#so the picture as a whole also shows flowey?
papyrus backstory rant repost from main
you know what isnt acknowledged enough?
we know more about sans and gaster's backstories than papyrus'.
what we know about gasters backstory:
he was the royal scientist, he likely had a lot of hubris, he built the core, he fell into the core, pieces of his existence were scattered across time and space, he had a following of people that were seemingly also caught in the blast and was/is somehow connected to papyrus, sans, the player, chara and deltarune. certainly not the most detailed but a damn good basic outline
what we know about sans' backstory:
he at some point was a scientist, there is a mysterious group of people he will supposedly never see again, he is likely the older of the 2 brothers, he might have seen a human before frisk, he at some point lost hope of ever returning to an unspecified location and at some point gained the title of judge. still relatively vague and some clues are fairly out of the way but still, a good idea of who he was before frisk fell and flowey fucked around
what we know about papyrus' backstory:
he came from somewhere unknown with green grass, he doesnt like hotland for unknown reasons, he made the battle body a few weeks before frisk fell, flowey took a liking to him for unknown reasons, undyne likely only recently started training him but when she did it was because he waited outside her house all night, he was apparently feeling down for a while before frisk fell and.. what else?
this vague ass tiny idea of what he maybe did like a month before we meet him hardly serves as a backstory. and funny enough this is all i can garner from oh idk THE CHARACTER WITH THE MOST LINES OF DIALOGUE IN THE WHOLE GAME SECOND ONLY TO THE NARRATOR! this is why i lovingly dub paps the king of deflection, as another example lets look at the time someone in the papyrus qna asked what he looked like when he was younger and in response he played dumb to be purposefully stingey about his past and try to show a picture of himself from the day before through a textbox. and its not like he doesnt know what hes doing, hes stubborn not stupid, thats why he vaguely hints at truelab during a phonecall despite moments before pretending he doesnt know what a lab IS, thats why he plays dumb around sans, thats why he seemingly lies to frisk about his knowledge of hotland, thats why he knows how to use reverse psychology well enough to manipulate UNDYNE of all people, and thats why he brushes off sans' time shenanigans as yet another prank across time and space, because he is the king of deflection and we dont know shit about his backstory and neither does anyone ingame, so if he does end up being the knight, he's hidden bigger bombshell secrets before, so why stop now?
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evilmagician430 · 8 months
concept art/character design for an acachalla centric horror story i've been brainstorming since last school year ^_^ still havent finalized any of these designs, i feel like they need a little more tweaking...
WARNING: blood, body horror, the mangled corpse of a dead animal, guns, crowbars, medical equipment and general medical imagery, and all around just weird and gross stuff
ADDITIONAL WARNING: really fucking long
story and images under the cut:
i imagine the premise is that sue, at the police station, gets a call from the acachallas like in canon. she decides to go to their house to help, alone because her coworkers are all busy/hate her (theyve been in the force long enough to go corrupt while sue still tries to do whats right)
when she goes in she discovers that the acachallas have been dead for like 10 years and their bodies are barely even intact. she also notices that their house is trashed, not only does it seem completely reclaimed by nature, covered in fungus and insects and blood, but a lot of their furniture and appliances are missing. their rooms look like theyre missing all that wouldve signaled the character of whomever inhabited it, and she thinks, well, maybe the house was looted after they died, but that doesn't explain who called...
then she accidentally steps in a pile of fungus. which wasnt there before. she turns around and a man, fully formed, has sprouted out of the ground. he is made almost entirely out of mushrooms and he has 2 shotguns for arms. he tells her to leave his house. she starts to run but then another figure stops her. a very tall woman who speaks in the same voice that called the police department. her form is indiscernible in the dark, but soon sue comes to realize this woman is not human.
she's not even alive.
sue meets the others and, sure enough, they all seem to be amalgamations of various household objects, both inorganic and organic matter, forming crude fascimiles of who they once were. there are 5 bodies and 5 of them, so they must be possessed by the immortal spirits of the acachallas...!
of course, it turns out they never needed help. it was merely a trap to lure sue home.
they accept her and care for her far more than her biological family or "friends" at work ever did. but being with them takes a toll on sue's body. eventually she dies and they build a new body for her. she wakes up as a beautiful monster. she wakes up as herself.
you're going to notice none of these drawings are of sue- that's because she's still just a regular human in this. by the end she might become a horrifying monster like the rest of them, but i havent designed her.
i took inspiration from a variety of sources, but i can only remember some of them off the top of my head:
undertale (lorewise the whole thing about monsters dust being spread on their favorite object so they can live in it, also photoshop flowey designwise was a huge inspiration)
deltarune (largely just the enemy designs)
dont hug me i'm scared (the teacher's designs, general vibes, also lamp's explanation of what happens when someone dies in episode 2 of the tv show)
tipping point (literally just stylistically. i need to learn digital collage to properly portray these designs)
tokusatsu (the costumes for the gorma in gosei sentai dairanger are like. really good. i enjoy their designs severely)
communications era ghost and pals mvs (the collage stuff speaks to my soul)
and thats all i can remember rn. now heres the first pictures i drew of each member of the family (on my world history notes) and the most recent draft of their designs (in mspaint) this is basically all of the drawings of them.
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beginning with spencer, he's the smallest of the family at only 4 feet tall. he is made out of his computer and manga collection basically. on each of these i left a lot of notes in the pictures breaking down what each part of the body is made out of. i wanted to incorporate figurines and action figures into his design too but i decided to keep it more focused. but all these designs are still subject to change. a teacher walked by as i was drawing him and said she liked how it was "very industrial but feminine" or something like that.
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sally! im not entirely sure what that first sketch is but as you can tell i wanted her to be wearing a doll mask from the start. i gave her this big poofy princess dress to conceal where godzilla connects to the shelves that act as her legs because it looked very strange and did not look like the shelves were her legs. the dress turns into curtains which are draped over her shelves. she was very hard to design but very fun. also i just chose random dolls and stuff i know g3 draculaura and kylie and pnp sasha are like recent dolls that wouldnt exist yet. its a mockup ok
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next we got billy who is built out of his own medical supplies. i wanted to make his body one of those IV drip stands, although that means both him and spencer have very similar lower halves, with the wheels. hes the only one who doesnt really wear any clothes because billy doesnt really have an iconic outfit; the only thing i remember he wears is obviously his medic outfit but thats like. a whole outfit. i dont understand the layers of it so i can just put part of it on this thing. maybe i shouldve just given him scrubs. or what i think billy would wear that represents him
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gertrude having a dead cat as her hair is a reference to a really specific one-off joke i read about on the wiki but dont actually remember from any of the videos. i think hair is a very important part of self expression so they would want to recreate their hairstyles with whatever they could find. it was hard as hell getting that cat into a shape that made literally any sense but i think i figured it out. her outfit is a combination of what she normally wore and her old costume as the crowbar, which i was inspired to design my version of as well (will post that drawing later). i think its very interesting how gertrude seems to exist to trap and keep safe or detain/kill various dangerous beings. shes like a shepherd but also an executioner.
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papa acachalla doesnt have a draft cause this was literally the first time i tried drawing him in this story because i was stuck on trying to imagine what hed be made out of and how he would look like. then i remembered fungus comes in all shapes and forms and also works as a metaphor for his connection with his family and his roots. also his arms are guns LOL! i wanted to make him more catholic but i couldnt come up with how while still having him look like papa acachalla. maybe adding that priest collar cause i think father grigori has it anyways but its hard to draw stuff around his neck area.
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bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
I was looking over my old Unlovely (reincarnated!Jennette AU) notes, when i thought to myself that i never thought of attempting to design a new debutante dress for her. The story i have for it as well as how it contrasts Jetty’s actual dress was too intriguing for me to shaft into the back of my brain. So here’s what i came up with.
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I always wanted to talk about what i think Jetty, and in extension Athy and Kiel, would wear in the debutante in this AU as they are characters that went through the most changes in terms of character compared to canon. But then i realized i would have to explain so much backstory and relationships between each character for why i chose a specific design for their debutante outfits (hence why only Jennette’s is finished because i still can’t find a concrete design for the other two). That was why i was nervous about pulling it off, but now after two years i have decided that i want to do something fun with this AU, so here’s my design for Reincarnated!Jetty’s debut gown!
First off, the most obvious thing is that the dress is stylistically and aesthetically different from WMMAP and LP Jennette’s debutante dresses, going for a more neoclassical/regency inspired style rather than the rococo inspired dresses we see her in. This is partly due to the fact that this is my interpretation of a Reincarnated!Jetty who is different from the Jetty we know. However, as the picture says, the dress originally belonged to Duchess Alpheus, as well as a prominent accessory in Jennette’s outfit, her purple brooch. A concept that always tickles my brain worms is of Jetty finding family in the people around her before meeting the Obelias, and in this case it was Duchess Alpheus and Ijekiel.
The Duchess and R!Jennette didn’t really get along at first but coming to find out that they have more in common than they thought (after hijinks ensued), they slowly built a bond together and before they knew it, saw each other like mother and daughter. This is also helped by the fact that Kiel insisted that they get along because he thinks they’d benefit having more people in each other’s lives, which also made them closer to him as well.
Unfortunately not a lot of good things last in this AU and Duchess dies and it leaves the two traumatized and depressed. R!Jennette slowly drifts away from everyone because of this, unable to give herself time to grieve due to everything else that she was doing to change the story for the rest of the characters. This is made worse by the fact that in her previous life R!Jetty was already deprived of motherly love so let’s just say she really went through it during this time.
This is where the dress comes in, because the Duchess showed her and Kiel once some dresses she wore during her youth so she can gift them to her children one day, and this dress was one of them. Originally the dress had longer sleeves and looked more “casual” than formal, but not wanting to agree with Roger and Rosalia’s dress options R!Jennette rolled up her sleeves and tweaked the dress to be more “debutante worthy”. This did not go well with them, but it was too late for anyone to do anything about it so in the end she went with the dark blue dress that once belonged to the woman she thought of as a mother, and looking great in it.
The dress is a simple dark blue with short sleeves and lighter gloves as contrast. It's monochromatic color scheme gives it an antique and vintage look compared to the other dresses. I’m not sure what that drapery thingy you wear with a dress that goes over your arms but i gave her that to complete the look, as well as a small train for a flowey look. I also like to think that R!Jen changed the waistline so to better fit in with current trends too. Now i want to get to Jetty’s new choker, because personally i think it makes the whole look better and gives it a tiny bit of edge. I mentioned that the brooch in the middle also belonged to the Duchess once and this is important because in my AU, Duchess has purple eyes and black hair. To Jennette, it was like the Duchess never left their side.
In typical Jennette fashion, i wanted to incorporate bows in it because i think it would be cute if it was a consistent thing for her to like regardless. But unfortunately i could not for the life of me find a way to do so without it feeling tacky (perhaps the Duchess’s fashion taste calls for less bows because she might’ve hated them). So i opt for a simple bow with a tiny nod to Jetty's green eyes. I wanted the dress to contrast her previous debut dresses, like how Athanasia’s debut dress changed because she changed the tides of her fate.
The reason why i went with a more simpler gown reminiscent of the neoclassical/regency dresses from the early 1800s was because i kinda liked the fact that it came after the French Revolution, and before that was rococo. It's more simple yet still elegant and i thought it'll fit with what i was going for with R!Jetty's dress. She’s not here to make a statement like Athy, she’s here because the story calls for it, but also to investigate something about the Imperial Family, for plot reasons.
That is all i have to say now! I want to complete Athy’s debutante dress for this AU now because i really think that she needs something else to suit her more cunning and dark personality. And Ijekiel also undergoes a change after his mother’s death too so i’m thinking of giving him a new look for funzies (and also give him something from the Duchess too). Thank you for reading this have a nice day now ;p
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(I can see why… it is such a shame. Maybe it’s the text after all, or maybe it’s the lack of interest in a crossover between these two canons? Hmm…)
(I’m hoping my recap might help with some of the issue, replacing a whole bunch of text with just one bit. If only I could make images show on here without things bugging like they did when I tried to make a poem visually show up on the old blog. Then again, the amount of content would probably break the file size limit if it was all done in the program I use for visuals. (Though who knows, maybe it’s just the new blog format that Tumblr makes new blogs like this one use.))
(Hm, maybe I can work on adapting some of the key scenes into visual format, and then link to where those scenes are? It’d be from Flowey’s POV since I can’t show him, of course. We did get confirmation most of those are canon-compatible, maybe I can bring my reporter character back to the main blog report on this development, now we have real footage of some of that lost time, since it was alluded to before in a previous appearance of the reporter. While of course making it clear this doesn’t necessarily mean all FUTURE content on here is canon, just because everything that happened here so far is compatible doesn’t mean mistakes won’t happen in the future (or, in-universe, the person making the footage faking things) I’ll do my best to avoid contradicting anything, and you can review things later on like you mentioned a while back.)
(Hopefully that should boost things. If not, and we can’t keep this going, maybe we’ll just do what we already would have done if it was discovered something in here broke canon-Where we simply go over a broad overview of what happened in here, so that this arc is still “finished” in a way. If my reporter character ever reports on THAT, it’ll probably be interpreted as the whatever was being used to make the footage breaking, and the rest being this source giving a written account of what else happened)
(For those of you who wanted more of the backstory, well, I may return to it, but it’s now no longer a regular update anymore. There has been one since the post I gave before happened, though, on schedule like I said would happen. But now, I might just shift my attention to visually adapting scenes that happened on this blog.)
(If I ever adapt the old blog (probably the last thing I’d adapt), then during Monika’s time in Flowey’s world, I plan on using the Overworld tool made by the same person that made the Undertale Text Box Generator. This also means you’ll see Monika in Undertale’s style. But that’s far off in the future, this side blog is the one I’m trying to boost after all.)
(Any ideas on what moments would be best to adapt first? What should be highlighted in a potential report on the CONFIRMED footage of Flowey’s time in this other world? What might get enough people curious on what else happened in here to want to check out the blog? Or, alternatively, if the issue is people not being able to keep up.. what set of scenes would be enough to set the stage so everyone is on the same page..?
(I think I can transfer your files into pictures that can be shown directly on tumblr. I just have to take screenshots of the frames, edit them so they are assembled into comic strips, take a picture of that, and then put it on tumblr!
(You can technically do that too, but I personally have bad experiences with submitting multiple photos at once onto blogs. The images typically get jumbled out of order.
(If the visual boosts don't work, I doubt I'm going to feel much more motivated to continue, so it'd probably be best to end the arc like you said. We'd still have Monika and Flowey interactions- just not on this blog. Even if we do end up returning to the main blog, I agree to either keep using visual representations or to cut down on text so that nothing gets clogged.
(Trust me, I love reading the effort you put into these posts, but many viewers lose interest quickly.
(The scenes I think we should highlight in visual format should include:
*Convincing Monika to go back to the club
*Flowey entering w/ Monika & Sayori for the first time
*Poems day 1
*Girls comforting Sayori about her sad poem
*Natsuki/Flowey challenge to baking competition
*I void planning how to reveal truth to girls
*Sayori wanting to code Ivan back & Flowey wanting to get Chara back
*Preparing to go to Monika's house
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starlightshore · 3 years
barring the no mercy route being an influence in this case, how would you describe chara's personality? I cannot describe them well at all despite them being my favorite character. they're too complex lol. all of the meta i can find at this time as them described at both extremes of innocent & evil but i don't think that's accurate
TW: discussions of canon dark topics such as abuse , death and suicide
i love talking about chara, i've talked about them at length before lmao. thank u for giving me a chance to talk about my beloved child.
you can actually read a character exploration i'm doing in a mini-arc for Askfallenroyalty. actually, if you want one condensed post, this comic sums up chara's motives
My interpretation:
chara is an abused kid and suicidal kid*(1) who ran to mount ebott to die.*(2) upon learning that monsters are made of love and humans aren't*(3), chara began to hate humanity. the deltarune prophecy*(4) makes them to be The Angel despite being a human. Feeling undeserving of this title and obligated to fulfill it, Chara wanted to be a good kid more than anything.
But then the buttercup pie incident happened. They've accidentally*(5) poisoned asgore and came up with a plan to ensure the prophecy could be fulfilled and take a hit against humanity. Two birds with one stone -who cares if it's also a personal win too? then obviously the plan goes up in flames and they and asriel are murdered. then asgore wants to kill of all humanity.
your influence*(6) gets Chara onto a path of redemption or a path of destruction, mirroring the deltarune prophecy's two main interpretations.*(7)
in summery: chara is a scared kid trying to fit into a world that demands violence by the past actions of the previous generations. The war massacred monsters and locked them up with a kill-solution -ensuring that further violence would be needed to be free, thus continuing the cycle of violence.
chara is just a kid. they knit, they make macaroni art, they loved their family and had a best friend forever.* (8) but they're also vengeful, they cared so deeply for monsterkind they were ready to die and had no idea they'd be awake as a soul, they were prepared for death. they're complicated, you can't have one side without the other. while i’ve never wanted to murder anyone, i can still relate deeply to chara and see myself in them a lot. the tragedy of them -the fact they never really got a “happy ending” like everyone else just haunts me and it’s why I spend so much time making AFR. I just... love this character so much, i want this kid to be happy. (not that it could ever be easy to get there, happy endings aren’t free.)
And frankly, seeing this hurt kid get demonized just rubs me the wrong way, and it feels completely against the morals Undertale tries to tell with it’s story. I see it as a cautionary tale against violence and dehumanizing others for the sake of hate and violence. how kids can be influenced by the violence -or kindness around them. you don’t need to forgive the ones who hurt you, but killing them is not always the solution -though sometimes necessary as framed in the Undyne the Undying fight.
People get both Undertale’s themes and chara wrong the most, and for the game that’s meant the world to me it bothers me more than it should lol. It’s a Good Story, and I don’t mean to frame my interpretation of the character or themes as 100% canon and I know Mr.Fox’s brain to confirm it kinda deal, but with all the time I’ve spent analyzing and thinking it over I do think it’s not off in the general direction of it lol. And besides the author’s intent isn’t really the end-all-to-be-all. It’s what you get out of the story and the themes that matter and stick with you. No one can take that away from you.
Sources and evidence:
"* If you're cuter, monsters won't hit you as hard." -faded ribbion flavor text * "The ends of the tools have been filed down to make them safer." -gardening tools in New Home (and iirc Toriel's home as well, too lazy to double check rn) * Where are the knives. -no mercy chara (this and paired with the previous imply there are no sharp objects in reach of chara's home because chara can't be trusted with sharp objects out of self harm. This doesn't necessarily mean abuse but paired with them hating humanity so deeply, being suicidal and a child it paints a picture of abuse.
"* I know why (chara) climbed the mountain.* It wasn't for a very happy reason." -asriel post pacifist epilogue dialogue
"* Love, hope, compassion... * This is what people say monster SOULs are made of. * But the absolute nature of "SOUL" is unknown. * After all, humans have proven their SOULs don't need these things to exist." -Library book on monster souls)
* Legend has it, an 'angel' who has seen the surface will descend from above and bring us freedom. - gerson
"* It takes at least a human soul... * And a monster soul. * ...* If you want to go home... * You'll have to take his soul. * You'll have to kill ASGORE." -Alphys. Because boss monster souls are the exception and can persist after death for a short period of time, Chara could of killed any of the family members to escape the underground. this implies escaping wasn't the goal -it was to die (considering they already attempted suicide to fall underground the first time, this is explicitly suicide.) the plaque doesn't mention or speak like monster/human fusion's consumed soul would be aware. chara had no way of knowing they'd be awake. also the whole thing with the pie is a prank. cups of butter. -> buttercups. putting flowers in a pie is a joke to do, we see Chara is similar to Toriel (they mimic her speech in the no mercy monologue, they say “greetings” as she does like how Asriel says “howdy” like Flowey does. Chara makes puns and jokes in the flavor text all the time.
https://imgur.com/a/zP18P -dog food bag at different LV. "When the protagonist first encounters Mad Dummy, they are given the option to beat it up. Choosing to beat it up prompts one of three responses depending on the protagonist's LOVE." (source: undertale wiki)
If the protagonist’s LV is 1, the response becomes "(You tap the dummy with your fist.) (You feel bad.)"
If the protagonist's LV is between 2 and 4, the response becomes "(You hit the dummy lightly.) (You don't feel like you learned anything.)"
If the protagonist’s LV is between 5 and 7, the response becomes "(You sock the dummy.) (Who cares?)"
If the protagonist’s LV is 8 or higher, the response becomes "(You punch the dummy at full force.) (Feels good.)"" This implies Chara (who is the narrator) will feel different about the dog food -which references the classic phrase of "glass half empty/full" showing your out look in life. Then hitting the dummy show's Frisk's out look on violence depending on LV. Note that by the end of it, it's no longer "you feel..." but "feels good" This is Chara.
      7. “* Lately, the people have been  taking a bleaker outlook...* Callin' that winged circle the  'Angel of Death.' “ -gerson “* Only the fearless may proceed. * Brave ones, foolish ones. * Both walk not the middle road. “ -the first plaque in the first puzzle room with Toriel. The idea is to walk on both the left and right sides -you can’t go half way in the middle. this mirrors the “true” endings are only accomplished if you stick to no mercy or pacifist only.
     8. literally their home in New Home is a treasure trove of pre-game chara characterization.
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whoaskedgottem · 3 years
toby fox is a coward
so i've never really formalized this (and i probably never will) but i've always bounced the idea that the sans fight should've ended just a little differently in my head.
2 AM analysis of the game's themes and characters (flowey and sans) below the cut.
i think my interpretation of sans' fight-- and him as a character-- is that he is a metaphor (or the reflection) of the game, in the same way that flowey is the same for the player.
flowey's behaviours and actions are supposed to match those of a player, and tell us our mentality through the lens of someone else who did the same thing as us; another player.
sans saying the exact same words rings differently, because unlike flowey and the player, sans can't do anything about the resets and game mechanics. he's not the player.
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sans is more like the flipside of the same coin-- there's the player, and there's the game. he holds no control over the resets, he understands how meaningless everything is and how it's all just a toy to be experimented with; but he's not the one playing it. he's part of the game. in a way, he's the game personified. he knows the rules inside out, can read people's stats, knows about the resets and how they work, keeps tallies of deaths and pictures of previous endings and characters, follows the same script over and over despite knowing he's already been there, and done that...
and in his fight, he turns the game's systems and rules against you. he cheats, because while he may not be the player (and thus can't reset himself or do any of your determination fuckery,) his domain as "the game" lets him turn the very thing you're playing against you.
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as "the game" incarnate, sans stands at the end of a run in which you explicitly go out of your way to do everything it really doesn't want you to do. you kill off every single character against the game's narrative's themes, and you try to destroy it. sans-- and the game-- know that after the last corridor, chara waits to destroy the universe and delete everything in it.
and the following fight is the game's last attempt at stopping you from breaking it.
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of course he's not. you might be playing a game, but the game has rules you follow. and the game's not going to let you break it without changing some of those rules up.
for what it's worth, i do think the fight is amazing at showing this conflict and idea for most of its duration. it's you versus the game. a battle where everything is stacked against you as the game itself tries to cheat you out of a win. if it knows you'll reset until you win, it'll give you something that's rigged so that you'll just keep on trying until you give up at how unfair and frustrating it is.
and here is why i think toby fox is a coward:
why not go the whole way?
why not make the fight actually unbeatable?
it already is, technically. sans' special move works, and the way you kill him is by "cheating" yourself and attacking twice in a row, catching him off guard. but that is out of your hands. it's visual, more than anything; and the metaphor of "you cheated to beat the cheater" is lost in translation, to the point where most people think you just get him because he was asleep.
the TRUE way to beat sans should be to go into the game files-- and set up a pseudo-code, or fake filetree method in which you delete a file or edit a value that unlocks, or breaks, sans' special attack (or whatever alternate battle we decide in this hypothetical change) so that you beat him through a really hacky way that plays with the meta aspect. (think of deleting character files in Doki Doki, or editing files and looking for secrets in OneShot)
this also has the consequence of wrapping up the concept of Determination as well. you, as the player, will do anything and everything to see your will manifest. from trying over and over to beat a boss battle, to editing the game files and hacking in a fight to beat a battle the game establishes as unbeatable.
an unbeatable sans fight makes him seem far more compelling, emphasizes his role in a more defined way, fits nicely in to the overarching themes of determination and how the player interacts with the game, and most importantly, it reinforces the idea that the genocide run "breaks" the game and its universe.
once you go into the game files and fuck with them to kill sans; you broke the game. for real this time. you crossed a boundary that you can't go back from. all that waits for you after this is a black screen in which chara swindles you out of a soul, and leaves you with no bitches and no game. shouldn't have deleted system32. even if you get your stuff back, the game is irreversibly (ideally. we know you can fix this too, but that's beyond the scope of what the game's trying to do...) broken, and you will never get a good ending again.
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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squeiky · 4 years
!!!List of papyrus things!!!
(Update 3! mini update.)
For anyone who needs more info on the guy! Since you usually dont see alot of info about him!
A list of stuff thats just papyrus's tid bits i've collected overtime!
(Disclaimer: some things can be taken off of memory, though I did search most of the stuff up, so you dont have to worry too much. But if your feeling unsure, search it up! And correct me while your at it.)
his room doesn't play/have music.
(If you have reunited playing at enter his room, it'll disappear forever. Untill you go back and let it play again. Even without reunited, a song that plays no matter what room your in, doesn't play any music.)
Never takes off his battle body.
(According to sans, he only takes it off if he has no other choice too. Otherwise he'll just put clothes ontop of it, or just repaints it if needed. He does how ever, change his pants but never takes off the top.)
the minute "royal gaurd " is out of the picture, he's got nothing.
(It was the one thing he worked up for. When the royal gaurd disbands He says he "working hard on doing absolutely nothing". Then again this can be interpreted as papyrus does say he is working on something, despite not being a royal gaurd yet.)
He lies. (And can manipulate)
(Though he is really bad at lying, he seems to manipulate just fine, though its usually not out of malice. He gets undyne to befreind you by mentioning "challenge", which is a weakness of hers, since she never can turn down a challenge. And has lied about floweys name to her to. Has lied to sans or atleast mislead him about the things he knows about. Pretended he didn't know what a lab was during a call in hotland, but if you call him when sans isn't there, papyrus mentions the lab as if it was common knowledge instead of saying "Labrador-y?" As if he had no idea.)
Changes up his attacks
( if you get captured a few times, you see variation in his attacks. If you do it right, you can get him too skip half of his entire attack.)
Calls his own puzzles "Awful"
(This happens after battling papyrus, he says "WHO KNEW THAT ALL I NEEDED TO MAKE PALS... WAS TO GIVE PEOPLE AWFUL PUZZLES AND THEN FIGHT THEM??" This could be interpreted in many ways.)
Spikes, fire, traps, fencless bridges: are all safe for children, according to papyrus.
Has "talked" with asgore before.
(Sadly, asgore and papyrus has crossed paths. Asgore advises him not to but dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. Papyrus wants to put dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. This results in them bickering over saftey laws, with papyrus usually winning.)
Tried to start a flowey fan club
(On multiple occasions calls flowey "his best freind" and shows genuine love for the little guy. He even gave flowey a little red scarf to match his, during the 5th anniversary winter alarm clock.)
Has photo-graphic memory for phone calls.
-call in the room where undyne chased you. He seems nervous, or atleast stressed out during this call. I'll leave any and all interpretation to you.)
(Ps: papyrus has bad memory, but good photographic memory?)
His disliking for grease
(Says this during a call with undyne in grillby's place. Undyne says she loves grease, and he quickly dismisses his opinion in favor of hers. Of course, papyrus HAS visited grillbys before, as the dogamy and doggeressa mention him with sans. )
Calls alphys "great"
(During the first tile puzzle, he praises alphys by calling her "THE GREAT DR. ALPHYS" )
Knows about undynes crush on alphus
(He teases undyne a few times on this, leading to the "hot voice" and "audible wink" papyrus lines. He's not oblivious to the things around him, unless he chooses to be.)
Put limes in his eyes!
(Conversation in hotland! The guy thought limes where cucumbers and stuck them in his eyes. When. He thought it wasn't working he put more limes. It burned like hell but he says it was all to have "mettaton's bishoning eyes")
Knows about mtt's eyes
(Nobody seems to know that mettaton has eyes?! Undyne confirms this fact. Papyrus is the only one who outright mentions it.)
He got mettaton to do the tile puzzle thing
(FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON- mettaton was the tile puzzle robot alphys built. The puzzle robot papyrus had during his own tile puzzle. Infact, during mettaton's tile puzzle in hotland, he says that you'd is this a few hundred rooms ago. If you call papyrus, he starts rambling on all the instructions again. Hehe.)
he likes dinosaur oatmeal
(According to the undertale tumblr, flowey response to "whats papyrus's favorite food?" Is DINOSAUR OATMEAL!! YAY!)
really enjoys mtt's show and mtt in general.
(and mtt even helped him with a tile puzzle)
enjoys cars
Owns a car bed
(Want to drive one)
really freaking artistic!
(Paints a whole bridge, makes a snowpapyrus, made his own costume/battle body, built a okay replica of a sentry station)
The red book on the table in the skelebro's house is infact his!
(For specifics, the quantum mechanics book with infinite books inside of it. It isn't specified who reads it, but both brothers should be capable as jokes and puns are not out of papyrus wardrobe.)
has his own shed and tools.
(Also known as "the punishment shed, doghouse, cpature zone, guest room, a garage" or undyne's pun which was "the coolshed". Ah, to be enriched by shed puns... Wonderful.)
tried to learn the "horoscope"
(Got "stumped" according to sans)
thinks junior jumble is harder than crossword
wants a 6 pairs of hot pants and 6 pairs of legs to wear those pants
has a dream of owning a shop where he just sells flames
(Call near in waterfall, near the turtle man shop.)
He's very influential
(If he's the only one killed in a neutral run, even without undyne, a revolution will still occur. Look into it yourself if need be.)
Called himself a genius
(During the instance, where he talks to you after turning the light on in sans's room.)
Can't really tell when someones mad
(He couldn't tell when undyne was mad at him during a call. He asks us too.)
Doesn't watch anime.
(He thinks its like cartoons for babies. Jokes around with undyne for awhile before taking it all back once he knew she watched anime.-during one of the calls.)
Brutal kind of guy
(He says this himself, i don't exactly know WHY he thinks this of himself, but he does.)
Owns a bookshelf
(He has a book Its where his vast dictionary comes from.
Knows about the time and space manipulation tactics sans uses.
believes you can be a better person, if you just try.
(And he's right. Even if you kill him he still believes this, beacuse well.. Its true. Undyne wont forgive you and try to kill you, sans won't fight you, bht he's still right either way)
Knows about river person
(He asks about how river person is doing. No body seems to know about river person, and its unsure if undyne knows about their prescence.)
The days in his date scene (Monday, Tuesday, weekday, Thursday,e.c.t ) changes depending on your computer. Even though the date in undertale is always Monday.
(River person has a scheduled thing that matches up to your computer date as well, but this is about papyrus, not river person.)
Weird abilities
(Flying and super speedy twirling, flying backwards. He doesn't even hide it.)
He's pretty freaking tough!
(According to undyne, the person who defeated asgore.)
His "absolutely normal attack" is a giant cluster of bones.
(In theory, his attack could be the size of the entire area, including the giant bone at the end.)
Papyrus can lower the giant bone at the end of his "absolutely normal attack"
Has Collection of bones (or was planning to make one.)
(The room behind the sink was made for.. His attacks/bones. Before toby(dog)came in and made a shrine instead.)
Is annoying dog's favorite target.
Has a cannon, spears, fire thingy, and a dog at his disposal.
(Displayed during the bridge scene)
One persistent dude.
Likes to say "NYEHEHE!"
Has alot of MTT items.
Owns makeup!
(Mtt brand of course!)
Never dated anyone before.
(He says it himself.)
owns a dating manual
Not much of a sleeper.
(To the point where he just calls sleeping "naps" which aren't that long. He outright says he's always working, so he doesn't sleep.)
Dislikes hotland
dislikes hotland x2
Dislikes hotlands puzzles
Dislikes hotlands ethics.
Doesnt know much about hotland
(Says he knows it like the back of his hand!)
Says he never taken off his gloves, so he has no idea how his hands look like.
(He wears gloves or mittens on top of his gloves. And refuses to take it off, like his "battle body")
Calls hotland's steam puzzles garbage.
Dislikes hotlands conveyors
Thinks L1 and R2 stand for left and right
( Of course, it takes him awhile. He starts making puns, and tries to compare the words to pasta, and THEN comes to the conclusion that its left and right. Its Trail and error.-)
Knows about death.
(Said he wanted to meet death one time during a waterfall call.)
He pauses when speaking as a lost soul.
("I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN EVERYONE WILL. ...." This is unusual as he is the only one that pauses. This can be interpreted, but it is rather interesting nonetheless)
Alright this is a bit more interpretive. Things may not be 100% facts down here.
Disclaimer: i will be putting "Interpretive" in red coloring for things that have may my interpretation or opinions in! Please do be mindful in your search, and take it with a grain of salt. It doesn't make it comepelty wrong, it has facts! Just muddled with oppinions.
self-worth problems.
( can be called interpretive: He always feels very unimportant, as if he doesn't actually matter. During a call in waterfall, with the puddle hallway, papyrus talks about not letting it "get to you" or something along the lines of that. Since undyne speaks from her experience with the puddles, then i'd assume papyrus would too.)
(I think its just a sign of self doubt or insecurity. Someone once said its dysphoria, which is a cool headcannon for paps or something. What ever it is, he has some demons that he doesn't want to let out.)
( according to the genocide description)
( Interpretive: Other than that, he's not even noticable. Though, there are a few people that appreciate him, most dont really acknowledge him. Unless you kill him of course!)
( interpreitive as well:Before the human showed up, sans explains how his brother was feeling quite down lately. We see a.. Happier side of papyrus through out our journey.. He vents out to us, the player/human, about things he dislikes, or troubles he faces. Hes like a froggit. Life is hard for a froggit.)
Smiles through things.
("This is where I tried to capture you! What a bad memory." -quote he says as he smiles through it all. He does have a sad emote, but so far i have only seen it during a call in hotland, where the CORE was shown. As your adventure is coming close.. To an end.)
Uses his playful "OUCH!" emote when you straight up kill him. Instead of his hurting/in pain emote when flowey catches him off guard before absorbing everyonesones souls.
(The reason is unkown, but that emote is normally associated with more of "light taps." Examples are, toriel's fireballs at asgore and flowey. Unless... Cutting off his head was considered a "light tap" then, but flowey wrapping him in painful vines is considered more painful than getting his head chopped off and still having enough consciousness to joke about it.)
He knows his cooking sucks and that nobody likes it.
(He's not naive. He knows. He even says it. "Nobody has like my cooking before!" - QUOTE. This isn't some hidden fact. He's trying his best, "mabye next year, he might even make something edible." -sans quote.)
That was all the stuff i gathered for now.
Feel free to tell me anything i haven't added! :)
yeah, hes a pretty cool dude, ain't he?
(Edit: i've added some new things to the bunch, and fixed/deleted ome opinions or unrelated junk. Please, continue helping me add!)
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squarefriend · 3 years
Mermay ended yesterday, but I’m sitting on the beach at this very moment so let’s fucking do this:
❤️ They are actually rather neutral over the ocean. Far more of a skipping stones and playing in the lake kind of kid. Though, they do have a respect for the water’s raw power and changing tides. (Also seeing how much Undyne loves it made them want to appreciate the ocean more)
❤️ Thanks to being attached to Frisk’s soul, they kinda have to go to the beach all the time now. They like to go out as far as they can and walk along to the bottom, or float above Frisk and try to freak them out.
❤️ All that being said, they ADORE sharks. They nerd out every time they get to go to the aquarium. (Then get kinda embarrassed about it).
❤️ They have (on more than one occasion) convinced Frisk that because they’re a ghost they can see all the ghosts of everyone who’s drowned, and that yes, pirates ARE coming to get them...... It backfired at the notion that now Frisk WANTED to go meet the ghost pirates.
❤️ Had a brief period of wanting to be a mermaid, purely because A) Not a human and B) Typically man eaters. It suited their style
❤️ They LOVE the ocean.... or rather, they love the beach. There’s one right at the edge of Ebbott City, so in the summer, they get to go up every weekend or so. And you can bet on that weekend, they have an absolute ball with whomever family/friend took them this time.
❤️ Their favorite part is exploring. They love to run around on the beach, looking for shells or any critters, as well as going out into as deep as the can in the ocean (usually only to be called back by their mom). Speak of the devil, Toriel bought them a snorkeling kit for their gotcha day and that thing has been used religiously ever since!
❤️ Every time they go the the car to go home, Frisk has to be checked by an adult (not either of the skelebros, they are WAY to lenient on this one) to make sure that they don’t have any stow away sea critters. One too many times of Frisk trying to keep a pet crab.
❤️ They take swimming lessons from Undyne! There were only a couple of misunderstandings over wether or not a humans could breathe underwater, but its all been sorted out! They’re doing really well!
❤️ They refuse to learn how to dive. Undyne has been trying to teach them for MONTHS now. It’s cannon ball or nothing, and they’re determined to keep it that way.
❤️ Back when he was Asriel, he’d wanted to see the ocean. They don’t exactly have HUGE bodies of water in the underground like that, basically only the river. And no one swims in the river. Add in Chara’s talk of mermaids and their stories about lakes and skipping stones and all that.... It had been a big goal of his. Now that he’s there, and without the capabilities to swim or get in the water, and without the person who said they’d show him the surf.... it’s uh, it’s lost its appeal.
❤️ Frisk and Papyrus tried to get him to go out in one of those dog floaties. It looked pretty ridiculous and nearly tipped over a couple of times. Inevitably it was decided that it was just best to just keep him on the shore or in the shallows strapped to someone’s chest.
❤️ Usually he just sits on the shore with Paps, Frisk, or Toriel. He (begrudgingly) likes to make sand castles. He’s actually gotten quite good at them. Either that or eat nice cream.
❤️ Papyrus made him tiny sunglasses. He wears them every time they go to the beach.
❤️ When he does go into the water, he likes to stick his head under the serf and try to find fish. He actually managed to catch one in his mouth once, both impressive and terrifying.
❤️ She is fond of the beach. Not so much the water, but she does enjoy the occasional swim with Frisk. Would probably like going out on a boat, though she has never tried it.
❤️ Usually while the rest of the family swims, she’s on the shore in her beach chair, reading a good book and keeping a watchful eye on her kids. She can usually get through half of the thing before its time to go home.
❤️ That being said, when she does go out in the water (usually to cool off or check on Frisk and/or Flowey) she is remarkably good at floating along. That, and she’s abit of a beast when it comes to X-treme monkey in the middle. That lady is huge and can use that height when she needs to. Also she has to shake off when she gets out of the water.
❤️ She ALWAYS has a beach bag on her, and in that beach bag is pretty much anything you’d ever hope to need. Pool toys, goggles, fresh water, extra sunscreen, at least three books, money, Your scocial security number, you name it.
❤️ Toriel’s usually the go to ‘hold tired swimmer gently’ person. And has done so for everyone in the main cast but Mettaton and Undyne. You could just fall asleep in those big ole’ arms.
❤️ He’s, as with most things, pretty nuetral about the ocean. Though, he adores the fact that it’s a day he can just slack off and relax in the sun (and sometimes water). He’s usually on the beach in a beach chair or sitting in a pool floaty, just drifting along. Sometimes he’s just latched onto Paps or Toriel, it’s kinda a wild card where he is at any given time.
❤️ He has never been sober ONCE while at the beach with the family. Mostly thanks to the fact that he somehow always has a martini in hand. No one knows where he gets it, let alone how it is almost always at least half way full. Needless to say, he’s at least buzzed by the end of the day.
❤️ Every time they go to the beach, he wears the most insane sunglasses. I’m talking Elton John style, but if they came from dollar tree. Normally it’s a pineapple pair, but they change on a whim. Once again, no ones entirely sure where they come from.
❤️ He briefly moved the illegal hotdog stand to beach, before the threat of getting fined was close enough to scadattle. This, the limited addition ‘Colddogs’ (now for 5g, wait he meant 50g, actually its 500-) became a thing. They were followed shortly by ‘Frozendogs’ (available in 50 flavors!)
❤️ The two never breathe a word of it, but every once in awhile Papyrus will rent a canoe and the two of them will go out on the water. They only do this at the dead of night, when the water is still and clear. Way out past the buoys, where it’s hard to see the shore, the moon and the stars bounce off the water in a shifting, funhouse esc reflection. Being out there, together, in practically silence..... It brings a lot of comfort to the two of them. It reminds Sans that yeah, this is real, and some things are worth remembering.
❤️ Paps is very fond of the shallows, but not a huge fan off big, open water. Unless he’s in the comfort of a canoe or boat. It’s just too big of a space. One can feel so... alone out there. But!! If he’s in chest or higher or with a group of close friends, he’s good!!
❤️ He bought special spandex gloves to wear in the water, ones that cover his fingers and palms without being skin (bone???) tight. They help him tread the water better, since he’s the opposite of buoyant. Which is definitely the only reason he bought them! No other reason in sight! Why would you even ask that?!
❤️ He, Undyne, and Frisk play ALOT of beach games, all far more extreme than their originals. The current turnomemt is over X-Treme volleyball, this time featuring antigravity magic and spears. Frisk is, somehow, winning.
❤️ A good portion of the time, he eats nice cream and makes sand castles with Flowey. Their creations are startlingly structurally sound and flourished. Though, they are also usually next to a life sized sand-Papyrus. No one knows where the sand came from.
❤️ He tried catch and realease shark fishing with Undyne once. It um, got interesting to say the least. Especially when they tried to use Papyrus as live bait. They only had to go to the ER twice!
Undyne (Aka my entire reason for writing this)
❤️ Undyne doesn’t love the ocean. She doesn’t even like the ocean. She ADORES the ocean. You can find her there almost every day after work, sun or storm. She never realized how much she would thrive in salt water until she was there, and now she can’t believe she lived without it. Its so raw and passionate and buetiful, and she’s just at home in the waves.
❤️ Her favorite time to be out is during a good storm, when the ocean is at her roughest. Undyne has learned how to boogie board and body surf since she got on the surface, and uses those huge waves to catch some air. She WANTS to learn how to surf, but has yet to find someone to teach her. Storms are also the best for letting the water roll over her and letting herself drift in the tides, both are pretty damn amazing feelings.
❤️ Because she can breathe and see under the water, she also likes to swim out really deep into the open ocean. No one in the family can follow, but it gives her a lot of time to think. Also, there are sometimes HUGE fish out there, which she greatly enjoys seeing and interacting with. She’s. she’s fought a tiger shark before. And probably other, larger and more dangerous things. (Also when she gets home, Alphys always talks about how her kisses taste like salt. Undyne loves it).
❤️ Before she became Asgore’s body gaurd, Undyne was pretty much out of work. Not a whole lot of people wanted a massive, sharp toothed, she-shark selling retail in their stores. But, being a fish and all, she got managed to get a job as a life gaurd over the summer! This ended in her actually giving swim lessons to a couple of kids (starting with Frisk)!! She is actually a pretty good trainer and still teaches a few kids every once in awhile over summer breaks.
❤️ Her and Asgore went on a fishing trip once! The boat nearly capsized, Undyne ended up going in to fish instead of using the pole, there were life lessons taught about patience, and Asgore got horrendously away sick. Needless to say, it was a good trip. They still have pictures on Asgore’s fridge!
❤️ As much as her girlfriend loves it, she’s not actually a huge fan of the water. It’s overwhelming and dries out her scales, and when she’s in super deep it makes her really uncomfortable. She’s stared into oblivion before and, well, it’s not a good feeling. The deep sea reminds her of that.
❤️ That being said, she LOVES the beach itself. She could sun bathe for hours while Undyne is swimming. Just pop on her head phones, lay on the sand, and embrace her lizard heratage! Also, she likes to watch her hot girlfriend do hot things like catch fish in her teeth and throw skeletons, so it’s a win win.
❤️ Naturally, this means a lot of her and Undyne’s date end up at the beach one way or anouther. Every time they go now, Alphy makes a point of collecting a seashell. They all hang on a string over her bed, it’s her favorite part of the room.
❤️ More times than not, if the sand is particularly nice and warm, Alphys falls asleep on it. Like, hard core passed out asleep. She just loves the fluffy parts of the sand so much??? And it’s so comfortable??? And she’s gotten more than afew overheating from sleeping ALL day, but she can’t help herself. It’s just too cozy!
❤️ Her favorite thing about the ocean is always going to be seeing Undyne’s smile though. She loves it. She loves the way her girlfriend’s kisses taste after she’s been in the sea. She loves how content the girl is after a good swim, and how cuddly they get in the living room. She loves smelling the air and holding her hand and seeing the sun on the water. She wants to spend forever in her arms, on the sand, eating nice cream and watching the sun set.
❤️ So. He’s a robot. Alphys is currently working on waterproofing his body, but until then he’s shore bound. That doesn’t mean he won’t done his best sun hat and glasses, steal a life gaurd’s chair, and pose dramatically on the beach though!
❤️ Truth be told, he actually quite enjoys long walks on the beach. His boots are well protected enough to go a way into the water as well, so he takes them sometimes with Alphys. Also, night time on the beach holds SPECTACULAR song writing material! There’s something so inspirational about the atmosphere.
❤️ That being said, summer concerts are the bomb. Litterally. There’s pyrotechnics. He’s not as big a star as he was in the underground, but some local beach performances are well within his pay grade. The thrill of the stage! The cries of the people! The personality and connection to his adoring fans! The one time he crowd surfed! The fashion! It’s all just perfect!
❤️ He also frequents beach side shops, thanks to the atmosphere and outfit selection. One can NEVER go wrong with a floppy hat and a sheer coverup. It’s just impossible.
❤️ He relates WAY too hard to the little mermaid, both in the original story and Disney. There’s just something that hits too close to home about longing for humanity and a new, more comfortable body... He gets Ariel man, he gets her.
❤️ He likes to go on long morning walks on the beach alone. There’s something comforting about the sun rise and the sound of the waves rolling around him. There’s something even more sweet about the rare conversations, only lasting a hello and small talk, all few and far between. Sometimes he finds himself wishing he had a dog to walk with him, but in the end decides against it. He’s been alone a long time, he can last one more day.
❤️ He really enjoys going shelling. Sometimes, he even likes to paint his finds and put them up in his windows. Frisk helps him, he likes that.
❤️ He’s become a vollenteer to help find and aid sea turtles’ hatch sites. He loves watching them hatch and get to the sea safely. Though he’s not supposed to, he’ll protect them from the gulls.
❤️ Thanks to being in so close to the sea, he had a brief phase of being rather in love with verities of seaweed and kelps. He tried to keep afew using water tanks, but could never quite get them right. Ah well, at least the petunias and roses are doing nicely.
❤️ He has a hard time reading or watching things about mermaids. They make him sad.
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variantia · 2 years
BELLUM.   other weird things the Dreemurrs do
Chara isn’t a HUGE fan of milk, so in the morning they eat their chocolatey cereal and once it’s all gone, they give the bowl with the vaguely chocolate-flavored milk to Kris, who happily drinks it.   sometimes the two of them repeat the process if Chara’s extra hungry ; they miss doing this when Kris is at college, and neither Frisk nor Asriel will drink the plain almost-chocolate-milk, so they use less than usual and force themself to drink it
Frisk will straight up just eat hot peppers plain.   fresh from the supermarket, not jarred and pickled.   especially if they’re dared into it.   you have not lived till you have seen this kid eat a whole chipotle pepper, wail because their mouth is on fire, and EAT ANOTHER ONE.   (once in a while they get desperate enough to drink Chara’s cereal milk because the heat is burning their little baby eyebrows off, but...)
Asriel labels everybody’s favorite drinking cup using rainbow stickers to spell out their name !   there’s one for him, each of his siblings, Mom and Dad, and Lo.   whenever anybody wants a drink he runs to the kitchen to grab them “their” cup.   he also puts stickers on people and says he’s tattooing them, usually with a sticker of something they like or reminds him of them.
Flowey steals the electric blanket.   nobody can ever find the damn thing, and after so many times, everyone figures out it’s him.   so they look in his room.   and find him curled up in the corner, wrapped in the stupid thing, snoring his stupid little baby flower snores.   many pictures are taken.   Flowey screeches and tries to delete them all-
Toriel always sends Lo home with a slice of pie ??   like.   ALWAYS.   unless Lo is sleeping over, she gets pie to take home.   (or sometimes cookies.   a piece of cake.   a donut.   whatever Toriel made as dessert that night, but let’s be honest, half the time it’s pie. and sometimes she even gets leftovers from the actual meal, which means Toriel made too much in anticipation of having leftovers to send with Lo because she’s mom to everyone)
Asgore has Lo’s favorite flowers in the front garden, right next to all the others’ favorite flowers.   he’s got them labeled.   Chara’s buttercups, Frisk’s asters, Lo’s [insert flower here].   it’s quirky ! he wants to show off that this little patch of flowers is in her honor, because she’s part of their family.   often he cuts some and gives them to her to take home along with Toriel’s pie.
also they all send Lo random texts throughout the day.   just because they’re thinking of her, or maybe because Asgore wanted to tell her about this teacup he found that reminds him of her, or because Frisk is showing off the good grade they got on their test thanks to her help, or because sometimes it’s easier for Chara to say honest things over text.
aaaaaand once Lo makes friends with Kris’ group, they all text her too ... etc.   one time Ralsei CALLED while she was babysitting and asked if he could come over because this was very important and he needed her help because the LIGHT word is confusing !!
... only for it to turn out that he was distracting her for long enough that the kids could set up a “Happy Family-versary” party in the playroom because it had been a whole year since Lo had started babysitting and stayed with them !   Kris sneaked the rest of their friends through the back door (and in Susie’s case the window) along with a cake that Ralsei made and Chara decorated.   everyone is here and talking about how HAPPY they all are that she’s in their lives
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We All Have Those Up And Down Days....Right?
today hasn’t been perfect, well last month wasn’t perfect either....
and March was just so freaking awful.
even if I did change my tumblr username from
mythicalmarvelgirlnerd to floweytheflower-of-deltarune
(because I didn’t want a misunderstanding after I found another tumblr with the name “Mythical Marvel.” and we all know how misunderstandings can be at times.)
but I am thinking of changing the tumblr username again.
I mean I can still have the whole Deltarune thing that has to do with the tumblr home being “Delta-Flowey The Flower”
I still plan to go another round with Chapter 2 of Deltarune.
also I have a headcanon theory that Kris has three souls in them.
one being their own, which I believe might be a light turquoise color,
the red soul being the player (and the Undertale’s red soul might be the players too.)
and the third soul being the Knight, which I believe is a Monster’s Soul if it turns out the Knight is a monster.
I think the Knight’s Soul would be a Dark Purple color.
i believe that all the naughty and even dark pranks that Kris did before that we heard from others that have done (even if the Player had just got there in Chapter 1)
was all the work of the Knight, who had made Kris do pranks against their will before we the players even showed up.
even if in the game, it is said that Kris’s choices don’t matter.
but I think even if we do control Kris in the game, it might be nice if their choices did matter so long as we let it happen.
like if when the choices pop-up, it has colors on the words
and what Kris would want to pick comes out as a light turquoise color.
if we pick another choice that isn’t the light turquoise color, it wouldn’t be Kris’s choice.
in theory, before the Player’s Red Soul came along....
Kris’s life might of been already miserable, which might of been the cause of the Knight....who was possibly the real culprit in the certain dark pranks that “Kris” pulled before.
but since the Player came into the picture, we keep them safe.....at least until the end of each chapters where the Knight will take control of Kris’s body.
it might be possible that if the “heart” is not in the middle when the choices pop up and it is on the left or right side, it could be Kris’s choice and if we choose the opposite of what they want, it might make them unhappy.
the Red Soul that is us the Players, should see it as a symbiotic bond.
we might of not truly had that with Frisk, 
it might be possible that Frisk might of been one of the discarded vessels that ended up in the Undertale Universe.
but we know that it is possible that the Red Soul we see at the start of the Undertale game........was never Frisk or Chara’s but it belong to the Player.
which is us, those who have been playing both Undertale and Deltarune.
it be nice I could play Adventure Quest Worlds, well I did try to do so today but whatever update they did....and me not having played in a while....tried to put my hero’s name and password and didn’t work.
maybe I should just leave it alone for right now.
and if it comes down to it, I guess I will have to make a new one....possibly.
it be nice if Simpsons just had it’s whole seasons on DVDs and just get cancelled already.....give me my Disenchantment and another Season of Futurama.
I know not everyone is gonna agree, and no one has to....it’s just my feelings.
but it might be better if they stop working on the Simpsons and stop working on a new episode or season of them and just work on the Disenchantment, but make sure to take some breaks to take it easy and not overwork.
plus it is just creepy on how some things are with the Simpsons, with the whole “prediction” thing and I want it to stop....it isn’t even the good kind....unless they showed good ones that I’m not aware of.
but Teen Titans Go will have to stop soon too, for their sake so they do not end up like Spongebob Squarepants....
they just had to keep showing that Marathon for....I think it first started last year....?
the same episodes over and over.....I would understand it if it was on the next day but it was a freaking nightmare for me.
I guess I still like the show, but at the same time it has become a love-hate type thing....
 like you love it, but at the same time you hate it because those who are in charge basically broke the marathon and keep doing the same episodes over, over, over and over.
and your family doesn’t have a clue how it makes you feel, and you have to go to another room to get away from that Spongebob show.
I mean I like watching non-stop shows and movies, but that Spongebob Marathon was broken and it was becoming so annoying that it was the same episodes over and over, with very little change.
it even gave me some unpleasant thoughts....which after a while it got better of course.....but I just hope things with the whole Spongebob and Teen Titans Go gets better....
maybe I can just hope things will improve.....
I would still rather have another Season of Wander Over Yonder....
at least that would of been nice, as well as hoping there will be another season of Owl House.
also for the whole “Amazon Prime” to try to do a bit better....
it sucks that Star Vs The Forces Evil is only on the Prime....
it needs to be on DVD or at least Blu-ray.
oh and it isn’t gonna be possible to get one of the seasons of Red Vs Blue I a missing......sure it be a while before the new seasons get on DVD/Blu-Ray,
but those seasons will be worth the wait.
the season I am missing, is being sold on “prime” but I know it ain’t gonna be on the DVD/Blu-ray where it will come to your door in a package.
so I will have to wait until the DVD/Blu-Ray version is restocked......which might be a very.........VERY long wait.....
at least the new My Little Pony G5 Movie made me feel happy.
it was pretty awesome, and no one got turned into scapegoat-stone by Discord and the Sun & Moon Princesses.
as much as I still love those three, it was still messed up what happen.
this is why the Element of Empathy is needed.
even if my Mom pointed out some good parts of Prime, it does seem to have it’s down side in my point of view....
maybe things will get better with it, I don’t know.....guess have to wait and see.
I was doing okay while watching the new MLPG5 Movie....
but then ended up having a down day.
your day can go both ways, going up and down, up and down....
it happens......one can only hope for more better days.
at least I’m feeling a bit more better now...
and I hope some of you agree with my theory
that Kris has three souls in them,
the first one being theirs, the second one being the knight who has been making their life miserable (before the Player shows up) and the third soul being the Player.
 and it is possible that the red soul in Undertale, is the Player’s Soul
and was never Frisk’s Soul in the first place.
the trait of the soul is unknown, but in the Fanon it is Determination.
cause that is what Fans have assumed it was the name of the Red Soul. 
which can still be used in the Fanon Timelines and AUs.
I hope that the Cuphead Show starts soon....but it might be possible it wont happen until next year.....
not sure the whole Cuphead having a crush on King Dice is true or not.
but if what someone on Youtube said is true, then I guess it could be true.....or it might not be....
if it were true, it be like Semi-Canon which it is a one-sided attraction and the other side doesn’t return the feelings.
I wonder if it be funny if the song “you spin me right round.” plays
while ya slap King Dice’s head round and keep it spinning while the song plays.
if the Devil owns King Dice’s Contract as well as the contracts of the other employees that work at the casino.....
if I lick one of the contracts,
would that mean I own the contracts and their souls...?
it be like “I licked the contract, so now I own their soul.”
which would be very weird and funny.....
give me Mr. Wheezy’s contract so the deed may be done.   XD
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cluelessnamelessao3 · 3 years
But It’s Not Funny
4. But I Can’t Stop Laughing
You stood in the backroom, washing out a water bowl that one of the dogs had managed to tip the entire contents of their food bowl into. It had turned the dry kibble into a gross gravy-like mush. Plus, it didn’t exactly smell great either, so it needed to be dealt with now. Right now, because you were not ready to deal with smelling that rancid stink for another minute more.
“You’re like a Chihuahua,” Frisk said suddenly, causing your hands to still as your brow furrowed with confusion.
You blinked at them, your face growing warm. Your eyes were narrowed and indignant. You weren’t sure you liked being compared to a small, yappy dog.
“What?” you exclaimed, “I am not!”
“You’re just so small and angry. Like a Chihuahua! You even shake like one…” They were giggling, their face hidden behind their hands and you were trying your best not to look too offended.
“I’m not even that small! You’re the same size as me, punk!”
Frisk giggled again, “Yeah, but I’m, like, sixteen! And hoowww old are you?” They sang, wiggling their eyebrows at you with a smirk on their face.
“Okay, okay, like-sixteen, go put this bowl back in the kennel, please.” You were trying and failing to sound stern, and they made a face which had you laughing a second later. As they left, they turned to sign a quick apology for teasing you, but you shook your head, a small smile still stuck on your face.
The door rang and you turned, expecting… not… that.
You blanched at the sight but tried not to let your discomfort show as you mumbled out a weak “Hello! How can I help you?”
The mass in front of you shivered and wiggled—the skin on its face (well, you assumed that was its face) quivered slightly and a gaping hole appeared in the middle. The creature seemed to be panting heavily and their shaking increased as you stepped out from behind the counter.
It had… so many legs. The head was distinctly dog-like with large, pointed ears and something akin to a snout. There appeared to be a tail on the back of it, and between each leg looked to be the outline of a dog—but you weren’t sure. It was too hard to tell with how constantly the form seemed to shift and move and change.
You approached it slowly, trying to hide your queasiness by being friendly. You cooed at it, gesturing it to come closer.
It seemed to like that and bounded up to you within seconds, its odd, tail-like protrusion wagging sporadically, flicking specks of whatever substance made this creature up all over your store.
You laid your palm out flat in front of its face and…
The thing practically swallowed your hand whole. You were about to scream in terror when suddenly your hand reappeared from the mass with a wet pop… just covered in a thick layer of some sort of grey ooze. It was becoming harder and harder not to throw up.
As you tried to hold back your gags at the unpleasant presence of the creature, you noticed a familiar figure standing behind the shifting mass of goop that somewhat resembled a dog.
“Sans?” You squeaked, almost in disbelief.
“In the flesh… or should I say sans the flesh.” He winked cheekily and you furrowed your brows, “That’s your cue to uh, laugh, or, yanno, emote at all?” Then, seemingly more to himself he whispered, “Kid sure knows how to pick ‘em.”
You frowned, “I’m still here, and can definitely hear you.”
He shrugged, definitely not apologetic in the least, “Sorry, kiddo, just findin’ it hard to tickle your funny bone.”
Your mouth twitched and you fought the urge to laugh—He’d been rude to you! There was no way you were going to start giggling just because of a few dumb jokes. Instead, you chose to question the… creature… he’d brought with them.
“So, uh, do they have a name?”
At that moment though, Frisk popped their head out from the backroom and squealed with excitement.
The quivering mass responded to Frisk’s voice by shaking even more violently than they were before, you swear you could see pieces of slime rolling off of them and splattering onto the floor. Each time it did though, it collected itself back into the creature’s—Endogeny’s form.
Sans, saved from answering your question, watched as you interacted with Frisk. It was interesting—you were interesting. But at least Frisk seemed to like you. He felt an ounce of regret; he’d reacted badly upon seeing you and he knew he hadn’t made the best impression on you, but it was too late to fix that. Fate would sort itself out anyway. That was what it always did.
It turned out that cleaning the amalgamation, Endogeny, wasn’t as hard as it seemed. Their skin was like wet clay, somewhat malleable and pliable, or maybe they were more like the silly putty you used to play with as a kid. The water tended to bounce right off of them, so you opted to use a dry shampoo on their fur—or lack thereof.
Sans watched the entire time and you tried not to feel too awkward as you and Frisk worked. He wasn’t necessarily doing anything wrong, but you could feel his eyes on you. It was wearing on your patience and eventually you turned around, an angry flush on your face, and snapped, “Take a picture, it lasts longer.”
He smirked. You resisted the urge to throw something at him.
It was almost a relief to see him go.
 The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and soon you found yourself packing up to leave.
“So, Frisk, shall I take you home?”
They nodded, a smile on their tanned face, “Actually, we’re gonna go to Paps’ house, I’m staying the night over there!”
“Ah, okay, kiddo. Then, let’s go, yeah?” You grabbed Luna’s leash in one hand and Frisk’s hand in the other. In your short time of knowing the kid, you felt oddly protective of them. You were pretty sure you’d fight a bitch for this kid if the need ever arose. Though, you weren’t even that much older than them, you shouldn’t really be considering them a kid anymore.
As if echoing your thoughts, they spoke up indignantly, “I’m not a kid! I’m nearly an ADULT!”
You laughed as the two of you left the shop, “That’s what a KID would say!” It took all of your willpower not to smirk at them and their flushed face. They were too fun to tease. It was like being with the little sibling you’d never had.
Frisk chatted with you about their family the entire walk to Papyrus’ place, even mentioning a sibling of theirs that… apparently, wasn’t even a sibling. They weren’t even really a human—nor a monster. You’d never really questioned Frisk’s family, nor their mother that by all means could not possibly be their biological mother.
There would never be a more perfect time to ask than now, “Hmm, so, uh, how’d you meet… er, I mean, like, Toriel is your adoptive parent, right?”
They shrugged, “Yeah, I guess so, they’re more like my real momma than… my mother was…” Their voice trailed off and when you looked over at them, they seemed to be deep in thought. Gently, you reached out and tapped their shoulder.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you have Toriel. Found family can be better than the biological. So, uh, tell me about your brother… Asriel, right?”
They nodded, the haunted look in their eyes replaced with a much more affectionate expression, “Yeah! My brother Asriel is really great… Though, uh, he likes to be called Flowey now… And I mean, he’s also a flower, but like, it’s not a big deal!”
You’d have to keep that in mind—Flowey, not Asriel. Also, what? He wasn’t a human? And he wasn’t a goat monster? He was a fucking flower? Was he conscious? Sentient? You weren’t sure… “I’ll have to meet him sometime. Maybe we can have a little picnic with your mother and your brother next week!”
Frisk agreed enthusiastically, their smile wider than ever. ‘I want to do that soon!’ They signed quickly.
You’d begun to notice in the two weeks that you’d been working with them that Frisk tended to switch to sign language when they got overly excited.
“I’d love to meet more of your family and spend some time with them!”
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you continued to walk. Frisk led you into a short alleyway and out onto a different street… a very familiar street… it took you a second to realize this was in the same neighbourhood as your apartment complex.
You got a sinking feeling in your gut as Frisk led you directly toward your building, but you were relieved—probably a little too relieved when you realized they didn’t actually live in your building, but rather just a block or so to the right of where you stayed.
You liked to have your space, even if you liked Papyrus a lot.
“Do you have family?” Frisk’s voice knocked you from your thoughts and you took a moment to blink at them confusedly.
“Uhhh, y-yeah… I… uh do.” You weren’t really keen on talking about them… There wasn’t much to say other than the fact that you didn’t exactly ‘get along’ with your family. You were, for all intents and purposes, completely estranged from them. Your father was neglectful, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, and your stepmother was hateful. She blamed you for a lot of things—she even blamed you for your own trauma.
You sighed, “They’re fine, I guess… I have a dad, a stepmom, and a stepbrother. My… my mother died when I was younger.”
Frisk nodded solemnly, seeming to consider your words carefully before asking, “Can I meet them someday? They can’t be that bad if they made you.”
You were saved from having to answer when Papyrus burst through the front door of his house, “OH WOWIE! I knew we had the TINY HUMAN coming over! But I didn’t think that they were going to bring the OTHER TINY HUMAN over TOO!”
He lunged toward you, arms outstretched, and you instinctively took a step back, fear swirling in your stomach. He seemed to take the cue, though, because he suddenly seemed a lot more subdued as he mumbled out a quick apology, “Sorry SMALL human, I forgot that you do not wish to be TOUCHED!”
You nodded meekly, and awkwardly patted his shoulder—or rather, his forearm, you couldn’t reach his shoulder. “It’s nice to see you again, Paps, maybe you, Undyne, and I could hang out again sometime.”
Frisk whined petulantly and you smiled affectionately, “Well of course Frisk is coming too, that’s just a given! It’s no party without little boss, here.”
The three of you chatted amiably for a moment before the two of them waved goodbye and headed into the house. You carefully picked your way down the stairs, hands in your pockets, Luna’s leash dragging on the ground beside you.
You were feeling weird—almost jealous? You wanted to head in and join them, maybe sit down for a cup of tea and talk for a while. You wanted to share stories of family and friends, gossip about nightmare costumers at the groomer’s shop, or complain about noisy neighbours. It’d been such a long time since you’d just hung out with someone for the fun of it—not counting the unplanned hangout with Undyne and Papyrus earlier this week.
You’d lost contact with most of your friends, either because they had given up on you, or because you’d isolated yourself; it was hard to tell who was at fault for your solitude. But that wasn’t right, because no, blame couldn’t be ladled out at your discretion. Everything that had happened was a matter of choice—you’d chosen the path your life was on… even if you hadn’t meant for it to turn out this way…
You hadn’t known the consequences. You hadn’t been prepared for them.
Luna pushed her wet nose into your limp hand, and you blinked, suddenly realizing you were still standing by the front steps of Papyrus’ house. Your face flushed with embarrassment. You hurriedly reached down to scoop up Luna’s leash.
Some days it just like your head got away from you and you found yourself staring into space as you thought and thought and thought and the thoughts kept getting thought and it was nonstop. Half the time it wasn’t until someone called your name, or Luna noticed and got your attention that you would snap out of it.
Time flew by when you were like that. It was so hard for you to get out of your own head when you started to overthink.
“Hey, kid!” A deep drawling voice rang out and you flinched, “Sorry, heh, I just saw you out here… I just got off work and was headin’ home. Were you droppin’ the little kiddo off?”
It was Sans, he was in his typical faded blue jacket with its fluffy white fur hood, the black athletic shorts he wore contrasting hugely with the bright white of his bones. It connected, at that moment, that you were just standing in front of his house. You knew Papyrus had a sibling, although you hadn’t realised it was Sans.
You nodded in answer, still feeling odd from your lapse in attention earlier.
He seemed to sense something was wrong, “Hey, it’s gettin’ kind of late, how about I walk ya home?”
You shrugged, "I can manage, it’s fine..." you trailed off, noticing the look of worry on his face.
“Look, to patella ya the truth, I think we got off on the wrong foot… So uh, throw me a bone here and I’ll take ya home?” He looked so awkward there as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, that you couldn’t help but take pity on him.
“Yeah… uh, sure… I’d, uh, be bonely on my own,” you giggled helplessly at the end of your own joke.
The expression on his face made it all the better as his eyes widened and he let out a most unattractive snort.
“That’s good, that’s real’ good,” he chuckled.
“Well, I mean…” you chewed your lower lip, thinking for a moment, “if you like puns so much, I happen to know a skele-ton of skele-puns.”
He laughed and gestured for you to start walking. The two of you made your way down the sidewalk giggling all the while as you swapped jokes back and forth.
All too soon you ended up at the front of your apartment building.
You were just about to head inside before Sans stopped you, “Hey uhm, I made kind of a shitty first impression… sorry ‘bout that, kid… Yeah, like, really sorry for being kind of rude…”
You waved a hand dismissively, “No, sorry, yeah, you’re totally fine… uh, don’t worry about it at all. Besides, I could have been nicer, right? Sorry… Er, I mean, I’m sorry as well…”
He chuckled softly, the smile on his face much softer than you’d seen it before, “No bones about it, I was a real numbskull.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry! I’m sorry, just, uh, let’s start over, how about?”
He nodded, looking slightly relieved.
You were just about to head inside once again when he stopped you once more. If anything, he looked even more nervous than he did when he’d asked to walk you home. “So uh, I was wondering… as, heh, a way to ‘start over’…”
He took a deep breath, like he was mentally preparing himself for something big; you waited with bated breath.
“Look, I lost my number, can I have yours?”
You snorted before you could stop yourself and clapped a hand over your mouth as you giggled, “That is the worst come on I’ve ever heard.”
You could have sworn there was a light blue dusting on his cheeks, but when you took a closer look, it was gone, and his mildly embarrassed expression was replaced with the typical easy grin. You held out your hand, gesturing for his phone and he handed it to you.
You settled for the name “NOT Tiny Human” and typed your contact information in, “There you have it… Just don’t, uh, text me at like three in the morning and we should be good—or do, I mean, I’m not your boss.”
He snickered and for the third time that night you said your goodbyes, this time actually making it inside. When you turned around to wave one last time, he was gone.
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offbrandmercyplates · 4 years
And Another One Gets a Post!
Ms. Emmibee: I’m tired and my back hurts.
Me: Hmm, I can’t as of yet teleport over-the-counter pain medicine and soft things to unknown locations with my mind. How can I help?
Me: Wait.
Me: There is a soft thing I can sort of teleport.
And here it is!
Sooo, I’ve been on a bit of a lazy streak this past week or so, so I figured I should actually do something productive, and what better way to be productive than to make a gift for someone? Thus, this is here.
I’ll also be posting this to my fanfiction account… AND my brand-new Archive Of Our Own account! Yeah, I finally did the thing and got an account. If I can figure out how to post the story right, then it’ll definitely be up today! Thanks once more plus infinity to Emmibee to inviting me and letting me write and post these and just generally being a really cool person!
If you’ve seen the picture that this story is based on, then you’ll definitely recognize the title. Speaking of things, but not entirely, here are some “warnings”:
Contains fluff and, like, one sort-of quote from Homestuck and Spongebob season 1, but I don’t know what episode. Read at your own risk.
Maximum Yearn
“Something on your mind, Dr. Gaster?” Emmibee asked the skeleton sitting across from her. He had been alternating between sneaking glances at her and staring intently into his coffee cup ever since she had sat down at the kitchen table that morning. Clearly, he was thinking hard about something, but what?
It took him a second to register what she had said, and he blinked his good eye socket at her. “There is always something on my mind,” he said simply. “My mind is a fascinating puzzle that I continue to improve on a daily basis with my incredible skills and accomplishments.”
“That, you do,” Emmi said with a light laugh.
He raised a bone brow at her. “I was being serious.”
“I know.”
He continued to look at her for a moment, at first with a bit of a hard expression, but slowly, it began to soften to one of neutral content. His two-second stare became a four-second stare, and Emmi turned her attention to her tea cup. She sipped the golden flower tea Asgore had gifted her on her first day in the Underground. The flavor was wonderful, a little like a sweet and floral oolong with natural hints of cream and honey.
She could still feel the doctor’s gaze on her. She wasn’t sure how one could “feel” a gaze without seeing it, but it felt… calculating, but not cold. Analytical, yet anticipatingly fascinated. Yes, anticipation. That was the emotion she could feel from him. A hint of apprehension and nervousness, all hiding an eagerness to learn, to expand. What a way with words I have this morning, she thought to herself. I’d better get to the bottom of why he’s looking at me before I write a whole creative essay.
She had just raised her gaze and opened her mouth when Gaster beat her to the chase. “There is something I must do.”
She cocked her head at him. “Must do?” He hummed in agreement. “And what might that be?”
He set his elbow on the table and raised his hand, the palm (or lack thereof) facing her. “Hold your hand like this.”
Slowly, she copied his position. “Why?”
“No questions.” He proceeded to stare at her hand for another couple of seconds. Emmi watched his eye socket shift slightly from side to side, taking in the sight. She wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this. Sure, Gaster could be a bit… odd, for lack of a better word, but he usually had a reason for what he did, even if his logic was just as odd as he was (again, for lack of a better word).
What could this be about? She ran through the possibilities: maybe he was trying to tell if her body was real or some sort of illusion created by her human SOUL? Or maybe he was trying to see if she had a nervous tic of some kind, so he’d know if she was feeling one way or the other? Both seemed like they could be it, but they didn’t seem to match the emotion she felt from him. So what—?
Without warning, Gaster pressed his hand against Emmi’s, hard and suddenly enough to create a soft clapping sound, but not enough to hurt. She did jump a bit, though. A very tiny part of her mind wondered how his hand had made such a sound without a palm. The rest of her mind was thinking, “hand”.
Gaster was now staring at their pressed-together hands, and she looked as well. His hand was much larger; the tip of her longest finger just touched the top of the hole in his palm. He fingers were long and slender, which was probably good for dealing with delicate machinery. And it was so warm.
So warm and comforting, in fact, that she nearly missed what he said. “…just as I thought,” he was saying.
She leaned forward across the table, inadvertently pressing their hands closer together. “What do you mean?”
“It’s increasingly obvious,” he continued, seeming to ignore her. “We can deny it no longer.”
“What? What?!” The anticipation was going to set Emmi’s wings aflutter again.
He paused again. Then he turned to look at her, his teeth quirking into what, on anyone else, would have barely qualified as a smile, but on him was the visual definition of “goofy”. “You are small.”
“PFFT-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!” She locked her fingers with his in an effort to keep herself from falling face-first onto the table and out of her chair.
“I’m perfectly serious,” Gaster said. His teeth quirked a little more, sending her into another series of loud guffaws. “Honestly, you can be so strange. Why in the world would you be laughing?”
Emmi wheezed. She probably would have kept on going for an hour, had she not felt something press against the back of her hand between her fingers. She looked up and saw that Dr. Gaster had also locked his fingers with hers. Their hands were now clasped. They were holding hands. We’re doing this, man, Emmi thought, we’re making this happen. In all honesty, if she could just have a single minute of this, every day, for the rest of her life, then deciding to come to this world was already more than worth it. And it could only go uphill from here.
Unfortunately, it was not meant to last. Gaster blinked suddenly and pulled his hand away, staring at her in a way she couldn’t describe. Definitely not that same, goofy warmth from before, though. Someday, Gaster. Someday.
“I have work,” Gaster said sharply, standing up. He grabbed his coffee mug and stared at it. “It’s cold,” he stated. He then downed the coffee in one gulp. “It was cold.”
Gaster hurried around the kitchen, shoving his arms into his lab coat and slinging his work bag over his shoulder. Emmi watched him scurry, still in a good mood despite the hand holding being cut short. “I think I’ll spend the day at the Librarby,” she said nonchalantly.
“Library,” Gaster corrected. “They made a mistake when painting the sign.”
“I know. So… can I, you know, do that?”
“Do what you will. Just don’t talk to anyone.”
“I’m not going to ignore someone if they say ‘hello’, Dr. Gaster.”
He gave her a look before sighing in defeat. “Only talk to someone if they engage first.”
Emmi grinned at him. “Thanks, Dr. Gaster.”
His free hand practically flew to adjust his glasses, and he seemed a bit too distracted to notice at the moment. “Mm. I’ll pick you up when I get back from… work.”
“Say ‘hi’ to the boys for me,” she wanted to say, but figured that would just redact everything that happened just now. Instead, she said, “okay. Bye, doctor.”
He hummed in acknowledgement and hurried out the door, slamming it behind him out of a need for speed rather than a need to express intense emotion.
Emmi settled into the quiet of the house for a moment, then looked at her tea. “It’s probably cold,” she said aloud. She drank the tea in one gulp. “It was cold.”
After putting the cups in the sink, she grabbed an energy bar out of the fridge and put on her coat. Time to read up on monster history to impress a certain skele-man.
When does this take place? I imagine maybe a week or two after Emmi has settled into Snowdin with Gaster. Long enough that there’s something of a routine in place, soon enough that Emmi still has some golden flower tea from Asgore, and before Emmi officially meets the boys. Who knows how long it’ll take to get there; it’ll be worth the wait, though!
According to this site I found called Adiago Teas, golden flower tea is a kind of oolong with hints of honeysuckle, “Osmanthus” (which is a flower apparently found on the “devilwood” tree), and a subtle creaminess. I’m not sure what kind of tea Emmibee would like, and I don’t even know if this would count as the same kind of golden flower tea Asgore makes, but she wasn’t complaining during chapter one, so I imagine she’s good with sweet teas. (After some further research, it turns out Adiago also does “fandom” teas, including a series for Undertale! However, the teas are based on characters, and none of them are a straight up “golden flower” tea. Though Flowey’s does have gunpowder. Blow up a cardboard box with it.)
Does this seem to friendly for Gaster? Keep in mind that he has his own logic to these sorts of things, and was probably trying to see what would happen when he put his hand to Emmi’s. Also, I imagine he was sleep deprived (suddenly having someone in your home can wreck your sleep schedule), was thinking about it since she showed up, and also touch-starved. Disguising hand holding as a miniature “experiment” is the perfect way to keep yourself from thinking you have emotional needs!
A part of me wondered if Emmi’s hand would accidentally go through Gaster’s hand hole, but I figured that would ruin the mood, so that’s a mystery for another day.
I saw an Undertale animatic a few days ago that just put Spongebob quotes over Undertale characters, and Flowey was Plankton, and he said what Gaster says here. Like all children growing up before you could buy all of the seasons of a TV show at once on DVD, I never saw all of the episodes or even seasons; just whatever happened to be playing on the TV when I was in a place that had cable, like not my house. I missed this quote, and I am sad. I figured I should have Gaster say this, because, soft humor.
Speaking of quotes, there’s no real reason for the Homestuck quote I had Emmi think; I just like references. I also made the quote more grammatically correct, because I like grammar. There’s not much else to say on the matter.
Cold coffee and cold tea. Not the most enjoyable, but apparently perfectly viable. I’m not much of a tea or coffee fan in real life (hot cocoa all the way!), but I personally don’t mind downing cold hot chocolate all that much; it’s easier to gulp down and you can taste it without worrying about burning your tongue. Cold drinking chocolate, though, iS DIFFERENT AND IS DELICIOUS AND I’VE HAD IT ONCE AND I WANT SOME BUT THE ONLY PLACE I KNOW OF THAT HAS SOME IS IN A DIFFERENT TOWN AND ALSO I HAVE NO MONEY/TRANSPORT.
So… yeah, that’s everything! I have to go eat dinner now, but as soon as that’s done, I’ll get to posting these things on my other sites! Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! See you around!
I am BEYOND exhausted so I can’t write a whole long thing but i wanted to get this up so everyone can read this wonderful fic!! I’ve had a rough day today and this made it much much better, so thank you very much, Author, this is really sweet and cute and I keep re-reading it. 
Since I like addressing your comments tho here: Emmi does like sweet teas! She doesn’t like bitterness, and like Gaster, she has a sweet tooth. I grew up drinking sweet iced tea (it’s a southern USA thing), fun fact. 
Disguised hand-holding is the ultimate fluff.
Again, thank you so much again for writing this. Its so so sweet.
I’ll be reblogging this with the AO3 and FF links!
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event! #4
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - First, Second, Third Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fourth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Eighth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Ninth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Tenth, Eleventh KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fifteenth, Sixteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Seventeenth, Eighteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Nineteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twentieth, Twenty-First Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Second, Twenty-Third, Twenty-Fourth, Twenty-Fifth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth, Thirtieth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-First, Thirty-Second, Thirty-Third KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Fourth, Thirty-Fifth Glorious_Smut - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Sixth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth
Error managed to get into the Creator Realm, he brought the gang with him and they were looking for Maxie and her friends. Though that implied the creators wouldn’t find them first, which they did. 
“Hello, hello, hello!” Maxie said, wrapping her arms around Error as he glitched and screamed. 
“LET ME GO!” He screamed, and Maxie let him go with a pout. 
“So, as Kiki said, we will be inhibiting your quest! Trials and tribulations to test how much you have actually grown to see if you actually deserve to know. Also we’re bored and want to mess with you.” Maxie said, and Error facepalmed. 
“So, what do you want us to do?” Nightmare said, growling. 
“Please Nightmare, nowadays your bark is worse than your bite. Anyway, we have a few obstacle courses, some logic puzzles, some PTSD triggers.” Maxie said, smiling evilly. 
“What…?” Cross said, and Maxie raised an eyebrow. 
“What?” Maxie said, and Cross facepalmed. 
“Oh, no no no, I have only written a story about forest rangers. I would never torture Error. I am usually the one hissing in the comments to punish anyone who does hurt Error, I wish the hissing thing was a joke. Nightmare would kill me if I hurt Error, right? Getting killed by my second favorite Sans for hurting my first favorite Sans is not on my list pal.”
“Well, it seems we have a good noodle. Truly a rare find.” Error said, and Cross snickered. 
“One, I’m flattered that you like me. Second, I’m glad you fear me.” Nightmare said, looking around for the voice.
“You won’t see them, from here on out, you’re in a little playground my friends and I made. Good luck.” Maxie said, snicking. 
“Oh dear, guys, watch out the voices are planning to get the askers to mess with your search. They wanna draw this out so take any hints we give with a grain of salt. I'd start by looking at what Error is ẁ̵̡̼e̷̪̿à̸̩r̴̜͗i̸̛̦̗n̶͕̄ǵ̶̲, not many Sans with both a j̷͕͕̈́͂a̸̹̓ċ̵̲k̵̳͈̓̆ȇ̵̟̎ṭ̶̯̈́ ̵̨̺͋a̵̜͝n̵̠͋d̸͙͝ ̷͖̇͊s̵̢̟̑c̷̦̜̐͠a̸̦̘͗̎r̶̪̣͛f̵̰̄̾.”
“I think you guys are being censored. And I think we know who.” Error said, glaring at Maxie as she whistled. 
“So any other possible relationships in the making? come on my gloomy boys feed me gossip!”
“None over on our end. Though Swap!fell has a crush on Blue, and Red is territorial. We’re waiting for the brawl.” Killer said, chuckling at the thought. 
“sanses and the one or two AU papyruses when you try to stop the human at the judgment hall why not stop at the soul room to get near god power”
“Doesn’t matter. They would still beat us. We would have six, and the human has beat the photoshop abomination.” Sans said, and the others nodded. They had come over for a quick hang out.
“Ok my little Horror, aka my third fav, how good a cook are you? Like we talkin Gordon Ramsey of skeletons or what? Also are you aware you are a cute little bean?”
“I love Gordan Ramsey! He’s awesome! He has no qualms about yelling at people for their awful crimes against food. And I am aware, trust me, I know how to use it.” Horror said, winking. 
“May I hug all the dark sanses or would that cross a line? You all deserve all the love the megaverse can give you. I know what it feels like to be trapped, alone, and hurt in so many ways, I know what it is like to feel out of option and angry. You don't deserve that, despite everything you are all wonderful.”
“I’d love a hug!” Cross said and felt the hug, though no presence was seen. 
“Can I have a hug?” Horror asked and was given a hug.
“I’m good.” Killer said, and everyone else nodded. 
“Oh guys there are so many people who have written lyrics for your song megalovania. They can be quite good. I have only ever played the pacifist route myself and can't bring myself to watch an actual playthrough cause I can't watch my beloved monster friends get killed, but it is a catchy song. Have you guys seen any of them yet? Also I think you will like this fan song a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtCBLvAw4ZY&t=71s”
“What the fuck?” Killer said, nearly everyone had the same reaction.
“I liked it.” Cross said, humming the tune.
“papyrus how does your special attack work like if the annoying dog didn't take it”
“It’s just a blaster. Though it would be much friendlier than Sans’.” Papyrus said with a shrug.
“Can I also hug Blueberry? He is my fourth favorite.”
“Absolutely! I love hugs!” Blue said and felt the hug as he smiled. 
“You voices are weird.” Stretch said, lighting another cigarette.
“No more. That’s your third, I’ll burn the pack if you smoke another.” Blue said and Stretch groaned. 
“flowey if you really think its fun watching human kill everyone why do you beg for mercy if you act like you dont care ps if u wanna murder human kill toriel first.”
“I don’t beg! I was just scared at first and knew I couldn’t break the script! And in case you didn’t hear, I have literally done everything.” Flowey said, rolling his eyes. 
“to annoying dog sorry to papyrus in advance please follow papyrus all day while playing dogsong and steal all his bones  ps im glad ink didn't murder you”
The annoying dog yipped, he was glad he wasn’t murdered too. He kicked his stumpy legs and wagged his tail as he flew off to Papyrus, who had a feeling of foreboding and anxiety.
“YOU STUPID CANINE!” Papyrus declared as he tried to run while missing his femur. The dog smiled as the song echoed through the Underground and the dog smiled an innocent smile. 
“So here is a question to the Sans personality types, why do you lie to your brother about their food? You're not helping them, it would be far kinder to be honest and help them learn to be better. Someday they are likely to meet someone who will not let them down gently and will hurt them.”
“Implying we can. They either run out the door before we can talk or we have to try talking over them.” Sans said.
“Impossible in many AUs, plus, it’s actually good half the time.” Outer said, and Red nodded, glaring at Swapfell as he was ogling Blue from a distance. 
“Dream, what is it like being with your brother again? How is your guys brotherly bond affected by well everything that happened?”
“It’s awesome. We have fun and prank some unsuspecting Sanses every now and then. As people seem to forget for the longest time, we were mistaken for fey. And we didn’t help those accusations.” Dream said, “Though we never hurt anyone. Just harmless things like a pie going missing or flowers vanishing into thin air.” Dream snickered, he was back in the Doodlesphere by this point and reviewing paperwork. 
“Boys how do you feel about Uncle Dreamy?”
“Don’t.” Killer said. 
“No.” Cross said, eyes blank as he shook his head, everyone else was silent as they shook their heads and cringed. 
“frisk how is murdering everyone one fun after all i dont think you enjoy getting repeatedly killed plus since you reset so many times you know everything that happens underground besides there are more things to murder in surface ps you didnt answer if you got to the surface on genocide”
“I like to see the dust fall, them scream in pain, and beg for mercy. It’s cute. And yes, I can murder more things on the surface, but they don’t turn to dust or give the, for lack of a better term, high I need. And I don’t get to the surface, only if I spare everyone do I get there. And before you ask, in neutral runs I’m in a limbo state, have to RESET to leave.” Frisk said, smiling as their eyes glowed red.
“frisk what about napstablook or mad dummy you can't kill either”
“I can kill Glad Dummy, and Napstablook is worthless. I don’t wanna waste my time on them.” Frisk spat, growling as they left the ruins, stepping over Toirel’s dust. 
“You know what is cute? all the baby bones art of you guys. Awww why is every baby sans just so huggable? Ok ok but really baby Error! just picture a tiny baby Error and tell me that shit is not cute.”
“They’re very cute.” Nightmare said.
“But they didn’t show us any.” Killer said and Nightmare froze. 
“Oh.” Error said, and Nightmare turned into a puddle out of shame.
“And payback time, Nightmare, any stories about Dream?”
Springing back to life Nightmare donned a wicked and demonic grin. “Dream didn’t know what a bed was until he was 100. And it took three people to pry him off of it.” Nightmare said. 
“That’s actually sad. How long did you sleep in a tree?” Cross asked and Nightmare whistled. 
“Our whole lives before the apple incident. Up until then we only slept in a bed seven times each.” Nightmare said, and Cross gave him a teary hug.  
“dust how come your a bad guy you were forced to kill everyone your not a bad person if someones a bad person its the human and chara”
“First of all, Chara is only a problem because of Frisk, so they aren’t as guilty as you think. Though they are not innocent. And no one wanted to befriend a killer, sure they like Red, but it’s the culture. And Ink played his cards right so I couldn’t make things worse for him, there’s a reason he didn’t stop Nightmare from helping me.” Dust said, “Same goes for everyone else.” He finished and everyone nodded. 
“Hold on a sec, contacts? How do contacts work with eyelights? I don't understand...”
“Magic.” Error said, and Maxie snickered. 
“So, let’s begin the challenges!” She said and they were separated and thrown into a version of Snowdin.
“Where are we?!” they cried out, looking around but Maxie laughed. 
“Welcome to your first challenge! Can you handle the Star Sanses all by yourself? Only one of you has to win for all of you to proceed, and the battles will be scaled so you are evenly matched.” Maxie’s voice echoed through the area, but she was not seen. 
“Maxie. What are you doing?” Jana asked, accompanied by Beatrice. 
“Having a bit of fun. What are you doing?” Maxie said, smiling innocently. 
“Are you seriously messing with them?” Jana said, shaking her head in disapproval. 
“You didn’t raise any concern when Jack, Zack, and I were talking about our plan. So why are you looking at me like that?” Maxie said, and the two sighed. 
“Because we want to help. But only to an extent.” Jana said, and Maxie was intrigued.
“To what extent I may ask?” Maxie wondered, smiling. 
“If you trigger their PTSD or do anything relating to Ink, we’re out and we will tell them who Error was.” Beatrice said, and Maxie shrugged. 
“Sure. It’s a deal.” She said, holding out her hand as Beatrice shook it. 
“We’re still going to Jack’s for pizza right?” Maxie asked, changing the subject.
“Hell ya. I’m bringing garlic knots.” Beatrice said and Maxie's eyes lit up. 
“Garlic knots!” She held her hands up in joy. 
“Blue most of us saw that Christmas party webcomic already. We know you spiked the eggnog. Why do you always pretend to be so innocent? not that I have much room to talk on that front...”
“I have long admitted to spiking the eggnog at that party. And I haven’t spiked anything since. No one seems to believe me!” Blue said, grumbling as his eyes turned to small broken hearts as tears filled his eyes. 
“Sure.” Stretch said, and Blue glared, some glitches popping up. 
“to sci and alphys is it possible to turn flowey back into asriel.”
“Without 7 human souls, I don’t think we can. We’ve looked into it, just to see if it was possible. He may be ok with staying as Flowey, with the exception of the pacifist run, but others in his situation aren’t. So we looked at his code to see if it was hypothetically possible, and it isn’t.” Sci said, sipping coffee. 
“Yeah, h-honestly, I was h-hoping that we could. I-I regret i-it so much. I-I wanted to see i-if I could help others. B-but this is i-irreversible.” Alphys said, ringing her hands. 
“It broke Toriel and Asgore’s hearts. Though, they would respect Flowey’s wishes if he didn’t want to, he is still a person whose opinions should be listened to. Even if he is a jackass.” Sci said and Alphys nodded. 
“sanses how do you guys stop genocide routes from starting since you said there were very few”
“We don’t. They just stop, and then they start up again. Like wet and dry seasons, only more sporadic.” Classic said.
“Some worlds, like mine, don’t have as many, the way the world works kinda discourages it.” Red said, and Swapfell nodded. 
“frisk what was the strangest interaction you have had with someone in the underground”
“Gaster. He is so mysterious and strange. I wonder what his deal was, but I never can find out. I’ve met his followers and such, but I’ve never heard him speak, and I’m assuming the person I saw was Gaster!” Frisk said, they were somewhere in Snowdin forest, marking down words on their arm. 
☝☜❄ 💧✌☠💧 ❄⚐ ❄✌☹😐 ✌👌⚐🕆❄ 💣🕆☹❄✋✞☜☼💧☜. 
 ❄☟☼☜✌❄☜☠ 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧. 
“so what has been the most dangerous mission the dark sanses have been sent on”
“There was HorrorLustFell.” Nightmare said, “Unaware of what was going to happen, I had Cross deal with it.” 
He was waiting for Maxie to start up her game, and he hoped his boys were doing well.  
“HorrorLustFell.” Cross said, “I took a month-and-a-half break after that to recover.” Cross said, raiding Grillby’s and the shops for armor, supplies, and food.
Everyone gave similar responses.
“Who all is helping with the search? everyone or just the gang?”
“Just us. Everyone knows what we’re doing and they’re willing to help if we need it.” Error said, shrugging as he made himself a swing and began to swing.
“Okay here is one for the classic undertale gang, since they know about the resets and multiverse now. thoughts on this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8hGMFQPBDw”
“Sans, do you want to talk?” Papyrus asked, and Sans was gone.
“I knew he had problems, but if someone can deduce that? Wow.” Toriel said, holding her hand over her mouth. 
“We have several therapists available.” Outer said, “The hard part is getting him to see one. And I know I’m a hypocrite.” Outer said, shrugging. 
“You are correct, space Sans.” Papyrus said, “I just wish he could talk about it.” Papyrus said. 
“I mostly wanna see what paps has to say about his brother hiding his mental health problems.”
“I knew he had issues, but I want him to talk to me, I know it’s hard to talk about your mental health problems, but it’s been five years. Though he has suffered far worse than any of us, if the Dark Sanses are anything.” Papyrus said.
“I’m going to stall Frisk, Toriel, you need to get out of here. Frisk will be getting here soon.” Papyrus said and everyone dashed out of the house.
“Have the sans ever had to have an intervention for any of the other sans, like Blueberries alcohol problem?”
“I have no problem first of all. And secondly, we have had to have interventions.” Blue said, “Black had a drug addiction a while back, and we are trying to get Papy to stop or reduce his smoking habits.” Blue said and Stretch sighed. 
“At least I’m working on it.” Stretch said, and Blue nodded. 
“oh i'm just teasing him, cause I love him.”
“Thank you!” Blue said, smiling. 
“frisk has there ever been a timeline in which the annoying dog didn't take the legendary artifact and if it wasn't taken what does the artifact do”
“I have never gotten the artifact.” Frisk said, Papyrus and Sans coming into view.
“to error how much exp did ink get you?”
“Quite a bit. The number escapes me, but it was in the hundreds.” Error said, swinging. 
“flowey at the end of the pacifist timeline you decide to give up the souls and break barrier once the barrier was broken you could have easily murdered more humans and get to be a goat again so why kill a few for their souls?”
“Timelines never last that long, and when I turn back, it leaves an impact on me that makes it hard to be a jerk for a while. Residual effects of being that whiny crybaby.” Flowey said, “And it wouldn’t change anything.” Flowey said, wilting a bit.
“Fresh, tell me about your furby collection? I miss mine. I had 3, they always said they were hungry last at night when I was falling asleep... it was kinda creepy.”
“I have a version of every Furby ever made. 3 is pathetic yo. Though they are demanding and creepy sometimes, I’ll give ya that brah.” Fresh said, looking around as snow fell around him.
“What are you guys doing to find Error's origin anyway?”
“We were going to ask the creators what they knew, since none of Killer, Dust, or Horror’s code could help us and Error’s code is a mess on account of him being a glitch, then we’d go from there, asking questions and making guesses based on what we knew.” Nightmare said, “For all we know Error could be from one of the many neutral timelines, and that wouldn’t pin anything down at all.” Nightmare said. 
“Blue, how do you hide your glitches? That seems like a very hard thing to explain to people you don't want knowing about the multiverse.”
“Dream made a small illusion charm with Sci and Alt’s help that makes me look normal. It’s also pretty!” Blue said as he held up a golden charm in the shape of a blueberry, it was attached to a gold chain that was hidden by his battle body.
“Have the rest of the Sans seen Error in his glasses? I need to see them all squirm at how cute he is!”
“Only Blue and Classic have seen him in his glasses. Other than us of course.” Killer said, “I helped make the frames, and the way his eyes lit up when he could clearly see for the first time, it was the best feeling in the world. I remember taking care of Pap, it felt like that.” Killer said, and he smiled at the memory. 
“How does Dream feel about being an uncle now? Is he a FUN Uncle?”
“I’m not really considered an uncle per say, but I do try to be fun. And it is fun to say that I am technically the Dark Sanses’ uncle, they have the funniest reactions.” Dream said, laughing.
“Error am I embarrassing you too much?”
“Yes.” Error said, still swinging.
(Tumblr, I need asks from you guys too.)
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kittysukagasterfics · 5 years
A New Future
Note: Hopefully this doesn’t get too confusing like most time traveling fics do. Anyway, onto the fic!
Handplates belongs to: @zarla-s
Requested by: @justanotherhalfmonster
Summary: While hanging out with Flowey, Sam meets a future version of someone who they love and care about. Someone who also reveals a lot of dark secrets from a long abandoned timeline. What kinds of thing has Gaster been keeping from them and most importantly, is there a way for Sam to open the Lab’s door?
     It had started out as another normal day in the Underground. Well, as normal as it can be when there are a bunch of monsters running around going about their business. Except for Sam, who only had little Flowey perched on their shoulder while they went around the kitchen preparing breakfast. Pancakes were on the menu for today, something Flowey was actually happy about. Not that he was going to show it. The yellow plant wouldn’t even admit that he liked Sam’s cooking, which he did. Maybe it was because Flowey wasn’t used to anyone going through so much trouble for him...
     Meanwhile, the two were so preoccupied that they didn’t hear the loud noises coming from Gaster’s workroom. A strange portal-like machine, a project that Gaster had finished but found no use for, began to suddenly emit a swirling purple light. The dark room was engulfed with the colored light and ear-splitting clanking noises. While all this was happening, a short skeleton monster stepped out. He was shielding his eye sockets from the blinding light beams. As soon as the skeleton’s feet hit the floor, the portal immediately closed, plunging the workroom back into complete darkness.
     Once the monster got his bearings, he took one look at his surroundings. There was no way the blue-hoodied skeleton could’ve his the surprise in his voice as he walked around looking for a light switch.
    “weird...shoulda ended up in the shed.”
     Finding the light switch, the skeleton flickered on the overhead lights. As the room became lit up, he was immediately hit with a wave of bad memories. He and his brother had been in this room countless times when Gaster still kept them down here for his sick and twisted experiments. Of course, that was the whole point of fixing the machine. To make things right. To make that sorry excuse for a father pay for making his brother and him suffer. To make him suffer.
     The skeleton stared at nothing in particular for a couple more minutes before quickly shaking his head. He needed to stay focus. The skeleton unlocked the door and stepped out into the hallway. From what he could tell nothing had really changed, but he needed to check the rest of the Lab. Walking further down the hall, the short monster made his way towards the cell room. Maybe he could catch a glimpse at he and his brother’s past selves before paying a certain scientist a visit.
     Much to his shock however, the skeleton found the cell room completely empty, almost looking unused. There was still the possibility that Gaster was in the testing room with them though. But upon entering that room was empty as well. The skeleton refused to give up, checking the bathroom and rechecking the work and cell room. Still nothing. It wasn’t until he checked the office that the skeleton finally figured out what the heck was going on.
     He was a bit apprehensive about searching in the office though. There were piles and piles of papers everywhere and the monster didn’t know where to even begin to look. That’s when he noticed a phone, probably Gaster’s, laying on a side table by the couch.
    “heheh, someone’s been a little careless.”
     The skeleton grabbed the phone and plopped down onto the couch. The phone looked a bit different from what Gaster usually uses, but maybe that Alphys person finally convinced him to get a new one. After he unlocked the device, the skeleton monster began to snoop through. He noticed there were a lot of gaming apps, so many in fact that he questioned how this phone still had a lot of storage left. What confused him the most though were the messages. He didn’t know who this phone belonged to but it definitely wasn’t Gaster’s since the texts were addressed to him and the scientist’s number was the only one in the device. The skeleton got his answer as to who the owner was when he scrolled through the photo gallery.
     In almost all of the photos the skeleton saw what must be a human. Their snowy white hair matched perfectly with their pale skin. They looked friendly and cheerful with a warm smile on their freckled face in every photo. The skeleton noticed that the Human was covering one ruby-colored eye with their hair. Were they like him and something was wrong with their eye? As he continued to scroll through the pictures, the short monster wondered how this human was connected to Gaster when he suddenly stopped on a photo that made his ‘blood’ run cold.
     There in the photo the Human was giving the scientist a very intimate-looking kiss. Gaster didn’t seem to mind although he was rolling his eye sockets. But it also made the short skeleton realized that the portal didn’t send him back in time, it sent him to a completely different timeline. He shakily put the phone back on the table, unsure of what to do now. Suddenly, the smell of something sweet and delicious began to drift into the air, reminding Sans that he hadn’t eaten for a while.
     Against his better judgment, the skeleton followed the scent towards the kitchen. Not only did he want to meet this love interest of Gaster, but he also really wanted to eat whatever that delicious-smelling food was. Before he entered the kitchen however, he heard a voice call out his name.
     ‘Sans’ looked up and saw the Human and a strange yellow flower staring at him. The skeleton examined them with suspicious eye sockets. Even though Gaster was always tell him and Papyrus how horrible and powerful humans are, this human seemed to be none of those. This human was short in height, about a foot taller than him, and with a thin body frame as well. The Human’s facial expression was gentle. In fact they spoke and looked at him with more confusion and malice. Before Sans could ask them any questions, the Human suddenly broke into a large smile, walking over to him and giving him a big hug. The skeleton stiffened at the sudden touch. Were humans suppose to be this affectionate?
    “*You tell Sans that you’re so happy to see him, but where’s his dad and brother?”
     Sans could detect a hint of scolding in the Human’s voice, like he wasn’t to be here right now. It was probably best to just lie to them for now while he got the answers he needed. They’ve already mistaken him for their Sans so he might as well go along with it.
    “uh, well, they were busy so i came by myself.”
     The Human must’ve bought the lie since they just led him to the table. They told him that he probably hasn’t even eaten breakfast because it was still early in the morning. Sans was honestly grateful to have a meal that wasn’t spaghetti or a burger from Grillby’s. He almost drooled at the plate of stacked fluffy pancakes with sweet, sticky syrup on top. Sans wasn’t used to home style cooking so he’ll gladly take advantage of this while he can.
     While he and the Human ate, Sans noticed that the little flower was still staring at him. For some reason the plant looked really familiar. Maybe he had seen them around or heard someone talking about them. Sans decided now was the time to start his questioning with the Human. First however, he needed to know their name and what this timeline’s version of him called them.
    “hey human, what was your name again? heheh, i keep forgettin’.”
     They looked a bit confused when he called them ‘human’. They were probably also confused about the way he was speaking. But the Human answered him anyway, albeit with a mischievous twinkle in their eye.
    “*You ask him if he’s gotten so used to ‘parental unit’ that he forgot your name was Sam.”
     Parental unit? Did he think of the Hum-Sam as a parent in this timeline? Whatever may be the case wasn’t important right now. Some information on the flower might be of use when he gets back home. When questioned, Sam revealed that the plant’s name was Flowey. Apparently the flower’s has been coming over periodically to visit them for a while now. Sans is just the first of the skeleton family to meet him.
    “oh, i see. nice to meet ya, flowey.”
     Sans grinned politely at the plant, although he couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness. The skeleton didn’t like this flower one bit and it didn’t help that Flowey greeted him with a cheeky smile. Almost as if he was planning something.
    “𝙷𝚘𝚠𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚢! 𝙸𝚝’𝚜 𝚊 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞!”
     The two chatted while Sam cleared the table and washed the dishes. There was obvious tension between them though, with Flowey making snarky comments towards the skeleton. Sans just chuckled and made a couple puns which annoyed the plant to no end. Flowey was about to really insult him when Sam came up to them.
    “*You tell Sans that now that you’re done with the dishes, you and him can continue with that book you were reading with him.”
     The short skeleton nodded in understanding even though he had no idea what the Human was talking about. He allowed Sam to pick him up and carry him to the office. Sans felt that day’s exhaustion start to set in as Sam hugged him closer. Their embrace was so warm and safe that he couldn’t help but let his eye sockets start to close, sleep already claiming him. As he slept, the skeleton snuggled into Sam’s shoulder, not wanting to let go.
     The only reason the skeleton was when Sam placed him and Flowey down on the couch. Sans mumbled a little when they gently shook him awake. The Human was cheerfully holding up a familiar-looking book. It was the Fluffy Bunny book he would always read Papyrus when it was time for bed. And now Sam was going to read to it to him.
    “*You tell Sans if it’s alright if you start the book over so Flowey can listen to the story as well...”
    “uh, sure parental unit. that’s fine...”
     As Sam begin reading, they placed Sans in their lap. He wanted to reject the affection but at the same time, he didn’t. The skeleton just let himself relax in Sam’s warmth. He could tell that the Human really did love him and wasn’t acting like this because they felt bad, unlike a certain someone. Sans didn’t know what came over but he suddenly started crying, not being able to stop. Sam and Flowey notices and the Human immediately stopped reading. They began to cradle the skeleton in their arms trying to comfort him.
    “*You ask Sans what’s wrong.” ‘*He cries into your chest while hiccuping before answering you...’
    “-hic- i-i’m sorry...i’m sorry, human!”
     Before the Human could question him again, Sans sobbed out how he had lied to them and that he wasn’t their Sans. Sam was so confused but they just focused on comforting the skeleton. It may have apparently not been their Sans, whatever that means, but that wasn’t a reason to ignore the sobbing skeleton. They gently rubbed his back as he continued to sob into their chest. Meanwhile, Flowey decided that was his cue to leave and disappeared into the ground without another word.
     After a couple more minutes, Sans finally calmed down, sniffing as he wiped away the remaining tears. Sam gently petted his skull before making the monster look them in the eye. As much as they wanted to let it, Sam needed answers from the skeleton.
    “*You ask Sans if he can explain to you who he is and where he cam from...”
    “heh...guess i better start from the beginning...”
     It took a while but Sans managed to explain just about everything to the Human. About how he was from a different timeline, how Sam was actually in the past in this timeline, and how Gaster only stopped experimenting on him and his brother due to an ‘incident’. During Sans’ explanation, Sam was listening carefully. They were still confused about the talk of alternate timelines and how they were in the past, far from when this Sans’ timeline takes place. Still they listened.
     After he finished explaining, the skeleton looked up at them.
    “sam? do ya mind if i ask you a couple of questions about my past? i just need some answers and you’re the only one i can turn to.”
    “*You tell him that he can, but only if he’ll answer some of your questions.”
     Sans agreed to those terms before asking Sam what Gaster was like in this timeline. The answer he got shocked him to the core. The Human revealed that they were dating the scientist and had even discussed marriage at one point. They also told him that he was trying hard to be a good father to him and Papyrus. The short skeleton wanted to interrupt Sam, to yell about how Gaster had fooled them into thinking he could be a good person and that they were only going to get hurt by his lies.
     But he didn’t. Sans just moved on to his next question, asking Sam how long they’ve been down in the Lab. A couple of months as of now was the Human’s answer. It had been a freak accident that lead to them being there but Sans could tell Sam wasn’t in too much of a hurry to get back to the Surface. However, he was interested when Sam told him how they really want to see the Underground but Gaster wouldn’t let them.
    “well, what’s stoppin’ you, kid? he’s not the boss of you.”
    “*You explain that you can’t get the Lab’s door open because of the hand scanner.” ‘*He thinks for a moment before looking back at you...’
    “tell you what, you continue to answer my questions, and i’ll tell you how to get that door open.”
     Sans didn’t need to ask Sam twice as they immediately agreed and told him to continue his questions. Grinning slyly, Sans asked the Human if the scientist had told them his original plans for the little skeletons. Sam replied that that yes, Gaster did tell them about that. After inquiring their response, Sans found out that Sam did get upset with Gaster, but the two reconciled around the holidays. This made the little monster realize that the scientist didn’t tell Sam the full extent of the experiments. He debated whether or not to tell the Human about what his Gaster did, but the last thing he needed was making this sweet human cry so Sans decided against it. He did however tell Sam that he would keep his promise by showing them how to open the Lab door.
     Excitedly, the Human lead him to the Lab’s entrance door. There, Sans noticed there was a small, white dog sleeping. The pup looked a little like the dog Papyrus was always complaining about. Sam noticed him looking at the pup and told him that the dog’s name was Toby. Upon hearing his name, Toby looked up and saw the skeleton. He wagged his tail and barked at Sans. The skeleton smiled, picking the dog up and petting him while Sam showed him the scanner next to the door.
    “*You tell Sans that you’ve tried to use the scanner before but it wouldn’t allow you access.”
    “oh, that’s simple. you just need either gaster or your sans and papyrus to unlock it for you. i think gaster built it to only accept specific monsters, but i’m not too sure.”
     Sam nodded but Sans could tell that they weren’t satisfied with having to wait for the perfect opportunity to open the door. Deciding to change the subject, the skeleton asked for the time and was surprised to hear that it was almost lunchtime. He needed to get back home before Papyrus and Gaster found him missing. As much as he wanted to at least stay for lunch, Sans didn’t really have much time. When he told the Human this, they offered to escort him back to the portal that he came out of. Sans accepted the offer so Sam lead him down the hallway to the work room’s door. Before the skeleton entered the room, he turned around to face them one last time.
    “hey sam? thank you, for everything. i’m not good with words so i’ll just say this: good luck.”
    “*You tell Sans that even though he’s not your Sans, you’ll always love and think about him.” ‘*You give him a hug goodbye as well.’
     After the hug broke apart, Sans entered the room and locked the door back. Sam heard the portal starting, making loud noises before finally coming to a complete stop. They stood there, motionless. Finally the Human walked back to the office. They were exhausted from today’s unusual events. Laying down on the couch, Sam fell asleep despite the millions of thoughts running through their mind. One thought stuck out even as sleep claimed them though.
     They needed to start planning for their trip into the Underground.
Note: Oooo, a trip! Sounds exciting! Thank you everyone, especially you Halfmonster, for your patience while I wrote this fic. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed! Requests are always welcomed! I love all of you! Stay tuned for more.
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yastaghr · 4 years
Carried Skeleton 11 - Death
Chapter Summary: Flowey plays torture with Sans to Papyrus' dismay and Chara and Azriel reach their destiny.
Warnings: Major Character Death, Torture
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17443730/chapters/58940371
Flowey grinned his most twisted grin, the tiny spark of a soul in his stem throbbing with excitement. He was absolutely thrilled. This was dangerous. This was daring. This was fun.
He stared at his canvas and licked his lips. There was Sans, bound to a chair, gagged, and showing real fear. His small, upside-down soul was summoned and hovering in front of him. Connected to it by a long line was an IV of healing magic that Flowey was especially proud of. It would replenish Sans’ health as he lost it, which meant that Flowey could hurt him for as long as he wanted to. He giggled. Yes, this was definitely going to be fun.
As he considered what he wanted to do to Sans first, Flowey let his anger wash over him. Papyrus hadn’t been paying attention to him. He was his brother, Papyrus was supposed to play with him! Not with some fish bitch, and not with the baby. He’d killed the fish and scattered her dust in the river so she would never have a proper funeral, and also so Papyrus wouldn’t suspect that she was dead. Then he captured Sans and got him set up properly for a long, long play time. If he couldn’t get Papyrus to play with him, then maybe he should try playing with the baby himself.
When the idea occurred to him, Flowey’s grin spread impossibly wider. He reached behind him and grabbed the sharpest knife on his table of torture. Seeing Sans’ face when he brought it out…
He was surprised to experience a moment of hesitation. Sans looked so scared. His baby brother looked so scared. Did he really want to… no, he couldn’t think like that. A soulless being wouldn’t worry about hurting someone. He had to do it. He brought the knife forward and prepared to cut.
Not far away, Papyrus was searching. Flowey had said that there was a suspicious monster hanging around their basement door before it blew up. Papyrus might not like the memory of the monster who owned their basement before them, but he knew that machine meant a lot to Sans. If he could find the monster who had blown up their basement then he could figure out why, and if he could figure out why then he could stop them from doing it in the next timeline, and if he could stop it then Sans would be happy. He wanted Sans to be happy.
When he found the abandoned shed in the outskirts of Waterfall, of course he decided to check it out. An abandoned looking shed would be the perfect place to hide after committing a crime! That’s what all his favorite TV shows said, anyway. So obviously he went in!
He wished he hadn’t. Seeing the state that Sans was in, the blood dripping off of Flowey’s knife, the expressions on their faces… it was heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. They were brothers! Granted, Sans didn’t know that, but Flowey did! Why was he doing this? Sans was bleeding from every bone in his body. Flowey had filetted and carved into his bones to create an almost random design; almost because Papyrus recognized it as Asriel’s signature attack pattern, the one with stars raining down out of the sky.
“FLOWEY,” Papyrus said deeply. Flowey jerked and spun around, a weird expression on his face. It was like worry, confusion, slyness, and fear were all thrown into a blender, frozen with liquid nitrogen, and scattered on a plate of anger and pain. “WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY BROTHER?”
Flowey’s face contorted as he tried to come up with an explanation that would get Papyrus off his back, but Papyrus wasn’t having it and let it show. He wanted the truth and he wanted it now.
“Um… shit. I-” Papyrus glared at him, “You haven’t been paying attention to me! I’m your big brother! I’m the one you’re supposed to be playing with, not the baby! So, since you’re so obsessed with the smiley trashbag, I had to do something to him to get you to pay attention to me! So I did!”
Papyrus could see it in Sans’ eyes. He hadn’t known that it was Asriel doing this to him. Papyrus tried to mirror that expression, and it must have worked, because Flowey bought it. “YOU- YOU- AZZY?”
Flowey looked shocked for a moment, like he hadn’t meant to say that. Then he jumped on it and owned it. “Yes, it’s me! I’m stuck with my memories in a stupid, soulless flower and I can’t even play with my own brother, so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under. I want your attention and I want all of it! I don’t want to share you with some stupid fish! I don’t want to share you with Sans, either! I don’t want to share you with anyone!”
Papyrus gulped. Oh. So Flowey was jealous. That… sort of made sense. Azzy could get really moody if he wasn’t getting the attention he thought he deserved. This was just kind of that taken to an extreme. A really, really scary extreme. But if Flowey really was soulless like he said, that made sense.
Flowey eyed him in a way that Papyrus couldn’t quite place. It lasted uncomfortably long. Then Flowey shrugged, dropped that wicked knife onto the cold, hard ground, and backed up. “Be my guest. I’m not going to let you out of my sight, though, and you’d better not tell anyone that this was me.”
“OF COURSE NOT, FLOWEY!” Papyrus said as he stepped forward, ready to start untying Sans from the chair he was bound to. “IF I DID YOU WOULDN’T GET TO PLAY WITH ME! NOW, PLEASE STAY BACK. I DON’T WANT YOU TO-”
That was when it happened. Papyrus had been trying to be careful. He’d untied the arm restraints with the utmost care and was moving to the left leg when he bumped it. It was such a little bump! It shouldn’t have done that much damage! But nobody bothered to tell that to Sans’ soul. The little bump jostled the needle connecting that weird IV thing to Sans’ soul. It lost its stability and fell out. Papyrus only had time to look up and see the panicked expression on Sans’ face before his whole body turned to dust.
Papyrus froze. He- no. That can’t have just happened. It was a joke, right? It had to be. He turned to Flowey, and his expression broke that little fantasy. Flowey looked like he was lost and in agony. This… this was real. He really had killed his little brother.
Flowey slowly nodded through the shock. It was clear that he didn’t know that Papyrus remembered. Papyrus just hoped that, if he could keep Flowey entertained long enough, Sans would be safe.
“I can do that, cheery doormat. I promise.”
Staring at your own dead body was definitely surreal. So was hearing your brother’s thoughts, especially when they were so steeped in grief. Chara focused on them, trying to pick out the thread that would let them help him.
<... It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault->
Chara interrupted that thought right there. <Azzy, stop that. It’s no more your fault than it is mine. I told you that I was dying anyway. It was going to be old age before long. We just hurried it along a bit.> Azriel sniffed. Chara felt that, felt the tears in his fur (and wasn’t that a weird feeling), and sighed. <You’re such a needy crybaby! Come on, we have to get out of the Barrier before Mom and Dad come back. Don’t make me move these limbs myself!>
Azriel sniffed again, but Chara could tell that this one was different. This one was just Azzy trying to clean up his face. Chara smiled and felt that smile translate onto Azriel’s face. <Okay, Chara. You wanted to see the flowers in your village one last time, right?>
Chara nodded and picked up their own body. Azriel recoiled, but Chara explained, <I don’t want Mom and Dad to have to figure out what to do with it. We can put it in the flowers on the Surface, okay? I know you’ll like them. They’re golden, even more so than the buttercups. I don’t know what they’re called, though.>
Azriel headed out of their bedroom and towards the Barrier as they talked. <I know. You drew a picture with Sans, oh, twenty some years ago? He still keeps it safe from juice stains.>
Chara nodded, noting absently that walking through the Barrier felt like static and cotton balls. <Yeah, I know. I never thought he would take it so seriously. I figured he would forget about it in a few years, maybe.>
<Monsters live for a long time, Chara, so we have to remember stuff for a long time, too.> Azriel admonished, <It’s still so weird to me that humans can only live a bit over a hundred years. No wonder you changed so much physically! I just thought you were like the Whimsums. They go through so many life stages, and they look so hugely different in all of them. I never thought that you were actually aging that fast. Wowie!>
Chara shivered as they stepped out into the sun for the first time in decades. It felt so weird against Azriel’s fur. He was standing in shock, taking everything in for the first time. Chara was too busy reliving their mad escape to feel that awe, however. The only thing they could do was shield Azriel as best they could from the horrors in their mind. They didn’t want to worry or upset him. If they’d known that this whole soul absorbing thing would involve sharing thoughts, well… they might have reconsidered who they asked to absorb them. Maybe Gaster would have been a better idea after all.
<Is that your village, Chara?> Azriel’s voice interrupted their thoughts.
Chara blinked, trying to focus on what Azriel could currently see. He had to have been walking for a while, because he was approaching the clearing that their village used to be in. It looked bigger now. There were a lot more houses and buildings. It could hardly be called a village anymore. It was now a small town.
<Yes, this is it. The clearing with the flowers is over by that big tree there. At least, it used to be…> Chara said. There was now a fence and a gate around the flowers. That hadn’t been there before.
Azriel walked over and carefully opened the gate, setting Chara’s body down on the flowers and sitting next to it. Chara ran their hand through the flowers, getting Azriel’s fur covered in seeds and pollen. Maybe when they got back home Dad could have some fun trying to grow them. Of course, he wouldn’t need to if they did what they had planned to do. Chara forced his body to stand up and look around. There were some humans not too far away.
<Chara… what are you doing?> Azriel asked uneasily.
<I’m doing what Dad always said to do and being the Saviour of Monsterkind.> Chara said stubbornly. Then they stepped forward and brought Azriel and themselves into their destiny.
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
I did not mean to imply that Kokichi is a twisted sociopath. I REALLY don't want to perceive him that way, but a lot of people see him like that. And it kinda feels... unnatural for me. To go to your blog, to see portrayals of him as a leader, as a boy who is rude, callous and a trickster, but who still cares about his classmates with all his heart, who did horrible things out of desire to help others, to see him as a human instead of the evil incarnate. "There must be some kind of a mistake" I
think, "You must have been mistaken about something. How the hell can you interpret him as a flawed, twisted(in later chapters) but still likeable human being? It's clearly wrong because he is a villain" I don't allow myself to even slightly ponder the fact that Kokichi has feelings, that he is not a sociopath that enjoys human suffering, because for some reason it is WRONG. And I don't want to see him as "Nagito + Junko + Hiyoko but worse", but somehow in my head every interpretation of him
other that "sociopathic nazi gremlin" is WRONG and blasphemous. Somewhat like with Chara several years ago when I was into UT. I liked the Narrator/Player Chara theories because they showed Chara as a very flawed individual who did a lot of things wrong but also had many redeeming qualities despite that, because it gave them some depth instead of reducing them to the one-dimensional "for the evulz" villain and also provided an interesting deconstruction of game mechanics(narration, interaction         
game mechanics. But the voice in my head kept telling me that this game mechanics. But the voice in my head kept telling me that this interpretation is wrong, completely not canon in the slightest bit, Chara is pure evil, you are just stupid for daring to assume sth else about them. Because of it, I eventually started to hate Undertale and everything pertaining to it. This is a very simular thing to my Undertale experience. Surfing this blog and finding UT and DRV3 content made me realise that.     
All right gonna assume the rant is done here since that last ask looks like the end but tbh it doesn’t really matter because this is basically pushing my boundaries here and I’m getting really tired of this nonsense in my ask box.
Because gonna be blunt Anon, this sounds like a “you” problem.
First of all--this blog, impytricky, has over 900 followers. Meaning that ~900 people follow this blog and agree with the notion that Kokichi is not a terrible person. My blog over at @unweavinglies has over three hundred with a significant drop in total posts on that blog, and my theories there often get hundreds and hundreds of notes. People who don’t even follow this blog or that one will reblog my analysis posts in agreement.
So a lot of people see Kokichi as less “evil” and more morally grey. Actually, I’ve seen more positive interpretations of Kokichi than I’ve seen people making him into a true villain. That’s because making him a pure evil little bastard is kind of really boring and misses the entire point of his character and character arc.
You probably don’t see a lot of the “good” interpretations of Kokichi because you don’t go looking for it/ignore it/dismiss it when you come across it. Probably. Like how I see less of the villain interpretation because I don’t go looking for it/dismiss it/whatever.
Second of all: Kokichi is technically not a villain. While I still go by the policy that all interpretations are valid, it’s not canon that he is a “villain.” Narratively speaking, Kokichi is an anti-hero. An anti-hero is “a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes,“ and yes, can be antagonists. Antagonists does not equal Villain, however. Anti-heroes are often marked by the idea of a hero doing bad things for the greater good.
Third of all: Please for the love of god cut that shit out with the Nazi thing. Kokichi is not a Nazi. I hated this stupid misconception before and I still hate it now--it’s offensive, outside of fiction, and it’s just plain inaccurate either way. This misconception comes from the fact that Japan especially tends to romanticize military attire, including attire in WWII Germany, which shows up in Kokichi’s hat in one promo picture. Another reason this misconception is the bane of my existence is because some fantranslator translated Kokichi’s ultimate talent to be “Ultimate Dictator” when it was apparently able to be translated as “Ultimate President” or “Ultimate Leader”. The Nazi misconception is just that--a huge misconception created by poor taste in design and fantranslations being inaccurate.
Please for the love of god, take that thought and unlearn it now. Seriously, it’s offensive. Stop it.
Fourth of all: This is where I see that this is more of a you problem above everything else. From what you’ve said, you seem to deem “morally grey” characters as “evil” or “Villainous” which comes with black or white thinking. From my perspective, what I’m hearing is “I can’t see shades of grey, so this must be black because it is not white.”
Let me ask you: Gonta Gokuhara. Whether or not Kokichi showed him the flashbacklight due to “””Evil””” intentions or whatever, he chose to kill Miu. Kokichi did not “trick” him into it, nor was he able to force Gonta into it via blackmail or what have you. Gonta chose to kill Miu of his own accord. This is a straight up canon fact. He chose to kill Miu because he believed that Mercy Killing her and everyone else before they found out the secret of the outside world would be kinder. This is canon fact that really cannot be disputed.
Let me ask you--is Gonta evil all of a sudden because he chose to kill someone? That he was aiming to kill everyone?
What about Frisk--or the player, in undertale--who has to actively choose to genocide run the game? Are players who choose ths path evil all of a sudden? What about Frisk, who would also be making this decision? Deltarune has implied that “Chara”, or the demon or whatever, is a separate entity that can control the character we play and we can’t control them when they’re in control. Meaning that for the whole Genocide route, Frisk had to actively choose to kill every single monster underground. If you go by the theory that the player isn’t just controlling their movements at any rate, you can see Chara take control in when thy kill Sans and Flowey. Yes, this means that Chara was not in control before then, thus putting the blame for most of the Genocide run on the player, or Frisk.
Yet the choice to do a pacifist run is there too. So which is it? What’s evil, and what isn’t evil? Can you really call Frisk pure good or evil? What about the player? What about Gonta?
That is the complexity of grey morality--the answer isn’t black or white and can’t be so simplified. Because what’s kinder, in Gonta’s case--killing everyone, or letting them find out that basically all of humanity was wiped out off of the face of the earth and the killing game they were forced into was all for nothing? Sure it’s terrible to kill someone, but it’s also terrible to allow people to be mentally tortured too, which the outside world basically did to everyone when they did find out.
It sounds like you’re stuck in the mind set of things being black or white. If you want to see characters like Kokichi and Chara as morally grey, then you need to tell that voice that says otherwise to shush up. No one is perfectly evil, no one is perfectly good. Good people can do horrible, terrible things and still be good people. Bad people can also do very, very good things, and still be terrible people.
I won’t be answering asks like this again. Please refrain from shoving your opinions down my throat. Maybe you didn’t intend to, but you are with lines like "There must be some kind of a mistake" and "You must have been mistaken about something. How the hell can you interpret him as a flawed, twisted(in later chapters) but still likeable human being? It's clearly wrong because he is a villain" because yeah that’s basically ways of saying “You’re wrong about Kokichi and I don’t like your interpretation.”
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