#so used already but it still makes me soooft
mankaithings · 4 years
Hai can I ask for some sakyoizu fluffy HC ? I can't see any and I'm kinda starving, i need some crumbs please?
first of all, I just want to say that this is probably my most shipped couple in the game aside from Juban and tsumugi x tasuku (I forgot their ship name) so thank you so much for this request  <333
So it’s pretty much canon that Sakyo has liked Izumi ever since they were kids
Just imagine little Sakyo spacing out with a smile on his face as he thinks of Izumi and how much the other people in the Yakuza teases him about it
He didn’t want it to be obvious but it just really shows unconsciously
Even after years, Sakyo still has this fondness at Izumi but it took him so long to finally confess
Between this time, everybody in the dorm could pretty much tell that Sakyo is into Izumi and not just that wow-I-like-her kinda thing but the I’m-madly-in-love-with-you thing
Some even made bets on who will confess and how long it will take for them to get together
Azuma won both so now Banri, Taichi, Homare, Citron, Kazunari and Tenma has to do something for him
So imagine how everybody will celebrate when finally this two adults get together
Sure there will be people jealous at Sakyo but at the end of the day, they’ll be happy that their dear charming director finally found love in her life
The one who confessed was Izumi, it was when she finally figured out her feelings for Sakyo and it just can’t be hidden anymore. It’s not like she wants to hide it either
The day Izumi confessed was probably one of the most unforgettable moments in Sakyo’s life, imagine having your childhood crush saying she likes you back
We could only dream
But Izumi got worried, because Sakyo wasn’t responding, she thought it was because he wasn’t interested but that wasn’t the case
Sakyo’s just malfunctioning
So when Sakyo finally woke up from his trance, he also admitted his feelings for Izumi, although unlike Izumi it was more awkward with blushes everywhere as his eyes moved from everywhere and anything just not landing on Izumi
Although Izumi was ready to get in a relationship with Sakyo, the old man’s so old fashioned and wanted to take Izumi to dates before he would officially ask her to be his girlfriend
But if Izumi was to be honest, it did kinda make her heart skip a beat, there’s just something romantic about it
But Sakyo didn’t leave empty handed that night since Izumi kissed his cheek
Sakyo got worried after that, with just a simple kiss on the cheek he was already feeling like he was on cloud nine, what more if it was on the lips?
After the 3rd date, Sakyo finally took courage and asked Izumi to finally be his girlfriend
That was where they shared their first kiss, it wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bad either, to be honest, if there was any problem was the fact that Sakyo didn’t know where he should place his hands
Dates between Izumi and Sakyo would be going to plays in Veludo way and discussing them on the old park they used to go to when they were children late in the night as they sit on the old swings as they look up to the beautiful night sky
But of course, Sakyo wouldn’t just go for those, no. He will make sure that he takes Izumi out properly, with beautiful and elegant clothes and a good dinner
The other guys in the dorm started to go against this because “How come you can eat expensive dinner and we can’t even keep the lights on until midnight?!”
But Sakyo shuts them up with the “It’s my money not the company so shut your yapping and do your homework!”
There will also be times when they can’t go out so they just decide to either watch a good movie and snuggle on the couch or talk about things on the dorm’s balcony with coffees on their hands
Speaking of cuddles, Sakyo’s the most awkward man out there, he can’t even hold Izumi’s hands how do you expect him to hold her in his arms???
At first it was awkward, Sakyo was tense and he didn’t know where he should place his hands
Banri might have laughed at the scene but he stopped upon receiving Sakyo’s death glare
But as time passed, Sakyo became more comfortable with the whole thing, sure he still doesn’t like doing it in public but once they’re alone, Sakyo will not waste time in wrapping Izumi in his arms, especially when he notices that Izumi’s getting stressed
When Izumi get’s stressed, Sakyo takes it upon himself to make sure Izumi gets enough rest, by letting her relax in his arms and listening to what her problems were
He would also try to lessen Izumi’s responsibilities, when he has the time he would make sure to help out as much as he can to lessen Izumi’s burden
To be honest, I don’t really think there’s anybody in the relationship who gets jealous easily. Both of them are adults and has enough trust in each other to know that either parties are going to cheat
Also, just completely random but in the dorms after finally getting informed about Sakyo and Izumi finally going out, they now tease Sakyo about having an affair with Izumi and cheating on their mom which is Omi
Don’t worry Omi, I’m pretty sure everybody in the fandom wants you to be their hubby
Sakyo tried to stop them from it but eventually gives up because even his girlfriend joined in the joke
To end this, Sakyo’s going to treasure Izumi so much, he’s liked her ever since they were children and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her go now that they’re finally together and Izumi’s going to give as much or even more love to Sakyo 
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remys-lucky-franc · 4 years
Sick - Queen of Thieves Fic : Nikolai x MC (Daisy)
Pretty fluffy - no bad language or nsfw - no trigger warnings
Shout out to my friends @ispookyloaf and @stopforamoment as this was a product of a silly idea on one of our fun chats 💕
Word Count ~2200 (couldn’t resist the sneezing cat gif 😂)
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Remy scuttled out of Nikolai’s room with a frown and a worry-line stretching the length of his forehead. He rounded the corner to the kitchen as he ran into Daisy. She stepped back looking surprised as he exclaimed,
“Ma Cherie, you’re back!”
Daisy nodded,
“Yeah, glad to be home, was a long couple of days. Leon’s just bringing the rest of the stuff up from the car. Worth it though, think we have the mark’s movements down to a tee... Remy are you ok?”
Remy raked a hand through his thick hair and sighed dramatically,
“Non. When was the last time you talked to Niko?”
Daisy looked puzzled, concern creeping into her voice,
“We haven’t talked on the phone, but we sent some text messages yesterday... Is he ok? What’s going on?”
Remy shook his head, looking towards the heavens,
“Did he tell you he is... Unwell?”
Daisy’s eyes widened, as she stared towards the closed bedroom door,
“He’s ill?! What?! Since when?!”
Remy sighed again,
“Since yesterday. Daisy, it’s not pretty...”
Daisy raised an eyebrow, starting towards their room,
“Not pretty? What the hell’s happened to him?!”
Remy reached out, catching her arm to stop her,
“He’s in bed, congested, running a temperature! He can’t taste his food, he has a disgusting cough, a sweaty sheen-“
Daisy held up her free hand to stop Remy in his tracks,
“Wait. Remy? Are you trying to tell me that ‘Master of the Impossible’, Nikolai Stirling, has taken to his bed with ‘man flu’??”
Remy covered his face with his hands,
“Go! See for yourself, but don’t say I didn’t warn you...”
Vivienne breezed past, pursing her lips and commenting,
“Are you heading in there, darling? Good luck! I wouldn’t dare! He’s foul when he’s poorly, the only person who would brave going in there is Remy!”
Remy shrugged, a sad look flitting across his face,
“I take him his favourite soup...”
Daisy noticed his expression, but only barely, as she shook her head at both of them,
“You two are exaggerating! He can’t be that bad - plus he’ll be happy to see me!”
Vivienne waved a dismissive, if perfectly manicured, hand at Daisy,
“If you want some advice? Let him be, darling! He’ll emerge like a beautiful butterfly from his chrysalis in a few days time!”
Daisy tutted as she headed towards the door, Remy and Vivienne exchanged an awkward grimace as she gently knocked, edging it open, with a half-whisper,
He turned to face her and Daisy tried to stop automatic recoil as she caught sight of him: Remy was not exaggerating!
“Solnishko, you’re back.” A faint smile crossed Nikolai’s face as he watched her step inside, his usually sparkling blue eyes heavy and puffy-looking as he pushed his way up into a seated position against the plush cushions, “Things went well?”
Daisy nodded as she made her way across the room, Elizabeth twining around her feet and meowing as she went, eventually Daisy perched on the edge of the bed and pressed a soft kiss to the top of Nikolai’s head,
“I’m more concerned about what’s going on here? When did you start to feel like this?”
Nikolai waved away her concern, voice irritable but somewhat dulled and nasal,
“I’m fine, I had a particularly late night last night, that’s all.”
He tossed the covers back, readying himself to stand, only for Daisy to flip them back across his lap,
“Ohhhh no you don’t. You never sleep? You’re sick.”
Nikolai opened his mouth to protest, starting a second attempt to get out of bed but erupting into a kink of coughing as Daisy grabbed for a box of tissues from the bedside table. She smoothed his dampened hair back from his forehead easing him back into the soft pillows by his shoulders,
“Kotik, you’re sick. You don’t have to prove anything to me, please will you just relax?”
Slumping backwards into the soft bedding as Daisy kept a gentle pressure on his arms, Nikolai let out a frustrated groan,
“I can’t be ‘sick’. This is quite inconvenient, there’s still so much to do for the- ACHHOOOO!! Urgh. For the heist.”
Daisy tucked the duvet around his shivering form, smoothing his hair as she told him firmly but kindly,
“The heist is already ahead of schedule, I know you like to feel indispensable, but there’s literally nothing at this stage that the rest of us can’t do to keep ticking over for a few days until you’re feeling back to normal. Just please, stay there, let me look after you? Please?”
Nikolai didn’t vocalise his answer, he simply closed his eyes and relaxed his aching head against her hand, feeling too poorly to argue any longer.
Daisy murmured, “You’re burning up, just, stay put...” heading into the bathroom and swiftly returning with a cool face cloth, pressing it to his head as Nikolai hummed in appreciation.
“Did you take any medicine?”
“I don’t like to.”
Daisy frowned,
“You’re going to take two paracetamols. They’ll stop all this shivering. You’ll feel better.”
Nikolai attempted a sigh, that turned into another bout of coughing as Daisy headed back towards the kitchen, she was sure there was a collection of over-the-counter medicines in one of the drawers. Remy raised an eyebrow from his seat at the breakfast bar as she entered,
“Well, how is he?”
Daisy nodded firmly,
“He’ll survive. He just needs to rest for a couple of days.”
She rummaged around, locating the paracetamol, and pouring a tall glass of iced water, “And I’m going to look after him til he’s back on his feet.”
Remy shrugged his shoulders, smiling at her,
“Of course you will. That’s what you do. You’re his partner now, what’s that expression, ‘in sickness and in health’...”
Daisy swatted at Remy’s arm as she headed back towards Nikolai’s room,
“Firstly, that’s not an expression, it’s a ‘wedding vow’, and secondly, I don’t think when those were written they were intended to cover the common cold, Remy.”
Ducking out of her reach, Remy smirked, calling after her,
“Bonne chance!”
Handing Nikolai the pills and the glass of water, she watched to make sure he actually swallowed them, before heading to the bathroom and returning with a vial of essential oils. Nikolai looked at her curiously as she dripped a few droplets onto his pillow. She took a deep breath in, wafting her hand, encouraging him to do the same,
“It’s menthol. It’ll help you breath.”
“I can’t smell it.”
“You will, eventually. In the meantime, here.” She pushed her iPad into his lap, “We are going to binge on Netflix until you feel better. None of your high-brow stuff, Nik. We’re going to watch something that you don’t even have to concentrate on. Easy watching, total trash. No arguments.”
Nikolai pulled a face as Daisy reiterated while she climbed onto the bed snuggling into his side, “No arguments. I’m in charge of getting you better, ok?” He stroked her cheek offering her a half smile as she pulled up the Menu.
Three episodes into Daisy’s TV trash of choice, Nikolai, despite himself had become quite captivated. He could feel his eyelids getting heavier, but was fighting the urge to close them, because he didn’t want to miss the drama unfolding onscreen...
Daisy could see him getting more and more tired,
“How about I switch this off and you doze for a little bit? I won’t let you dream.”
Nikolai forced his eyes wide, blinking,
“I’m fine, put another episode on, I want to see what happens to- Dear god what is happening to me?! Am I delirious?! Maybe I do need to sleep.”
Daisy smiled as she fluffed the pillows around him, dimming the lights, and in a hushed voice, she began,
“Soooft kitty, waaarm kitty, little ball offfff-“
Within seconds Nikolai’s eyes were wide again and staring in confusion,
“What is the meaning of this?”
Daisy shrugged,
“I thought you might like it?”
Nikolai closed his eyes, a perplexed wrinkle appearing in his forehead as he settled back down,
“You’re a very strange woman sometimes.”
Daisy squeezed his fingers,
“I mean, I don’t have to sing to you?”
Nikolai murmured, his eyes still closed, voice with a warmer edge to it than before,
“I don’t think anyone has ever sang me a lullaby before. I suppose it’s not completely terrible.”
Daisy beamed as she snuggled back into her snuffly partner, closing her own eyes and stroking his chest lightly as she hummed the rest of the tune.
Daisy jolted awake, she wasn’t sure quite how much later, but quickly exhaled a sigh of relief when she realised that Nikolai was in a peaceful, even if he was softly snoring, sleep: there were no thrashing movements or strained facial expressions. He must really have needed the time to rest and heal his tired body. She touched his forehead - he felt decidedly less clammy than he had before. Grinning she decided that the paracetamol must have worked. Gently she ran her fingers over his cheek , murmuring his name softly until he started to stir. She’d promised not to let him dream, so she shouldn’t leave him asleep too much longer...
A faint smile crossed Nikolai’s face as he looked up at her,
“May I have my tea?”
Daisy’s jaw dropped, horrified,
“No, Nikolai! You can’t have your tea?! You’re not drinking poison while you’re taking paracetamol?! Absolutely not.”
Nikolai started at her indignantly,
“You’re being ridiculous. Anytime Remy’s looked after me, he’s brought me my tea.”
Daisy scoffed, one brow arched,
“I don’t believe that for a second! How about I call Remy in here and ask him?”
Nikolai opened his mouth to retort, but knowing her was beat he simply muttered about how ridiculous the situation was instead.
Daisy rolled her eyes, trying to change the subject,
“Hey, how about I get some more of the soup you love? I’m sure Remy would have made a whole vat of it. It’s funny, you know? I would have sworn you didn’t like mushrooms?”
Nikolai froze as Daisy looked at him curiously, confused.
He eventually broke the silence,
“Daisy, please don’t tell him, but I don’t. I’ve never had the heart to tell him when he’s been so kind as to make the soup for me. Remy is the only person who’s ever looked after me when I’ve been ill. Even as a child, my mother would ‘shoo’ me if I were poorly. My father would always say it was a sign of weakness and tell me to show some mettle.”
Daisy felt like her heart would break as she looked at him; the expression on his face looked like he was holding himself together, bracing himself against an unkind blow, but at the same time wanting to share something important to him. She reached out squeezing his hand, nodding in encouragement for him to keep talking.
Giving her a tight-lipped smile Nikolai continued,
“Remy has such a good heart. When I was first poorly, he asked me what my mother would make for me, back at home. When I said ‘nothing’ he was appalled. That’s when he started to make me chicken and mushroom soup, because that’s what his grandmother would make for him whenever he was unwell. I don’t like mushrooms, but I always finish the bowl.”
Daisy picked his hand up, kissing his knuckles,
“Even though you don’t like the taste it makes you feel better?”
Nikolai gave her a half-laugh,
“Exactly. Strange isn’t it?”
Daisy shrugged,
“Not so much. It’s not about the food, it’s about the feelings. That’s why they call it comfort food I guess? Do you want me to go get him to bring you some?”
Nikolai’s cheeks flushed as he nodded.
Daisy quickly smoothed his hair as she headed back to the kitchen,
Remy lifted his head from a glossy magazine,
“How is the patient?”
Daisy, understanding that Remy had been looking after Nikolai for many years before either of them knew she existed, suspected that sharing the soup might warm Remy’s heart as much as being cared about warmed Nikolai’s,
“He’s ok. But I really think he needs another portion of chicken and mushroom?” She watched intently as Remy’s big green eyes lit up, grinning, “Maybe you could even teach me to make it some time?”
Remy enthused about his grandmother’s recipe as he busied around the kitchen of the penthouse heating a bowl for Nikolai, telling her the perfect type of mushrooms, which oil was best, how long to prepare the stock...
Daisy nodded as she repeated instructions and asked about ingredients, finally stopping and sighing,
“You’ve been making this so long, it could take years for mine to be as good as yours-“
Remy cut in, a look in his eye that said he knew exactly what she was doing, but choosing not to call her on it,
“Ma cherie, I’ll be here to help you! We can make it together! Or I can make the soup and you can snuggle with him until he feels better?”
Daisy beamed as she extended her right hand for Remy to shake on it,
“Deal! We’ll take care of him together. ”
Remy ushered Daisy back in the direction of Nikolai’s room as he placed the soup and a spoon on a tray, following closely behind her.
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 4 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Alright people, Day number 4! Now, I personally think we're lacking a cute little zombie right now....LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @robbie-lee-zombie and @jack-leeboyman
I don’t know about you guys, but I for one like eating foods at times when society says you’re not meant to eat them. I think you all know what I’m about to talk about, but I’ll elaborate anyway. Advent calendars. Chocolate for breakfast that is not only socially acceptable, but it is in fact expected! I have to say that it is one of the most wonderful, delicious inventions to grace the mess that is humanity, and on this here day it is what we shall be focusing on. Needless to say….every single ego had their own personal advent calendar, but I think Robbie the Zombie’s was the absolute cutest.
The art depicted on the front of his had been designed by all the Septics and printed by the Googles, and it depicted stunning artwork of Robbie being cuddled by all the Septics, plus some purple pugs because why the heck not. Robbie was wiggling with excitement as he stroked his fingers over the three empty days, he was excited to have chocolate number four. However, as we all know, getting those little perforated cardboard flaps open can be darn fiddly, so someone always gave Robbie a little help with his; this morning it was Jackie-Boy Man.
‘Alright, I got one of the corners there, ya think you can do the rest?’
Robbie nodded with a determined grin as he narrowed his eyes at the little cardboard square.
‘Uh huh, I open it!’
Jackie laughed softly as he watched Robbie scrutinise everything, before delicately opening the little cardboard door. Robbie squeaked with delight when he achieved it, and looked at Jackie giddily.
‘I did it!’
Robbie purred when Jackie affectionately ruffled his hair, before the hero replied jovially.
‘Good job! Make sure you don’t miss any of that chocolate!’
Robbie nodded with a giggle, making Jackie smile fondly. The hero had never anticipated the prospect of having a child-like zombie for a little brother, but here and now he just couldn’t imagine his life without Robbie. He was so pure and special and perfect and Jackie loved him so damn much. Jackie sighed softly, wiggling in his lying-down position on the carpet so he could get comfy, when suddenly he felt something seemingly bump into his butt.
‘What the-? Oho, do you need some help too bud?’
Jackie shifted with a grin when he saw that it was none other than Gooper who had bonked his booty with a whiny gurgle, whilst dragging his own special advent calendar in tow. Everyone had made it especially for him, and instead of it being filled with chocolates it was filled with Gooper’s favourite thing in the entire world. Paperclips. Jackie eased up the corner of the little cardboard door with his fingernail, before grinning and nodding at Gooper.
‘Have at it!’
Gooper squealed and eagerly started poking and prodding and pulling at the little cardboard door, before it popped open to reveal a light green coloured paperclip. Gooper hopped up and down giddily before he absorbed the little piece of stationary into his body, for safe-keeping until he could add it to his stash later. Jackie giggled when the creature proceeded to nuzzle against his kneecap, and he scratched his underbelly gently.
‘You’re too frickin cute ya lil globbins!’
Gooper squealed and gurgled in delight from the underbelly attention, before he gurgled cutely in farewell and went about returning his advent calendar to its proper place. Jackie sighed happily as he absently looked back to Robbie….but then his eyes widened; the zombie was trying to open up next day’s door!
‘Ah, ah, ah buddy you know it’s only one choc per day!’
Jackie reached to get the advent calendar from Robbie, so he wouldn’t be tempted, but to the hero’s surprise Robbie gripped it to his chest and stuck his bottom lip out. Frankly, Robbie had come to the conclusion that these chocolates were very tasty and there was no reason why he shouldn’t have them all now.
‘Nuh! Robbie want chocs!’
Jackie raised an eyebrow at him, lowering his voice into his more reprimanding tone.
‘Robbie, give me the advent calendar.’
Robbie shook his head, and a little growl came from the back of his throat.
Jackie let out a surprised laugh….wow, Robbie must really have wanted these chocolates, and Jackie couldn’t really blame him. There’s always something about advent calendar chocolates that makes them so much more irresistible. However, Jackie knew he had to exercise discipline with his little brother. He stood, and easily snatched the advent calendar from Robbie’s weak hold, making the zombie whine and growl as Jackie pointed a finger down at him.
‘Sorry Robbie, I don’t make the advent calendar rules.’
Jackie went to go and put the calendar back on the mantle….not realising for one second….that he had awakened a beast. Robbie wanted those chocolates, and he wanted them badly, they just made him so fricking hungry! However, if Jackie was going to keep them from him, then Robbie figured that he’d have to find a substitute snack to satiate his hunger. He narrowed his eyes at Jackie as he crawled towards him deftly and silently. Then, he grasped Jackie’s shins.
‘I’m huuungryyy!’
Jackie jumped at the sudden grip on his shins, and his eyes widened when he saw Robbie snarling up at him; then, before the hero could even react, Robbie had grasped him and pulled him down to the floor.
‘W-Woah hey-HEY! L-Look we can f-find you another snack okay bud, w-we have other chocolates!’
Jackie gulped and shivered as Robbie crawled on top of him; as sweet as his little brother was, Jackie had to admit to himself that sometimes Robbie’s growls and snarls sent little chills down his spine. Especially now, when he was pinned down. Jackie hoped that Robbie would remember that the house was full of delicious snacks and thus let him go….but that was not to be the case.
‘Nuh uh….I want a waaarm snack. Waaarm and wriiiiiggly…'
Jackie gulped as Robbie pinned his arms above his head, leaning over him with a wide, toothy grin. The zombie was going to make his big brother sorry for taking away his chocolates, he was going to play a game with him….he was going to pretend he was his snack.
‘Wr-Wriggly? What k-kind of s-snack is wriggly?’
Jackie squeaked out, sounding a lot more nervous than he’d intended, which made Robbie giggle….and coo in happy delight.
Jackie’s eyes went wide, and he let out quite the high-pitched squeal as Robbie dove down to attack the crook of his neck with sloppy nuzzles and nibbles. Of course, Jackie’s whole body wriggled in response to the tickling; it was the hero’s number one weakness.
‘N-Nohoho n-noho I-I-I’m nahahat aha snahahack!’
Jackie cried out amidst his giggles, flustered as all hell as he prayed to whatever power existed that no-one would walk in on this, he’d never live it down! Oh god he could imagine Anti now, cooing about how he’d been bested by their littlest brother by just a few tickles, it didn’t bear thinking about! Robbie meanwhile, was already excited to gush about this to everyone else later.
‘Are toooo! So taaasty and soooft! Taaasty taasty taaaaasty!'
Jackie shook his head desperately, his cheeks turning a bright, flustered pink as he replied with flustered splutters.
‘N-N-Nohohoho b-behe quihihiet oho god be quihihihieeet!’
Robbie giggled into Jackie’s neck, making obnoxious slurpy noises at his skin teasingly as he cooed in response.
‘Robbie will be quiet if Jaaackie can be quiet!’
Jackie flushed almost as red as his crimson pyjamas as he writhed and snorted at Robbie’s eating noises, his giggling was non-stop now as Robbie absolutely gorged on every sensitive inch of Jackie’s neck.
‘Buhuhuhut Ihihi cahahahan’t! R-Rohohobbihie plehehehease!’
Robbie giggled and reared up and away from Jackie’s neck, letting out a giggly squeak when he saw how blushy and smiley his big hero brother was, he was so cute! Robbie figured that Jackie probably had other nummy tickle spots, so he cast his gaze over Jackie’s torso, humming to himself.
‘Hmmm….wheeeere should Robbie snack neeext?’
Jackie gulped at the sight of Robbie’s predatory gaze, and tried to struggle as he shook his head VERY adorably.
‘N-Nohowhere nowhere!’
Robbie giggled down at Jackie fondly, before setting his sights on where Jackie’s pyjama top had started to ride up. The grinning zombie slowly used his nose to push up the rest of the top, thus leaving Jackie’s lean belly exposed and on display. Robbie let out a soft, teasy purr as he brushed his lips over Jackie’s tummy, all while the hero tried and failed to suck it in.
‘But Rooobbie still huuuungry…sooo veeery huuungry….’
Jackie had goose-bumps all over and was trembling like a leaf….no-one, not even Anti, had made him feel so flustered with tickles until now, it was like it was Robbie’s superpower or something! Jackie had a shaky smile on his face as he looked at Robbie imploringly, his soft blue eyes were wide with nervousness.
‘P-Plehease R-Rohobbie, p-plehease nohot there!’
Robbie giggled at Jackie’s whimpers, before he grinned a frankly feral grin.
‘But Jackie tumtum looks so taaasty!’
Jackie’s eyes widened, and he let out a yelp and a snort, which soon became a plethora of snorts and cackly laughter as Robbie eagerly dined upon Jackie’s belly. Jackie was kicking his legs haphazardly, his feet hitting the carpet frantically as one of Jackie’s prime tickle spots was just absolutely tortured.
Robbie happily ignored his brother’s pleas, nipping the sides of his tummy eagerly as he crooned lovingly.
‘So sooft and nuuuummy, and so preeetty tooo…’
Jackie desperately hid in his forearm out of embarrassment, that kind of comment on his tummy flustered him so damn much; the hero wasn’t used to compliments like that, so the sweet guy just didn’t know how on earth to react aside from rejecting them.
Jackie cried out, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to block it all out. Robbie meanwhile, was absolutely flabbergasted! How could Jackie not know how pretty his belly was? Robbie thought it was one of the prettiest bellies he had ever seen! It was so smooth and warm and ticklish AND it had lots of cute little freckles dotted everywhere, like pretty stars in the night’s sky! Robbie couldn’t have Jackie denying his prettiness.
‘Is too! Say it!’
Robbie growled into Jackie’s belly, nibbling harder and sloppier which made Jackie arch his back desperately. The poor guy couldn’t harness his brain cells long enough to answer properly.
Robbie growled even more, which made the poor hero wail amidst his mirth; Robbie wasn’t going to let up on Jackie’s belly until Jackie admitted how pretty it was!
‘Say you have pretty belly! Saaaay iiit!’
Jackie was a mess of laughter, and he could feel himself sweating from all the energy he’d spent struggling; fun fact, Robbie’s strength outmatched all the Septic’s, even Jackie’s superhuman strength. Jackie knew he couldn’t escape, so agreeing was his only way to mercy.
Robbie hummed….then nibbled under Jackie’s navel. He knew his hero brother could do better than that.
Jackie shrieked, and complied pretty damn fast.
Robbie giggle, nuzzling Jackie’s belly one last time before leaning up with a fond giggle to his, now panting, brother.
‘Good Jackie-Booooy…’
Robbie cooed, whilst Jackie whined. His neck and tummy felt so tingly, and his face was so hot you could probably fry two darned eggs on it! He tentatively looked up at Robbie, speaking oh so preciously and meekly.
‘P-Plehease lehet me goho, I-I-I’m sohorry Rohobbie!’
Robbie cocked his head at Jackie fondly, Robbie just couldn’t get over how absolutely precious and adorable he was! Robbie decided then and there that he was definitely going to tickle Jackie more often, he was so ticklish and soft and precious; plus, Robbie loved being the evil tickler, he loved the feeling of making Jackie laugh and beg (this was totally not Anti’s influence). Robbie grinned, bringing Jackie’s arms down to pin them under his knees as he wiggled his fingers in the air over Jackie’s body.
‘But Jaaackie! Yooou’re so fuun to tickle! So so so so so fun!’
Robbie had seen his brothers do this sometimes, they’d hover their wiggly fingers in the air to make the tickles more teasy and the trapped person more giggly! Robbie giggled as he watched Jackie smile and squeak nervously beneath him, constantly watching his moving fingers as he stammered.
‘Thihis i-ihisn’t fahaaaair! I-I sahaid I wahas sorry!’
Jackie squirmed about, giggling despite his efforts to compose himself; the hero was definitely going to somehow have words with Anti regarding the influences Robbie was picking up.
‘Mmmm….yooou stiiill took my choooocs!’
Jackie gasped and squealed, but rather than descending into some climactic form of hysteria, he was encompassed by fit of squeaky giggles as Robbie used his blunt nails to lightly scratch at his hipbones. Robbie loved to see Jackie giggling, Jackie’s giggles were Robbie’s favourite giggles.
‘Ihihihi’ll gehehet yohohou mohore! Ihihihi’ll doho ahahanything!’
Literally, at this point Jackie was ready to do just about anything to get mercy, all this tickling was really tuckering the poor guy out, and they hadn’t even reached lunchtime yet! Robbie hummed curiously at Jackie’s words, wondering if he really would do anything to stop the tickles.
Jackie nodded frantically, gazing up at Robbie red-cheeked with the giddiest, most flustered grin known to man in place. His hips were tingling from Robbie’s scratches and his energy was waning.
‘Yehehes yehehehes!’
Jackie’s eyes were starting to water as Robbie thought for a few moments….before having mercy and humming. Jackie caught his breath and looked up at Robbie, nervously wondering if the cheeky guy was going to get him to do something silly or embarrassing…but what Robbie asked was not what the hero had been expecting.
‘….build fort with Robbie?’
Robbie was slumped on Jackie as he looked down at him nervously. Robbie had always wanted to build the biggest, best blanket fort ever with Jackie…but Jackie was nearly always out on mission, or training in the gym, or training with Silver, Dark or Anti. Robbie knew Jackie was an important busy hero, but he was Robbie’s special inspiring hero too, and Robbie always wanted to spend more time with him.
‘You….you just wanna build a fort?’
Jackie asked curiously, to which Robbie nodded softly, and Jackie softly smiled. Jackie knew he wasn’t there for Robbie as much as he should be, he was a busy guy…but one thing Jackie was going to take from this year was that time with his brothers, time with Robbie, was more important than anything else. Jackie smiled and sat up, spurring Robbie to shift, and when he did so, Jackie cupped Robbie’s face in his hands lovingly.
‘Oh Robbie, we’re not just gonna build a fort….we’re gonna build a super hero headquarters! A special base just for me and you, with password protection, fairy lights, cushions, blankets….and tons of snacks. Does that sound good?’
Robbie’s eyes had been getting wider and wider the more Jackie talked about what he wanted to build with him, and when he’d finished all Robbie could do was squeal and eagerly hug Jackie, before they set about building the most amazing heroic base that anyone has ever seen. And you can bet that they ate all the damn chocolate that they could lay their hands on too.
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baelllamyblake · 6 years
Prima Ballerina. ( Billy Hargrove x reader )
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Request : Billy imagine where reader is a ballerina and friends with max and the kids and they drag billy to the readers recital and he’s all soooft and forms a cruuuush on her, thank you you’re an amazing writer
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x fem Wheeler! reader
Word Count : 986 sorry for it being so short! 
Warnings : didn’t do very much research on ballet or Swan lake even tho im in dance lol oops 
A/N : I got so many requests for Billy and I am so fuckin hyped for it! I'm going to try nd post a couple more tonight so definitely expect spam dont unfollow me im still working on bellamy requests pls  thank you so much for requesting this was really fun to write !! i love dance !! also let me know if i wrote finn instead of mike i forgot his character’s name lmfao
“ Y/N! “ Finn’s friends yelled loudly in unison before running and tackling you in a group bear hug in the door way. You were only home for thirty seconds and all of these kids were already pestering for a ride to the ice cream shop.
“ Oh my God, chill out, you guys! Let me get changed and then I’ll take you. “ You sighed out tiredly, mostly wrapping your arms around Noah and Dustin as you were unable to hug everyone. They immediately unlatched and cheered loudly as they quickly retreated back into the basements. Jeez, they’re like little goblins!
“ So, Y/N, when’s your next recital? “ Dustin asked curiously, the corners of his mouth covered in chocolate ice crea. Everyone echoed his question, instantly overwhelming your exhausted mind. “ We all want to go! We’re even considering taking Billy along. “
“ Billy? I thought he hated you all. “ You replied with another question, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. You hadn’t formally met the big stepbrother of Max but you had seen him a couple times around school and that strange night Max stabbed him with a tranquilizer. “ Which is understandable, you guys are like annoying little flies. “
“ Hey! We are not! “ Finn barked out as well as the rest of his friends. Ugh, you shouldn’t have done that.
“ I’m only half kidding, little brother! Calm down! “ You playfully teased the group, only earning more of a defensive uproar. You really shouldn’t have done that. “ Quiet! My recital is next Friday. I better see you guys in the front row or I’m never taking you here again. “
“ What the hell did you drag me out here for, Max? This stuff’s for losers! “ Billy grumbled quietly, his hand slightly crumpling the pamplet containing the name of the ballet and dancers. His boot tapped impatiently against the wooden floor, he couldn’t wait to leave and go smoke with his friends. The lights slowly dimmed as Max sharply hushed him silent.
You stood elegantly in your place until the stage lights illuminated and the music started. The ballet was practically a low budget Swan Lake with you dancing the main role of Odette. As soon the spotlight dawned on you, Billy immediatly leaned forward in his seat. You were captivating, his eyes never straying from you.
“ Who is that? “ Billy whispered quietly towards Max, his finger pointing to you moving gracefully along the stage.
“ That’s Finn’s big sister, Y/N, she’s the Swan Princess. “ Max explained in a whisper, her finger pointing to your name in the thin booklet. He briefly glanced to your name before looking back to you, refusing to miss even a moment of you. “ Isn’t she amazing? Y/N’s been working so hard for this. “
“ Uh huh. “ Billy was quick to agree, Max’s next sentence flowing through one ear and out the other. He just had to meet you.
Two hours later, the ballet finished with a bang with you as the centerpiece of the ending pose. You and the rest of the ballerinas retreated into the dressing room, breaking out in loud whoops and yells of success. You hugged each and every one of your peers, congratulating them on their performance.
You exited the dressing room and entered into the theater house, immediatey greeted by the familiar faces of Finn’s friends and your parents. Your mother nearly teared up at your beautiful performance but was soon distracted by having her friends take pictures of you and her together. Billy wordlessly stood behind everyone, this really wasn’t his thing but he didn’t really feel upset about being hauled out anymore.
Billy felt more nervous than anything, he was already smitten with you and he only saw you two hours earlier. Max was quick to notice her stepbrother’s unusual behavior from the getgo. She latched onto your wrist with an iron grip and forcefully pulled you towards Billy, you nearly tumbled over your own feet when Max suddenly stopped before him.
“ Hello, I guess? Max really wanted me to meet you for some reason. “ You greeted Billy, a confused smile curling on your lips. The moment you smiled, he was stuck frozen solid like a deer in the headlights. Billy couldn’t believe you were standing in front of him. You were even more beautiful up close!
“ Uh. h-hi, I’m Billy, Max’s brother. You were great, floating up there like a fairy n’ all. “ Billy stuttered slightly but managed to get his sentence out into the air. You breathed out a small chuckle, he was so nervous that it was cute! Oh God, Billy, get yourself together!
“ Mm, more like a swan but I’m glad you liked it and it’s nice to finally meet you, Billy! I’ve heard a lot about you. “ You beamed happily, your elbow lightly nudging him on the bicep, hoping to get him to open up a bit more. He couldn’t help but imagine himself making you scream his name. Now’s not the time, Billy!
“ What have you heard? “ He questioned, his tone coming off as worried. His eyebrows raised in concern, were you going to mention how much of an asshole he is to Max? The rest of the group watched you interact with Billy, wondering what you two were talking about.
“ Well, I heard that you were coming to the ice cream shop with us. “ You testified, a playful smile curling on your face as your head nodded towards the group behind you. They cheered quietly amongst themselves as the mentioning of going to the icecream shop again. Billy was more puzzled than anything, when did you hear that?
Oh wait, you’re inviting him along!
“ Oh really? I’ll see you at the shop then, beautiful. “
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