#so they wont be confused when i wake up going “mmm yes this is a Rock day i identify as a rock today”(they may still be confused but yknow)
fallenrain40 · 3 months
im like, nonbinary in an agender way. agender in a "im actually just a canine" kind of way. genderfluid in a "well I don't always 100% identify with the label, but since my identity is constantly changing it fits me in a broader sense"
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uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 3 years
♤| dragon ball shapeshifter au
storyline rundown
part two
tw: profanity !! a bit of gore and such
the story begins on kakarot's farm! he lives with his parents, bardock and gine, and his brother raditz.
kakarot takes his produce to the market to sell, talking to krillin who is a police officer watching over in case of robbery or stolen goods, with his wife 18 and his daughter marron.
he hangs out there and sells all his produce, making a whopping amount of money to give back to his mother to go towards their farm. so thats what he does.
later that night, raditz barged in through the door, huffing loudly and covered in purple blood. it had a reddish tint. gine and bardock jump to their feet, bardock still in his training gi and gine in her white shirt and some sweatpants. "raditz!? what happened?" bardock exclaimed, gine following up with "why are you covered in... purple blood!?" this caused kakarot to come out of his room in a rush, "h-h-holy s-shit! i didnt kill anyone i swear mom, mom, dad please, i wouldn't do that!" raditz panicked. "s-something tried to attack me! i didnt know what to do so i attacked back!!" he tries to wipe the blood off, it being on his face.
whatever happened, scared raditz enough to make him shake in fear and what seems to be regret despite it being to protect himself.
kakarot however, still was unsure what happened. his father said he would explain in the morning, the situation was too dire for kakarot to get involved - especially with the police.
in town, vegeta covered his bloodied chest, panting as he hid deep in an alleyway. "goddammit," he huffs, slicking his hair back to keep the human bangs out of his face. hes got a huge gash across his chest, thanks to that damned raditz he happened to work with. luckily, he was morphed into some other alien lifeform and not his original shift state. he slowly morphed into a bird, a finch, and flew off to him apartment. he always kept his window cracked just in case this were to happen. just his luck, we wont be able to eat and to heal he needs that energy for food or else hell be out asleep for awhile.
he decides calling off work, so thats what he does. what he doesnt expect is a man with a thick ass fucking tail and slicked back purple hair and red eyes to be reading a book, lounging like a king on his bed. "f... frieza!?" vegeta says, startled.
"ah hello my creation! lovely seeing you here, dont you think?" he throws the book off to the side, getting up and striding over to the bloodied vegeta. "aw looks like you got a paper cut." he jabs a finger into vegetas cut across his chest. vegeta groans in pain, a tentacle whipping around to hit frieza away into a safer distance, but the icejin blocks smoothly with his muscled tail.
from here:
wow!! you found out vegeta is a "creation" of friezas, but what exactly does that mean?
raditz gets taken in for questioning. he gets blamed for a murder that happened on the otherside of town, the law system being dumb sentenced him to 25 years in prision for a murder he didnt do
kakarot is confused, bardock telling him there arent any alien threats and it was a misunderstanding on the jury and judge's parts bc raditz was getting mugged and a murder far away happened at roughly the same time, and they were desperate to throw someone into jail.
this is a lie, to some extent. kakarot believes it, living happily thinking there are no threats
vegeta attacked raditz, needing food. shapeshifters need to eat hearts and lungs of animals as food
raditz is the one who cut him across the chest (thatd why he has a scar on his chest in the ref sheet)
kakarot has to bring crops and milk into a market farther into town sometime in the next week, it being an event ran by capsule corp, a company that produces a lot of housing and vehicles and being in business for 40 years being the anniversary that day.
vegeta is a mechanical manager, wearing fancy clothing that day since its technically a high spot in the ranks for capsule corp.
vegeta likes milk, surprisingly. it helps a lot when recovering damage, especially his species. this is when he meets kakarot
kakarot is running his stand with the crates of crops and glass jars of milk set out on display with their price, krillin with him
vegeta is annoyed he has to speak up to get the seller's attention so he grunts with an "ahem"
kakarot jumps, apologizing and asking what he wants to buy. vegeta gets his milk and some vegetables for someone he knows
"hey, whats with the fancy suit?"
"you dont know who i am?"
"no. should i?"
"i-? im vegeta! im manager of the mechanics in capsule corp!"
"oh. is the job hard?"
they conversate, as kakarot sells his produce happily listening as he was able to get the short man with a temper to talk about his job.
vegeta himself was caught off guard by this action but happily talks
this ends in kakarot running behing the stand's curtain and grabbing his business card so vegeta can have a discount on milk next time he decides to buy
vegeta takes the card walking off
the card has kakarots name and number on the back, a message saying "text me personally if you want extra, i dont mind taking some. you seem cool!"
vegeta is a bit ticked, but pockets the card
over time, vegeta and kakarot talk over text a bit, kakarot delivering him milk like an old time milk delivery boy
turns out he actually used to be one as a kid
turns out hes been into marial arts as well, a long time interest of vegetas
they bond over this, kakarot find himself growing a crush on vegeta
one time kakarot stops buy with a delivery unannounced, not knowing he typed the text but didnt send it. he knocks on vegetas apartment door, but no answer.
he checks to see if its unlocked, and it is so he lets himself in, just wanting to put the delivery on the counter and head out.
he doesnt expect to turn around and see a vegeta with a towel wrapped around his waist, tentacles coming out of his back, green eyes, and sharp ears, teeth, and claws. "K-KAKAROT!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yells, surprised. he doesn't have bangs either
"why do you have tentacles?? why do you look different? why do you have that scar?"
vegeta is caught off guard, not sure if he should push kakarot out or tell him the truth. one way or another he knows the truth will spread, so he carefully debates his options
he tells kakarot the truth, hes a shapeshifter and hes insanely dangerous
kakarot is surprised dangerous aliens exist
he tells vegeta this, and deep down vegeta is mad kakarot is sheltered
little do they know as they conversate and bond, growing closer to each other kakarot finds out vegeta made a vow not to ever get in a relationship no matter how much he envied them, especially a human relationship, a certain someone is watching them and listening in, theyre keeping tabs on vegetas and kakarots feelings
trust issues amirite?
later that night, kakarot says his goodbye heading home, heart pounding. wow!!!! vegeta is... great. very great. kinda cute too, i mean what!?? no!!
kakarot rants to himself aloud in his room, window open to keep himself cool, about vegeta as he debates his feelings. he doesnt care if this seems out of character in his friends terms, all they see from him anyway is a dense fightcrazed guy with a dysfunctional relationship with an ex and his son. he realized vegeta doesnt see him like that, but, what DOES vegeta see him as?
he calls it a night
he wakes up to a "thwap, thwap, thwap" against his wooden floor
he sits up, looking around and seeing a short figure sitting at his desk.
"whos there?"
"ah, youre awake monkey! i have valuable information for you, about your lovely vegeta." the voice is squeaky
"and, who is telling me this?" kakarots interest is piqued, not seeing the mysterious figure as a threat, as of now at least
"oh-hohoho! im dr. cold! but please, call me frieza. doctor cold is my father's name."
"and what do you have to tell me about vegeta?"
"mmm, are you sure you want to know?" he gets up, beginning to pace
"theres a catch isnt there" kakarot realizes, serious
"oh! maybe you arent so dense afterall. yes, there iss monkey. its simple, deliever some of your left over crop to my facility tomorrow, i already left the address on a paper over on that... pitiful little desk of yours." frieza pauses. "vegeta will kill you if you arent careful. hes hungry, and he wants that heart. but... i think the poor creation wants it in more than one way. kill him before he kills you."
frieza hands kakarot a box cutter
"thats the only thing that will kill him. if you dont do it i expect that delivery tomorrow by midnight. if you dont show, and theres no news of him being dead, youll be a brilliant collection to my creations, monkey!" the man laughs in joy, clasping his hands together as his red eyes pierce through kakarot
kakarot reluctantly agrees, unsure how this will play out
anyway heres the part 1 of the rundown.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH12
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,582
- Author Note:Late update again hmm ;(  i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 12
“Seul, come here for a second” Hwasa whispered behind the counter signalling Seul to come over. Seul guffawed at Hwasa’s randomness, and quickly cleaned the table before making her way to Hwasa.
“What is wrong with you?” placing the tray on the counter neatly, Seul shot her friend a disbelief look.
Hwasa glanced over the counter to an area which Seul had a hard time to decipher at first, yet she followed her gaze mindlessly hoping it was not the usual prank that she pulled to get her revenge. Sitting at the corner, a young man in his early 20’s with his face fully covered up by his bucket hat. They could not see his eyes due to that but Seul could tell, he was immersed in his work.
Clenching onto his sketchbook while his free hand did wonder on the blank paper, his muscle flexed due to the intensity that he experienced at the moment. A small smile crept on his face, as he carefully gave a light touch on his character’s hair.
Pretty. He mentally praised the outcome.
“And..you are telling me because?” Seul tilted her head in confusion.
“Didn’t you notice? That guy came to our shop at least thrice a week, sit at the same corner, wearing a plain white tee or sometimes black with a bucket hat on top to complete his fashion. Don’t you find he is a little suspicious?”
“Mmm..and how is this related to us? He could be an aspiring artist, Hwasa. Look at the sketchbook in his hand, he must find this place gives him an inspiration. Stop being so negative for goodness sake” Seul scolded and rolled her eyes in return. Hwasa could be impossible sometimes, her hunch could be a little too fiction.
“The inspiration happens to be you Ji Seul. Hello, wake up girl! I saw how he looked at you” she retorted with protest.
Seul flinched with a disapproval frown “No, he doesn’t, stop imagining things. I can’t remember seeing him that frequent in our shop. Why are you so nosy!” she jabbed her arms with small force enough to annoy Hwasa.
“It is called being observant you foolish girl. Stop being gullible! He is crushing on you, I could tell! Believe me for, once will you?” Hwasa was being adamant especially when it comes to convincing Seul with her words.
“You are being ridiculous Hwasa. He is not crushing on anyone, can you please stop writing your own fiction story, thank you. Letting negativity consumes your already corrupted brain is not healthy, for your information” she pressed her lips into thin line. However, it would be a lie even after the little commotion that Hwasa cause, it didn’t trigger Seul’s curiosity. She found herself glancing at the male who seemed engross in his little world.
She shrugged off the thought away trying not to be mini Hwasa, that would be awful.
“Excuse you. It is you who being too positive. Stop seeing all the good things in people and for once start to doubt another human ugh. Not all of them are saint as you imagine!” she whined not liking the fact that her own best friend did not have her back on her.
“Okay Miss, this talk is pointless. Besides, that guy pays for his drink so let him be unless he is using this place for free just to hangout then we have the right to question his presence here. Now, mind your own business Hwasa, we have stakes of plate behind to be cleaned. Go go!” she gave her friend a light pat on her bum causing the latter to pout.
Taking a final glance at the man whom sat at the corner, their gaze lock without they realize. It surprised him as he quickly lowered his head with a small smile “Weird” Seul mutters at his weird antic.
I wonder when will I have the courage to talk you. He heaved a soft sigh while continue to steal secret glances at the hardworking girl. How her presence alone managed to take his breath away. It all started with a mere admiration, and as day passed he didn’t even realize why his heart will find its own way there.
She is an escape from the reality.
She is his muse.
Trudging to the kitchen as fast as lightning, his nose is greeted by the sweet smell of Jin’s cooking “COOKIES” Taehyung hollered with a goofy grin. Jin looked his shoulder eyeing the younger guy sternly “Do not touch it!” he warned.
“WHY?” he whined, sticking his lower lips out as an attempt for his infamous aegyo (acting cute).
“This is for the caretaker lad-Ahjumma” he corrected but Taehyung was quick to catch on. A sly grin could be seen across his face “Are you preparing this for the caretaker lady? Seul isn’t it?” he poked fun.
Jin frowned “I am just being nice since she kinda give me a good piece of advice that night, so I feel indebted” he tried to hide his flushed face from being seen, to react this way was super wrong. It was not like he liked her in that way. Weird.
“Are you sure it is just an advice? Did something happen between both of you which does not involve words of advice?” Taehyung poked the cookies with his finger trying to steal it away but only to be stopped by Jin.
He swatted his hand from touching the cookies and glared at Taehyung’s way “Dirty minded Taehyung, who taught you this? Namjoon?” the latter pouted again as if he’s innocent as charged. Well all he wanted was a piece of the cookie, but thrifty Jin seemed to only care about the caretaker lady.
“All I wanted was a piece of this yummy cookies, only to be called dirty taehyung this early making me sulky” dramatic Taehyung touched his chest indicating he was in pain.
“Do not be silly Kim Taehyung” Jin rolled his eyes getting used to Taehyung’s weird antic. He took a piece of fresh baked cookies from the oven and shoved it into Taehyung’s mouth. “There happy?” he jeered.
Taehyung gave him a thumb up and wink before skipping happily to the living room. Kids would be kids.
Jin looked around making sure there was no one taking a peek on what he was about to do, he pulled out a cute box and arranged the cookies accordingly with a genuine smile. It was just a simple act of gratitude, right? He did not outdo it, was he?
Finishing up the small token of appreciation for Seul, he left a simple thank you note on top of the box “I hope she likes it” biting his lower lips to surpass his excitement, Jin kept the box on the table hidden from his nosy members. If they happen to see this, he would get tease for the rest of his life.
“What the heck Hoon, you are their fans and why am I being dragged into this illogical thing” Seul grumbled under her breath. His foolish brother had the audacity to make her attend BTS Puma Fansign just because he wanted to get that limited-edition winter jacket. In all honesty, she admired his passion in obtaining the jacket however hell man this is Bangtan thing and definitely not her cup of tea.
“How is it illogical when it is a Bangtan thing!” he was offended. What a true Army, clap.
Seul cringed “Because it is a Bangtan thing, stop acting like a fangirl”
Hoon argued “CAN’T A MALE FANGIRLING TOO? WOW SPEAKING OF BEING DOUBLE STANDARD” he guffawed cynically and continued “And there is something called fanboy for someone like me, thank you”    
Seul shook her head while putting on her pink converse, she really needed to ignore his brother weird request from now on. Especially when it involved Bangtan. Persistence Hoon wont back away that easily, so he went to Seul side with his sad façade, prolly trying to impress Seul.
“Come on nuna, help me to get that winter edition jacket. I saved up my money for that, now because of my stupid speaking test. My plan to get the jacket burnt down to ashes” Hoon complained as if Seul was the reason why his early plan was doomed.
“For your information I have a better work to do rather than attending some weird fansign. Can’t you just get the jacket later on? They might put it up after the fansign, Ji Hoon! Why with the rush?” she retorted with a low scowl.
“Oh god, you are really oblivious, aren’t you? By the time they put it on display, everything will be wiped out by the Armys! Don’t you know the power of Army?”
Seul scrunched up her nose in utter disgust “Ew, you sounded so righteous trying to defend your favourite idol. But, power of Army? What I know is, it turns you into a pussy” Hoon gawked at Seul’s sassy mark. No one really could beat that foul mouth of hers.
Hoon sensed anger and hatred in Seul’s tone, even worse than before. He knew Seul did listen to Bangtan songs even though it was not to the extent of fangirling yet back then before she started this caretaking job, she did not sound as salty as now. What exactly happened to change her into some kind of typical k-netz whom sometimes only know how to condemn everything that the idols do.
He pinched the bridge of his nose while digesting his sister’s rude demeanour “Okay, nuna. Let me put every piece together first. What exactly happened at work causing you to act this way? As far as I am concerned the worst thing that you ever said to Bangtan was Jungkook hyung is a lazy bum” he frowned.
“Not this Bangtan talk again Ji Hoon. Look I am running late so can we just drop this thing because their life is not my problem. Alright?” she stood up, patting her jeans lightly and made her way to the front door only to be stopped by Hoon.
“WHAT NOW!” she hissed angrily.
“Say yes to the Puma fansign first then I am letting you go!”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Nuna please just this one! It is important”
“My job is important too and I have stomach to feed, get out of my way before I smack your soul out of your body. Go study and stop fangirling over Bangtan. Get a life Hoon” her brows knitted together into a deep frown.
“Just this one fansign please” Hoon threw his arms around her neck, basically clinging onto Seul for his dear life “I promise I will not ask anything irrelevant after this if you just help me to get the winter jacket” he begged with his puppy eyes.
“You are so annoying” Seul bit her lower lips trying to fall for Hoon’s request. She did not think meeting Bangtan members especially Yoongi and Jimin would be a good idea. Plus, to add to the suffering that she experienced, Jin was in the equation too. One fansign would not hurt right? They would not recognize her if she hid her face. That was face mask for!
Inhaling a deep breath, Seul finally gave in “Fine, just this fansign” Hoon hopped happily, squishing her sister into a super tight hug. He could be a little childish sometimes.
“I LOVE YOU NUNA SO MUCH” she felt a moist friction against her cheeks. Not a kiss Ji Hoon. Not a kiss, this grossed her out.
“Okay I am out from here, get off me” using her strength she pushed Hoon off her, so she could start walking and started her day already. She exited her apartment while rolling her eyes, then Hoon hollered at the back “It is today at 6! I will wire you the money and text the detail! Oh nuna! Get me the grey jacket thank you!” she sighed tiredly.
Thankfully, it was Saturday, so she didn’t have to tend Bangtan’s dorm. Much to her annoyance, she couldn’t imagine running around from one place to another just because of Hoon silly request. Unimportant much.
Seul left earlier than she did to attend Hoon’s BTS Puma Fansign however to her dismay, she was stuck in traffic causing her to arrive 30 minutes later than the actual event. Another shitty thing happened after another, when she was not allowed to enter the venue with her face mask. What was the big deal again? She then, followed the rule anyways as much as she hated it since she already promised Hoon to get him that dreamy winter jacket of his.
She was amazed by the settings and by the time she entered the small exhibition room, fans had already lined up for the fansign. Even from afar, she could see the members were already in their seat getting busy with their fanservices. Some members were entertaining the fans on the floor with cameras, must be their fansites, Seul mumbled under her breath.
Without her facemask, she felt so exposed to danger especially that exact two members whom already well aware of her existence. Seul cussed in her head not liking this one bit, one of the staffs came to her demanded her to be in line. Now this was a real drill.
She had to pretend as if nothing happened then and ignored those two completely. What was the worse thing they could do in public? Ji Seul everything will be fine, just smile. She spoke to Hoon earlier about the ideas of getting the winter jacket only and to ditch the fansign, but that little filthy creature wanted Bangtan’s autograph on the poster too. What a brat.
Thirty minutes passed yet there was no sign of Bangtan members in front of her, there were about 20 fans before her turn. This by far the craziest thing that she ever did for someone named Hoon. It would not happen again, she will make sure that.
Seul almost dozed off whilst waiting and of course she paid no attention to the fans around her and her surroundings. All she cared was to end this thing instantly “My god why am I doing this” she rubbed her sleepy eyes, yawning away to ease the sleepiness in her.
Getting bored standing in line like a fool, her eyes wander around watching the excited fans whenever their favourite members reacted to their questions. Idols really are the best actors of the century, weren’t they tired? Seul still could not understand a fangirl’s life, the closest would be her brother.
Her eyes were fixated on Jin, looking all glee and joyful with his fans. If and only that fan knew the real struggle behind smiley Jin, she sighed. The corner of her lips was tugged into a small smile upon witnessing Jin’s passion and his kindness with every fan who come to greet him a simple hello. He is a nice guy, she mentally complimented.
Seul felt a gaze on her as she shifted when the line moved forward, that weird feeling again. Jimin’s eyes were on her direction making Seul melted under his strong gaze. People might think he was actually staring into the lens, but no.
Jimin had his eyes on that one familiar figure not far from where he sat “Ji Seul..” he mumbled lowly not wanting to garner any misunderstanding from the fans and members.
Shoot, he knew me. Screw it. Seul turned her body to other side, steadying her heavy breathing. This won’t do, she must stay calm and act like nothing happen. This is their workplace, they should be professional anyway.
Jimin’s playful smile was slowly replaced by a genuine one as his attention now was on the fan in front of him. He could not wait until Seul’s turn came, there were a lot of things to ask.
On the other side, there was another person on stage whom seemed as surprised as Jimin, his beautiful lips were perfectly shaped into the most breath-taking smile which could blow any heart away ‘It is her. The lady from the tea shop’ he could not believe what’s in front of him.
His muse is there. He did not know she’s a fan well except her phone ringtone indicated she might be a possible fan, but to see her stood there in her casual clothes shook his heart.
She looked beautiful as always.
He returned his attention back to the audience and the members whom seemed too engross in doing something per requested. Guess, he finally had a chance to talk to her even for a short while in a bit.
After waiting for another twenty minutes, her turn to be entertained finally here. Well not exactly entertained, she was doing it for brat Hoon. Deep down inside, she was as nervous as other fans, except she really hated the attention from the public. Being in public alone in this kind of event pressured her to be cautious of her surrounding even more.
Jung Hoseok was the first member who greeted her cheerfully, it baffled Seul to see energetic Hoseok. He was indeed the real sunshine of the group, never once she caught him frowning or sighing. It was incredible how he was able to maintain that face whole day.
“Your name?” Hoseok asked cheerfully looking into Seul’s eyes intensely. Seul felt her cheeks getting hot at this unnecessary fanservice, not like she’s a fan of them. God, she hated this feeling the most.
“Urm… Se-I mean Hoon” she mumbled nervously.
Hoseok tilted his head while blinking his stupidly cute round eyes “Hoon?” he didn’t sound convinced at first considering the name was too manly for a girl like her “Is this your first time?” he inquired.
“Mmm.. yes.. actually this is for my brother. He is a fan, but he couldn’t make it to the fansign” she cleared her throat in hope she didn’t sound too nasal.
His mouth formed into an ‘o’ shape with a soft nod “Say hi to your brother then, Hoon’s sister” Seul chuckled at his cheekiness. For an odd reason, his smile warmth her heart and for goodness sake Jung Hoseok is beautiful. His honey skin is everything, okay enough complimenting.
Seul shifted to other side to meet the second Bangtan’s members, she saw him before but couldn’t really call his name. He had a cute smile plastered across his face, as he scrunched up his nose cutely making Seul froze in her spot “Hi.. how are you? I like your smile by the way..” his voice was holly deep and sexy.  
That was random as hell. What is with her smile again?
She turned fifty shades of red at the compliment “F..ine.. I guess? Mmm..thank you?” Seul wanted to force the word out from his mouth but only to be stopped by the person beside him, Park Jimin.
“Taehyunggie you are flattering her, don’t worry let me take it from here” Jimin slipped his hand in Seul’s cold one, pulling her in front of him. Seul could hear Taehyung guy whines at the background claiming Jimin stole his fan away, however to Seul, she was too preoccupied by Jimin’s presence.
How could a guy that she encountered few weeks ago could be this beautiful? I mean come on, Jimin was the real definition of living prince.
“Fancy to see you here again, Ji Seul-ssi” he caressed his thumb over her skin in circular motion whilst his other hand signed the poster in front of him. Ji Seul chose to remain silent, like what else she could say to this Park Jimin guy.
“I thought you were not a fan” he smug playfully making his eyes shrunk in process.
“Am not” Seul blurted with a long sigh. This whole thing was too much for her heart to handle, especially with Jimin stroking her skin as if she’s his lover. Was he this affectionate with his fans? Crazy.
Jimin bit his lower lips enjoying the scene in front of him, he had the upper hand now. It was rather interesting to see her overreact to his little touch “So, why are you here? Do you like someone from Bangtan?” he pried answers from the flustered girl.
“Well, I don’t exactly have one” Seul wanted to pull her hand away from Jimin’s grasp but did not want to appear rude. Another thing was that she did not want to cause any rumours, so she just played along until she found the perfect chance to just end this.
She started to break a cold sweat, this staring contest would not be over until she came up with answers, so she shut her eyes together and blurted out the first name that came into her mind “It is Suga” she gawked at her own answers.
Hearing his name being called Yoongi who sat three seats away from Jimin turned his head to Jimin’s direction, he too could not believe what he just saw. Did he really see it right? Ji Seul, their caretaker was there all along at the fansign.
Jimin face felt yet he managed to cover it up with the sweetest smile ever “Oh, guess you are looking forward to your meeting with Hyung” he winked. Seul looked away, finally able to pull her shaking hand away from his strong grip “It is nice meeting you Jimin-ssi” with that Seul quickly moved to the person beside Jimin.
The wise leader had been assessing the whole situation and he was not a fool though. He knew the way how Jimin and Suga exchanged a meaningful look, he knew the two members and the girl in front of him knew each other. Could it be the infamous caretaker lady that those two bragged before?
“Are you alright?” he saw how the girl broke into cold sweat, Seul was fiddling with the hem of her shirt easing the tense that she felt in her muscle.
Seul smiled politely “I am okay.. Thank you for asking” Namjoon’s dimple smile seemed to calm down her racing heart at least. It didn’t last long when Namjoon leaned over the table, dabbing Seul’s forehead with his sleeve.
Squeals after squeals could be heard from every corner making Seul flustered in her stance, what in the world just happened. Her body paralyzed at this small gesture and the proximity killed her inside “Don’t be nervous even this is your first time. You are doing great” Kim Namjoon was a real gentleman.
Seul chewed her lower lips, hiding her now crimson red face from Namjoon “Thank you…Good urm luck in anything you do and eat well I guess” he returned to his seat with a wide grin. Before Seul moved to the next member, Namjoon gave a light pat on her head and whispered in her ears “I remember you, glad to see you again caretaker agashii” he nodded with nose scrunched up revealing his dimple once again.
That is so not healthy. Seul chuckled bitterly and faced another unfamiliar face in front of him, guess she really need to study hard when it came to their names.
“Hello…Urm…?” Seul paused for a moment scrutinizing Jungkook’s face, rummaging through her memories. What was his name again? She cursed in her head.
“Jungkook..Jeon Jungkook.. You really are not a fan, you seem to like Suga hyung more than anything” Jungkook shook his head with a light chuckle. God, even his small laugh alone sounded melodious.
Of course, he is the Jeon Jungkook. Everyone knew he is the Jeon Jungkook, except Seul who’s still struggling with BTS’s members name in her head. She kept on messing the same name all over again except few members that left a great impression on her before like Yoongi, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon. Those are the only members that she accidentally bumped into so far.
“I am sorry Jungkook-ssi. Just a little urm… nervous I guess. The words just could not get out from my mouth” Seul sighed deeply.
“It is okay I am joking. You seem a little tense, calm down a little” he teased. Jungkook’s bunny smile managed to make her laugh a little despite the sticky situation that she faced a moment ago, now she felt a burden being lifted off her shoulder. Jungkook and Seul chattered for few more minutes before they ended with a shy hi-five as the staffs motioned Seul to move quickly not hogging the line.
Seul apologized and moved to the second last member, the eldest in the group, Kim Seokjin. Only god knew how uncomfortable she was conversing with Jungkook earlier, when she could eventually sense Jin’s deep gaze on her. It ripped out her sanity.
The corner of her eyes caught a glance of Yoongi whom sat the end of the table with a poker face, he was ignoring her whilst paying his attention on the fans at the audience seat. His voice alone was a major distraction to her innocent ears.
“So is it true Yoongi is your favourite member?” Jin’s soft voice diverted her attention to him instead. He found herself envied Yoongi, and trying to digest the ridiculousness. Wasn’t she supposed to loathe him instead since the things happened between the two aint pretty.
“I said do you like Yoongi?”
“Should I take that as a yes?”
There was another silence between them. She had been repeating this question all over again in her head, what more she could say?
“Well, I wish it could be me instead. Don’t you think Yoongi doesn’t deserve your love” he joked causing the other guy to kick his calf under the table. He grinded his teeth together giving the older guy a warning glare.
“You may become one, in the future” Seul smiled, thanking Jin before shifting herself to Yoongi. Jin was in dazed upon hearing her response, Seul is attractive in his eyes. Biting his tongue down, he wished to see Seul again soon.
If and only she could skip Yoongi, she would gladly do that. Upon his eyes fell on Seul, he slouched forward examining the girl’s face so intensely that cause everyone in the audience fell silence in their seat.
Yoongi was known to be less affectionate with his fans in comparison to other members like the maknae line. But, there were rare occasion whereby he would shake hand casually with his fans. Likewise, with Seul he felt the urge to tease her even more than that.
Breaking his usual cold and cool demeanour, Yoongi cups her cheeks gazing into her eyes deeply “I told you we will meet again Mrs Hwang’s daughter” he murmured lowly careful someone might hear him.
The faint voices behind her was just another voice that she had completely filtered from her memory. Other members took the moment to glance over at their side to witness the commotion, they were weirded out by Yoongi sudden change of character. How unusual.
“What are you doing” Seul hissed under her sharp breath. She didn’t fancy this kind of thing especially when Yoongi was the one who initiated the first move.
Yoongi smiled adorably “Being friendly” he chuckled, as his hand moved to the tuck the strand of hair behind her ears. He continued to give her an affectionate look, turning Seul into a real mess. For pete’s sake, she really hated Min Yoongi. Why he even exists?  
“Didn’t know that you actually like me?”
“I don’t”
“I am not”
“Prove it”
“Do I need to kiss you and ruin your career then only you trust me”
“Oh, that will only affect you. I will just announce to the world you are my girl, as simple as that”
“Only if you invite me to your bed”
“Thank you”
Their banter was done under the radar, no one could hear them except Kim Seokjin, but he decided not to butt in and let them be. He was still dead curious on the inside, just how close these two are? They seem to have a very friendly relationship in his eyes.
Yoongi leaned dangerously close to her face before releasing her completely “See you around, Mrs Hwang’s daughter” he gave her one final wink. Grumpily, Seul got up descended from the stage with red face. The result of her random banter with Yoongi caused her to be this sensitive.
Just wait, I will poison you in your sleep. Clenching her fist together, Seul refused to look back though he knew Yoongi’s eyes never left her until she disappeared from his vicinity.
Did she leave already? The guy peered up scanning the area to find a glimpse of Seul in the audience. He flinches as he failed to catch Seul face anywhere in the area, then he slumped in his seat.
I will just visit her at the shop. He smiled to himself.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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Hurricane P37
Happy x REader
Warnings/Triggers: 18+ only. If under 18, kindely un-follow me please! Smut.. sort of. Cheating.
Notes: ... I don’t even know..
Tags: @moodygrip @trippinjenni @jenny885 @mywhitehatisbigger
“Happy I gotta go.. Gotta check on my girls.” “Five more minutes… who knows if I will ever feel my arms wrapped around you again..” He put his head in your neck. He ignored the hickie Lorenzo left on your neck, knowing he didn’t want to ruin the moment. He pressed a kiss to your neck, sending a jolt threw your body. He felt you freeze and then shiver slightly in his arms. Internally he groaned remembering how responsive your body was to his. He pressed one more near the hickie causing you to slightly moan out. You covered your mouth shooting up. “I wish you happiness..” was all you said as you sprinted into the club to look for Sammy and Trina.
Happy watched you leave and felt his heart crack in two. He could tell that you still loved him, by the way you held onto him and the moan you gave him. Was this goodbye? Where you really done with him all together? He slowly got up. His body felt lighter but heavy at the same time. How was that possible? He got everything off his chest and you left, almost saying goodbye forever.
You felt your phone go off at your side in your deep jeans pocket.
Lorenzo: “So… I did something bad.”
You: “What?”
Lorenzo: “Can I call you, are you busy?”
You: “At the club house with Kozik and the girls. Let me step out. Call me in five minutes.”
Walking back out the club, you snuck into TM. Getting on video chat with Lorenzo he looked like shit. He had slight bags under his eyes. You where certain it was because of lack of sleep and the office pushing him to his limits since he had been gone. He had not asked for any help, probably leaving it for the big guys you rationalized. He sighed a bit deep and you knew something was wrong. He only did that sigh when something was terribly, terribly wrong. “I ugh… I… slept with that new girl… last night… I am sorry.. I know we said..” you held your hand out. 
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Your body wanted to give out. Knowing you two where not a thing, you made a promise to yourself you would not show him how heart broken you where. Not him or any man after Happy. “All good we where not together. Talk to you later.” “Y/N.. WAIT!” you hung up the phone blocking his number immediately. Was it childish, yes. Did you feel like a million trains hit you? Yes. Tears flowed down your cheeks and you quickly wiped them. Was this how it was going to be with the men you loved? Stabbing you in the back? Everyone except Kozik, Trina and Sammy. You knew they always watched over you.
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Walking back into the club you went straight to the bar. “Seven shots.” The bartender looked at you shocked. He nodded lining seven shots up and poured the tequila you ordered. Happy seen you across the room. He counted the shots and looked at them confused and hurt. He pushed Koziks shoulder slightly to point to him what you where doing. “Shit.. somethings..” before he could finish, you slammed all seven of them down. Shaking your head slightly at the burn. You walked a bit over to the pool table where Sammy and Trina where chilling with the Charming SOA boys and Lily. They always knew how to fit in so perfectly with any crowd anywhere. You envied them for that. “Hands off..” Sammy yelled to a patch you had not seen before. She kept swatting his hands away from her hips. You stormed over there, being protective as usual. “Hands off. She’s no croweater!” You growled to the man. He looked at you and rolled his eyes. Sammy turned around standing next to you. “Did you just roll your eyes at my best friend?” you both hit him in the face with a fist, causing him to fall flat on his back. “HOLY SHIT!” Tig yelled stunned standing up, spilling his beer slightly. “Asshole..” you hiccupped. Sammy felt her phone ding as she checked it.
Kozik: “Somethings wrong.. she just took like seven shots in a row.”
Sammy looked at you slightly concerned. “What happened? You seem off.. did Happy?” “No… Happy was fine…” you held you hand up. “He is always so fine..” you smirked and laughed.
Sammy looked down at her phone again to see a group text with Trina And Lorenzo.
Lorenzo: “Y/N wont answer my calls.. I slept with another girl.. She said she was fine.. tell her to call me please!”
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Sammys face shot up looking at you. You looked at her sad and confused. She grabbed you, Trina coming behind you and hugging you both. The guy stood up behind Sammy, all of you not noticing. “Stupid bitches!” The guy yelled. He went to throw a punch and it was caught. “Touch any of these girls..” Happy took a gun out of his holster “I will add you to my smiley collection..” He shoved the mans hand back, he simply snarled and walked away. You look to Happy nodding to him slightly. “Thanks..” you whispered. He nodded walking away in the opposite direction.
You sat at the picnic table feeling the effects of the alcohol. You talked with Sammy and Trina for an hour, trying your best to convince them you where fine. Of course they didn’t buy into it. You told them to enjoy the Charming boys and that you all could relax and binge watch shows on Netflix tomorrow after you cured this hangover you where certain to have. Staring at the stars it had to be about 3AM. Your eyes started to flutter close as you breathed in the cool air. You where unsure where Kozy was, expecting him to most likely being with his ‘uncle’ Tig as Tig called himself. You laughed drunkly thinking about it. Your heart felt like a fucking tug of war game and right now you just couldn’t deal with much.
Kozik looked down at his phone seeing thirty-two missed calls. He checked who they where from and seen it was from Lorenzo. He quickly walked out of the club and didn’t see you laying on the picnic table. “Hey bro you called like over thirty times what’s up..?” “Did you see my messages??” “No..” Kozik said confused. “Where is Y/N?” “Unsure.. she punched a guy in the face for hitting on Sammy.. well they both double teamed him.” “I.. I slept with another girl.. She acted like it was fine but I seen the disapp..” Koziks face went from worry to furious in .03 seconds. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! You hurt her too?! I am fucking done! No one is allowed to go around her!! Besides Sammy and Trina. Bottom fucking LINE! Stay in NEW YORK till this shit blows over!” “Kozik..” Lorenzo tried to get a word in. “No! Even if you where not together.. come on man.. you treated her so well.. Fuck this.. man..” Kozik hung up the phone punching the wall. “Brother it is fine..” you spoke not even looking back at him. He walked over to you quickly surprised to see you there.. He could tell you where wasted by your glossed over eyes. “Sis..” “Just numbing the pain a bit… I only trust you and the girls.. Hell… after that conversation with Happy I think I am square with him.. I think I am going back to Tacoma..” you mumbled. “Sis.. don’t leave me again..” Kozik sat on the bench of the table. “I know..” you sighed a bit. He grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it. “I am sorry sis..” “I think it hurts more because we where close friends..” you spoke, tears falling down your cheeks. “I know..” He rubbed the top of your hand, holding it tightly. “How about you and Kozy come with the club to Montana for a few days on the run. I know Jax wouldn’t mind it. We are leaving Friday. Girls leave in a few days. You could be of help to the Montana charter I am sure.” You looked at him. “Ok.” Was all you could say. You closed your eyes slightly. “Go back to the club bro, I am fine. Kinda enjoying this numb feeling.” He kissed your head and sighed. You frowned when he left, feeling bad for him always being in the middle of everything.
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You woke up feeling a banging in your head. You look to see a clock that said 7AM. Opening your eyes fully you looked around. It was Happys dorm room. Sitting up, you fell back down on the bed, dizziness happening. The door opened and you slowly tried to sit up. Happy walked in with two iced coffees and something in a bag. “How you feeling champ..?” He mumbled. “Like I got hit by a fucking plane..” he chuckled a bit grabbing the pills and water from the night stand. “Take and drink.” Nodding you did as he told. He handed you the coffee and put the straw in it for you. “Thanks..” you sipped the coffee and sighed. “The moment I said it was for you Craig gave me everything on the house.” You chuckled a bit. “He is a nice guy. Very much a family guy. Likes close nit stuff like communites..” Happy nodded taking out a bagel and cream cheese handing it to you. “Blueberry bagel with light cream cheese.” He spoke. “You remembered…” “How could I forget.. we drank a lot in Tacoma..” He laughed a bit.
Waking up it felt like someone took a fireplace poker and stuck it through your skull. Hangovers where rare, but the Tacoma guys had a huge deal go through and it was balls to the walls. Looking around the room your vision was blurry. “Ugh.. fuck…” you held your head. Happy walked into the room chuckling at the sight of your head in hands. “My poor babe. You may have drank Kozik and I under the table.. but you’re the one feeling it.” He handed you the iced coffee, and your famous blueberry bagel with light cream cheese. He always got those for you since your first hangover with him. You always said for some reason it made you feel 100% better after that. Taking a bite of the magic bagel you almost felt like jumping for joy. Logically it was science not magic, but no fucks where given with this wonderful hangover curing food. “MMM MMM MMMMM!!!” you almost yelled. Snorting he sat next to you kissing your temple. “Glad its good beautiful.” He grabbed your coffee from you, holding it so you could devour your meal. “Those bagels are good as hell. Ate mine on the way home.” You seen him eyeing your bagel. Holding it to his mouth, he took a bite of yours. “Thanks babe.. still hungry.” He smiled, speaking with bagel in his mouth. Wiping the extra cream cheese off of his bottom lip you ate it. “Mmm” you smiled stretching out. Grabbing the coffee you drank it quickly and slowly stood up. “Bath and movies?” nodding to Happy you wrapped your arms around his neck. “My breath probably smells.” Happy nodded slightly. Laughing you turned to go brush your teeth. He slapped your ass following you to the bathroom. Being goofy and honest worked for you two in the past.
“Thanks… seriously.” “I couldn’t let you sleep on the picnic table with a bunch of drunk men around. Bunch of animals. There my brothers.. but still.. You may be Lorenzos.. but..” “No. I am no ones.” You demanded. He narrowed his eyes slightly. “Sorry..” mumbling you drank the rest of the coffee. “Your toothbrush and toothpaste are still here, as well as your shower stuff. “Do I smell?” “No, usually you always shower after a night of partying and drunkenness.” You nodded walking to his bathroom.
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Stepping out from the bathroom the steam followed you out. Happy was laid up in his bed watching TV. “Sammy and Trina are still knocked out in Chibs and Jaxs room. Kozy is awake and went to go chill with Tig again. He slept in here last night.” “Thanks for keeping an eye on him. Kinda feel like a bad mom..” “No please.. He was having fun with Tig.” You glared at the word fun. Knowing Tig could be a little on the crazy side. “Tig bought him a few chew toys.” You nodded. Happys eyes trailed your body in the towel. “Can.. I ugh.. borrow something to wear?.. Shirt smells like liquor..” he nodded, walking over to the dresser you stood close to. He, without thinking placed his hand on the small of your back as he searched through the dresser drawer. The feeling of his heavy hand on your back felt way too good for you liking. He went through his shirts and found one. “Here.” IT was his black Reaper shirt. On the back saying TACOMA in huge letters.” “Reminds me of home..” you smiled at him. He agreed. Opening his other drawer he grabbed black basketball shorts. “Here.” You grabbed them both and laid them on the bed. Slipping off your towel, you ignored the fact Happy was even there. “No.. fair…” He stared at your glorious body, almost drooling.  You looked at him, his eyes slightly dilated. It was not surprising he was like this, he was primal when it came to you. You knew this too well. Both of you would do it in public places where you could not be seen if he and you wanted too in the past. You wanted to pick up that shirt and put it on but you couldn’t.. something felt so wonderful to have his dark eyes ravaging your body. “Y/n.. if you don’t put that shirt on now.. I am not sure…” you walked up to him, begging. Pleading with your eyes to make the first move. Standing up he looked down at your perfect body in his eyes. He knew why, he knew you didn’t want to feel the guilt. “Is it only because he slept with that girl..?” Happy choked out the question. “No.. not at all..” you where sure Kozik had told him out of anger, not even telling him on purpose. Happy grabbed your hands and put them around his neck. He grabbed your thick waist, lifting you in his arms. His hands slid to your ass. He pressed a kiss to your lips and kissed you deeply, passionately. He was so sure that he was never going to touch you again. He was so thankful to feel you. He knew not to get his hopes up that you two would become a thing. Yet touching your was next to the best thing in the world, besides having you.. He laid you down and ripped his shirt off. His hands slid down your sides, as if trying to mesmerize everything about your body. Happy licked to your neck, biting it hard. Right in your favorite area. Arching your back, you ground into his hard-on. Feeling his teeth sink in your skin, caused you to moan out. “Happy.. Church Lad.” Happy stopped hearing Chibs banging on the door. “Cant it wait?” “Jackie boy said he just needs ta dell us sumthin..” Happy groaned “Be there in five…” “A’right..” you seen the shadow of his boots leave. Happy pressed his forehead to yours. “I want to so bad.. to ignore them..” you laughed a bit shaking your head confused your own actions. “Maybe it is a sign.. who know..” “Shut up.. let me take you out on a date Y/N. Diner on 44th. 7PM.” He spoke, standing up sliding on his shirt and kutte. He smiled at you as he walked out the door. Leaving he had no clue the emotional bliss he left you in and physical frustration.
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Driving back to the house the girls had a million questions for you as you did them. All of you agreed to binge Netflix and eat junk food till 7PM that night. “Lorenzo wont stop calling me..” Sammy spoke up. “Or me..” Trina said calmly. “I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to relax in pajamas and drink some wine with my girls and Kozy.” “Alright.. but you better tell us how you got that hickie because girl.. I gotta say.. Happy was after you girl!!” Sammy and Trina both said. You rolled your eyes laughing with your best friends. Kozys head asleep on Trinas lap as you drove home.
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The origin of blood pie part one
*years before blood was born but is inside pinkie already* Discord: pinkie plz think about this we can have a wonderful life together plz.... Pinkie: discord....I-i’m sorry….but ponyville is my home my friend r there….plus I don’t want this foal to live in a dangerous place u live in….I’m sorry…. *walks to ponyville* *few hours later rainbow dash comes across pinkie passed out* Dashie: girls I found her!!! *flies to pinkie* pinkie?! Twilight: girls we need to get her to the hospital I sense something in her *few hours later pinkie is at the hospital and is asleep surrounded by her friends* Dashie: pinkie….. *Nurse red heart comes in* Fluttershy: wat happened to her nurse? Red heart: she’s pregnant with a bat pony Twilight: oh pinkie….. Dashie: who’s the father?! Red heart: unknown sorry…but she can leave as soon as we do test call me when she wakes up *walks out room* Rarity: fuck these test girls pinkie was probably raped Applejack: we don’t know that I say do the test Fluttershy: I’m with rarity if she was raped I don’t want her to think we hate her Twilight: I’m with applejack we need to know the father so we can punish him dash? Dashie: *walks to pinkie kissing her* Pinkie: *wakes up* dashie?…. Dashie: hey babe^^ Pinkie: *smiles* the foal I have inside of me is urs….I-i’m sorry…. Dashie: if that’s so *gets on one knee* pinkie diana pie will u marry me *smiles pulling out a blood diamond ring* Pinkie: y-yes yes I will *smiles of joy* *few weeks later after planning the wedding* Pinkie: *walks around with a bump* boy ur growing fast? Dashie: *walks by pinkie kissing her cheek* hi my wife^^ Pinkie: *blushes* oh dashie^^….do u think our foal is growing too fast?…. Dashie: idk I gotta see ur whole belly ^^ Pinkie: ok *walks upstairs to room* Dashie: *follows* ur looking beautiful my love Pinkie: thanks honey *lays on bed on back* well?? Dashie: all I see is a beautiful mare wanting some pure love Pinkie: *blushes* oh u ^^ Dashie: I mean it *kisses up pinkies left leg* Pinkie: *bites lip* ..d-dashie?… Dashie: hm? *kisses up pinkies right leg* Pinkie: I-i love u…. Dashie: I love u too *puts pinkie legs on shoulders* ready? Pinkie: *nods biting lip* plz I want this…. Dashie: *licks pinkies marehood slowly* Pinkie: *gasps arching back* ahh…. Dashie: heheh *keep going* Pinkie: *wraps legs around dashie head pushing her closer* Dashie: mmm taste like pie *continues* Pinkie: f-fuck…..my body is urs….and urs only…. Dashie: *stops rubbing pinkie bump* oooo it’s growing fast?? Pinkie: it’s name is blood. blood rainbow pie^^ Dashie: I love it^^ Applejack: dash?? pinkie?? It’s time u two ready Pinkie: *sits up half way* help me up babe?^^ Dashie: *helps pinkie up* get dressed hon Pinkie: where’s my dress at? Dashie: in the closet I got my tuxs Pinkie: *goes to closet putting dress on* how do I look be onist? Dashie: *puts tuxs on looking at pinkie getting a nose bleed* fantastic…. Pinkie: *walks to dashie licking the blood off her nose* mmm^^ hey? the pains r gone *smiles* Dashie: well we know wat it likes to eat^^ Pinkie: yeah looks like i'm on a blood diet ^^ Applejack: *walks in room* u two ready? Pinkie: uh....AJ I need blood lot's of it Applejack: um? Dashie: it's for our foal hurry!!! Applejack: uh...right right *runs downstairs* Pinkie: ....I'm nervous babe..... Dashie: *comforts pinkie* I'm here for u my love Pinkie: ...I feel sick.... *runs to trash can puking in it* Rarity: darlings u two ready? Dashie: give us a minute plz Pinkie: ...i-it's ok....I'm fine... Rarity: pinkie want some medicine? Dashie: hmm?? Will blood take it? Rarity: ?? Blood? Oh yeah applejack got the blood don't worry ^^ Pinkie: *giggles* no blood is our foal name^^ Rarity: oooo lovely Twilight: *walks in room* everypony is here u two ready? Pinkie: *looks at dashie nervous* dash?? Dashie: *smiles looking at pinkie* were ready^^ *few minutes after saying there vols* Wedding pony: u may now kiss the bride *dashie and pinkie kiss then is greeted by the ravepony family* Mr ravepony: congratulations u two were happy for u were expecting a foal too ^^ Dashie: congrats we'll have to make a play date when there born *smiles* Mrs ravepony: it's a date then ^^ wat r u two expecting a stallion or a mare? Dashie: hopefully a mare Pinkie: I'm hopefully a stallion ^^ Mr ravepony: were having a mare her name is DM Pinkie: lovely name Mrs ravepony: any names for ur foal? Dashie: only one my wife is stuck on blood ^^heh Mr ravepony: it's odd I never heard of a foal named blood I'm sure blood and DM will become great friends *smiles* Pinkie: thank u very ....um excuse me.... *runs to bathroom* Mrs ravepony: um mrs dash is that blood over there Dashie: yes u see our foal is a bat pony not a fruit bat pony a blood bat pony Mr ravepony: we heard those r extent ur very lucky Mrs dash Dashie: thanks ^^ bloods our sunshine even tho it's not here yet Mrs ravepony: ....excuse me.... *runs in bathroom* *Dashie and mr ravepony talk for awhile* Pinkie: *pats Mrs ravepony back* there there I feel the same Mrs ravepony: thank u miss pie for being here..... *pukes in trash can* ....ugh.... Pinkie: it's ok here I'll give u these *lays there number slips beside her* Mrs ravepony: *looks at slips* I'm confused?? Pinkie: just keep them ^^ I'll give u ur daughters when she's born too Mrs ravepony: ?? Ok? *pukes in trash can* ugh...... *few hours go by pinkie and dashie r relaxing along with the raveponys* Mr ravepony: nice getting to know u two but my wife is looking more sick we'll see u tomorrow right? Pinkie: yes ^^ Dashie: take care u two make it home safe *smiles* Mrs ravepony: we....will....ugh.... *pukes in mouth swallowing it* gross bye.... ^^ *Mr and Mrs ravepony waves bye and same with dashie and pinkie* For DM @raveponyandbronies and sorry I added ur parents if u don't like it I wont put them in part two
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from FIGHT FESTIVAL to the 8th getting a new recruit
Benimaru: *stands his ground, ready to knock the Demon away* shinra:.... (arrow: your flames...are only meant to kill) tamaki: *standing her ground* Arthur: *wields Excalibur...* Demon: *rushes at Benimaru* Benimaru: *doesn't move* tamaki: he's not doing anything?! Tsukiyo: "Wait for it..." Demon: *pulls back a fiery fist* tamaki: ?? !!! LOOK OU- Benimaru: *holds up two fingers, blocking the fireball...and sending it upward into the sky, where it explodes* tamaki: WOAH!....it's....STILL THERE?! shinra: ?! Demon: *lifts arms, summoning a larger fireball...* shinra: !!! Benimaru: *summons another matou--and flies it at the Demon, lifting both of them into the air, the heat of the Demon's fire ball burning away at Benimaru's jacket* arrow: got you. *shoots and arrow* shinra: !!!!!!!! *rushes up after and tries to kick the arrow away, taking most of the impact* GRK- arrow: ?! shinra: hey newsflash. my flames arent for destruction...they're to help people! Demon: "GRK...GRK..." Benimaru: *having dissipated most of the fireball, still sending the Demon higher into the air...* "???" Demon: "PIG...GY..." Benimaru: "...Wow. Those are incredibly dull last words..." Demon: "???" Benimaru: *prepares his final move...and...* "Goodbye." *BOOM* shinra: woah! *The shockwave sends a flame across the sky...its force felt along the ground* Akitaru: *standing, but stumbles back a bit* maki: what was that?! tamaki: WOAH! Arthur: "AAAAAH!" *knocked back* tamaki:... !!! Tsukiyo: ._. "...Benimaru...just turned...the Moon..." *points up* Benimaru: *watches as the Demon is evaporated in flames* Benimaru: "..." fang-hua: t-that’s…! kirei:...ah! Takehisa: "A red...Moon." fang-hua: akatsuki... Tsukiyo: *gulp* "Y-Yeah...That's one way to put it..." Benimaru: "..." *still floating on his matou* "...I have avenged you, Konro...And...I have no idea how to get down to the ground..." shinra: need a lift? Benimaru: "...Can you carry me down?" shinra: ah, right. Benimaru: *lets himself be carried bridal style down to the ground* shinra: *lands* 7.7; Konro: *struggling to stand, having exhausted himself calling aloud mentally* Tsukiyo: Q~Q "Commander..." ("And men-holding-men...") -and so- reimi:...... Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form...approaches Reimi...* reimi:.....*mumbling* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *approaches to hear her..." reimi: s...sister....yana...se.... -her breathing is shallow- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("What do I do...?") Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *clears his throat, in fox form* "Sister...?" reimi: *weakly opens her eyes* ....im happy....she's alive....even if...i wont be..... Mr. Tsubaki: "It doesn't have to be like that..." reimi:...?? Mr. Tsubaki: "I could help you live..." reimi: r..really?....i know...i gave my life for her....but im still afraid.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Reimi...I am...not a normal fox. I guess the talking clarified that...I am a vampire." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *changes into his human form, looks at her, holds her hand* "I have the ability to save your life..." reimi: !!!....p...please....*shaking* Mr. Tsubaki: *lowers himself towards her neck* "This will make you a vampire. You understand, yes?" reimi:.....*she nods* (thinking: is this a dream...?) Mr. Tsubaki: "And you will have to feed on my blood...So be ready..." reimi: *closing her eyes* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small cut on the index finger and rests it along her mouth* reimi:......*drinking the blood* Mr. Tsubaki: *waits a bit...* "Okay...That should be enough...You'll start to feel the changes..." reimi: *passes out* hinata: ?? hikage: ?! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" ("...Maybe I can say I'm a physician...") hinata: is reimi-nee ok?? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I administered first aid, but she will need a hospital." hikage: <8c Mr. Tsubaki: "I am a traveling emergency medical technician. Where is the nearest hospital?" hikage: you're in asakusa's clinic! -elsewhere- maki: so what now? Konro: "The Commander wishes to speak with all members of your brigade." shinra:....*he nods* nozomi: r-right! Benimaru: *seated inside the HQ, in a new kimono* Akitaru: "...Yo." *waves* Benimaru: "...This is not easy for me to say...Thank you. Especially you, Commander Obi, and Shinra Kusakabe." shinra: ....*awkward smile* tamaki: so then...does this mean everything's all good between the 8th and the 7th? Benimaru: "Not yet..." Akitaru: "..." Arthur: ("Oh crap...He's going to cut someone's head off...") Benimaru: "Konro...Bring them out." Akitaru: " 'Them'?" maki: OwO;;; nozomi: ????? Arthur: *hides behind Tamaki* Konro: *enters with two saki bowls and a bottle of sake* Akitaru: "...Huh." Benimaru: *opens the bottle, pours two bowls for him and Akitaru* "It was your assistance that helped Asakusa survive. And which saved the lives of many people...those I care so much for." *he was looking at Konro and Kirei* shinra:....*smile* maki: *tugs his ear* you're too young mister! >n< shinra: ow! Benimaru: *he turns to Akitaru* "...What? You don't like sake?" Akitaru: "!!! N-No! I love it!" *picks up his cup* "Um...So, this is affirming our alliance?" Benimaru: "If the 8th needs the assistance of the 7th, we will be there." maki: great! shinra: awesome! *Akitaru and Benimaru sip the sake* nozomi: *smile* Akitaru: "Mmm~ Really good!" kirei:... ^^ Benimaru: "Yes. We look forward to beginning this partnership..." *Benimaru has his eyes closed...and is grinning peacefully* kirei: ah... tamaki: he seems pretty happy. fang-hua: ^^; oh dear. nozomi: hmm? what is it? Konro: *laugh* "When the Commander has a little too much to drink--" Tsukiyo: QWQ "Like even just a thimble, he loses control of his facial muscles...and has that adorable smile." fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: *still smiling calmly* "...What?" tamaki: aww, just like shinra. Akitaru: "..." *snort laugh* shinra: *chuckles* Takehisa: *flatly* "Very amusing." maki: commander! be nice! >3< kirei:....*soft chuckle* Benimaru: *still smiling calmly, even as he sounds pissed* "It's not funny. Stop finding enjoyment in my face, you buffoons!" Tsukiyo: "But it's such a cute face, sir!" fang-hua: *chop* down girl. please dont mind them, commander. -_-; Benimaru: *smiling serenely as he says...* "Ignoring your jackassery..." *reaches out a hand to Benimaru* "The 7th kept a close eye on you before. Now as our allies...we'll be keeping an even closer look." *there is a tinge of a threat in that line* Akitaru: *forced smile, as he shakes Benimaru's hand* "Wouldn't have it any other way..." maki: ^^; Tsukiyo: *rubbing her head, pouting at Fang-Hua, before turning to the 8th* "Closer look alright..." soldier: COMMANDER SHINMON! USADA TOLD ME YOU AND KIREI- Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *serene smile...but murderous edge to voice* "Told you what?" soldier:... OwO n-nothing sir. Tsukiyo: *hides behind soldier* shinra: ??? *confused* kirei: .////. Benimaru: *still smiling, looks at Kirei...sounds calmer* "And now, we as a community can move forward." Konro: "Well, let's celebrate! Takehisa, care for a drink?" Takehisa: "Thank you, but I am on duty." -elsewhere- chikami: thank you so much for visiting. iris: it's no problem, mrs kurai. ^^ Relan: "How is your daughter?" chikami:....she's recovering. she's asleep right now. iris: i see.... Relan: *nods* "We...brought some treats for her when she wakes up...and wanted to...um, ask..." chikami: hmm? what is it? Relan: "Has she mentioned odd dreams?" chikami: not that i know of... Relan: "Well, I hope she feels better soon." *smiles* "We brought a notebook for her, in case she needed to write or draw while she's resting..." chikami: why thank you. i'll give this too her as soon as she wakes up. Relan: *smiles, nods* "If you need anything, Iris and I can help..." chikami: *she nods* im certain she appreciates having friends like you.....i do worry about her. ever since ak-....*shakes her head* nevermind...its nothing important. Relan: "..." *nods* ("Wonder what 'since' was...") iris:...well, we should probably head home now. Relan: *bows to Chikami* -the next day- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, in the infirmary, keeping an eye on Reimi* reimi: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: ("Another subclass...that I am responsible for...Tsubaki, my blossom, please keep me in your thoughts, as I take on this responsibility...") -elsewhere- Hibana: "This is idiotic!" iris: ?? nayumi: whats biting her butt? Hibana: "Sending someone from Haijima to the 8th, for chemistry?! This has bad news written all over it!" serina: didnt you use to work for haijima? Rino: "Yeah. You had some bad dealings there, right?" *smirk* Hibana: *glares at Rino* "Yes, I worked there...and I know every single person there, including this guy they are trying to stick onto the 8th!" gabriella: really? iris: well, the commander said they'd be coming home today. miwa: misora said she'd be back later tonight too. Hibana: "And that slow gorilla can't hurry his ass up?!" Rino: "...Maybe you need to calm down..." gabriella: *rubs her shoulders* Hibana: =w= *calms down* "I think I'll sit to a cup of tea...Rino, go make us tea." Rino: -_-;; -later that afternoon- shinra: we're home! iris: welcome back everyone. ^^ maki: well, good news, we got the 7th as allies now! Rino: "Yo, congrats." Akitaru: "Where is the Princess?" iris: in the den area. Hibana: *from the den* "DARN IT TO HECK AND BACK, THIS NONSENSE IS SO FREAKING STUPID--" Akitaru: "...Super. I'll go talk to her..." miwa:.....proceed with caution. Rino: *nods* "Take this." *holds up an axe* Akitaru: "...Is that from my office?" Rino: "...Yes." iris: rino! Akitaru: "..." *takes the axe* iris: COMMANDER! Rino: "What? I needed a quiet space away from this." Akitaru: "What? I need protection." Takehisa: "...Phrasing." shinra: *sigh* ok, i'll play the martyr....heeeeeey princess hibana.... ^^;;;;; Hibana: *fire breath* shinra: OwO;;;;;;; Hibana: "YOU STUPID GORILLA TOOK LONG ENOUGH TO GET BACK HERE BEFORE THAT IDIOTIC FUZZY-HEADED DICKWAD IS ADDED TO YOUR BRIGADE!'" *lifts Akitaru by he the collar* "Do you have any idea what kind of nonsense you're about to deal with?! Having an interloper in your midst to screw up your brigade from the inside?! Who knows what he'll do to your team!" Akitaru: "...Like re-decorate my entire building, have sex on my bed--" Hibana: "YOU ARE STILL GOING ON ABOUT THAT?!" Victor: "..." nozomi: ??? eh? Victor: "Yo." tamaki: hmm? who's that guy? shinra:... !! (thinking: that guy...he was at the trainee tournament...) Victor: "I'm Victor. I'm the new guy." *waves* "Hello, Princess." Hibana: *fire eyes* Akitaru: "...Huh. Um, welcome, Victor. I'm Commander Obi. And...you were assigned by the Emperor to join us?" Victor: "Yeah. Boss man said your chemistry department sucks." maki: well...we have a nozomi! Victor: "...Yes, indeed you do." nozomi: um...n-nice too meet you...s-sir... Victor: *reaches out, takes Nozomi's hand, shakes it vigorously* "Heya." nozomi: um...h-h-hello... .///.; tamaki:...*glint* Victor: ("Got her.") Arthur: "???" shinra: ..... Akitaru: "Well, then...Shinra! Show Victor to one of the guest rooms until we get him moved in..." Victor: "Or you can take me to my lab now. I'd like to get to work immediately." iris: well, we did get a room set up for you. Victor: "...I suppose I can do some work in there." *looks to Nozomi* "Care to show me the way?" nozomi: oh um... iris: they did just get back...i'll show you guys the way to the room. nozomi: .///.; Victor: "Awesome, Sister. Thanks." *follows Iris, looks back at Nozomi briefly* nozomi:... ?? Victor: *keeps walking* "So, Sister, how is life around here at the 8th?" iris: it's nice. its not a very big brigade, but we get by. Victor: "I hope my expertise helps. I can start looking at any evidence you got so we can find whoever is making these Flame Humans." Victor: *sets down his suitcase on his bed* nozomi: mm.... well, i'm currently the only member of the research department so...i'll do my best to help you, sir. Victor: "Great. I look forward to working with you, then." *smiles* "What I could use right now are some of your case reports. Can you get me those?" nozomi: ah! right! *she goes to get those* Victor: *smiles at Iris* "She seems hardworking." iris: she certainly is. Victor: "That should be helpful..." *looks at Iris* "Thanks for making my room up...Um, is there a meal to have around here?" iris: yes. commander hinawa is a really good cook. ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *shudders* lilac:...s-scary... tsubaki:....*watching the news report of the asakusa incident* Reporter: "While the 7th Brigade is tight-lipped, we have heard reports of numerous flame humans emerging in the town--" Black Star: "Damn it..." naho: *shaking* Sakuya: *holds her hand, stays close to Lilac* Reporter: "--as well as some vague rumors. Sir, we wanted to know, what you saw--" tsubaki: *still watching* Resident #1: "People wearing other people's faces!" Reporter: "...What?" fang-hua: well, it's difficult to explain, but we'll try the best we can. -elsewhere- Yumi: "We've tried reaching to the 7th, but our calls are largely diverted to the 8th..." lord death: hmmm... Yumi: "Flame humans, impersonators...If the 7th has means against these potential threats, we should convince them to share the knowledge. And that's not even considering their potential partnership with certain villainous individuals with quirks." lord death: perhaps we could send someone from the hoshino shrine? Yumi: "Good idea. I'll contact them." Yumi: *calls the Hoshino Shrine...* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Really bad news." mahiru: ?? tetsu: whats up? Kuro: *holds up newspaper* "Look at the fires in Asakusa." tetsu: .... misono: that's pretty bad... Kuro: *watching the video* "Huh...Thought I saw something..." misono: ?? Kuro: "Like a small wolf or something. See, that injured woman?" mahiru: *squints* -they're interviewing someone at the clinic- *A nurse is tending to Reimi* mahiru: *examining the screen* *A small fox is sitting in Reimi's lap* mahiru: !!!! t-thats...! Kuro: o_o "...Shit." misono: !!! lily, could you call tsubaki? Lily: "On it~" *auto-dial on phone* "Hello?" tsubaki: yes? may i ask who's calling? Lily: "It's me, silly, Lily! What, you don't have me programmed into your phone? How mean." tsubaki: ah, sorry. i'll do that in a bit, so what's up? Lily: "We found someone~" tsubaki: oh? Lily: "...Him." tsubaki:....!!!.... Lily: "Asakusa, the village that was just attacked." tsubaki: !!!!...... Lily: "He's in fox form, sitting on a lovely young lady's lap~" tsubaki:.... ^^; s-should i intervene? misono: LILY! D8< Lily: "It's up to you, Negotiator~ We have full confidence in you." tsubaki:...right. i'll head over right away. Lily: "It is a disaster area there, though. It may help if you know someone in the 7th Brigade." tsubaki: i'll keep that in mind. -and so, after she explained the situation to black*star- Black Star: "...You think you can talk to him? After what he did?" tsubaki: the least i can do is try, right? Black Star: ("But what if she...") *shakes the thought away* "R-Right...So, given all that security around there, need some muscle?" tsubaki: *she shakes her head* i think i have a plan. Black Star: "Want to clue me in? I'll help however I can." tsubaki:...*hug* i appreciate the thought...but this is something i have to face myself. *kiss on the forehead* Black Star: -\\\- *nods, hugs back* "Come back safe." -and so, after she arrived in asakusa- tsubaki:...it's certainly busier here now... Tsukiyo: "Hold it right there! State your name and business being here!" tsubaki: tsubaki nakatsukasa...there's someone i need to speak with... Tsukiyo: "Oh? And who is that?" tsubaki:....he's at the clinic. Tsukiyo: "Oh, an injured? Are you a relative? Wife?" tsubaki: um.... 7///7; i-its complicated. Tsukiyo: "..." *light bulb* .w. "Ooooooooh..." *clears throat* "I'm afraid I will need more information to complete the paperwork before letting you in. Why don't you start at the beginning--and give me all the juicy details~" fang-hua: *chop* you can go on ahead, miss nakatsukasa. tsubaki:...thanks. ^^; Tsukiyo: TT~TT "Right this way, ma'am..." -at the clinic- tsubaki:....*enters reimi's room*....hello. reimi: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: *asleep on Reimi's lap...then opens one eye...* O_- *small gasp* tsubaki:...it's been a while, hasnt it? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods silently, looks downcast* tsubaki:...did you...want to talk at all? a lot's happened since we last saw each other... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Okay." *carefully moves from Reimi towards Tsubaki, whispers* "She knows, but as she is sleeping, we will have to be quiet." tsubaki:..right. -she tells him about all that has happened- Mr. Tsubaki: "Sham...is back with my...with his family?" *looks relieved* tsubaki: yes.....and himawari as well.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...You continue to impress, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa." tsubaki: *small smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Would you like to hear my story?" tsubaki: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "The short version is that I returned to a former subclass's home, then a shrine...then came here...and now...this woman was going to die..." tsubaki: ah.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...So now, I have a new subclass here...a new family." tsubaki: hmm....what will you do now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I feel obligated to watch over Reimi. Becoming a vampire is a challenging process. But...I want to get home to the rest of my family." tsubaki:...and your mission that you had? Mr. Tsubaki: *shudders* "Tsubaki...I don't know. My teacher wanted this world wiped away...but I see the people in this world, too..." *thinks of Hikage and Hinata...* "..." tsubaki: .....if you need a place to stay..i'll still leave the door open. Mr. Tsubaki: "...When the time is right...Will it ever be?" tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I miss my family...I miss you." tsubaki: hmmm.....we miss you too... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Please let them know I am safe. And I love them." *nuzzles against her hand* tsubaki:...i will. Mr. Tsubaki: *swallows* "And I...l-l-love..." tsubaki: ??........ Mr. Tsubaki: "...You." tsubaki: ...*small blush* i.... Mr. Tsubaki: *bows his head, leaving her hand on his head* tsubaki: im....conflicted. Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Conflicted'? Tsubaki...I'm sorry." tsubaki: you...black*star.......i think to put it bluntly....i love you both. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up with a start* "...You do? I...love you, too." tsubaki: i know....i do love black*star, and i always will....but i think i can find room in my heart for you. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *moves from the bed, to the floor...and resumes his human form...he is on one knee, and he holds her hand* tsubaki: ah- Mr. Tsubaki: *kisses her hand lightly* tsubaki: .////. Mr. Tsubaki: "Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, with all my heart, I will always love you." tsubaki: ..... -later that night, she told the others everything- naho: TT~TT my feels.... Shamrock: X~Q lavender: oho, going for the harem route then? Black Star: "..." *frowning* tsubaki:....do you hate me? Black Star: "...I..." *shakes his head* "Can we talk, in private?" tsubaki:...... -in her room- Black Star: "...I don't...I feel angry..." tsubaki: ....... Black Star: "I'm not angry with you...but this situation...I did not...I did not think this...person would come into our lives...He hurt people." tsubaki:...i know....he's done things that i still have a hard time forgiving... Black Star: "...I'm sorry for saying that I can't see how even you could hold love for him...How can you love him?" tsubaki:...to be honest...i'm just as confused as you are... i think part of me wants to reach out and show him he isnt alone.... i must sound pretty dumb right now, huh? Black Star: "..." *shakes his head* "...I knew you loved him, a long time ago...when I saw you reach out to help him..." tsubaki:......even then....i still love you too...i love you both. Black Star: "..." *wipes his eyes* "I don't want to lose you...and that's selfish...but I love you. And I don't want to be some creepy stalker who forces you to stay..." -she only replies by hugging him- Black Star: *cries, holding her* tsubaki: i'm not going to leave you...i promise. Black Star: *sniffs, nods* "I'm not going anywhere, either. I love you." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, smiling, in Reimi's lap again* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "A lot of rebuilding to do..." kirei: *she nods* Benimaru: "..." *takes her hand* kirei: *small blush* Benimaru: "Kirei..." *brings her hand to his lips* kirei: ah... o/////o Benimaru: "Kirei...I love you." kirei: b-beni... Benimaru: "This is me speaking. No one else." kirei: *blushing* Benimaru: "You don't have to say anything...I leave it to you to take the lead..." kirei:....*she smiles and hugs him* i...l-lo...lo.... >/////< Benimaru: "..." *holds her, smiles...a sincere one* "I love you, too." soldiers: WOOOOOOAH! fang-hua: congrats. ^^ kirei: !! O//////O Tsukiyo: Q~Q *cries, clutches Fang-hua, sobs into her shoulder* Benimaru: "...How long were you all there?" Konro: "Long enough, it seems." kabuki: aww. hinata + hikage: oooooh~ hehehehe~ ^^ fang-hua: ^^; *pats tsukiyo's back* at least you still have kabuki Konro: "D'aw, you're blushing, Young Master." Benimaru: -\\\\- kirei: ^^ Benimaru: *holds Kirei's hand, small squeeze* kirei: *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *enters, leading a recovering Reimi* reimi: hello sister. kirei: ah! reimi! reimi: im feeling a lot better now....what did i miss? fang-hua: well.....a lot. Tsukiyo: *crying* "Commander has found love with Sister Kirei..." Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ ("She's not the only one...") reimi: ah...WAIT WHA?! O-O fang-hua: yeah... ^^; well, im happy for you guys. kirei: hehe, thanks kohana. fang-hua: !!! NOT YOU TOO! Benimaru: *smiles* "It's catchy." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up at Reimi* ("Something wrong?") fang-hua: -_-; -elsewhere- Meme: "How's your family doing with shrine stuff, Ao?" Anya: -__-; ao: they're doing well. Meme: "Helping out with the Asakusa recovery efforts?" -elsewhere- nozomi: *reviewing files* Victor: "How's it coming along?" nozomi: still looking things over......*staring at one file; Toshiaki Harada*.....*trembling* Victor: *picks up on her reaction* "...Someone you lost?" nozomi:.... my father.... Victor: "Oh...I'm sorry." nozomi:.....the commander.....put him out of his misery......he was...the only family i had... Victor: "...I can't imagine what you must be feeling." nozomi: oh..it...it happened a long time ago.....i didnt even know he had become....*her breath is caught in her throat* ....i...didnt want to believe it... Victor: *holds her hand* "Hey. Let out that breath...Breathe in...and out...You're doing good work here. You're trying to find who is responsible, so you can make sure this never happens again. You're doing what needs to be done...You're helping." ("..." *smirking internally*) nozomi: ah...right....just crying about it isnt helping anyone. s-sorry... .///.; Victor: *pats her hand, pulls back* "Let's take a break to refocus. You like coffee?" nozomi: i-i dont drink it often. i usually have tea... Victor: "Tea's good, too. Come on, let's go have a cup--it'll be good for both of us." *smiles* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "I know you have an undergone a tremendous change...How are you handling this experience?" reimi: i've been feeling rather tired.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Because you need blood...?" reimi: i guess im still in shock... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "It was that way for almost all of my subclasses...and for me." reimi: hmmm...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Please know: you are still the same person you were before. Your memories, your hopes, your qualities..." reimi:..r-right. Mr. Tsubaki: "Sister...Tell me a bit more about yourself. What do you like to do with your day?" reimi: well, i've been told i have a talent for humming folk songs. OwO Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Really? I enjoy folk music...Could you hum one?" reimi: *humming kagome-kagome* Mr. Tsubaki: -w- "Quite good..." *curls his tail up around himself...* -elsewhere- Kid: "Good news from True Cross?" stocking: well, i passed the preliminary exams. Kid: "That's great!" *hug* stocking: well, it helps that miss kirigakure was the teacher. kirika: for what? stocking: NOT YOU! Kid: "??? Wait, haven't I met her before--Shura Kirigakure?" stocking: yeah, she was on the camping trip with us. Kid: "Ah. She seems passionate about teaching, so that was good of her to be there for you." stocking: yeah. *she smiles* Kid: "When is your next exam?" stocking: next week. Kid: "Anything I can do to help prepare?" stocking: i'll have to do more studying. Kid: "I'll do what I can to keep your studying environment peaceful." *smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: *knocks on Lavender's door* "Lavender? You got a few minutes? I...need some help." lavender: what's up, kiddo? Black Star: "...Can you tell me a bit about Mr. Tsubaki...and open relationships?" lavender: oh~? what did you want to know? Black Star: "Look, I trust Tsubaki...it's him I got problems with. And I worry, like, is he going to hurt her? How does our relationship work? Do he and I, what, 'share' Tsubaki?" lavender: ah. well, ever heard of a threesome, kid? it's easier than you'd think. Black Star: -\\\\- "Yeah...I've kinda looked into that...But how can I trust Mr. Tsubaki?" lavender: *smile* he may be crazy....and i mean really crazy...but he really cares about her, based on what i can tell.....once you get to see past that crazy psychopathy, he's not that bad a guy. Black Star: "...Not the best recommendation I've heard...If he really cares about Tsubaki this much, I guess I have to trust her...Regarding...'intimacy'...do you have any, like, books or something?" lavender: books, dvds, or you can watch me and higan, haha! Black Star: -___-;;; "Thanks for the offer, but I'll stick with the books right now." lavender: alright then. Black Star: *opens one book--* o\\\\\o "...I can't imagine Mr. Tsubaki doing _that_ to me..." lavender: need anything else, kiddo? Black Star: "...I'm scared...that I won't have Tsubaki in my life." lavender: hey, she's not goin' anywhere, ok? tsubaki:...*she hugs him* Black Star: "!!!" *looks at Tsubaki* "S-Sorry for...doubting you. I'm just...This is all new..." tsubaki: it's...still a lot for me to take in too... Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* "One day at a time?" tsubaki:..*she smiles* yeah. lavender: *smiles* Black Star: "..." *hug* -outside- naho: how heartwarming~ ^^ Shamrock: X_TT otogiri: .... lilac: a-are you...ok..mr shamrock? Shamrock: "...He hasn't returned to us...but somehow he finds love...and I feel alone." lilac:...... otogiri:...that's unfortunate. Belkia: "...Maybe try online dating?" Shamrock: X_T;; otogiri: it's a possibility. Shamrock: "Knowing my luck, I would end up with that stalker Belkia had--" Belkia: "NOT FUNNY, SHAM!" D: naho: too soon! Shamrock: *shamed* Belkia: "Hmph. Let's just have an adults' night out--Clubs! Bars! Random acts of violence!" otogiri: -_-; Sakuya: *chop* "No violence. Tsubaki said so." Shamrock: "...Maybe going out for a night would be fun." otogiri: perhaps. lavender: say, maybe we could go out and enjoy a night out. i know just the area to do so as well~ Belkia: "Where’s that?" -and so- lavender: there it is. Red light district~ Shamrock: x_o Higan: "...Huh. Didn't realize Death City had one." lavender: gotta know where to look~ besides, this city is massive. Belkia: "Well, let's get started! This is gonna be fun!" otogiri: *sigh* this wont end well. Woman: *looks at Lavender* "Hey, there." lavender: hey~ *waves* Woman: "You and your friends looking for a fun time?" manager: oi! you there! *grabs belkia* we need a performer, since our show tonight called out sick. lavender: trying to set our friend up here with someone. *points to shamrock* guys, girls, either will do. Belkia: "??? Oh! What will I be doing? Rabbit out of the hat? Cut a woman in two? Escape from a cage?" Shamrock: x_-;;; Woman: "I can help with that..." *smiles at Lavender* "Nothing for you, though, doll?" manager: just follow me. lavender:....you up for a threeway? Belkia: *follows* Woman: *smiles, puts an arm around Lavender's shoulder* "Depends who the third is~" lavender: *looks at higan* 7w7 Higan: *waves* Woman: "Oh, aged to perfection~" *stands before Higan and Lavender, hand on each of their shoulders* "Let's get your friend [Shamrock] hooked up, then we'll find a place..." Shamrock: *follows the Woman* otogiri:....*facepalm* otogiri: fancy... Woman: "I have some friends who would enjoy your friend..." lavender: dang. nice place. Shamrock: x_-;;;; lavender: good luck sham~ Woman: "We try." *holds out her hand to Lavender* "I'm Lilith." lavender: just call me lavender. or lav~ Shamrock: *looks around* "Y-Yeah, thanks." Higan: "Higan." *kisses Lilith's hand* Lilith: "Oh, a gentleman...What will you two have to drink?" Shamrock: *stands around, awkwardly* otogiri: 7_7;;;;; ?? oh, belkia didnt follow us? Shamrock: "??? Huh...Must be having fun elsewhere." woman 2: oh, that guy who dresses like the manager? i think he's down at prince pegasus. Shamrock: "Ah..." *looks at Woman #2* "Thank you. So...How is your evening going?" woman 2: alright. want something to drink? Shamrock: "Sure...How about a rum and coke?" woman 2: sounds good. -meanwhile- guy: O_O;; uhhh... guy 2: who's this guy? guy 3: not sure, but he's kinda cute~ Belkia: ^\\\^ "D'aw, thanks! I'm Belkia--and I...am a master magician!" guy 3: oooh~ *shiny eyes* Belkia: *smiles* "So, where do you want me to perform?" guy 3: 7w7~<3 -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *grumble grumble* "So annoying..." fang-hua: its ok. you're life isnt over. Tsukiyo: *pout* "I know. I just feel conflicted. I'm upset for myself, but happy for the Commander and the Sister--and I don't want to come between that." *sigh* "...You know what I want?" fang-hua: oh? Tsukiyo: *sets a bottle of sake on the table* fang-hua: ._.; oh... Tsukiyo: *pours out two small cups, then sets the bottle away* "Just a little to take the edge off." fang-hua: ^^; -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Lilac, pass the plate around--take as many donuts as you want." lilac:....*nom* .... Sakuya: ^^ "Naho, want one?" naho: *nom* ^o^ himawari:..... Sakuya: *offers one* "Here, Himawari--try one." himawari:...*nom*.... Sakuya: *smiles* tsubaki: enjoying yourselves? Sakuya: *nods* "Yeah. It's kind of nice having the place not so packed." -later- otogiri: we're home. lavender: it was one hell of a night~ Higan: *his jacket over Lavender's back, his hand on her hip* "Yeah." Shamrock: *sigh of relief* lavender: ^^ otogiri: -_-; Black Star: "Wait, where's Belkia?" otogiri: he's here. Belkia: *winces* "H-Hey..." tsubaki: oh my goodness! are you ok? Belkia: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine...Just a...'show' didn't go as I expected." ^^; tsubaki: ?? Belkia: "Man, I've _never_ pulled a rabbit out like that before--HA HA--ow..." tsubaki: ?? oh..OH! O.O otogiri: *facepalm* what have we learned from this? Belkia: "Ask more questions, use protection, and damn that did feel kind of good!" lavender: on the bright side, at least sham didnt break any legs this time! Shamrock: x_-;;;; "...I may have bust a nut..." Black Star: >__< naho: O_O like with your foot or...??? Shamrock: "...It's a phrase, referring to men getting off..." naho: o////////o oh. tsubaki:..i....see.... *covering lilac's ears* Sakuya: -____-;;; "Some info is better left to yourselves..." Belkia: "I'm going to turn in...and sleep this off." Higan: "I'm not that tired yet." otogiri: .... lavender: round two~? Higan: "Indeed~" Black Star: -_-; "You okay, Otogiri?" otogiri: yes. just tired from dealing with their nonsense. Black Star: "Yeah, I hear that..." tsubaki: ^^; himawari:....... Shamrock: "??? Himawari? You have an okay day?" himawari:...... Shamrock: "...I hope it's getting better. Did you have anything to eat?" himawari:.... Shamrock: "...Well, I'll cook something and put it in the fridge, in case you get hungry in the night." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *slurred speech* "You are a good friend, Fang!" *pats her back* fang-hua: t-thanks... 7///7; Tsukiyo: "Okay, last call! Want another sip?" -elsewhere- Kuro: "...So we're fine with Tsubaki negotiating 'peace' with this lunatic?" mahiru: well, she's our best option for this. and it's worked so far, right? Kuro: "This person is dangerous, though. I only hope she keeps a tight leash on him." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "I hope the blood helps you feel better. Get some more rest." reimi: *asleep* hinata: *pokes her head in* hikage: *peeeeek* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" hikage: mr doctor, are you really a kitsune? hinata: thanks for saving kabuki. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nervous laugh* "A 'kitsune'? Ha ha...Who told you that?" ^^;;; hinata: kabuki told us! Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;;; "Um...You promise not to tell anyone?" ("Otogiri and Teacher, thank you both for teaching me first aid...") hikage: we wont say anything. hinata: so long as you pay up! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Eh?" *looking in his empty pockets* "Um...I guess I'll be doing odd jobs to pay up..." hinata: not money. *points to a jar of candy* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Ah!" *opens the jar, removes candy to hand to the girls* "Here you go!" -nom nom- hinata: thanks~ hikage: you've bought our silence. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^;; "That's good...Now, let's let the Sister sleep to finish her recovery." -elsewhere- Victor: "Thanks for the tea. I hope you get some good sleep tonight, Nozomi." nozomi: r-right. tamaki: making friends, new guy? *sits next to nozomi* Victor: *smiles, nods at Tamaki* "I hope so. Nozomi has been a brilliant colleague in our investigation." tamaki: she sure is. nozomi: oh..t-thank you. Victor: "How long have you two known each other, Tamaki?" tamaki: a while. she's kinda monitoring my behavior...she's kinda my best friend. nozomi: ./////. m-miss tamaki... Victor: *still smiling* "Then you probably have the best friend anyone could have." tamaki: *smiles* yeah. i want to be there to keep her safe too.... *gives him a glint* Victor: *smiles back* "Don't we all?" *glint--to the point that a spark of electricity is passing between his and Tamaki's intense glares* nozomi: ^^;; Victor: "I hope to continue this conversation with you both in the morning..." *yawns, stretches...right in front of Nozomi* "But I had best sleep. Good night, Tamaki. Pleasant dreams, Nozomi." nozomi: .////. r-right. tamaki:..... Victor: *leaves...and left a listening device hidden under the table* -elsewhere- Black Star: *crawls into bed* tsubaki: *asleep next to him* Black Star: "..." *worried face, as he gently hugs her* tsubaki: *smiles* Black Star: *closes his eyes, rests his head next to hers* -morning- Tsukiyo: =w= *muttering in her sleep* "Why, yes, that would be wonderful..." fang-hua: tsukiyo...tsukiyo time to get up.... Tsukiyo: *still talking in her sleep* "Right there, Kabuki..." *her arms go up towards Fang-Hua* fang-hua: e-eh?? O///O *she got pulled in* !!! Tsukiyo: *her arms wrap around Fang-Hua, as a leg goes over her* "Mmm...Hold me close..." fang-hua: !!!! t-t-tsu-tsukiyo!! Tsukiyo: "Oh, Kabuki...Call my name out again..." *opens one eye...sees Fang-Hua* "...Huh. Why are you in my bed, buddy?" fang-hua: im trying to wake you up... .///_///.; Tsukiyo: "...Huh." *looks down at herself* "...I guess I drunk too much, huh?" *she's pressed up against Fang-Hua...* fang-hua: mind letting go please? >///<; Tsukiyo: "Oh, right!" *lets go, sits up...she's naked* "Sorry about that." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *already making breakfast* tsubaki: morning. Shamrock: *nods* "Good morning. How are you feeling?" tsubaki: a lot better. Shamrock: "...I am happy for you, and Tsubaki." tsubaki: hey, dont leave black*star out. >.< Shamrock: *small smirk* "I think it's _you_ who shouldn't leave him out..." tsubaki: *pouts* lavender: *chop* come on sham, lay off. Shamrock: X_T "Hmph." *goes back to cooking* Higan: *shirtless* "Ignore him, Tsu. Sham just likes to be a jerk about things. Wishing you the best." tsubaki: thank you. Higan: *pouring some coffee, reaches to the table to take some sugar--and purposefully passes his hand just close behind the small of Lavender's back* Belkia: "Mornin', everyone." lavender: oh~ 7w7 Higan: *winks at her* naho: *nyaaawn* morning everyone... =.= *still half asleep* otogiri: -_-; Sakuya: *standing next to Naho...but...* "Zzz..." lilac: *poke poke* himawari:........ Sakuya: *snort awake* "H-Huh? Wha? Where am I?" naho: mrrzzzz..... Black Star: *yawns* "..." *spots Tsubaki* tsubaki: morning. *she smiles* Shamrock: *smiles at Himawari* "Ready to dine, Himawari?" himawari:...... Sakuya: *looks at Naho, who is leaning against him* Black Star: *small smile* "Hey..." *walks over...and kisses Tsubaki lightly on the lips* tsubaki: U///U naho: zzzzz..... Black Star: "Morning..." Sakuya: *poke poke at Naho's shoulder* tsubaki: sleep well? naho: nhhnng? who..wha.... Black Star: *small shrug* "Alright..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: *smiles* Sakuya: "Hey...It's morning. Time to get up, sleepy head." naho: is it the weekend? Sakuya: "Yep...so I thought you'd like to be up to make the most of it." *smile* naho: *nyaaawn* ok. tsubaki: that reminds me, i got this weeks schedule set up. Shamrock: "Oh? What's on it?" -a list of chores, appointments, and other reminders- Belkia: *pops up behind Tsubaki* "...I'm not going to do most of this stuff, so let's all agree to have Shamrock do all the work!" otogiri: -_-; Shamrock: *SHAM-CHOP to Belkia's head* "We will split the work on the basis of ability, time, and fairness. Tsubaki, I will take on more work so that the younger subclasses have time for their homework and leisure time." Higan: *points to a few entries* "I can take care of those today." lavender: hmm, i got gardening duty today, not bad. Sakuya: "Vacuuming and...bathrooms? Ugh...Fine." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in nurse's scrubs, visiting Reimi with a tray of food* "Morning. Ready for your breakfast?" ^^ reimi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *sets the tray at her bed...and points to a vial with his blood in it* Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll be released tomorrow." reimi: *she nods* i cant wait to head back to the shrine. i bet the others are worried about me... Mr. Tsubaki: "I can assure you they are..." *points to his ear* "Foxes keep an ear open for those things." reimi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know it will be challenging to re-acclimate after all that happened, including having someone take your identity. But...if life has taught me something, it is that you can overcome these challenges." reimi: *she nods*.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Is there anything I may do to help?" *slicing her apple* -elsewhere- Kid: *already dressed and adjusting furniture in the den* stocking: feng shuei? Kid: *nods* "I always have trouble with getting the colors correct..." *holds up his fingers to form a square with with he looks* "Hmm...That painting is still crooked, too." stocking: need help? Kid: *nods* "Yes...You have such a good idea for these details..." -elsewhere- Konro: "Good work rebuilding, soldiers." soldier: ^^ Konro: "Kabuki, when does the next delivery of lumber arrive?" kabuki: should arrive by tuesday. Konro: *nods* "We'll move onto other tasks until Tuesday, then." Benimaru: "Oh, Konro, Kabuki. Good work..." kabuki: *he nods* soldier: gonna call it a day and visit your girlfriend, beni~? haha! Benimaru: -\\\\\\- *summons a fireball...* "You have five seconds..." soldier: O-O;;;;; kabuki: ^^; Konro: "...Huh. Having a girlfriend has made you lightened up: usually you only give them two seconds--" Benimaru: *fireball at the soldier's feet* soldier: *FLEES* Benimaru: *grunt, harumph...* "...Excuse me. I have to see Sister Kirei now..." kabuki: by all means. Benimaru: *approaches the shrine...* "Hmm...Much work to do here..." kirei: hmm. oh, benimaru. it's nice to see you. Benimaru: *nods* "You as well." *awkward silence* "...You are looking well." sister: oh~ she's going right to his name! sister: oh my~ kirei: g-girls! really... ^///^;; Benimaru: -\\\\- *small smile* "I wanted to check on how recovery and rebuilding was going." kirei: it's doing well. sister reimi will be home soon. Benimaru: "Oh, that is good news. Her recovery is nothing short of a miracle." kirei: ....she saved my life... Benimaru: "..." *holds her hand* "She knows how grateful you are...as am I." kirei:...*smiles* Benimaru: *looks around* "Wait...where is your fox?" kirei: he's with reimi in the clinic...he's taken a liking to her as of late... Benimaru: "...Rather loyal, then. Someone to help her recover..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *holds up his phone* "Do it. Come on! You'll get so many hits!" julian: this is a terrible idea. TT_TT romina: it's fine, you've had worse! Lawless: "Okay, I hit record--start the music!" julian:....*sigh of defeat as he begins dancing....in a maid costume....a very showy maid costume* Lawless: "Ha ha ha! Yeah, baby! Shake that money-maker!" licht: ..... -_-; Lawless: *finishes recording* "And now to upload! So much traffic, man...Licht, go put on those boxers with the hearts on them: you're going to be reading 1 Henry IV." licht: no way in hell. kranz: i'll do it then. besides, those are my boxers! Lawless: "Thanks, Kranz! You're a bigger help than Piano Fuck Boi over here..." licht: *inches from lawless' face* im sorry, the fuck was that? Lawless: "..." *puts the phone away, stares Licht in the face...and...* *tear, rip* licht: ?!?! Lawless: "AH HA!" Lawless: "You _do_ wear boxers!" licht:......... Lawless: *SNAP SNAP SNAP* "Blackmail!" -one brutal beatdown later- Lawless: *body pixelated due to the amount of blood lost* -elsewhere- Victor: "What do you in the 8th do for fun?" shinra: we have a wii u. tamaki: most of us go to school during the day. Victor: "How about you, Nozomi?" nozomi: i go to school with them. Victor: "Neat. How far along are you?" -elsewhere- Johannes: *grumbling* "Stupid Jeje and everyone telling me to get out of the shop for a few hours...Not my fault that stink bomb went off..." ???: then i said 'no you are', then he said 'no _you_ are' and then i was like 'i guess i kinda am.' so long story short, i kinda owe him 5 dollars. Johannes: "???" *looks at the person talking* kyouko: honestly, i dont know what we're gonna do with you. sayaka: hehe ^^; Johannes: :3 *looks at them talking* kyouko: ..?? hey, isnt that your 'boyfriend'? sayaka: eh? *turns* O____O OHGODNO! *'graceful' swan dive into the bushes* Johannes: *waves happily* "Hello, Sweet Pea! Hello, Sweet Pea's friend!" kyouko: hey. sayaka: *in the bushes* Q__Q Johannes: *walks over, waves* "I'm Dr. Johannes Mimir Faustus! Happy to meet you!" kyouko: well, you can just call me kyouko, and as you know, this is sayaka. sayaka: KYOUKO! HOW COULD YOU SELL ME OUT!? Johannes: *still standing beside Kyouko, waving happily at Sayaka* "Howdy! What are you two up to this fine day?" sayaka: Q-Q kyouko: -_- sayaka get out of the bushes and face your damn fears. sayaka: *tiny scoot* hey. Johannes: *squee* "So, what are you two up to? Errands? Off to the library? Movies? Meals? Battling the forces of evil with powers inherited by small furry creatures?" kyouko: ...what? sayaka: nothing! nothing interesting at all! we should be going now! Johannes: "...Oh. Well, um, okay." *waves* "Have a good day, then..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, rolling on his back in Reimi's room in the sunlight through the window* ^^ "So happy..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Feeling better?" mikami: y-yeah... Relan: *smiles* "That's good...We miss you at the station. Gonna need you back there soon...Giovanni wants you back at work when you're ready, too." mikami: *she nods* ryuuko:.... Relan: "...Um...I could also get you your remaining homework, too...If that helps." mikami: i appreciate that, t-though you dont have to if you d-dont want to... Relan: "I want to, because you and Ryuuko are my friends..." *smiles* mikami:... ^^ ryuuko:.... 7u7; Relan: TTwTT -elsewhere- Sakuya: Q~Q "That bathroom was icky times a billion." naho: phew...at least it's all done now... Sakuya: *collapses onto the couch* "I wonder how the others did..." Higan: "About done..." lavender: all finished~! himawari:...... Shamrock: "Kitchen is cleaned up--so I made some snacks." *holds the tray up to Himawari* himawari:... Shamrock: "..." ("What do I do with this one...?") -elsewhere- Gopher: "I think it's cute..." kirika: 7n7;; *in a kigurumi* Gopher: "And I bet it feels soft and warm, right?" kirika: it's nice. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading a newspaper* kim: whats new? Jacqueline: "Rebuilding is still happening in Asakusa...jewelry theft in Milan...value of the yen went up..." kim: ah. -with ponera's group- shaula: *hella proud of her new scorpion brooch* Ponera: "...So...How did you get that?" shaula:...it was a present~ beatrice: 7///7; Ponera: *shiny eyes* "D'aw! I wish I had someone do that for me..." grimoire: .... -elsewhere- Jeje: "I forgot how much quieter it is when he goes out..." metsu: *she nods* Jeje: "Anything I can do to help you with remaining items on our to-do list?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *eating cereal angrily* *NOM NOM NOM* >< gabriella: please be careful. ^^; -elsewhere- Shinoda: *hugging the apple tree* ^^ mana: SHINODA YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ALL OF US! Shinoda: "This is a life-giving tree for me--don't ruin this..." *kisses the tree* nea: *facepalm* Kepuri: "...Kind of shipping it." nea: D8< lin: maybe putting Adderall in his apple wasnt one of your best ideas, emine. Emine: "...I may have gone too far this time...I'll put myself in the corner when we get home." Shinoda: "Cradle me in your branches, you gorgeous life-giving plant." nea: and this is why we cant have nice things. -elsewhere- Kid: "And now, all is in order." *beaming* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...Sorry. I took you away from your studying, didn't I?" stocking: it's fine, kid. Kid: *smiles* "Thank you." *pats her back* "Well, I'll let you return to studying..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *heads to the kitchen...* -elsewhere- Lily: "Any updates from your girlfriend?" misono: oh shush. 7///7; mahiru: ^^; misono: well, things seem to have cooled down at C3 for now... Kuro: "Locking up vampires like that...I don't see Touma forgiving his employees for allowing their escape." misono:....still, i hope she- they, are ok... 7///7; Lily: "Maybe you should check in on her...I mean, 'them.'" :3 misono:....i wouldnt want to arouse suspicion. Kuro: "Put on a disguise? Or talk with her at school?" misono:...perhaps. Lily: "I have quite a range of disguises~" -elsewhere- Touma: *reviewing files on vampires...and other creatures* ("This may prove useful...") -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form, waves at the twins* hinata: ^^ fang-hua: so then, 'drifter', you're some kind of kitsune then? Mr. Tsubaki: o___o;; ("So much for secrets...") "Um...Well, I mean...Heh. What makes you say that?" ^^;; fang-hua:....nevermind, just thinking out loud. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^;;;;; "I'm just here to provide any medical assistance I can...I mean, you don't suspect me of anything, do you?" fang-hua: why would i? you did help the commander out back at the shrine. Mr. Tsubaki: "It's just that your colleague seemed suspicious of me...I swear, I'm just here to help." ("...And because I can't go home...") fang-hua: alright then. -elsewhere- Relan: [things calmer now?] shinra: [yeah. we now have the 7th as allies! \(^o^)/ ] Relan: [yay! i assume in no small part because of your work] shinra: [daw. ^^; well the others helped out a ton as well.] shinra: [anyway, how's mikami doing, any better?] Relan: [a bit. it's a lot to work through] shinra: [no kidding. did U and iris talk to her about anything?] Relan: [a little. trying to figure out what kind of dreams she's having] shinra: [ah. so what was kurai manor like?] Relan: [big. o_o like, could fit 20 houses in there. regal look, interesting coat of arms] shinra: [oh?] Relan: [yeah, the coat has this woman with bright red hair] shinra: [ah, well, mikami does have red hair too... and i saw her dad has red hair too. i saw him on TV once. them genetics tho] Relan: [ha ha! yeah. hard not to spot members of her family in a crowd. sleeping any better?] shinra: [yeah.] Relan: [that's good. i hope you have good dreams soon] -elsewhere- Joker: "All according to plan..." *sips his umbrella drink* scarlet:.... you just walked in here, sat down and said 'all according to plan'. -_-; Joker: "...That is part of the plan." *sip* scarlet: your plan being? Joker: "Well, having Victor in place with the 8th to keep an eye on what they discover...and to make sure we keep tabs on the Hoods." scarlet: right. Joker: "We are in the intelligence gathering. Once Victor finds what we need, we make our next move." Joker: "And our next move will be quite a doozy~" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Huh. Never seen you without the nun outfit, Sister." iris: ^^; tamaki: so what are we doing out here? Arthur: "Grocery run. Freaking Victor is eating us out of house and home..." nozomi: he's not so bad. ^^; tamaki:... Arthur: "Well, you two _have_ to work together, so I get that _you_ have to see the best in him..." nozomi: .////. i-i suppose. tamaki: *rolls her eyes* Arthur: "If Victor gives you problems, let us know. No point having him try to disrupt our home...Interloper." nozomi: r-right... Arthur: "??? In any case, what food do we need? I want a boar, to roast on a pit." -elsewhere- Anya: *napping on the couch* tsugumi:...*puts a blanket over her* Meme: "Must be pretty tired after work today." -elsewhere- Shinoda: *holding an ice-pack to his head* "I can't remember what happened..." nea: *patting his head* Shinoda: "Did I do anything stupid?" *feels something in his mouth...pulls out a leaf* "???" -elsewhere- Johannes: "I'm home!" metsu: welcome back. Jeje: "Sss...I suggest you hide. Mikuni wants to know--" Mikuni: "What happened to Jocelyn's eyeball?!" *holds up a doll missing an eye* Johannes: "...Vision test." metsu:....*facepalm* Mikuni: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" Johannes: *holds up Jocelyn's missing eye to his own eye* "That's not how I saw it..." Mikuni: "...Metsu...Give me some space..." metsu: *she goes upstairs* please take it outside. Jeje: -____-;;; Johannes: "Yeah! Time to play--" *PUNCH'd* *Johannes is knocked through the open door and into the street, landing in a dumpster* Mikuni: "..." *sigh, as he picks up Jocelyn's eye* "Time to sew you back on~" ^^ Jeje: "That was quick...Wait for me, Metsu..." Johannes: @~@ "I see three of everything...That ain't right. Usually it's six of everything..." ???: oi, you alright? Johannes: "Oh, this is nothing. One time, he punched me so hard I went into orbit...Um, who is speaking? Is that you, God?" -a young woman is there, wearing goggles and a lab coat- ???: nah, just a regular passerby. Johannes: "Huh." *picks banana peel off his head* "You have on goggles and a lab coat, the international symbols of a fellow scientist." ???: why you'd be correct my good man. i also do some mechanic work on the side. *offers a hand to help him out* Johannes: *takes her hand, steps out, brushes debris off him* "Thank you. By the way, I am Johannes Mimir Faustus." ???: cool, the name's Itou. Karin Itou to be exact, haha! Johannes: "Hey, neat! So, what are you a scientist of?" karin: answering the unanswered question, my particular field of study would be in flame humans, as well as flame compatible tech. i even built this bad boy! *pats a flame powered mech suit* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, so you all finish your errands?" naho: yep. otogiri: yes. Belkia: *covered in leaves* "Done!" Shamrock: *in an apron* "Food finished." Higan: *smoking a cigarette* "What do you think?" Black Star: -____-;;;; otogiri: *chop* do that outside. Black Star: "Thanks, Otogiri. Tsubaki, how did your errands go?" tsubaki: they went well. Black Star: *nods* "Well, guess it's time to sit to dinner--" *KNOCK KNOCK* tsubaki: ?? *she checks the peephole* *A small package is outside* tsubaki: ??? *It has a camellia blossom attached to the top...and a small kitsune plushie* tsubaki:... !! *she brings it in* naho:....ah! otogiri: !! Sakuya: "Is that...?" tsubaki: yes...*she looks at black*star* seems it's for all of us. Black Star: -___-;;; "It better not blow up..." tsubaki: *carefully opens the package* *Inside are some treats and a card* naho: ooh! *shiny eyes* tsubaki: *reads the attached card* NOTE: "A local treat until I can return to you, my family. I miss you all." *Signed with the doodle of a fox* tsubaki: *soft smile* naho: awwwww..... Black Star: "...Okay. That's pretty sweet. But you don't think he poisoned these, do you?" tsubaki: ^^; i doubt that Shamrock: X_TT "He thinks so much about us..." *nom nom* Belkia: "Yo, Tsu? I think there's another note in there..." tsubaki: ........*she looks at black*star* Black Star: "..." *nods* tsubaki:....*she opens it* NOTE: "Camelia Blossom-- What gets me through this time is knowing you are waiting for me. Your smile is what I see in my dreams. The warmth of your hand against mine is what I remember when I desire stability and strength to get through the day. I miss our family so much, and I miss you. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. Wait for me." tsubaki:....*tearing up* Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* tsubaki:...t-thanks. Black Star: *smiles, nods* Sakuya: "..." *holds Naho's hand* otogiri: -_-; so much for a 'private letter'.... lavender: oh shit...he's got it bad for her. *The envelope is sealed with a kiss...and the envelope is all black* naho: another one! *muttering* well, white day is tomorrow... Sakuya: ^^; tsubaki: *she opens it* Note: "If you need something to get you through those lonely nights..." *Enclosed is a photograph...* tsubaki:..... O////O;; lavender: oh. well then. Higan: "..." *smirk* "Good for him." Black Star: -____- otogiri:.... i have no response for that. Sakuya: "...That idiot." tsubaki:...*gives the photo to shamrock* here, you could use this more than me. i'll probably get too flustered to keep looking... .////.; Shamrock: x\\\o;;;; "B-But it was addressed to you!" *tries to pass it back* "My hands are not worthy of touching this!" tsubaki: n-no, i insist, really. >///< naho: JUST TAKE IT ALREADY! Shamrock: "Eep!" *holds it* x\\\\\\\o -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Kirei, are you well?" kirei: yes. *she smiles* i appreciate you letting me visit. Benimaru: *nods* "It is...a new experience. I tend to be private." kirei: *she nods* its understandable. your soldiers arent teasing you too much, are they? ^^; Benimaru: "...They tease. Not too much. They tend to stop once I threaten to burn them." kirei: hehe... *she holds his hand* Benimaru: -\\\- *small squeeze* "...I am happy you are here." -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz.... Kid: *hugs her in his sleep* stocking: =w= Kid: *nuzzle* *yawns* "Love you..." tsubaki: mmmn~ Kid: *falls asleep next to her* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Victor: *sitting alone in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of milk* nozomi: oh, you're still awake? Victor: "Yeah. Sorry, I take some time getting used to new places." ^^ nozomi: i see...h-how are you liking it here, so far? Victor: "Not bad. Surprised how furbished everything here is." *sips on milk again...leaving a milk mustache* nozomi: *chuckle* y-you have something on your... *points* Victor: "???" *touches his upper lip...small laugh, as he wipes it away* "Thanks...So, you're still up, too?" nozomi: *she nods* sometimes i work so hard i lose track of the time. ^^;; Victor: "Your hard work is admirable--I'm still impressed how thorough you have been in your records." nozomi: t-thank you. Victor: "...Hey, can I ask you something personal? What are some of your hobbies?" nozomi: eh? well, i do enjoy reading from time to time. Victor: "Fiction or non-fiction?" nozomi: usually non-fiction. Victor: "Ah. Any particular reason you prefer non-fiction?" nozomi: hmm, i suppose i just enjoy learning about things. ah, i sound like such a nerd, dont i? >///< Victor: "Yes. But I'm a nerd, too. It's about desiring to know more, and I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I think it's admirable." nozomi: oh. um.... .///. Victor: *smiles* "Thanks for telling me. It makes me feel better about being here." nozomi: mm.... .////. Victor: "...Want some milk? It tends to help me fall asleep." -elsewhere- Shamrock: x\\\\\\- *sigh of content* -knock- naho: sham? you in there? Shamrock: x\\\\\\\o ("WHY CAN'T I EVER GET A MOMENT OF PRIVACY?!") *pulls up his pants, hides the photograph, approaches the door, talks through it* "Y-Yes...Is everything okay?" naho: just checking. Shamrock: "..." *opens the door--he is fully dressed* "It is rather late. Couldn't sleep?" naho: im worried about himawari...i think she's cold... Shamrock: "...Maybe a thicker blanket?" naho:...do you think you can talk to her? Shamrock: "..." *nods* "Where is she?" naho: on the couch, she hasnt moved an inch... Shamrock: *nods, goes to the couch* "Himawari? How are you?" himawari:....*glances at him*...... Shamrock: "...May I have a seat?" himawari:...... Shamrock: *sits by her* "...I tend to have trouble sleeping, some nights." himawari:....... Shamrock: "I have to remind myself, that I have a life ahead of me...and another day..." himawari:........ Shamrock: "So I have to remind myself my body needs some sleep...and I lie in my bed, pulling the blankets over me, to feel held by them..." himawari:.......... Shamrock: "...Would you feel better if I stayed with you, until you fall asleep?" himawari:..... Shamrock: "...I brought a blanket?" *puts it down over her and him* himawari:...... Shamrock: "...Is this okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..." *lightly rests his hand over hers* himawari:....*slightly leans in* Shamrock: "..." *puts an arm around her, lightly* himawari:....am i.... Shamrock: "???" himawari:....am i.....a bad girl....mr touma....? *she's trembling* Shamrock: "Himawari...No. You are not..." himawari:.....? Shamrock: "You are not bad. You are yourself, and you get to decide who you will be." himawari:......... Shamrock: "I think you are a good person..." himawari:...... Shamrock: "You are going through a difficult time...and you are strong to get through each day...and you will always have help..." himawari:....*trembling* Shamrock: *hug* himawari:.....im sorry.... Shamrock: "You have nothing to apologize for...I'm sorry I was not there..." himawari:.... Shamrock: "You are safe here...and your family loves you." himawari:.......*trembling* Shamrock: "It's okay...What you feel is fine...Let it out..." himawari:......i can....still feel him....touching me.... Shamrock: *nods* "Those memories...are going to persist. But he is not here..." himawari:........*whimpering* Shamrock: "You are away from him...And you have a life ahead of you." -morning- Shamrock: "Zzz..." himawari: zzzz....... Shamrock: *yawns, wakes up...* "..." *tries to get out of bed without waking her...* himawari: zzzzz.... Shamrock: *exits his room to go to the kitchen... lavender: she doing any better? Shamrock: "...You know, huh? I don't know...She held onto me, crying for an hour, before falling asleep. She talked a bit, shivered...but I think she got some deep, uninterrupted sleep." lavender: that's good...... sorry, its just....her situation...it hits a little too close to home for me... Shamrock: *nods* "I'm sorry." lavender: .... Shamrock: "...I was going to prepare breakfast..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Good morning." chie: TT~TT Yohei: "??? Oh no...Need something to drink?" chie: *nods* Yohei: "Water? Ginger ale?" chie: the second one.... Yohei: "On it. Be right back..." *leaves and goes to the kitchen, getting the ginger ale* chie: TT_TT i thought i was done with morning sickness.... Yohei: "Just a bit longer..." *hands her the glass* chie: thanks honey. Yohei: *hugs her* "You're welcome." chie: UwU Yohei: "It'll get better soon..." *rests a hand on her belly* -elsewhere- misono: happy birthday lily. Lily: TTwTT "Thank you..." *hug* -elsewhere- Kid: "Good luck with studies today." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "I'll have dinner ready when you get home. I love you." stocking: ok. *she looks at her notes* -upon arriving- student: i hear mr neuhaus is teaching the class today. stocking: (thinking: i've heard the name, but i've never met him in person...) Neuhaus: *enters* "Good morning. Eyes on the board, as we begin your work on summoning and controlling demons." *spots Stocking* stocking: ......?? (thinking: so, is he gonna be cool, or is he gonna be a d-bag?) Neuhaus: *calling to Stocking* "You are the new potential instructor?" stocking: !! yes sir! that would be me. OwO;; Neuhaus: "Hm. Any experience with taming demons?" stocking: well, somewhat. Neuhaus: "Good. Let's demonstrate. I'm having the students attempt a summoning--please pass out the summoning papers to students." stocking: right. Neuhaus: "Hold the paper to you...prick your finger to release blood...and let's see whether any of you have innate summoning abilities." stocking: *wince* Neuhaus: "Observe what I summon..." *POOF: a vaguely canine-like demon emerges by Neuhaus's side* "I have to keep a strong command over this demon, or risk having it loose control." stocking: *deep breaths* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *he is smiling* kabuki: you seem to be in a good mood today. Benimaru: "I think that this is a chance at progress for our home..." kabuki: how so? Benimaru: "A new alliance, rebuilding our homes, enlarging our medical unit...my own personal progress." kabuki: ah.. Benimaru: "...I feel more content." *smiles at Kabuki* "I am thankful that you and others were able to keep our home safe." -elsewhere- Victor: *stares at Shinra* shinra:...can i help you? Victor: *gets down on his belly, staring at Shinra's feet* "...Piggies..." shinra: uh.... iris: h-hey now! tamaki: WHAT THE HELL PERV?! Victor: *grabs Shinra's sandal, pulling it off, examining Shinra's toes* "So your fire is concentrated here? How do you walk with fire? Do you get athlete's feet? Are there any shoe-fabrics your feet don't burn through? Do you clip your nails? How do you avoid calluses? Have you ever walked on glass?" *starts writing notes, as he measures Shinra's feet with a ruler* shinra: um.... Akitaru: *picks Victor up--by his leg, holding him upside down* "Please don't harass the other members here. Nozomi, take him back to the lab to finish your work." nozomi: r-right. this way. Victor: *pouts* "Just want to learn more...for science." shinra: ......thanks commander. Akitaru: *smiles* "Any time, son. Now, let's all get back to work, too--we have a lot to catch up on after our excursion to Asakusa." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *pokes Kim's arm* kim: hmm? Jacqueline: "What if you had a tattoo there?" kim: tattoo? owo;; Jacqueline: "Remember when I dyed my hair? I thought maybe a tattoo would look good on you." kim: like a permanent tattoo? owo;;; Jacqueline: *shrug* "Just a thought...Maybe...we could both get tattoos..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...You did say 'paint the fence.' You didn't say I couldn't write a message on it..." mana:....i have no words for this. Shotaro: o___o;; "...Those are some really naughty words." *holds up the "Swear Jar"* "That's at least 20 dollars' worth of cursing." Emine: "I don't see the problem. What do you think, Lin?" lin: O/////O;;;; saki: ^^# Tool: *glaring* "That fence...is crying in pain because of what you wrote. Now, paint _over_ those words, or you'll get an earful from me. Got it?" Emine: "...Fine. You *HONK HONK*." saki:.....emine~.....start running~ ^^# Emine: "..." *flies away like a bat out of Hell* Tool: "GET BACK HERE, YOU *HONK HONK*!" Shotaro: "...Mana? What's a *HONK HONK*?" mana: i'll tell you when you're older. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *reviewing medical records* "Hmm...This patient's electrolytes are a bit low..." -elsewhere- Joker: *staring at the phone* "...He hasn't called in." -riiiing- Joker: *picks up the phone* "Yes?" Victor: [text...which is just a photograph of toes and the sentence, "his toes must be the answer!"] Joker: "..." -_______- scarlet:..... ew. -elsewhere- Gopher: *opens his locker* "...Where are my books?" kotone:...bottom shelf... Gopher: "Aw! Thank you." -w- *takes his books...then finds a note* "???" kotone: ??? -do your best. ~eibon- Gopher: TTwTT "My emotions...He cares so much about us..." kotone:...*small smile* Gopher: "Ready for lunch?" kotone:...yes. Gopher: "Yay! Chicken nuggets today--" *BUMP* kotone: ??? bandaid kid: ah! s-sorry! *runs off* Gopher: O_____O "...Was that a tinier me?" -elsewhere- Kid: *in the Death Room* "How is work proceeding, Father?" lord death: doing good kiddo. ^^ Kid: "I'm glad." *looks at the Mirror...his hand approaches its surface before he pulls back* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Any plans for after school?" naho: not really. i'm probably gonna get myself ready for the flower viewing next month. Sakuya: "Neat. Got an outfit for it?" naho: still getting it set up. Sakuya: *nods* "Where is flower viewing next month?" naho: *gets up map app on her phone* here, in spring grove park in primrose neighborhood. Sakuya: "Cool...What do you wear to it? Kimono?" naho: probably. ^^ Sakuya: *smiles, nudge of her arm* "That'll be cool." -elsewhere- Kid: "Dinner is served~" stocking: thanks~ Kid: *pulls up the dining cover to reveal...* "Candied pistachio chicken." -later- liz: how was class? stocking: well, i learned summoning is not in my skillset. -_-; Patty: *pat pat* "Can't be perfect at everything!" stocking: i guess. Kid: "You have so many skills to offer the students, though." *smiles* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Do they have any trips planned to help you with additional training?" stocking: i'll have to check. Kid: "Do you have additional tests before they make your job official?" stocking: just the medical, aria, dragoon, and knight tests.... Patty: "Wow...That sounds like a lot." stocking: yeah.. *sigh* Kid: "One test at a time...Is there anything we can do to help with studying, or to keep up your motivation?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing a T-Shirt covered in baby vomit* T_T "I don't know how Saki and Tool deal with this..." akaderu: imagine what it'll be like with _two_ rugrats runnin around..... Kepuri: *groans* "That means more babysitting..." *pouts* "Kids are a lot of hard work, aren't they? I can't wait for Io to be old enough to tend to Yohei and Chie's kid." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Woo! Good sparring session, Fang!" fang-hua: *she nods* it's starting to get warmer out now. Tsukiyo: :3 "I know. Can't wait for summer. But us fire people need to keep cool in the heat." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "You know what? We should buy an ice cream machine and make some!" fang-hua: maybe. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Well, that work-out worked up an appetite! What you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Higan: "...Feeling alright, Lav?" lavender: yeah. why wouldnt i be? Higan: *smile* "Just checking." *pat pat* lavender:...thanks. *small smile* Higan: "Hey...Wanted to show you something..." *takes out a photograph of the subclasses with Mr. Tsubaki* lavender: *she smiles* that was during the flower viewing last year, right? naho was still just a newbie then. Higan: *nods* "I found it while developing film...A lot has changed." lavender: yeah. Higan: *sigh* "...I appreciate what Miss Tsubaki does for us...but I miss that jackass." lavender: yeah, haha. Higan: "..." *pats her hand* "I also found some other photos I developed." lavender: oh? Higan: "Some of the youngsters, some of trips and meals...some private ones..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Then check this out, Soul's brother--this is me and Lich-tan at Tokyo Disney! Look at his little Mickey Mouse ears!" Wes: "...Huh." licht: *sipping on a slushie* soul: ^^; Wes: "Never got to go to Disney. Soul, we should check it out some time." soul: sounds like a good idea. you could even take liz with you. Wes: "Yeah, her and Patty would get a kick out of it." Lawless: "??? You and Liz are a thing? Huh. So, Soul's going to be her brother-in-law, then?" Wes: o\\\\o soul: yeah, anyway, bro. Wes: *shakes his head back to focus* "Y-Yeah? What's up?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Not too long before garden comes back into bloom..." sachiko: yeah. *she smiles* Spirit: "I was thinking of farming some new herbs for meals." sachiko: that sounds like a good idea. Spirit: "Anything you want to grow, Izumi?" -elsewhere- Anya: *flipping through a magazine* "Hmm...That one looks nice." tsugumi: oh. Anya: "Be a nice dress for you to try on. Or maybe this one?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *holds up a cat-shaped ice cream cookie sandwich* "For you." tamaki: *nom* Arthur: *smiles* "Feeling alright?" tamaki: yeah. *looking at the trees* hard to believe spring is just about here... Arthur: *nods* "A long year..." *slowly puts his arms around her* tamaki:.... 7///7 Arthur: "Maybe we can have a picnic in the park?" tamaki: sounds good. Arthur: *smiles, sighs* "...I'm happy you joined the 8th." tamaki: ...*smiles* shinra: come on, lovebirds, we got stuff to do. iris: ^^; tamaki: -_-; Arthur: -_-;; "Just taking a break...especially with the newbie around..." shinra: yeah, no kidding. *shivers* Arthur: "I don't trust him...Maybe we can learn more about him...Research him." iris: ^^; Victor: "Yeah, that sounds great! How can I help?" Arthur: o___O tamaki: NYAAAH! *jumps up into a tree* shinra: HOLY- Arthur: "Tamaki!" tamaki:...yeah yeah, laugh it up! the old cliche cat in a tree jokes.... Victor: "Oooooo! Tamaki! When you come down, I'd like to examine the flames along your legs and arms!" shinra: on the bright side, its not your usual cliche jokes. Arthur: "...I wasn't going to make a joke...Much." tamaki: WHEN I GET DOWN HERE IM GOING TO MASSACRE THE THREE OF YOU!!!! Victor: "What did I do?" Arthur: "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" shinra: dont ask. Victor: "I could get you down..." *holds up an axe* -elsewhere- Hibana: *glomp* gabriella: ah! >///< Hibana: "Hee hee..." *smooch* gabriella: >/////< well, the tube is about ready, now we just have to wait... Hibana: ^\\\^ "Yes...How would you like to pass the time?" -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *she smiles as she puts a blanket over him* Kid: *curls up, smiles* "Thank you..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I hope tomorrow is good to you..." *yawn* stocking: i hope so too.... Kid: *hug* "You will..." -morning- Benimaru: "Mmm..." kirei: U///U Benimaru: *smiles* "Good morning." kirei: *she smiles* Benimaru: "How is your morning starting?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *whistling, as he makes breakfast* tsubaki: *helping* Shamrock: "Thank you, Tsubaki. Could you help me with this dish for Hinawari?" tsubaki: *she nods* Shamrock: "Keep an eye on this syrup I'm preparing while I finish the waffles..." *smiles* -later- himawari:....t...thank you... Shamrock: *smiles* "You're welcome. Tsubaki and I made this meal for you, because we wanted you to have a good meal." himawari:.....*small smile* Shamrock: *smiles back* "Enjoy." Belkia: *sniff sniff* "...Waffles?" naho: *drooling* Sakuya: "Looks great!" *sits down* Higan: "Good cooking, you two." *sits as well* -elsewhere- Kid: "Anything you want after school?" stocking: maybe visit the shops? Kid: *smiles* "I would like that." *pats her back* -elsewhere- Victor: "Yummy~" shinra: this is good, nozomi. nozomi: im glad you all enjoyed it... Arthur: *nods* "Thank you." Takehisa: "Quite good." Akitaru: "TASTY!" Victor: *smiles at Nozomi* "Delicious." nozomi: .////. tamaki: ...... Victor: "Well, I better get to work in the lab. See you all later!" nozomi:.... .//////. Akitaru: "...Nozomi? How are things working with Victor?" nozomi: eh? h-how so? Akitaru: "Getting along in the lab? Able to share the space, cooperate? Is he causing any problems?" nozomi: e-everything's doing well! very well! .////. maki:... 7w7 nozomiiiin~ is this love in the air that i smell~? nozomi: e-eh!? o/////o Takehisa: ._. Akitaru: "???" maki: just kidding~ nozomi: right!...hahahaha...ha...haaa..... .//////.;;; Akitaru: "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along at work. If you have any problems working with Victor, you let me know, any time, okay?" nozomi: r-right... Takehisa: "I think we should all get to work, then. No point fooling around..." -elsewhere- ivy: any updates? scarlet:... Joker: "I think our boy has an 'in' with the 8th, getting to one of their members." ivy: oh really? do tell... Joker: *shows a photo on his phone, with Victor posing with some brigade members, including Nozomi* "Looks like he is working along that girl there--ingratiating himself." ivy: i see. so he's putting the moves in shitty braids then? HAH! what a riot! scarlet: *rolls her eyes* Joker: "Got to start somewhere, if you want to appeal to the 8th and get them to see the Hoods for what they are--and help us with our work." scarlet: do you really think they’d be willing to work with 3 wanted criminals? Joker: "Misery makes strange bedfellows..." scarlet:....are you trying to hit on me again? -_-; Joker: "...Is it working?" scarlet:.........*takes his cig out of his mouth and snuffs it on his hand* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *pouts* "We only have apple sauce left..." lin: we'll head to the grocery shop then. medea:... Shotaro: "Right, we can go! Want to, Medea?" medea: very well. Shotaro: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Lawless: *reading poetry aloud at the school's entrance* student: isnt that hyde kranz? Anya: "???" Lawless: "True love is a durable fire, / In the mind ever burning, / Never sick, never dead, never cold, / From itself never turning." mio:....i dun get it. Lawless: -_-; *sigh* "It means--" Anya: "It means that love, if it is true, is everlasting rather than something fickle." Lawless: o\\\\o "Y-Yeah." licht: *clap* good for you. Lawless: *bows* "Thank you." *leaps off from the entrance to stand with Licht* "Ready for class?" -elsewhere- Relan: *smiles at Iris and Shinra* "How's the new recruit working out?" shinra: *cringe* iris: ^^;;; Relan: "??? That bad, huh?" iris: he's...enthusiastic, i'll give him that much. Relan: "So, kind of pushy?" shinra:.....anyway, is mikami doing any better? iris: did you find anything out? Relan: *nods* "Probably a link between what you were going through, Shinra. And she is almost ready to get back to service." shinra: hmm... Relan: "Would you like to meet them? I'm sure Mikami and you would have a lot to talk about." shinra: perhaps. (thinking: im not sure how much she knows....) Relan: *smiles* "Can always get something to eat. Mikami likes a few sweets..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How is the tube working?" gabriella: coming along nicely... Hibana: *smiles* "Excellent." *checks the vitals* "Look at that..." gabriella: >w< Hibana: "Hee hee..." *kiss on Gabriella's cheek, holding her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: "Which shops would you like to visit?" -elsewhere- Lily: "Have you been speaking with your girlfriend?" misono: .... 7////7 y-yeah....she's doing well.. Lily: *smiles* "That is good. Is she safe with C3?" misono: i think so. Lily: *pat pat* "Then I'm sure she will be fine." -elsewhere- Victor: *looking through microscope, taking notes* "Still trying to figure out this ash...It's fascinating." nozomi: oh? Victor: *nods* "Ashes usually look like sand itself--yet I continue to find additional particles in these ashes from deposed Flame Beings...as if these are impure..." nozomi: hmmm.... Victor: "Here, take a look--" *stands away from the microscope* nozomi: *examining* ah, i see.... Victor: "If we isolate those particles, it may clue us in on what it is that separates Flame Beings from other humans..." nozomi: *she nods* Victor: "Here, let me increase the magnification..." *his hand passes over hers...* nozomi: o/////o ah... -elsewhere- Emine: *in overalls, with paint along his hands and face* "...I finished re-painting. The fence is now all one color and with no words on it." Tool: ^^ saki: good job. Emine: "Thank you. However, I still need to do a bad deed..." mono: TT_TT *covered in white paint* Emine: "And done." Tool: D:< -elsewhere- Kid: *reading through history books* stocking: *reviewing notes* Kid: *finishing writing a note* "May I help you with studying?" stocking: if you want to, though i dont know how much you know about this. ^^; Kid: "Maybe we can make some flash cards?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: *smiles* "Divide the notes, each of us write a few flash cards each?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Kohana." fang-hua: hmm? yeah commander? Benimaru: "How has your day been?" fang-hua: doing well, sir. Benimaru: "That is good. I wanted to see whether you would be interested in joining Kirei and me for dinner." fang-hua: would you be alright? i wouldnt want to impose... Benimaru: "Not at all. We thought it would be a good way to catch up and decompress after the last few weeks. We may have Kabuki, Konro, and Tsukiyo as well, and Reimi." fang-hua: ah, well, in that case i guess it wouldnt be too much of a problem. Benimaru: *nods* "We were thinking this weekend." fang-hua: alright then. -elsewhere- Yohei: *rubs Chie's back* chie: ^w^~<3 Yohei: "Feel okay?" chie: yeah. Yohei: "That's good..." *hug* "Know what I did today?" chie: what? Yohei: "I improved the home security system, with a few more baby safe-guards." chie: *she smiles* that's great! Yohei: "Thanks...Just glad we got something in place for security." *holds her hand* "Anything you want to do tomorrow?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Ready for bed?" kim: yep. Jacqueline: *nods, slides under the sheets of her bed* "Well...I hope you get some good sleep." -elsewhere- Medusa: "Aren't you just growing up fast..." neian: guu! ^o^ Medusa: *opens a book, starts reading...* "What animal is that, Neian?" *points to a drawing* neian:... sss... Medusa: "Yes, a snake. And a snake goes...'ssss'..." neian: ^^ Medusa: *points to a dog* "And what is that animal?" neian: bwuf! bwuf! Medusa: "Yes--a doggie! 'Woof woof!'" neian: hehe! Medusa: *kisses her forehead* "So smart." *flips the page, showing a lion* "Is that a kitty?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Anything you need before bedtime?" -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep in lab* nozomi:....*puts a blanket over him*.... *smiles* Victor: "Zzz..." *smiles, feeling warmer under the blanket* nozomi: ^///^ Victor: *continues sleeping...* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Ready for bed?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *slides into bed beside her* "...I love you." tsubaki: *smiles* i love you too... Black Star: *smiles* "Sleep well..." *turns off the light, holds her hand* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Himawari? Are you okay?" himawari:......tired..... Shamrock: *nods* "Want some warm milk?" himawari:....yes.... Shamrock: *heats up some milk* "...Will you be sleeping in your room tonight?" himawari:....could i......stay with you....you're....warm.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "Of course. You are always welcome." himawari:....thank you.... Shamrock: *serves her the milk, smiles* "You're welcome." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...Is the bed comfortable? Do you want a different pillow or sheets?" himawari:......i feel.....safer....with you..... Shamrock: *smiles* "It means a lot to hear that. I hope I'm not a nuisance--I may snore..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "I can't sleep..." licht: zzzz...... Lawless: *pout* ("I guess I don't get to have a song played for me while I try to sleep...I'll go drain the lizard.") *gets up to go to the bathroom* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Mmm..." *small kiss on Gabriella's cheek* gabriella: ^///^ Hibana: *hugs her, patting her hands along her hips* "You have such a great figure." gabriella: o////o Hibana: *small laugh* "What? Am I wrong? You're beautiful." -elsewhere- Joker: *flipping through his phone* "...No updates." scarlet: was this really a good idea? Joker: "??? Sending in Victor? Yeah, why not? He gets us info on the 8th's Adora Burst..." scarlet:....right...... ['GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!' "her adora burst....i want to see it...."] Joker: "What, you had a better idea? How else do we convince Shinra?" scarlet:..... -elsewhere- Sakuya: *cuddle* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: *smooch* "Comfy?" naho: *she nods* Sakuya: "That's good." *leans his chin along her shoulder* naho: hehe~ ^^ Sakuya: *his arms wrap around her waist* "So huggable." naho: *nuzzle* U///w///U Sakuya: *hums lightly, as he rests his hands over her belly, holds her close* -elsewhere- himawari: *asleep* Shamrock: *watching her sleep...* ("She is peaceful now...I hope that lasts...We never talked as much when young master first brought her in...") himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "..." ("She didn't deserve this. No one does...Was I...ever this awful?") himawari: ..... *shifting in her sleep* Shamrock: "???" *eases his breathing so not to wake her* himawari:...... Shamrock: "..." *shifts the sheets over her* himawari:...*soft smile* Shamrock: *smiles* "Sleep well..." -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzz.... Kid: *smiles...smooch* stocking: =w= Kid: "Time to begin your day, Angel." stocking: *yawns* Kid: "Didn't sleep well?" stocking: i slept pretty good.... Kid: "That's good...Will you be studying at True Cross today?" stocking: is it the weekend? Kid: *nods* -elsewhere- Konro: "What would you like for Commander's dinner, Kabuki?" kabuki: perhaps some okonomiyaki? Konro: "Oh, good choice!" *grabs a bottle of sake* "Housewarming gift." kabuki: ah. Konro: "I'm happy for him and the sister. After that attack, glad he is moving forward." kabuki: indeed. who knows, maybe soon we'll be seeing the next generation of asakusa's leaders. Konro: "Ha ha! Please, you're going to make me feel even older." kabuki: hehe. Konro: "So, we'll be heading to their dinner tonight...Anything else to bring?" -elsewhere- Lawless: >w< *in bed...cuddled against--* licht: zzzzzz...... Lawless: *nudge nudge* licht: nngmhph.... Lawless: "Mmm...So huggable." licht: *muttering* cuz. im.....zz...an angel...zzz.... Lawless: "And what nice abs you have..." licht: *opens his eyes* nnnh...? Lawless: owo;;;; "...Morning." -he got wrecked. hard- Lawless: *twitching...his body embedded into the wall* "Ouchie." -elsewhere- Victor: *yawn, looks up* "Huh? I'm still in the lab?" nozomi: good morning. Victor: "..." *smile, yawn* "Hey." *stretches* "Ha. I always fall asleep in the lab. Glad you are here, bright and early." nozomi: t-thank you... .////. Victor: *stretches, then sniffs* "Ugh...I was at this so long, I need to shower first." *hands her his notebook* "You mind reviewing my notes while I get cleaned up?" nozomi: ah! right.... Victor: "Thanks." *smiles, winks, heads towards the bathrooms* nozomi:.... .////.;; Arthur: *already in the showers* Victor: *goes into the locker room, undresses, puts clothes into his cubby...enters the showers* "Mornin', Boyle!" Arthur: -____-;;; "Morning." Victor: *heads to stall, starts showering* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Time to wake up..." himawari: nnh? *opens her eyes* Shamrock: "Hey. Ready to start the day?" -later- Higan: "Hey, Himawari, Sham." lavender: mornin' himawari:....*nods* Shamrock: *sniff sniff* "...What's burning?" Belkia: *holds up burnt toast...and his hair is on fire* "I don't know what I did wrong..." otogiri: *getting the fire extinguisher* Black Star: "Okay, new rule: Belkia never gets to cook again--" Belkia: D: Black Star: "Sham, get to work." Sham: "Hmph...Himawari, care to help me with toast?" -later- Sakuya: "All set for going out?" naho: yep. lilac:...*nods* Sakuya: *smiles* "Then let's get going. Can't wait to start..." -elsewhere- Emine: *stares at Chie* "Does your child require anything? I could eliminate any obstacles in your way." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Get lots of desserts! We'll need them for dinner!" Tsukiyo: *picks up a Japanese cheesecake* "Yummy~" -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking through his records* "Where was that workshop again...?" shinra: workshop? Akitaru: "Ah, Shinra! I ever tell you about Vulcan?" shinra: what, from star trek? Akitaru: "Ha ha ha! No, Vulcan is an amazing expert at analyzing Flame Beings, known as the God of the Forge." shinra: oh? tamaki: and you're telling us this, becauuuuse? Akitaru: "Unfortunately--" Hibana: *pops up behind Shinra* "Unfortunately, Vulcan does not take well to people coming to them with offers to join their brigades. Haijima has tried for a long time..." shinra: GAH! iris: when did she-? Hibana: *holds up a key* "I made my own to let myself in~" shinra:.....that's a comforting thought. Hibana: ^^ Akitaru: -_____-; "In any case, since Vulcan is around your age, I thought maybe having you all visit them may convince them to work with the 8th." shinra: seriously, they're that young? Hibana: "Hard to tell, given how secretive Vulcan is. If you're going to see them, you'll need to ditch the brigade outfits and look like regular civilians, to better ingratiate yourself." shinra: ah, well we do have casual clothes. Arthur: *looks at Iris* iris:....what? Arthur: "You can't go out in your habit." iris: i knew that... ^^; Akitaru: "I'll look up Vulcan's workshop address. You all get ready for the meeting when it happens." shinra: right..... *still thinking about what he learned about the amaterasu incident* ...... Victor: *pops up behind Shinra* "Should I go with them to see Vulcan?" shinra: GAAAAH!! nozomi: ^^; Akitaru: "No, for right now, we need you to keep researching the Flame Humans' remains for any leads on what is causing the transformations." Victor: *nods, then looks at Shinra* "Something on your mind?" shinra: nothing just....its nothing... Akitaru: "??? You sure, son?" shinra:...yeah... Victor: (thinking: "Joker told me to keep an eye on him...") -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Anything you want to do, Himawari? Play a game? Go for a walk?" himawari: *reading something from off the bookshelf* Shamrock: "Ah. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your reading..." himawari:...its...ok... Shamrock: "...What are you reading?" -it seems to be some kind of book on old legends- Shamrock: "Ah. Which legend are you looking at?" -it seems to be related to kitsunes- Shamrock: "..." *sad look* "...You are thinking about Tsubaki?" himawari:...? Shamrock: "Kitsune kind of remind me of Tsubaki's animal form." himawari:....you....really...like him....dont you? Shamrock: x\\\^;;; "I...am having to make my peace with that. He likes someone else..." himawari:......oh... Shamrock: *sigh* "It's rough. I have been devoted to him for so long. But I also have to know what he feels, and I want to respect that." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...So, all I can do is accept how things are, and move forward." himawari:......*nod* Shamrock: *smiles* "...Thank you for letting me get that off my chest." himawari:.... Shamrock: "..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *vacuuming under the couch...using Bone of the Gorilla to get enough strength to lift the couch up with one hand...while people are already seated on the couch* mono:...... -_-; Emine: *enters the room...looks underneath the couch...pulls back a spring on the couch, right underneath Mono's seat...* mono: nyah! Emine: "Bad deed complete..." *continues walking back to his room* mono: *growling* Shotaro: ^^;; "Um...I finished vacuuming, so I'll just set the couch down now..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holding up his phone* "Lilac, stand a bit closer to Naho." lilac: *scoot scoot* Sakuya: "That's good...Say cheese!" -click- Sakuya: "Hey, that looks great! See?" *shows his phone* naho: nice! lilac:...*faint smile* Sakuya: "You both look great in your outfits, too." naho: you too, sakkun~ ^^ Sakuya: ^^ *smooch* naho: ^///^ Sakuya: "Let's try underneath the tree." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *preparing for dinner* "Hmm...May need more salt." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: mmhmm... Kid: *smiles, hugs* stocking: maybe after all this testing is over, we can take a vacation, just the two of us? Kid: "I would like that." *kiss on her cheek* "A reward for getting through the tests." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: U////U Kid: "Where should we vacation?" stocking: maybe a nice little inn by the countryside? Kid: "Oh, that would be nice! Get to see the flowers blooming..." stocking: ^^ Kid: "And wonderful breakfasts at the inn...and picnics." stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *nuzzles, holds her* "That would be perfect...because you would be there." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "I love you." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rests his forehead lightly against hers* stocking: U///U Kid: *his hand rests along her back, lightly rubbing* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Tickles a bit?" *kisses her other cheek lightly* stocking: a bit~.....your hands feel nice though~ Kid: *smiles* "So do yours...so strong and precise..." stocking: *smirks and grabs his rear* Kid: o\\\\\\o "Oh...So, you're going to do that, huh?" *puts his hands on her bottom* stocking: ooh~<3 Kid: *squeeze squeeze* "Oh...So nice." stocking: *soft moans* Kid: "You like that..." *massages her cheeks* stocking: y-yes~ >///< Kid: *he pushes her from behind towards him, pressing her against him* stocking: ah... Kid: *his hand slides up under her dress, touching her bottom* stocking: ah~ k-kiddo~! Kid: *smirks, as his mouth reaches her* stocking: mmmn~<3 Kid: *he continues to hold her bottom, his fingers sliding under her panties and pulling them down* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Welcome to dinner." fang-hua: thanks for inviting us all. kirei: ^^ fang-hua: (thinking: this is actually the first time i was ever at the commander's house. the estate is rather nice.) Konro: "Yes, thank you." *offers bottle to Kirei and Benimaru* Tsukiyo: *looking around* "Fancy home, Commander." Benimaru: *nods* fang-hua: *looking around* Tsukiyo: *looks around as well...including at a small painting of a few people who look like Benimaru* kabuki: ah, i take it that's you in your younger days, commander? Benimaru: "??? ...Yes. When I was tiny." -elsewhere- Johannes: "Come on in! I can show you what I did to Mikuni's doll!" customer: eh.... O_O; Johannes: "See?" *holds up the doll--which now has elephant ears and a nose* "I combined his Ella doll with an elephant! An Ella-phant! Eh? Eh?" customer: right..haha....ha....*backing away* metsu: doctor, stop harrassing the customers. Johannes: *pout* "I'm not harassing. I am just creative at attracting new customers." -elsewhere- *A cell phone rings* Shamrock: "??? Tsubaki? I think you have a phone call." tsubaki: *she answers* yes? this is tsubaki speaking. Touma: "Hello, Ms. Nakatsukasa." tsubaki: *her heart practically dropped to her stomach* !!! Touma: "It's been awhile. How are you?" tsubaki:.......what do you want? Touma: "Straight to the point, huh? Sorry, I guess you have been busy tending to various tasks...I just wanted to see how you are managing. I am sure your house feels like it gets more crowded all the time." tsubaki:..... Touma: "Tell me, are all of your visitors behaving themselves?" tsubaki:....my family has been on good behavior, yes. Touma: "...Happy to hear that about your 'family'...I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. I would hate for something to happen. I could always recommend a doctor. Or a nurse." tsubaki:.....what are you implying? *shaking, but keeping calm* Touma: "I never imply, Ms. Nakatsukasa. You sound a bit under the weather, and I am simply asking whether I may recommend someone to you. I know medical professionals everywhere, from Death City all the way to...Asakusa." tsubaki: !!! ......... Shamrock: *watching, looking worried* Touma: "If you ever require my assistance, please know C3 is always near." tsubaki:..... Touma: "Well, I have a meeting--interviewing new applicants for the position of my personal assistant. And I'm sure you are busy as well tending to your 'family.' I will let you go. Goodbye, Ms. Nakatsukasa." tsubaki:....*she hangs up*......*shivering* Shamrock: "Tsubaki...Wh-What happened?" -she explains what happened- lavender: that....sack of SHIT! Higan: *practically growling* Belkia: *oddly serious-looking* Shamrock: *shivering* otogiri:.... himawari:.....this is....my fault....mr touma's angry....because i ran away.....*trembling* tsubaki: himawari...its ok, this isnt your fault at all. Shamrock: *holds Himawari's hand* "He is angry...because he is a pathetic creature. This has nothing to do with you: you did nothing wrong." tsubaki: ..... otogiri: on the positives, yumikage and junichiro are our allies, as are those three girls, right? lavender: that is true. Higan: "But if Touma is doing an end-run around them to directly threaten Tsubaki over the phone? And getting a new personal assistant? That all sounds bad." tsubaki:..... otogiri: tsubaki....it's going to be ok. Belkia: *nods* "We're not going to let that weenie get to any of us." -elsewhere- Jun: "??? What is Touma up to?" yumikage: i dunno...but i dont trust him for a moment... mitsuba: 'new assistant'....i have a bad feeling about this. hyakuya: no kidding.... Jun: "Who is he even interviewing?" shinoa: no way of telling. tsurugi: even i dont know. 83 -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up in Mahiru's lap* mahiru: ....*small smile* tetsu: *doing push-ups* Hugh: "93, 94, 95..." kaori: *smile* it certainly is peaceful nowadays.... uzuki: no kidding... Kuro: *yawn* "Hope it stays peaceful a bit longer..." mahiru: spring's going to be here before we know it... Kuro: "Good. I was getting tired of the cold." Hugh: "121, 122..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *playing ball with the twins* hinata: over here! over here! reimi: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *kicks to Hinata* "Coming your way!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Ah~" stocking: *panting* Kid: *small pant...he smiles, as he looks up and down her* "You're beautiful." stocking: you're not too bad on the eyes either~ *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "That means so much, coming from you..." *kiss* stocking: aww. Kid: *holds her* "Mmmm...So huggable and warm...and hot." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *pats her side* "You are the sexiest person I have ever known..." stocking: as are you~ Kid: *snuggles* "I can't wait for that vacation..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Mmm...Sister, you are a great cook!" reimi: thanks. ^^ Benimaru: *small pout* "I helped..." Konro: *trying to hold back a laugh* reimi: ^^; Benimaru: *clears throat* "Kohana, anything to drink?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *hugs Tsubaki* tsubaki: thanks...i needed that today.... Black Star: *nods* "Hey. You're going to be fine. You have an entire household full of vampires, you got me, and most importantly, you're strong." tsubaki:...*she smiles* Black Star: *holds her, smiles* "See? That's a happy smile." -elsewhere- Victor: *reading through a history book* nozomi:....oh, that's the amaterasu incident, right? i think i remember my father mentioning it... Victor: "Oh--you're familiar with it?" *looking at photographs of the documented destruction* "It was...destructive." nozomi: not really, just with what i've read in books. Victor: *points to the photo* "You ever hear the mythology about how this world came into being? What created it?" nozomi: i've heard a lot of stories, but there's so many interpretations to it... Victor: "Yeah...It has to do with those interpretations around the Adora Burst--and how it created this world...and can destroy it..." nozomi:.... Victor: "The Burst caused this..." *taps on the photograph* "...and as a scientist, I want to know more--so that something can be done with it, to benefit humanity." nozomi: ....*she nods* right... -the photo is of a large crater on the outskirts of tokyo; the amaterasu crater- Victor: *sighs* "I don't want to see that destruction again. And with some Flame Humans having that purified flame of the Adora Burst...I wanted to work here at the 8th to see it firsthand." shinra:....... Victor: *senses Shinra, but keeps talking* "Nozomi, have you ever been to the Crater?" nozomi: not personally, but my father has. *showing a photograph of toshiaki and a woman at the crater. the woman is giving him the bunny ears* Victor: *small snort laugh* "That's...Your dad? And...?" nozomi: a family friend, dr itou. she's also one of my mentors. Victor: "Oh! She also researches Flame Humans?" nozomi: to some extent. she also works with machines as well. she once built a flame powered mech suit. Victor: *shiny eyes* "Really?" nozomi: *she nods* Victor: "Neat...She work with any brigade?" nozomi: not to my knowledge. no. Victor: "Hmm...Hope I can talk with her at some point. Thanks for telling me about her." ^^ -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "It's getting late. Time for you two to head on home to bed." hikage: awww. hinata: that's lame. -n- Mr. Tsubaki: "The earlier you get to bed, the earlier you'll be up for cupcakes and fruit for breakfast~" hinata: *already asleep* hikage: *also heading to sleep* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, whispers to Reimi* "That was fast..." reimi: ^^; you know how kids can be. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I forget sometimes..." *thinks of Sakuya, Lilac, his own childhood...* -elsewhere- Konro: *pours a bit of sake out* "That was a delicious meal. Thank you for hosting us." Benimaru: *nods* -elsewhere- Tool: "Io's sleeping soundly." saki: *she smiles* Tool: "...Want some tea?" saki: i'd like that. Tool: *sets to work* "How was Io at daycare? What did the babysitters there say?" saki: she's behaving, but keeps to herself a lot. Tool: "Hmm...Maybe introverted?" saki: maybe... Tool: "...What were you like as a kid, Saki?" saki: me? i was a bit rambunctious. ^^; Tool: "Ha ha...Raised heck around the house with Chie?" saki: i guess she kinda helped me cool down a lot... Tool: *smiles* "That's it is with you, one who is calm..." *stares at her* "...one who is passionate." saki: ? Tool: "I admire how you persist, how confident you are." saki: *soft smile* aww. Tool: *smile...puts out his hand* saki: *small smooch* ^w^ Tool: ^\\\\^ "Heh..." chie: awww. Tool: o\\\\\o "...You've been there the entire time, haven't you?" chie: dont mind me~ saki: oh my, i didnt think my sister was a vouyer. for shame. chie: s-SAKI! >////< saki: haha! Tool: *snort laugh* chie: -n- -elsewhere- Arthur: *laughing* tamaki: what's so funny? Arthur: "If you ever want a laugh--" *giggle* "--ask Iris about various animals. Like ask her what she thinks an elephant looks like..." tamaki: ??? iris: .~. Arthur: "And Shinra didn't know what a bull looked like..." shinra: that's not true! i've seen bulls before! >3< Arthur: "Oh, really? Then why did you need to look it up online?" shinra: it's been a while since i was on a farm. Arthur: "??? You were actually on a farm? Doing what?" shinra: it was back when i was just a kid. my mom took sho and i to a farmers market. Arthur: "Ah. So, you saw the animals and picked up produce?" shinra: yeah, it was a lot of fun. iris: i've never actually been to a farm before.. Arthur: "Hmm...Neither have I. Have you heard of Mutton Busting? I have long wanted to tame one of those wild beasts." shinra: not really. -elsewhere- Touma: *reviewing his applications* "Excellent..." -outside the office- girl in school uniform: this is so dumb, why are we being dragged into this? random person: say, wasnt your sister in C3? school girl: yeah she was, why do you ask? *Touma exits* Touma: "Hello." -the applicants look up at him- girl: ..... Touma: "I am happy to have you here for today's interviews. Sorry for the wait. I am Taishi Touma, vice manager." -one girl raises her hand- girl 2: will we be doing an oral test, or is this a written test? Touma: "Written first, then one-on-one interviews." girl 2: do we have to bring our own stationary? i left mine at home. Touma: "I can provide stationery." *starts walking from his office to an empty room, gesturing for them to follow* -the applicants follow behind him- girl 1:....... *There are numerous school desks with chairs, and a chalkboard at the front* Touma: "Have a seat." *he hands each of them the test and a pencil* girl: what is this, school? -_-; Touma: *a bit too close to her* "We are simply making sure you got through school--and to push you towards adulthood." girl: ....... *The questions are largely about biology, mathematics, and problem-solving* -the test goes on until it concludes- Touma: *nods* "Give me a few minutes to grade these. Drinks and snacks are in the next room..." *exits for another room* -later- girl:.... Touma: *re-enters, points at the girl* "Let's begin the interview. Right this way..." girl:....*she follows* *Inside is a table, two chairs, and a lamp* girl:..... Touma: "Have a seat. I look forward to talking with you, Miss..." girl:....natsuna kanemoto. Touma: *smiles* "That is a unique name." natsuna: is it really? Touma: *nods* "It stands out. Well, let's get started with the interview. How far along are you in your education?" natsuna: i'm a 2nd year in junior high. Touma: "Oh, really? What would you say is your best subject?" natsuna: i guess writing? Touma: "That is a strong skill. Communication is key here, in order to best follow orders and to follow through on what I ask be communicated to my colleagues. Now, for the opposite question: what do you do when you have a bad subject in school, and can you give an example for how you overcome that problem?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *smiles at Kirei* "Good dinner?" kirei: *she smiles* thank you, benimaru. Benimaru: *holds her hand* "...Thank you." *small kiss* kirei: ^///^ Benimaru: "...Did you..." kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "...want to stay over?" kirei: oh! if its not a problem with you... Benimaru: *shakes his head* "...I'm nervous. But it's not a problem." -elsewhere- Victor: *yawn* "Well, I'm turning in..." nozomi: good night then. Victor: "Good night. Pleasant dreams..." nozomi: r-right.... ./////. Victor: "..." *waves* nozomi: *meek wave* o/////o Victor: .\\\\. *turns and quickly leaves* tamaki: *glaaaaaaaaaaaare* Victor: "!!! ...Hello, Tamaki." tamaki: *glint* im watching you.... Victor: "...Okay." *smile* "I'll let you in on a little secret..." tamaki: what...? Victor: *smirks, leans in, towering over her* "I watch everyone--as a good scientist must~" tamaki: O____O;; Victor: *smiles* "So just know that's what I do. Good night." tamaki:...if you try anything to her, you're as good as dead, punk! Victor: *smiles* "What ever makes you think I would? I have no intention of hurting Nozomi...and it's not really up to you what she thinks or wants, now is it?" tamaki:...... Victor: "And I would expect her friend to be worried about someone new coming here. So, I'll focus on my research, and you focus on Nozomi...Deal?" tamaki:...... -elsewhere- Johannes: *doodling* metsu: *finishing up work for the day* Mikuni: *playing with dolls* Jeje: *changing a light bulb...* Johannes: "I DREW A VAMPIRE!" *holds up his doodle* metsu: an excellent job. we'll put it up on the fridge. Johannes: *happy hand-clap* "Yay!" Jeje: "..." *holds up an apple magnet for the fridge* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *lies down* -knock- Shamrock: *sits up, answers the door* otogiri: belkia got his hand stuck in the coffee pot. im taking him to the ER. again. Shamrock: x_-;;;;; "...Okay. Don't let him bite people." otogiri: understood. Shamrock: "How long you think it'll be this time?" otogiri: i'll give the estimate of 7 minutes the fastest. Shamrock: *nods* "I'll hold down the fort." -later- Belkia: -3- "Stupid coffee pot is out to get me..." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Belkia: *glares at the coffe pot, which now has a frowny face in perspiration on it* "I'M WATCHING YOU!" ???: bel....ki...a..? -ayami is laying in the hospital bed next to his- Belkia: o_______O *whispers* "Heeeeeeeeelp..." ayami:...am i....dreaming...? *she's covered in bandages* i did....something bad.... Belkia: "...Dude...You didn't..." otogiri:..... Belkia: "Oh, God...Why did you do that?" ayami: do you.....hate me now? *her eyes seem lifeless* Belkia: ._o *looks at Otogiri* otogiri:.....its ok. Belkia: "...No, I don't hate you...I'm sorry..." ayami: im sorry that...i...ever burdened you.... Belkia: "...You just scared me, that's all. I'm around a lot of scary people." *points at Otogiri* "You should see what Otogiri does when I get this coffee pot stuck on my hand." otogiri:... -_-; Belkia: "So, um...no hard feelings, Ayami?" ayami:.....it's....my own fault.... Belkia: "Hey...It isn't...It's no one's fault. Just...got to get past this. Make it disappear." ayami: *gets up* otogiri: you just sit down...dont...even think about it.... Belkia: ._. "...What exactly was she thinking?" ayami:...... Belkia: "Um...Ayami? What are you doing?" ayami:.... *staring at the ceiling, laying back down* Belkia: "???" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking at his bed* himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "..." *defeated smile...crawls into bed carefully beside her* himawari:....*shivers* Shamrock: "..." *pulls the sheets over her...small hug* himawari:....*slight nestle against his chest* Shamrock: *holds her, as he yawns* lavender: cute. Higan: *nods* Shamrock: x_-; *tries to fall asleep...* -early morning- Benimaru: *turns* kirei: zzz.... Benimaru: "..." *smile, tries to leave the bed without waking her...* -elsewhere- lavender: zzzzz..... Higan: *cuddling* -in another room- naho: zzzzz.... Sakuya: "..." *blows lightly at her ear* naho: >////< Sakuya: *whispers* "Time for beautiful young women to wake up..." *small nibble on her ear* naho: s-sakkun! >///O Sakuya: *rubs her arm a bit, hugging her* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzzzzzzzz *KNOCK KNOCK* stocking: neh? w-whu-wha? Kid: *snore* Patty: *from behind the door* "You two up yet?" stocking: im up.. *rubs eyes* Patty: "Well, we got a surprise for breakfast--so hurry!" stocking: ok. kiddo~ wakey wakey~ Kid: "H-Huh?" *looks up* stocking: it's morning~ Kid: *yawn* "So it is...and what a beautiful morning." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *stretches...gets out of bed and takes his robe* -and so- Gopher: "Surprise!" *holds up a box* "I brought donuts!" Kid: "...This is the surprise?" Gopher: :< kirika: mornin' Gopher: *shiny eyes* "Good morning!" Patty: *already eating a donut* -later- Kid: "Plans for today?" stocking: maybe i could do more studying. Kid: *nods* "Sounds like a plan. Need any help?" stocking: i think i'm gonna study over at the cram school, try making friends. Kid: "That will be good. See you this evening for dinner?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *smiles, kisses her cheek* "Good luck." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "I'll finish some of my own studies with Father today." stocking: right. Kid: *nods, smiles* "Until then..." -later- Kid: "And this file, Father? Has that mission been completed?" lord death: yep. that puts soul at needing only one more soul plus a rogue witch... Kid: "Amazing...Another Death Scythe." lord death: indeed... Kid: "Which witches are on your Death List?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawn* himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "???" *looks at the clock* -10:14 AM- Shamrock: "Oh dear...I overslept." *gets out of bed* "...Himawari?" himawari:...hmmn? Shamrock: "It's after 10. Time to wake up." himawari:...*getting up* Shamrock: "Sleep okay?" himawari:....*nods* Shamrock: "That's good. Let's see whether someone else made breakfast--and whether Otogiri and Belkia are back." -and so- otogiri: good morning. naho: how did it go? Belkia: "...Well, my hand is now sans coffee pot...but..." naho: hmm? Belkia: "...I ran into that girl who was following me." naho: oh. Belkia: "She...looked pretty bad. Hospitalized." naho: !!! Belkia: "I felt bad--I didn't mean to cause that for her." naho:...... Belkia: "Naho, what would you do?" naho: me? o.o~? Belkia: *nods* "Yeah. I don't know what to do with someone who was...well, struggling like this. I could use some advice." naho: hmmm...maybe a fruit basket? Belkia: "I guess that's a start. Will she misinterpret that, though?" naho:...*shrug* Belkia: *sigh* "Okay, thanks. I'll get to work on the fruits basket--" *looks down...lifts his foot...and the coffee pot is on his foot* "...MY ONE TRUE ENEMY..." otogiri:... -_-; Sakuya: "...Maybe try soap and water this time, rather than another ER bill." naho: or try turning into a doll and shimmy your foot out! Belkia: ._. "...Oh." *POOF* *the coffee pot rests on the floor, with Belkia in doll form inside it* naho: *picks it up and pulls the doll out* TA-DAH~! Belkia: "Magic!" Sakuya: *claps his hands* lilac: wow... naho: hehe~ ^^ *peace sign* Belkia: "I guess I'll be putting on more magic shows to pay the ER bill." ^^; naho: megane-pire~! Belkia: -_____-;;;; "...Ouch." naho:...~? owo Belkia: "That pun..." naho: what? it's cute! >n< Sakuya: "I thought it was." *smiles* Belkia: "Look, I'll handle the cute jokes here!" -elsewhere- stocking: *checking the map* lets see....hmmm... ???: "Hello." stocking: hmm? *she looks up* ya? Shima: "Yo!" stocking: hey. you're in...rin's class, right? Shima: *nods* "Renzo Shima, at your service~" stocking: nice to meet you then shima. Shima: "Likewise! If you ever need any help around campus, let me know--I know everything, every place, and everyone around here!" stocking: i'll keep that in mind.....1106....1106...hmm... Shima: "Ah, looking for Room 1106? Cool, cool..." stocking: let's see...ah! here we go! Shima: "??? You have a class there? Which is it?" stocking: i'm actually doing some cramming to become a student teacher, more or less. ^^' Shima: "Ooo, smart. But be careful in there--the corner of the ceiling leaks." stocking: noted. Shima: "Who teaches this class?" stocking: isnt this the freshman class? Shima: *nods* "Maybe Yukio?" stocking: that's good. *she smiles* Yukio: "Oh, Stocking. Welcome." stocking: hey. noriko: oh, you're....mr pheles' daughter, arent you? Yukio: "Okay, let's get started...Have a seat next to Noriko, Stocking." stocking: right! *she sits down* Yukio: "We begin today's lesson looking at taming demons in the category of Galatea..." *writing on the chalkboard* stocking:.... (thinking: i have no idea what that means. -_-; ) Yukio: "This is forcing a demon into an inanimate object." stocking: oh. like a possessed doll? Yukio: "Yes, although the process of forcing a demon into an inanimate object can make that object gain movement and abilities..." *opens a small chest...and a walking desk lamp pops out* noriko: ah! Lamp-Chan: *blinks light on and off...as it dances across the desk* Yukio: "This one is rather well trained. Other Galatea are less so. Imagine a demon possessing an entire building...and bringing it down upon you." stocking: o_o; (thinking: then honekoneko's also....) Yukio: "Even something innocuous like a doll could be formidable, depending on the form of taming completed. After all, the doll could just house the demon, or the demon could transform the doll..." stocking: *awkward sweat* izumo: *raises hand* Yukio: "Yes, Izumo?" izumo: it's because of that reason that games such as 'hitori kakurenbo' are ill advised, right? Yukio: *nods* "The results can be catastrophic." stocking:.... Yukio: "You will be testing your skills with Galatea in a situation similar to Hitori Kakurenbo, but it will be supervised." *notices Stocking* "Something wrong?" stocking: nothing, just thinking... Yukio: "Well, let's move onto another set of demons: Elements." *he draws a flame, a water droplet, a tornado, rocks, and some crudely drawn fifth element* stocking: the 5th one is metal, right? shiemi: i thought it was grass? izumo: of course you would -_-; shiemi: ^^; Yukio: "These elements are in harmony: each is stronger than another, but weaker than another." -later- Yukio: "Let me return your tests to you...Shiemi, you still need to use actual names for plants, not your pet-names for them." shiemi: ^^; Yukio: "Good work, Izumo, but you confused two of the Galatea versions." izumo: ._.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretake CH6
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,070
- Author Note: I forgot again to update last week, so i am giving the update today instead! 
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Chapter 6
“Wait where are you guys going?” Yoongi’s gruffy voice stopped everyone on their track. Jin who seemed engross preparing the last plate of toast for the youngest one in the group diverted his attention to the grumpy guy. For some reason Yoongi looked extremely pissy today in his usual comfy clothes, black hoodies and his favourite ripped jeans.
Jungkook approached the seat beside Jimin, looking squeaky clean with his dam hair “Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” his signature bunny smile spread across his face. Upon feeling Jungkook’s presence beside him, Jimin turned to face the younger boy to greet him a good morning but only to be welcomed by his wet bangs sticking on his forehead.
An unpleasant frown could be seen on Jimin’s face as he reached out to touch Jungkook’s damp hair “Can you dry your hair properly? You might catch a cold kkuk” the latter sighs softly. Being an obedient younger brother, Jungkook only nodded in response as he let Jimin stood behind him, drying his hair manually using towel that hang loosely around his neck.
Watching the two youngest guys pampering each other with affection so early in the morning, Jin shook his head while munching down his own food. “We have practice in a bit Yoongi, weren’t you informed by Hoseok yesterday?” his nose scrunched up, pushing his round glasses back at the bridge of his nose.
“Right. But isn’t it too early? Shouldn’t we wait for the caretaker Ahjumma to show up?” Yoongi retorted in hope others would agree with his odd ideas.
“Mmm hyung? I thought we aren’t allowed to be here when the ahjumma perform her job?” Jimin voice croaked cutely as his hands were busy stroking Jungkook’s soft hair making sure it was dried properly. “Jungkook stay still ishh” said Jimin, puckering his lower lips in between.
Jungkook tilted his head following Jimin’s movement whilst finishing his breakfast without complain. To him, whatever food prepared by Jin, was the best food that he ever tasted ever. He’s used to his cooking to the extent when they were too busy with their promotions, he craved for Jin’s food all week long.
Yoongi snapped “I know, but aren’t you curious to see who she is?” he tapped fingers on the kitchen counter anxiously.
“Whoa, chill man. Why are you so worked up today?” Hoseok inquired with his innocent round eyes. Apart from Jin, Yoongi talked to no one about the incident yesterday. Oh well, he was taking Jin’s word into consideration that he did not want to worry their manager over this petty thing. If it was a petty thing per mentioned by Kim Seokjin, he would not be as restless. He was sexually harassed by someone, eventually and he could not let this thing slide. God knows, what else the girl could do to them if she decided to return.
If the girl from yesterday was not a legit daughter of the caretaker ahjumma, shouldn’t  they be worried? What if something happened to their caretaker? That would be so mess up.
Jin eyed Min Suga in the eyes with a smug “Guess, he seems interested with the caretaker romantically. He claims the caretaker is a lady around our age” all eyes in the room were on him. Some were mentally judging Yoongi’s ridiculous ideas and some were reconsidering the things that he mentioned earlier.
“Is that even possible?” the leader finally said something showing his interest.
“I know what I saw. I met her yesterday and trust me she is not that ahjumma”
Everyone choked on their food and drinks as they gave Yoongi a wary look, perhaps disbelieving every word that he said. Before anyone could interrupt, Yoongi held one of his hand signalling he was not finish talking and continued “She claimed to be the caretaker’s ahjumma daughter saying that she worked in her place temporarily due to her health condition. However, I was not convinced by her so called “I am Mrs Hwang’s daughter” story. Plus, if she is really ill, the company would notify us. Don’t you think it is odd?” he exhaled softly, feeling satisfied with his explanation. Again, he left the unexpected kiss part because he did not want to answer more questions from the floor.
“Holy… Are you serious right now?” Jungkook’s brow flinch in confusion followed by Jimin exaggerated reaction, as he sank beside Jungkook.
Taehyung muttered “But hyung, are you sure what you saw? Before we left yesterday, you ate your medicine, right? Don’t you think it is the after effect from the drugs that you consumed?” Yoongi snorted in annoyance.
“It is just pills not a fucking drug that could get me high, Kim Taehyung! I know what I saw, the girl invaded our dorm. Should not you be worried? She could be a sasaeng!” he exclaimed with a displeased face. Jin on the other side was dissatisfied with the choice of word made by Yoongi. No cursing word is allowed with his presence in the room.
Namjoon lips was pressed into thin line, indicating he’s working on something discreetly inside his mind “That is weird. Did you manage to get something from her like her identification card or something?”
“Uhm, about that. She did show me her mother ids, proving that he is one of Bighit’s staff but not hers. Something came up that it really took me off guard. I lost her in the blink of an eyes” he grunted.
Hoseok chuckled teasingly “And what is that something?”
“Oh my god could it be!” Jimin lips formed into a cute ‘o’ shape as he exchanged glance with Hoseok and Jungkook. Whatever these guys had in their mind, it was not an innocent thing for sure.
“Yah yah, it is not what you think. Don’t you dare!” Yoongi warned sternly silencing the small giggles from the three idiots in front of him. He could not believe this, that none of them would trust his words. When will they ever grow wisely and consider everything he said was the truth.
“Alright, prove it to us” Namjoon suggested, crossing his arm defensively.
Yoongi’s eyes glimmered in sheer happiness, finally someone took him seriously. If the leader said so, everyone would eventually listen to the leader’s words. “So how long we should wait?” Taehyung asked out curiosity. Frankly speaking, everyone was dying to meet the caretaker ahjumma.
“She should be here in few minutes since we were supposed to leave around 7 today, she usually come on time right after we leave” Yoongi glanced at the clock on the wall. Would Seul show up today to end this doubt between them? He had to prove to everyone that what he’s saying was the truth.
Jin agreed with the idea and smiled “Okay we will wait for 30 minutes, if she did not show up then you are so done Min Suga” the latter rolled eyes in his seat. Jin’s threat was empty and like he would get scared over that tiny warn.
Tossing her body on bed, she grew frustrated over the memories that she had with Yoongi yesterday. What was on her mind? Why would she be this dumb? To kiss one of Bangtan members just to save her ass. This was so fucked up to be honest. How could she turn up for the job knowing Min Yoongi would be there waiting for her at the doorstep? After all, she did sexually harass him. Stealing a kiss without permission is considered crime.  
Seul stayed up all night searching for Bangtan Sonyeondan profile just because she was dead curious of the guy that she accidentally kissed yesterday. Then, she found out he was Yoongi the rapper and oh it came to her realization Yoongi was Agust D, her favorite Tony Montana song was rapped by him. How could it be possible?
The kiss was incidental, yet it taunted her even in her deep slumber.
The door to her room was clicked open, and her mother’s head popped out behind it with a bewildered look “Why are you still here? Should not you be at the dorm already?” she sighed.
“Mom, I don’t think I can do it” she sat up, crossed leg on her queen size bed.
“What is wrong? Did something happen?” her weight sank in front of her as she looked at her daughter worriedly. Not that she wanted to force her to fill in the job, yet the two stubborn kids insisted her to rest and get a proper treatment until they found her a donor.
Now, it was worrying her. She assumed things were doing just fine, since Seul had not shown any disagreement or complains these past few weeks.
“Someone caught me in red handed yesterday. I was cleaning the dorm because according to the schedule no one should be home until night. But mom, someone was there. The guy with gruffy voice and small eyes, he caught me red handed!” she facepalmed feeling remorseful.
“Min Yoongi caught you?” Mrs Hwang gasped upon hearing the news.
“Yes, whatever his name. He was there at the dorm, but no one informed you about it! For a record, he saw me. We talked, and I told him about replacing you. That was the only thing came out from my mouth! I screwed this up”
Mrs Hwang rubbed her temple accompanied with a soft sigh “That is bad, the boys have no idea how I look, and they may think you are lying. Did you show my id?” Seul was quick to nod in response to her mother question.
“MIN YOONGI ACCUSED ME FOR BEING A SASAENG! SASAENG MY FOOT! I know nothing about them except few of their songs! He is rude I can say” she flinched in disgust.
Mrs Hwang squished Seul’s hand with a motherly smile, it was an assurance that she would solve this thing with the company soon and made sure things would not get out of hand. It was enough for the boys to know Seul’s existence but not the management.
“I will manage that, don’t worry. Take a break for a while, I will find way, so it won’t be messed up. Now, go wash up. You still have your bubble tea job to attend” Seul paused briefly feeling a little calm after the conversation that she had with her mother.
With hope, she did not need to show up to that dorm ever again.
“It is 7.30 and there is no sign of the young caretaker” Namjoon frowned purposely highlighting the young part just to annoy the older guy.
“I SWEAR SHE WAS HERE YESTERDAY? CANT WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER 30 minutes!” Yoongi rubbed his hair in frustration. This called for trouble, why the girl did not show up after the stunt that she pulled yesterday.  
Namjoon eyebrow quirked up automatically, exasperating a deep sigh “I believe that is not possible. We have something important going on at the company today. I suppose you have a meeting with Pdogg hyung to attend, are you forgetting that already?”
“Hyung, I think you have seen it wrong. It maybe the ahjumma but she is not that young. It is possible if she takes a good care of her skin though. Some may look like in their 20s” Hoseok chortled positively.
I know what I saw, I know what I feel. That soft lips of hers, how could I forget it. The kiss was real. Suga mentally facepalmed disliking how the situation turned unfavourable for him. No one is going to believe him anymore.
“Come on Yoongi hyung we have lots of thing to do today, don’t waste your time. We will meet the caretaker ahjumma soon” giving Yoongi the last pat on his back, Namjoon went to get his stuff inside his room joining others to get ready for their practice.
Staring blankly at the cold and empty entrance, Yoongi clutched his fist, steadying his rapid breathing. Out of all days, why would Seul chose not to show up? Was she scared after the yesterday encounter? Was Yoongi’s warning affect her that much?
He wished to see her one more time to clear things between them.
They still had to talk about the kiss though. He couldn’t pretend as if nothing ever happened between them. Heck no, he was not an easy man.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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