#so the compromise was non-union employees get a ridiculous amount of vacation/personal days
six-of-ravens · 1 year
okay so, it's already August and I realized I have to book my fall vacation if I want to have one. original plan was to triangulate the exact time in which I can cause maximum pain to my coworkers, but no one will tell me when that is and my psychic powers are failing :/
Sooooo I've triangulated the best time to take off as the 10th - 18th of October. There's Canadian Thanksgiving on the 9th (planning your vacation around stats so you get bonus days off is Primo Adulting), and I'd also have my mom's birthday off so we could do something fun. And I think that'll be the sweet spot where we usually have our very short fall, so it'll be chilly enough to do lots of cooking and baking but not so chilly/such bad weather that I can't go for a hike/drive. (If it's one of the years where we have an extremely late summer or early winter I will just. Die. Especially if it insists on being 20+ C). I could also take the 3rd/half of the last week of October off, which might be more ideal weather-wise and spooky-enjoyment-wise, but I'd get one less day bc there's no stat to align my time off with.
Anyway sorry this post has no purpose other than I'm scared to book my vacation bc I don't want to use up my vacation days 😭 but also I really want to book it so I have something to look forward to...
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