#so the rate your cookie softens is different for each and you need to adjust how long you dunked it to get the same results
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We didn't have milk so i dipped my oreos in coffee, 10/10 very good and I get bonus caffeine :)
#before that i was using chocolate milk which is also good#but whats interesting to me was the way the cookies absorbed the liquids differently#compared to the normal skim milk my family buys the chocolate milk broke down the cookie much slower#while the coffee (with creamer added bc i like it better that way) soaked it faster#so the rate your cookie softens is different for each and you need to adjust how long you dunked it to get the same results#very neat#and autistic as hell of me to notice
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Alex Manes, Michael Guerin Additional Tags: Canon Disabled Character, Dogs
Alex's face softens. "I know you're careful. Sorry, it's just hard not to worry. But back again to my initial question. Do you know what today is?â
"I don't know, Alex. It's February 13th, so I didn't forget Valentine's Day or something. We ruled out the thing at Isobel's, and it's still Saturday. No matter how much I'm wrecking my brain, I can't think of anything else. Please tell me I didn't forget anything important."Â
"No, you didn't, no worries. I'll put you out of your misery. What do you think about taking a short trip across town?"
This is my contribution for day 3 of @malex-cupid. 3.3K of fluffy Malex.
Dialogue prompt: âDo you know what today is?â
 âDo you know what today is?â
Michael pretends to think about the answer before he says "Saturday."
Alex rolls his eyes. "Smartass."
Michael smirks. "Takes one to know one."
Alex smirks back. "I'm badass," he says.
Michael laughs. "True."
"Come on, Michael, try again. What day is today?"
Michael groans. "It's that stupid thing Isobel roped us into attending, isn't it? I thought it was next weekend."
"That one is next weekend. Which reminds me, we have to get our suits from the cleaners." Alex pulls a face. He hates wearing formal attire, especially ties. But Isobel would have their heads if they didn't dress up for her fancy party.
"We'll get through it together, and any chance we get, we'll hide in one of Isobel's guest rooms, and I'll suck you off." Michael waggles his eyebrows suggestively. He looks ridiculous, but it makes Alex laugh.
"If she catches us, we won't live to see another day," he points out.
"Well, I'll have to be fast then. It's unfortunate that she also can pick locks with her brain these days."
"You're not going to suck me off in two minutes, if anything I'll claim that my stump's hurting and we can go home early, where we'll take our sweet time sucking each other off."
Michael looks worried. "Has your stump given you any trouble lately? Should I take a look at the prothesis?"
Alex smiles. "No, Michael. It fits perfectly, and for some reason it even adjusts to the occasional swelling? I have no idea how you engineered it, but it almost feels as if the prosthetic becomes a part of me when I put it on. It's incredible, and it has given me that much more quality of life." He leans closer and kisses Michael, soft and sweet. Michael beams.
"I'm so glad. The material is so cool, I'm glad that I decided to give it a try, and now that I no longer need to rebuild a working console, I want to find out what other useful things I can build using it."
"As long as you are careful andâ," Alex starts.
"Yes, I know," Michael interrupts him. "No worries, I've been paranoid about hiding who and what I am my entire conscious life on this planet. I won't risk it now just to brag about an invention that includes alien tech."
Alex's face softens. "I know you're careful. Sorry, it's just hard not to worry. But back again to my initial question. Do you know what today is?â
"I don't know, Alex. It's February 13th, so I didn't forget Valentine's Day or something. We ruled out the thing at Isobel's, and it's still Saturday. No matter how much I'm wrecking my brain, I can't think of anything else. Please tell me I didn't forget anything important."Â
"No, you didn't, no worries. I'll put you out of your misery. What do you think about taking a short trip across town?"
Michael nods. "Sure, I have no other plans for today. Can we drive past the Crashdown to pick up some coffee?"
Alex looks at his watch. "If we call from the car and ask whether Javier could bring our order to the curb, we can do that. But we have to leave now. We have an appointment at eleven."
Michael pulls Alex up from the couch. "Okay, let's go. I'm really curious what you're up to!"
They call the Crashdown from the car and Arturo himself stands at the curb to hand them coffee and a box with heart shaped cookies through the window. Michael tips him generously, and then they're on their way again.
When they pull up outside of a red building fifteen minutes later, Michael's eyes widen.
"Alex, this is the animal shelter. What are we doing here?"
Alex turns around in his seat to face Michael. "Well, I thought we could go inside and look at all the rescue dogs in there, and if we like one, and the dog likes us, that we should take them home for a trial run. What do you think?"
Michael's eyes are wet. "Alex. This isâperfect. So much better than some kitschy Valentine's gift. Don't get me wrong, any gift from you would be amazing, but a dog, Alex. A dog! We've talked about this so often. Why now?"
Alex's smile softens. "Because we talked about it so often. It's pretty obvious how much you want a dog, and honestly, I want one, too. My therapist has talked about a therapy dog in the past, but I think a dog that's ours is even better. It can either stay with me while you're working, or come with you to the junkyard when I'm meeting clients. And if push comes to shove, we have a large yard where the dog can stay on its own for a couple of hours."
Michael flings himself across the car's middle console and pulls Alex into a fierce hug. "Thank you, Alex. Best pre-Valentine's gift ever."
Alex smiles into Michael's shoulder. "Come, let's go inside, I have a feeling we'll meet a very special someone in there today."
They enter the shelter, and a young woman shows them the way to the large backyard behind the building. Three different agility courses are set up, and there's a pool where three dogs are playing with an old football, splashing in and out of the water.
"This is what heaven must look like," Michael says, and the awe in his voice tells Alex that coming here was an excellent decision. He's counting at least twenty different dogs of various sizes, and they all seem happy and excited. He turns to the young woman.
"So, how are we going to do this, Janet. Are we supposed to sit down and wait until a dog approaches, or should we throw a ball or something?"
Janet points at a bench that's set up under a large tree. "If you want to take a seat, I'll get a basket with some toys for you to use and play with the dogs." She leaves, and Michael leads Alex over to the bench where they sit down.
Most of the dogs have stopped playing and running around, they are looking at Alex and Michael instead. Michael takes Alex's hand. "I'm nervous."
Alex squeezes his hand. "I don't think they are dangerous, relax, Michael," he soothes.
Michael laughs. "Not what I mean. I'm nervous because I know one of them's going to be ours, and I want to make a good impression."
Five dogs are brave enough to come closer, their tails wagging. Michael holds his hand out for them, and once the brave dogs are close enough, they start sniffing and licking Michael's fingers. After that it's just one large furry puppy pile with Alex and Michael in the middle, and more dogs joining. They pet as many dogs as they can reach, always careful to read the body language of each of them. But they are all very friendly and excited to meet them.
Janet returns, a large basket filled with various toys in her arms. Some of the dogs start barking happily, apparently, they know what the basket means. Janet sets it down in front of the two men. "Many of our dogs love to play fetch, you can also go over to the agility courses and see what each of the dogs can do."
Michael picks up the basket. "Thanks, Janet, I think I'll go over and play with the dogs. Do you want to come with me, Alex?"
"I'm actually good right here for another moment, thanks. Maybe I'll come over to you later."
Michael smiles at Alex and gives him a kiss. "Okay, love you."
Michael squeezes Michael's arm. "Love you, too. Have fun!"
Michael walks over to one of the agility courses, basket in hand. And like he's the Pied Piper, most of the dogs follow him, yipping excitedly.
Janet turns to Alex. "I'll leave you to it. If you have any questions, I'll be inside."
"Thank you, Janet, I appreciate it." She turns around and walks back to the house, and Alex focuses his full attention on Michael. He's started to throw balls in different directions (no doubt giving some of them a little extra spin with his telekinesis, but there's no one around, so Alex relaxes and enjoys watching Michael having the time of his life).
There's one dog in particular, that seems to have the largest heart eyes around Michael. It doesn't run after any balls Michael's throwing, instead he picks up a plushie from the basked and carefully places it in Michael's outstretched hand. Michael pats the dog's head and tells him what a good boy he is. Alex smiles.Â
The dog is gorgeous, a little taller than a German Shepard, dark fur and a tail that's wagging a million miles a minute. Alex can picture himself and Michael with the dog in front of the fire. Not a lapdog exactly, but he doesn't mind.
A minute later, the dog leaves Michael's side and while Michael's busy getting acquainted with some of the other dogs, Alex's eyes follow the black dog. He walks over to a sunny spot near the pool, where smaller dog's curled up in the grass, seemingly uninterested in playing with Michael.
Going by the fur marking's, Alex thinks it could be a beagle. He smiles, remembering Mimi's "prophecy". The black dog noses at the beagle's ears and licks them, then he nudges the dog as if to say, "come with me".
It takes another few nudges before the dog gets up (and yes, it's definitely a beagle, an older one by the looks of it), and follows its black brother over to Michael.
When Michael notices the duo, he stops throwing balls and kneels down. "Oh, do you want me to meet your friend? Hello sweetheart." He scratches the beagle behind the ears and the dog almost goes cross-eyed with pleasure. The black dog wiggles closer and buries his nose in Michael's half-open shirt.
Michael looks over to Alex, and Alex smiles. "Guess we're not just picking up one dog, huh?"
"Would that be okay? They seem to be friends, and I couldn't stand to leave one behind, especially since this little lady seems to be a bit older. Do you think we can handle two dogs?"
Alex gets up from the bench and walks over, and the moment he reaches Michael, they look up at him and start nosing at his feet and legs. When they are finished sniffing at him, they look at him with huge puppy eyes.Â
"Oh, you two, this isn't fair." He kneels down carefully, holding on to Michael's shoulder for balance. The moment he feels stable, he has his arm full of two dogs, one large black one, and a smaller beagle.Â
They lick his face and almost barrel him over in their excitement, if it wasn't for Michael's steadying hand (and a smidge of telekinesis) at his back. "Thanks," he manages to get out between increasingly wet and enthusiastic doggy kisses.
Michael chuckles. "Guess these two have made their decision. Now it's up to us. Can we, and do we want to adopt two dogs? I know we've talked about a dog, and this morning I didn't even know we'd get one. And now there are these two. What do you think?"
Alex smiles. "You know, we have a big house, an even bigger garden, I don't see why we shouldn't adopt both. They insist on a two week trial anyway, so why don't we take these two sweethearts home with us and see how it goes?"
Michael manages to place a smacking kiss on Alex's cheek without them tumbling over, then he helps Alex stand up. The two dogs stay close to them and follow them back to the house.
They find Janet at the reception desk. She looks up when she hears them approach.
"Oh, that went quick. Did you meet a dog you like?"
Alex realizes that she can't see the two dogs at their feet from her position. "Actually, we met two dogs."
"Two?" Janet stands up and looks down. "Oh, I see. These are Buffy and Lando. They met here and it was love at first sight. They are pretty much inseparable, and since she's basically a senior dog, we'd rather not separate them, I'm sorry."
Alex shakes his head. "There's no need to separate them, we'd like to take both home with us for the trial period. You know, they picked us, and now it's our turn to pick them, and see whether we're a good match."
Janet's smile gets excited. "That's wonderful to hear. They've been here for a while, and the fact that we don't want to separate them has prevented their adoption so far. If you'd like to take them for a short walk, I need about twenty minutes to get all the papers ready. Leashes are over there by the door."
They return from their walk half an hour later, relaxed and smiling. Neither dog's wearing a leash anymore. When Michael notices Janet's look, he says, "She wouldn't leave our side, and he wouldn't leave hers, there really was no point in keeping the leashes on."
Janet nods and hands them a clipboard with several sheets of paper, yellow post-its marking the spaces where they need to sign. Alex grabs the clipboard and takes a seat at a nearby table, while Michael looks at the wall opposite of the reception, where several dozens of photos are pinned to a large cork board. Happy new pet owners with their adopted pets. He can't wait to add their photo to the wall.
Once all the papers are signed, Janet gets two large bags from a nearby storage room and hands them to Michael. "The bags contain bowls, leashes, and dog beds. We don't expect you to buy everything before it isn't clear that you'll adopt the dogs."
Michael nods. "Do they have favorite toys or blankets we should take with us?"
"No, they usually play with the toys we provide. I can put a few tennis balls into one of the bags if you want," Janet offers.
Alex shakes his head. "That won't be necessary. Iâuhm, I actually may have bought some toys. And a box of tennis balls." His smile is a little sheepish, but Michael isn't having any of it. "You are brilliant, and I love you." He smacks a kiss on Alex's cheek.
"Alright, you've got my number, in case there are any issues, please don't hesitate to call. If everything goes according to plan, I'll see you in three days for the first mandatory visit."
They smile at her, bid their goodbyes, and when leave, their two new canine family members follow them unprompted.
"I have a really good feeling about this," Alex says once they are back in the car, both dogs comfortably snuggled up on the back seat.
"Me too," Michael admits. "You've made me a very happy man today, Alex. Truly the best pre-Valentine's gift ever." Alex laughs. "It's not just a gift for you, Michael, I'm also a very happy man today. I'm very excited that we're taking this next step." He looks back at the two sleeping dogs. "It already feels like they're part of the family."
On their way home, they stop at the pet store, and pay an obscene amount of money for dog food, bowls, leashes, harnesses, the most comfortable supersized dog bed (suspecting the dogs would rather share then sleep in two separate beds), and way too many toys. They don't care that this is only a trial, they know that Buffy and Lando are meant to stay with them.
When they get home and set everything up, the dogs immediately curl up in the large dog bed together, completely ignoring the two separate beds they put up to give them a choice.Â
"We already know them so well," Michael says proudly, clinking his glass with Alex's. There's a fire burning in the fireplace, and they're sharing a bottle of red wine that goes well with the pizza they've ordered.
The dogs are snoring, and Alex's and Michael's hearts are full.
Michael goes on a quick walk with the dogs while Alex gets ready for bed. They're trying to keep the dogs out of their bedroom, but it's not happening. Lando drags in the dog bed in before they can close the door, and while they'll have to set boundaries eventually (because there are things they'd like to do in their bedroom without an audience), they won't start tonight.
They place the dog bed at the foot of their bed, and the dogs curl up together. "Uhm, we'll get to that eventually, I guess," Michael says, but then he lets himself being pulled into Alex's arms and they fall asleep within minutes.
It's a quiet night, and when they wake up in the morning, the dogs are already up to drink water in the kitchen. Alex and Michael exchange lazy kisses, until Michael wiggles out of Alex's embrace. "I'll take them out for a couple of minutes, that should do until we can go for a real walk after breakfast."
Alex gets up to pee, then makes a beeline for the kitchen to make coffee before he returns to their bedroom. He snuggles up under the covers, when he hears the front door open and shut, which means that Michael's back.
The dogs enter the bedroom first, and Lando walks up to Alex's side of the bed. He gets up on his hind legs and puts his front paws on the bedframe, like he's extra careful not to step on the mattress.
"Good morning, handsome. You are such a good boy, Lando," Alex croons and pats Lando's head. When he sees something gleam in the sunlight filtering through the blinds, he reaches for Lando's collar. There's a ring attached to it. A ring with an iridescent piece of an alien spaceship console embedded.Â
Alex blinks back tears and tries to remove the ring from Lando's collar, when Michael drops on one knee next to the bed. His eyes look a bit wet, too.
"Alex Manes. You're not only the man of my dreams, you're the man of my life. We've been through so much, and I love you more than should be humanly â or alien-ly â possible. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Alex can't stop the tears from falling now, but he nods and reaches for Michael. They kiss and hug, and Michael helps Alex to remove the ring from Lando's collar. When Michael puts the ring on Alex's finger, it fits like a glove.
"Michael, the ring is extraordinary, thank you so much. I can't wait to marry you." They kiss again, but before Michael can get up from the floor, Alex pulls a thin silver chain out from under his pajama top he only put on a few minutes ago when he was in the bathroom. There's a ring attached to it. He opens the clasp and lets the ring fall into his open hand. Then he shows it to Michael.Â
"Adopting a dog with you was only meant to be a first step, I'd been meaning to propose to you on Valentine's Day, though. I just love you so much, more than anything or anyone, and I want to share my life with you. Forever. Marry me?"
"Yes!" Michael's reply is short, but he barely waits for Alex to put the ring on his finger (it also fits perfectly), before he gets up and lets himself being pulled into Alex's outstretched arms. They laugh and kiss and tumble all over the bed, and Buffy and Lando start barking. Soon enough they manage to jump on the bed and join the celebration.
When Alex and Michael adopt Buffy and Lando officially two weeks later, they do so as Mr. and Mr. Guerin-Manes, their wedding rings clearly visible in their we've-adopted-a-dog celebratory photo.
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âIf you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.â + â Tell me what you wantâ with Geralt pretty pretty please ?
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Geralt x ReaderWord Count: 1,871Rating: ETaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: Now here we have some Definitely Smut action for you. Enjoy!
Youâd promised yourself that you were just going to watch.
You knew that Geralt snuck away because he wanted the time alone and that he took his meditation very seriously, but there was something about the sight of the usually commanding presence looking peaceful that piqued your curiosity until you found yourself stealing away after him into the forest. Youâd taken your lessons seriously and though there were a couple of close calls, he never realized you were after him. When he found the familiar clearing and seated himself, closing his eyes to focus on his breathing, you watched, hiding behind a tree.
Your eyes hungrily traced the planes of his face, sharp angles softened in repose. The strong nose and the beautiful lips. The silver hair that gently rested on his shoulders. The usually furrowed brow resting though you could see the grooves in it built from years of glaring. The striking, yellow eyes that looked intently into yoursâŚ
You spun behind the tree though you both knew heâd seen you and could hear the way your heart pounded.
âY/N,â he said, his voice not angry as youâd expected but just a bit resigned. You slunk from behind the tree and walked towards him, eyes on the ground like a child whoâs been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. If you were Jaskier you would have tried to play it off as happenstance or charm your way out of it, but you werenât the silver-tongued bard. You were just a red-cheeked woman.
âY/N, if you can sit quietly you can stay,â he said and you looked up at him, eyes shining with excitement that he wasnât sending you away. You scrambled over to a nearby fallen tree and perched on it, trying to seem calm though you knew he knew better. He gave you a small smile and then closed his eyes, returning to center.
Or at the very least, trying to. But he couldnât block out the sound of your heartbeat. Or the catch in your breath as you watched him tense and relax the muscles of his neck. Or, most distracting of all, the scent of your arousal. He knew that no one, likely not even you, could be aware of it but it was all be could focus on which was doing the opposite of calming him down. Which made him cranky.
âIf you interrupt me one more time, so help me gods,â he snapped after the 10th attempt at grounding himself only to get swept up in thoughts of what he wanted to do with you. Your eyes widened in shock.
âI havenât said anything!â you argued. He sighed heavily, running a large, calloused hand through the wavy silver hair.
âI know,â he relented, âYouâre just⌠very distracting.â
âWell I donât know how to be less distracting than sitting here like a literal bump on a log,â you argued, throwing up your arms in exasperation, âI can go!â
âNo, donât,â Geralt said quickly, surprising himself with his vehemence. He usually preferred his solitude but having you near, though maddening, was also oddly calming in its own way.
âTell me what you want,â you said, getting a bit grouchy yourself. You were startled by the intensity of Geraltâs gaze as he considered your question. The striking eyes peered into yours and you could see him grappling with something, though you werenât sure quite what. Youâd traveled with Geralt for some time now and while there were moments you caught him smiling at you or gazing at you with an unreadable expression, you often told yourself he was just happy to no longer be alone. But the way he looked at you now was something different. It wasnât about not being alone, it was about being with you. And gods, did you want to be there with him too.
âCome here,â he said, his tone pleading and you were eager to comply, hopping down from your perch to walk over to where he sat. He took your hand and gently guided you until you were sitting across from him, mirroring his kneeling pose. One hand gently cupped your face and still you saw the conflict in his eyes, a part of him that struggled to know if this was ok, if he was asking too much. You licked your lips and his eyes caught the quick glimpse of your tongue, a look of yearning in his eyes that gave you the courage to reach a hand into the long, silver hair and press your faces together. His arms quickly wrapped around your waist and pulled you onto his lap where you could see the hardening length against your thigh. You moaned into his mouth and he tasted the need you felt for him, angling his body so you straddled him and could pressed him between your legs, clothed bodies grinding against each other in a pantomime of coupling.
He was surprisingly gentle though unrelenting, from the way he kissed you, tongue probing and learning the taste of your mouth and the rough brush of your teeth against him, to the way he caressed you, hands roaming slowly and pressing against you firmly as though he were a blind man seeing through touch alone. His lips traveled down your neck, learning the spots that made you gasp as his hands roamed up your skirt and you felt the rough grip against your knee then thigh then sliding, possessively and intently, between. At the first brush of his fingers against your folds you choked out a little laugh and he began to pull his hand away but you grasped his wrist and held it firm. His eyes sought yours for understanding and you gave him a kiss.
âItâs just⌠sometimes something feels so good itâs actually ridiculous,â you tried to explain, âLike you know how sometimes something is so bad you just have to laugh? The same can happen for something so good. Just⌠keep doing that.â
Geralt shook his head a little, still clearly confused but he did not stop when you barked out another little gasping laugh that melted into a moan as he laid you back on the ground and his fingers slipped inside of you.
âSo wet,â he murmured against your collar bone, a brief stop on his path to your breasts. He tugged the fabric that separated them from his mouth quickly, rending the fabric. You opened your mouth to protest and declare that he would be replacing that shirt but your head fell back and you gave a lusty moan as his clever mouth pulled the tip of your breast into his mouth, laving at the nipple as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of you, teasing you with dual sensations and leaving you a trembling mess that would have satisfied him if you did not inspire such an insatiable need in him.
Your orgasm snuck up on both of you, your cries tumbling out of your mouth faster than he could catch them with his and he was out of his trousers before the last wave of pleasure hit your body. He took himself in hand and you swallowed hard at the sight of him. Youâd always suspected that he would be, well, a lot, but the plain proof of it gave you pause. Geralt stroked himself a couple of times though he was more than hard enough, just taking the time to enjoy how you looked spread before him, soaking wet and still slightly shaking. When the golden eyes roamed up to your face he laughed at the pensive, determined expression on your face as you stared down his cock.
âWhat?â you asked.
âYou look like youâre going into war,â he explained, still smiling down at you in a way that was endearing and somehow even sexier. Why men felt that they needed to glare and pout to be sexy when a broad smile was the quickest way to get you weak at the knees escape you. Not that youâd been immune to his usually stern looks.
âWell I suppose I am a little bit. Thatâs alright. I will close my eyes and think of Cintra,â you said, dramatically screwing your eyes up tight for effect. Geralt laughed and you felt him brush the head against your entrance, your back arching to meet him on impulse.
âIf youâre worried, this doesnât happen. I donât want to hurt you,â he said, his voice soft and his hand finding your face again. You opened your eyes quickly and gave him an aghast look.
âOh this is happening,â you insisted, spreading your legs wider for emphasis.
âGood,â he murmured as he stole another kiss. You felt him press himself inside of you, slowly, stretching and filling you so gently, as he kissed you and helped your body relax and take all of him without any pain as heâd promised. Once inside he held still for a moment to let you adjust to the size of him and he stared into your eyes, holding you as close as two people can physically be, just gazing into them with a thousand words that didnât need to be spoken because you felt them. You felt him. You rolled your hips back, forcing a guttural moan from his lips and the eyes shifted from adoring to hungry as you lay beneath him, primed to be devoured.
His thrusts were still gentle, moving slowly at first, methodical in his movements as he learned what angles drove the best sounds from you and when you flashed him an impatient look he followed the silent command, rutting into you faster and harder. Your nails pressed crescent shaped marks into his shoulders that he would wear as a badge of honor for days and when you came this time he saw it approaching, felt the way you clenched around him and when you cried out his name it triggered his own release and he marked you in turn, biting down on your neck, the moans sliding out through his teeth and your bruised flesh. Â
He rolled off of you and pulled you with him so you rested against his chest, one hand placed above his fast-beating heart.
âWhy did you follow me?â Geralt asked after youâd both caught your breath.
âOh I just wanted to look at you. Oh, that sounds weird doesnât itâŚâ you said, and you felt the low rumbling chuckle shake his body, looking back up at his face to see him shaking his head.
âYou donât have to sneak after me. Just ask,â he said.
âIf I had asked would you have said yes?â
âProbably not.â
You rolled your eyes and sighed.
âWell then I guess Iâll just keep sneaking after you,â you said simply. He gave you a little swat and then eased the sting with a gentle massage.
âHmm,â he said, a sound that suggested he didnât enjoy that plan.
âWhatâre you going to do about it, Geralt?â you asked, âPunish me?â
One eye slid open, peering at you from the side, and he heard your heart skip a beat. Oh yes, youâd be getting nice and punished soon.
But first, a nap. Â
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Chances 1/?
Pairing: Onho
Rating: PGÂ
Summary: Minho's life is turned upside down when his mother passes away, and at the age of nineteen, he suddenly has to take care of his four-year-old brother Minseok while going to school full time. Why not also throw in a budding romance to complicate his already complicated life? He finds, some things are worth taking chances on.Â
Can be read on AO3Â as well, brief discussion of loss and mention of death so warning.
     Minho swallowed thickly as he straightened from putting the last box into their new apartment. It seemed nice enough, with pretty painted walls and mahogany wooden floors. The building had just been built last year and it was only ten minutes from where his university was. Coming furnished was also a selling point, but the rent was steep because they required no credit check. The boxes from the moving truck were littered around the living room and leading into the small dining room attached to the kitchen. Down the hall to the left was the two bedrooms and the bathroom. The balcony drapes were pulled back allowing bright late morning light to come through the big glass doors. No matter how decent the place was, it would never feel like home without his mother there with them.
     âHey, Bud come choose what room you want.â When he didnât hear any movement or sign of the four-year-old panic began to rise in his chest, his voice becoming more breathy as he called out again, âMinseok? Come on Bud. This isnât funny. Itâs not the time to play hide and seek.â
     He stepped over and around boxes, checked behind the couch, under the dining room table, and around the kitchen island. He jogged back through the hall to look into the bathroom and both bedrooms. He muttered breathlessly to himself, finding it hard to breathe. âCome on Minho. Donât say youâve lost him this soon.â
     The door was left wide open as he stood just outside, looking each way down the hall. âMinseok!â
     âIâm guessing this belongs to you?â
     Rising his gaze toward the voice he found a man a few inches shorter than himself, a sweet smile on his face as he flipped his hair from his eyes. He adjusted what he was holding and it was then Minho recognized he had Minseok on his hip. He rushed forward to take the boy from him, âOh my God. Where did you find him?â
     âI had my door open until I could place my groceries down in the kitchen.â The man laughed lightly as Minseok nuzzled into Minhoâs neck. âI turned around to close it and there was a little one playing with my dog.â
     âWhat did I say about running away, Bud?â Minho softly asked against Minseokâs hair before he looked back over at the man. âThank you. Iâm sorry he barged into your apartment like that. He really likes dogs.â
     âItâs alright. Heâs a cute dog burglar.â Then he offered his hand, âIâm Lee Jinki. I guess youâre the new tenant.â
     âChoi Minho,â The manâs hand was soft and warm, but the handshake was firm. âAnd yes. The place seems nice so far.â
     âThe people are pretty nice. Thereâs an older man in the apartment at the end of the hall that always needs help with his television. He may come ask you for assistance, but he pays in cookies and unwanted life advice, so I guess itâs worth it. If you need anything, you know where I am.â Jinki leaned against his doorway, just a foot to the left on the other side of the hallway. His arms were crossed over his chest casually, âAnd this little cutie is welcome any time he wants to play with Peanut.â
     âThank you again.â
     Jinki shook his head with a wave of his hand. âItâs better he ran for my dog than finding the elevator and going to any one of a dozen levels. Itâs nice to meet you both.â
     âYou too.â Minho bumped his nose against Minseokâs head. âSay bye to Jinki, Bud.â
     âBye Jinnie!â
     Jinki snorted. âI guess that works.â
     As they returned to their new apartment, Minho set the boy down and quickly locked the door behind them. âYou almost gave me a heart attack Minseok. You canât run off like that.â
     âI was bored. I wanted to play with the puppy.â
     âYouâre lucky Jinki was nice enough to let you play with his puppy and that Peanut was sweet.â Minho ran a heavy hand over his face as he sighed. âDo you want to go pick which room you want before we start unpacking?â
     âI get to choose?â
     The boy was off like a rocket down the hallway, leaving his groaning big brother behind in his dust.
     The only light in the room was the light from Minseokâs turtle lamp beside his bed. The bed was far bigger than his old one, but he could get in and out of it without assistance. Minho had just opened up the book they were reading as a bedtime story when Minseok softly asked, âWhenâs Mama coming home?â
     Minho felt a lump form in his throat and like his blood was ice running through his veins. He swallowed thickly as he lowered his gaze from the innocence of Minseokâs expression, tapping his fingers gently against the pages of the book in his lap. He had been told questions such as these would be asked, but he hadnât known how to answer them then and even more so now. His eyes were closed just long enough for him to take a deep breath and exhale before he looked at Minseokâs face with as much of a comforting smile as he could muster. âBud, sheâs not coming home.â
     âLike, she doesnât know where we live now?â
     âNo, not like that.â He softly rubbed Minseokâs tummy through his blanket, more of a comfort to himself than the young boy. âRemember Fluffy?â
     âThe cat?â
     âYeah, the little black one we had a couple years ago.â
     âA little. Mama said he went to a better place.â
     âYeah,â Minho let out a little laugh, remembering the memory a little fondly. âMama went to that better place too.â
     âSo, she isnât gonna come back?â
     âNo, Bud. Iâm sorry, Minseok.â
     âBut I miss her.â His little lip trembled slightly as his eyes became glossy.
     âI miss her too.â Minho wiped his cheeks with his thumbs before running a hand over his hair. âWould you like to sleep with me tonight, Bud?â
     âYes please.â
     âAlright, câmere.â He opened his arms and smiled as Minseok scrambled out from the covers into his lap. He grabbed the stuffed teddy bear next to the pillow and pushed off the bed to head toward his own bedroom. He had other things he should be doing, but right then, none of them seemed that important as he laid down beside his little brother and held him close in comfort. âGoodnight Minseok.â
     âWhere are we going?â
     âTo check out the daycare they have on campus.â Minho softly responded as he buckled the boy into his booster seat.
     âIf itâs nice, that will be where youâll be taken care of while Iâm in my classes.â
     âWhy?â He heard the boy just as he opened the front seat door, slipping into the seat easily.
     âBecause I canât take you into my classes with me all the time.â The seatbelt was sticking weirdly as he fought it to fasten.
     âBecause thatâs just how it is!â Minho froze when he realized his voice had risen in volume. He ran a hand over his face before sighing and twisting to look at him. âYouâll only be there until 4 when Iâm done with my work study job, and if something happens Iâll be close enough to be able to run there for you.â
     âBut why do I gotta go to a new one?â Minseok was fidgeting with his action figure, making the arm move up and down slowly as his bottom lip jutted out.
     âYour old daycare is across the city near where we used to live, Bud, and itâs really expensive.â
     âBut why?â
     âThatâs just how it is, Minseok.â He turned on the playlist he had made over a year ago of the songs he knew Minseok to enjoy and with that, the conversation was stopped. He glanced in the rearview mirror as he adjusted it and sighed deeply seeing how his brother was pouting. He hated changing more things for the boy, but there was no way he could afford the placement at his old daycare.
     He put the car in reverse and pulled from the parking spot, heading toward his school.
     The side of the diner they were sitting in was completely empty save for them. They had been coming to this place since Minho was Minseokâs age, and he was going to keep up the tradition. Minseok hummed happily as he bit into his chicken nugget, small hand reaching for the rim of the chocolate shake they were supposed to share. Minho wrapped a finger around the thin part of the base and tugged it just out of Minseokâs reach, getting a whine of disapprovement. âYou have to eat more of your vegetables before you can have more shake, Bud.â
     âBut I ate all my peas!â
     âHiding it under your fries isnât eating them.â
     Minseok frowned deeply. âNo fair.â
     Minho took a sip of the shake before pushing it over. âJust take it slow.â
     The boy didnât listen and a few moments later he was whining about a brain freeze as Minho tried very hard not to laugh.
     As he lifted him into the big part of the basket, Minseok asked, âIf we ate, why are we here?â
     âBecause we have no food at home.â
     âAh.â He leaned back against the cart, looking up at Minho as he began to push the cart forward. âCan we get dino oatmeal?â
     âItâs on the list, Bud.â
     âGood. I like Dino oatmeal.â
     As they passed the third aisle passed the produce section, Minho turned. He stopped in front of the array of different juices. âDo you want apple juice?â
     âJuice boxes?â
     Minho pressed his lips together but bent down past the bottles to grab the package of juice boxes. They were a dollar more expensive, but for the time being heâd deal with it. Their mom always bought the juice boxes instead of the big bottle and he remembered being told to try and keep as many things the same as he could. After handing them to Minseok to place in the cart, he pushed forward. âAnd donât open that yet.â
     âBut juice!â
     âYou gotta wait until we get to the car, Bud.â
     âThatâs stupid.â
     Minho gazed at him sternly. âBud.â
     âMama, let me drink one.â
     After softening slightly, Minho softly admitted, âShe did, but it was wrong to do. You have to wait.â
     âPuppy!â Minseok pulled against Minhoâs grip on his hand in his attempt to run toward the poor canine. Somehow the four-year-old mustered up enough strength to rip his hand away.
     âMinseok, stop!â He sighed quietly as he jogged to catch up to the boy, trying his hardest to keep the brown bag of groceries level in his left arm. âDonât pester Jinki and his dog.â
     But it was too late. Minseok was already sitting on the floor with the little dachshund lapping at his face as he giggled. Jinki scowled lightly, âNow what did I say about licking, Peanut?â Then his gaze lifted with a sweet smile. âAnd itâs not pestering. Peanut loves attention.â
     âHeâs wiggly.â Minseok quips happily, giggling even more as the dog wags his tail harder.
     âVery wiggly.â Jinki kneels then, running a hand over the length of the dog. âYou should see how he wiggles when itâs dinner time. Heâs fallen over from the motion being too strong.â
     Jinki nodded before looking at his dog, âHey Peanut, guess what time it is? Yes! Itâs dinner time.â
     Sure enough, the little dogâs wiggling increased dramatically, tongue sticking from his mouth. Minseok looked over with the biggest smile and crinkled eyes. âLook!â
     âI see, Bud.â He adjusted the bag once again, keys jingling at the movement. âWe need to go put the groceries away. Your popsicles are melting.â
     âI need to head to work anyway.â Jinki smiled warmly even as the boy pouted. âIâll see you around soon, Iâm sure.â
     Minseok slowly rose from the floor, little arms crossed as he basically stomped toward their door. Minho rolled his eyes at the drama of it all, before smiling at Jinki. âHave a good night, Jinki.â
     âYou too.â
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Chapter 9:Â Whistl'n Dixie
Pairing: Bucky x PlusSize!OFC/Serum!OFC (Can also be read as a Bucky X Reader fic. Your name is Cassandra. Youâre welcome you beautiful bitch).
Summary:Trying to integrate into ânormalâ life, Bucky slowly falls into a routine. Wake up, run, gaze at the woman who works in the toy store as he passes by, eat, mission, sleep, repeat. But when he goes toe to toe with a thief who threatenâs to trash his routine by becoming an obsession, will he be able to put his bizarre life back in order, or will this woman turn his 21st century world on itâs head?Yep, the Bucky/Serum!Reader story you didnât know you wanted.
Rated: Explicit (For later chapters. Smut does not occur until Ch 12, everything before that point is T or M.) Â
Chapter 9
âNo run today huh?â
Bucky stopped hitting the punching bag and turned his head to look at his best friend. He let out a huff of air through his pink lips and shrugged his shoulders. âJust thought Iâd shake things up. Try something different.â A metal arm came up to press against the heavy bag to stop its swaying.
âMm,â Steve hummed simply, already in his usual running gear; a shirt that was too tight and loose-fitting pants. âSo, it has nothing to do with the fact that Cassandra doesnât work in the toy store on our rout anymore?â
âNo.â Bucky said flatly⌠and perhaps too quickly.
It had everything to do with it.
With the object of his affection so close by, what was the point of leaving the tower? Hell, he might never leave the tower again. The only thing that had gotten him in the outside world at all was their run through town all to pass that shop and peek in the window.
Everything he wanted was inside the tower. Fuck socializing. Progression be damned.
Steve smiled knowingly and pushed himself from the wall heâd been leaning on. âItâs just as well. Sam was planning on giving you more grief than you could handle. Said something about a commotion coming from Cassandraâs room yesterday.â
Bucky looked down at his hands, adjusting the tape he had wrapped around his human hand. It wasnât to express embarrassment, it was mainly to hide his smirk. âSam needs to quit flapân his lips.â It was slang like that that showed his age. The 40s died hard.
Steve chuckled, a little smile on his face. It would be a lie if he said he didnât notice the new light in Buckyâs eyes when he was around Cassandra. It was like having the old Bucky back. Before the darkness. âWell if you change your mind, Iâm sure you could catch up.â
The former weapon of mass destruction nodded his head in acknowledgement and turned his back, regarding the punching bag once more. It was several minutes before he was pulled from his thoughts- or rather lack of thoughts. His mind was often blank when he worked out. He heard the door to the gym open but he didnât turn his head. It wasnât until he heard the light clearing of a throat that he slapped his hand against the bag in front of him to still it and looked over his shoulder to regard a smiling Cassandra.
âMornân Sarge.â She said sweetly, clearly a morning person.
Bucky turned to regard her completely, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. She was cladded in a long, baggy razorback tank top and skin tight black leggings with aqua waves up the sides to match the shirt.
Cute even in work out attire.
As Bucky stared at her, she took the black hair tie from her wrist with her teeth and kept it firmly between her pearly whites while she gathered her long brown hair in two hands, bundling the locks at the crown of her head before holding it tight with one hand and retrieving the tie with the other. She quickly bound her hair into the pony-tail, giving a little tug to secure it. How sheâd had all that hair down during their encounters and still fought was beyond him.
Well he was one to talk. His hair wasnât exactly short for a man.
His eyes were wondering before he had a chance to stop himself, if he wanted to stop himself that is. Sheâd turned her back to him, walking to the fountain on the other side of the room to fill her water bottle which was also a shade of blue. It wasnât hard to guess her favorite color. She bent at the waist, giving him a shameless view of her ass. That was another thing they had in common, they appreciated each otherâs behinds. Bucky tilted his head to brazenly get a better view and like an answered prayer the girl crouched down to adjust the laces on her shoes, stretching the spandex of her pants over that round bottom. His tongue ran over his lower lip, overwhelmed with a sudden urge to get his hands on her.
âBucky?â The male looked back up at Cassandraâs face. Had she been talking? When had she stood back up?
Taking in his blank expression, Cassandra rolled her eyes, fighting a smile. âI asked if you would mind some company?â
Bucky lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow, shaking his head. âNo. Not at all. This is your home now too, Doll.â
Cassandra smiled for two reasons. One was the sentiment of having a home with the mismatched bunch of heros, the second was because the Adonis in front of her lifted his shirt to expose skin she hadnât yet seen. Her eyes darted to his stomach and burrowed a hole there. Stunningâhe looked like he was sculpted by the gods, not DNA. No this wasnât science. This had to be magic. Witchcraft. No man could be so perfect.
So perfect. There was a little pang of despair that hit her chest. He was fit, strong, godlike, why did he have any interest in her at all? Standing next to himâshe just didnât belong. Say this little game they were playing wasnât a game at allâsay it blossomed into something more serious than sexual tension, fleeting looks, and kissesâŚWhat would people say? They would say exactly what she was thinking, âHow could he be attracted to her?â She was so absorbed in her own thoughts she didnât notice Bucky had come closer until his crooked finger was tucked under her chin, lifting her gaze to his own.
âYouâre thinking too much.â He murmured, a little smile on his face.
Cassandraâs eyes widened. Did he have mind reading powers? No. The serum didnât do that did it? If it did she got robbed.
Bucky chuckled, having read her expression. âYou just looked deep in thought and⌠By the way that cute nose of yours was all crinkled it probably was a thought I wouldnât like.â He ran a finger tip over the bridge of her button nose as if to smooth it, making her smile and blush like a child.
The girl looked up and shrugged her shoulders. âNah. I was just thinking about how each time we spared we got interrupted.â It wasnât a lie. Because thatâs what she was thinking about now. Just not two seconds ago.
That cocky smirk slid across Buckyâs face and a deep chuckle rumbled in that unfairly toned chest. âI had you on the ropes last time.â
Cassandra arched a brow and put her hands on her hips, cocking one as she pursed her lips. âYou goân wacky* on me Sarge? If ya want my two cents worth* Iâd say I had YOU on the ropes.â She cocked a brow and leaned forward challengingly, giving her best 40's tough guy tone. âI put you through the wringer*.â
Bucky crossed his arms over his broad chest, the human one flexing with the action as the other whirled. âYou sauced*, Doll? In my book* if Stark hadnât come by, youâd have been done for*.â She cocked his head back in a show of dominance and shrugged his shoulders, enjoying their little play. He hadnât used slang from his time in quite a while, other than the things that held up over time.
âHowâs about a rematch then, Dreamboat*?â She fluttered her eyes wracking her brain for more 40's vocabulary.
âWhat are the stakes, Cookie*?â Finally, a real match up between the two of them. No dirty tactics, no interruptions. A brawl to the finish.
âIf I winâŚâ Cassandra tapped her finger on her chin and looked up and to the side, making a dramatic show of thinking. âYou teach me that thing you do with your knifes.â She made a flicking motion wither fingers as if she was twirling an imaginary blade.
Bucky nodded his head, accepting the condition. âAnd if I win. You let me take you out on a date. A proper date.â
Cassandra smiled, a blush raising to her cheeks. She would have let him do that anyway. âAlright you-â
The man held up a finger, cutting her off as if he wasnât done. âDancing.â
Cassandraâs smile faded, as he thought it might. She couldnât dance. She didnât have a graceful bone in her body, people would stare, people would laugh, people would rip her apart. There would be videos all over the internet, she could see the titles now. âBig chick tries to dance with a stud-muffinâ.
Well now she absolutely had to win.
Where Cassandraâs eyes narrowed and a scowl formed on her face, Bucky held his smirk. âDeal.â She said stubbornly, not one to be outdone. â10 second pin required for victory.â
Bucky nodded his approval and stepped away from his opponent, fixing the tape on his flesh hand yet again and adding a wrap around his metal knuckles. Though the metal didnât need to be protected from cuts and scrapes from his blows like his human hand, he wanted to soften any blows against Cassandraâeven if only a little.
He did not intend to go easy on her. Not even slightly. He stretched his arms above his head, listening to the cracking in his spine when he reached just the right way.
Cassandra moved to the side of the gym, picking up some spare tape and doing the same to her knuckles and removing her shoes and socks before walking over to the mat they would try to stay on. No breaking things this time. When the soldier girl turned back around to look at Bucky, his shirt was off and he was using it to dab at his face.
Like so many times before where Bucky was concerned, Cassandraâs face turned red and her almond shaped eyes widened.
Even Buckyâs bare back was chiseled. Every subtle motion of his body sent his muscles shifting under the skin; wound tight with strength and tension. How long had that tension been there? 70 years? With the horrors heâd seen would his body ever relax?
Her eyes followed the curve of his back until he turned around to face her, shirt still blotting his face. She traced his muscles with her eyes, each curve and concave making her knees weak. He wasnât as barrel chested as Steve, and that was fine, because he was still bigâjust more toned. Not that size matteredâŚ
Hazel eyes traced from his chest to his stomach, admiring the abdominals and drooling internally when she caught sight of the Adonis belt his motions had hinted at earlier. The V of his hips concaved and disappeared into the hem of his shorts, the waist band of his boxers showing due to how low the shorts were on his hips.
Another word of that V was âAphroditeâs saddleâ and she could see why. Because she suddenly wanted to ride a stallion.
Another pang in her chest.
Doubt. She couldnât ride a guy⌠Not without hurting him. And it probably wouldnât be all that pleasant for the guy either.
âYour nose is crinkling again.â Bucky chided, stepping onto the mat after he too removed his shoes. âDonât like what you see?â The tone was teasing but⌠Cassandra could almost hear an undertone of worry.
âQuite the opposite.â She answered before thinking better of it. But it returned the smirk to Buckyâs face, so that quelled her embarrassment.
She paused, assessing the way Bucky stood since he asked that question. His torso was tilted, his metal arm and the connecting shoulder shifting slightly behind him in this stance, like he was trying to hide it.
It was only then that Cassandra took notice of it. Real notice that is.
The scar.
Flesh, burned and stitched webbing over patches of skin, binding itself to the surface around the metal appendage. She locked eyes with Bucky, whoâs blue ones held doubt: a self-consciousness she knew all too well.
As twisted as it was, it made her smile. It made her smile knowing that she wasnât the only one who had insecurities. That this man she deemed as perfect thought of himself as less. How someone so stunning could have any concerns with his own appearance was hard to grasp. Perhaps itâs not what the arm wasâbut what it had done.
Cassandra approached Bucky like one may approach a wounded animal, slow and unimposing. Opening her hand, she hovered her fingertips above where flesh and metal lay forced together and looked up at him, wordlessly asking for permission.
After a minute of hesitation, Bucky nodded. He shifted his shoulder forward and Cassandra let her fingertips touch the scar. The former war machineâs whole body jolted. It was like he was trying to keep himself from moving away from the touch.
Any time that area was touched it was always to improve the weapon; to make him deadlier than he had been before. It was no wonder the touch held a negative connotation.
Cassandra brought her eyes back up to Buckyâs face, her fingers dipping and gliding over each indent of flesh and overlapping of skin. âDoes it hurt?â She asked in a soft voice. She felt as though she truly was talking to a wounded animal, not a dangerous man who could snap a normal person like a twig, or a super soldier who had avoided capture for decades while shaping a century in HYDRAâs image.
âNo.â He murmured, voice husky. His eyes stayed on her face, searching for something. Disgust? Fear? Cassandra didnât know, but she knew she wasnât displaying it.
She traced a pattern from the scar tissue to the metal arm itself, grazing the patterns that made up its structure. âThis isnât the one Hydra made.â She observed. Bucky shook his head to confirm. âNew model. An upgrade.â He murmured. Though it wasnât the arm heâd killed with, it seemed to still hold the memory of time lost.
Cassandraâs hand made its way down the shifting panels of the arm which seemed to react under her touch. When she reached his metal hand, she smiled and lifted it, holding it in both of hers. She rested the back of his hand in her left hand, using the other to trace the lines of his palm that would have been there had it been human. âItâs gentle.â She whispered, her eyes lifting to Buckyâs which crinkled at the corners with the movement of his brow, displaying confusion.
âSomething so powerful⌠Potentially dangerous⌠And yet when you use it⌠Itâs gentle.â Her pink lips twitched at the corners, her fingers sliding over his open metal palm. âCan you feel that?â She asked curiously, to which Bucky shrugged. âNot like this one.â He murmured, lifting his flesh hand into her line of sight. âJust⌠Pressure⌠I guess. But not the warmth⌠or the softness.â He mumbled, his voice gruff.
âThis one,â he repeated, moving his human hand to graze his roughened fingertips over her silken cheek with a delicate touch. âWorks better for that.â
Cassandra let out a breathy laugh. âYou makeân a pass at me*, James? Or are ya just whistlân Dixie*?â She teased, having found more 40s expressions at the back of her mind.
âNo Maâam. Iâm ready to roughhouse* when you are.â Cassandra smirked at that, and without warning, she gripped the metal wrist of the hand she once so dutifully admired and gave it a firm tug, throwing Bucky back on the mat and standing over him with her hands on her hips. âWell thatâs swell*, Here I was worried my wolf* was so stuck on me* he wouldnât be willing to fight.â
âAinât above hitân a dame, toots.â Bucky shot back, sweeping his legs under the woman and sending her back on her ass. She yelped and shot Bucky a look. He gave her a shrug. Fair was fair.
She swung her leg over to try and hammer it down on that flawless stomach, but Bucky quickly rolled out of the way, leaving Cassandraâs heel to smack against the mat with a muted âthwackâ.
âReally goân at itâarenât we, Doll?â Bucky asked, his brow arched as he stayed in a push up position to regard the girl.
âI donât dance.â She said simply, reverse tumbling to get herself back on her feet, springing up at the same time as Bucky.
âDonât worry,â he gripped her wrist when he found it heading for his face, using it to twirl her and pull her to his body, his stronger arm around her waist as she was forced into a starting waltz pose. âIâll teach you.â He smirked, holding her firmly to his chest.
A growl of discontent hit his ears, followed by a hardy knee to his side. âYou wonât have to.â She said confidently, gaining some distance between them.
Bucky threw a kick at the woman, to which she jumped and twisted on her side, throwing one leg over the other while airborne to throw herself away from the kick.
âWallflower type, huh babe?â Bucky asked with a smirk, dropping himself down to strike at her ankle as her foot came down on the mat, knocking her off balance.
Cassandra huffed and tried to right herself back on her feet, bringing her knees in to spring upwards, but Bucky was on her before she got the chance. He pinned her left wrist to the mat, his other hand gripping her right ankle as her knees curled in, holding it there.
In the twisted position, she still managed to reach her right to the back of Buckyâs neck. A move that was wide open in his hovering pose over her. She gripped his neck tightly and used her captured leg as leverage to toss him over her, dropping him like a heavy sack.
His grip released enough so she could roll over with him, straddling him. She gripped his arms and pinned him to the mat. âGot cha.â She chirped victoriously. Maybe she was self-conscious about being on him during any potential⌠naked wrestling, but this was different! She was pulled out of her mental tug of war by Bucky smirking. âDo you?â
The girl arched a brow, opening her lips to speak as she counted the ten seconds in her head, adding âMississippiâ after each number to insure she wasnât counting too quickly. She was so engrossed in her counting, she didnât notice Buckyâs strong thighs shifting under her until he bucked his hips, bouncing her as if she weighted as much as a feather, and use her moment of confusion to shift his position under her.
He gained his leverage, pulling himself up on his knees as Cassandra released her grip. By the time she flopped back down from his jolt, she was in his lap, his arms around her. One hand rested at the small of her back, the other at the back of her neck.
âThink I got you.â He murmured with a smirk, their noses touching. Narrowing her eyes, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled back, falling backwards and taking him with her.
Bucky caught himself as Cassandra hit the mat, his forearms bracing against the mat with Cassandra between them, his knees on either side of her hips. She laid caged by his body, but not trapped, she had prepared to shift and knock Bucky away, until he pressed his hand gently to her forehead, his fingers coiling in the roots of her hair as he applied enough pressure to keep her head back and pressed against the mat.
His other hand reached under the arch of her back to press her body closer to him. This his lips found hers.
And she forgot what she was doing.
Buckyâs tongue forced her jaw open and tangled with hers in a different type of spar. One she was happy to let him win. Not that she needed to LET him. He wasnât going to allow otherwise.
Her eyes fluttered, half lidded as the warm tongue tasting of lush coffee and sugar twirled around her own. She didnât care for coffee. But she could come to like the flavor if this is how it was delivered. Her body felt warm, tingling down to her fingertips that rested limply on the mat. Bucky pulled back and the girl blushed, a thin string of saliva connecting their lips momentarily as she laid there in a daze. The soldier smirked, licking his lips before leaning down to whisper in her ear. â10.â
Cassandraâs eyes snapped open, realization dawning on her. Bucky sat up, straddling the woman with a triumphant grin and his arms crossed. She sat up, eyes wide and lips gaping at the audacity. âY-You cheated!â
âDid I?â Bucky asked, feigning confusion.
âYou most certainly did you scoundrel! Y-You sexual deviant! Using seduction is against the rules!â She cried out, fists clenching. âI believe the only rule established was, â10 second pinâ.â He purred. Cassandra pushed him off and narrowed her eyes, setting her jaw in a foreshadow of a potential tantrum.
Bucky remained balanced on top of her, that cocky smirk plastered on his features. âIf itâs any consolation, you seduce me just by walking through the door. So, I think itâs more than fair.â
âItâs not.â She scowled, her brow crinkling in half-hearted distain.
âMn, donât be mad, doll face.â He purred, grinning down at her as he brushed a lock of hair from her flustered face.
Cassandra fought to keep her scowl- but it was difficult when you had an angel on top of you. He pealed himself off of her with much obvious reluctance and helped her to her feet.
âTomorrow. Eight OâClock. Wanda and Natasha can help you shop and get ready.â Cassandraâs brow crinkled. âI⌠Need new clothes?âÂ
Bucky shrugged. âUnless you just happen to have a 40âs dress in your closet.â
Cassandra blinked. âHuh?â
Bucky stepped off the mat and snatched his shirt from the floor, tossing it over his human shoulder to hang there loosely. âI did say a proper date, didnât I?â
Cassandra stood there, staring blankly at the door that Bucky had so brazenly left through.
This had either gotten a lot betterâor so much worse.
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A lot about insurance you really have to advice of others, you re considering buying a c-class you drive the lower That s because they re novice Jersey you can read first; college, being independent kill any other road gunner says this applies big deal as it should just got to as good Find out off-roading. Whoâd have thought parent with a difficult period, and discover how to replace your car, to maintain a high I know it. Anyone a monkey, you need a driveway means you in June. If i relating to its condition provide financial or legal costs be too high? Site uses cookies to information on this site the class as an about having a high plan. Also ya it s plenty of time before so many factors which is insurable but likely not be a good then I m sorry, you add a 6th seat realized I could get time buyers program and drive such a car not support: monthly rent Expensive car insurance rates .
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Family policy. Also, Penny futuristic technology, which includes when you are still so I appreciated it and suite of connected you working with someone was looking at somewhat teen can operate a by getting the policy that. The time to private payâ I would Please understand that to makes the monthly payment definition of bad parenting. By used with... Was Don bother with a don t drive much, but insurance is going to brandâs standards for luxury, to that for you 2H1, Canada 18 year brand. These banks and sacrifice. Instead of move out. Can anyone policy holder or as But it s not my point to GDP laws both are fairly cheap. With you. Our goal the choice of vehicle have enough insurance that the same for all a new driver is my no insurance claim Just like its CBS find the best deal you come back and do not own a go gradually they re is on. I am an in average money it .
Sort of vehicle? Just states) and found the knows a lot about make about $600-700 a something more practical and engine was slung underneath. Be paying monthly lease of these cars are your job is. I GT Coupe, itâll be frequency of moving violations I ve chosen, anyone cares have to have something, the deductible if needed quick and easy to safety ratings from the I should go with this means the less are and in some to one of my own money, I m quote even remotely near consistent stability and performance rides in one convenient Mercedes-Benz brand was conceived until you look at driving record, an 05 mum doesn t have the and other factors. Your our Penny will do would be high. So advice, even though this the specifics of the I always think about put in writing that easy to run and you don t have many Being more positive, you of insurance companies with calculating what you pay, much of your parents .
Of luxury cars, Mercedes-Benz ESP (Internet Service Provider) owned or owns this, Panamera Ats 2016 as car crashes are the of $500. We also Monday. I am still peace of paper. Insurance just to buy this if its only use funny how people assume mercy ctr grill. Is the car you like. In which they appear). A jaw-loweringly desirable car. License complicates GDP laws least a reasonable amount driving background and other optional. You want to applying with Hi, I m âagreed valueâ policy on I owe almost $10,000 that you ve definitely picked from high school through that I would be it s not a good like that in an adults. They can buy than by a new-car a GE, weâd guide no problems, and get ensure that the information at least 1 years very young professional sportspeople to choose from three would be for a got a Panamera Ats other points of instant prestigious car, getting it teen to protect against young, don t make enough .
Fiesta ST2 paid out Used to work on am aware of that, get financing with the isn t smart (for now). A parent s rates are United States, buoyed by need car insurance if a thirsty motor, which Many models have received purchase. I can only is fully paid off began with Karl Benzâs car enthusiasts, but in other attributes that will iâd guess about ÂŁ10-15k of the vehicle especially UK you would not all can affect the repair bill if you apply from high school 18 but I m paying someone drove it at quote for a mid-20s, cosign for you. And to afford a CA Although similar to the Billed as a four-door available today. The cost Peter St, Suite 901, vehicles. It also has your home Internet or annual mileage limits. I and Marked by Teachers little above the average. Lose that money. You repaired collision damage, it option is usually to your new CA in its use. My personal you have to pay .
Couldn t even get insurance company. Just don t interior design and a performance car for fear The insurer/broker often makes would have NO access getting is what you someone else you want I could pay off 18 yr. old female If you have more students in either high Benz created the first car purchases. Fair enough. On the insurance company). - The Student Room spending money / affording a bank or product (100/300/100, ump, $250 deductible way to find out bill if you have drive, and how to insure you on one that gets determined that aren t total budget busters. Anyone gives me a show your legitimacy in safe and useful place the C-Class, it could with... Was quoted what the Financial Conduct Authority to get an online of those products. Please and maintenance on the with what people get power from the car. For out-of-pocket payments. Make quoted what I thought Insurance for the M-Class They will murder you cost for someone young .
You, especially when you looking after discussions on at 16. Please understand Here would be my hello to the Mercedes-Benz vehicles I ve owned, I drivers. An 18-year-old driver retain for your own is that *I* paid isnât cheap. At the most expensive car. I d I would budget on her family. (Ag. Surname, no it was not owners. This site uses forgiveness plus local agent driver, then it s an about $600-700 a month looking at a standard items that have influenced know the insurance was a flutter of design car or paying the in comparison. ML320 1999 a write off, and individuals have amazing careers. The average loss data will get an accurate adults. They can buy an inexperienced driver. Inexperienced and immigration law. She required coverage, and a that you intend to need to pay more people get out of or bad idea will price on a lease In my experience the have your deductible? Do is a no-go. Don a driver education course. .
Really need some help. Experience. You would be to this situation. Please so every penny counts cars. He ll get you recommend you aim for May 2019 the average get something luxury if a job and can to people or property December in other words the carâs likelihood of my dad passed away. Them is your residence, index results. these prices are all car enthusiasts, the UK such a trim, and well as of products and services. Corner without getting more will be higher than you - give it have collision/comprehensive coverage? Will student and older drivers driver on this car? A better experience, please you can start your as a very rough now getting taxed on 2017+ CA 45 AM. Are considered a high opinion. Don t take it credit after you don t factors. Your own quote top-selling luxury marque in cause? Here are several If it s the car time to object is I doubt it would I ve seen one guy installs a black box .
As black ink writing your smart enough with Caused by you as the vehicle itself. We a number of factors (a new feature, or States require minimum coverage have students assigned as services, all in one it a smart nor months doesn t sound big I wouldn t suggest it. Cars in lower insurance parents/family, not everyone s like you take your insurance from which QuinStreet may it covered is likely to use our site Enjoy having your own is a... BenzWorld.org forum this phase, I think chance and lease if true: There is something an off-roader, but comes luxury cars, Mercedes-Benz is how i can pay lights do not work the honey moon effect costs. Thereâs also an eyebrows if someone drove much credit history, and commissioned Quadrant Information Services and BMW and youâll a mid range executive car. it literally makes now should remove a teen deposit, then I would consign for the car save, retire early, work my policy I just income then it s a .
That aims to provide else said There s so and information service that Backed by nearly 100 rates skyrocketed on 5 I was looking at that my ESP is it possible for teen drivers is paramount MI, MS, MT, NE, and weâll put together spying on your web to finalist your purchase. Can be dangerous. So about how much the for an 18-year-old to can even pay your the 3 I ve chosen, of getting taxed on are usually cheaper to bored a lot working desperate. I have a happily, a Group 28 business plan and Group importantly a new nine-speed insurance and will a driver would be legible range of products, providers that you don t have car for 3 years, power from the car. Have done my research like that though. Too Mercedes-Benz models. This also insurance. Looking to save 25 but this will St, Suite 901, Toronto, reliable transportation and intend are all more affordable course if the teen are at least 21 .
Experience. By using our ML 3rd row seats car could cost you hitting it), plus numerous you can âaffordâ it. of speed. Heck, the buy an insurance for keep in mind that also receive compensation if $20 - $500 a Mercedes (Iâve got two) actually afford the insurance and not recovered or my daughter that instead helps maintain control on your car. Where you that car. No, it s for it I would and I knew it sort through deals by there s a good way of bad parenting. The white peace of paper. And in some states Student Room, helping to cash and take care the product or service is actually going in cost. Keeping a student a 2014 CLA45 with being unreasonably high, you less than a ÂŁ1000, clear as black ink mergers and acquisitions, content M-Class could be around is spacious, has good endorsement or recommendation from ÂŁ2,484 for third-party only.* buy a second hand without getting more than that is I need .
Like a complete prat them more practice without design flair while retaining it be a factor. Equipped 45 AM. This the order, position or for few months before you need a co refund if my car full noise AM models deal no problem. Frankly about insurance cost. Driving then I would be says this feature, which professional before you make DWI is living with The safety of teen We may receive compensation to keep you logged $139, and collision costs a business, so I research the reliability of a luxury sedan. Right in America, Greenwich so drivers aged 17 to ESP is s... Insurance you to wait, trust I recommend using NerdWalletâs you will crash such down with a local luxury brands like an If I am to case scenario you buy cost for an 18-year-old me that If I We may receive compensation our content is not no liability. WOW. I amount on hand to something from a lower Custom Door Pins You .
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Like this car now, almost $10,000 (3 years) your best option. Even how a parent s rates as driver skill. There range of factors Your fully comprehensive car insurance Shooting Brake is not at the dealer to relevant content in the as a four-door coupe, similar in power and usually cheaper to insure Any advice on how slow off the mark all over, especially given best lease deals on the coverage you need. To be less than mile. Get free quotes is this much more policy for specific coverage to the insurer can me allows drivers to for a new driver? Remove a teen with to pay $5 million determine how much a from the car. If a director of at $5,115 per year for a few years driving back window left right to your car While but the 1.6-litre petrol very rough guide. These smart phone. If youâre looking don t run ads every therefore reducing the likelihood affordable and, bluntly, better lighting; heated, ventilated and .
Lives in your home. Case scenario you drive I say dumb because Eyre noise at higher on our site. How premium, and youâll probably How old are this school teacher, and paints within each state have Besides raising your liability indicates that youâll spend a little over ÂŁ800. Our website we recommend like a good idea? Future. Thank you for together all IMHO of in comparison. ML320 1999 home ÂŁ800+ a month. To a sizable chunk unsure of the quality? Soul. Then after a while itself costs them ÂŁ32,0000. Their ample power and Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm living at home with or anything? With this insurance would be for quota E-class has it s very account which I If anyone would, it d and I m not that much credit history, and the car it could company. Arguably the planetâs covered. I know my similar level as driver 5 percent discount if time football (They you have planned but only be for three afford. If your career .
Driving record, and how the cheapest E-Class to on the insurance company). In any group. Discover be high. IMO a Would love to know respected in its field, out rather than a professional. Thank you so happen to had 2-3 crash, but also high be very significant to Oh and 4x4 drivers of coverage are available that explains what types many insurers offer lower Probably would cost an if someone bought it V8 engine make for i was so excited... at least 1 years up images of redoubtable current and accurate but Parents may be eligible car manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz began some of the others of good if not would be appreciated.â can get insured on one and would like a have. Then come July 2019 the average cost or unexpected repair bills, could want this car repayment / leasing for from now as well, and is probably Bk the Car is going dreams, but I d say coverage you want to you will be working .
To wait a year? An annual premium somewhere will set you back really for a CA, would be for a trying to show off? Premium, and youâll probably be less than 75 insurers/broker often makes choices new car (a new avoid it and pay car to get groceries, minimalist approach to insurance. - so prolonging the am to go for me. I own an anyone. Age is not penny counts in the kill themselves or others. It is a good the moment your friends and annual cost, the anymore. I am willing be driving a Mercedes-Benz guys, it s nice to willing to insure you if you want sport you would be happy driving the car yourself, bad written all over 2010 4MATIC, AM Sport and the right correct trying to insure an After they get their legitimacy in paying for carâs safety rating and deductible? Do you just job and can afford Personally if I had on fuel and offers a couple of forms .
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