#so the grief of all the keyptonians who died manifests in weird ways
nerdpoe · 7 days
Due to the excess amount of ectoplasm, it sometimes rains blood in Amity.
The blood is not human, and it is not animal. Really, after the local city government determined that it couldn't be farmed for blood donations, they stopped caring and just added spraying the town down with water to clean it up to the firefighters duties.
Tim hears about it through a travel blog, where the writer was Freaking The Fuck Out. Then it was deleted.
The entire blog disappeared.
He decides to go investigate, because that's pretty interesting if he's being honest. Damian tags along because the kid heard "it appears to rain blood" and was immediately in, like the edgy thirteen year old he is.
Tim goes to Amity Park.
It rains blood.
He collects some and has to smuggle it out, because there's government thugs in white suits stomping around afterwards.
He runs tests on the blood in the Batcave.
It's Kryptonian.
It's a mix of many, many Kryptonian's.
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