#so there’s the part of mh brain that’s like ‘i’ve been here for eight years and I don’t wanna learn to hse smth else’
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charlottedabookworm · 1 year ago
see my problem with this site slowly collapsing is I don’t know how to use anything else
i was never a dreamwidth kid, never really got twitter or insta or any of that shit - i was on the internet a lot, sure, but mostly pirating tv or reading manga or on carls sims 3 forum or a star trek pbemrpg
so yeah basically i’m fucked
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mojofun · 5 years ago
Caution - Keep out of children's reach. Yes Sirius, you too (Sirius x Reader)
Hello everyone. This is an entry for a writing challenge I’m taking part in, launched by the awesome @approved-by-dentists​ for reaching 400 followers; congratulations again :) The prompts I chose were <<So you’re telling me you read the instructions and still managed to get this result?>><<I did! Okay, I tried… Well, I tried to want to?>> and <<How on Earth did I ever get so lucky to be loved by you?>>
It’s a piece of fluff set in absurd situation and it came to me after a rather disastrous trip to IKEA (I’m still laughing). Anyway, enough with the chatter. I hope you enjoy it!
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Gif not mine, credits to @snuffles-padfoot07​
<<Shit, Y/N’s home, Y/N’s home!>>
Alarmed whispers and jarring sounds of moving furniture were what welcomed the H/C-haired girl in the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, and occasionally -much more often than one might think- his best friend.
Suspicious, to say the least.
The young woman took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for whatever could be waiting for her in the house. Her preparation should have been a little more physical, however, as all the years she’d spent with her other half should have taught her.
Maybe she decided to have some faith in him, even just a little…
That trust resulted in her almost face-planting against the floor after tripping over something. Luckily, two strong arms caught her before severe injures occurred
<<Y/N! Are you ok?>>
She tilted her head upward, meeting the young man’s steely grey eyes, filled with concern. 
Well, at least for that she could count on him.
The thought brought a smile to her face, but it was quickly wiped off her face when she took in the state of the room
<<What the hell, Sirius?>>
Cardboard boxes, sellotape shreds, bolts and screws littered the floor, along with some tools like hammers and… Was that a saw?
Parts of what she guessed were supposed to be chairs and a couch completed the mix. All in all, it looked like a jenga game gone wrong.
The sheepish twenty-something wizard awkwardly scratched the nape of his neck, avoiding her gaze
<<Well, you see…>>
<<Yes, I do see! The living room is a mess! Did a bomb explode in here or something?>>
In the corner James was crouching out of sight behind what should have been the back piece of the sofa
<<No, wait; a bomb would have caused less damage than you two>>
<<I’m sorry! We needed new chairs after the, uhm… Accident>>
Y/N crossed her arms, pinning him with a glare
<<Oh, you’re talking about the time you got drunk, changed into Padfoot and chewed all the legs off the furniture?>>
He gulped guiltily, still not looking at her.
Merlin knows what would have happened if Remus had not intervened to restrain him
<<Uh, yeah>>
<<We went to that strange stores muggles call I… I…>>
<<I… What?>>
<<Wait, it’s on the tip of my tongue…>>
<<Prongs, what the hell was it called?>>
<<I… Ig… Ice…>>
<<Are you two talking about IKEA?>>
<<YES!>> The two Marauders exclaimed in unison <<How did you know?>>
<<I’m a muggle born, remember?>>
Sirius smirked
<<Darling, how could I ever forget? My parents’ reaction when they found out I’m dating you will be forever burned in my mind>>
It was Y/N’s turn to grin at the prospect of stumping her significant other
<<Really now? Is that the only reason you are dating me, Sirius?>>
He rushed to her side, taking her hands in his and spewing reassurances so fast that she had trouble understanding him
<<No, of course not. I love you, your beauty, your sense of humor, your intelligence, your kindness…>>
Sirius was a little flustered; Y/N giggled
<<Are you done, darling?>>
<<Uhm, yeah>>
<<Good. Now, shall we take care of this mayhem together?>>
Both boys nodded fervently, making the female chuckle
<<Awesome. Will one of you hand me the instructions sheets, please?>>
That simple question was enough to make them freeze like two criminals caught red-handed
<<I’m scared of asking, but I’ll take the chance… What happened to those papers?>>
Her boyfriend looked like the statues outside the Hogwarts castle; his best friend hesitantly lifted his hand, pouting at a pile of scraps in the corner
<<What the hell?>>
Y/N suddenly had the feeling that she would be repeating that sentence a lot more during this absurd conversation
<<Well, you see…>>
<<No, this time I do not see! Why would you do that?>>
<<What makes you think it was me?>>
The young witch cocked an eyebrow, crossing her arms with a snort
<<Please: I’ve seen you in action as Padfoot>>
<<Alright… I may have chewed them out of frustration>>
<<Very mature>>
<<They were unintelligible! I was going crazy! I mean, look at this chair!>> He exploded, pointing at the piece of furniture by her side.
At first Y/N merely glanced at it, not finding anything out of the ordinary. Then, she froze; her brain refused to elaborate what she saw, so she slowly turned around again and came face to face with… An unusual sight, to put it nicely
<<What the hell?>>
Yes, the feeling was right
<<What is this? It looks like something out of a modern art museum!>>
In spite of themselves Sirius and James laughed, unable to hold back. Her glare brought them back in line though
<<Would one of you care to tell me why this damn chair has eight legs?>>
<<The drawings->>
<<Wait wait wait wait wait>> She held up a hand, trying to prepare herself again <<So you’re telling me you read the instructions->>
<<We read them!>> 
<<And still managed to get this result?>>
<<I did!>>
For the second time Y/N pinned him with a  harsh glare, making him squirm uncomfortably
<<Okay, I tried…>>
Her scowl worsened
<<Well, I tried to want to?>>
In the corner, James was still hiding behind the back piece of the couch.
The woman let out a long, frustrated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose
<<I can’t believe you two…>>
<<Hey, did you expect us to understand Swedish?>>
<<The English version is written on the back, you idiots!>>
<<Oh>> They gaped
<<Don’t “oh” me>> The exasperated female scolded, taking in again the chaos the living room had been reduced to
<<There better be no more surprises in the house>>
<<Well, we were thinking of tackling the bed, but->>
<<No!>> She hastened to stop them <<You know what? Why don’t you two go buy groceries or something and I’ll deal with this… Octopus chair and the rest of your bedlam>>
At that, the other guy immediately ran out of the house, leaving his best mate to face his unnerved girlfriend. He just gave her an enormous smile and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her
<<How on Earth did I ever get so lucky to be loved by you?>>
<<The real question is, what did I ever do to deserve you?>> She mumbled in his chest, making him cackle
<<You lucked out, darling>>
<<It wasn’t a compliment, you dumbass>>
The coal-haired wizard let out a belly laugh, pecking her on the forehead
<<I don’t care what you did, but I am grateful you did it; my life wouldn’t be even half as wonderful without you in it>>
The S/C-skinned witch raised her face to look him in the eyes, smiling sweetly
<<You managed to placate my fury, but it’s not gonna last long, so I suggest you apparate as far away as you can while I can still keep my killing instincts at bay>>
<<Roger that, my love. I’ll see you later!>>
With that, he was gone.
Y/N chortled, shaking her head in amusement
<<Whatever it is I did, Sirius, I am immensely grateful I did it too…>>
She pulled out her wand and got to work.
A couple of hours later the house looked fit to live in again. All pieces of furniture had the correct number of legs and there was no litter on the floor; it was spic and span.
That was the sight that greeted Sirius when he decided to go back home. It made him smile as he headed to their shared bedroom.
There, he found his girlfriend lying on the bed, taking a rest after working out the mess he’d made. To make up for it he’d bought her a bunch of F/F and a plushie
<<Darling, could you wake up a moment?>>
Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up, stretching and yawning
<<What is it? What did you do now?>>
Chuckling, the young man revealed his surprise
<<Well, I wanted to give you something to thank you for being so wonderful to me and tolerating all the trouble I stir>>
The smile she gave him made him melt. She accepted the flowers but, before she could move a muscle, he put them in a vase that was somehow already on the bedside table.
The plushie made her giggle
<<Dear, it’s ok. You are a wonderful boyfriend, you just suck at putting together furniture.
You really need to learn, though>>
He furrowed in confusion
<<Why? We don’t need anything else from I… Ic… Ig…>>
<<IKEA, Sirius, and yes, we do need one more thing>> She informed him with another yawn, getting back under the covers
<<What would it be, my dear?>>
<<A crib>> She murmured.
Four letters.
That was all it took for a wizard who’d faced countless Death-eaters to freeze on the spot
<<A c- A cri- Y/N?! Are you->>
A teddy to the face was his answer
<<Yes, yes I am. Now let me sleep>>
The H/C-haired witch did not see the tears pooling in her boyfriend’s eyes, nor the humongous smile stretching his lips.
He lay down beside her and slowly, cautiously, rested his hand on her abdomen
<<How on Earth did I ever get so lucky to be loved by you?>>
That was the last thing he said before succumbing to sleep.
Sirius did not see her smile either, but he did feel her squeezing his hand.
He was looking forward to their next trip to Ic- Ih- whatever the hell that store was called.
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twokinkybeans · 5 years ago
Love Me ’Til My Life Is Done
Summary:  “I wish you didn’t have to do this for me, Peter…” Tony mumbles staring at the floor. Droplets falling from his silver hair. The strands thin and frail, like the rest of his body. Peter shakes his head.
“No no no, Tony, we’ve been over this. I love you. I chose to be with you and I knew what I got myself into. This-” Peter gestures at the both of them and continues drying off his body, “-is part of that choice. I’ve never regretted it, and I never will.”
In which it's the year 2052 and Peter and Tony deal with the new struggles of their age difference and Tony's deteriorating health.
Find it on AO3
Warnings: Old age, dementia, angst, hurt, feelings, medical conditions.
Author’s Note: This work is inspired by a mixture of things, such as my own job and this Tumblr post.  The fic is bittersweet, so please be prepared or leave if you'd rather not read that. I honestly don’t know why I wrote this as I gave myself all the feels too but, ah, here it is! - xx Kim
Peter smiles when he turns off the shower. He takes the large towel from the grab bar behind him and wraps it around Tony’s shoulders, gently rubbing the skin dry. Tony sighs and looks up at the other man, his troubled smile giving away exactly what he’s thinking about. Peter knows how much he hates this. Of course, the intimacy of the situation is nice. But that’s it, really. It’s bittersweet. “I wish you didn’t have to do this for me, Peter…” Tony mumbles staring at the floor. Droplets falling from his silver hair. The strands thin and frail, like the rest of his body. Peter shakes his head. “No no no, Tony, we’ve been over this. I love you. I chose to be with you and I knew what I got myself into. This-” Peter gestures at the both of them and continues drying off his body, “-is part of that choice. I’ve never regretted it, and I never will.” Peter understands where Tony’s coming from. It’s not easy. Nothing about the situation is. Last week, they celebrated Tony’s 82nd birthday. Eighty-two. Tony’s old. Peter isn’t. He’s not the youngest, obviously, but his own 50 years are not even close to catching up with his lover. “I know you and May have been secretly plotting your escape to - what do they call it nowadays - community living? I’m not letting some random strangers take care of either of you.” Peter’s done volunteer work in elderly care a few years prior to Tony’s deteriorating health, and they were so thoroughly understaffed that no one got the attention and care they needed. Peter will not do that to them unless absolutely necessary for whatever reason. “You’re not a nurse though, Peter.” “And you’re not my patient, Tony. You’re my fucking husband. You wish I was a nurse. I’d be the sexiest one you’ve ever seen.” Tony snorts at that and shakes his head. “You’ll never change.” “Nope, now come here,” Peter chuckles as he rips the small package and presses the fentanyl patch onto the man’s shoulder blade, “-look? All done, Sir. Now let me, ‘nurse Peter’, make you pancakes for breakfast.” “Oh, mh- That sounds lovely. Maybe I don’t want to move out after all.” “That’s what I thought.” Peter presses a soft kiss on the man’s cheek and ruffles Tony’s hair. Let’s get you dressed first.”
Ten minutes later, they find themselves in the kitchen. Tony walks over to the chair and grunts as he lowers himself onto it. Aunt May’s already there, reading a book. She puts it down and turns her wheelchair around, beckoning Peter to lean in for a kiss on her cheek. He smiles and does so, squeezing her shoulder as he stands back up.  “Morning, Pete, did he put up a fuss in the shower this morning, took you long enough.” “You know I like making it hard on him,” Tony jokes, making Peter chuckle. These two... May has lived with them for two years now. The woman, despite her age, still as bright and quirky as she’s always been. She’s never been able to regain the required strength needed to walk after the infection that came with her total hip replacement. She didn’t have the money to buy or rent a wheelchair accessible apartment, so Peter and Tony decided she could just come live with them. Not soon after, Tony had a series of transient ischemic attacks. Neither of those ever left too much damage, but it was clear that aside from the desensitization in his left arm, his brain had taken a hit due to the reoccurrence of the attacks too. A near eight months after his first TIA, the doctors diagnosed him with the first stage of vascular dementia. The last TIA occurred more than three months ago and he seemed stable now, but Peter knew it could change at any given moment and that scared him sometimes. It’s tough. The entire situation is. But at the same time, he feels so blessed that he had the time and means to help them. That he has people he cares for so deeply. Peter’s determined to make the most out of every single second they’ve got left.
“Peter, do you think we could eat pancakes for breakfast?” Peter’s heart clenches when the man speaks those words, but he musters a bright smile onto his face. He sees May glance between them, and he knows she knows this was yet another one of - as they’ve started to call it - Tony’s glitches. She keeps her mouth closed, for now, and Peter is glad. Tony is still very much in denial about his illness and talking about it didn’t make it any better so far.  “That’s a great idea, Tones! Let me see if we have the ingredients we need.” 
Tony had another TIA yesterday. Peter’s lips are quivering as he stares at his husband, the sleeping man so small and vulnerable in their double bed. He trails his fingers past the man’s upper arm and sighs, lowering his head. The doctor visited a few hours earlier, checking up on him. He’d sighed. “You know the drill, Mr. Parker. We have to be patient and see which functions come surging back. I’ve prescribed him the same meds as usual.”
Wait and see.
Wait and see.
Peter hates to wait and see. He can’t stand not knowing how much of Tony he’s lost this time. Which memories have been wiped from the man’s existence. Would he still be able to walk? Write? Speak? He knew that TIA’s, as opposed to having an actual stroke, usually came with small losses. One could never be sure though. “Peter, can I come in?” Peter looks up to see Aunt May in the doorway and he nods slightly. The squeaking of her wheelchair familiar and grounding as she rolls towards him.  “I hate this,” Peter croaks and he can no longer keep the stinging in his eyes at bay. His vision becomes blurry when his tears flow freely. “I fucking hate this. I know, I know you’re both going to die one day. And- morbid as it sounds that’s okay. But I can’t lose him while he’s still here, May… I can’t… I can’t…”  “I know, Peter…” May rests a hand on his shoulder and leans in as far as possible. Peter does the same, hugging her carefully and sobs into her embrace. He can deal with Tony forgetting the day of the week. He can deal with Tony mixing up memories. He can deal with Tony wondering where exactly they are.
He’s not sure if he can deal with more losses. But he has to. He has to and he loves Tony. Even if Tony won’t be there, he’s going to love and cherish him. As promised all those years ago. As a good husband should. Because he doesn’t want to leave the man all by himself. He knows, knows that even if a day would come where Tony doesn’t remember his face, he can still provide him with warmth, a gentle touch. He will do exactly that for as long as it takes.
“He’s strong, Peter. We both know that. Don’t give up hope just yet.”
“Jarvis?” Tony mumbles and he squints his eyes at the piece of paper in front of him. A gentle and somewhat familiar female voice answers him. “Yes, boss?”  “Where is Peter? Do you know?” Tony folds the paper carefully and looks for the envelope he fetched himself earlier. He sighs as he can’t find it on his desk and shakes his head. It’s okay, he tells himself. It’s okay. He knows his brain isn’t cooperating but getting angry won’t help him in this situation. He wants to get angry, he does, but he forces it down. There will be a time where he won’t be able to calm himself so he wants to do it now. As long as he’s still aware of his own actions. He stands up from the chair and walks over towards the large closet on the other side of the bedroom to get a new envelope. “In the living room, boss. Watching that old movie from 2019 that May loves so much.” Tony snorts and shakes his head. May sure loves old movies. “Frozen?” “Yes, the second one,” the AI says. Tony smiles, putting the note in the envelope and licking the sticky stripe to seal it. May watches that movie at least twice a year. Every single song, every bit of dialogue stuck in his head forever. No matter how forgetful he’ll get, those images will never escape his mind.
Tony takes a deep breath and carefully slips the envelope under Peter’s pillow to find later. He should go and join Peter and May for the movie. As much as he thinks it’s ridiculous, he’s grown to love it over the years. He readjusts the arm support strap around his wrist to keep it from cutting off his blood supply and stops in his tracks. Did he put the envelope under Peter’s pillow? He turns around and sighs in relief when he sees the edge off the paper sticking from underneath it. Good. He did what he had to do. He turns to the door again and sets off towards the living area.
Peter sighs as he crawls underneath the blankets. He helped Tony get to bed earlier, but then as he’d wanted to get in himself, May had called for him to help her go to the bathroom. He did, she was in bed again, and now he was too. Finally. He readjusts his pillow, shifting it closer towards the middle so he can spoon Tony when his hands brush past something. He frowns and reaches out for it. It’s an envelope. He turns it, but both sides are white and empty. “Open it,” Tony breathes quietly. Peter looks at him for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest.  “Is it from you?” “Yes.” Peter takes a deep breath at the answer and carefully tears the envelope open and pulls out the small note. His fingers are near shaking with anticipation when he unfolds it. It’s a handwritten note. Before he reads it, Tony speaks again. “I know it’s not easy, Peter. For either of us, but- I’m forever grateful that you chose to be my husband and…” Tony’s eyes fill with tears. “I want us to enjoy what we have while we still can. I- I found this poem online and I know it isn’t fully accurate yet, but- Dammit. I love you, Peter. I love you, and you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” “Tony, I-” “Read it first, please. Just read it.”
“Do not ask me to remember” by Owen Darnell Do not ask me to remember, Don’t try to make me understand, Let me rest and know you’re with me, Kiss my cheek and hold my hand.
I’m confused beyond your concept, I am sad and sick and lost. All I know is that I need you To be with me at all cost.
Do not lose your patience with me, Do not scold or curse or cry. I can’t help the way I’m acting, Can’t be different though I try.
Just remember that I need you, That the best of me is gone, Please don’t fail to stand beside me, Love me ’til my life is done.
Peter’s sobbing before he even finishes reading it and once he reaches the end, he rolls over to bury his face against Tony’s chest.  “I will. I will, Tony. I’ll love you ‘til the end and beyond.” “I don’t want to not remember you, Peter. I know my brain is derailing and I sure fucking hope that day never comes. But even then- knowing that you will love me, it’s... It’s more than I could ask for and all I know I need.” “Always. Tones. Always.”
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