#so we're definitely meeting jamie's mum
politelymenacing · 1 year
Can't wait for next week's episode...
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harrumphingtons · 1 year
Alright, theories for tomorrow's episode... this got long, so this post is entirely just theories about the Jamie plotline.
The title "Mom City" is obviously a play on Man City which is making me associate the mom that will appear in this episode with Man City/Manchester in general so... Jamie's mum appearance?? Considering that this kinda has to be the episode with the Jamie's childhood bedroom appearance in it, I'm pretty sure we're gonna get to meet Jamie's mum!
As @gottagobackintime (sorry to have tagged you if I'm not supposed to do that, still kinda new to tumblr and I'm not sure if I should tag a person if I'm mentioning/linking one of their posts?) pointed out last week in this post, 'mom' is an American and definitely not British way of addressing one's mother, and it just have easily could have been called 'Mum City' if Jamie's mum is the only Appearance Of A Mother, so I'm guessing, like most people, that Ted's "unexpected guest" (episode blurb) is going to be his own mom. Fathers and sons have been a very obvious recurring theme throughout this whole show, and two of the most prominent father-son relationships in the show have been Ted and Jamie with their fathers, so it'll be pretty sweet to see the both of them interact with their moms this episode, instead.
Ok, so Roy and Keeley are going to be worried about Jamie. My first thought was that something's going to happen to his mum, considering the episode title. But it's more likely that his doesn't-deserve-to-be-called-a-dad is going to show up again, especially considering we (and Jamie, probably) never got any closure/follow-up after the Wembley locker room scene in 2.08 "Man City" -- which, by the way, that episode title kinda mirrors "Mom City", so that's another reason to assume Tartt Sr. is going to show up again. And, Jamie was (I think?) playing at Wembley last episode for the international matches, which is, again, the sight of the last know Tartt Sr. sighting, so... does that count as foreshadowing???
Is it just me, or does Jamie literally look like he's about to cry in the promo pic/episode thumbnail? Ok, I've thought he looks like he's about to cry many times when he didn't end up crying, so maybe he just has glassy eyes, or something but. Still. I've got a feeling we might get a Jamie tear or two this episode. We're definitely getting an emotional scene I myself am I going to cry while watching, though.
I'm assuming that Richmond is going to finally beat Man City this episode. I'm really hoping that Jamie gets to put in the winning goal, because I kind of feel like narratively that just makes sense. I don't know. I like the idea of it. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but we still haven't scene Jamie make a goal on screen this season! Considering his England call up, I'm guessing he's probably scored a couple off screen, but I also don't know much about football so maybe I'm totally off. But anyways, I really hope we do get to see him score a goal at least once this season, and hopefully more than once!
Adding on to the last one, I'm trying to figure why, exactly Jamie would be doing a press conference with Roy, and so far the only thing I can think of is he scored some super amazing winning goal and they want him to talk about it. Maybe he's pointing at Roy, like, "his extra training is how I got here"? But he also looks, if not about to cry, at least pretty upset in that picture, so I really don't know what's going on there.
My other, not Jamie-related theories for "Mom City" are here.
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