly returns with two drinks in hand. She hands one to you, and the two of you clink your glasses together. You take a nice swig of it in hopes of relaxing. By the time the rest of your group joins you, both of you are on your second drink.
“You two are here early,” Barbara notes as she looks between the two of you. “Are we interrupting something?”
Melissa rolls her eyes. “We got here a little early to get a table.”
“You both look so nice!” Janine grins from next to her work mother.
You smile at her politely. “You as well.”
“I never really took you for a gym rat, although I suppose I should’ve,” Gregory chuckles. “Damn.”
“Seriously,” Jacob eyes you. “In the most gay way possible, I am looking respectfully.”
“What’s your workout routine?” Gregory asks you.
Happy to talk about anything other than work, you begin to list off the various leg exercises you do. Almost everyone is hanging onto your every word. At least that’s what it looks like. They’re all looking at you like you’re a star- all except the one you want to be looking at you: Melissa. She instead picking at her nails and sipping at her drink. The truth of it is, she is also listening to every word, and she’s beginning to get jealous of the way that everyone is ogling you and your legs. She doesn’t want that to show.
When you’re finished, she bites back a laugh. “Guess we skip arm days?”
“Don’t let the outfit fool you,” you chuckle. “My arms may look small, but they’re defined.”
“Compared to your legs,” she rolls her eyes.
“I could bench you,” you laugh back. “Heels and all.”
“Now that is something that I would love to see,” Barbara chuckles. She ignores the death glare your redheaded coworker sends her way.
“You will not,” Melissa states. “Not in this dress.”
“Maybe I’ll just do some bicep curls with you in my arms then,” you challenge her.
“I doubt you could,” she bites out. “Not with those chicken arms.”
You roll your eyes. “One of these days, you’ll see.”
“Sure I will.”
She continues to push your buttons throughout the night, and with the alcohol that you’ve taken in, she teases you.
“Couldn’t press me now, could you?”
“I could press you up against a wall,” you flirt shamelessly, liquid courage acting as your friend.
Her cheeks turn a violent shade of pink, and you grin.
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” you smirk. “I meant that I could squat against the wall and lift you up over my head.”
“That is not what you meant, and you know it,” she scolds you.
You shrug your shoulders innocently. “You’ll never know what I meant, now will you?”
After another round of drinks, she’s still teasing you. You finally decide that you want to put her incessant comments to and end. So, you sweep her off of her feet, heels and all. You make sure that her dress is appropriate before doing a few bicep curls with her in your arms.
She’s stunned, to say the least.
And then, with one little jerk, she’s up over your head. You bring her back down to your arms and hold her there.
“You ready to shut up yet?” you tease her, looking down at her lips.
Her eyes are wide and clearly impressed. She can’t even find the words right now.
“You ready?” you ask again.
She just nods her head, and you set her back down on her feet. You keep an arm around her until she’s found her footing again.
“That was really hot,” Jacob states. You jump slightly, not realizing he was there. “In the least creepy way possible. I had no idea you were that strong.”
“Most people don’t,” you chuckle as you down the rest of your drink. You wink at Melissa as you make your way over to the bar. “I got the next round. Another math-o-rita?”
She nods again as she makes her way back to your table. Barbara is sitting there with a smirk. “She put on quite the show.”
The redhead’s eyes linger on you as you stand at the bar and try to get the attention of the bartender. “Yeah,” she hums noncommittally.
“Girl, when are you just going to ask her out?” the kindergarten teacher asks.
That pulls Melissa out of her trance. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’ve seen the way you stare at her and the pep in your step when your kids have gym,” Barbara snorts. “Even in just her joggers and Abbott sweatshirt. You like her.”
“I mean, yeah… she’s a nice woman,” the second grade teacher tries to brush off her friend’s assumption.
“No, you like her.”
“So what if I do?” Melissa asks as she folds her arms over her chest. “There ain’t no way she would ever like me back.”
“She’s been practically drooling over you since she saw you in your swimsuit earlier today, and she’s currently buying you a drink,” Barbara laughs.
“We’ve bought each other drinks before.”
“But I don’t drool over you in a bathing suit, and I know you don’t drool over me,” the kindergarten teacher snorts. “Just ask her out.”
“Maybe when I’m sober,” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
You start to make your way back over, and the redhead can’t help the way that she watches your hips sway.
“You’re drooling,” Barbara nudges her friend.
“Shut up,” Melissa laughs. She takes the drink that you offer her with a grin. The two of you raise your glasses in a toast before you link arms and chug.
You wipe the liquid that had made its way around your mouth with a chuckle. “Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll still be able to lift ya, no problem.”
You wrap your arm around her waist and squeeze her hip gently, the liquid courage once again taking over.
She blushes, but she quickly gets swept away by Derek, challenging her to yet another math-o-rita chugging challenge.
That leaves you and Barbara sitting at the table together.
“So,” the kindergarten teacher nudges you. “When are you gonna make a move on that redhead you were curling earlier?”
You raise a brow. “What do you mean?”
“When are you gonna ask her out? I heard you tell her you could press her up against a wall, and you and I both know you didn’t mean that in an innocent way,” she chuckles.
You shrug. “Maybe when I’m positive she likes me. I ain’t about to make a fool out of myself and then have to work with her.”
“I think she made it pretty clear she likes you with the way she’s been practically undressing you with her eyes all night,” the kindergarten teacher tells you. 
You laugh. “No she hasn’t.” When she raises a brow and hits you with the trademarked Barbara Howard look, you sigh. “Okay, maybe when we’re both sober… if I can ever work up the nerve.”
“Just give it some thought, sweetheart,” Barb tells you. “Melissa… she’s a tough cookie, but she’s got the biggest heart I know of, and as much as she tries not to, she wears it on her sleeve.”
You nod thoughtfully before smiling. “You think she’d say yes to a date with me?”
“No question,” your colleague tells you.
You think on it for a second, and you go to speak again- to tell Barbara that you might just ask her tonight- when you hear Melissa loudly calling your name.
“Hun! I need a cheerleader so I can absolutely kick Derek’s ass again!”
You look over in her direction and raise a brow, questionably.
“Please, babe!”
Oh, you know she’s so drunk. You can’t ask her out on a date, a serious one, when she’s as hammered as she is. You roll your eyes playfully but saunter over.
She slings an arm around your waist before she gets another drink. Without any hesitation, she chugs the entirety of it before Derek can finish even half of his. You’re impressed to say the least. After she slams down the empty glass to prove she’s finished, she kisses your cheek in celebration.
Not that either of you know it, but Barbara has a video of it.
It’s a bit longer before the two of you finally decide to retire to your rooms for the night… you’re both quite a bit intoxicated, and the redhead practically hangs off of you as you help her down the hall.
Of course, when you go to turn to your own room, she grabs your arm. “Come in?”
“Yeah, I can,” you tell her gently. “Just let me change, and I’ll be over.”
She gives you her best puppy dog eyes, but you insist. “Mel, I really don’t want to be in this dress longer than I have to be.”
“But you look… stunning.”
“While I appreciate the compliment, I would like to get comfortable.”
She relents and turns into her own room. When you knock on her door again, she’s still in her dress though, with the sweetest frown on her face.
“I can’t get out of this,” she tells you. “Stupid zipper.”
You enter her room before spinning her around gently. You unzip it with ease.
“Jeez, take me out on a date before you start undressing me,” she quips teasingly.
You see the opportunity in front of you, and you take it. “How about tomorrow at seven?”
“Only if you show up with those legs out again,” she flirts back.
“It’s a date.”
The two of you spend a few hours chatting and having a few more drinks in her room- beers she brought with her to pre-game before your really do head back to your room to get some much needed sleep.
As you pull the blankets around you, you smile to yourself. You know that she isn’t going to remember you asked her out tonight, but you think that you have the courage to do it again sober now.
The next morning comes, and Melissa comes out of her room with her hood up, sunglasses over her eyes, and she’s drinking Pedialyte through a straw as she wheels her luggage out.
You roll your eyes at her fondly. “Hey there,” you greet her, entirely too perky for her liking at this hour and in her state.
“How are you not dying?” she asks.
You smirk. “I didn’t have a chugging challenge with Derek last night.”
“Eh, worth it to keep my title,” she shrugs.
“You better rally for tonight. You have a date.”
“What?” she lowers her sunglasses so you can see the shock in her eyes.
You smirk. “You have a date… with me.”
The smiles that she breaks out into could light up all of Philly alone. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
With that, you leave her to continue to nurse the hangover for the car ride home with Barbara as you race off to check out of the hotel and head home. You have a date to plan.
Melissa waits down in the lobby for Barbara to finish packing up her weekend bags. When the kindergarten teacher comes over, the redhead, although clearly hungover, is deep in her own thoughts. 
“What’s got you looking like smoke is about to come out of your head this early in the morning?”
“I have a date with Y/N tonight.”
“About damn time,” Barbara smiles. “Let’s get you home so you can nurse that hangover and be ready for her.”
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genevawrenn · 7 months
I have so many thoughts surrounding what Fit and Bagi discussed about Phil on stream today, then Fit's realisation it might be the Ender King.
First of all; FitMC, you chef above the rest, you fucking cooked today.
Second I think Fit was our best chance of that connection being made because he is the one Phil has confided in the most besides his own kids. Fit was the person he grabbed when he was convinced he was seeing things. He told the anarchist about the birdhouse plot. He brought him *again* when he saw things his kids didn't see.
Fit, is quite possibly, the only one outside his immediate family that knows the most about the crow and he knows something is wrong.
And of course this is happening the moment before he is also being dragged off to his own mission, but he can't help but worry about Phil's kids alongside Ramon and Pac.
Because Chayanne seemed genuinely worried and Fit took it seriously. He knew something was wrong the moment he saw the duckie-wearing dragon child and how he was snarky but sorrowful with responding where their father is. Tallulah told him she's had better days, and you can tell the moment he focuses up.
[And its delicious. Whenever those cc's focus in, I sit up straight cause its so impressive.]
Fit has some of the most regular content on that server. He sees things and records them, filing them away for later in case he needs that knowledge.
So the moment it clocks in that Phil is being weird enough his children are being outspoken, he engages. They took him aside, especially, and opened up more to their Tio Fit than I have ever seen [except maybe Tallulah with BBH, who now has amnesia, and Bagi, though misguided has a good heart (thinks Phil is a Federation experiment)].
And he's made the best connections using his past knowledge and experiences.
Bagi helped with showing the crying obsidian and comparing it to the markings that spread across Phil's shoulders and back where the backpack hung, and I think that's when it clicked for Fit.
But he didn't want to tell Bagi because he isn't certain and perhaps he remembers Phil stressing this 'him' is dangerous. But the similarities have started to snap into place; especially with crying obsidian being a marker of the End Dimension, or at least drawing his thoughts that way.
Basically at the end of all of this; Fit had the best damn shot of making the connection based on lore from months ago and I am so fucking glad he did cause at least another Islander finally has a name for the fallen god chasing their crow.
I hope to God he or Ramon share this knowledge with another trustworthy source if an emergency comes up [Hoping on Bagi, Etoiles, Cellbit and Pac]. I have never been more proud to call that beautiful bald man one of my streamers, Veteran's Duo understand each other on a level no one else comes close too.
Yes they have their own important secrets. But, when they are themselves, they will trust one another to protect anyone effected if it becomes dangerous. It's been them since Day 1, between the regular visits and missions Fit is the closest brother in arms Phil has.
Despite the crow believing no one will care nor want to get involved due to the danger, Fit, Pac, Bagi and their families are all ready to prove them wrong. Phil sees himself as removed from the rest because he can be rather blind to affection and fondness, his self-blame not allowing him to acknowledge he is cared about.
But he is. And by Goddess will that server prove it, with Fit and Ramon at the front of the pack.
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musingsofanaroace · 2 months
Neurodivergent Content Creators
I'm Autistic, Now What?
This lovely person has both autism and ADHD. She makes engaging and well-researched videos on autism, reacts to autistic memes, and dispels misinformation. Also, she has a fabulous collection of novelty earrings.
Chris and Debby
Chris has ADHD and autism. He covers a range of autistic topics and shares his personal experiences of having AuDHD. Occasionally, his wife Debby who is neurotypical will make a video giving advice and information on how to support an autistic loved one.
Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
This guy covers a wide rage of autistic topics. I like his asides and snarky humor. Besides creating content on YouTube, he's also an author. He wrote Autism Feels....
Hands down my favorite podcast on YouTube. It's well-researched and entertaining. I've learned so much in the five years it's been on! The host Corry Will has ADHD and is bisexual. I enjoy his witty puns and inappropriate comments. His sidekick Luke Cutforth never fails to take the topic off track or off the rails entirely. They make a good duo. Also, Noahfinnce is an honorary fifth SciGuy and makes regular appearances. He always manages to bring a bit of chaos to the pod!
Note: There had been a third SciGuy Jamp, but he left to pursue other opportunities. I miss his varied facial expressions and off-key jokes.
Mr. Noahfinnce has AuDHD and is a bisexual trans guy just doing his thing across the pond. He makes YouTube videos and some awesome music. Recently, he released his debut album Growing Up on the Internet. Go show this dude some love!
Rowan Ellis
Rowan Ellis has ADHD and is a lesbian ace. She makes engaging and comprehensive video essays on queer topics. Her videos are always well-researched and thought-provoking. I especially liked her latest, "the chronically online state of asexual discourse". Besides creating video essays, she has also written the nonfiction book Queer and Here.
This intellectual being has autism and is nonbinary. It covers mainly queer political content that is always comprehensive and thought-provoking. Seriously, it should have more subscribers than it currently does. Go check out its channel and subscribe!
This beautiful soul has ADHD and is bisexual. She creates amazing reaction content, mainly to subreddits, such as r/AITA. She also does a podcast with her husband Jammidodger titled 1 800 Drama.
Fluently Aspec
This aro and ace content creator has ADHD. He makes many short and informative videos about the different types of aros and aces that exist out there in the world. If you're suspecting that you may be aro or ace or both, this channel will give you the pertinent information you need. On the other hand, if someone in your life has come out as aro or ace or both, this channel will also help you. It will provide you with the necessary information to better understand your loved one and their experiences.
Spacey Aces
This channel is run by Elle and Kaden. Elle is autistic. They are also genderfluid and AroAce. Kaden is a non-binary and demisexual aromantic. On this channel, they explore many neurodivergent and queer topics. I especially liked the video "History of Autism | The Importance of Self-Advocacy & Community".
Well, that's all I have for today. Until next time, take care and stay curious.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Reasons why Kataang is a good ship
Poc4Poc m/f with the girl being darker,which combats the colorist idea that dark skin=masculine/male
The boy in it is a soft ray of sunshine who's a pacifist by virtue of being a buddhist and femme with his gf never making fun of him for it and instead finding it attractive
And the girl is feminine but not in a sanitized way and actively works to reclaim for herself against misogyny and is super strong-willed,assertive,snarky and a punk with her bf finding that attractive
Adultified kid x Kid who acts extra silly to cope with trauma and helps them feel like their age too by getting them to join them
Really cute canon aesthetic(blue x orange/'Excuse me,he asked for veggie burger!'energy with their height difference/Aang's shaved head for poc reasons and Katara's long fancy hair for her own heritage)and an equally cute one in mondern aus(Pastel punk x Regular punk)
They LITERALLY do activism together as like half their dynamic
Katara isn't forced to like Aang back and he lets her go at her own pace
And when he does mess up,it's shown for what it is and he feels bad and grows from it
Aang was Katara's hope for a better world for her people♡
Their feelings get pointed out sometimes but by people who it makes sense to know it instead of based of amatonormativity
Their daughter is the franchise's first canon lesbian and it's also canon that they instantly loved and supported her when she came out to them so KATAANG SAYS GAY RIGHTS BABEY
A fandom thing but wether you ship Kataang as your only canon couple or love all of them,there's plenty of content for both!!Maiko with a side of Kataang?Decades worth of content!You feeling like some Kataang with your Zukka?There's a high chance you'll get not only that but t4t Kataang specifically too!!And we're a rare breed but Ty Luko and Kataang in the same verse is a really fun concept that i'll be happy to talk about if asked!
And another fandom thing is that bloggers who call out gross people and have a firm grasp on the show while still not treating it as perfect and giving it rightful critisism and make the especially cute,funny and/or culturally accurate content are almost always Kataang shippers!!Seriously,they're a big reason i love the ship so much,K/A stans are genuinely one of the best kinds of people i've ever had the pleasure of meeting
You're more than welcome to add on!
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lettingthoughtsflow · 1 month
season 1: episode 1 (crush, chop, & burn pt. 1)
alright y'all I'm bulletpointing as I watch so let's go!!
the whole "mrs. and mr. davenport" beginning scene is literally seared into my brain from childhood-i think it's funny how clearly i remember it
when we meet the team they're in these mission suit esque things and seeing as all they do is train, is that what they live in????
davenport saying "i don't want to brag, but i am incredibly smart" when introducing the kids is so wild when you consider the fact that he probably didn't have anything to do with making the kids
i love how offended they get when tasha calls them robots
tasha and leo have such a cute relationship i freaking love it
i know we hate donald, and rightfully so, but this episode really amps me up bc dude you are literally introducing them to your wife and you keep talking about them like plants you're growing
when donald is introducing the kids, tasha's the only one recognizing that they're children
"i wanna go upstairs" 😭
they literally never leave the room, it's not just because of filming and set design, they don't even have a place to run THERE'S A RAT WHEEL
@fairytalesociology said that davenport feeds the kids glorified dog food and they're so right
you can't just feed them food??? even preordered????
they eat, sleep, and bathe in their capsules no one can convince me the man was just looking to be cost effective in getting these inventions perfected (they were not children to him AT ALL)
bree is just a girl and i love her for it bc thinking about breaking into song/dance numbers is so real
If you pay attention to the background you can see chase playing with a random locker for a while and I think it’s so funny/cute
Honestly I with it opened and he was just using his bionic hearing to unlock the locker
i just noticed leo has brown paper wrapped around his textbooks and it reminds me of when my mom and i use to make book covers out of trader joes bags and decorate them 💗
baby chase was insterested in chess club and taking med school courses, he deserved more extracurriculars and hobbies in the show
the early heat vision graphics 😅
"i know a chiropractor in the phillipines" is so cute
davenport is awful but the freaking out performances are great
30 grand for a situation to go away is insane bc what really happened??? like yeah the mascot's head caught on fire but it wasn't like they destroyed the building. and even if it was a bribe to get rid of witnesses, you'd have to adress the entire school bc it was a pep rally
tasha being a mom to the kids is so cute like yeah, they're just kids
bree immediately getting excited about the party with tasha is freaking adorable, we deserved more Tasha fr
honestly i think she was more freaked out about the kids than their bionics
lecturing them about how they were designed for missions is so disheartening bc 1. you've probably told them all about how they're top sercret their whole lives and 2. they are superHUMANS
it honestly feels akin to when a parent tells a child they have to be perfect or pushes them into a career they never wanted
yes bc having no contact with the outside world will prevent their glitches and train them for missions (not to mention real life)
obviously it's the perfect solution
honestly if they socialized they would probably have better emotional regulation and control over their glitches. like you could have at least brought them to a company party (and told everyone to treat them as humans) so they have practice talking to people.
chase really was always in blue plaid from the start huh?
"they are not just science projects, they're teenagers" TELL HIM QUEEN
bro you're going to tell me that you can't reprogram your ROBOT FRIEND to like your WIFE
like he can still be snarky but he literally hates her
i really hope someone gets this, but there are a few scenes where Adam feels more like a regular person than just someone who's core personality is being kind of dumb and reckless, and the ending scene before everyone goes to bed is one of those few scenes
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atxxzist · 1 year
broken | c.s (10)
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prev // next // series m.list
pairing: choi san x reader
word count: 6.5k
warning: u r gonna have 2 read to find out (nothing traumatizing tho i promise!)
"so, you were playing tags with the kids and fell?"
you vividly recall the lies you told your friends--how you got the cut on your knees being one of them amongst others--but they were just happy you made it back safely and didn't get any more hurt than that.
after returning to seoul, your days are back to being nothing short of mundane tasks, hanging with your friends and enduring yunho's constant whines because minji had to go back, and then the mostly lazing around in your room and doing anything to pass time.
but with your eyes stuck to the ceiling and your head hitting the back of your pillow for the majority, your mind can't help but to wander.
wander back to the trip and how sweet and caring san was. his lips that spoke genuine words toward you, and his eyes that showed something much deeper in them. something much more than just physical touches and empty sex; something that could've fooled anyone into thinking he's in love with you.
but by now, you've learned to not keep your head too high because choi san will only give you false hopes, never failing to remind you of what exactly the relationship between you and him really is--if his silence ever since the trip speaks of anything.
no texts, no calls; no renditions of such thing that will give away you were just in his arms a week ago. but you've come to terms with it that it is fine; unsure if the small ache is disappointment (if that's even possible anymore) or just being sad overall.
but again, you've accepted the situation to some degree.
you focus on integrating yourself back into the school mindset where academic achievements were the center of your universe (for the most part), since the semester is around the corner again.
and because the semester is around the corner, mingi and yunho wanted to check out a place; a noodle restaurant recommended by a friend of mingi, eager to go because of all the positive reviews.
"so how do we do this? paper rock scissors and whoever loses have to pay?" mingi quirks, one eyebrows raised and flipping through the menu.
"nah. y/n makes the most money, this is her treat to us," yunho says, to which you react with a scowl.
"says who? i don't even have work during summer."
"what happened to that program you were talking about?" mingi throws in your face, and it's only until then that you remember the 'summer program' you supposedly came back from.
"that was less than a week and we don't get paid much compared to the regular hours," you save yourself, somewhat even proud for having thought of a lie so fast on the spot.
mingi rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"greedy. you are so fucking greedy."
you shrug, unable to help it all.
"well, i'm sorry. i've never had this much money before."
"don't make this dark now."
it's your turn to roll your eyes.
"fine, i'll pay. but nothing over ten dollars."
"stingy too, how unfortunate," mingi mutters, provoking a kick to his ankle from you under the table, lasering a glare in return.
in spite of all the teasing and snarky remarks, because you have a soft spot for him and is silently thankful for all mr. song had done for you, you give in and let him order three bowls of naengmyeon, two of which he's probably not even going to finish.
yunho on the other hand is nice enough to spare your wallet a little, settling on only one that's enough for the evening.
summer feels like it's passing by in a blink of an eye. like it was just yesterday that you, mingi, and yunho were fighting over what to do and where to go. now all of a sudden, you're going to be back on campus soon enough, wallowing in the pit of assignments and exams that will eat away your mental health.
it's an awful vision, because you don't want to let go of this summer.
mingi and yunho are chatting about their library assistant jobs, and you're listening with attentive ears, chopsticks poking at your noodles when a buzz goes off in your bag.
your body reacts first, eyes shooting to your friends who's still lost in the conversation, knowing it can't be them who texted you. and unless yuna is coming home early, there's only one other person who has your number.
🟣: hey 🙂 are you free to call tonight? i want to talk to you abt something. lmk.
y/n: i'm out right now but should be back soon. i'll let you know
🟣: sounds good! talk to you then 💕
it's relieving until it's not. the highs and lows alternating like getting a hit of your favorite drug before the effect wears off and you just feel nothing. numb. all too used to it, aware it's not good for you but unable to stop.
how long will it go on before declaring that something so temporary and unsecured is unfulfilling, no matter how good the high is.
not anytime soon, unfortunately.
you text him with excitement upon the return, the dinner over a lot earlier than you had expected; yunho having talked about some paperworks he still has to finish, and mingi for finishing all three bowls and groaning about the food coma he's going through.
y/n: just got back. call me whenever
you sit with a fluttering kind of excitement, thinking about what could possibly be this important to prompt a call from san this late, but also honestly just ecstatic to hear from him again.
it takes a few minutes before the ring of your phone starts, having answered so fast, there's no way he doesn't know you were sitting in nothingness just waiting for his call.
"hey," he greets from the other side.
"hey," you respond just short of a shy whisper.
"i hope i'm not prolonging sleep for you."
"no, you're good. i'm not even that tired."
you wonder if san really cares whether you're getting sleep or not or if it's just proper courtesy to act like he does when he took a girl out on a week-long trip, only to disregard her completely after like the moments and hours spent with each other means nothing.
"no worries, i'll make this fast," he says, clearing his throat. "wooyoung's throwing another party before school starts, and i called to ask if you want to come with? it's going to be a couple days from now, so you'll have plenty of time to be prepared."
it's quiet as you take the time to think, knowingly aware of the fact that taking up the offer to be seen publicly with san at wooyoung's party has a lot of things at stake.
"no pressure, just thought i'd ask," he adds when the silence only stretches on.
"i'll be there," you say so suddenly, like all the thoughts and logics from before flying out your head just for the one chance to see the boy who made you question so many things within the past few days.
"okay, cool. i'll text you the detail when the time comes."
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you don't get anything from san until the day before the actual party.
a simple text from him about picking you up and when it's going to start so you will have the time to compose yourself for the loud and obnoxious setting of what one usually consists of.
you have made sure to double check when you were exiting the dorm building that nobody you know happened to coincidentally see you get into his car--a fight with your friends with only a few weeks left of summer not on your wishlist.
you guys arrive a little past 8 p.m., san proceeding to drag you through the house almost the same way mingi did; brushing past the hoard of drunk people, whatever they're smoking, and the flashy lights that comes in all colors.
you catch a sighting of that old couch that was the best company at both the event you attended prior, pushed against the wall and a lot discolored this time around.
with the amount of parties wooyoung probably throws, you're honestly impressed it's still even intact.
but you're quick to pry away, moving back around only to hit right into san's back at the sudden stop. he turns to you and giggles at the wide look on your face, having noticed your curious eyes that would roam each passing scene.
"we can stay in here, it's a lot less crowded," he says, and you nod in return, doing a once-over of the room and recognizing the kitchen where you first talked to him. a place so bittersweet.
"i'm gonna go get us drinks first. punch or beer?"
"i'll take some punch."
"alright. i'll be back."
you watch him disappear behind the crowd of people and begin looking for a spot to settle in.
there's two guys over at the corner with red solo cups, chatting away and seemingly paying no attention to anyone else. then another pair of girls by the counters also engaged in a conversation.
while it's not your definition of peace and quiet, you'll take it over the rave going on just a couple feet outside.
you prop against the counter closest to the sink and wait until you can see san's figure making its way back in, one cup in each hand and walking to where you are.
"thank you," you utter as he hands you yours, placing his on the empty space and settling in front of you, observing as you take a slight sip.
"they changed the flavor," you comment, licking some remains off your lips.
"yeah, every once in a while," he replies, taking a swig of his cup before putting it down again.
you nod, biting down your bottom lip and thinking of what to say next; another question at the tip of your tongue again.
"do you uh... come to these parties often?"
he was here all of the two times you came and talked about them on more than one occasion. you suppose, it's only a given someone like him would come to a place full of entertainment; each passing person walking with confidence and unfazed by anything.
after all, he is the life of the party.
"once or twice a week. sometimes three."
the numbers leaving him like they're small quantities. but two or three definitely sounds like a lot, especially if you're talking about a party of this size. you wonder just how much resources wooyoung is wasting.
"i see..." you simply mumble, quiet under your breath.
"how's your knee?" he asks, prompting you to take a quick glance at it, the once before red color turning into a lighter pink, and the pain feeling like a much dull one.
"it's healing."
he nods, attention moving to down another sip.
"did your friends ask?"
"they did, but they bought the story i told them."
he chuckles and shakes his head, a smirk creeping up.
"you know, you're a lot more cunning than you let on."
"i must be around you too much," you tease with the subtle jab, cranking the volume of his laughter as he stares at you so charmingly. and charming he is indeed, you have officially lost count of the amount of partygoers that would flock to the kitchen to greet him; talk to him, like he's the brightest flame in the room. a complete people magnet.
you can only deliver small, awkward head exchanges with them while san oozes all the confidence and charisma in the world. you will always be amazed at how someone like san and mingi can just talk to anyone.
the small smile on your face can't be helped, watching him in his natural element, making something inside of you churn with admiration but a painful realization all at once.
his eyes peers across the room, bidding goodbyes to the ones leaving and then hello's to the next person to come in, all while your gaze only hold his as if he has all the answers to your problems--like he's the embodiment of hope.
you're also drawn to him; his brightly lit flame, no different to any others in the room.
"this is y/n." san's voice snaps you out, blinking your lashes to a boy whose hair is bleached in blonde and staring at you with equally amusing eyes, a smirk curled at the corner of his lips.
"she's cute," he comments courtly, parting with a smile and going off to join the two from before at the corner, their introductions audibly out of your range.
"that's chris," san starts again, your attention moving back to him. "he's studying abroad, but just thought i'd let you know of his existence because you're going to see him quite a bit if you're going to start attending more of these."
you only hum in acknowledgement and nod, not stressing too much about having to remember chris or anything, unsure how many more of these parties you'll be showing up to.
little do you know, this party will be the start of all rendezvous between you and san, all of them similar in a way but each with their own variations.
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yuna returns two days before classes officially starts.
attempting to roll in her pink suitcase, sunhat, and jumpsuit, she announces her arrival to your figure still stuck on your bed with feet kicking into the air as you randomly jot down your new schedule onto your notebook.
"hey, you're back," you cry out, jumping right out of bed to help her squeeze through the doorway.
"yes i am."
"how was the trip?"
she sighs, throwing her hat off to the end of her bed where it lands perfectly.
"good for the most part. i would've gotten back earlier but the flight from japan to korea got delayed due to some weather issues. then my father lost his ticket and had to repurchase. but overall decent."
you laugh, reaching behind to shut the door.
"good to hear."
yuna almost forgot what she was going to do until she catches the notebook sitting openly on your sheet.
"oh, right!" you watch with an intrigued gaze as she digs through the bag on her shoulder.
"i got you something."
you can't even be surprised by the act. it's just so yuna of her for you to joke about something and her to actually do it.
"you didn't have to. i was just kidding around."
she shakes her head and pulls the item out: a new and shiny notebook covered in yellow with cartoon characters on the front, a lot thicker in appearance and holding much more pages.
"no worries. i wanted to. saw it while in japan and automatically thought of you."
the way your heart pulls together at the act of kindness brings about the biggest smile on your face, you could almost leap in and give her a hug.
"thank you," you say, so soft and tender, the idiot smile still haven't left.
"of course! i wanted to get you something computer-related but i don't know much about those, so i apologize. i saw you writing in your notebook a lot so i figured maybe you like writing."
you chuckle in response, thinking to yourself that for someone who's rarely ever around, she's awfully observant, even picking it out in your favorite color.
"well, i'm glad you didn't because i am traumatized by it. i changed my major a while ago."
"oh?" she perks with some form of fascination. "to writing?"
"yes. creative writing."
"you know, i have an uncle who runs a firm and he's always looking for technical writers for their products, as well as for their website and whatnot. i mean, i don't know if that's exactly creative writing, but if that's something that piques your interest, let me know."
"isn't that like... nepotism?" you're joking for the most part but also with a genuine curioisity about being able to secure a job because of your rich friend. but then again, your current job was only because of san as well.
"i have no idea, but if you're decent, my uncle has no reason to not hire you. food for thought. if you want to wait until graduation, that's fine too. just let me know."
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the one day left of summer is spent fulfilling a promise you made to mingi and yunho about catching a movie at the theater. a new, better, theater with adjustable seatings and the outside not littered with graffitis.
it's a little bit more costly, but you all agreed it was worth it.
the walk back to the dorms is pure torture for you, both of the boys unable to stop the teasing about your sudden passion for writing.
for as long as they've known you, that's definitely one they've never heard before, bringing up all the times you'd stick to reading picture books (because to be a good writer is to read a lot according to them) and struggled writing a 500 words essay.
"you guys literally can't expect me to be the same person a year or so ago. my interests can change, and my brain is still developing. mingi, you're a psychology major, you should know that!" you shriek in defense.
"well, yes, but, there's just some changes about you lately. tell us, when did this interest start?"
you roll your eyes, a deep groan leaving.
"do you guys have to know every detail?"
"obviously yes, so we can talk you out of it, miss wannabe nobel prize winner in literature."
"mingi, literally shut the fuck up. you gave one advice and suddenly you're a psycologist."
"hey, it's all working out so far, isn't it?"
yunho laughs at the banter, waiting until he's in the clear to say something.
"we're kidding. well, i'm kidding. anything you write, i'll be happy to read. even if it's just prince charming coming on a horse to save you."
mingi snickers.
"don't give her ideas now."
"i literally hate the both of you."
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intro to creative writing. whether it's to prove both of your friends wrong, or to console yourself that you're worthy of yuna's offer, you want to take it seriously; dive into it that's more than just the short entries in your notebook or the vivid imagination in your head.
thankfully, within just an hour into the class, you can say the environment is a lot more friendly and welcoming. a good divide of both males and females and everyone definitely looks a lot more approachable.
the first week of classes is nothing special. instructors usually just taking the time to go over the course schedule and what's to be expected.
the second week is when you start kind of getting into the gist of it. the class tasked with a short literary piece and dissecting the meaning behind it.
it's not anything exciting, but is an overall improvement to your experience so far.
the third week is when you get another text from san. when you're mostly busy and occupied, it's easy to not think of him. but when he reminds you of his existence again, it's hard to think of anything but him--which is the problem.
he tells you of the party that usually happens at the beginning of the semester, and you're starting to think they have one for just any occasion. or maybe wooyoung just needs a reason to keep throwing these parties.
you're hesitant at first, unsure about spending your night at a place full of alcohol, weed, and people who probably doesn't remember their name since that's the last thing that should be on your mind if you want to take your courses more seriously.
but all it takes is another plead from san for you to fold pathetically, arriving at the party with him hand in hand.
it plays out all the same, with him pulling you through the open spaces and greeting the few he knows along the way, big dimples and a handsome smile before excusing himself to go off with you to the kitchen.
it is all the same as well, just a little more crowded this time perhaps, but that doesn't stop him from backing you into a counter as you gawk at him wide-eyed.
he's not shy to deliver a kiss to your jawline, his hands finding way around your hips and resting on them with ease.
only until you whisper something does he pull away, watching how you move your eyes to the strangers also in the room, a rosy pink shade decorating your flustered cheeks.
"t-there's people here."
he has to giggle it off, your adorable nature truly the saving grace because if you already think a kiss is going to faze these people, he thinks you might go into cardiac arrest knowing the shit they actually do at events like this.
"they don't mind, trust me," he assures, his grip tightening around your hips before lounging forward for a deep kiss.
then every party after that is similar in that it starts all the same, with san eventually leading the way to the kitchen and if you guys are lucky and there's no one, he does more than just a kiss.
if not the kitchen, you guys will hang in the hallway or bathroom upstairs, make out and lose a sense of time, and maybe have sex the couple instances you guys were lucky to have found an empty bedroom.
chris is there every time, always in a corner or lurking somewhere in the background, sometimes even watching the door for you and san.
“that’s chris,” san starts again, your attention moving back to him.
“he’s studying abroad, but just thought i’d let you know of his existence because you’re going to see him quite a bit if you’re going to start attending more of these.”
you've come to develop some sort of attachment to chris at these parties, that if san was nowhere in sight, you would turn him--the only other person you knew.
and an almost perfect attendance one after another, you realize mingi just might be right.
“well, yes, but, there’s just some changes about you lately."
perhaps there is something different about you these days; the boy you've been hanging with opening your eyes to the fun you've been missing out on, and maybe you do want to come out of your shell a little bit.
but it doesn't hit you how much of these parties you've been attending until exam week creeps in and the only way to study for them is to go cold turkey for one, maybe even two weeks until you pass all of them.
what really sets reality for you though, is when yuna throws a passing comment about how much later you've been coming home. how she even sometimes make it back before you. that's when you start to think it might be just a bit bad, needing to tone it down before your friends catches on.
still, the most impressive fact is that you haven't run into wooyoung at his own parties, yet. not that you want to test your luck.
"i won't be able to make it," you tell san on the phone, a low wail that leaves him shortly.
"aww, why not?"
"exams are coming up and i uh... i want to stay inside and study."
the stark contrast of your words even amuses you. that no matter what fun and entertainment you've been exposed to, you will always crawl back into the girl that priotizes getting good grades and is rather nerdy, even if you despise the workload with such strong hatred.
"oh, alright." he giggles quietly. "you're still coming to the school carnival, though, right?"
"yes. i'll be there."
"okay. i'll see you then, and have fun studying."
"pfft. have fun at the party, and tell chris i said hi."
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the carnival is a fundraising campaign so nothing fancy or anything like that, obviously. it's a much watered down event, but you figure since your friends won't be available due to their jobs, it doesn't hurt to go with san.
it takes place in the quad of your university, string lightings everywhere; on the trees, around the booths and food stalls, and smaller ones on the cement walkway.
the smells of cotton candy, popcorns, and corndogs greet you upon arrival, turning to san for him to suggest the first thing to do.
his voice is quiet under the loud music and laughters of those around, you have to lean in just to hear him.
"want to play a game?"
"sure." you nod.
a balloon dart game in the back intrigues him--three dollars per person, the sign says. the student running the booth motioning with enthusiam as you two inch closer.
san drops the payment for both you and him into the fundraising box, handing you a set of darts consisting of three.
"you go first or i go?" he quirks an eyebrow in amusement.
"you go."
you stand by the side, watching with the utmost alerted eyes when he misses the first throw, grunting out only shortly and containing it for the next missed one, then also the final where he scores absolutely nothing.
"christ," he curses with a whisper, switching with you who can only chuckle in response.
you also miss the first one, then the second, but surprisingly managing to hit one close to the center for the last turn as it pops; the student ringing a bell and telling you to choose from the prizes.
"you know," san brings up on the walk to the lemonade stand after agreeing on it. "you're pretty good."
you smile a little at the compliment from him.
"yeah? mingi and yunho would always say my aim isn't too bad."
"i can see that."
you both come to a stop at the stand, san rummaging his pocket and speaking at once, "two lemonades, please."
you dig through yours at the same time, pulling out the changes just in time.
"let me pay this time."
san shakes his head.
"what kind of gentleman would i be if i let the lady pay on a date?"
you scoff at that.
"and what kind of lady would i be if i let you pay every single time?"
"the perfect one," he says, putting on that handsome smile that's enough to distract you momentarily while he hands over the payment.
"your drink, my lady." he offers with the same smile that you just can't resist.
you huff and puff, pouting as he lets out a giggle and put back your changes.
"let's go find somewhere to sit."
"what kind of gentleman would i be if i let the lady pay on a date?"
the word replays in your head. date. is this a date? it could be you're thinking too much into it, but you suppose you've never been on a proper date with san.
it is certainly very different; from the activities to the setting, to even the interactions. everything is much more mellow; soft. and you think you prefer it this way. so maybe it is a date. yeah.
even if it's not, it does make you feel so happy your heart could almost jump out of your chest just because san said it is.
"cute." the voice rings in your ear, knocking all the creative thoughts out of your head.
"the plushie. it's cute."
"oh... yeah." you almost stutter, swallowing the knot in your throat and attempting to straighten your posture just to make it clear you definitely weren't thinking of anything else.
he laughs, able to spot the light pink slowly making its appearance again.
"it kind of looks like you."
you retract at the sudden comparison and have to hold the plushie up just to get another good glance at it.
"i absolutely do not look like a white bunny with big flappy ears."
he laughs again at the denial.
"well, you are cute like one."
you only clear your throat and try to fight off a smile that threatens to blossom at the remark that makes something inside your stomach flutter with butterflies.
"do you want to keep it?" you finally derive the subject after enough blushing.
"oh, i couldn't do that. you earned it yourself."
you curl your lips together for a moment of silence before speaking again in such a hushed volume, the commotion could've drowned it out if san wasn't sitting just a bit too close.
"well... your birthday was a while ago, right?"
the question catches him in a daze, more taken aback than anything that you would even remember it.
"i'm sorry i didn't get you anything or even wished you a happy birthday, i was just..." conflicted; thinking too much if it would be appropriate. you have thought of it; remembered it, of course you did.
"--no, you're fine. it's really not a big deal," he brushes it off along with a short laughter but it just sounds indifferent.
"did you celebrate it?"
he shakes his head slowly. was he supposed to? birthdays are just... birthdays. the day has passed so long ago that you came into the world, he will never understand the excitement and joy people have for the day they grow closer to death each year.
"not really? just kind of stayed home and watched a movie. i did get a text from wooyoung at least."
“just something my family never did much, i guess,” you simplify, and jongho nods along with an understanding hum.
“they’re really not all that,” san chips in, both yours and jongho’s heads snapping his direction. “waste of money and time.”
"then, consider it my gift to you." you strech an arm out, hanging the plushie in the air. "it's not anything... extravagant, but it's from the heart."
you break out into a tight-lipped smile because you're aware it's a bit silly, but when he accepts it with open hands, returning a genuine one of his own, you think it might not be.
"i'll take it."
an hour flying by, small talks after another and walks around the area to check out everything, san wants to play one last game before closing off the night.
a ring toss. you don't know how good you're going to be at this one, but either way, san offers to play for you. unsure of what he means by that, you stay back and watch, not really bothered that you're not playing since san is a sight two times more enjoyable.
before he finally manages to land on a bottle, he must've went through at least twenty rings. but he's so proud when he did, fist in the air and all, it's contagious enough for you to clap.
given the game is much harder than the last one you guys played, the prizes are much bulky; in size and value.
"for you," he says, all of a sudden shoving the giant teddy bear in your face, whose head is probably bigger than yours.
"me?" you repeat.
"yes. i said i'll play for you didn't i?"
he's quick to snatch the bunny that you were holding for him, practically rubbing the nose of the bear into your cheek, you have no other choice but to hug the stuffed animal like a baby.
"san, when you give someone something for their birthday, you don't get something back."
he chuckles.
"i know, but i want to. a gift from the heart."
and despite rolling your eyes at the mimicked phrase, sighing under your breath and bringing up again and again that he can keep the bear, you go to bed so happy.
laying on it awake, the event that took place earlier today playing repeatedly in your head and it makes you feel like a giddy schoolgirl all over again.
thinking about the words he used, the display of affections; all the parties he invited you to, and just how often he's been reaching out.
you know that you shouldn't. shouldn't fill your fragile heart up with hope and get optimistic about a boy who ignored you a month ago, but you can't help it.
can't help but fall for the bare minimums on a handsome smile and coy look; the sudden act of kindness that convinces you maybe love isn't dead, yet.
that something has changed in san and something has changed between you and him.
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"will you be able to make it?"
every time your phone rings, your stomach sinks itself in, sometimes lounging across the room or tripping yourself on the way just to pick up his call and tell him yes, you can see him tonight.
sadly, just not this night.
neglecting school works has really caught up and now you're left with a stack of assignments that's due tomorrow or the day after that. it doesn't get any better that your writing class has now really transitioned into the 'creative' aspect and you're to come up with a draft of your own work before the end of the week.
"can't. i have too many assignments, sorry."
"ah... okay."
"but uhm, if i finish early i'll let you know?"
"yeah, sure. text me or something. good luck!"
it's still hard to shake off the disappointment, almost like a fear of missing out since you've went to so many of them, you know you could be enjoying yourself with a pretty boy instead of wallowing in misery.
but one, two, probably close to three hours goes by and you've somehow managed to tackle most of them. the ones due tomorrow at least.
you realize you're most likely not dumb, just lazy. and lazy you are, mind jumping straight into already rewarding yourself, what better way than to go to a party and let loose? you'll worry about your next set of assignments tomorrrow.
you text san like you said you would, waiting five minutes, then ten, then fifteen and there's still no reply.
maybe the music's too loud, maybe he ran into a drunk as hell wooyoung and is helping him, or maybe he's busy chatting with chris or whatever other ten plus people he knows there.
you figure you'll just show up. that's not too desperate, right? he's the one who's been inviting you after all, so why would he not want you there?
you make your way through the crowd willingly, this time with no one to guide you. all alone and pushing past the sweats and awful smell because he might be in the kitchen. he has to be.
maneuvering until you arrive at the entrance of the kitchen, always having been the brightest flame in the room, he's hard to miss because your eyes are drawn to him immediately.
as soon as you recognize that familiar head of black hair, time must've stopped and it must've taken your breath with it.
you've experienced a lot of pain in your life if that isn't evident by now. from your parents abandoning you to your mom telling you straight in the face that she never wanted you. then your aunt and uncle who isn't of much difference, to your first boyfriend who cheated.
your life is a mess.
and you understand in actuality, some of it could be considered much worse, but right now--in this moment, it feels like the pain in front of you is the worst one ever, it dulls everything else in comparison.
this pain knocks your breath away and you could almost faint from how sharp the hit is to your fragile heart.
to see san's hands resting on hips that isn't yours, face snuggled and flushed against another skin the same he would do to you. and if you think it can't get any worse, the short couple of seconds that you actually look away, you catch chris in that same old corner with a drink in his hand.
you briefly lock eye contact with him and he could only pretend to sip his cup while looking away to join the other boys again in a conversation.
that's when you realize; when it all sinks on you, that chris isn't a friend. he's the guy that sticks by san's side when he pulls shit like this, making sure no one walks into the room he's fucking a girl in, and informs him of any relevant information because why would you ever think choi san could have a change of heart just because he spewed a few sweet words and made you feel like the most special girl for two hours.
“this is y/n.” san’s voice snaps you out, blinking your lashes to a boy whose hair is bleached in blonde and staring at you with equally amusing eyes, a smirk curled at the corner of his lips.
“she’s cute,” he comments courtly, parting with a smile and going off to join the two from before at the corner, their introductions audibly out of your range.
to have thought it was a genuine compliment when he probably only looked at you as one of them. and thinking of all the times you couldn't make it and all the parties san attended without you.
the more you connect the dots, the more depressing it gets, and wow... stupid, you are so fucking stupid.
you knew, of course you did; had a feeling and all, not completely oblivious that you weren't the only one. you just didn't think it would hurt so much to actually see it for yourself; really see how easily replaceable you are.
still, you can't stop staring, and you must've stared for too long because she finally notices, eyes fleeting to you and pushing san off slightly before tilting her head and looking at you like she's bored.
as if waiting for you to find something else to entertain yourself with, because who the fuck are you to be an audience to her and the boy before her.
and san must've noticed; confused about the lack of body response and where her gaze is, that he turns his head back to see for himself. but you can't even properly digest the horror in his facial, the only thing you see is that deep, dark, and ugly mark on his neck along with a few lipstick stains in the shade of red close to his jawline and to his lips.
you can't stay here any longer and embarrass yourself like this, feeling a lone tear well at one of your eyes before moving back to the crowd.
"excuse me," you mutter, trying to push your way out of there, the last thing you hear from the kitchen is the marching of heavy footsteps and san's voice as he tries to catch up.
"wait, y/n!"
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next // series m.list
taglist: @sorryimananti-romantic @revehosh @cookiechristie @avantalem @atiny68 @sannwa @shibera @mochibabycakes @justineasian @eastleighsblog @baguette-atiny @crimson-mia @yeosxxx @sleepychimm @atz-diary @diorwoo @naiify @becauseiloveyunho @damagelove @softie00 @s-nsanshine @atinytinaa @moonseonghwa @lemontreefantasy @wooyoung4eva @yeosangsbiceps @likexaxdaydream @knucklesdeepmingi @barbielibra @tmtxtf @brown88 @harusoraa @frankenstein852 @yujispinkhair @mermaid17venus @nolxverlikeme @writersun @kkayfan @wooyoungjpg @galaxypox @byunniebaekhyunnie
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saltwatersweets · 1 month
here's an old-ish secret santa fic i made for dr3 (@cdroloisms) in late 2021 :D probably should have put it on tumblr ages ago but It's Here Now // read on ao3 here !!
content warnings: implied torture, blood, abuse, manipulation, morally ambiguous (at best) c!sam, general warden c!sam + c!dream-isms
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you meet him when he is a child.
you are a child, too, technically, but even with his somewhat tall frame for someone who should only be half grown up, even with the hoodie covering his entire torso and then some, even with the porcelain mask covering his face, you can tell that this boy is younger than you. you can tell it in the way he fumbles as he runs, in the way he clutches his half-broken iron ax too close to his chest, the way he crashes into you and falls to the ground, dragging you down with him. 
you round on the kid, a stern word on the tip of your tongue, but pause when you see the way he had fallen; arm underneath his chest, body shaking with the force of his fall. he freezes, shudders, a tiny, muffled groan escaping past his teeth. wincing, he rolls over, cradling his left arm with practically his whole body as he curls inwards. 
you make a move to stand, and the rustle of grass and leaves’ movement must alert him to your presence, if his masked face snapping up to stare into yours is any indication. he reels back, and though you can’t see his expression, his body language makes his surprise all too visible. lifting his right arm just the slightest bit, the boy’s shield is dragged from his inventory. the thing is so big and his curled up form is so small he manages to hide himself completely behind the thing. 
you wonder why he’s so startled by you for a moment - you don’t even have any weapons out - before it clicks. 
you’re a creeper hybrid. of course, of course, he likely mistook you for a regular mob.
after a moment, his shield lowers, and you see the two black dots that make the eyes of the mask. he must get a better look at you, now, because he puts his shield away and makes a small sound of embarrassment. 
“did i knock you over?” the boy asks, barely making a sound this time as he pushes himself off the ground. you stare at him for a moment, eyes half open in snarky annoyance. “oh. sorry.” 
doesn’t sound very sorry, even if a little sheepish. “it’s fine. don’t do it again.” 
he tilts his head at that, akin to a confused animal. “i probably won’t. y’know. i mean, i’ll be heading off right about now, so…”
the boy freezes for a moment, before slapping his face - or the mask covering it, in this case - and making a short huff of exasperation. “shit. they’re still after me.” 
well that’s interesting. “what, are you on the run?”
he lets out a small noise that almost sounds like a laugh. “sorta? i mean- like, i’m not being hunted, really, i’m not in danger. well, so long as i’m careful, i mean. they’re not- like, y’know, the law or anything, so-“
“get to the point,” you say, not rudely. 
“it’s… basically like a game of tag? but cooler. we call it a manhunt - i coined that name, by the way, don’t let george try to tell you differently - and basically my friends run after me until i give up or win.”
huh. that sounds… incredibly dangerous, actually. you’re certainly not the pinnacle of safety, having your own redstone mob-traps backfire as you get the hang of the red powder won’t get you a reputation as such, but you have the maturity to recognize this as dangerous. you also have the maturity recognize that it does sound, maybe, kind of, fun. 
the boy stares at you for a moment, almost but not quite awkwardly. “i gotta go - they’re still chasing me, and now i need to find food to heal myself before they catch up. it was nice meeting you, though.”
“wait.” you begin, surprising yourself. you reach out for his arm, but think better of it at the last second and quickly pull it back to search through your inventory. shifting through for a moment, you summon a healing pot. “for your arm. i mean, it was partially my fault you broke it.”
he stares at it, unmoving. you fear you’ve made a mistake - does accepting help from others break the rules of the boy’s little game? is he offended by your offer? but he takes it, a smile in his voice, “trading with villagers isn’t cheating, after all.” 
before you can blink, he stuffs a few sticks in your hand, thanking you very much for the potion. you tell him no problem. he runs off, waiting until his front is out of your sight, likely to keep his true face hidden. 
you huff lightly. kids. 
your footsteps ring out a hollow echo as you walk into his cell. 
almost immediately are you hit with the overwhelming stench of it all, the blood and total lack of hygiene tickling your nose through your mask. you wonder how quackity stands it every day. you wonder how you stand it. 
you stare at the prisoner, who blinks sluggishly. you doubt he even heard your approach, he seems so out of it, mind a thousand miles elsewhere and unfocused. if he hadn’t pulled this dissociative stunt four times in the past week, you’d briefly wonder if he was concussed. now, however, you only sigh, stepping ever closer to the half unconscious form of your once-friend. 
kneeling down, shifting through your inventory, you summon a healing pot. usually, this would spark panic in the prisoner’s eyes, but nothing happens. if it weren’t for the added annoyance that his consciousness brings, you’d be impressed at the fact that he’s even awake. 
carding your fingers through his hair, he finally stirs, a mumbled half word escaping past his teeth. you pull his head up by the knotted strands that are matted with half-dried blood, not harshly, not gently, and press the cool glass of the potion against his lips. obediently, he opens his mouth. the still bubbling liquid slips down his throat, and he only gags on it once. 
you watch as his wounds stitch themselves together. it’s like clockwork. he is broken shards of glass you must glue together every time it shatters.
after a moment, you replace the empty bottle in your hand with a wet piece of cloth, to clean up the blood. unlike potions, you do not clean him after every session, moreso just once a week. at the feeling of cold cloth on his skin, the prisoner’s half lidded eyes raise, meeting your own. you watch as his pupils, previously swallowing the green whole, dilate as he regains some focus. you turn away. you’d rather not look a monster in the eyes. 
“i’m out of water, y’know.” he states, and once again you are taken aback by his audacity. just moments ago he was on the brink of death, and now he has the ability to ask for more water when it’s still halfway full. 
“you have plenty of water already, dream.” the wet cloth grazes his arm, the one you had found twisted and limp upon today’s visit, and he winces in phantom pain. in his defense, you’re hardly being careful. in his defense, the blood from his closed wounds is spilling onto your fingertips. 
“it’s all bloody. you can see it.” he turns his eyes to the dripping ceiling, then the lava, then to you. “you can see it, sam.” 
already, you feel your frustration rise. you had already healed him, and now were cleaning up his blood for him. you didn’t have to do this. you’re being generous.
“if you want clean water so badly, behave. you want these privileges, these things i’m letting you have? then behave. you’re lucky i’m even here, cleaning up your messes.” you stuff the cloth back into your inventory. you don’t care to get your hands dirty.
“you don’t think i’m trying?” he asks, head lolling to the side. “you think you can hurt me in a way i haven’t been hurt?” 
there is nothing you hate more than him. him, and how much you used to love him. how much true hatred stems from once-love.
(you hate how scared of you he looks, even as he deliberately measures your patience.) (you hate how scared of him you are.)
you turn away from him. the platform clicks loudly as you leave him behind to the obsidian and bloody water and lava. 
as you hold down the lever that will cover his cell in lava once again, you take a better look at your fingers. you regret ever coming in to clean him at all.
he got blood on your hands. 
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ The kid in Ramshackle Dorm
Gender neutral, platonic
- order 52 | Headcanon | Octavinelle
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They’re the only dorm that doesn’t really think about stuff like why they’re letting a child attend high school.
Maybe Azul is like “It’s strange that such a young child is staying here.”
Jade and Floyd agree but nothing more than that.
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Floyd Leech
The nickname Little Shrimpy really makes sense since you’re little. You’re old enough to know some sort of common sense but anything below 15 is considered little children to him.
He either babies you, like giving you crayons and the kids menu when you visit Mostro Lounge. He doesn’t understand why you don’t want to color in the fun little whales and sharks?
Or he just shows you things completely above your level.
“Hey, Little Shrimpy, can you solve this formula?”
“Floyd, what is that??”
He does it on purpose, then he tries to teach you it. But there are just some stuff you can’t teach a child.
Honestly it just looks like scribbles to you. Floyd is surprisingly smart but only when he wants to be.
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Jade Leech
He doesn’t treat you that differently actually. He treats you the same way he would treat a person but if they were short.
He can be a bit snarky about it though.
“Oh I’m sorry. I couldn’t see you so far down.”
“One day, I’m gonna be taller than you.”
He knows kids can be cruel since they’re still in their growing stages, he’s technically a kid too but he’s still at a different point in life.
But you’re actually pretty average. You’re not mean but just moody, mostly because lack of sleep. An unhealthy sleep schedule isn’t good. He tells you that but you take it as just him making fun of you but it’s an actual piece of advice.
He usually gives you tea with some sleeping medicine so you can get those hours in, but you just think that tea in Twisted Wonderland makes you sleepy. But nah, it’s regular tea but with sleeping medicine.
He turns into an unintentional older brother figure. He doesn’t mean to do all these nice things for you like carry you to bed or help you with your homework but it’s like a natural instinct for him.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Scared of you. He doesn’t like kids. Might be that way cause he was bullied, and you can be a lil mean.
His fear of you is sorta irrational and people try to tell him that but he’s not hearing anybody out. He wouldn’t straight up avoid you/run away. but he would act a differently around you.
There would eventually be a time where he realizes that you’re not really all that evil. In fact, maybe you were like him back then. The one getting bullied. Maybe then he would show some care towards you. He would actually get really attached to you if you seem impressed about what he does.
He’s gonna start teaching you about business and stocks. In other words, he might accidentally make you his mini me. Some people (Heartslabyul + Savannaclaw) might not like how you started talking like a smartass to everyone ever since you started hanging around Azul.
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E10 Reaction
Life has been a bit busier the last few weeks so I am finally catching up on my episode reactions (I’m determined to do all of them this season!) And I apologize y’all, this episode made me very snarky apparently.
I’ll be honest. When this episode first came out I was nowhere near as surprised by it or horrified by it as reviewers seemed to be. Nothing about Palpatine hunting down force sensitive children as experiments and using Cad Bane to do it is a surprise, and the Vault feels so much like Andor. But even on a rewatch this episode holds up so well and honestly just starts to give a cold chill under the skin as the quiet horror of it sinks in.
- Cute kid. And the Batch nowhere to be seen. This is going to be a different episode isn’t it
- Oh no. He’s force sensitive 😫😫😫 hmmm how could that possibly go wrong
- This is giving Andor vibes 👀
- It’s always interesting seeing “regular people” in Star Wars and little markets and how they’re just trying to go about their daily lives.
- Don’t go around snitching people! Nothing good ever comes of it!!!
- Yeah this guy is worse than Timm from Andor. Wtf dude. You’re turning in a baby!!
- Also is it just me or typical Star Wars “houses” end up being pretty dark and depressing?
- Wait okay okay. So this is the CX chamber. Why can’t we see any of them yet 😩😩 what is this red fog? What are these weird conditioning pods? What kind of armor is on this datapad?? *trying to crawl inside my screen* I NEED ANSWERS JENNIFER!!
- “Do you trust me?” Ooooh why do I think that’s going to come back around
- But also, babygirl, I don’t think you actually know what you’re signing up for
- “I could be more useful” “you wish to be the new chief scientist Dr. Karr?” “I believe I’ve earned it.” Alright. This. This is interesting. This fully encapsulates the dynamic that these two have shared. Emerie knows that Hemlock only values things that are useful, and probably only sees her own value in the light of what she can contribute, due to how she was raised and the circumstances she has been trapped in. Hemlock’s tone of voice implies that he has never considered her as being the new chief scientist, and yet he acquiesces quite quickly, almost as though he’s just too busy to think about it and if it means things are brought back up to production standard then he’s fine with it. His utter disregard for Emerie as an actual human and someone with merit is disgusting though.
- But I get it, the man’s busy, he’s got a lot of evil shit he’s trying to do all at the same time 🙄
- So we have “the assets”, which is the area that Hemlock took Palpatine in the first episodes, where the orange containment pods are and the zillo beast is being kept. We still don’t know what those assets are. The Vault is something different.
- Well. Shit. It’s Andor and Narkina 5 for kids. Lovely 😳💀
- “There are few adults left with such characteristics” I WONDER IN THE NAME OF ONE EMPEROR PALPATINE WHY
- Okay so this entire exchange is awful. The kids are so cute! Hemlock is so cold. “Specimens. Assets” ughhh Emerie what are you getting yourself into!!
- Is this the first time we’ve heard the word glasses in Star Wars?
- Oh no. So THIS is why Cad Bane was brought back 🥺🥺
- The score in this episode is perfectly eerie
- Lol Todo is not good with kids huh 🤣
- That poor mama when she wakes up and finds her baby is gone
- I hope that dude has his entire life flash before his eyes as he’s trying to pick all of those credits up
- “My name’s Eva” 🥹🥹🥹 Emerie has no idea how to handle this 😂
- I still wanna know what’s happened with these commandos. No way a clone of Jango Fett is able to look a child in the eyes, call them a “specimen” and not have even an ounce of remorse as they stun them point blank.
- “Jax?” And Eva just points. The power in knowing someone’s name vs a dehumanizing number
- It’s also interesting that these kids are species that are red, blue, and green, and when they get Bayrn in, he’s white. RGB colors make up white light when put together.
- The little peeks of Emerie’s backstory we keep getting are so interesting. She was abandoned by Nala Se. She knows that these children don’t belong here, the same way that Omega told both her and Crosshair that they didn’t belong here either. Nala Se says that the Empire will hold these kids to control them. Emerie feels like she has no power to do anything differently. So much to unpack here.
- Why is Tarkin’s holo so large?
- Lol I honestly love getting to see the backbiting politics of how the Empire functions. It’s so bad and so funny
- Also love that Project Necromancer is so secret that even Tarkin doesn’t know what it is. He’s so nosy
- Okay why does he bring up the CX schematic again and why is it so different than the one we saw earlier??
- Whoa Cid was tortured???
- “The other operatives aren’t ready to join you in the field” why????
- We’re visiting a lot of space stations this season
- Man I wish Emerie had fudged this test
- Nooo let the poor baby go home 🥺
- Oh and now we’re putting kids in solitary confinement. Great.
- C’mon Emerie. Keep clicking that moral compass until it points north
- She kept the straw Lula. She’s giving it to Eva 😭. There’s hope for her yet
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a-k-a-l-i · 15 days
They are NOT Hot!
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Luke and Leia refuse to believe that anyone would think their parents (and Uncle Obi-wan) are hot. Can the twins come up with a plan to succeed and convince their friends that they're not?
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away…”
“...The Trade Federation was eventually blown up by none other than the Chosen One, Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker at nine years old, saving the Planet Naboo.” Terria Marayne explained to her class. Many eyes were focused on the Skywalker twins who held proud smiles, knowing how cool their dad was. 
The bell rang signifying that Prodigious Coruscanti High School was over. 
“Remember students,” the teacher called out as the kids stuffed their papers into their bags, “I want a detailed report of the Battle of Naboo, it’s due next week.”
“No doubt we’ll pass with flying colors,” Luke whispered to his twin, which Leia just snorted and shoved him out of the classroom. 
“Don’t cheat, Nerfherder.” 
“You wound me, Lei-Lei, how can I cheat on something so easy?”
The hallways were filled with students coming in and out of rooms, many stood in the hallways, talking with friends. Leia headed to her locker organizing her stuff when she heard her name being called.
Turning around, Leia waved her friends over. Three girls, a green Twi’lek with green eyes, a Pantoran, and a human with blue hair and brown eyes walked over. 
“It must be so cool to have your dad in history class, huh?” asked Hali, the Pantoran. Leia shrugged.
“I mean, it is, but we grew up with those stories, with way more details, this is hardly anything.”
 Gia pulled her blue hair lightly, “if you say so, but I doubt it though...nine years old? Please, that’s impossible.”
“That’s why he’s the Chosen One, Gia, not some regular old Jedi,” a new voice joined the conversation. The green Twi’lek, Jora, scoffed.
“I don’t remember you being allowed in this conversation, We’lin.” Said girl gave them an unimpressed look.
“Honestly, I thought you guys would be more knowledgeable when it came to Anakin Skywalker, considering you’re friends with his daughter.”
Leia sighed, “That’s enough We’lin, I get why they doubt it, no reason to be so snarky, let’s go guys.” The four girls left the angered Zebrak, who scoffed and walked away.
“What’s her problem?” Jora hissed slightly.
“She’s jealous that I’m friends with you and not her, she wants to be in close proximity with someone famous,” Leia led her friends to the front door of the building,
“Hm, no reason to be so-- hey, what’s going on?” Hali muttered. Gia saw Luke and called his name.
The boy turned his head and waved his hands to his sister and her friends. The small group walked to where Luke was standing. His friends gaping, their eyes unblinking. The girls were confused until they saw who captured everyone’s attention— students, teachers, and parents alike.
Anakin Skywalker.
He stood against the newest model of a LV-80 speeder, it is one of the fastest luxury speeders, only the wealthy could afford one. He wore his usual black Jedi robes, though, today, they were looking very fashionable. Anakin ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lips as his attention was drawn to the datapad in his hand.
“Oh my…” Hali’s words got caught in her throat. Luke and Leia groaned silently, rolling their eyes simultaneously. 
“The senator truly is lucky to have married him–”
“How can he look so flawlessly handsome?”
“He hardly aged, I dare say…”
“You’re right about that, Xeni.”
Luke facepalmed, he didn’t need to overhear the whispers about his father from the teachers no less.
“Bro, your dad looks so cool!” Derran commented.
“Imagine having a father as powerful as him–”
“Look at the speeder.”
“Imagine being this rich–”
“Why doesn’t he come over often, Luke?” A human girl wondered with a dazed look in her eyes.
“He’s busy…saving the galaxy and all,” Luke said, slightly put off at her facial expression.
Leia fared no better as her friends practically drooled at the sight. 
“Leiaaa, you’re so lucky, your dad looks so hot,” Gia gasped. Leia blanched. Seriously? How weird are her friends? Jora had a noticeable pink tint coloring her cheeks. Hali fanned herself, muttering words like “..amazing…lucky...wish I was older…not fair…”
“Guys, that’s my dad, stop calling him hot!” Leia told them, mortified. Her friends stared at her, breaking away from their stupor.
“And!?” They shrieked.
“He’s hot-”
“Only you would see him as mediocre–”
“We hardly get to see him in the flesh–”
“–he’s your dad and we’re your friends–”
“–let us worship him–”
“–and fantasize over him–”
“–in peace, Leia,” the girls finished off in unison.
Shaking her head Leia left her star-struck friends and made her way over to her brother.
“They are so creepy,” Luke mentioned, taking his sister’s bag for her. 
“At least your friends think Dad is cool, my friends find him hot.” Leia informed him, Luke gagged.
“You’re telling me.”
The Skywalker twins pushed their way to the front of the crowd.
“Dad!” Leia yelled out.
Anakin’s head snapped up, spotting his eldest son and daughter. He gave them a grin, stashing his datapad in the speeder.
The Force rang with such admiration, jealousy, and infatuation that Luke and Leia had to hurry away from the seemingly endless crowd.
“Hey, Troublemakers, how’s school?” Anakin smiled, girls once again swooned, he took their bags, and began placing them in the back seats.
“Uh, let’s tell you on the way,” Luke hurried. Their father’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrow raised.
“What’s the hurry?”
“We just want to get home, see Mom, our siblings…y’know, we don’t want to be stuck here,” Leia came up with a cover quickly as Luke tried thinking of a lie. Anakin nodded and ushered them to his brand new speeder. 
Noticing the crowd, he gave them a roguish smirk and a semi salute. Chuckling once he felt emotions ringing through the force, he left the group of people standing there in surprise.
 Luke gawked as he studied the inside of the speeder.
“This speeder is so wizard, Dad!” Anakin laughed, he fired up the engine and set off towards their apartment.
“Glad you like it, son, recognize the model?”
Luke racked his brain, “is it the new LV-80? I thought it wasn’t out yet.”
Anakin nodded in approval, “True, but you know how I receive certain gifts for saving the galaxy, even though it’s been sixteen years. If I like a certain gift, then their ratings go up. It’s business,” he explained, “not to mention, I already modified it,”  Anakin handed him the manual, and Luke smiled like a little kid, reading all the latest features in the speeder.
Leia watched as towers, apartments, and other buildings zoomed by.
“What’s in your head princess?” Anakin looked back at her, before setting his attention back to the oncoming traffic.
“I was wondering, after I become a Jedi Knight, I should maybe start in politics, like Mom.”
Anakin chuckled softly, “I think that’s wonderful, you should tell your Mother about it.”
The 500 Republica came into view. Anakin smiled, thinking of his wife.
Landing the speeder with such speed and smoothness on the veranda, Luke complimented his dad over and over again, with Anakin promising his son that they can go flying over the weekend.
“Dad, Dad!”
“Papa’s home with Luke and Leia!”
Several footsteps could be heard stomping down the stairs as the trio exited the speeder.
“Woah, is that a new speeder!?” a fourteen year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes asked. Luke had a confused look on his face.
“What do you mean, Jinn? Dad, did you just buy this?”
Anakin grinned gleefully, “that’s right, I bought it months ago but I recently just finished the modifications and decided to surprise you guys.”
He noticed his youngest daughter’s blue eyes glowed with excitement, Shiraya was told she acted like her father when it came to droids and ships.
Leia rolled her eyes and shook her head, her hands on her hips as she watched the rest of her siblings fawn over the speeder. An arm was suddenly slung over her shoulder with slight force, she let out an ‘oof’ in surprise.
“I think this one needs her screws tightened, Angel, the rest of my kids love speeders, yet this one malfunctioned,” Anakin remarked in mock seriousness, Leia raised her head to see her dad giving her a mischievous smirk. Padme, along with 3P0 and R2, walked closer to the father-daughter duo and giggled melodically. 
3P0 overheard and exclaimed, “Master Ani, I highly doubt organic beings, such as Mistress Leia, possess the ability to hold screws, much less malfunction.” R2 gave a series of beeps then rolled away to the speeder. “How rude, R2, I will have you know I studied humans for as long as I can remember, after all I–” 3P0 followed his companion giving him another lecture. Anakin sighed exasperatedly. Padme shook her head.
“Ani, may I remind you, they’re my kids as well? I would like to have one normal kid who doesn’t blow up junk everytime I look in their direction,” she crossed her arms, sending her husband an unimpressed stare.
“We do not blow junk up!” The Skywalker-machine-loving members protested. Mother and daughter looked at each other before doubling over in fits of laughter. Anakin and the children sent Leia and Padme identical pouts. 
“Leia, it seems like you’re the only one who actually took after me,” Padme teased. Jinn ran over to his mother and gave her a hug.
“What about me? I look like you!” He tried reasoning with her. She had a thoughtful look on her face, pretending to think about it. Jinn looked at her and was scandalized at the notion.
“Mommm.” Padme laughed and kissed her look-like on the cheek.
“Of course, Jinn, I never doubted it for a second.” Feeling victorious, he ran back to his siblings and chatted about new turbo thrusters their dad could install with Luke.
Anakin crossed his arms with a small smile on his face, “I swear, he’s another mama’s boy.”
“Oh no, Ani, he’s all you, you should hear him talk about lightsaber battles when you’re at the Temple,” Padme said, “He acts like you a little more each day.”
Leia nodded, silently agreeing with her. “Oh, Mom, is it okay if you can pick Luke and I up from school next week?”
Her parents gave her a confused look, “Sure, I can rearrange my schedule, but I thought you were happy when your dad came over.”
“I am, I was happy, but the thing is…”
“Our friends, especially Leia’s, were fawning over Dad, the teachers were even caught in a whirlwind over his looks,” Luke added when he came over to hug his mom. Anakin coughed and blushed as Padme turned her gaze to him.
“Is that so? Did any of them flirt with him? Or vice versa?”
Anakin gaped, “Angel, you hurt me, how could you ever think of a thing like that?”
Padme ignored him and encouraged her eldest twins to finish explaining. Anakin groaned in the background.
“We don’t want to feel such revolting emotions–” Leia started
“–coming from our classmates and teachers.” Finished Luke. 
Anakin snorted, “Tough luck, kids, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, they will probably find her just a little bit more enticing than I am.”
“Don’t listen to him, I won’t attract attention to myself, unlike your father, of course I will come.”
Luke and Leia grinned and high-fived each other. Anakin rolled his eyes and glared non-threateningly at Padme, “I feel so loved, Angel.”
Padme laughed and kissed her husband’s pouty lips, “I only want you to myself, my love.”
“You have me, but maybe I should go, in case some teachers get the wrong idea,” Anakin smirked in a way that Padme felt Nubian butterflies in her stomach.
“Sorry, Ani, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay home on this mission, and watch the rest of your kids.” He shook his head, leaning down to capture her lips once more.
“Mhm, sounds like fun.”
Mimi’s blonde hair bounced as she skipped past her parents, “Mom, Dad, I’m hungry, can we go to Dex’s Diner?”
“Ooh, yea, can we?” Jayden’s brown eyes lit up, already thinking of the yummy Zeltros sliders. The elder Skywalkers looked at each other with amusement dancing in their eyes.
“Why not.”
“Hurry up, Leia, you still need to eat breakfast,” Luke called out, buckling his boots on, while simultaneously drinking blue milk.
“Luke, put your stinky feet down,” cried Mimi.
Leia pulled her braided hair into a ponytail and buckled on her belt. Dashing from her room, she slid into the kitchen where her five siblings were eating breakfast. Grabbing a stack of pannacakes, and pouring herself a cup of blue milk, she sat next to Shiraya who was levitating a small Nubian star fruit.
“Shira, please eat, you need to be at the Temple soon,” Padme instructed, walking by the table plucking the star fruit from the air, popping it into her mouth.
“Yes, mama,” the fourteen year old sighed. Her blue eyes danced around the room, mischievousness sparkled to life, already planning on the fun pranks she would pull at the Temple. Giggling to herself, she poured sticky honey sauce on her pannacakes, and shoved them in her mouth.
A bus horn was heard outside and the eldest twins grabbed their bags running out on the veranda.
“Bye guys!” The two yelled out.
Anakin stretched and frowned, noticing that Leia forgot her comm.
“Leia! Catch!”
Said girl turned in time to use the Force to catch her comm that was thrown to her. “Thanks, Dad!”
Finding themselves a seat, many students were in awe, seeing the Chosen One use the Force in front of their very eyes.
“Hands down, Luke,” Derran said, “your dad is the coolest.”
“Will Master Skywalker be picking you up today?” Hali asked with a slight grin. 
“Not today,” Leia shook her head.
“Pity, Anakin Skywalker is one of the finest creatures my eyes have ever seen,” We’lin commented as she strode by, not stopping for the group to retort.
“For once, I can agree with her,” Jora remarked. The female Skywalker shuddered.
“Let’s just go.”
Luke was hanging out with his friends at the front of the landing docks, eating snacks.
“–I swear, Killian Urden is the best character to play, hands down,” a human-twi’lek hybrid said.
“Orman’s right, he’s the best character that has been released,” Derran agreed.
A male togruta, Fel-qin, objected, “Please, Carlip Brush is the best.” The other boys groaned.
“He’s the worst! Luke, who do you like?” Orman turned his attention to the blonde boy. Luke chewed thoughtfully.
“While Carlip has the best combos, I have to agree with Derran and Orman, Killian’s swordplay can easily beat Carlip’s gun combos.”
Fel-qin looked betrayed, “How could you say that! Luke, you’re my best mate!” The male Skywalker shrugged and laughed as the togruta tried stealing his granos chips.
A stylish looking Nubian speed craft pulled into view, parking in front of the school.
Derran, Orman, and Fel-qin’s eyes practically bugged out of their heads. Seeing a LV-80 speeder was shocking enough, but witnessing a Nubian aircraft was just as rare.
“Holy, look at that speeder…she’s a beauty,” Fel-qin whispered, the other boys nodding.
A man dressed in the Naboo Royal Security uniform, stepped out, opening the back door. A woman dressed in purple and silver stepped out. Fixing wayward strands of hair, she scanned the premises until her eyes spotted one half of the target.
A crowd had already gathered when the aircraft arrived, their attention soon turned to the boy whose name was called out.
“Hi, Mom,” Luke waved and smiled. He turned his head to see his friends’ mouths open wide.
“That-that’s your mom!?”
“She’s so hot, Holy Sith…”
“Luke…you’ve been holding out on us.”
“If only I was older and a  Jedi, hell, if only I knew your mom, I would’ve banged her,” Derran muttered. He winced when a slap was directed toward his head and later three swift punches were delivered. 
Luke groaned and fumed silently, “guys…that’s my mother you’re talking about, stop looking at her like she’s meat,” he glared. His friends looked away abashedly for a hot second before their eyes were drawn towards the pretty Naboo senator again. 
“See you guys…” he waved uncaringly. 
“H-Hey, Luke, wait-!”
Luke made his way over to his mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek. The woman smiled, ruffling her eldest son’s hair.
“How was school?”
“It was okay, we passed on the Battle of Naboo,” he smirked, nearly identical to his father’s. Padme laughed, making the male students and teachers’ heart beat with such vigor, they knew they would do anything for her.
“That’s my son, you knew that story the minute you were born,” she gave him such a proud look, Luke felt his heart burst with love for his mom. “Where’s your sister?” Padme looked over his shoulder for any sign of the brunette teen.
He shrugged, “not sure, she’ll be out in a minute though, I can feel her Force presence coming closer.” the senator nodded and happily chatted with her son.
“What’s with the crowd?” Hali asked. Leia felt a feeling manifest in her stomach.
“Oh no.”
Making their way towards the front, what seems to be a woman, identical looking to Leia, and Luke were chatting in front of a Nubian aircraft.
“For someone nearing their fifties, she sure hasn’t aged…”
“No wonder Master Skywalker married her–”
“–I wonder if I could ever shoot my shot with–”
“Oh shut up, Bron, she married the Chosen One–”
“I’m jealous.”
“She doesn’t deserve Anakin Skywalker–”
“No wonder the Skywalker twins are so good-looking, with parents like that–!”
Gia shifted towards Leia, “I’m kinda jealous, your mom is so beautiful.” 
The brunette nodded, “she is, Dad calls her his light in the galaxy.” She would never dare say the sacred nickname her father calls her mother, only family members know it and she would like to keep it that way.
Jora, Gia, and Hali sighed in wistfulness.
“So romantic.” 
“Man, your dad is the Chosen One, a Jedi Master, an excellent pilot and is hot, your mom was a queen, she’s a senator, she’s super nice, and extremely beautiful, you guys are so lucky! You look so much like them, I’m jealous,” a human female student exclaimed, she turned to her boyfriend who raised his eyebrows at her.
Leia gaped, groaning out,“I gotta go, Luke is calling my name.”
Jora looked confused.
“How–” started Hali.
Leia tapped her temple, “Force powers remember?”
She turned around, not bothering to see them make the connection. 
“Hi, Mom, hi, Lukie.”
Padme smiled brightly and hugged her daughter, “I should find the time to do this again, I’ve missed you all terribly.”
Leia giggled. 
Padme, slightly shocked at the sight of the large crowd, she waved and gave them a demure smile.
She led her twins to the speeder where Captain Typho bowed and shut the door after they got situated. 
The eldest set of the Skywalker twins sat in Luke’s room, discussing plans.
“It’s impossible, how can they find both Dad and Mom hot?” Luke groaned and plopped himself on his bed.
“Unfortunately, Dad was right, that smug look of his when we came home too,” Leia crushed silently. Her face was scrunched as she started to think.
“You look like Mom, you know that, Lei?” 
She broke her concentration and smiled bashfully, “thanks, Lukie, hopefully I can be just as great as her one day.”
“You will, don’t worry.” Luke grinned, picking up a comic from the floor.
“Anyway, I still don’t have an idea…” Leia huffed out. 
Luke snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “ah-ha!”
Startled, Leia looked at him, “well? What is it?”
“Uncle Obi-wan, no one will think the old man is hot!” A grin broke out on Leia’s face.
“You’re a genius! That’s perfect, we’ll be at the temple tomorrow and we can ask him then.”
Identical smirks and heads nodding in unison was the only thing that worried Padme when she walked by her eldest son’s room.
“Oh dear, let’s hope nothing bad will happen.”
At the Temple, Anakin was strolling along the hallways with Obi-wan, chatting leisurely. 
“Master…what’s with everyone’s robes today? All the male species are wearing…pink,” he drawled out. Obi-wan sighed, stroking his beard.
“I have a hunch they aren’t following a fashion trend,” he said, looking pointedly at his former padawan.
A human female Jedi Knight walked by, her hair color different shades of yellow and green. She grumbled incoherently and gave a small bow to the two Jedi Masters, but she gave Master Skywalker a small glare and returned to her destination.
Anakin sputtered, “what was that about? I didn’t even color her hair!”
“Always two there are, a master and an apprentice, follow the rules, you do not, young Skywalker,” Yoda suddenly appeared, dressed in pink robes, his hair had blue and pink glitter. His glimmer stick softly hitting the ground as he walked by with Mace Windu dressed in the same pink robes, drinking tea.
“When has Master Skywalker ever followed the rules, Master Yoda?” Mace nodded at the duo and followed Yoda into another hallway.
“I’m nearing my forties, I’m a Jedi Master, and I have kids who take the title young Skywalker, and he still insists on calling me that!” Anakin slumped against the wall, running his hands through his hair.
His former master chuckled, “you are the youngest member on the council, even now, and besides, he is approaching his 900th birthday.”
Anakin snorted, “Right, Obi-wan, of course. Do you know who dyed the robes?”
Obi-wan glared at Anakin, “your offspring did this, why do you think Master Yoda said what he said?”
“Yeah, but what’s with the Rule of Two though?”
“You taught all six of your kids to terrorize the Jedi Temple,” he deadpanned, “we probably should’ve stopped you reproducing after Luke and Leia were born, now we don’t even know who has pranked us this time.”
Giggles floated down the hallway, the duo turned their heads to see Shiraya running away from a mob of Jedi Knights and Padawans. Voices were clashing and mixing together that not a thing could be heard, but they knew this time, Shiraya started the prank.
“One at a time, my fellow Jedi! I still have to continue my prank!” Shouts of objection rose louder, causing her to laugh. Shiraya jumped on a ledge, causing everyone to stop and stare. She turned around, noticing her father and uncle, giving everyone a semi-salute mimicking her dad, she fell backwards. The Jedi clamored to the ledge, but to their surprise, they couldn’t find her.
“She needs no DNA test to prove she’s Master Skywalker’s offspring.”
“This Temple will be terrorized by the Skywalkers, just you wait.”
Obi-wan raised his eyebrow at Anakin who looked proud. The crowd dispersed, leaving the two alone once again.
“That’s my daughter, I can only compliment and approve of her action,” Anakin nodded, Obi-wan groaned.
“Uncle Obi!”
Said man turned to see his padawan with his sister.
“Hello there,”
“General Kenobi,” the twins bowed. Anakin snickered silently behind Obi-wan who had an exasperated look on his face.
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
The twins nodded, Leia speaking first, “can you pick us up from school four days from now? Please.” Luke smiled brightly in agreement.
The auburn man gave Anakin an incredulous look to which he received a shrug in return.
“I would be happy to, but what brought this on?”
The twins shared a look, “we would like for you to pick us up, cause you’re family,Uncle Obi-wan,” they gave a very convincing smile causing Obi-wan to nod his head.
“Very well, if that’s alright with you of course, Anakin ?”
“Take the Troublemakers, you need more excitement, Master.”
“Anakin, you’ve given me more than enough gray hairs, I don’t need anymore from your offspring–”
Leia and Luke quietly drifted away from the famous Skywalker-Kenobi banter.
“Mission accomplished, sis,” Luke high-fived his sister.
“Finally, it’ll be impossible for anyone to find Uncle Obi hot,” Leia remarked.
Luke let out a laugh, “exactly, it’s impossible.”
“...I can’t wait to go on that mission to Hoth! It’ll be so cool,” Luke grabbed his books, shoving them into his bag.
“Literally,” Leia sipped on her Fresca Jamora smoothie, noticing her brother staring at her.
“Haha, funny.”
She gave him a grin, walking with him to the exit. Avoiding students can be a hassle, luckily for her, she was quite nimble on her feet.
“I overheard the masters talking about our Knighthood ascension, we might get knighted at eighteen like Dad.”
Luke’s face lit up, “haha yes! Finally, Jedi Knight here I come.”
“I’m going to start working on my speech towards my campaign for the Queen of Naboo. I believe I might win enough votes, but I can’t rely on my parents' fame to do it.”
“I know nothing about politics, but if you need help, just call my name.”
A look of gratitude made its way onto Leia’s face, the two embraced until Luke pinched her causing the girl to punch him.
“No good troublemaker.”
“Goody-two shoes.”
They chuckled and continued to walk out of the school where a large crowd formed.
“Oh kriffing hells,” they cursed in unison.
“First Master Skywalker, then Senator Skywalker, and now Master Kenobi!? This school will become extremely popular,” the principal exclaimed happily.
“I love his beard!”
“Can’t believe he snagged the Duchess of Mandalore–”
“I can’t believe the Duchess snagged him.”
“He’s so much hotter than his holopictures!” One girl could not contain her excitement.
“Masters Skywalker and Kenobi are the two hottest Jedi I’ve ever seen–”
“I can gladly die happily now.”
Many girls were in awe, they’ve witnessed two very good looking Jedi Masters these past few weeks. Meanwhile, the boys were chatting off making small bets about who would win.
“Anakin Skywalker no doubt.”
“–Obi-wan trained him though, surely that must mean he’s powerful enough in the force!”
“Master Skywalker is the literal Chosen One–”
“–I believe it’s Obi-wan–”
The man who caused the disturbances coughed lightly, and scanned quickly for his nephew and niece. 
This must be why the twins asked me to come pick them up, Obi-wan thought wryly, no doubt they experienced this scenario with their parents.
Holocameras were flashing quickly, girls swooned, and boys gawked. Though, there was no reaction quite priceless like the ones the Skywalker twins were sporting in this exact moment.
I thought for sure it would work…
Luke and Leia shared twin looks of defeat, they simultaneously put their heads in their hands. Chests were heaving as they couldn’t help but feel embarrassment and awkwardness as the school population were continuing their admiration.
“Let’s go, Luke.”
Making their way to their uncle, despite the strong feeling they felt, they couldn’t hide the happiness seeing their father’s closest friend here at their school.
“Hello young ones, I see there is a crowd that seems to be growing by the minute,” Obi-wan acknowledged the two. He bowed to the crowd and settled himself in the driver’s seat.
Wincing, the blonde and brunette gave him sympathetic glances as they strapped themselves in their seats. 
“We thought because you were old, we hoped to repel the crowd and stop their admiration,” Leia explained.
“Clearly that didn’t work, seems like Dad lied about you being extremely old, Master,” Luke tsked, already planning on scolding his father for telling them such a lie when the general public thought otherwise.
Obi-wan sighed under his breath, “Skywalkers and their insults…”
They chatted contently as the elder Kenobi carefully, much to the teens’ disappointment, drove the speeder to their home.
Feeling quite refreshed, Leia left her damp hair to dry before she styled it. Walking to the veranda, the first thing she noticed were her aunts Satine and Ahsoka and her Uncle Lux.
When did Aunt Satine and Uncle Lux arrive? She wondered.
Ahsoka looked up and smiled at Padme’s nearly identical replica. 
“Lei-Lei, how are you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, your mother tells me that you’re planning to get into politics.”
Satine demurely sipped on her tea, “I would gladly help you, should you want my advice, though I believe you hardly need it, considering your mother is already an excellent politician.”
Padme smiled slightly under the praise and waved her eldest daughter to the couch, “come sit with me.”
Leia slowly made her way over there, watching her siblings getting into a friendly physical sparring match. Ahsoka and Lux’s children were also there laughing with Jayden and Mimi.
Jinn was sitting on Padme’s left side, causing her to sit on her mother’s right. 
“I was unaware you had arrived,” Leia commented to Satine and Lux.
“I arrived a few days ago,” Satine remarked, smiling softly at the young girl, as if she knew a secret.
Lux answered as well, chuckling quietly, “I came to Coruscant last night, when your aunt Soka invited me here.”
Nodding in understanding, the three adults including Leia engaged in a simple conversation about politics, Jinn tried to keep up as best as he could, but in the end he turned in favor of following his father out the veranda to help him bring in training sabers.
Leia entered the kitchen with Luke where they met Ashoka.
“What’s got your head in the clouds?”
Luke groaned, “These past two weeks–”
“–three weeks, actually,” Leia interrupted, biting a shurra fruit.
“–what she said, everyone at our school found Dad, Mom, and Uncle Obi-wan to be extremely attractive,” he finished off with a look of disgust, to which Ahoska just laughed out loud.
“Oh, really? Well, that’s not surprising, during the Clone Wars, they were on the HoloNet almost everyday, they were the reason why our galaxy is at peace,” she shrugged pushing away a bowl of Nubian star fruits away from her, since they were only tasteful to the people who had Naboo blood running through their veins.
“But they should be more considerate, like, we don’t want to hear everyone constantly talking about how attractive they are,” Leia whined like a young girl, “someone even said how Uncle Obi-wan’s beard was…hot,” at that word, the twins shuddered. The three exited the kitchen and reentered the veranda. 
Luke and Leia slumped in defeat, waving off their father’s concern. Claiming the problem to be out of anyone’s reach unless they knew how to make themselves less attractive, as to which Lux blinked in confusion with his wife promising him that she will explain later.
Satine laughed softly with her husband, patting his hand affectionately.
“Never lose the beard, my darling Obi, never lose it,”
Obi-wan just shook his head, he kissed her cheek and resumed his conversation with his former padawan who gagged along with his spawns he calls offspring. Padme pinched Anakin who rubbed his arm giving her a mock glare.
The two kissed lost in their own passion for a brief moment.
Luke and Leia shook their heads.
No matter what anyone in the galaxy says.
In fact. they refuse to believe it.
After all, who would believe that the Skywalker and Kenobi clans could ever be considered attractive?
Anakin Skywalker, Padme Skywalker, and Obi-wan Kenobi were not hot.
Jayden and Jinn talked with Ahsoka’s son, Corellan, and Obi-wan’s youngest son, Thelis.
Mimi talked with Ahoska’s middle child, Kerria.
Luke and Leia talked with Obi-wan’s eldest son, Zander.
The adults conversed with each other.
All the while, a brunette girl, an auburn haired girl, and a female togruta, decided that today they would become the bestest of friends. Each girl clasped on a necklace that had a single four pointed crystal star.
They would become a trio that the galaxy feared and respected. Just like the galaxy feared their parents during the Clone Wars.
Shiraya Skywalker. 
Saachi Kenobi. 
Scarlett Bonteri.
These names would then become known as the Azul Trio.
They would be known as some of the most powerful Jedi in history.
After all, how could they not be when their parents are Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano?
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moonleet · 10 months
oooh ooh! For the agere ask game if it’s ok to do multiple numbers I just love your astarion stuff and i want to hear everything about your take on him, so astarion with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and/or 18?
thank you for the ask! this was a lot of fun - everythings under the cut!
do they have a specific age or range they regress to, or do they just go off vibes?
i see astarion as a baby to a toddler regressor! however i don't think he's solidly within a particular age range - like, he'll value his independence and understand (and participate in!) snarky remarks, but he also likes being coddled and is super super clingy ehe 🪄
is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it?
very involuntary i think. he's a bit too prideful to ask someone to take care of him - and, he tends to push himself until he doesn't have a choice in regressing, poor guy :( i think he sometimes regresses without realizing, usually when he realizes he's safe with tav and gang
are they a stuffie or a blankie kid? both? neither?
neither! this is super specific, but i think he is just enamored with a beautiful carved wooden horse and carriage that he can pull behind him with a string! my tav, miya, got it for him bc miya liked the design, and astarion takes that thing with him eeeeeverywhere xP
in what ways are they different when they're regressed? do aspects of their personality or interests change at all? are they similar to how they were when they were an actual kid, or completely different?
i think astarion, regressed, isn't too similar to how he was when he was actually a kid. he feels fundamentally changed by what happened to him, and it's reflected in his regression: he's a lot more sensitive, which he expresses by being rather bratty for a while before he warms up and allows himself to be clingy and take all the warmth everyone offers him!
do they have any regression gear (teethers, pacifiers, diapers, specific toys or outfits, etc.)? do they try to hide it from friends/family?
i think he's a padded regressor! he also has a tendency to chew on things like a teething kitten. miya has hand-constructed a wrap out of softish leather and cloth that can withstand his teeth, after finding too many puncture marks in his sleeves ssjdjdjskdk. otherwise, astarion usually just dresses in his camp clothes. even baby, he cares about looking good 🪄
do they fall into any 'regressor stereotypes' (baby talk, loving disney movies, liking pastels, etc.), or do they diverge from the 'norm' (liking horror media, regressing to an older age, etc.)?
his biggest stereotype is being clingy: he demands attention at all times!!! i think he diverges pretty strongly in that he speaks mostly the same as he does not regressed, albeit with a small lisp, and can be a real smartass about things that displease him shdjfjdjsjd
do they have any specific nicknames for when they regress? how about nicknames they've given to their caregiver(s) or friends?
miya calls him "darling," karlach calls him "baby bat" and "mr. teeth," and i think halsin calls him "little cub"! and astarion calls miya "mama" (miya is a man btw!!! astarion just calls him that), karlach "mama k", and halsin "papa"
what do they like to do when they're regressed? do they like to play pretend, watch tv/movies, color, etc.?
he likes pulling around his toy carriage and generally just hovering around people and watching them! with people he's closer to, like miya and karlach, astarion enjoys a good snuggle (with permission from him) and a nice book! none of those stories for babies, though, he has discerning tastes (miya once read aloud to him directly from his grimoire and astarion never fell asleep quicker)
what do they wear when they're regressed? do they have specific clothes, or do they just wear whatever is most comfortable? do they have a comfort article of clothing?
just his regular degular camp clothes! although he'll steal clothes from his carers to make a nest, sometimes :3
do they prefer to play indoors or outdoors? do they get upset when it rains?
indoors for sure!! astarion actually quite likes the rain (from the coziness of a dry inn or tent). it's soothing to him :3
do they take naps? if so, do they take them at a specific time, or just nap whenever they feel like it? do they get fussy over having to take one?
elves don't really nap! but miya definitely schedules in "mandatory" meditation time - astarion is annoyed at first, but as it turns out meditating is so cozy when you're being cradled against someone's chest and you can feel their warmth and heartbeat... :3
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were-wolverine · 2 years
okay let me explain my gay steve harrington thoughts to you guys
steve is desperate for any type of love/affection. he has a hard time trying to differentiate between romantic and platonic feelings (ex. robin but i’ll come back to that). his only “friends,” tommy and carol, were only around him for status/only knew the side of him he showed everyone else. he’s not truly known by anyone until robin.
in HS he’s popular and attractive, therefore expected to date/hook up with girls, so he does because it’s what he’s been told is “normal” (this is why he has a reputation for sleeping around in junior year, he kinda overdoes it because he’s just doing what he thinks he is supposed to)
then nancy wheeler comes along, who doesn’t care that he’s popular, doesn’t treat him differently from anyone else and it’s just… it’s refreshing to be treated like a regular human being. he actually enjoys hanging out her and cares about the things she does (unlike with tommy and carol, who he doesn’t really like being around).
he genuinely wants to befriend her, but has never felt like that with someone else before so he just assumes it’s romantic attraction (nancy is “the first girl he loved,” in reality she’s the first person he ever actually wanted to be friends with, not just his parents friends kid or someone that his parents approved of)
so they date (also nancy is a lesbian with comphet and was in love with barb). season 2 happens etc etc
in s3 he no longer in has his highschool popularity status, and is wrongfooted and awkward, not sure of his place in society. so he attempts to go back to what he knows: flirting with girls. which does not work out at all. but since he has a reputation as a playboy, he continues to flirt anyway (because who is he without that?)
then along comes robin, the second person steve has ever wanted to befriend, and he likes her even more than nancy because she’s snarky and funny and they’re a surprisingly good team. mistaking platonic feelings for romantic feelings part two occurs.
but then robin tells him about tammy thompson and his mind kind of shuts down, because all he can think is “it’s okay to like someone of the same gender? it must be, because robin is awesome and she does so, maybe… maybe it’s okay if i do too?” and then he realizes robin is kind of freaking out and he swallows thickly, chewing on his lip before just asking “if you can like girls, does that mean i can like boys?”
and robin freezes, extremely confused and not at all expecting that reaction but soon realizes he’s being serious and nods. “yeah, dingus. you can like boys. and girls too if you want.”
steve’s lip wobbles and his eyes are glossy when he whispers, “is it okay if i only like boys?”
robin inhales sharply and decides that she would die for this man in a heartbeat, and that she’s never letting him go. “yeah, it’s okay.”
she pulls him into a hug and they both cry, steve apologizing through tears for ruining her coming out and robin just giggling wetly and telling him to shut up. eventually steve explains it all to robin, and she tells him about how she realized she wasn’t straight.
later, steve will tell her “i think you’re my best friend,” and she‘ll smile and ruffle his hair and just say, “yeah, me too.”
btw i heavily imply that he’s autistic throughout this, so if u notice that u get a forehead kiss
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Hi I was just asking what would happen if Spider was a cis girl in Cabin in the Woods and I decided to expand on the question 😅 Would Quaritch still make her cut her hair? What if Spider was a tomboy, would Quaritch accept that or is a man the type of "woman supposed to have long hair and cook and clean"? What would she casual wear, a dress or something like dungarees, tracksuits? What would Quaritch's general behavior towards her be, would it be different from how he treated his son? And what about typically "girly" things like makeup, periods?
I love this question so much. Gender bends are really entertaining for me when done right so I have some thoughts.
So before I get into the more detailed things that your asking about I want to get into more broad dynamics. So I write Quaritch as being the type of parent that views there child more as an extension of themselves instead of as there own individual. That's a big reason why he's so possessive of Spider. That sentiment doesn't change if Spider where a girl but the dynamic definitely does. Because father daughter relationships are just going to be different then father son relationships for a ton of different person/social reasons. I think a big one in this case though is that fathers typically see more of themselves in there sons then there daughters, just like mothers typically see themselves in there daughters. So while Quaritch would still be possessive and be all "that's my kid and she should be with me." I think he'd see a female Spider as an extension of Paz instead of himself, and that would probably make him even more protective and possessive.
Next I want to get into what fem!Spider would be like. I'm really not a fan of it when people just make 100% the same character just with a different gender. Of course at her core Spider would still be Spider, a kid with a heart of gold, that's loyal and kind to a fault, while also being snarky and sarcastic, a bit guarded due to there upbringing, very independent and self sufficient. I feel like some foster families/social workers would probably try to enforce stereotypical gender roles on her, to make her more "lady like" and less of a wild child and fem!Spider would just be like "lol no." I write regular Spider as being a skater boy, but I feel like fem!Spider would be more of a hippy chic. Think aesthetic bog witch if that makes sense lol. Loves all things nature, plants, crystals, bugs, snakes. Goes for walks in the woods bare foot and comes back covered in mud. Mostly has guy friends without being a "I'm not like other girls"/pick me type. Also I think she'd like to roller blade for fun.
Style wise I think she'd keep it easy with more lose fitting soft clothes. Things like jumpsuits, soft cotton pants, maybe some comfortable easy to move in flowy skirts when she's in the mood, and lose tops. She'd keep her hair really long (I'm talking waist length) and do fun braids all the time, Fem!Spider would have fun with makeup too, bold colors, glitter, flower stickers on her face. All in all I think she'd have a free spirted hippy look with a tomboy take no shit kind of attitude.
So now as for how Quaritch would treat her in Cabin in the Woods. I think that Quaritch is a very get what you give kind of a guy and that's regardless of gender. Basically he'd respect you unless you give him a reason not to. So he's not a "women belong in the kitchen type." I actually feel that Quaritch would be way less confident in his ability to parent a daughter and so would be thrilled if fem!Spider was more of a rugged nature lover. Like I said up top father daughter relationships are just different then father son. I actually feel like they'd bond quicker if Spider was a girl, because Quaritch would just be more gentile with her. Fem!Spider probably wouldn't have gotten tied up like Spider does in my fic. She'd still get that ankle monitor which is basically a tracker/shock collar that goes off if you hit the invisible permitter. The house would be locked up tight, anything that could be used as a weapon/ lock pick hidden, and she'd be locked in her room every night. But Quaritch would just be such a doting dad that he'd win her over after a long while/the Stockholm syndrome would kick in.
Recently I actually wrote a section in Cabin in the woods that details Quaritch's thoughts on regular Spider's long hair so to summarize that, he doesn't like it, thinks it makes him look shabby/uncared for, and blames Spider's "caretakers" for letting it get so bad. Basically he wants his child to look neat because a clean cut look= cared for, in his mind. That wouldn't be un true for fem!Spider but it would be different since girls having long hair is largely considered the norm. The only reason I could see him giving fem!Spider a dramatically short cut would be if her hair was actually really damaged and poorly maintained. If Spider can take care of her long hair then she can keep it. He'd just trim it for her a few times a year to keep it healthy.
Clothing wise I feel like Quaritch prioritizes function over style. He'd make his daughter wear clothes that are appropriate for the woods. jeans, hiking boots, t-shirts, warm jackets. As long at they fall into that category then fem!Spider can have them in any pattern/color she wants. Makeup though would probably be a no go in the cabin just because it's only the two of them so why bother in Quaritch's eyes.
As for dealing with periods Quaritch wouldn't be a bitch about it and act all disgusted by it but he wouldn't be over the top caring either. It'd very much be, "y'a got everythin' y'a need" fem!Spider "yeah" Quaritch 👍. And that would be it.
Thank you so much for the question! this was so much fun for me💞💞
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