#so the guy in question (we’ll call him uhhhhh the guitar player) was a friend of my flatmate (SB) so he was at my house a lot
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
WIBTA if I messaged this girl to tell her about how her boyfriend talks shit about her all the time
#i’m probably not going to do it but only because i’d be dredging up old shit. it’s literally been like two years since i’ve spoken#to this man#but i can’t get this shit out of my mind#so the guy in question (we’ll call him uhhhhh the guitar player) was a friend of my flatmate (SB) so he was at my house a lot#and i honestly thought he was single when i first met him. he didn’t do anything particularly untoward but he was flirtatious#with E (female flatmate) and hugged me as well. so i was surprised but not particularly concerned to find out he had a girlfriend#and then he’s like ‘yeah it’s a long distance thing. i met her while i was working in brazil but because of covid she can’t come here’#(this was like late 2020. this was the bad time) so we were all like ‘damn that sucks’#and he was like ‘yeah.. honestly though i feel like we would’ve already broken up if it wasn’t long distance lol’#and all the guys seemed to think this was funny but i was like. does she know#and every time i saw the guitar player after that he’d be chatting some shit like ‘my gf said she’d thought about proposing to me but she#won’t because she knows i’ll say no’ and i’m just sitting there thinking. i wish she’d break up with you#i wish she’d kill you. like why are you in this relationship when you clearly see no future???#you’re 26 years old. she’s talking marriage and kids. if you don’t want that with her; stop wasting her time and cut her loose so she can#find a hot brazilian man. like FUCK#oh and this probably goes without saying but she’s gorgeous and he’s boring. lol#oh and he flirts with girls at parties and competes with SB (a legitimately single man) over them and i am just like. good christ#couldn’t be me. if i had a girlfriend who was that far out of my league i wouldn’t get off my knees long enough to flirt with other women#you can take that how you want#anyway so i just checked her fb to see if they were still together (hoping they weren’t) and they fucking are!! we hate to see it#i just think his behaviour is gross. like the amount of time he spent complaining about his partner to random people who didn’t even know#her; and then he stays with her and wastes her time when she clearly loves him. what the fuck why#i don’t buy the excuse of being too spineless to break up with someone either because like. she’s in fucking brazil#no one is expecting you to fly there and do it in person. do a facetime call and if she starts screaming just hang up#what an absolute waste of time that guy is. i feel legitimately sorry for her that she’s still with him#personal
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 5 years
Band AU : Cheiloproclitic (JJK.)
“Will it be a sin if I want to taste that mouth of yours?”
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WARNING : This story contain a theme of religous believe(a lil bit).I’m not try to be offended with people believe,just use for entertainment in the story only.Nothing that I write can be confirmed as real (reference from horror movie that I watched here and there so I don’t really know).Anyway don’t take it serious and please,enjoy.
Author POV.
In the room around the corner of the dark alley,the music can be heard loudly in there.The rock tune was in the air.7 boys was practicing their songs and the clock was ticking.Minutes turned into an hour,they noticed the time on the wall.
“That’s for today guys.I hope our live tomorrow gonna be lit!”
“Yeah hyung,I hope so.”
“Gotta go guys,we need to visit our mom first before we go home.Uhh well actually his mom.”
“Yeah just practice a bit individual alright?”
Everyone noded their head.Then the leader dismissed every member in the band.Everyone bidded each other a good bye before they went out.2 out of 7 were left in the room quietly.
“Don’t you need to go and find that girl?”The leader asked his guitr player.He was indeed youngest but,the best player that he could find.
“No hyung,I don’t think she will want to see my face.”His brother felt upset about it,he can sense that.Of course,Jungkook’s look was a bit scary.However,he was such a marshmellow,soft and lovely when it comes to his personalities.Namjoon alwasys knew that fact.
“But you never talked to her,don’t assume things.”Namjoon tried his best to convince his little brother to meet the girl.He actually didn’t know who she was, but he knew that this girl wasn’t an ordinary one if she could shake Jungkook’s heart.
“Try to talk to her once,if it didn’t work then we’ll find the way.”jungkook sighed and finally accepted his hyung’s advice.Sooner or later he would need to talk to her anyway.
He packed up everything and left the room.Carrying his guitar on his back,he walked straight to the old castle up on the hill.There was a garden before he would arrive the castle and that was his target.
“Breathe in and g,you can do this Kook.”He mumble with himself.He walked into the garden and tried to find the (his) girl.Strolling along the borderless yard,he found a petite figure on the tree.Hanging one leg down to help her body balance. She was reading like always,but her sense told her someone was watching.She looked down and saw him.
“Oh there,hi.”She greeted him with a smile.He froze in place.Trying to figure out how to return that bright smile.“Uuuhh,uuummm,hi.”He greeted you back with a smile(which he tried to).
“I’ve never seen you before,are you a new worker here?”She asked him.He shook his head.“I’m a neighbor and I saw this garden was so beautiful that I needed to stop by.”
Gosh,how can he create that lie.First,his house was way too far to notice this castle.Second,He stopped by because of her.“It is right?I grow everything in here by myself.”She smiled again and his heart skipped few beats.
Although the conversation didn’t start smooothly at first,it was in the end which brought a second and third.Every time he finished practicing,he would stop by and talk to her.
Their conversations made them become closer and closer.It was like one of their routine in every day.Atleast if they didn’t talk,they would greet each other with a smile when Jungkook passes the garden.
“I want to watch your band live.”Y/N told Jungkook.Every time he finished the practice,he would always tell a story or two about his band.She really wished she could meet them all.
“Tomorrow be prepare then.”Jungkook replied which littted the spark in your eyes up.You was so excited about it that made him chuckle.“Easy marmalade, you gonna fall down the tree.”The nickname ‘marmalade’ made you turn red.The crimson color brushed over your white skin and it became darker and darker.
I finally get to see Jungkook’s band.He always tell me different stories about it and now it’s my chance.I never get permission to go outside,but this time I want to go.I want to see what’s outside this castle region.I walk into my step dad room and talk about it with him.
“But I never get a chance to go out.I have no one even a friend.”
“You are mine and don’t dare to disobey me!”
He shout in my face.Roaring out his anger toward me.I run out and cry along the way to my room.Why I need to stuck with him,just why.Why my mother need to give me to this person who didn’t even love me as his daughter.
He treat me like a slave.Although he is a pope,he is actually an evil inside this pope look of his.I hate him.“I will escape some day.”I mumble with myself and cry myself to sleep.
The sun nearly rise from the horizon and I am aware of that.I quietly step out of the castle and then walk along the street.I don’t want to live there anymore,not with that person in the castle.I remember that Jungkook talk about his practice room around the orner of alley.I follow the street signs until I arrive.
I push the bell.The bell ring one time and no response from anyone.I ring it the second and third until the door open.“I swear if you guys fucking p- huh?”A tall guy swear out loudly and stop at the middle of his sentence.“Who are you?”
“Hi...I uuhh Jungkook’s friend.”I tell him while facing the concrete floor.“Oh you must be the ‘girl’ he talked about,come in.”He let me in without hesitation.Wait, did say Jungkook talk about me?Gosh that embarrasse me.
“Hyung,who arrive thi- huh?”Another guy who wear only boxer walk down the stairs.I squeel and close my eyes with my hands.“Oh shit sorry,sorry.”He run upstairs and disappear.
“Sorry,Tae can be uumm weird sometimes.I’m Namjoon by the way,the leader.” He introduce himself and I introduce mine.We then arrive in the kitchen in no time.“I was tryint to make breakfast but well you arrived.” “I’m sorry if I interrupt you.”
“No it’s fine.You save the kitchen believe me.I tend to burn down a lot of things in here before I get a breakfast.”I chuckle with his reply why scratching his nape.I offer to help him and we both start our session.
“Smell really good,you really im- oh,is this the girl you talk about?”Both of us turn back with everything set in the plates.“Hi,I’m Jhope and this dude is my step brother,Taehyung.”Taehyung guy hide behind and peak his face out from the back a little.
We all start getting to know each other while eating the breakfast.After awhile,the others arrive with Jungkook as well.“How can you be here?”Jungkook ask with confusion write all over his face.“I remember the direction you give to me.”
“This is Jungkook’s girl?”The pale guy ask and everyone start to tease him.My face turn red all of sudden.“Stop hyung uhhhhh.”He settle his stuff down and walk to the living room.“Seems like out bunny boy upset.”The guy whose height nearly the same as Namjoon speak.“I’m Jin,the oldest and this is Yoongi and Jimin.”
“Hi..uuuhhh Y/N.”I reply nervously.They all look tough to be honest.That really scare me.“Hi”Jimin and Yoongi greet me.“I think you go get Jungkook to eat breakfast,tell him we’ll all discus about the live as well.”
I nod and walk out of the kitchen.Walking straight toward the living room.I call Jungkook who is now setting up his guitar.“Namjoon need you in there,they all gonna have a meeting.”He nod and walk pass you,directly to the kitchen.
“Why do I feel like he is angry,is it because of me?”The question run in my head and I start being upset.
Time skip : After the live finish ; Author POV.
After the live,she went straight back home without telling anyone.When she walked into the dark old castle,the danger reached to her in a blink of an eye.The evil stood on the top floor,stared down toward her fragile body and prepared to do something.When she saw it,her eyes widen and tried to run.
“Jungkook,did you do something to upset her?”Jhope asked his to make sure his brother didn’t done something inappropriate.“No I really did nothing hyung.”The boy was so confuse and upset right now.You never once left him without bid a good bye.
“Maybe is it because you’re avioding her?”Taehyung spoke.“Yeah that might be the reason.Are you afraid of us teasing you kook?”Jimin also agreed with his buddy.
Jungkook only noddded which make everyone sighed out a loud breath.“You don’t need to be afraid of that.We sorry that we might have gone to far.If you really like her why don’t you confess her properly?”Jin suggested while the other tried to encourage their youngest brother.“I don’t know if she li-”
“God damn,don’t make it look like a hard thing.You can clearly see she likes you.If not why she walk to Namjoon house?Didn’t you say that her house and our base is like from edge to edge of this city?”Yoongi stated out with an annoying feeling in his tone.
“Don’t be too harsh hyung.”Namjoon replied.“And for you buddy,why don’t you go after her and propose her right away.If it doesn’t work,at least you know why she was so upset that went out with no good bye?”He suggested the idea and everyone agreed.Looking (more like staring) at the youngest for the answer.
“Alright I’ll go tomorrow.Today I’m too tired and you guys as well.We need to have some rest before our next live.”
The next day,Jungkook went to the garden.He prepared flowers and other things he thought you’ll like it with him.When he arrived,there was no familiar figure on the tree or anywhere near the garden.He sighed and walked back home with broken heart.
Another day began and he did the same,still he couldn’t see the figure that he really missed.He always walked back home with broken heart but didn’t want to stop trying. That change until...
“I think this is wierd.”Taehyung stated.“She won’t be that upset to the point stop hanging around you.”Jin then continued.“Yeah,from what we knew after that day,she isn’t that kind of person for sure.”
“Hyung,I think something happened inside the castle.”All of sudden,Namjoon spoke and got everyone’s attention.“I heard story from neighborhood.They were talking about how they heard screaming came from the castle every single night.”
“We must find out,hyung please help me.”Jungkook literally had tear streaming down.He felt like Y/N was in danger.With the hyungs’ decission,they all started to go inside the castle.
In deepest floor of the castle,the chains’ sound can be heard everywhere.The screaming voice didn’t stop for hours.Her throat started to become dry.She wanted to get out of here so much but couldn’t.
“You belong to me and why you act like a whore?”Crash sound then came afterward.The blood was running down toward the cold concrete beneath her body. Despite that,she didn’t feel the pain anymore.She only feel numb and cold.
“Answer me!”Another crash hit her back.It triggered the red liquid to run out even more.She couldn’t focus now,too much blood was seeping out of her body and creating a pool under her feet.
“If you can’t obey me,then I’ll use the hard way.”He started to mumble something,chanted and stared into her eyes.Her body that weak already became weaker and weaker.She felt like she might pass out any second.The pope started his ritual.Brought out everything he’s been prepared for 3 days.He chanted something in an old language and made a mark on the floor.
“This is her house.”Jungkook spoke while the others stared in disbelief.“You sure this is her....place?”Jimin gulped loudly while Jhope clinged his life on Jin.“No time to be cowards you idiot.We needed to help this boy remember?”Yoongi curse and they all enter the castle.
“She’s freaking rich.”This time Tae spoke with astonished voice.Namjoon asked Jungkook how will they start searching for her.“AHHHHHHHHHH!!!”All of sudden,Jimin and Jin screamed.
“What’s wrong with you guys?”Jungkook asked them with annoyance in his tone. “W..we...see ghost!”They shouted while pointing at a figure not so far away from them.“Oh,you’re the boy that my lady talked about.”
The figure ran straight to Jungkook.“Please,sir,can you help my lady.She stuck under this castle in the dungeon.You need to help her befrore he kill her.” Jungkook eyes widen,Namjoon knew his brother well and asked few questions before let the lady in front of them led the way.
“I..I go grab the key.”She ran and picked the chunk of keys.She immediately led them to the dungeon.While they were walking,she told every single thing about what happened and gave Jungkook something.
“My lady want to see you but she can’t.She only hope to give you this.”Jungkook read the letter.Everything was clear for him now,he didn’t afraid anymore.She love him and now he needed to save
Time skip : 2 months after the incident
Who knows that this pope was actually the true evil all along.He finally ended up in jail now with the charge of murdured your mother which you have no idea about it and the other crime he did like sexual harrasment,robbery etc.
For you ang Jungkook,everything fell into its own places.You became the official member of their band well you knew the position.The boys accepted you as one of their family member which make you more than happy.
The castle also officially yours.You told the boys to come and live here instead of Namjoon hide out.At first they didn’t dare,but at last they entered in.Namjoon finally had home,the real one.He told you he would go when he’s able to find a new house himself.
“Cheers to the 2 month annivarsary of our kookie.”Jimin gulped down the champagne in one shot,Yoongi took time to enjoy it and sipped down,everyone except Tae chucked down the champagne into their throat.
“I hate alcohol.”TAe spoke and sip his cola,everyone then laughed.“I know right.” I joined him and he nodded while smiled at me.“At least I have you as my cola buddy.”
“Not so fast hyung.”Jungkook immediately cling on your shoulder.The hyung lines chucklled with how clingy Jungkook was with you.You didn’t mind though as it made you felt safe.
“Excuse us hyung,I have something to do.”He grabed you with him and exit the living room.“Kids be careful/Wear condom dude/Gentle Okay?”They were shouting while you both left.
You both walked into the room,guest room.You were impress with the decoration which you couldn’t recall you have.He gestured you toward the table.When you took a seat,he then blindfolded you.
“What was all of this for?”You asked.“Just amoment and you’ll get to see it.”You felt something tinglish on your wrist.When he finished,he took the blindfold out and you saw a braclet in your wrist.
“I never get the chance to ask you properly,will you be mine?”That was it.You jumped up and hugged him.You were so thankful of how kind he was and how lucky you were to meet him.You both released each other and just stared into each other soul. 
“Will it be a sin if I want to taste that mouth of yours?”
“No,not at all.”
He kiss you gently,caress you like you were a glass that was so fragile.Each of you exchange the love and passion through kiss.
Aye guys,I’m back for a bit.I just got a random thought.This was inspire by one of the tweet in twitter @kucinggendut​ .I hope you guys enjoy this one.Until then,see you next time,thank you for reading.
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