#so what happens when i do tell the Truth about what happened then huh🤨
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softshuji · 2 years ago
*slightly slurring words*
Under water? Look my hair's now wet too, we match
Rin? It hurts Rin, my chest, my head, I think there's water in my lungs. I'm so tired, and *shivers* cold too
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casinoquartet · 1 year ago
okay so I would like to elaborate on a point you made on the swagdoons moments we should talk about more. Specifically the one about red knowing about the wormhole glitch. Also the whole god thing applies to this too.
Ash avoids any reference (and has lied about it multiple times IF red is telling the truth) to red knowing anything and just never elaborates when it comes to this sort of thing. Then red is just so open about it and it kinddd of sounding like he’s bragging when he talks about it. And he told no one?? 🤨 huh? Red knew sooo far back and told no one???
here is an example:
ash commented that red wasn’t in a video because his reaction to the god thing was basically: “cool.” and did not give any other details.
red has AT LEAST said twice that he knew about the god thing from basically page one (because ash told him?? I don’t know if I’m remembering right) and he didn’t hold back from the details
nothing they say lines up 😭😭😭 one of them is lying about this and either way it’s still so 🤨🤨. Why would you need to lie about it huh??? And I am 90% ash knows what red is saying and he isn’t specifically denying anything red says.
I’m sorry they are soo confusing and just making this much sense of something and to not share it with anyone feels like a felony so yeah…
THEN THE “oh I’d do so many things for you ash.” WAS JUST 😱😱😱🫵🤨🤨🤔🤨 IT WAS SO UNPROMPTED. then the SILENCE after ash said the equivalent of my reaction in emojis I just can’t anymore
also can you explain how after the matching sleeve thing ash just kept it for wayyyy too long. Is it still there??? I think it’s still there. It’s like 4am and I NEED to go to bed so I don’t think I should check. But it’s such an easy fix why is it still there it’s driving me crazy
OKAY regarding the "red knew about the plugin" thing, i'm mostly referencing this clip (51:58-52:10)
red: hold on, so did you dupe or...how did you get the crystals? ash: (hums) red: ...or did you get into creative mode, was that the plug-in? ash: no, no. (annoyed) why do you--okay just tell everyone my plan. i'm kidding, parrot just forgot to check my inventory (laughs)
if we take ash's god video at face value, he did know about the essentials plugin since august (though it is debatable if the wormhole team knew how to exploit it then, i'm inclined to believe that they did considering around a month later the comfort vod happened and ash leaked the wormhole plans 4 months early...lol). and having foresight, we do know that creative mode was necessary to get the entire wormhole exploit to work so...that's why i said it was implied red knew about the wormhole glitch the entire time
anyways, adding onto the "red wasn't in the first video" thing, here's ash mentioning it in a tweet on his alt acc, and while red pisses off (/lh) ash in the comfort vod (1:10:05-1:10:44), ash says that that is why red isn't in the video and red goes "i know"
(also i was just watching the vod where red mentions that he knew about the s3 god exploit from the very start and it's also implied here that he knew about the s4 one too?!?! he got an elytra from subz and subz, who was on the wormhole exploit team, asked him if red knew about the exploit, said never mind, and gave red the elytra anyways. red then says that he knew about the exploit the entire time so ?!?!?! clip from 1:27:51-1:28:27 btw)
ANYWAYS yeah i don't know wtf the "i'd do so many things for you" thing was about either. something is up with them. alas i'm not a mind reader so i don't know why on earth red said that or why ash keeps the cut sleeve (i'm guessing it's bc he thinks it looks cool?) but alas. swagdoons truly did swagdoons all over the place,
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princesshillaryellaworld25 · 10 months ago
Sick Boyfriend's parents meet up with Drugfriend (Birthday Arc Sequel)
On his way to save Sick Boyfriend....
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Drugfriend: (running in full speed holding his ice sythe) *mind* That BASTARD! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM, HE'S GONNA PAY FOR KIDNAPPING SICK BOYFRIEND and as for Lila sky, I'm gonna make sure you're good as dea-
Drugfriend crashed into some people.
Drugfriend: *groans* Owwww.....that hurt😵‍💫
Mrs. Sickest: Huh? Daniel?
Mr. Sickest: Is that you?
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Drugfriend: H-Huh? *shakes his head to reality and got up from the ground* Mr. and Mrs. Sickest? What are you two doing here and why are you in your forms?
Mr. Sickest: We're going to save our son, we could ask you the same thing.
Mrs. Sickest: What are you doing?🤨
Drugfriend: I'm on my way to save Sick Boyfriend cause Imp Senpai kidnapped him and took him to Lila Sky's mansion!
Mr. Sickest: Oh, I guess we're both gonna save Sick Boyfriend huh.
Drugfriend: Yeah. *looks at his sythe and realized that he just exposed his weapon* (mind) Oh shit! My weapon, I can't let his parents know that I'm a ice fallen angel! *hides the sythe behind his back* Heh heh, So what brings you guys here? 😅
Mrs. Sickest: We're on our way to save our son cause we received a note saying that Lila Sky and her mother has got him.
Drugfriend: O-Oh really? I-I was just on my way to rescue Sick Boyfriend from them too, what a coincidence *nervously laughs*
Mr. Sickest and Mrs. Sickest obviously know about Drugfriend's identity.
Mr. Sickest: Daniel relax, we know the truth
Drugfriend: *nervous* T-truth? W-What truth?
Mrs. Sickest: We know you're a ice fallen angel prince
Drugfriend: *sighs* I guess my secret is out 😔, look before you two say anything, I didn't want to-
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Mr. Sickest: Daniel it's fine, We been knew about it.😑
Drugfriend: Wait what?! How did you guys been knew about me being a ice fallen angel, let alone a fallen angel prince?😳
Mrs. Sickest: Me and my husband can sense angels from their forms underneath their shadow.
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Mr. Sickest: Plus, the ice sythe was a dead giveway
Drugfriend: O-Oh right, heh heh heh Oops😅
Mrs. Sickest: Yeah, we meant to tell you that we know but you didn't our son to know the truth about you so we kept it quiet.
Drugfriend: Yeah about that....he knows about it😅
Mr. Sickest: What? How?
Drugfriend: Well me and him went to Ice heaven for an experience because he wanted to see what heaven looks like in our words and I may have ran into some old foes and they just flat out exposed my identity to Sick Boyfriend.
Mr. Sickest: What?!😰
Mrs. Sickest: Oh no! That didn't ruin your marriage, did it?😟
Drugfriend: Well Sick Boyfriend wasn't pissed at me, he was mostly hurt that I lied to him and I kept it a secret for 17 years and he gave me the silent treatment when we got home and ran to our room to cry😔
Mr. Sickest: Oh man, that's bad 😟
Mrs. Sickest: Oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry that happened.....
Drugfriend: But a few minutes later, we talked it out and we made up again 😊, he told me that he was shocked at first but he thought about it and decide to support me and he understands that I kept it a secret to protect him.
Mr. Sickest: O-Oh well that's great that you two made up
Mrs. Sickest: I thought he wasn't gonna talk to you
Drugfriend: Well he must've thought about it when he was you know giving me the silent treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Sickest: Oh right 😐
Drugfriend: He even told me he got me something special from when we went to Ice heaven.
Mrs. Sickest: Awww that's so sweet of him 🥰
Drugfriend: But it was ruined when Imp Senpai kidnapped him😑
Mr Sickest: Right.
Drugfriend: So now, I have to find that bastard Imp Senpai and rescue Sick Boyfriend before he does something bad to him.
Mr. Sickest: We'll come with you, in case you never know he might use his super attacks against you.
Mrs. Sickest: We're also going to make Karen and Lila Sky pay for their crimes.
Drugfriend: Wait, Lila Sky's mom is the one who let Lila Sky free? How?! I thought Sick Boyfriend destroyed all of her evil dark crystals?
Mrs. Sickest: I don't know how she managed to get one but all I know is that she and her daughter had messed with our family enough
Drugfriend: Wait, Lila Sky and her mother has been messing you guys?
Mr. Sickest: It's a long story but to put it short, let's just say they have been targeting me, my wife and the kids. Mostly Karen cause you know, Our high school days.
Drugfriend: Damn I feel so sorry for you guys
Mrs. Sickest: it's fine, Anyways, we need a plan to save Sick Boyfriend and stop Lila Sky and her mother.
Mr. Sickest: Right and we better hurry fast, who knows what those two might do to him.
Drugfriend: It's not just him alone, they might go after everyone in Parodies town next including the people in the neighborhood cities!
Mrs. Sickest: WHAT?!
Mr. Sickest: Wait, What do you mean might go after Parodies town next?
Drugfriend: Well.....Last year, Lila Sky escaped from the void of mistakes, made a whole army of UberSkies, recruited some villains and then tried to take over parodies town, And also send some of my friends to the void of mistakes. Dave was one of the victims.
Mrs. Sickest: *sighs* I know, His mom told me what happened that year.
Mr. Sickest: Yeah, I didn't even know all that happened till Aria told me.
Drugfriend: Well I guess we have to work together to save Sick Boyfriend and Parodies town from those two.
Mr. and Mrs. Sickest: Right!
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whyse7vn · 2 years ago
[ ot7 x reader ]
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ARMY FR 🧑‍🦲🇰🇷
8 participants - 8 online
jungkook: fuck a grammy fr lol
y/n: that shit was how long ago?
yoongi: we are in 2023.
jin: get over it pussy
tae: smooth like butter bro
namjoon: ??
jimin: hobi fell it was funny
jk: i am over it
jin: clearly not
namjoon: move forward and focus on work
y/n: he basically said get over it you bitch
jk: i am over it
jin: sure
yoongi: was kinda disappointing tho
y/n: omg yoongi 🥺
here for you bae
tae: can you be there for me pls
y/n: i’m hungry
tae: eat me!!
jk: what
jin: SAME
sorry caps
the hungry part not the eat me part
jimin left the gc
y/n: omg ???
jin: it was about time so sorry was SICK of him
namjoon added jimin to the gc !
jin: jimin my bff hey !!!
jimin: fuck you
jin: remember when namjoon fell down those stairs that one time
jimin: OMG YEAH
yoongi: yeah lol
hobi: LMAO
namjoon: 😐
jin: sorry was just thinking about it
namjoon: it was so embarrassing
hobi: at least it was only us that saw it!
jk: it’s okay one time i cried during sex can’t get any more embarrassing than that!!
yoongi: what
jimin: why would u admit to-
y/n: LAMOOO now THAT was fr funny snot coming out his nose and everything
yoongi: double what
tae: wait
hobi: 🤨
y/n: nvm i lied what.
jimin: thought it would be yoongi first ngl
namjoon: moving on
yoongi: 🫣
y/n: and was
jk: HUH ?
y/n: surprise
jin: omg
yoongi: lol
namjoon: MOVING ON
jimin: 👺 👺👺👺👺👺👺👺
what an ugly fucking emoji
who though it would be a good idea what is it’s purpose
tae: looks like you
jin: truth
jimin: fuck you
tae: 👺
hobi: i kinda like it
y/n: hate it
jimin: see the whore gets it!
yoongi: jimin
jimin: ooo scary
namjoon: …
jimin: /j lolz
you guys are NO fun i mean it
tae: cry my a river
hobi: i want you to cry
jin: guys
y/n: cry for me
namjoon: yeah
yoongi: the answer is no to what ever ur about to say
jin: omg?! what a party pooper
jk: party
hobi: pop
pop pop pop
jin: anyways
do you think i look good bald 🥺?
yoongi: …
y/n: what
hobi: sure
namjoon: yeah
jimin: ig?
jk: ur bald???????
jin: u guys are so fucking fake it’s unreal
jimin: 🙏🏻
jk: ur bald fr?!
y/n: do you think wonho wants me
cuz i want him
jimin: NO LMAO
yoongi: i don’t see why not
y/n: omg yoongi my number 1 supporter love u down fr 🙏🏽🥺
jk: i’m confused is jin fr bald?
namjoon: tae is that you playing the trumpet rn?
tae: yeah sound ok?
namjoon: no
pls stop
tae: 😟
jimin: give up i say
hobi: sick and tried
ate that
hobi: 110%
jimin: flopped
jk: IS HE BALD??????
y/n: i used to be a certified lover boy..
jimin: but-
yoongi: nvm
jin: don’t you fucking dare
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i have to admit this one makes me giggle a lil but also i fr did write this one after the grammys happened then i forgot about it so i had to change a bunch of shit still love it tho
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 3 years ago
So….we got problems huh?? 🤨
…even tho I pretty much guessed the entirety of what happened, I still cannot cope with you doing this to my boy Seonghwa
Please tell me there is gonna be a Seonghwa pov coming along soon 🥺
I wanna see if he cried when he was locked in his room because if so then I have hope!!
But, yes, the It couple has sadly broken up 😔
He is due for a POV chapter, I’ll give you that lolol, no promises as to how he reacted tho. For all we know, maybe he really was cold about it, just fell out of love and that night was the last straw? Maybe seeing Juliet rekindled things? Alternatively, maybe he is sobbing in his room, or is that just Wooyoung? The truth is soon to come, muahahaha 🦹🏽‍♀️
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years ago
Me, flexing my fingers, doing warm up stretches: ok, remember, we’re trying not to go overboard with the comments, just read, say a couple relevant things to the author, move on. You have over 500 drafts rn, let’s do this!!!
*opens tumblr*
Hmm… what have we got… *sees tagged post*
👀 I’ll just read this one and then we can start on the drafts
Oh ok this one is about Steve haha. This is fine, he’s like generic vanilla “nice” person. We’ll be done in 3 min, tops.😎
Steve wandered around your house, getting distracted by your Christmas decorations.
Wow, I am pleasantly surprised. Someone is respectfully admiring the decor instead of going straight in being a grumpy grouch 😊
So caught up in the colours, Steve completely forgets why he’s here.
Lmao I feel like they also have nice Christmas trees at his workplace (it’s kind of mandatory to have them right? I mean what’s a workshop filled with tiny elves without equally tiny xmas trees?🎄🎄🎄) but he just loves them so much he gets excited every time.
I totally relate tbh
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A lone strand of a cord catches Steve’s attention, his eyes lighting up when he notices colourful bulbs connected to it. Steve’s body filled with excitement, and he took off into a run as he headed toward that lone cord. 
Benjamin Franklin here is about to discover electricity lmao 😵😬⚡️
In pure excitement, Steve grabs onto it and begins to tug.
Me: pfffftttt lol this idiot 🙄🙄🙄
Soft giggles escape his mouth as he watches the pretty colours bounce.
Also me: 🥺🥺🥺
His eyes widen as the lights get closer to his face, only for him to realise it loosened from the small branch. Before he can take off, the cord wraps around his little body, entrapping him. 
Nooooo who tf left that cord there like that 😤 so dangerous! Look what happened to poor Stevieeee 😰😰😰😰
Somewhere echoing in the back of my mind: not to go overboard with the comments…. You have over 500 drafts….this one is about Steve haha…..We’ll be done in 3 min, tops….
Me: huh… was I supposed to remember something?
Steve’s brows furrowed, and soft whines leave him when he tries to untangle himself from the pretty Christmas lights. He huffs, stomping his foot, wondering how he’s supposed to get out of this situation. 
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Me: lol how the heck has he not died at his job or just in general??? 🤨🤨🤔 dude needs like 24/7 supervision. Leave him to the wolves!! He’s weak!!! 😤😤😤
Also me: omg he’s suffering someone come help him🥺 get the fucking national guard this is an emergency!!! 🚨🚨🚨
You begin to walk into the room, wondering why there’s so much noise coming from there
U are telling me she can hear a tiny man squeaking from another room, but can’t notice a giant dude eating cookies and drinking milk right behind her?
Once you get closer, you see another one of those tiny men that keep coming into your house
Another day, another small, horny house invader 🤷‍♀️ nothing to see here, this is totally normal and totally ordinary. *yawn* 🥱
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His mouth opens and closes when you get onto your knees and reach out to him. “How’d you manage this?” 
Omggg this reminds me of when I was kid and got caught doing something I was told not to (like mess with with mom’s nail polish and spilling it everywhere… )
I would just stand there frozen while my brain was like, “lie!!! Say it wasn’t you! No, say you just found it like this!! No, tell the truth and beg for mercy!! No, blame it on dad!!”
Meanwhile I’m just standing there opening and closing my mouth like a fish glub glub glub
Steve is frozen in awe, wondering how someone can be so beautiful.
Me: not sure if he’s a very sweet little elf or just too dumb to know how to be mean 🤔his brain is just filled with pretty lights no room for other thoughts lmao 😹😹😹
The feeling is short-lived when you manage to free him in record time, he whines, looking at you with sad wide eyes.
Me, cheering for reader like: see that?? who’s the idiot now Curtis!! Look how fast she untangled those knots!!! That’s some big brain stuff!! That’s some geospatial intelligence bro!!!
“There you go, little guy.”
Omg I want one as a pet 🥺🥺🥺 I’ll give it food and take it on walks and everything!!! Plssssss
You continue smiling at him until you abruptly turn, swearing you heard a noise behind you
Reader looking behind her, scanning the room like: hmmm, couch, Christmas tree, huge guy standing in the doorway, kitchen area… nope nothing seems wrong - guess I must have imagined it 😬
your brows shoot up.
My brain: haha guess what
Me: don’t do this
Brain: imagine like, 2 eyebrows with legs and a cowboy hat… they walk into the saloon and say “everyone hands up!! This is a robbery!!” And then they shoot the whole place up like an old fashioned gunfight in a spaghetti western 🤠🤠
Me: 🫥
There stands Steve, pants down. His hard cock sprung free, and the lights you untangled him from managed to wrap around him again.
In the 2 sec she was turned around Steve was like
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to get himself tangled up again haha
Steve stares at you with wide eyes and a shy smile, gesturing to the lights again. 
omg any other elf would be like “bitch, u didn’t do it right, now look at this mess u idiot” 😭😭😭
Steve is unintentionally (?) the smartest one lol being like “oh no help me I’m just a poor tiny helpless elf in distress”🥺 major sympathy points there
“Aw, you poor thing!” You worry, feeling as though he’s cold because his pants must’ve fallen off from being too big for his tiny form. “Here, let me help.” 
I was thinking of the convo we had the other day where u were like lol what if she chucked him into the fire 😳 and I was thinking ok…
what if she like tried to make a hot tub for them but left the pot on top of the stove so they were stuck in the boiling water with no way out…. like when u put ur Sims in a pool without ladders and they can’t do anything 💀💀💀
Tiny giggles and moans escape him as your fingers brush against his exposed flesh
Anytime someone is described as giggling, I automatically think of this Ryan Gosling gif 🤭
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Not being able to hold back anymore, Steve groans, white exploding from his thick mushroom tip and all over your fingers.
For real tho if just ONE light bulb was slightly loose he would have been for real electrocuted ⚡️😳💀
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Eyes widen in shock as you stick your fingers in your mouth and suck his cum off of them.
Ok so I guess since he hasn’t died yet she thinks it safe to just continue consuming this stuff but like, we don’t know the long term effects girl!! U could turn into a candy cane next month or something 😓😓😓
places his pointed hat back onto his head, as it must’ve fallen off during everything
They need to make these like party hats with the strap that goes under your chin haha
Your eyes open and connect with his, and Steve becomes flustered at your beauty again. 
If he wasn’t so flustered he would have wrapped himself up in the wires again I bet 😏
Your hand rests softly against his body as your thumb strokes his small hat. “You guys always look so adorable with these little hats.”
Haha when Ransom hears this he’s going to stop submitting anonymous complaints about the “stupid” uniforms they have to wear 🤣
Steve’s cheeks turn rosy pink, his pointed ears twitching at the compliment before he nuzzles into your palm, eyes closing as he accepts the warmth. 
He’s the friendliest one!!! If a cat did this it means u are friends!!! 🥹🥹🥹
Also the ears again 😭😭😭
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He gives you a small wave before turning and disappearing into the night,
Me when Jake waves at reader: wHat?? So stupid, u are wasting time u dork, just run!!! Get out of there!! 🙄🙄🙄 so incompetent, if reader was a dangerous predator dude would be halfway down her digestive tract rn smh
Me when Steve waves at reader: awww what a lil gentleman 🥰 so polite!!! He should get special house privileges for being so well behaved 😊😊😊
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not before tripping over a few things
There’s just a trail of destruction behind him like every single thing in the house is knocked over 😂
You don’t hate that these tiny men seem to adore you,
Lol this is me when I refuse to try some food bc I think it will be gross, but I try it and it’s good 😬, but I don’t want to admit my initial judgement was wrong, so I’m like “ehh… I don’t HATE it. I guess it’s ok”
Meanwhile when they aren’t looking I’m like:
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but you wish someone larger would also be enchanted by you as they are.
Or maybe even like 2 larger someones idk… anything is possible
Also I imagine the elves coming back after Steve tells them what happened and try to get tangled in the Christmas lights too 😹😹😹
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𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔
🎄christmas masterlist🎄
warning - smut, slight bondage, tiny elf male, human behaviour, slight angst, slight fluff, dumbass elf plays with something he shouldn't, adorableness.
18+ only please, thanks to @lavender-annd-lilac without them, I would've been stuck with nothing to write for steve. the gifs and headers aren't mine. @royalsweetteaa
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Steve wandered around your house, getting distracted by your Christmas decorations. As he enters the loungeroom, his mouth becomes a gap at the sight of your Christmas tree. Steve’s eyes sparkled at how pretty the lights looked. A mix of blues, whites, reds, and greens flicker around the room, the gold star shining brightly at the top.
So caught up in the colours, Steve completely forgets why he’s here. His tiny body moves closer to the lights as if he’s entranced. A lone strand of a cord catches Steve’s attention, his eyes lighting up when he notices colourful bulbs connected to it. Steve’s body filled with excitement, and he took off into a run as he headed toward that lone cord. 
In pure excitement, Steve grabs onto it and begins to tug. Soft giggles escape his mouth as he watches the pretty colours bounce. His eyes widen as the lights get closer to his face, only for him to realise it loosened from the small branch. Before he can take off, the cord wraps around his little body, entrapping him. 
Steve’s brows furrowed, and soft whines leave him when he tries to untangle himself from the pretty Christmas lights. He huffs, stomping his foot, wondering how he’s supposed to get out of this situation. 
You begin to walk into the room, wondering why there’s so much noise coming from there. Looking around, you notice something is tangled in your lights. Once you get closer, you see another one of those tiny men that keep coming into your house. 
As you get closer, the small man looks up with wide eyes. His mouth opens and closes when you get onto your knees and reach out to him. “How’d you manage this?” 
Steve is frozen in awe, wondering how someone can be so beautiful. His body tingles as he feels you touch him. His cock rock hard, straining against his tights and throbbing as he is filled with arousal, enjoying how your skin brushes up against him as you help untangle him. Steve’s heart rapidly beats in his chest as you give him a soft smile before his head tilts back, and his breath hitches when you accidentally graze his bulge.
The feeling is short-lived when you manage to free him in record time, he whines, looking at you with sad wide eyes. “There you go, little guy.” You continue smiling at him until you abruptly turn, swearing you heard a noise behind you, but when you turn back to the man on the ground, your brows shoot up.
There stands Steve, pants down. His hard cock sprung free, and the lights you untangled him from managed to wrap around him again. Steve stares at you with wide eyes and a shy smile, gesturing to the lights again. 
“Aw, you poor thing!” You worry, feeling as though he’s cold because his pants must’ve fallen off from being too big for his tiny form. “Here, let me help.” 
Steve grins, spreading his arms as you begin to untangle him again. Tiny giggles and moans escape him as your fingers brush against his exposed flesh. His member throbs with every touch, causing Steve’s eyes to roll back, his hips to jerk rapidly, and his balls tightened. Not being able to hold back anymore, Steve groans, white exploding from his thick mushroom tip and all over your fingers. 
Steve’s chest heaves up and down as he catches his breath, and after he regains it, Steve opens his eyes and notices he’s finally untangled again, and then he looks up. Eyes widen in shock as you stick your fingers in your mouth and suck his cum off of them. Your eyes flutter closed as a soft moan falls from your lips, his taste exploding on your taste buds. 
Steve’s cock twitches at the sight before he pulls his pants up and places his pointed hat back onto his head, as it must’ve fallen off during everything. Your eyes open and connect with his, and Steve becomes flustered at your beauty again. 
A soft giggle falls from your lips as you smile at him. Your hand rests softly against his body as your thumb strokes his small hat. “You guys always look so adorable with these little hats.” Steve’s cheeks turn rosy pink, his pointed ears twitching at the compliment before he nuzzles into your palm, eyes closing as he accepts the warmth. 
After a small moment, Steve opens his eyes. He gives you a small wave before turning and disappearing into the night, not before tripping over a few things.
You sit there for a while, wondering if this will be the only short amount of peace you receive. You don’t hate that these tiny men seem to adore you, but you wish someone larger would also be enchanted by you as they are.
Who knows, maybe for Christmas your wish will come true.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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