#so this absolutely is not just my fav hellsing artists; these are ones that focus on aluteg ^^
sweetsgun · 7 years
Uh hi, I really love your art, your style is just, ugh, flawless! Honestly looks like stuff that could be on the cover of a manga! Awesome job! But I just recently got back into Hellsing and I was wondering if you had any Fics or other blogs that would feed my thirst for Hellsing (Alutegra specifically)? Thank you and I hope your day/night is lovely~!
Hi!! I’m so sorry for the late reply, thank you so so much for your sweet words!! I really appreciate that ;//////;
And I’d love to help you with that thirst of yours (> w o)/
theres an aluteg blog here ran by a friend of mine that reblogs good content and posts stuff with permission (@alutegra)
a wonderful fanfic author for aluteg has to be FairyDrink on AO3, her url here is @ironcladvalkyrie and she runs an incredible RP blog for Integra! I also adore Iggy-Lovechild on AO3~
of course one of my favorite artists for alutegra is Yukari Toshimichi, she is the absolutely STAPLE in Hellsing fanart, she’s incredibly skilled and makes wonderful content and doujinshis for all fans to enjoy! (@solidandetc) 
continuing with doujins, Nankakureman is also a go-to! They create content that mirrors Hirano’s storytelling tactics that we all love (humorous yet very passionate and in-depth when need be) and have a unique, lovely style to their art…I have a few of them myself, they’re popular so you should be able to locate some doujins online, but if not lmk!
there’s also Cider Sticks (Amano Tigiri), who has a somewhat shoujo style and draws a gorgeous Integra and a beautifully depraved Alu~ 
and if you’re interested in nsfw works, Damn Dog (Yuki Takamura) has a very Hirano-esque style for her work yet maintains a personal flare!
There’s also leegoist and telekinez on deviantArt, and many, many fanartists and writers that niche alutegra that I could go on for ages about
this post is super long as is so I’ll stop here~ Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful day/night as well!! ♡♡♡
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