#so this...is a muscle i need to stretch again fs!!!
darthwheezely · 3 months
yoichi isagi, thinks he could love. thinks he should if given the right tools.
yoichi isagi thinks that maybe, love can come late. maybe love sees he's got his eye on a goal post and a hunger for glory more than someone to wake up next to. it's not that he hasn't seen love, it's that love hasn't ever really seen him.
he thought love was the fan with diamonds in her eyes. the one who wrapped her arms around him and said, are you like? new around here? he thinks that when he smirked and whispered, no. but you're new to me, that love was definitely happy enough in the moment to toss himself in his hotel room.
but love wouldn't take his wallet and leave his toilet a mess.
he thought love was that guy he practiced with on the weekends at the gym. you know, the one with arms that promised to have and to hold? you seem like you bear a lot of weights, love said. yoichi managed to shrug (love has a lot of one liners, he thought.)
but love wouldn't avert his eyes when they passed in the locker room.
he thinks love is tired. love is overworked, love must be working a regular 9-5 and love needs time. love can wait. love should wait.
yoichi isagi has been stuck in traffic with love for about forty five minutes now. love's face is fraught with exhaustion (he told you to skip visiting him at practice! you're still beating that summer flu!), and love's eyes are weary, lids thick and lashes falling forward.
"keep your eyes on the road, isa."
"like there's any road to keep my eyes on," he retorts, shamelessly turning to you fully. look at you. at love, his love.
"so." you ask, looking back at him. love looks so handsome, you think.
"what are you thinking about?"
i'm thinking about you, love.
i'm thinking about you.
for @wttcsms - a full length fic will come i am simply blue (lock) balling u >:))
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smutntrash-blog · 5 years
Favors - Part One (S)
This is only part one! I will fs do a part two that involves smut but this is more angst.
TW: Mentions of Testosterone, mentions of transgender, (I do apologize I call the transitioning person by their born gender just to differentiate characters)
You were friends with a couple. A close couple. You had always admired one, jealous of her. Her partner was one to be revered. Boyish in appearance, though peaking interest when he stretched showing off muscled arms you could imagine holding you down, or when he was cross or telling you an order the submissivness that would immediately spread through your body. He payed no mind to you though. You always chatted as friends but he was quick to move onto others. When he did give an extra but of attention to you, you lavished in it like a flower in the sun. Needless to say, you had a crush. But you knew it must always be hidden so you always made sure to ask about his partner and make yourself be happy for them. One day however, you and him got in a serious talk. Talking about his struggles with mental health and how he needed to put hers first because she wanted to be a he and therefore they came first. While you both agreed and disagreed you kept or to yourself and tried to help in the shadows until you did. You found a doctor who could diagnose them with gender-dysphoria and have them on their way to taking T and becoming a person they would finally feel comfortable in. As happy as you were things were (hopefully) looking up in their household, you still had that seed of jealousy you tried to tuck deep away. Until one day..... Out of gratitude they invite you over. Just to chat, to get to know each other, etcetera, and then it happened. As you were leaving his partner called out to you. They said,
"I know you like him."
You freeze. You turn....... You stare.
"It's okay. We're grateful. And slightly open.... And" they beckon him with a finger. "He will do whatever you want.... For a single night only." and he starts walking towards you. He stands in front of you. Absolutely towering over you as you shyly cower in front of him. As you peer up to look at his face you see it set with hard eyes that make you want to melt.
You tremble as you firmly say, " no. I can't..... " and turn away to continue walking. A hand encircles your wrist and you tug it away quickly from his burning grip, teary eyed you stare at him. He seems stunned and stops, and then retreats to stand with his lover by the doorway. He can't look you in the eye as his face burns red and she looks at you coldly. She hmphs a 'pity' and you turn once again to this time flee. You don't notice how his eyes steadily watch your retreat and his face falls even more as the door closes with a finality.
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A man called Horze
The motorcycle began to slow as the road climbed the side of the hill. My left foot worked in practiced synchronicity with the squeeze of the clutch lever to drop down 2 gears in preparation for the switchback as the sun began to rise over the ocean.
I opened the door and grabbed a beer, Thatch always kept a steady supply of the good stuff. The terrace overlooking the city gave a good view of the bay and the city that stretched up the coast. It seemed like every time I came back there was another construction project popping up.
Samuel Thatch was as imposing a man as his ancestral namesake. Tall, dark, and a solid wall of muscle that was capable of both surprising dexterity and incredible violence. We may have met as enemies, but we knew each other as kindred spirits. 
“What did you think of the new engines?” 
He asked as as he stood barechested watching the sunrise. That was his style, no formal greeting, no gentile pleasantries, just straight to business. 
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“Results don’t lie, I did the Elu-Cat circuit in 2/3rds the time for 3/4ths the fuel. They’ll pay for themselves inside of 4 years.”
Thatch nodded as he sipped his morning coffee. I was still on space time so I’d be awake for another 16 hours.
“When’s the meeting?” I asked.
“We S.P. in 45 minutes.” He replied.
“We?”... “You mean they agreed to a deal?” I was somewhat surprised that Steiner would accept our proposal considering they’d spent the last 50 years trying to wipe us all out.
“She wants to meet us in person on New Donegal. I’ve got the Revenge on standby waiting for us. They’re dropping a Bronco to pick us up in 30.” Thatch finished the last of his coffee and called for Sarah. 
“What have they agreed to so far?” 
Thatch paused for a moment before looking directly at me to better gauge my reaction. 
“Everything”. He said simply.
It was my turn to pause. There was little doubt in my mind now as to how far down the road things had progressed while I was chasing freight offworld.
I looked again at the city skyline that had become my home over the last few decades. This place had become my home, my sanctuary, my base of operations. It was here that I had built a life for myself. 
“Shit” I cursed.
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Sarah looked at me questioning. She may only be an FS-17-C but she knew enough to know something was wrong.
“Sir?” I could hear the concern in her voice.
“Carry on Sarah.” I said simply. She returned to her duties as I set the empty bottle down for her to clean up. I needed to prep for the journey.
0 notes
plotbunnyshipper · 7 years
Fundamental Cracks - Chapters 23 & 24
Ao3 Fundamental Cracks
Just need it in a fast reference window that my tablet won’t hate.
My mug is perched on the table, steam lazily dancing an irresistibly seductive siren’s call to me. My muscles ache as I wheel over to it, blowing over the rim and taking a test sip. Mmmm. I was up most of the night trying to force stubborn toes to obey my will. The battle was lost, but it doesn’t mean I won’t repeat it tonight.
“So, yesterday-” His voice is far too bright and cheerful for this early. Usually he’s on a run or off early to the office, and I get my caffeine fix in peace. Stupid Mondays!
“No talking before coffee.”
He rolls his eyes like I’m the crazy one, sliding a plate in front of me. I eye the eggs warily. “You need the protein.” Slices of fruit, toast, then a small bowl of yogurt are not so stealthily added.
“Stop, enough! How much of this do I have to eat for you to not frown at me all morning?” Or at least until he has to get to work.
He gives a bright smile. You haven’t won a business deal, answer the question. “As much as you want.”
Acting like a freaking Jewish-Italian mom with his food pushing! “Where’s your plate?”
He slides one across the table and settles in, taking a bite of kiwi.
We eat in silence. Around the paper I see him keep making subtle glances at my progress, but my stomach can only handle so much in the morning. Fruit and half the eggs are that limit, so I make the casual request for a coffee refill. As he makes his way to the kitchen I use my fork to drag his nearly empty plate across the table, pushing my own to replace it. “Hey!” his voice is sharp, otherwise silently returning with my coffee.
Busted. Nonchalantly I nudge it with the tines of my fork the last inch, not breaking eye contact and taking the mug, I dare you to call me out. “Thank you.”
He looks at my former plate, undoubtedly taking stock, then turns up that smile of his again, “If you wanted more all you had to do was ask.”
Before he can push any back onto the plate in front of me I mirror his grin, “I’m stuffed, but you should really finish that. You need the protein.” Felicity – 2, Oliver – 1. I reward myself with a big sip of coffee.
The under-his-breath mutter of defeat only makes the coffee taste that much better. “So, yesterday you said it had been years since your last happy ending-” He says it so blandly that I’m nodding along before the words click in my brain.
The mouthful of coffee paints the table. Oh my great Google-! I mean great googly moogly-! No, I mean- What?!
“Would you like me to order you something to help, with that?”
What did I say? I try to remember what I let my mouth get away with in that rather urgently stressful moment. No…oh no, no, no. I didn’t- Wait…did he say order? “Are you offering to get me a gigolo?”
He looks as surprised as I am, “That’s not what I…Do…Do you want me to hire-?“
I feel heat creeping up to my scalp, looking anywhere but him while interrupting, “Don’t! No! Don’t finish that! I mean, what-? Wait, that’s… none of your business.” My brain is spinning but no thoughts manage to catch. “Never mind, stop talking.” I shove, wheeling myself backwards so fast that I bump into a wall before frantically trying to navigate to the solitude of the room I’m staying in and pretend the last minute didn’t exist in the timeline.
“Nope. Wow it’s late, don’t you have to be at work? Better get moving, grooving, going.” I push the door shut behind me, listening for sounds from the main area.
Hours later my toes are still refusing to cooperate no matter how much I try to coax, beg, manually push, and use electric pulses to force them into twitching again. So when the chime rings I’m not in the best of moods.
I evaluate the screen, asking the building security to leave the blandly logoed box addressed to me out there. When the guy is gone I retrieve it, pulling along the packaging tape as soon as the door is shut behind me. Maybe the new laptop parts that were on backorder…? No. definitely not parts.
I shove the small bottle and other item, in packaging splayed with bright stickers proclaiming ‘For Novelty Use Only,’ back into the box. My thumbs move faster than my thoughts, barraging Oliver’s phone with a set of messages as fast as I can type.
FS: Are you out of your mind? FS: You can’t buy things like that!
Well obviously he can and did…
FS: You can buy them. But not for me!
Oh wait, maybe they weren’t for me. A glance at the label again, that’s my name.
FS: Ignore those x3 FS: Oliver, your package arrived. You clicked the wrong recipient when ordering, it will be on the counter.
I’m trying to reseal the tape, having penned over the name already, when my phone chimes.
OQ:  No mistake. I know inapprop but you wouldn’t buy it for yourself OQ: Same as what you used to like
Why would he remember that, it was almost three years and a lifetime ago…I would have bought my own sex toys, I have bought my own sex toys, just not…just not when I’m like this. I still have trouble looking for more than a glance at anything but specific features in the mirror, the overall ‘me’ still looking sickly and weak, reminding me of the numbness, the boredom, the reason I was there, why I deserved to be in that cell. My shoulders hunch forwards, no one is here to see my self-loathing, but that doesn’t make it any gentler.
OQ: I’ll be out until 6 LMN if you need anything
The box stays on the counter, dangerous as a viper, so I throw myself back into PT exercises while streaming mindless videos.
My shoulders hit the floor and I pant, catching my breath. The prickling itch of sweat demands I wipe it from my brow but the rest of my body insists that laying without moving here is the better option.
The knock comes again and my muscles tense painfully stiff in response. “Who is it?”
"Go away." The thought of her energy is no friend to my exhaustion.
"Open the door, I'm taking you to lunch."
In that case, "Your brother already stuffed me before he left..."
There is a wordless noise, and based on experience I can just imagine her nose wrinkling, "No details please. I don’t need to hear-"
You Queens! Always taking innocently intended words the worst way. "Stuffed me with foo-“ Wait! Say it differently, “Made me eat a huge breakfast…of food! I’m not hungry. Go away I’m busy."
The door-muffled voice takes on a whine, "You stay cooped up in here all the time'"
So what if I do? “I do not!”
“Liar, liar, pants on fire...” The knob rattles slightly. “Shouting through the door isn’t working, I’m using my key”
“Key?” Of course she has a key. Ugh. I start to roll my sweaty gross self over to get to the couch, as I hear the door open.
"I was thinking Thai- You ok?” She starts almost jogging towards me.
I give her a wary look, “Yeah, why?
Her tone is like I’m deliberately ignoring something obvious, “Because you’re laying on the floor?”
"As opposed to levitating...?" I start lifting myself up, waving away the hands she offers as help, "Your brother let you try to do that when he was getting better?
She nods, eyes darting towards the balcony. “Mmmhmm.”
“And you call me a liar?” Scooting over and transferring to my chair, I push the wheels to coast over and get some water. A long drink later, I ask, "Why don’t you invite him out instead, he'd love to see you."
A fed up sigh “That’s not fair. He’s not you…” The silence stretches and we have a standoff of stares. “Fine, I’ll pick up stuff and we can eat on the balcony. You shower, I’ll be back soon.”
How did she win like that? I shower in cool water, muscles protesting when a soft tapping fills the room. Panic edges through me, but a glance at the window reveals the steady fall of rain continuing to spatter against the glass.
By the time I’m dry and dressed it is full on storming. At least that means the balcony is off limits.
Soon Thea flings open the door without knocking, laden with big bags of food. “It wasn’t supposed to rain today!”
I give her a wary eye. She is far too like her brother and I know a game of musical plates won’t work like this morning. "Planning on feeding an army?"
"Couldn’t decide what I wanted and took your advice."
I told you to go away, not feast. "What advice?"
"I invited Ollie."
Darting a covert glance between the package and the containers she’s pulling out, my words are slightly exasperated, "Then why didn't you just take him to lunch?"
"Because I miss you, Dummy.”
Oliver strides in, umbrella in hand like a magazine model, not a hair out of place or a drop of water on his clothes. A quick hug and kiss near Thea’s ear, I’m sure whispering something out of my lip-reading sight. Surveying the spread of options his smile gets wider, “This looks great, thanks for the call.”
“Well Felicity said you’d want to see me, like we didn’t have dinner the other night, and it justified ordering the extra mango sticky rice and nuea ping.”
He looks over at me and I quickly correct her, “I said she should take you out, because I wasn’t interested and she was being all…” I wave my hand in her direction, “Thea-y.” My eyes give a pointed stare towards the package, still on the counter, followed with an unappreciative look at him.
Oliver just grabs a plate and starts filling it, “Thanks for inviting me anyway.”
He gets a call partially through his fast eating, the leisurely pace of breakfast nowhere in sight. Checking who it’s from he sighs and grabs one more big mouthful before answering while walking towards the kitchen with his empty water glass. The frustrated, “Today?” carries back to us. A vaguely agreeing noise follows, “I’ll be there in 20.”
Thea starts packing one of the containers that held the food with as much of the types as will cram under the lid…surprisingly large amounts. Those two really do think on the same wavelength sometimes. A couple seconds later he is apologizing, snagging the container, thanking her with a hug and a goodbye, thanking me with a smile, then after grabbing his umbrella he’s off.
Thea sticks around, pushing food and failing to trick me into going out to a movie.
“Go spend your day off doing more than bothering me.” She won’t. Thea does join in on part of my routine when I start back up after the food is packed away, but she’s not really dressed for it. I get a huff of frustration mid-conversation, as I start on another set of reps and a short while later she leaves me in peace.
When Oliver gets back from work he practically runs in, by the sound of it, to change before stopping by my room on his way out.
A knock which is odd because he usually just speaks through the door, and when I open it he extends a thick folder. “I’ll need you to sign these by Friday.”
Taking and opening the folder, I’m confused. “What are they?”
“Just tax things, one of the accountants made a mistake and if these aren’t resubmitted with original signatures by the extended deadline on Friday they’re pretty sure we’ll be on the short list for an audit. Which is not…when my parents were audited it was a big hassle, and I’d like to avoid it if possible.”
I bite back a laugh at his frustration with bureaucracy, "Of course you do." An amended return for four years ago…documentation from insurance and the hospital after I was shot skim past my fingers as I, flip the pages backwards seeing just how many pages there are. Getting to the last handful in the stack, I look from the front page, to the dates on it, then back at the checkbox. That’s not right.
"I can leave them now so you can read over them but again, Friday.”
“They made a mistake…”
“Where? They should be able to fix it first thing tomorrow, but you can read over the rest and then sign the updated one.”
I pull out the paperwork for last year’s taxes and hand them over. “This, this is wrong. They made the amendments for the prior year, but then they didn’t change it back after you filed the divorce.”
“Oh…yeah, that’s not wrong.”
The first minutes back at STAR Labs jump to mind. ‘I need to talk to my wife. Alone.’ Oliver’s demand to Barry from what feels like forever ago rings in my head like a taunting echo. No. No, that’s not… “Yes it is. Oliver it says we’re still married, if you want to avoid an audit that’s a pretty big flag-”
He slides the papers back into the folder, “We’re still married” I just stare at him, surely having missed a word. “What was it you said, ‘Surprise’ and ‘Mazel Tov,’ right?”
My head circles on a loop of confusion, "But- but- but it’s not valid anymore."
Oliver doesn’t reach out, doesn’t touch, if anything he inches backwards to give me extra space as I push myself back a spin. "Felicity, you know me, did you really think I'd blindly agree to walk away from-, bad choice of words, sorry. You think I’d just leave this marriage without even giving it a fighting chance."
But…but…but…"But we aren’t...the divorce..."
“Was never filed."
But I’m…But he’s…“You’re- you’re my- we’re-?”
A hidden smile shows in his eyes, at the corner of his mouth, and the lightness in his tone, "Yes, Wife."
"Stop that." He’s making fun of me. He’s not serious. “It’s not a joke! I can get the papers reprinted from the attorney and you-”
The smile disappears into his normal serious expression, “Felicity, you may have intended for this to be my second sham of a marriage, but we’ve consummated it twice since the date the license was signed by both of us, we made medical decisions for each other, we’re living together... Granted, we are going through some tough times, so our marriage-“
“Quit calling it that!”
He ignores the comment and keeps going, “-is strained, but we’re working on it.”
I shake my head, still not able to understand why he didn’t file the papers even after I got back.
He zips up his jacket and starts moving towards the front door, “We can even go to Bali for our honeymoon if you still want when you’re up for it, but for now I have to get moving. So please, read over, I need them by Friday.”
The next morning is awkward. Or more accurately, it’s awkward for me. The folder rests in the center of the table, over Oliver’s briefcase. So obviously he’s seen the signatures…because he’s right they needed to be signed and unlike a couple months of retroactive marriage, a couple years of retroactive divorce would be tricky, especially since these tax returns were filed, State and Federal. Sigh.
Oliver sits eating, reading, nonchalantly having done another big breakfast, a serving bowl over a plate to keep it warm. “Oh don’t you act like there is nothing to talk about, Mr. Queen.”
He doesn’t look up, “You started this, I don’t know why you’re surprised.”
I glower, refusing to accept that as an excuse, but waiting until I’ve had a drink of coffee before responding, “Because I gave you your ‘out’ at the same time I told you! The marriage shouldn’t still be valid.”
A deliberate sip of water, and falsely innocent query, “Why not?”
“Because you- Because we weren’t really married! Because if you had just signed the papers and handed them off you would have been free of me.”
Oliver interrupts before I can argue my point, all the thoughts that debated in my head last night are conspicuously absent now that I’m trying to use them. “Felicity, why would you think I would want that?”
“You said it yourself, it was a sham. It was bait, and I exploited it to get you what you wouldn’t have accepted otherwise but needed and we both know it!” My palms swat at the table, making the glasses tremble.
He looks strait at me, absolutely serious, “I told you I wanted to marry you, and I think you’re starting to understand this is real for me.”
Is this why he’s letting me stay here? Some stupid sense of duty? Trapped into it by an overinflated sense of honor and code of what’s ‘right’ for him? “What about your family?”
A hand extends towards me, but stays out of my carefully spread bubble of personal space, marked clearly by glass and cutlery, “You’re part of my family.”
I clench then pull my hands into my lap to avoid the instinctive urge to touch. It’s awkward, so I run them to touch the water, the rim of the plate, the tines of the fork, anything to change up the sensations. “No, the family you’re making for William.”
He catches himself mid eye-roll, and repeats himself, slowly, “You. Are. Part. Of. My. Family.”
I glide backwards, then towards the table again, the closest I can do to pacing. Do I have to spell it out? “You and Samantha!” He just waits, raising his eyebrow instead of questioning my words. I lift my hands, extending my fingers out, palms up, in his direction, with a ‘come on’ gesture. Gritting my teeth I force out the awkwardness…the increased awkwardness, “I have done my best not to be a distraction from your…” Reunions, hookups, courtship – oh my god who even thinks the word courtship? “Your family visits.”
He nods, apparently not understanding the air quotes around the word, “She drops off William, then goes and enjoys her weekend, or week, or…” He trails off, tilts his head “’Family visits?’ Is that supposed to be…? You think I’m-, we’re-...Is that why you refuse to be here when William visits?”
This is right up there with the sex toy in topics I didn’t want to have with him face to face, heat creeps across my cheeks and I avoid the fingers that try to bump mine, “I don’t want to listen to you catching up.”
“I’m sure your stepson wouldn’t either, but she doesn’t stay, and her time here isn’t…” he searches for the word and manages to find a pair that are more my level of brain mashing – specific but weird, “conjugally intimate.” It was a trap, because as soon as our gazes meet he continues, “You’re my wife, I’m not about to knowingly commit adultery.” His eyes are practically electric with anger, “Thanks for that by the way. Great part of your out that made me out to be the boy I was before the island rather than the man I am today.”
The jab lands and my retort is as defensive as it is loud, shouting across the table, “I marked adultery on my end, not yours! It wasn’t even real-real at the point you were with Susan! I wanted you alive! Alive and free, and I gave you a way to be both!”
His voice loses it calm, “Well you got that half right!”
A silence hangs, both of us obviously pissed with how this conversation is going down.
Think. Logistics. “Who else knows about our- about the marriage?”
Another couple seconds of quiet, then Oliver is the epitome of calm again, “Quentin, but that was your move. My accountant, our medical team.” He thinks while ticking off fingers for those just named, “Barry now, I guess.”
“My Mom?”
“Not unless you told her, and you will be the one to share that with Donna.”
“Everyone you’re going to name that isn’t on that list is a no…” he deadpans the thought, then stands to pace between the table and the kitchen, “Speaking of names, I left it how you had it in the paperwork, did you want to keep your maiden name, hyphenate – I would prefer Smoak-Queen over Queen-Smoak if we both change, or were you interested in the idea of picking something entirely new?”
“How are you so-? You were- when they first brought me back…and before, when you were going in for surgery you were…” shocked, pissed, ”you didn’t want to let it happen, you were going to fight me on it.”
“Your delivery of the information could have used some better timing, better discussion beyond ‘We’re married. I’m forcing you into surgery and sweet talking the nurses so they won’t say anything, here are the divorce papers, good bye.’ Yes, I was…surprised, and angry, and that helped fuel my recovery, but Felicity I love you. I never stopped.”
You’re wrong, “You can’t. I…” How can he not understand? “Look at-!“ I fight the urge to block his ability to do what I ask, “Just look at me.”
He does, slowly. “What am I supposed to be seeing that makes it impossible for me to feel the way I do?”
Squeezing over the slowly rebuilding muscle I cringe and stare away. “Don’t act like you don’t know. You don’t have to spare my feelings, don’t have to lie about it. I’m damaged. Broken, ugly-“
A harsh laugh cuts me off, “Do my scars disgust you?” He starts pulling off his shirt, putting it and the undershirt beside his suit jacket, revealing the patchwork of healed wounds.
At least one large one looks very fresh, and I try to keep my mind on what he just said and not trying to remember what I eavesdropped on the comms and in their records to try and place its source. “What?”
The words are soft, a genuine query, accusatory in the mimicked words, “What do you see when you look at me? Someone damaged, broken, and ugly?”
“Of course not”
“-course not.” He says with me. Oliver crosses his arms over his chest, “Did you leave because I was a paraplegic?” Before I can get out my confused question he continues, “You’re using that as a ridiculous excuse for me. It makes no more sense the other way around. Why would you expect me to think differently about someone like one of us than you do?”
“Because I’m-” different, not the woman you fell in love with, a killer, virtually an agoraphobic, sickly looking, depressive…Stop, change approach, “ You’re…you. Oliver, you’re a bil-former billionaire, the Mayor, insanely kind, protective, gorgeous, and a hero. Even if they don’t know just how important you are to this city I’m sure any number of people you date would-“
He leans over, and I pull back, “I’m married, I don’t date anyone but my wife.”
That argument again, like he ignores his options, “You don’t have to! You can get out of it. Find someone-“
“This is me telling you I don’t want to. Our differences are reconcilable. I contest your arguments. I won’t push you with what you’re not comfortable with, but I want to fix our marriage.”
We stare at each other. I know what he wants me to say, just like I know I can’t say it. ‘I want to fix this marriage too’ and, ‘I love you’ and any number of ways I could agree or apologize. I’m not even sure I’m capable of love like that anymore.
Oliver’s phone chimes a reminder tone, and we both glance at the clock. He’s going to get caught in traffic if he’s not out the door in the next couple minutes. “I could stay…?”
I can’t force myself to agree to that, “No. You’re the Mayor, that’s important.”
This is important.
I point at the folder of papers. “You have to drop those off. Go.”
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nanoka12 · 7 years
“Quad axel?I want to do it but...” Yuzuru Hanyu at press conference upon his return to Japan
Press conference at Haneda airport, 4 April, after the World Championships in Helsinki. 
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Q: You won the World Championships and returned as World Champion.
A: It reminds me of coming back after the Sochi Olympics, many people have come and formed lines to welcome me, giving me an enjoyable return to Japan.
Q: Looking back at the World Championships
A: This season, I was not really able to perform as I wanted to, and amidst the difficult struggles somehow I challenged myself to reach here. I’m happy to be able to produce the result I did in the FS.
Q: Looking back at this season
A: It was a difficult season. Not all skaters are able to give good quality performances right from the start of the season, and including myself there are many skaters whose efforts did not bear fruit in the things they challenged themselves. To be able to win this high level competition, I think there were many areas in which I was able to grow through the competitions. 
Q: At this moment what are your plans for next season’s programmes?
A: I am still thinking about it. The response for the FS at the World Championships is a significant takeaway. Just that I am not yet able to give a performance like this constantly. First of all I want to attain the ability to be able to perform constantly like this. 
Q: What is the image for next season’s programme music?
A: It has yet to be decided.  The season before last, when I skated to Ballade we decided on piano music first and then chose Ballade. But for the Olympic season I think I need to consider it more carefully. Anyway I want to listen to different pieces of music, and among the pieces of music that fits various jumps, steps and spins, consider which is the piece that fits my rhythm the most, which is the piece that best brings out my attractive qualities. And then finally be able to make a decision based not just on what brings out my best qualities but also the attractive qualities of the piece of music itself. 
Q: On challenging new jumps
A: I want to attempt various jumps when we enter the off season. The 4A? I want to do it but after all there is nothing more important than the start of the Olympic season. Just like not getting injured while raising the efficacy of training I want to strike a balance between attempting it and the risk involved and do it if I can.
Q: On Shoma Uno’s second place finish
A: He is an all-round skater. He has his strong points and I have my strong points. I think it would be great if the level of Japan’s figure skating rises as we improve and stretch ourselves in various areas. He definitely motivates me. I am proud of him and I want to continue to try to catch up with him.
Q: Looking towards the Olympics next year
A: Firstly I will focus on the competition that is right ahead. 
Q: What do you want to do the most right now?
A: I want to practice. Although we are currently at this post victory press conference, as another high level competition is just around the corner, I must practice in order to give a better performance than what I have done thus far.
Q: Will you be able to get any rest?
A: Definitely I will rest to recover a little from competition fatigue. However, I feel that perhaps I can also do so while training to prevent my muscle strength from declining and the feeling of competition from disappearing.
Q: Once again, regarding your programmes for next season 
A: With regard to how the music was chosen for this season, and the last two seasons, for the FS we chose music for which I had strong and clear thoughts and sentiments. In contrast, for the SP I’ve tended to trust Jeffrey (Buttle) to choose the music, and then thought about how to build on his sense and expand my own expression. I think this time it will probably be like this again. As it is really the deciding season, I feel that they must be programmes that strongly brings out my attractive qualities and that of the music. 
Q: To date which are the programmes that brought out your appeal the most?
A: To date...I think Notte Stellata is a programme that really focused on expression. In this sense it was a programme that drew out my appeal, and also as I think Parisienne Walkways left deep memories in everyone, I’ve been thinking to myself that maybe we can do something like these.
Q: What is your image of a winner of back-to-back Olympic titles?
A: I haven’t really thought about it. From an interview I heard, perhaps I remembered because it was recent, listening to Uchimura- san’s (Uchimura Kohei) words “The first victory was easier, not the title defense”, I thought to myself that as expected, repeating as Olympic champion is something that I will be conscious of.  Although it can be said that as of now there is still some time before the Olympics, I don’t have the spare capacity to say this or that about winning two straight titles. To what extent I am able to focus completely on and perfect my performance is directly connected to victory. I feel that whether I am able to erase thoughts of medals or defending the Olympic title in my training every day is important.  
Q: What is the importance of winning the gold medal in Pyeongchang?
A: When I won the gold medal in Sochi, I thought that it was the start of my second skating life. I truly felt that the environment was changing from the end of the Olympics. I wonder will things change if I win two back-to-back titles? Winning the gold medal, receiving a lot of well wishes and support as a result of that; I don’t think there is a bigger change than this. The people gathered here watching this press conference expect and look forward to me winning two straight titles, perhaps it will become a gold medal to answer their expectations? In this sense I do feel some slight pressure, but I enjoy it.  
In a separate article, Brian Orser laughed and replied “It’s top secret!” when reporters asked him at Helsinki airport on 3 April about next season’s programmes, but shared that he had discussed it with Yuzuru the night before and “There are several plans.”
Sources: asahi shimbun, sports hochi, nikkan sports
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denisalvney · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you’ve ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can’t put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you’re thinking of adding one or more to your business, it’s worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We’ve looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don’t have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor’s office, but isn’t something that exactly “makes the room” in your house, check out this line.
They’re strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they’re massage chairs.
Just don’t be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won’t leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you’re a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it’s a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let’s not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it’s designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you’re choosy, you’re going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you’re looking to save a few dollars, and you don’t mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn’t sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you’ve ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It’s a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it’s not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you’re an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It’s built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
[su_youtube_advanced url=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inP3GRRJX9o” width=“720” controls=“no” showinfo=“no” rel=“no” fs=“no”]
This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you’ll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night’s sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you’re a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can’t be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the “J” in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don’t have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you’re used to receiving in the spa. If you’re not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that–relaxing. So, you’re not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It’s baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you’re on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can’t go wrong with the 2310.
It’s small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the “relaxation” level class, it’s got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you’re on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2–rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won’t miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you’re sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It’s rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you’re not quite the “intense” level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits–decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they’re like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you’d get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you’re not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There’s a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It’s minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There’s a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there’s a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you’re in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It’s a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you’re looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there’s an option that’s right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on https://wellnessgeeky.tumblr.com
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helatherwhite · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you've ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can't put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you're thinking of adding one or more to your business, it's worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We've looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don't have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor's office, but isn't something that exactly "makes the room" in your house, check out this line.
They're strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they're massage chairs.
Just don't be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won't leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you're a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it's a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let's not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it's designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you're choosy, you're going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you're looking to save a few dollars, and you don't mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn't sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you've ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It's a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it's not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you're an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It's built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
[su_youtube_advanced url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inP3GRRJX9o" width="720" controls="no" showinfo="no" rel="no" fs="no"]
This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you'll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night's sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you're a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can't be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the "J" in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don't have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you're used to receiving in the spa. If you're not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that--relaxing. So, you're not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It's baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you're on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can't go wrong with the 2310.
It's small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the "relaxation" level class, it's got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you're on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2--rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won't miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you're sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It's rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you're not quite the "intense" level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits--decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they're like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you'd get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you're not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There's a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It's minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There's a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there's a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you're in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It's a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you're looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there's an option that's right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on http://wellnessgeeky.blogspot.com
0 notes
natiashakirkwood · 7 years
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
If you’ve ever considered a massage chair for your home or business, there might be a few blockers that immediately come to mind. Are they too indulgent? Is a massage chair an unnecessary extravagance? Or you might think adding one to boost revenue and profits is out of reach due to initial cost and ongoing output. But you might reconsider once you think about how long the list of pros is.
Massage has scientifically proven time and again to relieve stress, boost circulation, improve your cardiovascular health, and boost your immune system. Can you put a price tag on your physical and emotional well-being? Not really.
But even if hearing that makes you roll your eyes (I know. I hate when someone tells me I can’t put a price on something, but my bank account begs to differ), there are plenty massage chairs that are within reach monetarily and wildly beneficial.
Similarly, if you’re thinking of adding one or more to your business, it’s worth running the numbers. Look at the long game, and you might be surprised at what you find. Think volume. Think wholesale. Think discounts.
There are a few key players in the massage chair world and Human Touch is among the best of the lot.
We’ve looked at all five Human Touch massage chair lines, and the models in each, so you don’t have to.
Perfect Chair Line
If you think massage chair equals something that looks great in a salon or doctor’s office, but isn’t something that exactly “makes the room” in your house, check out this line.
They’re strikingly modern, aesthetically pleasing, and no one will know they’re massage chairs.
Just don’t be surprised when your unsuspecting guests won’t leave your house.
These chairs are all about the back: improving posture and spinal health, and relieving pain.
If you’re a fan of midcentury modern furniture, and you happen to know your chair designers, think Eames. The PC 610 is a looker. Sure, it’s a recliner and not a lounge chair + ottoman, but let’s not quibble over details.
It looks great, and it’s designed for form over function, as things are supposed to be. Oh how I long for those days.
These chairs are gorgeous. Also, if you’re choosy, you’re going to be happy with your options.
You get to choose the color of not only the frame, the type of leather (premium, top grain, or sofhyde), as well as the color (one to six options, depending on the grade you select). But enough about looks.
This chair is recommended by doctors, as it employs zero gravity positioning, and you can choose your recline. All with the touch of a button.
This has everything the PC-610 has, but you use your weight to move the chair instead of a button. You know, like a traditional recliner. So, if you’re looking to save a few dollars, and you don’t mind simply using your body weight to incline the chair into a position that will instantly transport you to Shangri-La, happy birthday.
If you lean towards minimalism and like a slightly smaller recliner with all the benefits, check this out. You get the same choices that you get with the 610 and 420 in terms of frame, fabric, and colors, and you can adjust both the angle of recline and the height of your legs. Zero gravity positioning is a given.
This recliner is designed for those who prefer some bulk to their furniture. It doesn’t sport the modern aesthetic as much as convey strength and stability. It comes in top grain leather, and you can choose from three colors. This is a recliner for someone who is all business when it comes to back health.
Human Touch uses what they call ProZero mode for this chair, which actually goes beyond zero gravity for optimal stress relief and spinal health. It also reclines into more positions than other recliner on the market.
PC Tranquility ZeroGravity
Pure Zen. Tranquility is the perfect nomenclature here. Human Touch designed this chair to transport your body and mind into a state of health and bliss.
The recline sets your body completely neutral and takes all of the weight off your joints and bones. Jade stones, built into the chair, heat up and soothe muscles and relive tension. Finally, waves of massage envelop the entirety of your body. Who are we kidding? This chair is beyond tranquil.
Accent Series
This series is designed for the serious enthusiast or anyone seeking any level of relief from back, neck, hip, leg, or body stress or pain. And if you simply need the highest order of relaxation and muscle tension relief out there, look no further.
If you’ve ever been, you can stop reading. Bali is all about massage, and no one on the island understand why anyone would stress about anything.
It’s a heavenly place. This chair lives up to the name and the outlook. It provides a very rigorous, so it’s not for the faint of heart.
Features include a rotating calf and foot massager built into the ottoman part of the recliner, which you control; a remote control that lights up (LED), so no turning on an overhead to disrupt your peaceful time; multiple shoulder settings, and actual arm containers, rather than rests. Your arms are hugged in massage.
There are nine height settings, the chair detects the length of your spine and back and adjusts accordingly. The cloud touch technology is placed at your arms, hips, seat, and shoulders, so you get the latest massage technology to every part of your body simultaneously.
Novo XT
If you’re an athlete or your job is particularly hard and demanding on your body, check out the Novo XT. It’s built for you and your specific physical and emotional needs, before and after your muscles get a serious workout.
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This chair looks a little futuristic because it is.
You can position the foot and calf massagers to suit your needs, and the foot rollers deliver expert-masseuse-level reflexology. The leg rest is automatic, adjusting to meet your exact height.
The built in Bluetooth speakers let you choose what type of music relaxes you, and the track (which they label unibody) covers more than sixty percent of your body, so this chair has you literally covered like no other.
You get a heated lumbar for added stress and muscle tension relief in your lower back, where we need it most, and the chair is designed to stretch and bend your back and legs to relieve back pain and speed recovery. You can choose from thirty-four programs, and as always with Human Touch, you’ll be supported in zero gravity positioning.
Read review of Novo XT Chair From HT
Delivering a vigorous level massage, the Accent Novo is built for over achievers. Like the XT, you get zero gravity design so your spine can recover and your hips and legs are weightless.
It also comes with thirty-two programs to choose from, the signature sixty-percent unibody track, and a heated lower back area for lumbar support and relief. The leg rest extends to match your body, and the intensity of the foot and calf massage are up to your discretion.
Navitas Sleep
This sleep chair will not only aid you in getting a better night’s sleep, but it will render your sleep more restorative. Like the Novo, but even better, this chair comes with thirty-six programs you can set for optimal wellness; arm hugging wells; and the classic zero gravity positioning.
If you’re a runner or weightlifter, you will rejoice in the calf massage feature; it provides a shiatsu massage as opposed to the standard air bag.
You also get the acupoint scan to ensure the back options is tailored to your exact height, and cloud touch acupressure. The 4D body stretch is designed to pull and stretch your whole upper and lower body in a way that can’t be achieved by stretching on your own.
The rhythm massage feature utilizes 4D technology and employs robotics in multiple dimensions, delivering a deep tissue massage that is almost unheard of outside one you can get from a licensed masseuse. Control it all exactly to your liking with a remote.
iJoy Massage Chair Series
This line puts the “J” in joy in so many ways. Designed to look beautiful and incorporate seamlessly into your home, no matter your decor preference, these chairs are beautiful and unassumingly effective in delivering amazing massage.
iJoy Foot
This little foot massager is as close as you can get to experiencing true, human-hand-reflexology. It is moderate in intensity level, but is a sheer joy. The massager employs robotics massage the feet, increase circulation, and relax the entire body.
Human Touch Ijoy Active 2.0
If you don’t have a lot of extra space or you just want a chair that fits where any other chair in your house would, the Active 2.0 is a solid bet. This is a classic chair, with three programs to choose from, and the circular massage you’re used to receiving in the spa. If you’re not happy with any of the three presets, you can mix and match to develop your own customized massage.
iJoy 2580
This chair is all about optimal relaxation. The massage level output is even labeled just that–relaxing. So, you’re not running into vigorous or intense territory with this chair. It’s baseline relaxation and stress relief, designed to help you feel more rejuvenated and less fatigue at the end of a hard day or week (or both).
All you have to do is sit down, push a button, and you’re on your way to maximum decompression.
You have your own control set, so you decide what type you want, and bonus, this has a cup holder built right in. It comes with three programs, and an outlet is built in in case you need to charge your phone while you relax. You control the intensity by removing (or not removing) the softening massage pad. Read our iJoy 2580 review here.
iJoy 2310
Another entry level chair, if you like things simple, have a tight budget, or just want a little more out of your recliner, you absolutely can’t go wrong with the 2310.
It’s small in stature and ergonomically optimized. Another chair in the “relaxation” level class, it’s got a controller stashed out of sight in the arm, a customizable intensity option with a removable pad, and three programs to choose from, featuring four different techniques. You can recline as little or as much as you want.
CirQlation Series
Human Touch built a line of foot and calf massagers around the basic tenet that we all so often forget: our legs and fee carry us around all day. They work hard and get very little love. We should treat them well. Buy good shoes, and get a massag. Look no further than the CirQlation series.
This foot and calf massager uses robotic technology to deliver it to your feet and calves that increases blood flow and circulation. It is delivered in a figure-eight pattern, targeting the power and healing that comes from foot reflexology massage.
CirQlation 2
It adds kneading to the figure-eight pattern, which provides maximum relief to sore foot muscles. If you’re on your feet all day, or have a high impact job, this massager delivers relief to your feet and calves in waves of de-stressing massage.
The ottoman rotates, and you can move it around, so you can use it with your most comfortable chair (or in the office). You can also remove the sleeves and toss them in the washer.
CirQlation 1
This foot and calf massager packs all of the punch of the CirQlation 2–rotating, independent ottoman, and kneading massage that reduces stress and increases blood flow and circulation.
If you won’t miss removable sleeves, check this one out.
This one puts you in control with a console and two built in auto programs. You get rollers under your feet for pain and soreness relief, and the figure-eight pattern of massage for increased circulation.
You can also adjust the position of the massager, so it can tilt up as high or as low as you prefer, depending on the position of your body and chair you’re sitting in.
This foot and calf massager takes thing up a notch. It’s rated as intense level scale, and to the features that come standard with the 4, it adds heat. Your calves will receive a circulating-inducing figure-eight massage, and your feet a vibrating reflexology-based massage.
Reflex Pro
If you’re not quite the “intense” level type of person, the Pro has you covered.
Comfortably (but not too comfortably) in the intense class, this massager delivers an excellent massage with all the wellness benefits–decreased stress, increased blood flow, and maximum rejuvenation. The Pro comes with warming technology for double duty relief, as well as the figure-eight and reflexology features.
Elite HT-1360
This vibrating and figure-eight pattern for your calves will leave your whole feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. It also provides kneading, which aids in the recovery of sore, tired muscles, and increases circulation.
iJoy foot
This lightweight, portable foot massager delivers unparalleled foot reflexology massage that you can take with you wherever you want. It is a great add-on to the iJoy Active 2.0.
Human Touch WholeBody Series
These chairs will refresh your body, invigorate your soul, and leave you pleasantly worry-free about your bank balance. At first blush, you might think they’re like any ordinary recliner, but look again.
They might look the part, but grab hold of the remote control, and your best recliner turns into instant massage therapy. And all the corresponding benefits are yours. Who has to know, really?
WholeBody 7.1
Coming in at a moderate on the massage scale rating, the 7.1 mimics a circular massage you’d get from a salon or trained masseuse. You can retract or extent the ottoman for foot and calf, and the 3D flexguide delivers a smooth experience.
You can pick from five preset programs, and the heated lumbar can give you extra relief on particularly bad back days. The swivel base is a nice feature if you’re not a fan of a single point of view chairs.
ZeroG 3.0
This chair integrates zero gravity technology, relieving your joints from all weight bearing for maximum spine health. It too has a retractable foot and calf ottoman, and three presets to choose from. The flexguide 3D technology delivers a smooth, even massage, and you control the intensity on all areas of your back.
AcuTouch 9500x
This is what you call a smart chair. It runs a scan on your back, selects the areas in which you are most in need, and targets those. There are two separate heating modules for your back, so you can literally turn up the heat on your lumbar. The seat integrates pulsating massage in eight areas, including the dreaded and much needed sciatica. There’s a foot and calf massager that you can adjust or retract, and eight presets.
ZeroG Volito
The ZeroG is similar in design to the Perfect series. It’s minimal, functional, and big on looks. It allows you to recline to full weightlessness, comes in high end leather, and delivers deep, healing, professional massage.
There’s a high-tech neck pillow that looks great and provides support for your head and neck, you can adjust the back and legs separately, and there’s a built-in calf and foot massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-275
This is medical-grade chair. The system has four rollers, and it targets your whole body, low back to neck. The calf and foot massager is adjustable width-wise, there are three preset programs, and you get the best of both massages: kneading as well as percussion, or tapping. If you need extra attention on your neck, you can remove the head pillow for more intensity.
AcuTouch 6.0
This chair is like a combination between a whole-body pillow and whole-body hug. You get a remote control, so you’re in charge, and all you have to do is sink in, and let the healing begin. This one has cloud touch technology, which targets your hips, shoulders, arm, and seat; acupoint detection for spot-on targeted relief, a retractable and adjustable foot and calf massager, with removable sleeves for easy cleaning.
ZeroG 4.0
They call this massage-delivery chair a smart 3D engine because it encompasses your body and moves in and around every muscle. You can choose where you want the pressure with your remote, or just pick one of the four programs. It comes with the fabulous calf and foot massager built into the ottoman, and of course, you can recline to absolute zero gravity.
ThermoStretch HT-7120
This chair gives you a whole lot of options. Choose from five different styles of massage, one or two heated back pads, and all stretch. You control the level and if you want feet and calves in the mix, just recline and enjoy the benefits of increased blood flow.
ZeroG 2.0
This chair makes the decisions for you. Just enter the level you want, and the targeting system does the rest. The ergonomically optimized seat and zero gravity positioning enable you to be completely weightless and supported. For full body immersion, there is a foot and calf massager in the ottoman.
WholeBody HT-5040
This one looks the part. It’s a tough chair, and its built to deliver maximum relief via moderate intensity. You can choose between five styles, and integrate your legs and feet with the ottoman massager. It integrates a full body stretch for improved wellness and a boost to your immune and circulatory systems.
WholeBody 5.1
The 5.1 delivers a superb relaxation massage. Also on the moderate level, the flexglide system ensures a smooth, soothing experience every time. There are three auto preset programs, and a retractable ottoman for leg massage. This chair swivels, so you can recline and rotate as you wish, and the back and legs move independently, so you can adjust each to your exact specifications.
ZeroG 5.0
This is an adaptable chair that will fit into any space. The ottoman is the width of the whole chair, so you get a full lower body massage. The flexguide technology in 3D targets your special-needs areas and delivers a soothing experience for optimal healing and wellness. There are four auto programs built in, and warming air on your lower back. You can go to zero gravity position by just pressing and holding a button to your exact desired angle.
WholeBody HT-3300
The recline feature is motor-driven, so you can get to any angle you choose via the control panel. The HT-3300 offer four massage techniques, and foot and calf massage. You can adjust the massage effect vertically, or pick a program that focuses on just one or more than one area at a time.
This chair is truly a masterpiece. Like your own massage capsule of relief, this chair is hard to rival. The zero gravity feature is button-operated, and it detects your back and neck specific needs to tailor the massage. Lumbar heat and cloud touch technology stretch specific muscle groups.
The built-in calf and foot massager provide vibrating rollers for your feet and compression for your calves. The sleeves are removable so you can wash them.
Place To Buy
You cab get it from Costco, E chair site, but most models available on Amazon. If you have any problem, it is an return  process. All chairs come with a warranty (varies from model to model), so you covered for any repair or replacement parts.
With so many quality Human Touch massage chair models to choose from, HT offerings are a notch above the rest. And whether you’re looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being at home, or your bottom line at the office, there’s an option that’s right for you.
Originally Published Here: Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line
Human Touch Massage Chair Brand: Reviews & Product Line published first on https://wellnessgeeky.wordpress.com
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