#so they're gonna end up codependent but not sibs and robin is later to it than steve who's been doing this his whole life
aringofsalt · 2 years
anyway my dumb dog woke me up at 4am so I'm writing some Steve and Robin supernatural au based on this post
they meet working at scoops but instead of Steve 'the hair' Harrington from school he's just some stranger (still with good hair tho) and she still thinks he's ridiculous
The sixth time? Not that she's counting, of course, but the sixth time she sees him? It's 11:37pm, the mall has been closed for three hours, their boss turned out to be a vampire and Steve staked him to save her like it was nothing, they're speeding away from the mall burning in Steve's rearview mirror while Steve rambles at her about the so-called real world like their lives depend on it, and Robin is fine.
Totally. Fucking. Fine.
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