#so tissue viability is most likely very poor
curlzworks · 6 months
Coolest moment of my vet journey so far is definitely the dead cat from whom I had to take tissue samples so that they can send him over to get cloned.
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Hi Tatum! How would you respond to someone who suggests that abortions are unethical at a certain point (like near the end of gestation) of a pregnancy? I’m really new to learning about feminist perspectives on abortion and I’m not knowledgeable enough yet to even know where to begin talking with someone about it.
Hi! There are a couple of different arguments you can make; I’ll outline the big ones briefly and if you have any questions on them, just let me know! I’m more than happy to detail them a little further. Thanks for reaching out!
Late term abortions aren’t common- This is an extremely popular talking point but in my opinion the weakest of any you could choose. Imo, feminists have ceded FAR too much ideological ground on abortion in recent decades. Modern medical abortion is not a “necessary evil,” it is not something I’m squeamish or unsure or morally conflicted about, it is an objective good that allows women to exert control over their bodies, their health, their lives and their futures more safely and securely than ever before. Men and women can ONLY be equal in society when women can choose abortion whenever and for whatever reason they want. THAT SAID, it is worth mentioning that something like 92% of abortions are done prior to 14 weeks gestation, and another 5+% are done before 20 weeks. Late term abortion, approaching what is often referred to as viability (and make no mistake: almost no abortions done past twenty weeks are done on fetuses that would be really, functionally “viable”) is a vanishingly small portion of the procedures done in the United States.
Women are legally entitled to bodily autonomy- The internet has recently picked up this one and I’m glad it has. Self-governance over your own body, free of coercion, is a human and legal right. You cannot be compelled to donate your blood, organs, soft tissue to anyone and that is a right you retain even into death- if you have not consented to being an organ donor, no one is permitted to take your tissue from your body, even to save someone’s life. So, a mother cannot be forced to donate blood to her own dying child, but somehow CAN be forced to share her organs, circulatory system, antibodies, nutrition with a fetus for MONTHS and then be split open to let the thing out? At what point after a pregnancy does a woman regain her inalienable right to autonomy over her own body? Alternatively, at what point does a fetus LOSE transcendental entitlement to use a woman’s body? Judith Jarvis Thompson wrote about this argument in the 70s.
Women are not conniving, wantonly baby-murdering evil sluts- There’s a reason those Planned Parenthood bumper stickers say Trust Women. Women are not la-di-da’ing their way through seven and a half months of pregnancy and then popping over to the abortion clinic on a lark for shits and giggles. Most late term abortions are done after the discovery of severe, typically fatal, fetal abnormalities, usually with tests that can’t even be done until very late in a pregnancy. A small handful are sought by women and girls who were too poor to obtain an abortion earlier (too poor to travel out of state, too poor to get routine pre-natal care that would have caught abnormalities early, too poor to pay the $600 fee at 10 weeks period) or didn’t know they were pregnant. The image of a “partial birth abortion,” a  is a complete fabrication, an ingenious, evil magic trick that plastered ultrasound images over the real lives of women making rational decisions about their individual bodies, lives and pregnancies that no one else will ever know better than themselves.
You have to actually draw up the legislation that outlaws late term abortion- Logistically, where do you draw an arbitrary line for “late term” or “viability” “personhood”? Logistically, who crafts the medical and legal definitions that draws these lines? Logistically, are women also responsible for late term miscarriages if they behave “irresponsibly” during their pregnancies? Logistically, are exceptions allowed for fetal abnormalities or risk to the woman’s life; logistically, who can determine when these risks exceed the burden for an exception? Logistically, are women who couldn’t get an abortion earlier just fucked? Logistically, how many casualties are we willing to accept of women who do meet these moral, circumstantial requirements to “deserve” an abortion, but for whom the particular language of the bill does not allow them to access one? Logistically, how many women are we willing to accept will induce an abortion at home and kill themselves in the process?
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spectrumpsp · 3 years
Medication Selection For Patients On Ketogenic Diets
Sandhoff's infection is an uncommon innate lipid stockpiling sickness that steadily harms nerve cells in the cerebrum and spinal line. Seizures are an ordinary Sandhoff's concern and are treated with a ketogenic diet. As per dietary patterns, numerous fluid drugs are changed over into tablet dose structures to restrict the number of sugars. SK is a solution glycerin suppository needed for the stoppage. Be that as it may, glycerol is not suggested for patients on a ketogenic diet.
Sandhoff Disease
Sandhoff's illness is an uncommon lysosomal stockpiling infection; it is a genetic lipid stockpiling sickness portrayed by harm to nerve cells, which in the long run makes the focal sensory system dysregulated. It prompts thinking and development issues. In particular, "Sanhoff's sickness" is an autosomal latent hereditary infection. This is brought about by destructive changes in the HEXB quality. The injurious change in this quality prompts a lessening in the quantity of two chemicals in the cell reusing focus (lysosome). This hereditary irregularity prompts hexosaminidase An and B insufficiency. This causes fats (lipids) called GM2 gangliosides to be stored in neurons and different tissues. Sandhoff's infection is clinically the same as Sachs' sickness.
Kinds Of Sandhoff's Disease
There are three kinds of Sanhoff's illness:
·       Exemplary infant
·       Adolescent
·       Late grown-up
Each structure is grouped by the seriousness of manifestations and the age at which side effects show up.
Sandhoff's sickness is the most widely recognized illness, which causes a fast decrease in babies' psychological and athletic capacities. . The pervasiveness of Sanhov's infection changes from one populace to another. Sandhoff's infection in youths and grown-ups is inconsistent and limits the future. During the initial half-year of life, children with Sandhoff's illness become powerless. They will lose abilities, for example, turning over, sitting, and creeping. As the infection advances, they may have the accompanying issues.
·       Eruption Sudden sound
·       Voice delay
·       Early visual deficiency
·       Seizures
·       Heart mumble
·       Trouble eating
·       Continually fix the muscles (fits)
Some wiped out kids have broadened liver and spleen, regularly with respiratory contaminations or skeletal anomalies. Children with this illness for the most part create at 3 to a half years old enough, gradually developing and debilitating the muscles utilized for work out.
Sandhoff's sickness in young people and grown-ups is uncommon and limits the future. The pervasiveness of Sanhov's illness shifts from one populace to another. It is by all accounts more normal to coming up next populace's Creole individuals in northern Argentina, Metis Indians Lebanese in Saskatchewan, Canada.
There is no solution for Sandhoff's illness, and the guess is poor. The current focal point of treatment is steady measures. Anticonvulsants are utilized for epileptic seizures and the treatment of related respiratory contaminations. Influenced youngsters generally simply live to 3-4 years of age, and most of them bite the dust because of respiratory contaminations.
Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-starch dinner plan wealthy in protein. In the ketogenic diet, the utilization of carbs is purposely confined. Rather than changing over sugars into glucose, the liver believers fats into unsaturated fats and ketone bodies. In a typical eating routine, sugars are changed over into glucose, which gives fuel to mind work and turns into a fuel source. It was figured in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic. It drastically restricts the admission of starches and replaces them with fat. The decrease of starches will make the body enter a metabolic state.
The ketogenic diet isn't adjusted, and numerous nutrients should be enhanced misleadingly. The ketogenic diet is exceptionally individualized and ordinarily begins under clinical watch in a clinic. How the ketogenic diet controls epilepsy isn't completely perceived. Notwithstanding, an arising concentrate from Emory University School of Medicine shows that "diet changes the qualities associated with energy digestion in the cerebrum, subsequently assisting with balancing out openness to neurons that test cell work. Nerves. Seizures."
Regular food sources in the ketogenic diet incorporate
·       Eggs
·       Full-fat cheddar
·       Meat
·       Nuts
To build the fat substance in the eating regimen, substantial cream, margarine, and oil is regularly utilized in cooking. Food sources to keep away from incorporate all grain items, for example, (Bread, rice, pasta), soda, organic product juice, sugar, and desserts (cakes, frozen yogurt, chocolate). Rigorously estimating and changing the site may make diet inadmissible. For an illustration of a ketogenic diet menu, kindly visit the Boston Children's Hospital site
Results of the ketogenic diet
·       Feeling dull after beginning to eat.
·       Gastrointestinal distresses, like queasiness/retching, the runs, and obstruction
·       Moderate development or weight reduction
·       Kidney stones
·       Drying out
The Method Of Kinetic Control Diet Success
The ketogenic diet is normally used to treat pediatric patients with headstrong or drug-safe epilepsy and is characterized as two reasonable anticonvulsants that are incapable at the suggested portion. Despite anticonvulsants, upwards of 30-40% of epilepsy patients keep on having seizures. 8 The ketogenic diet was the norm of care for seizure control during the 1920s until anticonvulsants turned into the standard in the following decade. This eating regimen is for Hollywood maker J.J. Abrams. Abrams' child experienced epilepsy and was alleviated by a ketogenic diet. Abrams kept on building up the Charlie Foundation to advance the part of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of obstinate epilepsy.
Planned examinations on kids have shown that about half of kids will keep on eating for at any rate one year, and 40-half of them will have under half of the epileptic seizures inside a year in the wake of beginning to eat. 7,9,10 An examination distributed in March 2017 showed that patients halted the ketogenic diet because of consistency, results, and viability issues. 10 Studies have shown that gastrointestinal results are more articulated than "routine consideration" at four months in the wake of beginning the eating regimen. Patients on a ketogenic diet at 16 months are more helpless to conduct/peevishness, development issues/coordination, and magnificence. There are fewer grumblings about dermatological issues. For seizure control for a very long time, specialists may consider an eating routine test-this is like regular treatment with medications to survey whether the control can be kept up without mediation. Youngsters who leave the ketogenic diet for the most part keep on taking anticonvulsants.
Albeit a few groups can take lower dosages or potentially fewer medications. After halting the eating regimen, 80% of kids still presently don't have seizures in the wake of accepting the ketogenic diet treatment. 7 Most investigations have zeroed in on pediatric patients. Diet might be compelling for grown-ups, yet controlled examinations are required. In principle, the prohibitive idea of diet fends numerous grown-up patients off. In one examination, just 18 of 130 qualified grown-ups consented to begin eating.
The Considerations For The Hospice Population
Keeping up ketosis implies that patients should stay away from starches in their eating routine and meds. Fluid prescriptions are especially dangerous because numerous medications contain tasteful sugars, which increment the substance of starches. Holding fast to a ketogenic diet represents a test for patients with terminal hunger misfortune. Urge numerous hospice patients to eat by picking their #1 food varieties (generally "solace food sources" with high carbs). These patients may likewise experience issues gulping, so fluid prescriptions should be utilized. It is essential to be comfortable with low-sugar or no-carb medications. Coming up next is a rundown of normal starch and non-sugar fixings in medications.
Carb Composition
·       Glycerin
·       Maltodextrin
·       Natural Acids – Ascorbic corrosive, citrus extract, lactic corrosive, propylene glycol
·       Sugars – Glucose-Fructose, dextrose, lactose, sucrose, sugar, palm sugar, agave nectar, sucrose syrup, stick juice, corn syrup, nectar
·       Sugar Alcohols – Erythritol, isomalt, glycerol, mannitol, maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol
·       Starch – Corn starch, hydrogenated starch hydrolysate (HSH), pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate
Non-Carbohydrate Ingredients
·       Aspartame
·       Potassium Nitrosamine (AceK)
·       Carboxymethyl Cellulose
·       Progressed
·       Stevia (rebiana)
·       Hydroxymethyl cellulose
·       Magnesium stearate
·       Microcrystalline Cellulose
·       Polyethylene Glycol saccharin
Drug Specialist Assessment
SK is right now utilizing glycerin suppositories. As the name proposes, glycerin is a functioning fixing and sugar. Different intestinal medicines reasonable for a very long time old enough incorporate docusate sodium, senna, bisacodyl, lactulose, and Miralax®. In the wake of auditing these intestinal medicines, bisacodyl suppositories, Miralax and senna leaf arrangements contain dynamic and latent fixings and contain no or low starch content.
Miralax is suggested as the most ideal decision. The suggested introductory portion is 0.4 g/kg/day. 11SK has been settled in Miralax 8.5 grams (estimated by the half-line.
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Animal Models Of Alzheimer Disease
A Central But Controversial Issue
A disease characterized by a progressive decline in the structure and function of brain tissue. At Autumn Leaves of Fossil Creek, you can feel confident that your loved one will receive unparalleled, compassionate care. People with the disorder may become confused, suspicious, agitated, depressed, fearful, anxious, withdrawn, or angry. Not allow for the collection of any epidemiological data and are not representative of the general population. You should consider whether your family wants to know all of the information available, so be thoughtful about sharing it. The effects could be very specific to a certain function, or it may be a general dementia that results.
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Brain Inflammation And Disease Progression
One of the benefits of being more focused on own thoughts is the improved creativity. The Neuropathology Core arranges and performs autopsies on clinically well-characterized participants who agreed to autopsy. Participants must be between sixty and seventy-nine years old and have a close relative with memory impairment. About 30 million people are estimated to develop the disease in the next 30 years and the financial as well as social burden will be of immense size. Because the disease tends to progress stealthily with very subtle signs at first, many scientists are focused on finding ways to identify the disease in its earliest stages. One in eight Americans will develop the disease at some point, while more than six million are affected in Europe.
First Disease Symptoms
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Total support around the clock is needed for all functions of daily living and care. For a very long time, little was understood about the brain, and even less was known about the conditions that interfere with its ability to function properly. Patients slowly lose the ability to recognize their loved ones, their surroundings, and how to communicate. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Problems carrying out sequential tasks, including cooking, driving, ordering food at restaurants, and shopping are common. Many of the residents were quite restless, and there was nowhere else to go, so people did walk by fairly often.
Academic Journal Publishers
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Dementia was required to be present for at least six months of follow-up before the diagnosis was confirmed. Potential anti-inflammatory, anti-adhesive, anti/estrogenic, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activities of anthocyanins and their gut metabolites. In the midst of a crisis, big or small, you may find yourself feeling afraid of what is next because things seem uncertain. Both may have a negative impact on health and would not necessarily better the creativity. Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses are being applied to compare 5xFAD and non-transgenic mice across the lifespan. An application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged likely to have major scientific impact.
Journal Alerts And Information
Indiana University School of Medicine is comprised of 25 academic departments that cover basic science and clinical science areas of medicine. The extent of retrograde amnesia can be relatively short and encompass only one or two years, or it can be more extensive and cover decades. Although the field of iPSCs has developed rapidly in the past several years, the field remains relatively young and holds many questions to be answered. The severity and extent of retrograde amnesia is determined by the locus and extent of damage. One can learn how to ride a bicycle but be unable to describe what has been learned, at least not in the same sense that one might recall riding a bicycle on a particular day with a friend. You will not be able to change your text after it has been converted to outlines.
Mice Overproducing Both Mouse And Human Peptides
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A handful of human studies have linked poor sleep with greater measures of beta-amyloid in neuronal tissue. Two more obstacles will need to be overcome when dealing with both hiPSCs and hESCs. One of the most important aspects of hiPSC technology is modeling human diseases using patient-derived hiPSCs. Because the heterologous promoters chosen are typically strong, the transgenic protein is often expressed at levels higher than would be present physiologically. Congophilic dense-core plaques are abundant, with lower levels of diffuse plaques and some cerebral amyloid angiopathy. NrCAM levels were comparable in all groups, but correlated positively with total tau and phosphorylated tau levels.
Neuronal Connections And Brain Cell Function
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Individuals at risk for AD have sleep challenges throughout their lives and have reduced melatonin signaling systems in their brain. None have successfully replicated the complex microenvironment of the human brain or the precise pathophysiological conditions of AD. The physiological and biochemical changes observed in AD point to a brain that is struggling to maintain its viability. A sedentary lifestyle reduces cerebrospinal fluid flow and can lead to increased oxidative stress in the brain.
Animal Model Research On Novel Therapeutics
Monitoring of data integrity and patient safety are required aspects of NIH and NINDS trials. Much of the data on Lando suggests a significant role in neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Both extensive human and animal testing is required by law before a drug can be approved.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/34iitkd via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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ahb-writes · 5 years
Book Review: ‘Hild’
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Hild by Nicola Griffith My rating: 2 of 5 stars This is not a novel. This is a doctoral thesis of Middle Ages Britain polity, bearing all the greasepaint and false promise of warrior saints, kingdoms on the cusp of unity, an economy bespoke to the natural order, and an emerging and presumed grasp of regional geopolitics that is rooted more in conscientious and urbane side-taking than in whether distrustful cousins bend a knee and kiss a ring. It's a fine thesis, really. But as a novel, this is a considerable waste of energy. HILD huddles and adheres close to the microscopic and the minute — the patterns of falcons in springtime, the density of clouds in winter — but looses and cares not for the feverish goings-on of humanity that yield closer to the earth: entertaining the inevitability of war and generally doing anything but talk, talk, talk. This book documents the efforts of a young woman, Hild, and her efforts to keep a clever but impossibly suspicious king in power (and saving her own hide in the process). Readers must be forewarned, history, in most cases, is quite boring. The nature of historical fiction need not be so duty-bound and constrained by the author's feverish enrapture of the land and its people to inhibit the efforts of an otherwise temperamental story to make itself known. As for HILD, nothing of narrative consequence occurs in the first 80 pages of the book. And even then, when the young protagonist, deemed a seer and prophesier of future events, claims her home is under siege, she is given no agency to guide her omen through to its natural conclusion; instead, she's dumped in a port town for several years (and another 80 pages). She warned the king and ended up saving Bebbanburg. Good for her. So now readers must wander cow paddies, follow the rhythms of streams and learn how to count using slave trader's abacus until Hild has another "vision"? That's rough.
To much surprise, there is very little actual war/conflict in this book. And while scenes come alive when Hild takes up the blade to lead a band of war hounds to settle disputes with bandits or to protect the land from purveyors from the south, two brief but meaningful battle scenes in a Middle Ages tome of 530+ pages is quite paltry.
Much of the book's poor rendering of its own story dynamics — that is, manifesting the believable and engaging connective tissue that wills key events into a single pattern — is due to the title's unfathomably inarticulate and labyrinthine nest of political squabbling. The Saxons. The Angles. The Irish. The Frisians. The Yffings. The Idings. The Picts. Kings and lords and aeldermen and soldiers and slaves and priests and bishops.
The author spends so much time and energy attempting to convince readers of the authenticity of the web that binds together Britain, readers are drowned, chapter after chapter, in the muddy sophistry of characters whom readers shall never meet and of verdant hillocks they shall never traverse. So much time is dedicated to tossing around names and places and alliances with little or no context, it's easy if not preferable to glide beneath the thunder of details and wait for the rain to pass. To this end, little actually happens in HILD. There is no action. "The king's seer" makes a few competent deductions — the birth of a child, the alliance of an enemy, the harshness of winter — and the king's court pivots as needed. The book's more creative antagonists, aging men of the cloth seeking glory for their name, are slowly phased out of the narrative in favor of Hild's redundant musings on the viability of her uncle's kingdom. To much surprise, there is very little actual war/conflict in this book. And while scenes come alive when Hild takes up the blade to lead a band of war hounds to settle disputes with bandits or to protect the land from purveyors from the south, two brief but meaningful battle scenes in a Middle Ages tome of 530+ pages is quite paltry. Would HILD have been more engaging if the author had leaned far less on the rigid details native to bickering lords than had shown greater interest in the consequences of said bickering? It's difficult to argue otherwise. The book's writing, amusingly, whips about like the wind — sudden and vicious, at first, then pensive and purposeful, then quite forgetful of whence it came and to where and goes. In the first half of the title, the author layers details upon details and leaves readers with inordinately long sentences and writing that is rough around the edges. There are some paragraphs, numbering some 65 words or more, which are all but one sentence. Another, more potent example rests in the author's horribly inconsistent depiction of intimacy. These include incoherent prophecy fulfilling trysts with a stranger smelling of dead seals; vague encounters between nameless, godlike figures before a hearth; bisexual best friends; scenes of mutual masturbation; incest; and an on-again and off-again affection between a woman and her slave.
The narrative is impractical and dense. The story dynamics are absent a meaningful balance of inciting incidents. The characters are slippery. From the first page to the last, HILD does not read like a novel but a student dissertation of pastoral Britain.
Sex, in HILD is random, awkward and drolly unfulfilling. The most hilarious (and thereby worst) example of which concludes rather blandly:
"They were naked." All of which makes for hazardous reading. Physical intimacy means many things to many characters, surely, but the severity and clumsiness of its application, in HILD, deprives readers of the fun and peculiarity of its complexity and intrigue. Gwladus is Hild's servant and bodywoman. The young slave ingratiates herself to her mistress to further her bid for freedom. And yet, Gwladus grows so fond of her mistress that when she does obtain her freedom she declines an offer to leave. Regrettably, the book does not explore the woman's emotional fever to remain within herself beyond occasionally tempting Hild to suckle a nipple or bite her lip. Further, does Hild refuse Gwladus because the woman is (initially) viewed as property or because she fears becoming attached to another person? Readers never find out. And so it goes. The narrative is impractical and dense. The story dynamics are absent a meaningful balance of inciting incidents. The characters are slippery. From the first page to the last, HILD does not read like a novel but a student dissertation of pastoral Britain. The clever musings on wren nests in bushes, the colors of the underside of out-of-season mushrooms and the direction cows face when they chew grass would be distractions anywhere else. HILD is not a tale of curiosity and woe and of the impressions of bygone eras. It is literature best left to mumbling academics striding the moors at daybreak.
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Dry Skin
   Emollients – key to maintaining foot health - Ivan Bristow PhD, Podiatrist    
                   October 21, 2019                                                           
Dry skin is very common. Around 29% of working age adults have it, rising to nearly 90% of people aged 80 or over (1).  It is one of the most common things that we see in clinic, but it often goes undiagnosed and untreated. It has many causes but what are the effects of dry skin and how can we best manage them?
The skin is the largest organ of the body and is also the main barrier between the internal environment and the outside world protecting against a range of threats such as bacteria, virus and fungi. Most of this protection comes from the outer most layer of the epidermis – the stratum corneum.
In healthy skin, the epidermis can be visualised as a brick wall with the skin cells being the bricks and the lipids produced by the skin being the mortar – holding the bricks together with an almost watertight seal. The bricks, are skin cells manufactured in the lowest level of the epidermis, the basal layer, which are modified as they ascend the layers to reach the outermost layer, the stratum corneum, in around 25 days or so. The mortar - skin lipids are produced from the breakdown of a molecule called filaggrin which degrades to a range of lipids (natural moisturising factors – NMF’s)  which are expelled from the stratum granulosum onto the cells coating them in a waterproof layer which retains the skins moisture. The drier the skin becomes the less filaggrin is produced and so less lipid is released. Thus, creating a downward spiral of skin health. Consequently, small cracks appear in the skin and it becomes vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections (2) along with irritants and potential allergens.
So, what are the main causes of dry skin? For most sufferers, the cause is physiological and not pathological i.e. the way we live rather than any given disease. Factors include:
Over-bathing or showering
“Hot” showers
Use of shower gels, soaps and cleansers (often containing SLS and similar agents) which remove the skins natural lipids
Soaking the skin
Insufficient rinsing of soaps and gels
Vigorous drying
Humidity – central heating and air conditioning
Sun exposure
Each time the skin is bathed, particularly if a shower gel or soap is used, removal of the skins NMF’s occurs, and a period is required for natural skin recovery to occur. Consequently, it’s a game of catch up for the skin leading to dryness. The skin recovery time increases with age probably explaining why dry skin is more prevalent in the older age groups. With showering comes another risk, particularly for the feet and legs. When soaps and gels are applied, gravity means they may run down the legs but rarely are the legs and feet properly rinsed after a shower, meaning the product remains on the skin provoking and prolonging further dryness in these areas.
In addition, there are a range of known medical disorders which can cause or exacerbate dry skin:
Skin disorders – psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections etc.,
Peripheral vascular disease
Thyroid disorders
Side effects of common drugs – statins
Statins are taken by many of our patients – their job is to lower cholesterol which they do very well. Unfortunately, cholesterol is a building block required in the manufacture of skin lipids so patients on these drugs are more likely to have dry skin problems (2).
Dry Skin and the Feet
Tinea pedis or dry skin?
Dry skin on the feet can be asymptomatic for the patient but is characterised by scale, redness, tightness, itching or occasionally dry fissuring. Tinea pedis is a great mimic of dry skin and so should be ruled out as a possible differential diagnosis. Two weeks daily application of a suitable antifungal such as clotrimazole (Canesten®) or terbinafine cream (Lamisil®) is a simple way to determine if a fungal infection is present on the skin. If the dry skin dramatically improves it suggests the cause was fungal in origin.
Treatment of dry skin
The mainstay of treatment is the regular application of an emollient to the feet. This is something which can be easily stocked and sold in the clinic. As a common condition, you can be assured that there will be a need for this by patients. So, which one do you stock? It is important to stress there is still no consensus on what the most effective emollients are (3). Which emollient is best for your patients is really down to patient choice (3, 4).
The skin on the foot has a very thick epidermis on the plantar area and for the most part is in a shoe for considerable periods of the day so additional factors need to be considered. Firstly, the foot being a cooler, distal area is generally best suited to heavier ointment-based preparations (usually labelled as “balms” or “heel balms”) which have a more occlusive effect than creams but potentially this can be a problem with socks and footwear. Patients may be best advised to apply lighter products such as a cream when they are more active keeping the more potent, heavier ointments for use in the evenings or overnight.
Figure 1 : A fingertip unit = 0.5 gram of product (5)
Urea preparations and other humectants
A humectant is a chemical which is able to draw and hold water – like a sponge. Emollient products with an added humectant have a stronger moisturising effect on the skin. Typical humectants include urea and lactic acid.  Many of the preparations aimed specifically at the foot contain urea as the discerning ingredient with concentrations ranging from 5% to 40%. It is important to appreciate the chemistry of urea as its concentration dictates its chemical properties:
Percentage of Urea
1 - 20%
Emollient, humectant
20% – 30%
Mild to moderate keratolytic
Moderate keratolytic
Consequently, higher concentration containing preparations are best avoided in patients with poor tissue viability.
Research has also shown that regular urea application to the skin has additional properties (6) which make it particularly suitable for use on the feet. Firstly, with regular use it can thin epidermis without affecting the skin barrier function making it ideal for use on the plantar surface and on callused skin. In addition, it promotes the body’s natural production of filaggrin which in turn, increases the skins ability to produce more natural moisturising factors.
Key Points : Emollients
There is no evidence-based consensus of what the best emollient is.
Patient choice is key.
Emollients are best applied after bathing or washing when the skin is damp for maximal effect.
Pump applicators may be more economical for regular patient use than tubes of products.
A fingertip unit (see Figure 1) of emollient in an adult is roughly 0.5 of a gram – around 4 g a day is required for a pair of dry feet.
A single “shot” of a pump dispenses around 1 gram of emollient so two “shots” should be enough for one application to two feet.
      A urea containing product has added benefits for use on the foot.
      The percentage content of urea dictates the properties of the emollient.
1.            Augustin M, Kirsten N, Körber A, Wilsmann-Theis D, Itschert G, Staubach-Renz P, et al. Prevalence, predictors and comorbidity of dry skin in the general population. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019:e-print ahead of publication.
2.            Mekic S, Jacobs LC, Gunn DA, Mayes AE, Ikram MA, Pardo LM, et al. Prevalence and determinants for xerosis cutis in the middle-aged and elderly population: A cross-sectional study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019;81(4):963-9.e2.
3.            British Dermatological Nursing Group. Best practice in emollient therapy. Dermatol Nurs. 2007;6(2):s1-s19.
4.            Moncrieff G, Cork M, Lawton S, Kokiet S, Daly C, Clark C. Use of emollients in dry-skin conditions: consensus statement. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2013;38(3):231-8.
5.            Finlay AY, Edwards PH, Harding KG. "Fingertip unit" in dermatology. Lancet. 1989;2(8655):155.
6.            Bristow IR. Urea - the gold standard for emollients? Podiatry Now. 2016;19(10):20-3.
Further Reading
Bristow, I. R. (2012). "Emollients and the foot." Podiatry Now: S1-S8.
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Moncrieff, G., M. Cork, S. Lawton, S. Kokiet, C. Daly and C. Clark (2013). "Use of emollients in dry-skin conditions: consensus statement." Clin Exp Dermatol 38(3): 231-238.
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions
Okay, so this situation is upon us. There’s no denying that all anyone can focus on is the coronavirus. There are several different names used for it, but I’ll use coronavirus and COVID-19 for today’s post. I asked across different venues for your questions and concerns about the topic. I tried to get to as many as I could.
Let’s just get into it:
Why do you think kids have not been so affected?
Good question. Many of the more serious issues with this happen in the lungs as a result of prior “co-morbidities” such as smoking, diabetes, COPD, or just having lived in an area of high air pollution for many years. Then there’s the notion that much of the damage that happens to infected people happens as a result of “cytokine storms,” an example of an immune system over-reacting to the insult. Because adults have been exposed to other strains of flu over their lives and have other antibodies for those flus, there might be a dangerous “mismatch” between what’s needed for COVID-19 and what their arsenal currently holds. Kids haven’t had the time to develop all the mismatched antibodies. All speculation.
And also, kids definitely have the potential to carry and transmit the virus even if they themselves don’t exhibit strong symptoms. One recent Chinese study found that 90% of kids with the virus were asymptomatic or showed just mild or moderate symptoms.
How safe do you think U.S. kids are?
I think kids are quite safe as long as this is reasonably curtailed.
When they say risk increases with age, they mean cellular age, not chronological right?
I hope so! That’s certainly part of it. If you are healthier and more robust in general, regardless of chronological age, you are likely to be more “robust” when under immune assault.
Tips for pregnant women and COVID-19?
Do whatever you can to avoid exposure. Full stop.
The CDC maintains a page for information regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding with COVID-19, but frankly it’s a lot of “we don’t know.” So far according to the CDC there is no known transmission from mother to baby via amniotic fluid or breastmilk. Of course, please consult your doctor immediately if you are pregnant and develop any symptoms.
Do you think that it’s overhyped or a real danger?
Both. It’s a real danger for some (mostly older infirm individuals with co-morbidities) and they should do whatever they can to avoid contracting. OTOH, the damage to the world economy is even now almost incalculable. How much of this was due to over-hype versus just poor prior planning will be the subject of debate for decades to come.
I do think once more testing rolls out, we’ll see that far more people are infected than we think, but that the fatality/severity rate drops.
Why the fear and hysteria from the media… what am I missing?
Humans are story-tellers by our nature. We have always used storytelling as the primary means of communication. Fireside tales, books, radio, TV, movies, Internet, gaming, school history classes, jokes—they are all stories. Every good story needs a villain. In this case, the media has found the consummate villain: an actual threat that hits all the right notes. In order to compete with other media outlets (and hence to sell ads) the tendency is to take a set of facts and weave them into a narrative that is both compelling and horrifying. COVID-19 allows for an infinite number of tales of woe and heroics—not to mention the ability for all sides to play politics with the other side.
Is it really as bad as the media is putting on?
IMO, no, but it’s early days and the situation is changing every hour. We will see.
According to UK researchers who created a mathematical model of transmissibility, each coronavirus case infected on average 2.6 other people in Wuhan. They also estimated that blocking over 60% of transmission would be necessary for infection-control measures to effectively control the outbreak. The outbreak is worsening in Europe, particularly in Italy as of today, but South Korea appears to have slowed its epidemic for now. This article in Science Mag credits the slowing number of new cases in South Korea to diagnostic capacity at scale, tracing contact with infected persons, and case isolation.
There’s another angle that I haven’t seen discussed much: air pollution. Wuhan is notoriously polluted, with terrible air quality and high levels of particulates in the air. The population also smokes quite heavily, particularly the men (who happen to be at greater risk). Smoking (and, I imagine, constant exposure to air particulate pollution) has been shown to increase ACE2 expression. That could very well be why it hit that area so hard.
If you catch & recover, is there a chance of future health issues as a result of having had it?
Apparently, reports are that a smallish percentage of people who contract this and recover are left with some damage to lung and or cardiac tissue. Maybe that recovers over time. Too early to opine. The same thing happened with SARS, if I recall correctly.
Can you get it more than once?
Remains to be seen. Some researchers are saying yes, that people are getting re-infected. Others are saying a person can “recover” but the virus lies dormant and reemerges. We just don’t know and won’t until long-term data is available.
Do you think fasting would have any positive effect on resisting it?
I would not undergo any dramatic fasting protocols at this time. I personally would adhere to my compressed eating window and limit intake to healthy fats, quality proteins, and organic vegetables. Fresh is great, but frozen and some (BPA-free) canned, jarred, vacuum-packed, and pantry items can provide quality Primal nutrition as well.
How does keto affect the body’s immune system?
In most cases a keto diet seems to support a healthy immune system, provided the foods you are eating are real, natural, etc. Whether that offers any specific protection against COVID-19 is impossible to say.
Do you think we should transition to workouts that aren’t at a public gym?
I would certainly limit my exposure to other peoples’ sweat and exhaled gases. I don’t plan to do any public gym workouts, and now most gyms have closed temporarily or will likely close across the country as the virus continues to spread. There are tons of things you can do in your home or your yard or even in a vacant field.
This is the perfect opportunity to get outside, get some sun (or cold), and move your body through fresh air. The fresh air will reduce the risk of transmission, as will the lack of people around you. The sun will increase nitric oxide, which showed some effectiveness at reducing the ability of a related virus—SARS—to replicate. And exercise is a great way to improve your overall health and resilience, as well as get out of the house and out of your own mind.
Best practices for fevers?
Stay hydrated (water and electrolytes; salty lime/lemon water). Stay in bed. Rest.
Avoid sugar and refined carbs. Sugar is one of the worst immune suppressors.
Do all the things your body is telling you to do.
In adults, I see no reason to reduce it until you’re getting to very serious temperatures—over 105, 106ºF. There’s actually very little evidence that fever in and of itself is dangerous. Rather, this study suggests that it’s whatever’s causing the fever that’s dangerous. The fever is the response. Animal studies indicate that treating fever with anti-pyretics might actually increase the risk of mortality, at least in influenza.
In fact, news stories are circulating, questioning whether it’s advised for patients to take ACE inhibitors and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen if they’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. An article published on Science Alert suggests that the World Health Organization is digging into research presented in The Lancet that hypothesizes that COVID-19 patients with diabetes, cardiac diseases, or hypertension who are treated with ACE2-increasing drugs are at a higher risk for severe (and possibly fatal) infection. There’s concern among cardiology societies about these suggestions; the WHO has yet to release an official recommendation.
But, of course, if you’re running an extended fever and you suspect you might have coronavirus, get medical attention immediately and let them take it from there.
Are endurance athletes more at risk?
Probably. I say that because most endurance athletes overtrain to the point of occasional immune compromise. Now is not the time for that. Cut training back to 40% during this time.
Meat and corona?
Possibly my favorite meal.
My son is 22 and has asthma. Should I be worried?
Given the recent data, he is probably less likely to suffer severe consequences if he is infected based on his age, even though most of the severest cases involve lung and/or cardiac damage. Still, if I had asthma, I would do everything possible not to contract this. Not worth the risk.
Do you think when the sun comes out to play again this will die down?
I think it will absolutely help. Check out this thread on the UV index of the most affected areas. It really does seem like UV and weather and humidity can affect the viability of the virus and its ability to take hold, but this is all speculation.
A real problem will be the damage done to global economies. That might take a while to recover.
Good items to stock up on?
See Primal Provisioning for Staying at Home.
Would you travel during this outbreak?
Absolutely not.
Will taking vitamin D help people avoid getting sick?
This is a tricky one. Normally, I’d say yes, it can’t hurt and very well might help. But with coronavirus, that gets more complicated. One thing vitamin D may have the potential to do is increase ACE2 expression, and ACE2 is the same receptor to which coronavirus binds. It’s the “entry point,” how it gets in and starts destroying cells. Organs with high rates of ACE2 receptors, like the lungs, appear to be the most affected organs.
If vitamin D increases ACE2 in the lungs, for example, that could leave you more open to infection. I certainly would avoid “megadoses” of vitamin D. If you take it, do something like 1000 IUs max, or get it through food (salmon, sardines, pastured eggs, mushrooms) or cod liver oil.
Similar to the Spanish flu in 1918?
Maybe. It seems to show some similar patterns, but diverges in others. Basic concept of virulence seems similar and the same danger of overloading the medical system applies.
Tips on remaining calm and perspective amongst the panic?
The majority of the damage will be done and over in a few months. Accept what is, and know that you are doing the best you can with the tools you have.
Avoid stress. Stress increases ACE2 expression, dampens general immunity, and makes your time hanging out and relaxing impossible and miserable.
I read somewhere that a low-carb diet and high doses of vitamin C could reduce one’s chance of getting (seriously) sick from the virus. Is there any proof on that or reason to believe those claims are true?
Probably very little proof, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. The single best thing you can do to shore up immunity is avoid sugars and industrial seed oils, get sleep, limit stress. One of the co-morbidities I’m seeing bandied about in serious patients are blood sugar disregulation, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions linked to poor glucose tolerance. In that case, using a low-carb diet to normalize glucose levels certainly won’t hurt. Of course, you don’t have to go low-carb to normalize glucose levels; it’s just that many people find that works for them.  
Vitamin C has promise. There were reports of Chinese doctors using IV vitamin C in patients and having success. IV vitamin C is a little difficult to arrange at home, but oral vitamin C is perfectly safe even at high doses and liposomal vitamin C seems to be even more effective than plain oral vitamin C.
Is it possible that frequent hand washing and sanitizer could actually hurt us by removing beneficial protective bacteria? I’m washing but also bathing my hands in dirt.
You have to look at this from two angles: acute and chronic.
Chronic sanitization of our environments and bodies promotes a worse immune system that’s more susceptible to illness and more likely to overreact to otherwise innocuous inputs.
Acute sanitization of our environments and bodies can protect us against dangerous microbes.
If you’re picking lettuce out of your garden, you can probably eat it without washing your hands.
If you’re in LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) opening the bathroom stall, touching the faucet, and flushing toilets, you should wash your hands.
And if there’s “something going around,” it’s a good idea to wash your hands and be a little more vigilant. Native Americans had robust immune systems and got plenty of microbial exposure and likely had incredibly impressive gut biomes and very little incidence of autoimmune diseases. But when they encountered smallpox, they died. They were vulnerable to an entirely novel infectious agent because they’d never encountered it before and it was sufficiently virulent.
Preparation we DO need to make… What are you doing???
I’m staying in my condo with Carrie. I have enough food stored for several weeks. I’m only going outside to go to the beach right outside the building, go for rides on the beach, runs, sprints, etc.
Staying calm, staying serene, and being prepared.
Also, read this thread and take it to heart.
That’s it for today, folks. If you have any follow-ups, I can try to get to them for next time. Ask away down below. Thanks for reading, and make sure to take care of yourself and your family.
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The post Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions
Okay, so this situation is upon us. There’s no denying that all anyone can focus on is the coronavirus. There are several different names used for it, but I’ll use coronavirus and COVID-19 for today’s post. I asked across different venues for your questions and concerns about the topic. I tried to get to as many as I could.
Let’s just get into it:
Why do you think kids have not been so affected?
Good question. Many of the more serious issues with this happen in the lungs as a result of prior “co-morbidities” such as smoking, diabetes, COPD, or just having lived in an area of high air pollution for many years. Then there’s the notion that much of the damage that happens to infected people happens as a result of “cytokine storms,” an example of an immune system over-reacting to the insult. Because adults have been exposed to other strains of flu over their lives and have other antibodies for those flus, there might be a dangerous “mismatch” between what’s needed for COVID-19 and what their arsenal currently holds. Kids haven’t had the time to develop all the mismatched antibodies. All speculation.
And also, kids definitely have the potential to carry and transmit the virus even if they themselves don’t exhibit strong symptoms. One recent Chinese study found that 90% of kids with the virus were asymptomatic or showed just mild or moderate symptoms.
How safe do you think U.S. kids are?
I think kids are quite safe as long as this is reasonably curtailed.
When they say risk increases with age, they mean cellular age, not chronological right?
I hope so! That’s certainly part of it. If you are healthier and more robust in general, regardless of chronological age, you are likely to be more “robust” when under immune assault.
Tips for pregnant women and COVID-19?
Do whatever you can to avoid exposure. Full stop.
The CDC maintains a page for information regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding with COVID-19, but frankly it’s a lot of “we don’t know.” So far according to the CDC there is no known transmission from mother to baby via amniotic fluid or breastmilk. Of course, please consult your doctor immediately if you are pregnant and develop any symptoms.
Do you think that it’s overhyped or a real danger?
Both. It’s a real danger for some (mostly older infirm individuals with co-morbidities) and they should do whatever they can to avoid contracting. OTOH, the damage to the world economy is even now almost incalculable. How much of this was due to over-hype versus just poor prior planning will be the subject of debate for decades to come.
I do think once more testing rolls out, we’ll see that far more people are infected than we think, but that the fatality/severity rate drops.
Why the fear and hysteria from the media… what am I missing?
Humans are story-tellers by our nature. We have always used storytelling as the primary means of communication. Fireside tales, books, radio, TV, movies, Internet, gaming, school history classes, jokes—they are all stories. Every good story needs a villain. In this case, the media has found the consummate villain: an actual threat that hits all the right notes. In order to compete with other media outlets (and hence to sell ads) the tendency is to take a set of facts and weave them into a narrative that is both compelling and horrifying. COVID-19 allows for an infinite number of tales of woe and heroics—not to mention the ability for all sides to play politics with the other side.
Is it really as bad as the media is putting on?
IMO, no, but it’s early days and the situation is changing every hour. We will see.
According to UK researchers who created a mathematical model of transmissibility, each coronavirus case infected on average 2.6 other people in Wuhan. They also estimated that blocking over 60% of transmission would be necessary for infection-control measures to effectively control the outbreak. The outbreak is worsening in Europe, particularly in Italy as of today, but South Korea appears to have slowed its epidemic for now. This article in Science Mag credits the slowing number of new cases in South Korea to diagnostic capacity at scale, tracing contact with infected persons, and case isolation.
There’s another angle that I haven’t seen discussed much: air pollution. Wuhan is notoriously polluted, with terrible air quality and high levels of particulates in the air. The population also smokes quite heavily, particularly the men (who happen to be at greater risk). Smoking (and, I imagine, constant exposure to air particulate pollution) has been shown to increase ACE2 expression. That could very well be why it hit that area so hard.
If you catch & recover, is there a chance of future health issues as a result of having had it?
Apparently, reports are that a smallish percentage of people who contract this and recover are left with some damage to lung and or cardiac tissue. Maybe that recovers over time. Too early to opine. The same thing happened with SARS, if I recall correctly.
Can you get it more than once?
Remains to be seen. Some researchers are saying yes, that people are getting re-infected. Others are saying a person can “recover” but the virus lies dormant and reemerges. We just don’t know and won’t until long-term data is available.
Do you think fasting would have any positive effect on resisting it?
I would not undergo any dramatic fasting protocols at this time. I personally would adhere to my compressed eating window and limit intake to healthy fats, quality proteins, and organic vegetables. Fresh is great, but frozen and some (BPA-free) canned, jarred, vacuum-packed, and pantry items can provide quality Primal nutrition as well.
How does keto affect the body’s immune system?
In most cases a keto diet seems to support a healthy immune system, provided the foods you are eating are real, natural, etc. Whether that offers any specific protection against COVID-19 is impossible to say.
Do you think we should transition to workouts that aren’t at a public gym?
I would certainly limit my exposure to other peoples’ sweat and exhaled gases. I don’t plan to do any public gym workouts, and now most gyms have closed temporarily or will likely close across the country as the virus continues to spread. There are tons of things you can do in your home or your yard or even in a vacant field.
This is the perfect opportunity to get outside, get some sun (or cold), and move your body through fresh air. The fresh air will reduce the risk of transmission, as will the lack of people around you. The sun will increase nitric oxide, which showed some effectiveness at reducing the ability of a related virus—SARS—to replicate. And exercise is a great way to improve your overall health and resilience, as well as get out of the house and out of your own mind.
Best practices for fevers?
Stay hydrated (water and electrolytes; salty lime/lemon water). Stay in bed. Rest.
Avoid sugar and refined carbs. Sugar is one of the worst immune suppressors.
Do all the things your body is telling you to do.
In adults, I see no reason to reduce it until you’re getting to very serious temperatures—over 105, 106ºF. There’s actually very little evidence that fever in and of itself is dangerous. Rather, this study suggests that it’s whatever’s causing the fever that’s dangerous. The fever is the response. Animal studies indicate that treating fever with anti-pyretics might actually increase the risk of mortality, at least in influenza.
In fact, news stories are circulating, questioning whether it’s advised for patients to take ACE inhibitors and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen if they’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. An article published on Science Alert suggests that the World Health Organization is digging into research presented in The Lancet that hypothesizes that COVID-19 patients with diabetes, cardiac diseases, or hypertension who are treated with ACE2-increasing drugs are at a higher risk for severe (and possibly fatal) infection. There’s concern among cardiology societies about these suggestions; the WHO has yet to release an official recommendation.
But, of course, if you’re running an extended fever and you suspect you might have coronavirus, get medical attention immediately and let them take it from there.
Are endurance athletes more at risk?
Probably. I say that because most endurance athletes overtrain to the point of occasional immune compromise. Now is not the time for that. Cut training back to 40% during this time.
Meat and corona?
Possibly my favorite meal.
My son is 22 and has asthma. Should I be worried?
Given the recent data, he is probably less likely to suffer severe consequences if he is infected based on his age, even though most of the severest cases involve lung and/or cardiac damage. Still, if I had asthma, I would do everything possible not to contract this. Not worth the risk.
Do you think when the sun comes out to play again this will die down?
I think it will absolutely help. Check out this thread on the UV index of the most affected areas. It really does seem like UV and weather and humidity can affect the viability of the virus and its ability to take hold, but this is all speculation.
A real problem will be the damage done to global economies. That might take a while to recover.
Good items to stock up on?
See Primal Provisioning for Staying at Home.
Would you travel during this outbreak?
Absolutely not.
Will taking vitamin D help people avoid getting sick?
This is a tricky one. Normally, I’d say yes, it can’t hurt and very well might help. But with coronavirus, that gets more complicated. One thing vitamin D may have the potential to do is increase ACE2 expression, and ACE2 is the same receptor to which coronavirus binds. It’s the “entry point,” how it gets in and starts destroying cells. Organs with high rates of ACE2 receptors, like the lungs, appear to be the most affected organs.
If vitamin D increases ACE2 in the lungs, for example, that could leave you more open to infection. I certainly would avoid “megadoses” of vitamin D. If you take it, do something like 1000 IUs max, or get it through food (salmon, sardines, pastured eggs, mushrooms) or cod liver oil.
Similar to the Spanish flu in 1918?
Maybe. It seems to show some similar patterns, but diverges in others. Basic concept of virulence seems similar and the same danger of overloading the medical system applies.
Tips on remaining calm and perspective amongst the panic?
The majority of the damage will be done and over in a few months. Accept what is, and know that you are doing the best you can with the tools you have.
Avoid stress. Stress increases ACE2 expression, dampens general immunity, and makes your time hanging out and relaxing impossible and miserable.
I read somewhere that a low-carb diet and high doses of vitamin C could reduce one’s chance of getting (seriously) sick from the virus. Is there any proof on that or reason to believe those claims are true?
Probably very little proof, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. The single best thing you can do to shore up immunity is avoid sugars and industrial seed oils, get sleep, limit stress. One of the co-morbidities I’m seeing bandied about in serious patients are blood sugar disregulation, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions linked to poor glucose tolerance. In that case, using a low-carb diet to normalize glucose levels certainly won’t hurt. Of course, you don’t have to go low-carb to normalize glucose levels; it’s just that many people find that works for them.  
Vitamin C has promise. There were reports of Chinese doctors using IV vitamin C in patients and having success. IV vitamin C is a little difficult to arrange at home, but oral vitamin C is perfectly safe even at high doses and liposomal vitamin C seems to be even more effective than plain oral vitamin C.
Is it possible that frequent hand washing and sanitizer could actually hurt us by removing beneficial protective bacteria? I’m washing but also bathing my hands in dirt.
You have to look at this from two angles: acute and chronic.
Chronic sanitization of our environments and bodies promotes a worse immune system that’s more susceptible to illness and more likely to overreact to otherwise innocuous inputs.
Acute sanitization of our environments and bodies can protect us against dangerous microbes.
If you’re picking lettuce out of your garden, you can probably eat it without washing your hands.
If you’re in LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) opening the bathroom stall, touching the faucet, and flushing toilets, you should wash your hands.
And if there’s “something going around,” it’s a good idea to wash your hands and be a little more vigilant. Native Americans had robust immune systems and got plenty of microbial exposure and likely had incredibly impressive gut biomes and very little incidence of autoimmune diseases. But when they encountered smallpox, they died. They were vulnerable to an entirely novel infectious agent because they’d never encountered it before and it was sufficiently virulent.
Preparation we DO need to make… What are you doing???
I’m staying in my condo with Carrie. I have enough food stored for several weeks. I’m only going outside to go to the beach right outside the building, go for rides on the beach, runs, sprints, etc.
Staying calm, staying serene, and being prepared.
Also, read this thread and take it to heart.
That’s it for today, folks. If you have any follow-ups, I can try to get to them for next time. Ask away down below. Thanks for reading, and make sure to take care of yourself and your family.
(function($) { $("#dfDvaSv").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfDvaSv" ); })( jQuery );
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The post Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Coronavirus Questions published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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biofunmy · 5 years
What Does It Really Mean to Be 6 Weeks Pregnant?
Now that several states have passed bills that effectively ban abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, the new laws are raising a lot of questions about early pregnancy and miscarriage treatments.
The fetal heartbeat can typically be seen on an ultrasound at around six weeks into pregnancy, but many women have no idea they’re pregnant at that time. So when do women typically realize that they are pregnant? And how often are pregnancies unplanned? We’ll explain all of this and more.
How is the length of pregnancy measured?
It sounds odd, but doctors measure the beginning of a pregnancy as being the first day of your last period. Why? They’re tracking the length of pregnancy using a nearly 200-year-old calculation called Naegele’s Rule, named after Franz Karl Naegele, the German obstetrician who is credited with creating it in the 1800s.
Here’s how it works: To figure out when a woman will give birth, doctors start with the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period, count back three calendar months and then add one year and seven days to that date.
The rule is somewhat confusing, because conception usually doesn’t occur until around 14 days after the first day of your period, assuming you have a 28-day cycle (which many women do not for a variety of reasons). The reason doctors still use the last menstrual cycle as a benchmark is because it is difficult to know exactly when the sperm fertilized the egg.
So when doctors say a woman is six weeks pregnant, it typically means the embryo started developing about four weeks ago.
The heart, which can be seen flickering on an ultrasound, is still maturing and cannot be heard until several weeks later.
Perhaps this is the simplest way to say it: Six weeks pregnant is two weeks after a woman misses her period.
What does the latest abortion legislation mean for women with unviable pregnancies?
Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ohio have this year passed so-called heartbeat bills, which effectively prohibit abortion after six weeks, and other states are poised to follow in their footsteps.
Most notably, Alabama’s governor recently signed into law the nation’s most restrictive abortion bill, which bans abortions at every stage of pregnancy and criminalizes the procedure for doctors.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, one of the biggest concerns of their members right now is about how to interpret the scope and application of these laws in their practice. In some instances, that extends beyond the delivery of abortion care to questions about miscarriage treatments like dilation and curettage, which removes tissue from inside of the uterus.
Women are also wondering how miscarriage will be interpreted under the law. But it’s not entirely clear because of the way the laws are written.
For now, abortion is still legal because these laws have not yet taken effect. In addition, the legislation is expected to be challenged in court because of the precedent set by the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which says abortion is legal until the fetus reaches viability, usually at 24 weeks.
When do women first learn that they are pregnant?
While there isn’t clear data as to when women typically find out that they are pregnant, Dr. Dana R. Gossett, the vice chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, San Francisco, said that in her practice she often sees women who don’t realize they are pregnant until after the six-week mark.
“Typically, clinical symptoms like fatigue and nausea don’t start until after six weeks,” Dr. Gossett said, though there are some women who are more sensitive to early pregnancy symptoms.
What’s more, women with irregular menstrual cycles might find it “especially challenging” to discover that they’re pregnant right away, Dr. Gossett said. “What are they supposed to do? Check pregnancy tests every four or five weeks?”
Dr. Sarah Horvath, a family planning fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, agreed.
“Unless a woman is actively trying to get pregnant, she is unlikely to know that she is pregnant at six weeks,” she said.
Nikki Young, 42, who lives in Riverview, Fla., said she and her husband were surprised to discover eight years ago that she was pregnant.
“It was mixed feelings,” she said.
At the time, their second child was only about 1-year-old and she wasn’t actively monitoring her period.
“I didn’t really keep track of it that closely,” she recalled. But then, one day she noticed she was spotting and realized she had missed her period entirely. A home pregnancy test and a visit to the doctor confirmed that her third child was on the way.
How many women have unplanned pregnancies?
Nearly half of pregnancies in the United States are unplanned.
A 2016 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine examined the rate of unintended pregnancy in the United States from 2008 to 2011 and found that 45 percent of pregnancies in 2011 were not planned. That’s 2.8 million unintended pregnancies, of which more than 40 percent would end in an abortion.
While the rate of unintended pregnancies declined from 2008 to 2011, the number of women who sought abortions for their unintended pregnancies changed very little. And in 2011, just like in 2008, unintended pregnancy remained most common among women and girls who were poor and those who were cohabiting.
“Lower-income women, rural women and women with limited access to health care will be disproportionately affected by these laws,” Dr. Horvath said. “Women of means will be able to travel to other states, or other countries, just as they did before Roe v. Wade.”
Sahred From Source link Health
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2Q9xcVA via IFTTT
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cynthiamwashington · 5 years
Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions. First up, what can a person do to help their gut recover its barrier function after too many antibiotics? Are there any foods, supplements, or dietary strategies? Second, what can explain rapid fatigue during sprint sessions on a keto diet? Is this simply part of the deal, or are there modifications you can make? And finally, what do I do when I know I’m going to get a bad night’s sleep?
Let’s go:
Mark – any idea how to cure leaky gut caused by overuse of antibiotics. Tried raw dairy for a month to no avail.
First of all, check out my post on leaky gut. Read through it and follow my suggestions for preventing and treating intestinal permeability. It’s a great place to start.
Then, let’s look at some other interventions that have been shown to improve recovery from antibiotic therapy. While most of the studies referenced don’t explicitly describe antibiotic-induced leaky gut, anything that improves gut function and restores healthy gut bacteria will also normalize leaky gut—since it’s the eradication of native gut bacteria that causes antibiotic-induced leaky gut.
Fermented dairy. You tried raw dairy. What about fermented dairy? While raw dairy has its merits, it’s fermented dairy that just works for recovery from antibiotics. Yogurt is a good option to try, although the evidence is a bit inconsistent. Kefir is probably better; it’s been shown to improve patients’ tolerance to triple antibiotic therapy during treatment for H. pylori infection. This is even worth consuming during antibiotic therapy, as many of the probiotic bacteria found in fermented dairy show resistance to common antibiotics.
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut are also must-eats. The fermented cabbage contains ample amounts of L. plantarum, a bacteria strain that’s been shown to prevent antibiotic-related diarrhea in piglets (another omnivorous mammal). Good options exist in stores (check the refrigerated section; shelf-stable pickles and kraut aren’t lactofermented), and even more are available in farmer’s markets, but the best way to get the most bacteria-rich vegetable ferments is to make your own.
Supplemental probiotics are fantastic here, too: large doses of the desired microorganisms delivered directly to your gut. Some of the strains used in Primal Probiotics, like B. clausii and S. boulardii, have been shown to be effective against antibiotic-related diarrhea, so that could be a good choice.
Don’t forget the food for your gut bugs: prebiotics. You need to eat fermentable fibers and other prebiotics like resistant starch to support the growth and maintenance of the helpful bacteria that improve gut barrier function. Consider eating cooked and cooled potatoes, unheated potato starch, leeks, garlic, onions, green bananas, apples, pears, berries, and pretty much any fruit or vegetable you can get your hands on. Plenty of them are low-carb enough to work on a keto diet, if that’s your desire. Oh, and dark chocolate is a great source of fiber and polyphenols, which have prebiotic effects in the gut.
Incorporate intermittent fasting. Going without food for a spell gives your gut a break and induces autophagy, which can help with tissue healing.
Get dirty, too, to introduce potentially helpful bacteria. Go out and garden. Go barefoot at the park (do your due/doo diligence, of course) and practice tumbling, or roughhouse with your kids (or friends). Don’t immediately rush to wash your hands all the time (unless you’ve been handling raw meat and/or dog poop).
Whatever you do, don’t stress too much about the antibiotics you had to take. Stress is awful for gut health and you’ve already taken the antibiotics—which were probably necessary—so that ship has sailed.
If probiotics with prebiotics aren’t helping (or making things worse), you might want to try going the opposite direction—removing all plant foods and doing a carnivore diet for a few weeks. While I have doubts about the long term viability and safety of eschewing all plant foods, enough people have written to me about their great experiences resolving gut issues with a bout of carnivory that it’s worth trying.
When on a strict keto plan, why do I become so quickly fatigued while attempting a HIT sprint workout?
The first five seconds of a sprint are primarily powered by phosphocreatine (or creatine phosphate), a “quick burst” energy source that burns hot but disappears quickly. This is the stuff used to perform max effort Olympic lifts, short sprints, and other rapid expressions of maximum power. It doesn’t last very long and takes a couple minutes to replenish itself. A keto diet doesn’t affect our creatine phosphate levels. If anything, it should improve them if we’re eating meat.
After five seconds, anaerobic metabolism of muscle glycogen provides the lion’s share of your energy needs. The longer your sprint, the more glycogen you’ll burn. The less glycogen you carry in your muscles, the shorter your sprint. Because once you run out of creatine phosphate and glycogen, you’re left with aerobic metabolism—great for longer distances, not so great for max effort sprints.
Keto dieters tend to walk around with less glycogen in their muscles. If that’s the case, longer sprints will be harder.
If you want to keep sprinting:
Do shorter sprints. Try a 10-second hill sprint rather than a 20-second one. Really go hard. Heck, you can even do 5-second sprints and derive major benefits; just do more of them and make sure to recover in between. There’s no rule saying you have to sprint for 20-30 seconds.
Take longer rest periods. Give your muscles a chance to replenish more creatine phosphate (and take creatine or eat red meat and fish, which are the best sources of dietary creatine).
Eat 20-30 grams of carbs 30 minutes before a sprint session. See if it helps. Alternatively, you can eat the 20-30 grams of carbs after the sprint session to replenish lost glycogen stores (without really impacting your ketone adaptation, by the way).
Most people figure out their sprinting sweet spot while doing keto. They may have to play around with the dosages, durations, and rest periods, but you can usually make it work. Be open to trying new permutations.
If you knew you were going to have a poor nights sleep, what measures would you take to reduce some of the damage?
I would exercise hard that night. Normally, a bad night’s sleep tanks your insulin sensitivity the next day, giving you the insulin resistance and glucose tolerance of a diabetic. A good hard interval session the night before a bad night’s sleep, however, counters the next-day insulin resistance.
I would make the most of it. Don’t dawdle. Don’t beat yourself up because of the impending sleep deprivation. It’s going to happen. You have to accept it, not let it destroy you.
Enjoy it. A little-known acute treatment for depression is sleep deprivation. That’s right: a single night of sleep deprivation has been shown to ameliorate depression in patients with clinical depression. Sometimes the effect lasts up to several weeks. It’s not a long term or sustainable fix for clinical depression, obviously, and you can’t do it every single night—chronic sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for developing depression—but it can improve your mood if you give in to it.
I would set out a jar of cassia cinnamon. I always add cassia cinnamon to my coffee in the morning after bad sleep; cassia cinnamon the day after a bad night’s sleep attenuates the loss of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for writing in and reading! If you have any input on today’s round of questions, let me know down below.
(function($) { $("#dfEbuhs").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=674&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfEbuhs" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });}
De vrese M, Kristen H, Rautenberg P, Laue C, Schrezenmeir J. Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in a fermented milk product with added fruit preparation reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori activity. J Dairy Res. 2011;78(4):396-403.
Bekar O, Yilmaz Y, Gulten M. Kefir improves the efficacy and tolerability of triple therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori. J Med Food. 2011;14(4):344-7.
Erginkaya Z, Turhan EU, Tatl? D. Determination of antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish fermented dairy products. Iran J Vet Res. 2018;19(1):53-56.
Yang KM, Jiang ZY, Zheng CT, Wang L, Yang XF. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on diarrhea and intestinal barrier function of young piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. J Anim Sci. 2014;92(4):1496-503.
Jitomir J, Willoughby DS. Cassia cinnamon for the attenuation of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance resulting from sleep loss. J Med Food. 2009;12(3):467-72.
The post Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Lumbrokinase for Heart Health?
Although it’s not a well-known substance, lumbrokinase is recognized by health experts as an extraordinarily health-beneficial enzyme. It boosts circulatory health by breaking down fibrinogen, described by one study1 as having the ability to reduce blood viscosity, making it a “critical factor in clot formation.”
Fibrinogen, perhaps another unfamiliar term, is a fibrous protein essential for hemostasis — stopping bleeding. While a “mechanically stable” clot is necessary to prevent blood loss and promote wound healing, and your fibrinolytic system can dissolve fibrin or fibrous clots when it’s in good working order, lumbrokinase is classified as a fibrinolytic enzyme.2
The source of lumbrokinase makes it even more interesting: The complex fibrinolytic enzyme is extracted from earthworms, such as the Lumbricus rubellus found in Indonesia, which contains a bioactive protein fraction known as DLBS1033, according to scientists in one study.3 They described the results of using lumbrokinase in 10 patients with stable angina pectoris and concluded:
“Based on antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activity, lumbrokinase might (be) used as (a) secondary prevention after acute thrombosis, such as myocard[ial] infarct[ion] [heart attack] and stroke …
This study showed that 70 percent of total sample(s) receiving lumbrokinase had a significant decrease in summed stress score of perfusion (the pumping of a fluid through an organ or tissue4) imaging and better perfusion in viable myocardium after 30 days of lumbrokinase treatment.”5
Another study describes how lumbrokinase got its name. A Japanese doctor named H. Mihara and his colleagues successfully extracted a group of fibrinolytic enzymes from the Lumbricus rubellus earthworm species in 1991, and the enzymes were collectively named lumbrokinase after the genus name Lumbricus.6
As a supplement, lumbrokinase may be identified as earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (e-PPA), or earthworm powder enzymes (EPE). As obscure as Western patients may find lumbrokinase to be both in availability and viability, a PubMed search in February 2018 reportedly7 returned 65 results, with available information dating back to 1991, while a similar search of leading Chinese digital periodicals, specifically CNKI,8 produced 650 results.
The History of Therapeutic Earthworms
The circuitous path lumbrokinase has traveled has also been a long one. Traditional Asian applications began with fried earthworms and herbs, followed by dried earthworm powders, then unrefined earthworm extracts. Today’s lumbrokinase is compared with other therapeutic ingredients, such as omega-3 from krill oil, polyphenols from green tea and curcumin from turmeric root.9 Institute for Progressive Medicine states:
“Generally, we are better off with blood that clots less easily … Individuals at high risk of forming clots, such as those with atrial fibrillation, are often treated with blood thinners like aspirin or stronger agents like Coumadin … All of these agents, however, present a significant risk of bleeding, and may themselves cause brain hemorrhage, urinary or gastrointestinal bleeding.
Lumbrokinase … reduces coagulation by lowering blood viscosity, lowering the activity of clotting factors including fibrinogen, and degrading fibrin, a critical factor in clot formation. It has a stronger effect on reducing blood viscosity than other enzyme preparations.”10
The discovery of lumbrokinase in earthworms came about due to a purposeful analysis of the rationales behind traditional medical practices in Asian cultures. Earthworms have been used medicinally for many centuries in Japan, Korea and China, but it continues today in therapies that are considered both safe and effective.
An ancient Chinese medical publication called Ben Cao Gang Mu, translated as “Compendium of Chinese Botanical and Animal Products,”11 included in the renowned Compendium of Materia Medica (circa 1573 to 159312), describes earthworms as “earth dragons,” with beneficial properties that “invigorate blood, resolve stasis and unblock the body's meridians and channels.”13
Such ancient assertions for many healing compounds from earthworms has resulted in the slimy invertebrates being included in traditional Asian herbal formulas to remedy ischemic conditions and blood clots that break loose and threaten vital organs.
Present-Day Use of Lumbrokinase in Asian Medicinal Practices
The fact that lumbrokinase remains relatively unknown by most Western health practitioners and consumers is likely due to three main reasons:14
Most of the clinical data on lumbrokinase is in Chinese and either unavailable or not understood by non-Chinese clinicians or researchers
Pharmaceutical-grade lumbrokinase, primarily from China, is both expensive and hard to come by, so very few companies either sell or promote its clinical benefits
Third, the leading pharmaceutical companies (“with their massive influence on the media”15) haven’t yet figured out a way to profit from it
Patients with a wide disparity of dysfunctions and disorders, such as a bruised and swollen ankle, angina, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, an enlarged prostate, mild strokes and infectious diseases, all have something in common: Such cases have found fibrinolytic enzymes such as lumbrokinase to be advantageous.16,17
In fact, between two other substances with known fibrinolytic or proteolytic effects, namely nattokinase, which comes from fermented soy products; and serrapeptidase, made by silk worms and exerting anti-inflammatory activity (which could even replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like Ibuprofen and Indomethacin, lumbrokinase is the most potent fibrinolytic enzyme.18
Uses for Lumbrokinase for Your Blood, Heart and Related Physiology
People who credit lumbrokinase with aspects of health do so because of its ability to treat and possibly prevent blood- and heart-related conditions, including stroke, angina, diabetes, heart disease and others.19,20,21,22,23 Below are examples of studies that VeryWell Health24 has listed as connected to the use of lumbrokinase and its potential benefits:
• Stroke — Researchers in a 2013 study found a decreased risk of stroke, particularly ischemic stroke, which occurs when an artery in the brain becomes blocked. When study subjects given either standard stroke treatments or lumbrokinase capsules for a year were compared, the lumbrokinase groups had fewer stroke incidents.25
A European study in 2008 found that lumbrokinase may combat another type of stroke known as cerebral ischemia, caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain and resulting stroke.26 An earlier study showed that lumbrokinase may also help treat strokes caused by cerebral infarction, or blood clot in the brain, in part by decreasing levels of fibrinogen.27
• Diabetes — Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice published a 2013 animal study showing that lumbrokinase may help fight diabetic nephropathy, a kidney condition exacerbated by poor control over diabetes and high blood pressure conditions. The mechanism reportedly involved specific enzymes thought to play a role in kidney damage.28
• Heart health — An animal study published in the Chinese journal Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica29 noted that lumbrokinase may shield your heart health against myocardial ischemia.
As for angina, one clinical study involved 10 patients with coronary artery disease and “stable angina.” Each was given a one-month regimen of lumbrokinase with their standard medical therapy. Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) was performed before and after the treatment period, after which six of the 10 angina patients showed improvement, as did an average of 38 percent of those with ischemia, both assessed by validated indicators.30
Multipurpose Lumbrokinase Also Tapped as a Remedy for Lyme Disease
As previously noted, the possibilities for lumbrokinase are far-reaching, both as an enzyme with direct and indirect fibrinolytic effects, and as an anticoagulant due to its ability to inhibit platelet functions. Further, it may “minimize angina attack frequency (and) the need for nitroglycerine.”31
Potential applications include circulatory conditions, deep venous thrombosis, essential hypertension, vascular dementia and the prevention or treatment of cancer-associated thromboembolism. Evidence also suggests that while animal models and in vitro research have shown the compound inhibited stomach cancer growth and liver cancer metastasis, similar lumbrokinase successes may be found in human studies.32
Other noteworthy areas of lumbrokinase research indicate that it may improve diabetic nephropathy33 and diabetic neuropathy,34 prevent the damage to heart cells from secondhand smoke35 and play a role in promoting bone repair and regeneration.33
While prevention is now recognized as the best way to circumvent the often debilitating problems associated with Lyme disease (a bacterial infection caused by spirochete, which are corkscrew-shaped bacterium spread by ticks), those who have it have found the symptoms to mimic such maladies as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression and fibromyalgia.
However, lumbrokinase has been identified as a valuable treatment. Experts believe it can penetrate thick clumps of gut bacteria known as biofilms, one of several challenging factors involved with Lyme, as the bacteria are able to hide, feed and replicate unstopped by antimicrobial medications.34,35
That lumbrokinase is helpful in breaking down fibrinogen is an important aspect of Lyme treatment because the pathogenic bacteria use fibrinogen, convert it to fibrin and thereby strengthen their network.36 Naturopathic doctor Nicola Ducharme asserts:
“Biofilm is an important consideration in Lyme treatment. I believe that every patient should address biofilms, especially when a patient is not improving the way we would expect them to. Having those bacteria trapped in gooey stuff that antimicrobials and immune cells can’t get to could be a major factor hindering progress in treatment.”37
Lumbrokinase: Supplement, Pharmaceutical and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Intrinsic in the treatment is the fact that lumbrokinase can help break down fibrinogen. It’s interesting to note that dry earthworm powder taken as an oral supplement has been clinically tested and shown to support healthy blood circulation. A number of products containing it, mostly sold in Asian countries, are taken as nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical products and some as Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Whether you’re thinking about exploring lumbrokinase for your heart or in the treatment of Lyme disease, make sure the brand you choose is high-quality and from a reputable source. Keep in mind that lumbrokinase supplements can be expensive and vary in enzymatic strength, which is one reason a doctor’s involvement is advised.
Taking lumbrokinase with a medication that thins your blood can be risky due to interference with the normal clotting process, and lead to bleeding.38 Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children also shouldn't take it.
While there are concerns that lumbrokinase use may trigger such side effects as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, skin rash and allergic reactions, Chinese studies noted that such symptoms affected only .07 percent to 3 percent of the individuals taking it.39 Further:
“To date, virtually all of the researchers who have ever studied or published on lumbrokinase concluded that it is a well-tolerated and very safe fibrinolytic enzyme preparation.”40
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/18/lumbrokinase-for-heart-health.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/lumbrokinase-for-heart-health
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
Lumbrokinase for Heart Health?
Although it’s not a well-known substance, lumbrokinase is recognized by health experts as an extraordinarily health-beneficial enzyme. It boosts circulatory health by breaking down fibrinogen, described by one study1 as having the ability to reduce blood viscosity, making it a “critical factor in clot formation.”
Fibrinogen, perhaps another unfamiliar term, is a fibrous protein essential for hemostasis — stopping bleeding. While a “mechanically stable” clot is necessary to prevent blood loss and promote wound healing, and your fibrinolytic system can dissolve fibrin or fibrous clots when it’s in good working order, lumbrokinase is classified as a fibrinolytic enzyme.2
The source of lumbrokinase makes it even more interesting: The complex fibrinolytic enzyme is extracted from earthworms, such as the Lumbricus rubellus found in Indonesia, which contains a bioactive protein fraction known as DLBS1033, according to scientists in one study.3 They described the results of using lumbrokinase in 10 patients with stable angina pectoris and concluded:
“Based on antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activity, lumbrokinase might (be) used as (a) secondary prevention after acute thrombosis, such as myocard[ial] infarct[ion] [heart attack] and stroke …
This study showed that 70 percent of total sample(s) receiving lumbrokinase had a significant decrease in summed stress score of perfusion (the pumping of a fluid through an organ or tissue4) imaging and better perfusion in viable myocardium after 30 days of lumbrokinase treatment.”5
Another study describes how lumbrokinase got its name. A Japanese doctor named H. Mihara and his colleagues successfully extracted a group of fibrinolytic enzymes from the Lumbricus rubellus earthworm species in 1991, and the enzymes were collectively named lumbrokinase after the genus name Lumbricus.6
As a supplement, lumbrokinase may be identified as earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (e-PPA), or earthworm powder enzymes (EPE). As obscure as Western patients may find lumbrokinase to be both in availability and viability, a PubMed search in February 2018 reportedly7 returned 65 results, with available information dating back to 1991, while a similar search of leading Chinese digital periodicals, specifically CNKI,8 produced 650 results.
The History of Therapeutic Earthworms
The circuitous path lumbrokinase has traveled has also been a long one. Traditional Asian applications began with fried earthworms and herbs, followed by dried earthworm powders, then unrefined earthworm extracts. Today’s lumbrokinase is compared with other therapeutic ingredients, such as omega-3 from krill oil, polyphenols from green tea and curcumin from turmeric root.9 Institute for Progressive Medicine states:
“Generally, we are better off with blood that clots less easily … Individuals at high risk of forming clots, such as those with atrial fibrillation, are often treated with blood thinners like aspirin or stronger agents like Coumadin … All of these agents, however, present a significant risk of bleeding, and may themselves cause brain hemorrhage, urinary or gastrointestinal bleeding.
Lumbrokinase … reduces coagulation by lowering blood viscosity, lowering the activity of clotting factors including fibrinogen, and degrading fibrin, a critical factor in clot formation. It has a stronger effect on reducing blood viscosity than other enzyme preparations.”10
The discovery of lumbrokinase in earthworms came about due to a purposeful analysis of the rationales behind traditional medical practices in Asian cultures. Earthworms have been used medicinally for many centuries in Japan, Korea and China, but it continues today in therapies that are considered both safe and effective.
An ancient Chinese medical publication called Ben Cao Gang Mu, translated as “Compendium of Chinese Botanical and Animal Products,”11 included in the renowned Compendium of Materia Medica (circa 1573 to 159312), describes earthworms as “earth dragons,” with beneficial properties that “invigorate blood, resolve stasis and unblock the body’s meridians and channels.”13
Such ancient assertions for many healing compounds from earthworms has resulted in the slimy invertebrates being included in traditional Asian herbal formulas to remedy ischemic conditions and blood clots that break loose and threaten vital organs.
Present-Day Use of Lumbrokinase in Asian Medicinal Practices
The fact that lumbrokinase remains relatively unknown by most Western health practitioners and consumers is likely due to three main reasons:14
Most of the clinical data on lumbrokinase is in Chinese and either unavailable or not understood by non-Chinese clinicians or researchers
Pharmaceutical-grade lumbrokinase, primarily from China, is both expensive and hard to come by, so very few companies either sell or promote its clinical benefits
Third, the leading pharmaceutical companies (“with their massive influence on the media”15) haven’t yet figured out a way to profit from it
Patients with a wide disparity of dysfunctions and disorders, such as a bruised and swollen ankle, angina, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, an enlarged prostate, mild strokes and infectious diseases, all have something in common: Such cases have found fibrinolytic enzymes such as lumbrokinase to be advantageous.16,17
In fact, between two other substances with known fibrinolytic or proteolytic effects, namely nattokinase, which comes from fermented soy products; and serrapeptidase, made by silk worms and exerting anti-inflammatory activity (which could even replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like Ibuprofen and Indomethacin, lumbrokinase is the most potent fibrinolytic enzyme.18
Uses for Lumbrokinase for Your Blood, Heart and Related Physiology
People who credit lumbrokinase with aspects of health do so because of its ability to treat and possibly prevent blood- and heart-related conditions, including stroke, angina, diabetes, heart disease and others.19,20,21,22,23 Below are examples of studies that VeryWell Health24 has listed as connected to the use of lumbrokinase and its potential benefits:
• Stroke — Researchers in a 2013 study found a decreased risk of stroke, particularly ischemic stroke, which occurs when an artery in the brain becomes blocked. When study subjects given either standard stroke treatments or lumbrokinase capsules for a year were compared, the lumbrokinase groups had fewer stroke incidents.25
A European study in 2008 found that lumbrokinase may combat another type of stroke known as cerebral ischemia, caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain and resulting stroke.26 An earlier study showed that lumbrokinase may also help treat strokes caused by cerebral infarction, or blood clot in the brain, in part by decreasing levels of fibrinogen.27
• Diabetes — Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice published a 2013 animal study showing that lumbrokinase may help fight diabetic nephropathy, a kidney condition exacerbated by poor control over diabetes and high blood pressure conditions. The mechanism reportedly involved specific enzymes thought to play a role in kidney damage.28
• Heart health — An animal study published in the Chinese journal Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica29 noted that lumbrokinase may shield your heart health against myocardial ischemia.
As for angina, one clinical study involved 10 patients with coronary artery disease and “stable angina.” Each was given a one-month regimen of lumbrokinase with their standard medical therapy. Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) was performed before and after the treatment period, after which six of the 10 angina patients showed improvement, as did an average of 38 percent of those with ischemia, both assessed by validated indicators.30
Multipurpose Lumbrokinase Also Tapped as a Remedy for Lyme Disease
As previously noted, the possibilities for lumbrokinase are far-reaching, both as an enzyme with direct and indirect fibrinolytic effects, and as an anticoagulant due to its ability to inhibit platelet functions. Further, it may “minimize angina attack frequency (and) the need for nitroglycerine.”31
Potential applications include circulatory conditions, deep venous thrombosis, essential hypertension, vascular dementia and the prevention or treatment of cancer-associated thromboembolism. Evidence also suggests that while animal models and in vitro research have shown the compound inhibited stomach cancer growth and liver cancer metastasis, similar lumbrokinase successes may be found in human studies.32
Other noteworthy areas of lumbrokinase research indicate that it may improve diabetic nephropathy33 and diabetic neuropathy,34 prevent the damage to heart cells from secondhand smoke35 and play a role in promoting bone repair and regeneration.33
While prevention is now recognized as the best way to circumvent the often debilitating problems associated with Lyme disease (a bacterial infection caused by spirochete, which are corkscrew-shaped bacterium spread by ticks), those who have it have found the symptoms to mimic such maladies as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression and fibromyalgia.
However, lumbrokinase has been identified as a valuable treatment. Experts believe it can penetrate thick clumps of gut bacteria known as biofilms, one of several challenging factors involved with Lyme, as the bacteria are able to hide, feed and replicate unstopped by antimicrobial medications.34,35
That lumbrokinase is helpful in breaking down fibrinogen is an important aspect of Lyme treatment because the pathogenic bacteria use fibrinogen, convert it to fibrin and thereby strengthen their network.36 Naturopathic doctor Nicola Ducharme asserts:
“Biofilm is an important consideration in Lyme treatment. I believe that every patient should address biofilms, especially when a patient is not improving the way we would expect them to. Having those bacteria trapped in gooey stuff that antimicrobials and immune cells can’t get to could be a major factor hindering progress in treatment.”37
Lumbrokinase: Supplement, Pharmaceutical and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Intrinsic in the treatment is the fact that lumbrokinase can help break down fibrinogen. It’s interesting to note that dry earthworm powder taken as an oral supplement has been clinically tested and shown to support healthy blood circulation. A number of products containing it, mostly sold in Asian countries, are taken as nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical products and some as Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Whether you’re thinking about exploring lumbrokinase for your heart or in the treatment of Lyme disease, make sure the brand you choose is high-quality and from a reputable source. Keep in mind that lumbrokinase supplements can be expensive and vary in enzymatic strength, which is one reason a doctor’s involvement is advised.
Taking lumbrokinase with a medication that thins your blood can be risky due to interference with the normal clotting process, and lead to bleeding.38 Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children also shouldn’t take it.
While there are concerns that lumbrokinase use may trigger such side effects as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, skin rash and allergic reactions, Chinese studies noted that such symptoms affected only .07 percent to 3 percent of the individuals taking it.39 Further:
“To date, virtually all of the researchers who have ever studied or published on lumbrokinase concluded that it is a well-tolerated and very safe fibrinolytic enzyme preparation.”40
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/03/18/lumbrokinase-for-heart-health.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/183534844766
0 notes
cherrycamp64-blog · 6 years
Essay Persuasive Essay Descriptive Essay

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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions. First up, what can a person do to help their gut recover its barrier function after too many antibiotics? Are there any foods, supplements, or dietary strategies? Second, what can explain rapid fatigue during sprint sessions on a keto diet? Is this simply part of the deal, or are there modifications you can make? And finally, what do I do when I know I’m going to get a bad night’s sleep?
Let’s go:
Mark – any idea how to cure leaky gut caused by overuse of antibiotics. Tried raw dairy for a month to no avail.
First of all, check out my post on leaky gut. Read through it and follow my suggestions for preventing and treating intestinal permeability. It’s a great place to start.
Then, let’s look at some other interventions that have been shown to improve recovery from antibiotic therapy. While most of the studies referenced don’t explicitly describe antibiotic-induced leaky gut, anything that improves gut function and restores healthy gut bacteria will also normalize leaky gut—since it’s the eradication of native gut bacteria that causes antibiotic-induced leaky gut.
Fermented dairy. You tried raw dairy. What about fermented dairy? While raw dairy has its merits, it’s fermented dairy that just works for recovery from antibiotics. Yogurt is a good option to try, although the evidence is a bit inconsistent. Kefir is probably better; it’s been shown to improve patients’ tolerance to triple antibiotic therapy during treatment for H. pylori infection. This is even worth consuming during antibiotic therapy, as many of the probiotic bacteria found in fermented dairy show resistance to common antibiotics.
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut are also must-eats. The fermented cabbage contains ample amounts of L. plantarum, a bacteria strain that’s been shown to prevent antibiotic-related diarrhea in piglets (another omnivorous mammal). Good options exist in stores (check the refrigerated section; shelf-stable pickles and kraut aren’t lactofermented), and even more are available in farmer’s markets, but the best way to get the most bacteria-rich vegetable ferments is to make your own.
Supplemental probiotics are fantastic here, too: large doses of the desired microorganisms delivered directly to your gut. Some of the strains used in Primal Probiotics, like B. clausii and S. boulardii, have been shown to be effective against antibiotic-related diarrhea, so that could be a good choice.
Don’t forget the food for your gut bugs: prebiotics. You need to eat fermentable fibers and other prebiotics like resistant starch to support the growth and maintenance of the helpful bacteria that improve gut barrier function. Consider eating cooked and cooled potatoes, unheated potato starch, leeks, garlic, onions, green bananas, apples, pears, berries, and pretty much any fruit or vegetable you can get your hands on. Plenty of them are low-carb enough to work on a keto diet, if that’s your desire. Oh, and dark chocolate is a great source of fiber and polyphenols, which have prebiotic effects in the gut.
Incorporate intermittent fasting. Going without food for a spell gives your gut a break and induces autophagy, which can help with tissue healing.
Get dirty, too, to introduce potentially helpful bacteria. Go out and garden. Go barefoot at the park (do your due/doo diligence, of course) and practice tumbling, or roughhouse with your kids (or friends). Don’t immediately rush to wash your hands all the time (unless you’ve been handling raw meat and/or dog poop).
Whatever you do, don’t stress too much about the antibiotics you had to take. Stress is awful for gut health and you’ve already taken the antibiotics—which were probably necessary—so that ship has sailed.
If probiotics with prebiotics aren’t helping (or making things worse), you might want to try going the opposite direction—removing all plant foods and doing a carnivore diet for a few weeks. While I have doubts about the long term viability and safety of eschewing all plant foods, enough people have written to me about their great experiences resolving gut issues with a bout of carnivory that it’s worth trying.
When on a strict keto plan, why do I become so quickly fatigued while attempting a HIT sprint workout?
The first five seconds of a sprint are primarily powered by phosphocreatine (or creatine phosphate), a “quick burst” energy source that burns hot but disappears quickly. This is the stuff used to perform max effort Olympic lifts, short sprints, and other rapid expressions of maximum power. It doesn’t last very long and takes a couple minutes to replenish itself. A keto diet doesn’t affect our creatine phosphate levels. If anything, it should improve them if we’re eating meat.
After five seconds, anaerobic metabolism of muscle glycogen provides the lion’s share of your energy needs. The longer your sprint, the more glycogen you’ll burn. The less glycogen you carry in your muscles, the shorter your sprint. Because once you run out of creatine phosphate and glycogen, you’re left with aerobic metabolism—great for longer distances, not so great for max effort sprints.
Keto dieters tend to walk around with less glycogen in their muscles. If that’s the case, longer sprints will be harder.
If you want to keep sprinting:
Do shorter sprints. Try a 10-second hill sprint rather than a 20-second one. Really go hard. Heck, you can even do 5-second sprints and derive major benefits; just do more of them and make sure to recover in between. There’s no rule saying you have to sprint for 20-30 seconds.
Take longer rest periods. Give your muscles a chance to replenish more creatine phosphate (and take creatine or eat red meat and fish, which are the best sources of dietary creatine).
Eat 20-30 grams of carbs 30 minutes before a sprint session. See if it helps. Alternatively, you can eat the 20-30 grams of carbs after the sprint session to replenish lost glycogen stores (without really impacting your ketone adaptation, by the way).
Most people figure out their sprinting sweet spot while doing keto. They may have to play around with the dosages, durations, and rest periods, but you can usually make it work. Be open to trying new permutations.
If you knew you were going to have a poor nights sleep, what measures would you take to reduce some of the damage?
I would exercise hard that night. Normally, a bad night’s sleep tanks your insulin sensitivity the next day, giving you the insulin resistance and glucose tolerance of a diabetic. A good hard interval session the night before a bad night’s sleep, however, counters the next-day insulin resistance.
I would make the most of it. Don’t dawdle. Don’t beat yourself up because of the impending sleep deprivation. It’s going to happen. You have to accept it, not let it destroy you.
Enjoy it. A little-known acute treatment for depression is sleep deprivation. That’s right: a single night of sleep deprivation has been shown to ameliorate depression in patients with clinical depression. Sometimes the effect lasts up to several weeks. It’s not a long term or sustainable fix for clinical depression, obviously, and you can’t do it every single night—chronic sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for developing depression—but it can improve your mood if you give in to it.
I would set out a jar of cassia cinnamon. I always add cassia cinnamon to my coffee in the morning after bad sleep; cassia cinnamon the day after a bad night’s sleep attenuates the loss of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for writing in and reading! If you have any input on today’s round of questions, let me know down below.
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window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });}
De vrese M, Kristen H, Rautenberg P, Laue C, Schrezenmeir J. Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in a fermented milk product with added fruit preparation reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori activity. J Dairy Res. 2011;78(4):396-403.
Bekar O, Yilmaz Y, Gulten M. Kefir improves the efficacy and tolerability of triple therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori. J Med Food. 2011;14(4):344-7.
Erginkaya Z, Turhan EU, Tatl? D. Determination of antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish fermented dairy products. Iran J Vet Res. 2018;19(1):53-56.
Yang KM, Jiang ZY, Zheng CT, Wang L, Yang XF. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on diarrhea and intestinal barrier function of young piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. J Anim Sci. 2014;92(4):1496-503.
Jitomir J, Willoughby DS. Cassia cinnamon for the attenuation of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance resulting from sleep loss. J Med Food. 2009;12(3):467-72.
The post Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions. First up, what can a person do to help their gut recover its barrier function after too many antibiotics? Are there any foods, supplements, or dietary strategies? Second, what can explain rapid fatigue during sprint sessions on a keto diet? Is this simply part of the deal, or are there modifications you can make? And finally, what do I do when I know I’m going to get a bad night’s sleep?
Let’s go:
Mark – any idea how to cure leaky gut caused by overuse of antibiotics. Tried raw dairy for a month to no avail.
First of all, check out my post on leaky gut. Read through it and follow my suggestions for preventing and treating intestinal permeability. It’s a great place to start.
Then, let’s look at some other interventions that have been shown to improve recovery from antibiotic therapy. While most of the studies referenced don’t explicitly describe antibiotic-induced leaky gut, anything that improves gut function and restores healthy gut bacteria will also normalize leaky gut—since it’s the eradication of native gut bacteria that causes antibiotic-induced leaky gut.
Fermented dairy. You tried raw dairy. What about fermented dairy? While raw dairy has its merits, it’s fermented dairy that just works for recovery from antibiotics. Yogurt is a good option to try, although the evidence is a bit inconsistent. Kefir is probably better; it’s been shown to improve patients’ tolerance to triple antibiotic therapy during treatment for H. pylori infection. This is even worth consuming during antibiotic therapy, as many of the probiotic bacteria found in fermented dairy show resistance to common antibiotics.
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut are also must-eats. The fermented cabbage contains ample amounts of L. plantarum, a bacteria strain that’s been shown to prevent antibiotic-related diarrhea in piglets (another omnivorous mammal). Good options exist in stores (check the refrigerated section; shelf-stable pickles and kraut aren’t lactofermented), and even more are available in farmer’s markets, but the best way to get the most bacteria-rich vegetable ferments is to make your own.
Supplemental probiotics are fantastic here, too: large doses of the desired microorganisms delivered directly to your gut. Some of the strains used in Primal Probiotics, like B. clausii and S. boulardii, have been shown to be effective against antibiotic-related diarrhea, so that could be a good choice.
Don’t forget the food for your gut bugs: prebiotics. You need to eat fermentable fibers and other prebiotics like resistant starch to support the growth and maintenance of the helpful bacteria that improve gut barrier function. Consider eating cooked and cooled potatoes, unheated potato starch, leeks, garlic, onions, green bananas, apples, pears, berries, and pretty much any fruit or vegetable you can get your hands on. Plenty of them are low-carb enough to work on a keto diet, if that’s your desire. Oh, and dark chocolate is a great source of fiber and polyphenols, which have prebiotic effects in the gut.
Incorporate intermittent fasting. Going without food for a spell gives your gut a break and induces autophagy, which can help with tissue healing.
Get dirty, too, to introduce potentially helpful bacteria. Go out and garden. Go barefoot at the park (do your due/doo diligence, of course) and practice tumbling, or roughhouse with your kids (or friends). Don’t immediately rush to wash your hands all the time (unless you’ve been handling raw meat and/or dog poop).
Whatever you do, don’t stress too much about the antibiotics you had to take. Stress is awful for gut health and you’ve already taken the antibiotics—which were probably necessary—so that ship has sailed.
If probiotics with prebiotics aren’t helping (or making things worse), you might want to try going the opposite direction—removing all plant foods and doing a carnivore diet for a few weeks. While I have doubts about the long term viability and safety of eschewing all plant foods, enough people have written to me about their great experiences resolving gut issues with a bout of carnivory that it’s worth trying.
When on a strict keto plan, why do I become so quickly fatigued while attempting a HIT sprint workout?
The first five seconds of a sprint are primarily powered by phosphocreatine (or creatine phosphate), a “quick burst” energy source that burns hot but disappears quickly. This is the stuff used to perform max effort Olympic lifts, short sprints, and other rapid expressions of maximum power. It doesn’t last very long and takes a couple minutes to replenish itself. A keto diet doesn’t affect our creatine phosphate levels. If anything, it should improve them if we’re eating meat.
After five seconds, anaerobic metabolism of muscle glycogen provides the lion’s share of your energy needs. The longer your sprint, the more glycogen you’ll burn. The less glycogen you carry in your muscles, the shorter your sprint. Because once you run out of creatine phosphate and glycogen, you’re left with aerobic metabolism—great for longer distances, not so great for max effort sprints.
Keto dieters tend to walk around with less glycogen in their muscles. If that’s the case, longer sprints will be harder.
If you want to keep sprinting:
Do shorter sprints. Try a 10-second hill sprint rather than a 20-second one. Really go hard. Heck, you can even do 5-second sprints and derive major benefits; just do more of them and make sure to recover in between. There’s no rule saying you have to sprint for 20-30 seconds.
Take longer rest periods. Give your muscles a chance to replenish more creatine phosphate (and take creatine or eat red meat and fish, which are the best sources of dietary creatine).
Eat 20-30 grams of carbs 30 minutes before a sprint session. See if it helps. Alternatively, you can eat the 20-30 grams of carbs after the sprint session to replenish lost glycogen stores (without really impacting your ketone adaptation, by the way).
Most people figure out their sprinting sweet spot while doing keto. They may have to play around with the dosages, durations, and rest periods, but you can usually make it work. Be open to trying new permutations.
If you knew you were going to have a poor nights sleep, what measures would you take to reduce some of the damage?
I would exercise hard that night. Normally, a bad night’s sleep tanks your insulin sensitivity the next day, giving you the insulin resistance and glucose tolerance of a diabetic. A good hard interval session the night before a bad night’s sleep, however, counters the next-day insulin resistance.
I would make the most of it. Don’t dawdle. Don’t beat yourself up because of the impending sleep deprivation. It’s going to happen. You have to accept it, not let it destroy you.
Enjoy it. A little-known acute treatment for depression is sleep deprivation. That’s right: a single night of sleep deprivation has been shown to ameliorate depression in patients with clinical depression. Sometimes the effect lasts up to several weeks. It’s not a long term or sustainable fix for clinical depression, obviously, and you can’t do it every single night—chronic sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for developing depression—but it can improve your mood if you give in to it.
I would set out a jar of cassia cinnamon. I always add cassia cinnamon to my coffee in the morning after bad sleep; cassia cinnamon the day after a bad night’s sleep attenuates the loss of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for writing in and reading! If you have any input on today’s round of questions, let me know down below.
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window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '67622' });}
De vrese M, Kristen H, Rautenberg P, Laue C, Schrezenmeir J. Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in a fermented milk product with added fruit preparation reduce antibiotic associated diarrhea and Helicobacter pylori activity. J Dairy Res. 2011;78(4):396-403.
Bekar O, Yilmaz Y, Gulten M. Kefir improves the efficacy and tolerability of triple therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori. J Med Food. 2011;14(4):344-7.
Erginkaya Z, Turhan EU, Tatl? D. Determination of antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish fermented dairy products. Iran J Vet Res. 2018;19(1):53-56.
Yang KM, Jiang ZY, Zheng CT, Wang L, Yang XF. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on diarrhea and intestinal barrier function of young piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. J Anim Sci. 2014;92(4):1496-503.
Jitomir J, Willoughby DS. Cassia cinnamon for the attenuation of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance resulting from sleep loss. J Med Food. 2009;12(3):467-72.
The post Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Antibiotic Recovery, Sprinting on Keto, Preparing for Bad Sleep published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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