#so then of course i started thinking about the flying jaegers
unnonexistence · 3 months
theres a little demon voice in my head saying "what if you rewrote all of Uprising so that it actually fit the themes & established canon of the first movie"
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giuliettagaltieri · 1 year
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Cherry Flavored Kisses
Pairing: Varsity Player!Eren Jaeger x College student!reader
Synopsis: The life as Eren Jaeger’s girl fascinated you, but it was nothing compared to the fascination you feel for the man, himself.  He could be nice if he wanted.  But nothing is as bittersweet as a love unrequited.
Warning: Innuendos, minor violence, unprotected sex, angst.
Word Count: 5862
This can be a stand alone, a part 2, or a part 1 of Number One Fan
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Eren Jaeger warned you not to get close to him.
But being around him has had its benefits.
You got to hang out with the popular kids.
Got invited to those wild college parties.
And like them, you are cool, you are fucking game, you are the it girl.
“Hey, nice top!  Where’d you get it?”
You look up to see a senior, whose name you do not know, smiling at you.  
“Max Mara.  I like your top too!”  The smile you gave her was genuine, although it did feel required.
She flips her largely curled hair and gave you a look as if she is relieved that someone finally took notice.  “Duh!  It’s Dior!”
With just the right amount of practiced surprise, you manage to again stroke one’s ego.  “So that’s why.  It looks absolutely stunning on you.”  You add an angelic smile.
She playfully swats the air at you.  “I know!”  She then flips her curls once more.  “Anyway, I’ll be having a party this Saturday.  You’ll come, won’t you?”
You brighten your smile even more.  “Oh absolutely.”
The woman claps her hands in excitement. “Awesome!  I’ll just dm you the address to my place-” She rolls her eyes and slaps her cheek gently.  “What was I thinking.  Eren will drive you there.”
“I’ll be seeing you then.”
She wiggles her fingers with bright acrylics at you.  “See you.”
You watch her walk away and disappear in the hallway before you feel a light shove beside you.
“Oh my gosh!  I can’t believe Hitch Dreyse just talked to you.”  Louise gasps beside you.
“Who?”  You giggled while your nimble fingers unwrap the lollipop that you just fetched from your bag.
Louise starred at you with her mouth ajar.  “Are you being serious right about now?”
You reluctantly shake your head ‘no’ while popping the lollipop in your mouth.
Both her hands fly to your shoulders.  “That was Hitch, the head cheerleader of Paradis University!”
Of course.  That’s why she was so familiar.
“And I can’t believe you got invited to her party.” She sulks, her arms crossing after she throws you an accusing glare.
With a gentle smile you attempt to ease her irritation.  Although, it isn’t entirely your fault, to begin with.
“Maybe I can ask her if I can bring a friend?”
She throws her hands up in annoyance.  “As if I’d be able to enjoy that party.  It’s for cool kids like them, you’re probably the only one who’ll talk to me and Jaeger will surely hog you for the entire night.”
You look away to hide your flustered face.
“Anyway, I’m off now.  I’d look like a pitiable side character if I stay here longer.” She walks off before you could protest. “Enjoy your spotlight, miss manic pixie dream girl.”
The corners of your lips twitch to a frown but you can’t really appear to be mad at her.  At least not in a hallway full of onlookers.  But you did bite the lollipop stick harder than you should have.
Suddenly, a bunch of squeals grates your ears, they’re like tires burning on asphalt.  
You look up to find Eren leaning on the column beside the bench you are occupying at the moment.  Immediately, you give him your brightest smile.
Eren sits himself beside you and you fight off a sneeze, a thundercloud of axe body spray seems to be present everywhere he’s in. He picks up your pastel binder and tosses it back to its place on the bench, picks up your fluffy pen and does the same as he did with your notebook.
“You done throwing my stuff around?”  You glare playfully at him while starting to put your stuff back into your bag.
Eren hums and slumps into the bench as he manspreads.  “Didn’t see you in the practice match.”  He muses while eyeing the way the leggings hugged the posterior of the girl that passed by, all the while you were too busy trying not to notice.
A wave of muttering and mumbles fill the hallway. Right, Eren had his fan club following him there.  Can’t judge them though, you were just like them last year in your freshman year.
Until you became the lucky girl by becoming his favorite yet.  
You kept bringing him pastries, plus you’re cute. Of course, he’s gonna like you.
“Hardly seemed like I was needed there.”  You glance up to meet his bored stare.  “Besides, I had to finish an essay assignment.”
Then there’s your game of push and pull.
Eren scoffs and rises to his feet. “Alright.  I’ll be seeing you this Saturday night.”  You hold your breath when he suddenly bends down, his warm tic tac smelling breath fanning your face.  “I’ll pick you up by eight.”
He holds your gaze and doesn’t move until you finally nod at him frantically.
You swirl your moist tongue on the lollipop head before mumbling a choked up ‘okay’ as your answer.  You puff out the breath you’ve been holding when he straightens up and looks at you from above, making you crane your neck to actually see him.
And the bastard had a smug grin on his face, knowing exactly what he was doing to you.  And as if it wasn’t enough, he pulls out the bright red cherry lollipop from your cute mouth, making a moist popping sound as the candy slips from your plump lips.  To your horror, Eren flicks his tongue on the lollipop before sucking on it, the stick is wedged on the side of his lips.  It was difficult not to break away from his gaze as he did that.  But you were also not giving him the satisfaction by looking away.
“Wear something cute for me, baby, yeah?”
Your lips are still parted in surprise but you shut them quickly when Eren’s gaze fall to them.  
“Good girl.”  He pats your head and turns on his heel, heading to his next class, off to ruin professor Ackerman’s day.
His flock of fans follow him quickly, but not before throwing nasty envious glares and glances of pure curiosity.
Your back meets the bench and you try to ignore the looks thrown your way.
That was the closest thing you had to a kiss!
Oh My Gosh!
The attention that you get from people around the school almost fooled you into believing that there was something going on between you and Eren Jaeger.  And when he acts like that, you think that something just might be.  How else would you interpret his actions?  Eren must have liked you to some extent to do that.
A loud ringing of bell had you scrambling up and out of the bench and on to history class, at least professor Smith is going to help distract you for now, with his engaging lectures and equally engaging physique.
Saturday night rolls by fast.  
You had to end the mandatory calls with your mother when you hear the revving engine of Eren’s car outside your dorm.
Your chunky heels thuds on the stairs as you descend it.  Patience is not one of Eren’s strongest suit after all.  Your bangles jingle and clink together.  Your hair bouncing with your motion, along with some of your other assets, the bouncing was starting to hurt that you put an arm under them for support, while you try to navigate the steps.
The tinted windows of Eren’s car doesn’t hinder his view.  The pastel colors of your dress were dimmed just the tiniest bit but you practically hopping off the last step of the stairs allowed him to peek at the bows that sat on your thighs as your ruffled dress poofed up with the air.
You stood patiently by Eren’s door, your hands clasped together as you swayed like the adorable girl you are.
Eren opens the car door from the inside and you sit your bum before pulling your tightly pressed knees inside the car until the shoes that you probably got from the kiddy section land inside.
“Look who’s here.”  Eren drawls.  “You really gone and dolled yourself up for me.”
You smile at him meekly, your fingers crumpling the edge of your dress.
“You don’t think I overdid it?”  You bat your eyelashes at him.
Eren shifts his thighs to help with the sudden discomfort, a soft groan that is barely audible escapes his lips. “Nah.  ‘S perfect on you.”
You shrink under his intense gaze, all shy.  
The car suddenly feels warmer now.
“Y-you should probably start driving to the party now.”  You smile at him like a lovesick puppy.
Eren cocks a brow at you.  “Yeah?”  You nod at him to which he only replies with a sharp smile.  “Say please.”
It was almost funny for him to watch your eyes turn round like a baby doe, your delectable looking lips following the same shape, making him feel stuff he knows he shouldn’t.  Eren swore to never fool around with you.  He enjoys your company and admiration but it felt like pure carnality to even think about running the warmth of his hands on your skin. You are pure, an untainted flower, and he feels just a bit guilty about thinking of ruining you.
Nevermind him getting off in the thoughts of your pillowy thighs and feather soft touches when his bed gets a little too lonely at three in the morning.
“Please, Eren.”  You say with a giggle.
Eren checks if you buckled yourself in and steps on the gas hard, making you yelp.
“You finished your homework?”  Eren asks an uncharacteristic question, making you frown at him in confusion.
“Of course.”  A pause.  “Did you?”
Eren glimpses at you briefly.  “Armin’s already on it.”
You look at him in disappointment.  
“Shut up, he offered.”  He sighs.
“But I didn’t even say anything.”  You mumble under your breath.
Poor Armin.
“He offered to do it.  In exchange, I’ll get him Leonhart’s number.”
You tilt your head in confusion.
“Marley U varsity player.  Women’s volleyball.”
You nod in understanding.
One of the reasons why Eren likes you is because you are too simple.  Dealing with you doesn’t require him to sit and ponder.  You are easy to understand.  You are predictable.
What Eren doesn’t predict however, was the amount of attention you will be getting because of your all too adorable dress. His plan to have you dressed attractively for him to have a delectable arm candy backfired.
One more sticky gaze from those sleazy frat boys and he swears, his fist might find an unsuspecting jaw tonight.
Even women dressed in lowcut dresses has their hands lingering a little too long on your thighs.
A bright red cup is shoved in his face and he’s just about to yell his head off when he meets the unamused stare of Jean.
“Horseface.”  He greets while accepting the cup and taking a swig.
Jean grits his teeth.  He’s not about to take the bait.  Eren’s pissed and he’s just begging for a fight.
“Cut that out.”
Eren sends a glare up to Jean before his hawk like eyes wander to your direction as you play with his other teammates.  “Cut what out?”
Connie is warding off the guys, which helped him keep his cool, but that new recruit, Surma, is standing a little too close to you. He doesn’t care if the sophomore is on your team in the game.  And you’re oblivious to his stare as you enjoy your glass of boone’s farm.
“Brooding in a dark corner and looking like you’re about to shove your shoe in someone’s mouth the next second.”  Jean sighs as he watches you cheer with Connie when you get a point.
Eren downs the rest of the contents of the cup and crushes it in his grip.  “I think professor Ackerman taught us the wrong social sciences.”
“Agreed.”  Jean sighs. “Whatever man, just stop acting like a creep.”  He stalks away, making Eren roll his eyes.
What else was he supposed to do then?  He’s can’t drink since he has to drive you home, he’s not about to go play spin the bottle with Floch and the others.
The sofa he’s on dips.  And judging by the sickeningly sweet cologne, it’s a girl who’s sitting next to him.
He side-eyes her and catches a well-defined curve in her chest that is clad in a skin tight cheetah printed dress.
Correction, a woman.
“What are you doing alone here, big guy?”  He hears her nasally yet absurdly seductive voice.
“People watching.”  Eren tells her.
She smirks at him, her dark purple lipstick making it pop despite the dim room.  “Can I people watch with you?”
Eren shrugs.  “Why not.”
The woman laughs.  “Name’s Roxy by the way, Eren.”
“You know me.”  Eren smiles slyly at her.
“Hey, bud!  Watch over Y/N for a sec, gotta run to the bathroom.”  He hears Connie yell but Roxy runs the back of her fingers on Eren’s cheek before he could turn to look.
“Who doesn’t?”
Good point.
Eren rests back on the sofa, letting the woman feed his ego with her exaggerated and poorly constructed sentences.
She’s tacky.  Her dress, her lipstick, her scent.  Roxy is a cheap chick but Eren doesn’t turn away anybody who is willing to openly praise him.
She probably thought she could get some tonight, Eren chuckles under his breath.
He shouldn’t make fun of her, that’d be mean. Especially when it looks like she’s really impressed with herself.  He’ll let someone else burst her bubble.
The night is going really well, until it doesn’t.
Like a birthday candle blown by a toddler, all humor vanishes from Eren’s face.
His features turn rigid and he has never looked more menacing than the time he stood from the couch.  The woman he left behind couldn’t let a single word out as her throat went dry.  People didn’t see Eren as he moved like smoke around the drunk bodies dancing away on the dancefloor.
It was loud.
The smacking sound of his fist finally connecting with the sophomore kid’s face, knocking the glasses off his plain looking face.
“You better watch where those hands wander, kid.”  Eren sneers.
Immediately, he felt your soft figure collide with his.
“Eren, you shouldn’t cause trouble!”  You clutch his shirt to pull him down to your level. “You’re a varsity player!  You can’t get into stupid fights.”
You’re right.  What was he thinking?  Ruining his plans for a girl?  He better wish this won’t reach their coach.
He pulls away from you and his strong grip finds purchase on your dainty wrists.
“We’re leaving.  Now.”
You nod at him quickly, desperate to get him away from the malicious spectators.
Eren drags you away from the crowd and out of the party and you just let him.
Soon enough, the back of your thighs are pressed against the cool leather seats of Eren’s car as he is too busy speeding away. Your knuckles have turned white as you grip the edge of your seat, your other hand on Eren’s forearm, a nonverbal reminder for him to slow down as he’s not the only person in the car.
No words are spoken between the two of you and you choose to keep it that way, despite your desperate need to know what just happened.
But you’ve learned.  
Eren should not be pressured to do anything he doesn’t want, especially when he is mad.  Anything that poses as a threat towards his sense of control in the situation, he will crush.
He was just barely hovering below the speed limit, going beyond it where he is sure there was no speed gun aimed at him.
What should have been a thirty-minute drive was cut down to twelve.  And the familiar architecture of your school dormitory comes to view.  The tires screech as Eren drifted to a parking space and you could have sworn your heart is pumping two hundred beats per minute.
The entire car shakes when Eren gets out of the car and slams the door close.  You watch him circle to your side and he opens the door surprisingly gentle.
You meet his unreadable expression before you get out, taking measured steps and putting a considerable distance between you.
He’s pissed, you are not quite sure if it’s because of you.
“Go to your dorm room.  I’ll be there with you shortly.”
Your eyes widen.
And Eren waits for you to say something stupid.
“I’m not supposed to have boys in my room when it’s past nine.”  You rock on your heels back and forth, clearly nervous and unsure how to deal with the situation, unsure how to deal with him.
“That’s okay.”  Eren tucks your hair behind your ears.  “I won’t tell anyone.”  He can feel the heat of your face radiating to his fingers and he barely even touched you.
He watches you chew on your lip before nodding. “Okay.”  You then reluctantly enter the building and Eren watches you from where he stood.
As soon as you disappeared from his view, his murderous expression was back on his handsome face.  
He can’t understand just where the scum got the courage to hold your waist and elbow like that, while he had his hips pressed on the poof of your dress.
Eren could think of about fifty ways to kill that filth.  But that is frowned upon, isn’t it?  Eren will have to do it smarter.
Having him run extra laps sounds like a good way to start.  The bench also looked a bit to lonely during their games, he’ll have that kid warm it up.
The sole of Eren’s sneakers scrape the pavement as he finally follows you inside.  No lights were streaming under the doors of the rooms next to you.  They must have been in the party still.  
His knuckles rap at your door and he finds your scrambling footsteps amusing.
The door swings open harshly, sending some of his hair that escaped his manbun to fly to his sharp cheekbones.
“You’re here!  I thought you went home.”  You gasped.
“What are yo-”  He checks his watch and tried to clear his forehead from frown creases. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was taking way too long.”
You smile at him and lean your hip against the door, Eren’s eyes followed the movement but he can’t see much with your poofy dress swallowing your form.
You’re relieved that he’s in a better mood now. “It’s okay.  Come on in.”
Eren follows you inside, making sure to lock your door.  He watches you pad around in your cotton slippers, tucking away a bra under a bunch of plushies that you have in your sofa.
“So sorry for the mess.  I didn’t think you were serious about…you…coming.”  You press your lips tightly, he looked uninterested just then.
Eren hums as he continues to walk over in your direction, with that same bored expression he had in his face, it was intimidating and attractive at the same time.
“I was hoping we could talk?”  Eren smiled at you but it wasn’t warm at all.
You look down to your feet and then at his chest, not brave enough to meet his gaze.  “About what?”
Asking such question was foolish yet necessary to buy yourself some time.  It didn’t buy you much though.  Eren’s patience was nonexistent.
Eren clicks his tongue, making you look up. “Stop playing dumb!  Why didn’t you push that guy away?”  He took another step closer.  “Were you trying to get a rise from me?”  He was dangerously close now.  His voice low and his eyes wide with barely hidden rage in them.
He didn’t have to talk to you in that tone.
Your eyes turn glossy, your nose sting.  The telltale signs of your tears.  You hated crying, it makes your nose feel stuffy, you stomp your foot in annoyance.
“That is so unfair!”  Eren had to take a step back to get a view of your adorable display of anger.  “I didn’t even do anything.  Surma was also just teaching me how to aim the ball better.  You were the one who was over reacting.  Throwing punches at people who were just trying to help and making your car fly after your dramatic exit at the party.”
You are heaving by the time you finish.  Your lashes are clumped with unshed tears filling your waterline.  Your cheeks have also gone bubbled.  It’s a shame you’ll never know how adorable you are when you lose your temper.
So adorable that Eren closed the distance between you two and you fall to your butt and land on your squishy plushies in surprise. But you don’t have that much time to complain when you feel his hand cup your cheek to have you tip your head at him and he leans down, with so much force and speed that you draw a sharp breath.
Eren meets your wide eyes and glances at your parted lips.  He never wanted to kiss someone’s lips so badly.  
But if he meets your lips with his, it’s all over. His vow to keep you chaste.  He’ll feel guilty of breaking that halo atop your head.
His jaw is clenched and he straightens up. “Sorry.”
A frown graces your features when he drops his hand and you quickly pull them flush to your chest.  “Don’t be.”  You look away from him and nibble on your lips.  “Kiss me.”  You meet his eyes again.  “Please.”
When you ask so nicely, he’ll just have to oblige.
Eren reaches and runs his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it slightly and letting it go with a bounce.
“Pretty girl.”
Eren takes you by surprise as he rests his knee on the sofa next to your trembling thighs and captures your lips.  He groans at the sugary taste of your cherry lip balm.
It was everything you dreamt it would be. Eren’s lips were pillowy and they feel good as they wrap around your bottom lip, just before parting to let his teeth nibble on you.
“Eren.”  You whisper as he litters your jaw with kisses.  You are perfect and he wants nothing else but to have you right now.
His fingers brush on your clothed chest and reaches behind you to roughly tug at the zipper holding your dress together. Groaning when he finally felt your soft mounds even before he could see them.  A mewl escapes your lips and you cup his hands that are groping your soft bosom.
Eren often associated you with cuteness and youth but right now, you are a woman.  A woman with sultry eyes that are just inviting him in.
His hands press on the pudge of your stomach and you moan as he presses you harder against your plushies, closing your eyes when they go lower and lower until he caresses the petals of your flower behind your soft panties.
He pinches the oozing chub of your thigh above your thigh highs and traces his hand on your thighs up to your hips.  His long thick fingers hook on your panties and you could swear you heard a soft rip.
You cried when his knuckles brush along your puffed lips, collecting wetness as he did so just before slipping inside, the foreign intrusion having been too much that you push Eren’s shoulder slightly. Eren groans as he drags another knuckle just before stuffing you with it.
“Oh!”  You moan so obscenely and Eren was taking it all, his head fogging up with how much your virgin cunt was sucking on his fingers.
“You can take more, can’t you, baby?”  He grins against your jaw as he drags his fingers on your velvet walls.  “You can, yeah?”  Eren talks you through it until he’s slipped a third finger on you.  The stretch burns but you are far too needy to care.
“Ren.”  You whimper as your walls flutter around his fingers.  “Want you to f-…Want you to do it.”
He’s about to ruin you and you still can’t say the word.
He pulls them out, making your gasp.  Eren presses his forehead against yours and grips your thigh and his dripping fingers make you shiver.  “Yeah?  You think you can take it?”
You nod at him frantically.
“Alright.”  Eren snickers as he slips off his top along with the layer under it, his jeans come off next.  His movements are swift and you are struggling to keep up as you slide off your own dress.  
You shut your eyes when it springs free, slapping to his stomach.  
“What are you doing?  Look at me.”
Eren hooks his arms below your thigh high clad knees to drag you until you feel your back resting more against the plushies. “Come on, just a peak.”
You bite your cheek when you feel something stiff but squishy on your thighs and it drags to your folds.  Eren rocks his hips and you clutch to his enormous biceps when the thing slides on your lips and kisses your clit.
It feels soooo good.
But it wasn’t enough.  You want it inside.
“Fuck!  You’re leaking.”  
Your eyes flash open when you feel it caught on you entrance.
“There she is.”  Eren says almost condescendingly.  “Want you to look at it, baby.”
With much reluctance, you do.
And you wish you hadn’t.
“That’s too big for me.”  You whimper, your gentle fingers flying to his abdomen to try and push him away.  
“It’s alright, Y/N.  I’ll be gentle, yeah?”  Eren sinks deeper and the head disappears, making you tear up.
Eren does not ask for permission most of the time and is mostly just letting you know.
He scoops you up by your shoulder to have your chest pressed against him.  He’s mumbling on your shoulder, praising you, telling you how good you are making him feel. His hips haven’t stopped moving.
“Too full!”  You cry on his shoulder and Eren grits his teeth, sweat dripping down his temples as he tried to hold himself back.
“I’m almost all the way in.”  He glances between you and still half of him is yet to be put inside you.  “Just a little bit more, alright?”  He kisses your forehead and brings you close to him.  You cry on his shoulder as he shallowly thrusts.  “Just a little bit…”  and with one swift motion, he plunges all of him inside you.  “More.”
Your lips part to let out a voiceless scream.
Eren groans, the tightness was almost painful but he marvels at how good you’re making him feel.  You on the other hand has your eyes wide, the feeling of it is weird and incredibly excruciating.
“Get it out!”  You pounded on his back but Eren only groans even more, sucking on the tender flesh of your neck.  “You’re hurting me.”
He doesn’t stop your hands, ignores your whimpers, and the bright red lines you draw on the wide expanse of his well-toned back with your cherry colored nails.
A small rock with his hips has you mewling in pain.
“Come on, stop fighting it.”  He sighs, his rough fingers already tracing your clit, drawing circles and patterns and shapes that are yet to be discovered and named. “Relax for me.”
The natural response of your body doesn’t fail to impress him.  Eren takes pride when he manages to let your juices seep from your lips.  He got himself ingrained in every fiber of your being.
From the sweet noises and gasps spilling from your lips, it is not difficult to understand that you are feeling good at the moment.  A particular upward thrust had your foot kicking high up in the air, knocking one of your plushy to the floor.  Eren glances at the fallen innocent looking plush kitty and your debauched state and couldn’t resist stealing a kiss from you.
The heat pooling in your lower abdomen is spreading, making you impossibly more sensitive, feeling every drag of his heaviness on your walls.  Every bump and vein, all designed to make you feel euphoric.
Slowly, with every wave of pleasure, you feel your control of your body slipping.
It felt like falling.  An erotic scream bouncing on the walls.  The pleasure had your eyes rolling backwards as liquid fire courses through your veins.
“There you go.”  Eren laughs, only rocking his hips against you faster, his thumb tracing his name on your clit, dragging your release longer, as he was owning you.
A loud squelch of your own kitty being pounded by Eren had you all flushed and you pull your hands to cover your embarrassed state.  A futile attempt as Eren easily pulls your hands back to his shoulders.
“S alright, baby.  Sounds hot.”
You look up to Eren with love sick heart eyes, only pure admiration is what you feel towards the man who you gladly allowed to deflower you.  Even with sweat sliding down his chest, his brows twisted to a frown, his teeth gritted, everything about him is just so enticing.
You let your head rest on the softness of the plushies and you just watch Eren make you feel good.  
“What’s wrong, baby?”  His movements halted and he stiffens before moving his hips faster and more erratically.  “Tapping out?”
Gently, you hook your legs around his hips and you shake your head.  “Nope.” You giggle but it turns to a small hiccup when he lifts your legs and presses your knees to your shoulders. The soft thin fabric of the thigh highs rubbing on his heated bronzed skin.
What a scandalous way he has you right now. But Eren doesn’t care as he uses his weight to press your own legs on your torso and pounding into you with all he has, making his heavy balls slap the globes of your ass.
He has you folded so shamelessly and still has the cheekiness to grin at you.
“Look at you.”  
Broken mewls are all you can give him as he overwhelms you, overstimulating you in the best way he can.  A shiver runs through your body when you feel your juices seeping to your bum, definitely wetting the sofa.  You open your eyes and could see your feet rocking with Eren’s movements. Tiredness hit your hips first, crawling up your thighs.
“What’s wrong?”  Eren nips your nose when you scrunch it up.
You put a palm on his face to keep him away. “Hurts.  ‘M tired.”
He hums and you smile sleepily at him.  
But he isn’t letting up like how you expected him to.
“Ren.  Eren, please.”  You sob.
A snarl rips from Eren’s throat and you feel every rumble of his bulging pecs on your chest.  Your breath hitches when he buries himself inside you and stays there. Every twitch of him inside you, every ridge of his muscular thigh against your bum, and the warm spurt of his cum.
It was thick, goopy, and too much!  
Eren continues to fuck his cum deeper inside you, unfazed by the loud squelching your cunt makes.  Tears flow to your cheek as your body gives in to him for the second time that night.  Your walls pulse around him, milking his spent cock inside you.
“Whoa there.”  Eren coos as he kisses you shoulder, your body still twitching.  He holds your hip and slips out, his cum splashing on your swollen lips.
He straightens up, his chest rising and falling just like yours.  His hand reaches to cup your cheek and you share vulnerability with him.
But his walls return quickly.
With half lidded eyes, you watch Eren get up and pick up the shirt he tossed earlier.  You manage to lift yourself up to a sitting position to watch him open random drawers until he pulls out a small pink fabric.  Your head tilting to the side as he brings it to his nose and takes a deep whiff.
Too tired to fight back, you let him slip the fabric, which turned out to be your panty, up to your thighs until its snug on your cunt.  Immediately, you feel it turn sticky but you ignore it when Eren makes you raise your arms up as he helped you put on his shirt.
You pull the shirt slightly so you can read the print.  1.  
“It’s yours now.”  He tells you.
“But this is your jersey?”  You mumble while pulling a bunny plushy.
Eren buckles his belt and puts on his compression tank top.  “I got lots of it.”  He finally slips his shoes back on.  “Come on.”
You rise carefully, your bunny still squished in your arms.  “Where are we going?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, we didn’t use protection when we fucked.”  You flushed at his bluntness.  “We’ll go get you a pill.”
You grab your keys and you slip on the first footwear you see, your ballerina flats and you quickly run to Eren’s side after locking your door.  
You smile giddily when he didn’t say anything as you cling to his hand.
“I’m surprised to see your heels touching the ground.  I thought your feet are specially made for high heels only.”
You giggle like a school girl.  “Silly!”
The trip to the pharmacy was short and you are grateful the tired looking cashier didn’t ask anything else.  
You still haven’t let go of Eren’s hand when you are back in his car as he drives you back to the dorm.  A comfortable silence fills the car and you soon see the tall building of your university.
Eren reaches for your exposed knee when he brings the car to a halt as the traffic signal flashes red and you smile at him before popping a cherry flavored bubblegum in your mouth.  You grimace at the bitter aftertaste.  Eren chuckles at your expression making you erupt in giggles too.
You wish he’d say something, anything that would tell you that you’re not the only one exhilarated at what happened between you.
It was terrifying for you but you are glad you did it with him.
With your chest so full of warmth, you can’t help the words spilling from your lips.
“Eren, I know you feel what I feel.”
The traffic light flashes yellow and he remains silent, you can tell he’s having a battle in his head with the way he’s staring hard at the empty street in front of you, his jaw twitching with every passing second, his hold on your knee getting a tad tight.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to-”
“What are you talking about?”  He chuckled dryly as he pulls his hand from your knee to shift the gear stick.  “You know for a fucking fact that this doesn’t change anything between us.”
Your back hits the passenger seat with the speed of the car lurching forward.  Your chest tightens and the street lights bled together as tears fill your eyes. There was no commitment being made earlier as your bodies molded as one.  
He is not yours as you are not his.
“I did warn you not to get close to me.”
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Sequel: Number One Fan
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315 notes · View notes
spookitapes · 2 years
-double trouble.
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summary | levi's ackerman has been acting weird. everyone can notice the difference in him, even connie the gas station clerk near levi's house was in shock from the smile gracing the usually grim ackerman's face. 30 minutes later he heads out for a smoke break and spots the town's dealer bending the pastor's daughter over his all black 2021 camaro zl1, all while the sheriff's son and connie's co-worker– eren jaeger, stands on the other side of the hood harshly fucking his fist with a lit blunt going in the other. 
pairing | plug!levi x pastor's daughter!black!fem!reader x gas station clerk!sheriff's son!eren ft. gas station clerk!connie 
warnings/cw | smut, angst, fluff, switch reader (first time topping), switch levi, dom eren, mfm poly relationship, mxm, fxm, drug usage (weed), double penetration, anal, dirty talk, fingering, nipple sucking, doggy style, riding big dick, secret relationship, cockwarming, recording sex, fucking in public, getting caught/voyeurism/exhibitionism, humiliation, praise, degradation, minor blood kink, face slapping (once or twice), oral(m receiving), jealous!eren, jealous!levi, bratty!reader
wordcount | 5.8k 
not proofread, sorry for any mistakes !!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────────
"what flavor you want, baby?" levi asks as he puts the car in park in front of the familiar mini-mart. 
"mmm surprise me! i heard they came out with a few new limited edition flavors in the white owls, but you know i will never complain if you get a game, love. just get whatever sounds good," you lean over and kiss him quickly before he gets out to purchase the rillos and grab eren from his shift. 
you've all been so reckless lately, but it's been sooo worth it. levi and eren hate having to keep the relationship a secret, but you remind them constantly of the hostility between all of your families. even in your twenties, your father forbids you from being seen with either of the men. he tries to beat it in your head that you have a reputation to uphold, that you can't allow yourself to be seen with 'criminal junkies' like levi or a 'piece of shit dropout' like eren. that you can't get caught up in that lifestyle…and you've always followed the rules– until you were old enough to sneak around and not get caught. it all started with you hitting up levi for a 3.5, wanting to try smoking after finally moving into your own place– far, far away from your parent's prying eyes…which is why they definitely didn't know about your roommate or more importantly, your choice in a roommate– eren. 
after searching for months and months around town for an affordable house for rent, you find a place that reaches all your requirements, with the exception you'd have to share the house with someone else. but you kind of liked the idea of a roomie, especially after walking in and being graced with the sight of eren jaeger half-naked and dripping wet in your brand-new living room. your eyes bulging out of your head as you try to commit the image to memory foreveeer.
of course your thirsty ass don't even notice him smirking at you checking him out, basking under your gaze and letting you get your spank bank material before he got an idea. his hands start to slide down to the towel hanging around his waist, your eyes following them but redirecting to the water droplets rolling down his lower stomach and past his vline until your eyes got even wider– turning your body around and letting apologies fly past your lips. your horny lil gremlin on the inside was cussing you out for turning around before getting a glimpse of the gorgeous man's cock, especially when he was the one stripping like that for free…you subconsciously start biting your lip, thinking of how the imprint was rather..large..like that thang was heavy and long— and oh my god why are you thinking of eren's most likely pretty dick ?! you don't even get to keep debating with yourself before you feel a presence behind you, pulling you back into his frame as he closes the door. you don't dare move, just relish in the feeling of his dick pressing up against your ass. oh yeah, he's big. 
eren just chuckles to himself, turning you around before speaking,
"your room is the one by the patio doors, across from the fridge, angel."
"don't call me that, jaeger," you scoff. quickly backing yourself out of his personal space. 
"i remember you liking it before or what? correct me if im wrong, angel, go right ahead."
you just roll your eyes and give him a little huff before storming off to find your room. he knows what that name means between you two. how he use to call you that back in school, well before he dropped out. before he ran away and had the whole town looking for him and that's including you. he left you without a word, without a trace if he was alive. the weeks of heartache turned into months of grieving, but you weren't grieving his life: you were grieving your relationship, your time spent on him, and the time you'll never get to waste on him. the walls you let down, and the bricks you'd have to pick back up to rebuild that barrier around your heart. 
eren was your first love. the first boy to ever really– see you. he's your first kiss and the first person to make you get butterflies in your tummy. the first boy to call you beautiful and stay up all night on the phone just to hear your voice. you wanted to believe you had a strong wall rebuilt when he finally came back, but you didn't. not when you saw his long hair and tattoos– you just find him more attractive, but the sad angry look adorning his face made the hardened shell around your heart start to crack..and it starts chipping away a little more every time you see him around town. you want to see his beautiful smile again, even if was from a distance, but you still knew better than to be the first one to reconcile..so you two haven't talked since the whole ordeal went down, just the glances exchanged in passing from time to time. who are you kidding it's not glancing, you two be staring at each other from across the street like no one's business. 
when you're finally in the comfort of your room, finding it rather quickly, you start unpacking trying to destress…but that doesn't work. your nerves are shot and you're mad at yourself for letting eren get you that flustered like you're a teenager again. it's infuriating and making your brain hurt, so what do you decide on? levi. 
only problem is, you don't have a car..and levi very famously is not mobile this late. you're not taking another taxi at this time of night, so you suck up your pride in favor of mind-numbing bliss and go to ask eren for a ride. your palms start sweating as you twist the doorknob, and you slowly inch toward the living room where you left your ex. you spot him and freeze, but he quickly notices you and pauses the tv.
"what's up with you, y/n? thought you were gonna go pout in your room?" 
"god, you're such an ass, eren..but i'll bite back my insults for now because, uh..i actually need to ask you a favor."
"go head and ask then."
"can you please take me to levi's place? i'll smoke you out and buy us milkshakes after?" 
eren can't help but give in to the hopeful look in your eyes, pleading for him to take you. so he sighs and runs a hand through his semi-dried locks before standing up and stretching. 
"go get your fucking shoes on and hurry up then," he pushes you by the head as he walks by, making you stumble back a little. 
you flip him off behind his back while the smile on your face grows, yeah he's still whipped…and let's just say you two ended up smoking with levi, which turned into getting cross-faded, and that led to you three learning a lot about each other and each other's bodies oop. 
now it's six months later and you're officially all dating..after a lot of confusion and fucking and hiding feelings and more fucking..and ever since that first night, when they took your virginity, you've been dickmatized. every chance you get you're sucking or fucking one or both of them. hell, you even blew levi on the way to the mini-mart, swallowing his cum at the red light beside the gas station while rob zombie blasts through his speakers. he still hasn't told you about the lil drop of him that rests just on the corner of your mouth, in his mind, it'll be a nice little 'just got off of work snack' for eren. 
the ding of the automatic doors opening and closing alerts you, and just as you start getting impatient you see your men walking toward the car. you can't hide your excitement as you hop into the backseat to attack eren with kisses as soon as his door closes. his giggles fill the space as the engine roars to life and he tells levi to just pull around back. he's had a rough day and he just needs to smoke real quick and then they'll head home. so levi complies, stopping right out of view of the security camera where eren instructs him. 
"baby come sit with us, pleeassseee. know you like sitting up there, but wanna be close to you," your bottom lip juts out as your eyes get that look in them. 
"fine, but don't act like a bratty fucking slut. wait till we get back home or i'll drag you inside and fuck you right over the counter so connie can watch you cry for my cock and ruin that precious reputation along with that makeup of yours, understand?" 
"better listen to him sweetpea, sounds serious," eren chimes in as he finishes breaking the rillo open, dumping the guts out. "can i see the weed, babe?"
levi hands eren the bag before stepping out of the car, walking around to get on the other side of you in the backseat. you throw your legs across vi's lap, snuggling into eren's side while he rolls the blunt. 
"lev and i missed you soooo much," you release a big sigh you didn't realize you were holding in. "know it was only a 10-hour shift but i don't care..missed you so so much."
eren looks at you, wrapped up in his side all cozy and looking at him with those needy little eyes. he knows you missed him because he missed you and levi ten times more. he never hated going to his shifts more than when he finally had a reason to stay at home all day. 
"missed you guys, too. so so much, sweetpea. thought of you all day and even watched that pretty video levi sent me earlier of him edging you on break. you ever get to cum today, baby doll?"
"n-no." you barely whimper it out, and the duo in the car barely catch it.
"cause she was being a fucking bratty whore. you want me to tell him don't you? want me to tell him the nasty shit you do to get a rise out of me when he's not there? huh, sweetpea?" there's a special venom that attaches to the pet name when it spits out of levi's lips. 
the tears start to fill your eyes, you know now that he's brought it up eren's gonna find out. you can get away with a lot more when it comes to levi, not that he doesn't punish you..but you know better than to act up like that around eren. know better than to act like that without him there, too, but sometimes your pussy thinks waaaaay before your brain. 
"p-please don't lev! wh-why'd you even have to bring that up- what the fuck did you do?" eren's booming voice cuts you off. the now lit blunt going between his lips as he awaits a response from you..but you can't say anything, not when it comes to this. levi knows that, that's why he speaks up just as you let your tears fall; all while never breaking eye contact with ren. 
"locked herself in the bedroom and used the wand while screaming out connie's name. begging for him and saying how we can't fuck her like he can– not even close. when i got in she didn't even stop, just stared me in the eyes as she slide her fingers in our cunt. like she fucking owns it." he starts growling out his words near the end. eren cocks an eyebrow at you, taking one last puff before passing it to you. 
"so here's what's gonna happen, doll. you're gonna hit on that till you feel good, then your gonna suck this cock, kay? after you suck me dry imma have lev fuck you over the hood while daddy watches. after he cums in your greedy lil pussy i'm gonna make you take us both in this backseat. we're not going home till all your holes have been filled, baby."
you can't help the wet patch that grows in your panties, nodding your head while taking a drag, but next thing you know you're coughing. scrambling to catch your breath as eren's hand lands on your cheek, fingers moving down to lightly grip your neck.
"nah lemme hear you say it, bitch."
"i-i'm sorry! i'm sorry, wasn't thinking daddy! promise i'll behave..i'll be a good girl for you both, promise!" your thighs are clenching as he kisses your lips and releases your neck before bringing the blunt back to your lips.
"now go back to work so you can get to sucking my cock."
the weed levi gets is always good, but this shit is goooood! within a few deep inhales your mind is fuzzy, vision a little slowed as you pass it to levi and get eren's dick out while turning fully towards him. ass in the air facing levi as your front goes down to eye level with eren's cock. god he really does have a pretty dick, long and veiny with a prince albert piercing to compliment it. the sight always makes your mouth water, immediately giving him kitten licks on his tip and sucking up his precum. 
"don't you dare fucking tease me. now do it right before i fuck your throat, whore." with that, he shoves your head down to take more of his dick. you get the memo and apologize with a mouth full of cock before putting that work in. deepthroating him while keeping eye contact, playing with his balls. the groans leaving him are fueling you, making you bob your head faster, twirling your tongue around his shaft. you're interrupted by a moan when you feel levi scrunching your skirt up to your stomach from behind you, fingers playing with your soaked panties. you pull off eren's dick as the fingers push your panties aside and into your pussy. the pitiful sounds breaking into a scream when levi lets the blunt's cherry rest against your ass for a second.
"keep sucking and don't come back up unless it's to kiss lev with my cum in your fucking mouth, you understand me, y/n?" the look in his eyes is enough to convince you alone, so you say "yes sir 'm sorry!" before diving back down to gag on his cock like it's a sport. slurping on his balls until he's about to cum and then your favorite– using your tongue to play with his piercing until he's whimpering, and when he does finally cum you make sure not to swallow it all. coming up and reaching for levi, kissing him so hard and right in front of ren as he watches you push his cum into your boyfriend's mouth. levi's moaning and pulling you closer to bully his tongue into your mouth, making sure he gets every last drop from you..even sucking on your tongue before pulling away. 
"get the fuck out, can't take it anymore needa fuck you- can we, babe? please– gotta let me fuck her," levi starts whining. 
"go head darlin," eren's laughing under his breath at the needy tone of lev's voice, "bend her over and give her that pounding she's been craving."
with the permission, you're being pulled from the car, ass out and all with your skirt still up around your tummy. the cold night air nipping at your exposed skin, but the car's still warm as levi bends you over it, heating you up a little before he's ripping the drenched cloth from between your legs off your body. he lowers his body on top of yours, gripping your hair and forcing your head back to look at him. 
"you know i'll buy you as many pairs as your heart desires, so be a good girl don't give me no shit for these ones." letting out a huff before you open your mouth to scold him, you're interrupted by your own balled up torn panties being shoved down your throat as he slams your front back down onto the car. "you know for someone who spends so much time swallowing dick, you really do talk too much."
you're about to start throwing your hands back behind you, land a slap to the man who just humiliated you to the point your slick's running down your thighs..but that's when you hear eren's door open and close. counting the steps he takes before he's in your vision, right in front of you on the other side of the hood you're currently bent over. he looks so good, dick still hard and standing up out of his black jeans and boxers. the chain with you and levi's initials engraved near the clasp dangles from his neck, levi sporting a twinning bracelet adorning you and eren's initials, and that leaves you with an anklet that has tiny dangling letters– e & l, to match. you don't get to admire him long before levi's slapping your ass, positioning you to arch your back a little more before he slides into your pussy. he's going so slow, making you feel every inch of his heavenly thick dick. while eren's is a little longer, levi's cock is so wide it always ends the same way: your legs shaking with him between your legs.
"don't even think of fucking cumming without permission," his mouth is against your ear, biting at the lobe as he starts slamming his hips into your ass at a fast pace. the ambient sounds of the city are being drowned out by the slapping of skin and the noises leaving your mouths. you look back up at eren to find him fisting his cock while he keeps smoking, the hazy look taking over his eyes as he smiles at you. he reaches forward, taking the panties from your mouth to stuff them in his back pocket. 
"f-fuck sir, keep fucking me, please don't stop– pleasedontfuckingstooop!" your minds going numb, already starting to get cock drunk off the abuse your cunt's taking. the pitch of your voice is getting higher with each mindless babble you let slip from your lips. "im so wet sir, a-all for you! it-it's all over my t-thighs baby, FUUCKK!" 
"yeah i know you love this dick, baby, but don't worry i love this pussy even more. you think i don't know my pussy's weeping?" he's cruelly laughing at you as his thrusts get harder, "baby it's all over you? i'm fucking covered in it, this fucking dick is dripping in you. don't gotta tell me, love– i know, i know you're just a slutty little thing who needs her small brains fucked out her head, yeah?"
you're nodding along with him, agreeing as you rock your hips back to meet his. you're so caught up in the pleasure that you don't notice the sound of the back door of the mini-mart opening, connie stepping out for his smoke break. since it's pretty late and slowing down, he knows it's about time for the store's dead zone of no customers. now he's stuck in place, taking it all in as your moans float through the night to awaken his cock. his eyes meet with eren's, as the tattooed man takes one last drag from the roach before throwing it down and stomping it out on the asphalt. he doesn't alert you, and lets you keep acting like a slut while he makes eye contact with his boyfriend, who was already fucking into you harder under connie's gaze. like they're talking telepathically, the shared looks turn into smirks spreading on each other of your boyfriends' faces that read the same. 
"looks like you got yourself an audience, doll." 
your body gets stiff as your hips stutter to a stop. your mind racing on who it could be. you should be appalled. should be scrambling to cover your body and hiding your face so you aren't recognizable, but you don't. you should be sobbing over the reputation you've been taught to protect so hard, but you don't...and you definitely don't miss the way you tighten up at the thought of someone watching you…levi doesn't miss it either, and he sure as hell isn't letting you get away with it. 
"oh- naughty fucking s-slut! yeah she likes being watched, ren..can feel this slutty pussy squeezing me ever since you told her." levi's letting out uncontrollable sounds now, lost in your tight little pussy. he's pulling one of your legs up onto the hood, giving connie a clear view of your pussy getting dogged. it's getting too much for him, slipping his hand down his pants to relieve some of the pressure of his swollen dick against the confines. 
"nah, i want you to look at him. fucking looking at him, y/n!" eren's fucking his fist at the same intense pace that levi's slamming into you, the anger burning in his irises growing as he thinks of your words spoken about springer when he wasn't around. "look at your lil boyfriend while you get your guts rearranged."
you crane your neck back, trying to get a view of the person watching you get your back blown and you're met with none other than your ex-classmate and old youth group leader– connie springer. your eyes go wide at the sight, his hand down his pants while his chest heaves up and down looking at you in such a vulnerable state. you get so hot under his gaze, at the thought of him getting off to seeing you like this– all pliant and slutty for your daddies. you can't help it when you cum on command as your eyes lock for the first time, legs shaking and screams ripping from your lungs into the dark night as you disobey the very man who allowed you this pleasure. you keep squirming around even after levi stops his thrusts, frozen in place, in shock that you're actually cumming without asking first. the dumbfounded look is mirrored when he glances up to see his boyfriend's expression as his hips come to a stop in his own fist. 
you're so delirious, so drunk on the euphoria of levi's dick in your guts that you don't even notice the tension rising. just start throwing your ass back against your man, nails digging into his arms caging you down. but before you know it he's pulling out and turning you around, eyes on fire from you going against his orders. 
"w-wait daddy 'm s-sorry! im so so- AHHH VI, S-STOP!" your pleas are cut off by the cries you let out, body jolting from the harsh smacks landing on your pussy. quick and right after each other, not giving you any time to breathe. you just keep crying, trying to squirm away from his hits, but also trying to grind into his hand. it's a battle of pain and pleasure that's making your pussy leak more than you ever thought possible.
"get her ass in the car, i'm recruiting a cameraman first," eren walks to the other side of the car while tucking his dick back in his pants and squishing your cheeks together. he sucks on his teeth while watching the tears flow down your face before kissing you on the lips and letting go, slapping you just enough to have your eyes rolling into the back of your head. levi's beckoning you into the vehicle as ren makes his way towards connie.
"ayo springer," eren walks up as connie starts to light his cigarette, "i got a proposition for you…"
you're busy getting your clothes stripped off while levi tugs you onto his lap, his hands going back to tear your grey crop top off so he can get his lips on your beautiful brown nipples. he loves sucking on his baby's buds; wants to secretly get you pregnant soooo bad, to see you get all round and your tits fill up, wants to massage and suck the milk out of them when you're sore and need relief. you're grinding against levi's thigh now that your skirt's off your body, grinding hard. that familiar coil tightening in your tummy again. the only thing left on your body being the chains wrapped around your waist, eren's personal fave accessory of yours.
"g-gonna cum v-vi! can i cum, daddy? pleasplease lemme 'm sorry for cumming earlier— couldn't help it! you're t-too big..too fucking big daddy.…fuuuccckkk 'm gonna cummm!" right as you're about to reach your high, the doors open and levi stops your hips with a death grip from his hands. 
you're too far gone at this point, not even caring that connie's now seeing you fully naked and an absolute mess all over levi's lap. It's quite the sight: your cream all over his pants from your lil humping sesh and the prettiest tears in your eyes as you keep struggling in his grip. eren runs his hands over your body in levi's hold as you start whining out for them to touch you, subconsciously playing with the chains around your center.
"don't miss the angle because you're too busy beating your dick to my girl, springer!" eren threatens as he hands him his phone open to the camera, "and don't forget the flash like a fucking idiot!"
the blinding light of eren's flash flickers on before the count down for the video starts. you feel your pussy throbbing at the idea of connie recording you getting put in place…in the back of the mini-mart no less. it spurs you further as your hands head for lev's still-undone pants.
"gon' get your wish, baby. now suck on lev's cock while i prep this pretty lil hole to take me," he's manhandling you into the position he wants before you can even think of moving yourself. you find yourself ass up again tonight, thrusting back towards eren to grind on his reclothed dick. 
"mmph-daddy pl-pleath! wov when you mmm– fuck my a-ass!" you try to get out around levi's thick tip that's slowly disappearing into your mouth already. 
"fuuck– you're so  fucking nasty, huh baby? wanna put on a show for springer and the camera like a dirty little slut, don' you?" he's landing slaps to your ass that have you moaning around your other boyfriend's dick. sending him to thrust up into your mouth as whimpers fly past his trembling lips-
"o-ooooh fuuuuckk, mmm gonna cum down your fuck throat. gon' paint that shit– and better not waste a single drop, m'kay baby? fuuucckkk fuckfuckfuck!" he starts getting teary-eyed when you start playing with his balls. sinking into subspace as you milk his cock— while staring right into connie's eyes. "r-rennn baby can icanicanidaddypleeaasse!" the tears are falling now, levi's eyes starting to cross as he teters on the edge.
"come here– kiss me and you can cum baby. can cum all down her throat if you lemme feel your lips, haven't got a kiss from you since this morning,"
 levi doesn't miss the pout in his boyfriend's voice as he immediately shoots forward and pulls eren into a messy, nasty kiss. the movement making you take even more of his cock down your throat, your choking sounds music to your lovers' ears as they swat spit over your body. eren takes this time to break away to bring two of his fingers up for levi to suck and choke on. fucking his throat with his fingers as he cums down yours with beautiful muffled sounds of pleasure floating from around ren's fingers. you cockwarm levi down your throat as eren pushes one finger into your ass, whines coming from your mouth and overstimulating levi, but it fuels eren. fuels him to fuck your ass a little harder with his finger so you make those perfect lil noises round vi's dick and get him to keep crying those pretty tears of pleasure he loves so much. 
your fucking yourself back onto his fingers when he slips a second one in, trying to beg him to just fuck you already with your actions. brain too fuzzy and throat too full to express yourself with words. you feel lev's dick start to get hard again in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head to get him fully erect again. levi's digging his fingernails into his palms so hard it's leaving behind crescent imprints, but eren's breaking point is seeing him bite his lip so hard it draws blood. he's pulling his fingers from your ass before leaning down to spit the hole and manhandling you to get off lev's dick. a popping sound filling the space of the car as your mouth leaves his cock, and your back hits his chest before he's giving you an order—
"now ride his fucking dick till i decide you deserve mine, too." he ends his sentence with a harsh slap to your ass, making you jump a little as a moan escapes you. 
"yes sir," it's whispered as you climb onto levi's lap, reaching to put his tip at your entrance.
"now ride him like a real slut. he's all subby for you, love. don't you wanna make sir feel good? wanna take care of him?"
that sparks something inside you. seeing your boyfriend's cloudy eyes, more tears brimming behind the red cheeks and quivering hands dangling in the air because he doesn't know where to put them. 
"it's okay, sir. you can touch me– gimmie you hands, baby. touch me ju-just like that, sir!" you bring your hands to guide his to your chest, letting him take over after he starts groping your breasts. "yeah keep touching me, don't stop, vi-gon' ride you now!"
you sink your hips down, taking him balls deep till his pubes brush against your clit making you pick up your pace. you keep taking him all the way out before slamming all the way back down, wanting to see levi break– but from you this time. never took control and they're giving you an opportunity to.. especially on camera so you could play it back when you're missing your boys. 
"yeah baby, just lemme fuck myself for you! gon fuck this dick till your cumming in me and filling me up, sir~"
the sounds leaving levi's mouth are straight out of a porno— and you're getting the most of the power trip. taking his hands and holding them to the roof as you get on your tip toes to really start riding your man. leaning forward to lick the blood dripping down his chin, tracing its path with your tongue, and sucking his bottom lip one into your mouth while alternating between dropping down and swirling your hips..till you fly a little too close to the sun. you see him on the edge, hips starting to rut up to meet you as his sounds get higher and higher like yours before you nut. you're spelling your name on his dick when levi's legs start shaking at the last letter, so without a second thought, you're pulling up off him. before you can react you're being pulled back down onto his lap. dick bullying up into you as he starts jackhammering into you from underneath. the way he's hitting you so deep has you howling and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, digging your head in his neck as your screams fill up his ear. 
"nah fuc-fucking look at me, bitch! think you gon' edge me? think you're ready for that, sweetpea?" when you don't look at him he's growling and letting one of his hands tangle into your hair as he yanks you back to look at him. you've never seen him so mad, eyes set hard and glaring at you. "you ever try that shit again and i won't let you cum for a week– no a month! make you watch me and daddy fuck every day while you're tied up. gonna play with your princess parts till you're crying from your eyes and this little pussy, but won't let you have any cock or let you cum. you want that, y/n?"
"n-noo! c-can't do that s-sir! can't do it! w-won't survive without y-your dicks– will die if you don't fuck me, if you don't gimme that fucking dick, baby!" you're crying your own tears now, pussy leaking while you fuck down to meet his hips. "won't ever d-do it ever again, baby! nevereverrrr siirrr– fuckkkk right there- right fuckinthereeee!" you start slurring your words, pussy getting ready to burst all on his dick. 
both men are chuckling at you, watching as you release your juices all over lev. the sounds leaving you have connie getting his dick back out, making sure not to fuck up the visual of what he's filming in the process. eren's heart just bout thumps out his chest when you grind down on levi slowly, looking back at him with that lost look twinkling in your eyes.
"c-can you fuck my ass now, daddy? ha-have i earned it yet?" 
he just groans before pulling you back toward him a little, changing the angle of levi's cock in you as he puts his lips on yours. he moves closer behind you, sliding a hand down to play with your clit as he positions his dick at your puckering hole. he doesn't make you wait long as he inches himself in, gasping with you as he feels levi's cock rubbing up against his between the thin layer of skin separating them. his pace starts slow, but as you start bouncing harder on levi, the harsher he gets in return. you're so– full. can't even talk, just let out animalistic noises as you all fall into a rhythm. your eyes find their way back to connie's as the sound of his wet fist keeps fucking his cock despite the multiple loads leaking around the base of his dick and all over himself. this time it's connie that's cumming from the eye contact, as you watch him pull another heavy load from his red and irritated cock. 
it doesn't take long before you're all three close to cumming, always getting your nut faster when you fuck like this. it's like your bodies are puzzle pieces that match up, connecting and fitting perfectly. it makes you feel better than the drugs ever could, being this close with your lovers. the light-headed feeling starts taking over your brain as your begs to cum start pouring out shortly after. 
"hold on baby," eren's placing a kiss to your hairline before he's making levi look into his eyes. "y-you close, lev, huh baby? you gettin close pretty boy?" 
"uh-huhhh daddy, gonna breed this pretty lil slut, but not till you tell me to!" 
"can we all try and cum together? gon let you get your nut, don't worry loves. just wan' do it together, okay? now fucking cum! cum one more time for me so we can go home and do this all fucking over again!"
the words bubbling up in your throat don't make it out as the electric feeling of your pussy getting ready to orgasm bubbles up, again. your toes curl as the thursts stop inside you and the feeling of hot cum battering up your insides floods your senses. the feeling making you cream all over them, screaming into the night as your back arches into eren's back, your tit going into levi's mouth once again. you all lay there for a second after the camera's turned off, the only thing being heard are the pants of all four of you filling up the camaro. 
"tell anyone about this and i'll fucking kill you, springer," eren huffs out while regaining his breath and taking his phone back from his grasp. 
"yeah keep your damn mouth shut or you're dead, baldy." levi chimes in, sending him a glare while petting your back trying to calm you down from the pounding you just endured. 
"now get the fuck out," eren demands, a smirk returning to his face. "by my count you got about 15 angry customers waiting on you inside, playboy."
this is only my second work so feedback is greatly welcomed and appreciated !! < 333
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melishade · 1 year
"Can't find your ex mortal enemy? Commit mass murder until he shows up!"
Megatron pulling up to Marley with the Nemesis lmao. He can't go on a week without fighting Optimus in mortal kombat. He's gonna kill everything until he summons Optimus to fight him. It probably worked on Cybertron.
Previous Episode of the War Timeline
Well that is one way to summon your ex: murder. But yeah, we'll focus on the Decepticons for a bit.
So the Decepticons get flung off course in the AOT world. They don't go to Marley just yet, but they do realize that something is wrong, since the world map is showing up differently on the computers. They initially thought it was a glitch in the system, but then they send some seekers out to fly around and realize, yeah this is a new world.
So Megatron, oddly enough, decides to Scout the place first. Part of it is just to find Optimus, cause ya know, obsession. But if Optimus isn't here, might as well conquer this place. But the intel gathered is less than savory.
I mean, they find out about the Eldian Empire, the Marleyans, about the pure titans and the titan shifters. Soundwave spies on battles that the Marleyans are using and they all get video footage of pure titans devouring humans like Kitkats. They all think it's gross. Even Soundwave is shaken up about it. But the titans are the most powerful thing on this planet, and they do have a weakness that they can exploit. But they also notice Zeke Jaeger controlling the titans. So now, Megatron has a target. He's going to take Zeke, take some Eldians and/or pure titans, and also destroy Marley in the process for any additional information.
So as Zeke and Pieck are taking care of a neighboring country with Marley, Porco and Magath are there as well, dismantling it and what not when the Decepticons invade. Pieck is wearing her armor and has the Panzer Unit on her back, remember that. The ship shows up and puts the fear of god in everyone. First the vehicons are sent out and dispatch of Marley's enemies, and then the vehicons attack the Marleyans, wiping a good portion of them out. Zeke does dispatch of the vehicons with his throwing skills, and this is all observed from the Nemesis by the Decepticons. Megatron's actually annoyed, but impressed. But Megatron is aware that size and his throwing arm, is the only thing that Zeke really has going for him. He'll dispatch of him easily, but Megatron has to make a point while he's at it.
So Megatron jumps down from the ship, makes a menacing landing and starts talking his shit. Blah. Blah. Blah. And Zeke and whoever is remaining is trying so hard not to shit their pants. Because Megatron just dropped down from the sky and has a flying hunk of metal right above them. They were in danger. Megatron initially makes a deal with Zeke: come quietly and I'll spare the rest. But Zeke can tell that Megatron doesn't mean it and quickly grabs shells and rocks and throws them as quickly as possible. It makes a direct hit and everyone is waiting in anticipation, but everyone is in horror when Megatron is still standing. He has dents in his armor, but he took the full force of the attack and was still alive.
Megatron snapped his neck before activating his sword. "Pathetic human."
Megatron charges, and before Zeke could think to throw another attack, Megatron slices off his arm with ease. Zeke hardens his nape, thinking that Megatron is just going to outright kill him, but Megatron just decapitates him. The others watch in horror at the sight of the Beast Titan falling to the ground. Megatron then put away his sword and dug into the titan form to pull out Zeke's actual body. Pieck tries to attack Megatron, but Megatron fires a single shot at Pieck, the shot shatters the mask and takes out the Panzer Unit on her back, but it doesn't kill her, and Megatron doesn't think to double tap. The reason why: because while Megatron and the others ae aware of the nine titans, they don't know the entirety of their skill sets. They don't know that Pieck is actually the Cart Titan and think she's a defective titan because she's been in titan form for months. Pieck quickly realizes this and plays dead, pulling her body out of her titan form and hiding behind the smoke, silently mourning the loss of her comrades.
Megatron then titans his grip on Zeke and turns to the remaining humans. "This is the greatest your planet had to offer, and he failed. This world will now know the might of Megatron and my Decepticons."
Megatron orders the remaining humans to be killed, and the vehicons still standing annihilate them all. Porco manages to survive, but Magath is not so lucky. Pieck quickly grabs him and they hide and watch in terror as Megatron takes a struggling Zeke back to the Nemesis. The only thing the two Warriors can do...is run.
So what happens now:
-Marley is taken over, obviously. Eldians are taken as prisoner for experimentation and the Marleyans are used as slave labor. Eldians are more valuable to the Decepticon cause.
-Decepticons torture Zeke, and they figure out very quickly that Zeke is of royal blood, which is why he's able to control all the titans. They then start performing experiments on Zeke to see how well the power of the titans would fair against energon. Megatron is advised to not use dark energon yet because of the whole "if Zeke dies, the power get reincarnated into an Eldian baby and that's just a waste of resources". They will unlock the energon serum eventually.
-The Decepticons do find out about the Tybur family, but like in the Dark Timeline, Willy takes the fall and says that he's the War Hammer to help the rest of his family get the hell out of dodge.
-The Decepticons don't attack Paradis yet. For certain reason. They do find out that four of the other titans are on their trying to take the Founding Titan, but the Founding Titan and the Rumbling is a big problem, because if that shit get activated and the Rumbling starts, there won't be a planet left to rule. Could the Warship take out the Colossal Titans? Definitely, but they don't know that yet. This also does buy more time for Paradis to catch up technology wise with the Autobot's help. But the Decepticons attack because Megatron is bored and they also pick up Autobot signals. When Megatron sees Optimus again, he's going to be so giddy.
-Pieck and Porco are on the run, hiding their identity in order to survive.
-Someone is ultimately going to defect from the Decepticons because this is cruel and unusual punishment at this point.
-Speaking of, I forgot to say when the Autobots and Decepticons get zapped to the AOT world from their timeline. We'll say...season 2 between episode 6 and 7. Meaning Dreadwing, Airachnid, and Breakdown are still around and on that ship. Starscream is still rouge, but he was there during the skirmish, so he gets zapped somewhere else (Hizuru). But that does mean that there's no Smokescreen or Ultra Magnus available for the Autobots.
-However Wheeljack is still on Earth, and realizes that something happened and goes to the sight. Agent Fowler finds a way to contact him through the Autobot base, and now it's up to Wheeljack, Fowler, and the US government to try and find out where the Autobot and Decepticons went. So Wheeljack gets the Autobot Base for the time being. He'll probably end up finding Smokescreen later down the line, Smokescreen tells Wheeljack about the rest of the Iacon Hall of records, and the two Autobots and the US government make an effort to find the rest of them to get an advantage over the Decepticons if they somehow make it back.
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ackerfics · 3 years
comparing hand sizes with eren or erwin 😩
i'm your satellite — eren jaeger, erwin smith (separate)
— eren jaeger x female reader, erwin smith x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: none, just fluff <3
— summary: they have a list of things that they love doing with you but when you suggested comparing hand sizes, they're blanketed with the feeling of pulling your heart closer than it already is.
— word count: 2.4k
— notes: i specifically didn't answer this yet because i wanted it to be an anthology of sorts --- it's just so cute aaaaaa both of these men make my heart stutter in the best way possible. i'm so sorry if i answered this late thooo :<<< i was sorting through my requests just now and found this. and i simply love it. maybe i'll start writing more these days because i'm starting to feel the side-effects of the vaccine hhhhhhh my body feels so tired all day, which means i'll be on my bed typing away on my computer. i based one of these scenarios on my own experience bc one of my guy friends just loves to compare hand sizes for bragging rights djnejdej also, i indulged myself in a little dad!erwin bc i'm a sucker for those. happy reading, love !! i hope you enjoy this owo
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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Class is becoming boring for Eren, the theories being discussed by the professor flying from his mind even after he writes them down on his iPad. He's an exceptional student, no doubt about that, but if there comes a day that he's feeling under the weather, Eren will just let the lecture pass by in front of him. He'd rather watch movies, cuddled into your warmth, than watch the short documentary on the discovery of quantum particles and their vitality in the great merry-go-round of life. He sighs before looking at his wristwatch --- there's still one more hour of staying physically present in this class and he will finally have dinner with you in one of the university restaurants. As if the thought of you sparked life into his body, he turns to you with a glint of mischief lighting up his eyes. Suddenly, every fiber of boredom became tendrils as he looks at your stunning side profile.
Like water, you flow through every stream of thought Eren has.
His admiration for you runs deeper than you let on. The love is visible as he trails his iridescent emerald irises over your visage. Rather than seeing the colors of the spectrum, his vision is dyed with all shades of anything pastels, the sparkles throwing you in a different spotlight than anyone else in the lecture room. Your eyelashes curve over your eyes as if they're butterfly wings every time you slowly blink while writing down the important details of the class. Eren is a sucker for the way you become so focused on every little thing. He loves seeing you lightly bite your lip as you draw diagrams or highlight with those pastel colors you adore you much. He enjoys the little nose scrunches when you don't like your handwriting, which was something he's thoroughly baffled about because it's so pretty as you. He even relishes how you blow on the stray lock of hair obscuring your vision. Everything about you is so perfect for Eren's eyes. It's not something he admits out loud but it's always conveyed through his actions.
It was a stroke of luck when you compared schedules with your boyfriend at the start of the academic year --- thinking that probably you wouldn't share classes with him aside from the general ones. You're both in the same major so most likely some of your classes align with each other just as it had been the previous year in university but it was never the vital course. He whooped in your shared apartment the moment he saw that you share all of your essential courses with him. It was something he was wishing for since you both started university.
The memory makes Eren smile, the giddiness he feels urges his hand to reach out to you. Finally, you look back at him in mild surprise when his hand covers yours. The small smile he had becomes a grin at your narrowed look. He shakes his head lightheartedly, "What?"
"What are you pulling right now?" You mumble slowly to not disrupt the class.
"Oh, nothing," he sings, running his fingers through every gap of your hand. The more time he observes every ridge and marks your hand has, he discerns that it looks so small compared to him. Eren always swoons whenever he feels how small you are against him. Something tugs on his heartstrings every time he hugs you from behind, only for you to be swallowed by how tall he is. Butterflies always cause tornadoes inside his rib cage when you walk around in your shared apartment wearing only his shirt. He can't resist his clothes reaching the middle of your thighs so he snatches you to throw you on the bed for another round of cuddles. Don't even start wearing his sweaters. The sweater paws are the death of him. "You are so tiny," he marvels in awe.
You scrunched your face in confusion. "Okay? I'm always tiny compared to you, 'Ren." You turn back to writing on your notebook, scribbling the diagram flashing on the projector screen. You feel every touch he pours onto your skin and it takes everything in you not to shudder at the heartwarming sensation of his fingers trailing over the back of your hand. You try to push down the warmth seeping into your cheeks and focus your attention on the lecture. The remaining minutes will fly by if you try to connect yourself with the theories your professor rambles on. But when Eren speaks again, your concentration breaks for the tenth time this day.
"No, no, you don't understand."
Your eyebrows furrow, stopping before you reach a period in your notes. "What am I not understanding?"
Turning your head to see what caused Eren to say his sentences with breathy adoration, you see him placing your free hand on his, palm to palm. "Eren, what are you doing?"
Eren looks at you with the brightest emeralds before pointing his stare at your joined hands. Your palm is flushed on his --- your middle finger barely reaches half of his. It makes you blink at the sheer difference. You always knew that Eren is like a giant teddy bear behind that gruff appearance he always shows in public, with that man bun and blank face that often scares people, but you never really thought about how he practically engulfs you with just his build. His hand is so much larger than yours that you're starting to feel your heartbeat pound in the same melody as Eren's, the green-eyed man looking back at you with his universe reflected in his eyes. He's staring at you as if you complete him and it heals him to know that you complement him in any way he can think of. So, he folds his fingers over the gaps of your hand, covering you in a protective cocoon he created just for you. You're making him love you like a fool and he hopes you know how much he feels for you.
"You're so cute. It warms my heart seeing this." Eren never strays his gaze from your hands. "I think it's just me but I have butterflies when I realize that my heart is much bigger than yours," he glances at you with a small smile, "which means I can love you much greater than anyone else could. And every single inch of it is beating just for you." He leans his head back on his chair, a besotted look washing over his face as he gazes at your wide eyes, parted lips, and warm cheeks. "You are the reason why I enjoy living now. Feels great to let you know that I kind of love you more than you ever know."
You're speechless. Sometimes you have the tendency to blurt out any random thought when Eren makes your voice disappear like this. "All this because of a Physics lecture?"
Eren laughs before pulling up your joined hands to his lips. He presses the most gentle kiss on your skin, looking at you with half-lidded eyes over your combined hands. "Partially yeah because it's boring me but I know you know I'm telling the truth."
If you're perfect in Eren's eyes, he's shining in yours --- much more radiant than every satellite the universe has to offer.
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Free time for Erwin is so rare and short that he cherishes every single one he has with you.
His work as the CEO of his rising business serves as the reason why he spends his nights inside glass walls instead of your home's comfort. With a junior like Levi who's always making sure that he stays in line without any distractions, Erwin is bound to be working more than enough hours to provide for your little family. Ever since you gave birth to his baby boy, he's working harder than he already is, saying along the lines that your little boy needs all the luxury a child should have in their life. Although, with that in mind, you prevented him from going back to work the first three months of your son's life on earth. As time passed, with your son now reaching one year old, all the little boy can pinpoint from his father is his eyebrows (something that he didn't inherit in all the features he has from his father) because that's the only thing he can remember from his workaholic dad.
So, once Erwin texted you that he will be having the week off because he felt like he was working too much, you are undeniably elated.
It's the first night of his vacation and Erwin spends it with you and your son, Atlas, doing a marathon of Disney animated films (well, up until your son falls asleep). You are snuggled against Erwin's chest, with your one-year-old son laying comfortably on both of your laps, fixated on the display of Simba being lifted in the air by Rafiki. The bowl of fruits near Erwin's side is slowly consumed by the blond baby sitting between the two of you while you and your husband are indulging in a bowl of popcorn. Atlas's exclamations of awe make you and Erwin laugh, endeared at the sight of him so immersed in the world of talking animals and magic. He occasionally looks up at you and imitates Simba's attempt at roaring before tugging on Erwin's shirt to randomly feed his dad a piece of strawberry (clumsily because he shoved the fruit on Erwin's nose). Everything is going well until Atlas sees the scene where Mufasa died.
"Daddy!" Atlas cries, eyes welling up in tears as he's clutching the fabric of his onesie in tiny fists. His sobs turn to wails as he turns to Erwin's chest, wrapping his small arms around the large expanse he's seeking comfort from. Erwin's chest rumbled with low laughter while you're brushing your fingers over Atlas's tuft of blonde hair, thumbs catching his falling tears. The baby boy continues nuzzling on Erwin that your husband looks at you for help. "Daddy don wan to die!"
"Sweetie?" You try calling out, cupping the side of your son's head in your palm. Those blue eyes he got from Erwin shine even more with that sheen of tears covering his irises. His little teeth are peeking through as he's gritting another sob, in which you have to take a deep breath just to contain your smile. "Daddy won't go anywhere." You lean your head on Erwin's shoulder, taking Atlas's curling fist and placing it on top of Erwin's heart. "Do you feel that?" A shy nod is your son's response. "That's Daddy's heartbeat. As long as that sound is around, he's always here."
"That's right, baby," Erwin tells Atlas, the toddler looking up at him with similar eyes. "I won't be Daddy lion any time soon."
Atlas tilts his head, speaking in a broken, "Really?"
Erwin nods. "Really."
The baby boy pouts and looks down on his father's free hand, the one that's not wrapped around him. With a set mission in his mind, Atlas took Erwin's hand with both of his. You share a glance with Erwin when your son lets his father's palm face his small face. The movie is now forgotten as Atlas expresses his small noises of awe at how Erwin's hand can cover his entire head. He huffs and makes himself comfortable, sitting on his calves, before smacking his palm on top of his dad's. He then laughs at something remotely funny to him, doing the thing all over again and muttering along the lines of, "Daddy big!" You and your husband watch as Atlas takes your hand and does the same thing. His giggles tug at your heartstrings, warmth spreading across the living room at the sight of Atlas enjoying the smallest act as if it's the most amazing thing on the planet. By now, the grins on your faces will never be erased at the energetic spark of light bouncing on both of your laps, eager to share what he discovered with you two.
"Mommy and Daddy do, too!"
"Oh, you want me and Mommy to do it, too?" Erwin translates.
A squeal rings through as the answer.
"Okay, then, as the little hero says so." Erwin turns to you with a smile, transferring his hold on Atlas on the other arm. "You heard our son, darling."
Erwin opens his palm, patiently waiting for you to complete the puzzle. Your loving stare trailing over his face turns him into a puddle of enraptured sighs and butterflies he's never shy to show you. The little sky-carrier giggling below anticipates the moment as much as Erwin.
Your pretty smile is the perfect accompaniment as you finally place your palm on top of Erwin's. When he sees how small your hand is compared to him, he's reminded of the times you randomly did this during college. Every single time he sees you marvel at the stark contrast between his calloused fingers to your dainty ones, Erwin is sent to the seventh heaven --- all because you look so beautiful staring at your joined hands with so much affection dripping from your eyes. He can't help but lean forward to gently press his forehead against yours, his hold on Atlas tightening because the baby is leaning back to capture the moment as one of his core memoirs. It must be because he feels so at ease in the comforts of his home or it could be because he touches you gently for a long while --- but regardless of what reason it is, Erwin feels so thankful that you came to his life like a shooting star impending for impact in his hollow heart, turning the chambers into a glowing artwork painted by you. Your hands are always laden with gold as you shower Erwin with the most unconditional love you ever gave a person, which is now extended to the bundle of starlight excitedly babbling.
"I love you so much, darling," Erwin murmurs, his breath too close as it hits your lips. He entwines his fingers through yours, slightly feeling Atlas standing up to join the little love-fest. "Thank you for everything you gave me. Thank you for bringing me to zenith every single day."
"Yeah!" Atlas cheers. "Mommy best!"
"You're right, baby," Erwin agrees, two blue eyes glancing at you with adoration. "Mommy is the best."
To them, they're mere planets revolving around you --- their luminary but for you, they carry the entire cosmos in their huge hearts --- pulsing with utter vibrancy for the little things in life at every beat.
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fandomvariousness · 3 years
you wouldn't want me to pt. 2
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pt. 1 -> x
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pairing: eren jaeger x reader
warnings: blood, mentions of death, cheating, smut: dub-con, mild masochism, dacryphilia, choking, creampie, size kink, overstimulation
request: "pleaseee a part two to "you wouldn't want me to" with the smut"
word count: 2.9k
a/n: ayo i'm team armin but boyeee sometimes it feels nice to digress ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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“We’ll stop here for the night.” you heard Eren command someone, and the carriage stopped.
They covered your eyes and tied your hands behind your backs, so even while you sat huddled next to Armin you couldn’t wrap your hands around him, and neither could he.
You heard steps come into the carriage, followed by a set of rough hands that led you off. Judging by the grass under your feet, you figured the whole caravan stopped at one of the cottages for the night. Once the grass turned into the parquet of the cottage, an alarm rang in your head, realizing that whoever’s leading you isn’t stopping.
“Wait,” you breathed out quietly, all your anger being replaced by panic. “Armin?”
“Y/N!” you heard his voice somewhere behind you.
Judging by the commotion and the wave of swears and slurs, everyone was being stuffed into solitary rooms.
“Stop, stop!” you yelled, your anger coming back, feet stubbornly pushing against the ground. “Armin!” you yelled again, roughly jerking your frame in hopes of getting away.
“No Armin,” your captor whispered in your ear. “just me.”
Your face sank at the realization that it’s him. Even though your heart fluttered, just for a second, making you hate yourself for it, the odium seeped into your blood the very instant you heard his voice.
"You, little –" you didn't get to finish your slur as he pushed you into the room, shutting the door locked behind him.
You stumbled on your feet, the moment of misbalance bringing you down to the hard ground with a dull thud.
You were so angry that you still tried to squirm out of your bindings, just so that you could have a chance to strangle him with your own hands. You felt him approaching as you huffed and panted angrily in your efforts, feeling the eye band and rope binding your wrists come off.
You squinted from the sudden painful contact with the lamplight, rubbing your sore wrists.
“I could really kill you right now,” you spoke with a trembling voice. “I fucking hate you, Eren.”
The anger was manifesting in a form of hot tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks any moment; you hated the way you’d cry once infuriated.
You hated it, but Eren fucking loved it. He took a discreet deep breath to quench the feeling that arose upon seeing your glassy eyes, the sight going straight to his dick. He loved seeing you so conflicted with your feelings, especially when he's the culprit.
"Always wanted to hear you say that," he said with a smug smile that you wanted to wipe off with a slap so bad.
And so that’s what you did. You huffed in anger and closing the space between the two of you with a couple of steps, sent a dry slap across his cheek.
His eyes shut closed as his head turned to the side, a shiver running through his body, orange pre-shifting sparks flying around his head like a halo.
“Do that again and see what happens.” Eren liked what you did to him, but he wanted to frighten you into thinking he would shift.
You gulped, trying to hide your rising panic, as you let your burning palm hang limply beside you.
“What,” you breathed out, carefully calculating your next words. “you’re going to shift and kill everyone inside, even your beloved minions?”
He barely reacted, except for his eyes running over your body, making you realize just how close you two are standing to each other.
“Not before I have something I want.”
You exhaled curtly as you looked down, trying to escape the hazy feeling that was gradually clouding over your mind.
“Eren, unlock the –” he interrupted you by gripping your chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look into his bottle-green eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered what it would feel like.”
You felt your face heating as you failed to control your emotions. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He smiled smugly again just before he claimed your lips with his, sucking your soul out. His hand rested dangerously low on your hip, teasing you with the possibility of gripping it tighter at any moment.
“Stop,” you muttered in between the kisses. “Eren, stop!” you shoved him away, all flustered, turning around and steeping towards the window to gaze at the night sky that was just starting to appear.
You panted heavily as the realization of what just happened was sinking into you.
“How can you do this to Armin?” you asked, trying to refrain your trembling voice from breaking completely. “To me?”
He chuckled quietly, revealing his stance just behind you. “I’m going to die soon anyway.”
You hated when they did that. You hated when either Eren or Armin spoke about the fact that they only have a few years left to live. In fact, you hated it so much you forbade them to even speak about it. Even if Eren is not exactly in your good graces right now, you still hated it.
You unclenched your burning fists in an attempt to compose yourself.
“You may disappear, but your actions won't," you said as you turned around to face him.
"I don't care about that," he said nonchalantly. "Hell, Armin's going to go shortly after I do, so you shouldn't even think about the consequences – we will both be dead."
You bit your lip so hard upon hearing the mention of Armin’s impending death you may have drawn blood. You snapped again as you sent your palm flying across his face, but this time he immediately turned his face back and crushed his lips on your bloody ones.
You whined at the tingling of the tiny wound where you bit your lip, droplets of blood staining Eren’s own lips. His palms squeezed your buttocks, bringing your centers together; you gasped as you felt his semi-hard tent against you.
You withdrew from him like a whimpering mess, pushing your dainty palms at his chest to refrain him from connecting your lips again. You turned around in panic and saw your blurry reflection in the window, both of your lips stained with the crimson of your blood.
You yelped briefly as you felt his hands on your hips again, his heavy breathing tickling your skin when he leaned his face towards the crook of your swan-like neck.
“Just this once,” he breathed out, giving a brief slip to his own desperation. “and then I’ll go. I’ll leave you all alone.”
You trembled as you struggled to make a decision: your body already made one, relishing at the feeling of his front against your back, of his stealthy, barely traceable grinding against your frame, but your mind tried so hard to resist.
His hands were roaming all over your body, quite literally driving you insane: the way his palm ran up and down your thigh, the other appreciating the curve of your waist before sneaking its way under your white uniform shirt – it made you moan quietly, realizing that your mind had already lost.
“Did you really never wonder how it would feel like with me?” he whispered smokily.
Of course, you did. You never missed the way his thumb would stroke over your skin whenever he would get the chance to place his hand on your shoulder, you never missed the feeling you got when his eyes would linger on you for a bit too long – all of it burned into your mind.
You were somewhere else entirely as your eyes fluttered closed, head leaning back against his frame; his hand came to cup your breast, gently massaging it, melting your whole stance into a puddle.
As you failed to answer, having lost yourself in a sensual mass of his touches, you felt his hand grip the base of your neck. “Did you?”
Your eyes shot open as the force of his grip grew stronger, making you grasp his hand for some sort of leverage.
“Huh?” he repeated.
"I did." You confessed.
You didn’t see it, but you knew Eren grinned widely against your neck just before he pecked it. “Of course you did.”
His hand retreated from your neck as he gripped your hips, pressing you against the window-sill. “Did you sometimes think about me when you were doing it with Armin?”
You felt tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you realized this was too much to admit.
“Eren,” you shook your head in protest.
Eren loved seeing you squirm, he loved torturing you like that, and he wasn’t going to stop. He snuck his hand to cup your burning center, making you cry out and shiver at the needed contact.
“I bet you almost cried out my name accidentally a couple of times, didn’t you? Just like you did now?”
You sobbed quietly, but Eren brushed his tongue against your ear, turning it into a broken moan mid-way. “Say it again, say my name.”
You didn’t realize how your hips rolled against Eren’s hand massaging your warm, slick center; he controlled you as a puppeteer controls his puppet, and you knew it all too well.
“Eren,” you moaned genuinely.
“Shit,” Eren spat out as your mewling went directly to his painfully hard dick.
You choked at the sensation of his fingers sneaking under your panties, coming through your slick folds and finding the little pearlet of pleasure.
“Yes, yes,” you whimpered as he returned the other hand to your breast.
Eren was losing control rapidly, but he wanted to toy with you just a bit more – he probably wouldn’t get another chance.
“Want me to fill you up?” he knew that it was immensely hard for you to admit that you actually want him, and so he purposely pushed you down this guilt trip.
Your eyebrows knitted together out of inner turmoil, but you nodded. “Yes, I do, Eren, please –”
You were an absolute whimpering mess, struggling to weave a proper sentence together, voice broken and trembling – you just wanted him to fill you and ease the sexual tension that would always follow you two.
He chuckled against your cheek as he worked his way with your pants, pushing them down below your ass, cool air hitting your skin and sending a wave of shivers. “To think you were so reluctant before.”
Oh, you still were, in a sense. You knew guilt is going to consume you after, but you cannot control yourself anymore. It’s just the effect that Eren has on people, on you.
You leaned your palms against the edge of the window-sill, anticipating the breach, shallow breaths leaving patches of mist on the glass that would disappear in a moment.
“Ah,” you yelped cutely and rested your heated forehead against the cool glass as you felt Eren’s tip against your slick entrance.
His hand weaved itself around your neck in protest and leaned you back closer to him, bending your spine into a beautiful arch. He ran his other hand up and down your stretched stomach as he eased himself into you, coaxing out a series of broken moans from your mouth.
“Fuck,” you yelped in a high-pitched voice, holding on to that window-sill for dear life.
“So tight, so tight,” Eren whispered to himself, lost in his own bliss as his head hung low on your shoulder.
You yelped in pain as he was approaching your cervix. “W-Wait, ah, it’s too—too—”
“It’s what, baby?” his fingers dug into your hips, bringing you down on his dick a bit further. “What?”
"Too—ah, fuck—too big!" you cried.
You were ashamed of yourself that you enjoyed his dick tearing you apart that much, but you couldn't lie to yourself in this state, not anymore; it's like you're a whole other person.
Eren’s dick twitched inside you at your word. “Bigger than Armin’s, yeah?”
You nodded curtly, doing anything to ease away the dull ache and the guilt that was tickling somewhere at the back of your head. “Yeah,”
He ran his tongue along the vertical curve of your neck, starting to move steadily.
You kept your mouth open as you were even struggling to breathe, Eren's presence consuming the whole of you. You bent your hand backward and ran your fingers through the back of his head, loosening the bun he’s weaved his hair into.
“Faster,” you commanded, catching Eren by surprise. “Please, Eren,”
The sound of you begging for him drove him feral. He wanted to fuck your brains out, but he knew he won’t have another chance to relish in you like that – slowly, sensually, lovingly.
“Patience, baby,” he said to you and to himself at the same time. “Mm, you feel so good.”
The room was rapidly filled with both of your moans as Eren pounded into you rhythmically. His hand snuck to rest on your lower stomach, feeling his own tip stretching your insides.
“Wanted to have you for so long," Eren let his thoughts slip up; he enjoyed destroying you like this, but he failed to consider his own weaknesses coming to the surface. "Could never get you out of my head."
His own confessions were like a catalyst to your approaching release, which was threateningly close now.
“Ah, Eren, I’m gonna cum, I’m cumming,”
You screamed so loud he had to cover your mouth with his palm – he wouldn’t want others to condemn you for doing this for the reasons they don’t even understand. Eren himself was close, so close – but there was one more thing he wanted to do.
“Feel good? Yeah?” Eren questioned, containing his own release with all his will, still pounding into you. “Give me another, baby.” His hand reached down to your oversensitive clit.
“Wait, Eren, I just came, I—” you choked, tears welling up in your eyes from overstimulation; yet it felt so good.
“Shh, you can take it,” he cajoled.
It didn’t take long for him to give you another orgasm, not at all – all it took was a few circular strokes with the right amount of pressure, and you came clenching around his dick again, this time covering your mouth with your own palms. Eren buried his head in your disheveled hair as he groaned out in pleasure, bursting deep inside you.
“Fuck,” he blabbered, eyes closed, feeling your shivering, fragile frame falling apart in front of him. He tried not to think too much about the fact that he came inside you, the act contradicting his beliefs and plans.
His hands came snaking around your waist, pulling you closer gently, planting a few kisses on the top of your head. "You did so well."
You couldn’t say a word as you pulled your pants up before you turned around to face him, seeing him buttoning his own.
Something came onto you as you cupped his face and kissed him gently. Now that really did take Eren by surprise.
“What was that for?” he asked quietly after a moment of silence.
You shrugged. “Just felt like kissing you.”
He suppressed a smile as he leaned his palms against the window-sill, trapping you in between his hands, your noses almost brushing. “You won’t be too pissed with me now, will you?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You said it yourself, you’ll die soon, so why do you care?”
"Clever", thought Eren as he continued exploring the pools of your glistening eyes. He withdrew slowly, towering over you as he took your chin between his thumb and index finger, just like he did before. He ran his thumb over a little patch of dried blood from when you bit your lip.
You almost gasped at the absence of his touch when he released you altogether, making his way to the door, unlocking it; you remained in your place, watching him closely, trying to stop him with nothing but your gaze.
He did stop, even though only momentarily. He had already opened the door as he turned his head back to take you in – face still heated, chest rising up and down, hair tousled, gaze… longing?
Something tingled deep inside his chest at the thought that he could’ve had you as his own if the circumstances were different, much different. If only he wasn’t so heavily burdened and consumed by eternal hatred.
He snapped out of his momentary ominous trance.
“Sleep well, Y/N.” he closed the door without another word, locking you from the outside.
Once he was gone, you allowed yourself to exhale properly. You gulped, making your way to the bathroom. You turned on the tap and plugged the bath, letting yourself sob loudly as you remove your clothes.
You didn't want to wash his touches from your skin, but at the same time, you had to – how are you going to face Armin afterward?
Yet the guilt mainly came from the absence of it – no matter how sure and scared you were that it's going to consume you afterward, it didn't.
You don’t want to lose neither Armin nor Eren, and you’re going to do everything in your power to hold on to them both for as long as you can, for as long as they walk the same soil as you.
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offbrandhange · 4 years
hi! are you accepting requests? if so can i request a fic where levi and the reader are secretly seeing each other and their little interactions spark up the interest of hange, so hange tells the rest of the levi squad and they all try to find out whether theyre dating or not? thank you!!
Yes, I am!!! Tysm for this idea I had so much fun writing it!!!
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𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: ~1.4K
a/n -- I really hope this isn’t bad HHHHHHH
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The mess hall was rowdy as always for a Friday night; all different regiments and ranks joined together—just to drunkenly blow off steam.
At the higher-ups’ table, a loud thud was heard; Hange had slammed down their beer-filled mug, laughing as they slightly splashed it on the man in front of them.
“Sorry,” They hummed cheerfully, despite knowing it was likely they would get berated for getting beer on him; He scolded them every chance he got.
Hange smiled stupidly while waiting for harsh words, but there were none. The man said nothing, his eyes completely elsewhere. He had no idea there was an ale stain on his white cravat.
“Levi?” Hange blurted in confusion, hiccuping while they did so. 
It was beyond uncommon for Levi to be spaced out and uncaring about a mess. He hated anything he deemed unclean—and he was picky about it, too. 
Hange was knowingly alarmed by their colleague’s strange behavior, and so, they curiously turned their head to see what he was staring at. 
His eyes were locked on a cadet belonging to the Scout regiment—one that Hange scarcely recognized as someone often around the Titan shifter, Eren Jaeger.
“That’s odd,” Hange murmured to themself, lifting the beer to their mouth to sip.“Wonder if this’ll work.” 
Mischievously, Hange ran their hand on the underside of the wooden table, getting a good heap of dust and dirt to stick to their palm. Afterward, Hange lifted themselves from their seat, leaned over the table, and softly flattened their hand on the top of Levi’s head; he didn’t move an inch. 
A booming “Woah,” escaped their lips, and in the typical Hange way, it caught everyone at the table’s attention—everyone except for Levi.
“Hange,” their co-worker called, a member of Levi’s squad; it was Petra. “What’s wrong?”
“He didn’t even flinch—I touched him with dusty hands!” Hange exclaimed, making dramatic gestures in disbelief. 
Petra raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Levi, who was now not only wearing a stained cravat; but also dust particles covering his usually impeccably shiny raven hair. 
Hange let out another scream in amazement; once again catching everyone’s attention—but not just those at the table. This time, the cadet noticed as well.
You began your strides over towards Levi—leaving behind your other members of the scouts. The closer you came towards him, the more his face began to change from pale to pink.
Hange watched in disbelief as you smiled at the short man, who now met your eyes with a softened gaze. 
You reached to his cravat; pinching the corner lightly to look at the stain Hange’s beer left. “Oh,” you scrunched your eyebrow. You weren’t sure why he hadn’t been freaking out over the stain.  “Do you want me to wash this for you? It’s dirty.” You asked,  pulling your hand back.
Levi’s gaze diverted from yours as his face changed from blushing pink to cherry red, practically ripping off his cravat to hand to you. “Sure.” He quickly replied.
Both Petra and Hange stared in shock. The usually strict, grumpy, short-tempered Levi was completely gone. Instead, he was now a wide-eyed, innocent virgin—who seemed to have not known what a woman was.
As you walked out of the mess hall with Levi’s cravat—to presumably wash—his focus was finally back to normal.
“What?” He growled, meeting Hange and Petra’s bewildered eyes with his violent ones.
They paused for a moment, saying nothing, until Hange deftly answered, “You got dust on your head.” 
Levi’s eyes widened, and he immediately started swatting at his head, disgusted by all the particles surrounding him.
“I need a shower.” He stated, rising from his seat, speed walking awkwardly out of the mess hall. It was clear he was very close to freaking out--grime was one of the only tame things in life that scared him.
After he left, Petra and Hange both silently sat, trying to comprehend what just happened. 
“Is Captain....dating?” Petra questioned, turning to look at Hange.
“Levi? Dating? No way.” Hange answered, not completely convinced of their own conviction.
There was another long silence between Petra and Hange—and then Hange opened their mouth to speak.
“We’re definitely investigating, right?” 
“What? Isn’t that an invasion of his privacy? I don’t think he would like it—“ Petra pleaded, but it was to no avail—Hange had already risen from their seat.
“Get the rest of Levi squad, then meet me outside of his office.” 
Petra sighed as she watched Hange leave the room; She was not too keen on snooping in on Levi’s personal life—mostly because she valued his opinion of her—and did not want to lose his trust. 
Hange, however, was giggling to themselves, bouncing as they walked to Levi’s office. 
The walk didn’t take long, since his room was relatively close to the mess hall; but picking the lock certainly would. Once they arrived at Levi’s door, Hange pulled a hairpin from the bird’s nest that rested atop their head—poking and prodding at the lock best as they could. 
When the lock had broken, Hange turned to see that Petra and the rest of the Levi squad were standing beside them.
“Good, you’re here.”
“Is Captain Levi really dating? He doesn’t seem like the type to get involved with others.” Eld questioned.
Oluo scoffed before he replied. “Of course not—he’s way too busy.” 
Petra rolled her eyes. “Like you’d know.”
“Of course I would—are you implying I don’t know what it’s like to be busy? My kill count—“ Oluo stopped, accidentally biting his tongue.
Gunther just sighed and made his way into the room; the rest following along. 
Hange and the Levi squad searched for what seemed like forever; they looked for anything they could find—a love letter, gifts, anything out of the ordinary that their Captain would not normally have—but they found nothing.
Eventually, Gunther sighed and slammed the desk drawer shut. “This is pointless.”
“And an invasion of privacy,” Petra added, sounding slightly annoyed.
Hange was starting to tire themselves—pushing up their glasses and rubbing their eyes, they spoke. “Fine, let’s call it a night; we can try and pair them up tomorrow during training and see then.” 
Everyone left the room, dragging their feet. Their mission failed, and everyone was beyond tired; They certainly weren’t going to stay up any later than they already had.
Goodbyes were exchanged, and they headed their separate ways; Hange specifically towards their dorm. 
And that’s when they turned the corner—and saw Levi talking with you in the deserted hall.
Hange hid, pushing their glasses back down to see clearer. Excited, they screamed internally.
Levi stood with the straightest posture possible; you could tell he was nervous. His hair was pushed back out of his face, still wet from his shower, with a towel draped around his neck. 
You handed him his cravat, teasing him for getting it dirty. It was exactly what you expected to see from two lovers.
Once you leaned in to kiss Levi on the cheek, Hange jumped out from the corner, revealing themselves.
“HOLY SHIT! YOU ARE DATING!” Hange screamed, standing strangely, pointing at you and Levi.
The short man went flying as he threw himself away from you—he was now flat against the wall, with an expression that mimicked a frightened cat.
Slightly spooked yourself, you turned to look at Hange. “Oh. Squad Leader Hange.” 
 “ARE YOU DATING?” Hange screamed down the hall—you could hear an angry cadet in their room yell back, “shut up.”
Levi peeled himself off the wall, walking down towards Hange angrily—you followed.
“What is this.” He sneered, glaring at his colleague.
“ARE. YOU. DATING.” Hange repeated, putting a lengthy amount of space between their words.
Levi turned bright pink again—and said nothing. Annoyed, you sighed and spoke for him. “Yes, we are.”
“HOLY SHIT!” Hange yelled, dragging out the o.
“Keep your mouth shut, four eyes.” Levi spat, returning to his typical grumpy demeanor.
You pat him on the shoulder, resting your hand there to represent a small, “be nice.” His face grew even more in color; instantly melting at your touch.
“Don’t go around telling people,” you said, trying to clarify what he meant. “I don’t want others to think I’m getting special privileges.”
Hange sucked in a long breath, trying to calm themselves. “Sure, sure, yep, yep, yep. I got you.” They smiled politely, beginning to walk off.
You and Levi watched as they turned to corner—and all of a sudden you heard them scream.
Levi charged after Hange—and you muttered to yourself, “oh my god” before following along.
It was going to be a long night.
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
When the world falls apart, the only thing we can hold onto is ourselves (Part VII)
 Series Master list
pairing: canon Eren Jaeger x reader
content: Angst, unstable relationship, breakup, smut/nswf+18, major character death, violence, blood (obviously), war (pretty obvious)
summary: War and hate. It’s what defined the world at this exact moment. You failed your comrades, and by failing them, you failed yourself. Your relationship is hanging by a thread and your enemies will not only be found on the other side of the sea, but also in the mind of the person you love the most. How will you take the reins in the face of so much destruction?
Chapter summary: Sometimes, to understand the present, it’s necessary to pay a visit to the past. While reader is in a deep sleep, their unconscious plays a trick on them by reminding the most important and catastrophic moments in their life.
Word Count: 9.1K
Year 847, a very hot and humid day.
First day of training in the 104° squad. Each of the hundreds of soldiers coming into the slaughterhouse gathered in lines, lined up, waiting for our first orders. Announcement of names and locations. Some serious who didn’t need an introduction, other clowns who didn’t take the training seriously. Instead, I...was  waiting with an empty view towards the horizon, not seeing anything or anyone in particular.
First day, call and presentation; some came from cities, some from towns, but none from a filthy wealthy family of nobility, much less royalty. Most of us simple villagers, presented on a silver platter for the aristocracy, entering our graves on our own. Each one would have their reasons, some simpler than others, some more hypocritical than others, and others more selfish than all of us here.
First day, and there were already a couple on the ground and others being severely punished. Like the tall girl with a ponytail who had the brilliant idea to not only steal, but also cook a potato before training and eat it in the middle of line formation. A village girl, a hunter and faithful to her principles and culture; a girl who wasn’t ashamed to show her true colors on the first day, even if it gave her a punishment that would end up lasting for hours, until nightfall. An incredible example for the most stupid, but equally for the bravest. I think it was hearing where did she coming from that something inside me arose like a flower in the middle of spring, or maybe it was hearing her resound every minute around the training ground until the moon rose. I’m not very clear about it. Maybe I wanted to be nice to someone after a long time, and what better way to start with a person who was humiliated on the first day of what would be our next life.
I wasn’t quick enough to bring her something to eat when her punishment ended, a certain very short blonde beat me beforehand, but I was quick to save her a seat next to me the next night, while saving her a portion of bread. I assumed she would like it, and I wasn’t wrong. She devoured every last crumb along with her ration of dubiously sourced food on a metal plate. Hearing her eat with such enthusiasm brought a smile to my face, it reminded me of the little tadpole children who came and went in my town, asking for a piece of bread or an apple, even knowing that they had food at home. Those playful children who wandered through the small market, looking for some candy and returning disappointed at their doors when they hadn’t found any.
"I didn't hear yesterday where you came from"
Sasha, I think that's the name of the girl in front of me. Apparently she was talking when my mind wandered with nostalgia and melancholy. Her eyes were very fixed on mine, and as much as I looked away, I could still feel them penetrating my skull. I guess you can't dodge the past for long, right? At the very least, I tried to be as cautious as possible when giving my answer.
"I come from a village northeast of the wall Maria, far enough away from the wall to be warned of the fall before a titan reached our town"
She played with the poorly made metal spoon on a piece of carrot that came out of the poor soup, already cold, that this place delighted us for the second night in a row. I made me a mental note to go out hunting every now and then if I wanted to have a good meal and not end up anorexic and a failure.
“And what do you do in your village? In mine we are dedicated to hunting, but they’re taking away the land for the cattle” She took a huge bite of his bread, showing how angry she was. I couldn’t blame her, taking the land out of a hunting village was like taking away their essence, a part of their soul.
"We’re dedicated to raising horses and handicrafts" From our town came the fastest horses that the military police could ask for, some of them stayed for the field and keep the children busy.
Beautiful horses dedicated to the gambling of the nobility, others common for the plowing of the agricultural peoples. Horses dedicated to the race for the survey corps; what the government needed, we provided. It would be hypocritical of me to say now that the horse was my least favorite animal. It was not. For me they were the most beautiful, faithful and loyal creatures in this whole little world. My favorite animal without a doubt.
I wanted to talk about the various horses we managed to sell at a high price to the most authoritarian court on the Rose wall, but a noise from behind our table made my jaw drop.
A "Tsk" echoed throughout the dining room.
I turned my head, hoping to find an animal, or anything but a human like us. To my misfortune, I met the withering look of a brunette with bright green eyes, just as bright as those of the forest, and his hand holding the spoon tightly, as if my simple face angered him.
"Do you have a problem, Jaeger?" I remembered him from yesterday. Serious, tall, with a look that could kill you at any moment. Decisive and lethal. At the same time conceited and childish. He had won the ears and admiration of the majority here with well-used words and a touch of drama.
"Yes, I have a problem" his hand let the spoon escape on the plate, causing some drops to fly in all directions "I have a problem with people like you"
He got up from his seat, walking slowly but steadily toward my table, planting himself in front of me. The lap dog as a friend of his following behind him with a decomposed face, one hand half raised, perhaps to stop him if necessary. But let's face it, of the two, Eren was the one with the most strength, it was obvious to the naked eye.
"And what is that due to? Or do you wait for me to get into your little head and find some clue that can help me understand the cockroach you have for a brain?" At no time did I get up, I wasn’t going to lower myself to the same situation as him.
Half of my body had my back to him, so I was looking at him over the shoulder. He may not have liked that, ‘cause he immediately grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, waiting for me to look him in the eye.
"People like you, who come from villages far from the cities, who don’t know the real danger, are a problem" He looked so angry, angry with the world perhaps? I couldn't find an answer to that anger, nor the source of his feelings. But what I did know, was that he wasn't going to let me be trampled on by a fool who knew the world simply by seeing a titan within his short life.
"Excuse me, but you realize that many here come from villages far from the big cities and only very few saw a titan with their own eyes" And it was those same people who began to get up and look at him with bad eyes. The same ones who looked at him with wonder, as if he were an angel fallen from heaven to bring them the news of the world.
I fervently removed his hand from my shoulder and deigned to stand up, trying to gain some ground in this pathetic discussion. I wasn't going to raise my voice like I assumed the boy in front of me was going to do it at any moment, so my body did it instead.
"I don't understand what your complaints are about, but please, oh great Eren, the one who saw a titan bigger than the wall, explain to me" I could notice how his other friend was approaching towards his back, looking at me with caution.  Now, of the group of three, with her I had to be the most careful.
"Are you making fun of me?" he took a dangerous step towards me. 
“’course not” ‘Course yes, but I wasn't going to say it openly.
"People who don’t see the enemy in the face think they can come out of the walls to face it" did my ears hear that correctly? I looked at him as if a third eye had popped out on his forehead.
"Not having seen a titan in my short life doesn’t mean that I cannot go out to fight them"
"And yet you have no fucking idea what you're up against" the conversation was getting more and more heated, his feet were getting closer to mine and I could lightly feel his breath on my skin.
"That doesn't mean you can come and mistreat me" I instantly threw myself back, but ran into the legs of the table. Sasha's hand rested on my shoulder, unable to encourage me with words, but enough emotionally.
"Fucking villagers" he took a step back, turning on his heel and looking, without seeing, or so it seemed, the crowd around him "you don't know what it’s to see a relative of yours being eaten in front of your eyes!"
Ah, that's where so much hatred for the world came from. But I wasn’t his target. He must express his emotions, his anger, towards a common enemy, not towards a comrade who was going to help him in battle. Taking it with me wasn’t going to help him at all, and the fact I was from a small village didn’t mean I was naive and deserved the anger of the citizens. "I'm sorry that happened to you-"
"My mom was eaten in front of my eyes!"
"I'm sorry that happened to your mom! And I'm very sorry that you had to see it with your own eyes, but taking it out on me is not going to help you ”I pushed him back with my words, unfortunately they were not enough to stop his viper tongue.
"You can't know what it feels like to lose your mother like that" he turned his back on me, and before turning to his blond friend, he turned his head over his shoulder, looking at me again with contempt. "Go back to your village with your mommy and cries on her lap for being incapable of shit"
His comment blew me away.
He had left my mind blank and the only thing I managed to do was throw myself back, and sit down heavily on the hard wooden bench. My eyes stared into nothingness, unable to observe the multitude of eyes that settled on me with sadness, some with regret and support. Sasha sat down next to me on the left, while on the right a figure that I didn’t recognize crouched down to look me in the face. All I could make out of him, or her, were those big round blue eyes. A blue that reminded me of the rivers that flowed gracefully near my town. The same water that landed on a larger lake or river, and… perhaps, on the same sea.
"Hey, Eren-" I heard someone yell. From the tone of their voice I thought I distinguish Jean's annoyance.
I didn't have a second to reflect on what I was doing and before I could blink, a plate full of food was flying in the direction of the two boys, impacting on the wooden wall and scattering the pieces of vegetables on the floor and the people who unfortunately was close.
The two boys turned to see where the plate had come from, finding my hand half raised and smeared on the thumb of the cold soup. My body was euphoric, my breath hitched and my chest rose and fell quickly.
"You ... you don't know shit about me, or my family, or my people" I started slowly what would be the best speech I would have given in my 13 years, a speech that would bring me problems, as well as friends. “I’m so sorry about your mother, but in the same way, she was devoured by an enemy of which we still do not know exactly"
I came around the table and approached the brunette, meeting his friend halfway through. Without stopping, I hit her shoulder with mine, pushing my way over her.
"While mine was shot by the people who had to protect her" now my body was a few inches from him, taking Jean away from his side "my mother was killed for the simple fact of wanting to see the sea"
His blond friend, who hadn't been separated from him at any time, widened his eyes, even more than the person who bent down to comfort me. His eyes stared at me in amazement before turning to understanding and sadness.
"Judging by your friend's expression, he understand what I'm talking about" There was little space for me to move calmly, so I chose to get closer and closer to Eren, keeping my face a few inches from his. Even with the slight difference in height, I could manage to have an aura of warning and seriousness.
I raised my hand to his forehead slowly, preventing the girl from earlier from pouncing on me thinking I was going to hit him.
"The military police took her out of my house, placed her to the center of the village and with a pistol in the middle of her forehead" I closed my hand except for two fingers, simulating the muzzle of the rifle, and placed them in the same place as they did it with my mother "they shot her in front of her little child"
I detached my fingers from his forehead and with a "bang" I simulated the same shot that, to this day, continues to haunt me in dreams, after 6 years. My eyes observed his expression, the color had disappeared from his face, he was so pale that it seemed he was going to faint at any moment. There was no longer a trace of his anger towards me or towards the titans; An immature child had been left in front of me, from whom they had taken food for not knowing how to appreciate it.
I walked away carefully, noticing the trembling in my body, in my legs, and took small steps towards the door, leaving everyone who wanted to give me their condolences and emotional support behind.
"You are lucky that your mother was eaten by a spice stranger to her, mine didn’t have the same fate"
*** Weeks passed from that terrible night. The golden trio hadn't deigned to approach me, and for my part I longed for it to stay that way for the next three years. I didn't want people like Eren or his friends to get involved with me, I preferred the company of people like Sasha and Marco, Jean and Connie, as empty-headed as they were. I preferred to spend my free afternoons practicing archery, preventing some stupid from passing through the shooting range or next to the bullseye from getting a head shot.
"Here, I fixed your glove, now you are supposed to be able to put your thumb in without it opening" Marco had his hand extended, grabbing a leather glove, which I’d found in the storage bag of the training set.
The leaders had been very understanding when explaining the training I wanted to follow as free time. Although no faction was going to need a bow and arrow for sure, due to its inefficiency, I had given my point of view that it would end up being useful if an expedition needed more days than predicted and more food and provisions were needed, a bow was going to be of great help when hunting.
"Thanks Marco, you are an angel in this place" I proceeded to put on the worn glove and test its elasticity with the arrow and the bowstring.
"See you at night" and with that, the freckled man marked himself towards the canteen, greeting Jean in the distance who was waiting for him at the door.
The shooting area was not far from the entire training ground, close enough to observe everyone who came and went on the field, everyone who wandered without any direction or aim, and everyone who wanted to train. As well as being close enough to the training area with the movement equipment, equipment that was being used a lot recently by many colleagues in need of balance. One of them turning out to be the annoying brunette with bright green eyes, who was walking very dangerously with his friends on the target at the time I was about to release the arrow.
The small deadly weapon shot out and ended up hitting the red dot in the middle, grazing Eren's neck. He put a hand on his skin and when he saw the arrow stuck on the straw object he turned to look at me angrily.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? That almost hit me in the neck "
"If you saw where you walking you would realize you’re in the shooting zone, if an arrow hits you it’s not my fault" I yelled at him from a distance, preparing a new arrow to launch.
When I saw him take a couple of steps towards me, I stretched the arrow back as a warning, I wasn’t going to laid on a rose’s field while he went back to being a fucking asshole. Armin, I knew his name in these weeks when listening to a conversation he’d with another person, he grabbed his arm while Mikasa put herself as a shield. They both took him away from the target and I was able to shoot the arrow without taking my eyes off them.
I followed them until they positioned themselves on one of the balancing machines, helping Eren onto the equipment. I was about to accommodate a third arrow when I heard a scream coming from his direction. My head spun at the same speed an owl would, given countless hours of practice in the woods, and I watched the last second of Eren's fall, watching in broad daylight as his head hit the stone floor. The blow could be heard from a distance, even where I was located I could hear it as if it’s next to me.
Seeing him lying swaying on the floor, half hanging from the equipment made me burst out laughing. I couldn't stop the laughter from coming out of my mouth seeing him in such bad shape. He was going to have a safe bump and maybe some neurons would end up rearranged. My laughter didn’t go unnoticed, the commander Sheith passed on his way to the shooting area and stood in front of me, looking at me with that serious, expressionless gaze.
"Cadet (Y/S)!" I settled myself as best I could, putting the bow to one side and the arrow on the back sleeve before standing firmly "help young Jaeger heal his wound"
I was puzzled and my face reflected it.
"But, sir, why me?" I begged with my words to let me go, or at least give me a couple of hours of punishment, whatever it was before starting a conversation with that selfish man, much less heal his wound.
"Are you arguing with me, cadet?"
Every movement or prayer that I could make to try to accomplish my task vanished like a leaf in the wind. I lowered my head, avoiding his frivolous gaze and waited for him to leave, snorting. I reluctantly put down the bow and arrow sleeve next to a target and headed towards the three of them, Armin and Mikasa were trying to lift Eren off the floor as they took the equipment off his hips.
"Come on, I have to heal your wound" I didn’t stop to greet them, or to explain the situation. In the same way that I approached, I went towards the canteen, without looking back.
On the short drive I overheard Armin asking about my rare kindness, to which I replied dryly that if it weren't for the commander, I'd be breaking my asshole on the floor by laughing. We walked and walked, me in front and the other two physically stable, keeping the dark-haired boy as best they could, lifting his head so that he wouldn't hit himself again. Upon reaching the canteen stairs I yelled "Sasha, I need a bucket of cold water and a washcloth!"
I opened the door for them and pointed to a table near the kitchen door so they could seat Eren. I warned them to keep his head steady, to keep him from going forward or backward, and to keep him awake at all times.
"I didn't know you knew so much about medicine" Armin pointed out when Sasha came out with the bucket of water and a cloth floating in it.
I let out a slight "hmm" before positioning myself behind Eren, squeezing the hands of the other two and allowing them to let me do my job. I ran his hair back, trying to locate the wound and notice any cuts. Finding none, I proceeded to feel the area, finding the slight bump on the upper side of the forehead. I down the cloth in the cold water, letting it soak, and placed it on his head. The water was so, so cold, it had even made me shivered, but for some reason, Eren didn't seem to be fazed at all.
I didn’t give it much importance and I passed the cloth over the bump, waiting a few seconds for it to deflate a little before going through the sides, preventing the area from becoming inflamed as well. I soaked the cloth again and laid it on the side of his forehead, indicating to Armin to press down and not move his hand while I looked for a handkerchief or some bandage to cover the blow. In the same way, I explained to Mikasa to keep watching Eren, to talk to him, even if he wasn't waiting for an answer, to keep him awake for fear of having an accident in his brain.
I found what looked like a used bandage, quite disgusting for my taste, but I wasn’t going to take much longer of my time for "patient" who didn’t deserve my treatises. I stretched the bandage as far as I could over his head, giving it two full turns before pinning it around the back of his head.
"Try to find a better bandage for the blow" I washed my hands with cold water, hoping to get rid of all the irritation the situation had caused.
"Thank you" Armin sounded really grateful, with a hint of ... sympathy perhaps? With my hands clean, I grabbed the bucket and started to put it back in the kitchen when the blonde asked me again "where did you learn all this?"
I sighed not once, but twice, the kitchen door was open and I was about to enter when I threw a look over my shoulder "everything I know, I learned from my mother's books"
And with that I closed the door behind me a second time to the golden trio.
Year 850, a beautiful spring night.
The night before our graduation. A hectic night. Between the well-deserved nutritious food, meat and bread that we have longed for the past three years, and the shouts of encouragement for each of us who were present that night, a great party was put together. Many people defected and others didn’t have the ability to move on. Many were frustrated when they fell short of the top ten, fearing they would be sent to the survey corps, others claimingthey had contacts in the military police and had an assured position. Others fought for their point of view before such faction; and with others I mean the same suicidal brunette. Eren, finishing 5th out of the top ten, undoubtedly deigned to throw me in my face.
"Three years and I'm still better than you, your little village tactics were useless" he smiled wickedly and his eyes showed that characteristic glow when he won a fight. Although there wasn’t a fight here, therefore, there was nothing to be gained.
"Congratulations Eren" I turned around without waiting for an answer and walked briskly towards Marco and Jean, they were both heading towards the boys cabin and I followed them to the entrance, leaving a fuzzy Eren behind.
Now, tonight, with the years of training in the past, it was time to rest, have a night of peace before the real deal began. I never thought it would arrive the next morning.
From my position, far from the main entrance to the Trost district, a thunder crashed into the ground, followed by hot smoke covering our feet. The famous colossal titan stood imposing on the side of the wall, watching my companions who were a few meters from him. From where I was standing, I could see his arm rise and run the guns and the others, burning and blinding them with its smoke.
An calvary that started very early and had no intention of ending soon. Death and dismemberment in every corner, blood flying through the air, comrades being eaten. At each step we take, each turn a building took to dodge a Titan or go after one to kill it, a comrade fell in battle; with each step I took, it was one step closer to my own death. But, call it a miracle, call it divine grace, or simple luck, I managed to reach a roof of one of the many houses destroyed by the attack. From the roof, I could see the disaster more clearly, and I could examine my own disaster with great concern.
The pants were torn in the knee area, the tips of my boots brushed my bare skin and apparently bruised from some friction. I had a blood stain in the abdomen area, apparently from a person who was eaten near me and I didn’t have the dignity to see it. I didn’t have the strength or the courage to unbutton my shirt to see the disaster that surely my body had taken in the hours we were surviving in the city. I had enough of the bruises and cuts on my hands and cheeks thanks to some small rocks flying through the air from the impacts; I didn't need to see if my ribs were in place.
In the distance, perhaps three, four houses in from where I was, were a few comrades sitting on the rooftops of another house. It seemed a few had survived and came together to rest, there weren't many titans in sight and the few there were were wandering around without looking around. Those idiots gave me the chance to jump houses, without looking down. If I looked down I would’ve see the cobblestone streets stained red, I would’ve see limbs scattered right and left. I had a goal in mind and I wasn’t going to lose focus on the death around us.
I landed on the fireplace, hitting both knees when landing, I was running out of gas and it showed. The movement wasn’t being so fluid anymore. I scrambled down the stone wall of the fireplace, landing right next to Armin. My movement gear hit his, jerking my hips and torso on impact, nearly knocking me off the roof. Armin didn't flinch, he was just looking at the tiles, but given his expression, I think he wasn't looking at anything at all. He was just preparing to stare and lose himself in the terrors of his mind.
"Armin, what happened? Ar you alright?" stupid questions. Obviously he wasn’t alright, it was reflected in his empty and dark eyes, but my mind couldn’t process correctly.
It was in automatic mode, only thinking about survival, not the correct questions for each of those who were spread out on two rooftops. Of the many who had graduated, we were reduced to two dozen, maybe a little more without counting those who were in that huge building with the gas parts. Others may have taken refuge in a house, waiting for the right moment to move and reach us. But there was little hope, even if I didn’t say it out loud, unconsciously I knew there wasn’t much to do with the people who were not among us, because after all that was exactly what was happening ... they were not with us, they weren’t in the land of the living.
How pessimistic my thinking, right? I wasn’t wrong at all.
"Armin, where is Eren?" want to know the worst?, I already knew the answer before Armin could lift his head and scream the terrible news with his lungs.
In the end, the boy who so wanted to fight the world, succumbed to the terrors of him.
But what had impacted the most was that, minutes after hearing that news, minutes after arriving at the building for gas supplements and saving the comrades who had barricaded themselves, minutes after being saved by that fighting titan, we saw the same Eren, the same brunet with bright green eyes, appear. Alive.
The surprise we all get when we see him emerge from the nape of that eccentric titan. He was fine, his skin pink and hot from the smoke of the decaying body from his titan. His titan? There was no time to understand the situation. If that, how to understand it? We saw him resurface, like a phoenix, among the ashes of a dying body, fully alive. He had all of his limbs, even the ones that had been eaten; I could see the limits of his pants and the sleeve of his shirt torn, with perfect and huge bite marks.
I stood to the side watching the scene, Armin and Mikasa crying uncontrollably when they saw his heart beat. Scientifically and medically that was impossible. Technically speaking, nothing we were witnessing was possible; And yet there was the suicidal bastard, breathing normally. His eyes closed, his lashes drooping over his lids and his hands being held by his childhood friends. Jean couldn't believe the scene before his eyes, even the other trio was hesitant to say anything, with serious faces and completely stiff eyes at Eren. Each and every one of the reactions present entered what would be a normal reaction, missing one who wanted to kill him immediately.
And I think I rushed a couple of minutes.
Days after the expedition to the giant tree forest.
With Annie crystallized and guarded underground, a bit of tranquility arose within the walls; a calm that only attributed to the survey corps. Citizens panicked, not understanding, not comprehending even ten percent of what the latest information was being advertised in newspapers and billboards. The general did everything possible to give us time to resupply and rest from such a hard fight. The patrol had been divided in two, and I had remained as Jean's auxiliary escort, the poor man wanted to vomit all the trip when he had to suffer the terrible order of disguising himself as Eren.
And when the time for action came, we were both prepared to assist Eren in his titan form. I wasn’t still used to seeing him at a height of more than 15 meters, but his characteristics were still there: eyes, now huge, green and shiny, as if that shine never went away, no matter how violent or dark the situation turned upside down, and his dark haired, he looked silkier and smoother in this way that the originally he modeled.
Now we where here, Armin, Mikasa, Jean and I watching him and examining his vital signs. He had fallen into a coma for the second time. I couldn't blame him, I guess controlling a titan of that caliber used up a lot of physical energy, let alone the psychological, but to be honest… mental health had already leaked out the window.Each of us were standing in a corner of the room, sometimes Armin wandered between the door and the window, sitting close to his friend on the bed when he couldn't take it anymore from the anguish. Mikasa always sat next to him, holding his hand at all times, faithfully waiting for him to open his eyes. For my part, I was watching the sun set outside the window, as the sunset gave us its warm rays and prepared us for the cold night.
Every once in a while, whenever I heard a snort or movement coming from the bed, I would turn my head and come closer to feel his breathing. He was stable, and showed no signs of any disturbance. He was completely healthy, except that he was absolutely tired. Like all of us.
There was a couple of knocks on the door, pulling all of us out of trance. Jean and Armin were being needed to give testimony in front a small assembly, before the leaders continued speaking with Commander Erwin.
Silence reigned in the room. Mikasa was still willing to maintain her position in the chair, even if the sleep weakened her with each passing minute. I could see how her eyes were closing and her head fell from fatigue, it was obvious that she needed some rest. I put my hand on her shoulder, pulling the scarf out of her hands and trying to lift her up at the same time.
"Come on, you're very tired, you must get some sleep" I led her to a sofa that was doubtfully placed on the other side of the room. Normally our rooms were only furnished with a couple of beds, a desk and a closet, ah... and a paltry window. We couldn't bother with expensive decorations or furniture like a sofa. Above all, when we didn’t receive a decent salary.
"But Eren ..." I laid her on the few cushions, not very comfortable, brown and beige, that matched the small room. When her head touched the doubtful softness of the pillows her eyes closed completely and her breathing became calm, it was a matter of seconds before she fell completely asleep.
"I'm going to take care of him, you rest" I adjusted her hair before noticing she had entered the realm of dreams. Apparently my words were enough to give her that peace of mind to go to sleep.
I knelt to remove her boots and set her feet on the lap of the sofa. Notice her legs stained with dirt, I'd bet she'd have a couple of bruises around her knees and ankles, maybe even her feet. My body was moving heavily as I searched for a blanket among the few scraps of cloth lying in the closet. In the end, I ended up finding one a bit small for her body, but it perfectly covered her torso and stomach, that way she wouldn't take cold while she was in her defenseless state.
I wanted to look out the window again, but there was nothing to observe that I hadn’t seen before, a sad and dull orange sky. I settled into the chair, feeling that I was usurping Mikasa's place for some strange reason, and I kept analyzing the young man lying on the bed. His hair was matted and a bit dirty, a shower every now and then wouldn't hurt, although he smelled conveniently well, like freshly cut wood or dry grass. A scent that, while I was destined to smell more than necessary thanks to the expeditions, I felt no discomfort smelling it on Eren. It fit him very well indeed. I might even get used to being around him if it meant smelling such a sweet scent.
Seconds that seemed like minutes, and minutes that seemed like hours. Time seemed to play against me and I felt like my body began to weigh me more and more, and more, until I fell forward and lay my face on the hard mattress and the soft fabric of the sheet. Second-rate cotton, if you would let me say so, but it did the job. It was comfortable, too comfortable, enough to let me rest for a moment and close my eyes, making time flow more quickly.
I felt a hand gently rest on my head, moving and caressing me with a tenderness I hadn't felt in years. I opened my eyes immediately expecting to find my father in front of my eyes, but instead, I spotted a still asleep Eren, scratching himself and trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.
I pulled his hand out of my head quickly, but without being rude, and laid them on the bed. I rubbed my eyes and gave him a half smile "Good morning sleeping beauty"
It took a few seconds for his eyes to get used to the little light that filtered through the window and when they opened they surveyed the entire room, still drowsy.
"Where is Mikasa? Armin? " he coughed after feeling a little hawking in his throat.
I stretched out on the chair, accommodating the bones of my back and immediately moved to the side, letting him see a sleeping Mikasa, comfortable and warm under a blanket. Eren inspected her, perhaps trying to find any signs of injury or complaints, but finding none he turned his gaze from her to me.
"Mikasa is asleep" I settled back on the chair, this time stretching forward a bit and resting my elbows on the bed, holding my head on my hands "Armin and Jean had to go to give their testimony for the paperwork"
Ere didn't say anything, he just nodded and gave me a brief "hmm" before looking out the window. "How do you feel?" was the last thing I said before the room fell silent again and neither he nor I deigned to say anything else.
Years of hating each other weren't going to go away, just like that. It was going to be a long road now that we were in a much worse mess than when we were 13 years old. But at least, we could talk to each other without the need to jump on each other's jugular, that's progress, right?
Why couldn't this bastard have a little sense of preserving of his life? Why wasn't he a little more careful, and since we are, a little more common sense? Why couldn't he stay calm for a few seconds, analyze the situation and act according to his surroundings?
Now we had to do a search party to find the damned "last hope of mankind". Galloping as fast as the horses would allow us, avoiding on all sides dozens of titans, even when one fell, five more came out. It was an order that had become more and more dangerous. And to make matters worse, having to be behind two of the most dangerous titans we could have encountered was a suicide mission and most of us knew it. We were giving it our all for an idiot, who I don't think he knew the value of the lives that were being lost in battle.
Sighted in the distance, ranks breaking and each one trying to survive while we tried to have enough time to rescue him from the armored titan, large numbers of soldiers were being eaten or crushed. You know the terror I had in my eyes to see Captain Erwin being bitten on the arm and dragged towards God knows where? If a great man like him could be defeated so easily in the blink of an eye, what was in store for us? What was in store for me?
I kept galloping, begging Phillip to keep going as fast as he could, that he never stop and be careful of everything in his path. I was so scared that I didn't know exactly to who I was saying it, the horse or myself. For sure, I knew the horse wouldn’t understand me perfectly, but he was the only thing that I could grab to at that moment, the only one that could save me.
Both left and right, titans ran everywhere, the boys had managed to reach the battleship while the others did what they could to give them time, seeing Ymir was also a sight worthy of admiration if it wasn’t because I was givind my life at this moment. And surely she was helping the blonde of "girlfriend" instead of us.
In that sway between giant bodies and tiny soldiers, the ground rumbled, the earth fell away, even trees fell at our feet. When trying to reach Mikasa before she fell, a titan came out of nowhere in front of me, trying to dodge it would be a feat, especially when he had his immense mouth pointing almost completely in my direction. I will never be able to thank the soldier who cut his neck, for seconds later to be grabbed by another titan and break his spine in such a grip. With the body decomposing and the other titan out of focus, I was able to move on, circling the smoking mass, ready to support Mikasa when another mass fell very close to me, causing the horse to jump from the force of the impact. In that second of distraction I turned my head to look at what had fallen, the ground began to crack under Phillip's legs and it only took a footfall from the armor titan to completely break apart and pieces of earth and stone came out, shotting everywhere.
As I turned my head back forward, I saw clearly how a stone flew directly towards my head. Call it reflections, call it having a guardian angel on my shoulders, but I was able to move my head in time, causing the stone to impact the gap between my shoulder and neck. I shot backward, hitting my head against the hard ground. I felt my shoulder dislocate and I noticed how by leaps and bounds the shirt, previously white, was staining with blood, as well as the jacket and the floor. My head was probably bleeding from the back as well, but the pain in my shoulder kept me from focusing on anything else. It was impossible to move it, I tried to scream for help, but my words stuck in my throat, and even if I had been able to scream, it would have been overshadowed by the hundreds more screams that were begging for help. The grass around me felt a bit comforting, like a cold hug in the last minutes of life. Body pain prevented me from reacting to the sight of a five-meter titan approaching where I was lying. Tears began to flow, falling down my cheeks; I wanted to scream, say my last goodbye, but I was so petrified that I just closed my eyes.
If I was going to die, I would rather die without seeing the horrible face of that damned titan. I preferred to have the image of my family in mind one last time. The ground began to rumble, I thought more titans were going to come for me, that I was going to be smashed into pieces, but the longer it took to feel the huge hand or a pair of teeth, I opened my eyes, finding myself, not a pack of hungry titans, but with the clear evening sky.
I raised my head and to my surprise, a bizarre surprise, all the titans that were chasing us at the time, were now going towards one of the highest. I couldn't understand what was happening, I looked around trying to find someone, to see if someone else was seeing the same thing as me. In the distance I found Armin holding a figure, I couldn't quite see who, trying to breathe normally and stand up. I tried calling out to him, but my vision started to blur and it made me dizzy from trying to lift my head even higher. I brought my hand to my head and confirmed the blood that flowed behind it, I was completely soaked in my own blood and at any moment I would end up fainting if I didn't treat my wounds.
The grinding of a horse brought me back to a state of consciousness, Phillip was back next to me and he lowered his head towards my good shoulder, pushing it up and lifting me little by little. Standing back on both feet, I leaned on his stomach and in an attempt to walk towards Armin I heard Eren's terrified scream in the distance.
Both he and Mikasa were looking at the scene without understanding anything at all, and what bothered me the most was that those stupid were still sitting on the ground, without any intention of moving. As I could, I got on the horse's lap, lying on my stomach, both arms hanging at the side, and I told him to run as fast as possible towards the two figures in the most dangerous area that could be at that moment.
"Stop looking and start moving!" I yelled at them a few feet away. They both turned their heads in my direction, wanting to say something, but only managed to gasp a few times before I arrived.
I grabbed the collar of Eren's shirt and with what little strength I had left, I lifted him off the ground "NO TIME TO TALK, LET'S GO"
Seeing Mikasa being picked up by Eren and placed on his back, I indicated to Phillip to leave the area, to try to get to safety, along with the other soldiers. At our side ran the couple of stupid who almost devoured, wondering what had happened. Their words sounded more and more distant and the ride put me in a calm trance until I was unconscious.
Year 851, a beautiful summer day to go horseback riding without the hassle of a titan in the area. At the same time, a beautiful day to visit the forgotten and destroyed towns.
We took our time, observing the landscape. Trees that had fallen and left their tracks on the ground and on the trunk were beginning to show traces of vegetation in their wood. The grass crushed by large feet was beginning to heal and new shoots were coming to the surface, some flower buds could also be seen. The few stone paths were smashed, small cobblestones were smashed, and there was no possibility of repair unless they were remade. Today was the day; the day it was my village's turn to be toured. We leave early to the northwest, guiding us along the river, me in the lead. The night before I hadn’t been able to sleep, to close an eye, I was nervous, very nervous, I couldn’t even eat anything for breakfast. After four years, I returned to my home, or what was left of it.
Endless nights I dreamed of returning to my small village, touring the oldest houses and greeting its inhabitants, seeing the children run, now older, and helping them take an apple from the market. I dreamed of reassembling one of our horses, of stroking and caressing them, earning me one, perhaps two licks to the face. But what I most dreamed of was to see my father's face again, to see his eyes full of dark circles and sadness at having lost his wife, the woman he loved the most in the whole world; I wanted to hold hid hands again, see them splintered after carving a piece of wood and turning it into a beautiful work of art. I wanted to lie down by the communal fire, hear stories from the elderly, shameful stories, and love stories. I wanted to be able to repeat my childhood years, to see my mother one last time, to be able to say goodbye properly.
I wished my village had been intact, but at the entrance my heart shattered. There were no standing houses in sight, all had sagging roofs, broken windows, and dried blood marks from years painting the walls.
I got off the horse looking at the damage and I was leading him forward by the mooring. Slowly, being careful not to trip over any stone, I entered the town more and more, seeing the withered flowers and their dried petals lying on the floor. Children's cloth toys, a odd wooden horse broken in half. Some walls were burned, others full of holes, the clothes hanging outside the houses torn into pieces, the stable reduced to nothing. The center, where the market normally took place, full of rubble and garbage, on the left a path of dried blood, on the right as well. I approached a stall that had not been completed, a fruit and vegetable stall, now reduced to nothingness itself. I picked up the chunk of splintered wood and found underneath what scared me the most. An arm.
I didn't know who it was exactly, the clothes were almost the same for everyone, but I assumed it was a man's; It was in the process of decomposition, pieces of meat were half detached. Beside him, a porcelain doll broken on its head, its brown curls discarded, and only dirt and fiber remained. I picked it up with both hands and kept walking in the direction… in which direction? I couldn’t tell. Only my body was on autopilot looking around me for a sign, the slightest hope that someone had survived. But one look at the stables from the beginning was the only thing that put my hopes in the trash: there were pieces of horses lying all over the ground. Not even our pride had survived. My feet stopped walking, dragging on the ground, and stopped in front of the house that saddened me the most. Mine.
Of all, this was the one in the best condition, part of the roof had fallen to the side, not on the house, and a hole led directly to the living room. The walls were completely burned, not from the destruction of a horde of titans, no. Those burns were from years before, produced by the military police. Seeing that wreck brought me the vile memory of the day of her execution. The people were scared, they implored not to kill her, but those brutes turned a deaf ear and executed her without mercy. My mother was a very dear woman to everyone and no one denied her dreams of leaving the walls, my father loved her more than anyone ... but that love of his was not enough to save her.
"(Y / N)?" I heard Eren's voice behind me.
His voice echoed in my ears, but I couldn't fully register it, I was just looking straight ahead, towards the hole in my house, looking from the outside for fear of entering. "These were the borders of my life"
I took a step forward, then another, and then another, until I collided with the first stones of the house. From that place I could see how the fire from a small oil lamp had fallen on the floor and burned part of my father's favorite armchair. I took another step, fully entering what was left of my old home. I ran my hand over the dry, scratchy fabric, dust had collected over the weeks, maybe years. Given how advanced the bloodstains were, I couldn't exactly calculate the time that had elapsed. In front of the chair was still a small desk full of sheets, most of them ruined by rubble, but some survived. Some of these had broken tips, other were left with black spots, and others were flawless, as if they had been made yesterday. Beautiful drawings of people, others of nature, others of birds or city buildings.
I kept looking for more sheets, running those that were hopelessly damaged, and under my foot I came across a paper somewhat harder and thicker than the others, even framed. The glass was broken but it revealed perfectly a small family, a man, his wife and their child. "In this dusty and destroy little house, where an artist love his wife"
I took the drawing with me, holding it tight with both hands, until I reached the only standing door in the house. The door leading to the master bedroom. I stood there for a couple of seconds, wondering if it was right for my sanity, if it was right for my conscience to open it up and find whatever was on the other side. I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times before sliding the door open. Next to the bed, on the side where my mother used to sleep, was my father's top. I wasn't brave enough to turn around and see his face. I closed my eyes when I saw the scene and left what was left of the facade with my head lowered. "The house of my childhood is gone"
A couple of days after hitting the ocean.
We had settled next to the shore. Jean, Sasha and Connie were playing with the small waves that were breaking in the sand, Armin was inspecting small seashells and Mikasa was dedicated to dipping her feet in the cold water. We had made a small fire to cover ourselves from the cold of the coming night. Eren and I were in front of that same fire. He watched as the small sparks flew over the small sea of ​​flames until they exploded and died in the blink of an eye. Some fell into the sand before exploding, others continued to rise until they rose higher and became part of the beginning of the starry sky.
My feet were barefoot in the sand, letting the little grains get between my toes and tickle every time I twisted them. I dropped my head on Eren's shoulder, giving me the chance to close my eyes and reopen them after a few seconds, admiring the sea towards the horizon.
After so many calamities, after so many deaths and losses, a moment of quiet was more than necessary. Maybe being this close to the bright green-eyed brunette wasn't so bad after all.
I could get used to this.
Tag List:  @aestosia  @amberciel @sof-yeager  @iwony  @curseofymir @etherealkatrina   @mariaerdgzn  @paypay0315 @despst  @kisekinokishi  @crazymar15  @gis21345 @urinejaeger  @zhilon  @dianacavendishh  @lucielbinon-binary @cryingforwill   @ryan249057   @stardustmonkey @asahinsunakinnie  @obeymekookie   @iwishyoucouldbekissed @wonkyunsstuff @jeanbabygirl @fairlynies @witchymermaid12 @aniah2 @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @skysdonut @crazymar15 @healpeony @odelia @shamelesschristian @haqita-erlina​
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animeangst · 3 years
One More Time
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Zeke x Reader
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Angst Oneshot
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Major Character Death, Manga Spoilers, Graphic Depictions of Violence, starts off with fluff, angst ending, Marlyean!Reader
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3.1k
This for the Reiner and Zeke birthday collab with @saccharine-darling
So this is my first collab!!! Very exciting! It is for my lovely husband's birthday so of course I am going to be dishing out the feels!
I thought it would be interesting to explore a Marlyean!Reader. I see a lot of Paradis focused content and I thought it would be cool to see it from the other side.
This does contain Season 4 spoilers! Manga Spoilers at the end that will be tagged so if you aren't caught up you can read until that part
You woke up in the War Chief's bed like usual. The soft covers shielding your naked body from the cold air in the room. Zeke however was missing. You figured he had gotten up early to work on the plans for the next advancement for Marley.
You were crawling out of bed gripping the covers to your body when you heard a knock at the door. You didn’t say anything hoping the person would just leave. However, Porco opened the door.
“Oh, y/n.” He said unfazed. Your half lidded eyes met his; thankfully the covers were shielding your tired body from Porco’s harsh gaze. The two of you didn’t move a muscle, both filled with an awkwardness neither of you knew how to handle
“What do you need?” You asked quietly, the embarrassment starting to catch up to you.
“Well just tell Zeke I need to talk to him.” Porco replied; with that he left, closing the door behind him. You let out a sigh as you dropped the sheets from your body allowing yourself to get dressed in last night’s clothing.
The walk home from Zeke’s room in the command building was familiar. You have known him practically your whole life, and it was pretty much fate that you ended up together. You have come to know all of the Warriors in the time you have known Zeke. They spend most days together, and when they are not doing great things for Marley you get to spend time with the great heroes as well.
You were grateful to be able to be an Honorary Marlyean due to your relationship with Zeke. He had proposed last year, but with the war going on up until recently there was no time to get married.
Tonight was going to be the Festival! You had been looking forward to this for weeks. You hoped that there would be time other than nights for you and Zeke to be together. You had gotten to your own small apartment that you shared with Zeke, or well when he is not at the command building.
In reality it was just your apartment, nothing fancy. You walked over to your small table, by the window. There was a wilting flower that Zeke had brought to you when he got back from the War effort. You smiled, not only was he a great Warrior, he thought about you while he was gone.
You tidied up the stack of letters, and took the flower from the vase. You took a book from the shelf and placed the flower inside. The book was practically overflowing with press flowers. You were unable to let yourself throw them away. Anything that Zeke sent you was precious.
You got dressed for the day, you fixed your red armband to your left arm and brushed your clothing down. You adorned some of your finer clothing for the festival. You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your hair.
You heard the lock on the front door turnover as you walked out of the room. Your heart swelled as you saw Zeke come inside, he walked over to you enveloping you in a strong hug. He was wearing his normal military uniform, which you expected; he looked great. You smiled up at him, breaking away from the hug. He held out his arm for you to grab.
“Well let’s get going, y/n.” He walked with you, leading you down towards the street. “We have lots to do before tonight.”
Zeke brought you to the festival. The streets are packed with Marleyans and Eldians alike. There were different stalls sporting trinkets and food. It looked magical. You have never seen anything like this before. The excitement bubbled over in you like a little kid. You saw the Warrior candidates run past you, Reiner trailing behind them.
“On babysitting duty, Reiner?” You asked playfully. He gave you a weak smile, his eyes looked tired.
“You could say that.” He mumbled. You could hear the kids calling his name in the distance. “I think I’m needed up there.” He walked away, the candidates flocking around him like little birds.
“That could be you one day.” Zeke whispered into your ear. You chuckled, blushing slightly.
“Let’s worry about getting married first, huh?” You retorted. Zeke gave your hand a squeeze; he led you to a stall selling small glass animals. You were quick to pick up one that looked like a monkey to show your fiance.
“Is that all you think of me, y/n?” Zeke asked dramatically. You chuckled.
“Well you are the greatest beast titan in our history, so… yes!” Zeke sighed, shaking his head. He too looked over the little figurines.
“And you, my dear y/n” He picked up a small figure of a cat. “Are a scared little kitten.”
“Hey I’m not scared!” You interjected. “I have you to protect me.” You looked up at Zeke, he was right. You were a scared kitten, but you had Zeke and that was enough to make you feel better in any situation.
“You know I’ll always be on your side.” Zeke said lovingly pushing a stray hair behind your ear.
“Of course, Zeke. I love you.” You looked up at him. He gave you a gentle kiss, his warm lips on yours. He held you gently as if you were one of the glass figurines, and even the slightest touch could shatter you.
“You know, y/n.” Zeke looked at you, squeezing your hand. “Since the war is over, we can actually get married.” Your heart swelled, he was right. The two of you had practically planned the whole thing in the letters you two sent to each other. Zeke pulled you into a hug, his strong arms enveloping you in his warmth. He smelled slightly of cigarettes and coffee, something you have come to love.
“There are just a few more things I need to attend to. Then I am all yours for the rest of my time.” Zeke said, faltering a bit on his last words. Zeke didn’t have much time left, but that didn’t matter to you. You were always Zeke’s from the beginning. You knew that there was a time limit between you and him, but no matter what you love for him would not expire.
“I’ll always be here. I can wait a little longer.” You laugh looking up into his eyes. He smiles down at you, his hand brushing your cheek.
“You know, I wish I could ask you to marry me all over again.” He placed his forehead on yours. “Your reaction will be burned into my memory forever.
He was right, it was quite the reaction. You couldn’t stop sobbing and Zeke thought he had upset you. When all you could do was nod your head yes and run into his arms, he knew that he made the right decision.
You looked down at your matching rings, very simple silver bands. You could see the tan line on Zeke’s finger from where his ring normally sat. You don’t believe that he has taken it off since he had put it on, same with you. There was always a piece of one with the other.
Zeke walked off from this booth and went on to the second, and the third and the fourth. The two of you walked through the whole festival eating snacks along the way. You were stuffed by the time the sun was setting.
“Today was amazing!” You exclaimed. “I wish we could do this everyday.” You let out a deep sigh.
“Maybe we can.” Zeke said quietly, now in thought. You looked up at him in wonder.
“You really think they would let us?” You asked excitedly. Zeke smiled down at you.
“I think so.” He whispered into your ear, giving you a gentle kiss on your temple. “Come now, let's go get good seats.
The sun was set by the time you walked over towards the stage. There were so many chairs layed out for the show, and you were becoming more and more excited.
“Oh I see the other warriors, let's go sit with them!” You said, starting to walk over.
“No.” Zeke interjected, grabbing your hand. “Let’s sit near the back, just the two of us.” He smiled at you, and that you did. You found two open seats near the back of the section. Zeke placing his hand in your lap.
You both waited patiently for the show to start. You saw Willy Tyber take his place up on the stage. You also saw Reiner and Falco leave.
“I wonder, where are they going?” You whispered to Zeke.
“Hmm, I don’t know.” He replied. “I have to go to the bathroom, wait here.” Zeke said. Before you could stop him, Zeke had gotten up and left. You watched the show happening in front of you hearing about the “true history” of Eldia.
You thought it was just a bunch of hogwash, that was until you were knocked from your seat, large pieces of the adjacent building narrowly missing you. All you could do was run for your life. You had no idea what was happening, or what had happened. Your legs carried you without thinking into an ally.
You could hear a titan’s ear piercing roar; it felt as if your eardrums had burst. You covered your ears and peaked around the corner to see who you assumed was Eren Jaeger.
This was all his fault.
All you could hope for was that the Warriors would take care of him. You wondered where they were; you wonder where Reiner and Falco went off too.
You continued up the ally, hoping to get further away from the destruction behind you. You heard an unfamiliar whirring above you. You looked up to see people flying above the buildings. Ropes attaching them and pulling them through the air. You had heard stories from Reiner about this gear, it was from the island of devils.
You could see someone land on the roof above you, a tall man with a goatee and medium length hair. You looked up at him, fear apparent on your face. You figured he would kill you, but instead he did a “shooing” motion urging you to continue running in the direction you were heading. Which you did, your legs working on their own dragging you to somewhere hopefully safe.
Your heart pounded, you heard screams and crashing behind you. Your ears still ringing from the screeching of the titan battle. All you could think of was, Zeke. How you hoped that he was okay, he would save you. Zeke was the strongest man you knew, you held out hope that he would find you.
You rounded a corner, there you saw Zeke’s crumpled titan form. You ran towards it, calling out for him desperately. You could see a man with short black hair, and that fancy gear the other enemies were wearing. The man cut Zeke out of his titan.
“Wake up, Zeke.” You screamed, stumbling as you tried to rush to his aide. The loud clashing of the titans behind you made it impossible for them to hear you. It looked as if they were talking, the man was giving a disapproving glare at Zeke. If you didn’t know any better you would even think that they knew each other.
You finally made it to where you could hear their conversation. The raven haired man hadn’t noticed you, nor had Zeke.
“I hope you like what your plan caused.” The man said to Zeke.
Your plan?
“Well I didn’t account for everything of course.” Zeke replied, the steam of his healing obscuring his face.
“Zeke?” You whimpered out. Both Zeke and the raven haired man whipped their heads around to you. You were standing there gripping at your jacket, which was covered in dirt and blood. You were barely able to stand, your injuries as well as the exhaustion was catching up to you.
“What did he mean by your plan?” You questioned, stumbling in his direction. “He’s lying right? Just like a devil would.”
You stifle a laugh. This had to be a joke; this man, whoever he was, must have manipulated Zeke.
“See, I didn’t account for everything.” Zeke said to the man.
“Who is that?” The man asked disinterestedly. He looked at you like you were a speck of dirt.
“That, Levi, was my fiance.” Zeke sneered, looking at you down his nose.
“Was?” You looked up with pleading eyes. “No matter what, Zeke. I’m on your side.” You tried to climb up to where they were standing. “Please, he’s lying to you.” You slipped, falling back onto the rubble below you.
“Y/n.” Zeke cooed. “It’s alright, everything will be alright.” He came down to meet you, taking your face in his hands. Levi came down with him and let out a ‘tch’ sound.
“Let’s go Furrball.” He commanded. Zeke helped you up, and practically dragged you inside the building.
“Where are you taking me?” You questioned, you were practically shaking in your boots. Everything was happening so fast and there was so much you didn’t understand.
“Hush, y/n.” Zeke whispered, squeezing your shoulder to calm you. “I’ll explain on the airship.” Air ship? Were you being kidnapped?
“No!” You shouted, wiggling out of Zeke’s grasp. If looks could kill, Levi’s death glare would have been the end of you. “What is happening? What about Marley and the other Warriors? They need you Zeke, you need to defeat Eren Jaeger.”
“Move.” Levi commended, Zeke hoisted you up, not acknowledging your questions. He carried you to the roof of the building, you were too exhausted to fight back.
“Please, Zeke.” You whined. “What is happening?”
Zeke placed you down, you could see an airship in the distance following lights placed on the buildings. There were fires everywhere, buildings were destroyed.
“I can’t say everything right here, but if you just come with us I can explain the whole thing.” Zeke said, rubbing your shoulders.
“I can’t!” You scream. “I’ve been a good Marleyan, I can’t just go with them.”
“Y/n, it’s not what you think.” Zeke said lightly, trying to get you to calm down.
“Whatever you are doing, I bet it’s him controlling you.” You pointed at Levi, he looked unamused with your accusation.
“We can’t take her with us.” Levi said sternly. Zeke sighed.
“No, y/n. It’s not like that.” Zeke shook his head. You wiggled out of his grasp, he frowned. You could see the cogs turning in his head, trying to find the right words. “You just don’t know the whole truth. I know you don’t want to hear it, but please know that I love you, y/n”
Zeke pulled you in for a kiss, you could feel all of his emotions through it. His love, his sadness, his anger. He held you, as if he never wanted to let you go. Zeke broke away, leaving you breathless.
“Wait for me, y/n.” He whispered. “I know you’re a good Honorary Marlyean, but you mustn't tell anyone what happened here or about me.” He had crouched down slightly to look into his eyes, you could see he was very serious.
“I won’t, Zeke.” You muttered, it was the only thing you really could say. In reality you have no idea what is going on, but it may be worse if you did. “I’ll wait.” You looked into his eyes, determination shining in yours.
“Good.” Zeke smiled standing up. You could feel Levi’s eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. “I love you.” Zeke said, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“I love you, too.”
Zeke grabbed your hand and kissed the ring on your finger.
“Don’t you dare forget me.” Zeke chuckled.
“Never.” You replied. “You’ll be back, I know it.” With that Levi started to drag Zeke away, the large airship closer now, almost to the building. You saw Levi latch onto the railing with his special gear, and dragged Zeke with him.
You ran back down to the street. Everything seemed to have died down. You looked for anyone you may know to get you out of here.
“Y/n!” You heard behind you. Reiner came up to you, he looked awful. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”
He took you, his arm around your shoulders gently coaxing you to walk with him. You looked up, seeing the airship fly away. All you could do was watch as yet again Zeke left once more.
You had waited for a month now. You were starting to think that Zeke was never coming back. The warriors had left for the Island a bit ago, and you hoped that they would send word about him.
You sat in your normal spot by the window, placing your coffee down on the table. You were often here, hoping to see Zeke come home. It was really all you could do.
You were about to take another sip as ripples formed in the smooth dark liquid. You could see dust flying through the air, and there was a slight shake to the ground. You looked around wildly, the only thing that you knew could do this would be a Titan.
You dropped your coffee, the mug shattering on the ground as you ran down to the street. There you could see it, tons of 50 meter titans walking steadily in your direction. You were frozen with fear, there was nothing you could do.
You just hoped that Zeke would be here soon, but he wasn’t. You knew that running away would be fruitless. You were not able to move from the spot on the street out of fear. Others scrambled to get away, pushing you around.
Something inside of you told you to stay, that this was how you would see Zeke again. You couldn’t help but stare up at the titans coming your way. This was the first time you were truly able to see them. The titan shifters looked nothing like these terrifying beasts.
You almost felt bad for the Devils that had been tortured by these monsters for all these years. The stories of them from Reiner fill your mind.
Reiner, I wonder if he’s okay
You closed your eyes, accepting your fate. The ground shaking beneath you. You weren’t scared anymore, you could barely feel your own body. You felt weightless. The last thing you remembered was Zeke, kissing you goodbye for the last time. All you hoped for was to see him, just one more time.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
the chapter you've all been waiting for.
Team Player: Chapter Six
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.0k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
The sound of Eren's alarm woke him out of the deep sleep he was in. 
He groaned as he reached over to grab his phone which was still blaring the annoying sound of his alarm. It was morning already? He felt so exhausted and he just wanted to roll over, and sleep the rest of the day away. 
But sadly he couldn't. 
Eren's eyes squinted as he looked at the screen which read the time, it was 8:55 a.m. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his temples, his hair was messy from sleeping, and his ankle slightly ached from the pain he was in. 
Sighing, he sat up and grabbed some clothes. His body felt tired as he yawned and stretched his muscles, feeling a few joints pop as he moved around. Boy did that feel good. 
Eren tied his hair into a bun and threw on a sweater and sweatpants. His usual. Eren didn't really care to get dressed, who was he impressing? Plus it was a pretty chilly morning, the temperatures were dropping as fall began to become more known. He just wanted to be comfortable. 
Eren wrapped his ankle with the wrap given to him by the nurse, and popped a few medications into his mouth before heading out of his dorm to the main campus for class. The exhaustion going through him was enough to make him walk slower to class, plus with his limp, it made him slower than usual. 
He was never usually this early to class, most of the time Eren was with Jean or Reiner talking about the game or simply goofing off. Unfortunately, most of his teammates avoided him or just gave him dry responses. It was difficult for him and in a way, it kind of hurt a bit. Seeing your own teammates being so against you that they have to avoid you really sucked. 
"You're here early Eren… that's a surprise." Professor Ackerman said, opening the door to his room. 
Eren rubbed the back of his neck and walked into the empty class. A few students trailed behind him and went to their own seats, Eren stared into space waiting for class to begin. 
Within a few minutes, Professor Ackerman stood at the front of the class. "Good morning, I hope you all are doing fine or whatever. Let's talk about what you're going to be doing today," he explained, grabbing his papers. 
Eren sighed with boredom and tapped his pencil on the counter. What was he going to do this time? 
"Today you're all going to be starting a brand new project. It's based on the unit we've been covering for the last two weeks, so I hope you've been taking notes and paying attention. To save some time, I decided to partner you up with someone else in the class," Professor Ackerman said, leaning against his desk. 
A few small groans and eye rolls came from students hearing the words "project" and "partners". 
"Enough of the groaning, I know it's not ideal but it's better than going through 20 different presentations." he said and crossed his arms. "I'll be pairing you with someone randomly, this project must be done as a pair. If I see that one person did more than the other it will deduct points off your grade," he added. 
Eren leaned back in his chair and looked around the class. He pondered as to who his partner could be. 
"Listen for your names and once I call it raise your hands," Professor Ackerman said, looking around the class. 
Different names began to be called, some people groaned at the realization of who their partners were, others just shrugged and seemed unfazed by it all. 
"Eren Jaeger and (Y/N) (L/N)." 
Eren's eyes went as wide as saucers hearing that name again. (Y/N) and Eren hadn't talked in years, especially after the embarrassment that went down their freshmen year. He knew she was in his class, but he never really paid much attention to her. 
"Get started on this immediately, the project will be due next week. No funny business either," Professor Ackerman said and turned to sit at his desk. 
Eren shifted in his chair and watched as (Y/N) made her way towards him, she seemed totally unfazed and sort of annoyed by the situation she was in. 
She had changed quite a bit. It had been about 3 years since they last talked with one another. 
"H-Hey.." Eren said as she plopped down in the chair next to him. 
(Y/N) looked blankly at him and opened her laptop. "Here.. put your email in," she said, avoiding his gaze. 
Eren put his email in and pushed her laptop back towards her. The atmosphere felt awkward and thick between them. 
"Do you want to go to the library? When you have the time," she asked and averted her eyes towards him. 
Eren nodded, looking up from his phone. "Yeah.. that's fine," he replied. 
The two sort of silently worked with each other, no words were spoken between them. Eren felt the tension and so did (Y/N). Who could blame them? It had been 3 whole years since they last had an encounter like this. Of course he'd see her sometimes in the hallways, or getting some coffee, but they never spoke verbally to one another. 
"Alright you're all dismissed, remember to work on this project as much as you can." Professor Ackerman said. 
Eren and (Y/N) stood up. "I'll see you later," she said, walking away from him. 
This was going to be just great. 
Most of Eren's classes seemed to fly by as it was now the end of the day. He was supposed to meet with (Y/N) in the library later, of course it was awkward. She didn't seem too interested in what he had to say, nor did she seem talkative. 
(Y/N) sat in the library patiently waiting on her phone. Curse Professor Ackerman for putting them together. Her view on Eren Jaeger did not change one bit. His actions caused a lot of embarrassment for her, a lot of people saw the video of her that day in biology, and they made fun of her. 
It wasn't an overstatement to say she hated Eren Jaeger. 
She stared at her laptop screen as she heard the library doors open. Her eyes averted to see Eren making his way towards her, she noticed his limp which made her brows furrow. 
"Hey, sorry for being a bit late. I got caught up with my friend," Eren said, throwing an apologetic look her way. "So uh.. I have some ideas for the project," he added. 
(Y/N) nodded. "What are the ideas?" she asked, raising a brow. 
"So.. we could add some different examples of the different bacteria. You know? Shorten it down a bit, because if we make it longer than we should he'll take points off." Eren explained. "Let's do it that way," he added.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly amused with the idea. She felt like shortening it would also give them points off. 
"I don't think we should do that. If we make it too short then we get points off too," she replied. 
Eren stared at her confused. "Then we just make it medium. I'll do the easier slides," he said, shrugging. "It'll be a good grade for the both of us. You're smart so," he added. 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows and felt irritation going through her. "Dude that's not fair to me at all. We should just do every other slide, that gives me all the hard work. It isn't fair," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. 
"Look, it's easier for the both of us. It is fair, let's just do it my way," he said, looking at her. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "We did it your way last time and you fucked it up," she replied. 
Eren looked at her and furrowed his brows. "You're still mad about that?! Come on (Y/N), get over it. You're being overdramatic," he said, crossing his arms. 
That's when she had enough and grabbed her stuff, pushing it into her backpack. 
"Where are you going?" he asked as he watched her sling her backpack over her shoulder. 
(Y/N) scoffed. "You know… your teamwork skills are absolutely shitty. You're selfish and you always think for yourself. That's why our project went to shit freshmen year, I'm tired of biting my tongue with you. Fuck off Eren," she said standing up. "Maybe for once.. take a look at the shit you do from other people's point of view," she added, exiting the library. 
That's when it hit him. 
He did have shitty teamwork skills. (Y/N) even said it herself. 
Everyone was right about Eren, he was a selfish person. The answer was clear in front of him. Guilt washed over him as he realized what he had done, not just to his team, but to (Y/N) too. 
He had to find (Y/N), maybe she could help him. 
(Y/N) stared at the ceiling as frustration ran through her. 
Eren Jaeger really didn't change huh? 
"Why are you sulking? You seem pissed," her roommate Sasha asked while plopping down on her bed. 
(Y/N) laughed a bit and sat up. "Eren Jaeger… that's why," she replied, leaning her body against the wall. "He's so stupid," she added, looking at her roommate. 
Sasha nodded. "Oh! I remember him, he's such an asshole. Did you see his giant fail?! It was so funny," she said, beginning to laugh at the thought of the video. 
(Y/N) looked at her and shook her head. "No? I personally don't care what he does. I'm probably gonna email Professor Ackerman… I can't stand working with Eren. He wants everything done his way! He never listens," she replied, rolling her eyes in annoyance. 
Sasha's phone began to vibrate. She grabbed it and grinned. "Oop! Connie texted me, I gotta go (Y/N). I'll see you later," she said, standing up to get her shoes. "I hope you feel better! I'll kick Eren in the nuts for you," she said giggling. 
(Y/N)'s lips drew to a smile. "Alright.. have fun with Connie. Not too much fun though," she replied, winking at her. 
Sasha opened the door to their dorm. "No promises!" she replied, exiting the room. 
The door shut with a click and (Y/N) was now alone in her dorm. It was a usual night with Sasha leaving to go see her boyfriend Connie. (Y/N) wished she could have that luxury with someone else, but she wasn't exactly interested in anybody. Her dreams were just too much for love. 
A sudden knock came from the door. 
Confused, (Y/N) stood up. Sasha probably forgot a condom or something, the girl was always so forgetful. 
She opened the door expecting Sasha to be there. "Forget a condom-" her eyes averted to see Eren standing there with his backpack. 
"Can I talk to you, please?" he asked with desperation in his voice. "I won't be here long," he added, looking down at her. 
(Y/N) fell silent and opened the door wider so he could enter. "How do you know where my dorm is?" she asked, furrowing her brows. 
Eren looked back at her. "We did the project in your dorm, plus I never really forget what dorms I go to." he replied, looking around her dorm.
"So why are you here? If you're here to work on the project, I don't want to hear it." (Y/N) asked, crossing her arms. 
Eren sighed, placing his backpack down. "Look… (Y/N), I realized what I did to you earlier was wrong. You're right.. it isn't fair to you, and I realize that now. I'd like to also apologize for embarrassing you freshmen year, I was childish and I feel guilty for doing it." he said. 
(Y/N) was surprised hearing Eren sound so apologetic. She's never once heard him speak that way towards anyone. 
"I appreciate the apology… but it still doesn't change what you did. I can forgive you Eren, but I can't forget," she replied, looking down at the floor. 
He nodded. "That's understandable," he said. 
The two fell silent as the tension took over. (Y/N) decided to ease the tension a bit. 
"What happened to your ankle?" she asked, pointing down at his ankle which was wrapped. 
He chuckled. "Oh, you concerned for me now princess?" he asked, smirking. 
She rolled her eyes and opened the door. "Get out," she said, pointing at the outside of the door. 
Eren put his hands up in defense. "Wait wait! I'm messing with you, I'm sorry. That was too soon," he replied, smacking his head. "Let me explain," he added, sitting down in the chair next to her bed. 
(Y/N) closed the door, crossing her arms as she watched him take out his phone. Her brows furrowed as Eren seemed to be looking for something on it. 
He held it out to her. "Here.. this is what happened," he said, looking up at her. 
(Y/N) took his phone from his fingers and played the video which was from Twitter, specifically a sports account. She watched as Eren caught the ball and was tackled to the ground, she could see the way his ankle bent. She cringed as she saw the replay of it. 
"Ouch… that looks like it hurt," she said, tossing his phone back towards him. "But why are you still here?" she asked, nodding her head in confusion. 
Eren pushed his phone into his sweater pocket. "I got kicked off the team.." he replied, looking at the floor. 
Her (e/c) eyes widened hearing the news. She heard people talk a lot about Eren, he was popular considering he was on the football team. She knew he was at D1 level. That's why he was here. 
"Um.. if you don't mind me asking, why?" she asked, sitting down on Sasha's bed. 
Eren ran his fingers through his messy bun. "It's uh.. kind of a long story in a way." he replied. "I can explain it to you if you'd like," he added, giving a weak smile. 
She nodded and looked towards the floor. "Sure… I guess," she said, crossing her legs on the bed. 
Eren sighed. "Basically at the most recent rival game, I ended up playing while I was hurt. My coach told me many times that if I was in pain I should come off the field, but I was fine the day before. I just thought it was nothing," he explained, shrugging his shoulders. "Then during the last play, which we were in the lead by the way, I ran for Jean's ball and we ended up hitting each other. The ball bounced off of us and it intercepted, so they won by a touchdown." he added. 
(Y/N) nodded and started to process what he said. Sounds like a selfish move in a way, to her at least. 
"So wait… that doesn't explain how you got kicked off," she said. 
He chuckled a bit. "I'm getting to that," he said, adjusting his body in the chair. "Basically my coach told me the other day that I was benched, or you know kicked off, because I have shitty teamwork skills and apparently I'm selfish. I guess my other teammates have said it too," he added. 
She nodded her head again while listening to more of what he said. She could see why his coach did it, sometimes you have to do things for the best possible outcome. Considering it was Eren Jaeger out of all people, he probably didn't see why. 
"That is crazy.. I'm sorry," she said and rubbed the back of her neck. "I know things will get better," she added, laughing a bit. Eren stared at her as she sat there awkwardly. "Uh.." she said, looking around the room. 
Eren shook his head. "Sorry.. um, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." he said. "If you want to listen," he added. 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. "Okay.. go ahead," she replied, adjusting herself on Sasha's bed. 
Eren leaned back in the chair. "I need help," he said. "And you are the only person I know that can help me. Please, help me fix my teamwork skills." he said with a pleading tone. "You don't have to of course, but I need this (Y/N). I need this season majorly for my career," he added, looking at her with desperation circling in his eyes. 
She stayed silent as her gaze dropped to the floor. Would helping him be beneficial at all? Doesn't he have other friends? 
"Um.. Eren-"
"Please. I need your help," he said, cutting her off. 
She sighed. "What's in it for me huh? I'm not doing it unless I get something in return," she replied, crossing her arms. 
He looked around the room for a moment. "You can do the project your way, I won't interfere or tell you what to do." he said, raising his brows a bit. 
She thought for a moment. She'll get a good grade and if it leads to him just shutting up, then fine. 
"I'm not so sure Eren.. I doubt I can help you," she said, shrugging a bit. 
"(Y/N). Please. I'm literally begging you at this point, you have great teamwork skills! I remember your presentation in biology and how you got the best grade in the class with your partner, please help." he pleaded. 
She sighed, blowing air out of her nose. "Fine.. but we do it my way. We'll meet up again in a few days to get started," she said, standing up. 
Eren's eyes were wide. "Wait really!? Thank you (Y/N)! You're fucking awesome," he said, grinning widely at her. 
Heat rushed to her cheeks hearing what he said. "U-Uh, yeah whatever. Text me and we'll talk about it," she replied, grabbing her phone and handing it to him. 
Eren put his number in and handed her phone back. "Say less, I'll see you in class." he said, giving her a toothy smile. 
"Yeah whatever," she said, opening the door so he could leave. 
She watched as he limped down the hall and exited the front doors of the residence hall, she closed the door to her dorm and leaned against it with a sigh. 
What was she getting herself into?
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @moomii-hime @thicmitten @callmepromise @katsuhera @basket-flower-chick @flam3bird @kc-braun @just-a-little-sad @daughter-of-the-stars11 @chayauwu @lunamoonawatcher @sof-yeager @ryan249057
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tiamat-zx · 3 years
How about Yasha?
An anon ALSO asked for Yash, so okay! Let’s do it!
Why I like them
She’s just as much an extension of Ashley Johnson as Pike was. In fact, she’s also very much like Ellie in TLOU: a vengeful sapphic that you do NOT want to cross as she is very protective of her loved ones. Also, she’s a very different kind of barbarian: one who hates being forced to fight and is weary of it, and who is deep down just the gentlest and sweetest radiant soul of an angelkin. And her rage is very much like a storm itself: slow and rumbling until the inevitable thunderclap that precedes the lightning strike of her blade.
She also became the first player character to undergo an entire subrace change: from a fallen aasimar to a protector.
WHAT I don’t like
Ashley’s numerous absences due to Blindspot as it left Yasha as little more than someone to jaeger and therefore she wasn’t able to truly participate in RP. It took until the show’s conclusion for her to finally come home and truly spread Yasha’s wings and show us the full extent of her character.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
A bit of a two-fer.
First favorite episode: “A Storm of Memories”. The episode where we learned our first true glimpse into Yasha’s past, including the existence of Zuala and the first tease of Obann’s presence. It was the first time we could see past the perceived “metal goth angel” vibe to see who she is: a broken bird wanting to fly again.
And the second favorite episode: “Into the Eye”. Her dreamscape trial against the Stormlord’s elementals. The moment she fully embraced her purpose as his Avatar. She had desperately been seeking purpose, and had been wanting to establish her standing with the Stormlord. And then when he finally asked her The Question, “Where do you find your strength?”, she did not hesitate. She knew her purpose, had known it ever since the night before her date with Beau: to protect. It gave her the resolve to persist against the odds and survive the rest of the campaign.
And speaking of, I have to include a third: “Worth Fighting For”. Yes, the date night. Specifically, the moment she finally confessed her feelings to Beau and let herself be just as open and vulnerable as her partner was aiming to be.
Favorite season/movie
The Rumblecusp arc and the last few episodes before the pandemic. It showed us the beginning of her reconstruction and rebirth, manifesting in the harp performance in Vo and her dream where she gained her wings, forever shedding her fallen self and ascending into the protector she was meant to be. Also, it was the arc where she began to come to terms with her feelings for Beau. Slowly but surely, through small moments, up to the maiden flight. From there, those feelings that had begun to sprout since Kamordah continued to grow.
If anything, Rumblecusp was a turning point for many of the Nein. Yasha was someone that needed it most.
Favorite line
Is it wrong of me to say that my favorite line of Yasha’s would be the entire letter she wrote for Beau?
Aside from that, it would be what she said to Beau upon admitting her feelings: “I really care about you, and I just hope, if anything, that you know I’m… I'm so proud of the person that you've become. Just seeing where you started and where you are now, you have completely done that on your own. And I just, I'm-- You blow me away.”
Favorite outfit
Her Eiselcross outfit, with the Coat of the Crest.
Beauyasha, obviously. And of course, her first love, Zuala. I wouldn’t be doing her justice had I NOT acknowledged her. And PURELY on the platonic side, with Molly, as he was just as much a loved one as Zuala and Beau and he left an equally strong impact on her life.
With Caleb. They are able to relate so well, both being Haunted Ones. Also, with Jester and Veth as a fellow chaos gremlin.
Head Canon
I believe her level 10 outfit was given to her by Obann, and he burned her old attire but spared her shawl intentionally, just to twist the knife on purpose. And while we don’t see her arms in her level 13 art due to the coat, I think she tore the sleeves from her level 10 outfit so she could have the Orphanmaker tattoo visible. But eventually, after the campaign, she disposed of the leathers entirely and began wearing plain clothes altogether and even got herself a haircut.
Also, she is taught druidic magic upon finally meeting Reani for the first time, to help supplement her gardening.
Unpopular opinion
She did not need a proper “arc” as she willingly didn’t want to go back to the Iothia Moorlands… at least until the finale where she went with Beau to find Zuala’s grave. As far as she was concerned, the past should remain in the past. And she chose to keep it that way by not seeking vengeance on the tribe and choosing to live in peace.
Also, “lifespan angst” is such a stupid thing to fuss over with them. Sure, Yasha WILL outlive Beau, but she will still be happy to spend as much of their life together as possible. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
A wish
I wish for her and Beau to live a peaceful life for the rest of their days.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
For her and Beau to ever suffer a breakup.
5 words to best describe them
Angel, protector, lover, sapphic, sentinel.
My nickname for them
The “wolf” to Beau’s “lion”.
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slicesofapple · 3 years
A Late Flight
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Relationship: Eren Jaeger/Jean Kirstein
Summary: Jean has a late flight home
Teen and up
Tags: alternate universe- modern AU; aged-up characters; not cannon compliant;  Romance, Idiots in Love, Getting Back Together, Idiots, Fluff, Mild angst
Posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36368296
         Jean is tired. The work trip sucked, in addition to sucking every last bit of energy out of him. It also sucks that it’s a Saturday, he’s on an evening flight which won’t get in until after midnight, and now his weekend is gone, too.
             He buckles into his seat, feeling wholly beaten down by his horrible job, the frigid air in the plane, being squished into a too-small seat with no leg room, and, to top it all off, he can’t seem to keep thoughts of Eren out of his beleaguered mind.
             Maybe because he remembers, all too clearly, sending Eren an itinerary of this very trip, way back when he had booked it, ages go. He had been so excited to ask if Eren wanted to come with him, spend a few nights in the city together. Eren hadn’t been able to go, which Jean had been disappointed about at the time; but that, of course, certainly worked out for the best in the end.
             He sighs. It’s been months already, and he should be well over Eren, but he’s not.  He misses him so much, it’s like a physical ache, like a literal hole in his heart. At the same time, he’s so freaking angry at him, too, the stubborn motherfucker.
             Almost as angry as he is at himself, for starting the argument in the first place.
            He had been grumbling about his job, ranting about it, really. Eren, naturally fed up by this tirade, had finally said, “Then get a new one! You don’t have to spend the rest of your life as a corporate tool!”
            It was a perfectly reasonable response. Jean has no idea, now, sitting on this cold, dark, plane, an empty apartment waiting for him back home, what had possessed him to bite back with such venom.  Probably simply because Eren had been there, and Jean’s such a shitty person that he couldn’t resist letting fly at the easy target in front of him.
             “Oh,” he had said, his voice dripping with condescension, “I should do what you’re doing? Saving the world one fish at a time?”
            Jean had been staring right at Eren, chin out and eyes narrowed, and so he had seen all too clearly the look of deep hurt flash across Eren’s face, before it had tightened in anger and he had spit out, “I’d rather be saving a fish than pillaging the planet and screwing the disenfranchised.”
             Even though it was an old argument between them, it was not usually phrased so baldly, and Jean had immediately lashed out, the words pouring out of him like a waterfall of toxic waste.
             “If you think you’re actually doing something, actually saving even one fish, you are more delusional than I ever thought you were, and that’s saying a lot.” Even while he was saying the words, Jean had been appalled.  They in no way represented his actual feelings on the matter. If anything, he was incredibly impressed with Eren, how he had managed to establish a working career as an environmentalist.  He was good at what he did, good enough that people paid him decently to do it, at the same time working his ass off to make the world a better place.
             Eren had sprung to his feet, his face so thunderous that Jean had braced himself for a left hook. It was a familiar dance for both of them, using their fists – it had been their primary means of communication throughout college. That was in the past, though. They had both mellowed considerably in their twenties, at least towards one another, and by this point had been together, practically living in one another’s spaces, for more than a year.
             Instead of hitting Jean, however, Eren had blinked twice and then his face had smoothed over into a frighteningly blank mask before he had said, in a robotic monotone, “Goodbye, Kirstein.”
             Jean could only watch, stunned, as he had methodically gathered up the work he had spread out on the table, then gone into Jean’s bedroom to retrieve the few books he stashed there, then to the kitchen for his favorite mug, and finally to the bathroom to collect his toothbrush.
             He had not looked at Jean again.  
             Jean had had a terrible, sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that he had fucked up for real this time.
            And it was true. He had. Because after that, there was nothing: no texts, no calls, no emails, and definitely no visits. Not even any angry ones.
             Eren was gone for good.
              Even when Jean had eventually woken up and tried to contact him, fully ready to apologize (which he planned to do, right after telling Eren off for being his usual annoyingly self-righteous dickish self),there had been no response. The only email Eren answered had been the one asking what Jean wanted him to do with the few articles of clothing he had left at Jean’s apartment. All Eren had said was to leave them outside his door the following Thursday, and he would pick them up.
             He had done so while Jean was at work, leaving nothing behind.  
            And as much as Jean told himself that he was well rid of the kind of jerk who couldn’t even do him the courtesy of giving him a chance to apologize, he knew it was a lie. He missed Eren like crazy, and the whole damn thing had been entirely his fault.
             Armin had called a few weeks later.
            He had said, with his usual eager enthusiasm, “We’re going to surprise Eren by taking him out on Friday. Does that work for you?”
             Jean had had to swallow the lump in his throat – apparently, Armin didn’t know.
            All he had said was a terse “No,” and had been about to hang up the phone, when Armin had offered up a different date, and then another (“Eren will really want you to be there, Jean,”), until Jean had had enough. He had hissed into the phone, “We’re not together anymore.”
             “Oh,” had been Armin’s surprised response. “That explains a lot.”
             “What the hell does that mean?” Jean had asked, voice rising in self-righteous indignation.
             “He’s been looking like one of the Walking Dead. That’s why we wanted to get him out, actually.”
             And if that hadn’t stabbed Jean through the gut, he didn’t know what would.
            Jean shifts in the airplane seat, vainly trying to find a more comfortable position. Once more, Eren’s terrible, hurt face swims up in his mind, and he wants, more than anything in the world, with a hopeless, crazy passion, to be able to go back in time, to stop himself from showering vitriol on the person he had loved most in the world.
             Still does, if he’s being honest with himself.
            But he also knows Eren, and once Eren has decided something, especially about people, that’s it; there’s no going back.
            Jean, unfortunately, isn’t able to sleep on the flight. By the time he arrives, he is cramped, cold, and utterly exhausted.
            The airport is surprisingly busy at this late hour, and Jean shuffles his way through the disembarking horde, moving one foot steadily in front of the other.  
             Just one more leg of this journey, and then at least he’ll be home and able to crash in his own bed.
            He stuffs aside the unhappy thought that Eren won’t be waiting for him – why can’t he just let it go? Eren’s gone. Gone and never coming back, you dipshit, he admonishes himself. There are some mistakes that simply can’t be fixed, and this is one of them.
            Once off the plane, he runs a tired hand across his face, shifts his bags more securely on his shoulder, and starts the long trek out.
            By the time he makes it past the security checkpoint, he’s picked up the pace, eager to get home, moving at such a rapid clip that he almost bumps into the figure looking up at the giant screen listing all arrivals and departures.
             It’s someone with a familiar shade of brown hair, and a familiar build, and when he turns, it’s a familiar face, too.
             Jean stops in his tracks, feeling like he’s unknowingly gone into hyperspace and ended up at an entirely different location than he had planned. He looks around, bewildered, but – yes, he’s still at the airport, and, yes, it’s still the middle of the night.
             Which doesn’t answer the question of what the hell Eren is doing here, right now, at the very moment Jean is exiting from his own flight?
            And he wishes his heart would stop hammering with excitement because, he reminds it, he’s angry at the jerk who’s standing in front of him - blocking his way, even, like the annoying prick he is.  
             “What are you doing here?” he growls.
            Eren doesn’t answer, just looks at Jean warily, like Jean is a rabid wolf and he’s gotten a little too close for comfort.  
             And then it hits Jean. Eren is here to see him! He was looking up Jean’s flight on the board! He came to find Jean!
            Nothing on Eren’s face indicates that to be the case, but Jean knows it’s true. Eren’s here to see him, and that means… that means, crazily, unbelievably, he still has a chance.
             And he’s not going to fuck it up this time.
            With a hoarse cry, he drops his bags, steps forward, and throws his arms around Eren. He swallows down the lump in his throat, takes a deep breath in, and – it’s a waterfall again, but this time he hopes it’s the right one.
              “I didn’t mean any of that shit I said. I was angry at myself, and I never should have taken it out on you, and I love you so much and I miss you, and please will you give me another chance,” he babbles like a raving lunatic, clutching onto Eren like he’s the last mast on a sinking ship.
             And then Eren’s arms are around him too, and he’s hugging Jean, tight enough that it’s borderline uncomfortable, Jean squeezing back, until they’re both having trouble taking a full breath in.
             And when Jean lets go, Eren grabs hold of his face and kisses him, hard, right on the mouth.
             Then he reaches down to take Jean’s bags, hoists them up onto his back, and says, “Want a ride?”
            Jean knows his smile is wobbly, but he can’t seem to firm it up, not with Eren looking directly at him with those eyes of his.
             “Only if you’re coming home with me,” he manages to say, his voice rough, but the words are perfectly clear.
             Eren’s face relaxes into a smile, his lovely, sweet, real smile, and he nods once, firmly, as he reaches out to take Jean’s hand in his.
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Chapter 2
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Summary: A relaxing summer after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: Eren being a HUGE fucking tease
Word Count: 1851
A/N: This is lowkey a filler chapter, kinda just something that advances the story, and heightens the tension. And I decided to start to posting on Tuesdays and Fridays bc this series is mad long lmao
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara​, @germfart3​, @styxtm​, @iwascrybaby​, @snkpaths, @prxttyguardian
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Chapter Summary: You’re falling deeper and deeper into his spell
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Your plans haven't been completely thwarted, you've hung out at Jean's house and haven't seen Eren since, so you feel a little bit better. You're at your house this time, the fans blowing on you as you both lay on the floor.
"Remind me why I keep letting you take me outside," you groan, the fans barely working to cool you down.
"Because you love me," he returns, and you shake your head as you roll over onto your back.
"No, that can't be it," you tease, squealing lightly when a pillow comes flying your way, putting your arms up to shield your face. You hear the front door open, but you don't move, letting your head rest against the cool wooden floor.
"Oh, no, the kids are dead," your mom jokes, and you and Jean both chuckle as you turn your head to look at her. "Sweetie, do you think you could help me with something outside real quick?"
You whine as you scrunch your nose. "But, Mom, it's hot," you complain, and she rolls her eyes before waving you off.
"Girl, come on, it won't take long." You groan but slowly start to get up anyway.
"Ha ha," you hear Jean laugh like a little kid, and you chuck the pillow at him as you scowl at him. You whine again when you feel the heat pounding at your skin, and you follow your mom towards one of her flower beds.
"Uh, Mom, those plants aren't going to survive," you tell her, feeling the humid air suffocating you as you wave a hand in front of your face in vain.
She laughs lightly before wiping her forehead, and she digs another hole. "They'll be fine, it's gonna get cooler." You raise your eyebrows at her words as you wait for her to tell you what to do. "I'm almost out of dirt, so I need you to get some from the garage."
You sigh heavily, but turn around anyway and make your way towards the garage. You grimace when the place is way hotter than the outside, and you look for the dirt and sighing when you find it, realizing you have to lift it. You squat down to pick it up, situating it until your arms are wrapped around it with it firmly placed against your chest.
As you walk out of the garage, you look to your left, and you instantly regret it. You don't even realize you've stopped in your tracks as your eyes land on Eren who's working on his truck. He looks up and makes eye contact with you, an easy smirk appearing across his face.
Before you can blink or do anything, he standing upright, slipping his t-shirt off quickly, shoving it in his back pocket before fixing his hair. You bite your lip to stop yourself from drooling which you know you were doing, and even from where you're standing, you can see his chiseled abs and defined back muscles shining in the sun rays with sweat, and he moves back to working on his car, his biceps flexing with every movement.
"Y/N!" You jump when you hear your name, expecting it to be your mom when you look around for the source, but you smile when you see Ymir walking up your driveway.
"Ymir, hey, how are you?" you ask, adjusting the bag of dirt in your arms that's slipping from the amount of sweat on your arms.
"Glad that school is over," she answers, stopping when she gets to you, and you scoff in agreement.
"I know that's right." She laughs with you before turning to where you were looking not too long ago.
"Holy shit, is that Eren Jaeger?" she asks in disbelief, and you smack her with the bag.
"Shut up! He can probably hear you," you scold, and you glance at him. "And yeah, it is."
"I thought he couldn't get any hotter," she comments, and you nod your head as you silently agree with her. "But he's not really my type," she finishes with a shrug, and you chuckle as you turn towards her.
"Yes, we know. Your type is Historia." You laugh again when she shoves at you before you both turn to walk back towards your mom.
You both hit it off pretty quickly when you met, and she was always someone you hung out with whenever Jean wasn't free. Even though you would trust her with your life, you never breathed a word to her about any of your interactions with Eren. Whenever she would ask, you'd give her meaningless or one-sentence answers. Jean finding out what happened back then was enough embarrassment for you.
"How ya doing, Mrs. L/N," Ymir greets, and your mom turns around, standing up quickly in surprise.
"Ymir, oh wow, it's been a while hasn't it?" she asks, resting her hands on her hips.
"It has, it's good to see you," she tells her, and your mom returns it, and Ymir asks what she's doing.
"Planting in the scorching heat of summer," you answer, and your mom rolls her eyes at you. "And now she's got me out here in the heat." She chuckles as she grabs the bag from you, and you wince when you feel how sore your muscles are from holding the dirt when you let them fall to your sides. "Why are you planting anyway?"
"Your father and I made a bet. He doesn't think that I'll be able to grow them," she explains as she gets back down on the ground to open the bag of dirt.
"Can Dad even keep plants alive?"
"You know, I asked him the same thing." You all share a laugh before you and Ymir head inside. Jean's still laying on the floor, but this time his head is turned as he scrolls through his phone. You hear them start talking as you go to get something to drink for you and Ymir.
You walk back into the living room, handing it to her as you find your original place on the floor, and the three of you catch up on what's happened over the course of your freshman and sophomore year, most of the conversation consisting of teasing Jean. You hear the door open, and your mom's complaining about the heat, but what she says after that makes you shoot your head up.
"Come on in, Eren, you've been out there for a while, you're always welcome."
"Thank you so much, Mrs. L/N." You sit up quickly, your eyes landing on a shirtless Eren standing in your foyer, shorts hanging so low on his hips that you're sure it should be a crime as he smirks at you.
"Y/N, why don't you get him some water while I got wash up?" You sit there for a second, dumbfounded before you move, not wanting to raise suspicion as your mom walks out of sight.
"And I still have to see you even when I'm not at home," Jean groans when you stand.
"Love you, too, bro," Eren jokes before following behind you. You open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water, and tossing it to him without looking at him. You hear snippets of the conversation between Ymir and Jean, thankful that they're not listening. "Thanks," he tells you, and you trail your eyes up his body, meeting that stupid smirk on his face as he screws the cap off.
He never takes his eyes off of yours, and you watch his Adam's apple bob, some of the water dripping down his face before you snap out of it. "You're, uh, welcome."
He smiles at you when he finishes the whole thing and tossing it into the recycling bin. "I really appreciate it," he says, walking towards you until your back hits the fridge, the cooling sensation not the only thing that causes you to shudder.
"It was no problem. Seriously." You want to push him back, but that would mean you would have to touch him, and every part of his torso is nothing but muscle, and you try to keep your gaze on his face and not his glistening skin.
"I feel like I should pay you back somehow," he starts, his voice dangerously low, and you grip the handles as you shrug.
"You don't have to do that. It's just water," you respond weakly, and he rests a hand flat against the fridge next to your head.
"But I want to," he pushes, and you shrug again as you try to find anything else to look at.
"What did you have in mind?" Your mind isn't even on the right track anymore, Eren is the only thing filling your senses.
He steps closer to you, letting his hand fall, his finger tracing down your arm, leaving goosebumps in its path. "I've got a lot in mind."
"L-Like what?" You shouldn't be pushing him, you should be leaving, but he always manages to keep you frozen in place.
"For starters," he says, gripping your hip softly. "I'd pin you down and mark every inch of your skin so that everyone knows that you're mine."
You feel your head spinning, the dizzying feeling nearly making your legs go weak, and when he trails a finger up your neck, you look over his shoulder finding a spot on the wall to try and ground yourself. "Then what?"
He huffs softly as he grips your chin, making you look at him, and you don't fight it. "Then," he starts, leaning in closer. "I'd fuck you until you couldn't walk. Until the only thing that comes out of your mouth is my name."
Your eyes shut for a quick second as you bite your lip to muffle your whimper. "Just for a bottle of water?" you try to joke, but now you're breathing heavy, and the playful tone is overshadowed by lust, your core throbbing almost to the point of painful.
He tilts his head as he smirks at you. "Say it."
Your face scrunches slightly in confusion, but your voice is still wavering. "Say what?"
His response is a chuckle as he's backing away from you, and you grip the handles of the fridge until it hurts to keep yourself from pulling him back to you. "You'll say it eventually."
You don't really know what he's talking about, but he backs away from you to create enough distance that isn't questioning just as your mom comes into the kitchen. "Did you get him the water?" she asks, and you try to nod, but your brain is still foggy so it looks like you're malfunctioning, which you basically are.
"She did. Thanks again," he tells you, flashing that smile that he always put on around your parents. "I think I'm gonna get back to work, but it was nice talking to you."
"You as well." He gives you one last look before he's walking out, and you drop your head as you try to make your breathing even again. "He's just such a gentleman, isn't he?"
"Yeah, he sure is."
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|Chapter 1|Masterlist|Chapter 3|
Taglist: CLOSED
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zaikaglow · 3 years
Queens of The Court
Pairing: Hitch x Reader, mentions of Ymir x Reader, brief Eren x Reader
Synopsis: After the girl you almost dated Ymir starts dating Historia and breaks your heart you can’t get your head back in the game. A handsome boy from the baseball team offers to help you get your mind off of things, but maybe the actual solution has been under your nose the whole time.
Content: Oral (f giving and receiving, brief m giving f receiving). mention of m x f sex, but the only explicate content is between two women. Slight angst.
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The ball you sent flying bounces on the other side of the tennis court and starts to roll into the adjourning court while Hitch goes running after it. “Hitch what the fuck you could have hit that if you payed attention for once in your life” you say frustrated. It was really starting to annoy you the way that Hitch would be so zoned out that she wouldn’t even notice that the ball had been served until it was far too late and she was swinging her racket at nothing. Pieck has her racket pinched between her knees as she focuses on re-tying her ponytail “Come on y/n calm down you and Ymir are the first string me and Hitch are just here as backup” at this laid back remark Ymir decides to pipe up, racket up on her shoulder she struts up to the net. “Well how do you expect me and y/n to be able to keep winning tournaments if we only get to practice with you two space cadets”. Hitch is finally back from retrieving the ball wines “come on were doing our best”! Pieck lets out a small chuckle “come on Hitch even I don't believe that”. “Whatever it’s 8 o’clock the courts closing soon and I need to go pick up Historia from practice lets go” 
You and Ymir start to head back to the locker room together and you can’t help but to think back to the times before Historia. After doubles practice when Hitch and Pieck would go off to share a joint and leer at the baseball team from the bleacher you and Ymir would play each other 1 on 1, relishing the extra time together. At first it started off as a competition. Sure you two were the best doubles team but who was the best player? The first night you broke the barriers of physical contact was when you insisted that Ymir’s serve was out and her insisting it was in, until she had you backed against the chainlink “you know maybe if you put the same amount of energy you use arguing to work on improving your serves it might have actually have been in” you chided. “Shut up” Ymir responded, “why don't you make me” were your final words before her lips came crashing down on yours, her hands against your face. From then on it was your routine, after doubles play individually and always with a bet. Maybe the loser would go down on the winner, or maybe they’d be the one to wash down the winner in the locker room showers. You two never officially dated but you loved Ymir and thought of her as your girlfriend. That was until Historia. You remember how stupid you felt the day you had won your game against the opposing school and back in the locker room you had laced your fingers through her hair to pull her in for a kiss when she placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you “actually I started seeing someone. We’re still good as friends, we just can't keep doing the physical stuff okay”? God “the physical stuff” was that all this was to her? Your heart felt like it was being split in two and how could it not? You were in love with her and you thought she had felt the same, that the unspoken bond was what made it even more romantic. But turns out Ymir didn’t see things the same way, she thought you were just friends who happened to fuck. And now your plays were starting to suffer, too distracted by the heart ache. Sometimes getting distracted by the way Ymir’s hands grip the racket and your mind starting to wonder if she brushed her thumb along Historia’s cheek before kissing her the same way she used to do to you. Maybe that’s why you were so hard on Hitch for her spacing out, it's always easier to pick apart your flaws in other people instead of facing them yourself. As Ymir heads to the gym to go grab Historia from practice you decide to head over to the baseball field. Maybe hanging out with those two stoners would be better than going back home alone.
Pieck has the stupidest smile on her face when she passes you the joint, you taking it between your pointer and middle finger about to take a drag when you hear his grating voice “Heeeyyy y/n”. God it’s fucking Eren Jaeger, and he’s walking over baseball bat slung over his shoulders and you look away trying to avoid eye contact “Hello ladies, oh come on y/n don’t ignore me even in person” you take a drag of the joint before answering “hey Eren you ever think maybe there's a reason I never answered your text from 4 months ago” the boys eyebrows furl in concern “Oh come on you can’t still be mad about that group project! I said I was sorry and I was just asking you to dinner to apologize, you didn’t have to ignore me for 4 months”. Hitch doesn’t look like her cheery self, elbows on her knees and her fists supporting her pouting face “come on Eren you think you’d get the hint after 4 months, she’s. Not. interested.”. You pass the joint back to Pieck when suddenly you get an idea, still not daring to meet his teal eyes you say “Eren me and Ymir are playing tennis tomorrow why don’t you stop around 5 and pick me up”. Eren’s face lights up in excitement while Hitch and Pieck seem taken aback by you suddenly asking the guy you've blown off for the past 4 months to come hang out. Eren lets out a small chuckle “you two still practice on a Saturday”? “That’s why me and Ymir are so good, we apply ourselves. Hitch and Pieck could be too but they don't. Anyways are you coming or not” you say  “Oh I’ll be there hot stuff, I’ll be there.” he says while strutting back off to the rest of the team in the dugout. “Hey I can apply myself” Hitch practically yells, you can't tell whether that remark was for you or for Eren.
Your game against Ymir is not going in your favor, you know you can play better than you are but she brought Historia with her to watch and it's too distracting. Staring at her and wondering what she has that you didn’t, why Ymir could fall in love with her but not you. It’s a big surprise but you’re actually relieved when Eren shows up so you can end the game. Once on the court Eren makes his way over to you wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him, Ymir who has her tennis bag in one hand, the other holding Historia’s looks over at the two of you eyes crinkling into a smile “hey I didn’t know you were with someone, I’m really happy for you y/n”! And with that she turns and starts to walk away like she didn’t just tear your heart apart with her smile. She was genuinely happy for you, there were no hints of jealousy, maybe she was just relieved that you found someone and that possibly your game would finally improve and stop being pissy about her being with someone. You grab your bag tighter and start making your way down to the locker room right out of Eren’s arm while he starts jogging after you “I’ll be out in a second I just need to change” you say fighting back the tears that were starting to prick at the corners of your eyes. Instead of actually getting changed you lay back against the cold lockers before sliding down to the ground and burying your head in your arms that rest on your knees when suddenly you hear “so were you fucking her or something”? Your head snaps up “Eren what the fuck are you doing in here. This is the women’s locker room". He just chuckles at you before offering you a hand “it's Saturday, no one else is in here drama queen”. You wipe at your eyes with the back of your hand now afraid he’ll notice your tears not that your upright “what does it matter Eren”. He places his hands against the lockers right next to your hips before leaning in and you feel his hot breath fan across your face and his nose brush your cheek “do you want me to help you forget her”? You feel his hand snake down under your skirt running up your thighs until he reaches the top band and tries to pull down but your clothes stay in place. “It’s a tennis skirt dumbass the shorts are attached” you side step your way under his arms out of his grasp before starting to head back out of the locker room “besides like I’d ever let you fuck me here at least take me back to your room or something”. Eren starts to jog to keep up “hey I know how tennis skirts work”!
Eren’s dorm was painfully college boy-esque. Air fresheners littered along windowsills and desk an attempt to hide the boy BO and by the dirty bong on the desk, weed. You sit down on the edge of the bed pushing away a dirty tee-shirt with your pinky when Eren takes a seat on the floor between your knees ``okay baby girl I’m gonna make you forget aallll about that little tennis partner of yours”. He places a wet kiss to the side of your knee before using the first two fingers on each hand to dip beneath the waistband of your skirt before pulling it down. You lay back in the bed as you feel him kiss your inside thigh before finally making contact with your core, and oh god what the hell is he doing? He’s spelling out the alphabet, you're not too terribly surprised “not shocked just disappointed” would sum it up. He’s hot so of course he probably has tons of girls who faked ecstasy just because they were so excited to have Jaeger between their legs. But after Ymir? No way this comes close, b, a, s, e, oh he finished the alphabet so he’s moving onto random words now “baseball”? Real creative dumbass. Bored as hell you can't help but to pull out your phone.
To: Sub 1
What are you doing rn?
Movie night with Pieck! You should come join us!!! : )
K, going to shower and then be up.
Eren pulls away surprised when you sit up and start to pull your skirt back up “hey babe, what's wrong”? He gives you those stupid puppy dog eyes. “You're bad at this i'm bored” you utter grabbing your tennis bag and heading back to the door. You’re halfway down the hall when you see him standing in the door frame hardon visible through his boxers when he says “come on y/n I'm better with my dick dont you even wanna see”.
After making it back to your dorm and taking a quick shower you head up to the next floor and give a knock on the door adorned with cute little construction paper cactuses labels “Pieck” and “Hitch”. Hitch opens the door with a big smile, her eyes crinkling at the corner. You can't help but notice the white tank top wearing she’s wearing is slightly see through and the way her nipples push against the fabric, and boy can you feel them too when she pulls you into a hug and her breast squish against you. Pieck is laying down on the bed blowing the smoke from a joint out a window fan they turned around so it blows out the window instead of in. She smirks when she sees the way your face goes blank at how Hitch is nuzzling her head against you “hey y/n want some”?  You give a nob before heading over to the bed arm around Hitch guiding her back with you. A couple drags later and you're not even paying attention to the movie. Instead the weed has heightened your senses and it feels intense the way that Hitch is running her delicate little fingers up and down your arms. Pieck who’s been stealing glances at you two occasionally takes her phone out of her pajama shorts and says “oh hey I just got a text from Pock asking me to spend the night, I’m going to head over. You know how I like to sleep in, in the morning so y/n feel free to stay till wherever” she gives a wink as she saunters out the room. Hitch is semi laying back on the pillows and starts to giggle once Pieck is out the door. “What are you laughing about” you say as you sit up from the other end of the bed. Hitch’s face turns a bright red “nothing i'm not laughing about anything”. God you don’t know what it is about her right now but the way she short hair is kinda messy from rolling against the pillows or what a tease she looks like nipples poking through that see through tank top and her ass practically hanging out the bottom of those short shorts but you can’t help what comes over you. On your hands and knees you start to crawl towards her, green eyes widening as she watches you stalk towards her like a predator. Until you’re over her hands placed just under her armpits, your knees against the sides of her hips. You move one hand up to her jaw brushing your thumb over her lips “I said what are you laughing about ''. You don’t even give her a chance to answer before you crash your lips against hers, a small mewl escaping her lips at the contact. You move your hand from her face down to her side fingers running over her ribs. She sighs and leans into your touch, at her receptiveness you go ahead and move your hand up to her breast kneading the soft tissue between your fingers. When she starts to rub her thighs together you go ahead and practically rip that little tank top off her and latch your lips onto her nipple. One hand still gently squeezes her other breast thumb rubbing small circles around her perked up little nipple, on the other you have your tongue flicking, rolling, and sucking against her. Her hands go to your shoulders squeezing harder each time you pull off her nipple with a pop before going back. You plant a kiss to her sternum moving down her torso nipping at her belly button before continuing down and pulling her shorts off. She’s so beautiful. Her plump bottom lip between her teeth as her perky breast moving up and down with her excited breathing, her pubic hair is the same sandy blonde as her head and she’s practically glistening at her core. Spreading her legs apart you lay your head against her thigh and look into her eyes as you slide your pointer and ring finger inside of her. You can’t help but chuckle at just how wet she already is and how she’s clenching around your fingers, her hands gripping the sheets. You turn your head slightly as kiss her thigh as your drag your fingers in and out watching her face contorted in pleasure as she whimpers “use your words tell me what you want” she practically pants out “your tongue I want your tongue” and she's so sweet how can you not indulge her? You start to curl your fingers up as you give her puffy clit a kiss before starting to lap at it with the flat of your tongue. It’s driving you crazy the way her tits bounce with the thrust of your fingers and how she’s grinding her hips down against your fingers. Your other hand goes to play with her tits as you feel her flutter around you as she reaches her release, your tongue still spinning around her clit to ease her though the orgasm. “Mm too much” she mutters out pushing against your head. You sit back up admiring the fucked out look on pretty little Hitch all thanks to you. She sits up on her hands and knees giving you a soft smile “wanna make you feel good now” she says crawling into your lap, peppering kisses down your neck stopping to suck on your collar bone. You pull her head back “no hickies” you say bopping your pointer finger against her nose playfully. She giggles before ducking her head down to your waist pushing your PJ shirt up to access your nipples. She’s rougher than you were and you can feel her teeth nipping as she grabs you by your waist keeping you pulled close to her. When you give a little yelp when she uses a little too much teeth she pulls away giggling again as she pushes you down. “You know everytime you’d bend over for the ball” another giggle “I’d imagine what your pussy would look like”. You finish taking off the rest of your clothes for her and spread your legs when you reply with a teasing “so what do you think then?”. She licks her lips “even more beautiful than I could imagine” she says head moving down between your legs to lick up your folds before latching onto your clit. Hitch was an enthusiastic lover and you two went back and forth until it was late and you two were boarding on overstimulation. After laying down next to each other you get up and start to put your clothes back on. Hitch grabs your arm “hey, don't you wanna sleep over”. You just continue to put your clothes back on saying “ I don’t know if that's a good idea, I had fun though”. You get up and give her a kiss on the forehead before heading out and you can't bear to look her in the eyes because you can just feel the sadness radiating off of her. 
Back in your own bed you hug your knees to your chest trying to get rid of the hole in the pit of your stomach. You did like Hitch, she was sweet and god was she good in bed but come on she’s not someone you can rely on. This is Hitch! Hitch who once missed a game because she slept in too late after a party, Hitch who sometimes just forgot about practice. There was a reason she was on your phone as “sub 1” . You were afraid of getting attached to someone like her. Especially after the number Ymir did on you. You needed someone who you knew would be there, someone who won’t let you down. Your heart couldn't take another break but also you couldn't help but feel guilty for not even giving her the chance. To take your mind off of things you decide to get up early to go practice against the backboard.
It's 7am on a Saturday and you think you’ll be alone so you’re surprised when you hear the familiar sound of the tennis ball bouncing against the back bored and your heart sinks. Who else would be here at 7am besides Ymir, but you're surprised when you turn the corner and see Hitch. She’s painting and sweaty so its obvious shes been here for a while, when she misses the ball and stops to pull another out from her shorts you say “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here” she looks down and that pang of guilt comes back to your chest. She makes her way over to the fence where you are “Well you’re always talking about how I don’t apply myself and I thought that maybe if I tried harder in tennis you’d see something worthy in me” tears are starting to form in her eyes “I just imagined maybe you’d see me actually win a game or something. Not just see me still sucking against a wall”. You put your hands up to where her fingers were poking through the chain link and place your hands over her’s. “Hitch” she perks up to meet your eyes “do you want to go on like an actual date” her lips part in surprise at your words. “Also why don’t you see if Pieck’ll sleep over at Pocks again, this time I’ll stay the night”. She’s really beautiful when she smiles “yeah I’d like that”.
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poppywrites41 · 4 years
Captured. Eren X Reader
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Relationship: Aggressive! Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Eren escaped his cell and left to rejoin Floch and the Jeagerists. Left shocked and confused, the remaining members the Survey Corps plan a meeting to find Eren and bring him back.
Warnings: Manga spoilers for Season 4!! Cursing and Smut in the end.
Do not read if you have not read the manga! This has nothing to do with my other fic, Why? Lmao. I just felt like this part in the manga, would be a perfect opportunity for some  r u d e  Eren.
“How did he escape?!” Jean yelled, slamming his fist on the table.
“He made a hole in the wall and sealed it with his titan’s hardening,” Hange said, hands clenching in anger, “If only we had taken more precautions...if only we had restrained him more…”
“Well what happened happened,” Levi said, sipping his tea, “Mistakes were made. Now the brat is out meeting up with those psychopaths. I swear, whenever I see him I will give him the fight of his life.”
“Well now we need to make up and plan,” Armin said, looking at a map of Paradis, “We need to figure out where Eren might be as well as Zeke. We need to keep those two separated.”
“Maybe if we meet up with-” Mikasa was cut off when the doors were slammed open, revealing a seething h/c girl.
“Where. Is. Eren?” Y/N seethed. Everyone was too scared to respond. It is not often Y/N gets mad, but when she does, she’s scary. “Where is that son of a bitch?! I will kill him!!”
“Y/N calm down!!” Armin said, “We are trying to figure that out now. We cannot go around charging after people. We need to make a plan on how to best approach Eren.”
Instead of calming down, Y/N threw a chair across the room which then prompted humanities strongest soldier to tackle her to the ground. “Armin,” Levi said holding down a feral Y/N, “We need a plan by tonight. Eren will be on the move so we need to be fast. I will take this brat out and give you some peace.” Armin nodded and begun devising a plan with Hange, Mikasa, Jean and Connie.
Levi dragged Y/N to another room and threw her inside. “What the fuck Levi,” Y/N growled, “You and I both know we need to leave now to catch up to Eren.”
“Not without a plan brat.” Levi said, “Eren is too powerful and he has somewhat of an army. We need to wait. Now if you aren’t going to cooperate like a normal human being, I will have to lock you in this room for a time out.”
“You wouldn’t dare…” Y/N glared at him.
Levi smirked and pulled out some keys from his pocket, “I will always be stronger and smarter than you brat. Take some time, cool your head and I will come get you before we leave.” With that, the captain swiftly exited the room and locked the door. 
It has been a couple of hours. At least, that’s what Y/N thinks. “What the fuck is taking them so long?” she mumbles as she paces the room, “We need to leave now or else we won’t be able to catch up to him.” 
After pacing the room for some time, she sat down and poured some water into a glass and brought it to her lips. Even though the water was cool, it did not soothe her temper. “UGH WHY AM I STILL HERE?!” she yells and throws the cup, coincidently into the widow, making a crack in the glass.
Y/N stares at the window and looks outside. She looks down and sees the stables and weapons storage across the courtyard. “Fourth floor huh?” she mumbles to herself, “Oh Levi...You underestimate me little man.” Y/N opens the window and climbs out onto the roof. To her left, she sees a ladder descending to the ground. She makes a run for it, not realizing she ran past the window of the room where the gang were making the plan.
While Armin was talking, Levi noticed something blur past the window. He looked outside and saw Y/N running across the roof. Quickly springing into action, while catching everyone inside off-guard, he climbed out the window after Y/N. 
“L/N!!” He yelled, stopping her in her tracks, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m leaving to beat that bastard’s ass, Captain,” Y/N said, “And you will not be stopping me!”
With that, she jumped off the roof and braced herself to hit the ground. She tucked herself into a ball and rolled forward to lessen the impact of the rough earth against her fall, allowing her to get up easily and start running towards the weapons storage. She new she had a small window of time to pick her weapon before Levi hits the ground. She new he wouldn’t throw himself off the roof like her. Y/N looks at the weapons in-front of her. “I don't have enough time to put on my ODM gear….” She said. Then she noticed some ODM blades with their handles attached with some polisher next to them. “That’ll have to do.” she sighed and grabbed two, quickly wrapping them. As she was making her way to the stables, she noticed a revolver on a table. She grabbed it, stuffed it in her belt and went to her horse. When she was about to grab the saddle to put it on, She noticed Levi running across the courtyard towards her. “I guess I’m riding bareback!” She exclaimed as she jumped onto her horse, hands tight on the reigns, kicking its sides, flying out of the camp. “Let’s go!” she called to the horse as she steered it towards the open gate of Wall Maria, running full speed. The open gate was within view, however, she heard the bell tolling. Y/N whipped her head back and saw the bell tolling. “Damn you Levi!!” She howled, “Hya!! Come on boy. Let’s go!” She urged her horse faster, aiming to exit right before the gate closed. As she got closer, she saw her opening closing. “Come on! Come on!” The gate was almost closed. Y/N flattened herself to her horse back as they went underneath the lowering gate, her horse pushing itself faster. Y/N closed her eyes waiting to feel the immense pressure crush her and her steed. But it never came. She could still feel her horses muscles flexing under her as well as its heartbeat. Y/N opened her eyes and looked around her. The wall was getting smaller and smaller. She smiled, “We made it!!” she cheered, patting the horse. “Now,” she smirked looking into the woods, “Let’s go find that bastard.”
Night had fallen, and after several hours of searching for Eren, Y/N decided to take a break. She stopped at an old village near the woods that was left alone for a while. Y/N put her horse in the stables and gave it food and water, bidding her friend goodnight.
While walking to a house that she was planning on staying in, she heard a crash. Y/N jumped behind some rubble and waited. 
“Damn,” a voice said, “Why would people just leave their village without supplies?”
“I dont know man,” another voice said, “But Mr. Jaeger said that this village still had some and that we need it.”
‘Eren!’ Y/N’s eyes widened, ‘They know where he is!’ 
She looked out from her hiding spot and saw two men carrying sacks and throwing them onto a wagon. “Alrighty,” one of them said, “I think we are good to go.” One of them climbed in the back and the other took hold of the reigns, urging the horses pulling the wagon to move.
“I need to follow them!” 
Y/N grabbed her blades and gun and ran after the wagon, making sure to keep her distance.
The place they stopped, Eren’s camp, wasn’t that far away from the village. She watched the wagon pull up next to others while some men approached it to unload the supplies. The two men got off the wagon and were taken by two soldier to a figure who faced the fire. Y/N couldn’t make it out who it was for their back was facing her.
“Where you followed?” the figure asked.
“No sir,” one of the men said, “The village was empty. Like you said, Mr. Jeager.”
‘Eren…” Y/N slowly unwrapped her ODM blades and slowly crept up on the men and Eren, using the shadows to her advantage.
“What did you find?” Eren asked.
“Grain, eggs, pork and potatoes.” the other man said proudly.
“Oh I believe you also brought me a gift.” Eren said smirking.
“A-A...gift? Sir?” they asked.
“Of course,” Eren said standing up to face them, “You both brought me a gift. You didn’t realize it?”
The men shook their heads in confusion, making Eren smirk. 
“Come on out, Y/N.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. ‘How did he know I was here?!’
“Come on Y/N~” Eren said in a sing song voice, “Or else these men die.”
“Don’t kill them!” She said stepping into Eren’s vision, dropping the blades, “They didn’t know I was there!”
“Oh Y/N…” Eren sighs and snaps his fingers. Two gunshots follow and the two men’s bodies soon follow after that.
“What did they do?!” she growled.
“Nothing,” Eren said shrugging, “they were unaware of their surroundings and just plain stupid. I can’t surround myself with stupid people.”
“But they were innocent!” She cried.
“Mr. Jaeger!” some soldiers called as they ran toward them to protect him.
“It’s alright,” Eren said to his men, “She can’t do much. You all go get some rest.”
“I can’t do much?” Y/N growled, “I can’t do much?!” She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Eren, “I can fuck you up so bad you bastard!!” shooting him multiple times until her gun ran out of bullets.
Eren groaned and fell to the ground.
“Just die already,” Y/N said turning around and walking away, “We will defeat Zeke and save humanity. We trusted you, Eren. And you broke our trust. You stupid son of a bi-”
A scorching hot hand wrapped around her throat cut her off, causing her to choke.
“Are you dumb? Or did you forget that you need to slice my nape to kill me?” Eren chuckled in her ear, his breath fanning over her skin, making her get goosebumps.
“Y-You...b-bastard…” Y/N gasps, gulping for air. She tried scratching his skin with her nails, hoping for him to release her, but it wouldn’t work.
“How about we take a walk hm?” Eren said smirking, “That always used to calm you down.”
“How- d-dare you…” she growled. Eren released her throat, allowing her to gasp and gulp down the oxygen her body so desperately needed, and grabbed both of her arms, steering her deeper into the woods.
“Everyone get some rest,” Eren called out to his men, “I will return in a while.”
Once they were out of sight and hearing of his camp, Eren let go of Y/N, throwing her way from him onto the ground. Y/N grunted in pain as she stood up. “You piece of shit!” she yelled as she threw her fist towards his face. Eren sighed out of annoyance as he grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her body a few feet away from him. “Why are you here?” He asked as he walked over to her and pulled her up by her shoulder, “Where are the others?”
“Not *cough* here.”
Eren’s eyes widened with confusion, “So they don’t know where you are?”
“No,” She said as she harshly pushed him away from her, “I came here to either kill you are take you back to everyone.”
“You intend to bring me back?” He laughed, “I believe you have it wrong, sweetheart.” He grabbed Y/N by her hair and brought her face close to his and licks his lips, “It is I who have captured you.”
“Let me go you bastard!” Y/N yells as she swings her legs at him hoping to kick him off of her to allow her time to escape. But Eren is a step ahead of her. He swung his leg under her, kicking her legs out from underneath, having her land square on her back. The sudden pain sent her into a bit of a frozen shock, giving Eren enough time to straddle her legs between his and tie her hands above her head.
“Eren…” Y/N looked up at the brunette with furious eyes, “let...me...go.”
Eren smirked. He liked it when she got all riled up, it was a big turn on for him. He lowered his head to her ear and nibbled on her lobe, causing the girl to stiffen, “Sorry sweetheart,” he deep husky voice said into her ear, “I cannot pass this opportunity up. It’s not often you are rendered immobile.”
“W-What do you m-mean?” Y/N grunts as she squirms underneath him in an attempts to escape his hold and the ropes. She suddenly stopped with a sharp intake of breath when she felt something poke her thigh. Eren gave a low groan of pleasure and began to swivel his hips against Y/N’s. 
“You know,” he said as he pulled her legs out from under him, spreading them open, “I have had my eye on you for a while, Y/N.”
He looked at the h/c haired girl’s face and smirked. Her eyes were looking back at him with fear. He chuckled when she flinched as he reached for the buttons on her shirt.
“Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said as he unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her sports bra (y’all rlly think girl scouts would be wearin normal bras?lol). Eren placed light kisses onto her neck as he pulled her bra up, revealing her chest.
“P-Please Eren. Don’t!” Y/N said with a shaky voice. 
“Calm down,” He said as he began to knead her left breast, “It’ll feel better if you’re relaxed.”
‘Just stay quiet,’ she said to herself, ‘If I don’t react, he will get bored.’ So that’s what she did. She stayed quiet and looked up at the sky through the trees to distract herself. Only she didn’t notice that Eren had rid her of her pants. She was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt something invade her core. She gasped in pain and looked down to see Eren moving his fingers in and out of her core.
“Welcome back,” he smirked at her, “I knew what you were doing, Y/N. I let you have your little moment of peace, now it ends!” Y/N squealed when his fingers began to move faster within her, rubbing all of her sensitive spots. Her breathing became labored and her hips began to buck into Eren’s hand on their own, chasing her release. Eren stroked her walls with is fingers a few more times before removing his hand before she could, resulting in Y/N yelling in anger and frustration.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Eren asked, sounding like a husband worrying about his wife, “Did you need something?”
“E-Eren…” Y/N groaned as she felt her thighs rubbing against each other, trying to create friction to help her reach her high.
“Oh look!” Eren laughed, “the little slut wants to cum.” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes as his fingers went back to her pussy. Y/N whimpered as she felt his fingers enter her slowly, her hips moving to hurry him. “Do you want to cum?” he asks. Y/N didn’t answer and only glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her giving in.
Eren then sighed and took his fingers out, earning a sharp exhale from the girl. He stood up and moved Y/N to stand up against a tree. He made sure to tie her legs apart so that she doesn’t move them together and retied her hands above her. “If you don’t want to cum, then I hope you don’t mind if I just leave you like this.” He smirked, “It’ll help making the need to cum go away.” He took a good look at her, but noticed that she wasn’t reacting and that pissed him off. He bent down to where his mouth was against her pussy and began to lick her clit, causing Y/N to shiver. Eren continued to lick and suck on Y/N’s pussy until she was a trembling mess. He could feel her walls tighten. “E-E-Eren!” Y/N cried as soon as Eren stepped back. “I will kill you!!” she screams.
“I will ask you again, slut,” Eren said, “Do you want to cum?”
Y/N breathing was erratic, her mind was in jumbles and she was upset. She couldn’t think straight.
“P-please…” she said in defeat, looking up at him, “let me cum…”
All of a sudden, she could no longer feel any ropes on her. Eren held her in his arms against the tree, “I can’t hold back sweetheart.” Before Y/N could comprehend his words, she felt something spread her walls so much it hurt. Eren grunted while he pushed his cock into her pussy. When he finally got himself in all the way, he felt Y/N tense up and shudder. She was a sweaty, panting mess in his arms. “Did you just cum from me putting my dick in you?” he smirked. He put her on the ground and began to move inside her. He noticed she was holding back her moans so he pinched her side, causing her to gasp. “Don’t hold back your moans,” he grunted as he thrusted into her, “No one can hear you except me.”
Y/N tried to keep it together, but all of a sudden she could feel another orgasm coming. She could not longer hide her noises. “Eren! Eren I’m close!” She moaned into his ear. Eren brought a hand down to her clit and rubbed her pearl, causing her to moan, as he pounded into her hips harder. “Ah! Eren please! Please I’m so close! Eren! I-Mmf!” Eren silenced her with his lips as he continued his assault on her pussy, Y/N greedily returning the kiss. He could feel her tightening around him, bringing him close to his high. He detached his lips from hers and placed them on her neck, giving her hickies and love bites. “Eren!” Y/N says hazily after her second orgasm, “Inside...do it inside please!!” Her arms wrapped around his neck, looking into his eye with her big sparkly e/c ones. Seeing her looking so fucked out, brought Eren over the edge. He gave one final thrust as he held Y/N close to him while he spilled everything he had into her womb.
After a few minutes of them laying together in each others arms, too tired to move, Y/N brings a hand to Eren’s face, turning his attention to her. “Eren…” she said with tears in her eyes, “Let’s go home. Please.”
Eren smiled, making Y/N think he would agree, but that smile turned into a smirk and what he said next broke her heart in a million pieces:
“Oh sweetheart, you’ve been captured. I cannot let you go.”
Welp. There’s another Eren fic. Hope y’all enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes!
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Additional Tags: Ambiguous/Open Ending, Angst, One-Sided Love, Romance, Canon Compliant, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Manga Spoilers, Kissing, Implied/Referenced Sex, Crying, Eren Yeager-centric, Sad Ending
Words: 6k
Summary: Eren has a dream that he will never live to see. So, at least, he wants to make this one small dream come true.
Eren has always been a dreamer.
Ever since he was a kid, he’d stare upon a wall and imagine the world outside. He’d dream about what he would do when he finally gets to go outside the walls. Armin would dream with him. The days inside the cramped walls would be a little brighter when he gets to dream of soft shredded ice falling from the sky and rivers of red molten rocks. The waves of glittery blue saltwater, the waves of green hills unending. To stand on top of the mountain and gaze upon the blue sky, seeing where it starts and ends in the horizons.
The dreams wouldn’t have gone wild nor wonderful had it not been for Armin. The naive creative boy that he always is, came up to him with big blue eyes filled with dreams that infect Eren on sight.
Looking back now, Eren doesn’t know whether his dreams had become everything he lived for, or a slow poison killing his insides.
Because all his dreams are dead the moment his lips met the back of Historia’s hand.
He grimaced at the memories. It took every will that he has to not vomit then and there at Historia’s feet.
Everything was never the same after he knew.
They ride out to the beach, and there it is. Infinite saltwater, blue as the sky, glittering in the sun. Yet he can’t feel happy about it, he had seen it with the previous’s attack titan’s eyes. The magic is gone before he gets to experiences it on his own.
His eyes stare longingly at the ethereal scenery in front of him, but all he sees is the enemy across the ocean.
Eren had a lot of dreams. Hopeful little dreams that all lead to one thing. He wants to be free. Free to explore. Free to be who he wants to be. Free to love. He can have none of those, because of the enemy that lurks behind the glittery waves.
If we kill the enemy, the one waiting for us on the other side, will we be finally free?
Not realizing that he said his musing, Armin steps by his side.
“I don’t think we can ever be fully free,” his blue eyes are as blue as the sky, as blue as the water. Eren wondered if Ymir put those eyes in him because this moment was destined too. “Even the people across the ocean aren’t free too, that’s why Grisha ended up inside our walls.”
Eren had fallen to a deep depression after the memories barged in, Armin’s words almost sealed him into rock bottom.
Almost, until Armin adds, “But we’re people. As humans we’re given a will, a choice to do things, even if there are consequences, nothing can ever truly stops us from doing what we want.”
Yes, this moment is truly meant to be, Eren thinks as Armin’s eyes filled with hopes and dreams, like it always meant to be.
“There’s always going to be enemies, Eren, but we worked our hardest to break out of the walls, and though we’re not fully free yet, we’re still rewarded.” Armin looks at him, and for a moment, the clouds parted, and it’s bright. Ever since the medal gifting, Eren had slowly ignored them all. This is the first time in many months that they meet eyes again, and of course, the hope and dreams latch on deep and rooting yet again.
“Right now, we’re being rewarded with the sea,” Armin looks down to the conch he’s holding, lowering it to the crystal clear water to sit in the sand. “We have big dreams, and it hasn’t come true yet, but the small dreams do. Didn’t we always dream to see the sea? Now we finally do, it came true. We broke out of the walls, the possibilities expand, there’s going to be a lot of small dreams coming true before the big one.” Armin looks at Eren with a mischievous glint, but Eren is too mesmerized to see what’s coming. “Like how you... can enjoy... a fist full of salt!” Armin throws a big splash of salt water on Eren’s mouth.
It’s so salty that Eren almost hacked his tonsils out. He doesn’t remember ever eating something so salty, ever. He used to beg his mom to put more salt in their dishes, but salt was a rare commodity and they’re far from rich. Now, Eren just had a fist full of salt.
Eren paused, and everyone’s stiff stares turn worrisome for him when Eren broke down into a manic laugh. As if the salt in the water isn’t enough, Eren contributes with his tears streaming down along the water in his hair.
Swimming in the clear blues, salty mouth, and vision almost whiteout by brightness, Eren feels like flying. He takes the saltwater and splashes Armin back along with Mikasa behind him.
Armin’s face broke into a wide smile and kicks the water at him. Eren gets completely wet, so is Captain Levi behind him. They all paled at the Captain’s scowl, but then Hanji squeals, “WATER WAR!”
And Eren will take water war over the other war he’s going to evoke.
Small dreams
Or so Armin had said.
Once again, Armin filled him with hope. Maybe not all of Eren’s dreams are dead. It never occurred to him that he could settle for less.
Once upon a time, Eren dreamed of living in a cabin far in the woods. Where he can run and not bump into someone. Where he can breathe in crisp air instead of the damp breaths of other people. He dreamed of making a family in that cabin. Be in love, never feeling alone.
He had planned to do that with Mikasa. It’s so easy to love Mikasa, how couldn’t he? A stoic face that only brightens at Eren. She’s a quiet kid, but she shows affection with actions. Like how she’s always beside him no matter how petulantly Eren pushes her away sometimes. She’s distrustful but still trusted Eren the most. Her smiles are rare, but when she does, it’s always for Eren. It’s endearing.
Also, she’s beautiful. She doesn’t realize it and Eren sometimes wants to scream at her. But Eren never said anything to her, never admitted out loud. He knows since the day he met her that Mikasa is special. She’s calm, collected, mature and so strong. Eren never gets why she loves him, but Eren is afraid if she realized how special she is then she wouldn’t choose the lame, regular, non-special Eren.
But he wants her. He promised himself if the war is over then he’d confess his feelings to her and just... love her.
Eren wants to feel loved, to be loved, to be wanted and cherished. Wants all the romantical shit with that person. He’s loved by Mikasa, and he knows if Eren asks, Mikasa will never say no to Eren under positive circumstances.
Now that Eren knows the truth about Ackermans, he can never see Mikasa in the same light again.
Mikasa’s love -now that he gets a double-take- is scary. She gave her whole heart in her palm, her full dedication and love only for Eren, no questions, no hesitations, no doubts. What did Eren do to deserve it? To work for it? Nothing.
All Eren did was save her, and gave her a scarf because she looked cold and Eren’s mom taught him to be good. If Mikasa was a depraved kid lacking affection her whole life then Eren would’ve understood why Mikasa was taken by him. But no, Mikasa’s parents were good to her, what Eren did was not special to her.
She loves him, sure, like a dog loves its master. Unreasonably unconditional. And the dog doesn’t know what’s good for themselves, blindly loving their masters. Just like how baffling it was that a selfish serial killer like Kenny suddenly have a heart to follow a hidden king just because he begged prettily.
Having Mikasa love him doesn’t bear the same euphoric feeling. Eren isn’t special, just a lucky kid at the right time, she could’ve imprinted on anyone. Eren had thought this dream is dead.
Eren still loves her, she’s still a person, just a fucked up gene. So at that night infiltrating Marley with the team of survey corps, Eren asks her, “Why is it that you care so much about me? What am I to you?”
Mikasa blushes prettily, her breath quickens.
“You are family,” Mikasa admits shyly.
Unlike the dog that loves its master, Eren knows better. It’s not that Mikasa is pushing him away, Eren is family, Eren is her everything, that’s why all she said was those three words. And she feels all these things without any reason at all, so much that she can’t compute.
Then the family of the boy he helped offer alcohol, and Eren gulped it down. In a way, Mikasa broke his heart. Eren wasn’t special to her. Eren isn’t wanted, he’s being obsessed by, being followed by someone that doesn’t know better.
Morning comes. They’re in a boat on the way back to Paradis Island. Eren decides to give his dream one more try. Maybe it doesn’t have to be romantic? He settles for even less.
He finds Armin by the deck at 6 AM. The only ones awake around are them, the captain behind the wheel, and the fishes under.
His blue eyes take in the dark sea, the pinkish color of the dawn sky.
Eren knows why they both are the only ones up this hour after a whole night drinking. Turns out being a Titan means that you regenerate everything. They don’t get drunk too long, and they don’t get hangovers.
“Armin?” Eren can’t help the desperation in his voice, not in front of Armin. His best friend has seen him at his worst, and he’s still here, it must mean something, right? “What am I to you?”
Armin -who had been looking at him curiously the moment Eren spoke- drops his jaw. They look at each other for a while, and Armin seems to sober up from his shock and looks stern.
A pair of arms smack on either side of Eren’s face. It sobers Eren of all the melancholic brooding, even more now that Armin is putting a nagging face on. “Eren Jaeger, you listen to me. We’ve been friends since we’re gaggling children. You were a trouble-seeker even though you’re weak, couldn’t even land a punch on some goons! We all survived childhood purely thanks to Mikasa.”
“At least I tried to fight, unlike you, taking it laying down,” Eren growls, lifting his hands to pinch both of Armin’s cheeks. Gone the baby fat, they’re a little bit skinnier from growing up, and a bit too many muscles replacing it.
“Ow!” Armin grabs Eren’s wrist and to Eren’s surprise, Armin pulls his hands away easily. The strength stuns Eren’s mock anger away, and Armin looks at him with a solemn gaze. Eyes tinted pink look a bit lilac purple.
“I could never understand why you would befriend a weak kid like me, but then I figured it out.” Armin takes a deep breath, and suddenly Eren feels weak. Why is Armin looking at him like that? “You, Eren, are the most important person in my life. The one I cherished the most, and closer than family. No one realized how big of a heart you have, and your pride gets in the way of asking for help. But you care so much about everyone when no one was looking.” And Armin looks at him, Eren hears ‘but I did’, from Armin all the same.
“You’ve been different since we stepped into Marley,” Armin says, freezing Eren on the spot. Eren hoped he schooled his face as well as he thinks. “Whatever it is, you’re not alone. Alright? You have us, and we’ll always be on your side.”
Eren was done before he knew he started. Tears bursts from his eyes, lips frown deeply, holding back sobs.
“Oh! Eren, uh...” Armin awkwardly pats Eren’s back and Eren pulls him into the hug. It takes exactly one second for Armin to completely melt and wrap him into a tighter hug.
His heart bleeds. Armin did two things with his words. Makes Eren feel loved, and tore him a betrayal yet to be done.
It hurts because Eren knew, they can’t be on his side. They won’t, and that’s how it’s meant to be.
“Armin, can I try something?”
“I... guess?”
Maybe it’s Armin’s unpredictable blush or Eren’s half-broken heart, but it’s easy to just dive in. Eren didn’t realize how small Armin’s face is until he cups it, touched its cheekbones, trails the jaw, cradles the back of his blond hair. Leaning in is easy. Once meeting Armin’s lips, he felt some sort of instinct. It tells Eren to leans closer, tilts his head, licks the lower lip, and parts his own.
Eren wondered why lips taste so sweet and feel so soft, or was it just Armin?
When Armin’s arms find his sides and clutches, Eren feels heat riding up his spine, up to his head. He wants more. The morning is cold and every gentle move Armin does to kiss him back warms him with life. Finally, Armin parts his lips too, and instincts take over again. Tounge between teeth, roaming into his mouth.
Still, the best feeling of kissing is not how Armin feels on him, but how Armin is feeling him up. Armin kisses back with curious vigor, lips moving quicker, hands clutching tight. When Armin moves his hand to cups the back of his head and grabs his hair, Eren shivers. Eren wants more, wants Armin to want more of him.
Armin doesn’t feel the same, as he shows by stepping a wide step back. Eren gasps at the sudden space, cold strikes him like a slap, arms awkwardly hugging where Armin was less than a second ago. Blue eyes widen, in shock, but not in disgust, and Eren hoped.
“But... I thought Mikasa...” Armin stutters, hand on his lips. Eren empathizes, his lips still tingle too.
“I don’t think of her that way.”
“Liar, I saw you... You...” Armin’s words died away. Yes, he saw Eren looks besottedly at Mikasa when no one was looking. It changed though, and even though Eren isn’t transparent, Armin can read him like a dog-eared book.
“I don’t think of her that way anymore,” he corrects.
It’s true. Eren did think of her that way, not anymore. Eren loves Armin, but he never thought of him that way, now he can, and somehow it makes sense. His wild dreamer of a head can see it.
Armin’s silence is discouraging. Self-consciously, Eren feels that he might be moving too fast.
What’s Eren doing? What’s next? Going on a date? Be boyfriends? Share sweet nothings under the stars until Eren eventually betrays them all?
He knew he had to give up on his dreams, small as it is, and he won't live to see his one most important dream come true. Eren sees the suffering and the screams, but not the peace that came after.
Still, a part of him yearns and reaches desperately before Eren can pull away.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Eren says, every word ripped from his flesh. Eren smiles apologetically at Armin’s confused expression. “It’s nice... I-I... You’re my everything too.” The confession is terrifyingly easier. Eren feels the heat on his face now, and the shaking cold of his fingers.
Armin takes a deep breath with his slacked jaw, still startled, but something changed in his face, softer.
Eren walks away, but a strong grip holds his wrist. Eren realized that strong as Armin is, he’s not as strong as Eren’s. Eren is just so weak for him. Since when? How could he never notice?
Well, he notices now, and it makes him flush when he kisses him. It doesn’t mean anything. Nothing can come out of it. Eren can’t dream of it.
“Since when?” Armin asks vaguely, but Eren still knows.
“Since just now,” Eren says truthfully.
Armin lets him go then. Eren doesn’t look at him when he walks away.
But Eren never stopped yearning.
Everything starts coming to place. So fast, so perfectly that it scares him.
These moments with his friends are numbered, and with all the power given to him, he can’t stop time.
He remembers what Armin says, and what Eren can realistically take from it. Enjoy it while he can. Cherish his friends while he can. As embarrassing as it sounds, Eren was saying the truth when he said he wants none of them inheriting the Attack Titan. These people live through hell with him, and he’ll make sure all of them make it in the end. No need to bear the Titan for the sake of foolish wars. It all will end with Eren, and it’ll make one of Eren’s dreams come true. The friends most precious to him will live in peace till they’re old and grey.
All of this is for the dreams that Eren will never live to see.
But the small ones, his mind says in betrayal, it can come true right?
Those words are what got him yearning still for the one thing he had given up on, or trying to at least.
Nothing changes between him and Armin. Eren has more practice in acting, he finds it easy to have a poker face, seems like his face does the same thing if he’s in despair, so he lets it take over. Armin is a bit different. The tension is there though faint. Lurking glances at the corner of his eyes, disappearing just before Eren could turn and see. It was Eren that says they don’t have to talk about it.
He hates it. Hates that even without meeting his eyes, Armin still gives him hope.
Eren knows he’s been sneaking into Annie’s jail cell. A part of him feels jealous, another part feels relieved. Relieved because Armin can move on, and maybe they’d pretend they’re never a thing to begin with. Yet Armin never stopped staring, and Eren could never really let go.
Eren knows that inherited traits from previous owners of the titans are possible and real. Eren is almost entirely sure that Armin’s affection purely came from Bertholdt. Eren had the same lingering feelings too. Bursts of instincts and thoughts that came out of nowhere. He feels weird with his hair short. All he thinks of his mother is not her love anymore, but guilt. So he clutches the feelings he knows are his own. New as it is, his feelings for Armin are one of the things he’s confident in. One of few.
He’s a compilation of previous Attack Titans now, but he’s still him. Eren is more than a shell, more than a pawn. Still his own self. Still Eren Jaeger. Still his mother’s son.
“Still human.”
Eren snaps back and sees Mikasa’s searching eyes. They’re helping around Historia’s orphanage again. The horse he’s brushing is nudging him to continue where he left off.
“Nothing,” Eren mumbles.
Mikasa looks like she wants to say something, but she doesn’t. She drops the hay she was carrying to the feeding bin and steps out of the barn with a worried look.
Eren can’t help but wonder if Armin would’ve said or done something different.
It’s dark, nothing but the moon, the fireflies, and his oil lamp for light. His friends are back at the orphanage having a game night. Eren had said he was tired and wanted to sleep early, then sneaking out to take a walk alone along the dirt path from Historia’s orphanage. Eren feels misplaced in the group, detached. They’re all smiling, having fun, but Eren feels like he’s alone. For all the plan to work, he just needs to keep his mouth shut and trusts Floch and Yelena to carry on the plan.
Eren wishes he could tell someone. Wishes that it didn’t have to be genocide. Wishes he could live to see his dreams coming true and live for them. Wishes he has someone... just someone to cry on. To share his fear because Eren is terrified-
He didn’t hear anyone coming, he was that deep into his head. Of course, it’s Armin, and of course, he looks worried.
“Oh,” Armin says, sad. “You don’t have to hide when you needed to cry.”
Eren takes a deep breath, taps his face, and turns out the dampness in his face was not from the humidity.
“Talk to me,” Armin is close to begging, but not quite enough for Eren to fold.
Eren can’t talk to Armin, or he’ll say it all, undo a nail in the dam and all the water will break through. All the fears nearly choke him to death if he lets it.
“Do you have small dreams?” Eren asks because he can’t handle doing the talking.
“I do,” Armin says easily. He gestures to one of the trees facing the clearing Eren was heading towards. They sit there, watching the sparse clouds moves. “The sea is one of them,” Armin says once they sat, the oil lap turned off. The moon is full, Eren can see every detail of Armin’s face.
“What else?”
“Well there’s the mountains, and the snowy dunes, Onyakopon says it’s called the artic... I want to travel the world.” Armin looks to the moon with his hopeful eyes, and Eren’s heart is pulled.
Yanked painfully.
“You can do that,” Eren says, trying to smile.
“How about you?”
Eren looks down to his hands, “I’m not a dreamer like you,” He lied terribly, “It’s hard to, isn’t it? We’re still in the middle of the war, there’s a chance we won't make it.” I won’t make it.
Armin furrowed his eyebrows, “This is not the Eren I know,” his voice rising, “The Eren I know won’t give up until he has vengeance! His goals and hopes and dreams! Until he’s free! The Eren I know is always brave!”
Eren grits his teeth, his dead dreams flash in his eyes. “Fine! I’m a coward! I’m setting my expectations realistic Armin! We can’t always have what we want because we’re tied with obligations-”
“Why does it matter! Why is it ever the reason we stopped dreaming, huh?” Armin rises to his knees, looking down at Eren with fury coated with shadows. The moon looms upon his blond hair, tears falling down his face. “And we’re all scared Eren! I don’t think I ever stopped being scared since a Titan peeked from the walls of our home and literally kicked the gate open... the Titan that I am now.” His voice weakens, hands by his side shaking in balled fists.
Eren wants to touch him. Pull him to sit down, wipes his tears, pull him into his arms, curled into him, because yes, Eren is scared too, more than he’s sane to handle sometimes.
“But being brave means that we keep trying despite being scared... Being brave means that we have something to push through fear. That’s why we can’t stop hoping, having dreams! You can’t stop hoping Eren!” Armin sits back down, hands clenching on Eren’s shoulder. “Don’t give up on them! If you do... then... then what do you fight for?” Armin’s voice is broken and desperate.
“For all of you,” Eren says weakly, “I told you that before. I want all of you to be free.”
“But what about you!” Armin shakes his shoulder, “What about your dreams for you!”
“There’s none! Alright?!” Eren snaps, gripping Armin’s hands, and pushes him away. His breath is fast and shallow. A bundle of nerves wanting to run. Stars break behind his lids
“Eren, please!” Armin clutch his wrist, “You have to have something to live for. Don’t...” Armin’s broken voice makes Eren look, not surprised to see Armin looking heartbreakingly sad. “Don’t throw your life away so easily! I know our years are numbered and no one can tell whether we die in this war or not... but I’d-I’d... if we found peace within our years, I’d... want to spend however little left of my life with you.”
A sob came out first before the tears, Eren can’t hold it back. He’s been clutching everything hard so close to his heart that he just couldn’t hold himself together anymore. He wanted to say it all, lay the sins he hasn’t committed, and be loved despite so. He knows Armin would, and he would help. Eren wouldn’t be alone, but he can’t.
Armin will have his dream come true, having peace in his lifetime.
Armin’s war will be over in a few years.
Eren’s war will never end, not till he dies.
“Please, don’t let me hope,” Eren begged.
“I can’t have small dreams, I just couldn’t!” Eren snaps again, throwing up all his anger in his throaty scream, “I can’t! I tried Armin but I kept wanting more. I want more and everything! Nothing is ever enough and this fucking war is...” this fucking fate, her fucking wish, “It’ll take everything from me.”
“No, not yet,” Armin says solemnly with new determination, face still wet from crying. “I have a plan okay? Don’t you trust me?”
Eren is thrown again between pain and anger. His scowl rained down with tears. “You know I do!” I’ll betray you but you’ll pull through, I believe you will. “This has nothing to do with it. We... it just... I can’t...”
“Tell me what it is,” Armin begs, “I’ll help it come true, I’ll help in any way I can. Please.” Those honest eyes look at him, tear down the walls he puts up. Why does Armin always make him hopeful? Even though Eren has nothing left in his future? Why?
Why after years of guarding his desires, one look from Armin unravel him instantly?
His heart finally bare of walls, hands clenched so tightly they shake, Eren screamed his soul out, “I WANT TO BE FREE!”
He screams so loud to the blank indifferent sky that his voice echoes. He hadn’t dared voiced that dream of him anymore, knowing he’ll never have it. It was all he wanted, but there’s a chain of fate in his neck.
Even though he’s chained, doesn’t mean he’s muffled. Not anymore, his heart yearns openly. “I want... I want a life! A long life with someone I love. A cabin in a large space in the forest, where the air feels cool in our lungs. I want kids on my own, I want to grow old with someone! Someone that loves me despite who I am,” despite what I’m about to do. “I just want to be myself.... not a weapon, not a soldier, not a tool.” Not fate’s fool. “I just want to live... build a life, build a home, be with someone that cherishes me for me.”
Eren makes a mistake in looking at Armin, finding the blue eyes mimicking the heavy rain pouring from Eren’s. The worst is the despairing look on Armin’s face, the full mournfulness of the usually boyish hopeful look.
Eren’s mouth still loose, the adrenaline from the truth makes him brave, “I want... I want more than just a kiss.” Armin’s expression doesn’t change, still in that heartbroken despair, it’s like he’s not surprised. “I want to go... spend time with you... more than-than just a friend.” At that, Armin finally looks surprised.  Eren’s face burns, but it’s easier to say without the suspense of how well Armin is going to take it. Whether it’s a yes or no, the answer is already chosen by circumstances.
“You-You’d want that?” Armin’s tone in disbelieve.
“Yeah,” he croaks, already sore from screaming.
“I thought...” Finally, Armin looks down, “I thought you were just curious about the kiss, not necessarily me.”
“Well... both of that. The kiss and... you.”
Out of nowhere, Armin barks a laugh, stilling Eren looking at him like he’s crazy. “Geez, I should’ve known. You’re really an all-or-nothing guy.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” Eren pouts.
“No, not bad, but by gods, your actions can be baffling sometimes,” Armin smiles. Oh if only he knew.
It’s eerie how they can fall to banter easily, smoothly, and Eren can’t help to imagine a lifetime of this. He tamps it down instantly.
Eren feels oddly lighter, but he knows tomorrow he won’t. He’ll mull about tonight, and nothing will be done about it, then it’ll add to the list of things he broods about.
“Wait,” Armin says, before Eren gets to ask what, a pair of lips landed on him. It’s more chaste than before because Eren still put up his guard. It’s still too sweet and Eren still got poisoned.
They lean back, flushed and a bit breathless. Armin is flustered, nervous, but Eren is carefully stoic, which means he’s despaired.
“You didn’t have to do that for me,” Eren clips.
“Unlike you, I’m more selfish.”
“You didn’t even like me like that.”
“You don’t know that.”
“And Annie?”
Armin sighs, “I don’t know why... but I just feel if we could’ve had time, me and her could be something.” Eren knows the reason, an indescribable instinct. “But Eren,” His hand grips Eren’s, pinning Eren at place with his gentle touch. “Annie and I didn’t become anything. She’s frozen in a crystal, and you’re here.”
Eren should feel like chopped liver, really, but why is he hopeful instead?
“And I want you.”
Eren watches his best friend, watches closely. Their transparency towards each other goes both ways.
“I know maybe... my feelings aren’t as deep as yours yet, but I still want you.”
Eren finds no lie, and it’s harder to not let his soul soars in joy. Yet.
“Nothing can come out of this.”
“Who says?”
“See the smaller picture,” Armin put his hands on Eren’s face and his mind stops. “I know you’d always want more, but isn’t having something small is better than not having anything at all? Did you ever regret kissing me the first time?”
“No.” Eren knows he’s utterly defeated yet again by Armin’s wits.
“Would the future you regret kissing me some more?”
Eren weakly smiles, “I-I think future me will thank present me.”
They both lean in this time, knowing what to expect, but still getting surprised by what they get.
Their third kiss is better, both of them anticipate it, both of them wanting. They know better how to slot their bodies together. Their lips were a bit chapped, tasting like the apple pie they had for dessert today. Their hands move more confidently. Eren goes along Armin’s back and jaw, feeling the newly shaved undercut. Armin’s fingers go to his nape, feeling his grown-out hair. Those fingers trail down Eren’s chest and pull his shirt.
Suddenly Eren’s backed against the tree trunk. Momentarily they part their lips, just to look. Eren doesn’t know what Armin is finding that makes him blush and doe-eyed, but what Eren finds is that Armin wants him too. Armin, who could’ve waited for Annie, who could’ve had anyone, wants Eren. No genetic conditioning. No previous titans making him like Eren. This is Armin as he is, wanting Eren as he is.
That’s all he needs. It’s all he wants.
Eren is wanted. Not as a tool. Not as a weapon. Not his power.
Just Eren.
When they kiss again, skin touch skin. Hands pressing on pulses. Their breathing sound loud in the dead of the night. No one is listening but them.
No one stopping them.
In the protective cradle of the forest, they finally get to be curious teens fooling around.
They’re not anything, but not nothing either.
Something noticeably changed between them, but it’s not hard to hide what they are when even they are not sure what they are.
They have nothing but stolen kisses, sneaking out in the night to spend time alone. They don’t really talk, just touches that keep getting bolder. Eren’s feet coming up Armin’s legs under the table as he explains strategies. A hand on Eren’s inner thigh at a group dinner. Sex in the closet. Disappearing at night. Sneaking into each other’s room. Sneaking out in the morning.
Eren admits that feeding his hunger is exhilarating, he’s never felt this alive since he sees the future. Eren would never admit that this happiness scares him.
Eventually, the carpet will be pulled from under his feet, and Eren will have no one to blame but himself.
But Armin was right. Small dreams coming true are still better than dead dreams. Eren is living in his little secret of peacefulness whenever he’s pulled aside where no one can see them.
“Eren,” Armin murmurs, voice hoarse, curling towards Eren for warmth. Eren pulls the blanket over their naked shoulders, shimmying closer. He nuzzles on top of blond hair and smells the sun. Legs bare and long stretching along with Eren’s, Armin rest his temple against Eren’s. Since when did Armin get this tall? Armin plays with Eren’s shoulder-length hair. Since when did his hair get that long?
How did time pass so fast?
“Go back to sleep, it’s still early,” Eren says with familiar affection, a soft spot dangerously tender. He kisses the top of the blond hair by instinct and felt his heart squeeze. He wants to keep Armin here, in his arms, forever.
“I can go back to my room if you want,” Armin offers sleepily, knowing that Eren has been having difficulty sleeping, but not knowing the real reason why.
“Never, stay,” Eren feels a lump in his throat, small mercy grants him for it not to show.
They’re in Eren’s room at the furthest corner of the house that’s far inside the woods. They’re here for Titan experiments, the only other people in the house are Hanji and her assistant.
The window curtains are parted so they can see each other, can’t risk the lamp on to alarm anyone. As always, whenever they’re together, the moon is their only witness.
Eventually, the carpet is pulled from under his feet, Eren has no one to blame but himself. Still, his small dream coming true is still better than nothing at all, Armin was right, nothing surprising there.
He tucked Armin closer to him, caressing his back languidly, not wanting to let go ever. Tears building up his eyes, chest contracting, heart pounding, crying silently.
“I love you, Armin,” Eren says, as clear as saying hello in broad daylight. The body in his arm tensed. Blue eyes still bright even in the dark, open wide in shock, but the softness in his expression means Armin at least expected it.
For a while they say nothing, just stare and touch. Eren’s hands snake up to cup Armin’s jaw that keeps getting more defined. Both of them are nineteen, still growing, and Eren can never see what a handsome man Armin will grow into. Will he keeps his soft features? Or will he has a growth spurt to grow really tall and broad-shouldered? Eren will never have the answer.
But Eren has this.
This Armin that’s his. This Armin wants him. This Armin gave his firsts to Eren and given Eren’s firsts. He’ll take it, he’ll keep it till the day he dies.
Small dreams partially coming true. Is it still better than dead dreams?
“You don’t have to say anything,” Eren adds, knowing he still visits Annie, still has indescribable feelings for her. It doesn’t stop Eren leaning to kiss him by the sunlight roots. This part of Armin will forever be his, Annie can have the rest of Armin’s life.
Armin nuzzles closer, face buried in the crook of his neck. Shaky breaths hit Eren’s skin, arms tightening around his torso.
“I wish we have more time,” Armin’s voice broke, “I wish we’re not.... here.”
Eren hugs him closer, letting his heart falls. He knows Armin doesn’t mean it the same way as Eren would, but he lets himself wishing for it too. Wishing that this was another world, in another time, where they can be something and have more than a decade to live.
“I know. Me too.” Eren doesn’t let himself sob, so he just curled.
They say nothing more. Just holding each other until they fall asleep.
Or, only until Armin does.
Eren counts the seconds to his deep breaths before detaching himself from Armin. He doesn’t look away from Armin, not even when he picked up his clothes from the floor and dresses. Eren let one more tear escape as he put one last kiss on Armin’s temple and lips. Eren tucks him under the blanket and closes the curtains so the morning light won't be too harsh on him.
One last look before he closes the door, let his chest cave in, nurse the hurt that’ll last his short lifetime. Eren takes a deep breath, wipes his tears, and closes the door gently. Too weak for goodbyes.
Eren sneaks out into the stables, sushing the horse with pets and apples he stole from the pantry. Cloak on, hiding his face, he rides out into the pier where Yelena and Floch are waiting for him there.
Eren retraces his plan with Floch, and goes out on the boat with Yelena towards Marley. She hands him the Eldian uniform that fits him suspiciously well. Eren doesn’t hesitate to pierce one of his eyes and cut his leg.
When he’s finally at the Eldian camp, the despair in his eyes is barely acting.
When they meet again, Armin sees him with nothing but betrayal.
No love left there to scavenge.
But, once upon a time, Eren was wanted for the human he is by someone who could’ve chosen anyone.
Those eyes had looked at him fondly. He was precious to someone.
His small dream did come true.
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